Triplex Foundries Group

1960 Acquired Eclipse Foundry and Engineering Co and its subsidiary Eclipse Metal Industries[1]
1961 Acquired Phipps Plastic Products including its subsidiary Gibson (West Bromwich), a supplier of vehicle windscreens; Phipps manufactured Perspex, Cobex and rigid PVC[2]
1962 Triplex Foundries Group consisted of:
- Triplex Foundry
- Vowles Aluminium Foundry Co
- Vowles Brothers
- Ridgeacre Foundry Co
- Great Bridge Foundry
- Churchfields Spring Co
- Phipps Plastic Products
- Dudley Wood Engineering
- Patterncrafts
- Sillett and Cooksey
- Henry Harrison and Sons
- Eclipse Foundry and Engineering Co
1987 Triplex Lloyd group formed by merger with F. H. Lloyd and Co[3]