Trondheim Mekaniske Verksted
TMV of Nedre Elvehavn, Trondheim, Norway
Shipbuilders, repairers, and marine engineers.
Established 1862, the first board of directors consisting of Thonning Owesen, Georg August Hartmann and Fr. Timme. Consul Halfdan Fredrik Sommerfeldt Klingenberg became the head of the firm. The first technical director was John Trenery. After John Trenery became ill, engineer Sophus Weidemann served as manager from 1863 to 1871. Engineer Albert Nørbecholsen was then hired. For the source of this and more information, see Norwegian Wiki Strinda entry for Trondhjems mekaniske Værksted.
In 1909 the facility was used by Nordre Verft, Örens Mekaniske Verksted and Trondhjems mekaniske verksted. The drydocks, some buildings, cranes and other remains have been preserved as part of a new development close to the city centre. See here for brief history, maps, etc. [1]
A particularly interesting and rare survivor is the dockside sheerlegs, along with much of the hoisting mechanism. These items have been relocated during the site's redevelopment. The top of the sheerlegs can be seen in this 1948 photograph.
See here for an artist's bird's eye view of the site in 1918. This shows the original location of the sheerlegs.
1952 zoomable aerial photographs of site here and here.
In 1960 the Norwegian holding company Akers bought the majority of TMV's shares, merging them into the Aker Group. The company was finally closed in 1986.
The slipway of Örens Mekaniske Verksted survives in very derelict condition.
A 19thC retractable bridge (Brattørbrua) was located near TMV. Old photo here.