W. Dundas
W. Dundas (c1883- )
1939 A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Deputy City Electrical Engr., Brad ford. Address: 45 Sunbridge Road, Bradford. Age: 56. Career: Birkenhead Sch. of Sc. and Art; Northampton Inst.; Finsbury Technical College; Apprent., Liverpool Overhead Electric Railway. Co.; Shift and Main Engr., Shipley U.D.C.; Draughtsman, Callenders Cable and Construction Co.; Charge Engr., Neasden Power Station, Metropolitan Rly.; Shift Engr. Stuart St., Res. Engr. Dickinson Street and Bloom Street Stations, and Barton Power Station, Manchester Corp. E.D.