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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1909-1910 The Motor: Index

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  • A.A., The, 362, 409; Advance of, Another, 498; Election, General, and, 808; Membership of, 147; Offices, New, of, 442; Plebiscite Cards, 808; Police and, 743; Poster, 733; Scout Case and, Legal Views of, 443, 475, 476
  • Aberdeen, Motorists and. 298
  • About, Things—(See “ Things About ”)
  • Absorber, Shock, Foster, 809
  • Absorbers, Shock, Action of, 947; Tyre Wear, and, 836, 845-846; Tyres and, 916
  • Accidents—Aviator’s, Fatal: Delagrange, M., 904; Ferber, Capt., 276b-277; Fernandez, Sen., 770; Lefebvre, M., 207
  • Accidents, Road, 113
  • Accumulators—Charging: 351, 382, 383, 792; Dangers of, 85; Night' at, 43; Current Rectifiers for, 168-169, 223, 728; Faults of, 224; Polarity of, Finding, 95
  • Acer Brake H.P. Tester, 139; Acer Cylinder Gauge Tester, Micrometer, lb.
  • Acetylene, Generators for: Oarbic, 439; Frankonia, 652; Rushmore. 171
  • Acetylene Lamps, Ryley 3-Way Junction-piece, for Tube connections of, 528
  • Act, Motor Car, Administration of, 519 Adams Cars, 550-551 Adler Car, 631 Adnil Horn, 650
  • Aerial Meeting, Impressions, First at an, 144-145 Aero Club—(See “ Clubs ”1
  • Aero Engines—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
  • “ Aero Manual,” The, 151, 277
  • Aeromotors—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
  • Aeronaph Motor Spirit, Aviation, 298, 585
  • Aeronautical Exhibition, Paris—(See ” Shows ”)
  • Aeroplane, Aerial. Monoplane, 483
  • Aeroplane Club, The—(See ” Clubs ”)
  • Aeroplane Engines—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
  • Aeroplane Monoplane-Helicopter, Bonnett, 734
  • Aeroplane Propellers, 874; Breakage of, Warning, lb.
  • Aeroplane, Unclassified, Arnoux, 734
  • Aeroplanes, Biplane.—Aime-Salmon Autoplane, 327; Bergau, 279; Cody, 201; Dunne, 963; Farman, 77, 160, 278, 831; Filch-Laking, 734; Foulis, 488; Lambert, 396: O’Neill (Miss), 718; Pischoff-Koechlin, 297; Sommer, 929; Thompson, 929, 963; Voisin, 278, 279, 485, 928; Wright, 182b, 232, 278, 365
  • Aeroplanes, Biplane-Monoplane, Combination, De-faux, 929; Nieuport, 929
  • Aeroplanes, Monoplanes.—Aerial. 488; Antoinette, 53, 233, 278; Barber, 813; Batchelor, 734; Bleriot, 278, 366a, 594, 813, 904; Chauviere, 400c, 485; Feary-Grose, 279; Ferguson, 928; Foulis, 735; Grade, 488, 733; Gratze. 770; Humphreys, 365, 485, 486; Lunel, 880; McDonnell, 328—Motor for, lb.; Moisant, 813; Neu-ville, 327; Pride (Tandem), 182b; Sanderson, 409, 485: Santos-Dumont, 232, 278, 296; Star, 880; Wright (Howard), 881
  • Aeroplanes, Some New, 484-486 Aeroplanes, Triplane.—Bolatoff, 685; Gromann, 734; Roe, 19
  • Aeroplanes, Unclassified.—Arnoux, 734: Bonney, 734; Bremen, 770; Demoiselle, 306; Hoffmann, 734; Napier, 734; Panse, 770; Parseval, 770; Piau. 734; R.E.P., 278; Tatin, 291; Watson, 488; Windham, 488
  • Aeros, Models of, 210 Aerostats—(See “ Airships ”)
  • Africa.—Hill-climbing, in South, 116; Ride through, Lieut. Graetz’s Book on, 867; Touring in, Baron de Crawhez’s Excursion, 33, 37, 49
  • Agabeg Horn, Electric, 650; Speedometer, lb
  • Agents. Motor, 414; Dinner of, lb
  • Age, Pneumatic Tyre’s, Coming of, 680-681
  • Aime-Salmon Aeroplane, Biplane Autoplane, 327
  • Air Compressor, Stepney, 122
  • “Air, Conquest of the,” A. Berget (Critique), 307
  • Airships.—Bavard-CIement, 157, 306; Republique, 293-296; ‘Zeppelin, 295, 424
  • Air, The Way of the.—Aerienne Commission, Auto-mixte, 735.
  • Aerial Association, The, 297.
  • Aerial League, President, Election of, 232; Aerial League, Women’s, 881.
  • Aerial Records (1909), 850-852. Aero Club, Argentine, 735.
  • Aero Club, English, The, 365, 929, 963.
  • Aero Club, French, The, 182b, 838, 880, 928, 929. 963.
  • Aero Club, Midland, 365, 881. Aero Club, Swiss, 928.
  • Aero Engineering, Polytechnic School of, Lecture before (Smith, Mr. M. H.), 770.
  • Aeronautical Federation, The, 719.
  • Aeroplane, Bicycle Propelled, Lang, 718.
  • Aeroplane Club, The, 182b, 233.
  • Aeroplane for Two, The, 488, 719.
  • Aeroplane, Machine Gun Mounted on an, 813.
  • Aeroplane, Mansfield Motorist’s, 770.
  • Aeroplane, Monoplane. Bleriot’s Opinion of, 183.
  • Aeroplane, Monoplane-Helicopter, Combination Bonnett. 734.
  • Aeroplane, Pedal Propelled, 881.
  • Aeroplane. Poising Apparatus, Friswell Prize for, 813.
  • Aeroplanes, Biplane: Aime-Salmon Autoplanc, 327; Bergau, 279; Cody, 201; Dunne, 963; Farman, 278, 831; Filch-Laking, 734; Foulis, 488; O’Neill (Miss), 718; Pischoff-Koechlin, 297; Sommer, 929; Thompson, 929; Voisin, 278, 279, 485, 928; Wright, 182b, 232, 278. 365.
  • Aeroplanes, Biplane-Monoplane Combination: Defaux, 929; Nieuport, 929.
  • Aeroplanes, Monoplane: Aerial, 488; Antoinette, 233, 278; Barber, 813; Batchelor, 734; Bleriot, 278,-813; Chauviere, 485; Feary-Grose, 279; Ferguson, 928; Foulis, 735; Grade, 488; Gratae, 770; Humphreys, 365, 485, 486; Lunel, 880; McDonnell, 328, Motor for lb.; Moisant, 813; Neu-ville, 327; Pride (Tandem), 182b; Sanderson, 485; Santos-Dumont, 232, 278, 296. Star, 880; Wright (Howard), 881. Aeroplanes, Triplane: Bolatoff, 685; Gromann, 734; Roe, 19. Aeroplanes, Unclassified: Arnoux, 734; Bonney, 734; Bremen, 770; Hoffmann, 734; Napier, 734: Panse, 770; Parseval, 770; Piau, 734; R.E.P., 278; Watson, 488; Windham, 488.
  • Aeroplanes, Engines, Light, for, 531.
  • Aeroplanes, Existing, Limitations of, 20J.
  • Aeroplanes, Identical Model, Idiosyn-cracies of, 278.
  • Aeroplanes, New, Some, 484-485. Aeroplanes, Trade in, 233.
  • Aeroplane Tpition, Terms for, Aviatrices, 296; Reason for, lb. Africa, South, Flight, First, in, 928. Airship, Dirigible, Don Simoni, 327; Wolseley Motor for, lb.
  • Airship, Dirigible, Russian, Secret, 296.
  • Airship, Dirigible, Zeppelin, Company for, 735.
  • “ Air, Vehicles of the" (Longheed, V.), Criticism of, 837.
  • America: Aviation in, 881; Stunulus, Monetary, for, lb.
  • America, South, Aeroplane, First, for, 278.
  • Argentina, Aeroplane, Voisin, for, 735.-
  • Army, Aviation and the, 719.
  • Australia: Aerial League of, 735; Aeroplane Construction in, 735; Timber and Woods for, Indigenous, lb.; Aviation in, 279, 735; Country for, Ideal, lb.; Federal Government Airship Prize, 279; Flight, First, in, 813, 928. Aviation, British: Backwardness of, 365; Brooklands, Metropolitan Centre for, 488; Interests of, and, 963. Aviation Committee, International, 365; Dunstall Park (Wolverhampton) Racecourse Co., and, lb. Aviation Conference, Mansion House, The, 432.
  • Aviation, Engine for, J.A.P., 928. Aviation, French, Factor Dominant in, 963.
  • Aviation Grounds: American, Argentine Suitable, 278; English, Apperley Bridge, 880; Barking, 182b; Brighton-Worthing, 297; Fens Country, In the, 202; Midlands, Dunstall Park (Wolverhampton), 365; Sheppey, 182b; Suitable, 880.
  • Aviation: Hinde, Mr. Ballin, “ Future of,” 480.
  • Aviation, Localities for, 182b; Unsuitable, lb.
  • Aviation, Mansion House Conference, Concerning, 488.
  • Aviation Meetings: Aeropianists, Opinion of, 279.
  • Aviation Meetings: Berlin, 328'; Blackpool, 278-279; Aeroplanes, New at, 485; Fees and Prizes, Aviators, Payment of, 365; Juvisy, versus, 297; Latham at, 400c; Motor Club Headquarters at, 327; Prospects, 328; Results, 400d; Brescia, 328; Brooklands, 400d, 488, 718; Paulhan at, 446; California, Los Angeles, 929; Cannes (1910), 838; Doncaster, 278-279, 366b-3C6c, 400b-400c; Aeroplanes, New, at, 485; Balance, Debit at, 446; Fees and Prizes, Payment of, 365, 488; Great Northern Cup, 365; Juvisy, versus, 297, 488; Prospects, 328. Dunstall Park, Wolverhampton, Aviators for, 365. Geneva, Lake, 928. Gloucester, 328. Issy-les-Molineaux: Moisant at, 813; Santos-Dumont at, 927. Juvisy, 297, 488; Lambert at, 365. Nice; 838. Rheims, 278; Water, Over, 928.
  • Aviation. Movement, 735; Company Promotion and, lb; Control of the, 328; Interests, Best, in, of, lb. Aviation Prix, Proposed, 182b.
  • Aviation Prizes, 838; Press and, lb. Aviation, Progress of, 517-519; (1909), 837. Aviation: Schools for, 686; Bleriot’s, 735. Aviators’ Finance, Ltd., 297. Aviators, Heads, Swelled, Amongst, 328.
  • Aviatrices: Annunzio, Mme. d’, 296; Dela-roche, Mme., 685, 928; Gast, Mme. du, 928; Levitt, Miss D., 928; O’Neill, Miss Sheilah, 718.
  • Aviatrices, Nationalities and Numbers of Aviators and, 296
  • Bagatelle: Santos-Dumont’s First Flight at, 880; Memorial, Proposed, for, at, lb.
  • Balloon Race, Gordon-Bennett, Winner, 446.
  • Bergin, Aeroplane, Biplane, 279.
  • Berlin: Grade. Herr, Wins £2,000; Gliding at, 446.
  • Birds’ Wings, Action of, 770.
  • Blackpool: Aviation Meetinff, 182b.
  • Bleriot, Mon®. L., 182b, 813 ; Channel Flight, 232; Aero Club Memorial of, 880; Issy-les-Molineaux, at, 278. Blou, Mr. Le, 813.
  • Bolatoff Aeroplane, Triplane, 685.
  • Boulogne: Aviation Meeting at, Proposed, 182b. Bregi, Sig., 880. Buc: Aerodrome, M. Esnault Pelteries, at; 332 Capron, M. 838. Chalons: Lee-Guinness, Mr. A. L., at, 880; Somerset, Mr. H. S., at, 880; Ohereau, M., 232. Cockburn, Mr. G. H., 813. Cody, Mr. S. F.,182b; Failures, Unmerited, Cause of, 201; Flights, Successful, 201, 202, 233; Press, Non-technical and, 201. Coenille, M., 813. Cologne, Bleriot’s Experiences at, 365. Commission Aerienne, Mixte, The, 719, 963 “ Daily Mail ” Prize. £1,000 :JJumphreys, Mr. J., Attempts, 365; Moore-Brabazon, Mr., Wins, 446, 448; Route, 233; Shells, Smoke, Guidance, 233. “Daily Mail” Prize, £10,000: Entrants, 182b, 202. De Dion, Marquis de, 182b; Prix de 1’Aviation, Proposed by, 182b. Defries. Mr. C., 928. Delagrange, Mr., 719, 813, 880. Dieppe: Aviation Meeting, Proposed, 182b. Dirigible, War Office, Green Motor for, 365. Dunstall Park (Wolverhampton) Racecourse Co., Ltd., 365; International Aviation Committee and, Ib.
  • Engine, Aeroplane, Alexander Prize, £1,000, For, 719. Engines, Aviation: Anzani, 327; Exhaust, Auxiliary, lb.; Clement-Bayard, 227; Darracq, 2R6, 327; Exhaust, Auxiliary, 327; Dutheil-Chalmers, 297; Green, 296, 365; War Office Order for, lb.; Jap, 327; Exhaust, Auxiliary for, lb.; Knight-Daimler, 296; Pipe, 327, Redbridge, 296, 327; Exhaust, Auxiliary, Water Belted, lb.; Renault, 297; Farman Bros., 813; Farman, Mr. Henry, 233, 278; Farman, Mr. Maurice, 297, 880. Feary-Grose Aeroplane, Monoplane, 279. Federation Aeronautique, The, 963. Ferber, Capt., The Late, 327; Story Concerning, lb. Fernandez, Senor Antonio. The Late, 770. Flights: Lambert, 365; Juvisy-Paris-Juvisy, 396-397, 399. Latham: Mourmelion, High, 907. Moore-Brabazon: Prize, 297. Forest, Baron, Channel Prize, 881. Foulis, Mr. W. V., 735; Aeroplane, lb. Frankfort Aeronautical Exhibition, Novelties at, 963. French-Teuto-Belgian Prize, £10,000, 279. Friswell, Mr. Chas., 233. Friswell Prize, £500 , 279, 813. Ferguson, Mr. H. C., 328.
  • Geneva, Aeroplane Show at, 297. German Aeronautics, Advance in, 735. Grahame-White, Mr. Claude, 963. Aviation School, of, Orickle-wood, lb. Great Northern Railway, Aviation Cup, 365. Grunhold, Mr. C. G., 327
  • Hale-Hurd Aeroplane Lifter, Disc, Direct, 327. Hanriot, M., 880. Hartley Liverpool-Manchester, £1,000 Prize, 718. Hinde, Mr. Ballin, 233. Humphreys, Mr. J., Makes Attempt to Win “ Daily Mail ” £1,000 Prize, 365; International Committee, Aviation, 365; Duhstall Park (Wolverhampton) Racecourse Co., and, lb. Ireland, Flight, First in, 928. Isle of Wight: Aeroplane Manufacture in, 881; Aviation Ground, Suitable, in, 881. Issy-les-Molineaux, 278; Bleriot Flights at, 278
  • Jevington, Sussex, Friston Place, Aeroplane at, 202. Journalists, Sensational, Aero Movement and, 365
  • Kelsey, Capt., Aeronautics, Military, and, 881. Knight, O. Y., Mr., 296. Kummerling, M., 928
  • Lambert*. Comte de: Flights, Juvisy, 365; Juvisy-Paris-Juvisy, 396-397, 399; Nationality of, 402. Latham, M. R., 182b, 232, 813; Altitude Attained, Highest by, 963. Flights: Channel Attempt, 838; Mourmelon, High, 907. Lefebvre, M., 182b. Letts, Mr. W., 297. London, Flight over, Suggested, 232. Los Angeles, California, Paulhan Flies in Breeze at, 963
  • Maxim: Motor, 210 lb., 87 h.p., 1,400 r.p.m., 232; Steel, Experiments with, by Sir Hiram, 232. Michelin Trophy, The, 881. Moisant, Mr. J., 813; Flies at Issy-les-Molineux, lb. Molin, M., 278, 813, 880. Monaco, Sporting Club at, Internationa], 838. Moore-Brabazon Mr. J T. C., 297, 446, 813. Motors, Aviation, Design of, 232: Steam. Ib. Mourmelon: Boeder, M. de, at, 880; Chateau at, 880; Latham Flight, High, at, 906
  • Neale, Mr. A. V., 813; Neale, Mr. J., 202. Northern Automobile Co., 880; Ground Practice of, Ib
  • Ogilvie, Mr., 202. Oleo Plugs, 233; Appreciation of, Ib. Olympia: Aero Motors Prohibited at, 735
  • Paris: Ecole des Arts et Metiers, Bleriot Aeroplane Deposited in, 182b. Salon Aeronautique, The, 278; Engines, Aviation, at, 296; Freak Aeroplanes at, 327. Parkinson, Mr., Flight, Wideopen Heath, Gosforth Park, 770. Pau: Aerodrome at, 880; Aubran, M., at, 880; Balsan, M., at, 880; Bibesco, Count, Debut aL 880; Miscarol, M., at, 880; Stoeckel, M., at, 880; White, Mr. G., Performances of, Brilliant at, 813. Paulhan, M., 182b, 278, 446, 494, 813, 929; Altitude of, Highest, 963; Flights, 182b, 233, 494. Perrin, Mr. Harold, 232 Power, Engine, Increased—A Failure, 929. Pride, Mr. Chris., 182b. Prize Funds, Aviation, Guaranteed. 929 Propeller, Sargent, 880; Records, Aerial (1909), 850-852; “ Republique, Dirigible, Accident to “ La,” 296. Rheims Aviation Meeting, 50, 77, 78, 112-113, 170, 183, 189. Robert-Denoncin Prize, 880. Robert s Stabilizator, Gyroscopic, Lateral, 485. Roe, Mr A. V., 813. Rolls, Mr. Chas., 813. Russia, Aviation in, Police Prohibition, 718; Saddle, Aeroplane, Brooks, 881. Salisbury Plain: Cockburn, Mr. G. H„ at, 813. Sandown: Paulhan. M., at, 494. Santos-Dumont, M., 232, 929; Flight of, Cross-country, 232. Shows: Frankfort Aeronautical, B3o;
  • Geneva, 297; Olympia, 655-658. Sommer, Mr., 813. Speranza, Mr. J. E., 881. Stabilizators: Gyroscopic, Lateral, Roberts, 485; Pendulum, 397
  • Tessafndier, M., 880. Thompson Aeroplane, Biplane, 963. Timbers and Woods, Aeroplane Construction, Argentina, 735; Australian, Ib. Turckheim, Baron, 233; Voisin Aeroplane, Biplane, 279; Walden, I.ord Howard de, 202. Wallace, Mr. R., 929. Water, Flights, Future, Over, 838. Wembley Aviation Ground, Unsuitable, in. White, Mr. G., 813; Pau, Performances at. 813. Wolverhampton Municipal Council: Dunstall Park Racecourse and Aviation and, 365. Wright, Mr. Warwick, 232. Wright Patents, The, 907
  • Air Valve, Automatic, Kerry, 586
  • Alarm, Speed, Excess, Lewis, 341; R.A.C. Trials of, lb.
  • Albion Car, 633-634
  • Albruna Cars, 551-552
  • Alford-Alder Bodies, 578
  • Algeria, A Winter in, 471, 473
  • Allan Carburetter, No Float, 464
  • Alldays and Onions Car, 570-571
  • Allen-Liversidge Brake, Front Wheel, 651
  • Alley Tyre Manipulator, 122
  • Alternating Current, Rectifiers for Accumulator Charging by—Mercury Vapour, 168; New Type of, Union, 243; Noden Electro-Chemical, 168; Premier Ampero, Electro-Magnetic, 168
  • Altitude Meter, Recording, Richard, 83
  • Aluminium, Solder for, 970
  • Amans Suspension, Spring, 648, 670
  • Ambastine Jointing Material, 752
  • America.—Atlanta City: Autodrome at, 594; Cars, Motor in, Popularity of, 903; Industry, Motor, in, 819, 903; Military Despatch Test in' 154; Races: Brighton Beach, 24 hours, 81, 214; Show: Manufacturers’ Association—(See “Shows”)’ South America, Market in, 721; Speed Testing in, 946; Visit to, Impressions after, 903; Western States: Motor Conditions in, 726
  • America, Automobilism in, Impressions of (Edge, Mr. S. F., Lecture), 937-938
  • Anti-flickering Device, Lamp, 361
  • Antoinette Aeroplane, Monoplane, 53, 233, 278
  • Anzani Engine, Aviation, 327 Apollo Horn, 651
  • Appreciation, An, 825-828, 864-865
  • Argentine, Racing in, 832
  • Argyll Cars, 534-536; 1910 Models, 436
  • Armoured Tyre, Holdfast, 331
  • Armstrong Whitworth Car, 566-567
  • Arrol-Johnston Car, 15.9 h.p., Designer of, 470
  • Arrol-Johnston Car, New, 559
  • Associated Clubs, Dinner of, 935'
  • Aster Engine, Four-cylinder, 717
  • At Random—(See “ Random, At ”) Auster Windscreen, 583
  • Austin Car, 557-559; Two-seater, 329-331
  • Australia.—Agents, Motor, Troubles of, in, 89; Buggy Oar in, 832, 844a; Carburation, Colonial, 89; Motorcycles, Popular, in, 146; Motoring in, 851, 939; Patent Act, New, in, 357; Subsidization, Government, 89
  • Austria, Schceckel Climb; Puch Succeeds, 178 Auto-bumpers, 643
  • Autoclipse Lamps, Self-contained, Head, 581
  • Auto-Cycle Union, The, 19; Army Council and, 43; Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”); Isle of Man, Events in, 239; Trial, Six Days—(See “ Trials ’’); T.T. Race—(See “ Races ”)
  • Automatic, Carburetter, Union, 345
  • Automatic Soldering Outfit, Motorists, 361 Automobile Clubs, Co-operation and, 860-861 Automobile Engineers, Institution of Incorporated, 20, 241; Sharp, Professor, Paper by, 763 Automobile, Future, The, 762-763
  • Automobile Scout, Position of, Legal, 443 475-476
  • Aviation.— Book on, New, 307; Engines for—(See “Engines, Aviation”); Farman, Flight, Long, by. 400b-400c; Flight: Future of, 21-23, Ballin Hinde, Mr., Speaks on, 480; Juvisy-Paris-Juvisy, Lambert, Comte de, Flies from, 396; Latham, Flight, Heroic, by, 400b; Mansion House Conference Concerning, 432; Meetings: Blackpool, 400b-400d; Bordeaux, 743; Brooklands, 400d; Doncaster, 400b-400d, Machine, New, at, 400c; Rheims, 160, Cockbum Flies at, 160; Motor Union and, 694; Plug, Sparking, for, 651; Prizes for: Forest, Baron, £4,000, 179; Scottish, 113; Progress of, 517-519; (1909) 837; Records (1909), 830-832; School for, 685-686, Visit to, lb.; Sheppey f Ground, Flights at, 842
  • Aviators’ and Motorists' Year Book and Diary, 763
  • Aviators.—British, 593, 734; Foreign, 734; Regulations for, 53
  • Avon Tube, Inner, 581; Tyre, 581
  • Bailey Miloscope, The, 586
  • Banks, Valve, Silent, 121
  • Barber Aeroplane, Monoplane, 813
  • Barker Bodies, 576
  • Barker, Clothing, Motor, 785
  • Batchelor Aeroplane, Monoplane, 734
  • Battersea, Mirror, Safety, at, 342
  • Battery, Charging, Primary Fuller’s, 315
  • Bayard-Clement Car, 157; Engine, Aviation, 290-291, 327, 707
  • Bearing, Roller, Timken, 239, 586
  • Bearings, Ball, Hoffman, 652; F.F., 652
  • Beckenham, Fire Engine, Novel, at, 342
  • Beckett Carburetter, Floatless, 298
  • Bedford Cars, 549-550
  • Be-fogged, Foggarty, 828 '
  • Beginner, The, 730
  • Bell Car, 571
  • Belsize Car,, 533-534; 14-16 h.p. Re-modelled, 434-435
  • Belt, Teon, 465
  • Benetfink Compression Tester, 587; Lamp, R.V., 587;
  • Rectifier, Union, Electric, 587
  • Bentall Car, 573
  • Benz Car, 638
  • Bergau Aeroplane, Biplane, 279
  • Berliet Car, 562; 15 h.p., 86-89
  • Berlin.—Aviation Week, 170; Tar-spraying Experiments near, 147
  • Bicycle, Motor-assisted, Novelty, 578a
  • Bingham Engine, Piston Valve, 573, 669
  • Black Maria, A German, 811
  • Blackpool.—Aviation Week at, 175; A.A. Enclosure, 326; Preston Road Toll, 366d
  • Bleriot Aeroplane, Monoplane, 278, 366a, 594, 813, 904 Bleriot, Mons. L.—Dinner to, 246; Feted, 20; Interviewed, 21-23
  • Bleriot, Mons. L., Flight and, 340’
  • Bleriot Lamps, 580
  • B.O.B. Starting Handle, Safety, 717
  • Bodies.—Alford-Alder, 578; Barker, 576; Brainsby, 246; Cole, 576-577; Connaught, 578; Heivers, 578; Hora, 577; Maythorn, 500, 576; Morgan, 577; Mulliner, 577-578; Rothschild, 501; Salmon, 575; Thorn, 501, .577
  • Bodies, Car, New, 82
  • Bodies, Paint for, Velure, 863
  • Body Building, 930-931
  • Body, Car, Original Type of, 119
  • Body Design, 1910, 82, 481-482
  • Body, Torpedo, Originator of, 640
  • Bolatoff Aeroplane, Triplane, 685
  • Bolts, Security.—Fixing for, Novel, 308; Hobson's, 84
  • Bonnett Aeroplane, Monoplane-Helicopter, 734
  • Bonney Aeroplane, Unclassified, 734
  • Bordeaux, Aviation Meeting at, 743
  • Bougie Switch: To Discover Cylinder Misfiring, 646
  • Bowden Speedometer, 585 «
  • Bowley Oils, 652
  • Bradford A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Brainsby Bodies, 246
  • Brake, Haythomthwaite, Emergency, 883
  • Brake, H.P. Tester, Acer, 139
  • Brakes.—Front Wheel, 702, 786, 857-858; Allen-Liversidge, 651; Newton Bennett, 705
  • Brazing, Cast Iron, Vindec Flux for, 842
  • Bremen Aeroplane, Unclassified, 770
  • Brennan Mono-rail Demonstration, 594
  • Bright Transmission, Variable Magneto, 323
  • Bristol and Gloucestershire A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • British Aero Engines, 338
  • British Aeroplane Engine, R.H., 364
  • British Motobloc Syndicate Car, 639-640
  • British Patents, Old, Wrights and, 907
  • British Trade, Motor, 716
  • Briton Car, 619
  • Broadhurst Lamp, IM
  • Brooklands.— Aviation at, 400b-400d, 488, 718; Diary of, Notes from, 943-944, 974-975; Facts Concerning, 943-944; Gymkhana at, 308; Meetings: Autumn, 336-338a; Summer Holiday, 15-18, 146; Pau than, M., Flies at, 446; Races at: Handicaps, Safeguarding, 332; Motor Cycling Club’s, 366d; Voiturettes, 485; Records and Speeds at, 493, 807; Records, Track, Three Years' Comments on, 889-890; Star Cars at, 416; Surmises Concerning, 943-944 Vauxhall-Star Walk-over at, 686
  • Brooks.— Coil, Synchronized, 582; Guncase, Motor, 582; Tool Cabinet, 582; Trunks, Grid and Roof, 582; Tyre, 582; Box for, lb.
  • Brooks’ Leather Specialities, 784
  • Brown-Barlow Carburetter, 652
  • Brown Engine, Valveless, 652
  • Brussels Exhibition, 1910—(See “Shows”)
  • B.S.A. Car, 536
  • Buchet Engine, Aviation, 290-291
  • Buggy, Australian, 3,000 Miles on a Duryea, 844a
  • Buggy Type Car, Run on a, 72-73, 114
  • Bugles—(See “ Horns ”)
  • Building, Body, Timbers Used in, 930-931
  • Building, Novelties in Motor Carriage, 481-482
  • Business, Finance and, 14, 46, 76, 110, 142, 147, 208, 238, 270, 303, 334, 372, 406, 448, 491, 578a, 678, 710, 742, 774, 806, 870, 902, 934, 966
  • Cab Co., Gamage, Motor, Ltd., 683
  • Calcium Chloride, Dust-laying Qualities of, 262, 802
  • Calthorpe Car, 628
  • Camber, Dangerous, Side Fall and, 294
  • Canal Roads, 896-897
  • Can, Petrol, Mason, 908
  • Can, Petrol, Stopper for, 582
  • Cape Cart Hoods, Care of, 360-361
  • Cape Colony, Event at, 242
  • Car, Arrol-Johnston, 15.9 h.p., 391-392; Shackleton’s Polar, 80
  • Carbic Generator, Acetylene, 439
  • Car, Buggy Type, Run on a, 72-73
  • Carburetter, Floatless, 266, 335
  • Carburetter, Observations on, 52, 53
  • Carburetter, Paraffin, R.A.C. Test of, 304
  • Carburetters.— Allan, Floatless, 464; Beckett, Floatless, 298; Brown-Barlow, 652; Davis, Paraffin, 304, R.A.C. Test of, lb.; H.P., 648; Longuemare, 186, 652; Polyrhoe, New, 211; Snell, Valveless, 520-521, 692; S.U., 345, 366d; Talbot, 9; Trier-Martin, 647; Union, 345; Wadkin, 211; White and Poppe, 165-166, 589; Wolseley-Siddeley, 852
  • Carburine, Spirit, Motor, 646
  • Car Coveted, The, 909-910
  • Car, Darraoq, Four-cylinder, 14-16 h.p., 389-390
  • Car, Hotchkiss, 12-16 h.p., 1910 Model, 300
  • Car, Hundred Pounds (£100), That, 654
  • Car, Man and the, 43, 522-524
  • Car, Panhard, Live-axle, New, Silent, 736-737
  • Carriage, Motor, Dimensions of, 405
  • Carriage, Motor, Handsome, 240-241 _
  • Carriage, Motor, Use of, Growing, 395
  • Carriages, Motor, for 1910.—Arrol-Johnston, 15.9 h.p., 391-392; Darracq, Four-cylinder, 14-16 h.p., 389-390; Rolls-Royce, Six-cylinder, 40-50 h.p., 392; Standard, 394; Talbot, Four-cylinder, 12 h.p., 358-359; Wolseley-Siddeley, Four-cylinder, 14 h.p., 394
  • Carriage Works, Modern Motor, 430
  • Cars.—Adams, 450, 550; Adler, 631; Albion, 455, 633; Albruna, Allday s-Onions, 454, 570j Argyll, 436, 534, 739; Armstrong-Whitworth, 499, 567; Arrol-Johnston, 470, 480, 559; Aster, 503; Austin, 329, 557; Bedford, 451, 549; Bell, 571; Belsize, 434, 533, 626; Bentall, 573; Benz, 453, 638; Berliet, 86, 452, 562; British Motobloo, 639; Briton, 500, 619; Brown, 501; B.S.A., 451, 536; Cadillac, 622; Calthorpe, 455, 628; Charron, 451; Chenard-Walcker, 574; Clement, 453, 970; Clyde, 620; Connaught, 620; Cooper, 739; Cottin-Desgouttes, 454; Crossley, 474, 480, 503, Daimler, 424, 437-439, 493, 544, 620, 898; Darracq, 564, 626, 866; Davy, 623; Deasy, 497, 569; De Dion, 78, 433, 567; Delage. 439, 625; Delahaye, 452, 623; Delaunay-Belleville, 561; Dennis, 632 Electric Vehicle, 500, 629; Enfield, 449, 638 Fafnir, 501, 629; F.I.A.T., 617, 694; F.L., 877; Ford, 432, 492, 493, 885; Germain, 502, 624; Gladiator, 453, 498, 621; Gobron-Brillie, 453; Gregoire, 451, 616; Hillman-Coatalen, 547; Hobson, 452, 623; Hotchkiss, 300 , 324. 449, 571; Humber, 502, 532; Hupp, 178, 247-248; Iris, 635; Jackson, 452, 573; La Buire. 453, 628; Lanchester, 400a, 439, 442, 553, 670 Lancia, 615; Leon Bollee, 635; Lorraine-Dietrich, 452, 617; Marlborough, 634; Martini, 449, 626; Maudslay, 537; Mercedes, 435; Metallurgique, 452, 622; Minerva, 452, 568; Mitchell, 682-683; Mors, 451, 615; N.A.G., 183, 634; Napier, 442, 556; Napier Colonial, 500; Napier Noiseless, 499; New Engine, 501, 552; Niclause, 453; Orleans, 619; Panhard, 78, 454, 501, 539; Peugeot, 450, 621; Phanomobile, 639; Phoenix, 501, 553; Pilain, 633; Pilot, 632; Rapid, 632; Renault, 626, 640; Riley, 199, 400, 454, 573; Rolls-Royce, 366, 392, 564; Rover, 455, 559 S.C.A.T., 503, 571; Sheffield-Simplex, 614; Singer, 164, 572; Sizaire-Naudin, 242, 555; Standard, 1910, 394, 450, 561; Stanley Steam, 684; Star, 79, 462, 487 , 569; Stella, 454, 639; Stewart, 500; Straker-Squire, 114. 452, 541; Sunbeam, 404, 445, 624; Swift, 451, 483, 546; Talbot, 7-9, 358-359, 565; Thames, 503, 627; Thornycroft, 625; Trier-Martin, 555; Turner-, 500; Two-stroke Engine, 624; Unic, 640; Vauxhall, 455, 563; Vinot, 501, 627; V.S., 340, 683; Vulcan, 38-41, 369, 453, 539; Warwick Upright, 622; White, Petrol, 502, 548; White, Steam, 502, 548; Withers, 632; Wolseley-Sid deley, 394, 542; Zedel, 628
  • Cars, Historical, Collection of, Dispersal, 873
  • Cars, Hospital for, 778
  • Cars of 1910, 609-610
  • Car, Stanley Steam, 684
  • Car, White, Petrol, 20 h.p., 209
  • Case, Dismissal of a,. Novel Reason for, 747
  • Castings, Cylinder, of Multi-cylinder Engines, 432a-432b
  • Cast-iron Brazing, Vindec Flux for, 842
  • Castle Coil, The, 579
  • Catalogue, Dunhills, 711
  • C.A.V. Ignition System, Dual, Vandervell, 814; Magneto, lb.
  • Ceterio Tyre Cover, 581
  • Challenge Reinforced Tube, £200, 308, 400, 581, 841 Chailiner Tyres, 935; R.A.C. Certificate for, lb. Chapius-Dornier Engine, Compact, 899 Character, False, A, 902
  • Charge Augmenting System, Controlled, 712
  • Charging Accumulators, Rectifier' for Alternating Current for, 168-169
  • Chassis.— Armstrong-Whitworth, 502; Bentall, 450; Cottin-Desgouttes, 454; Crossley, 503; Darracq, 389-390; Ford, 432; Gladiator, 453; Hotchkiss, 300, 449; Lancia, 500; Martini, 449; Mors, 451; Onyx, 779; Panhard, 227; Rolls-Royce, 392, 449; S.C.A.T., 503; Sizaire, 503; Standard, 450; Talbot, 358; Unic, 439; Wolseley-Siddeley, 394
  • Chatterton Compound, 800
  • Chauffeurs, Work and Experiences of, 522_
  • Chauviere Aeroplane, Monoplane, 400c, 485
  • Chemico Tyre Stopping, 589
  • Chenard-Walcker Car, 574
  • Cheshire«Road, Closing Application, 49, 79
  • Cleaner Pump, Car, New, 83
  • Clement-Bayard Engine, Aviation, 290-291, 707
  • Clement-Talbot Car, 618; Run, Fine, on a, 970
  • Clement-Talbot Function, A, 442
  • Climb, Non-organized, A, 326
  • Clincher Tyres, 590 n
  • Clothing, Motorists’.—Barker, 785; Drykitt, 652, 784; Dunlop, 588: Samuels, 51, 581
  • Cloth, Rainproof, Rubberless, Omne Tempus, 581
  • Clubs.—A.O. of South Africa, 116; Aero, 202b, 594, 799, Dinner of, 711; Aeroplane, 753, M.U.’s Absorption of, 753; Berkshire A.C., 179, 243, 748; Bradford A.C., 809, Dinner of, 809; Bristol and Gloucestershire A.C., 20; Doncaster and District A.C., 496; Eastbourne Automobile Association, 743; Hampshire A.C., 79; Herts. County A.-C., 209, 275 Lancashire Aero, 235, 369; Liverpool Motor, 114 Manchester Motor Club, 19, 113, 209, 786b; Midland A.C., 178, 714, De Dion Co. and, 578a; Motor Cycling, 209, Reliability Runs Cup (Smith, F. G., Winner) for, 910; North Berkshire Automobile, 174; North-Eastern A.A., 175, 298; North Middlesex A.C., 239, 780, Dinner of, 714; Nottinghamshire A.C., 498; Scottish A.C., 20, 116, 179, 683, 734, Clubhouse Premises, 905, Opening of New, 967; Sutton Coldfield A.C., 154, 178, Dinner of, 906; Walthamstow M.C., 705; Wolverhampton A.C., 305; Yorkshire A.C., 275
  • Clubs, Automobile, Co-operation and, 860-861
  • Clubs, Automobile, Co-operative Societies and, 686
  • Clutches.—Saver, 652; Torbinia Hydraulic^ 370-371 Clutches, Treatment of, 506a-506b
  • C.M.U.A. Parade, The, 439
  • Coach work, Painting v. Varnished> 790
  • Cockburn, Mr., 160
  • Cody Aeroplane, Biplane, 201
  • Cody, Capt., Flight, Long, by, 147
  • Coil Construction, Efficient, 345
  • Coils.—Brooks’ Synchronized, 582; Castle, 579; E.I.C., 579; High-Tension Cd.'s, 647; Lodge, Detonating, Spark, 589; Nilmelior, 588; Pres-ted, 647-648
  • Cole Bodies, 576-577
  • Collision, Serious Motorcar, 713
  • Colonial, the, British Maker and, 150-151
  • Combination Aeroplanes.—Biplane-Monoplane, De-faux, Nieupont, 929; Monoplane-Helicopter, Bonnett, 734
  • Combination Valves, 484
  • Comfort, Carriage, How Studied, 481-482 Commercial Motors, 439
  • Complaint, The Colonials’, 194-195
  • Compression Tester, Benetfink, 587
  • Compressor, Air, Stepney, 122
  • Conference, Aviation, Mansion House, 432
  • Connaught Bodies, 578
  • Connections.—Acetylene Lamps, Rubber Tubes, Ryley Junction Piece, Three-way for, 528
  • Connectors, Electric, Rubber Seal, 645
  • Constructional Characteristics, Guide, Comparative, to, 609-610
  • Consumeter, The, 783; Smith, 585
  • Consumption Tests, Fuel.—Liverpool, 114; Manchester, 113
  • Contact Maker, Roller, Kerry, 586
  • Continental, Honours for the, 835
  • Continental Tyre, 583; Bolt for, 83
  • Continent, Touring on the, 146
  • Contributors.—Aeromot, 183, 201, 232-233, 278-279, 296-297, 327, 365, 400b, 400d, 485, 486, 488, 509, 510 , 719, 735, 770, 813, 838, 880-881, 928-929, 963; Amateur, 411; Arnott, E. H., 726; Automan, 689, 765, 818, 834, 863, 892, 957-958, 924; Butler, E., 350; C. B., 903; Chauffeur Marque (“ L’Echo des Sports), 733; Clarke, G. T„ 522-524; C.U.K., 524; Cutbush, G. H. (A.M.I.A.E., A.I.E.E.), 197, 474, 857-858; Cyclomot, 11, 21-23, 54, 71-72, 117-118, 153, 265-266, 299, 360-361, 642-643, 674, 706, 771, 803, 843. 866-867 , 926, 954-955, 959; D. B., 528; Debrett, R., 909-910; D.W.G., 97-99; E.H.M., 369; Engineer, 52-53 , 90-91, 257-259, 431-432, 457-458, 484, 609-610, 611-613, 668-670, 775, 921-923; Gawn, D. W. (M.I.A.E.), 763; Gooseberry, 825-828, 864-865; G. W., 240-241, 357, 411, 460 , 481-482 930-931; Harte, Max, 721: Holden-Stone, G. de, 1-3, 66-67, 100-102. 161-163, 311-313; Homed, 144, 593; H.S., 528, 643: 654; H.W.T., 673; Inspector X., 943-944; J.B.. 793-794: Joy, B. C., 105-106, 132-134 , 226-227, 266-267, 432a-432b; J.T.D., 471-473; J.W.M., 729-731, 829, 927; Knox, C. U., 386; L.G.D., 942-943; Magneto, 11, 58, 85, 107, 152, 167, 216, 230, 231, 281, 295, 335, 388, 477-478, 599, 687, 704, 730, 769 , 800, 839, 871, 911, 941, 962; Mayburv, H. P., 653-654; Mechaniste, 118. 169, 246, 339, 403, 610 , 894 Nemb, 889-890, 907-908; Norman, 702, 795-797 , 845-846, 896-897; Opel, Kommerzieurat, 819; Overner, 136; Parker, E. J., 175; Porter, J. R. (A.M.I.C.E.), 531-532; Rattray, 194-195, 321-323, 597-599; Reeves, A., 381; Ridgway, A., 475, 476, 721, 766-767; Smith, Godwin, 309-310; Snell, E. S., 520-521; Sturmey, H., 3-4, 25-26, 42-43, 55-56, 68-70, 72-73, 103-104, 130-131, 148-148b, 181, 184-185, 202a, 214-- 215 , 228-229, 263-264, 289-290 , 292-293, 346-346a, 374-375, 376-377, 408-409, 412-413, 461-462, 469-470, 595-596, 655-658, 665-666, 688-689, 700-701, 7.50-754, 781-782, 794, 815-816, 849-850, 860-861, 882-883, 912-913, 945, 976; Tenrox, 786b; T.G.R., 605-608; Wellbye, R., 424, 697-698
  • Control, Brake, Front Wheel, Revolutionization by? 702
  • Controls, Police, 495
  • Controls.—Speed, 955; McComb New, 933
  • Cooling System Design—Cylinder Temperature, Constant, 196-197
  • Cooling Systems, Engine, 132-134
  • Co-operation, 860-861-Co-operative Trading, 807
  • Cooper Car, 668; Cooper Engine for, Piston Valve, 573; Suspension of, Rear Spring, 670 Correction, A, 519
  • Correspondence—(See “ Other People’s Views ”)
  • Correspondents.—A.B., 382; Absalom, H. W„ 282, 416; Adams, 61; A.E.B., 347; A.E.W., 349, 914; A.F.C., 464; Alcock, D., 756, 788: Allan. G. R., 222; Anglo-Indian, 348; A.R.D., 692; Armstrong, R. H.', 417; Arnold, E. G., 349, 691, 822; Arnott, E. H., 61; B.B., 45, 917; B., 220; Baker, T. W., 950; Banfield, W., 286; Barnes, G. le M., 59; Barnfather, E., 222; Barry, W. B., 186; Bartlett, Albert, 382; BashaU, W. H., 190; Bavarian Rubber and Asbestos Works (Zimmerman, C., Manager), 466; Bayldon, O. H., 62; Beckett Bros., 464; Bellerby, J., 465; Bell, J. D., 94; Belsey, J., 158; Benham, 512; Benson, J. R., 124; Benton, W. (M.R.C.S.), 123; Benz Motors, Ltd., 756; Benzolite, 788; Bernard, Claude, 93; Bleriot, Ltd., 188, 886; Boden, Mary, S., 126; Booth, R. C., 61; Boultwood, B. A., 28; Bradley, A. P., 600; Brahtsen, C. A., 418, 947; Brewer, R. W. A. (A.M.I.C.E.), 29-30; British American Co., 722, 886; British for Briton, 981; Bromley, 756; Brooker, J. W. G„ 916; Brooklands Clerk of Course, 418, 714; Browett, T.. 315; Brown. R. R., 693; B.R.W., 252, 465; B.S.N., 416; Burnett, S. H., 726; Butler, E„ 693; Cahill, D., 124; Caley, V, A., 757; Camper, 947; Car Owner, Small, 254; Carson, F. M., 511; C. G.V., 511; Chancellor, C., and Co., 915; Chatover and Co., 790; Chauffeur, 854; Chota Tara, 283; C. L , 917; Clark, H. W„ 29; Clarke, H., 29; Clarksons, A., 249; C.M., 126, 281; Collins, F. L. H., 602; Collins, W., 514; Colonial, 758, 854; Connell, R., 694; Constant Reader, 757; Cook, H. F., 346-347, u79; Cook, J. V„ 251; Cooke, E. L., 250; Cooke, Stenson, 713, 788; Cooper, 0. C., 417; Cooper, D . 723; Corbett, A. G., 602; Cornet, E., 788; Corry, R. C., 30, 218; Coward, C., 189; Cox, D. S., 916; Critique, 918; Crombie, J. F., 218; Crombie, J. O., 316; Cross Road, 694; Crowdy, Ltd. (Crowdy, A. L.. Manager), 711, 918; Crown Manufacturing Co., 601; Crypto Electrical Co., 250; Customer, 378-379; Cutbush, G. H.. 59; D3012, 513; Davies, A. E., 253; Davy, W. J. (A.MJ.C.E.), 981; Dawson, C. (Col.), 820 , 914; Dayson, J. A., 251; Deane, R. T., 348-349; Defries, D. C., 982; Derham, Blackpool Chief Constable, 786; Devonian, 380; Devonshire, 249; D.H., 210, 511; Director of Trust Co., 286; Doctor, 947 ; Dresse, H., 61; Dreeser and Garle, 821; Duck, D. P., 601; Duckham, A., 821, 915, 979, 948; Dugdale, O. C., 186, 254; Dunlop, J. B., 749; Duplex Motor Engine Co., Ltd. (Carter, T. W., Secretary), 188; D.W.G., 92; Eakin, M. Me L. 258; Ebrall, F. W., 947; E.D., 463; Edge, S. F.. 221, 788, 842, 884; Edgeworth, T. N., 186; Edmonds, R. W., 94; Edmondson, J. H., 465; E.F., 157, 228; E.L., 445; Electrician, 314; Electrical Ignition Co., Ltd. (Hall, F. H., Manager and Secretary), 30, 790; Enamel, 982; Engineer, R. N., 158, 249, 884; Enquirer, 382; E.T.M., 726; E.W., 947; Eyquem’s Patents (Hanis and Samuels, Manager), 822, 917; F42, 93; Fact, 380; Fardell. H. A., 724; Fawcett, D., 348; F.B., 188; F.C.T., 123; Ferguson, H. G., 61, 126, 157 , 251, 252; F.G.P., 254; F.H., 982; Field, Oswald, 885; Fine, 758; Fisher, C., 158; Fitzgerald, G., 757; Fleming. Birkby and Goodall, Ltd., 465; Fletcher, A., 123; Fletcher, J., 885; Foster, W., 187; Four Seven Eight Nine (4789 RD, 885; Fowles and Co., 222; 'Fraser, A. R., 466; Fuller, J. O., and Son, 315, 758; F.V.W., 62; FAY., 346b, 218, 346b, 466; F.W.H., 382; F.W.N , 124; Garage Proprietor-, 917; Gardner, J. T. Garrard, C. R., 314; G. B., 602; G.B.F. G.C.M., 250; Gedge, H. T. S., 218-219; George Motor Garage, 602; G.F.H., 382; G.G., 463; Gibbons, F. C., 379; Gibson, G. II. 60; Gilmour, D. G., 28; G.J.. 379; Globe Trotter, 917; G.M.T., 854; Gooding. E. C., 315; Goodyear Motor Wheel Co., 602; Gordon, A. B., 726; Gore, A., 852; Green, W. P., 756; Grime, C. G., 189; Guilding, W., 125; Guthrie, W., 981, 724, 317; George G.G., 463; H87, 155; Hadsum, 249; Haggard, R. C.. 755; Haig, W., 513; Hall, G. C., 188; Hall, J. IL, 722, 790; Hard Hit, 27; Hardman and Holden, Ltd., 465; Hardyman, J. W., 415; Harper, A., 691; Haworth, F., 61; H.B., 222; H.C., 187; Hearn, J., 222; Hedderwick, M., 691; Helyar, 514; Henderson, T. E., 27; Hondy, F. W., 854; Heron, 788; M.F., 917; Higginbotham, F. W., 346b; High Tension Co. (Codd, M. A., Manager), 315; H.L.D., 949; H.O., 601; Hodgkin, C. E., 514; Holden-Stone, G. de, 190; Hol lings, W. S. R., 158; Holtec, 512; Hooydonk, J. van, 284, 415; Hope, F., 252; Hotel-keeper (S.W. England), 254; Houk, G. W., 220; H.U., 852; Hunt, C. N., 758; Hunter, L. J., 283; I.C., 14, 317; I.D., 20; Improve, 513; India, 123; I.N.S., 152, 820; Inspection Pit, 514; Ironside, Son and Dyckerhoff, 417; J.A.M., 790; Jane. F. T., 602, 916; J.C., 188, 788, 976; J.C.S., 378; J.D.C., 916; J. de H„ 755; Jefferson, R. L., 755; Jim, 885; J.M.M., 694; Jones, L. R., 189; Joy, B. C., 189, 378; Joy, B. H., 250; J. P. S., 757, 790; J. T., 981; J.T.W., 251; Keeping, Fred, 218; Kerr, Basil, 466; Kinder, O. W., 282; King, S., 726; King, W. H., 254; Knight, J. H., 123, 190; Kopp, G. E., 286; Lane, H. R., 418; Lane, T. F., 285; Lankester, K., 917; L.B., 254: LB 7882, 253: LB 9190 , 220; Leger, 285; Lellan, G. M„ 758; Lester, J. H. fM.Sc., F.I.C.), 415-416; Lewis, H. P., 61; Lewis, Hy. (Capt. R.M.S.), 187, 513, 514, 775; Liebhaver, R. de. 884; Linden, H., 92; Lindsay, 222; L.M.S., 694; LN 9333, 317; Local Motorist, 61; Lodge Bros, and Co., 948; Loftus, S. J., 757; Lomax, S., 757; Lomax Tyre Co., 30; Low Tension, 756; L.P.S., 915; Luker, T., 186; Lyn, 979; Macdonald, Peter, 513; Manufacturer, Private, 914; Martin, R., 981; Mason (M.B.), 758; Maxim, Sir H. S., 27; M.B., 61; McCarthy, 286; McCready, C., 916; McD.W.S. (M.B.C.M.), 917; McKay, E. B., 59; McKinier, J. H., 282; McLennan, K., 380; McWhiter, C., 722; Medical Motorist, 188; Medicus, 62, 250; Midland A.C. (Meek, L., Secretary), 326; Miles and Fortescue, 601; Millans, F. T. W., 511; Milligan, J. L. (B.Sc.), 155; M.I.M.E., 318; Mitchell, W., 316; Mitchell, W. A. A., 347, 600; Moderation, 28; Monks, A. E., 123; Moore, Henry, 466; Morgan and Co., 812; Morris, W. J., 379; Morries, Frank, 221; Mosely Motor Works Co., Ltd. (Higgins, A., Manager), 220; Motor Benzol, 219; Motor Enthusiast, 158; Motorist, 29, 285, 822; Motorist Since 1900, 822; M.R.C.S., 123; N.A.G., 455; Nemo, 219, 982; Nervous, 790; New Engine (Motor) Co., Ltd. (Mort, J. C., Director), 853; Newly-Joined, 914; N. Wales, 285; Nve, F. H. (Sussex County A.C., Secretary), 369; 0558. 853; O’Flynn, B. A. (M.D.), 822; Onions, W. J., 187; Orris, W. G., 186; Paddon, W., 30; Palmer Tyre Co., Ltd., 715; Panhard X, 694; Parsons Non-Skid Co., Ltd., 364; Peake, H. R.. 157; Pearce, G. H., 886; Peat. B. A. (S.A.M.D.), 41'8, 947; Reliant, A., 253; Pelly, R. G. (F.I.C.), 980; Penrose, G. R., 690; Phillip, A., 156; Phillips, A., 917; Phillips', H., 349, 757: Phcenix Motors, Ltd., 822; Physic, 722; Pidsley, G. W., 463; P.O.D., 315; Polkey, J., 711; Pomeroy, L. n, 949- pni4 muthian, 252; Practical. 950: Pra^Hoi* Really, 981; Juncture, 691; Pi rves 1 r’ 186; Puzzled, 692 ’ C-; Quandary, Manufacturer's, 950; Quillin, B.L.M R.B.. 61; Read, Balfour, 318; Red Rose ior. Reeder, W. T., 123; Reeves, A., 381 • ReevZ/ C. I., 788; Reinhardt. E. N. (M.D) w.’ Reidas, 512; Renard. A., 157; Resident and Motorist, 59; Respecter, 378; Reynolds AU 219; Richards, G. T. (A.M.I.A.E’) 7‘>5 ’ jA’’ Riley, G„ 61; Riley, V. W., 464; R.L? 417’ Robinson, J., 758; Ronca, J. F 512-P., 418; Rover, 380: Rover 15, 724; Rowin? H. W., 464; Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. (Pugh T V. p.p.), 694; Russell, S., 282; R.W., 317; Saint Elmo, 61; Satisfied, 415; S.B., 758- Beard 250; Sehaef, A. W., 514; Schofield. W. 4’ 886; Schwann, H., 787; Sei, 822; Shame C’’ H., 854; S.H.B., 982; Shippey, A., 916- Six-cylinder, 317; S.J.C., 222; Smith, A. C. G 346b; Smith, I). J. (M.I.A.E.), 94, 511, 513’ Smith, W. N., 317; SN 31, 821; Solly, E., 251’ Somerset Chauffeur, 219; Spbng, T. 252’ S.R.F., 62; Stanway, 0., 349; Staples, B., 186* Star Engineering Co., Ltd. (Lisle, E.. Managing Director), 416, 690, 722, 749, 885; Stead W. , 348; Steam, 417; Steam Engineer, 787* Stocks, J. W., 316; Stormouth. J., 466’ Squeezed, 949; Street. A. F., 155, 282; Strickland, W. (Lieut.-Col.), I.A., Commissioner. 464: S.T.T., 283; Sturmey Motors, Ltd., 284; Style (Dr.), F. W., 692; Subscriber, 417; Superheated Steam. 94; Sussex, 219; Swift Motor Co., Ltd. (Burns, Robert, Secretary), 29; Switzer, 124 Taylor, J. A., 186; T.C., 61; Tenrocks, 786b; Thermo, 466; Thomson, J., 822: Thornton, H. S. , 854; T.H.W., 601; T.J.C., 724; T.J.T., 852; T. M.S., 61; Tod, W. L., 415-416; Torkington ’Vires, Ltd., 780; Townend, H., 27; Trace. A. J., 979; Trenchard, M. A., 124. 221, 316-317; Trimmer, A. R., 314, 853; Tringham, A. M. (Capt.), 283; True Briton, 982; Turner, E. A. M., 291, 722; Turner, W., 314 Vagrant, 60; Vaughan, H. W. H., 981; Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. (Walton, L., Managing Director), 466, 725; Veitch. C. H., 884; Viator, 600 Waddell, A., 416; Wade-Brown (Major R.A.M.C.), 755; Wade, Christopher, 316; Walford, E. W., 314; Walker, A. H., 314; Walker, E. L., 600; Wandering Worm, 220; Warn, W. R.. 282; Warne, W. T., 190; Watson, P. M., and Sons, 126; W.A.W., G2, 250; W.C.H., 188; W.D., 61; Webster, A, 59; Weno, 950; Westbrook, F., 285; W.H.H., 122; White. E. G„ 602; White Metal, 511; W.H.M., 916; Whomes, W., 694; Wickham, J., 417; Wilton, T., 465 . 514; W.J.C., 219; W.M., 948; Wood, H., 692; Wood, W. D., 219; W.P.B.. 601; Wratten, S. H., 600; W.R.B., 28; W.R.D., 62; Wright, A. C., 463; Wright, C. O., 693; W.S.S., 755 Yarwood. A. (A.M.I.C.E.), 691
  • Corset, Tube. 716
  • Costs, Action, Police, Unsuccessful—Should Motorists Pay? 766-767
  • Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.’s Hill-climb—(See " Hill-climbs ”)
  • Coventry.—Justices at, 182; Thoroughfare in, Closure, Attempt, 280
  • Coventry Radiator, 589
  • Cover, Pedal, Rubber. New, 763
  • Coveted, The Car I, 909-910
  • Cowey Speedometers, 652
  • Cowey, Suspension, Pneumatic, 401, 512, 670
  • Cromer, Mirrors, Motorists’s, at, 298
  • Crossley Car, 537; 12-14 h.p., New, 479-480
  • Cross Road Dangers, 749
  • Crowga Hill Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
  • Cup, Drinking, Little Nipper, 783 Cup Plug, Sparking, 400
  • Current, Alternating Electric, Rectifiers for Accumulator Charging with, 168-169, 243; Mercury Vapour, 168; Nodon Electro-Chemical, 168; Premier Ampero, Electro Magnetic, 168; Union New Type, 243
  • Cyclomot’s Causerie—Act, Motorcar, Convictions, Previous, Under the, 11 Brakes, Side, Clutch and, Interconnection of, 959; Foot-applied, 895, 926 Cape Cart Hoods, 360-361; Care and Treatment of, lb.; Cart, Strange, Christmas with a, 866; Clubs, Automobile, Use of, 803; Clutches, Lubricants for, 299; Consumption, Low, Joints Tight and, 54; Cyclist, The, His Ways, 71 Dust, Protection from, 361 Engine Job, Another, 117; Difficulties with, 117; Trouble, Asking for, with, 117-118 Fuel-feed Systems, Leaks in, 11 Garage Attendant, ’Ware the, 926 Habit, Harmful, A, 926; Hands, Cleansers for the, 54; Headlights, Powerful, 803; Heating, Motor-house, Temperature Records, 771; Hood Design, Cape Cart, 771 Imagination, Part Played by, 153; Improvement, Scope for, 843 Licences, Examination before Granting, 54; Lift to Pedestrians, Proffering a, 153-154; Lubricants, Clutch, 299; Lubrication and, 299, 706 Manufacturers, British, Trend of, 674; Work of, Quality, 674; Money, Value for, 867 Oil, Circulation of, High-speed, 299; Overheating, 843 Passengers, Interference by, Car, 71-72; Poisoning, Stove, Motor-house, 959 Radiators, Grease in, 843; Roads, British and French, 265-266 Speed Limits, Effect of, 265 Touring, Plans for, Difficulties of, 154; Traffic, London, Driving in, 866-867 Windscreen, Glass, Derided, The, 895
  • Cylinder, Misfiring, Bougie Switch to Discover, 646
  • Cylinder, Position of, Considered, 226-227
  • Cylinders.—Design of, 504; Grinding, 873; Power Restoration by, 807 Cylinders, Engine, Multi-cylinder, Castings for, 432a-432b
  • Cylinder Temperature, Constant? Can Cooling System Design Secure, 196-197
  • Daimler, Austrian, Car 620
  • Daimler Business, Expansion, of 738
  • Daimler Car, 544-546; Model, New 15 h.p., 457-439
  • Daimler -Engine, Slide Valve, 898
  • Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft v. Megevef, 747
  • Daimler Suspension, 670
  • Daimler Works, Coventry, Visit to, 738
  • Darracq Car, 564; Engine, Aviation, 296, 327
  • Davis Carburetter, Paraffin, 304; R.A.C. Test of, lb.
  • Davy Car, 622
  • Deasy Car, 569; Models, New, 497 Decade, Labour of a, 732-733.
  • De Clifford, Accident to Lord, 175
  • De Dion Car, 567-568; Models, New, 433-434
  • De Dion Engine, Eight-cylinder, 331
  • Defaux Aeroplane, Biplane-monoplane Combination, 929
  • Delage Car, 625
  • Delagrange, M. Leon, Accident, Fatal to, 904; Cause of, 904, Career, Aviation of, lb.
  • Delahaye Car, 623
  • Delauney-BelleVille Car, 561-562
  • Deliveries, Delays in, 55-56
  • Demoiselle Aeroplane, Unclassified, 306
  • Demonstration Run, “ Reinforced," 313
  • De Nevers’ Tyres, 651 Dennis Car, 632
  • Designs.—Body, 481-482; Cylinder, 504; Old, Newly-applied, 357
  • Detachable Wheel, Perrin Spokeless, 484
  • Detachable Wheels, Compared, 895-894
  • Details, Personal, of Fined Motorists: Legal View of Police Action in taking, 720-721
  • Detonating Spark, Lodge, Coil for, 589 Devices, Interesting,. New, 139, 697, 717, 752
  • Dewar Challenge Trophy, 898; Winner, lb.
  • Dicycle Motorcar, Novel, 248
  • Dimensions, Carriage, Motor, 405
  • Dinners.—Aero Club, 711, 799; Agents’, Motor, 414. 443: Associated Clubs, 842, 935; Bleriot, To, 246; Bradford A.C., 809; Du Gros, Mr. Jt£. to. 680-681; Motor Club, 681; Motor Union, 504; North Middlesex A.C., 714; Pneumatic Tyre Celebration, 681; R.A.C., 673, 711; Show, Saturday. 684; S M.M.T., 591, 683; Sutton Coldfield, A.C., 906; Walthamstow M.C., 705
  • Dirigible. War Office Contract for Engines for a, 683
  • Dogs, Lost. Vans. Motor, for, 342
  • Doncaster and District A.C.—(See “ Clubs.’’)
  • Doncaster Aviation Meeting, 366b-366c, 400b-400c, 594
  • Drives.—Friction, 309-310; Worm. Napier, 743
  • Drive, Stormy, on Talbot 15 h.p. Car, 7-9
  • Drummond Lathes, 583
  • Drykit Clothing.—Motorists’, 652, 784
  • Dual Ignition, 138; Fuller’s Magneto. Self-starting for, 234-255; Vandervell System, C.A.V., 814 Dublin, Aviation and, 478 Ducellier Lamp, 647
  • Duco.—Lamp, 581; Spanner, Combination, 120; Tyre Cover, 581
  • Du Cros, Mr. H.—Banquet to, 680-681; Legion d’Honneur for, 903
  • Dunhill Catalogue, 711
  • Dunlop.—Clothing, Motorists’. 588: Rim, 590; Tyre, 590; Wheel, New, 276-276a
  • Dunne Aeroplane, Biplane, 963-
  • Duryea Buggy, Australian.—3,000 Miles on a, 844a
  • Dust, Calcium Chloride and, 802
  • Duthiel-Chalmers’ Engine, Aviation, 297
  • Dynamos.—Eyquem, 83-84: Leitner, 650; Maricienne, 498, 579; Markt, 651; Nilmelior, 588; Peto-Radford, 645: United Motor Industries, 498
  • Eastbourne Automobile Association, 743
  • Economy, Motor Propulsion and, 898
  • Edge, Mr. S. F., Lecture.—American Automobilism, 937-938
  • Edinburgh Show—(see “ Shows ”)
  • Editorial Opinion—(see *' Opinion, Editorial ”)
  • Efficiency, Motor Propulsion and, 898
  • E.I.C. Accumulators, 579; Coil, 579; Generator Set, 579; Ignition, 579; Plugs, lb.
  • Eisemann Magneto, 579
  • Election, General.—A.A. and, 808; Plebiscite Cards, lb.
  • Electric Apparatus, Lithanode, 587
  • Electric Epicyclic Gears, Transmission, King-Hamer-King, 670
  • Electric Heater, Motor House, 300
  • Electric Ignition, 344; Magneto, 790
  • Electric Lamp, R.V., 364, 402
  • Electric Vehicle Car, 629
  • Ellam Non-skid Tyre, 875
  • Elliot Speedometer, 580, 808
  • Elter Tyre Pump, Mechanical, 400
  • Emergency, Patch for an, 246
  • Enamelling, Coachwork, Velure, for, 853
  • Enfield Car, 638
  • Engine.—Novel, 712-713
  • Engine Progress, 793, 794
  • Engines.—Aster Four-cylinder, 717; Bingham Piston Valve, 573, 669; Bjjpwn, Valveless, 652; Chapius-Dornier, Compact, 899; Cooper, Piston Valve, 573; Daimler Slide Valve, 898; De Dion, Eight-cylinder, 351; Gnome. Rotary, 170; Heinrici, Hot Air, 187; Hewitt, Piston Valve, 492-493. 623, G69, 711, 980-981; Kessler (Denver, U.S.A.), 712-713; Knight-Daimler, 449, 485, 668; Lion-Peugeot, New. 20: Piston Valve, New, 775; Two-cycle, 188; V.S. (Cologne), 683; White-Poppe, 589
  • Engines, Aviation, 58, 290-291, 531; Aeronaph Spirit for, 298, 585, Alexander Prize £1,000 for, 719; Interesting, New, 290-291; Anzani, 327; Exhaust, Auxiliary, lb.; Bayard-Clement, 290-291, 327, 707; British R.H., 364; Buchet, 290-291; Darracq, 296, 327; Exhaust, Auxiliary, lb.; Duthiel-Chalmers, 297; E.N.V., 276; Green, 296, 365; War Office Order for, lb.; J.A.P., 327; Exhaust Auxiliary, lb.; Knight-Daimler, 296; McDonnell, 328; Minerva, 939; Pipe, 327; Redbridge, 296. 327; Exhaust, Auxiliary, Water-belted, lb.; Renault, 297; V, 358a; Voisin, 279; Wright, 498
  • Engines, Cylinder Casting of Multi-cylinder, 432a-432b; Engines, Internal-combustion, Cooling Systems of, 132-134
  • Engines, Lubricating, Methods of, 642-643 Engines, Piston Valve, 381-382, 350 Engine Troubles, Sound Location, 767 Engine, Two-stroke Cycle, Scavenged, 368-369 Enormous, An, Gear, 778
  • E.N.V. Engine, Aviation, 276
  • Epicyclic Gear, King-Hamer-King, Transmission, Electric, 670
  • Era, Motoring, New, 425-429
  • Essex County A.C. Gymkhana, 19
  • Essex, Into Quiet, on Berliet 15 h.p. Car, 86-89 Evans Foot Warmer, 944
  • Exhaust.—Scavenging Exhaust, 712 Exhibition, Premature, A, 184-185 Exhibitions.—Manchester—(See “Shows"); Olympia—(See “Shows"); Stanley—(See “Shows”) Exhibitions.—Weariness of, German, 809 Express Spirit Cans, 652
  • Eyquem Dynamo, Self-regulating. Lighting, 83-84, 579
  • Fafnir Car, 629
  • Farce, Grand Prix, The. 786b
  • Farman Aeroplane, Biplane, 77, 160, 278, 831
  • Feary-Grose Aeroplane, Monoplane, 279
  • Federation, National Automobile Clubs, The, 773, 776; Holden’s Timing System, Electric, Adopted, by, lb.
  • Feminine Point of View, From the, 610, 664 Ferguson Aeroplane, Monoplane, 928
  • F. F.. Bearing, Ball. 652
  • F.I.A.T. Cars, 617-618
  • Filch-Laking Aeroplane, Biplane, 734
  • Finance, Business and—(See “Business")
  • Fined Motorists.—Police take Personal Details of, 720-721; View, Legal, of Action, lb.
  • Finnigan Novelties, Specialities and, 786 Fixing, Novel, Security Bolts, 308 Flask, Thermos, 783
  • F.L. Car, Winter Tour on, 877-879
  • Flight, Aeroplane, “Daily Mail” Prize, 799
  • Flight, Human.—Future of, 592; Year, Famous for Development of, 830-832
  • Floatless Carburetters, 266-267; Allan, 464; Becket, 298
  • Flux Brazing, Cast Iron, Vindec, 842
  • Flying Machine Manufacture, Developments in, 495
  • Flying Machines, Engines for, Light, 531—(See also “ Engines, Aviation ”)
  • Fog, Actual Experience in, 828
  • Foggarty Be-fogged, 828
  • Foot Warmer, Evans Patent, Compact, 944
  • Ford Model Car, Improved, 422
  • Forecast, A Cryptic, 592
  • Foreigners, Touring in England, 19
  • Fors Accumulator, 651
  • Foster Shock Absorber, 809
  • Foulis Aeroplanes.—Biplane, 488 Monoplane, 785 Frames, Improving, Suggestions for, 921-923 France.—Motor Industry in, Development, Progressive of, 732; Supremacy, English, and, 716; Touring in, 34-36, 353-355, 385-387, South of, Runs in, 960-961; Trade, Export, of. 832
  • Frankfort Aeronautical Exhibition—(See ‘ Shows”)
  • Frankonia, Generator, Acetylene, 652
  • Freaks, Concerning, 148
  • French Trade, Exports, 832
  • Friction Drive, 202a-202b, 309-310
  • Friedrichshafen, Zeppelin Yard at, 424
  • Friswell, Sir Charles, 593
  • Frodsham Speed Indicator. The, 241, 649
  • Front Wheel Brakes, 702, 786; Newton-Bennett, 705
  • Front Wheel Braking, Case for, The, 857-858
  • Fuel Consumption Tests.—Liverpool, 114; Manchester, 113
  • Fuel, Motor. Source of, New, 23
  • Fuller, Battery, Primary, for Charging, 315
  • Fuller Magneto, 758; Self-starting, Dual Ignition, 234-235. 588
  • Fund, Trades, Cycle and Motor, Benevolent, 402
  • Future, Automobile of the, 762-763, 973-974
  • Gabriel Horn, Four-note, 10, 581
  • Gaillon Hill-climbs—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
  • Gamage Cab Co., Ltd., 683
  • Gamage Lamp, Inspection. Magnetic, 780
  • Garage, A Fine New, 340-341
  • Gauges.—Oil Level, New, Cock and, 276a; Pressure, Kempshall, 582
  • Gaulois.—Spring Suspension (Amans), 648; Tyres, 670
  • Gears.—Humphris Patent, 632, 670; King-Hamer-King, Epicyclic Electric, 670; Rolls-Royce, Teeth., 26, 734; Westinghouse, Enormous, 778 Generators.—Acetylene, Garble, 439: Frankonia, 652; Rushmore, 171; Electric, E.I.C., 579
  • Geneva Show—(See “Shows")
  • Germain Car, 624
  • German Show—(See “Shows")
  • German Speedometer, New, 292
  • German Weariness, Exhibition, 809
  • Germany.—Manoeuvres in, Military, Motor Vehicles at, 147; Motor Tax in. Deficit in, 456; Trials in, Voiturettes—(See “ Trials ")
  • Gifts, Motorists’, Seasonable, 783-784
  • Gillett, F., Verses—(See “ Verses ")
  • Gladiator Car, 621
  • Glico, Spirit, Motor, 646_
  • Gliden Tour, The, 47-48; Finish of, 80
  • Glider, Making a, 942-943
  • Gloves with Petrol, Danger of Using, 446
  • Glow, Gentle, Enjoying a, 903
  • Gnome Engine, Rotary, 170, 244b
  • Godalming.—Case Dismissed at, 137; Speed Limit at, 137; RAC. Protest at, lb.
  • Godin Horn, 647
  • Goggles, Motor, Testing, 56
  • Goldenlyte Lamp, Smith, 585
  • Gordon-Bennett Race, Revival of? 605-608
  • Gordon Fatality, The, 804-805
  • Grade Aeroplane, Monoplane, 488; Orders for, 733
  • Grand Prix Farce, The, 786b
  • Gratze Aeroplane, Monoplane, 770
  • Great Britain, Motorcar Industry in, 716
  • Great North Road, Signposting the, 231
  • Green Engine, Aviation, 296, 365; War Office Order for, lb.
  • Gregoire Car, 616-617
  • Grip, Tyre, Pneu, 717, 737
  • Groman Aeroplane, Triplane, 734
  • Gun Case, Brooks, Motoring, 582
  • Guns on Car, Carrying Cartridges and, 345
  • Hall, Ignition, Dual, 579; Magneto for, lb.
  • Halter, The, 321-323
  • Hampshire A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Handle, Starting, B.O.B. Safety, 717
  • Hand, Third, The, 361
  • Harvey Frost Vulcanizer, 84, 650
  • Harvey Speedometer, 652
  • Haythomthwaite, Brake, Emergency, 883
  • Headlight Tests, R.A.C., 48; Report, 102
  • Heater, Motor-house, Electric, 300; Fire, Stove for, 231
  • Heinrici Engine, Hot Air, 187
  • Helsley Tyre, The, 782
  • Hermetic Tyre, Self-sealing, 646
  • Herts. County A.C. Hill-climb—(See "Hill-climbs”); Club—(See " Clubs ”)
  • Hewers, Bodies, 578
  • Hewitt Engine, Piston Valve, 492-493, 623, 669, 980-981; Criticisms of, Answered, 711
  • High Tension Co.’s Coil, The, 647 Hill-climbing, South African, 116 Hill-climb, Not Organized, 326 Hill-climbs.—A.-G.U., 274-274a; Africa, South, A.C. of, 116; Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.’s, 20, 111; Gaillon, 206; Herts. County A.C.’s, 209. 275; Irish, M.C.U.I.’s Maghera-morae Hill, 156-157; Isle of Man: Crowga Hill, 274, Snaefell, 274; Midland A.C.’s, 366c; North Eastern A.A.’s, 175; 209, 298; Semmering, 210, 243, 280; Shelsley Wash, 326, 380, 578a; Sutton Coldfield A.C.’s, 154; Ven-toux, Mont, 177; Wolverhampton A.C.’s, 305, 341; Yorkshire A.C.’s, 275
  • Hillman-Coatalen Car, 547-548
  • Hills, Steep, In Search of, 734
  • Hinde, McBallin, Flying, on, 480
  • Hobson Car, 623; Bolt, Security, 84; Tyre Clamp, 711
  • Hoffman Aeroplane, Unclassified, Bearings, Ball, 652
  • Holden, Timing System, Electrical, 773, 776
  • Holdfast Tyre, Armoured, 330-331
  • Holdsworth Tyre, 330-331
  • Hoods, Cape Cart, Care of, 360-361, 706, 771
  • Hora Bodies, 577
  • Horn Blowing, 246
  • Horns.— Adnil, 650; Agabeg, 650; Apollo, 651; Gabriel, Four-note, 10, 581, 647; Jones, 651; Klaxon, 652; Mira, 182, 646, 647; Motorphone, 586; Napier, 182; Sireno, 783; Testaphone, 585, 650
  • Horseless Sunday, Unnecessary, 116
  • Horse-power. Taxation Based on, 294 Hospital, A Car, 778
  • Hot Air Engine, Heinrici, 187 .
  • Hotchkiss Car, 571, 572; Model 1910, 300
  • Hotchkiss Experience A Wet Day’s, 324-326
  • Hotels, Tourists, Motor, and, 220, 253-254, 285-286, 317, 348-349, 789, 822, 885—(See also “ Hotels ” in “ Other People’s Views,” Infra)
  • H.P. Brake, Tester, Acer’s, 139
  • HP. Carburetter, 648
  • Humber Car. 532-533
  • Humbers, Ltd., Manager, New, 110-111
  • Humphreys Aeroplane, Monoplane, 365, 485, 486
  • Humphris, Gear, Transmission, 632, 670
  • Hundred Pound Car (.£100), That, 654
  • Hupp Car, 16-20 h.p., 247-248
  • Hyde Park, Motorcars in, 241
  • Hydraulic Clutch, Torbinia, 370-371
  • Ignition, Electric, 344; Magneto for, 790; Magneto, Fuller, Self-starting, Dual, for, 234-235
  • Ignition Systems.—Dual. 138; E.I.C., 579; Fuller, 234-235; Hall, 579; Vandervell, C.A.V., 814
  • Improvements, 528; Future, 762-763
  • Income Limited, Men of, Now Become Motorists, 611
  • Industry, Motor, The, America, in, 819; France, in, 732-733
  • Inflators.—Elter, 400; Lucas, 505; Maxwell, 585; Parsons Sparklet, 752
  • Information Bureau.— Accumulators: Capacity of. Testing, 31; Charging, 351, 383, 792, Difficulty in, Transformer for, 223, 728; Faults of, 224; Polarity of, Finding, 95; Troubles with, 695. Anti-Freezing Mixtures, 920 Back-fire Problem, A, 223. Batteries, Charging, Primary, 256. Bearing, Ball, Alteration to, 791. Brake, Band, Difficulty with, 760. Brake Effect, Engine, 32, 224. Brake Lining, 759. Braking, Engine, Closed Throttle, 224 Carburation Troubles, 855, 887. Carburetter, Position of, Faulty, 604. Carburetter, Troubles with: Coil Defective, or, 64; Flooding, 919. Hills, on, with, 468. Case-hardening, 352. Cells, Dry, Installing, 516. Chains, Noisy, Remedy for, 696. Charging, 728. Circulation, Water, Trouble with, 696. dutch Angle, Faulty, 64. Clutch, Defect in, 256. Clutches: Trouble with, 96, 383, 888. Clutch, Fierce, 824. Clutch, Leather, Oiling, 824. Clutch Treatment, 760. Coil Contacts, Sparking at, Reducing, 319-320. Coil, Defect in, 128. Coil, Testing a, 419, 759. Combustion, Slow, Effects of, 191. Compression: Leakage of, 384; Raising the, 952. Connection, Imperfect, Misfiring, 420. Connections, Reversing, 855. Control, Clutch, Ignition, Throttle, 320. Control, Exhaust, 515-516. Crack, Sealing Up a, 887. Crankpin, Loose, 287. Crankshaft, Broken, 823. Crank, Six-cylinder, Arrangement of, 696. Cut-out, Use of, 224. Cylinders: Boring, 32, 160; Petrol Injection into, 31; Power, Unequal, of, 468; Water in, 604, 792; Weak, 96. Cylinders, Steel, Copper-flanged, 32 Engine, The: Cylinder of, Single, Reboring, 951; Efficiency and Wear of, 420; Noise, Tapping in, 192; Seized, 255 Flanges, Copper, Radiating, 32. Friction Drive Discs, Material for, 983 Gap, Safety, A, 919. Gas, Engine Imperfectly takes, 59. Gear, Bevel, Noise from, 31. Gearbox: Bearings of, Leaky, 727; Leakage from, 384; Noisy, 63. Gear, Distributor, Setting, 32. Gearing Question, A, 319. Gears, Faulty, 952. Gudgeon Pin, Removing the, 792 Headlight, Green, Use of, 420. Heating, Motorhouse, Electric, 920. Hill-climbing Power, Loss of, 467. Hills, Test, near London, 952 Idea, Impracticable, An, 224. Ignition: Defects in, 420, 728, 823. Ignition, Dual, 383, Fitting. 760, 856. Ignition, Low Tension, 96. Ignition, Magneto, 856. Non-firing Cylinder on, Locating, lb. Ignition: Problems Concerning, 192, 823. Ignitions, Two, on one Plug, 856 Knock, Engine, 224, 256, 759 Leakage, Spark, 160. Licence Query, A, 384. Lighting Circuit, Car, 468. Low-tension Problem, A, 319. Lubrication, Difficulty with, 695 Magneto and Running. Effect of, 384. Magneto: Fitting New, 32, 256; Low-tension, Converting, 952; Misfiring on the, 420, 792; Spark from, Mixture Stronger, for, 352, Timing, 984, Wet, Effect of, on, 983 Nickel-plating, Removing, 419. Noise, Engine, 604, Reducing, 727. Noise, Valve,’ Lessening, 984. Non-freezing Mixtures, 420 , 824, 856. Non-skid, Fitting a, 728 Overheating, 127, 159, 256, 419 Petrol Supply, Fault in, 384. Pipe, Exhaust, Shortening the, 791. Pipe, Inlet, Long, Disadvantages of, 728. Piston Rings: Fault in, 919; Removing, 792; Tight, 604. Pistons, Fitting, 160. Pitting, Valve, 791. Plug, One, Ignitions, Two on, 856. Plug, Sparking, Fouling of, 856; Leakage from, 256. Power, Less of, 159, 288, 920. Power, More, Wanted, 191-192, 287. Pre-ignition, 696 Radiator, Cleaning, 791-792. Radiator, Repair to, 516. Registration, Secondhand Car, 952. Re-magnetizing, 383 Shackle, Spring, Greaser for, 727. Silencer, Water in the, 824. Silencing, 64. Sooting-up, 516. Sparking, Duplex, 64; Sparks, Two, in One Cylinder, Simultaneous, 951. Speedometer, Fast, 287. Starting: Coil, Trembler, for, Easy, 64, 127; Difficulties when, 384; Low-tension Switch for, 63; Misfires at, 384. Steering Connections, Worn, 760 Taxation, Revenue, 320, 603, 696. Terminals, Corroded, Troubles with, 695. Throttle Defect, A, 127. Timing Valve, 516, 823, Exhaust, 824. Transmission, Noise, 888. Trembler, Adjustment of, 160, 515. Tyres: Large, Fitting, 384; Storing, 516; Troubles with, 351 Valve Needle, Grinding in, 696. Valves: Exhaust, Pitting of. 791, 984; Inlet, Sticking, 952, Noisy, 760; Pitted, 791, 984; Timing, 192. Valve Springs, Replacing, 320 Water Jacket, Choked, 760. Wiring Question, A, 352
  • Inner Tube, Reinforced, 20
  • Inspection Lamp, Magnetic. Gamage, 780
  • Inspection Pit, Steel, 147
  • Insurance: Car and General, 242; Concessions, Important, 873
  • Internal-combustion Engines, Cooling System for, 132-134
  • Inventions, Patents for Motor, 457-458
  • Inventors, Carburetter Design, New, for, 52-53
  • Inventor, Difficulties of an, 507-508
  • Inventors, Information Requisite for, 457-458
  • Ireland, Touring in, 825-828, 864-865 Iris Car, 635-636
  • Isle of Man, A.-C.U. Events in the, 239
  • Isle of Wight, Motorist’s View of the, 135-136
  • Jackson Car, 573
  • J.A.P. Engine, Aviation, 327; Exhaust, Auxiliary, lb.
  • J.M. Shock Absorber, The, 777
  • Jones: Horn, 651; Speedometer, 651
  • Journal, French, Leading, An Article from, 732-733
  • Junction Piece, Ryley Three-way, for Acetylene Tube Connections, 528
  • Justices, Coventry, 182
  • Kaiser, The, Motoring Enthusiasm of, 958
  • Kempshall: Gauge, Pressure, 582; Inflator, Tyre, 582;
  • Patch, Emergency, 246; Rim, 582; Tyre, 494, 582
  • Kent Police, Motorists and, 720-721
  • Kerry Valve, Air, Automatic, 586; Contact Maker, lb.
  • Kessler Engine (Denver, Col., U.S.A.), 712-713
  • King-Hamer-King Gear, Transmission, Electric Epicyclic, 670
  • Klaxon Horn, The, 652
  • Klein Tyre, 852
  • Knight-Daimler Engine, 449, 485, 668; Aviation, 296
  • K.T. Tyre, 748, 819
  • Labour, A Decade’s, 732-733
  • La Buire Car, 628-629
  • Lacoste, Vulcanizer, Automatic, 649
  • Lady Motorist, Aged Three, 116
  • Lady Motorists. For, 57, 118, 169, 245, 246, 339, 403, 894
  • La Grippe Pedal Cover, 649
  • La Magicienne Dynamo, 498, 579
  • Lamber Aeroplane, Biplane, 396
  • Lamp Door, Multiplex Lens, Rushmore, 361
  • Lamps.—Autoclipse, 581; Bleriot, 580; Broadhurst, 120; Ducellier, 24, 647; Duco, 581; Golden-lyte, 585; Inspection, Magnetic, Gamage, 780; Lithanode, 587; Lucas, 585; Polkey, 711; Powell-Hanmer, 651; Rushmore, 171, 651; R.V., Electric, 364, 402, 587; Sylyerlyte, 111
  • Lamps, British or Foreign, 711
  • Lamps, Design of, Good, 24
  • Lanarkshire, Police in, 743; A.A. and, Ib.
  • Lancashire Aero Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Lancashire Fells, Over the, 38-41
  • Lanchester Car, 553-554, 670; Refinements in, 442; Suspension, Rear Spring, of, 670
  • Lanchester Developments, 400a, 439
  • Lancia Car, 615-616
  • Lapping Cylinders, Power Restoration by, 807
  • Larger Wheels, 456; Question of, Ib.
  • Lathes, Drummond, 583
  • Leather, Specialities in, Brooks, 784
  • Leitner Dynafno, 650
  • Lemale, Turbine, Petrol, 294
  • Leon Bollee Car, 635
  • Level Crossings, Motorists and, 79
  • Lever Spring Suspension, 717
  • Lever Suspension Shock Absorber, 580
  • Lewis Alarm, Excess Speed, 341; R.A.C. Trial of, Ib.
  • Light Car, V.S., 340
  • Lighting Car: Electric, 954; Dynamo for, New, 498
  • Lighting Systems: Lithanode. 587; Vandervell, 650
  • Light, Projectors of—(See “ Lamps ”)
  • Limits, Speed—(See “Speed Limits”)
  • Lining, Turco, 298
  • Lion-Peugeot Engine, New, 20
  • Lithanode: Electric Apparatus, 587; Lamp, 587; Lighting System, Ib.
  • Liverpool Motor Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Llangollen, Trapping, Protest at, 41
  • Lock-nut, Turrett, 400
  • Lodge Coil, Detonating Spark, 589
  • Lodge Plug, Double-pole, Sparking, 478, 589, 779
  • London-Bath Road, Signposting, 308
  • London-Monte Carlo Run, 960-961
  • London, Traffic in, 898, 900
  • Longuemare Carburetter, 186, 652
  • Lorraine-Dietrich Car, 617
  • Lowe-Bevan Windscreen, 652
  • Lubricating Engines, Methods of, 642-643
  • Lucas: Inflator, 585; Lamps, 585
  • Luna, Pit, Inspection, 147
  • Lunel Aeroplane, Monoplane, 880
  • Luxury, Modern Motoring, 410
  • Lynton Tyre, 584; Wheel, 584
  • Magicienne Dynamo, La, 498, 579
  • Magneto Coupling, New, 213
  • Magnetos.—C.A.V., 814; E.J.C., 790; Eisemann, 579; Fuller, 234-235, 588, 758; Hall, 138, 579; Muirhead, 652; Nilmelior, 588, 649; Rut-hardt, 650; Simms. 115-116, 648, 763; U and H., 867, 874
  • Magneto’s Point of View.— Accumulator Case, Repair to a, 800. Accumulators, Charging, Dangers, 85. Accuracy: Motor Work, Standards ,of, 216. Aeroplanes, Engines for. 58. Airship Disaster, French, 295. Aluminium v. Steel, 800. Auto-Trembler, The, 335 Bearing, Roller, Adoption of, 704. Benzol, 281; Sulphur in, 338; Use of, 152. Brake Question. The, 704. Brakes, Tyre Wear and, 911. Braking, Engine: Effect of, 107; Operation Cycle of, 107; Transmission, Strain on, 107 Carburetter, No Float, 335. Carburetters, Water-jacketed, Frost and, 839; Circulation, Troubles with 962. Coachwork, Painting, 769. Coils, Connections of, Reversed, 911; Starting Device for Plain, 230-231. Compression : Mistake, Popular, about, 962; Power and, 59. Cooling Systems, about, 230. Cutout, Exhaust, Power Increase and, 730. Cylinder Head, Carbon in, 704. Cylinders: Arrangement of, 477; Cracks in, Sealing, 911 ; Lubrication, Suggestion for, 281 Drive, Worm Gear, Future of, 477 Engine, Four-cylinder, Compact, 800. Engine, Racing, Curing an, 295. Engines: Neater, Simpler, Aids to, 687. Epicyclic System: Speeds, Best Number of, in the, 167. Exhaust. Water in, 10 Flywheels, Loose, 388. Frost, Carburetters, Jacketed, and, 839 Gearboxes, Noisy, Remedies for, 85. Gear Ratio. Altering the, 730. Gears, Changespeed, 167. Graphite Lubricant, Engine, 962 Headlamps, Candlepower of, 152. Heating Motorhouse, 839. Horns, Electric, Efficiency of, 478 Ignitions. Work Single Plug, Two, 769 Lathe, Care of the. 871. Low Tension. 769 Magneto. Position, New, for, 687-688. Misfiring Cylinder, Locating a, 800 Nail Catchers, Defect of, 730. Noise, Hissing, Cylinder, 10 Petrol Pipe, Leakage of, Cause and Remedy, 216. Petrol Tanks: Explosion, A Former. 839; Systems of, 167. Piston Rings, Side Thrusts and, 217. Pistons, Design of, 152; Piston Valve Systems, 295. Plugs, Sparking: Long Reach, 10; Position of, Problem, 704. Power: Increase of, Question, 94; Loss of, Causes, Likely, 335; More Wanted, 281; Old Type Cars, for, lb. Radiator Fan, Cleaning, 941; Why Retaifi ? 687. Self-starters, 335. Self-starting.: Engine Conditions for, 388; Peculiarity Concerning, 839. Show, 1910, Suggestions for, 839. Silencers, Choked, 388. Starters, Automatic, 704. Starting Peculiarity, Engine, 941. Switch, Emergency, 85 Timing: Piston Position, from, 85; Valve, Considerations of, 871. . Turbines, Petrol, 335. Tyre Economy, 941. Tyre Wear, 911 Valves, Overhead, 769 Water-cooling Systems, Future of, 10. Waterjacket Covers, Detachable, 477-478. Workshop, Motorist’s, 871; Equipment of, 962
  • Magneto Switch Starter, Simms, 121
  • Magneto Transmission, Bright, Variable, 323
  • Malvern. Through Orchards to. 97-99
  • Man, Car, and the, 43, 522-524
  • Manchester.—Consumption Test at, 113; Show at— (See “ Shows ”)
  • Manchester Motor Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Mansion House, Aviation Conference at, 432
  • Manufacturer, British, Colonial Customers and, 150-151
  • Markt. Dynamo, 651
  • Marlborough Car, 634
  • Martini Car, 626
  • Mascot. Lincoln Imp. 784
  • Mason, Can, Petrol, 908
  • Maudslay Oar, 537-538
  • Maxwell, Inflator, Tyre, 585
  • Maythorn Bodies, 575-576
  • McComb Speed Control, New, 933; McDonnell Aeroplane, Monoplane, 328
  • Mechanical Tyre Pump, Elter, 400
  • Mechanism.—Novelties in, 668-670; Piston Valve, 668-669; Valve. New, 258-259
  • Megevet v. Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, 747
  • Mercedes Car, 435, 643
  • Mercury Vapour Rectifier, Electric, 168 Metallurgique Car, 622
  • Meter, Altitude. Richard, Recording, 83
  • Meter, Petrol, 783
  • Methods, Styles, and, Comparisons of—(See “ Styles and Methods ”)
  • Michelin Wheel. Double-tyred, 647
  • Micrometer Cylinder Tester, Acer, 139 Midland A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”) .
  • Miloscope, The, Bailey’s, 586
  • Minerva Engine, Aviation, 939
  • Mira Horn, The, 182, 646, 647
  • Mirror, Adiustable, Smitt, 585
  • Misfiring, Bougie Switch to Discover Cylinder, 646
  • Mitchell Car (Racine. Wise., U.S.A.), 682-683
  • Mogul Tyre, 305; Tube, Inner, for, 749
  • Moisant Aeroplane, Monoplane, 813
  • Mono Rail. Brennan, Demonstration, 594
  • Monte Carlo-London Run, 961
  • Mont Ventoux Hill-climb—(See " Hill-climbs ”1
  • Moore-Brabazon. Mr. J. T. C., 799; 't‘ Daily Mail” Prize, Flight, Presentation to, lb.
  • Morgan Bodies, 577
  • Mors Car. 615
  • Moseley Tyre, Studded Non-skid, 6461
  • Motophone, Bailey’s, 586
  • Motorcar Act, Administration of, 519
  • Motorcar, Novel, Dicycle', 248
  • Motor Club—(See “ Clubs ”); Dinner of, 681
  • Motorcycle Grand Prix—(See “ Races ”) Motor Cycling 339
  • Motor Cycling Club —(See “Clubs”); Gymkhana of. 209, 366d
  • Motor-cycling Journal, New, 593
  • Motor-house Heating.—Electric, 300; Stove, by, 231 Motor House, Ltd., Novelties, 785; Specialities and, lb.
  • Motoring, International, 496
  • Motoring, Ladies, for—(See “ Ladv Motorists ”)
  • Motor.—Luxury in Modern, 410; New Era in, 425-429
  • “Motorists’ and Aviators’ Year Book and Diary." 763
  • Motorists, Kent Police and, 720-721
  • Motorists, Photography fpr, 524
  • Motorist, Stranded, The, 411
  • Motors—(See “ Engines ”)
  • Motor, Slide Valve, The New, 431-432
  • Motor Spirit, Aeronaph, Aviation, 298, 585
  • Motor, Two-cycle, The, 90-91
  • Motor Union Handbook, The, 148b
  • Motor Union, The, 714; Aviation and, 694
  • Motor Works, Modern Carriage, 430
  • Muff Warmer, The, 783
  • Muirhead Magneto. 652
  • Mulliner Bodies. 577-578
  • Multi-cylinder Engines, Castings for Cylinders of, 432a-432b
  • Multiplex Lens Lamp Door, Rushmore, 361
  • Mutel Water Jacket, The. 134
  • M.U., The, 79, 504, 714, 780. 872, 873; Touring, Continental, Winter and, 763
  • My Way of Thinking— A.A. Badge, Unauthorized Use of the, 293. A.A., Suggestion to the, 815. Accumulators, Charging at Night. Danger of, 43. Aeroplane Business, The, 70. Aeroplane Fatality (Lefebvre), 228. Alive, Kicking, and, 596. American Car, Cheap. Price of, 977. America, Speed Testing in, 946. Announcement, An Original, 346a. Announcement, Sensible, Another, 509. Antipathy, Horsey, 25. Arguments, Far-fetched, 408-409. Arrest. Summary, Question of, 42. Attractive, Fallacious, but, 184. Aviation, Dangers of, 293. Avoided, Something to be, 701 Belfast‘Improvement, A, 815. Belgium, Speeds, Queer, in, 461. Bleriot, Mons. L., Remark, Significant, by, 292-293. Body, Design, Ingenious, for, 976. Bdnd, Trials and the, 977. Brakes; Emergency Stop, 883. Brighton, Magisterial Warning at, 228. Bromium, Bromine or? 462. Budget, R.A.C. Rating and the, 25. Buggy Types, Concerning, 882 Cars,. Four-cylindered, Low-priced, 595-596. Carter, Obstructive, The, 595. Cases, Did Circumstances, alter? 104. Channel Flight, The, 26. Circumstances, Oases and, 509. Compensation, 913. Competition, Suggested, A, 185. Constable, What is a? 976. Corners, Cutting, 229; Side, Wrong, at, 131. Council, County, Enlightened, 509. Coventry, Love Lane, at, Still Open, 409. Cover, Tyre, Long-lived.. 782. Cross Roads, Driving at, 461. Cyclist, Wandering, The, 782 Daimler Vehicle, Petrol-electric, 462. Danger, Exemplified, A, 849. Danger of It, The, 293. Decorations, Departure, Novel, in, 976. Disaster, Lesson from, 912. Districts, Clean, Support, 374-375. Dress Clothes, Driving in, 346. Driver-owners, Incompetent, 68. Dust, Raising, Concerning, 68 Economy, False, 596. Elections, Cars at, 977. Election, The Coming General, 849-850. Emergency, In Case of an, 26. Exhaust, Offensive, 781. Exhibition, Premature, A, 184-185 Feeds, Forced, Pressure and, 375. Figures, Erroneous, 781. Finance Bill, More About the, 293. Fires, Motor Boat, Petrol, 103-104. Flying, 510. Flying Week, British, 264. Footpaths, Care of, 184. France, Tax on Tourists’ Cars in, 781-782. Friction Drive, Concerning, 346a. Frost, Preparations for, 782 Grand Prix, 1910, Fate of, -700 Headlights: Candle-power of, 264; Dazzling, 849. Hood Curtains, Fastenings for, 946. Hoods, Canvas v. Leather, 753-754. Horn-blowing, Juries and, 215. Horse, Destructive, The, 228. Horses, Led, 701 Ice, Thawing, Motoring over, 912-913. Ignition, Low-tension, Decline of, 849, 945. Illogicity, Specimen, Delightful, of, 882. Importation, Car, Decline of, 688. Indictment, A Terrible, 346. Infiators, Mechanical, 185. Innovation, A Practical, 293. Instruction Necessary, Systematic, 297. Invention, Marvellous! 375 Jacking, Caution in, 816. Joy Riding, 293 Killed when Starting Car, Owner, 462 Lights. Dazzling, 595 Magistrates: Experience for, 346; Motorists and, 69. Milkman, Motoring, Tire, 69. Moon, Weather and the, 883. Motorcabs, Quality of, 700-701. Mountaineering, Motor, Small Car, 263. Move, Another Good, 26. M.U. Absorption, A, 753 Nail Catchers, Concerning, 596, 701, 782. Need, Friend in, 510 Order, To Keep, 816 Petrol: Handling of, Careless, 946; Tax on, Chancellor and, 591, Refunding, 374; Use of, Increasing, 913; Water in, 509. Politicians, Unreasoning, 130-131. Practice, A Dangerous, 781. Prognostication, Interesting, 185. Proposal, A Monstrous, 228-229. Punctures, About, 375 R.A.C.: Membership, Increasing, 374; Treat, A, 510. Radiators, Leaky, Repairing. 753. Reasoning, Curious, 346a. Reciprocal, Scarcely, 781-782. Recognition, Well-earned, A, 976. Relic Types, Experiences with, 42. Road, Rule, Crossings, at, 688, 689, 945. Roads Bill, The, 215, 753; Contributions, Universal, 228; R.A.C. and, 215. Roads, Cross, Traffic at, 945. Roads, Motor, New Countries’, 912. Roads, Signs on, 754. Roads, Special, Motor, 408. Road Surfacing, Horses and, 103 Scout Question, The, 409. Screens, Glass, 816; Antiquity of, 25. Show Chassis, The, 595. Show, Stanley, The, 753. Show, The, 688, Lesson of, 701. Silence, Car, 263-264. Solid Tyres, Wheel, Conversion of, to Take, 461. Space, Exhibition, Electing—What to Avoid, 701. Speed, Consumption, Petrol, and, 131. Speed, Control of, Automatic, 25. Speedometer, German, New, 297. Speedometers, Hands, Tell-tale, on, 68; Registering, 229. Speedometer, Wanted a, 131. Speed, Photographic Recording of, 130. Speeds, Deceptive, 374. Staffordshire, Timing, Electric, in, 214. Star Car Competition, A, 462. Starting: Owner Killed while, 462; Safety, 882. Statement, Illogical, An, 229. Statistics, Accident, 976. Steering: Engine’s Position of, and, 42; Irreversible, 346a. Stud, Fleet or, 103. Superiority, Point of, Another, 462. Supposing! 185. Surrey, Oar, Official, for, 43 Tarred Surfaces, Concerning, 913. Taxation, Rating for. 688. Taxi v. Car, Private, 264. Telephone, Motorists’, 293. Tonkin, Lesson from, 882. Tonneau, Disappearance of the, 263. Tourist. Advice to the, 103, Trade, Motor, The: Grievance of a, 945; Profits in the, 519; Stupidity of the, 754; Success of, 700; Tariffs and. 104. Trapping, Police, 214; Defence of, Absurd. 214; District Boycotting, Remedy. 214. Trials. R.A.C. Car. 946. Tubes, Collapsible, Manipulation of, 104. Tyre Invention. A Mysterious, 70. Tyres, Cab, Solid, 781. Tyres. Maintenance of, 754. Tyres, Pneumatic, Early. 815. Tyres, Price of, 292 Vehicle, Petrol-electric, Daimler, 462. Voiturettes, Design of, 104. Voiturette Trials, French, 263 Weather. Cold, Starting in, 946. Wheelbase, Small Car, 408. Wheels, Larger, 375; Splaying of, 816
  • N.A.G. Car, 634; 12 h.p. Runabout, 183
  • Napier Aeroplane, Unclassified, 734
  • Napier Car, 556-557; Four-cylinder, 16.9 h.p., R.A.C. Test of, 304; Six-cylinder, Experiences with, 260
  • Napier Drive, Worm, 743
  • Napier Horn, 182
  • Napier Prices, New, 442
  • Neighbours’ Roads, Our, 661-664
  • Neuville Aeroplane, Monoplane, 327
  • New Engine Car, 552
  • News, Notes, and.—Aerial Navigation, Dr. Hele-Shaw on, 779. Aero and Motor Boat Show, Cycle Section Proposed, 935. America, Racing in, 714. Appeal, Interesting, An, 906. Associated Clubs, The, 935; Dinner of, lb. Australia, Motoring in, 939. Aviation Ground, M.U., 969 Brooklands: Programme, 1910, 714; Standard Class at, 714 Car, German, Light, Oryx, 779. Collision Case Dismissed, 935 Daimlers, Detachable Wheels and, 493. Difficulties, Motoring under, 872. Dispute, Motorcar, A. 812 Edge, v. Wertheimer, 842. Election, General, The: 779, 967; R.A.C. and, 968; Voting by Motor at, 968. Elian Vannin Fund, The, 812 F.I.A.T. v. Abercromby, 715 Garage, New, 340 Industry, Motor, in U.K., Progress of, 779. Innovation, A Pleasant, 748. International Club Conference, 749 Latham, Flight, High, Mourmelon, 906. Limit, Speed, Rescission of, 780. London-Scarborough Run, 873 Manville, Mrs. E. (The Late), 873. Motor Club Fire, The, 715. Motor, The, Where it Goes to! 493; Motor Union, The: Election, General, and, 812; Headquarters, New, of, 872 New Zealand, Trade in, 748 Parliament: Automobilists In and Out of, 939; Candidates for, Oars and, 939, Questions for, 872. Paulhan, M., Leaves France, 842. Petro], Dangers of, 936. Petrol Tanks, Emptying, 873. Plugs, Double-pole, Lodge, 779. Prague, Battle of, 780. Prices, Tyre, Maintenance of, 715. Prince Henry Tour, The, 779 R.A.C., The: Legal Dept., 935, 939; Trials, Certified, 780, 840 , 936. Records, World’s, 714, 779 Scheme, New, A, 936. Scottish A.C., 967, Clubhouse, New, Opening of, 967. Show, Motorcycle, Proposed, 812. Shows: Berlin, 1910, None, 748; Olympia, Date, 841. S.M.M.T., The, 715, 749. Speed Limits, Inquiries Concerning, 841. Star v. Vauxhall, 749, 812. Sutton Coldfield A.C., 906, Dinner, lb. Taxicabs, Users of, Points for, 967. Terror, House of, 493. Trials: Competitions and, International, 812; R.A.C. Certified, 780 , 840, 936. Tube, Inner, New, 749. Tyre, K.T., on Wire Wheel, 748 Wager, £200, 939. Wheel, Pneumatic, 842
  • Newton-Bennett Front-wheel Brake, 705
  • Nieuport Aeroplane, Biplane, 929
  • Nilmelior: Coil. 588; Dynamo, 588; Magneto, 588, 649
  • Nineteen Ten (1910), Cars of, 609-610
  • Nip Inflator, Parsons’ Sparklet, 752
  • Nipper Cups, Dripping, Little, 783
  • Nixon, W., The Late, Memorial to, 716
  • Nodon Rectifier, Electro Chemical, 168
  • No-float Carburetters—(See “ Carburetters ”)
  • Non-skids: Ellam, 875; Parsons, 364, 585
  • North Berkshire Automobile Club—(See “Clubs”)
  • North British Rim, 590
  • North-Eastern A.A.—(See “Clubs”); Hill-climbs— (See “ Hill-climbs ”)
  • North Middlesex A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Nottinghamshire A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Novelties: Mechanical, 668-670; Motoring, Some, 83-84, 120-122, 785, 786
  • Nursery, Motorists’, 49
  • Nut, Turrett Lock, 400
  • Occasional Seat, The, 460
  • Oil Gauge, Cock and Level for, 276a
  • Oils: Autosternol, 646; Bowley, 652; Glico, 646; Price’s, 588; Stern-Sonneborn, 646; Willcox, 589
  • Oleo Plug, 651; Aviation, 361
  • Olympia Exhibition—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Olympia, Light Car at, 611-613
  • Olympia, Observations at, 655-658
  • Olympia, R.A.C. Associates and, 594
  • Olympia Show, Lessons of, 665-666
  • Omne Tempus Cloth, Rainproof. 581
  • O’Neill (Miss), Aeroplane, Biplane, 718
  • Opinion, Editorial.—A.A., Always Advancing, The, 490. Aerial Performances, Recent, 772. America, Tourists from, in England, 75.-Andover Fatality. The, 804. Avialion, Progress of, 399, 837; Government and. 13 Body Design, 45. Boycotting, Attitude. Tradesmen’s. and, 441. Brakes, Front Wheel, 708. Brooklands, Handicaps at. Safeguarding, 332-333. Budget, The: Power Calculation for, 269; R.A.C. and, 530-531. Business, Methods of, 399 Carburetter Blows Back, Why? 74. Chassis, Tyres, Solid, Effect of, on, 804. Clubs, Cooperation, and, 363. Colonial Motorist, Does British Maker Study the? 140; Colonial Trade, The Trade and, 173. Competitions, The Trade and. 869. Consumption, Tyre Mileage and Petrol,' 109. Convictions, Previous, Proving, 932 Danger, Warning, and a, 837. Design, Car, Trend of, 530. Direction Posts, 74. Doncaster, Aviation at, Attitude, Wrong, at, 333. Dust, Health, and, 173 Election, General. Anti-motorists and, 237; Motorists and, 236, 740, 805, 900. Era, Motoring, New, 440, 677 Fatality, Sad, Its Lesson, 204-205. Fined, Passenger, An Innovation! 237. Flying, 141. Foreigners in Britain, Touring Facilities for, 804. France, Touring Department, Governmental, in, 441. Fuel, Feed, Forced, 708. Fuels, Home-produced, Duty and, 12 Gears, Transmission, 805. Greetings, Christmas, 804 Headlights, Use, Justified, of, 772. Headlines, Press, Lying, 236-237. Hotels, Experiences Wanted, 172 Industry, Magnanimity Assists, 741. Injustice, Prejudice Prompts, 140 Legislation, Developments in, 268-269. Licence Fees, Collection of, 964. Lighting Legislation Wanted, 836. London: Traffic in, 900; Zone Scheme for, 965. Lubricators, Troubles with Cylinder, 692 Magneto, Strengthening the, 205. Master, Man, and, 302. Match, Sporting, A, 836. Maybury, Mr., Road Experiment for, 109. Mototcars, Tramcars and, 708. “ Motor Cycling,” Publication of, 302. “ Motor Manual ” Sales, 398 Night Travelling, Dangers of, 74. Nonsense, Kinds, Various, of, 301 Olympic Show, The, 332. Overhauling at Cost, 740-741 Paris: Lesson from, 901; Show at, 965. Pedestrian. Pampered, The, 269. Petrol, Dangers of, 804. 932. Pioneer, Attitude, Official, Towards the, 44-45. Piston Ring Breakages, Cause of, 44. Police Court Defences, Hopelessness of, 301-302. Police: Kent, Mistakes of, Speedometer Checks, 746; Motorists and, 489-490; Persecution by the, 75. Progress; A Year of, 868; The Motor’s, lb. Prosecution, Unusual, 531. Public, Motorists and the, 141. Public Services, Vehicles for, Popularity of, 772-773 R.A.C., Authorities, The, and the, 676. Races, British, Proposals for, 490. Rectifiers, Electric, Concerning, 204. Registration, Statistics of, 741. Retaliation, Unwise, 901. Risks Made by Other People, 108. Roads Bill, The, 172; Lords and, 440-441. Roads: Motor, Special, for, Why? 141; Improvement of, Need, Imperative, for, 173; New Special v. Speedways, 332; State of, Poor, 868-869; Treatment of, 237, Intelligence Wanted Concerning, lb. Rubber, Taxation and Price of, 13 Scout Case, Another, 708-709. Scout's, Warning, Illegality of, 362. Sentence, Inadequate, An, 236. Shock Absorbers, 836, 845-846. Show: Arrangements for the (1910), 709; Expectations, Great, from the, 676. Shows: Cycle and Motorcar, Next, 869; Olympia, France and, 677, 773. Slow', Dead, What is? 964. Star-Vauxhall Match, The, 836. Styles, Methods and Comparisons of, 964 Tax, Carriage, Payment of the, 932. Timing System, Holden’s Electric, 773, 776. Trade, Motorcar, Increasing, 677, 900-901. Traffic, London, Control. Better, of, 108. Tramcar and Motor—A Warning, 398. Trapping, Welsh, 44. Traps, Police, Districts, Holiday, Spoilt by, 12. Tyre, Cheap, False Economy of, 204. Tyre, Pneumatic—Its Sponsor, 676 Valves, Breakages of, Causes of, 44. Vapouring, Absurd, 333. Victory, Motorist’s, A, 268. Voters, Educate the, 933 Warwickshire, Common-sense in, 140. Wheel Diameter, Increased, 362. Worm Drive, Popularity of, 489. Wright Patents, Validity of, 901 Zone Scheme, London, A, 965
  • Orchards. To Malvern Through the, 97-99 Orleans Car, 619 Orno Specialities, 590
  • O.S. Speed Indicator, Recording, 51 Ostend, Notes from, 136
  • Other People’s Views— Accumulator, Ignition and Lamps Run off the Same, 724. Accumulators, Charging, 382. Acetylene Generator, Freeing, Prevention of, 691. Acid, Effect of, on Metals, 980. Address Wanted, An, 188, 221. Aeroplane Building, Colonial, 514. Aluminium, Deterioration of, 724. America, Impressions of Motoring in, 60-61. Anglo-Indian, Reply to, 418. Australia, Bleriot Monoplanes for, 886. Auto Bug, The, 221. Automobile, Future, The, 852. Aviation: French Enterprise in, 853; Meetings, Country Benefited by, 463; Our Doings in, 853. Axle Breakage, Rear, 822 Battery, Charging Primary, 315. Bearings, Roller, Napier Engines and, 788. Belt Drive, 416, 788; Oars, Cheap, and, 379; Experiences with, 218, 282, 315. Bench, Motorists and the, 125-126. Benz Car, Belt-driven, 317. Benzol: 219, 252, 347, 382, 418: Freezing Point of, 788; Sulphur Compounds in, 349, 416, 417, 464, 465, 512, 514, 757. Blackpool, Police at, 314. Bleriot Monoplanes, 188. Bodies, Motor, 189. Brake Linings, 820. Brake Problems, 347, 418, 466, 600. Brake, Rear, Foot-applied, 950. Brakes, Front-wheel, 822, 918. Braking, Frontwheel, 790. Bridlington, Police Activity at, 61. Bristol, Traffic Regulation in, 92. Bromium, Bromine, or? 602. Brooklands, Star Cars at. 416. Bude, Route' from Corfe Castle to, 59. Buggyaut, 283, 284. Business, Methods of, Criticism, 378-379 Camping Trip, Motor, A, 947. Canada Cycle and Motpr Co., Ltd., Toronto, 249. Canal Roads, 950. Cape Hood, Waterproofing a. 382. Caravan, Motor, A, 60. 123. Carbon Deposits, Removing: 690. 722, 756, 757, 789, 821, 886, 916, 948; Alkaline Solutions for, 979; Oasso Decarbonizer for. 382. Carburetter Adjustment Factors, 124. Carburetter, Firing, 602. Carburetter, Fitting New, 726, 882. Carburetter Jacketing, Air v. Water, 917. Carburetter, Longuemare, Difficulty with, 186. Carburetter, Mystery Concerning, 186, 222, 251. □ Carburetter Problem, A, 852. Carburetters: Floatless, 314 , 349 , 378, 417, 418, 464; Observations on, General, 124. 249; Valveless, 692. Car, Foreign, Why Purchased, 914. Carlisle-Arrochar, Route Between, 250, 317, 416. Car, Old Rating, H.P. and Taxation of, 600. Oars, Small, Experiences with, 125, 283, 380, 466, 511, 601. 726, 757, 758, 822. Casso Decarbonizer, 382. Celluloid, Cleaning, 694 , 758. Chain; Central, v. Bevel Drive, 417. Chains, Use of, 789. Chassis, Name of, 758. Circulation, Troubles with, 511, 694, 722. Clubs, Co-operation and, 982. Clutch, Noise from, 61. Coachwork: Enamelling, 853; Painting v. Varnished, 755, 790. Coil, Connections of. Reversed, 948. Colibri Car, Experience with a, 755. Colonies, Plaint, Another, from the, 853-854; Requirements of the, 221. Compression: 94; H.P. and Rating, 30, 218, 316; Raising, in Obsolete Engine, 61. Converters, Rotary, in Favour of, 250. Cooling: Systems, 315, 380; Thermo-Syphon, 415, Design of, for, 346b. Co-operation, Clubs and, 948. Corners, Cutting, 219. Correction, A, 190, 250. Cover Lining, Detachable, 222, Outer, 188. Cowey, Suspension, Pneumatic. 512. Cromer: Beware of, Why? 158; Traps at, 29. Crossings, Road Rule at, 692, 694, 755. Cyclists, Hanging on, Motorists and, 28. Cylinders: Power, Unequal, of, 514; Testing, Gauge for, 222 Defence, National, Motorists and, 188. Derbyshire, Roads in, 59. Devon, North, Roads in, 186. Drive, Bevel v. Worm, 124. Drivers, Training, 316. Dry, Keeping, 511, 514, 755 Economizer, Petrol, 379; Turbine, 27. Efficiency, Wear and, 513. Enamel, Heat Resisting, 982. Engine: Piston Valve, Criticism of, 725; Position of, 155, Wrong, 92. Engines: Maxim Steam, 27; Old Type, Improving, 979; Two-cycle, 789. Engine, Twin-cylinder, Fault in, 981. Experience, Interesting, 415 Fatality, Sad, Lessons of, 249, 282. Fines, Unjust, 347. Flight. Engine Power and, '514. Flooding, Cause of, 61. Fodder, Horse, 852. Freaks, Concerning, 820. French Motor Makers, Guarantees by, 188. Friction Drive, 34Gb 415, 417. Fuel, Economy, Improving, 62 Gas Jet, Safety, 790. Gearbox Bearings. Leaking,. Remedy for, 693. Gears: Bevel v. Worm, 61; Noisy, Remedy Wanted for, 61. Glider, Construction of, 981. Graphite, Lubricant, 981. Grease, Gearbox, Clutch, Expanding, for, 222; Clutch, Fibre for, 186 Hands, Care of the, 62. Hanger On, Cyclist, Shocking the, 314. Hanging-on Nuisance, The, 93, 158. Headlights: Candle-power of, 186; Electric. Small Car, 885; Identity Question, The, 691. Heating, Motor House, 724. 756, 822. Heat to Power, Conversion of, 158. Hewitt Engine, Piston Valve Mechanism in, 980-981. Honour Due, 347-348. Hood, Cape Cart: Cover for, 465, 601; Makers of, 61, 126; Waterproofing, 513, 691, 757, 790. 822. Hoods: Canvas v. Leather, 722; Leather, 788. Horizontal Engines, Cars with. 314. Horn, Electric, The, 315, 379. Hot Air Motor, Heinrici, 123, 187. Hotels: Tourists, Motor, and, 285, 317, 789, 822, 885; Advantages, Special, Wanted. 285; Away, Paid to Get, 253; Chauffeur, Dog or, and, 253; Demand for, Uncertain, 285; Discrimination in Choosing, 285; Examples of, Good, 286; Experiences of, Bad, 253-254; Independent, Be, of, 348-349; Motorists Pleased with,.286; Opinions Concerning. 220; Personality Everything, 286; Prices and Tariffs at, 254; Proprietors' Behalf, On the, 220, 254: Signs of, Should Guarantee, 285; Trust Houses, 286. Humber: Crossing the, 283; Ferry Over, 219, 252, 316. Hum, Pan-hard, The, 694. Hundred Pounds Car, That, 28-29, 62, 123, 190, 349; Freaks and, 250 Ignition and Lamps, One Accumulator and, 724. Ignition, Low-tension, Decline of, 914; Misfiring with, 62. Ignitions, Two, Why? 692, 756, 758, 788. Incident, Curious Motoring, 380. Ingenuity, Youthful, 250. Inquiry, Answer and, 885. Inspection, Tilting Car for, 915. Insurance: Claims, 27, 61; Rates of, 463. Ireland: Motor Cycle Union of, 156-157; Mag-heramorne Hill-climb of, Ib. Joint, Sliding, Disconnection of, 62 Knock. Cause of, 466; Engine, in, 346b Lamps, Head, Electric, 916. Licences, 123. Lighting, Electric, Experiences with Car, 947. Low-tension Ignition, Why Not? 756, 788. Lubricant, Graphite as, 916. Lubrication, Cylinder Trouble with, 726, 756, 758. Lyn ton Wheel, The, 62 Magneto, British, 758, 790. Makers, French, Guarantees of, 222. Maxim Engine, The, 94. Metric Thread, Standard, 314. Milestones, 466. Misfiring, Cause of, Suggested, for, 123. Models, Colonial, Features Required for, 758; Season’s New, 29. Moon, Weather and the, 61. Moseley Motor Works, Ltd., 220. Motorcar, Foreign, Why Purchased, 981. Mountaineering Car. The, 348 Nail Catchers, Experiences with, 723-724, 789. Non-freezer, Calcium Chloride as a, 854. Non-skids v. Leather Bands, 788. Notice Boards, Badly Placed, 219. Number Plate, Illuminated, 757 Odometer, A Lost. 61. Olympia, Grumbles Concerning, 854, 914. Overhauling, Cost of, 694, 820, 853. Oxy-acetylene, Welding by, 417 Pedestrian, Proffering a Lift to, 218-219. Penalties, Vindictive, 787-788. Petrol: Consumption of, Carburetters and, 29-30; Economizers for, Experiences with, 854; Economy of, 246b, 347, 415; Tank Explosion of, 947; Tax, 947. Phano-mobile, The, 979. Pinions, Fibre, 947. Pipe, Inlet, V-shaped, Adapting, 757, 790. Piston Design, 158; Side Thrusts and, 189. Piston Ring Attachment, Novel, 158. Piston Valve Engines, 918. Piston Valves, 693; Criticisms of, 787, 852-853, 950; Mechanism of. 884, 917. , Pits, Inspection: Gamage’s, 158; Iron, 123, 187; Waterproofing, 514. Plug, Sparking, Position of. 416, 513; Reach, Long, 30. Power: Heat Conversion into, 94; Increase Wanted, 380; Loss of, in Steam Oar, 600, 601; Sudden, 317. Prejudice, Wild, 349. Pump, Friction-driven, Trouble with, 949. Punctures, Tyre Improvement and, 30 Rabbit, Roast, 463. Radiators, Cleaning, 914, 980; Design of. Criticisms of, 155, 222. Rating Formula, H.P., 157. Reinforced Tube, Experiences with. 602. Renovating, Car, 915. Rheims Meeting, The. 189. Road Proposals, Mr. Lloyd-George’s, 190, 250. Road Rule, The, 382, 600; Crossings and, 694, Crossings, Right-angled, and. 602. Roads: Canal, 981, 982; Dangers of, 283; Flint-strewn, 726; German, 722; Inspection of Our, 417; New, 252; Signs on, 758; Tarred. 282. Rotary Valve System, New. 511. Rubber, Preserving, 218, 250. Running, Erratic, 346b. Russel Car, The. 219 Scotland, Touring in, 59, 93, 126, 157. Scouts, Motor. 693. Screens, Glass, 886. Self-starting: Conditions, Engine, 512; Peculiarity of, 788, 854, 916. Shed, Motor, Non-fixture, 917. Shield, Inner Tyre as, 950. Shock Absorbers, Tyres and, 916; Action of, 947. Show, The Olympia, Lessons of, 757; Month Best for, 722. Silencer, Choking, Power, Loss, and, 513. Singapore, Motoring in, 854, 917. Sleeve Valves, Experiences with, 348. Slow, Dead, How Many Miles an Hour? 884. Slow-speed Oar, Wanted; a. 600. Solid Tyres, Wheel Converting for, 511. Somerset, Tour, Interesting, in, 316-317. Southport-Liverpool, Trap, Police, between, 29. Sparks, Twin, 30. Speed. Dangerous Roads and. 463-464. Speed Indicators, Evidence and. 417; Ignored. 378; Recording, 315. Speed, Petrol Consumption and, 61, 126, 187, 251-252. Star-Vauxhall Match, The, 466. 690, 722, 725,. 884. 886, 949. Steam Car, Old, Power Wanted in, 417. Stoves, Motor-house, C.O. Risks of, 917; Suggestion, A. Ib. Strath-blane-Campsie, Trap, Police, between, 29 Tar Spraying, 61. 155, 219, 282, Beware of, 249. Taxation, 27, 124. 155, 190 , 917 , 982; Rating for, 512, 602. Teon Belt. The, 465. Terms, Technical, English v. Foreign, 982. Test, The, Constitution of. 253. Topic, Season’s, 158. Toyland. Motor in. 29. Tractor, Propeller, and, 691. Trade, The: Profits of, 690; Stupidity of. 821. Transmission, Screeching in, Remedy for, 61. Trials, Devonshire, Suggested, 249. Tubes, Reinforced, Helsby Tyres and, 251. Tyre. Pneumatic, Early Recollections of, 820, 884. Tyres, Cheap, Economy, False, of. 252. Tyres. Economy in, 914, 981; False. 252. Tyres: Helsby, 251; Klein, 852; Solid, 466. Tyres, Repairing, Fabric Difficulty, 466, 601. Tyres, Rusted on, 314. Tyres, Stopping, Hints on, 820; Preparations for, 757. Tyre Valve Defect, Strange, 979 Unexpected, The, 885. Upholstery, Treatment of Car, 980 Valves, Piston or Poppet, 464 Wales. Police Timing, The, 187. Wareham-East I ulworth, Hill, Severe, 218. Warning, A, 884. Warnings. Road, 29. Westward, Pottering. 59, 92. Wheels, Friction-driven, Composition for, 417. Wheels. Pneumatic-tyred, Converting to Solids, 382, 511. Wheels, Wire v. Wood, Artillery, 602. 693. Wimbledon, Speed Limit at, 219; Notices Concerning, 282. Windscreens, 123, 186; Experiences with, 61. Workshop, Motorist’s, 948. Wright. Patents, Aeroplane, 982. Wrinkles, Useful, Two, 511 Years, Twelve Short, 755
  • Overseas, Motors for, 733
  • Paint, Body, Velure. 863
  • Palmer Tyre, The, 645-646
  • Panflix Wheel, Spring, 652
  • Panhard Car, 539; Live-axle, New. Silent, 736-737
  • Panhard Chassis, 12-15 h.p.. New, 277
  • Panse Aeroplane, Unclassified, 770
  • Paris Correspondent, From Our.— Aerial Commission, Governmental, 684. Aeronautical Laboratory', Deutsch de la Meurthe, 777. Aeroplanes: Bleriot Cross-Channel, 366a; Lambert, 396; Military, Movements of, 776; Proposal for 1,000, 306; Smallest One in World. 244a. Amiens, Buggy, American, at, 307. Anzani, M. Alexandre, 50, Engine and, Ib. Aviation: Accidents, Aviators’ Fatal: Delagrange, 904: Ferber, 276b-277; Lefebvre, 207. Aeronautical Programme, 811. Aeroplane Pilots, Licences for, 972. Calendar of, New, 944a, 971; Delagrange, Flight. Long-distance. Fastest, 876; England’s Exclusion from French, 971; Position, Bad of. 944a; Farman Flights, 777, 811, 876; Grand Prix for, 343; Juvisy Jungle. The, 366a; Latham Flight, Record, New, 746; Meetings, Future, for, 176; Michelin Cup for, 876. Farman Wins. Ib.: Mishaps, During. 904; Progress of. 517-519: Rheims. Meetings at, for, 50. 77, 78, 112-113, 170, 183, 189; Schools for, 707, Bleriot’s, 684; Season for, 972; First Meeting of Year, Ib. Bayard-Clement: Airship for London, 306-307; Movement, 244b. Bleriot, Monument to, 50. Body Design, Trend of. 776 Car. One-seated. £100, 707. Oars, Small, Reliability, 176. Conference, International. The, 343. Continent, Events, Motor, on, Calendar. 971. Curtiss, Mr. G. H., 78 Delagrange. Accident, Fatal to, 904, Cause of, Ib. Designers, Liberty, Full, to, 343. Dieppe Municipality, Grand Prix, and. 684. Dirigibles, France Abandons, 776. Editorial, A Disturbing, 776 Farman, M. Maurice, 777; Aeroplane, His, 77; Work. at. 51. Ferber, Oapt., Death of, 276b-277. Fernandez, M. Antonio, Fatality to, 777 Government, French, Aerial Commission of the, 684 Hill-climbs: Gaillon, 206; Mount Ventoux, 177 Interview, Press, Aeroplane Chased by Motor for a, 396-397. Italy, Customs Schemes in, 344 Knight Engine Campaign, The, 811 Lambert,' Comte de, Flight, Juvisy-Paris-Juvisy, 396-397. Legion d’Honneur for, 844. Latham, M., Chances for, 77. Lefebvre, Accident, Fatal, to, 207. Lesseps, Comte de, Flight, 844. Licence Difficulty, The, 344 Models, French, New 444-445 Numbers, Registration, Wrong, 50 Panhard Car, Small, 78. Paris: Paix, Rue de la, Traffic in, Military Regulation of, 746; Removal of, from, 822. Paulhan, M., 842. Photograph taken from Aeroplane, First, 844. Races: Aeroplane: -Competition, Another, 206: Paris-Brussels, 744; Motor: Prix, Grand, 1910, 343, 366a. 442, 707; Abandonment of. 744. Motorcycle: Prix for, 207. Rheims: Arrangements at, 78. 189; Flying at, 112-113; Lessons from, 170; Possibilities at, 77: President’s Visit to, 50. Road, Rule of, English, 444; Universal, Proposed, 366a Santos Dumont: Darracq versus, 306: Motor, New, for, 707. Shock Absorber, “ J.M.,’’ 777-778. Shows: Aeronautical Exhibition, 51, 244b, 275; Salon, 1910, 776, 876. Show Season, French, 206. Speed, Indicator, Recording, for, 51. Sportsmanship, French, 971 Taxation: Motorcar, French, 244a; Tourists', 306. Timing, Electric. Holden System, 776. Touring: Agreement about, International, 366; Governmental Department for, 444. Trade Association, New, Formation of a, 844. Traffic Regulation: 745-746, 844; Military, 746, 822. Trials: Cars, Small, 176; Reliability, 684; Voi-turettes 206, 707, 746-747, 778, 810-811, 853. Triptyque Scheme, The, 776 Voisin, Novices, and, 78 Wheel Contest, Spring, 944b; Wright’s, Rights, Protect, 366a; Wright Team, 78 Year, 1910, Busy, A, 176
  • Paris Show—(See “Shows”)
  • Parseval Aeroplane, Unclassified, 770
  • Parsons: Inflator, Sparklet, Nip, 752; Non-skid, 364, 585
  • Patch, Emergency, Kempshall, 246
  • Patent Act, Australian, New, 357
  • Patents: 457-458; Wheels, Detachable, Concerning, 369; Wright, British, Old, and, 907-908 Paulhan. M., 182b. 278, 446, 456, 494, 813, 929, 963 Pedal Covers. La Grippe, 649; Rubber, New, 763 Perrin Wheel, 484; Spokeless, 484 Personalia, 45, 75, 143, 180, 203 Peto-Radford Dynamo, 645; Rubber Seal Connectors, 645
  • Petrol: Can for Mason’s, 908; Gloves Worn when Using, Danger of, 446; Meter, 783; Prices, Current, of, 235
  • Petroleum Spirit, Chemical, 23
  • Petrol Turbine, Lemale, 294
  • Peugeot Car, 621
  • Phanomobile Car, 639
  • Phoenix Car, 553
  • Photography, Motorists’, 524
  • Piau Aeroplane, Unclassified, 734
  • Pilain Car, 632
  • Pilot Car, 63?
  • Pipe Engine, Aviation, 327
  • Pischoff-Kcechlin Aeroplane, Biplane, 297
  • Piston Design, Notes on, 105-106
  • Piston Position, 673
  • Piston-valve Engine: Hewitt, 492-493, 623; New, 77
  • Piston-valve Engines, 350, 381-382
  • Piston-valve Mechanism, 668-669
  • Piston Valves, Poppet and, 295, 318, 464
  • Pit, Inspection, Luna, Steel, 147 Please, Hand to, 835
  • Plugs: Aviation, 651; Cup, 400; E.I.C., 579; Lithan-ode. 587; Lodge Double-pole, 478-479, 589, 779; Oleo, 361, 651; Pognon, 646; Prested, 648; U.H.. 867; Walker, 649
  • Plug, Sparking, Double-pole, Lodge, 478
  • Pneu Grip Tyre, 717, 737
  • Pneumatic, First, 747
  • Pneumatic Suspension, Cowey, 401, 512
  • Pneumatic Tyre, Majority of the, 680-681
  • Pognon Plug, The, 646
  • Poland, Motoring in, 3-4
  • Polar Car in London, Lieut. Shackleton’s, 80
  • Polar Sleigh, Wolseley Antarctic, 940
  • Police: A.A. and the, 743; Controls, 48, 79, 495; Costs Against, 766-767; Kent, of, Motorists and, 720-721; Scouts, and, Co-operate, 786; Speedometers, and, 377; Timing by the, 187, 214; Traps—(See “Traps”)
  • Polyhoe Carburetter. Expanding, New, 211
  • Poppet Valves, Double, 484
  • Poppet Valves, Piston and, 295, 318, 464
  • Position, Piston. 673
  • Post of All Trades, A, 298
  • Powell-Hanmer Lamps, 651
  • Power, Restoring, Cylinder Grinding for, 807 Power to Wheels. Transmission of, 795-797 Premier Ampero Rectifier, Current, Electro-magnetic, 168
  • Prester Accumulator, 647; Coil, 647-648; Plug, 648 Price’s, 588
  • Pride Aeroplane, Monoplane (Tandem), 182b
  • Prince Henry Tour, 767
  • Problem of Our Roads, The, 653-654
  • Progress, Engine, 793-794
  • Projectors—(See " Lamps ”)
  • Propellers. Aeroplane, Warning Concerning, 874
  • Propulsion, Motor, Economy and Efficiency Effected by, 898
  • Pump,, Cleaner. Car, New, 83
  • Pump, Tyre. Elter Mechanical, 400 Puncture, First, The, 829
  • Punctures, Risks of, 599; Wheel Diameter and, lb.
  • Quashed, A Warrant, 944b
  • R.A.C., 374; Alarm, Excess Speed, Lewis, 341; Associated Clubs and, 737, Dinner of, 935; Associate . Organization, 446, 781; Associates, Olympia and, 242, 594; Authorities, The, and the, 676. Badge, Associates’, 19; Battine, Capt., Lectures before, 737; Blackpool, Members at, 341; Budget and, 530; Building, Premises, New, of the, 331. Certificates Granted; Carburetter, 304; Drivers’, 48, 79, 242; Napier Car, 304; Non-skids, 178. Challenge Trophy, Dewar, Daimler Wins, 898; Coventry, Love Lane at, and the, 340; Cress. Road Dangers, and the, 749. Dinners of, 673; Associated Clubs and the, 842; Founder Members, 71. Dust Problem, and, 212. Election, General, and the, 805. Elections, 496, 779. Fees, Payable, Increase of, by the, 340. Foreigners Touring, Leaflet for. 19. Founders’ Membership, 673. Godaiming Protest, 137. Grand Prix (French), 1910, 504. Headlights, and, Tests, 102, 212. Horns, Use of, and, 495. Legal Dept., 812, 939. London Bath Road, Direction Posts, 308. Membership, 715, 779. Moore-Brabazon, Congratulations of, to, 504. Non-skid, Certificate of, for, 178. Police Controls and the, 48. Rex v. Hoyle, Case, and, 443. Roads Bill and, 172-173, 215. Shackleton, Sir E., and, at, 456. Signalling, Road, Universal, 908. Signposts, Great North Road, 231. Speed Limit, Inquiry, 212. Subscriptions, to, . 340. Touring Department, 113. Tourist Trophy Race, Auto-Cycle, The, and, 270a, 271-274a. Trials, of—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Races.—A.-C.U.: Annual, Canning Town, 402; T.T., 19, 78, 111, 147, 175, 178, 402. America, Brighton Beach, 81. Brooklands, M.C.C.’s, 366d. Prince Henry Tour, The, 779; Prix, Grand, Motorcycle, 207. Star v. Vauxhall, 749, 812. Tourist Trophy. 19, 78, 111, 147, 178, 269, 270a, 271-274a. Vanderbilt Cup, 447. Voiturette, Ostend, 244a
  • Races, British, Proposals for, 490
  • Ratchet Spanner, Open-jawed, 752
  • Racing, Argentine, 832
  • Racing Motorist, Memorial to, 716
  • Racing, Motor, Record of, 681
  • Radiator Coventry, 589
  • Random, At.—Automobile, Future, 892 Bath Road, On the, 834 Car, American: Cost of, 863; Eye-opener, An, 863; Sampling a, 863. Clubs, Provincial, Future of, 765 Fit, The Question of, 957-958 Headlights, Electric, Praise of, 818. How, made, 834. Hotels, 892; Guide to, Suggested, 892 Lamps: Experiences with, 818-819; Troubles with, 835. Lighting, Electric, Car, 958 Manufacture, Methods of, American and British, 957. Mudguards, 957 Olympia, Grumble Concerning, 765 Paint, Velure, Body, 863 Reform. Much-needed. A, 957 Steamer, Modern, Run on a, 924 Tubes, lie in forced, 765 Velure, About, 924
  • Rapid Car, 632
  • Rapidin Motor Spirit, 371
  • Rashleigh Phipps, Motor-house Heater, Electric, 300
  • Rating, Taxation, 412, 414
  • Rear Spring Suspensions.—Cooper, 670. Lanchester, 670
  • Rechauffe, 527-528
  • Recorder Speedometer, Elliot, 808
  • Records, Aerial, 1909, 830-832
  • Rectifiers, Electrical.—Alternating Current, 168-169, 242. Mercury Vapour, 168. Nodon Electro Chemical, 168. Premier Ampero Electro Magnetic, 168. Union-New Type, 243, 587
  • Redbridge Engine, Aviation, 296-327; Exhaust, Auxiliary, Water-belted, lb.
  • Reflections, Some, 697-698
  • Reinforced Tube: 20; Challenge, £200, 308, 400, 581, 875; Demonstration Run, 313
  • Reliability Run, Manchester Motor Club’s—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Renault Car. 640; Engine, Aviation, 297
  • R.E.P. Aeroplane, Unclassified, 278
  • Republique Airship, 293, 295-296
  • Retrospect, A, 732-733
  • R.H. Aeroplane Engine, British, 364
  • Rheims, Flying at, 112; Lessons from, 170; Visit to, 144-145
  • Richard, Altitude Meter, Recording, 83
  • Richmond, Speed Limit, 371
  • Riley Car. 573-574; 12-18 h.p., 198-200
  • Rims.—Chailiner, 445. Dunlop, 590. Kempshall, 582. North British, 590. Shrewsbury-Chai liner, 588. Spencer Moulton, 584
  • Road Board, The New, 149 Development and Improvement Funds Bill, 1909, 148a-148b. 151, 178, 190, 233, 441; Scottish A.C. and, 179; Scottish Councils and, 291
  • Road Question, The, 48
  • Road Bill, The, 148a-148b, 151, 178, 190, 233, 441; Scottish A.C. and, 179; Scottish Councils and, 291
  • Roads, Canal, 896-897
  • Roads, Crossings of Two Main, Cars Meeting at, Rule, 692 . ,
  • Roads.—Danger on, Removal of, 197. Motor, Special, 181. Problem of Our, 653-654
  • Road Signalling, Universal, 908
  • Roads Improvement Association, Dust-laying Report, 262
  • Roads, Motorists and the, 79 Roads, Our Neighbours’, 661-664
  • Road, The Run of the, 1-3, 66-67, 100-102, 161-162, SUSIS
  • Roads under Repair, Lighting of, 693-694
  • Roads, What is the Matter with Our? 421-424 Road Wheels, Power Transmission to, 795-797 Roc Aeroplane, Triplane, 19 Roller Bearings, Timpin, 239
  • Rolls, Mr. C. S., Salomon’s Prize, Presentation of, to, 799
  • Rolls-Royce Car, 564-565; Six-cylinder, 40-50 h.p., 392, 449; Gearing, Tooth, 26, 734; Tests, Interesting, 366
  • Rotary Valves, Quick Opening Essential? 474
  • Rotary Valve System, New, 414
  • Rover Car, 559-561
  • Rowell Rotary Valve System, 414
  • Rubber Seal Connectors, Electric, 645
  • Rudge-Whitworth, Wheel, Detachable, 239, 574, 672-673. 894, 966
  • Run, Demonstration, Reinforced, 313
  • Run of the Road, The, 1-3, 66-67, 100-102, 161-163, 311-313
  • Rushmore Lamps: 171, 651; Door for, Multiplex Lens, 361; Generator, Acetylene, for, 171
  • Ruthardt Magneto, 650
  • R.V. Lamp, Electric, 402, 587; Speedometer, 652
  • Ryley Junction Piece, Three-way, for Acetylene Tube Connections, 528
  • Saint Petersburg Show—(See " Shows ”) Salmon Bodies, 575
  • Samuel Bros., Ltd., Clothing, Motorists’, Smart, 51, 581
  • Sandown, Paulhan, M., at, 494
  • Sankey Wheel, All-steel, 587-588, 670
  • Santos Dumont Aeroplane, Monoplane, 232-233, 278, 296
  • Saunderson Aeroplane, Monoplane, 407, 485
  • Saver Clutch, 652
  • S.C.A.T. Car, 571
  • Scavenged Engine, Two-stroke-cycle, 368-3o9 Scavenged Exhaust, The, 712
  • Scavenged Super-compression, Two-stroke Engine with, 3b8
  • School, Aviation, 685, 686; Visit to a, lb.
  • Scottish Automobile Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Scottish Aviation Prize, 113
  • Scottish Councils, Roads Bill and the, 291
  • Scout, A.A.. The, Position, Legal, of, 443, 475-476
  • Scout, A Plucky, 209
  • Scout Case, View, Legal, of A.A. Situation, 443
  • Scouts, Police and. Co-operation of, 786
  • Seat, Occasional, The, 4C0
  • Security-Bolts, Fixing, Novel, for, 308
  • Selden Patents, The. 341: Upheld, 376-377
  • Selfridge Clothing, 785; Novelties, Specialities and, lb.
  • Self-sealing Tyre, Rubber, 649
  • Semmering Hill-climb&—(See “Hill-climbs”)
  • Serisol Terminals (Lacoste), 649
  • Share List, The Motor—(See “ Business, Finance and ”)
  • Shaw, Dr. Hole, Aerial Navigation and, 779 Sheffield-Simplex Cars, 614-615
  • Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”) Shock Absorbers: 845, 847-848; Action of, 947; Foster, 809: J.M., 777; Lever Suspension, 580;. New, 717; Tyre Wear, and, 836, 845-846, 916
  • Shows.—Aero and Marine, 1910, 715. Aero and Motor Boat. 935. American, 940, 968-969. Berlin, 1910, 748. Brussels, 1910, 209, 944b. Cycle and Motorcar, 869. Frankfort Aeronautical, 838, 963. Geneva, Aeroplane, 297. Manchester Motor, 1910, 178, 867. Olympia: 178, 212, 332, 469-470, 445-449, 579-586, 655-658, 780, 841; Accessories at, 579-586, 645-652; Aero Motors Prohibited at, 735; Body Designs at, 481-482; Building Novelties at, 481-482; Carriage Work at, 575-578; Cars at, 449-455, 499-503, 611-613; Coachwork, Beautiful, at, 532-574; Daimlers at, 424; Departure, Interesting, at, 668-670; Dinner, The Show, at, 684; Exhibits, Details of, 449-455; “ Figaro ”( Paris) on, 716; France and, 677, 773; King Edward and, 455; Lessons of, 665-666, 701, 757; Models (1910) at, 469-470; Month, Best, for, 722; Observations at, Concerning, 655-658; Reviews of, I., 532-570, II . 614-640. 645-652: Sales at, 688: Scenes at, 697-698. Olympia, 1910, 676, 709. Paris: Salon Aeronautique, 51, 244b, 275, 278, 296, 327, 776, 876, 901, 965; Aeroplane, Freak, at, 327: Engines, Aviation, at, 296. Saint Petersburg, 944b. Scottish (Edinburgh), 496, 970. Stanley (1909): 455, 753: Aeroplanesi at, 594; Cars at, 682-683; Mitchel) Cars (American) at, 640. Vienna, 733
  • Show, The Coming, 469-470
  • Siam, Motor for Queen of, 308
  • Side-fall, Dangerous, Camber and, 294
  • Signalling, Road, Universal. 908
  • Sign-posting, 496; North Road, Great, 231
  • Silent Valve, Banks,. 121
  • Simms Magneto, 115-116, 648, 763; Starter Switch for, 121
  • Singer Car, 572; 16 h.p., 164-166
  • Sirdar Tyre, 652
  • Sireno Horn. The, 783
  • Sizaire-Naudin Car, 555-556; Features of (1910), 242
  • Sleigh, Antarctic, Polar, Wolseley, 940
  • Slide-valve Engine, Knight-Daimler. 449
  • Slide-valve Motor, The New, 431-432
  • Smith.—Consumeter, 585. Horns, 585. Mirror. Adjustable, 585. Speedometer, 584, 590, 783
  • S.M.M.T., The: 242. 332, 445, 493, 749, 812, 869, 935: Dinner of, 591, 683; Manchester Show and, 867
  • Snaefell Hill-climb—(See “ Hill-climbs ”)
  • Snell Carburetter, Valveless, 520-521, 692
  • Solder, Aluminium, 970
  • Soldering Outfit. Motorists’ Automatic, 361
  • Sommer Aeroplane, Biplane, 929; Flight of, Record, 49
  • Sparklet Tyre Inflator, Parsons, 585
  • Spanner, Duco, Combination Adjustable, 120 Speed Controls, 955
  • Speed Indicators.—Agabeg, Electric, 650. Bowden, 585. Cowey, 652. Elliot, 580, 808. Frods-ham, 241, 649. German, Recorder and. New, 292. Jones, 651. Miloscope, 586. O.S., Recorder and. 51. R.V., 652. Smith. 584, 590. 783. Stewart. 584, 593. Warner, 586
  • Speed, Lewis Alarm for Excess, 341; R.A.C. Trials of, lb.
  • Speed Limits.—Acton, 841. Bettwys-y-Coed, 715. Birman (Perth), 48. Bishop’s Stortford, 445. Epping, 445. Godaiming, 18, 137. Harrow, 715. Hastings, 445. Maidenhead, 715. Mitcham, 715. Parndon,. 445. Richmond, 371. Roehampton, 48b. Sheering, 445. Southwater (Horsham), 78. Southwick, 445. Staines, 841. Tonbridge, 445. Uxbridge, 841. Wimbledon, 219. Worthing, 369
  • Speedometers, Police and. 377
  • Speedometers—(See “ Speed Indicators ”)
  • Speed Records, F.I.A.T., 341
  • Speed, The Tale of, 889-890
  • Spencer-Moulton Rim, 584; Tyre, 584
  • Spirit Cans, Motor.—Express, 652. Mason, 908
  • Spirit, Motor.—Aeronaph, Aviation, 298, 585. Carburine, 646. Glico, 646. Rapidin, 371
  • Spirit, Petroleum, Chemical, 23
  • Spitzbcrgen, Wellman Expedition to, 159; Balloon Tent for, lb.
  • Spokeless Wheel, Perrin Detachable, 484
  • Sport, Change of, 944b; Spirit of, 867
  • Springing, Abolishing, 401
  • Spring Suspension, Amams (Gaulois), 648, 670
  • Standard Car, 561
  • Stanley Car, Steam, 684
  • Stanley Show—(See “Shows”)
  • Star Aeroplane, Monoplane, 880
  • Star Car, 569-570; 15 h.p., New, 487
  • Starter, Simms Magneto Switch, 121
  • Starting Device, Pedal, 752
  • Starting Handle, B.O.B. Safety, ?17
  • Star v. Vauxhall Contest, 466, 495, 690, 722, 725, 840-841 884 886 949
  • Statistics,’Trade, Curious, 732-733
  • Steam Car, Stanley 684
  • Steel, Ubas, 652
  • Steel Wheel. Sankey, 587-588
  • Stella Car. 639
  • Stepney Air Compressor, 122; Tube Corset, 716; Wheel, 579, 968
  • Stewart Speedometer, 584, 593
  • Story, Sequel to a, 794
  • Stove, Heating, New Motor-house, 231
  • Straker-Squire Car, 541-542; 14-16 h.p., 114
  • Styles, Methods and Comparisons of, 630, 641, 675, 703 , 739, 768-769 , 797-799, 845, 847-848, 893-894, 923, 955-956, 964, 970
  • S.U. Carburetter, The, 345, 366d
  • Suicide, A Would-be, 747
  • Sunbeam Car, 624; 12-16 h.p., 404
  • Super-compression, Scavenged, Two-stroke Engine, with, 368
  • Surete Tyre Bolt, 83
  • Surrey, Re-visiting, oh a 16 h.p. Singer, 164-166
  • Suspensions, Rear Spring.—Cooper, 670. Cowey, 401, 512, 670. Daimler, 670. Lanchester, 670. Lever, 717
  • Sutton Coldfield A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Swift Car, 546-547; 7 h.p., 483
  • Switch, Bougie, to Locate Cylinder Misfiring, 646
  • Switch, Starter, Simms Magneto, 121
  • Sylverlyte Lamp, Smith, 111
  • Talbot Car, 565-566; 15 h.p., 7-9; Carburetter, 9
  • Tales, Untold, 943
  • Talk over Tea, A, 597-599
  • Tatin Aeroplane, Unclassified, 291
  • Taxation, Horse-power Rating, 294, 412-414
  • Temperature. Cylinder, Constant, Can Cooling System Design Secure? 196-197
  • Teon Belt, The, 465
  • Terminals, Serisol (Lacoste), 649
  • Territorials, Motor Disaster to, Rollerstone Camp, 81
  • Testaphone Horn, 585, 650
  • Testers.—Brake h.p., 139. Compression, 587. Cylinder, Micrometer. 139
  • Tests.—Fuel Consumption, Liverpool, 114; Manchester, 113. Lamp, 111. R.A.C., Official, Two, 304. Tube, Reinforced, 875. Tyre, 111
  • Thames Car, 627-628
  • Thermos Flask, 783
  • Things About. 342. 373. 407. 459. 505. 526, 667, 699, 731, 764. 817, 833, 862, 891, 925, 978
  • Things, New, 345, 400
  • Thompson Aeroplane, Biplane, 929, 963
  • Thorn Bodies, 577
  • Thornycroft Car, 625
  • Three-way Junction Piece for Acetylene Tube Connections', Ryley. 528
  • Timbers Used for Body Building, Some, 930-931
  • Timing System, Holden’s Electrical, English, 773, 776
  • Timken, Bearing, Roller, 239, 586
  • Tool Cabinet, Brooks’ Patent, 582
  • Torbinia Clutch, Hydraulic, 370-371; Transmission, 670
  • Torkington Tyres, 743
  • Torpedo Body. Origination of the, 640
  • Touring.—Africa, in, 33, 37, 49. France, in, 34-36. Wales, in, North, 5-6
  • Touring, Foreign. Facilities for. 495
  • Tourists, Motor, Hotels and. 285-286
  • Tourist Trophy Race. 269, 270a. 271-274a
  • Tour, Motor, Story of Our, 825-828, 864-865
  • Trade Libel. A, 366c
  • Trade, Motor—American, 819. 903: Southern States, 721: Western States, 726. British, 716. Competitions and the, 869. French, 832. German Foreign. 76
  • Trades, Post of all, 298
  • Trading, . Co-operative, 807, 860-861
  • Transmission. Bright, Variable, Magneto, 323
  • Transmission Gears.—Humphris, 670. King-Hamer-King, Electric, Epicyclic, 670. Torbinia Hydraulic, 670
  • Transmission, Power, to Wheels, 795-797
  • Traffic, London, 898
  • Trapping. Welsh, 44
  • Traps. Police.—AIconbury, 721. Birman, Perths., 48. Carlisle-Hawick Road, 209. Corwen, 41. Coventry, 111. Godaiming, 18. Guildford-Farnham Road (3), 19. Hampshire, 79. Holyhead Road, 41. Lincolnshire (Great North Road), 45. Llangollen, 41. Liverpool, 29. Saint Neot’s, 72. Southport, 29. Strath-blane-Campsie Road, 29. Stukeley, 721. Waternewton, 721
  • Trials, 304. Auto-Cycle, Six Days, 111. Cans, 946; Sunbeam, 445; Certificates for, 445, 780, 812, 840 , 842, 875, 936, 969. Competitions and, International, 812. Consumption, Fuel, Liverpool, 114; Manchester, 113. F.I.A.T., 111. French, 263. German, 241, 445. Headlight, 48, 102. Lamp, 111. Lew id Speed Alarm, 341. London-Edinburgh, 936, 969. Manchester M.C.’s, 19. Non-skid, 178. Reinforced Tube, 445, 780, 875. Rims, Challiner, 445. Star, 114. Tyres, Torkington, 445, 842. Voiturettes, 206, 263, 707, 746, 747, 778, 810, 811, 853
  • Trials, Bond and the, 977
  • Trials, Devonshire, Suggested, 249
  • Trier-Martin Car, 555; Carburetter, 647
  • Trunks, Brooks’ Grid and Roof, 582
  • Tube Connections, Ryley Three-way, for Acetylene, Rubber. 528
  • Tube Corset, Stepney, 716
  • Tubes, Inner.—Avon, 581. Mogul, 749. Reinforced, 20, 308, 400, 581. 841, 875; Challenge (£200), 308, Helsby Tyres and, 251
  • Turbine, Petrol, Lemale, 294
  • Turco Lining, 298
  • Turrett Lock-nut, 400
  • Two-cycle Engines, 90-91. 188; Scavenged, New, 368-369 Two-stroke Engine Car, 624
  • Tyre Bolte.—Continental. 83. Surete, Ib.
  • Tyre Clamp, Hobson, 711
  • Tyre Construction, New Principle in, 305
  • Tyre Covers.—Ceterio, 581. Duco, 581
  • Tyre Grip, Pneu, 717, 737
  • Tyre Inflators.—Elter Mechanical, 400. Kempshall, 582. Lucas, 585. Maxwell, 585. Parsons Sparklet, 585
  • Tyre Manipulator, Alley, 122
  • Tyre, Pneumatic, Abolition of, 670
  • Tyre. Pneumatic, Detachable, 716
  • Tyre, Pneumatic, Majority Celebration, 210, 243, 680-681
  • Tyre, Pneumatic. Recollections, Early, of the, 750-751
  • Tyres.—Avon, 581. Brooks, 582. Challiner, 588, 935. Clincher, Rubber-studded, 197, 590. Continental, 583. De Nevers, 651. Dunlop, 590. Ellam Non-Skid. Ill, 875. Gaulois, 648, 670. Harrod’s, 493. Helsby, 251, 782. Hermetic Selfsealing, 646. Holdfast, Armoured, 330-331. Holdsworth, 330-331. Kempshall, 494, 582. Klein. 852. K.T., 650, 748, 819. Lynton, 584. Michelin, 716. Mogul, 305. Moseley Non-skid Studded. 646. Palmer, 645-646. Peter Union, 588. Self-sealing Rubber Co.’s, 649. Sirdar, 652. Solid; 466. Spencer-Moulton, 584. Torkington, 445, 875
  • Tyres, Box for, Brooks, 582
  • Tyres, Shock Absorbers and Wear of, 836, 845-846
  • Tyres, Solid, Cab, 781
  • Tyre Stopping, Chemico, 589
  • U and H Magneto (Unterberg and Helme), 867, 874; Plug, 867
  • Ubas Steel, 652
  • Unic Car, 640
  • Union Carburetter, 345; Rectifier, Current, New Type, 243, 587
  • United Motor Industries Dynamo, 498
  • Universal, Signalling, Road, 908
  • U.S.A., Motor Conditions in the, 726
  • Validity, Patents, British, Old, and Wright’s, 907
  • Valve, Air, Automatic, Kerry, 586
  • Valve, Banks’ Silent, 121
  • Valveless Carburetter, Snell, 520-521, 692
  • Valve Mechanism, New, 258-259
  • Valve, Piston. Mechanism of, 668-669
  • Valves, Combination, Double Poppet, 484
  • Valves, Exhaust, Help to Drive Engine, 492
  • Valves, Piston v. Poppet, 295, 318
  • Valves, Rotary', Quick Opening Essential? 474
  • Valve Systems.—Piston, 295. Rotary, New, 414
  • Vandervell, Ignition, Dual, System, C.A.V., 814; Magneto for, lb.; Lighting System, 650 Variable Transmission, Magneto, Bright, 323 Vases, Flower, Decorative, 120 Vauxhall Car, 563-564 Vauxhall v. Star Contest, 840-841 Velure, Body, Paint, 863, 924 “ V ” Engine, Aviation, 338a Verses.—Brown, T. E.: Mother Earth, 138 Gillett, F.: 13, 41, 109, 154, 217, 235 , 304 , 323, 363, 400a, 443, 470, 495, 841, 872; Accidents, Reconstructed, 809; Autopsy-turvy, 304; Bermondsey Explained, 967; Brooklands, Speculation at, 443; Car, Old, Apotheosis of, 217; Clouds, Purple, Ecstatic Joy, Sensations, Ideal, and, 235; Courageux, les, 154; Doncpool, Fly-leaf from, 400a; Esher, Fly-leaves from, 495; Gil-bertianism, More, 363; Janus, Car of, 935; Language, High-flown, 41; Luck, Down on His, 470: Melodrama, Motor, 660; Nero Fiddles, 243; Poll, Motor to the, 944b; Regrettable, Ratner, 323; Roads, Special, Colos-sus of, 594; Sky Trusts, Lights, Ancient, and, 721; Squire’s Conversation, 802; Winds, To the Four, 109. Goddard: Saga of the Oar, 525 Harvard Lampoon, Carriage Waits Without, 802
  • Vice, Bench, Portable, 752
  • Vienna Motor Show—(See “Shows”)
  • Vindec Flux for Cast Iron Brazing, 842
  • Vinot Car, 627
  • Voisin Aeroplane Biplane, 278-279 485 928; Engine of, 279
  • Voiturette Races, Ostend, 244a
  • Voiturette Trials, 206, 263, 707, 746-747, 778, 810-811, 853; French, 263; German, 241, 445
  • V.S. Light Car 340, 683; Engine, 16, 683
  • Vulcan Car, 539-541; 12 h.p., 38-41; 16 h.p., Ib.
  • Vulcanizers.—Lacoste, 649. Harvey-Frost, 84, 650
  • Wadkin Carburetter, 211
  • Wales, North, Touring, Motor, in, 5-6
  • Walker Plug, 649
  • Walthamstow Motor Club—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Warner Speedometer, 586
  • Warning, Aeroplane Propeller, Concerning, A, 874
  • Warrant, Quashed, A, 944b
  • War, Vehicles, Motor, In, 737
  • Watches.—Illuminated Dial, 579. Motorcar, 783
  • Water Jacket, Mutel, Interesting, 134
  • Waterproofing.—Hood, Cape Cart, 513, 757, 822. Pit, Inspection, and, 514
  • Watson Aeroplane, Unclassified, 488
  • Way of the Air—(See “Air, The Way of the”)
  • Wellman Expedition, Spitzbergen, 159; Balloon Tent for, Ib.
  • Wembley, Aero Models at, 210
  • Westinghouse Gear, Enormous, 778
  • West, The Call of the, 198-199
  • Wheel Diameter, Puncture Risks and, 599
  • Wheel, Pneumatic, A, 842
  • Wheels, Detachable, Comparison of, 893-894; Patents Concerning, 369
  • Wheels.—Dunlop, New, 276-276a. Lynton, 62, 584. Michelin Double-tyred, 647. Panflix Spring, 652. Perron Spokeless, 484. Rudge-Whitworth, 239 , 574, 672-673 , 894 , 966. Sankey Steel, 587-588, 670. Stepney, 679, 785, 968
  • Wheels, Larger, 456
  • Wheels, Road, Transmission of Power to, 795-797
  • Wheel within Wheel, Pneumatic, 842
  • White and Poppe Carburetter, 165, 166, 589; Engine, 589
  • White Cars.—Petrol, 548; 20 h.p., 209; Steam, 549
  • Willcox Oils, 589
  • Windham Aeroplane, Unclassified, 488
  • Windscreens.—Auster, 583. Lowe-Bevan, 652
  • Wire Wheels. Rudge-Whitworth Detachable, 239
  • Withers Car, 632
  • Wolseley Garage Improved, 593
  • Wolseley-Siddeley Car, 542-544; Carburetter, 852
  • Wolverhampton A.C.—(See “Clubs’’); Hill-climb— (See “ Hill-climbs ’’)
  • Woodbridge, Mirror, Safety, at, 342
  • Work, Chauffeur’s, 522
  • Works, Carriage. Motor, Modern, 430
  • Workshop, Small, Possibilities of the, 846-847
  • Worm Drive, Napier, 743
  • Worthing, Speed Limit and, 369
  • Wright (Howard) Aeroplane, Monoplane, 881
  • Wright Patents, Validity of, 907-908; British Patents, Old, and, Ib.
  • Wright (W. and O.) Aeroplane, Biplane, 182b, 232, 278, 365, 402, 735; Engine of, 498
  • Yorkshire A.C.—(See “Clubs’’); Hill-climb of—(See “ Hill-climbs ’’)
  • Zedel Car, 628
  • Zeppelin Airship, 295; Yard for, Friedrichshafen. 424, 485


  • A.A., 498; Offices, New, 498; Old, Ib.; Secretary of, Mr. S. Cooke, 498
  • A.A., Scout, Motorcycling, New, 664
  • Abingdon, Church at, Loaves on Tomb at, 891
  • Absorber, Shock, Foster, 809
  • Accessibility, Appearance and, 425
  • Acer Chart, Brake H.P., Dynamometer, 139
  • Acer Cylinder Grinding Machine, 807
  • Acer Micrometer Gauge: Cylinder Testing, 139; Use in, Ib.
  • Acetylene Generators.—Carbic, 439. Rushmore, 171; Water Condensing Box for, 171
  • Adams Car, 16 h.p., Four-cylinder, 550-551; Axle, Rear, 550; Brake Connections, 550; Brake Drums, 550; Carburetter, 551; Chassis, 551; Feed Pipe, 551; Throttle, 551
  • Adorns Chassis, 20 h.p. Four-cylinder, 450
  • Adams, Cleaner, Lightning, Motor, 651
  • Adaptors, Plug.—Kerry, 585. Orno, 590
  • Adler Car: 12 h.p., Four-cylinder, 631: Throttle Control, 631; 16 h.p., Four-cylinder, 644; Brake, Foot, 644; Gearbox, Compact, Ib.
  • Aeromotors—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”)
  • Aeroplane Factory, De Lesseps, French, 856 Aeroplane, Photograph from an. First, 844 Aeroplanes, Biplane.—Antoinette 844. Barmued, 63. Cody, 67, 201, 366c, 766c. Dot, 402. Farman, 400c, 592, 603. Fernandez, 790. Latham, 844. Moore-Brabazon, 297, 516. Paulhan, 400b, 443, 444, 446, 495, 504, 508. Voisin, 144, 145, 151, 207, 279, 592, 844, 880. Wright, 48, 78, 112, 113, 144, 145, 206, 278. 327
  • Aeroplanes, Model, Gamage 784
  • Aeroplanes, Monoplane.—Antoinette, 881. Bleriot, 22, 50, 146, 365, 400c, 948, 980. Chauviere, 4&5. Delagrange, 366c. De Lesseps, 832, 867, 925. Demoiselle, 719; Teaching Apparatus for (Bayard-Clement), 876. Latham, 144, 145, 252. Moisant, 563. Santos Dumont, 232, 719, 876; Flight in, 233. Saunderson, 409
  • Aeroplane, Pictures, Artistic, of, 859
  • Aeroplanes, Unclassified.—Naval Officer’s, 343. Piffard, 351
  • Aeroplane, Triplane, Roe, 19
  • Aero Sport, Future, 751
  • Aerostats—(See “ Airships ”)
  • “ Africa,” H.M.S., Car, Officer’s, Disembarking, 92
  • Africa, Northern, Crawhez Tour in.—Arab Tents, Halt at, 37. Desert, Halt in, 37. Forest Walk, A, in, 37. Luncheon, Halt for, 33; Cooking for, lb. Meals, Halts for, 37. Oasis, Halt at an, in, 37
  • Africa, South.—Hill-climbing in, 116; Waai Nek, at, in, 256. Rhodesia, in. Matoppo Dam, Napier Oar at,. 223
  • Air Compressor, Stepney, 785
  • Airships.—Admiralty, British, 210; Shed for, lb. Renard, Colonel, 131. Zeppelin, Dock for, 424; Freidricbshafen, Fountain Honorific to, 59
  • Air Valve, Kerry 585
  • Airwayman to Date The, 813
  • Alarm, Inflation. North British, 590; Whistle for, lb. Albion Car, 16 h.p., Touring, 455
  • Albion Car, 10-12 h.p., Four-cylinder, 551-552; Coupling Shaft (Clutch Gearbox), 551; Engine, 552
  • Alford-Alder, Seat, Occasional, 460
  • Algeria.—Winter in, 472. Arab Audience, An, 472. Arab Women, 472. Bougie-Djidjeli Road, 472. Desert, Car in, 472; Locomotion, Two Forms of, in, 472. Elkantura, in, 472; Desert Gate at, 472. Kerrata, Hotel, 472. Tyre, Mending a, 472
  • Alldays-Onions Car, 10-12 h.p., Two-cylinder, 570; Joint, Universal, 570, Cover for, lb.
  • Allej' Tyre Manipulator, 122
  • Alternating Current, Rectifier for, Union, 243 Altitude Meter, Recording, Richard, 83 Amans Pneumo Suspension, 648
  • America.—A. Hint from, 179. Mount Washington Hotel, Party, Motorcar, arrives at, 179. New York, Dr. Cook Motors through, 308. Occasion, Historical, in, 78. Races in: Atlanta City, Buick Wins, 714; Brighton Beach, Car Enclosure at, 213; Course, Corners of, Attention to, at, 81; Raffalowitch on Winning Renault, 213; Scene at, Night, 96; Twenty-four Hours Race, 81; Wheel, Car Sheds a, During, 69. Fairmont Park, 400a; Skid, Thrilling, at, lb. Vanderbilt Cup: Grand Stand Run, Straight, 599; Mercedes, Overhauled, 596; Parkway, Car Crosses Bridge at, 593; Westbury Turn, F.I.A.T. at, 519; Winner, Mr. H. F. Grant, 601. Shows in: Atlanta City, 715; Madison Square Gardens. 969; Manufacturers’, Motor, 94A
  • Amherst Muff, Dunhill, 785 .
  • Antarctic Car: Shackleton’s, 80, Engine, 80; Nonskid, Composite, 80; Wheel, Wooden, lb.
  • Anti-flickering Device, Lamp, Rushmore, 361
  • Antoinette Aeroplanes: Biplane, 844; Monoplane, 881 Anzani, Alexandre, M., 50, 207
  • Anzani, Engine, Aviation, 22, 50
  • Appearance, Accessibility and, 425
  • Applebee, Mr. F. A., 271
  • Appreciation, An, 828, 864-865
  • Archie, Algle and, 608
  • Argyll Car, 15 h.p., Four-cylinder: Axle, New, 535; Brakes, Side, 535; Drive, Shaft, 535; Fan Belt Pulley, 534; Gear Quadrant, 534; Steering Tie Rod, 535; 20 h.p., four Cylinders, Chassis, 436, 535, Engine 436
  • Argyll Engine, 436
  • Armstrong-Whitworth Car, 636: Brakes. Foot, Adjustment of, 636; 12-14 h.p.. Four-cylinder, 567: Brake, Foot Gear, 567; Gearbox, 567; Radius Rods, 567; Torque Sleeve, 567
  • Armstrong-Whitwortb. Engine, 500
  • Armstrong-Whit wortn Steering Wheel, 788; Controlling Levers of, and, lb.
  • Armstrong-Whitworth Torque Stay, 756
  • Army Transport Corps, Aldershot, 369; Vulcan Car for, lb.
  • Arrol-Johnston Car, 15.9 h.p., Four-cylinder, 391-392, 455, 559-560; Chassis of, 392; Engine, 391; Gearbox. 391
  • Arrol-Johnston Car: Steering Gear, 723; Clamping Adjustment for, lb.
  • Arrol-Johnston Works, Paisley, 147; Fire at, lb.
  • Aster Engine, New, Four-cylinder, 717
  • Atherston, High Street at, Milestone in, 373
  • August Skv, Night in, “ Daily Telegraph ” Map of, 94; F. Gillett’s, lb.
  • Auster Windscreen, Folding, 583
  • Austin Car, Caravan de Luxe, 558
  • Austin Car, 7 h.p., One-cylinder, 557; Tappet, Adjustable, of, lb.; 15 h.p., Four-cylinder, 558; Brakes, Foot and Hand, 559; Chassis, 558; Clutch Plates, Attachment Method, 558; Horn, Concealed, 559 ; 40 h.p., 559; Axle, Back, of, 559
  • Austin Car, Two-seater, 7 h.p., 329
  • Austin Landaulet, The, 430
  • Australia.—Adelaide, Yorkes Peninsula, Picnic, Motor, at, 928, Motoring in, Contrast, Interesting, 851. Macdonald River, Crossing,,
  • Australia—Continued.
  • 851. Mailcoach, Motorcar and, lb. Tabulam, at, 829; Aboriginals, Group of, at. 820 Autoclipse Lamps. 646: Generator for, lb.
  • Autopsy Oar, Public 1833. 457
  • Aviation.—Aerial (1908-1909), 830-831; Records of: Aeroplane and Eiffel Tower, Height, Comparison Chart, 830. Aviator, A German, 476. Aviatrices: De la Roche (Mme.), 400d; Du-trieux (Mdlle.), 876; Palier (Mme.), 563; Clothing for, 245
  • Eastchurch Ground, 972; Rolls, Mr., Flies at, lb. Flights: Bleriot (Channel Commemoration). 95; Chalons (Paulhan), 718; Cody (Laffan’s Plain), 67; Farman, 49; Lambert, 145, 830; Mourme-lon (Latham, 3,608 ft.). 966; Records of (1908 1909). 830-831; Roe. 19; Stirling, at, 63, Wright, Orville. 48. 78. Flights, Charts and Diagrams of. 830-831. Flights, Endurance (1908-1909), 831
  • Gordon-Bennett Trophy, Curtiss, G.H., on Biplane in. 182b
  • Meetings: Blackpool. 371, 401; Latham Flies in Gale at, 400d; Paulhan in Flight at, 400b; Rougier Flies over Paulhan at, 592; Brescia, 207; Anzani Flying at, lb.; Doncaster, 360b, 377; Biplane v. Monoplane at, 400c; Cody Aeroplane after Smash at, 366: Delagrange Ascends over Farman at, 366c, Passes Grand Stand, lb.; Dot Aeroplane at, 402, Towed to Shed. Ib.: Molon, M., at, 420, Takes in Petrol, 400c; Sommer, M., at, 420, Passes Judges’ Box, 366c; Juvisy Ground, 340; Approach to, Bad, 341, Water, Submersion by, at, 971; Paulhan Flies over, 508: Mars Ground, 315; Grade Flies at, Ib.; Rheims, 112, 129; Aeroplane, Biplane, Paulhan's, at, 145; Aeroplane, Monoplane, Latham’s at, 145, Soldiers with, Ib.; Aeroplanes, Shed for, at, 77; Aeroplanes, Toy, Vendor of, at, 145; Airship, “ Renara,” Arrives at, 131; Aviators at, Bleriot, 129, 145; Buneau Varilla, 144; Curtiss, 146; Farman, 145; Latham, 113, 144, 145; Lefebvre, 113-144, 153; Bethany, Plains of, at, 148a; Brun, General, at, 129; Fal-lieres. President, at, 129. Sommer Interrogated by, 137; Flag, Black, Hoisting the Ominous, at, 145; Flights at, Bleriot’s, 145; Bunau-Varilla’s, 144; Latham’s, 113, 144, 145; Lefebvre’s, 113, 144; Paulhan’s. 129; Incidents at Meeting, 145; Judges’ Stand at, 112; Lloyd-George, Mr., at, 130; Norman, Sir H., at, 130; Northoliffe, Lord, at, 130; Spectators Arrive at, 145
  • Aviation Engines—(See “ Engines, Aviation ”) Aviation, La Grand Semaine, 154 Aviation Pictures, Artistic. 859 Aviation, Plug for, Oleo, 861
  • Aviation, Wright Aeroplane, Biplane, 48; Seen from, Balloon, Captive, Ib.
  • Awl, Crispin, Benetfink. 587
  • Axle Drive, Cooper, 573
  • B.

Baden-Powell, Major, 235

  • Bailey Tvre Carrier. Open Door, 586
  • Bailey Valve, Air Scavenging, 650
  • Balloons. Dirigible—(See " Airships ”)
  • Banks Valve, Silent, Motor, 121
  • Barmued Aeroplane, Biplane, 63
  • Barrow-in-Furness, Cavendish Dock, Shed at, for Admiralty Dirigible, 210
  • Barth Jack. 785
  • Battersea. Mirror, Motorists’ Warning, at, 342
  • Baxter, Mr. J., 272
  • Beaulieu Estate, Shoot on. Car Used at, 935 Bearings, Roller. Adjustable, Timken. 239, 543 Beaumont, Mr. Worby, Straker-Squire Car Built for. 114
  • Beckett. Carburetter. Floatless, 298
  • Bed font Church. Peacock Yews at, 891
  • Bedford Car. 15-18 h.r>., Four-cvlinder, 550; Engine, 550: Oldham Coupling, 550; Springing, Oscillatory, Back-axle. 550
  • Bedford Chassis, 451 ; View, Rear, of, Ib.
  • Bell Car. 20 h.p., Four-cylinder. 571: Brake. Foot. 571: Joint. Universal, 571; Torque Rod, 571 Bell. Mr. R. J., 272
  • Belsize Car. 14-16 h.p., Four-cylinder. 434-435; Carburetter, 435; Engine, 434-435: Lubrication System, 434; 18-22 h.p.. Six-cvlinder, 533-534; Engine, 534; Lubrication System, 534-535; Magneto, 534: Oil Indicator, Sump, 534
  • Belsize Engine, 434-435, 534
  • Benetfink Accessories.—Awl, Crispin, 587. Compression Tester. 587. Flower Holder. 783-784. Rectifier, Electric Current, Union, 587. Watch, 783
  • Benn, Mr. Shirley. 940a; Addressing Crowd, Ib.
  • Benson, Oxon., Crown Inn at, 407; Equestrian Mounting-steps at, 407
  • Bentall Engine, 638; Piston Valve. 573, 638
  • Berliet Car. 629; O:l-box. Wick Feed. 629; Pump, Oil, Ib.; 15 h.p., 86-89; Chisel Heads. Locking, 87; Engine, 87; Gearbox, 87, Supports for, Underslung, 86; Joints. Steering. Dustproof, 86: Propeller Shaft, 88; Thermosyphon Water Circulation, 87; Toroue Member, 88: Universal Joint, Enclosed, 88
  • Berliet Chassis Parts of, 276b
  • Berlin: Accident. Cab. Strange, in. 737; Car Testing, Switchback, in, 175; Garage. Kaiser’s, 904; Tempelhofer Field in, 278, Wright, O., Attempts Record over, Ib.; Zepplin, Count, on Kaiser’s Motor in. 182
  • Bermondsey Poll, Motorcar Conveys Voters to, 432 Bexhi Il-Hastings, Bulverhythe, Conqueror’s Table at, 817
  • Pird. Mr. C. A., 338a
  • Black Demon Car, Jackson, 780
  • Blackpool Aviation Ground. View of, 202—(See also " Aviation " Meetings ”)
  • Bleriot Aeroplane. Monoplane. 365, 400c, 948, 980; Channel. 22, Anzani Engine for, 50: Arts and Crafts Museum, Paris, Presentation of
  • Bleriot Aeroplane, Monoplane—Continued. Machine to, 365; Delagrange, M., on a, 918; Wreckage of a, after Fire, 146
  • Bleriot Lamps.—Head, Electric, R.A.C.. Test, 580. Projector, Electric, Signalling, 580. Tail, Oil, lb
  • Bleriot, M. Louis, 97, 129, 145; London, Reception in, 31; Madame and, 21; Wembley, Leaves, 246
  • Bobsleigh, on Mo torcar .Lines, Built on, 951
  • B.O.B., Starting Handle, Safety, 717
  • Bodies—Alford Alder, 481. Connaught, 578. Graddon-Lawson, 562, Hora. 136, 577. Maythorn. 576. Morgan, 119, 447, 690; Original, 121: Racing, 481. MulHner, 482, 578. Napier, 482. Pulman, 136. Salmon, Duplex, 595. Thrupp-Maberly, 482. Torpedo Phaeton, 326. Van den Plas, Brussels, 240
  • Body, Flush-sided Rotund, New, 82
  • Body, Morgan, Secretary, Original. 119; Boot for, Wheel, Spare, 119; Petrol Tank, 119; Toolbox, 119; Views of. Ib.
  • Boiler, Heating, Essex. 231 Boillot, M. Georges, 485 Bolts, Securty.—Hobson. 84. Surete, 83 Bolts, Security, Wing Nuts for, Crowdy, 308 Bolts, Tyre.—Continental, 83. Surete, 83 Bombay. Parsee Bazaar at, 766; Adams Car in, 766 Book, Record, Motor, 786
  • Bosworth Field, Leicestershire, Well, Historic, Dickens, at. 459
  • Boulton, Wings, Side, 1868, 907
  • Bournemouth-Romsey Road, Ponies on, New Forest, 888
  • Bowden Speedometer, 585
  • Bowland. Trough of, Yorks.-Lancs. Border, 187 Brake, Drum, and, New Design, 347 Brake, Front Wheel. Newton-Bennett, 705
  • Brake Rings: Double Expansion, 858; Hub Centrally Pivotted with, 858
  • Braking, Front Wheel. 857-858
  • Bran sot"-Kent Tyre Carrier. 586
  • Brede Church, Sussex. 891: Swift’s Cradle in. Ib. Brennan Mono-rail, Machine, Gyroscopic, 594 Brentford. Gazebo at. 526
  • Brentwood, Martvr Memorial at. 526
  • Brescia.—Aviation Meeting at, '207. Anzani Flying at, 207
  • Brightling.—Fuller. John, Squire. Mausoleum of. at, 407. Needle The. at. 407. Observatory at. 407. Solomon’s Temple at, 407. Sugar Loaf House at, 407
  • Bright Magneto Transmission, Variable, 323
  • Briton Car, 14 h.p.. Four-cvlinder. 619; Brake Carrier. Linked, 619; Valve Port Clamps, Pipe, 619
  • Broadhurst Lamps.—Rear, 120. Side, Mirror Lens, 120
  • Brooklands.—Aviation at: Neal. Mr., at. 719; Aeroplane Mishap, His. Ib.: Paulhan, M., at. Flights, Banking, Over. 446: Express Train, Over, 444: High Altitude, 446
  • Boillot, M. Georges, on Leon Peugeot, at, 485 Gvmkhana at. 366d. 396
  • Hemery on Benz. 100 Miles ner Hour. 578a Meetings at: August Bank Holiday (1909), 15-18;
  • Napier-Weigel Incident During. 60; Autumn., 336; Brazier Runs un Banking at. 338a; Races. Motor, at, Autumn Junior Private Handicap, 15. 337. Winner of. Tb.: Autumn Senior Private Handicap. 338a, Winner of, Th.: Autumn Senior Private Handicap, 338a; Four-Inch. Humber, Favourite in. at, 338: October Handicap, 338; Backmarkers Waiting to Start at, 338: Relay, 15; Stirling, Mr. P. D . Overshoots Mark at. 336. Winner nf. 337: Spirit Handicap. Itala Duel in, 337; Mercedes Chases Field in, 337. Winner, 337; Starting Cup, 366d: Races, Motorcvcle. at, Grand Slam in. 344: M°+oTc.vcle Handicap, Handicapping, Good, in, 337; Winners’ Handicap. 366d
  • Race. Aeroplane v. Motor, at. 56. Races. Motor at: August Junior Handicap, 15, 337. Col-more beats Sober, 15: Belsize (Davidson’s) v. Riley. (Hamilton's). 396: Grand Prix (2nd), It,ala Car in Trouble. 18: O’Gorman Trophv, The. 17; Vauxhall Dual, Exciting, in. 17, Winner, 16: Relay, Napier v. Vauxhall, Finish. Thrilling, in. 15, Voucher, Transferring. 16: Star v. Vauxhall, 840. Races,
  • Motorcycle: Winners’ Handicap, Motorcycle, Indian, Get1; awav, -18, Wins. 17. R.A.C.
  • Trials, Month W. at. 79: Star Car after, Ib.
  • Star Car. 686; Lisle. Mr. on. at, Ib.
  • Test Hill, Kessler Car on. 712
  • Brooks Accessories.—Cabinet, Snares and Tools, 582. Cases, leather: Gun, 305: Sportsman, 784. Holder for. Instantus. 345. Trunks, Grid and Roof, 582. Tvres, Box for, 582
  • Brown, Mr. G..J A., 339
  • Brown, Spanner. Combination Tool. 120 Brun, General, French Wai' Minister. 129 Brussels Show. View, General, of. 939 B.S.A. Oar, Differential Casing, Steel, 723 B.S.A. Car, 15-20 h.p., Four-cylinder. 536; Axle, Front, 536; Engine Front, 536; Gearbox. 536; Joint, Universal, 536; Magneto Drive, 536 ; 20-25 h.p.. Engine, 536
  • B.S.A. Car, Two-seater. 451
  • Buchet, Ensrine. Aviation. Six-cylinder, 290; Parts of, 291; Ports Or. Exhaust, 290
  • Buggyaut Car, The, 114
  • Buggy Motor. Holsman Australian. 844a
  • Buggy Type Car, The, 72; Driving Rings and Rollers for, Ib.
  • Building, A Wonderful, 432b
  • Bundoran, 827
  • Bungay, Market Cross at, 699
  • Burford. Mr H. G.. Ill
  • Burns, Rt. Hon. John, 977
  • Burton Hounds, Meet, Motorcars at, 512
  • Bushey Heath. 821
  • Butler, Mr. K.. Diagram Illustrating Letter from, 693
  • Butler, Mr. P.» 273
  • Cab, F.I.A.T., 694
  • Cabinets, Spares and Tools.—Brooks, 582. Riches, 592 Cadillac Car, 629; Accelerator Pedal. 629; Dashboard, 629; Drip Feed, 629; 20-30 h.p., Four-cylinder, 622; Chassis, Sectional, 623; Engine, Hewitt, of, 623
  • Cambridge-King’s Lynn Road, Gauge, Traffic, at, 318 Canada, Motoring in, 927; Horse, Accustoming, to Motor, Ib.
  • Canal Road, Appearance, Possible, of a, 896
  • Canterbury-Gravesend, Chalk Church, Jolly Monk, Dickens’, at, 833
  • Canterbury, Invicta Engine at, 505; Norman Keep at, 667
  • Cape Cart Hood, 360; Cover, for, Suggested, 360; Frame, Cleaning, for. Ib.
  • Cape Town, Rhodes Road, Hill-climb, 116; View-'of, lb.
  • Car, Arrol-Johnston, Antarctic Polar, Shackleton’s, 80; Engine of, 80; Non-skid, Composite, 80; Wheel, Wooden, 80
  • Carbic Generator, Acetylene, 439
  • Carburetter, Design, New, for, 52
  • Carburetter, Float Valve, Constant Level for, 249 Carburetter, Rabbit Seated on the, 380 Carburetters.—Beckett Floatless, 298. De Dion, 433; Floatless, 266-267. Krebs, 539. Polyrhoe Expanding, Novel, 211. Prested, 648, 649. Snell Valveless, 520. Straker-Squire, 541. Swift, 788. Union, 345. White-Poppe, 166, 589
  • Car, Cleaner for the, Pump, 83
  • Car Construction, Characteristics of, Guide, Comparative, to, 609
  • Carew, S. Wales, Flemish Chimney at, 862
  • Cargo, Strangely Mixed, A, 197
  • Oar, Light, the, Axles for, Diagrams of, 612; Couplings, Encased, for, 612; Engines for, Comparison of, 613; Gear, Change-speed, Making, Methods of, 612; Joints, Universal, 612
  • Car, Light, The: Past, 611; Present, 611
  • Carlisle, Mr. H., 940a
  • Car, Mountain Climbing by, 78
  • Car, Old, Apotheosis of, 217
  • Carriage, Motor, Dimensions of, 405
  • Cars.—Adams, 450 , 550-551, 644 , 766, 889. Adler, 447, 577, 690. Albion, 455. 634. Albruna, 551-552. Alcyon, 853. Alldays-Onions, 570-571. Argyll, 436, 534, 625, 928. Ariel, 136. Armstrong-Whitworth, 499. 566-567, 756. Arrol-Johnston, 455, 558: Shackleton’s Polar, 657. Austin, 15-16, 304, 329, 430, 557-559
  • Bedford, 451, 549, 550. Bell, 571. Belsize, 396, 434, 435, 533, 626. Bentall. 573. Benz, 578a, 639, 905. Berliet, 86. 337, 562. - Brazier, 338a. Brown, 501. Brush, 47. B.S.A., 451, 536.
  • Buggyaut, 114
  • Cadillac, 623. Chalmers (Detroit), 47. Chenard-Walcker, 574. Connaught, 578. Crossley, 537 Daimler, 246, 353, 544, 546, 616, 628, 889 , 913, 938. Darracq, 15. 564, 621. Deasv, 497, 569. De-cauville, 337. De Dion, 192, 433, 567, 568. Delage, 810. Delaunay-Belleville, 561, 562. Demeester, 810. Dennis, 632. Dot, 273
  • Enfield, 638
  • F.I.A.T., 519. Ford, 885
  • Gregoire, 616
  • Hillman-Coatalen, 547, 548. Hotchkiss, 300, 324, 571-572. Humber, 197, 338, 338a, 339, 383, 503, 532, 889. Hupp, 247
  • Iris, 638. I tai a, 18. 337
  • Jackson, 419, 573, 780
  • Kessler, 712, 713
  • Lanchester, 554 , 578, 656. Lancia, 615, 616. Lion Peugeot, 244a, 485
  • Maudslav, 538, 756. Mercedes, 337, 435, 596, 606, 607. 643; Racer, 280. Metallurgique, 240, 622. Minerva, 568. Mitchell, 682. Moline, 47. Mors, 615
  • N.A.G., 183, 635. Napier, 15, 60 . 93, 223, 260, 262, 445, 500. 556, 861, 935 . 968. New Engine (N.E.C.), 503, 552, 553. N.S.U., 272
  • Opel, 206. Onyx. 779
  • Panhard, 454. 539. 736-737; New, 77. Peugeot, 450. 452. Phoenix. 501, 553. Picard-Pictet, 337 Rex. 271, 272. Riley, 198, 199, 396, 573, 574. Rolland-Pilain. 176. 792. Rolls-Rovce, 21, 284, 366, 564, 565. Rover, 559, 560, 889, 983. Rudge-Whitworth, 574
  • S.C.A.T.. 125, 571. Sheffield-Simplex, 578, 614, 615, 889. Singer, 164, 572. Sirron, 683. Sizaire-Naudin, 18. 181. 242, 555-556. Standard, 193, 222, 432b, 521. 561. Star, 79. 487, 569, 570. 686, 840. Stella, 640. Straker-Squire, 15, 114, 541, 542. Sunbeam, 352, 404, 521, 624, 670. Swift. 483. 546 . 547
  • Talbot, 64. 305, 565, 566, 820, 851, 920, 970. Tercat-Mery, 606. Thames, 711. Thomas, 47. Trier and Martin, 555. Turicum, 791
  • Unic, 640
  • Vauxhall. 304, 562, 564, 807, 840. Vivinus. 244a. V.S., 682. Vulcan. 38, 39. 40. 41, 187, 369, 453. 540. 541
  • Waverley, 626. Weigel, 60. White, Petrol, 89, 209 , 548. 619. White, Steam, 123. 549. Wolseley-Siddeley, 393. 394. 542, 544, 778
  • Zebra, French (£100', 707
  • Cars, Features of, 1910, 788
  • Car, Small, Genuine. 1% h.p., 128
  • Car to Rest, To Bring a, 858; Curves, Comparative, of Speeds and Distances Necessary to, 858
  • Car, Vulcan, 12 h.p.. four-cylinder, 40-41: Axle. Back, 40; Carburetter, 40; chassis, elevation, 40; Engine. 41
  • Oar, Weight on, Disposition of, 857
  • Car, Wonderful. A. 909
  • Cases, Companion.—Brooks, 784. Dunhills, Ib.
  • Castings, Multi-cvl’nder Engine, 432a
  • Oaversham, Reading, Well. Holy, at. 699
  • C.A.V. Ignition, Dual, 814; Switchboard, Lighting, 650
  • Ceterio Twee Cover, The, 581
  • Ceylon. Colombo Road, Flooded. 9a3
  • Chairs, Folding.—Barker, 576. Shellback, Ib.
  • Chamounix.—Bridge, Quaint, Geneva Road, near,
  • Chamounix—Continued.
  • 222. Glacier (Pavilion Bossous) at, Fawcett . Record Climb, 78, 169, 192
  • Channel Flight, Latham’s, Attempt at, Second, 4 Chapius-Dornier Engine, 899
  • Char-a-bancs, Railway Track, Caledonian Railway’s, 515
  • Chart, Brake House-power, Dynamometer, Acer, 139 Chassis—Adams, 551. Albion, 634. Argyll, 436. Ariel, 136. Armstrong-Whitworth, 499. Arrol-Johnston, 391, 614. Austin, 635; JE150, 329
  • Bedford, 451. Berliet, 276b
  • Daimler (Austrian), 620. Darracq, 390, 564. De Dion, 433. Delahaye, 631
  • Hillman-Coatalen, 613. Hotchkiss, 1910, 300, 572. Humber, 501
  • Iris, 638
  • Lanchester, 482, 578
  • Martini, 627. Mercedes, 435. Metallurgique, 240.
  • Minerva, 82
  • N.A.G., 183. Napier, 861
  • Panhard, 736. Peugeot, 1910, 452. Phoenix, 501 Rolls-Royce, 392 Sheffield-Simplex, 578. Standard, 633. Star, 570. Straker-Squire, 541. Swift, 483, 547
  • Talbot, 359
  • Vulcan, 453
  • White, Steam, 619. Wolseley-Siddeley, 393
  • Chatsworth Park, Motor Tests Two Cars at Eden-sor in, 126
  • Chauffeur, Naval, A, 383
  • Chauviere Aeroplane. Monoplane, 485
  • Cherwelton Bridge, Pack Horse at, 925
  • Chichester, City of, Speed Limits, Chart of. Proposed, for, 224
  • Chilterns, Road Losing Itself in the, 851
  • Christians, M., 244b; On Vivinus, Ib.
  • Church, A Dummy, 459
  • Clamp. Tyre, Hobson, 647
  • Clary, Comte, 935
  • Cleaner, Car, Pump, for. 83
  • Cleaner, Motor, Adams Lightning, 651
  • Clement-Bayard' Teaching Apparatus, Aeroplane, 876 Clement-Bayard Engine. Aviation.-291, 719; Valve Side, 291; Water Jackets, 291; 50 h.p.. Four-cylinder, 719
  • Clement Car, 18-28 h.p., Four-cylinder, 618-619; Brake Lever, 619; Contact Maker, 618; Gear Lever, 619; Pump Drive, 618
  • Clifford, Lord de, Accident, Fatal, to, Scene of, 175 Clincher Rim Bolts, 649
  • Clothing, Motorists’.—Gent's: Samuels’, 51; Selfridge’s, 786. Ladies’: Dunlop’s Rubber, 588 Clutch, Clutch-shaft, and, 427-428; Design of, 428;
  • Refinements of, 427; Removal of. Simple, 427 Clutches.—Crossley, 537. Panhard, 539. Torbinia Hydraulic, 370
  • Clutch, Leather Pattern, Tension, Spring, Equal, Obtaining, on, 506a-506b
  • Clutch, The, Treatment of, 506a-506b
  • Clyde Car, 620; Axle, Front, 620; Steering Gear, 620
  • Cobham, Surrey, Pain’s Hill, 324
  • Cody Aeroplane, Biplane, 67, 201, 366c, 766c
  • Cody, Mr. S. F., 235; Flight, in, 201
  • Coil, Connections of, Reversing, 911
  • Coil Construction, Hall System of, 345
  • Coil, Lodge, Detonator Spark, 589
  • Coils, Starting Device for, Plain, 230; Contact, Tapping. Connections for, 230; Make-Break, Hand-operated, 230; Push Buttons Connected to Four-cylinder Coil, 230
  • Collier, Mr. C. R., 344
  • Collier, Mr. H. A., Junr., 274a, 344
  • Colmore, Mr. 336
  • Coinbrook, Ostrich Inn at, 667
  • Colonel Renara Airship, The, 131
  • Colonies, Motoring in the, 928
  • Colver. Mr. H. V., 344
  • Combination Tool, Brown Spanner, 120
  • Commons, House 'of, Outside, 235
  • Compression Tester, Benetfink’s, 587
  • Consumeter Petrol Meter, Smith, 585, 783
  • Contact Breaker, Prested, 647
  • Contact Maker, Kerry, 568; Inside Boiler, Ib.
  • Continental Tyre Bolt, The, 83 >
  • Continental Tyre Cover, 583; Ribbed, 583; Studded, Ib.
  • Contrasts, Some, 429
  • Control. Speed, McComb. 933
  • Conversation, Squire’s, 802
  • Cook, Dr., 308
  • Cooke, Mr. Stenson, Secretary A.A., 498
  • Cooling System, Regulator, Thermostat for, 196
  • Cooling Systems, Engine, Internal-Combustion, 132, 133'
  • Cooper, Drive, Axle, 573
  • Cooper Engine, Piston Valve, 573, 644 Cottin-Desgouttes Engine, The, 454 Coupling, Magneto, Improved, 213 Courtesies, Interplanetary, 850
  • Coventry Daimler Co., 738; Guests of at, 738; Luncheon. Ib.
  • Cowes, I.O.W., 20; Cars, Bank Holiday, at, Ib.
  • Cowey, Suspension, Pneumatic, 401
  • Crawhez, Baron de, 33
  • Crawley, George Hotel at, 313
  • Crispin Awl, Benetfink's, 587
  • Croagh Patrick, Eric Valley and, 826
  • Cromer-Hunstanton Coast Road, Randall’s Folly on. 925
  • Cromwell Windscreen, 447
  • Crossley Car, 12-14 h.p., Four-cylinder, 479-480, 537, 631; Axle, Back, Splayed, 537; Brakes, Front Wheel. Foot, 537; Carburetter, 480; Clutch, 537; Clutch Pit, 480; Cowey Suspension, 631; Engine, 480, 537: Framework, 479; Gearbox, 480; Gudgeon Pin. Holding Method, 479; Power Unit, 480; Valve Tappet, 537; Wheel, Detachable, 479
  • Crossley Clutch, The, 537
  • Crowdy Wing Nut^-Security Bolt, 308
  • Cup, Plug, Sparking, The, 400
  • Curtiss. Mr. G. H.. 97, 146; Gordon-Bennett Trophy, Winning, 182b; on Biplane, Ib.
  • Curves, Comparative, Distances and Speeds, Necessary to Bring Car to Rest, Chart of, 858
  • Cylinder Grinding Machine, Acer, 807
  • Cylinder Testing Gauge, Acer Micrometer, 139: in Use, Ib.
  • Cylinders, Position, Arrangements of. Diagrams, 226
  • D.

Daimler Car, 544-546. 636, 642; Brake, Foot, Adjustment, 636; Crankshaft, 544; Engine, 545; Framework, 545; Fuel Tank, 545; Lubrication System, 642; Shackle, Swivel, 545; Spring Blades, Clamping Methods, 546; Valve Sleeve Mechanism, 544-545. 15 h.p., Four-cylinder,

  • 437-438; Brake, Rear, 438; Camshaft, 438; Crankshaft, 438; Drive, Worm, 437; Fan, 438; Magneto Drive, Shaft, 438; Sleeves. 438; Suspension, Spring, 438. 57 h.p., Six-cylinder, 326; Body of, Torpedo Phaeton, Ib.
  • Daimler Works, Erecting Shop, Busy Condition, 180 Danbury Hill, Essex, Summit of, 163
  • Darlington, Pease, Mr. P., Addresses Electors at, 905
  • Darracq Car, 634; Lubrication System, Ib.; 14-16 h.p., Four-cylinder (1910), 389-390, 564; Brake Drum, 389; Chassis, 390, 564; Crankcase Oil Indicator, 389; Dash, Clean, 390; Engine, 389; Frame, 389; Jbint, Universal, 389; Pedal Gear, Mounting, 564
  • Darracq Engine, Aviation, 232
  • Dartford, Dover Road, Inn. Yard Drinks at. 817
  • Deasy Car, 636; Oil Indicator, 636; Petrol Gauge, 636; Petrol Tank, 636; Switch, 636; Throttle Lever, Minimum, 636. J.D.S., New, 497;
  • Chassis, 497; Elevation, 497; Rods, Radius, Parallel, 497; Shock Absorber, 497. 14 h.p., Four-cylinder, 569; Gear Quadrant, 569; Fan, 569; Radiator, 569
  • De Dion Carburetter, 433
  • De Dion Car, 633, 788; Coupling, Clutch-Gearbox, 636; Torque Tube, Jointed, Universally, 788.
  • 8 h.p., One-cylinder, 568; Torque Tube Attachment, 568. 10 h.p., Four-cylinder, Monobloc, 433-434, 568; Axle, Rear, 434; Brake, 568; Carburetter, 433; Chassis. 433; Engine, 433; Magneto, 433; Pedal Adjustments, 568; Sleeve, Detachable, 434
  • De Dion Engine, 433. 749; Eight-cylinder, 331
  • De Dion Magneto, 434
  • Delage Car, 629; Change-speed Lever, Ball, 629; Gear, Top, Lever, 629. 10 h.p., Four-cylinder, 625. Engine, Ib.
  • Delage Engine, Enclosed Valves, 625
  • Delagrange Aeroplane, Monoplane, 366c, 719; Teach-z ing Apparatus for, Bayard-Clement, 876 Delagrange, M Leon. 97, 400c, 918
  • Delahaye Car, 9-11 h.p., Four-cylinder, 623; Brake Adjustment, Worm Form, 623 De Lambert, Comte, 145
  • Delaunay-Belleville Car, 10 h.p., Six-cylinder, 562; Engine. Ib.
  • De Lesseps Aeroplane, Monoplane, 832, 867, 925; Factory for, 856
  • Demoiselle Aeroolane, Monoplane, Santos-Dumont’s, 719
  • Dennington, Suffolk, Table, Sand Writing at, 764 Derbyshire. Picturesque Spot in, 156 Design, Body, Pulman, Hora, 136 Design, Newly-applied, Old, 357 Design, Piston, Notes on, 105-106 Destroyer, Race. Last, with the, 1 Devices, Interesting, New, 717 Diching Common. Gibbet Remains at, 459 Dicycle, Motor, Novel, 248 Dietz Lamp, Orient, 785
  • Difficulties, Motoring Under, 872-873; Crossman River Bridge, 873, Barker, Mr. W., Negotiating Water near. Ib.; Diamond, A Black, 873; Kojonup, “ Road ” at, 872
  • Dinner. Pneumatic Tyre Celebration, 680-681
  • Dirigible, British, Engine for. 306
  • Dogs, Lost, Motor Van for, 343
  • Doncaster Aviation Ground, 360b, 377—(See also " Aviation.” “ Meet:ngs ”)
  • Doncaster. Races at, 210: Car Enclosure, 210
  • Dorking. Holmwood, Sundial at, 667; Wotton, near, Glanville Tomb at, 833
  • Dorton, Bucks., Spa, Forgotten, at, 667
  • Dot Aeroplane, Binlane, 402
  • Dover, Mayor of, 365
  • Dragons Inn, Sussex, George and Dragon Inn, at, Tomb in Garden of, 833 ,
  • Dreadnaught Headlight, Dunhill, 650
  • Dresden, New and Old, in, 724
  • Drive, Axle, Cooper, 573
  • Drive, Buggy Type Car, Rings and Rollers for, 72 Drum, Brake and, Design, New, 347 Drummond Lathes, 583
  • Lamps. 24: Pillar, 24; Projector, 24; Side, 24; Tail. Ib.
  • Duoo Tyre Cover, The, 581; Spring, "Spiral, Endless, of, Ib.
  • Du Cros, Mr. A. P., 936; Austin Caravan de Luxe for, 558
  • Du Crcs, Mr. H., 681
  • Du Cros, Mrs., 936
  • Du Cros. Mr. W„ 936
  • Dunchurch, Gunjxnvder House at, 764
  • Dunhill Accessories.—Case, Companion, 784. Footwarmers, 785. Headlight, Dreadnaught, 650. Muff, Amherst, 785. Rug, Snuggery, 785 Dunlop, Mr. J. B., 681 Dunlop Wheel, The, 276 Duplessis, Mr., 935 Dutrieux, Mdlle., 876 Dynamometer Chart, Brake H.P., Acer, 139 Dynamos.—Eyquem Self-regulating, 88; Cut-out of, Ib. La Magicienne, 498. Markt, Governor Action of, 651
  • E.

East Bergholt, Suffolk, Bell Cage at, 505

  • Eastchurch Aviation Ground, 972—(See also “Aviation ”)
  • Economizer, Petrol, 379
  • Edensor, Chatsworth, Village, Model, 126
  • Edge, Mr. S. F., 263
  • E.I.C. Magneto, Dual Ignition—(See “ Magnetos,” Hall)
  • Eiffel (F.L.) Car, 12-16 h.p., 877-879; Eccentric Adjustment, 877; Clutch Operating Collar, Striking Arms, Attachment, 879; Fan, 877: Magneto, 877; Oil, Cock for, 878, Indicator for, 878; Pump for, 878; Reservoir for, lb.; Spring, Rear, Bracket Forward of, 878; Steering Head, 879
  • Election General, The.—Cooper, Mr. R. A., 940a. Darlington: Pease, Mr. P., Addresses Electors at, 905. Devonport: Daimler Decorated at, 938. Eresby, Lady W. de, 940a-; Touring Village, 940a. Hastings: Du Cros, Messrs. A. and W., at, 936; Mi's., at, lb. Humours of the, 936. Islington: Scene at, 937. Lucas, Col., F. A., Appeal for, 936; Portsmouth: Beresford’s Cars at, 944a; Jane, Mr., on 90 h.p. Benz at, 905; Sailors Polling at, 970; Tyres Deflated on Car Employed at, 975
  • Elie, Fifeshire, Dead Slow Sign at, 884
  • Elliot Indicator, “Tel,” Tell-tale, 808; Chart, Specimen of, lb.
  • Elliot Speedometer, Standard, 580; Aneroid, Clock, and, lb.
  • Elter, Tyre Pump, Mechanical, 400
  • Enfield-Waltham Cross Road, New River Embanked on, 767
  • Engine, Five Years Ago, 425; Modern, lb.
  • Engine, Pistoij Valve, Hewitt, 429, 623
  • Engines, Aviation.—Anzani, 22, 50. Bucket, Six-cylinder, 719. Darracq, 30 h.p., 232. E.N.V., 201; Gnome Rotary, 151, 170, 952. Mercedes, 60; 60 h.p., Four-cylinder, 366a. Minerva. 939. Mutel, Four-cylinder, 134. Voisin, 279. Wolseley, 8; 180 h.p., Eight-cylinder, 306
  • Engines, Aviation, Oleo Plug for, 361
  • Engines, De Dion, Motobloc, 376
  • Engine, Selden, Road, 376
  • Engines, Internal-combustion, Cooling Systems for, 132-133
  • Engines, Motorcar.—Argyll, 436. Armstrong-Whitworth, 500. Aster, New, Four-cylinder, 717. Belsize, 434-435. Bentall, 573, 639. Chapins Dornier, 899. Cooper, 573, 644. Cottin-Desgouttes, 454. De Dion, 433. 749; Eight-cylinder, 331. Delage, 625. Gnome
  • Rotary, 151, 170, 952. Gore, Two-stroke, 973. Hewitt, 492, 623. Hotchkiss, 324, 326, 449. Kessler, 712. Knight Slide-valve, 452. Lion Peugeot, 20. Minerva, 452. New Engine, 775. Panhard, 454, 737; Plug Valve of. 454. Reeves, 381. Riley-Rowing Patent. 464; Riley V., 624. Straker-Squire, 453. White-Poppe, 589
  • Engines, Motorcar, Piston-valve.—Bentall, 573.
  • Cooper, 573, 644. Hewitt, 492, 623. New, 775.
  • Reeves, 381
  • Engines, Multi-cylinder, Castings for, 432a
  • Engines, Piston-valve, 350
  • Engine, Super, Atmospheric, Scavenged, 368 Engine, Two-cycle, The, 90-91
  • Enoto Valve, Pressure, Regulating, 649
  • E.N.V. Engine, Aviation, 201
  • Epsom, Merrie, Relic of, 764
  • Era, Motoring, New, 425-429
  • Eriff Valley, Croagh, Patrick, and, 826
  • “ Escopette,” Latham, M., View of, from Deck of, 4
  • Esher Common, 493; Cars Parked on, lb.
  • Esnault-Pelterie, M. R., 97
  • Essex Heating System, Gas, Water Radiating, 231
  • Evans, Foot Warmer, Compact, 944
  • Evans, Mr. G. H , 304
  • Ewell, Lock-up, Ancient, at, 978
  • Expanding Carburetter, Polyrhoe, 211
  • Equem Dynamo, Self-regulating, 83; Cut-out for, lb.
  • F.

Factory, Aeroplane, De Lesseps, 856

  • Faed—Mr. A. J. Wilson, 937
  • Fallieres, President, 129, 137, 365
  • Farman Aeroplane, Biplane, 145, 400c, 592, 603;
  • Flight of, Record, 49
  • Farman, M. Henri, 97, 145
  • Farnborough, New Town, Darwin’s Coffin at, 833
  • Fawcett, Mr. E. D., Chamounix Climb, Record, 78, 169, 192
  • Fawcett, Mrs., 169, 192
  • Fawsley. Park, Northants, Knightley’s Old Dower
  • House, At, 699
  • Featherstone, Miss Ena, 128; on h.p. Car, lb.
  • Features, Car.—Interesting, 636. Mechanical, 723 756
  • Fenouil, M., 176
  • Ferber, Capt., The Late, 276b
  • Fernandez Aeroplane. Biplane, 790
  • Fernandez, Antonio, Senor, 770
  • F.I.A.T. Car.—15-20 h.p., Four-cylinder, 617-618.
  • Brake, Compensation, 618. Frame, 618.
  • Pedal Plate, 617. Torque Tube, 618
  • Field, Mr. Oswald, Illustrating Letter from, 885
  • Fletching, Sussex, Post, Combination, at, 373
  • Floatless Carburetter. A, 266-267
  • Float Valve, Constant Level, Carburetter. 249 Flowers.—Holder for, 783-784. Vases for, 120 Fontaine, M., 21; Channel Flight Signaller,
  • Bleriot’s, lb.
  • Footwarmers.—Dunhill, 785; Evans, Compact, 944
  • Forster, H. W-, Mr., 935
  • Fort Augustus Hill-climb, 734
  • Foster Shock Absorber, 809
  • Frames, Improving, 922, 923
  • France, Buggy, American, First in, 307
  • France.—Touring in, 34, 36 , 353, 355, 385, 387.
  • France, Touring in—Continued.
  • Aix-le-Bains, 387. Bouget, Lake, Near, 387; Tunnel at. lb. Alpes, Hautes, In the, 387. Alps, Road, Curving in the, 385. Boat, Channel, Adjustments on Board, 354. Cassis, Main Road, 387. Dijon, Snowstorm near, 387. Folkestone, Car, Shipping at, 353. French Road, Typical, 354. Gaillon Road, Main, 36. Haute, Col de la Broise, Way up, 387. Level Crossing, French, Typical, 34; Passing Over, 506b. Luchon, Pyrenees, Scene in, 514. Olliergues, 387. Road, Departmental, 35. Rochelle, Highway, Typical, Near, 35. Vivien-le-Grand, Near, 387
  • French, General, 129
  • Freston Tower, Ipswich, 731
  • Friedricshafen, Zeppelin Airship, Honorific Fountain, Commemorative, at, 59
  • Friswell, Sir Charles, 593
  • Fuller Magneto.—Self-starting, Dual Ignition, 234, 588; Advance Lever, 234; Brush, Carbon, 234; Cam Contact Breaker, 234; Coil, Detachable, 234; Condenser for, lb.; Distributor, 234; Frame of, lb.; Driving Spindle, 234; Switches, Accumulator, 234; Self-starter, lb.; Terminals, Accumulator, 234; Wheel, Timing, 234
  • G.

Gabriel Horn, 10, 581

  • Gamage Lamps, Electric, 784
  • Gate-change, Modern. 428
  • Gatton Park, Surrey, Town Hall, At, 505
  • Gauge, Cylinder Testing, Acer, Micrometer, 139 Gauge. Oil Level, Cock and, 276a Gaulois Tyre, 648 Gawsworth Church, Cheshire, 227
  • German Imperial Club, Motor, 958; Hall, Banqueting in, lb.
  • Gerrard, Lady Mary, 748
  • Gifts for Motorists (Seasonable) 783-786
  • Girling, Mr., 607
  • Gladiator Car, 12 h.p., Four-cylinder, 622; Coupling, Clutch-gearbox, 622
  • Glendoe Hill-climb, 734
  • Glidden'Tour, The.—Algona, Passing Through, 47; Chicago, Cars Arriving at, 47; Detroit, Start from, 47; Fort Dodge, Checking at, 47; Mississippi, Moline Passing, 47; Thomas Car, By, 47; White Car. Paraflin, 40 h.p., in, 89 *
  • Glider, Making a, 942
  • Gnome Engine, Rotary, 151, 170, 952
  • Gobron, M. Jean, 97
  • Godfrey, Mr. O. C., 274
  • Godin Horn, Four-tone, 647
  • Goldenlyte Lamp, Smith, 585
  • Goodwood.—H.M. Queen Alexandra at, 3; Arrival of, at, 3; Duke of Richmond Meets, lb.
  • Gordon-Bennett Race, Revival? 671 Gore Engine, Two-stroke, 973 Grade Aeroplane, Monoplane, 476 Grade, Herr Hans, 476; Flight in. Mars, 315 Great Wenham, Suffolk, Church Clock, Electric at, 731
  • Grindelwald, Bobsleigh Built on Motor Lines on, 951
  • Grippe Pedal Cover, La, 649
  • Grip, Tyre, Pneu, 717
  • Guiness, Hon. Rupert, Ariel-Pulman Car for, 136 Giuppone, Sig., 244a; on Lion Peugeot, lb Gun Carriage, Napier Car Used as a, 341 Gymkhana, Brooklands, 366d
  • Gyroscopic Mono-rail Machine, Brennan’s, 594
  • H,

Hadstock, Essex, Graveyard Well at, 862

  • Hair, Lighter Than, 411
  • Hall Coil Construction, .345
  • Hall Magneto, Dual Ignition (E.I.C.), 138, 519 Halter, Policeman, The, 321
  • Hancock, Mr. A. J., 16; Wins O’Gorman Trophy, Brooklands, 16
  • Hancock, Mr. W., 304
  • Hand, Third, The, 361
  • Hargreaves, Mr. R., 935
  • Harte (Richard) Wing-flap (1870), 907
  • Harvey Frost Vulcanizer, 84
  • Hastings.—Election at, 937; Du Cros Cars at, 938 Haverholme Priory, Blankney Hounds Meet at, 720 Headfort, Marquis of, 935
  • Headlights, Brackets for, Lucas, 585 Headlights—(See “ Lamps ”) Heater, Motor House, Rashleigh-Phipps, Electric, 300 1
  • Heating, Motorhouse, Essex Apparatus for, 231 Heigham, Norwich, Dolphin Inn at, 862 Hemery, Mr., Speed Impression of, 578a Henley-on-Thames, Road Surface During Rain at, 9
  • Hermitage, Newbury, Grimshaw Castle at, 505 Hertford.—Churchyard at, 526; Tombstone, Mill Wheel as, in, 526. Lane, Beautiful, Near, 700
  • Hewitt Engine, Piston Valve, 492, 623 Highwayman, The Modern, 177 High Wycombe, Mile, Short, at, 925 Hill-climbing Capacity, Car Testing, Switchback, Berlin, 175
  • Hill-climbs.—Africa, South: A.C. of, 116; Cape Town, Rhodes Road, 116; Waai Nek, Cars in, 256. Mont Ventoux, 176, 206; Fenowil on Rolland-Pilain in, 176; Lochner, C. H., on Opel, at Speed at Bend, 206. Scottish A.C. Cairn o’Mount, 284, Rolls-Royce, 40-50 h.p., Ascending, 284; Fort Augustus, 734; Glendoe, 734. Semmering. Curve, Sharp, on, 280. Wolverhampton A.C.’s, 304-305, 352; Austin Car, Mr. G. H. Evans’s, in, 304; Sunbeam Car, Mr. E. Genna’s, in, 352; Talbot Car, Mr. T. T.
  • Hill-climbs—Continued.
  • Mills's, in, 305; Vauxhall Car, Mr. P. C. Kidner’s, in, 304
  • Hillman-Coatalen Car, 548; 12-15 h.p., four-cylinder, 548; Chassis for, lb.
  • Hills, Scotch, Steep, Search for, 734
  • Hills, Steep, In Search of, 734; Plumb Line Use, 734 Hind, Miss Muriel, 403
  • " H.L.D.," Illustrating Letter from, 949 Hoathley, East, Milestone, Curious, at, 373 Hobson Security Bolt, 84; Tyre Clamp, 647 Holdfast Tyre, The, 330 Holdsworth Tyre, The, 330 Holmby House, Northants, 862
  • Holmhurst, Hastings, Queen Anne’s Statue at, 862 Holsman Buggy, Motor, Australian, 844a
  • Hood.—Cape Cart, Cover Suggested for, 360; Frame, Cleaning, for, lb.
  • Hood, Tent and, Convertible, 445
  • Horns.—Gabriel, 10, 581; Godin, Four-tone, 647; Klaxon, 652; Mira, 182; Napier, 182; Testaphone, 586
  • Hotchkiss Car, 572; Chassis, 572; Fan Drive, Belt 572; 16 h.p., Four-cylinder, Axle, Live, Rear, 325; Bearings, 325; Brake, Internal-expansion, Rear Wheel, 326; Clutch, 326; Dust Excluder, Steering Bearings, 325; Engine, 324; Gearbox Joint, 326; Steering Rod, 325 Hotchkiss Engine, The, 324, 449 Hotels, Independent of, 348 House, Railway Co. and Converted, 764
  • Hoxne, Suffolk, Bridge at, Goldbrooke, Shunned by Brides, 764
  • H.P. Chart, Dynomometer, Acer Brake, 139
  • Hub, Centrally-pivoted, for Brake Rings, Doubleexpanding, 858
  • Humber Car, 723; Fan Drive, 723; Magneto Drive, Ib.; 16 h.p., Four-cylinder, 532-533; Brake Foot, 533; Holdfast, Articulated, 533; Lubrication System, 533; Magneto Drive, Ib.
  • Hundred Pounds (£100) Car, 707; Zebra, 752 Hunting Meets, Motors and, 750; Burton Hounds, Motorcar at, 512
  • Hupps Car, 16-20 h.p., Four-cylinder, 247; Axle, Front, Tubular, 247; Engine, 247; Mudguards, Stream-line, 247; Radiator, Tin Tube, 247; Steering Lock, 247; Water Circulation, Thermo-syphon, 247
  • Hurlingham, Balloon Ascent and Motor Meet at, 244
  • I.

Ignition, Dual, E.I.C., 138; Hall Magneto, for, 579; Vandervell, 814

  • Ignition, Lodge, 589
  • Indicators, Speed—(See " Speed Indicators ”)
  • Indicator, “ Tel ” Tell Tale. Elliot, 802; Chart, Specimen of, Ib.
  • Inflators, Tyre, Elter, 400; Stepney, 122
  • Ingersby, Leicester, Quorn Hunt, Motor Cars at, 698
  • Inspection Lamp, Magnetic, 780
  • Inspection Pit, Steel, Luna, 147
  • Internal-combustion Engines, Cooling Systems for, 132-133
  • Ipswich, Highlander’s Figure, at, 833
  • Ireland, Motoring in, 825-828, 864-865; Car for, 920;
  • Kerry Co., Devil’s Elbow, 920
  • Isle of Wight, Visit to, Cargo for, Mixed, 197; Ryde, In, 136; Yarmouth, In, 135
  • Issy de Molineaux, Balsam, N., Jacques Flies at, 980
  • J.

Jack, Barth, The, 785

  • Jane, Mr. F. T., 905; Car, Damaged, on, 940a
  • Jarrot, Mr. Chas., 606, 968
  • Java, Tour, Motor, in, Contrasts, Strange, 521;
  • Temple, Remarkable, at. 432b
  • Jenatzy, M., 606; Thery, v., 591
  • J.M. Shock Absorber, 777
  • Joipt Box, Peto-Radford, 645
  • Joy Ride, The, 984
  • Juvisy.—Aviation Meeting at, 356-357; Approach to, Bad, 341; Cars Parked at, 356; Paulhan Flies Over Water at, 508
  • K.

Kaiser, The, 181; Zeppelin, Count, in Motor Car with, 182

  • Kelveden, Essex, Wheatsheaf Inn at, Spurgeon’s Birthplace, 526
  • Kempshall Patch, Emergency, 246
  • Kempshall Tyre, 582; Gauge for, 582; Pump Outfit for, 582
  • Kerry.—Air Valve, Automatic, 585; Contact Maker, Inner Roller, 586; Plug Adaptor, 585
  • Kessler Engine, The, 712; Air Intake, 712; Camshaft, 713; Cylinders, 713; Piston, 712; Valve Control, 712-713
  • Kettering, Statue at, Cain Slaying Abel, 817
  • Kidner, Mr. P.,. Finishing in O’Gorman Trophy Race, Brooklands, 16
  • Killaloe, Start from, 865
  • King Edward, H.M., Queen Alexandra and, 744-745
  • King’s Lynn, Weighbridge at, 731
  • Kingston Lisle, Berks., Blowing Stone at, 978
  • Klaxon Horn, Hand-operated, 652; Mechanism of, Ib.
  • Knight Engine, Slide Valve, The, 452; Valves of, Ib.
  • Krebs Carburetter. 539
  • K.T. Tyre, The, 748
  • L,

La Blane, In, 967; Pau, Flying at, Ib.

  • La Buire Car, 629; Oil Feed, Turbine, Dashboard, on, Ib.
  • Lacoste Vulcanizer, Automatic, 649
  • Lady, Salesman, and, 665
  • Laffan’s Plain, Cody, Mr., Flying over, 67, 201
  • Lambert, Comte de, 97
  • Lamps.—Autociipse, 646; Generator for, Ib. Broadhurst, 120; Rear, 120; Side, Mirror Lens, lb. Dreadnought, Head, 650. Ducellier, 24; Pillar, 24; Projector, 24; Side, 24; Tail, lb. Gamage, 784. Goldenlyte, 585. Inspection, Magnetic, 780; Lithanode, 58/; Hand, 58/; Rear, 587; Side, 587. Lucas, 585. Orient, Dietz, 785. Power Hanmer, Head, 651. Rushmore, Anti-flickering Device for, 361; Lens Door, Multiplex, for, 361. Side, Triangular, Electric, 171. R.V., Vacuum, Electric, 364
  • Lamps, Connections, to, Rubber Seal, 645
  • Lancashire Fells.—Over, 38-39. Bowland, Trough of, Scenery, Typical, 39. Calder, Valley of, The, 39. Preston Bridge, 39; Toll Paying on, Ib. Yorkshire-Lancashire, County De-markation Line Between, 39
  • Lanchester Car, Heating Apparatus for, 482
  • Lanchester Car, Refinements, 412; Carburetter, Air Adjustment, 442; Handle, Starting, 442; Ignition Switch, Bosch, 442
  • Lanchester Car, 20 h.p., Four-cylinder, 553-554; Axle, Front, 553; Bearings, Ball, Dustproof, 553; Coupling Rod, 553; Filter, Exhaust Pressure, 554; Steering Head, 553; Steering Lever, 553; Valve, Relief, 554
  • Lanchester Transmission, 795
  • Lanchester Windscreen, 578
  • Lancia Car, 24 h.p., Four-cylinder, 615-616; Throttle Control, Steering Wheel, 616; Torque Stay,
  • Landaulets.—Brown, 501. Lanchester, 554. Mercedes, 643. Napier, 500. Peugeot, 450
  • Landaulet, Touring Car, or, 123
  • Latham Aeroplane, Monoplane (Antoinette), 144, 145, 252; Flight in, 252; Passenger on, 881; View from, 844
  • Latham, M., 97, 145, 395, 881, 906; Flights, 112; Blackpool, In Gale, at, 400d; Channel Attempt, Second View of, 4
  • Lathes, Drummond, 583
  • Leblanc, M., W. Bleriot’s Channel Flight Manager,
  • Le Bion, Mr., 420
  • Lefebvre, M. Eugene, The Late, 112, 153; on Wright Biplane, 207
  • Leicester, High Cross, Stone at, Middle of England, 373
  • Leigh-on-Sea, Southend, Tubes, Old, Used by Bathers at, 127
  • Lemale Turbine, Petrol, 294
  • Lens Door, Lamp, Rushmore, Multiplex, 361
  • Lesseps Aeroplane, Monoplane, 952
  • Lesseps, Comte de, 867
  • Lesseps, M. Paul de, 952
  • Levavasseur, M., 28; Sangatte, at, Ib.
  • Level Gauge, Oil, Cock, and, 276a; Views of, External, 276a; Sectional, 276a
  • Lever Spring Suspension, Shock Absorber, 717 Lever Suspension, Spring, 580
  • Lewknor, Oxon, Hill Street, Napier Climbing, 260;
  • Napier, Outside Cottage at, 262
  • Lichfield, Hospital, Freak at, 505
  • Lift, Proffered, A, 161
  • Lighting, Electric, Switchboard, C.A.V., for, 650 Lincoln, Newport, Arch at, 817; Sleaford Road, Column, Unique, at, 862
  • Lining, Tyre Cover, Turco, 298
  • Lion Peugeot Engine, 20
  • Lisle, Mr., 840; on Star Car, 686
  • Lithanode Lamps, Electric, 587; Hand, 587; Rear, ' 587; Side, 587; Tail, 587
  • Lithanode Plug,. Sparking, 587
  • Lloyd-George, Mr., 130
  • Llyn Cwellyn, 5
  • Load on Car, Weight Disposition of, 857
  • Lochner, M;, 206
  • Lock Nut, Turret, The, 400
  • Loder, Mr. E., 18, 337
  • Lodge Coil, Detonating Spark, 589
  • Lodge Plug, New Concentric Double Pole, 478 London-Monte Carlo Run, 960
  • Lonette Valley, De Lesseps Flies Over, 867 Lonsdale, Lord, 395
  • Lorraine-Dietrich Car, 20-30 h.p., four-cylinder, 617; Brake, Foot, 617; Clutch, Pedal, 617; Steering Lever, 617
  • Lough Erne, Boat, Motor, Race on, 864
  • Lough Esk, Bridge at, 864
  • Lucas Lamps, 585; Bracket, Headlight, 585; Pump, Tyre, Ib.
  • Luna, Pit, Inspection, Steel, 147
  • Luxury, Motoring, Modem, 410
  • Lynton Wheel, The, 583
  • Madrid, Ambassador, Moorish, at, 49; King Alphonso, Palace of, 49; Arrival at, Ib.
  • Magicienne Dynamo, La, 498
  • Magnetic Inspection Lamp, 780
  • Magneto, Coupling for, Improved, 213
  • Magnetos.—De Dion, 434. E.I.C.—(See " Hall ’ Infra.). Fuller Dual Ignition, Self-starting, 234, 588. Hall Dual Ignition, New, 138, 579; Armature, 138; Bearings, 138; Coil, 138; Contact Maker, 138; Mechanism of, 138; Trembler, 138. Muirhead, 652. Nilmelior Dual Ignition, 649. Simms, 115; Contact Maker, 115; Distributor, 115; Driving End, 115: High-tension Connecting Bar, 115; Spark Gap, 115; Switch, Starter for, 121, 648. Unterberg-Helme (U.H.), 874. Vander veil, 814
  • Magneto, Simms, Starter Switch for, 121, 648
  • Waterlooville, Hants., Motorcar Fleet at, 903 Watersplash, The, An Impression, 288 Way, Love Finds a, 310
  • Weather, Stormy, Pleasures of, Sea Front in, 34
  • Weight, Disposition of, on Car, 857
  • Whalley Abbey, Gateway Ruined at, 38
  • Wheel, Changing a, 427
  • Wheeler, M. A. F. D., on Buggyaut Car, 114
  • Wheel Extractor, Orno, 646
  • Wheels.—Crossley. 479. Dunlop, 276. Panflex, 652. Perrin’s, Spokeless, 484. Rudge-Whit-worth, 239, 326, 574, 583, 673, 694. Sankey Steel, 587. Williams, Wheel Within Wheel, 842
  • Wheels, Larger, Diagrams, 289, 456
  • Whomes, Mr. W., Illustrating Letter from, 693
  • White Car, Petrol, 20 h.p., Four-cylinder, 209, 548, 549; Axles, Front, 209; Rear, Live, Ib.; Chassis, 549; Clutch Held by T Pieces, 209; Engine, 548; Gate Change Lever, Vertical, 209; Greasers, Lubrication, 209
  • White Car, Steam, 15 h.p., 549; Engine, Rear View, 549 ; 40 h.p., 123
  • White Mountains, New Hampshire, 225; Descending the, Ib.
  • White, Mr. G., 970
  • White-Poppe Carburetter, 166, 589
  • White-Poppe Engine, Petrol, 589
  • Widmore, Village Cross at, 978
  • Williams Wheel Within Wheel, 842
  • Wilson, Mr. A. J. (“ Faed ”), 937
  • Windscreens.—Auster, Folding, 583. Cromwell, 447. Lanchester, 578. Schofield, 886
  • Wing Nut, Security Bolt, for, Crowdy, 308 Witham, Essex, Inn Sign, Quaint, at, 373 Wolseley Engine, Aviation, Eight-cylinder, 180 h.p., 306
  • Wolseley-Siddeley Carburetter, The, 544
  • Wolseley-Siddeley Car, 12-16 h.p., Four-cylinder, 543-544; Air Pump, Petrol Tank, 543; Axle, Front, 543; Carburetter, 544; Chassis, 543; Engine, Monobloc, 543; Gearbox, 544; Gland, Stuffing, 544; Hub, Front, 543; Water Pump, 543; Worm Drive, 543; 14 h.p., 393-394; Brake, Foot, 394; Chassis, 393; Engine, 393-394; Steering Connection., 393
  • Wolverhampton A.C.'s Hill-climb, 304-305. 352
  • Woodbridge, Suffolk, Butley Priory, Coffin, Old, at, 667; Mirror, Motorists’, Warning, at, 342; Weighbridge, Old, at. 833
  • Wood, Mr. H., Illustrating Letter from, 692 Workshop, Small, Possibilities of a, 846 Worm Drive, Napier, 743
  • Worthing, Salvington Windmill, 891; Teashop at, Ib.
  • Wright Aeroplane, Biplane, 48, 78, 112-113, 144-145, 206-207, 278, 327; Balloon, Captive, as Seen from a, 48; Flight, Full, in, 48; Starting
  • Wright Aeroplane, Biplane—Continued.
  • for, 48, 112; Rolls, Hon. C. S., on, 327 Wright Caricature, A, 758
  • Wright, Mr. Orville, Berlin, at, Attempts Record
  • at, 278; U.S.A., Flight in, Famous, 78
  • Wright, Mr. Warwick, 944b
  • Wymondham, Norfolk, Attleborough Road, 459;
  • Milestone. Memorial on Ib.; Cottesmore
  • Hounds Meet at, 748
  • Wyndham, Capt., 235
  • Yarmouth, I.O.W., Car at, 135; Passing Through, 135; Unloading, Ib.
  • Yarwood, Mr. A., Illustrating Letter from, 691


  • Zebra Car (£100), 752; Brake Pedal. 752; Clutch, 752; Engine, 752; Steering Post, 752
  • Zeppelin Airship, Fountain Honorific of, Freidrichshafen, 59
  • Zeppelin, British Naval. Shed for, 210
  • Zeppelin, Count, 182
  • Zourne, General, 718; Paulhan’s Altitude, Checking, 718

See Also


Sources of Information