The Engineer 1916/06/02
1916 June 02nd PDF
- Contents, p 459.
Main Subjects
- Acquisition of Patent Rights, p 468.
- British Patent Specifications, p 467.
- Coal Prices and Costs, p 462. (Illustrated)
- Editorial, p 459.
- The Dilution of Labour.
- Engineering Institutions and the War.
- Electric Ship Progress, p 456.
- Electrically Driven Gun Lathe, John Hetherington and Sons, p 463. (Illustrated)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Spur Gearing by Daniel Adamson, p 460.
- Letters to the Editor, p 461.
- Train Ferries.
- The Electrification of Isolated Factories, W. Eller-Styles.
- Theory and Prctice in the Filtration of Water.
- L. and N.W. Compounds, A. M. Bushell.
- Torsional Angle of Fracture, Braithwaite and Kirk.
- May, p 451.
- Naval Incidents.
- New Sewage Pumping Plant at Crossness.
- Rove Tunnel of the Marseilles-Rhone Canal.
- Trade after the War.
- The New Railway Bridge at Keadby.
- Aeronautical Events.
- German Trade in Peru.
- Motor Ship MS Oregon, p 462.
- Obituary, J. J. Hill, p 461.
- Provincial Letters, p 463.
- Relative Value of Different Fire Extinguishers, Wyman and Sons, p 462.
- Shildon-Newport Electrification Scheme, (No. II), p 452 - p 455 and p 458. (Illustrated)
- Strength and Wear of Locomotive Tires, by E. L. Ahrons, (No. II), p 455. (Illustrated)
- Training of Munition Workers, p 467.