Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name U

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

ULLMANN, William C., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 20, Forest Drive, Manor Park, London, E.12. T. N.: East Ham too and 611. b. 1864, near Adelaide, South Australia. Ed. Privately in Australia and at Finsbury Technical College, London. In r 881 entered the service of the South Australian State Railways in the Locomotive and Engineering Department, serving an apprenticeship of five years. In 1889 joined the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., and in 1891 was Resident Engineer for the Brush Co. at the Bankside Station of the City of London Electric Lighting Co. In 1892 carried out an important mission for this company in Bangkok, Siam, returning to Bankside on completion. In 1895, left England to take up position as Chief Engineer to the Sulphide Corporation at Newcastle, New South Wales, returning in 1898 to England and joined the British Thomson-Houston Co., and was Resident Engineer for the construction of the first section of the electrical equipment of the Sheffield Corporation Tramways. A year later he was appointed by the East Ham Council to design and construct their electric lighting and tramway undertaking. Has since held the position of Electrical Engineer and Tramways Manager of the joint undertaking. The East Ham Corporation electric tramway undertaking was the first municipal electric tramway service in the Metropolis. War Services.—In 1915, Assistant Manager of the Outer Eastern Area of the Metropolitan Munitions Coin mi ttee.

UNDERHILL, Reginald Stanley, M.A. Oxon., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Col.Inst., Ropeway Engr. to the State of Nepal; b. 1870. Ed. Magdalen Coll. Sch., Oxford, and Jesus Coll., Oxford. Training: Millard Eng. Lab., Oxford. Career: 1894-1904— With Willans & Robinson, Ltd., at Thames Ditton, Rugby and Queen's Ferry, as Pupil, Improver, and from 1899 to 1904 Chief Asst. to Gen. Mangr. of Boiler Dept.; 1904-8—Chief Engr. on the Erection of a i6-mile Wire Ropeway (Bullivants') for Capillitas Copper Co. in the Andes, North Argentina; 1909— Erecting a Wire Ropeway (Ropeways, Ltd.) for the Greek Iron Ore Corpn., Greece; I9I0-13—Erecting and Surveying for Ropeways in India, for Ropeways, Ltd.; 1913-20—Forest Engr., Indian Forest Service, in India and Burma; 1921 to date—Erecting Wire Ropeways in Nepal, India. Address: c/o Brit. Legation, Nepal, India. Permanent Address: c/o Roy. Col. Inst., Northumberland Avenue, London, W.2.

UNWIN, William C., LL.D., F.R.S., B.Sc., Civil Engineer, 29, Palace Gate, Kensington, W.8. b. 1838; eldest s. of Dr. W. J. Unwin, of Homerton College. Ed. City of London School. With Fairbairn's of Manchester. Manager of Engineering Works, 1861-8; Instructor at Royal School of Naval Architecture, South Kensington, 1868-72; Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the Royal Engineering College, Coopers Hill, 1872-84; Professor of Engineering, Central Technical College of the City and Guilds of London, Kensington, 1884-1904. Past President of Institution of Civil Engineers, and of Institution of Mechanical Engineers. On the Senate of London University. Publications: " Machine Design," 1877; " Wrought Iron Bridges and Roofs," 1869; " The Development and Transmission of Power from Central Stations," 1894; " The Testing of Materials of Construction," 1888; " Treatise on Hydraulics," 1907. Member of the Reform Club. War Services.—On the Management Board of the Metropolitan Munitions Committee.

URIE, Robert W., Locomotive Engineer to the London & South Western Railway, Hill Croft, Hill Lane, Southampton, Hants. T. N.: Eastleigh 37. Ed. Ardeer Public School and Glasgow High School. Engineering training in general, hydraulic, and locomotire branches; with Caledonian Railway as General, subsequently Chief Draughtsman, and Shop Manager; joined the London & South Western Railway as Shop Manager in 1897.

URWICK, Arthur John, M.I.Mech.E., District Engr. (S. Wales) for The Pulsometer Eng. Co., Ltd.; b. 1868; s. of Samuel John Urwick, of Great Malvern. Ed. Clifton Coll. Training: Birmingham Sch. of Art and University Coll., London. City and Guild Cert. App. with Piercy & Co., Birmingham; Draughtsman, Dutton & Co., Worcester, and Joseph Evans & Sons, Ltd., Wolverhampton; Works Man., Bryan, Donkin & Co., Ltd., London, 8 years; Man. Dir., Nevile Eng. Co., Ltd., Worcester, io years. Address: 2, Church Avenue, Penarth, S. Wales. Business Address: c/o The Pulsometer Eng. Co., Ltd., 25, Charles Street, Cardiff.

UTTLEY, Edwin Abraham, M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E., Chief Constructor and Electric Inspector, Rhodesian Govt.; b. 1874; s. of Thomas Uttley. Ed. Denbigh Grammar Sch., N. Wales. Training: Manchester and Birmingham Tech. Colls., Victoria Univ. Address: Bulawayo, Rhodesia, S.A.

See Also


Sources of Information