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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name V

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

VALON, Walter Arthur, M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons. E. (Member of Ctee.), Cons. Engr. (Civil, Gas, Water), 5, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. A.: " Validome." T. N.: Victoria 3065.

VANDELEUR, Henry M., C.B.E., Lt.-Col. R.A., M.I.& S.I., M.T.I.A., Chief Inspector of Armaments, Woolwich; b. 1875. Ed. Bedford Sch. and Royal Military Academy. Passed Advanced Class, Ordnance Coll. Director of Inspection of Guns during the Great War. • Member of the Ordnance Committee, 1919-1921. Club: Army and Navy. Address: King's Mill House, South Nutfield, Surrey. T. N.: Redhill 437.

VARLEY, Samuel Alfred, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Electrical Engineer, Abbottsacre Lodge, Winchester; b. 1832; s. of Cornelius Varley; m. Emily Andrews. Ed. Southwark School. Manufacturer of Electrical and Telegraphic apparatus; Inventor Officer-in-Charge of Field Telegraphs during Crimean War, the first occasion when field telegraphy was employed; inventor, first self-exciting dynamo and first compound-wound dynamo lightning bridge; deviser of system of electric communication on railway trains.

VARVILL, Michael Noel, M.C., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, c/o Grindlay & Co., Bombay; b. 1882. Ed. and Training: Highgate School; Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill; Great Northern Railway. Executive Engineer, Indian State Railways. Mainly employed on various railway surveys and constructions in North West Frontier Province, Baluchistan and South Persia. War Services.—Temporary Captain, Royal Engineers, employed on Military Railways In East Africa, 1914-18.

VAUGHAN, John Alfred, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Inspector of Machinery, P.O. Box 1132, Johannesburg, Transvaal.

VAUX OF HARROWDEN, Rt. Hon. Lord, Member of Council of The British Elec. Federation, Ltd.; Director, The British Electric Traction Co., Ltd.; Brush Elec. Eng. Co., Ltd.; Chairman of Middleton Electric Traction Co., Ltd.; V.-Pres. of Tramways and Light Rlys. Assoc. Address: Harrowden Hall, Wellingboro'.

VENTERS, William Beattie, B.Sc. Eng. (Glasgow), Assoc.M inst.C.E., Acting Chief Engr., Assam-Bengal Rly., India; b. 1872; s. of John Venters. Ed. Haddington and Glasgow. Training: Glasgow Univ., B.Sc. (Civ. Eng.); and Cert. of Proficiency. Career: Asst. Engr. on Construction and Open Line on the Assam-Bengal Rly., 1895-1904; District Engr. on Open Line, 1904-19, including Construction of Jetties at Chittagong Port; 1915-17 —Reconstruction of Hill Section, Assam-Bengal Rly.; Since Sept., 1919, has been Personal Asst. to Chief Engr., Acting Chief Engr. and Agent. Address: Assam-Bengal Rly., Chittagong, India.

VERNIER, Charles, Electrical Engineer, 20, Osborne Terrace, Gosforth, Northumberland. T. N.: 131 Gosforth. b. 1877. Ed. Polytechnic, Regent Street, and City and Guilds of London Institute, Finsbury. Engineering training received with A. Reyrolle & Co., Hebburn-on-Tyne, and Brockie Pell Arc Lamp Co. 1899—With Cork Electric Tramways & Lighting Co., Cork. Since 1900 with Newcastle Electric Supply Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Now Mains Engineer. Chief Works: The laying and maintenance of the Newcastle electric supply, and associated companies extensive transmission and distribution systems; supervised the laying of the first 20,000 volt cable system in the whole world in i9c 6 for these companies. Chairman, Newcastle Local Section, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1913-14. Publications: " The Laying and Maintenance of Transmission Cables," Institute of Electrical Engineers' Journal, Vol. 47, 1911; Chairman's Address, Newcastle Local Section, Institution of Electrical Engineers' Journal, Vol. 52, 1914; " Wayleaves," Institution of Electrical Engineers' Journal, Vol. 55, 1917; awarded Paris Premium. Member of the Conservative Club, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Services.—The maintenance of power supply to and extensions for supply to works and factories engaged on war work and munitions on Tyneside, Wearside and Tees-side.

VERNON, Percy Venables, O.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., M.Amer.S.M.E., Machine Tool Designer, Keresley Manor, near Coventry. T. N.: Coventry 784. b. 1871; s. of George Venables Vernon, F.R.A.S.; m. Charlotte Mary, d. of J. H. Welch. Ed. Manchester Grammar School. Engineering training with Kendall & Gent, Manchester, and at Manchester Technical School, Whitworth Exhibitioner, 1891. Designer, Kendall & Gent, until 1895; designer of special machine tools, Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., 1896-7; joined Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Coventry, 1897. Now Director and Chief of Design, Alfred Herbert, Ltd. Member of Council, Coventry Chamber of Commerce; Member, Cutting Tools Research Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Co-opted Member, Evening Schools (Technical School), special Committee of Coventry Education Committee. Publications: Various papers read before engineering societies and articles in technical Press. Member of the Royal Automobile Club and Drapers Company, Coventry. War Services.—Director and Assistant Controller, Machine Tool Department, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-8.

VERRIERES, Albert Claude, C.I.E., San. Engr. to Govt. U.P. of Agra and Oudh since 1918. Address: Allahabad, U.P., India.

VIGNOLES, Ernest Blacker, Elec. Engr., Man. Dir. of Evershed & Vignoles, Ltd.; b. 1865; s. of Hutton Vignoles, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Malvern. Training: Central Tech. Coll. Address: Acton Lane Works, Chiswick, W.4. T. A.: "Dorothea, London."

VIGNOLES, W. A., Lt.-Col., D.S.O., M.I. E.E., Electricity Supply Engineer, Electricity Works, Grimsby. T. N.: 614 Grimsby; 3033 Grimsby (private house). b. 1874; s. of the late Hutton Vignoles, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. in France and City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury. Apprenticed with W. T. Goolden & Co., afterwards with the Electrical Coal Cutting Contract Corporation; Crompton & Co., Ltd., Chelmsford, as Chief Draughtsman; Assistant to Sir Alex. B. W. Kennedy, F.R.S., LL.D. Now Electrical Engineer to the Grimsby Corporation. Publications: Articles in the " Electrician," 1905, on " Efficiency of Steam Plant," in " Electrical Industries," 1912, on " Electrical Publicity in a Small Town "; papers before Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association, 1906, '` Efficiency of Steam Plant "; 1914, " Commercial Development of Electricity Supply in Moderate-sized Towns." War Services.—Temporary Major in the 10th Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment, September, 1914, to November, 1917; for 3 months commanded the Battalion in France. Promoted Lieut.-Colonel, November, 1917, and appointed to command the 9th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers. Served 2i years in France; once wounded, July 1, 1916. Awarded D.S.O. in 1917, and a bar to it in 1918. Twice mentioned in dispatches. Demobilized, February, 1919.

VINCENT, Edward T., Wh.Sc., Wh.Ex., Royal Scholar, A.M.I.A.E., Marine Engineer (Internal Combustion Engines), 5, Arundel Mansions, Fulham Road, S.W.6; b. 1893. Apprentice, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham, 1909-15; four years in H.M. Dockyard School, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1914-15 and 1915-16. 1916-17— Draughtsman in H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. 1917-19 —Senior Laboratory Assistant, Admiralty Engineering Laboratory. April, 1919—Technical Secretary at Admiralty Laboratory. Chief Works: Installation and experimental work on zoo H.P. compound petrol engine (designs, H.Ricardo ); investigations on spraying for Diesel engines and solid injection engines, and on causes of detonation in internal combustion engines. War Services.-1914-1 7—H.M. Dockyard, Chat ham, submarine engine erection and tests. 191719—Admiralty Engineering Laboratory, research work on internal combustion engines.

VINE, Joseph Horace, Eng. Lt.-Commander, R.N. (S.R.), M.I.Mech.E., Salvage Officer and Supt. Engr.; b. 1879; s. of Capt. J. Vine (Merchant Service ). Ed. Weymouth Commercial Sch. Training: Weymouth Tech. Coll. S. Kensington for Advanced Machine Construction and Design, also Steam; B.O.T. Chief Engr.'s Cert. Career: 1899-1906—P. & 0. Co., as Junior and Senior Engr. on " Oceana," "Manila," " Victoria "; 1906-14—Chief Engr., Insp. Engr. and Sur., Indian General Navigation and Rly. Co.; 1914-15—Chief Engr., H.M. Prize " Nortburg "; 1915-19—Joined R.N. as Temp. Engr. Lt.; assisted in sinking vessels at Cape Helles and Imbros; whilst attached to H.M.S. " Exmouth," promoted to Eng. Lt. Com., and appointed to Salonica in charge of Eng. side for Transports, Harb. craft, Motor Lighters, etc.; then to Admiralty Salvage Section as Asst. Salvage Officer, and promoted Eng. Commander in charge of Falmouth Base, and dealt with over 64 stranded ships, Torpedo Damage, Fire, Collision, the most notable being the Shaw Savill " Tainui," Atlantic Transport " Manhatan," Blue Funnel " Helenus," P. & 0. " Nyanza," and White Star " Persia." Address: Villa St. Angelo, Fort Road, Newhaven, Sussex. T. A.: " Rexalvois, Newhaven." T. N.: 71 Newhaven.

VISVESVARAYA, Sir Mokshagundam, K.C.I.E., M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr. (Civil, Hydraulic, Irrigation, Sanitary); b. 1861; s. of Mokshagundam Sreenivasa Sastri. Ed. The Central Coll., Bangalore. Training: Coll. of Eng. (formerly Coll. of Sc.), Poona. Career: Held respectively the Offices of Supt. Engr. and San. Engr. to Govt., Bombay; Cons. Engr. to Hyderabad State; and Chief Engr. of Mysore; designed and carried out the Automatic Waste Weir gates at Lake Fife and introduced System of Irrigation known as the " Block System," in Bombay Deccan; designed two large reservoirs in the Hyderabad State, one of which has been carried out; designed and supervised the construction of large Reservoir (Krishnaraja Sagara ), the largest yet attempted in India, on the Cauvery River in Mysore. Publ.: Numerous printed reports on Works designed or carried out. Clubs: National Liberal, Whitehall, London. Address: High Ground, Bangalore (Mysore State ), India.

VIVIAN, Archibald Comley, B.A. (Camb.), A.R.S.M., A.I.M.M., M.Inst.Met., Min. Engr., Q. Metallurgical Engr. and Chemist; Tech. Officer in the Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research; b. 1884. Ed. St. Paul's Sch., Royal Sch. of Mines, Penzance Sch. of Mines. Career: Cyanide Chemist and Research with the Borneo Co., Ltd., in Saramak; also Metallurgical Engr. in charge of Slimees Plant and Asst. for Reconstruction of Plant; Inspector of Mines and Acting Secretary for Mines in the Gold Coast Colony; Demonstrator in Metallurgy at Cambridge University for the Officers' Tech. Training Classes. Paper on " Tin Phosphorous Alloys," before the Inst. of Metals. Address: 32, Castleton Mansions, Barnes, S.W.13.

VIVIAN, Stephen, Vice-Pres. Inst.M.M., :33, Madelcy Road, Ealing, W.5.

VOGEL, Julius L. F., M.I.E.E., M.Inst.M.M., Chem. and Elec. Engr., c/o High Speed Steel Alloys, Ltd., Widnes, Lancs. T. A.: " Alloys, Widnes." T. N.:162 Widnes; s. of the late Hon. Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G., Premier of and Agent General for New Zealand. Ed. Charterhouse. Apprenticed to Gulcher Electrical Co., Ltd., London. Evening Classes at Finsbury Technical College. Assistant to Dr. 0. J. Steinhart in Chemical & Electrolytic Syndicate, Ltd.; Partner in the firm of Steinhart & Vogel for 14 years; carrying out large scale investigations into new processes; Joint Managing Director in a company formed to manufacture Tungsten metal. 1914— Appointed by combination of High Speed Steel makers to design and erect a Tungsten factory and subsequently appointed General Manager in charge of the whole business. Publications: Sundry technical papers, especially on " Electrolysis of Fused Salts:" Member of St. Stephen's Club. War Services.—Specially exempt for manufacture of Tungsten metal required for munition manufacture.

VOLLMER, George Frederick, M.Sc., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Welland Ship Canal Office, St. Catharine's, Ontario, Canada. T. N.: 1054. b. 1876; s. of Henry Vollmer, Manchester; m. May 3, 1915. Ed. Private school, Manchester; Manchester University, 1892-5; University of Wyoming, U.S.A., 1902. Apprenticed and assistant to C. J. Lomax, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Manchester, sewerage and sewage disposal; Contractor's Agent, Cinderford extension, Great Western Railway; Assistant, Denver Union Water Co., Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.; Chief Draughtsman, North Bay District, Canadian Northern Railway; Assistant Engineer, Welland Ship Canal, Canada. Publications: Paper on " Irrigation in United States of America," Institution of Civil Engineers. War Services.—Enlisted November 25, 1914, in 21st Royal Fusiliers (4th Public Schools); N.C.O. in charge of construction of Clipstone Ranges, Notts, 1915; 2ndLieutenant, Royal Engineers, December 23, 1915; to France, December 3o, 1915, 3rd Labour Battalion, Royal Engineers; Lieutenant, September 2, 1916; Division Officer, Royal Engineers, May 14, 1917 (Acting Captain ), Mediterranean Lines of Communication. Designed and constructed Rest Camps and Hospital, St. Germain au Mont d'Or; D.O.R.E., Dieppe, 1919. Demobilized, March 18, 1919.

See Also


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