The Engineer 1879/09/05
Main Subjects
- Blakes Boiler for Portable Engines, p181 (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p185.
- Trade Prospects
- Bearing of the Meppen Trails on the Breech and Muzzle Loading Question
- Inventors and the Government
- Reciprocity or Free Trade
- American Iron Trade
- Improvements in Ocean Steamships, p179.
- Melbourne International Exhibition, p179.
- Minerl Statistics, 1878, p187 (I).
- Naval Intelligence, p188.
- Proposed New Route for the South Yorkshire Coal Trade, p179.
- Wapping Improvements, p187.
- Working of Traction Engines in India - R. E. B. Crompton, p182 (Illustrated).
- Visits in the Provinces - Inchicore Works, Great Southern and Western Railway, p177, p180, p185 (Illustrated).