The Engineer 1879/04/18
1879 April 18th PDF
Main Subjects
- Boilers with Forced Circulation, (No. II), p 273.
- Death - John Frederick Birkinshaw, p 281.
- Dephosphorisation of Cleveland Pig Iron - Jeremiah Head, p 273.
- Edison's Induction Balance, p 284.
- Editorial, p 281.
- Pumping By Contract.
- An Omission in Mining Legislation - Spon Lane Colliery .
- Sea Captains and Engineers.
- The Coal Trade.
- Experiments on the Effect of Air Spaces Between Shot and Carriage, p 284.
- Legal Intelligence, p 285.
- Nobel's Explosives Co V Krebs and Co.
- Letters to the Editor, p 279.
- Silicate and Zinc White Paints, p 274.
- Strains on Screw Propeller Shaft, p 276 and 278. (Illustrated).
- Viaducts Over The Nore - Waterford and Central Railway of Ireland, p 277, 280 and 283. (Illustrated).