1858 Directory of Leeds

Note: Leeds section only. Bradford, Huddersfield and others not extracted
- Brass Fittings, Brass Cock, &c. MA.
- Beverley J. and Son, 85 Upperhead row
- Dixon Sarah, 18 Swinegate
- Frost Wm. Edw., 29 Meadow road
- Hall Thomas, 78 Basinghall street
- Hepton Win. 3 Salem place, Huns.
- Hirst John, yard, 92 Briggate
- Hughes Thos. J. 37 Lowerhead row
- Lilley Jacob, 23 Vicar lane
- Ogden John, Isle of Cinder
- Pullan Thomas, 5 Nevile street
- Richardson John, yard, 43 Briggate
- Stubbs Robt. Pearson, 43 Land's In
- Tonks George, 46 Hunslet lane, and Birmingham; Wm. Green, agent
- Walker Wm. 20 West street
- Whitley Joseph, 74 Bowman lane
- Windle Darius, Church street, Huns
- Wooler Thos. 13 Victoria road
- Bartholomew Wm. H., Dock head
- Dresser Cphr. Leefe. 30 Park row
- Fox James, 16A Albion street
- Harding John, 51 Woodhouse lane
- Leather John W. 4 Britannia street
- Martin and Shaw, 3 Albion place
- Morton Hy. Jph. 2 Basinghall bldgs.
- Payton George, Wellington station
- Tilney Charles, 1 Blundell street
- Young Francis Mortimer, 3 Park p1
IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. (Marked 1 = Steam Engine Builders; 2 = Boiler Makers; 3 = Stove Grate Manufacturers; 4 = Hydraulic Press Manufacturers.
- Abbey Street Millwright Co, Kirkstall rd
- Bedford Joseph, Saville street
- 1, 2, 1, Bingley John and Co., Harper st
- 1 Bray, Waddington and Co., New Dock Works, Hunslet road
- Buckton, Jas. and Co., Meadow lane rd
- Burnley and Nichols, Victoria road
- 1, 2, 4, Carrett, Marshall, and Co. Sun Foundry, Dewsbury road
- Cluderay Charles, Star Foundry, 56 Wortley lane
- Craven, Grewer, and Co. Providence Foundry, Lady lane
- 2, 4, Denison Wm. 67 West st
- Dobson Jas. and Co., Virginia st
- 3 Dolphin Foundry Co., Steander
- 1, 2, 4, Fairbairn, Peter and Co., Wellington Foundry, 133 Wellington st
- Goodworth Jph. and Co., Darlington st
- Gothard Richd. and Wm., Balm road
- Green Thomas, 135 North street
- 1, 4, Greenwood and Batley, East st
- Hardwick and Craven, 13 Nevile st
- Harker Simon, 5 Spark street
- 3 Heaps J. and C., 36 Upperhead row
- 1, 2, 4, Hetherington John, 19 East st
- 1 Hezmalhalch John and Son, 1 Meanwood road
- Hird, Dawson, and Hardy, 37 Vicar lane, and Low Moor
- Hood and Cooper, Leeds Iron Works, Pottery field, Hunslet
- 1, 2, Horsfield, Jarvis, and Loxley, Bank Foundry, Saxton lane
- 2 Humphrey Wm. and Co., Foundry street, Hunslet
- Jones Silvester F. 26 Mill hill, 40 Bridge end N. and Bowman lane
- Kilburn Richard, Carr moor side
- 1 Kirkstall Forge Co., Kirkstall
- 1 Kitson, Thompson, and Hewitson, Airedale Foundry, Hunslet
- 2 Lawson Jph., Church st. Hunslet
- 1, 2, Lawson S. and Sons, 34 Mabgate
- 1 Leach John, Mande's yd. East st
- Longbottom John and Co., Belgrave Foundry, yard 46 Wade lane
- 1, 4, Maclea and March, Union Foundry, Dewsbury road
- Matthews Joseph, Little Nevile st
- Monk Bridge Iron Co., Whitehall rd
- 3 Nelson J. and Sons, 47 Briggate
- Newton and Co., Globe Foundry,. Water lane
- Parker Edward, yard 33 Lady lane
- 2 Shaw Jpb. and Son, 8 Swan st. and Hunslet Iron Works
- 1, 2, Shepherd, Hill, and Spink, Union Foundry, Ingham st. 28 Huns. rd
- 1 Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, Victoria Foundry, Water lane
- Stockdill John, 7 Swinegate
- Sutcliffe Chas. and Co. 60 Sweet st
- Taylor, Wordsworth, and Co., Midland Junction Foundry, Silver st.
- Tetley Wm. and Son, 5 Spark st 1, 2, 4,
- Whitham Jph. and Son, Perseverance Foundry, Kirkstall rd
- 1, 2, Wilson E. B. (Trustees of) Railway Foundry, Pearson st
- 1 Wilkinson James, 27 Mill hill
- 2 Wolstenholme Rt., Fountain st. H.
- Wood Robert and Sons, Larchfield Foundry, 36 Hunslet road
- Woodhead, Striven, and Holdsworth, Worsted street
IRON MERCHANTS. (Marked $ are Iron Masters.)
- $ Brown Thomas, 19 Call lane, and Staffordshire
- $ Butterley Co's Iron Warehouse, Butterley st. Hunslet In; James H. Sadler, agent
- Ellison Samuel, 28 Vicar lane
- $ Fernley Iron Co's Stores, 198 Wellington street
- Firth George and Co. 53 Land's lane
- $ Harding A. and Co., Beeston Manor Iron Works
- $ Hird, Dawson, and Hardy, 37 Vicar lane, and Low Moor Iron Works. J. Asquith, agent
- $ Hood and Cooper, Leeds Iron Works
- James Robt. S. (agent to Bernhard & Co., Middlesborough Iron Works) 10 Springfield place
- $ Kirkstall Forge Co., Kirkstall
- Monk Bridge Iron Co., Whitehall rd
- Morley Hy. R. and Co. 4 Change court
- $ Shaw Jph. and Son, Hunslet Iron Works, and 8 Swan street
- Stansfield and Auty, 6 Calls
- Whitham Jpb. and Son, Kirkstall road
MACHINE MAKERS. (Marked $ make Washing Machine)
- Abbey Street Millwright Co., Kirkstall rd
- $ Arton Wm. (agent) 41 Bank st
- Bedford Joseph, Saville street
- Bingley John and Co., Harper st
- Bray, Waddington, and Co., New Dock
- $ Briggs Thos. 73 Woodhouse lane
- Brownfoot B., South ter. Hunslet In
- Buckton Joshua and Co., Meadow rd
- Burnley and Nichols, Victoria road
- Butterworth Jas., Macaulay st
- Carrett, Marshall and Co., Dewsbury rd
- Cluderay Charles, 56 Wortley lane
- Dawson John, Elland road
- Denison Wm. 67 West street
- Dockray Jacob, 52 Meadow road
- English Robson, (agricul. impli.) Worsted st., Mill st
- Fairbairn P. and Co. 133 Wellington st
- Goodworth Jph. and Co. Darlington st
- Green and Jackson, 11 Water lane
- Greenwood and Batley, East st
- Harding T. R., Wilson street
- Harker Simon, 5 Spark street
- $ Hill Wm. 73 North street
- Horsfield J. and L., Saxton lane
- Kempe W. and Co., Holbeck lane
- Kitson, Thompson, and Hewitson, Hunslet road
- Lawson S. and Sons, 84 Mabgate
- Leach John, Maude's yd, East st
- Longbottom John and Co., yard 40 Wade lane
- Maclea and March, Dewsbury road
- $ Marsden Benjamin, Armley hall
- Matthews Joseph, Little Nevile st
- Morton Jonathan and Son, Grey walk
- Newton and Co., Water lane
- Nicholson Thomas, Plum street
- Oldroyd John, yard 15 Briggate l
- $ Pearson W. and Co., Little Nevile st
- Porter Benj., Cross court, 16 Brigs
- Renton Thomas, 103 Park lane
- Richardson and Colley, Skinner lane
- Scott Wm. and Son, Upper North st
- Shepherd, Hill, and Spink, Huns. rd
- Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, Water lr
- Taylor, Wordsworth, and Co., Silver st
- Teale Jas. (agrctl.impt.) 114 High st
- Varley Hy. and Co., Low road, Huns
- Waterworth Thomas, 18 Garden st
- Whitham Joseph and Son, Kirkstall ra
- Wilson E. B. (Exors. of) Pearson st
- Wood Robert and Sons, 38 Hunslet rd 1
- Abbey Street Millwright Co. Kirkstall rd
- Alderson Benjamin, Dewsbury rd
- Barker Brothers, Elland road
- Bedford Joseph, Saville street
- Bingley John and Co. 21 Harper st
- Bray, Waddington, and Co., Huns. rd
- Burnley and Nichols, Victoria road
- Carrett, Marshall, and Co., Dewsby. rd
- Child W., J., and T. (millstone mkrs.) Cross Mill street
- Conyers, Brook, and Co., Sovereign st
- Coop Henry, Cross Mill street
- Fairbairn P. and Co. 133 Wellngtn. st
- Gibson Robt. 2 Foundry et. Hunslet
- Harker Simon, 5 Spark street
- Hetherington John, 19 East street
- Hezmalhalch J. and Son, I Meanwd. rd
- Hezmalhalch and Sons, Millwright st
- Humphrey Wm. and Co., Foundry st. H.
- Kilburn Richard, 6 Holbeck lane
- Leatham Wm. 51 Cavalier street
- Longbottom J. and Co. 48 Wade lane
- Lumb John, yard 74 West street
- Lumb Samuel, 122 Wellington st
- Maclea and March, Dewsbury road
- Matthews Jph., Little Revile street
- Ogden John, Isle of Cinder
- Renton Thomas, 103 Park lane
- Richardson and Colley, Skinner lane
- Shaw, North, and Watson, Lit, Nevile st
- Smith Thomas, Tenter lane
- Sutcliffe Chas. and Co. 60 Sweet st
- Sutcliffe Richard, Goodman street
- Telford, Sharp, and Farrar, Meadow rd
- Varley Henry and Co., Low rd. Huns
- Waterworth Thos. 18 Garden st
- West Wm. yard 16 Hunslet road
- Westwood Wm. and Son, Ingram st
- Westwood John, yard 9 East street
- Whitham Jph. and Son, Kirkstall road
- Wilkinson James, 27 Swinegate
- Wilson E. B. (Exors. of) Pearson st
- Wood Robt. and Sons, 38 Hunslet rd
- Bentley George, Grape street, Huns.
- Bradberry James, 16 Nevile street
- Downes George, 10 Cross Mill st
- Gosney Joseph, Pontefract lane
- Nelson George, 22 York street
- Parker Jph., Upr. Accommodation rd
- Pool Luke, Siddall street
- Wilson Brothers, Victoria road