1903 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1903 Jul-Dec Index - Volume 11
- A. A. (query), 794.
- Abuse of the Motor Horn, 136.
- Acatos, A. T. C. (letter). 498.
- Accelerator, The Use of the, By, 109.
- Accessibility Car Design. 345.
- Accident, Lord Monkswell’s, 443.
- — on Sun Rising Hill. 177, 189, 197, 219.
- — at Southport (Higginbotham), 499.
- — to J. W. Stocks, Gordon-Bennett Race, 115.
- — to Steam Lorry at Forest Hill, 676
- Accidents, One Year’s Horse. 371.
- Accumulator and Dry Battery Connection, 254
- — Edison’s New Electric. 316, 365, 683.
- — Repairing Plant, Brandes and Johnstone, 525.
- — Wiring, Dynamo and, 444.
- Accumulators, Acid for. 282.
- — Charging, 337, 051, 691, 757, 76i, 775-
- — in India, 697.
- Acetylene Motor, A New. 28b, 302.
- A.C.G.B. and 1. Conference. 074.
- Act, The Motor Car, Correspondence on, 237, 264, 312, 579, 604-
- — The New, Analysis of, 338.
- — New, Coming of the, 795.
- — The New, Forecast of, 540.
- — The New, Working of, 736.
- A. C. (query), 254.
- Advertisement, Refusing to insert an, 800.
- Aero Club, Annual Dinner, 608.
- Aeronautical Club Paper, 531.
- Affiliation and Federation. 674.
- — Question, Automobile Club, 104, 189, 249, 534, 549-
- Africa, West, The Autocar in, 588
- Age Limit of Drivers, 789
- Agent selling Small Cars (letter), 578
- A. G. (letter) 720.
- Agricultural Motor, The Ivel, 2, 262, 506, 635.
- Agriculturist, The, 175.
- A. H. (query), 638.
- A. H. S. (query), 89.
- Air and Gas, The Proportions of, 206
- — Lock in Water Pipes. 584.
- — Regulator, Napier Hydraulic, 440, 529, 549, 637.
- Airships, Improvements in, 531.
- Airship, Spencer Motor, 408.
- — The Beedle, 596, 618.
- A. J. A. (query), 282.
- A. J. Y. (letter), 274.
- Albion Cars, 599.
- — Car, Murray Governor, 326.
- — Spring Drive, 97.
- — 12 h.p. Waggonette, 793.
- Alcohol for Motors, 175, 249. 261, 307, 401
- — from Roots, Preparation of, 269.
- Aldwinckle, Thos. W. (letter), 491.
- Allen, Violet (letter), 250.
- Alnwick Rural District Council, 164.
- Aluminium for Inlet Pipes, 282.
- “ Amac ” Sparking Plug, 690.
- Amateur Driver (letter), 461.
- Amateurs, A Road Trial for, 343.
- — Reliability Trials for, 461, 491.
- Amended Policy, An, 220.
- America, Automobile Racing in. 513, 643. 667.
- American Reliability Trials, 311, 557, 619.
- — View of Motor Racing, ibi.
- A. M. W. (query), 109.
- Analysis of the New Act, 338.
- — of Tyre Troubles, 1.000 Miles Trials, 557.
- Ancient Electric Motor Tricycle, 577. 608.
- Anderson, D. (query), 225
- Anglo-Indian Automobilist. An, 184, 068
- An Old Member (letter), 787
- Another Medico (letter), 274
- — Steam Car Owner (letter 1, 521
- Anticipation, Cartoon, 146
- Anti-freezing Mixtures, 705
- — motor Crusade 19
- Arctic Circle, In the, 256. 280, 368, 443.
- Ardennes Race, 14, 62, 784
- Argyll Bevel Gear Wheels, 562.
- — Car, 16 h.p., Four-cylinder, with Hood, 239.
- — 6 h.p. (letter), 365.
- Ariel, 16 h.p., 409.
- — Car. 12 h.p., Mr. S. Pilcher’s, 774
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 756.
- Armitage, Edward (letter). 251
- Army Manoeuvres, Motor Vehicles at. 403, 478, 525, 070.
- Arnott. Ernest H. (letters), 366. 498
- A. S. H. (letter). 580.
- Ashridge Park, Herts, 4O1.
- A. S. (query). 638.
- Astle, M. J. (letter), 40b.
- Atkey, A. R. (letur). 79.
- Atmospheric Transmission, 19, 251.
- A. T. (querv). 07^.
- Austin. H. (letter). 580. 634.
- Auto-cycle Club Reliability Trial-, 192.
- Automatic Carburetters, 19.
- — Valve Carburetter, 596.
- — v. Mechanically-operated Valves, 085. 717, 75O
- Automobile Club Dinner, 525.
- — Founders' Dinner, 734.
- — Garage. Illustration. 281.
- — Quarterly Tnal. 174.
- — Components v. Iliffe and Sons Ltd., 800.
- — Regulations in France, 99
- Auto-trembler. Wiring an, 405.
- Autoviator (query), 466.
- Aveling, Thos. C. (letter), 275.
- A.V. Sparking Plug, 723.
- Awards for 1,000 Miles Trial, 700. 716.
- Ayr County Council and Autocar Regulations; 404.
- Baby Peugeot, 500 Miles on the 13.
- Backlash in Steering Gears, Cure for 318.
- Baker, E. Failes, Balloon Adventure, 668.
- Balloons, Hunting with Motor, 30S.
- Balloon v. Motor Chase, 607. 672.
- Balls broken in Bearings, 507.
- Band Brake Blocks, 610.
- Barber, Herbert (letter) 720.
- Barker Lake, H., Motor ’Buses, 541.
- Barlow Carburetter, 596.
- Barn, The, Market Harboro', Visitors at, 300.
- Baron, The (letter), 604.
- Bassee and Michel Magnetic Trembler, 686.
- Bates, Colonel Stratton, on 16-20 h.p. Dennis Car, 187
- — Messrs., The Toni Motor Tyre, 781.
- Bath, H. J. (letter), 663, 717.
- Batteries. Dry, ” Ever-ready,” 278.
- Battery, Primary Ignition, 572.
- Bayldon, O. H. (letter), 333.
- Bayley, Ernest W. (letter), 276.
- Beader, Frank E. (letter), 79.
- Bearings, Broken Balls in, 507.
- — Road Wheel, 507.
- Beaufort Motor Co. (letter), 527. 7&7-
- Beaumont. W. Worby (letter), 137.
- Beedle Airship 596, 618.
- Begbie Manufacturing Co.. 581.
- Belgium and Gordon-Bennett Race, 525.
- — Speed Restriction in, 186.
- Believer in Solid Tyres (letter), 758
- Belsize Car. 16 h.p., 108
- Belt-driving Querv, A, 584
- Benabenq. M . on Automobile Radiators and Fans, 9.
- Benz Car Query, 562.
- — Car, 3I h.p., Mechanically-operated Inlet Valve, 18.
- — Car, 4A h.p.. Wear of, 402.
- Benzine and Benzene, 251.
- Benzol, Petroleum Spirit and, 78. 251.
- Bergin, Louis M. (letter), 249.
- Bergmann. A. G., Tour, 314.
- Berkeley (letter), 491.
- Berkshire. A. C., 799-
- Berlin, Races in, 518, 547.
- Berrirnan, A. E., Paper by, 695.
- B. F. (query), 26.
- Bill, The Motor Car. 72, 91, 104. 117, 120, 143, 147, 160, 176, 201, 203, 219, 222, 231, 236, 263.
- — Analysis of the, 338.
- — Correspondence on, 237, 264, 312.
- — — Defence of 236.
- — Summary of, 263.
- Binks, Chas, (letter/, 462, 550.
- Birks, Gerald W. (letter), 189.
- Birmingham, Motor Service in. 553.
- — Service of Cars for Parcel Post,
- B. J. (query), 337-
- Blamcy, Tom (letter). 789.
- Boat Race, Motor, 17. 104. 112, 138.1s 6
- Paris and Irouvillc. 297, 32b.
- Bohemia, lmpcrt of Locomobiles, 367.
- Boiler (letter), 496.
- Bollee, A Drive on a New, 78b.
- — Car, The New, 409, 514.
- — Leon, Carburetter, 62b.
- Bolton Corporation Motor ’Bus, 603HiBombay, Motor Cars in, 464.
- Bona-tide Traders (letter1, 605.
- Bouchet and Wilier, Acetvlene Motor, 286.
- Boult, Allred J. (letter), 204.
- Bournemouth Corporation’s Thornycroft Water Carl, 187.
- — Motor Garage at (’.rand Hotel, 139.
- Bowden, H. H. (letter), 79.
- — F. , on 24 h.p. Darracq. 594.
- Bowen, E. P. (letter). 664.
- Boyer Car stripped tor Racing (illustration), 599-
- Bradbury Brothers. (letter). 757.
- Brake, Expanding, Query, 406.
- Brakes on all Carts and Carriages, 333.
- — The Efficiency of, 148, 219, 251, 27b, 302, 333, 365, 374.
- — Universal, 317.
- — Tests, Hill-climbing and, 1,000 Miles Trial, 354
- — Trials at Deauville, 3bi.
- Braking, Engine, 275. 305. 333, 3/4, 401, 440, 496, 520, 55i. 791-
- Brankstone, R. T. (letter^), 065. 786.
- Brightmore Steam Tractor, 15b.
- Brighton, Garage at, 140.
- — Obtaining Petrol in. 193.
- Brine Solutions for Cooling Petrol Engines, The Use of, 130.
- Bristol Enterprise, A. 532.
- British Association Meeting, Southport, 357.
- — Automobile Commercial Syndicate, 525, 702.
- — Refined Motor Spirit. 277.
- Brodtmann, Paul (letter), 219, 273.
- Bronze, An Up-to-date, 845.
- Brooke Car, 14 h.p., 192. 224.
- Brotherhood-Crocker Motors, Ltd., 666.
- Brown, Harold H. (letter), 19, 302.
- — J. (letter), 365, 631.
- Brydges, J. K. (letter), 401.
- Buckingham, Earl, on 10 h.p. Argyll, 14S.
- Buckmaster, Fred H. (letter;, 631.
- Budd. E. (letter), 19.
- Buffer Tyres on Eltham ’Bus, 306, 369.
- Burchall. Wm. Ballantvne (letter), 366.
- Burlington Sparking Plug, 799.
- Burner (letter . 521.
- Burnley and District A.C., 703, 771.
- Burv and Westerham Hills, Average Speeds, 393.
- ’Bus, Motor, Castle Hotel. Downham, 524.
- ’Buses, Motor, for Large Towns, 541, 581.
- Bush, Thomas H. (letter), 461.
- Butcher, W. F. I- (letter). 691.
- Button. F. 1.. on Motor Racing, 181.
- Buxton, Inter-club Gathering at, 316, 340.
- Buyer’s Question. A, 145.
- B. W. V. (letter), 787.
- Cabs. Motor, in London (illustration), 280.
- Cadillac Runabout, Climbing Feat, 313.
- Cairns. T. M. (letter), 692.
- Campbell, A. (letter 1. 787.
- Cambridge University A.C.. 617
- Camping with a Motor Car. 157.
- Canning, Leopold (letters), 250, 265.
- Cape Colony, Motor 'Transport in, 442.
- Captain (letter). 665.
- Carburants, Trial*, of, 185.
- Carburetter, A Paraffin, 484.
- — Automatic Valve, 596.
- — Leon Bollee, 62(1.
- — Mr. J. B. Dunlop’s, 224, 087.
- — The Constantin, 183.
- Carburetters. 18, 183, 21b.
- — Automatic, 19.
- — Firing in, 165.
- — Paraffin, Trials of, 630.
- “ Carburine ” Motor Spirit, 442.
- Carpe Diem (letter), 439.
- Cartwright, E. H. (letter), 251.
- Castle Accumulator, 465.
- Castlewellan Hill-climbing Trials, 71, 93 95, 99 100.
- Cathie, Cecil G. (letter), ibi.
- Cautious Driver (letter), 238.
- Centre Punch (letters), 522, 693. .
- Century Tandem for Use in Ashanti. 107.
- C. F. M. (querv), 638.
- C. G. (letter), 190.
- C. G. M. (letter), 237.
- Chain Case. Sunbeam, 560.
- Chains, Driving with Slack, 121.
- Challenge, Racing, 194.
- Change-speed Gears, 788.
- Charging from a 220-volt Circuit, 669.
- — Transformers, 733, 761.
- — Stations, Booklet re, 696.
- Chasseloup-Laubat, Count de, 661.
- Chassis (letter), 49b.
- Chateau-Thierry Hill-climbing Trials. 458, 494-
- Cheltenham and Gloucester Automobile Club, 116, 476, 617.
- — (letter), 303.
- Chemical Query, A, 254.
- Chenard and Walcker Cars, 789.
- — 18 h.p.. Trial Run on, 640, 759.
- — Honeycomb Radiator, 731,
- Chief Justice's Law, 147-
- C. H. (query). 195.
- Circuit, The Secondary, 761.
- Clarke, E. Russell (letter), 733.
- Classification of Motors, 629. 784.
- Clay, A. J., 16 h.p. Four-cylinder Decauville, 308.
- Clement Cars, New 14 h.p. Four-cylinder, 465.
- Clement-Talbot Co. Ltd.. 554. 556.
- Climbing Feat, Oldsmobile Car, 440.
- Clipper Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd., (letter) 249.
- Club, Automobile, and the Bill, 203.
- — Dinner, 525.
- — Circular, A, 663.
- — Correspondent, The Duties of a, 716.
- — Doings, 28, 90, 116, 142. 161, 202, 230, 25S, 285, 3U. 340, 372, 414. 446, 476, 504. 53°, 555, 617, 646, 674. 703. 734. 771, 79Q-
- — The Automobile, 447.
- — The Policy of the Automobile, 534.
- — Trials, 100 Miles, 623, 648.
- Clutches, Fierce, 121.
- — Friction, 166. 199, 250.
- — Hints and Tips on, 376.
- Clutch, The Goliath Magnetic. 684.
- Code of Signals for Automobilists, 632.
- Coil, The Trembler, 121.
- — Leakage from the, 733.
- Coleman, Frederic (letters), 579, 693.
- Coles, E. J. (letter), 275.
- Collier, Dunlop v., 230.
- — Twin Tyre Co. (letters), 305, 633.
- Collin, C. (letter), 757.
- Collision, Motor Car, near Godstone, 105.
- Colonial Buyer (letter), 790.
- Colonies, Cars for the. 288, 790.
- Combined Water-cooling Systems. 346.
- Coming of the New Act. The, 795.
- Commutator, Adjusting a, 225.
- — Resetting the. 145.
- — Sparking at the, 405.
- Complimenting a Constable, 17.
- Compression, Loss of, 254.
- Condenser or Secondary Wire, 463.
- Congress, International Automobile, 75, 101, 133, 159. 186, 217, 248. 299, 331.
- Constable, Frank (letter), 717.
- Constantin Carburetter. The. 183.
- Constant Reader (letter). 104.
- Consumption, Small, A Long Tour. 161.
- Continental Caoutchouc and Guttapercha Co. (letters). 219, 273.
- -- Notes and News, 14, 75. 99. 131. 159, 185.
- Control, Mercedes, 638.
- Converting from Tube to Electric Ignition, 165, 562.
- Conybeare, H. G. M. (letter), 756.
- Cooke, J. (letter), 551.
- — E. L., Experiences in Gaol, 207.
- Cooling Air-cooled Engines. Roberts Method, 253.
- — Combined Systems of. 346.
- Cooper, F. G. (letter), 441.
- — W. (letter), 305.
- Coop, F. (letter), 189.
- — J. (letter), 218.
- Copland, Mrs. Neville, on 12 h.p. Clement. 120.
- Corbet, Capt.. on 20 h.p. Talbot, 678.
- Corcutt, W. E. (letter). 158.
- Cord Tyre, The Palmer. 613, 783.
- Cork, Speed Trials at. no.
- — Trials. Crossing River for. 286.
- Corners, The Safety of Turning, 137, 220.
- Corporate Automobilism. 603.
- Correspondence, 17, 78, 103. 136, 160, 189, 218, 249. 273. 333, 365. 400. 439, 496, 549, 578, 604, 631. 663, 691. 717-
- — on Steam Cars, 491.
- — the Motor Car Bill. 237. 264. 312.
- " Cossor ” Densimeter. 696.
- Cost of Motoring. 304.
- Cotes. Arthur (letters). 270. 366.
- Cotterau Car. The, 296.
- County Council Meetings and Motor Car Act. 612. 647, 722.
- - Magistrate (letter), 401.
- Courmier, Mons., Tour with De Dion-Bouton Car. 5*7, 548.
- Course for Gordon-Bennett Race. 576, 661, 600, 723.
- Coventry Hospital Procession, 321.
- Cozens-Hardy, E. H., Paper by, 765.
- C. P. D. (query), 584.
- Cradock. Percy S. (letter), 631.
- Cragg, E. (letter), 104, 189.
- Crank Chambers, Oil Level in, 195.
- Crastin, C. (letter), 302.
- Crawley. W. S., and Colonel Crompton, Paper by, 700.
- — Paper by, 645.
- Criterium, A Motor Cycle. Paris, 399.
- Crompton, Colonel, and W. S. Crawley, Paper by, 700.
- Cross. J. W., on 20 h.p. Humber, 144.
- — Wm. (letters), 103, 189, 249, 275, 333. 401, 604, 663.
- C. S. (query), 225.
- Cubic Contents, 145.
- Cubitt. Mrs. C. A., on Orient Express Car, 163.
- Cumberland, A Run through, 622, 624.
- Cup. The County of Kerry, 116.
- Curragh Races, Automobile Cup Winner, 553.
- Custom House Procedure. French, 787-
- C. W. (letter), 761.
- C. Y. H. (letter), 788.
- — (query), 165.
- Cylinder Capacity, 260, 366, 629, 645.
- —- — The Limitations of, 645.
- — Cooling of Internal Combustion Engines, 9
- — and Crankshaft Lubrication, 213.
- — Joint, Leaky, 309.
- — Position, 250, 275, 303.
- Daimler, 14 h.p., Mr. E. Hutchinson, 738.
- Danger Boards, 190.
- Darracq Cars, Hints to Users of. 462.
- — and Co. Balance Sheet, 721.
- — 24 h.p., Mr. H. F. Engelhardt’s, 222.
- — Overheating in, 527.
- — Users. Hints to, 549. 663.
- Dauphinois Automobile Club Hill-climb, 247.
- Davies, Basil (letter), 400.
- — Llewellyn S. (letter), 663.
- — Naunton (letter), 758.
- Davy. H. W. Wood, 786.
- Dean. Chas. Percy (letter), 761.
- Deasy's. Capt., Motor Mountaineering, 502.
- Death-roll of the Horse, 344.
- Deauville, Brake Trials at, 361.
- Decauville, 16 h.p. Four-cylinder, Mr. A. J. Clay’s, 308.
- — Non-stop Run on a, 583.
- De Cosmo Car. 24 h.p., Description of, 780.
- De Dietrich, 24 h.p., Mr. J. Hamilton Houldsworth’s, 564.
- — Prince Hatzfeldt’s, 760.
- De Dion-Bouton et Cie., Trial Tours, 517, 548.
- — Ltd. (letter), 103, 551.
- — Sparking Plugs, 402.
- — Car, Driving a, 11. 103.
- — Cars, Imitations of, 667.
- — Designs for 10 h.p. Car, 305.
- — Gear Queries, 225.
- — 12 h.p. (illustration), 764.
- — Two-speed Gear, Particulars of, 122.
- — Dions. Next Year's. 560.
- De Laffrey Hill-climbing Trials, 133.
- Delap, J. O. Kingsmill (letter), 190.
- Delivery Van, Liberty and Co.’s, 683.
- Dennis Light Touring Cars, 20 h.p., 294.
- Densimeter, Metal, 164.
- — The “ Cossor,” 6961.
- Derby and District A.C., 258, 446.
- Design, Road Wheel. 405. 527.
- — Simplicity and Reliability, 92.
- Devon. North. Touring in, 304. 463.
- Devonshire Hill-climber (letter), 302.
- Dew. J. W. H. (letter), 551.
- — 6 h.p. Gardner-Serpollet, 117.
- Diary of the Road Trials, 384.
- Dickinson, W. (letter). 633.
- Dinner, Automobile Club, 525.
- — British Automobile Commercial Syndicate, 702.
- — Motor Volunteer Corps, 732.
- Direct Assembly, A Novel Reliability Test, 24.
- Dirt in Petrol, 136.
- Disc and Pole Device, Regulation of Motor Traffic, "23.
- Dividends at Last, Motor Mfg. Co., 244.
- Dixon, Charles F. Over Honister Pass, 124.
- — C. W., Run on Lanchester Car, 627, 660.
- Doctors, Motor Cars for, 789.
- Dolnar, Hugh, Articles bv, 65, 179, 211, 240, 267, 484.
- Douzill and Co.. A. (letter) 302.
- Dourdan Meeting, 545, 575, 600.
- — Speed Trials at. 438.
- Doyle. D. (letter), 520.
- Driver, Messing Allowance for, 370.
- Drivers and Fines, 638.
- Driving a De Dion Car, n, 103.
- — Details, 282.
- — on the Top Speed, 303, 333.
- — with Slack Chains, 121.
- Drop, A. in the Dark. 366.
- Du Boulav, E. (letter), 104.
- Ducellier Motor Lamp Catalogue, 140.
- DuCros, George (letters), 463, 49^.
- Duff, R. G. Getter), 236.
- Dumbell, J. B. (letters), 634, 692.
- Dunhill, Alfred (letter), 461.
- Dunlop v. Collier, 230.
- — J. B., Carburetter, 224, 687.
- (letters), 18, 137.
- — Pneumatic Tvre Co., Ltd. (letter), 24?
- — Tyres, G.liter for Repairing, 193-
- Duryea Co. Extension, 525.
- — (letters . 580, 633. 7iS, 756, 786.
- — Co.’s Cars for 1904, 609.
- — The English. 640.
- Dust Carts. Motor, for Westminster, 612
- — League for Suppression of, 185.
- — Noise, and Vibration Trials 380, 677, 7-3
- — Problem, 677. 700, 718, 726.
- — Shields, 185. 303, 333.
- Dusty Roads. Dressing for, 441.
- Dynamic Flying Machines, 167-
- Dynamo and Accumulator Wiring, 444*
- Eagle Light Car, 16 h.p., 28.
- Eastbourne Motor Omnibus, 344, 401, 443, 534-
- Eblana (letter1. 79.
- E. B. (querv . 337.
- Edge Hil1., Sun Rising, Ascent of, 126.
- -— S. F., Announcement by, Napier Car, 528.
- — (letters), 218, 249, 757.
- — Medal for Trouville Boat Race, 504.
- — Paper by, 772
- Edge’s, S. F_. Tyre Troubles, 196.
- Edison’s Accumulator, Trial of, 683.
- — New Electric Accumulator, 316, 365
- Edmunds, Henry (letter', 400
- E. F. C. (letter). 491.
- E. G. G. (query), 697.
- E. L. B (queries), 466, 697.
- Election, General, Motorists and the, 237, 238.
- Elections, Autocars at Lewisham and Dulwich, 800.
- Electric Accumulator, Edison's, 316. 365.
- — Brougham for Prince ot Wales, 164.
- — Cars and Speed Limit, 252, 587, 594, 635, 637.
- — Steam v.. 282.
- — Connection, Mr. S. Crawshaw, 206.
- — Ignition and Recharging, 337, 651 691 757, 761, 775-
- — An Old Type, 137
- — A Simplification in, 457, 499, 524.
- — Queries. 225.
- — Motors, 159.
- — Motor Tricycle, An Ancient, 577, 608.
- Electrical Puncture Preventer, 341.
- Electrolyte, Peto’ and Radford, 283.
- Eliminating Trials 1904, 189.
- E. L. (letter,. 634.
- Elliott Brothers. Speed Registering Instrument, 796.
- — George (letter), 305.
- Ellis, H. (queryj, 444.
- Eltham 'Bus. Buffer Tyres on, 306, 369.
- Emmerson. F. (letter), 190.
- Empire City. Motor Races at, 209.
- Track. America, View of, 90.
- Englehardt, H. F., 24 h.p. Darracq, 222.
- Engine Braking, 275. 305. 333. 374. 401. 440. 49& 520, 551, 790.
- — Query. 562.
- — Georges Richard, 16 h.p Four-cylinder, 744
- — of 45 h.p. Napier Racer, 25.
- — Selbach Single Valve, 728, 787.
- — Single-cylinder, Starting a, 418, 679.
- — Position. 519, 580.
- — Power, Influence of Spark on, 462.
- Engines, Air-cooled, Mr. Roberts’ Method, 253.
- — Gas and Petrol, Governing, 561, 585, 611.
- — Internal Combustion, Cylinder Cooling of, 9,
- -— Two-cycle. 89 109, 139.
- Engineers’, Civil, View on Motor Cars, 2.
- — Institute. Motor, 650, 692, 737.
- English Duryea, The, 640,
- — (letter), 2-3.
- Englishman (letter), 251.
- Enquirer (letter), 786.
- Enterprise. Art Example of, 524.
- Enthusiastic letter), 788.
- Epsilon (query,, 562.
- Epsom Urban Council, 608.
- Essex and Hampshire, Examples from, 612.
- Etherington. W. (letter), 104.
- E. V. A. W 'query) 370.
- E. W. (querv.. 610.
- Exhibition. 1705, Autocar, Paris, 493.
- Exhibitions. The, 642.
- Ex Moor (letter), 304.
- Expanding Brake Query, 466.
- Experiences of an Honorary Observer, 406.
- Experientia Docet (query), 89.
- Experiment^ with Motor Spirit, 68S.
- Explanation Desired, Engine Firing, 400, 439.
- Exports and Imports, Autocar, 795.
- Ezisleb (letter-. 789.
- Facilities for Obtaining Replacements, 5S0. 606 t>33-
- Fair Play 'letter) 20, 717.
- Family Use, Cars for. 402.
- Fareham to Southampton. Route 103.
- Federation of Provincial Automobilists, 505, 530, 54Q. 017. 703. 772.
- F. E. R. (letter), 400. 462. 7IQ-
- Femald. Dr. H. P.. on Oldsmobile, 188.
- F. H. F. (letter), 491.
- Fighting Organisation. 233. 238
- Figurehead on Motor Car, 789.
- Fine or Imprisonment. Mr. Cooke’s Experiences, 20".
- Fines. Drivers and. 638.
- — for Exceeding Legal Limit, 221. 224, 252, 285, 368. 443, 607.
- Fire Brigade. Valparaiso, Motor Tender. 735.
- — Engine. Motor Chemical, 96, 1*42, 191.
- Plymouth. 34O.
- — Engines. Motor Steam, 6.
- Tractor for, 44b.
- Firing. Irregular, 610.
- First-hand Experience. Reliability Trials, 374.
- Fisher. C. V. (query). 405.
- Fiske Tyres. 191, 291. 307.
- Five Hundred Miles on Baby Peugeot, 13.
- Fletcher. Henry Marshall (letter'. 251.
- Floods, Through the, 589.
- Flying Machines, Dynamic. 167.
- Ford. Archibald (letter), 6O3.
- — Moffat. Summoned. 285.
- Forecast of the New Act. 540.
- Formula, Hill-climbing, 275.
- Forster, Stuart. Summoned, 196.
- Four-seated Car. The Ideal. 603. 633, 664.
- Four Years a Motorist (letter), 606.
- F. P. N. (query). 527.
- France, A Tour in. 153.
- — Automobile Regulations in, 99. 399, 464.
- — The Speed of Autocars in, 575.
- Frankfurt Autocar Exhibition, 760.
- F. R. C. S. (letter), 394.
- Freezing. Anti. Mixtures. 444. 705.
- French Automobile Club. Trials of Fuels. 271.
- — Champions. Gordon-Bennett Cup. Qualifying Race, 516, 546. 662.
- — Custom House Procedure. 787.
- — Military Manoeuvres, Autocars at, 364.
- — Over Production. 689. 718, 756.
- — Touring, Formalities for, 282.
- Friction Clutches, 166, 199, 250.
- Friswell Ltd. (letter). 605.
- Friswell’s Ltd., Alterations. 793.
- Frost, Protection of Cars Against. 669.
- Fuels for Motor Cars, 293, 304. 320, 347, 379
- — Trials by French Automobile Club, 271.
- Fuller, Roger H.. on the New Act, 540. (letter), 549.
- Fuse Block. 208.
- Future of the Motor Car. 18.
- — Prospects of Automobilism, Mr. A. E. Herriman, 695.
- — Reliability Trials, 416, 605.
- F. W. D. (letter), 790.
- Gad About, The Motor, 606, 633, 664. 665. 691. 757, 789-
- Gaillon Hill-climb. 602, 609.
- Gaiter for Repairing Dunlop Tyres, 193.
- Garages, 499.
- Garage at Kington, 140.
- — at Knightsbridge, 370.
- — Automobile Club. 281.
- Garments for Winter Motoring, 574.
- Garrard, C. R. (letter), 692.
- Garrett, G. M. (letter). 109.
- Garrood. J. R. (letter), 220.
- Gaston-Menier Cup Boat Race. 329.
- Gauge for Petrol, 194.
- G, C. (query), 195.
- G. C. (letter). 697.
- Gear Case, Sunbeam, 569.
- — De Dion, Queries, 225.
- — Two speed. 122.
- — Ratio and Speed, 370.
- — Returning to Slow Speed. 679.
- — Teeth. The Shape of, 195.
- — The Note of the, 220.
- Gears. Change-speed, 788.
- — Lubrication of. 195. 759-
- Geared Clutch (letter;. 250.
- George-. Richard Car, 24 h.p.. 164.
- Engine, 16 h.p. Four-cylinder. 744.
- German Automobile Club and Gordon-Bennett Race. 144-
- — Motor Ixjrrv. 636. , , _
- German v A.C. and Speed of Racing Cars, 438.
- G. H. P. (querv), 669.
- Gillingham, I W Farqnharson, Summoned at, 307.
- Gladiator 10 h.p., Over Homster Pass, 124.
- — Works 7ox.
- Glasgow, Non-stop Run to. A E. Perman, 255.
- Glav., William (letter), 692.
- Glidden Cup, Ihe, 307.
- — C J,. m Arete Circle, 256, 280, 368, 443.
- Glo»l'enter (qiiervj, 73;.
- Glov"f RoadCombination Tool, 230.
- G MJ (qnervi, *,62
- G. M. (query), 195.
- Godstone, Motor Car Collision near, 105.
- Goliath Magnetic Clutch, 684.
- Gooch. C. W. (letters), 522, 579, 789.
- Goodrich Clincher Tyres, 142.
- Gordon-Bennett Cup Course, 57^, 661. 690, 723.
- History of, 30.
- — (illustration), 29.
- — —Winner, 100.
- — Echoes, 84. 114.
- — Next Year s. 284. 295. 327, 438, 494, 516, 525, 546, 576. 603, 629, 761.
- — Race. Moers Delays in, 243, 274, 301.
- Nett Times o* Circuits, 87.
- Notes on, 61.
- — of 1903. 36, 218. 249, 273, 301.
- Goschen. W. H.. Article by, 153.
- Gouldesbrough. Claude (letter), 605.
- Govan. Alex., Motor Cars, By, 675, 698, 797.
- — Tour on Argyll Car. 221.
- Governing Gas and Petrol Engines, 561, 585, 611.
- Governor. Fitting a, to Single-cylinder Engine, 27.
- — The Murray. 326, 367.
- Governors : Their Use and Action, 479.
- Grant, W. A. (letter). 303.
- Grappier Tyre Co., 667.
- Greatorex, J. R. (letter), 717.
- Great Western Railway Co. Motor 'Buses, 234, 288, 608.
- Grieved (letter), 189.
- Grimsby. Waggonette Drivers Fined, 403.
- Grogan, W. E. (letter), 497.
- Groot Schuur, Automobile Speed Tests, 402.
- Guert (letter), 522.
- Guest, C. H. (letter), 441.
- Gutmann. Walter (letter), 664.
- G. W. J. (queries), 225, 370.
- G. W. (letter), 301.
- Hadfield, Fred H. (letter), 440.
- H. A. E. (query). 562.
- H. A.G. (letter). 17.
- Halifax Corporation and Motor Car Act, 795.
- Hallamshire Cars, Description of, 776.
- Hall, H. E. (letter), 372.
- Hampshire and Essex, Examples from, 612.
- — Motor Union, 647.
- Hampson, Miss, on 10 h.p. Lanchester, 420.
- Handicapping. New System of, 643.
- Harker, Fred J. (letter), 497.
- Harmsworth International Boat Race, 563. 591, 661, 694.
- Harris, F. H. (letter), 238.
- Harrison, W. H., on 12 h.p. Clement, 279.
- Havant, Motorist Summoned at, 403.
- Havcraft, H. C. (letter), 158.
- H. B. (letters), 301, 788.
- H. B. (query), 733.
- H. C. W. (query), 26.
- H. C. (query), 195.
- H. D. (letter). 405.
- H. D. (query), 584.
- Heavy Car Trials, France, 542.
- — Motor Traffic. 663, 691, 756.
- — Shrapnell Smith, 615, 641, 663, 671.
- — Vehicles. Steam and Petrol, 522.
- Hele-Shaw, H. S., Friction Clutches, 166, 199.
- Helios Lamp. 308.
- Henderson, John (letter), 718.
- Henwood, Edwin N. (letters), 632, 664, 756.
- H. E. (query), 145.
- Hereford County Council, 463.
- — j. T. (letters), 401. 439. 463.
- Herefordshire Automobile Club, 341.
- Herkomer on 10 h.p. Panhard, 232.
- Hermes Motor Van, 700.
- Hewetson. H., A Pioneer Automobilist, 482.
- H. F. F. K. (query),
- H. G. P. Le Fanu (letter), 719.
- H. G. T. (query), 337.
- H. H. (queryi. 27, 89.
- Hickley, H. N.. Electrical Puncture Preventer, 341-
- Higginbotham. Accident to, 499.
- — G.. Climb of Great Orme, 306.
- High-handed Action, A, 196.
- — v. Low-speed Motors, 664, 756.
- Highway Repairs, Signals for Motor Cars, 526.
- Highways, The Width of, 483.
- Hill-climber, A Royal, 284.
- Hill-climbing and Brake Tests. 1,000 Miles Trial, 354. 43°-
- — Competition. Lincolnshire A.C., 230.
- — Contest, Johannesburg, 734.
- — Formula, 275.
- — Performance, Oldsmobile, 792.
- — Trials at Castlewellan, 71.
- — Chateau-Thierry, 458.
- — The De Laffrey, 133.
- Hill-climb, Irish Automobile, 446.
- — Killorglin, 108.
- Midland A.C., 126, 169. 170, 172, 194, 372, 618.
- — The Gaillon, 602.
- — Laffrey. 226.
- — Semmermg, 398.
- Hills, A.C. (letter). 274, 605.
- Hints and Tips, Useful. 4. 63, 94, 121, 149, 178’ 206, 235, 261, 200. 318, 346J376, 418, 449, 479, 507, 535, 500. 023, 595, 651, 679, 7©7 739, 775-
- Hints to Darracq Users, 549.
- Hirers and Licenses. 733, 794.
- H. L. I), (query), 309.
- H. (letter), 789.
- H. M. J. (query), 527.
- Holbeach Rural District Council, 696.
- Holding, T. H., Article by, 157.
- Holland, E. C. (letter . 033, 634.
- — Patent Law, 442.
- Honeycomb Radiator. Thermo-syphon, 731.
- Honister Pass on a 10 h.p. Gladiator, 124.
- — View of, 696.
- Hood, Rain and Dust. 163.
- Hoods and Canopies. A. J. Wilson, 680, 78,.
- Horn. The Motor. Abuse of. 136.
- Horse Accidents, One Year's, 371.
- — Dangers, 498, 609.
- — Fine for Furious Driving, 306.
- — Power of Car, 190.
- — The Death Roll of the. 344, 371.
- — Training, 374.
- Horses, Motor Vehicle v.. 789.
- Houfton, Ernest H. (letter), 550.
- Hozier Engineering Co., Ltd., Extensions, 495, 635.
- H. R. B. (query), 337.
- H. S. (letter). 578.
- H. S. (query), 27.
- Hudson, W. E. (letter1, 498.
- Hues, F. (letter), 334.
- Humberette. 5 h.p., J. J. Keating’s, 336.
- Humber Light Car, 9 h.p.. 324. 358.
- Hundred Miles Trial, Automobile Club. 174.
- Hunter, J. W. (letter;, 220.
- Hunt, F. H. (letter), 275.
- Huntingdon, Prof., and 12 h.p. Napier, 345.
- Husband, Dr., Experience with Automobiles, 242.
- Hutchinson, E., on 14 h.p. Daimler, 738.
- — S. W. H. (letter), 303.
- H. W. (letters), 439, 491. 498, 550, 551, 604.
- H. W. (query), 610.
- Hydraulic Air Regulator, 440.
- Ideal Four-seated Car. The, 606, 633, 664.
- Identification Mark, The, 631.
- Ignition, A Supplementary. 715, 787.
- — Electric, A Simplification in, 457, 499, 524.
- — Tube to, 165, 562.
- — Experiment, An, 89.
- — Queries, Electric. 225.
- — Series, System of, 19.
- — The Time of, 225.
- — Troubles, 195, 254.
- — Wires, Tension of, 290.
- Iliffe and Sons Ltd., Automobile Components v., 800.
- Imperial Wedding Present. An, 526.
- Imports, Exports and. Autocar, 795.
- Impressions of a Non-motorist, Reliability Trials. 419-
- Imprisonment, Fine or, Cooke’s Experiences, 207.
- India, Accumulators in, 697.
- — Autocars in, 667.
- — Benz Car in, 184, 464.
- — 20 h.p. Thornycroft for Use in, 585.
- — Tyres for Use in, 442.
- Induction Valve, An Improved, 515, 580, 634, 664.
- Inequality of Running, 309.
- Inglis, W. M. (query), 527.
- Inlet Pipes, Aluminium for. 282.
- — Valves Breaking (query . 697.
- — Mechanical, 630.
- Inner Tubes, To Remove Patches, 235.
- Inspection Pit Construction, Hints on, 418.
- — Dimensions of, 290.
- Institute of Motor Engineers. 650, 692, 737.
- Instone, E. M. C. (letter), 758.
- Insurance Corporation, Car and General, 465
- — Policies, Objectionable Clauses in, 764.
- Intensicator, The, 139.
- Intensifiers or Concentrators. Spark, 188, 302, 333.
- Interested (letter). 250.
- Internal Combustion Engine. Cooling, 9.
- Turbine, 782.
- International Automobile Congress, 75, 101, 133, 159, 186, 217, 248, 299. 33i-
- — Boat Race, 563, 591, 661. 694.
- Ireland. End to End Drive. 523.
- — Royal Motoring in, 202.
- Irish Automobile Hill-climb. 446.
- — Hotel Keepers and Motor?. 113.
- Irregular Firing, 610.
- — — Phenomenon, 337.
- Ivel Agricultural Motors, 2. 262, 506, 635.
- Jack, 'Die “ Duco,” 169.
- Jacks, Lifting: Their Choice and Use, 707.
- J. A. (letter), 441.
- James and Browne Cars. 1" hp., x8^, 368.
- Jane. Fred T. (letters), 57b, 7x8.
- — W. H. (letter), 580.
- Jarrott and Letts, Ltd. (letters) 551, 633. 665.
- — 35 h.p. I>c Dietrich, 253.
- J. IL J. (query), 406.
- J. G. (letter), 758.
- — (query). 145.
- J. H. B. (query), 254.
- J. H. C. (query), 309, 761.
- J. M. G. (letter), 402.
- J. M. P. (letter), 718.
- Johannesburg Hill-climbing Contest, 734.
- Johnson, A. E. (letters), 312, 365.
- — J. (letter), 238.
- Jones, A. A. (letter). 401.
- — Edwin (letter), 519.
- — H. W. (letter), 69--
- — Speedometer, 586.
- Journal and the Bill, 334.
- J. Q. S. (letter). 719.
- J. T. (query). 309.
- Justice’s Justice, 17. 461.
- J. W. A. (letter), 275.
- J. W. G. (query). 610.
- Keating. J. J.. 5 h.n. Humberette, 336.
- Kelley. T.. Two-stroke Petrol Motor, 139.
- Kennard. Ed.. Motorphobia, by. 319.
- Kent. A. C., 28, 161, 230. 314. 340. 372. 414, 446
- Kent Roads. Report on. 553.
- Kerry Cup. County of. 108.
- Kilcullen Cross Roads, Gordon-Bennett Race 114-
- Killorglin Hill-climb, 10S. 115.
- Kilometre Record at Welbeck, 487.
- Kitchener and Motor Military Transport. 42 .
- Knightsbridge. Garage at, 370.
- Knocking, To Prevent, 109. 165.
- Korte Car, 14 h.p. Two-cylinder, 50S. 62S.
- Krebs Carburetter, 463, 496.
- Kress, Herr W., Flying Machines, 167.
- L.A.C. and Affiliation. 137.
- Ladies' Automobile Club. 314. 476. 552.
- Lady Motorist, Miss E. C. Neville. 650.
- —— Miss Hampson, 420.
- Ladysmith. Germain Car at. 106.
- Laffrey Hill-climb. 226.
- — New Form of Trials at, 245.
- Lancashire. Motor Waggons in, 295-
- — N.E., A.C., 799.
- Lanchester Car. 12 h.p., 553.
- — Run by C. W. Dixon, 627. 660.
- — Engine Co., Ltd., Report. 526.
- (letters), 78, 316.
- Latham. R. R. (letter), 104.
- Launch, Petrol Motor, Brooke, 554.
- — Race, Motor, 17, 104. 112. 138, 189.
- — Races, Petrol v. Steam, 218. 249.
- Launches, Motor. High-speed. 73, 143, 276.
- Lawm Mower and Roller. Motor. 187.
- Law Breaking, The Cost of, 160.
- Laws, Cuthbert (letter). 720.
- Laying up a Car for Winter, 535, 566, 595, 606, 623, 697, 761.
- Leakage from the Coil, 733-
- Leeds Cycle and Motor Show, 581.
- Legislation Affecting Automobilists. 512.
- — Some Pertinent Questions. 138.
- Leicestershire Automobile Club. 90. 161. 771.
- Leon Bollee Car, 696.
- Carburetter, 626.
- Leonard. R. M. (letter), 313.
- Letts. W. (letter), 551.
- Lewes, Speed Prosecution at. 637.
- Leyland Motor Fire Engine. 6.
- Liberty and Co.’s Delivery Van, 683.
- Licenses, Hirers and. 733.
- — Under the New Act, 405. 737.
- Licensing of Drivers, 653.
- — Question, A, 562.
- Life of Cars, 499.
- Light Cars. The Renault. 150.
- — Racing Car, A Plea for, 79.
- Lighting the Numbers, 593, 686, 704, 786.
- Limitation of Cylinder Capacity, 645.
- Limiting Speed, 259.
- Lincolnshire A.C., 161, 230. 258, 314. 476. 646.
- — at Skegness, 257-
- — Hill-climb, 230.
- — (letters), 104, 189, 285.
- — Speed in, 141.
- Liner (letter), 461.
- Lisle, J. (letter). 189.
- Live Axles. Solid Tyres and. 789.
- Llangattock. Lord, on 15 h.p. Panhard, 706.
- L (letter), 462.
- Local Government Board Regulations, 652, 694
- — Opinion. 177- . L
- Lockert, Madame. Paris to St. Petersburg. 369, 5°/*
- Locomobile. Run on a. 191.
- L*,hr>er-Porsche System. 186.
- London Corporation, Tractor for, 223, 597*]
- C.C and the New Act. 577-5
- — General Omnibus Co., Motor* for, 282
- — Motor Cabs in. 280.
- — Post Office Motor in, 60.
- London to Glasgow on a Gladiator, 229.
- — Traffic-, Motor Cars and, 565.
- — Vehicular Speed in, 587, 594, 635, 637, 695.
- Long Island Motor Track. 518.
- Longridge, Capt. C. C., Cylinder Cooling. 9, 73.
- Long's Defence of the Motor Cars Bill, 236.
- Lord. J. C. and W., Ltd., Voiturette, 81.
- Losing Power, 26.
- L. R. T. (querv), 337.
- L. S. D. (query), 562.
- Lubrication, 679.
- — Cylinder and Crankshaft, 213.
- — of Gears. 195.
- Lupton, Harry (letter), 786.
- Macdonald. J. H. A. (letters). 220, 249, 305, 7'7.
- MacLulich, J. M. (letter), 757.
- Madagascar. Autocars in, 464.
- Magnetic Clutches, 669, 733.
- — Clutch, The Goliath, 684.
- — Trembler, Bass£e and Michel, 686.
- Magneto Ignition, 466. 527.
- Maidenhead Bridge Tolls, 478. 586.
- Mail Vans. Motor, Roots and Venables, 368, 590.
- Maison-Talbot Tyre, 223.
- Malema River, Mr. C. Duly Fording the, 279.
- Malta. A Motor Shop for, 788.
- Manchester A.C., 2, 646.
- Manoeuvres, Army, Motors at, 670.
- Manometer. What is the, 109.
- Marden, W. (letter), 579.
- Marine Automobilism, 182, 563. 604, 630.
- — Engineer (letter), 757.
- — Gordon-Bennett, The, 563, 591. 661, 694.
- — Motoring. Bernard Redwood. 591, 604.
- Marks Gained in Road Trials, 427.
- — in Reliability Trials, Summary, 766.
- Martineau. F. Leigh (letter), 303.
- Maudslay Petrol Railway Locomotive, 223. 597.
- — Tractor. 223.
- Mayhew, Mark. 198.
- McGregor, H. (letter), 691.
- — J. (letter), 788.
- McKenna, Stephen (letter), 88.
- McNab, R. A. (letter), 79.
- Mechanical Details, the Trials Cars. 410.
- — Engineer (letter), 606.
- — Inlet Valves, 630.
- Mechanically-operated Inlet Valves for 3$ h.p. Benz Car, 18.
- — v. Automatic Valves, 685, 717, 756.
- Medal, S. F. Edge’s, Trouville Boat Race, 504.
- Medical Man, A. (letter), 190.
- — Men, Motors for, 205, 242, 274, 334.
- Medico (letter), 282.
- Medicus (letter), 720.
- Membership of the C.T.C., Automobilists and, 787.
- Mercedes Car, Model of, 788.
- — Control, 638.
- Merryweather Fire Engines, 6, 96, 346, 735.
- Messing Allowance for Driver, 370.
- Midgeley Non-slipping Device, 573, 606, 634.
- Midland A.C., 555.
- — Hill-climb, 126, 169, 170, 172, 194. 372. 618.
- Miesse Steam Car, 10 h.p., 283, 377, 480, 554
- Military Manoeuvres, French, Autocars at, 364.
- — Motorists Wanted, 202.
- — Motor Waggon, 673.
- — Transport, Kitchener’s Appreciation, 421.
- — Uses, Autocar for, 284, 421, 565.
- Miller, W. F. (letter), 137.
- Mills, H. G. L. (letter), 365.
- Milnes-Daimler Omnibus, Illustration of. 272.
- — Petrol Motor Waggons, 790.
- M.Inst.M.E. (letter), 239.
- Misfiring in Wet Weather, 562.
- Model of Mercedes Car, 788.
- Moffat Ford, R. (letter), 521.
- Mantagu, J. S. (letter), 237.
- Mooers’ Delays in Gordon-Bennett Race, 243, 274. 3Oi-
- — Mr. L. P., Accident to, 581.
- Morgan, F. A. (letter), 633.
- — H. George (letters), 237, 304, 312.
- Mors, 1902 patt.. Hon. C. S. Rolls ; Illustrations of, 289.
- Motobloc Car, Particulars of Design, 570.
- Motor Car Bill, Long’s Defence of, 236.
- — Co. (letter), 161.
- — Cars, Alex. Govan. 675, 698, 797.
- Motordrome in France, Proposed, 101, 247.
- Motorist (letter), 305.
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Society of. i43f 587.
- Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Dividends at Last, 244.
- — (letter), 634.
- — Moloch, The, 360.
- — Problem, The, 78.
- — Union, 128, 233, 342, 373, 399, 526, 582, 608, 666, 695, 730-
- — Van and Waggon Users’ Association, 699.
- Motorphobia. Ed. Kennard, 319.
- Mountaineering, Capt. Deasy’s, 502.
- — Motor, 580.
- Movolcap (letter), 439.
- — (query), 562.
- Muir, E. Campbell (letter), 138.
- Municipal Work, Motor Vehicles for, 5e'’-
- Munn, Walter (letter), 103.
- Murray Governor, 326, 367*
- — K. S. (letter), 239.
- — W. Keith (letter), 497-
- Names for Cars, 787.
- Napier Air Regulator, 440, 529, 549* 637.
- — Gordon-Bennett, 791.
- — Hydraulic Air Regulator, 529.
- — Launch, 82, 205, 592.
- — Trip in, 182.
- — New Six-cylinder, 528.
- — Racer, 45 h.p., Engine of, 25.
- — Works, The New, 247.
- — 12 h.p. Four-cylinder, 193.
- — 24 h.p., 662.
- — 45 h.p., for Gordon-Bennett Race, 20.
- Narrow Road Clause, 238.
- Nash, J. H., and 14 h.p. Chenard Walcker, 72?.
- National Automobile Union, Proposed, 79, 80.
- — Show, Motor Cars at, 954.
- Nationalisation of Roads, 447-
- Naval Volunteers, Royal, 315.
- Necessity for Action Against Closing Roads, 37. •
- Nemo (query), 165.
- N.E. Railway Motor 'Bus, 794.
- Newcastle-on-Tyne, Licensing Motor Cars, 693
- — Post Office Van, 368, 590.
- Newington, A. (letter), 251.
- New Jersey Roads, Tarring Experiments, 524.
- — Patents. 28, 90, 286, 314, 342, 414* 446, 532, 590, 676. 736-
- Newport Tramway Service, 673.
- Newton, Albert E. (letters), 549, 555-
- — J. (query), 165.
- Nichols, H. J. (letter), 249.
- Nine-horse Darracq (letter). 301.
- Ninety Miles Every Night, De Dion Car, 553.
- Nixon, S. (query), 584.
- Noble, Wilson (letter), 463.
- Noisy Gears, 337, 405.
- Non-skid Device, The Parsons, 192.
- — Tyres, Samson-Hutchinson, 357-
- Non-skidders, A Query, 337-
- Non-skidding Treads, 276, 301, 333, 357, 3^5« 400, 439, 497, 519, 523. 550. 573- 606, 634. 786.
- Non-slipping Bands, Perfecta, 573, 691, 786.
- — Device, Midgelev, 573, 606, 634.
- — Sainsbury, 573, 634.
- Non-stop Runs, 620.
- — Run to Glasgow. Mr. A. E. Perman’s, 255.
- Norfolk A.C., 28, 230, 772.
- Norman (letter), 756.
- North Bromsgrove District Council and Motor Cars, 722.
- — Eastern Railway Motor ’Buses, 313, 516.
- — Riding Motorist (letter), 790.
- Notes on the Reliability Trials, 322, 355, 393, 435.
- Nottinghamshire A.C., 372, 646.
- Novelties, 620.
- N. S. (letter), 549.
- Numbers, Illuminated, 593, 686, 704. 782, 792.
- — on Cars, 189, 663.
- — Size of. 649, 652.
- N. W. (query), 165.
- O. B. (query), 405.
- Observer, Honorary, Experiences of an, 406.
- Obstruction, Roadway, 621, 642, 665.
- Ochs, James (letter), 441.
- Odometer, Veeder, for Heavy Cars, 174.
- O. H. B. (letter), 251.
- Oiled Roads, 152.
- — Stretches, Gordon-Bennett Race, 115.
- Oil Level in Crank Chambers, 195.
- — The Removal of, 254.
- Old Cyclist (letter), 606.
- Oldsmobile Climbing Whistlefield Hill, 554.
- — Cars, 256. 583, 604, 631, 665, 692, 758, 788.
- — The Touring, 727.
- Omnibus, Eastbourne Motor, 344, 401, 443, 534.
- — Milnes-Daimler, 272.
- Omnibuses. Motor, for Large Towns, 541.
- — Railway, 234, 268, 288. 313-
- — One Dubious (letter), 274.
- O. O. C. (letter), 334. Orient Buck Board, 65.
- Ostend Meeting. 99, 131. Overheating, 26, 89, 261, 527.
- Over-production in France, 6S9, 718, 756.
- Palermo, Autocar Regulations in, 402.
- Palmer Tyre, The New, 613. 783.
- Paperchase. Automobile, at Meulan, 101.
- P. and S. (query), 145.
- Panhard and Levassor (letter), 463.
- — 7 h.p. (letter), 136.
- — 15 h.p., 657.
- — Lord Llangattock on. 706.
- — with Detachable Top, 779.
- — Cars, Drive by, 369.
- — Control, The, 572.
- Panhard (letter), 461.
- Paraffin Carburetter, 218. 275. 484-
- — Carburetters, Trials of, 630.
- — Flushing of Engine, 309.
- Parcel Post, Birmingham, Motor Vans, 609.
- Paris and Trouville. Motor Boat Race, 297, 328.
- — Autocar Exhibition, 1905, 493.
- — Automobile Show, 216, 398, 493, 694, 705, 74°> 785-
- Preliminary Description, 708.
- — Motor Cycle Criterium, 399.
- — Rome Touring Trials, 364, 494, 518.
- — Stopping Tests, 576.
- — -St. Petersburg Race, 330, 518.
- — to St. Petersburg, Madame Lockert, 369, 567.
- Parliamentary Melee, Cartoon, 258.
- Parsons Non-skid Co.. Ltd. (letters), 497, 606.
- — Device, 192.
- — Non-skids. Spanner for, 636.
- — Samson (letter), 441.
- Patching Air-tunes. 449.
- Patents. New, 28, 90. 286, 314. 342. 414. 446, 532, . 590, 676, 736, 800.
- Pegasus Car, 308. 581.
- Pennell, W. R. (letter), 647.
- Pen wortham Bridge, Tolls on, 79.
- Perfecta Non-slipping Bands, 573, 691. 786.
- Perman, A. E., Non-stop Run to Glasgow, 255.
- Run on 10 h.p. Gladiator, 229.
- Perry, Percival L. D. (letter), 115.
- Peto and Radford Electrolyte, 283.
- Petrol. A or B, The Question 01, 274.
- — Connections, Rubber, 318.
- — Dirt in, 136.
- — Economising, 206.
- — electric Cars, 159.
- — Gauge, r94-
- — Launch Races, 218, 249.
- — Motor Waggons, Milnes-Daimler. 790.
- — The Filtering of. 449, 651.
- — v. Steam, 461.
- — Want of: Its Symptoms. 449.
- Petroleum Spirit and Benzol, 78.
- Petty Tyranny, Southampton, 417.
- Peugeot Cars; Queries re, 109.
- Phillips, R. E., Induction Valve, 515.
- (letter), 634.
- — W. Picton (letter), 717.
- Phoenix Park Races, 24, 67, 103, 160, 220.
- Pilcher, F.. I. (letter), 606.
- — S., 12 h.p. Ariel Car. 774.
- Pilots, Motor, etc., 305.
- Pioneer Automobilist, A. 482.
- — Vehicle, A, 129.
- Pioneers Suffer, 148.
- Pipe Car, 30 h.j>., 69s.
- — Cars in Ardefines Race, 105.
- Piston Rings, 149, 178, 303, 333.
- Pit, Inspection, 290, 418.
- Plug, Sparking. F. Wolf and Co., 780.
- — The Burlington, 799
- Plugs, De Dion. Repairs for, 193
- Plymouth Fire Engine, 346
- Pneumatic Wheels, Woods’ Patent, 281, 461, 598.
- Pole-finding Paper, 761.
- Police Ambuscades (map), 118, 173, 310.
- — at Holyhead, 98
- — Experiments, interesting, 795
- — Persecution, A Barefaced Attempt, 20.
- — Staffordshire,' 401.
- — Timing, 80.
- — Traps, 3, 21, 80. 82. 118, 143. 173, 230, 258. 281, 310, 342, 370, 531. 560. 590. 620. 648, 678. 730.
- — Trap Warnings. 190, 250.
- Poole. A’.ex. (query), 405.
- Poor Chauffeur (letter), i“-
- Pope, H. R. (letter), 550.
- Portsmouth A.C., 555.
- Post Office Motor in London, 260.
- — Van, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 368, 590.
- Power, Speed, and Weight. 466.
- Practical Motorist (letter), 632.
- Predicament, A New, 400, 441, 497.
- Preparation of Alcohol from Roots, 269.
- Preparations for the New Act, 342.
- Primary Ignition Battery, 572.
- Private Reliability Trial, A. 627. 660.
- Professional Men, Automobiles for, 189, 219, 249.
- Progression (letter), 441. 55 G
- Progressive (letter), 302, 400.
- Prosser, Ed. (letter), 219.
- Protection for Engine and Gear Box, 679.
- — from the Weather, 637.
- — of Cars Against Frost, 669.
- — Radiator, 697.
- Provincial Automobilists’ Federation, 505, 530, 549, 617. 622, 646, 703, 772.
- Frussia, Prince Henry of, on Benz-Parsifal Car, 629.
- Prvce Peacock, M.D. (letter), 522.
- Public Conveyance, A Prophecy, 533.
- Opinion. How Harm is Done, 288.
- Puncture Guard (letter), 790.
- Proof Bands, 692.
- Preventer, Electrical. 341.
- Puzzled (query), 610.
- P. W. (query)' 309.
- Q. (letter), 790.
- Quarterly Trials, 623, 648.
- Queries, Replies to, 26, 89, 109, 145, 165, 195, 229, 254, 282, 309, 337. 370, 405. 444. 466, 527, 562, 584, 610, 638, 669, 697, 733. 76i, 794-
- Quick Delivery and its Possibilities, 214.
- R. A. B. (letter), 665.
- Racing Car Speed, A.C. of Germany, 438.
- — Challenge, 194.
- — in America, Automobile, 513, 643, 667.
- — France, Influence on Trade, 689.
- — Motor, 634.
- — An American View of, 181.
- — Rules, New, 119.
- Races, Motor, at Empire City, 209.
- Radiation by Points, 275.
- Radiator, Honeycomb, Thermo-syphon, 731.
- — Protection, 697-
- — Steaming at the, 346.
- Radiators, 625.
- Rail, Conveyance of Cars by, 738, 758, 786.
- Railway, Great Northern, Motor ’Buses, 268.
- — Western, Motor ’Buses, 234, 288, 608.
- — Locomotive and Autocar (illustration), 317.
- — Maudslay Petrol, 223, 597-
- — North-Eastern, Motors for, 313, 516.
- — Taff Vale, Steam Motor Coach, 582, 644, 667, 783 •
- Railways, Motor Cars as Feeders for, 91, 234, 268, 288, 313. 516, 608, 794.
- R. C. (letters), 461. 522.
- Reading A.C., 372. 476. 5°4« 53°, 555* 646. f>74-
- Recharging. Electric Ignition and, 337, 651, 691, 757, 7bi. 775-
- Record, A World’s, D. M. Weigel,-21, 25, 79.
- Records, Classification of, 629.
- Redwood, Bernard, Marine Motoring, 591.
- Reforms in the Interests of Trade. France, 689.
- Registration of Motor .Cars, 652, 678, 717, 721, 737, 76i, 790. 794. 795-
- Regulation of Motor Traffic, Disc and Pole Device, 723.
- Regulations, The New. L.G.B., 652, 694, 699.
- Reliability Before Speed, 305.
- — on the Road, Synopsis of Daily Running, 42
- — Test, A Novel, Direct Assembly, 24.
- — Trial, A Private, 627, 660.
- — Trials. American, 311, 557,
- — for Amateurs, 461, 491.
- — Motor Cycles, 108.
- — Postponed, 117. Summary of Marks, 766, 778.
- — The Auto-cycle Club. 192.
- — 1,000 Miles, 119, 144, 257, 292, 315, 343, 348, 380, 401, 415, 422, 450, 488, 520, 525, 526. 550, 552, 556, 578, 706, 766. 773. 778, 786.
- — 1,000 Miles, Awards, 706, 716.
- — Causes of Stops, 450, 490. Entries for, 292.
- — Notes on, 322, 355, 393, 435.
- Report, 380, 395, 422.
- Specification of Cars, 348,
- —- Oiled. 152.
- — The Closing of, 790-
- Nationalisation of, 447-
- Roadside Incident. A, 136.
- Roberts, H. L. (letter), 189.
- — Method of Air-cooling, 253.
- Rochford, Joseph (letter), 520.
- Rolls, Chas. S. (letter), 17.
- — C. S.» and Co.’s 15 h.p. Panhard, Detachable 729-
- Roper, Wm. (letter), 137.
- Rosenthal, Max (letter), 789.
- Routes in the 1,000 Miles Trials, 383.
- Royal, Hill-climber, A, 284.
- — Naval Volunteers, 315.
- Roy, Le, Autovulcaniser, 634.
- — (letters), 491, 665, 720.
- R. S. (letter), 401., (query), 254’
- R. T. B. (query), 109.
- R. T. C. (query), 562.
- Rubber Petrol Connections, 318.
- Running, Inequality of, 309.
- Russell. Earl, Analysis of the New Act, 33S.
- H. Scott (letter), 276.
- — Sidney (letters), 303, 786.
- Russia, An Englishman in. 336.
- — Service of Motor Cars in, 367, 442.
- Ryan, R. C., Experiences as Honorary Observer, 406,
- Safety of Turning Corners, 137. 220.
- Sainsbury Non-slipping Device, 573, 634.
- — W. D. (letter), 634.
- Salmons and Sons (letter). 401.
- Salon, The Paris, 216. 398, 493, 691. 705, 740, 785.
- Samson-Hutchinson Non-skid Tyres, 357.
- Sampson, H. M. (letter), 756.
- Sandwich, Kent, Tolls on Swing Bridge, 193.
- Sangster, Chas. (letter), 756.
- Satisfactory Treatment. 497.
- Sauce for Goose and Gander, 147.
- Schobls for Motoring, 569.
- Schwind, C. L. (letters), 333, 439, 463, 788.
- Scotland Yard Officials, Autocars for, 583.
- Scottish A.C., 202, 230, 414, 530, 617, 647, 674, 703, 736.
- S. C. (query), 254.
- Scriven, J. (letter), 439.
- "Secor” Motor Engines, Description of. 484.
- Seine, Motor Boat Race on the, 297, 328.
- Selangor Fire Engine, 7.
- Selbach Single Valve Engine, 728.
- Self-defence, 231.
- Self-ignition, 466.
- Self-starting Engines, 679.
- Semmering Hill-climb, 398,
- Series System of Ignition. 19.
- Service, Motor, Between Greenock and Gourock, 403-
- —’Bus, at Torquay, 125, 618.
- — in Birmingham, 553.
- — of Cars, Lake District, 222.
- Seven Years Ago, 593.
- S. F. (query). 26.
- Shaw, Harold (letter), 304.
- Sheffield and District A.C., 504, 799.
- Shooting Waggonette, Duke of Westminster's, 307.
- Short Temper (letter), 789.
- Show, National, Motor Cars at the, 654.
- — Stanley, Motor Cars at the, 659.
- Shows, Motor Cars at the, 654.
- Showell, E. Phipson (letter), 20.
- Shrapnell Smith, Paper by, 615, 641, 663, 671.
- Side-slip, 463, 524, 580, 665, 757, 786.
- — (letter), 691.
- — Trials, Automobile Club, 731.
- Signals for Automobilists, Code of, 632.
- Silence is Golden (letter), 312.
- Silencer, An Additional, 206.
- — Effective, 189, 304, 401.
- — Knocking and Explosions in, 165.
- — The Stanley, 552, 639.
- Silent Cars, 287.
- Simon, Vivian A. (letter), 136, 466.
- Simpson, Strickland and Co. (letters), 103, 189, 249.
- Single-tube Tyres. Repairing, 284.
- Single Valve Engine. Selbach, 728, 787.
- Sirdar Rubber Co., Ltd. (letter), 757.
- Slough, Stuart Forster. Summoned at, 196.
- Slowing Down, Hints on, 290.
- Smart Piece of Work. A, Building Motor Launch. 79, 103, 138.
- Smith, David J. (letter), 305.
- — G. H. (letters), 304. 334-
- Smuggling with Autocars, 399.
- Smug (letter), 264.
- Soap, " Rubstitute.” 138, 191.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. 143, 587-
- Sojourner in the West (letter), 18.
- Solid Tyres, 278, 366. 439, 522> 757-
- Solphine (query), 282.
- Solutions, Brine, for Cooling. 130.
- Sooting at the Plug. 466.
- South Africa, A Motor Picnic in. 266.
- — Motors for, 336.
- — Railway Inspection Car. 277.
- Southampton, Automobilist Fined, 417.
- Southern Motor Club, 617. 703.
- Southport Automobilist, Leonard Williamson, 582.
- — British Association Meeting at. 357.
- — Speed Trials. 332, 376. 414. 445- 4t>7- 49b.
- Course for, 414.
- Results of. 469. South Wales. Roads in, 792.
- — Yorkshire (letter). 491. Spa Hill Contest. 253.
- Spain. Roads in. 404. Spanner. Ratchet, 704, 760.
- Spark Gaps. 309.
- — Intensifier. Messrs. Whitehead and Co., 188.
- — Intensifiers or Concentrators, 188, 302, 333.
- — Intensity. 275-
- Sparking at the Commutator, 405.
- — Plug. A.V., 723.
- — Burlington. 799.
- — Phenomena. 128, 158.
- — — Position, 610.
- — The “ Amac,” 690.
- — “ Vita,” 607.
- — Plugs. De Dion. 402.
- — Repairs for, 193.
- — To Test. 449.
- Specification of Cars. Reliability Trials, 348.
- Spectator (letter). 604.
- Speed. Gear Ratio and, 370.
- — Governor. 401.
- — of Autocars in France, 575.
- — on Hills, Loss of. 527.
- — Prosecution at Lewes. 637.
- — Recording Instrument. 586.
- — Registering Instrument. Elliott Bros., 796.
- — Regulations. France, 298.
- — Restriction in Belgium, 186.
- — Top, Driving on the, 303, 333.
- — Trials at Cork, no. I Jourdan. 438.
- — — Phoenix Park, 24, 67, 103, 160. 220.
- — Popularity of, 477.
- Southport. 332, 37b, 414- 445. 4b7-
- Spencer Motor Airship, 408.
- Spirit, Motor, Experiments with, 688.
- S. P. (query), 794. Spray Nipples, Cleaning. 507.
- Spring Drive, Albion Motor Co.’s, 97.
- Spyker Cars, 581, 750, 785.
- Squeaking. L’ntraceable, 235.
- Staffordshire County Council and the Act, 722.
- — Police, 401.
- Standard Car, 724. 762.
- “ Standard ” on the Motor Bill, 239.
- Stanley Show, Motor Cars at, 659.
- — Silencer, 639.
- — Steam Car. 179, 211, 240, 267.
- Stanton, Private Oliver, 583.
- Star Car, Four-cylinder, 10 h.p., 192.
- Star Engineering Co., Testing Cars. 204.
- — (letters), 189, 220. 520, 578.
- Starting a Single-cylinder Engine, 418. 679.
- — Device, Safety Handle, 603, 635.
- — Difficulty, A, 26, 527.
- — Easy, 190, 507.
- — Troubles, Wiring and, 145.
- Statter and Co., J. G. (letter), 251.
- Steam Car, 10 h.p. Miesse, Run on, 283.
- The Miesse. 377, 480, 554.
- Stanley, 179, 211, 240, 267.
- — Cars, 98, 189. 270. 275, 303. 441. 439, 462, 491. 521,551. 579. 584, 604.610, 633, 664, 692, 71S
- — Extracts from Correspondence, 491, 521.
- — v. Electric Cars, 282.
- Petrol, 400. 441, 461.
- — Motor Coach. Taff Vale Railway, 582.
- — Watering Cart, 568. Steaming at the Radiator, 346.
- Steel, Thermal Treatment of. 586.
- Steele, R. (letter), 19.
- Steering Gears, Cure for Backlash, 318.
- Stephens, Ernest A. (letter), 249.
- Stocks, J. W. (letters), 116. 551, 604.
- Stockton District Council and Alotor Cars, 289.
- Stonehenge. Run to. on Heavy Car. 280.
- St. Petersburg. From Paris to, Madame Lockert, 369, 567.
- — Paris-, Race, 330.
- Straker Steain Waggon, 278.
- Strickland and Co. (letter), 786.
- — Frederick (letter), 691.
- Studman, Charles. Article by, 589.
- Sturmey. Henry. Dividends at Last. 244.
- — (letters). 218, 219, 220, 236, 237, 264, 275, 27b. 313- 7&7-
- Sun Rising Hill Fatality, 197.
- Subaltern (letter;. 788.
- Subscriber (letter), 463.
- Suggestions for Future Trials, 765.
- Suggett. W. E (letters). 522. 691.
- Summary o! the Motor Car Bill, 263.
- Sunbeam Cham Case, 569.
- Sunderland Corporation and Motor Car Act, 795.
- Sun Rising .Ascent of Edge Hill, 126.
- — Hill Accident, 177, 189. 197. 219.
- Supplementary Ignition. A. 715. 7^7-
- Surrey, East. Automobile Club. 372, 530.
- Survevor, Wilt- County, Benz Car, 224.
- Sutherland. Duk*- of, x6 h.p Napier, 214.
- Swift, 6 hj . 668.
- Switch, Two-way, Wiring a, 225, 370.
- Sygogne (letter), 461.
- Tafi Vale Railway Motor Coach. 582, 644, 667.
- Tail Lamps, 786.
- Talbot Car, 12 h.p. Four-cylinder, 793.
- — Models, The Latest, 647.
- Tapping in the Engine, 418.
- Tarring of Road, France, 215, 299.
- — New Jersey, U.S.A., 524.
- Taxes, Autocar, 761.
- Taylor, J. V. Elliott (letter), 160.
- T. D. H. (query), 466.
- Telford Smith, T. (letter), 692.
- Tench. Montague (letter), 604.
- Ten Miles Limit, Need for Action. 439.
- Terms of Affiliation to Automobile Club, 104, 189.
- Terriss, Tom, Hill-climbing Feat, 660.
- Test, A Severe, 660.
- Testing Cars, Star Engineering Co., 204.
- T. G. (letter), 632.
- — — (query), 225, 669.
- T. H. B. (letter), 189, 238.
- Thermal Treatment of Steel, 580.
- Thermo-syphon Honeycomb Radiator, 731.
- Third Party Risks, 304.
- Thompson, Chas. G. (letter), 275.
- — Oscar S. (letter), 401.
- Thornycroft, 20 h.p., for India, 585.
- — Racing Launch, 143.
- — Steam Waggons1 Army, 478.
- Time of Ignition, 225.
- Timing the Gordon-Bennett Race, 114.
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 4, 63, 94, 121, 149, 178, 206, 235, 261, 290, 318, 346, 376, 416, 449, 479. 507, 535. 56b. 595, 823, 851, 879. 707. 739. 775-
- Tired Tim (letter), 522.
- T. N. (query), 2b.
- Tolls, Maidenhead Bridge, 478, 58b.
- — on Penwortham Bridge, 79.
- — Bridge, Sandwich, Kent, 193.
- Toni Motor Tyre, Bates, 781.
- Tool, A Useful, Ratchet Spanner, 704, 760.
- — for Repairing. 8, 189. 239.
- Torquay, Motor Bus Service, 125, 818.
- Tottenham District Council Fire Engine, 96.
- Tour in Arctic Circle, C. J. Glidden, 25b, 280, 368, 443-
- — — France, 153.
- — A. G. Bergmann’s, 314.
- — H. R. Wilding's, 174, 311.
- — on Argyll Car, Alex. Govan. 221.
- Touring Car, Ariel Motor Co., 12 h.p., 774.
- — in France, Formalities for, 282.
- — North Devon, 304, 483.
- — Motor, 1.
- — Trials, Paris-Rome, 364, 494.
- Tourist (letter), 579.
- Tours, Trial, De Dion-Bouton et Cic., 517, 548.
- Touting, Private, 583, 580, 605, 832, 891.
- Towing a Partial Wreck, 486.
- Townsend, E. H. (letter), 462.
- Toy Motor Car,‘372.
- Track for Motors, Long Island, 518.
- Tractor, Maudslay, for London Corporation, 223, 597-
- — Motor, for Fire Engines, 448.
- — The Brightmore Steam. 156.
- Traffic, Heavy Motor, 663, 691, 756.
- — Shrapnell Smith, 615, 641, 663, 871.
- Train, Automobile, Renard and Surcouf, 784, 786.
- Tramcars, Speed of, 587, 594, 835, 637, 895.
- Tramlines, Danger of, 668.
- Tramways Doomed, 541.
- Transformer, Charging from a, 733, 761.
- Transmission, Atmospheric, 19. 251.
- Transport, Motor, in Cape Colony, 442.
- — Kitchener’s Appreciation, 421.
- Transvaal A.C., 734.
- — Hill-climbing Contest. 734.
- Traps. Police, 21, 80, 82, 118, 143, 173, 230, 258. 281, 310, 342, 370, 531, 560, 590, 620, 648, 67b, 730.
- Tread, Detachable, Tyre Protector, 439.
- Treads, Non-slipping, 276, 301, 333, 357, 3^5. 4°°. 439- 497. 519. 523. 550, 573-
- Trembler, Bad Contact at, 165.
- — Coil, 121.
- — Magnetic, Bassee and Michel, 686.
- Trial Run on 18 h.p. Chenard and Walcker, 640.
- Trials, American Endurance, 311, 557. 619.
- — at Laffrev, New Form of, 245.
- — Chateau-Thierry Hill-climbing, 458.
- — Future, Suggestions for, 587, 765. 773-
- — Heavy Car, France, 542.
- — 1,000 Miles, Analysis of Tyre Troubles, 556.
- — Causes of Road Stops, 450-
- — Judges’ Awards, 706, 716.
- — Reliability, Notes on, 322, 355, 393, 435.
- — Report, 380. 395. 422.
- -- Specification of Cars, 348.
- — of Carburan ts, 186.
- — Motor Fuels, French A.C., 271.
- — Quarterly, 621, 648.
- — Reliability, for Amateurs, 461.
- Trials- Reliability, for Motor Cycles, 108.
- — Future, 416, 605. 765.
- — Summary of Marks, 766.
- — Road, Diary of the, 384, 422.
- — Side-slip, Automobile Club, 731.
- — Speed, at Cork, no.
- — 1,000 Miles, 119, 144, 257, 292, 315, 322, 343* 348. 401, 415, 422. 450, 488. 498, 520, 525, 526, 530, 552, 556, 578, 706, 710, 773. 77&. 786.
- — Entries for, 292.
- — Unofficial, 506, 533, 550, 564, 578, 589, 604.
- Trouville Motor Boat Race, 328, 329.
- T. R. S. (letter), 794.
- Truman, Claude A. P. (letter), 160.
- Trusty Carburetter, 218, 275.
- Tubes, Air, To Patch, 449.
- Turbine, Internal Combustion, 782.
- Turner’s Motor Mfg. Co., Ltd. (letter), 692.
- Turning Corners, The Safety of, J 37, 220.
- Two-cycle Engines, 89, 109, 139.
- Tyre, A Burst, 309.
- — Combination, Solid and Pneumatic, 281.
- — Maison-Talbot, 223.
- — Protector, Detachable Tread or, 439-
- — Protectors, Experience of Paul Meyan, 399.
- — Repairs, Hints on, 4, 63, 94.
- — — Rapid, 276.
- — Roadside, by Vulcanisation, 208, 281, 439. 634-
- — The New Palmer Motor, 613, 783.
- — — Toni, 781.
- — Tip, A Good, 37O.
- — Trials. 305, 556. .
- — Troubles in 1,000 Miles Trials, Analysis of, S. F. Edge's, 19b.
- Tyres, 578, 605, 631, 663, 691. 7^7, 758, 78:
- — in the 1,000 Miles Trials, 488.
- — Revulcanising of Motor, 756.
- — Single-tube, Repairing, 284.
- — Solid, and, Live Axles, 789.
- — The. Care of, 367, 370, 535, 549-
- — Fiske, 191, 291, 367.
- Uloola (letter). 579.
- Unavoidable Inequalities, Reliability Trials, 416.
- Union. The Motor, 128, 233, 342, 373, 399» 526, 582, 608, 666, 695, 730.
- Unofficial Trials, 506, 533, 550, 564, 578, 589, 604, 634-
- Upkeep and Driving, 89.
- Urquhart, John (letter), 631.
- Valentin, Basil Wm. (letters). 605, 717.
- Valparaiso Fire Brigade Motor Tenders, 735.
- Valve Setting, 794.
- Valves. Mechanically-operated v. Automatic, 685, 7i7. 756.
- Van and Waggon Users’ Association, Motor, 699.
- Vauxhall Light Car, 5 h.p., 536.
- Veeder Odometer for Heavy Cars, 174.
- Vehicular Speed in London. 587, 594, 635, 637.
- Vienna, Exhibition of Spirit Industry, 367, 602.
- Virtue, James (letters). 580, 664.
- Visitor to Warwickshire (letter), 660.
- “ Vita ” Sparking Plug. 607.
- Voiturette Class, Reliability Trials, Special Report, 395. 43i-
- — The. 259.
- Volodno (letter), 304.
- Volunteer Corps, Motor, Dinner, 732.
- — The Motor, 24, 92, in, 125, 169, 198, 342, 413, 416, 583, 670, 732.
- Volunteers, Royal Naval, 315.
- Vulcanisation, Roadside Tyre Repairs by, 208, 281, 439. &34-
- Waggon, Motor, 177.
- — Users* Association, Motor Van and, 699.
- Waggons, Motor, Economy of, 295, 336.
- — in Lancashire, 295.
- — Petrol Motor, Milnes-Daimler, 790.
- Waggonette, Albion 12 h.p., 793.
- Walcker, Henri, on Valves, 685.
- Wales, Prince of, on Cornish Tour. 220.
- Walker, F.. Internal Combustion Turbine, 782.
- — S. F., Brine for Cooling Alcohol, 130, 269.
- — (letter), 158.
- Walsall and Motor Car Act, 795.
- W. A. S. (query), 733.
- Water Cart, Bournemouth Corporation, 187.
- — Circulating Trouble, 26, 27.
- — -level Regulator. Stanley Steam Car, 240.
- — Pipes, Air-lock in, 584.
- Watering Cart, Steam, 568.
- Watkins, W. (letter), 440.
- Watts, F. (letter), 669.
- W. B. M. (letter), 786.
- W. B. (query). 254.
- W. D. S. (query), 562.
- Wedding Present, Au Imperial, 526.
- Weigel, D. M. (letter*!. 219, 274, 663. 757. 758.
- Record Kilometre, 21, 25, 7y.
- Weigel. D. M., Runs on 12-rO h.p. Clement, 266.
- Weir, Archibald (letter), 219.
- Welbeck, New Kilometre Record at, 487.
- Weller Steering, Particulars of, 527.
- Wellington, Frank F., Ltd. (letter), 312.
- Wells, R. G. (letters), 519, 718.
- West Africa, The Autocar in, 588.
- — Country (letters), 521. 691.
- Westerham and Bury Hills, Speeds, 393.
- Westminster, Duke of, Shooting Waggonette, 307.
- — Motor Dust Carts for. 612.
- Weston Motor Syndicate (letter), 664.
- Wet Weather, Misfiring in, 562.
- Wrinkles, 739.
- What is Wanted, 93, 137.
- W. H. C. (query), 370.
- W. H. D. (letter), 273.
- Wheatland, W. E. (letter), 519.
- Wheel Adjustments. Road, 235.
- — Design, Road, 405, 527.
- Whistlefield Hill, Oldsmobile Car Climb, 554.
- White, A- Melville (letter), 138.
- — (query), 370.
- — Steam Cars, 98, 189, 270. 439, 462, 491.
- Whitfield, J., on ib h.p. Lancaster, 202.
- Width of Highways. 483.
- Wilding, Mr. H. R., Tour on Renault Car. 174, 311.
- Wilkinson, G. J. (letters). 249, 549, 674.
- — J. S. (letter), 634.
- — Tread, The, 333.
- — Tyre and Tread Co. (letters), 333, 519.
- Williams, W. Geo. (letter), 305.
- Williamson, John A., Width of Highways, 483.
- — Legislation Affecting Automobilists, 512.
- — L., on 10 h.p. Lanchester Car, 582.
- Wilson, A. J., Charge of Obstruction, 621, 642, 665.
- — Driving a De Dion, 11.
- — Sparking Plug Phenomenon, 128.
- Hoods and Canopies, 680. Wilson-Pilcher Car, 278.
- Windham, W. G. (letter), 632.
- Winter, Laying up Car for, 535, 566, 595, bob, 623, 697, 76i.
- — Motoring Garments, 574.
- Wire for Electric Ignition, 499.
- Wires, Ignition, Tension of, 290.
- Wiring, An Aid to, 590.
- Wiring an Auto-trembler, 405.
- — and Starting Troubles, 145.
- — a Two-way Switch, 225, 370.
- — Dynamo and Accumulator, 444. (query), 405.
- Wiston (query), 282.
- W. L. C. (letter), 366.
- W. (letter), 719.
- W. M. H. (query), 282.
- Wolf, F., and Co., Sparking Plug, 780.
- Wolseley Tool and Motor Co. (letter), 634.
- Wolverhampton and District A.C., 161, 476, 555, 617, 647, 735.
- Motor Car Act, 795.
- Woodtine, T. F. (letter), 265.
- Wood, R. S., and Co., Patent Pneumatic Wheels 281, 461, 598.
- W. R., Bracknell and Berks (query), 761.
- Wright, C. Coleman (letter), 463.
- — HL (letter), 401.
- Wrotham Hill-climb, Kent A.C., 340.
- W. T. W. (letters), 219, 2O4, 690, 787.