1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Telegraph and Telephone
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Adams-Randall Telephone Patents Co, Limited.—PZrec^ors: A. W. Bainton (Chairman), 0. Adams-Randall, W, H. Parker, and \V. G. B. Sweet. Secretary: J. R. Davies. OJfice: 131-3, Dashwood House, E.C. —The company was registered April 11, 1899.
- African Direct Telegraph Co, Limited. Managing Director: Hon. A. G. Brodrick. Secretary: H. E. Plank. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—The company was registered December 11, 1885, and had a subsidy, for twenty years from the completion of the line in 1886, of £19,000 per annum from H.M. government. In 1893 the company obtained from the German government a subsidy of £6,700 per annum for twenty years for an extension of the cables to the Cameroons.
- African Transcontinental Telegraph Co, Limited. — Directors : Duke of Aberoorn, K.G. (President), R. Maguire, S. Neumann, and Sir J. Wernher, Bart. Acting Secretary: D. E. Brodie. Office: 2, London Wall Buildings, E.C.—The company was registered December 27, 1892. The company has constructed a telegraph line from Cmtali in Mashonaland to Tete, from Tete to Blantyre (British Central Africa), from Blantyre to Zomba, from Zomba to Fort Johnston, and from thence through Kota Kota, on the western shore of Lake Nyasa, Karonga, at the north-western end of Lake Nyasa, Fife, Abercorn, Kituta, at the south end of Lake Tanganyika, and Bismarckburg to Ujiji, on the east coast of Lake Tanganyika, in German East Africa. A branch line from Domira Bay, Lake Nyasa, to Fort Jameson, the headquarters of the North-Eastern Rhodesia Administration, in Mpeseni’s country, has been constructed. An agreement has been entered into with the German government, under which the company has received permission to carry through German East Africa the telegraph line designed to connect Cape Town with Cairo : the construction of the line through German territory is to be carried out by the company at its own cost. On the expiration of 40 years after the completion of the line, the German government has the right, on certain conditions, to take over the German East African section of the line without payment. An agreement was concluded with the British South Africa Company respecting the construction of the African Transcontinental Telegraph Company’s lines within the field of the operations of the Chartered Company, under which the latter company took over the working and management of the line for a period ending May 31, 1901. The Chartered Company has exercised its option under this agreement of subscribing for such portion of the share capital of the company as was requisite to carry the line to the southern shores of Lake Tanganyika.” Under the working agreement the British South Africa Company was to take all the receipts until May 31, 1901, and work the lines at its own cost—pending a fresh agreement the lines are still (November, 1907) being worked by the British South Africa Company. The British South Africa Company has the right to purchase, at any time, the undertaking as far as it is within the field of the operations of the British South Africa Company, at a price to be agreed by arbitration, on the basis of the then present value, without regard to cost of construction.
- Amazon Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors: G. Keith (Chairman and Managing Director), E. B. Ellice-Clark, and C. W. Parish. Secretary: E. Petley. Office: 42, Old Broad Street, E.C.—The company was registered July 5, 1895, to connect by cable the city of Manaos and the city of Para in Brazil with intermediate stations or branch lines. The Brazilian government has granted a concession giving exclusive cable rights in the river Amazon for thirty years from April 29, 1895, in the zone comprised between the capitals of the two states of Para and Amazonas, and an annual subsidy of £17,125 (deductions being made when any section is interrupted for more than two months), during the first twenty years of the concession, payable quarterly in gold. The cable was opened in February, 1896. At the expiration of 30 years the system is to revert to the government, which has also power of purchase after 10 years at a price based on the value of the works and the average of profits for the preceding five years, but in no case less than the actual amount expended by the company on the cables.
- American Telephone and Telegraph Co.—Office: Boston, U.S.A.—The company was incorporated in February 28, 1885, under the laws of the state of New York, and in 1900 acquired the property and business of the American Bell Telephone Company.
- Anglo-American Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors: F. A. Bevan (Chairman), Sir G. FitzGerald, K.C.M.G. (Deputy-Chairman), S. Barber, R. H. Benson, C. Burt, H. M. Kersey, D.S.O., and H. S. Leon. Manager: J. H. Carson. Secretary : T. II. Wells. Office: 26, Old Broad Street, E.C.—The company, in its present form, is the result of an amalgamation of the Anglo-American, French Atlantic, and Newfoundland Telegraph companies, dating from May 1, 1873.
- Anglo-Portuguese Telephone Co, Limited.—Directors H. Allen (Chairman), H. F. Jackson, F. W. Kerr (Managing Director), J. E. Kingsbury, and C. Woolley. Secretary : F. A. Bagnall. Office: 31, Budge Bow, E.C.—The company was registered June 8, 1887, to take over from the Edison-Gower-Bell Telephone Company of Europe, Limited, certain established exchanges, and holds a concession from the Portuguese government expiring in 1937.
- British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Limited.—Directors: E. K. Muspratt (Chairman), J. Taylor (Vice-Chairman), J. S. Harmood-Banner, M.P., S. Z. de Ferranti, J. C. Stitt, and G. C. Taylor. General Manager: D. Sinclair. Secretary: W. Kerfoot. Registered Office: Prescot, Lancashire. Transfer Office: 19, Castle Street, Liverpool. London Office: Lennox House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. — The company was registered April 28, 1897, as the British Insulated Wire Co, Limited, to take over the business of the company of the same name, registered October 20, 1890, and in 1902 the name was changed as above. The capital was largely increased in 1900, and again in 1902 in connection with the amalgamation with the Telegraph Manufacturing Co, Limited.
- British L. M. Ericsson Manufacturing Co, Limited.—Directors: G. H. Robertson (Chairman), A. Bostrom (Stockholm), P. Hammarskjold (Managing Director), and S. H. Sands. Office: 82-5, Fleet Street, E.C.—The company was registered November 6, 1903, to acquire the business of manufacturers of apparatus and appliances in connection with telephones and telegraphs.
- Callender's Cable and Construction Co, Limited.—Directors: H. Drake (Chairman), T. O. Callender (Managing Director), W. O. Callender, O. H. McEuen, Sir J. F. Flannery, Bart., and Maj. W. M. Mackenzie. Secretary: H. E. Harrison. Office: Hamilton House, Victoria Embankment, E.C.—The company was registered July 24, 1896, to take over the business of Callender's Bitumen Telegraph and Waterproof Co, Limited.
- Chili Telephone Co, Limited.—Directors: G. Keith (Chairman), Hon. H. T. Allsopp, and F. W. Jones. Secretary: E. Petley. Office : 42, Old Broad Street, E.C.—The company was registered June 28, 1889, to acquire the business and properties of an American company which commenced business in Chili in the early part of 1885, and in 1890 the National Telephone Company of Chili was absorbed.
- China and Japan Telephone and Electric Co, Limited.—Directors: H. Grewing (Chairman), H. J. Grewing, and T. Lloyd. Secretary: A. B. Chalmers. Office: Alderman’s House, Alderman’s Walk, Bishopsgate, E.C.—The company was registered in January, 1883, as the China and Japan Telephone Co, Limited, to acquire certain telephonic exchanges founded by the Oriental Telephone Co, Limited, and in 1901 the name was changed as above.
- Commercial Cable Co.—Directors : C. H. Mackay (President), G. G. Ward (Chairman, Vice-President and General Manager), A. B. Chandler, C. K. Hosmer, of Montreal, G. Clapperton, and S. S. Dickenson (Vice-Presidents), A. Beck (Secretary), J. G. Bennett, D. Clarke, R. A. Smith (Toronto), Col. W. Jay, C. E. Merritt, E. C. Platt, Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal (London), T. Skinner (London), and W. S. Webb. Assistant Secretary: J. O. Stevens. Head Office: 253, Broadway, New York. Manager in England: F. Ward. Office: 55-56, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C.— The company was organised December 12, 1883, under the laws of the State of New York.
- Compagnle Francaise des Cables Telegraphiques.—London Office: 24, Royal Exchange, E.C. Head Office: Paris.—As from January 1, 1895, this company succeeded the French Atlantic Cable Company, and the system has been extended.
- Consolidated Electrical Co, Limited.—Directors: H. Alien (Chairman), J. H. S. Thomson, and C. Woolley. Secretary: T. Taunton. Office: Broad Street House, E.C.—The company was registered April 16, 1903, to take over the business and undertaking of the Consolidated Telephone Construction and Manufacturing Co]], Limited, registered April 9, 1881.
- Craigpark Electric Cable Co - T. Tullis (Chairman), (Managing Director). Secretary: G. Herbert. Office: Flemington Street, Springburn, Glasgow.—The company was registered May 2, 1903, to carry on the business of manufacturers of, and dealers in, electric cables, &c.
- Cuba Submarine Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors: C. W. Parish (Chairman), R. K. Gray, G. Keith, and A. G. Low. Secretary: J. Scott. Office: 58, Old Broad Street, E.C.—The company was formed in February, 1870, to carry out a concession (exclusive for 40 years) from the Spanish government.
- Direct Spanish Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors: Marq. of Tweeddale, K.T. (Chairman), F. A. Johnston, and Sir J. Denison-Pender, K.C.M.G. Secretary: F. T. Freddie. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—The company was registered November 8, 1872. . . . the company has a joint-purse arrangement with the Eastern Telegraph Company, which holds a controlling interest in the Direct Spanish Company.
- Direct United States Cable Co, Limited.—Directors: E. M. Underdown, K.C. (Chairman), Hon. T. H. A. E. Cochrane, M.P., C. E. Gunther, Sir J. Pender, Bart., H. C. B. Underdown, and J. Varley; General Manager and Secretary: T. Finnis. Office: Winchester House, E.C.— The company was re-registered July 17, 1877. The capital is £1,214,200 in fully-paid shares of £20.
- Direct West India Cable Co, Limited,—Directors; T. Skinner (Chairman), Lt.- Col. T. G. H. Glynn, C. R. Hosmer (Montreal), G. G. Ward (New York), and F. Ward. General Manager: J. Rippon. Secretary: O. Rochs. Office: 33, Old Broad Street, E.C.—The company was registered September 1,1897, to take over and carry out an agreement entered into between her Majesty’s government and the Halifax and Bermudas Cable Co, Limited, for the laying and working of a cable from Bermuda to Jamaica, via Turk’s Island.
- Eastern and South African Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir J. W. Barry, K.C.B. (Chairman), Sir A. J. L. Cappel, K.C.I.E., F. A. Johnston, Sir J. Denison- Pender, K.C.M.G. (Managing Director), J. C. Denison-Pender, Vise. Midleton, and the Marq. of Tweeddale, K.T. Secretary: A. R. Hardie. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—The company was registered August 19,1879. … the proceeds having been applied to the part payment of laying about 2,310 miles of cable to connect the existing lines along the east and west coasts of Africa at Zanzibar with the Island of Seychelles and the Island of Mauritius.
- Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors : Sir J. W. Barry, K.G.B. (Chairman), I*. A. Bevan, Hon. A. G. Brodrick, Sir A. J, L. Cappel, K.C.I.E., Sir J. Denison-Pender, K.C.BI.G., Hon. G. Peel, and Marq. of Tweeddale, K.T. General Manager and Secretary: F. E. Hesse. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—The company, in its present form, is the result of the amalgamation in 1873 of the British Indian Extension, British Australian, and China Submarine Telegraph companies.
- Eastern Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors.- Sir J. W. Barry, K.C.B. (Chairman), Sir J. Denison-Pender, K.C.M.G. (Vice-Chairman and Managing Director), Lord Allerton, Sir A. J. L. Cappel, K.C.I.E., J. C. Denison-Pender, F. A. Johnston, Lord Pirrie, and Marq. of Tweeddale, K.T. Secretary: A. B. Hardie. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—
- Europe and Azores Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors; Marq. of Tweeddale, K.T. (Chairman), Hon. A. G. Brodrick, and Sir J. Denison-Pender, K.C.M.G. ^cretary : G. R. Neilson. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E. C. —The company was registered August 19, 1893.
- Exchange Telegraph Co, Limited.— Directors: Lt.-Col. F. F. Sheppee (Chairman), K. Anderson, W. King (Managing Director), G. A. D. Goslett, H. L. Hotchkiss, and G. Montagu. Secretary: G. Hamilton, : 17-18, Cornhill, E.C.—The company was registered March 28, 1872.
- General International Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Co, Limited.— Being wound up. Liquidator: W. H. Dove, 110, Cannon Street, E.C.
- Great Northern Telegraph Co, Limited.— Representative inEngland and Manager in London: F. C. C. Nielsen. Office: 3, St. Helen’s Place, E.C. Head Office: Copenhagen. This company was established on June 1, 1869, under Danish law, to connect England and France with the north of Europe and China and Japan; the company also has a cable between the Shetland Islands and the Faroe Islands and Iceland.
- Halifax and Bermudas Cable Co, Limited.—Directors: T. Skinner (Chairman), Lt.-Col. T. G. H. Glynn, C. B. Hosmer (Montreal), G. G. Ward (New York), and F. Ward. General Manager : J. Bippon. Secretary: O. Rochs. Office: 33, Old Broad Street, E.C.—The company was registered May 22, 1889, to carry out a contract with the British government for laying a cable between Halifax (Nova Scotia) and the Bermudas
- Havana Telephone Co. — London Advisory Directors: Lord Elcho, C. A. Grenfell, and Sir J. Rolleston. Head Office: Havana.—The company was incorporated in 1900, under the laws of the State of New Jersey, U.S.A., and owns or controls concessions in the city of Havana and its neighbourhood, which are exclusive in character, for a period of twenty years from May 25, 1905, while concessions for twenty years covering the towns of Remedios and Caibarien do not expire until 1926.
- India Rubber, Gutta Percha, and Telegraph Works Co, Limited.— Directors: Maj. L. Darwin (Chairman), J. Y. Buchanan, B. K. Gray (Managing Director), Lt.-Col. A. W. Jarvis, C.M.G., Hon. H. Marsham, and C. H. Moore. Secretary: A. P. Crouch. Office: 106, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered in 1864, and rearranged in 1878.
- Indo-European Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors.- J. H. Tritton (Chairman), Sir W. R. Brooke, K.C.I.E., L. Delbriick (Berlin), J. von B. Gossler (Hamburg), C. Holland, Rt. Hon. Sir F. Mo watt, G.C.B., G. Plate, and T. W. Stratford-Andrews (Managing Director). Secretary: J. I. Bethell. Office: 18, Old Broad Street, E.C.—The company was formed in April, 1868, and has a joint-purse arrangement with the Eastern Telegraph Company.
- London-Platino-Brazilian Telegraph Co, Limited.—Practically the whole of the share capital is held by the Western Telegraph Co, Limited.
- Mackay Companies.—Office: Boston, U.S.—Under this title a voluntary association has been formed in terms of a declaration of trust. The Mackay Companies owns the entire capital stock of the Commercial Cable Company ($23,000,000), including the land-line system throughout the United States, known as the Postal Telegraph Company; also shares in the capital stock of 102 other cable, telephone and telegraph companies in the United States, Canada, and Europe. The Mackay Companies is the largest stockholder in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, commonly known as the Bell Telephone Company.
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co, Limited.—Directors: J. F. Bannatyne, H. J. Davis, Col. SirC. Euan-Smith, K.C.B., C.S.I., Maj. S. Flood-Page, H. C. Hall (Managing Director), Chevalier G. Marconi, A. L. Ochs, C. Roux (Marseilles), E. St. Paul de Sincay (Paris), and H. S. Saunders. Secretary: H. W. Allen. Office: Watergate House, York Buildings, Adelphi, W.C.—The company was registered April 25, 1900, for the purpose of working throughout the world, with certain specified exceptions, an exclusive licence for all maritime purposes granted by Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co, Limited. In Great Britain and Italy the licence is limited to maritime mercantile and yachting purposes, and does not extend elsewhere.
- Monte Video Telephone Co, Limited.—Directors: F. W. Jones (Chairman and Managing Director), C. Lock, and J. G. Le Marchant. Secretary: D. Smith. Office: 325, Dashwood House, E.C.—The company was registered July 31,1888, to take over the business of a local company in Monte Video, established in October, 1885, and in 1889 acquired the businesses of a competing company. In 1898, however, in view of the arrears of dividend on the preference shares, a reconstruction of the capital took place.
- National Telephone Co, Limited.—Directors: G. Franklin (President and Managing Director), S. H. Sands (Vice-President), C. S. Agnew, Lord Balfour of Burleigh, Lord Harris, Sir W. O. Quilter, Bart., G. H. Robertson, Sir A. K. Rollit, Kt., and W. A. Smith. Secretary : A. Anns. Office: Telephone House, Victoria Embankment, E.C.—The company was registered March 10, 1881. As from May 1, 1889, amalgamation with the United Telephone Co, Limited, and the Lancashire and Cheshire Telephonic Exchange Co, Limited, took place, and in 1890, 1891, and 1892 several minor companies were absorbed. In 1892 the New Telephone Co, Limited, was formed; but, partly by purchase and partly by exchange of shares, the National Company has acquired all the capital of the new company.
- Oriental Telephone and Electric Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir A. Colvin, K.C.S.I. (Chairman), B. St. J. Ackers, H. Grewing, H. J. Grewing, and T. Lloyd, Secretary: A. B. Chalmers. Office : Alderman’s House, Alderman’s Walk, Bishopsgate, E.C.—The company was registered February 4, 1881, as the Oriental Telephone Co, Limited, and in 1892 the name was changed as above. In 1894 it was decided to reconstruct the company, in order to carry through an arrangement with holders of vendors’ shares, and the present company was registered March 12, 1894. The company has obtained from the government of India a renewal of its telephone licences tor a period of sixty years from April 1,1903, subject to certain conditions of optional purchase by the government after a lapse of 20 years, and a license for 31 years, dating from 1903, from the government of the Straits Settlements for Singapore. The company has large holdings in the Telephone Company of Egypt, Limited, the China and Japan Telephone and Electric Co, Limited, the Bengal Telephone Co, Limited, and the Bombay Telephone Co, Limited.
- Pacific and European Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors; Sir A. J. L. Cappel, K.C.I.E. (Chairman), B. J. W. Barry, Hon. A. G. Brodrick, and Sir J. Denison- Pender, K.C.M.G. Secretary: F. L. Robinson. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—The company was registered June 24, 1892. The proceeds of the debentures were to be applied to the construction of a line of telegraph wires (to be owned in perpetuity) between Buenos Ayres and Valparaiso, with a branch between Valparaiso and Santiago, under concessions (without any financial aid) granted by the Argentine and Chilian governments, and the debentures are a first charge on the concessions, and are guaranteed both as to principal and interest jointly and severally by the Western Telegraph and West Coast of America Telegraph Companies. The lines were opened for traffic in March, 1894.
- River Plate Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir J. W. Barry, K.C.B. (Chairman), Lord Balfour of Burleigh, K.T., Lord R. H. Browne, Sir A. J. L. Cappel, K.C.I.B., J. Coppen, J. C. Gibson, F. A, Johnston, M. Llamas, Sir J. Denison-Pender, K.C.M.G., and Vise. Midleton. Secretary: 35. S. Hodson. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—No further information is obtainable.
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited —Directors: A. W. von Siemens (Chairman), Sir W. R. Lawrence, Bart., A. Siemens, C. F. von Siemens, G. W. von Siemens, and G. von Chauvin (Managing Director). Secretary: A. Sabine. Office: 12, Queen Anne’s Gate, S.W.— The company was registered December 28, 1880, to take over the business of telegraph engineers, &c,, of Messrs. Siemens Brothers.
- South American Cable Co, Limited.—Directors: R. K. Gray, E. Karminski, and A. A. Roux. Manager and Secretary: J. Jeffery. Office : 106, Cannon Street, E.C.— The company was registered July 4, 1891, to establish telegraphic communication between Brazil and Senegal, under concessions from the Brazilian and French governments. The Brazilian concessions give exclusive rights for twenty-five years, after which period the government has certain rights of purchase ; the French concession simply confers landing and other rights.
- Spanish National Submarine Telegraph Co, Limited.—Directors: R. K. Gray (Chairman), Maj. L. Darwin, Lt.-Col. W. Jarvis, and C. H. Moore. Secretary: E. M. Webb. Office: 98, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered May 12,1883.
- Spanish Telephone Co, Limited.—Directors: F. R. Y. Radcliffe, A. A. Buffer, and E. Ruffer. Secretary: S. T. Treffry. Office: 39, Lombard Street, E.C.—The company was registered July 16, 1894.
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co, Limited.—Directors: W. Shuter (Chairman and Joint Managing Director), C. F. Campbell, F. R. Lucas (Joint Managing Director), P. V. Luke, C.I.E., Sir J. Pender, Bart. Secretary: E. Dickens. Office: 38, Old Broad Street, E.C.—The company was formed in 1864 to take over the telegraph manufacturing business of Messrs. Glass, Elliot, and Co., and of the Gutta Percha Company. In 1883 power was obtained by Act of Parliament to engage in the electric lighting business.
- Telephone Company of Egypt, Limited.—Directors: Sir A. Colvin, K.C.S.L (Chairman), B. St. J. Ackers, H. Grewing, H, J. Grewing, and T. Lloyd. Secretary: A. B. Chalmers. Office: Alderman’s House, Alderman’s Walk, Bishopsgate, E.C.—The company was registered January 30, 1883, to acquire telephonic exchanges founded by the Oriental Telephone Co, Limited.
- United River Plate Telephone Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir J. I. Courtenay (Chairman and Managing Director), Sir J. Gavey, C.B., F. Green, G. Keith, and A. Le Rossignol. Secretary: D. Smith. Office: 340, Dashwood House, E.O.—The company was registered December 17, 1886, to amalgamate the businesses of the United Telephone Company of the River Plate, Limited (registered December 21, 1882), and the River Plate Telephone and Electric Light Co, Limited (registered January 31, 1882).
- Venezuela Telephone and Electrical Appliances Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir D. Fox, Kt. (Chairman), J. S. Austen, and C. E. S. Bishop. Secretary: H. Simmonds, Office : 3, Copthall Buildings, E.C.—The company was registered April 22, 1890, to take over the business of the Inter-Continental Telephone Company of New Jersey, U.S.A.
- W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co, Limited.—Directors ; S. Gedge (Chairman), B. T. Ffinch, C.I.E., Earl of Galloway, Sir A. C. Lyall, G.S.I.E., K.C.B., F. Newton, and G. Sutton (Managing Director). Secretary: A. E. Salmon. Office: 13-14, Blomfield Street, E.C.—The company was registered February 21, 1880, to take over the business of Mr. W, T. Henley.
- West African Telegraph Co, Limited. Directors — Marq. of Tweeddale, K.T. (Chairman), Hon. A. G. Brodrick, R. K. Gray, Sir H. C. Mance, C.I.E., and Sir J. Denison-Pender, K.C.M.G. (Managing Director). Secretary : J. Cambrook. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. — The company was registered September 29, 1885, but it was not until April, 1886, that it came before the public. The company was formed to connect the West Coast of Africa by telegraph with Europe, and has a concession from the Portuguese government, which gives a 25 years’ guarantee of traffic, A large amount of the share capital is held by the Eastern and South African Telegraph Co, Limited.
- West Coast of America Telegraph Co, Limited.— Directors: Sir J. Denison-Pender, K.C.M.G. (Chairman), and Sir A. J. L. Cappel, K.C.LE. Kobinson. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—T’ tered June 10, 1876, to take over and work the cable and land lines laid by the India Rubber, Gutta Percha, and Telegraph Works Co, Limited, along the west coast of South America, and was re-registered December 29, 1877. The company’s revenue having fallen off it was decided in 1896, under the auspices of the Brazilian Submarine Telegraph Co, Limited (now the Western Telegraph Co, Limited), to reorganise the undertaking,
- West India and Panama Telegraph Co, Directors: W. B. Kings ford (Chairman), T. W. Goulding, H. Holmes, Sir J. C. Lamb, C.B., C.M.G., and G. von Chauvin. Manager and Secretary: R. T. Brown. Office: Dashwood House, E.C.—The company was established in 1869, and re-registered January 9, 1877.
- Western Telegraph Co, Limited.— Directors: Sir J. W. Barry, K.C.B. (Chairman), Sir J. Denison-Pender, K.C.M.G. (Deputy-Chairman), Lord Balfour of Burleigh, K.T., Lord R. H. Browne, Sir A. J. L. Cappel, K.C.I.E., J. Coppen, K. A. Johnston, Viscount Midleton, and Duke De Louie (the last mentioned representing the company in Lisbon). Secretary: E. S. Hodson. Office: Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—The Brazilian Submarine Telegraph Co, Limited, was registered January 8, 1873. In 1898 holders of a majority of the shares of the Western and Brazilian Telegraph Company accepted the option offered them of exchanging their holdings for shares of the Brazilian Submarine Company, which thus obtained control of the Western and Brazilian Company, and late in 1899 the necessary steps were taken for the actual absorption of the Western and Brazilian Company, the name being then changed as above.
See Also
Sources of Information