1910 The Motor Cycle: Index Jan-Jun

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor Cycle
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- Accident to a Motor Cyclist, A Fatal, Sup. Feb. 14th
- Accumulators, Charging, 333
- — Discharging Quickly, 249
- — Double-purpose Accumulator, 570, 621
- — Repairing, 188
- — Sending by Rail, 68
- — Storing, 420, 578
- Acetylene Filters, 264
- “Across the American Continent on a Motor Cycle,” by S. Bowmar, 178-181, 198-200, 244-246
- — Border, by [[Allan Phillip, 20
- Advertisers of Second-hand Machines, A Hint to, 306
- Advice to Young Clubs, 401
- Aeroplane Catalogue, The first, 124
- Affiliation Question, Northern Clubs and the, by Geoffrey W. Liddle, 335
- Africa, How Natives Transport a Motor Bicycle in (ill us.), 95
- — Lady Motor Cyclist in Central, 94-96
- Air Intakes, Suggestion for, 102
- — Tubes, Another Reinforced Inner Tube, 78
- Air-cooled Engine : How Long will it Run ? Sup. Feb. 28th
- Alfreton and District M.C.C., Sup. March 14 th
- All-weather Machines, Finish for, 111, 166, 230, 256, 282, 306
- — Riding, 76
- Smart Runabout for (illus.), 524
- Tricycles for, 51
- Aluminium, A Simple Process for soldering, 23
- Amateur Camping Club, Sup. March 21st
- — Records, 79
- Amateurs, Prizes for, 586
- America, “ Across the American Continent on a Motor Cycle,” by Stanley Bowmar, 178-181, 198-200, 244-246
- — American Riders and their Amateur Status, 251
- — British Magnetos in, 196
- — “ Flying Squadron,” A Motor Cycle, Sup. Jan. 17th
- — Largest Motor Cycle Factory, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — Motor Cycle Design, Some Features of,
- — Records, Sup. Jan. 24th, 31st, 146 193, 282, 308
- — Reliability Trial in, 304
- — Slight Tribute from, Sup. Jan. 17th
- — Two-stroke Engines in, 114
- — World’s Speed Record Claimed by, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Amman Valley and District M.C., 4»5
- Amersham, A.C.U. Quarterly Reliability Trials, Scenes on the Test Hills, Rectory and Dashwood (illus.), 367
- Amulree, Contour Section of, 85
- — End-to-end Run, Sup. Jan. 17th, March 14th
- — Hill-climb, 15, 53
- — Kenmore Side, on the End-to-end Route, 275
- — Six Days’ Trial, 125, 185
- Anarchist, Motor Cyclist Taken for, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Antananarivo, Madagascar, Racing on
- — Motor Cycles at (illus.), Sup. Feb. 7th Apparel, Riding (illus.), 228, 229
- Arbuthnot, Capt. Sir R. K., Signing the Sheet before Leaving Exeter (illus.), 269
- — Winner of the Jarrott Cup, 301
- Army, Motor Cyclists in the, Sup. Feb. 7th, 566
- Aston Hill, Tring, Herts County A.C. Open Hill-climb, Sup. March 7th, 375
- Aspatria College M.C.C., Cumberland, 350
- Association of Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders, The, Sup. Jan. 24th
- Attachments, Coupling, 71
- — Respecting a Passenger Attachment, 163
- Atlantic to the Pacific Coast by Motor Cycle, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Atomiser, The De Beers, 196
- Australia, High Prices for Motor Cycles in the South of, Sup. Jan. 24th
- — Motor Cycle Condition in the Australian Bush, 89
- — The Motor Cycle in the South Australian Bush (illus.), Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Australian Record, Attempt on an, Sup. Feb. 7th
- Austrian Motor Club Reliability Trial, 522
- Auto Cycle Legion, Sup. March 7th Union, Affiliated Clubs and, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- — — — Affiliations, Sup. Feb. 21st, 268, 350
- Amulree and the Six Days’ Trial, 185
- — — Congratulations to the, 413
- — Decision to Limit Twin-cylinder
- — Engines in its Competitions to 670 c.c., Sup. Jan. 3rd
- — — Early Fixture of Principal Trial Dates, 9
- — — Election of New Officials, 323
- — — End-to-end Trials, 566, 587
- — — Entries for the, Sup. Feb. 21st, March 7 th, 607
- — — Entries for First Quarterly Trial, Sup. Jan. 24th
- — Hill-climb, 268
- — in the Isle of Man, 399
- — Inter-club Championship, Sup. March 7th, 611
- — — Its Formation and History, 40-43 Land’s End to John-o’-Groat’s
- — Trial, Map of, 612, 613
- Lecture by Capt. C. Battine, 300
- Legal Department, Sup. Feb. 28th*
- Auto Cycle Union, London Centre of the, Sup. March 14th
- — Metropolitan Centre of the, 454, 514i
- Midland Centre, 280, 326, 354
- — New Committee elected, 296
- — News, Sup. Jan. 10th Notes, Sup. Feb. 14th, March 7th, 397, 568
- — Nottingham and District Motor Cycle Club, Sup. Feb. 7th
- — Provincial Clubs and, 16, 3Q •
- Quarterly Reliability Trials,'Sup.
- Jan. 10th, 31st, Feb. 21st, March 7th, 93, 124, 132, 140, 141, 147, 165, 195
- — Entries Analysed, Sup Feb. 7th, 325
- — First Competitive 1910 (illus.), Sup. Feb. 7th, 81 V (illus.), 333, 367, 36 370, 3£
- — ? — Judges’ Report, Suj, Feb. 14th
- List of Marks a Official Awards, 406, 407
- More Light on tl Sup. Feb. 28th
- New and Old Patten Machines in, Sup. Feb. 7th, 352
- Official Report a Results, 97, 98, 124, 144, 399
- Quartette of Competitors in First (illus.), Sup. Jan. 31st
- — — — — — — Regulations, 1
- Results and Report 97, 98, 124, 144, 3
- — Spring, The, 444
- — Tuning-up for the, li
- — — Uxbridge to Banbu and back, 369-372
- — Records, 124
- — Second Quarterly Trial of 191 3C
- Seventh Annual Dinner, Sm Jan. 24th
- — Six Days’ Trial, The 1910, 9, 614
- Amulree and the, 125
- Entries for the, 537 Preparations for ther 262, 263
- Route Fixed, Sup. March 7 th
- Special Permits, 268
- — Suggestions for Hill Tests, 599
- Trials, The, 264
- Curtailment of Suggested, 238, 259
- Automatic Carburation, 413
- The Motor Bicycle and, 339
- — Carburetters (see “ Carburetters ”)
- A.O.I.V. Springs, 360
- Automobile Club, Tenth Anniversary of t.h£~ 1,000 Miles Trial, 325 /
- Auto-wheel, The, 419, 490
- Auxiliary Exhaust Release, Sup. Feb. 21st, March 7th, 157, 256, 282, 306
- Aviation Conversazione and Ball, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Ayr and District M.C.C., 247, 280, 429, 564, 618, Sup. Jan. 24th, Feb. 28th
- — Hill-climb, 429
- Backfire into the Carburetter, A, 188
- Back-rests for Motor Cyclists, 24, 89, 103, 546
- Back Wheel of a Tricar, 265
- Balanced Twin, 624
- Balloon Expedition, Sup. March 14th
- Barnes, F. W Accident of, 567
- Vl8le of Ma11’ Snaefell Mountain Hili- climb in the (illus.), 528
- on bis 3 4 h.p. Zenith Grachia (illus.), 4 25
- Bath Cs'cling Club, .Affiliation to the A.C.U., 350
- — — •- — Assembled Outside the Blath- wayt Arms (illus.), 619
- —- — — Proposed Cycle Section, Sup.
- March 7 th, 619
- Pattery Ignited and Magneto Machines, j IIoxv to Prevent Explosions in the
- / Silencer, 118
- z Battine, CapL C.. Lecture on “The Rose or the Motor Cycle in Campaigning,”
- Belt or Chain, 185, 569
- Belts—Belt Jumping the Pulleys, 154, 409 — Care of 12
- — Chain Belt, A New, 334
- — Cure for Stretching of Leat her, 510. 578
- — Detachable Belt Fastener, 460
- — "Dressing for Leather, 334
- — Fastener for Round Twisted, 246
- — Fasteners, 67, 192, 246, 16. 460, 491, 516, 547, 600
- - “ Gru- ” ra.dener, The, 192
- ;MV to Keep Dry and Clean, 109, 166 -leather and Rubber Canvas. 127
- - Lightweights, 16, 32. 89, 145
- - Novel Beit Tip, A, 145 Other Topics and, 357
- — Remover and Puncher, An Excellent, 334
- — Return to Flat, Sup. Feb. 28th
- — Rubber and Canvas r. Leather, 83, 156
- — Sidecar and Other Matters, 307
- — Stretching and Breaking, A Cure for, 329
- — Tensioring Device, A, 309 Tight, 56
- — Tightening, 84
- — Twisted Belt on Lightweight, The, 9
- — Leather Belt, The, 50 Wear of Canvas and Rubber, 356, 393, 600
- — Bennett. A. E., Lecture on “ Magneto Ignition,” Sup. Jan. 10th erizol. 359
- - as Fuel, by J. Bellerby, 63, 81, 231
- Berriedale Hill, Contour Section, 88
- Bideford, Showing the Famous Bridge over the River Torridge (illus.), 315
- Biggleswade, A Secret Check near (illus.), 277
- Birmingham and District M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 10th, 24th, Feb. 7th. 21st,
- March 7th, 21st. 173, 281, 302. 326, 354, 378, 380, 404, 430, 482, 593, 616
- — Hill-climb, Competitors Comparing Watches at the Top of the Hill (illus.), 378
- — Members at the Opening Run (illus.), 302
- — Reliability Run to Lincoln and back, Competitors Assembling at the Starting Point (illus.), 515
- — Exhibition at, 301, 334
- Bishop Auckland, Darlington, and District M.C.. Sup. Feb 14th, 143, 173, 202, 303, 593
- Black Enamel far all Weathers, 28
- Board of Trade Returns, 424
- Bohbett’s T.re Grip, 103
- Bolton and District M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 24th 31st, 247, 326a, 455, 564. 565, 616
- Boeder Bridge, Berwick-on-Tweed (illus.), 20
- Bore-Stroke Ratio and Efficiency, by James L. Norton, 17, 47-50, 77, 90, (00, 131
- Bosch Magneto, The New Ball Bearing, 67
- Bournemouth. Centenary Fetes Sup. Feb. 21st, March 21st, 351
- Boy Scouts, Inspection of. on Southsea Common (illus.), J 4 t
- — — Searching a P. and M. Motor Cycle (illus.), 141
- Bradbury and Co-, Ltd., Messrs., Successful 1916 Model, ID 1
- ' ford-E d inb urgti and back Open Trial,
- 607
- 460
- ‘elt Rim, 580
- Bradford M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 21st, 143, 326, 404, 45-3, 538b, 618
- Annual Open Hill-climb, 530 — Snapshot of, 570
- —- — Ono of the Competitors in the 200 Miles Trial for the N.S.U. Cup (illus.), 444
- — — to London and back 24 Hours’ Run,
- 590 599 B ram son’s Folding Sidecar fitted to a.
- Two-speed V.S. (illus.), 80
- Bramson Home Garage Sidecar, The, 80 “ Breakdown ” Competition, A Motor Cycle (illus.). 113
- Brewster, Accident to. 4 79
- Bristol Bicycle and Motor Club. Sup. Feb 7th, March 14th, 326, 379
- — Route to, 409
- — to Bournemouth, 518
- British Empire, Largest Indiarubber Manufacturers in the, 544
- — Exports, 424, 567
- — Isles, Contoured Motoring Map of the. 334
- — - Machines, Exports of, 324, 424, 567
- — Magnetos in the States, 196
- — Motor Cycle Racing Club, Sup. Jan. 31st, Feb. 7th, March 7th, 173
- — Affiliation to A.C.U., 268
- — — — Brooklands Meeting as seen by our Artist (illus.), 425
- — — .... First Members’ Meeting,
- 240, 241, (illus.) Sup March 21st Fixtures, Sup. Jan. 24th
- — — _ Meeting .at Brooklands, 374
- — Open Race Meeting, 538 — Programme, The, 351
- — Second 1910 Meeting,
- 298, 326a, 342-344 — — — — Year of the, Sup. Feb. 21st
- - Third 1910 Members’ Meeting. 376, 414, 415
- — Success, 544
- California, Orange-growing m, 245
- Callander from the Bridge, Showing Beu
- Ledi in the Background (illus.), 86
- Cambridgeshire Motor Cycle Club, 281
- — Opening Meet (illus. h 357
- — Petrol Consumption Test, 455
- Cambridge University M.C.C., Sui . Pel>. 11th, March J 4th
- — Winners of the Inter-’Varsity Contest
- — at Brooklands (illus.), 611
- Camera and the Motor Cycle, 192
- Canadian Roads, Motor Cycle for, 383
- Canvas and Rubber Bolts. Wear of, 83, 307, 356
- Cap, A Novel, 550
- Capabilities and Possibilities, 385
- Carbide, Economy in, 112
- — Porous Bags for, 410
- Carbon Brush, A Broken, 332
- Carburation, Automatic, 339, 413
- — .Lubrication and, 309
- Carburetters, Adjusting and Testing, 36, 130
- — Adjustments, Mints on, by B. H. Davies, 294, 295
- — — Simplified, 44
- — — Timing of Spark, 458
- — — Tip, A, 297
- — Air Intakes, 283
- — Automatic, 264, 297, 308, 327, 356, 365, 387, 395, 420, 472. 490, 525. 547
- — Backfire into, 188
- — Blow-backs in the Carburetter, 233
- — Dripping, 493
- — Experience, A, 366
- — Faulty Carburettor Adjustments, 249
- — Flooding, 28
- — Jet, De Beers, 196
- — Petrol Gauge, 550
- — Pistons, Jamming of, 517, 548
- — Query, 333
- — Replacing. 56
- — Semi-automatic, 472
- — Short Inlet Pipe and Standard Carburetter, 26
- Cardiff M.C., Sup. Feb. 7th
- Car Licence Covers a Motor Cycle, 411
- Carn Brea., Redruth (illus.), 60
- Carriage Tax, 621
- Carrier. Suggested Toolbox and, 53
- — Taking a Passenger on the, 83
- —- Use of, 30
- Caserta, King Bomba’s Pal#m° ae alius.), 389
- Castle Hill and Dinham Bridge, Ludlow’ (illus.), 138
- Cattle on the Road at Night, Disinterested View of the Situation, 532
- Centaur Redivivus, The, .345
- — Roadster Model, The New Pattern 3i h.p. (illus.), 436
- Ceylon, Cost of Petrol it., 90
- Cham Belt, A New, 334
- — Drive, An Appreciation, 517
- — or Belt, 185, 569
- “ Chains tor Power Transmission,” by Alec S. Hill. 350
- Checking in Reliability Trials, by Felix Scriven, 122. 151, 169, 194, 575, 576
- Cheshire, Police Tactics in, 532
- Chester Historical Pageant, 350
- “ Clean ” Counties. 83
- Cleanliness, 516
- Climbing Abilities, Test of, 191
- — Hills “ in less than no time,” Sup. Feb. 7th
- Club Competitions, 230
- — Life, 75, 109
- — Problem, A, 283
- — Secretaries, Notes for, 162, 518
- Clutches, Dressing for, 334
- — Fit ting' a Free-engine Clutch, 12
- — Mabon Clutch, A Tip for the Users of the, 11
- — Oiling, 56
- — Uses of- 359
- Clyde Motor Bicycle, The New, 118
- Clyno. 6 h.p.. Tv in-cylinder, with Stevens M.O.I.V, Engine (illus.), 155
- Cockshoot Lane, near Skipton (illus.), 593
- Coils, Consumption and Dry Battery Ignition, 266
- — Sparking at the High Tension Terminal
- — Instead of at the Plug, 266
- Coleshill and Water Orton, Constable Stationed at, 351
- Collier, H. A., Interview with, 477. 478
- Collier’s Choice for the T.T., 324
- — Monoplane, 196 .
- Colonies, Machines for the, 25, 251, 361
- — Two Types of Machine in the, 20
- Coloured Magneto Diagrams, 559
- Combustion Heads, Detachable, 29
- Comfort of Riding, Increasing the, 189
- Competition Programme, The 1910, 57
- Competitions, Long Distance, 586
- — North of England, in the, 397
- Compression, 170-172, 318-320, 409
- — Absence, 493
- — Curious Loss of, 188, 247
- — Leakage of,. 266
- — Loss of, 12
- — Ratio, Variable, 311
- — Restoring, 292
- — Suggested Device for Varying, 550
- Continental Touring, 594
- Continent, Proposed Tour on the, 154
- — Through Great Britain and the, by Dr. A. M. Webster, 462-465, 496-498
- Contour Map, A New, 334
- Cost of Running a Small Car, 55
- County Council Regulations, Portable Sheds and, 540, 579
- Coupling Attachment, Licence for the Use of, 12
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., Sup. Jan. 24th, Feb. 7th, 14th, 21st, March 21st, 281, 326a, 355, 403, 455, 483, 538b, 565, 593
- — Members Outside the Residence of the President (illus.), 281
- — Military Motor Reconnaissance, 376, 398, 399, 426
- North Wales, Run to,- 538b
- — Winners of The Motor Cycle Cup (illus.), 584
- Cowey Speedometer, Experience of the, 623
- Crank Cases, Draining of Dirty Oil, 163 Heated, 189
- — — Oily, 490
- — — Swilling the, 28, 126
- Crank Pins on Racing Machines, 580
- Crankshafts, Ball Bearing, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Crowsley Spring Wheel Sidecar, Arrangement of (illus.), 596
- Croydon, Alteration in Position of Ten-mile Speed Limit Signs, Sup. Jan. 10th
- Cubical Capacity and Horse-power, 115, 131, 165
- Abbots Bromley, 586
- Accessories and Equipment, Sup. March 14th Addresses Wanted, 351
- Aeroplane Catalogue, The First, 124
- Affiliations to the Governing Body, Sup. Feb. 21st, 350
- Air-cooled Engine, How Long will it Run ? Sup. Feb. 28th
- Amateurs, Prizes for, 586
- America Claims World’s Speed Record, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- American Records, Sup. Jan. 24th
- America’s Largest Motor Cycle Factory, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Amulree, Condition of, Sup. March 7th
- Another Tourist Trophy for Twins, 533
- Anything and Everything for a Motor Cycle, Sup. Jan. 24th
- Association of Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders, Sup. Jan. 17th
- Atlantic to the Pacific Coast by Motor Cycle, From the, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Australian Record, Attempt on an, Sup. Feb. 7th
- Auto Cycle Legion, Sup. March 7th
- — Union, Affiliations, Sup. Feb. 21st, 28th, 268, 350
- — Annual Dinner, Sup. Jan. 3rd, 10 th, 17 th
- — General Meeting of the, Sup. Feb. 28th, 124
- — — — Private Members, Sup. March 7th
- — Report and Balance Sheet, Sup. March 21st
- — — — End-to-end Trials, 566, 587
- — Entries for First Quarterly Trial, Sup. Jan. 24th
- — Hill-climb, 268
- — Inter-club Championship, Sup. March 7th
- — Lecture, 300
- — Legal Department, Sup. Feb. 28th
- — London Centre of the, Sup. March 14th
- — . Notes, Sup. March 7th, 397
- Nottingham and District
- Motor Cycle Club and the, Sup. Feb. 7th
- Quarterly Reliability Trials,
- Sup. Jan. 10th, March 7th, 124
- Auto Cycle Union Quarterly Reliability
- Trials. Entries Analysed,Sup. Feb. 7th r Results, The, 124
- — Second Quarterly Trial of 1910, 301
- Seventh Annual Dinner, Sup. Jan. 24th
- . Six Days’ Trials, 614
- Special Permits, 268
- Auxiliary Exhaust Release Holes, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Aviation Conversazione and Ball, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Ball Bearing Crankshafts, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Battle of the Cylinders, 586
- Benzol as Fuel, 81
- Birmingham to Coventry Road, State of, 397
- Board of Trade Returns, The, 424
- Bolton and District M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 7th
- Bore-Stroke Ratio and Efficiency, Sup. Jan. 10 th
- Bournemouth Centenary Fetes, Sup. Feb. 21st, March 21st, 351
- British Exports, 424, 567
- — Motor Cycle Market, Sup. Feb. 21st Racing Club, First Members’
- Meeting (illus.), Sup. March 21st
- Meeting at Brooklands, 374 7 Programme, 351
- Brooklands, Events, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — Hill-climbing Certificates, Sup. March 7th
- — July Meeting, 614
- — Meeting, 447
- — Test Hill Record Beaten, Sup. Jan. 10 th
- — Whitsun Meeting, 397, 424
- Brussels Motor Show, Sup. Jan. 17th
- Butter-maker, An Up-to-date, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Buying Petrol in Small Quantities, Sup. March 14 th
- Chains for Power Transmission, 350
- Champion Tennis Player and Motor Cyclist, 423
- Chester Historical Pageant, 350
- Climbing Hills ‘ ‘ in less than no time, ’ ’ Sup. Feb. 7th
- Clubs, Three New Projected, 124
- Cobham’s Illumination, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Collier’s Choice for the T.T., 324
- Collision, An Unfortunate, 301 Comment Needless, 532
- Commonsense Reform, Sup. Jan. 10th Convert, A New, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Correction, A, Sup. Feb. 21st
- C.T.C. Defends a Motor Cyclist, 532
- Cubical Capacity Tables, 567
- Daily Press Again, The, 480
- Dangers of Cattle on the Road at Night, 532
- — of “ Hanging-on,” 32 5
- Defence, A Novel, 351
- Disinterested View of the Situation, 532
- Donation to the Douglas Hospital 566
- Doncaster, Warning to Ride Considerately Through, 614
- East Sussex M.C.C., 503
- Echo of the Edinburgh Run, An, 503
- Electrically-propelled Bicycle not far off (?), 81
- End-to-end Lightweight Record, 533
- — Sidecar Record, 446
- — Trial, The 1910, Sup. Jan. 17th Entries, Sup. Feb. 7th, 423
- Engine Features Criticised, Sup. Jan. 24th
- — Sizes, 268
- Engines, Real Multi-cylinder, 586
- Essex Motor Club, Renewal of Affiliation to A.C.U. for 1910, Sup. Jan. 17th
- Exchanges Offered for Motor Cycles, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Excursions to the Isle of Man, 480
- Exhibition in Birmingham, 301
- Exports of Britt . Machines, 324
- Filey Speed Tri ,As, The, 424 Nor* .era League and the, 397
- Fine Performance, 422
- First Aid Motor Cycle, 502
- — Open Event of 1910, 375
- Flat Belts, A Return to, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Fraud, An Ingenious, 268
- Free Le^al Advice, Sup. March 7th
- French Decoration, Sup. Jan. 17th
- — Mo or Cyclists and Aviation, 480
- — Vic ws of Brooklands and its Events,
- Sup. March 21st
- — Special Permit Granted to, 124
- Hill-climb, A Ten Miles, 566
- — in North Wales, 562
- Hill-climbing in the Antipodes, 301
- Hill-climbs in New South Wales, Sup. March 7 th
- Hint to T.T. Riders, Sup. March 21st
- Hundred Miles Road Race, 532
- Illegal Speed Limit Signs, Sup. March 14th, 21s
- Imports and Exports of Motor Cycles Sup. March 14th, 124
- — of Motor Cycles, 324, 567
- Increasing Imports of Petrol, Sup. Feb 21st
- Inland Revenue Licenses Issued in 1908, 81
- Inter-club Meeting in the South, 567, 614
- International Motor Licenses, 396, 422 Isle of Man News, 422
- Jarrott Cup Competition, Sup. Jan. 3rd, 301
- Keen Buyers, Sup. Feb. 21st X '
- Kenmore Hill-climb Abandoned, Leicester Motor Cycle and Cycle Show, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — No Motor Cycle Club in, Sup. Feb.
- 21st Level Crossings, Danger of, 300
- Licenses for Motor Cycles, Sup. Jan. 3rd Lighting a Dangerous Gate, 350
- Lightweight Prize in the Land’s End Trial, 324
- Lightweights, What a Good Lightweight can do, 268
- Liverpool Stipendiary Becomes a Little Excited, 587
- Local Taxation Licenses, Sup. Feb. 7th, 81 London-Edinburgh Run, Sup. March 14th, 424, 446, 567 Awards, 480
- London-Land’s End-London, 268
- — Awards, 375
- London to Coventry and back, 423
- Long Distance Competitions, 586 Lucid Explanation, A, 300
- Magneto Spark, Timing of the, 124
- Manchester Motor Cyclists in the T.T. Race, Sup. March 14th
- — Show, Motor Cycles at the, Sup. Feb. 21st, 28th
- Manxland, Hill-climb in, Sup. March 7tli Martin’s Win Upheld, 300
- Midland Aviation Meeting, 533
- Military Manoeuvres on the Welsh Border, Sup. March 21st
- — Motor Cyclists, Sup. Feb. 21st Milkman’s Presence of Mind, 268 Model, A 19104, Sup. Feb. 21st Motor Cycle Club Annual General Meeting, Sup. Jan. 10th
- Hill-climb at Secret Venue, 3C Inter-team Trial, Sup. Mard 21st, 35k London-Edinburgh Run, Sup. .March 7th, 375
- Race Meeting and Gymkhana, 325, 424
- Team Competition, Sup. Feb. 28th, 614 Trial, 300, 350
- Competition “ Down Under,”- Sup. Feb. 28th
- Design, Sup. Feb. 21s£
- Motor Cycle Exhibitions, Leicester, 301 7- Olympia, 301
- “** — ” Flying Squadron,” Sup. Jan. T 17 th
- — —*- Insurance, o67
- Racing in New South Wales, 301
- Repairers, Sup. Jan. 3rd, 81, 124 Show, Leicester, Sup. Jan. IOth —, Olympia, The Projected, Sup.
- Jan. 24th
- — Cycles Becoming Popular in Toronto, Sup. March 21st
- Imports and Exports, Sup. March 14th, 124
- in the Army, Sup. Feb. 7th
- — — — Denmark and Germany, 375
- Increased in Price, 423
- Two, Stolen, 614
- M>cre they are Congregated, Sup Feb. Jlst.
- — Cycling Club, 503
- Team Trial, 532, 533
- — — in Russia, 533
- Victoria, Sup. Fob. 21st
- — Cyclist Golf Player. 447
- — — on a Balloon Expedition. Sup. March 14 th
- — — taken for an Anarchist, Sup. Fob. 28th
- — Cyclist’s Conviction Quashed, 397
- — —- Army Manoeuvres, in the, 566
- Local Taxation License aud, Sup.
- Jan. 10 th
- — Union Meeting, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Motorists’ Sympathy. Sup. Feb. 7th
- Neuchatel Hill-climb, Sup. Feb. 28th
- New and Old Pattern Machine in the
- Quarterly Trial, Sup. Feb. 7th
- — License Fee of £1. 374
- — Patterns with Old Names, 351
- — Records, 446
- in the Air, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — Regulation at Brooklands, 374
- — Speed Limits, Sup. Jan. 3
- — System of Timing, 375
- York Show, The, Sup. Feb. 7th
- North Eastern Automobile Association, Sup. March 14th
- Nor morn Club Officials, A Meeting of, 375
- — League of Motor Cyclists, 587
- — Meeting, Sup. March 21st North-west London M.C.C. Inter-team
- Reliability Trial. 301
- Special Permit Granted to, 124 Novel Engine, 533
- Nyassaland, Tho Motor Cycle in (illus.), Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Object Losson, 374
- Obstacle Race for Motor Cycles, 268 Official Handicappers, Sup. Jan. 17th
- — Repairers, 422
- Olympia, Motor Cyclo Show at, Sup.
- March 7th, 21st
- Pacing Motor Cycles not in Favour, 351 Paris Salon, 1910, Sup. Feb. 21st Permit Granted by the A.C.U., 324 Petrol Imports, Sup. Jan. 17th
- Police Activity, 586
- — Tactics in Cheshire, 532
- — Traps, Sup. Feb. 28th, March 14th, 300, 325, 350, 375, 396, 422, 14 6. 180,
- 502, 532, 567, 614
- — — in tho Isle of Wight, 417
- Praiseworthy Performance, 300
- Problem of the Private Owner, Sup. Jan.
- 10th, 17th Production of Motor Cycles in 1907, 81
- Prospective Competitor in 1910 Events,
- 30 I Public Interest in Flying, Sup. Feb. 21st Quarterly Trial, Entries, 325
- First Competition of 1910, 81
- Racehorse v. Motor Cyclo, Sup. Jan. 24th Racing at Sydney, Now South Wales, 422
- Rapid Production in the United States, 396
- Record Attempts at Now Brighton, 44 7
- — Harry Martin Breaks tho Five Milos,
- 146 Records, 124 Re-exports, 4 24
- Reduce Speed in Towns and Villages, 351 Regrettable Accident, 567
- Rejoining tho Fold, 586
- Reply to Various Correspondents, 301 Richmond Group, 301
- — (Yorks) Moot, Sup. Mandi 14th Riding Conditions in Russia, Sup. Fob.
- Road Board, 614
- — Danger, 300
- at Night, Cheeking, 350
- Roller Skater r. Motor Cvclist, Sup. Jan. 10th
- R.A.C. and Associated Clubs, Annual Dinner of the. Sup. Feb. 7th
- St. Albans and District M.C.C. and Hertfordshire County A.C., Amalgamation of. Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Saturday’s Meeting at Brooklands. 480 Scotland. Open Hill-climb in, 374
- Scott T.T. Racers. 422
- Scottish Cycle and Motor Cycle Show, Sup. Jan. 17 th
- — Motor Cycle Clubs, Meeting of Secretaries of, 124
- — Six Days’ Trial, 503
- — Trial for Motor Cycles, 396
- Second A’ear of the B.M.C.R.C., Sup. Feb. 21st
- Secretary, An Energetic, 566
- Shooter’s Hill Police Trap, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Sidecars and Single Gears. 502
- Silencers in the T.T. Race, Sup. Jan. 10th
- Six Days’ Trial, 82 C
- — — Route Fixed. Sup. March 7th
- — Skinner, E.J., and J. Trevor,
- Messrs., Mishap to Machines, Sup. Feb. 7 th
- — — — Team Prize in the, 614
- Sleigh Propelled by a Motor Cycle Engine, Sup. Jan. 10th
- Smith. Mr. F. G., Awarded Mr. D. J. Maitland’s Prize. Sup. Jan. 10th ]
- South Australia. High Prices for Motor
- Cycles in. Sup. Jan. 24th ]
- Specifications of T.T. Winners’ Machines. 503 ]
- Speed Trials at Whitsuntide on Filey Sands, 375
- Sporting Offer, 446, 44 7
- Standard Machines, llill-elimb for. Sup. Feb. 28th
- Stanley Show, Alteration of Date of. Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Staxton llill-climb, 325
- Suggestion, A Good, 325
- Sunday Competitions again, 35 1
- Surrey’s Revenue from Motor Licences, Sup. Jan. 17th
- Sutton Bank, lnter-team llill-climb. 32 1 Wintered Badly, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Swiss Motor Cyclo Reliability Trial, Sup. Fob. 21st
- — — Cyclist’s Ideal Mount, Sup. Feb. 7th
- Sydney Motor Cycle Club’s Hill-climb, 81
- Tar-spraying Operations, 350
- Tea and Entertainment to Cripples. Sup. Jan. 10th
- Ten-mile Speed Limits, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Tennis Player and Motor Cyclist, A Champion, 82
- Tenth Anniversary of the 1,000 Milos Trials, 325
- The Motor Cycle Buyers' Guido, 1910, Sup. Jan. 24th
- — ju f,ho South Australian Bush, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Theft, An Impudent, 566
- Three Milos Record, 44 7
- T.T. Cash Prizes, 4 47 Competitors, Youthful. 503 Fund, 301, 371, 396, 123, 447 Items, 424
- Limit Engine Sizes, Sup. March 21st Race, Sup. Fob. 7th, 32 1
- Another Aspirant, 300
- Brooklands, 533 Early Ent riot- for. Sup. Jan. 3rd,
- 24 th, 124. 301, 35 L 374, 397, 122
- — — its Origin,’ 480
- Next Year's Regulations, 567
- Non-stops Claimed in the, 533
- — on tho Bioscope, 533
- Prospect I v ' Compet it or for tlie, Sup. Fob. 28th
- Riders, Allot hoi 'Tize for. Sup. March 21st at Brooklands, 4 80
- Transvaal Licence to Drive, Sup. March 7th Tribute from America, A Slight, Sup.
- Jan, 17 th
- Tricar for Rural Postal W< rk, Sup. Jan.
- 24 th Tunbridge Wells, Racing at 3<»l — • VVlilt-Monday Sports, 375
- Two-stroke Engines. Another Score tor. 300
- Tyres on Lightweights, 124
- Unauthorised Speed Limit Signs. o33 Unfortunate Occurrence, An, 324
- Unjust Prosecution of a Motor Cyclist, 533
- Vacuum Oil Co.'s Prize Otter, 421
- Variably Geared Lightweights. Sup. I eb.
- 21st War Office, A Proposal to the. Sup. March 7th
- Whit-Monday Pacing at Brooklands. 122
- White. Mr. A. Baker. Bet urns to Motor Cycling. Sup. Jan. 24th
- West Essex A.C.. Sup. Feb. 7th
- Woodman. Alan E„ Convalescence of. 587
- Yorkshire Club, Another Proposed. Sup. Fob. 21 st
- Open Hill-climb in, 566. 586 Consumption, 293
- Curtiss, Glenn. Biplane at Khelms (ilhisJ. 4 65
- New Pattern Single-cylinder Engine. Sup. Jan. 24 th
- Cylinders. Battle of the. 586. 602-607. 621
- Cutting out one, 332
- — Bed-hot. 112
- — Scavenger and Silencer. 589
- — Single and Twin Compared. 83
- — Uneven Punning in Two, 164
- Dall Belt Fastener, Recent Improvements to, 67
- Dashwood and Rectory Hills. Competitors Climbing (illus.), Sup. Jan. 3 1st, 367
- Davies, B. H., Address on the End-to-end Record, 40 5
- — Choice of Accessories. 201
- — Great Motor Cycle Road Races of History. 4 66-17 I
- — Hints on Carburetter Adjustments, 291, 295
- — Preparations for the Six Davs’
- — Trials, 262, 263
- — Scottish Trials, 572-574
- — Value of Racing, ’rhe, 137. 438
- — Week in the Isle of Man. 526-528 Winter Overhaul, ’The, 6b
- Dawlish, King's Parade (illus,), 59
- Do Beers Atomiser, The. 196
- Delay in Execution of Orders. 366, 4 19, 5 19
- Denmark, Motor Cycles in. 357
- Derby and District- M.C.C., Sup. March
- 14 th. 103. 182. 538b, 564 Inter-club Hill-climb. 619
- Motor Cyclists to Form a Club, 187
- Design, Suggested Improvements in, 239
- Devonshire, Lightweights for, 265
- — Way, Down (illus.), 311
- Diagrams, Coloured Magneto, 550
- Dog Nuisance, \ Remedy for the, 282
- Doncaster and District M.C.C., Sup. Fob, 21st. 28th, 355, (82
- — Warning to Ride (Considerately t hi\>;: ‘*h. 6 14
- Donegal, Riding Conditions. 517
- Double Pole Ignition, 256
- Douglas, Carrying Motor Cycles down the Quay Steps at (illus,), 532
- Hospital, Donation lo (he. 566 Drilled Pulleys, 5 17
- Dr\ Batteries of Magneto, 108
- Battery Ignit ion and Coil Consumption, 266. 357
- Dublin and District M.U.C., 1 (3, 173, 538d
- Coldllehl A.C., 451
- Dunedin from Timaru, Reliability Trial to, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Durham Motor Cyclists Congregating, 619
- Dutch Motor Cyclo Club, First Summer Mooting of 1910 (Illus.), 487
- Eagle Runabout, \ Smart 6 h,n. Twin cylinder (Illus.), 594
- East Lancashire M.U.C., Sup. Fob. 28th Sussex M.U., Sup. March 7th, 1(3, 302 Reliability ami Speed judging Coutos , 503
- Easter Tourists, Advice to, 24 6 Edinburgh M.C.C., Sup, Jan 3rd (Oth 3lsi, March 7th. 302, 377
- Elrst Arrivals in the 100 Miles Reliability Trial of tlm (Illus.), 539
- Group of Members p( (he (Illus,), 199
- Edinburgh M.C.C. Open Hill-climb, 397,399
- — Start of the Final of the Half-mile in the Speed Contest at Colonol Wardlaw’s Estate (illus.), 482
- — Waverley M.C.C., 302
- — Competitors at the Start of the First Reliability Run of 1910 (illus.), 379
- — in the Speed Trials at Dolphinton (illus.), 427
- Edison’s Storage Battery, 81
- Efficiency and Stamina, 413
- Egyptian Mural Carving, A Recently Discovered (illus.), 69
- Eiffel Tower, Paris (illus.), 465
- Eldorado Cycle and Motor Club, 565
- Electric Lamps, 544
- Electrical Appliances (illus.), 222-226 End-to-end Record, The, 53
- . Address on the, by B. H. Davies, 405
- Future of the, 172, 231
- — Sidecar Record, 446, 542, 560, 561 Beaten, 538a
- Start from John-o*-Groat’s House (illus.), 560
- The New, 587
- — Trials, 624
- Amulree in the, Sup. Jan. 17th, 274
- — — Entrants for the, 607
- Entries, 423, Sup. Feb. 7th, 21st John-o’-Groat’s Trial, Map of, 612,
- 613
- Kenmore Hill and the, 576
- Route, The 1910, 85-88, (cor.) 89, 111, 274
- The 1910, 62, 256, Sup. Jan. 17tli, March 7 th
- Enfield Cycle Co.’s Private Racing Club (illus.), 331
- Engines, Air-cooled Engine, How Long will it Run ? Sup. Feb. 28th
- — Balancing Motor Bicycle, 109, 188, 234, 254, 255
- — Carbonised Deposit on, 488, 548
- — Dirty, and Over-lubrication, 620
- — Do they Run Better at Night ? 15, 53
- — Fitting a Free-engine Clutch, 620
- — Two-speed Gear and Free-engine, 188
- — Free, 154, 472
- — French Rotary Valve, 433
- * — Gnome Revolving Engine, Seven-cylinder, Air-cooled (illus.), 440
- — History of the Internal Combustion, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — Improving Speed, 69, 621
- — Indian Two-speed Gear and Free- engine, 144
- — Is an Engine more Powerful when Cold ? 249
- — Small, 56
- — Water-cooling on M°t0r Bicycle, 6, 27 50, 55, 73, 91, 108, 121, 125, 14J, 252, 253, 328, 358, 393, 445
- — What is a Free-engine ? 154
- England, Some Suggested Holiday Tours in, 484-487
- Equipment, Riding, 544
- Essex M.C., Sup. Jan. Feb. 7th, 28th, March 14th, 354, 379, 380, 403, 482
- Evans, G. Lee, Interview with, 477
- Events, More Sporting, 443 Exchange Business, The, 165
- Exhaust Cut-out, Fitting an, 383
- — Release, Auxiliary, 157, 185, 256, 282, 306, Sup. March 7th
- — Silencer, An, 309
- — Valves, 102
- Cracks in the, 332
- Increase of Speed on Slightly Raising, 30, 71, 165, 231, 328, 366, 419, 444, 491, 540, 548
- Metal for, 133, 165
- Pitting, 384
- — Whistles, 365, 421
- Experience, A Strange, 541
- Experientia Docet, Bravo, 472
- Explosions in Silencer on Lifting of Exhaust Valve, How to Prevent, 118
- — Speed and Multiplicity of, 197, 282‘
- T'’ 4. . 285, 286
- Export Business, 176
- Exports and Imports of Motor Cycles, Sup. Jan. 10th, 124, 338, 424
- — of British Machines, 324, 424
- F.N. Four-cylinder (1910), 460, 601
- Falls of Falloch, near Loch Lomond (illus.), 23
- Falmouth Bay (illus.), 60
- Filey Speed Trials at Whitsuntide, 375, 424, 453
- — Northern League and the, 397
- Finchley and Barnet Centre of the Motor Union, Petition against the Erection of Tramway Standards on the Great North Road, 300
- Fingers, Cold, 15
- Fire at Slow Speed, Refusal to, 409
- Firing, Irregular, 292 Five Miles Record, 446
- Fletcher, G. L., Illustrations of the Scottish Trials, 573
- Success in the Jarrott Cup Competition, 300
- Flexibility, Greater Desired, 69
- Float, Repair of a Punctured, 620
- Flying, Public Interest in, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Flywheels, Size and Weight of, 569
- Footrests and Stand Combined, 92
- Formia, The Harbour and Quay at (illus.), 389
- Forth Bridge, Looking South, The (illus.), 21
- Four-cylinder F.N., The 1910, 460, 601
- Four-wheeled Runabout, A Light, 421
- Four-wheeler, A Light, 248
- Frame, A Divisible, 134
- Free-engine Clutch, Fitting a, 12, 620
- — Clutches, 233
- Free Engines, 472
- French Motor Cyclists and Aviation, 480
- — Rotary Valve Engine, A, 433
- Fuel Consumption, Spring Footboards, 569, 570
- Gaiters, Tyre, 297, 356, 366
- Gate, Damage to a, 620
- Gateshead-on-Tyne, A Motor Cycle Club for, 565
- Gauge, Carburetter Petrol, A, 550
- — O’Kill Pressure, The, 243
- Gauges, The Use of, 44
- Gear Drive, 292
- — Ratio, 154, 543
- — Calculating, 68, 543
- — Sidecar Use, for, 12
- — Track Racer, 113
- Gears, Change Speed Gear in Rhodesia, 165
- — Fitting a Two-speed Gear and Free-engine, 188
- — Humber Single and Two-speed Gear Models, 381, 382
- — Respecting Sidecars and Change Speed, 69
- — Sidecar Work, of, 493
- — Sidecars and Single, 502
- — Two-speed, 15, 32, 276
- — Using a Too High Gear, 112
- — Variable, 142
- — Variably Geared Lightweight, 11a
- — V.S. Two-speed Hub Gear, The, 192
- Germany, Ferry Boat Crossing the Rhine from Switzerland to Walshut (lllus.). 497
- — Formalities of Taking a Motor Cycle into, 333
- — Motor Cycles in, 375
- — Cyclists’ Corps, 81
- Glasgow Clarion Sports, 548, 600
- ~ 77 ?~.Moto^Cyc10 Event8 (illus.), 538
- — Five Miles Motor Race at, Sup. Feb.
- — M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 14th, 28th, 143, 377, 430 618
- — University M.C., Sup. March 7th Hill-climb, Sup. March 21st Glen Farg (illus.), 22
- Gnome Revolving Engine, Seven-cylinder,
- Air-cooled (illus.), 440
- Goodrich Tyre, The Latest, 544
- Great Britain and the Continent, Through, by Dr. A. M. Webster, 462-465, 496-498
- — Motor Cycle Road Races of History, by B. H. Davies, 466-471
- — North Road, Petition against the Erection of Tramway Standards on the, 300
- Speeding along the Excellent
- Surface of the (illus.), 347
- — Salt Lake, Bridge Across the (illus.), 179
- — Yarmouth and District M.C.C. Hill
- climb, 353
- Members about to Start on their Long Journey to Dav entry (illus.), 586
- Grimsby Marlborough M.C.C., 539
- “ Grip ” Belt Fastener, 192
- Ground Clearance, 383
- Hampshire, A Club in, 359
- Handicappers, Official, Sup. Jan. 17th
- Handle-bar Control of the Oil Pump, 580
- Handle-bars, Weather Shield for the, 129
- Harkness, Capt. P. J., London to Edinburgh Run, The, 500, 501
- Harrison’s “ Disappearing ” Backrest, 103
- Harrogate and District M.C.C., 'Sup. Jan. 17th, Feb. 14th, 99, 173, 378, 429, 538b, 564
- — — — — Some of the Competitors in the Speed-judging Competition (illus.), 378 : Special Permit Granted to, 124
- Heavy Brigade, 533
- Heavyweight Motor Cycles, Luxurious, 260
- Heavyweights, Cost of Running Lightweights and, 620, 621
- — v. Lightweights, 31 53, 73, 91, 110, 131, 146, 166, 194, 232, 257, 284, 306, 329, 356, 368, 393
- Helmets, Pneumatic, Sup. Feb. 7th
- Helmsley Castle (illus.), 289
- Heninghem, T. E., Tinkering with a Twin, 432, 433
- Hertfordshire County A.C., Amalgamation with St. Albans and District M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 3rd
- — — — Members’ Hill-climb, 373, 403, 453
- — Motor Cycle Section, 247, 303, 354, 355, 514i, 515, 539, Sup. Jan. 3rd, 31st, Feb. 7th, March 7th
- North-west London M.C.C. and, Competition between, Sup. Feb. 28th
- 301 Open Hill-climb at Aston, 375, 402, 558, 559
- Entries for, 531
- — General View at Starting Point (illus.), 558
- Hardy, F. A., Restarting in the Variable Gear Class (illus.), 559
- - — Photographs of some Members of the, 257
- Postponement of Hill-climb, 423 — Selection Trials, 531
- Special Permit Granted to, 124, Sup. March 7th
- Winners of the Service Cup, 299
- Highgate, Scene at the Start of the M.C.C.
- London to Edinburgh Run (illus.), 489
- — Ye Old Gate House (illus.), 347
- High Roads, The Safety of the, Sup. Feb.
- Hill, Alec S.» “Chains for Transmission,”
- 350 Hill-climb Suggestion, A, 9
- — Ten Miles, 566
- Hill-climber, An Excellent, 131 Hill-climbing, 516, 540, 548, o78
- Hill-climbs, Other Matters and, 419
- — Timekeeping in Small, 443
- — Tuning-up for, 519
- Hills, Knocking on, 595
- — Overheating on, 265
- Hints, Carburetter Adjustments, by B. II. Davies, 294, 295
- — Riding, 622
- — Tips for Motor Cyclists, and, 38, 156
- Holiday Tours in England, Some Suggested, 484
- Holland, British Motor Cycles in, 596
- Holroyd, J. S., Interview with, 577
- Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh (illus.), 21
- Home-Garage Sidecar, The, 80
- Horse-power and Cubical Capacity, 115, 131, 165
- — Rating, 126
- Hour Tourist Trophy Race, 343, 414, 415
- Hull (Kingston) M.C., Members of the (illus.), 303
- Humber Single and Two-speed Geared Models, The, 381, 420
- Hungerford, High Street (illus.), 314
- Ice Yacht and Motor Cycle, 319
- “ Ideal ” Spring Fork, The, 103
- Ignition, Dry Battery, and Coil Consumption, 266, 357
- — Fixed, 292
- — Magneto, Lecture by Mr. A. E. Bennett, Sup. Jan. 10th
- — Repairs, 176
- Imports and Exports of Motor Cycles, Sup. Jan. 10th, March 14th, 124, 324, 338, 424
- Improvement, Room for, 142
- — Where it is Needed, 285 Improvements (1910), 413
- — in Detail, 71
- — Royal Enfield Lightweight, in the, 330
- — Suggested, in Design, 239
- — The T.A.C., 290
- India, Cost of Taking a Motor Cycle to, 110
- — Motor Cycle Touring in, 195, 444
- — Week-end Trip in, by G. H. Wilson, 10
- Indian, The Care of the, 176
- — Two-speed Gear and Free-engine, 144
- — Trophy, The (illus.), 435
- Inland Revenue Licenses Issued in 1908, 81
- — Tax Exemptions, 56
- Inlet Valve Tip, An, 91 Inner Tube, Another Reinforced, 78, 334
- Instruction Books on Motors, 248 Insurance, 162
- Inter-club Championship, The A.C.U., Sup. March 7th
- — Competition at Easter, Sup. Feb. 28th
- — Hill-climbing Competition at Sutton Bank (illus.), 272
- — Meet in the South, 567, 614
- — Meets, 540
- — Team Trial, 425
- Inter-team Hill-climb, 324
- — Reliability Trial, 277, 301, 326a
- Herts County A.C., Winners of the Service Cup, 299
- — Results, 353
- — Trial at Easter, Sup. March 14th to Harrogate and back—at the
- George Hotel, Grantham, during the Luncheon Interval (illus.), 308
- Inter-’Varsity Racing at Brooklands, 611
- Internal Combustion Engine, History of the, Sup. Feb. 21st
- International Cup Race, British Team in the (illus.), 468
- — Motor Cycle Tourist Trophy Race (see “ Tourist Trophy Race ”)
- — Licences, 396, 422
- — Pass, The New, 425
- Ireland, Motor Cycle Union of, Sup. Feb.
- Irish End-to-end Reliability Trial, 589
- — Roads, Tyres for, 445, 517
- Isle of Man, A.C.U. Hill-climb in the, 399
- — “ Ifs ” Overheard in the, 524
- Police Traps in the, 447
- Snaefell Mountain Hill-climb in the, 528
- — Tourist Trophy Race Course in the, 439, 443
- — Week in the, 526-528
- Italy, A Lightweight in Southern, by J. J. Conybeare, 388, 389
- James Motor Bicycle, The 1910, 575
- Japan, The Motor Bicycle in, 96
- Jarrott Cup Competition, Sup. Jan. 3rd,
- March 21st, 186, 236, 269-271, 301
- — Result of, 299
- Jet, Unique Design of, 44
- Keen Buyers, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Keighley and District A.C.C., Affiliation to A.C.C., 350, Sup. Feb. 7th, 21st
- Kelly, James R., Advice to Young Clubs, 40 1
- Kenmore Hill-climb Abandoned, 586
- — Hill and the End-to-end Trials, 576
- Kidderminster-Worcester Road, Police Trap on the, 375
- King Edward VII., Death of, 423
- — Robert, Accident, 301
- Knapton, Mr. G. W., Experiences with a 3-1 h.p. and Sidecar, 110
- Knocking (see “ Engines ”)
- Lady Motor Cyclist in Central Africa, 94-96
- Lady’s Mount, Concerning a, 155
- Lamps, Generator, Bracket and, 624
- — Illustrations of Different Makes of, 226-228
- — Inspection, 185, 250
- — Lighting Device, 103
- — Tricar Lamp, A New, 25
- Lancashire Motor Exchange, Success of, 176
- — M.C.C., 187, 429
- Lancaster and Morecambe, Proposed Club for, 593
- Land’s End, First and Last House (illus.), 85
- to John-o’-Groat’s Six Days’ Trials (see “ End-to-end Trial ”)
- Law and its Relation to Motor Car and Motor Cycle Owners, 120
- Le Grand, J. P., at Speed in the Allcomers’ Class in the Herts County A.C. Hill-climb (illus.), 372
- Auto Cycle Union, Quarterly Trials Regulations, 1
- — — — Trials, Suggested Curtailment of, 238, 259
- Auxiliary Exhaust Release, 157
- Car Licence Covers a Motor Cycle, 411
- Club Life, 75
- Competition Programme, The 1910, 57
- Future of the T.T. Race, 321
- Horse-power and Cubical Capacity, 115
- Lessons from the T.T. Race, 495
- Lightweights, Variably Geared, 115
- Motor Cycle Club Inter-team Competition, 311
- — Cycles for Colonial Use, 361
- — Cycle Show at Olympia, 597, 598
- Taxation, 177
- Various Uses of a, 75
- — Cyclist’s Views from the States, 39
- Northern Clubs and the Affiliation Question, by Geoffrey W. Liddle, 335
- — League, 411
- Official Recognition of Records, 135
- Open Trials, Pros and Cons of, 238
- Possibilities and Capabilities, 385
- Publication Day, 237, 252
- Quarterly Trials, 93
- Road Dangers at Night, 177
- — Surfaces, 135
- Rotary Engines, 385
- Show Question, 19
- Simplicity, 197
- Speed and Multiplicity of Explosions, 197 285
- Taxation Exemptions, 57
- Test on Road and Track, 571
- Tourist Trophy Race, 461
- Trade and the Trials, 285, 286'
- Value of Racing, by B. H. Davies, 437,
- Variable Compression Ratio, 311
- Where Improvement is Needed, 285
- Leather and Rubber Canvas Belts, 83 127
- Leeds M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 7th, 173, 187 ’404
- , T a 453J t15’ 538b’ 564’ 618
- 7 7 J0. Rondon and back, 585, 598
- Legal Advice, Free, Sup. March 7th
- Mgn, 128 D°USlaS’ Spring Fork
- -» am ’•?.
- Another Club for, 99, 143, 173 ’ •
- -— Motor Cycle Show at, Sup. Jan. loth
- Feb. 21st, 301 h»
- No Motor Cycle Club in, Sup. Feb. 21«i Proposed Club for, 143
- st Leith M.C., Sup. Jan. 24th, 514i, 539
- Adjustable Tappets, 395
- Advertisers of Second-hand Machines Hints to, 306
- Aid to Valve Removing, Suggested, 71
- All-weather Machines; Finish for, 111 166, 230, 282
- America, The Motor Cycle in, Hi, u7 194, 232, 254
- American Records, 37, 146, 193; 282, 308
- Amulree Hill-climb, 15, 53
- Antiquated yet Efficient, 110
- Appreciation of a Lightweight, 358
- - — Two-speed Humber, 420
- Auto Cycle Union, Provincial Clubs and the, 16, 30 . r ?
- — Quarterly Trials, 132, 147, 165, 195
- Auto-wheel, 419, 490
- Automatic Carburetters, 308, 327, 356, 395,420,490
- Auxiliary Exhaust Release Ports, 256, 282, 306 Awards in the Quarterly Trials, 166
- Backrest for Motor Cyclists, 89. Balancing Motor Cycle Engines, 254, 255
- Beaded-edge v. Wired-on Tyres, 72 Belt Fastener Screws, 516, 600
- Suggestion, 491 Belts, Cure for Stretching of Leather, 578
- — How to keep, Dry and Clean, 109,.1,66
- — on Lightweights, 16; 32, 89J145
- — Other Topics and, 357
- Benzol as a Fuel, 231
- Bore-Stroke Ratio and Efficiency, 17, 90, 131
- Brooklands Hill-climbing Certificates,230
- — Should Starters be Barred at, 230
- Business and Pleasure, Combining, 327
- Butt-ended Tubes, 230
- Canvas and Rubber Belts, Wear of, 307
- Carbonised Deposit in Engines, 548
- CarburetterAir Intake, 283
- — Experience, 366, 444
- Carrier, The Use of the, 30
- Causes of Overheating, 133
- Chain Drive, An Appreciation, 517
- Change of Ownership, 541 Notification of, 32-
- — Speed Gears in Rhodesia, 165
- Checking in Reliability Trials, 194
- Cleanliness, 516
- Club Competitions, 230
- — Life, 109
- — Problem, 283
- Cold Fingers, 15
- Converting Old Machines, 394
- Cost of Running a Small Car, 55 Coupling Attachments, 71
- Cubical Capacity and Horse-power, 131, 16o
- Cure for Puncture Troubles, 71 Stretching of Leather Belts, 540
- Delay in Execution of Orders, 366, 419, 541, 549, 579 Dog Nuisance, A Remedy for the, 282 Double Pole Ignition, 256 Dry Battery Ignition, 357
- Ease of Starting, 54, 71, 91 End-to-end Record, 53 . Future of the, 231
- — Trials, The 1910, 256 Route, 89, 111
- Engines, Do they Run Better at Night ?
- 15 53
- English v. French Measurpments, 15
- Exhaust Valve, Increase of Speed on Partially. Raising th*e, 30, 53, 71, 90, 165, 231, 328, 366, 419, 444, 491, 540, 548, 601
- — Whistles, 421
- Experience, Strange, 393
- Experiences with a Lightweight, 578 3|h.p. and Sidecar, 72, 110
- Extended Trial of a Scott, 421, 445, 516
- Finish for All-weather Machines, 256, 306
- Four-cylinder F.N., A Pressure-fed, 601
- Fnepdly Match, 15, 30
- General Recognition of Motor Cycle Records, 145
- Letters to.the Editor JcontinuecL)—
- Glasgow Clarion Shorts, 548, 600
- Handy Soldering Outfit, 395
- Hill-climbing, 516, 540, 548, 578
- Hill-climber, An Excellent, 131
- Hill-climbs and Other Matters, 419
- How to-Overhaul a Motor Cycle, 327, 366
- Improvements in Detail, 7, 30
- . — to Speedometers, Suggested, 89
- Increase of Speed1 On Slightly Raising Exhaust Valve’, 30. 53, 71, 90, 165, 231, 328, 366, 419,’ 444, 4’91, 540, 549, 601
- India, Cost of Taking a Motor Cycle to, . 110
- —- Motor Cycle Touring in, 1’95 Inlet Valve Tip, 91
- Inter-club Meets, 540
- Jamming of Carburetter Pistons, 517, 548
- Jaunt in the North Riding, 358
- Licences for Motor Cycles, 53, 90
- Life of a Motor Cycle, 395
- Light Four-wheeled Runabout, 421
- Lightweight Converted to V Belt Drive, 132
- Lightweights v. Heavyweights, 31, 53, 73, 91, 110, 131, 146, 166, 194, 232, 257, 284, 306, 329, 356, 368, 393
- Lincolnshire, Lindsey Division of, District to be Avoided, 600
- Liver Stirrer, .A Good, 419
- London-Edinburgh Run, 420, 491, 540
- Lubrication, 194
- 7— To Ensure Regular, 540, 578
- Machines, Altering Old Pattern, 578
- Metal for Exhaust Valves, 133, 165
- Military Motor Cycling, 306
- Modern Tricycle, Possibilities of a, 15
- Morgan’s Petrol-Turbine, 133
- M.C.C. Inter-team Trial, 368
- Motor Cycle, A Reader’s. Ideal, 579
- '— — Conditions in the Australian Bush, 89
- —- Corps, 366 . ‘ _
- — — Engines, Balancing, 109
- Insurance, 601
- — — in the United States, £56, 420, 491
- Museum, A Suggested, 367
- — — Taxation, 193, 282
- — — Tyres, 284, 327, 356, -368
- — Cycles for Sidecar Work, 541 in Russia, 282
- — Cycling for Health, 254
- — — in India, 444
- Northern League, 491
- Novel Bel£ Tip, 145
- Oil, Obtaining Particular Brands of, when Touring, 193,
- - - . — Vapour Lubricating System, 255
- Oily. Crank C.ases, 490
- Opinions of Motor Bicycling Wanted, 393, 578
- Overheating, Causes of, 165, 231
- ? Perpetual Motion, 230
- Petrol in Ceylon, Cost of, 90
- Piston Ring, Novel, 32
- , Police Methods,. 394
- , Portable Sheds and County Council Regulations, 540, 579 . ,
- Protest against the High Prices of Tyres, .. 329
- Publication Day, 306
- Puncture Troubles, Cure for, 89
- Puzzle or a Poser ? ? 230, 255, 284, 327, 368, 394, 517
- Puzzling Case, 72, 145, 146 Racehorse v. Motor Cycle, 109
- Riding Conditions in County Donegal, - 517
- — Costs, 166
- — in Spectacles, '230
- — Round Corners, 600
- Road Dangers, 548, 600
- at Night, 30, 72, 109, 145, 307
- — Improvements, 490 .
- — Race, Another Proposed for this Year 549
- Rotary Engiiies, 256, 2'83, 444
- . Rubber Belts, Wear of, 393
- Running Costs, 516
- Sidecar’and Motoi? Bicycle, Choice of a, 282
- Sidecars, Belts, and other Matters, 307
- —- v. Tripars, 31
- Six Bays’ Trials, The 1910, 54
- Slide Valve Motor Cycle Engine, 255, 579
- Slow Running, 394, 516
- Speed, Increase of, on Partially Raising the Exhaust Valve, 30, 53, 71, 90, 165, 231, 328, 366, 419, 414, 491, 540, 548,
- — Multiplicity of Explosions, and, 282 Spring Fork Patents, 600
- — Quarterly Trials, 444
- Standardisation of Rims and Tyres, 167, * 232
- Steering of Sidecars, 131, 167, 193, 254, 308
- Storing Accumulators, 420, 578
- Strange Experience, 541
- Successful Conversion, 549, 600
- Suggestion from a Motor Cyclist in Mexico, 329
- Surface of Sutton Bank, 230
- Taxation Question, 327, 393, 444
- Three-wheeled Runabout, 541
- Timing, 395
- Toolbox and Carrier, Suggested, 53
- Tools and Spares to be Carried, 131
- Tourist Trophy Machines for Touring Purposes, 231
- — — Race, The 1910, 54
- — Future of the, 601
- .—: ’ Suggestion, 548
- Trade and the Trials, 327
- Transmission Question, 54, 72, 132, 165, 232, 328
- Tricar, Another Rejuvenated, 54
- Two-speed Gears, 15, 32
- Two-stroke Engine, Proposed Design,256
- Two Tried Tips, 329
- Tyre-filling Compound, An Experience with a, 601
- Tyre Gaiters, 356, 366
- — Tip, 366
- Tyres, 395
- — for Irish Roads, 517
- Unrolled Stone Danger, 357
- Valve-grinding Tip, 145
- Variably Geared Lightweights, 167
- Wanted, a Tyre for Irish Roads, 445 Water-cooling on Motor Bicycle Engines, 55, 73, 91, 145, 328, 358, 393, 445
- Wear of Canvas and Rubber Belts, 356, 600
- Weight of Twin-cylinder Models, 445
- Winter Riding, 111, 193
- Wired v. Beaded-edge Tyres, 15, 133, 254
- Level Crossings, Danger of, 300
- Lewes M.C.C., 377, 426
- . Licence Fee of £1, The New, 374
- — for Motor Bicycle and Coupler, 570
- — — Use of Coupling Attachment, 12
- — Car, Covers a Motor Cycle, 411
- — Motor Cyclists and the Local Taxation,
- Sup. Jan. 10th
- Licences, 53, 90, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- —- Inland Revenue, Issued 1908, 81
- — International Motor, 396, 422
- — Local Taxation, 81
- — One Guinea or Fifteen Shillings, 12
- — Permits for Open Events, 397
- — Surrey’s Revenue for Motor, Sup. Jan. 17th
- Liddle, Geoffrey W. Northern Clubs and the Affiliation Question, 335
- Lightweights, Appreciation of, 358
- — Belts on, 16, 32, 89, 145
- — Converted to V Belt Drive, 132
- — Cost of Running, and Heavyweights, 620, 621
- — Equipping, 595
- — Experiences with, 578
- — for Devonshire, 265
- — Gear Ratio for a Lightweight, 155
- — Improvements in the Royal Enfield Lightweight, 330
- — In Southern Italy, by J. J. Conybeare, 388, 3E9
- — Moto-Reve (illus.), 152
- — New Model, 264
- — Omega Lady’s and Gentleman’s Model (illus.), 352
- — Prize in the Land’s End Trial, 324
- — Twisted Belt on, 9
- — Two-speed, 408
- — Tyres on, 124
- — Variably Geared, 115, 167, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — v. Heavyweight, 31, 53, 73, 91, 110, 131, 146, 166, 194, 232, 257, 284, 306, 329, 356, 368, 393
- — What a Good Lightweight can do, 268
- Lillie, A. C. M. (letter), 578
- Lincolnshire, Lindsey Division of, District to be Avoided, 600
- Loch Lomond at Ardlui (illus.), 22
- — Lubnaig (illus.), 87
- London, Bradford to, and back 24 Hours’ Run, 590
- — Colney, and St. Albans, Police Trap between, 325
- — Leeds to, and back, 585
- — to Coventry and back, 423, 514h
- — Three Survivors in the (illus.), 514h
- Land’s End and back, 269-271, 334 Awards, 375
- London-Edinburgh Run, Sup. March 7th, 152, 346, 347, 420, 424, 446, 448-452, 491, 500, 501, 540, 567
- — An Echo of the, 503
- — Awards, 480, 504
- — Dusty Highway, 449, 450
- — r Entrants, 449
- — Grantham, Incidents at, 450
- — Results, 481
- — Scenes, 447, 448, 452, 489
- Longuemare, M. Georges, Created a Knight of the Legion of Honour, Sup. Jan. 17th Low Gear Ratios, Belt Fasteners and, 547
- Lowen Sidecar, The Latest, 263
- Lubrication, 12, 163, 194
- — Automatic, 234
- — Carburation and, 309
- — Oil Vapour System, 255
- — Over, 76
- — Dirty Engines and, 620
- — To Ensure Regular, 540, 578
- Lubricators, Drip Feed, £9
- Ludlow, Castle Hill and Dinham Bridge (illus.), 138
- Lyme Regis, from the Copse (illus.), 59
- Lynton and Lynmouth, from Summerhouse Hill (illus.), 159
- Minehead Coaches Descending Porlock Hill (illus.), 158
- McNab, F. A., Interview with, 478
- Mabon Clutch, A Tip for the Users of the, 11
- Machine, To Start, without Exertion, 493
- Machines, Altered, and Improved Frame (illus.), 578
- — Altering Old Pattern, 578
- — Crank Pins on Racing, 580
- — Colonies, for the, 25
- Magneto and Battery Ignited Machines, How to Prevent Explosions in the Silencer, 118
- — Good Magneto Drive, A, 580
- — Ignition, Lecture by Mr. A. E. Bennett, Sup. Jan. 10th
- — or Dry Batteries, 408
- — Rained-out, 142
- — Single-cylinder, on a Twin, 436
- — Spark, Timing of the, 124, 293
- — Switches, 234, 383, 594
- — Fitting, 621
- — Switch, Even Firing, 234
- — The New Ball Bearing Bosch, 67
- Magnetos, British, in the States, 196
- — Coloured Diagrams, 550
- — Life of, 359
- — Timing of, 293, 459
- Maitland’s Cingalese Bowl, Mr. D. J., Awarded to Mr. F. G. Smith, Sup. Jan. 10th
- Manchester M.C., 99, 173, 379, 538b, 569
- — Hill-climb (illus.), 566
- Members who Attended the Opening Run (illus.), 295
- Reliability Trial, Competitors at the Starting Point (illus.), 538b
- — Show, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — — Motor Cycles at the, 96, Sup. Jan. 10th, Feb. 21st, 28th
- Manxland, Hill-climb in, Sup. March 7th
- Map Showing the Country within the Range of a Motor Cyclist in less than a Fortnight (illus.), 136
- Maple Durham (illus.), 37
- Marshall, J., Interview with, 478
- Martin, Harry. Attempt on Record, 298
- — Fresh Records by, 446, 480
- Mascotte Motor Cycle Club. The, 261
- Match, A Friendly. 15, 30, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Measurements, English r. French. 15
- Mechanics of Riding Round a Corner, The, by A. Sharp, 545, 546
- Mexico. Suggestion from a Motor Cyclist in, 329
- Michael, Kirk. Forecast of the Tourist Trophy Race. 416, 417
- Micklegate Bar, York (illus.), 161
- Middlesbrough and District M.C.C., Sup.
- .Tan. 3rd. 10th. 17th. 24th. Feb. 14th. 28th. March 21st, 99. 202. 326, 355. 618
- Reliability Trial Competitors nearing the Top of Ormesby Bank (illus.), 619
- Middlesex County A.C.. 593
- Midland Aviation Meeting, 533
- — Motor Cyclists, Meet of, at Stratford-on-Avon, 323, 424
- Military Manoeuvres on the Welsh Border, Sup. March 21st
- — Motorcycling Notes. 242-243, 306, 362, 363
- Cyclists, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Reconnaissance, Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.C., 376. 398, 399 — Official Report,425
- Some of the Despatch Riders in the (illus.), 426
- Millennium Auto-grip Spanner, 123
- Misfiring and Running in Jerks, 13
- — Chronic, 127
- Mission of Help, 203
- Model, A 1910 J. Sup. Feb. 21st
- — Tourist Trophy. 529, 530
- — as a Touring Mount, 174, 175
- Single-cylinder Norton. 457
- Models on the Road. New. Sup. Jan. 17th
- — Testing 1910 (illus.), Sup.
- Jan. 17 th
- — Weight of Twin-cylinder. 445
- Molineux Weather Shield, The (illus.), 129
- Morgan's Internal Combustion Turbine, 33
- — Petrol Turbine, 114, 133
- Motor Bicycling, Opinions of. Wanted, 578
- — Car and Motor Cycle Owners, The Law
- and its Relation to, 120
- — Cycle, Camera and the, 192
- Clubs, Northern League of, 304
- Corps, 366
- Cup. The, Winners of (illus.), 584
- Design, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Fraud, Alleged Ingenious, 184
- Housing a, 459
- How to Overhaul a, 116, 117, 148- 151, 327
- in Distant Lands. 460
- Insurance, 567, 601
- Licence for, and Coupler, 570
- Manufacturers and Traders, Proposed Association of, Sup. Jan. 17th, 24 th Museum, A Suggested, 367
- Novel, A. Possessing many Original Features (illus.), 239
- Reader’s Ideal, 579
- Records. 1909, by J. Sinclair, 7, 8,
- Sup. Jan. 10th
- Repairers, 81. Sup. Jan. 3rd Road Races of History, The Great, by B. H. Davies, 466-471
- Rudge-Whitworth, 622 Storing a, 458
- Union of Ireland, Dublin Centre, 515, 565
- Ulster Centre, 377, 404, 430, 454, 592
- r. Racehorse, 68, Sup. Jan. 24th
- — Cycles, Automatic Carburation, 339
- Exchanges Offered for, Sup. Feb.
- 21st for Business Purposes, 69
- Colonial Use, 251, 361
- Everyday Use, 248 Ladies’ Use, 360
- — Rough Roads, 266
- Sidecar Work, 541 Ice Yacht and, 319
- Imports and Exports of, Sup. March 14th of, and Parts, 567
- in the United States, by Earle L. Ovington, 18, 74, 147, 420, 491
- Warfare, 323
- Manchester Show, at the, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Motor Bicycling on the Road (1910), 624
- — — Recognising the Make, 236
- — — Various Uses of, 75
- Where they are Congregated, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — Cycling Club, Sup. Jan. 3rd, 302, 483, 565
- — Annual General Meeting, 46, Sup. Jan. 10th
- — - Competitors being Checked in the Long Distance Trial (illus.), 347
- - Forthcoming Events, Sup. Feb. 14th Hill-climb at a Secret Venue, 300
- — — — Inter-team Trial, 311, 317, 368
- Appointment of Judge to, 350
- Jarrott Cup Competition, 269- 271
- Result of the, 299 London-Edinburgh Run, Sup. March 7th, 375, 491
- Entries, Complete List of, 431
- — Results, 481 Scenes on the (illus.), 494
- Start from Highgate (illus.), 489
- Members’ Hill-climb, 400, 401
- Opening Run and Easter Tour, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Petrol Consumption Trial, 615, 616
- — — Programme of Gymkhana and Race Meeting at Brooklands, 503
- Race Meeting and Gymkhana, 325, 424. 534-537
- Team Trial, Sup. Feb. 28th, 300, 350, 532, 533
- Competition, 614 Starting the Competitors (illus.), 582
- The Motor Cycle Challenge Cup, 581-584
- Trifles, 585 for Health, 254 in India, 444
- — — Military Notes on, 242, 243
- — Cyclist, C.T.C. Defends a, 532
- — — Fatal Accident to a, Sup. Feb. 14th
- — Golf Player, 447
- — ?— on a Balloon Expedition, Sup. March 14th
- taken for an Anarchist, Sup. Feb] 28th
- Unjust Prosecution of a, 533 r. Roller Skater, Sup. Jan. 3rd, 10th
- — Cyclists, Catering for, 624
- Hints and Tips for, 156
- in the Army Manoeuvres, 566
- Northern League of, 587
- — Manoeuvres in the Midlands, 398
- — Manufacturers and Traders, Society of,
- Question of Cycle and Motor Cycle Show at Olympia, Sup. Jan. 17th
- — Pacing, 82
- — Set, Attaching, to a Push Cycle, 292
- — Spirit Cans, Improvement in, 334
- — Union, Growth of, Sup. March 21st
- — — Meeting, Sup. Feb. 28th Motorist’s Sympathy, Sup. Feb. 7th
- Motors, Instruction Books on, 248
- Motosacoche Ridden by J. S. Holroyd in the Scottish Trials (iilus.), 577
- — Trial Run on a, 276
- Moveo Machines, Some Interesting Features of the, 501
- Mudguard Extensions, 309
- Mudguarding Device, A, 123
- Mud-plugging, 200 Miles in One Day, 101
- Museum, A Suggested Motor Cycle, 367
- Naples, Glimpse of, with Vesuvius Behind (illus.), 389
- National Trades and Industries Exhibition at Birmingham, 301
- “ Natural Fort,” one of Nature’s Wonders (illus.), 181
- Nerve Speed and Petrol (illus.), 291
- Neuchatel Hill-climb, Sup. Feb. 28th
- New Brighton, Record Attempts at, 447
- — South Wales, Governing Body of Motor Cycling in, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Gymkhana in, Sup. Jan. 10th Hill-climbs in, Sup. March 7th Motor Cycle Racing in, 301
- — York Show, Sup. Feb. 7th
- Newark, Trent Bridge (illus.), 160
- Newcastle and District M.C.C., Sun ini, 24th, Feb. 14th, March 7th, 14th 9ft 202, 247, 302, 303, 354, 427, 593,’616
- Competitors Leaving th* Premises of (illus.), 450
- Newmarket to Louth, 518
- Newport (Mon.) and District M.C.C.. Sun Feb. 7th, 143, 187, 202, 538b, 619
- — Affiliation to A.C.U., 268
- Assembly on the Occasion of the First Run (illus.), 303
- — Proposal to Establish Sup. Jan. 17th
- Non-stop Trial Tip, 365
- Northamptonshire M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 14th 21st, 405
- North Eastern Automobile Association Sup. March 14th, 592
- Northern Inter-club Meet, 539
- — League, 454
- North Wales, Hill-climb in, 502
- — Two Days’ Tour in, 34
- North-west. London A.C., Special Permit Granted to, 124
- M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 3rd, 24th, 31st Feb. 7th, 143, 354, 355, 378, 453, 515 565, 592, 616
- — and Herts County A.C. (M.C.
- Section), Competition between, SUD, Feb. 28th, 301
- — — — Competitors and Officials at
- Starting Point of Hill-climb (illus.), 564
- Consumption Trial, Competitors Lined-up Outside Stanmore Station (illus.), 376
- London to Coventry and back Run, 514h
- Opening Meet at Dollis Hill Land, N.W. (illus.), 263
- Postponement of Twelve Hours’ Run to Coventry and back, 423
- Northamptonshire Lanes, Two Passenger Combinations in the (illus.), 583
- — M.C.C., Opening Run of 1910 (illus.), 328
- Photographs of Team, 584 Northern Club Officials, Meeting of, 375
- — Clubs and the Affiliation Question, by
- Geoffrey W. Liddle, 335
- — Inter-club Meet, 539
- — League, 411, 491
- Filey Speed Trials and the, 397
- — — Inauguration of the, 402
- Meeting at York, 538
- Motor Cycle Clubs, 298, 304, 376 Cyclists, 587
- Annual Meeting and Reunion, 514e
- Suggested Design of Badge for the (illus.), 538
- Northumberland to Devonshire, Trip from, 136-139, 158-162
- Norton, James L., Bore-stroke Ratio and Efficiency, 77
- Norwich and District M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 24th, 99, 187, 302
- — — Scene at the Start of the
- Reliability Trial (illus.), 310
- — Charity Sports at, 538
- Nottingham and District M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 10th, 31st, Feb. 14th, March 7th, 14th, 247, 280, 326, 378, 403, 426, 538c, 564, 616
- N.S.U. Lightweight Converted to Belt Drive (illus.), 132
- Nyassaland, Motor Cycle in, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- — The only Motor Car in (illus.), 95
- Okill’s Pressure Gauge, 243
- Accessibility, 142
- Acetylene Filters, 264
- “ Ailette,” Reply to, 125
- Amulree and the Six Days, 125, 185
- Auto Cycle Union, Early Fixture of Principal Trial Dates, 9
- — Trials, 264
- Automatic Carburation, 413
- — Carburetters, 264, 297, 365, 387, 547
- Auxiliary Exhaust Releases, 185
- Backrests for Motor Cyclists, 24
- Belt Fasteners and Low Gear Ratio, 547
- Belts and their Fasteners, 316
- Brakes, Unsatisfactory Belt Rim, 580
- Carbonised Deposit on Engines, 499 i
- Carburetter Adjustment Tip, 297
- Carburetters, Automatic, 264, 297, 36 387, f !
- Occasional Comments (continued)—
- Chain or Belt, 185
- Change in Standards, 387
- Club Secretaries, Advice to, 162
- Coaster Hubs and a Heckler, 9
- Congratulations to the A.C.U., 413
- Crank Pins on Pacing Machines, 580
- Drilled Pulleys, 547
- Ease of Starting, 24
- End-to-end Sidecar Record, 542
- — Trial, The 1910, 9
- Engine of a Speed Mount, 316
- Events, More Sporting, 443
- Exhaust Valves, 102
- — Whistles, 365
- Experientia Docet, Bravo, 472
- Future of the Tricycle, 50
- Good Magneto Drive, 580
- Handle-bar Control of the Oil Pump, 580
- Hard Luck, Bashall ! 542
- Hill-climb Suggestion, 9
- Hint to Buyers, 297
- Improvements (1910), 413
- — Room for, 142
- Inspection Lamps, 185, 250
- Insurance, 162
- Leather Belt, The Twisted, 50
- Magneto, Rained-out, 142
- Mission of Help, 203
- Model Lightweight, New, 264
- Models, Weight of Twin-cylinder Touring, 250
- Motor Bicycle and Automatic Carburation, 339
- New Lubricating, 544
- — Rules in the Six Days’ Trial, 203
- Non-stop Trial Tip, 365
- One Dangerous Surface, 76
- Over-gearing, 125
- Petrol Consumption Compared, 50
- Quarterly Trial, Tuning-up for the, 102
- Reforms in Big Trials, 50
- Reserve Petrol, 499
- Riding in Spectacles, 62
- Rigid Transmissions, 24
- Saddle-pillar, Spring, 102
- Scottish Motor Cycle Trials, 250, 339
- — — Ascent of Glencroe, 599
- Semi-automatic Carburetters, 472
- Silencer, Clear, 76
- Silencers in the T.T. Race, 62
- Six Days’ Trial, The 1910, 9
- Skidding, 76
- Smash, A Nasty, 339
- Sparking Plug Sooting, 76
- Springing, 339, 499
- Staminarand Efficiency, 413
- Steel-studded Treads, 162
- Stub Air Levers, 580
- Sud; Complete, 365 Suggestion, Cute, 102
- Tank-filling Made Easy, 102
- Team Prize, 499 ]Timekeeping in Small Hill-climbs, 443 ]Touring Weights, 599
- Tourist Trophy Course in the Isle of Man,
- 443
- Machines for Touring Purposes, • ' 185
- Race, 387
- Pace in the, 542
- Triumph Machine, Success of, in T.T. Race, 547
- Turbine, What is a, 297
- Twin-cylinders Misfiring, 250
- Twisted Belt on Lightweights, 9
- Two Types of Machine in the Colonies, 203
- Tyre Gaiters, 297
- Tyres in Winter, 76
- Value of Brooklands, 387
- Valve Springs, 547
- Variable Gears, 142
- Why the Colliers Win, 542
- Oil, Draining the Crank Case of Dirty, 163
- — Obtaining Particular Brands of, when
- Touring, 193
- — (see also “ Lubrication ”)
- •— Groove on Engine-shaft, Turning, 12
- — Pump, Handle-bar Control of the, 580
- — Vapour Lubricating System, 255
- Oily Crank Cases, 490
- Old Gate House, Highgate, Flashlight Picture of the Start of the London- Edinburgh Run (illus.), 448 -Machines, Converting, 394
- ittern Tricar Altered almost beyond ‘cognition (illus.), 549
- Olympia, Motor Cycle Exhibition at, 301, 597, 598
- — The Projected Cycle and Motor Cycle Show at, Sup. Jan. 10th, 24th, 31st, March 7 th, 21st
- Ombersley, Police Trap at, 375
- Omega Lady’s and Gentleman’s Model
- Lightweights (illus.), 352
- One Thousand Seven Hundred Miles on a 7 h.p. Twin, by D. S. Baddeley, 58-61
- Open Hill-climb in Yorkshire, 608-610
- — Trials, Licences and Permits for, 397
- — — Pros and Cons of, 238
- Orders, Delay in Execution of, 366, 541, 579
- Over-gearing, 125
- Overhaul a Motor Cycle, How to, 366
- — Needed, 459
- Over-heating, Causes of, 133, 165, 231
- — Cures for, 164
- — Knocking on Hills and, 265, 436
- “ Overland Limited ” out West (illus.), 181
- Ovington, Earle L., Motor Bicycle in the United States, 74
- Ownership, Change of, 83, 541
- Oxford M.C.C., 99, 143, 173, 247, 326a, 456
- — Hill-climbing Competition, Competitors in the (illus.), 567
- Members of the (illus.), 538d
- Pacing Motor Cycles, 351
- Paraffin or Petrol, 293
- Paris Eiffel Tower (illus.), 465
- — In the Court of the Louvre (illus.), 463
- — Pierce-Arrow Depot (illus.), 465
- — Salon, 1910, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Passenger Attachment, Respecting a, 163
- — Work, Two-speeds for, 408
- PATENTS, by Eric W. Walford—
- Balanced Twin, 624
- Belt Tensioning Device, 309
- Collapsable Sidecar, 624
- Detachable Belt Fastener, 460
- Exhaust Silencer, 134, 309
- Footrests and Stand, Combined, 92
- Frame, A Divisible, 134
- Front Rim Brake, 460
- Lamp and Generator Bracket, 624
- Lubrication and Carburation, 309
- Mudguard Extensions, 309
- Perpetual Motion, 134
- Petrol Gauge and Injector, Combined, 176
- Pulley, An Automatically Adjusting, 134 ’
- — Control, Variable, 92
- Saddle Spring Arrangement, 176
- Safety Supporting Device, 176
- Sidecarriage, Flexible, 92
- Spring Fork, 600
- — Seat-pillar, 624
- Two-stroke Rotary Valve Engine, 92
- Tyre Removal, To Facilitate, 309
- Pedals, Operating, in the Dark, 29
- Pembroke, Application for a Speed Limit at, 186
- Pembrokeshire A.C., 538d
- Penrith, Devonshire Street and Market Place (illus.), 58
- — Shap Wells Hotel (illus.), 137
- Permits and Licences for Open Events, 397
- Perpetual Motion, 134, 230
- Perth and District M.C.C., 455
- Petrol, Air and, Mixing of, 26
- — Buying, in Small Quantities, Sup. March 14 th
- — Care Necessary with, 292
- — Consumption Compared, 50
- — — Excessive, 265, 435
- — Cost of, in Ceylon, 90
- — Economy in, 384
- — Filter, Simple, 45
- — Gauge, Carburetter, 55
- Injector and, Combined, 176
- — Imports, Sup. Jan. 17tli, Feb. 21st
- — Level of the, Too Low, 435
- — Verifying, 126
- — Lever, Variable, 44
- — Mixing, with other Gases, 130
- — M.C.C., Consumption Trial, 615, 616
- — Nerve, and Speed (illus.), 291
- — Paraffin or, 293
- — Rebate, 408
- — Reserve, 499
- — Tanks, Auxiliary, 130
- Risk of Soldering, 163, 234
- — Turbine, Morgan’s, 133
- Phillip, Alan, “ Across the Border,” 20
- Phillips, P., One of the Three Survivors of the 555 Miles Run, 294
- Picture Postcard, Reproduction of a, Received by The Motor Cycle from Germany (illus.), 249
- Piston, Fitting a New, 29, 84
- — Jamming of Carburetter, 517, 548
- — Ring, New Design of, 169
- — — Novel, 32
- Platinum Points, Deposit on, 127
- Pleasure and Business, Combining, 327
- Police Traps, Sup. Feb. 28th, March 14th, 90, 325, 350, 375, 394, 396, 422, 446, 447, 480, 502, 532, 567, 586, 614
- Counties minus, 83
- in the Isle of Wight, 447
- Pontefract M.C., 281, 326, 514i, 619
- Porlock Hill, Lynton and Minehead
- Coaches Descending (illus.), 158
- Portable Sheds and County Council Regulations, 540, 579
- Portmarnock, Speed Trials at, 590
- Possibilities and Capabilities, 385
- Powell, Mr. A., Family Sidecar, 118
- Power, Chains for, Transmission, 350
- — Increase of, when Exhaust Valve is Slightly Raised, 328
- — Loss of, 56, 84, 127, 265, 435
- — Silencer Explosions Increasing, 13
- — Transmission of, 6, 328
- Premier, New Pattern 3|.h.p., 168
- — Representatives in the T.T. Race, 442
- Princes Risborough, Kop Hill (illus.), 400,
- 401
- Private Owner, Problem of the, 45, 64, Sup. Jan. 10th, 17th
- Professional Records, 79, 80
- Provincial Clubs and the A.C.U., 16, 30
- Publishing Day, The Motor Cycle New, 237, 252, 273, Sup. March 21st
- Pulleys, Automatically Adjusting, 134
- — Belt Jumping off, 409, 459, 570
- — Control, Variable, 92
- — Drilled, 547
- — Fitting an Adjustable Pulley, 68
- Puncture Troubles, Cure for, 71 Puncturing Instrument, 334
- Purley and District M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 7th
- — Foxley Lane, Police Trap at, 350
- Push Cycle, Attaching a Motor Set to a, 292
- Puzzle or a Poser ? by “ Ixion,” 190, 230, 255, 284, 327, 368, 394, 517
- Puzzling Case, 34, 145, 146
- Quarterly Trials (see “ Auto Cycle Union ”) “ Quick ” Motor Cycle Stand, 320
- Racehorse v. Motor Cycle, 68, 109, Sup. Jan. 24th
- Racing Machines, Crank Pins on, 380
- — The Value of, by B. H. Davies, 437. 438
- Ratio, Bore-Stroke and Efficiency, 17, 17- 50, 77, 90, 131, Sup. Jan. 10th
- — Calculating Gear, 543
- — Gear, 543
- — Variable Compression, 311
- Ratios, Belt Fastener and Low Gear, 547
- Reading and District M.C.C., 377, 403, 455 593
- — M.C.C., Few Members of the (illus.), 443
- Recent Patents, by Eric W. Walford (see “ Patents ”)
- Records, American, 146, 193, 282, 308
- — End-to-end Lightweight Record, 533
- Sidecar Record, 446, 560, 561, 587 Beaten, 538a
- — Future of the End-to-end Record, 172
- — General Recognition of Motor Cycle, 145
- — Motor Cycle, Accepted in the United
- States of America, 7, 8, 79
- — New, in the Air, Sup. Feb. 21st
- — Official Recognition of, 135
- Rectory Hill, Second Bend on (illus.), 367
- Redbourne and St. Albans, Police Trap between, 325
- Redcar Motor Cyclists Unite, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Redditch and District M.C.C., Sup. Fob. 28th, March 7th, 281, 427, 565, 593
- — Hill-climbing Competition, Competitors in the (illus.), 483
- — Members of the (illus.), 296
- Redruth, Carn Brea (illus.), 60
- Re-engining an Old Quadricycle, 59 Registration, 127
- — Numbers, Low, 163
- Reliability and Simplicity, 197
- — Trials, Checking in, by Felix Scriven, 122, 123, 151, 169, 194, 575, 576
- Swiss Motor Cycle, Sup. Feb- 21st Repairers, Motor Cycle, Officially Appointed by the R.A.C., 124
- Resilient Stud Tyre, 598
- Rex Single and Twin-cylinder Machines, 417, 418
- — Twin-cylinder Engine, A New Pattern
- (illus.), 306
- Rhine, River (illus.), 497 .
- Rhodesia, Change Speed Gears in, 165
- Rice-Oxley, C., Cycle Destroyed by Fire, 324
- Richmond and Surbiton M.C., 483
- — Monster Meeting at, 279, Sup. March 14th, 21st
- — Yorks, Copies of Photograph of Motor Cyclists in Market Square, Particulars of, 301 2 .
- Sonle of the Motor Cyclists m the Old Market Square (illus.), 290
- Riding Apparel (illus.), 228, 229
- — Costs, 166
- — Equipment, 544
- — Hints, 622 .
- — Round a Corner, The Mechanics of, by A. Sharp, 545, 546, 600
- Rims and Tyres, Standardisation of, 167
- Rings, Charge Blowing past, 233
- — Damage Caused by Broken, 29
- Ripon and District M.C.C., 303
- Gathering on Occasion of a Run of the (illus.), 326
- Road and Track, Tests on, 571
- — Board, 614
- — Dangers, 548, 600
- at Night, 50, 72, 109, 145, 177, 293, 307
- — Checking, 350
- Important Decision, Sup. March 21st
- — Improvements, 490
- — Race, Another Proposed, 549
- — Surfaces, 135
- Roads, Good and Bad, 614
- Robert, H., Success in the Quarterly Trial, 422
- Rockefeller, J. D., jun, takes to Motor Cycling, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- Roller Skater v. Motor Cyclist, Sup. Jan. 3rd, 10th
- Rotary Engined Motor Bicycle, Built in France in 1896 (illus.), 441
- — Engines, 385, 433, 440, 441, 444
- for Motor Cycles, 182-184, 196, 283 Two-stroke, 441, 442
- — Valve Engines, Sup. Jan. 3rd Two-stroke, 92
- Rough Roads, A Motor Cycle for, 266
- Routes—Bristol to Bournemouth, 518
- — Epsom to Bristol, 409
- — Holyhead to Southampton, 621
- — London-Edinburgh Run, the 1910 Route (illus.), 432
- — Newmarket to Louth, 518
- — Southampton to Birmingham, avoiding London, 248
- Royal Automobile Club, Annual Dinner fo the Associated Clubs and the, Sup. Feb. 7th
- — Motor Cycle Repairers Officially Appointed by, 124
- — Enfield Lightweight, Improvements in the, 330
- Rubber, Advance in, 310, 334
- — and Canvas Belts, Wear of, 307, 356, 600
- — — — Leather Belts, 83
- — Belts, Wear of, 393
- Rudge-Whitworth Motor Bicycle, 622
- Runabout, Light Four-wheeled, 286
- — Three-wheeled, 541
- Running Costs, 516
- — Irregular, 29
- Russia. Motor Cycles in, 234, 282, 533
- — Riding Conditions in, Sup. Feb. 21st
- Rustproof Covering, A, 333
- ., Amalgama- County A.C.,
- between,D325 C°lnCy’ P°Hce Trap
- TwTenR325°Urne’ PoU<* Trap be'
- St. Helens (Lancs), Proposed Club for, bup. Feb. 14th . , vnlp
- — John Ambulance Brigade, EarkVaie
- Division, Leicester, use of Fust Aiu Motor Bicycle, 502
- — Petersburg, Group of Motor Cyclists Resident in (illus.), 568
- Sad die-pillar, A Spring, 102
- Saddle Spring Arrangement, A, 17b
- Salisbury, Entrance to the Close of baium, North Gate, 159
- Scandinavian Exhibition, 176
- Scarborough and District M.C., Sup. I eb. 7th, 28th, March 7th, 143, 379, 405 483, 618
- Scorcher’s Dream, The (illus.), 493
- Scott, A. A., Bore-stroke Ratio and Efficiency, 47-50, 77, 100
- — Two-stroke Motor Cycle, An Extended
- Trial of an, 340, 421, 516
- — — — Owner’s Experience with, 119, 120
- Plan View of the (illus.), 340
- — Tourist Trophy Racers, 422
- Scottish Motor Cycle Clubs, Meeting of Secretaries of, 124
- — Six Days’ Reliability Trials, 424, 503, 538b, 551-558, 624
- Photographs of the Winning Douglas Team in the, 574
- Remarkable Performance, A, 577
- Route, 321
- — — — — -— Scenes, 538a, 551-557, 561, 573
- — Taxes for Motor Cycles and Traction Engines, 130
- — Trials, 250, 339, 396, 572-574
- Screws, Belt Fastener, a Suggestion, 491, 516, 600
- Seriven, F., Checking in Reliability Trials, 122, 123
- Seat-pillar Device for Obtaining a Lower Seat, 344
- Second-hand Machines, 310
- —- — Advertisers of, A Hint to, 306
- — — Buying a, 332 Examining a, 84
- Service Silver Challenge Cup (illus.), Sup. Feb. 28th
- Shap Fells, Hill-climbing Contest on the (illus.), 300
- — Wells Hotel, Penrith (illus.), 137
- Sharp, Archibald, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E., Mechanics of Riding Round a Corner, 545, 546
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 7th, 21st, March 14th, 326, 403,
- 564 Shooter’s Hill Road Police Trap, Sup. Feb.
- 28th Show Question, The, 14, Sup. Jan. 17th Shropshire M.C.C., 281, 326, 380, 592
- Sidecarriage, A Flexible, 92
- Sidecars—Attachments, 83
- — Belts and other Matters, 307
- — Bicycle for Sidecar Work, A 7 h.p., 154
- — Bramson Home Garage Sidecar, 80
- — Change Speed Gears and. Respecting, 69
- — Choice of a Sidecar and Motor Cycle, 282
- — Collapsable Sidecar, 624
- — Combinations, 595
- — End-to-end Sidecar Record (sec “ End-to-end Sidecar Record ”)
- — Family Sidecar, A, 118
- — Gear Ratio for, 12, 493
- — Home Garage Sidecar, The, 156
- — Lowen Sidecar. The Latest, 263
- — Luxurious Sidecar Combination, A (illus.), 233
- — “No Sidecar Needed,’’ 331
- — Position of Sidecar, 248
- Records (see “ End-to-end Sidecar Record ’’)
- — Respecting a Sidecar Attachment, 249
- - Selection of a Sidecar, 265, 383
- — Single Gears and, 502
- - Starting a Twin-cylinder Machine and
- Sidecar, 543
- ~ Steering of, 131, 167, 193, 254, 308
- — twelve Hundred Miles on a Motor
- Bicycle with Sidecar, by Vincent Burrow, M.l)., 136-139, 158-162
- — Twin-cylinder Bicycle with Sidecar, 164
- — Two-speed Machines for, 28
- Useful Information Concerning, 334
- — v. Tricars, 31
- Side-slip Studded Covers to Prevent, 112
- Siffken, B. C. de W., Westward Ho with a Sidecar, 312-315
- Silence Desired, 126
- Silencers, Clear, 76
- — Cylinder Scavenger and, 589
- — Dimensions, Single-geared Passenger Machine, 234
- — Exhaust, 134, 309
- — Explosions, Increasing Power and, 13
- — Rear of Machine, 384
- — Test of, 435 .
- — Tourist Trophy Race, in the, 62, Sup Jan. 10th j .
- Simms-Bosch Magneto, Timing a Twin, 29
- Simms West End Agency, 176
- Simplicity and Reliability, 197
- Sinclair, j., Motor Cycle Records, 1909,7, 8
- Single and Twin-cylinders Compared, 83
- Two-speed Geared Models, The Humber, 381, 382
- — Gears and Sidecars, 502
- Single-cylinder Magneto on a Twin, 436
- Single-geared Machine, 472
- Six Days’ Trial, 9, 54, 82, 423 (see also “ End-to-end Trial ”)
- — — — Amulree and the, 185
- New Rules in the, 203
- — — — Preparations for the, by B. H. Davies, 262, 263
- Team Prize in the, 614
- Skidding of Rear Wheel, 83
- Skinner, E. J., and J. Trevor, Messrs., Mishap to Machines, Sup. Feb. 7th
- Sleigh Propelled by a Motor Cycle Engine, A, Sup. Jan. 10th
- Slide Valve Engines, 235, 236, 579
- Slow Running, 359, 394, 516
- — Speeds, Refusal to Fire at, 409
- Sluggish Starting, 126
- Smart Runabout for All-weather Work (illus.), 524
- Snaefell Hill-climb, The, 514f
- — (illus.), 514f, 514g, 528
- — Mountain, Two Difficult Turns on (illus.), 503
- Soldering Outfit, A Handy, 395
- — Petrol Tanks, The Risk of, 163, 234
- Southampton and District M.C., Sup. March 14th, 187, 280, 380
- — — — — Gathering on the Occasion of the Opening Meet (illus.), 299
- — to Birmingham, Avoiding London, 248
- South Devon (Plymouth) M.C.C., 455, 565, 618
- — Manchester M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 24th, March 14 th
- Southern M.C., 247, 302, 326, 453, 482, 541i, 538b
- Southport M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 28th, March 14th, 355, 403
- Southsea Common, Inspection of Boy Scouts on (illus.), 141
- Spanner, The Millennium Auto-grip, 123
- Spares and Tools to be Carried, 131 Spark, An Errant, 494
- — Lever, Control of the, 113
- Using, for Controlling Speed, 68
- Sparking Plug, A Novel, 344
- — Double Pole, 66
- — Multi or Single-point, 68
- — — No Spark when Lever is Retarded, 359
- Sooting of, 76, 266
- Spectacles, Riding in, 62, 230
- Speed against the Wind, 13
- — Increase of, on Slightly Raising EX'
- — Ehaust Valve, 30, 53, 7i, 90, 165, 328, 366, 419, 444, 491, 540, 548, 601
- — Increasing Engine, 621
- — Multiplicity of Explosions, 282, 285, 286
- — Nerve and Petrol (illus.), 291
- — n°t Affected by Spark Advance, 233
- - Using the Spark Lever for Controlling bo
- Limits, Illegal Signs, Sup. March 1[1^
- — New, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- — Mount, The Engine of a, 316
- Trials, Filey Sands at, Whitsuntide, of1’ 375, i53
- — Portmarnock, at, 590
- Speedometer, Experience of the Cowey, Speedometers, Suggested Improvements A c ®
- Sporting Offers, 446, 44 7
- Spring Footboards, Fuel Consumption, 569 57'
- — Fork Design, by G. Douglas Leechman
- — Patents, 600
- — The “ Ideal,” 103 Quarterly Trials, The. 444
- Spring Seat-pillar, 624
- Springing, 339, 499
- Springs, Valve, 547
- Stamina and Efficiency, 413
- Stand, A New, 320
- Standard Machines, Hill-climb for, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Standards, A Change in, 387
- Stanley Show, 598
- — Alteration of Date of, Sup. Jan. 3rd Donation, 156
- Starting, Difficulty in, 28
- — Ease of, 24, 54, 56, 71, 91, 518
- — from Standstill, 459
- — with the Handle, Difficulty in, 155
- Staxton Hill-climb, The, 278, 280, 325
- — Outcome of the, 397
- Steamboat Rocks, near Utak Valley (illus.), 179
- Steel, H. G., “The Yarn of the Lonely Man,” 488. 489
- Steel-studded Treads, 162
- Stockport and District M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 14th
- Stockton-on-Tees, Club for, 455
- Straightaway Records, Amateur, 80 Strange Experience, A, 519
- Stratford-on-Avon, Annual Midland Meet of Motor Cyclists at (illus.), 454
- — Members of the Birmingham M.C.C. at (illus.), 302
- — Midland Meet of Motor Cyclists at, 323
- Streatham and District M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 10th, 17th, Feb. 7th, 14th, March 7th, 247, 302, 354, 380, 565, 592
- Stroud and District M.C.C., 593
- — Bird’s-eye View of, from Rodborough (illus.), 139
- Stub Air Levers, 580
- Stud, A Complete, 365
- — Tyre, A Resilient, 598
- Studded Covers for Preventing Side-slip, 112
- Successes on Road and Track, 320
- Sumi, Mr. R., of Osaka, Japan, A.C. Tricar, specially built for (illus.), Sup. Jan. 31st
- Summerhouse Hill, Lynton and Lynmouth, from (illus.), 159
- Sunday Competitions, 351
- Sunderland and District M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 3rd, 538c, 565
- Supporting Device, Safety, 176
- Surbiton, A Club for, 281
- Surrey M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 10th, 173, 303, 380, 426, 454, 538b, 618
- Surrey’s Revenue from Motor Licences, Sup. Jan. 17th
- Sutton Bank, Hill-climb, 272, 278, 293, 295
- Surface of, 230, Sup. March 14th Wintered Badly, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., Sup. Jan. 3rd, 17th, 31st, Feb. 21st, 187, 247, 280, 326a, 380, 404, 427, 454, 538d, 539
- — Hill-climb, Scene at the Foot of Coalport Hill (illus.), 427
- Speed-judging Contest (illus.), 326a
- Swansea and District M.C.C., 380
- Swift-Ariel, The 3|h.P-, Sup. Feb. 14th Swiss Motor Cyclist, Ideal Mount, Sup. Feb. 7th
- — Pass, Curve on a (illus.), 497
- Switches, Magneto, 594
- Switzerland, Ferry Boat Crossing the Rhine to Walshut, Germany (illus.), 497
- — Tunnel on the Brunig Pass (illus.), 497
- Sydney (N.S.W.) Motor Cycle Club Amateurs’ Hill-climbing Competition, 81, 301
- — Racing at, 422
- Synchronising Firing, Reducing Consumption, 570
- Tank Filling Made Easy, 102
- — Repairing a Leaky, 154, 189
- Tappets, Adjustable, 395
- — Worn, 56
- Tar-spraying Operations, 350
- Taw at Barnstaple, The (illus.), 313
- Taxation, Local, Exemptions, 57, 112
- Licences, Sup. Feb. 7th, 56
- — New, Scheme, Sup. Feb. 14th, 177, 193, 282
- — Question, The, 327, 393, 444
- Team Prize, A, 499
- — Trials, The Motor Cycle Cup, for, ooJ Trifles, 585
- Telescopic Soldering Iron, 624
- Ten-mile Speed Limits, Sup. Feb. 28th Terracina (illus.), 388
- Tests on Road and Track, 571
- The Motor Cycle Cup, Team Trials for, 563
- Thompson, S. J. K., and his Passenger Coaxing the Single-geared Bat and Sidecar Round the First Bad Bend of Amulree (illus.), 574
- Thousand Miles Trial. Tenth Anniversary, 336-338
- Three Miles Record, 447
- Three-wheeler, Smart Runabout for All- weather Work (illus.), 524, 541
- Throttle, Engine not Responsive to the, 113
- — Lever, Refusal to Answer to, 569
- Throttling-down a Four-cylinder, 384
- “ Through Great Britain and the Continent,” by Dr. A. M. Webster, 462-465. 496-498
- Timaru to Dunedin, Reliability Trial from, Sup. Feb. 28th
- Timekeeping in Small Hill-climbs, 443 Timing, 395
- — New System of, 375
- — of a Magneto, 293
- Tindall, .T.A., Starting in the Filey Speed Trials (illus.), 453
- ” Tinkering with a Twin,” by T. E. Heninghem, 432, 433
- Tips, Two Tried, 329
- Todd, Mr. Robert, Chairman and Vice-president of the A.C.U. (illus.), 41
- Friendly Relations with other Bodies, Sup. Jan. 24th
- Good Friend to the Union, Sup. Jan. 24th
- Tommel, Falls of the, near Pitlochry (illus.), 88
- Tools and Spares to be Carried, 131
- Toronto, Motor Cycles Becoming Popular in, Sup. March 21st
- Torquay, from Waldon Hill (illus.), 60
- Touring Abroad, 13, 594
- — Equipment, 310
- — Models, Weight of, 250 .
- — Weights, 599
- T.A.C. Improvements, 290
- Tourist Trophy Models, 417, 418, 529, 530
- as a Touring Mount, 174, 175
- Humber Special Single-cylinder, 529, 530
- Single-cylinder Norton, 457 Race, Sup. Jan. 17th, Feb. 7th, 28th, 54, 324, 387, 368, 602-607
- Another Aspirant, 300
- Prize for Riders, Sup. March 21st Tourist Trophy for Twins,533
- Average Speeds, 537
- Capacity Limit, The New, Sup. Jan. 3rd
- — — — Cash Prizes, 447
- Competitors (illus.), 473-476, 518 — Course, 439, 443, 521-524
- — Entries, Sup-. Jan. 3rd, 24th, Feb. 7th, 21st, 124, 260, 301, 351, 374, 397, 422, 456
- Favourites, Lightning Interviews with, 477, 478
- Forecast of the, by Kirk Michael, 416, 417
- Fund, 281, 301, 321, 374, 396, 433, 447 Future of, 521, 601
- Gossip Concerning, 439
- Hints to Riders, Sup. March 21st (illus.), 442, 446, 502, 507-510, 512-514, 514b-514e, 519, 530, 602-605, T, 610, 621
- — Items, 424
- Lap-scoring Board Showing Results at a Glance, 511
- Latest Details, 424
- Limit Engine Sizes, Sup. March 2 1 R t* Lessons from, 495
- Machines for Touring Purposes,
- Motor
- = N^-s^ah^’m0118’ 567 Notes, 544
- — Novelties, 591
- on the Bioscope, 533
- Alli.
- Tourist Trophy Race, Origin, 480
- — — — Pace in, 542
- — Practising on the Course 47 R A
- (illus.) 480 '
- Preliminaries, 505 Preliminary Tests, 522
- — Preparations for, 153
- — — —- Prospective Competitor for. Sun Feb. 28th
- — — — Report of, 506-514e Results, How they were made known, 461
- Silencers in, 62, Sup. Jan. loth Special Wires giving Lap positions, 452
- Specifications of Winners’
- Machines, 503
- — Suggestion, 548
- Triumph Machine, Success of, in
- 547 Where The Motor Cycle Telegrams were Displayed, 481
- Riders, Sporting Offer for, 447
- Triumph, A Light (illus.), 152
- Week, General View of the Start of the Six Miles Climb up Snaefell (illus.) 543
- Tours, Some Holiday, m England, 484
- Track Racer, Gear Ratio of, 113
- Traction Engines and Motor Cycles, Scottish Taxes for, 130
- Trade and the Trials, The, 285, 327
- Transmission Question, The, 6, 24, 37, 54, 72, 132, 156, 165, 232, 328, 350
- Transvaal Licence to Drive, Sup. March 7th
- Trembler Points, Pitting of, 435
- — Setting of, 360
- Trent Bridge, Newark (illus.), 160
- Trials, Checking in Reliability, 575, 576
- —- Curtailment of, 285, 325
- — Reforms in Big, 50
- — Trade and the, 285, 327
- Tricar, Another Rejuvenated, 54
- — A.C., Specially Built for Japanese
- Roads (illus.). Sup. Jan. 31st
- — Building a, 126
- — First Aid N.S.U., at the Beckenham (Kent) Fire Station (illus.), 442
- — for Rural Postal Work, Sup. Jan. 24th
- — Home-made (illus.), 54
- — Illuminating, Numbers, 458
- — Old Pattern, Altered almost Beyond
- Recognition (illus.), 549
- — Rejuvenated, A, 26
- — Smartening up a, by F. H. White, 591
- — Successful, Conversion, 600 Tricars, A New Lamp for, 25
- — v. Sidecars, 31
- Tricycle Attachment, A, 360
- — A Useful Motor, 8
- — Future of the,'52
- — Possibilities of a Modern Tricycle, 15
- Tricycles for All-weather Riding, 51
- Triumph Machine, Success of, in T.T. Race, 547
- Trump-J.A.P., A Semi-racing Model (illus.), 23
- Tube Changing Device, A Handy, 334
- — Fitting a Small-sized, 154
- — Reinforced Inner, 334
- Tubes, Butt-ended, 230, 493
- — Detachable, 359
- Tunbridge Wells, Racing at, 351
- Sports, Permit Granted by the A.C.U. to hold Motor Cycle Races on Whit-Monday at the, 324
- Whit-Monday Sports, 375
- Tuning-up for Hill-climbs, 519
- — Particularly Applied to V Type Engines, 2-4
- Turbine, Morgan’s Internal Combustion, 33 Petrol, 114, 133
- — What is a, 297
- Twelve Hundred Miles on a Motor Cycle with a Sidecar, by Vincent Burrow. . M.D., 136-139, 158-162
- Twin-cylinder Bicycle with Sidecar, A, 164
- — ; Starting a, 543
- Twin-cylinders Misfiring, 250
- — Single and, Compared, 83
- Twin, Tinkering with a, by T. E. Heninghem, 432, 433
- Two or Four-stroke Engine,. 408
- Two-speed and Single-geared Models, The Humber, 381, 382
- — Gear, Free-engine, Fitting a, 188
- — Indian, and Free-engine, 114
- — — Simple, A, 276
- — Control, Adjustment of, 543
- — Humber, An Appreciation of a, 420
- rwo-*p*^d Lightweights, 408
- Two-speeds for Passenger Work, 408
- Two-stroke and \\ ater-cooled Engines. 397
- — Engine. Proposed Design fora, 186, 256
- — Engines. Another Score for, : '
- — — — in America, 114
- — Rotary Engine, A, 441. 442
- Tynedale, Hexham (illusj, 137
- Tyre Catalogue, A, 460
- — Filling Compound, An Experience with a, 601
- — Gaiters, 297. 356, 366 Home-made, 460
- — Grip, Bobbett’s, 103
- — Latest Goodrich, 544
- — Novel. and Tube-changing Device A. 253
- — Removal, To Facilitate, 309
- — Resilient Stud, 598
- — Tip. A, 329, 366 Tyres. 284, 327, 356, 368
- — Beaded-edge r. Wired-on. 15, 72, 127, 133
- — Cure for Puncture Troubles, A, 71, 89
- — Fitting Stronger, 4 58
- — for Irish Roads. 517
- — - Winter Riding, 76
- — Ill’, strations of different kinds of, 218-222
- — Importance of Good, 544
- — Interchangeability of, 29
- — Lightweights, 124
- — Motor Cycle. 284, 327. 356. 368
- — Non-skidding, for All-weather Riding. 76
- — Protest against the High Prices of, 329
- — Rims and Standardisation of. 167, 232
- — Wired r. Beaded-edge, 15, 254
- United States (see “ America ”)
- University of Birmingham M.C.C’., Members at the Foot of Suniising Hill (ihus.), Sup. March 7th
- Unrolled Stone Danger.. 357
- Uxbridge to Banbury and bark, V.C.U. Quarterly Trial from, 368-372
- Vacuum Oil Co.’s Prize Offer, 424
- Valves (see also “ Exhaust Valves ”)
- — increase of Speed on Slightly Raising the Exhaust Valve, 30, 53, 71. 90, 419, 491, 540, 548, 601
- — Inlet Valve Tip, 91
- — Opening of, 493
- — Removing, Suggested Aid to, 71
- Valves Rum t1 ng with Valve Partial i y Raised, 155
- — Seating ° *
- — Spell s-. 647
- — Va1 grinding Tip. 14 5
- x~ Wu Drive, Lightweight Converted to, 132
- Victoria, Motor Cycling in. Sup. Feb. 21st
- Victorian M.C.C., 100 Miles Road Race, 532
- V.S. Two-speed Hub Gear, 192
- Walford, Eric W., Compression, 1 /0-172
- — — Rotary Engine, 196
- Wall Carving in the Time of Raineses IT , Another Reproduction of a (illus.), 188
- Walthamstow M.C., Sup. Feb. 14th, 2Sth. 99, 281, 354, 377, 403, 619
- Wansbeck M.C., 355
- War Office, Proposal to the, Sup. March 7 th
- Warfare, Motor Cycle in, 323
- Warrington aud District M.C.C., Sup. Jan. 31st, 455
- Water-cooled and Two-stroke Engines, 56, 37 7
- Water-cooling, Against. 70
- — on Motor Bicycle Engines, 5, 6. 27, 50, 55, 73, 91, 108, 121, 125, 252. 253, 328, 358, 393, 110, 445
- Water Orton and Coleshill, Constable Stationed at, 351
- Weather-proofing a Motor Cycle, 189
- Weather Shield for the Handle-bars, 129 Webster, Dr. A. M., “ Through Great
- Britain and the Continent,” 96-98
- Week-end Trip in India, bv G. H. Wilson, 10
- Week in the Isle of Man, 526-528
- Weight Reduction. Limit of, 152
- Westerham Hill, Gradient of, 12
- Western District M.Q.. Sup. Jan. 3rd, 24th, 31st, Feb. 14th. March 14th, 143, (illus.) 202, 303. 379, 426, 593. 616
- West Essex A.C., 483
- Westmoreland M.C.C., Sup. Feb. 28th. 247, 302, 426, 454, £14i, 564, 616
- Westward Ho with a Sidecar, by B. C. de W. Si If ken. 312-3 ' 5
- Weyhill and Andover, Police Trap between, 300
- No. 1.— Round about Kent, 305
- No. 2.— Round about Derbyshire, 322
- No. 3.— The Wye Valley and Cotswolds. 348
- No. 4.— East Anglia, 364
- No. 5 — The Lake District, 386
- No. 6.— The West Country. 412
- Whistles, Exhaust, 365, -121
- White, Mr A. Baker, Returns to Motov Cycling, Sup. Jan. 24th
- White F. H., Smartening up a,Tricar. .591
- Whitsuntide, Where to go at, 305, 3 2 2 3 4 8. 364, 386. 412
- Wilding. A. F., Champion Tennis Player and Motor Cyclist, 82, 123
- Wilson, G. 4L. Week-end Trip in Ind?a, Iv
- Wincanton, Police Trap between Andover and Weyhill on the Road to, 300
- Winchester and District M.C.C., 326, 379
- — — Surrey Motor Cycle Clubs, Meet of,
- at Winchester (Ulus.), 491
- — Hyde Street, Police Trap at, 350
- Wind. Speed against rhe. 13
- Windsor Castle (illus.', 463
- Winter Overhaul, by B. H. Davies, 65
- — Riding. Ill, 193
- Wired-on r. Beaded-edge Tyre> 72, 127,133
- Woodman, Alan E., Convalescence of, 587
- — — Serious Accident to, 478
- Woodmansterne to the Brighton Road,
- Police Trap at, 350
- Worcester-Kidderminster Road, Police Trap on the. 375
- Worcestershire M.C.C.. Sup. March 21st, 173, 326, 354, 482, 565
- — to Tunbridge, Best Route, 83
- Wright, S., Tourist Trophy Race, Stops f r Petrol (illus.), 604
- Yarn of the Lonely, Man, The, by H. G. Steel, 488, 489
- Ye Olde Gate House, Highgate (illus.), 347
- Yeovil, Secret Checking Station ai (illus.). 307
- York County M.C.C. Sup. Jan. 17th, 247, 326, 355, 377, 404, 430, 482. "538d Members of the (illus.), 483
- — Micklegate Bar (illus.), 161
- — Northern League Meeting at, 538 Windmill Hotel, 449
- Yorkshire. Another Club Proposed tor, Sun. Feb. 21st
- — Competitions in, 397
- — North Riding, A Jaunt in, 28 7-’x 50, 358
- — Open Hill-climb in. 566, 586. 608-610 Young Clubs, Advice to, 401
- Zenith Bicar, Novel Form of Luggage
- Carrier .Attached (illus ), 195