1914 Motor Car Red Book: Repairs and Hotels

Note: This is a sub-section of 1914 Motor Car Red Book
- ABERDEEN (ABERDEEN). Repairers— R. and J. Shinnie, Ltd., 12, Union-row. Tel.: Shinnie. Pne.: 734.
- BANAVIE (INVERNESS). Hotel— Lochiel Arms. Banavie. Motor House, Proprietor : Wm. Krupp.
- BELFAST (ANTRIM). Repairers. Leslie Porter, Ltd., Brunswick-street and Howard-street. Agents for Daimler, Arrol-Johnstone, Delage, and Singer. Large Garage and Repair Works with up- to-date tools. and A. Stringer, 156, Antrim-road. Tel.: Carriage. Pne.: 59.3. Ulster Agent for Maudslay.
- BICESTER (OXON). Repairers— Layton and Son, Layton’s Garage, London-road. Tel.: Laxtons. Pne.: 12.
- BRADFORD (YORKS). Repairer— Eric S. Myers, No Worry Garage, 52 and 62, Manningham-lane. Coachbuilder and Automobile Specialist. Agent, Wolseley, Sunbeam, and Darracq Tel.: Cycar. Pne.: 5591 and 5592.
- BRIDLINGTON (YORKS). Repairers— Purdon's Garage, Springfield-avenue, near Station. Showroom, Prospect-street. Coach Painting. Tel.: Purdon Motors. Pne.: X38.
- BURY ST. EDMUND'S (SUFFOLK). Repairers— Mann, Egerton and Co., Fornham-road.
- BUXTON (DERBYSHIRE). Hotel — Crescent Hotel. R. A. C., A. A., M. U. Colonnade to Buxton Baths and Gardens. Electric Light. Lounge. Electric Lift. Magnificent Dining Room. C. I. Smilter.
- CHELTENHAM (GLOUCESTER). Hotel— Queen’s. Pne.: 913, 914. Garage (60 Cars). Pne.: 217. Heated, Pits. Electric Light. Repairs. Petrol. Taxis. Touring Cars. Manager: S. G. R. Holman.
- CONNEMARA (GALWAY). Hotel— Leenane Hotel. Every comfort for motorists. Motors for touring in Ireland. Tel.: Makeown, Leenane.
- CORK (CORK). Repairers— Johnson and Perrott, Ltd. Motors.
- CUMNOCK (AYRSHIRE). Hotel (Centre of Town)— The Royal. Tel.: Hotel Koval, Cumnock.
- DUBLIN (DUBLIN). Hotel— Royal Hibernian Hotel, Ltd. First-class Garage. Tel.: Hibernia. Pile.: 708. (501)
- EDINBURGH (WAVERLEY). Repairers. Peebles Motor Co., Ltd., 89, Haymarket-terrace. Specialists and Repairers. Tires, Petrol, and Accessories. Tel.: Aviation. Piie.: 5114Cent. And Westfield Autocar Co., Ltd., Gorgie. Tel.: Motors. Pne.: 5420 Central. (504)
- GARSTANG (LANCS). Repairer— R. W. Lang, Garstang Garage. Repairs of all kinds. Petrol, Lub. Cils, Tyres. Open for supplies on Sundays. House next door. 502
- HAMPTON COURT (SURREY). Harry Tagg, Thames Hotel and Boat Building Works, Hampton Court Bridge. Tel.: Thames, East Molesey. Pne. : 4, Molesey. Large Garage Accommodation.
- HARROGATE (YORKS). Repairers— A. B. Wardman and Sons, Ltd., Cambridge - street, Harrogate. Yorkshire Retailers of Rolls-Royce, Delage, and Fiat Cars. Tel.: Wardman, Harrogate. Pne.: 1040.
- HITCHIN (HERTS). Repairers— Slater and Co, place. Tel.: Slater. Pne. repairers R.A.C., A.A., M.U., &c Tyres.
- INVERNESS (INVERNESS). Repairers- A. W. Chapman and Co., street Garage. Sole Northern for Wolseleys and Fords.
- IPSWICH (SUFFOLK). Repairers— H. G. Kettle 24 Lower Brook-Street. Tel.: Kettle. Pne. 351.
- LEEDS (YORKS). Repairer — Rowland Winn, County Garage, Woodhouse-lane; City Garage, Albion-street; Colomba Garage, Woodhouse-lane. Tel. : Petrol. Pne. : 1601, —2, — 3. Storage 200 Cars. Day and Night. Dunlop Tires.
- LEICESTER (LEICS). Repairers. W. H. Cuffin, Grosvenor Motor Works, Gwendolen-road, Motor Engineer. Pne.: 2037 Central. And Midland Counties Motor Garage Co, Ltd., Granby-street. Tel.: Motors. Pne.: Nat. 4105/G.' (535)
- LETCHWORTH (HERTS). Repairers— Slater and Co. Tel.: Slater. Pne.: 120. Repairers R.A.C., xV.iV., M.U., &c. Petrol, Tyres.
- LONDON, N. (MDDX.). Repairers— North London Garage, 1 to 8, Corsica-street. N. Repairers to R.A.C., A.A., M.U., A.C.U. Tel.: Trac- tariaii. Pne.: 1520 North.
- LONDON, N.W. (MDDX.). Repairers. Mann, Egerton and Co., Ltd., 379/381, Euston-road, N.W. and Walter Scott Motor Co, 109, Goldhurst-terrace, Finchley-road. Sole Agents for Maudslay Cars for London. District Sole Agents for Girling Light Vans. All makes supplied and maintained. Tel.: Hampmotor. Pne.: IBM) Hampstead.
- NORTHAMPTON (NORTHAXMPTON). Repairers— Ransome Motor Co., Ltd., London-ioad. Tel.: Ransome Garage. Pne. : 594. And Macrae and Dick. Largest and best-equipped Motor Garage and Engineering Works in North Scotland. Always open.
- NORTHWICH CHESHIKE). Isaac Robinson and Sons, Motor Factors and Garage. Tel.: ^Motors. Pne.: 121. Repairs.
- NORWICH (NORFOLK). Repairers— Mann, Egerton and Co Ltd., Prince of Wales-road. 22 makes of Cars. Tel. : Victors. 482.
- NOTTINGHAM (NOTTS). Repairers — Bennetts (Nottingham), Ltd., 28, Shakespeare-street. Pne. :
- PLYMOUTH (DEVON). H. Andrew and Co, Ltd., 10, Athenaeuni-pJace.
- RIVERHEAD (KENT, NEAR SEVENOAKS). Hotel— Amherst Hotel. Pne. : 287. Motor Garage. Petrol. Excellent Accommodation for Motorists. Tea Gardens, Ball-room, &c. Large or Small Parties Catered for. Proprietor: S. P. Janes. (551)
- ST. ANDREWS (FIFE). Repairers- Duncan’s Garages, Mary’s-place and Argyle-street, all Repairs, Hiring. Tei. : Pne. : 50.
- SEVENOAKS (KENT). Repairers- George Humphrey, Engineers and Body Builders.
- SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS). Repairers— F. A. Hendy and Co., Ltd., 10/11, East-street, and York-buildings, close to Bargate. Holders of R.A.C. Fleet of Pne. : 1641.
- SOUTHPORT (LANCS.). Hotel— Prince of Wales leading Hotel. Excellent Cooking. Comfort. Mod, Terms. Motorists’ and Golfers’ Headquarters. Free Garage. (531)
- STONY STRATFORD (BUCKS). Repairers— Midland Automobile and Engineering Co., Old Stratford. Spec. Cert. R.A.C., A. A. Tel. : Motors. Pne. : 19.
- TAUNTON (SOMERSET). Hotel— London Hotel. Every Accommodation. First-class Family Hotel. Officially Appointed, R.A.C., A. A., <^c. Garage 100 Cars. Pit, Petrol, <fec. Central. Cars for Hire. Pne. : 134. Walter Whittingham, Resident Owner. (526)
- WEYBRIDGE (SURREY). Repairers— R. J. Shanks and Co., Official Repairers R.A.C., A.A., M.U., A.C.V., &c. Sole District Agents for Siddeley-Deasy, Leon Bolide, and Humber Cars. Cars for Hire. Tel. : Shanks Garage. Pne.: 117. fo21)
- WITHAM (ESSEX). Repairers— Glover Brothers (Witham), Ltd., South and North End Garages. Tel.: Glovers, Witham. Pne.: 20.
- YORK (YORKS). Repairers— Gibbs and Co., Fawcett-street. Fishergate Garage. All Repairs. Large Tyre Stock. Hire Cars. Sole District Agents Vulcan and Calthorpe Cars. Tel.: Prompt. Pne.: 400. (525)