1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Company I

Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
IGRANIC ELECTRIC CO., Ltd., 147, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Igranic London." T. N.: Central 7123. Mang. Director G. A. Mower. Products.—Electric motor starting switches and regulators, rheostats, theatre dimmers, switchboards lifting magnets, magnetic clutches, brakes and separators, electric coil winding machines.
IMPERIAL LIGHT, Ltd., 123, Victoria Street London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Edibrac, Phone, London." T. N.: Victoria 3540 (3 lines). Established 1898. Capital £50,000, Issued £33,720, Reserve £14,000. Directors: Henry Compton (Chairman), Ernest W. Sprott (Managing), Alfred Akers and George T. Temple. Manufactures.—Electric, acetylene, and petrol-air gas lighting installations, oxy-acetylene welding and cutting plants, searchlights, and heating installations.
INCANDESCENT HEAT CO., Ltd., British Mills, Cornwall Road, Smethwick, Birmingham. T. A.: " Repeat, Birmingham." T. N.: Smethwick 276. Established 1904. Capital Li68,000. Employees 300. Directors: Alfred Smallwood, John Fallon Arthur Edward Beck, Richard Latham Boote Sidney W. Morgan, Edward Francis Hennessey. Manufactures.—Industrial furnaces for heat treatment, annealing, forging, melting, mechanical charging appliances, gas producer plant, foundry equipment, malleable and grey iron castings.
INCE FORGE CO., Ltd., 90, Cannon Street E.C.4. T. A.: " Fossicker, Cannon, London." T. N.: City 414. Manufactures.—Iron and steel forgings of every description.
INDIA RUBBER, GUTTA PERCHA & TELEGRAPH WORKS CO., Ltd., 106, Cannon Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Silvergray , Cannon, London; (Foreign) " Silvergray, London." T. N.: City 4730. Incorporated 1864. Capital ][,250,000, Issued £750,000 Ordinary Shares, 2.50,000 Preference Shares, Reserve £500,000. Directors: Major L. Darwin (Chairman ), C. H. and W. E. Gray ( Joint Managing), Col. A. W. Jarvis C.M.G., C. H. Moore, Capt. N. Hanbury and S. A. Russell (Extraordinary). Manufactures.—Cables for all purposes, electrical instruments, switchboards, primary batteries, etc. insulators, insulating tapes and jointing materials.
INDUSTRIAL PLANT CO., Ltd. (The), Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 82, Collingwood Buildings, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Incorborated as a Limited Co. 1911. Capital £40,000, Issued £13,407 Reserve Fund £5,000. Directors: C. Pierret, R. P. Sloan and G. B. Richardson. Secretary: H. W. J. Vertigan. Specialities. —Electrical plant and machinery for shipyards, collieries, brickworks, restaurants, steel works engineering works, etc.
INDUSTRIAL WASTE ELIMINATORS Ltd., 20, High Holborn, London, W.C.I. T. A.: " Turbinism, London." T. N.: Holborn 2186. Established 1912. Capital £20,000. Employees: 19. Directors: E. S. Walters, Henry Portlock, Jean Schmidt and Leon Geerinckx. Products.—Fat rendering, bone degreasing and animal by-product plant, fish meal and oil production plant, oil waste and spongecloth reclamation plant.
INDUSTRIALS, Ltd., Consulting Engineers, Engineers' Merchants and Engineers' Agents, 14-16, Cockspur Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Ustralindi, Westrand." T. N.: Gerrard 3930-2. Incorporated 1919. Capital £35,000. Directors: E. W. Haig, D. G. Boissevain (American), W. A. Hunter, J. Caldwell, M.Inst.C.E., E. H. Jones, H. Keddy Fletcher and Sir William Gentle.
INGERSOLL-RAND CO., 165, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: "Ingersoll-Cent, London." T. N.: City 3852. Directors: W. M. Treglown (Chairman), D. M. Armstead (Managing), J. P. Eyre, P. J. Murphy, F. A. Choffel, Louis Speck (Treasurer). Manufactures.—Air compressors, pneumatic tools drills, oil engines and Cameron pumps.
INGHAM, John & Sons, Victoria Works, Middlestown, Wakefield. T. A.: " Ingham, Middlestown." T. N.: Horbury 49. Established 1837. Employees: 30. Proprietor: John Ingham. Manufactures.—Ingham's patent all-round corrugated coal tubs, Ingham's patent steel pedestals for coal tubs.
INGLIS, A. & J., Ltd., 64, Warwick Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Inglis, Glasgow." T. N.: Western 3450. Established 1847. Incorporated as a Private Limited Co. in 1905. Directors: J. Inglis LL.D. (Chairman), J. D. Inglis, B.Sc., G. A. Inglis B.Sc., and F. N. Henderson. Manufactures.—Passenger and cargo steamers.
INGLIS, G. & Co., Ltd., Ironfounders, Airdrie.
INNERD & YOUNG, Ltd., Mechanical Engineers Ouseburn Engineering Works, Foundry Lane, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. N.: Newcastle-on-Tyne Central 172. Established 1896. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1898. Capital £10,000. Managing Director George Innerd. Secretary: Robert Taylor. Manufactures.—Ash hoists, hoists, grease pans laundry machinery, all classes of millwright work.
INSULATERS, Ltd., Bidder Street, Canning Town, London, E.16. T. A.: " Atorinsula, Canning London." T. N.: East 3312 and 1594. Established 1919. Capital £150,000. Employees: 70. Directors Capt. M. H. P. Riall Sankey, C.B., C.B.E. (Chairman), Wm. Millar, M.C., J. A. Prestwich, J. P. Ruault, Col. C. E. P. Sankey, D.S.O. Manufactures.—Titan compressed cork slabs and pipe covering for cold-storage insulation, Herculite deck and floor covering. Cold-storage insulation contractors.
INTEGRAL OXYGEN CO., Ltd., 38, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 2543. Established 1919. Capital £16,000. Directors: H. H. Wrench, T. L. Reid Cooper and E. L. W. Byrne. Specialities.—Plant for manufacture of oxygen and hydrogen, oxygen welding and cutting apparatus regulators, gauges and accessories.
INTERLOCKED METALLIC TUBING CO. Ltd., 112, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Tuyaux, Cent, London." T. N.: Bank 773. Manufactures.—Flexible metal tube.
INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CO. Ltd. (Successors to Julian Kennedy, Sahlin & Co.. Ltd.), Consulting Engineers, Steelworks Engineers and Gas-Producer Experts, 56, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Sahlin, Westcent, London." T. N.: Holborn 1871. Branches: Sheffield, Glasgow Paris, etc. Directors: Axel Sahlin, M.I. & S.I. S. L. Bengtson, M.I. & S.I., F. Hunter and S. R. Olson, M.I. & S.I. Providers of complete steel works, or portions thereof, such as rolling mills gas-producer plants, steel melting and all other types of furnaces for the treatment of metals, glass, etc. Specialities.—Complete steel works and glass works, all types of furnaces, rolling mills, Morgan gas machines, Morgan gas-producers, Sahlin gas producers, Dyblie gas reversing valves and air reversing valves.
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC CO., Ltd. Ashley Road, Tottenham, N.17. T. A.: " Intelco 'Phone, London." T. N.: Tottenham 132 and 2047. Established 1911. Capital.631,000..Directors: Chas. C. W. Simpson, H. R. Roose, T. G. Cowan E. Rowland Davies. Manufactures.—Electric cables, wires, accumulators, lamps, telephones.
INTERNATIONAL MOTORS, Ltd., Dealers Brook Green, Hammersmith, London, W.6. T. A. " Interford, Hammer, London." T. N.: Hammersmith 1972-3-4. Established 1919. Capital L200,000. Employees: 400. Directors: Charles Fletcher Lumb, Samuel Auld Wallace. Products.—Ford motor cars, Ford spare parts Ford repairs.
INTERNATIONAL RAILOPHONES, Ltd. Prudential Buildings, Corporation Street, Birmingham. Established 1910. Capital £17,500. Directors T. J. B. Hasell (Chairman), H. V. Kramer. Manufactures.—Telephones.
IRONCLAD SWITCHGEAR CO., Ltd. Electrical Engineers, Eccles Mill, Monton Lane, Eccles. Established 1919. Capital £4,000. Directors E. W. Morgan, S. Whittaker. Sec.: H. T. Taylor.
IRVIN, Richard, & Sons, Ltd., 22, Seagate Peterhead. T. A.: " Irvin, Peterhead." T. N.. 159. Established 1900. Capital £10,000. Employees 35. Principals: Malcolm Corsie, Joseph Knowles. Products.—Drifter and fishing vessels machinery and general engineering and repairs.
IRVINE, J. F. & Co., Ltd., Electrical Engineers, City Hall, Dock Street, Dundee. Established 1919. Capital £4,000. Directors: J. F. Irvine (Managing), Mrs. D. E. Irvine.
IRVINE'S SHIPBUILDING & DRY DOCKS CO., Ltd., Middleton Shipyard, West Hartlepool. T. A.: " Irvine, West Hartlepool." T. N.: 246. Established 1868. Capital imo,000. Employees 3,000. Directors: Sir John Esplen, K.B.E., A. S. Purdon, Robert A. Workman (Chairman), Clarence C. Hatry, Stanley J. Passmore, P. Haig Thomas, F. Lund, E. H. Mitchell (Managing). Sec.: J. T. Harris. Manufactures.—Cargo, passenger, oil carrying and refrigerated steamers. Repairs of all descriptions.
ISCA FOUNDRY CO., Ltd., Mill Parade, Newport, Mon. T. A.: " Isca, Newport." T. N. Newport, Mon., 2915. Capital £50,000. Employees about 200. Directors: Arthur Harrison Laybourne, Richard Charles Talbot Laybourne, Alexander Victor Laybourne Pilliner. Manufactures.—Switches and crossings, turntables water cranes, tanks, signals, roofs and bridges contractors' and colliery plant, castings, etc.
ISHERWOOD, W. & Co., Textile Engineers, 32, Albert Street, Manchester. T. N.: Manchester Central 3399. Established 1911. Principal: W. E. Isherwood. Specialities.—Automatic machines for testing the strength and elongation of yarn, cloth, asbestos and rubber. Electric conditioning ovens, etc.
ISLER, C. & Co., Artesian Works, Bear Lane, Southwark Street, London, S.E.I. T. A.: " Isler London." T. N.: Hop 446o (3 lines). Established 1882. Capital £40,000. Employees: 200. Principals C. Isler, Capt. W. H. Kinderdine, F. C. Paget. Specialities.—Artesian wells, well- boring tools and appliances, earth drilling appliances, pumps, turnstiles.
ISLES, Ltd., Stanningley, Leeds. T. A.: " Isles, Stanningley." T. N.: Stanningley 45. Manufactures.—All types of electric cranes.
I.T.C. Ltd. (Inter-communicating Telephone Co.), Abbey Buildings, Princes Street, London, S.W.'. T. N.: Victoria 9598. Established 1909. Products.—Telephone installers for inter-communication on rental basis, including maintenance.
IZONS & Co., Ltd., Albion Works, West Bromwich. T. A.: " Izons, Westbromwich." T. N. 143. Established 1780. Capital £62,500. Employees 320. Directors: John Henry Chesshire, John Izon Chesshire, Arthur Edwin Chesshire, John William Barratt. Products.—Tinned and enamelled cast-iron hollow ware, electrical castings and mincing machines, rice bowls, sad irons and repairing lasts.
See Also
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