Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,666 pages of information and 247,074 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Company N

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

NALDER BROS. & THOMPSON, Ltd. Electrical Engineers, 97A, Dalston Lane, London, E.8. T. A.:" Occlude, Kinland, London." T. N. Dalston 2365 and 2366. Established 1896. Originally established in 1884 as Nalder Bros. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1899. Directors: Francis H. Nalder (Chairman and Managing), E. D. Wilson, A. F. Harris and G. F. Pittar. Staff about 250. Specialities.—Electrical measuring instruments ammeters, voltmeters, watt-meters, power factor meters, frequency meters and synchronizers.

NAPIER & MILLER, Ltd., Shipbuilders & Marine Engine Builders, Old Kilpatrick, nr. Glasgow. T. A.: "Napier, Old Kilpatrick." T. N.: Bowling 44. Mang. Directors: Henry M. Napier, George M. Miller.

NAPIER BROS., Ltd., 130, Hydepark Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Windlass." T. N. Central 6714. Manufactures.—Steam, hand and electrical windlasses, capstans, steering gears and winches.

NAPIER, D. & Son, Ltd., Acton, London, W.3. T. A.: "Monever, Act, London." T. N.: Chiswick 1220 (6 lines ). Established 1808. Incorporated 1913. Capital L850,000, Issued £846,000, Reserve £154,000. Directors: M. S. Napier (Chairman and Joint Managing ), H. T. Vane, C.B.E. (Joint Managing) H. Cooke, George Pate, B.Sc., M.I.A.E., and A. E. Robins. Secretary: F. A. Davies. Employees About 2,300. Manufactures.—Aero-engines and 6-cylinder chassis commercial vehicles.

NAPIER-KIMBER, Ltd., 109, Great Portland Street, W.I. 7'. A.: " Apurimber, Phone, London." T. N.: Mayfair. Established 1913. Capital £1,752. Employees: 3,86o. Directors: A. W. Kimber A.M.I.E.E. (Managing ), R. Fielding. Products.—Electric washing machines, " Canadian " electric vacuum cleaners, electric heating and cooking apparatus.

NASMYTH, WILSON & Co., Ltd., Locomotive & Hydraulic Engineers, Bridgewater Foundry Patricroft, Manchester. T. A.: " Nasmyth, Patricroft." T. N.: Eccles 5. Established 1837. Employees: 800. Directors: C. F. Spencer (Chairman ) E. H. Greg (Joint Managing), R. Wright (Joint Managing ), V. P. Gamon, A. J. Grant, Sir W. H. Ellis, G.B.E., D.Eng. Manufactures.—Locomotives, locomotive boilers locomotive duplicates, hydraulic presses and pumps hammers, forgings and iron castings.

NATIONAL GAS ENGINE CO., Ltd. Ashton-under-Lyne. T. A.: " National, Ashtonunder-Lyne." T. N.: 425.

NATIONAL OMNIBUS & TRANSPORT CO., Ltd., The, Moulsham Works, Chelmsford. T. A.: " National, Chelmsford." T. N.: Chelmsford 31. Incorporated 1911. Capital £300 ,000 Issued E,257,500. Joint Managing Directors: Thomas Clarkson and Walter James Iden. Secretary: B. Smith. Manufactures.—Steam buses and lorries (Clarkson's patent) using oil fuel or coke.

NATIONAL RADIATOR CO., Ltd., Heating Apparatus Manufacturers, Ideal Works, Hull Yorks. T. A.: "Radiators, Hull." T. N.: Hull Central 4220 (2 lines). Managing Director: R. A. Hutsel. Assistant Manager: H. E. Yeats. Secretary: C. W. Hett. Private Company formed in 1907. Manufactures.—" Ideal " boilers, " Ideal " radiators and accessories for low pressure hot-water and steam heating.

NATIONAL RAIL & TRAMWAY APPLIANCES CO., Ltd., 12-8, Taylor Street, Liverpool. Established 1902. Capital £15,000. Directors: W. Vaux (Chairman and Managing), and R. C. Vaux. Sec.: R. Boothby.

NATIONAL STEAM CAR CO., Ltd., 16 St. Helens Place, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Natcarcoin, Led, London." T. N.: Avenue 2301. Established 1909. Incorporated as a Ltd. Co. in 1911. Directors: J. S. Browne, A. Maude, W. S. Coles G. E. Sendell, T. Clarkson, and K. P. Hawksley. Sec.. B. Smith. Manufactures.—Steam omnibuses, coke fuel motors and electrically welded wheels.

NATIONAL STEEL FOUNDRY (1914 ), Ltd. Kirkland Works, Leven, Fife.

NATIONAL TELEWRITER CO., Ltd., Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 20, Bucklersbury London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Telewriter, Telew, London." T. N.: City 2433. Incorporated as a Limited Co. '909. Capital L3oo,00 0. Issued £198,239. Chairman: Sir John Craggs..Manager: Foster English. Secretary: A. J. Ruthven. Speciality.—The electrical transmission of written messages, sketches, etc., over ordinary telephone wires.

NATIONAL TIME RECORDER CO., Ltd. 5, Blackfriars Road, London, S.E.I. T. A.: " Natrecord, London." T. N.: Hop 918. Established 1907. Capital £10,000. Private Limited Company. Products.—Patent check-action card system, employees' automatic time recorders; also standard autograph recorders and special factory costing machines; watchmen's detectors.

NAYLER, John & Son, Ltd., Leather Belting Manufacturers, Castle Belting Works, Dudley. T. A.: "Belting, Dudley." T. N.: Dudley 2216.

NAYLOR BATTERY CO., Ltd., Metallurgists & Manufacturing Electrical Engineers, I, Lammermoor Road, Balham, S.W. Mang. Director: E. H. Naylor.

NEAL, E. T. & Co., Ltd., Engineers & Ironfounders, Water Street, Kettering. T. A.: "Neal Engineers, Kettering." T. N.: Kettering 106. Established 1902. Directors: J. S. Burton and F. C. Thompson. Manufactures.—Edge runner mills, friction hoists steam, electric and petrol stonebreakers.

NEAL, R. H., & Co., Commercial & Industrial Engineers, 53, The Broadway, Ealing, London, W.5. T. A.: "Snoslaen, Ealux, London." T. N. Ealing 1951 and 1764. Proprietor: R. H. Neal M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. The Proprietor, a Civil Engineering Public Works Contractor, was one of the first five contractors that became licensees for the construction of Ferro-Concrete Works (1903 ) under the " Hennebique System " in Great Britain. He was the first, in the British Isles, to mould, pitch and drive " ferro-concrete " (16 in. by 16 in.) piles having lengths of ioo feet and upward, at H.M. Dockyard Extension, Keyham, Devonport. Retired from Public Works contracting in 1910. Now established for making, repairing and supplying new and second-hand railway material, and modern plant for Civil Engineering Works, both at home and abroad. Manufactures.— LOCOMOTIVE CRANES, CREOSOTED SLEEPERS AND CROSSINGS, LOCOMOTIVES PORTABLE ENGINES, STEEL RAILS, RAILWAY ACCESSORIES, CAST IRON RAILWAY CHAIRS, RAILWAY WAGONS AND SHIPYARD PLANT.

NEEPSEND ROLLING MILLS, Ltd., Steel Rolling Mill Manufacturers, Neepsend Lane, Sheffield. T. A.: "Sheets, Sheffield." T. N.: 51 and 52 Sheffield. Established 1856. Private Company.

NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, Scientific Instrument Makers, 38, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.r. T. A.: "Negretti, Cent, London." T. N.: Holborn 583. Established 1850. Manufactures.—Thermometers, barometers, pressure gauges, microscopes, telescopes, binoculars nautical and surveying instruments, laboratory and general scientific apparatus.

NEILSON, James & Son, Ltd., r, St. Marnock Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Fireboxes, Glasgow." T. N.: Bridgeton 6. Established 1848. Incorporated 1904. Capital 230,000, Issued £24,000. Directors James Neilson (Chairman), and James Neilson Jun. Employees: 200. Manufactures.—Marine and multitubular boilers.

NETTLEFOLD & SONS, Ltd., 54, High Holborn, London, W.C. 1'. A.: " Nettleson, Holb." T. N.: Holb. 123 (Private Branch Exchange). Established 1830. Capital Z5o,000. Employees: 15o. Gov. DireCtor: Oswald Nettlefold, J.P. Products.—"Reliable" rachet spanner, " Bardesley " door check and spring, " Reliable " tube bender.

NEVILLE FOUNDRY CO., Ltd. (The), Grey Iron Founders for Engineers, Neville Street, Rotherham. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1917. Capital £2,000, Issued £900. Directors: J. Hawkins and G. Rawlings.

NEW BRITISH ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Ltd., Electric Motor & Magneto Manufacturers 43-5, Stoke Newington Road, London, N.I6. Capital 3,000. Directors: A. Berkeley, E. Berkeley 1I. C. E. Jacoby, P. A. Mossay, S. Smith.

NEW CONVEYOR CO., Ltd., Smethwick. T. A.: " Aptitude, Birmingham." T. N.: Smethwick 5o. Incorporated as a Ltd. Co. in 1889. Mang. Director: A. E. Guest. Sec.: W. T. Holland. Manufactures.—Conveying and elevating machinery, and structural steelwork.

NEW DESTRUCTOR COMPANY, Ltd. The, Atlas Works, Pershore. T. A.: " Destructor Pershore." Established 1892. Incorporated 1912 as a Private Limited Co. Directors: Colonel A. P. James, Colonel Morgan Lindsay, C.B., R.E., and John Barnicot. Chief Engineer: G. Watson. Manufactures.—Large destructor installations combined with steam-raising plant for municipalities and other public authorities.

NEW ENGINE CO., Ltd., Junction Works Hythe Road, Willesden Junction, London, N.W.10. T. N.: Willesden 1180. Sec.: T. Foster. Manufactures.—Patent universal drilling tables hand milling machines, general engineering, motorcar components.

NEW FORTUNA MACHINE CO., Ltd. Southmead, Bristol. T. A.: " Skiving, Westburyon-Trym." T. N.: Westbury-on-Trym 188. Established 1918. Capital £5,000. Employees: 5o. Directors: A. T. Sice (Managing), R. S. Hunton, and N. Sice. Products.—Hack saw, pipe bending and grinding machinery, fine measuring instruments, tanning machinery, " Fontuna " skiving machines for boot and shoe manufacture.

NEW GARTER FOUNDRY CO., Ltd. Groveland Foundry, Dudley Port.

NEW GUTTA PERCHA CO., Ltd., 19, New Broad Street, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Guttashea Av." T.N.: London Wall 2611. Capital £125,000. Directors: S. Bibby (Chairman), Leslie Bibby H. Woolner. Gen. Manager: Chas. Parker. Manufactures.—Electric wires and cables.

NEW HUDSON, Ltd., Cycle Manufacturers Icknield Street, Birmingham.

NEW IMPERIAL CYCLES, Ltd., Princip Street, Birmingham. T. A. " Peerage, Birmingham." T. N.: Central 7051. Established 1887. Directors: N. T. Downs (Managing), and A. J. Williams. Specialities.—Cycles, motor cycles and cycle-cars.

NEW LOWCA ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., The, General Engineers, Lowca Engine Works, Whitehaven. T. A.: "Lowca, Whitehaven." T. N. 'Whitehaven 88. Established 1763. Incorporated 1887. Capital £50,000. Directors: R. Miller, T. E. G. Marley and D. C. Hadwin. Employees: 3oc. Manufactures. — Pig-iron breaking and loading machinery, locomotives, ingot moulds, hematite castings, general engineering castings, etc.

NEW SWITCHGEAR CONSTRUCTION CO., Ltd., Wellesley Road, Sutton, Surrey. T. A. " Switchgear, Sutton." T. N.: Sutton 773. Established 1917. Capital £100,000 (nominal ). Directors Chas. E. Cleeves (Chairman), James Hall, W. W. Hughes, D. R. Llewellyn, Seymour Berry, E. S. M. Prichard (Managing). Products. — H.T., L.T. switchgear, mining switchgear.

NEWALL ENGINEERING CO., Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, London, E.17. T. A.: "Telltale, Walthill, London." T. N. Walthamstow 830. Proprietors: Peter Hooker Limited. Manufactures.—Standard and limit gauges, screw thread gauges, micrometers, measuring machines.

NEWALL, R. S. & Son, Ltd., Ships' Metal Rigging Makers, Linacre, Liverpool.

NEWALLS INSULATION CO., Ltd., Insulating Materials Manufacturers, Scottish Provident Buildings, Mosley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

NEWBOLD, Walter & Co., Ltd., 11 /3, Huggin Lane, London, E.C.4. Established 1885. T. A. ' Newbold, London." T. N.: Central 6661. Manufactures.—Lathes, drilling, planing, shaping, 4.1 slotting, screwing, punching, shearing, and wood working machinery.

NEWBY & Son, Ironfounders, Phoenix Foundry West Bromwich. T. A.: " Newbys, West Bromwich." T. N.: West Bromwich 21.

NEWCASTLE SHIPBUILDING CO., Ltd. Hebburn-on-Tyne. T. A.: "Watertight." T. N. Hebburn 34. Directors: John Cross (Chairman ) Harold Merrylees (Managing), H. Hunter Doeg. Manufactures.—Vessels up to 550 ft.

NEWELL, E. & Co., Ltd., Misterton, Doncaster. T. A.: "Newells, Misterton, Notts." T. N. Misterton 11. Established Igoo. Directors: F. J. Doubleday (Chairman), and E. Newell (Managing). Manufactures.—Cement and fertilizing machinery.

NEWMAN BROS., Ltd., Riverside, Gorleston Suffolk. T. A.: " Newman Brothers, Gorleston." T. N.: Gorleston 10. Established 1919. Capital £5,000. Directors: Alex. R. Newman, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.Mar.E., William A. Newman, Cedric J. Newman. Specialities.—Marine engine refits, overhauls repairs, etc., general , engineering and smithing forging, etc.

NEWMAN, R. A. & Sons, Hamworthy, Poole. T. A.: " Newman." T. N.: Poole 91. Principals J. A. Newman, H. E. Newman, R. A. Newman. Manufactures.—Yachts and motor boats.

NEWMAN, S.A., Ltd., Aston Cross, Birmingham. T. A.: " Ivy, Birmingham." T. N.: Birmingham East 416. Established 190 4. Incorporated 1913. Capital ifp,000, Issued £7,743.0. Directors: S. A. and S. B. Newman, W. A. J. Riley and H. Ansel'. Employees average 120. Manufactures.—" Ivy " two-stroke motor cycles. Engineering specialities for capstan lathes.

NEWTON & PYCROFT, Ltd., Alfred Street Mills, Nottingham. T. A.: "Pycroft, Nottingham." T. N.: Nottingham 771. Established 1888. Incorporated as a Private Ltd. Co. 191o. Directors J. Pycroft (Managing), and John H. Pycroft (also Secretary). Manufactures. — Lace curtain and plain net machines.

NEWTON, BEAN & MITCHELL, Dudley Hill, Bradford. T. A.: " Adroit, Dudley Hill." T. N.: 125 (2 lines ). Established 1896. Principals Hitnry Bean, J. S. Mitchell, W. Bean and W. Scott. Products.—Steam engines, millwright work, including shafting, plummer blocks, pulleys, flywheels, etc.

NEWTON BROTHERS (Derby ), Ltd., Alfreton Road, Derby. T. A.: "Dynamo, Derby." T. N. Derby 207, 1315 and 1316. Established 1894. Capital 76,000. Employees: 370. Directors: C. A. Newton, F. Newton, Lt.-Col. H. Newton, C.B.E. D.S.O., and R. Newton. Products.—Dynamos and motors, dynamo electric machinery for heating and wireless communication patent reversing drives and electric transport vehicles.

NEWTON, CHAMBERS & Co., Ltd., Thorncliffe Ironworks & Collieries, nr. Sheffield. T. A.: CAA " Newton, Sheffield." T. N.: Ironworks 2200 (2 lines ), Collieries 2151. Established 1793. Employees: About 6,000. Directors: W. Newton Drew (Chairman), A. J. Capron, T. V. Miles, C. W. Dawson W. Hay, W. A. Bower, Miss K. H. Newton. Products.—Coal, coke, benzol, by-products, " Izal " Disinfectant, pig iron, iron ore, limestone, tar macadam, gas works, steel works, and chemical works plant. Castings of all descriptions. Speciality: Tanks.

NEWTONS, Ltd., Taunton. T. A.: " Arc Taunton." T. N.: Taunton 9. Employees: 400. Manufactures.—" C.C." motors, dynamos and motor generators.

NICHOLS PUMP & ENGINEERING CO. Ltd., Northallerton, Yorks. T. A.: Nichols Engineers, Gateshead." T. N.: 466. Manufactures.—Pumps and condensing plant.

NICHOLSON, W. N. & Sons, Ltd., Trent Ironworks, Newark. T. A.: " Nicholsons, Newark." Established 1817. Directors: E. H. Nicholson (Managing), Com. E. H. Meridith Nicholson, D.S.O. R.N., and A. C. Nicholson (also Works Manager ). Manufactures.—Steam engines, boilers, oil engines grinding and crushing mills, 'agricultural machinery and malleable and steel castings.

NICHOLSON, W. T., & CLIPPER CO., Ltd. Clipper Works, King Street, Salford, Manchester. T. A.: "Clipper, Manchester." T. N.: City 4826. Specialities.—Patent " Klincha " belt fastener indestructible file and tool handles, " Drednort " flexible belt fastener.

NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Head Office III, Broadway, New York, U.S.A. European Office: 25, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. A. " Niliacus, London." T. N.: Victoria 2286. Manufactures.—Machine tools, small tools and electric travelling cranes.

NOBLE & LUND, Ltd., Machine Toolmakers Northern Machine Tool Works, Felling-on-Tyne. T. A.: "Lathes, Felling." T. N.: Gateshead 23. Established 1886. Incorporated as a Private Ltd. Co. 1889. Directors: H. Noble, P. Noble, and H. Noble Junr. (also Secretary).

NORRIS, HENTY & GARDNERS, Ltd. x][5, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A. " Nornodeste, Cent." T. N.: City 9493. Manufactures.—Gas, oil and hot air engines.

NORRIS, S. E. & Co., Ltd., St. Paul's Leather Works, Shadwell, E.I. T. A.: " Vigilos, London." T. N.: East 1597 (2 lines ). Established '775. Capita/ LI3o,000. Employees: 15o. Mang. Directors H. M. Paterson and A. L. Norris. Manufactures.—Leather for belting, harness hydraulic and pump leathers, motor hides, machine belting, and all leather mechanical goods.

NORTH BRITISH DIESEL ENGINE WORKS Ltd., Whiteinch, Glasgow. London Office: 3, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C.3. T. A.: " Fordomount, Glasgow." T. N.: Western 362o. Established 1913. Employees: 700. Chairman: F. Lane. Gen. Manager: C. Randolph Smith. 5( Products.—Marine Diesel engines, main and auxiliary Diesel engines for land purposes.

NORTH BRITISH LOCOMOTIVE CO. Ltd., Administration Building, no, Flemington Street, Springburn, Glasgow. T. A.: " Loco, Glasgow." T. N.: Bell I121. London Office 17, Victoria Street, S.W.I. Established 1903. Capital £3,000,000. Employees: 8,000. Directors Sir William Lorimer, LL.D. (Chairman), Hugh Reid, C.B.E., LL.D. (Deputy-Chairman and Chief Managing), Andrew T. Reid and William Lorimer (Managing), Alexander S. Lorimer, Sir John Reid and Walter M. N. Reid. The Company was established in 1903 by an amalgamation of the three wellknown firms of Messrs. Neilson, Reid & Co., Glasgow; Messrs. Dubs & Co., Glasgow; and Messrs. Sharp Stewart & Co., Ltd., Glasgow (formerly of Manchester); and the record of the Company, therefore extends back to the year 1834. Products.—Locomotive engines of all types, suitable for all kinds of railways; locomotive type boilers; cylinders; wheels and axles; valve gears; superheater fittings; boiler mountings.

NORTH EASTERN MARINE ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne and Sunderland. London Office: 22, Billiter Street, E.C.3. T. A. " News, Wallsend." T. N.: City 104 and 105 Wallsend 126, 127 and 128. Established 1865. Employees: 3,500. Directors: Summers Hunters C.B.E. (Chairman and Managing), Harald R. Dixon Jas. W. Ellis, John Ferguson, Lawrence D. Holt Hylton Philipson, H. M. Stobart, C.B.E., D.S.O. Sir Arthur N. L. Wood, Bart. Sec.: S. T. Harrison. Products.—Reciprocating and turbine engines and boilers, " N.E." superheaters, " N.E. Werkspoor " marine oil engine, auxiliary machinery of all descriptions.

NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE IRON CO., Ltd. The, Pig-iron Manufacturers, Scunthorpe, Lincs. T. A.: " Allmine, Scunthorpe." T. N.: Scunthorpe 167-8. Registered 1872. Capital £150,000. Directors: B. Walmsley (Chairman), A. Lennox Leigh (Managing), W. Bellhouse, D. A. Parkyn, J. G. Stewart, G. A. Mitchell, C. G. Attia, S. J. Lloyd and J. Howard. Secretary: F. Scopes. Manufactures.—Basic, foundry and forge pig-iron and special irons; also crushed and tarred slag.


NORTH OF IRELAND SHIPBUILDING CO., Ltd., Foyle Shipyard, Londonderry. T. A. " Shipyard." T. N.: 442. Codes: Bentley's AI A B C, and Scott's. Directors: Sir John Esplen K.B.E. (Chairman), H. M. Grayson, T. E. Thirlaway Trevisa Clarke (Managing ). Manufactures.—Vessels up to 600 ft.

NORTH WALES POWER & TRACTION CO., Generators and Distributors of Electricity for Lighting & Power, Dolgarrog, N. Wales. Established 1903. Capital £420,000. Directors: K. M. Clark (Chairman), S. G. Bibby, A. F. Bott, H. J. Jack (Managing ). Sec. and Registered Office: C. E. Hemmings, 4, Broad Street Place, E.C.2

NORTHERN ALUMINIUM CO., Ltd., 3 r Budge Row, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Noraluco Cannon, London." T. N.: City 4347.

NORTHERN BALL BEARINGS, Ltd., 115 Great Portland Street, London, W.' T. A. " Enorbalber, Phone." T. N.: Langham 1876.

NORTHERN ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., Back Church Street, Bradford. Established 1919. Capital £3,000. Directors: D. Dobson, J. Dobson, I. Barnes. Manufactures.—Switchgear, switchboards, magnetos, signalling apparatus, bells, batteries, motors dynamos.

NORTHERN ELECTRIC WIRE CO., Ltd. Sedburgh Mills, Halifax. Established 1919. Capital Manufactures.—Electric wire and cables.

NORTHERN ENGINEERING CO., Lathe 8c Tool Manufacturers, King's Cross, Halifax.

NORTHERN MACHINE SCREWS, Ltd. Vulcan Works, Shafton Lane, Holbeck, Leeds. T. A.: "Vulcan, Leeds." T. N.: 2566o. Manufactures.—Screws, bolts, nuts, studs, washers etc.

NORTHERN MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd.Gainsborough. T. A.: " Gears, Gainsborough." T. N.: Gainsborough 74-5. Manufactures.—Gears.

NORTHUMBERLAND SHIPBUILDING CO. Ltd., Howdon-on-Tyne. T. A.: " Garboard, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: Wallsend io6. Established 1898. Employees: 2,000. Directors: R. A. Workman (Chairman), Sir Alexander M. Kennedy (Managing), Sir E. Mackay Edgar, Bart., Sir John Esplen Bart., W. 0. Workman. Products.—Cargo and passenger vessels, oil tankers floating docks, ship repairs.

NORTON, HARTY ENGINEERING CO. Ltd., Colliery Plant Manufacturers, Central Works Great Bridge, Tipton, Staffs.

NORTONS (Tividale), Ltd., Constructional Engineers, Mining Machinery, Hecla Works, Tipton Staffs. T. A.: "Screening, Tipton." T. N. Tipton 59. Established 1907. Capital £60,000. Employees: 35o. Gov. Director: Bertram Norton. Directors: Thomas Crew, J. E. A. Madeley, H. Aughtie, F. J. Tiso. Products.—Coal and coke handling and screening plant. steel structures, iron castings for engineers and builders.

See Also


Sources of Information