1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name J

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
JAMES, Frederick Ernest, A.M.I.A.E., A.M.S.A.E., Man. French Motor Co., Ltd., Calcutta, India. B. 3 December 1895, Forest Gate, London. Ed.: Felsted School, Essex; apprntcd. 3 years Clement Talbot, Ltd.; 1914 to 1918 War Service, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F.; 1920/ 25 Works Man. French Motor Co., Calcutta; 1926 onwards, Man.; served on Committee of Western India Auto Association and on Govt. Committee to Standardise Motor Vehicles Regulations; Vice-Chr. Motor Manufacturers and Importers Association (Bombay). Md.: 1 child. Int.: golf, tennis. Pr. A.: 3, Javerie Mansions, Malabar Hill, Bombay.
JAMES, Sydney Herbert Hilton, B.Sc., F.I.M.T., Dir. Hilton James, Ltd., Reading. B. 3o July 1892, New York, U.S.A.. Ed.: Lycee Voltaire, Paris; St. Dunstans, Catford Ardingly College, Sussex; Durham University; apprntcd. R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Car.: gazetted 2nd Lieut. August 1914, and apptd. Capt. and Adj. R.E. 1917; mentioned in despatches; founded Newcastle Transport Co., 1919; commenced own business 1927. Md. Int.: Badminton, golf, tennis. Pr. A.: 69 London Road, Reading. Tel.: Reading 4657.
JAMES, William Gilbert, M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. W. G. James, Ltd., London, B. 1865, Maldon, Essex. Ed.: privately. Car.: competed success-fully in cycle races on road and path 1882/1903; founded firm of Thomson & James 1888, sold interest 1898; Man. Dir. Crypto Works Co. 1899 to 1904; re-commenced business, 14 Mortimer Street, London, in 1904 as Crypto Car & Cycle Co., principally making valves for i.c. engines; present business exclusively devoted to valve production. Md.: 4 daughters. Int.: motoring, swimming, skating. Pr. A.: " Woodside," Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks. Tel.: Museum 3090.
JAMES, William Munro, Sales Man. Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great Eastern Street, E.C. Began career at Thomson & Brown Bros., Ltd., in 1909. B. Glasgow. Int.: Member Northwick Park Golf Club.
JAMESON, Arthur Martin Colthnrst, Sales Dept. Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd. B. 1908, Redhill, Surrey. Ed.: Charterhouse; trained Southern Railway Works, Ashford, and J. I. Thornycroft, Basingstoke. Car.: 1931 joined present firm. Int.: motor racing and competition driving, golf, tennis. Pr. A. Doran Court, Redhill, Surrey. Tel.: Redhill 431.
JARRETT, Alfred Batchelor, Par. Hunts Garage, Hagley Road, Birmingham. B. 17 November 1891. Ed.: Flavell's College; Birmingham Technical College; Clarke's Commercial College. Car.: 1912-1914 garage management; 1914-1919 war service with R.E.; 1919 to date present position. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: golf, active work for M.T.A., M.A.A., I.M.T. and Rotary Club. Pr. A.: 61 Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Tel.: Edgbaston 0713.
JARROTT, Charles, Lt. Col., O.B.E. B. 26 March 1877. Ed.: London; Cambridge. Car.: articled to solicitors; sec. Motor Car Club 1897; formed English De Dion Bouton Co. 1899; par'ship. with Harvey du Cross in English Panhard Levassor Motor Co. 1900; formed Charles Jarrott & Letts, Ltd., 1902, with sole agencies for De Detrich, Oldsmobile, and Crossley cars; chr. Motor Club 191518; chr. Road Club 1918-21; chr. Motor Cycling Club (prior to 1919); founder of A.A.; succeeding Sir William Joynson-Hicks as chr. 1922; chr. Junior Car Club 1919-1925; asst. Commander afterwards Commander, H.Q. Central Detachment, Police Reserve 1915-25; founder member of Royal Aero Club; founder member and Vice Pres. S.M.M. & T.; one of 7 founder members of the Olympia Motor Show; Vice-Pres. of Radio Association; war service: Inspector Transport of R.F.C., and Dir. Transport of R.A.F., three times mentioned. Travelled every country in Europe, America and S. Africa. Pr. A.: B.M. /C.A. J.E. London.
JEFFS, Albert Dudley, Joint Man. Dir. Coventry & Jeffs, Ltd., Bristol. B. 1893 Edinburgh. Ed.: Daniel Stewarts College, Edinburgh; tech. training at Howard and Bulloughs Ltd. Car.: in family businesses Scotland and England, then Howard & Bulloughs; enlisted in Cavalry September 1914, exchanged into Infantry 1916; served Macedonia, Serbia, France and Germany, commissioned 1917; served as Adj. of Cheshire Battalion in France and Army of Occupation. Md. Int.: literature, shooting. Pr. A.: The Dover House, Henbury, Bristol. Tel.: Bristol 66346.
JELLEY, Sidney William, A.M.I.A.E., B.Sc., Chief Tech. Dept., T. B. Andre & Co., Notting Hill Gate, London. B. 16 September 1902, Kingston-onThames. Ed. Tiffin School; University of London; Battersea Polytechnic; Diploma and degree (B.Sc. Eng.). Car.: with Gwynners, Ltd., Hammersmith to 1922; 1923 at J. G. P. Thomas's racing car sheds at Brooklands; 1923 to present date with T. B. Andre & Co. Md.: 1 son. Int.: sculling, gardening. Pr. A.: 5o The Ridings, Surbiton, Surrey.
JENKINS, Herbert George, A.M.I.E.E., F.C.W.A., Dir. & Gen. Sales Man. Renold & Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.; Dir, of Renold Chains, Ltd., and Brampton Bros., Ltd. B. 28 November 1885 London. Ed.: City of London School; Northampton Engineering College. Car.: with Sturtevant Engineering Co., Igranic Electric Co., Western Electric Co. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: " Coryton," Macclesfield Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Tel.: Wilmslow 96.
JENKINS William Llewelyn, Man. Dir. Jenkins Motors, Ltd., Swansea. B. 1877, Margam, Glam. Ed.: St. Brides. Car.: with Barry Graving Dock and Barry Railway Co., marine and general engineering. Md.: 1 son. int. speedboat racing (builder of " High Jinks " and " Little Jinks "), deep sea fishing, yachting. Pr. A.: Kingsbury, Lon Mefus, Sketty, Swansea. Tel. 88394 Swansea.
JENNINGS, W., F.I.M.T., Man. & Dir. S. Jennings, Ltd., Morpeth, Northumberland. B. 23 September 1884, Bedlington, Northumberland. Ed.: Morpeth; King Edward VII Grammar School; Technical Classes, Morpeth and London. Car.: with S. Jennings, excepting 3 years on war service. Md. Int.: golf, experimental engineering. Pr. A.: Thistledene, Morpeth. Tel.: Morpeth 157.
JENNISON, Matt, Pro. M. Jennison Grimsby. B. i June 1885, Grimsby, Ed.: Worksop College; Hull Technical College; pupil T. R. Jackson & Co., Salford. Car.: testing engineer to Crompton & Co., Man. Dir. Matt Jennison, Ltd.; speed consultant Velcoe, Ltd.; at present motor consultant Lincoln County Police and Grimsby Borough Police. Md.: daughter. Int.: fishing. Pr. A.: 26 Welhome Road, Grimsby. Tel. Grimsby 2346.
JOHN, Thomas George, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.N.A., M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. Alvis Car & Engineering Co. B. 18 November 188o, Pembroke Dock. Ed.: Royal College of Science, London, Royal Naval College, Greenwich; 1901 holder of National Scholarship in Mechanics; trained H.M. Dockyard Pembroke. Car.: 1904 joined Naval Construction Department, Devonport: 1908 joined London Office of Vickers, Ltd., engaged on tech. engineering and commercial activities; 1911 appt. Man. Shipbuilding Dept. of Vickers' Works, Barrow-in-Furness; 1915 joined Siddeley Deasy Co., in charge of aeroplane and aircraft engines; 1919 founded Alvis Co. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: swimming, yachting, riding, travelling, music, literature. Pr. A.: " Broomwood," Kenilworth Road, Coventry. Tel.: Coventry 6715o.
JOHNSON, Arthur Edward, M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. Bristol Motor Co., Ltd., Bristol. B. 3o April 1875, Lincoln. Ed.: Liverpool; Gainsborough, Bridg north; Mechanical and Electrical courses, Merchant Venturers' Technical College and Bristol University. Car.: 1892/98 in cycle and motor trades; 1898/1909 Man. Bristol Motor Co.; 1909/20 Man, motor depot, Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works Co.; 1917 Eng., N. Somerset unit of farm tractors, Food Production Dept. and later Supervisor; 1921 founded Bristol Motor Co., Ltd. Md.: 2 children. Int.: motoring, experimental wireless, cinematography, stereography. Pr. A.: 18 Woodstock Road, Redland, Bristol. Tel.: Bristol 23131.
JOHNSON, Malcolm Edward, A.M.I.A.E., Dir. Feeny & Johnson, Ltd., London. B. 1889, Islington. Ed.: Upper Latymer, Hammersmith; apprntcd. Kitson Light Foreign Supply Co.; Polytechnic. Car.: Man. and designer Harding & Summers, Experimental Dept.; Admiralty 7 yrs.; Unic Motors 7 yrs.; Chief Eng. Marelli Magnetos. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: tennis, social work, experimental work. Pr. A.: Westoe, Alperton, Middx. Tel.: Wembley 0157.
JOHNSTONE Jasper Brett, F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Clarence Engineering Co., Ltd., 24 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast. B. 1886 Antrim. Ed.: privately. Car.: Northern Motor Co., John Robson, Ltd., and Leslie Porter, Ltd., all of Belfast; commissioned in 1915; served in Egypt and the Balkans; demobilised 1919; participated in formation of Spence & Johnstone, Ltd., 1909, and Clarence Engineering Co., Ltd., 1918, as Man. Dir. Md. 3 children. Int.: engineering, golf. Pr. A.: " Kavala," Castlehiil Road, Knock, Belfast. Tel.: Knock 1180.
JONES, C. Morris, A.M.Inst., B.E., F.I.M.T., Man. Par. Jones Bros., Henblas & West End Garages, Bala, Merioneth. B. September 1899, Liverpool. Ed.: Bala Grammar School; Birmingham Municipal College. Car.: with Electric & Ordnance Accessories Co., Birmingham; Walker Bros., Old Square, Birmingham; R.N.A.S. from 1917-19 (Airship Engineer); commenced business on own account 1919; Ch. of North Wales Division of I.M.T. 1931-33. Int.: tennis, photography, aviation. Pr. A.: Henblas, Bala. Tel.: Bala 13.
JONES, Ewart Duniam, M.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Cyl-Bore Co., Ltd., Caledonian Road, London. B. 26 May 189o, Weston - super - Mare. Ed.: Taunton School; Bristol University; apprntcd. Maudslay Motor Co. Car.: 1914-17 Royal Gloucester Hussars; then with Stewart & Ardern; United Automobile Services, Lowestoft; Sales Man. Charles G. S. Buist, Newcastleon-Tyne. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: hockey golf, tennis, swimming. Pr. A.: St. Abbs, Blue Bridge Road, Brookmans Park, Herts. Tel.: Potters Bar 573.
JONES, Ernest William, F.I.M.T. B. 22 November 1871, Broseley. Car.: with James Davies, Broseley; Sunbeam Motor Co., previous to 1913; in Droitwich since August, 1913. Md. Int.: golf, cricket, football. Pr. A.: 81 St. Georges Square, Droitwich. Tel.: 27.
JONES, John Henry, Founder and senior par. Jones Newport Garage, Newport, S.W. B. 1869, Llangasty, Breconshire. Ed.: Llangasty; training in engineering, electrical and mechanical, commercial and shipping. Car.: started in motor business on own account in 1905; developed engines for racing; designed, made and used supercharger in 1914; responsible for much of the preparation of Minervas for 1914 T.T.; inventor and perfector of method of grinding screw thread gauges during war; made micrometers to N.P.L. Inspection; occupied for many years prominent position in motor trade organisation. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: shooting, scientific. Pr. A.: Lansdowne, Oakfield Road, Newport, Mon. Tel.: Newport 2445.
JONES, John Lewis, Par. Swain & Jones, Farnham. B. 25 June 1883, Upton Park, Slough. Ed.: Maidenhead College, Berks; Montreux, Switzerland. Car.: with W. Cory & Sons, Mark Lane, London; apprentcd. D. Napier & Sons, Acton Vale; went to Darracq & Cie., Suresnes then foreman repair works Clement Talbot; started part'ship, Swain & Jones in 1908. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: fishing, tennis, bowls Badminton. Pr. A. " Cheveley," High Park Road, Farnham, Surrey. Tel.: Farnham 6o1.
JONES, Norman F., F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. City Motor Co., Ltd., Oxford & Great Western Motors, Reading. B. 21 February 1889, Old Batley, Oxon. Ed.: Wesleyan Higher Grads; City Technical Schools, Oxford; training in engineering research, Birmingham and Coventry, and law and accountancy, London. Car.: in 1906 engaged in mining industry; 1908-13 Sales Dept. retail section motor and cycle industry; 1914 August joined 19th Hussars; 1919 participated in formation of City Motor Co., Oxford. Md.: 3 in family. Int.: shooting, fishing, staff training. Pr. A .: 19, Islip Road, Oxford. Tel.: Oxford 2231.
JONES, Oscar Trevor, B.Sc. (Eng.), M.I.A.E., Chief Eng. and Joint Man: Autom. Dept., Vacuum Oil Co. B. 17 February 189o, Birmingham. Ed.: Birmingham University. Car.: 9113 Experimental Dept. Wolseley Motors; 1914 Designs Dept., Crossley Motors; 1915-19 Tech. Officer, Air Ministry; 1920 to date with Vacuum. Md.: 3 children. Int.: motoring, golf, tennis, swimming, aviation, autom. engineering. Pr. A.: 26, Tring Avenue, Ealing Common, London, W.5. Tel.: Acorn 0969.
JONES, Thomas Ewart, Supt. Eng. West Riding County Council. B. Harlech, N. Wales. Ed.: County School, Towyn; Lincoln Technical School; Howdens Engineering College, Cardiff. Car.: with Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., Lincoln; Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Derby; Eng. Officer, Mercantile Marine and R.N.R., io years; present position 12 years. Md.: 3 children. Int.: shooting, camping. Pr. A.: " Glencarn," Horbury Road, Wakefield. Tel.: Wakefield 2513.
JORDAN, Major Cecil William, M.I.A.E., Pro. C. W. Jordan & Co., Birmingham. B. 1874 Swansea. Ed.: Swansea Grammar School and College; Swansea Technical College with William Foster & Co., and Crompton Howell & Co. Car.: Works Man. William Foster & Co.; Gen. Man. and Sec. Glamorgan Engineering Co.; Man. Dir. Goodman Manufacturing Co.; Man. Dir. Alldays & Onions, Ltd., and Enfield-Allday Motors; Lewis Prize Man South Wales Institute of Engineers 1907; War Service O.C. 5th Batt. Welch Regt.; mentioned in Despatches. Md.: i son, 2 daughters. Int.: all sport. Pr. A.: " Ashfield," Lydiate Ash, Bromsgrove. Tel. Midland 2955.
JOY, Basil Humbert, retired. B. 187o, Saltburn-on-Sea. Ed.: Aldenham School; training with his father, the late David Joy; Albert Dock Engine Works; Thornycrofts, Chiswick. Car.: with D. Joy; then Man. Simms Manufacturing Co., Bermondsey; Technical Sec. A.C.G.B.I.; Man. Simpson Strickland, Ltd., Dartmouth; sec. I.A.E. from 1910 to 1934. Md.: 3 children. Int.: model making, motor boating, shooting. Pr. A.: Quayside, Burnham-on-Crouch.
JUDGE, Arthur William, A . R . C. Sc., Wh.Sc., D.I.C., A.M.I.A.E., techn. journalist and consultant. B, 1887, London. Ed.: Sir Joseph Williamsons School, Rochester; Royal College of Science, London. Car.: Whitworth Scholar; Engineering Assist. N.P.L., Teddington; Petrol Engine Research Assist. to Prof. W. Watson; Commission in R.A.F.; Senr. Tech. Assist. Air Ministry; author of 15 books on autom. engineering, motor vehicles, photography, etc.; Editor English Mechanics. Md.: 4 children. Int.: walking, tennis, Badminton, swimming. Pr. A.: "Wroxham," Firgrove Hill, Farnham, Surrey. Tel.: Farnham 584.
JUNNER, Gordon Mackenzie, M.I.A.E., Editor " The Commercial Motor." B. 26 July 1892, Dumfries. Ed.: St. John's College, Westcliff; Southend Technical College; Battersea Polytechnic. Car.: in works and drawing office, General Motor Cab Co.; drawing office of Associated Equipment Co.; Hon. Sec. London Graduates Sect., I.A.E. 1912-14; City and Guilds Silver Medallist, Motor Engineering, 1913; War Service, R.A.S.C. August 1914 to 1919; Assist. Ed. "Commercial Motor" 1919 to 1929, appt. Ed. 1929.: motoring, skating.
See Also
Sources of Information