Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name J

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade

JAMES, Frederick Ernest, A.M.I.A.E., A.M.S.A.E., Man. French Motor Co., Ltd., Calcutta, India. B. 3 December 1895, Forest Gate, London. Ed.: Felsted School, Essex; apprntcd. 3 years Clement Talbot, Ltd.; 1914 to 1918 War Service, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F.; 1920/ 25 Works Man. French Motor Co., Calcutta; 1926 onwards, Man.; served on Committee of Western India Auto Association and on Govt. Committee to Standardise Motor Vehicles Regulations; Vice-Chr. Motor Manufacturers and Importers Association (Bombay). Md.: 1 child. Int.: golf, tennis. Pr. A.: 3, Javerie Mansions, Malabar Hill, Bombay.

JAMES, Sydney Herbert Hilton, B.Sc., F.I.M.T., Dir. Hilton James, Ltd., Reading. B. 3o July 1892, New York, U.S.A.. Ed.: Lycee Voltaire, Paris; St. Dunstans, Catford Ardingly College, Sussex; Durham University; apprntcd. R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Car.: gazetted 2nd Lieut. August 1914, and apptd. Capt. and Adj. R.E. 1917; mentioned in despatches; founded Newcastle Transport Co., 1919; commenced own business 1927. Md. Int.: Badminton, golf, tennis. Pr. A.: 69 London Road, Reading. Tel.: Reading 4657.

JAMES, William Gilbert, M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. W. G. James, Ltd., London, B. 1865, Maldon, Essex. Ed.: privately. Car.: competed success-fully in cycle races on road and path 1882/1903; founded firm of Thomson & James 1888, sold interest 1898; Man. Dir. Crypto Works Co. 1899 to 1904; re-commenced business, 14 Mortimer Street, London, in 1904 as Crypto Car & Cycle Co., principally making valves for i.c. engines; present business exclusively devoted to valve production. Md.: 4 daughters. Int.: motoring, swimming, skating. Pr. A.: " Woodside," Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks. Tel.: Museum 3090.

JAMES, William Munro, Sales Man. Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great Eastern Street, E.C. Began career at Thomson & Brown Bros., Ltd., in 1909. B. Glasgow. Int.: Member Northwick Park Golf Club.

JAMESON, Arthur Martin Colthnrst, Sales Dept. Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd. B. 1908, Redhill, Surrey. Ed.: Charterhouse; trained Southern Railway Works, Ashford, and J. I. Thornycroft, Basingstoke. Car.: 1931 joined present firm. Int.: motor racing and competition driving, golf, tennis. Pr. A. Doran Court, Redhill, Surrey. Tel.: Redhill 431.

JARRETT, Alfred Batchelor, Par. Hunts Garage, Hagley Road, Birmingham. B. 17 November 1891. Ed.: Flavell's College; Birmingham Technical College; Clarke's Commercial College. Car.: 1912-1914 garage management; 1914-1919 war service with R.E.; 1919 to date present position. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: golf, active work for M.T.A., M.A.A., I.M.T. and Rotary Club. Pr. A.: 61 Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Tel.: Edgbaston 0713.

JARROTT, Charles, Lt. Col., O.B.E. B. 26 March 1877. Ed.: London; Cambridge. Car.: articled to solicitors; sec. Motor Car Club 1897; formed English De Dion Bouton Co. 1899; par'ship. with Harvey du Cross in English Panhard Levassor Motor Co. 1900; formed Charles Jarrott & Letts, Ltd., 1902, with sole agencies for De Detrich, Oldsmobile, and Crossley cars; chr. Motor Club 191518; chr. Road Club 1918-21; chr. Motor Cycling Club (prior to 1919); founder of A.A.; succeeding Sir William Joynson-Hicks as chr. 1922; chr. Junior Car Club 1919-1925; asst. Commander afterwards Commander, H.Q. Central Detachment, Police Reserve 1915-25; founder member of Royal Aero Club; founder member and Vice Pres. S.M.M. & T.; one of 7 founder members of the Olympia Motor Show; Vice-Pres. of Radio Association; war service: Inspector Transport of R.F.C., and Dir. Transport of R.A.F., three times mentioned. Travelled every country in Europe, America and S. Africa. Pr. A.: B.M. /C.A. J.E. London.

JEFFS, Albert Dudley, Joint Man. Dir. Coventry & Jeffs, Ltd., Bristol. B. 1893 Edinburgh. Ed.: Daniel Stewarts College, Edinburgh; tech. training at Howard and Bulloughs Ltd. Car.: in family businesses Scotland and England, then Howard & Bulloughs; enlisted in Cavalry September 1914, exchanged into Infantry 1916; served Macedonia, Serbia, France and Germany, commissioned 1917; served as Adj. of Cheshire Battalion in France and Army of Occupation. Md. Int.: literature, shooting. Pr. A.: The Dover House, Henbury, Bristol. Tel.: Bristol 66346.

JELLEY, Sidney William, A.M.I.A.E., B.Sc., Chief Tech. Dept., T. B. Andre & Co., Notting Hill Gate, London. B. 16 September 1902, Kingston-onThames. Ed. Tiffin School; University of London; Battersea Polytechnic; Diploma and degree (B.Sc. Eng.). Car.: with Gwynners, Ltd., Hammersmith to 1922; 1923 at J. G. P. Thomas's racing car sheds at Brooklands; 1923 to present date with T. B. Andre & Co. Md.: 1 son. Int.: sculling, gardening. Pr. A.: 5o The Ridings, Surbiton, Surrey.

JENKINS, Herbert George, A.M.I.E.E., F.C.W.A., Dir. & Gen. Sales Man. Renold & Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.; Dir, of Renold Chains, Ltd., and Brampton Bros., Ltd. B. 28 November 1885 London. Ed.: City of London School; Northampton Engineering College. Car.: with Sturtevant Engineering Co., Igranic Electric Co., Western Electric Co. Md.: 1 son. Pr. A.: " Coryton," Macclesfield Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Tel.: Wilmslow 96.

JENKINS William Llewelyn, Man. Dir. Jenkins Motors, Ltd., Swansea. B. 1877, Margam, Glam. Ed.: St. Brides. Car.: with Barry Graving Dock and Barry Railway Co., marine and general engineering. Md.: 1 son. int. speedboat racing (builder of " High Jinks " and " Little Jinks "), deep sea fishing, yachting. Pr. A.: Kingsbury, Lon Mefus, Sketty, Swansea. Tel. 88394 Swansea.

JENNINGS, W., F.I.M.T., Man. & Dir. S. Jennings, Ltd., Morpeth, Northumberland. B. 23 September 1884, Bedlington, Northumberland. Ed.: Morpeth; King Edward VII Grammar School; Technical Classes, Morpeth and London. Car.: with S. Jennings, excepting 3 years on war service. Md. Int.: golf, experimental engineering. Pr. A.: Thistledene, Morpeth. Tel.: Morpeth 157.

JENNISON, Matt, Pro. M. Jennison Grimsby. B. i June 1885, Grimsby, Ed.: Worksop College; Hull Technical College; pupil T. R. Jackson & Co., Salford. Car.: testing engineer to Crompton & Co., Man. Dir. Matt Jennison, Ltd.; speed consultant Velcoe, Ltd.; at present motor consultant Lincoln County Police and Grimsby Borough Police. Md.: daughter. Int.: fishing. Pr. A.: 26 Welhome Road, Grimsby. Tel. Grimsby 2346.

JOHN, Thomas George, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.N.A., M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. Alvis Car & Engineering Co. B. 18 November 188o, Pembroke Dock. Ed.: Royal College of Science, London, Royal Naval College, Greenwich; 1901 holder of National Scholarship in Mechanics; trained H.M. Dockyard Pembroke. Car.: 1904 joined Naval Construction Department, Devonport: 1908 joined London Office of Vickers, Ltd., engaged on tech. engineering and commercial activities; 1911 appt. Man. Shipbuilding Dept. of Vickers' Works, Barrow-in-Furness; 1915 joined Siddeley Deasy Co., in charge of aeroplane and aircraft engines; 1919 founded Alvis Co. Md.: 1 daughter. Int.: swimming, yachting, riding, travelling, music, literature. Pr. A.: " Broomwood," Kenilworth Road, Coventry. Tel.: Coventry 6715o.

JOHNSON, Arthur Edward, M.I.A.E., Man. Dir. Bristol Motor Co., Ltd., Bristol. B. 3o April 1875, Lincoln. Ed.: Liverpool; Gainsborough, Bridg north; Mechanical and Electrical courses, Merchant Venturers' Technical College and Bristol University. Car.: 1892/98 in cycle and motor trades; 1898/1909 Man. Bristol Motor Co.; 1909/20 Man, motor depot, Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works Co.; 1917 Eng., N. Somerset unit of farm tractors, Food Production Dept. and later Supervisor; 1921 founded Bristol Motor Co., Ltd. Md.: 2 children. Int.: motoring, experimental wireless, cinematography, stereography. Pr. A.: 18 Woodstock Road, Redland, Bristol. Tel.: Bristol 23131.

JOHNSON, Malcolm Edward, A.M.I.A.E., Dir. Feeny & Johnson, Ltd., London. B. 1889, Islington. Ed.: Upper Latymer, Hammersmith; apprntcd. Kitson Light Foreign Supply Co.; Polytechnic. Car.: Man. and designer Harding & Summers, Experimental Dept.; Admiralty 7 yrs.; Unic Motors 7 yrs.; Chief Eng. Marelli Magnetos. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: tennis, social work, experimental work. Pr. A.: Westoe, Alperton, Middx. Tel.: Wembley 0157.

JOHNSTONE Jasper Brett, F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Clarence Engineering Co., Ltd., 24 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast. B. 1886 Antrim. Ed.: privately. Car.: Northern Motor Co., John Robson, Ltd., and Leslie Porter, Ltd., all of Belfast; commissioned in 1915; served in Egypt and the Balkans; demobilised 1919; participated in formation of Spence & Johnstone, Ltd., 1909, and Clarence Engineering Co., Ltd., 1918, as Man. Dir. Md. 3 children. Int.: engineering, golf. Pr. A.: " Kavala," Castlehiil Road, Knock, Belfast. Tel.: Knock 1180.

JONES, C. Morris, A.M.Inst., B.E., F.I.M.T., Man. Par. Jones Bros., Henblas & West End Garages, Bala, Merioneth. B. September 1899, Liverpool. Ed.: Bala Grammar School; Birmingham Municipal College. Car.: with Electric & Ordnance Accessories Co., Birmingham; Walker Bros., Old Square, Birmingham; R.N.A.S. from 1917-19 (Airship Engineer); commenced business on own account 1919; Ch. of North Wales Division of I.M.T. 1931-33. Int.: tennis, photography, aviation. Pr. A.: Henblas, Bala. Tel.: Bala 13.

JONES, Ewart Duniam, M.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Cyl-Bore Co., Ltd., Caledonian Road, London. B. 26 May 189o, Weston - super - Mare. Ed.: Taunton School; Bristol University; apprntcd. Maudslay Motor Co. Car.: 1914-17 Royal Gloucester Hussars; then with Stewart & Ardern; United Automobile Services, Lowestoft; Sales Man. Charles G. S. Buist, Newcastleon-Tyne. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: hockey golf, tennis, swimming. Pr. A.: St. Abbs, Blue Bridge Road, Brookmans Park, Herts. Tel.: Potters Bar 573.

JONES, Ernest William, F.I.M.T. B. 22 November 1871, Broseley. Car.: with James Davies, Broseley; Sunbeam Motor Co., previous to 1913; in Droitwich since August, 1913. Md. Int.: golf, cricket, football. Pr. A.: 81 St. Georges Square, Droitwich. Tel.: 27.

JONES, John Henry, Founder and senior par. Jones Newport Garage, Newport, S.W. B. 1869, Llangasty, Breconshire. Ed.: Llangasty; training in engineering, electrical and mechanical, commercial and shipping. Car.: started in motor business on own account in 1905; developed engines for racing; designed, made and used supercharger in 1914; responsible for much of the preparation of Minervas for 1914 T.T.; inventor and perfector of method of grinding screw thread gauges during war; made micrometers to N.P.L. Inspection; occupied for many years prominent position in motor trade organisation. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: shooting, scientific. Pr. A.: Lansdowne, Oakfield Road, Newport, Mon. Tel.: Newport 2445.

JONES, John Lewis, Par. Swain & Jones, Farnham. B. 25 June 1883, Upton Park, Slough. Ed.: Maidenhead College, Berks; Montreux, Switzerland. Car.: with W. Cory & Sons, Mark Lane, London; apprentcd. D. Napier & Sons, Acton Vale; went to Darracq & Cie., Suresnes then foreman repair works Clement Talbot; started part'ship, Swain & Jones in 1908. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: fishing, tennis, bowls Badminton. Pr. A. " Cheveley," High Park Road, Farnham, Surrey. Tel.: Farnham 6o1.

JONES, Norman F., F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. City Motor Co., Ltd., Oxford & Great Western Motors, Reading. B. 21 February 1889, Old Batley, Oxon. Ed.: Wesleyan Higher Grads; City Technical Schools, Oxford; training in engineering research, Birmingham and Coventry, and law and accountancy, London. Car.: in 1906 engaged in mining industry; 1908-13 Sales Dept. retail section motor and cycle industry; 1914 August joined 19th Hussars; 1919 participated in formation of City Motor Co., Oxford. Md.: 3 in family. Int.: shooting, fishing, staff training. Pr. A .: 19, Islip Road, Oxford. Tel.: Oxford 2231.

JONES, Oscar Trevor, B.Sc. (Eng.), M.I.A.E., Chief Eng. and Joint Man: Autom. Dept., Vacuum Oil Co. B. 17 February 189o, Birmingham. Ed.: Birmingham University. Car.: 9113 Experimental Dept. Wolseley Motors; 1914 Designs Dept., Crossley Motors; 1915-19 Tech. Officer, Air Ministry; 1920 to date with Vacuum. Md.: 3 children. Int.: motoring, golf, tennis, swimming, aviation, autom. engineering. Pr. A.: 26, Tring Avenue, Ealing Common, London, W.5. Tel.: Acorn 0969.

JONES, Thomas Ewart, Supt. Eng. West Riding County Council. B. Harlech, N. Wales. Ed.: County School, Towyn; Lincoln Technical School; Howdens Engineering College, Cardiff. Car.: with Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., Lincoln; Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Derby; Eng. Officer, Mercantile Marine and R.N.R., io years; present position 12 years. Md.: 3 children. Int.: shooting, camping. Pr. A.: " Glencarn," Horbury Road, Wakefield. Tel.: Wakefield 2513.

JORDAN, Major Cecil William, M.I.A.E., Pro. C. W. Jordan & Co., Birmingham. B. 1874 Swansea. Ed.: Swansea Grammar School and College; Swansea Technical College with William Foster & Co., and Crompton Howell & Co. Car.: Works Man. William Foster & Co.; Gen. Man. and Sec. Glamorgan Engineering Co.; Man. Dir. Goodman Manufacturing Co.; Man. Dir. Alldays & Onions, Ltd., and Enfield-Allday Motors; Lewis Prize Man South Wales Institute of Engineers 1907; War Service O.C. 5th Batt. Welch Regt.; mentioned in Despatches. Md.: i son, 2 daughters. Int.: all sport. Pr. A.: " Ashfield," Lydiate Ash, Bromsgrove. Tel. Midland 2955.

JOY, Basil Humbert, retired. B. 187o, Saltburn-on-Sea. Ed.: Aldenham School; training with his father, the late David Joy; Albert Dock Engine Works; Thornycrofts, Chiswick. Car.: with D. Joy; then Man. Simms Manufacturing Co., Bermondsey; Technical Sec. A.C.G.B.I.; Man. Simpson Strickland, Ltd., Dartmouth; sec. I.A.E. from 1910 to 1934. Md.: 3 children. Int.: model making, motor boating, shooting. Pr. A.: Quayside, Burnham-on-Crouch.

JUDGE, Arthur William, A . R . C. Sc., Wh.Sc., D.I.C., A.M.I.A.E., techn. journalist and consultant. B, 1887, London. Ed.: Sir Joseph Williamsons School, Rochester; Royal College of Science, London. Car.: Whitworth Scholar; Engineering Assist. N.P.L., Teddington; Petrol Engine Research Assist. to Prof. W. Watson; Commission in R.A.F.; Senr. Tech. Assist. Air Ministry; author of 15 books on autom. engineering, motor vehicles, photography, etc.; Editor English Mechanics. Md.: 4 children. Int.: walking, tennis, Badminton, swimming. Pr. A.: "Wroxham," Firgrove Hill, Farnham, Surrey. Tel.: Farnham 584.

JUNNER, Gordon Mackenzie, M.I.A.E., Editor " The Commercial Motor." B. 26 July 1892, Dumfries. Ed.: St. John's College, Westcliff; Southend Technical College; Battersea Polytechnic. Car.: in works and drawing office, General Motor Cab Co.; drawing office of Associated Equipment Co.; Hon. Sec. London Graduates Sect., I.A.E. 1912-14; City and Guilds Silver Medallist, Motor Engineering, 1913; War Service, R.A.S.C. August 1914 to 1919; Assist. Ed. "Commercial Motor" 1919 to 1929, appt. Ed. 1929.: motoring, skating.

See Also


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