1939 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Vol. 141. January—June 1939
- Portrait of the President, E. Bruce Ball Frontispiece
- List of Council and Officers . viii
- List of Committees of the Specialized Groups . ix
- List of Committees of the Local Branch. ix
- List of Past-Preside. and Past-Vice-Presidents xii
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meetings held in January 1
- Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture Some of the Aspects and Problems of the Development of High-Speed Craft and its Machinery, by H. Scott-Paine .
- Symposium of papers on Machine Tool Practice:—
- Synopsis by Professor Dempster Smith, M.B.E., M.Sc.Tech., M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council) . 17
- Gauging in Machine Tool Manufacture, by T. Curson . 19
- The Production of Precision Gears for Use on Machine Tools, by J. Gordon Lang 22
- The Use of Ball and Roller Bearings for Machine Tools and their Influence on Accuracy, by E. W. Field 25
- Planing, Shaping, and Slotting Machines and Practice, by Wilfred Alderson 28
- Heavy Milling Machines and Practice, by J. L. Hall 33
- Light Milling Machine and Practice, by I. H. Wright, M.I.Mech.E. 35
- Precision Grinding Machines, by H. H. Asbridge, M.B.E., M.I.Mech.E. 38
- The Forming of Screw Threads by Grinding, by S. J. Harley, B.Sc. 41
- The Production of Accurate Bores by Fine Boring, Grinding, Honing, and Lapping, by T. P. N. Burness 47
- Discussion at the General Meeting in London on 20th January . 51
- The Inventions of Edward Geisler Herbert, Autobiographical Note edited by T. M. Herbert, M.A., M.I.Mech.E. 59
- Roller Crushers, by W. T. W. Miller, M.I.Mech.E., and G. Badger, M.I.Mech.E. 69
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meetings held in February 81
- Cylinder Bore Wear, by Alex Taub 87
- Discussion at the Extra General Meeting in London on 3rd February 102
- Annual Report of the Council for the Year 1938 109
- The Modern Paper-Making Machine, by W. H. Orr . 139
- Discussion at the Annual General Meeting in London on 17th February . 167
- Deformation and Fracture of Mild Steel under Cyclic Stresses in Relation to Crystalline Structure, by H. J. Gough, M.B.E., D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council), and W. A. Wood, M.Sc. 175
- Identification of the Source of Deposited Matter, by J. S. Owens, M.D., B.Ch., B.A., M.I.Mech.E. 187
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meetings held at the Institution in March . 193
- The Combustion Gas Turbine: Its History, Development, and Prospects, by Adolf Meyer, E.D. 197
- Discussion at the Extra General Meeting in London on 24th February . 212
- An Investigation of the Fretting Corrosion of Closely Fitting Surfaces, by G. A. Tomlinson, D.Sc., P. L. Thorpe, and H. J. Gough, M.B.E., D.Sc., Ph.D.,F.R.S., M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council) . 223
- Discussion at the Extra General Meeting in London on 3rd March . 238
- Discussion at the Meeting of the North Western Branch in Manchester on 9th March 245
- Some Principles of Modern Methods of Water Treatment for Steam Raising, by P. Hamer 251
- Discussion at the Meeting in Manchester on 15th December 1938 • 259
- Discussion at the Extra General Meeting in London on 10th March • 265
- Steels for High-Temperature Service 271
- Estimation of the Leakage through a Labyrinth Gland, by B. Hodkinson, M.Sc , A.M.I.Mech.E 283
- The Energy Balance Sheet of the Internal Combustion Engine, by F. W. Lanchester, LLD., F.R.S., Hon.M.I.Mech.E. 289
- Discussion at the General Meeting in London on 17th March 327
- Communications 335
- Minutes of Proceedings of Meetings of the Specialized Groups held in March • 339
- New Boiler Plant at Dalmarnock Power Station, by W. E. Young . 341
- Discussion at the Meeting of the Steam Group in Manchester on 23rd March . 355
- Communications 362
- Conference on Coal as Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines:—
- Synopsis of Papers . 363
- The Present Position in the Development of Producer Gas Propulsion for Road Transport in Great Britain and on the Continent, by H. L. Pirie, M.I.Mech.E. 365
- The Producer-Gas Road Vehicle, by Wilmot H. Fowke . 368
- Some Factors Influencing the Design of Portable Gas Producers, by Bosworth Monck . 371
- The Case for the Dry Air Blast in Gas Producers for Road Vehicles, by A. R. Griggs . 375
- British Coals, Suction Gm, and Modern Internal Combustion Engines, by Major J. A. Macdonald, D.S.O., M.C. 378
- The Application of Town Gas as a Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines, by C. M. Walter, D.Sc. 381
- A New Injection System for Gm Engines, by R. A. Erren . 386
- Gas Engines as an Aid to the Further Utilization of Coal for Marine Purposes, by F. Gibbons 389
- Discussion at the Conference of the Internal Combustion Engine Group in Swansea on 27th March .
- Discussion in the Guildhall, Swansea, on 28th March
- Communications
- Communications on Cylinder Bore Wear .
- Second Report of the Pipe Flanges Research Committee .
- Discussion at the Extra General Meeting in London on 31st March
- Minutes of Proceedings of the Meeting held in April .
- The Problem of Economic Foundry Production, by Eugene Ronceray, M.I.Mech.E.
- Discussion at the General Meeting in London on 21st April .
- Minutes of Proceedings of the London Spring Meeting held in June .
- Observations on the Arc Welding and Gas Cutting of High-Tensile Low-Alloy Structural Steels, by T. B. Wilkinson, B.Eng., Ph.D., G.I.Mech.E., and Hugh O'Neill, M.Met., D.Sc. .
- Communications 512
- Pressure Calculations for Oil Engine Fuel-Injection Systems, by E. Giffen, Ph.D , M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., and A. W. Rowe, Ph.D., B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. 519
- Communications . 531
- Recent Developments in High-Speed Oil Engine, by Professor S. J. Davies, D.Sc., Ph.D., M.I.Mech.E. 535
- Production Research in its Application to the Machine Shop of a Dockyard, by Professor Dr.-Ing. G. Schlesinger . 549
- Communications on Roller Crushers 563
- Communications on Machine Tool Practice 571
- Memoirs 581
- Index 595
Vol. 142. July—December 1939
- Portrait of the Secretary, J. E. Montgomrey, B.Sc. (Eng.), M.I.Mech.E. Frontispiece
- List of Council and Officers vi
- List of Committees of the Specialized Groups viii
- List of Committees of the Local Branch. viii
- List of Past-Presidents and Past-Vice-Preside. xi
- Mechanical Engineering Problems in Marine Transport, by Sterry B. Freeman, C.B.E., M.Eng., M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council) 1
- Lightweight Passenger Rolling Stock, by W. A. Stanier, M.I.Mech.E. (Vice-President) 13
- Motor Transport, by E. C. Ottaway, A.M.I.Mech.E. 33
- Transatlantic Air Transport with Particular Reference to Flying Boats, by A. Gouge, Sc 69
- Communications on the papers by Mr. Starrier, Mr. Ottaway, and Mr. Gouge . 81
- Some Problems in the Design and Operation of Merchant Vessels, by Robert C. Lee. 87
- High-Speed Lightweight Trains, by C. T. Ripley 97
- Problems of the Highway User in the United Sta., by F. C. Horner . 113
- The Trend of Air Transportation, by Edmund T. Allen 127
- Elections and Transferences of Members, etc. 141
- The Horizontal Carriage of Granular Material by an Injector-Driven Air Stream, by S. A. Wood, M.Sc., and A. Bailey, M.Sc. 149
- Communications 164
- Communications on the Deformation and Fracture of Mild Steel under Cyclic Stresses 175
- Communications on Identification of the Source of Deposited Matter . 185
- The Yield of Mild Steel with Particular Reference to the Effect of Size of Specimen, by J. L. Morrison, D.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. 193
- An Investigation into the Permissible Load-Carrying Capacity of Steel Wire Ropes for Hoisting with Special Reference to Deep-Level Winding on the Witwatersrand Goldfields, by J. J. P. Dolan, A.M.I.Mech.E., and W. G. Jackson, B Sc 225
- The Examination and Tests of Welded Parts for Steam Power Plant, by A. H. Goodger, M.Sc.Tech. 261
- An Investigation into the Occurrence and Causes of Locomotive Tyre Failures, by C. W. Newberry, B.Sc. (Eng.), G.I.Mech.E. 289
- Thomas Hawksley Lecture: A Review of Forty Years' Development in Mechanical Engineering Plant for Power Stations, by Sir Leonard Pearce, C.B.E., D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E. (Vice-President) . 305
- The Design and Manufacture of Bursting Disks, by G. F. Lake, M.A., and N. P. Inglis, Ph.D., M.Eng. . 365
- Communications 377
- A Photographic Study of Fluid Flow between Banks of Tubes, by R. Pendennis Wallis Ph.D., M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E.
- Communications . 384
- Communications on the Modern Paper-Making Machine . 389
- Communications on the Combustion Gas Turbine . 393
- Communications on the Pipe Flanges Research . 397
- Communications on the Fretting Corrosion of Closely Fitting Surfaces. 401
- Address by the President: The Influence of the Mechanical Mind on the Development of Irrigation through the Ages . 407
- Vortex Pumps, or Slip in the Centrifugal Pump, by Owen A. Price, M.I.Mech.E. 413
- Communications . 438
- Communications on Leakage through a Labyrinth Gland . 459
- Communications on the Problem of Economic Foundry Production 469
- Memoirs 477
- Index . 493
See Also
Sources of Information