Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1939 Who's Who In Engineering: Name O

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

OAKDEN, Edward. A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. The National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., Ashton-under-Lyne.

O'BRIEN, George Holme. B.Sc. (Tech.), A.I.Mech.E, Member of Textile Inst. Partner of J. Owden O'Brien & Son, Patent Agents and Consulting Engrs., Lloyds Bank Buildings, 53, King Street, Manchester, 2. Private address: 16, Hatfield Road, Ainsdale, Southport. Age: 50. Tech. Educ.: Victoria Univ., Manchester (Faculty of Technology); British Westinghouse Co.

O'BRIEN, Lieut.-Col. H. E. D.S.0., B.Sc., M.E.E., M. I.C.E. (I. ), Hon. M.Inst.Loco.E. Mount Eagle, Killiney, Co. Dublin. Consulting Engr. Age: 62. Career: Eton; Yorkshire Coll., Leeds pupil, Kitson 's, Leeds; D.S.E. Rly., Ireland; Lancs. and Yorks. Rly. Co., Horwich; successively Engr. for Elec. Traction, Carriage & Wagon Snpt. Deputy Chief Mech. Engr.; 1914-18; Commanded an R.E. Rly. Co. in France; Director of National Projectile Factories, Ministry of Munitions; Deputy Director of Light Rlys., France, Palestine, and Italy. Director of Contract costing, M. of M. Chief Elect. Engr., L.M. & S. Rly. Co.

O'BRIEN, John Owden. M.I. Mech.E., Member of the Textile Inst. Senr. Member of J. Owden O'Brien & Son, Patent Agents and Consulting Engrs., Lloyds Bank Buildings, 53, King Street, Manchester, 2. Private address: 10, Pilkington Road, Southport. Age: 82. Apprent., Dobson & Barlow, Ltd. Author of Inventors Pocket Book.

OCKENDEN, G. H. P.A.S.I., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Senr. Eng. Asst. (Civil), P.W.D., Birmingham Corp., The Council House, Birmingham, 1. Private address: 24, Pages Lane, Great Barr. Age: 31. Career: Res. Engr., Heathfield Main Drainage Scheme and Chief Asst. to Engr. and Surveyor, Hailsham R.D.C. Sewerage schemes of considerable magnitude, river improvement schemes, under-pinning and heading work.

O'DEA, William Thomas. B.Sc., Tech. (1st Class Hons.), A.M.E.E Assistant Keeper, Science Museum, London, S. W.7. Private address: 44, Beaufort Road, Ealing, W.5. Age: 33. Career: Manchester Univ., 19214; Tech. salesman, Bullers, Ltd., London, 1924-30.

O'DELL Hubert John. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Manager (Eng. and Service Dept.), R.C.A. Photophone, Ltd., Electra House, Victoria Embankment, London. Private address: The Hawthorns, Hawes Lane, W. Wickham, Kent. Career: Apprent. (Test), H. Tinsley & Co.; Junr. Engr., promoted to Junr. Tech. Officer, Mine Design Dept., H.M.S. Vernon (Admiralty Tech. Pool); joined R.C.A. in 1929 on sound motion-picture work (reproducing and recording equipment eng.).

O'DWYER, Nicholas. B.E., M. Inst.C.E.I., M.Inst.W.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Consulting Engr., 6, Burlington Road, Dublin. Private address: "Carrick," Burlington Road, Dublin. Age: 43. Career: National Univ. of Ireland; Chief Eng. Inspector, Dept. of Local Govmt. and Public Health, 1923-30 and 1931-32; Commissioner for Kerry Local Authorities, 1930-31; Member of C 'tee. of Experts appointed by League of Nations to advise European Congress on Rural Hygiene, 1931; President, Inst. C.E.I., 1933-35; Chm., Irish Branch, M. & Cy.E., 1934-35.

OGDEN, Fred Dawson. Captain, R.E. (R. of 0.), M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., A.M.Struct.E., Chartered Struct. Engr., Registered Architect. Divisional Engr., Harrow U.D. Council. Private address: "Bryn Mir, " 67, Charter Road, Northwood, Middx. Age: 40. Career: Pupilage, James Diggle & Son, Consulting Engrs., Executive Civil Engr., Rangoon Development Trust, Govmt. of Burma; local Govmt. appointments at home.

OGDEN, J. M.I.Mech.E., M.H. & V.E. Proprietor of Ogden Eng. Co., General Engrs., 10, Parsonage Gardens, Manchester, 3. Private address: 99, Drake Street, Rochdale. Inventor, Patentee and Mfr. of Air, Conditioning and Drying Plants.

OGDEN, William Markland. B.Sc. (Manchester), A.M.Inst.0.E., A.M. Inst.W.E. (Research Prize Inst. M. & Cy.E.). (Miller Prizeman of Inst.C.E.) A.M.T.P.I. Chief Asst., Borough Engineer, Bromley, Kent. Private address: "Pentreath, " Three Elms Road, Hereford. Age: 29. 2 years as Contractors Agent and Engr. on large eng. works in the North of England; 3 years as Asst. Engr., Luton Corp; 2 years Chief Asst., Hereford, Inventor of Culvert for conveying water under surcharge with minimum friction head loss.

OGILVIE, A. M.I.Mech.E. Chief Engr., Crushing, Grinding & Chemical Dept., Sturtevant Eng. Co., Ltd., 147, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. Age: 57. Career: Robert Gordon's Coll., Aberdeen; Apprent., Barry Henry & Co., Aberdeen; 7 years, Works Manager, Edgar Allen & Co.; joined Sturtevants in 1914. Author (with P. Parrish) of "Artificial Fertilizers, their Chemistry and Manufacture."

OGILVIE, G. M. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Managing Director, Essex Electric Installations, Ltd., 124, London Road, Chelmsford.

O'GORMAN Lt.-Col. Mervyn. C.B., J.P., D.Sc., M.I.E.E., M.I. Auto.E., F.R.Ae.S., M.Inst.C.F.., M. I.Mech.E., F.C.G.I., A.I.A.C.R. (Vice-Pres.). R. Aero Club ( V.Pres.) Address: 21, Embankment Gardens, Chelsea, London, S.W.3. Career: Supt., Royal Aircraft Factory, 190916; C.E. to Director-General of Military Aeronautics, 1916-19 (with Air Commodore Babington to report on the Italian Front, 1917). Chairman of Adhesives Committee, D.S.I.R., 1919-29. Chairman of sub-committee of League of Nations, 1931. Books: "O'Gorman's Motor Pocket Book " (2 editions), and numerous articles to the Press.

O'HERLIHY, Donal Maurice. B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., A.M. Inst.C.E, M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., M.R.San.I. Borough Engr. and Surveyor, County Borough of Tynemouth, Howard Street, North Shields. Private address: "Sunningdale," Kingsway, Tynemouth. Career: London Univ.; articled, Frank Wilkinson, M.Inst. C.E., Boro. Engr. and Surveyor, Willesden; Boro. Engr 's Dept., Dover; Boro. Engr. and Surveyor's Dept., Walsall.

OLDFIELD, Cyril. B.Sc. Tech. (Hons.), (Manchester), A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., Stud.Inst.C.E 2nd Class Tech. Asst., Wembley Boro' Council, Middx. Private address: 75, Dagmar Avenue, Wembley. Age: 25. Career: Manchester Coll. of Tech., 1931-34; Eng. Asst., Altrincham U.D.C. (1935) and Croydon (1935-37)

OLDFIELD, N. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. "Lyndall," Forest Drive, Kingswood, Surrey. Asst. Engr. (Construction), C.E.B., Trafalgar Bldgs., 1, Charing Cross, London. Age: 31. King's Coll. Sch., Wimbledon; apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers., 2 years, and in outside erection dept., 6 months; 2 years, Asst. Section Engr. and 3 years Section Engr., C.E.B., Southampton; resent post, 1938.

OLDHAM, Bernard C. A.M.I.Mech. E., M. I.H.V.E., M. Am. Soc.R.E, V.D. Physicist and Engr.-Manager, Air Control Installations, Ltd., Ruislip, Middx. Private address: 32, Queen 's Walk, Ealing, London, W.5. Career: Sandhurst; Thornycroft Eng. Coll.; Technische Hochschule, Karlsruhe. Pupil, John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd.; Wm. Douglas & Sons, Ltd., Putney; Lea Valley Eng. Co., Ltd.; Watford Eng. Works, Ltd.; H. J. West & Co., Ltd., 10 years. War service as Lt., M.T. (Workshops Officer); mentioned in despatches. Author of "Psychrometric Charts"; "Dynamometric Chart"; "Thermodynamic Properties"; "Air Control Apparatus"; "Psychology of design," etc., in English, French, Russian and German.

OLDHAM, Maurice Charles. F.C.S., M.I. & S.I., M.I.M. Chief Chemist and Metallurgist, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. Private address: 74, Park Drive, Barrow-in-Furness. Age: 37.

OLDHAM, T. J. F. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. 50, Fisher Avenue, Hillmorton, Rugby. Industrial Eng. Dept., The British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby. Career: Swansea Grammar Sch.; Swansea Tech. Coll; B.T.H. Co.

OLIVER, Christopher Sibley. M.I. Mech.E., M.S.A.E., M Inst.Met, M.I. A.E. Dir. and Gen. Manager, ArmstrongSiddeley Motors, Ltd., Coventry. Private address: 17, Warwick Avenue, Coventry. Educ. and trained Sedbergh and Vickers, Ltd.

OLNEY, Frederick Edward. B.Sc. (Tech.), M.Sc. (Tech.), A.M.Inst. M. & Cy.E., A.M.I.S.E. Head of Dept. of Building, Burnley Municipal Coll. Private address: 84, Gainsborough Avenue, Rose Hill, Burnley. Career: Rugby Coll. of Tech. and Arts; Faculty of Technology, Manchester Univ.; Lecturer-Demonstrator, Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Lecturer, Dept. of Building, Birmingham Cent. Tech. Coll. Special tech. interests, Municipal Eng., Tech. Education.

OLSON, Sven Ragnar. M.I. & S.I. Consulting Engr.; Director, The International Construction Co., Ltd., 56, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, Consulting and Contracting Engrs. for the Iron and Steel Industry. Private address: 2, Oakfields Road, Golders Green, London, N.W.11. Age: 47. Educ. and Eng. training in Sweden. Resident in England since 1916.

OLVER, P. M.I.E.E. With Midland Elec. Light & Power Co., 14, The Parade, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.

O'NEILL, Hugh. D.Sc., M.Met. Chief Metallurgist, London, Midland and Scottish Rly., Research Laboratory, London Road, Derby. Books: "The Hardness of Metals and its Measurement." ONLEY, Eric Thomas Fitter. B.Sc., M.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Research Worker, Elect. Eng. Dept., Birmingham Univ. Private address: Heatherfield, Coleshill Road, Marston Green, Nr. Birmingham. Age: 32. Career: Solihull Sch.; Birmingham Univ. Junr. Asst. to Chief Engr., Geo. Ellison, Ltd.; Tech. Asst. to Chief Chemist, Ellison Insulations, Ltd.; Time Study Engr., Joseph Lucas, Ltd.; Teaching Scholar, Elect. Eng. Dept., Birmingham Univ.

ONYON, Engr. Capt. W. R.N. (retd.), M.V.0., M.Inst.C.E. Consulting Engr., 66, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private address: 5, Chartfield Avenue, S.W.15. Born: 1862. Career: Christ's Hospital; H.M.S. Marlborough; R.N. Coll., Greenwich; Service career (E); specially promoted to Engr. Capt. for services in connection with management and construction of machinery of H.M.S. Dreadnought; on staff of Sir Colin Keppel in Medina during Royal visit to India, 1911-12; retired, 1913. Past Pres., Inst.Mar.E.; Vice-Pres., Inst. of Engrs. and Shipbldrs.; Past Mem. Council, Inst. Naval Archts.

ORAM, Eng. Vice-Admiral Sir Henry J. K.C.B., F.R.S., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.N.A., Hon. F.N.E.C.Inst., F.I.Met. Private address: 'Kilmory,' Cranleigh, Surrey. Engr.-in-Chief, Admiralty, 1907-17.

ORCHARD, John Richard Sumner. Captain R. Signals T. Mathematical Scholar, Worcester Coll., Oxford., M.A. (Hons. Nat. Sc. (Physics) Oxford), A.M.I.E.E. Controller of Research Section, Cables Dept., British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Prescot, Lancs. Private address: Clavis, Hillside Drive, Woolton, Liverpool. Age: 36. Joined B.I. Cables, 1924; Telephone Cable Mfg. Dept., 1924-26; Research Cables since 1926. Captain R. Signals T.

ORCHARD, R. S. M.A., A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., Messrs. Merz & Mc Lellan, Carliol House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Career: Liverpool Coll.; St. Edmund Hall, Oxford; 2 years apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers; 4 years, Asst. Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers; 1 year, Asst. Clerk of Works, Galloway Water Power Co.

ORCHARD, William Ernest. F.S.I., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., M.R. San.I., A.M.Inst.W.E. Engr. and Surveyor, Littlehampton Urban District Council. Private address: 107, Arundel Road, Littlehampton, Sussex. Age: 46. Career: Articled, Messrs. Tulloch and Weaver, Cons. and Civil Engrs.; Deputy, afterwards Borough Engr., Surveyor and Water Engr., Pembroke; Deputy Borough Engr., Surveyor and Water Engr., Douglas; Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Thornaby-on-Tees.

ORD, T. C. A.M.I.E.E., 12 Debden Gdns, Heaton, Newcastle, 6. Tech. Engr. C. A. Parsons & Co. Ltd. Age: 39.

O'RIORDAN, George F. M.I. Mech.E, B.Sc. (Eng.), F.R.S.E., M. I. A.E. Principal, Battersea Polytechnic, London, S.W.11. Private address: Hesslewood, 39 Langley Ave., Surbiton, Surrey. Career: Apprent., Hawthorns & Co., Leith; Senr. Tech. Asst. and Demonstrator, Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh; Headship of Depts. of Eng., Hull Tech. Coll.; Principal, Leicester Coll. of Tech.; War service, 1915-19, Captain, R.E. (T.A.).

ORKNEY, J. C. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Head of Dept., and Univ. Lecturer, Elect. Eng. Dept., Robert Gordon's Tech. Coll., Aberdeen.

ORME, Capt. Fred. M.Met. (Sheffield), A.I.C., M.I. & S.I., M.I.Met Lecturer in Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, Dept. of Applied Science, St. George's Square, Sheffield, 1. Private address: "Lynthorpe," Chorley Road, Fulwood, Sheffield, 10. Age: 44. Educ.: Univ. of Sheffield, 1911-1914; Awarded Mappin Medal and Premium, 1914.

ORMEROD, W. P. A.M I.E.E. Construction Engr., Balfour, Beatty & Co., Ltd., Electy. Works, Montrose, Angus. Private address: 12, Whinfield Road, Montrose, Angus. Age: 37. Career: Rossall School; Student apprent., B.T.H. Co., Rugby; B.T.H. Co. Construction Dept.; Leicestershire and Warwickshire Power Co.

ORMSBY, Edward S. 1VI.I.Mech.E. Asst., Messrs. Sandberg, 40, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1. Private address: Huthwaite Hall, Thurgoland, Sheffield. Career: Educ., Winchester Coll.; 1888-1906, Willans and Robinson, Ltd.; 1906-08, Mech. Engr. on Mines in Somerset and Cornwall; 1908-13, Western Canada; 1914, present post.

ORR, Harry Edward. A.M.Inst. M.E., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Chief Asst., Main Roads and Bridges Section, Borough Engr's Dept., Town Hall, Hendon, N.W.4. Private address: 6, Ashboume Grove, N.W.7. Age: 31. Training under W. J. Hadfield, M.Inst.C.E.; service with Sheffield, Oldham and Stockport Corporations.

ORR, James. B.Sc., Ph.D., A.M. I.E.S., M.I.Welding E. Lecturer, Glasgow Univ., Glasgow, W.2. Private address: 7, Sefton Terrace, Rutherglen. Formerly Research Student and Carnegie Teaching Fellow at Glasgow Univ.

ORR, James. M.E.S. Man. Dir.:—Duncan Watson (Elect. Engrs.), Ltd., Kelvin House, Cleveland Street, W.1. Man. Dir.:—James Kilpatrick & Son, Ltd., Kelvin House, River Cart Walk, Paisley. Private address: 2, Wykeham Court, Wykeham Road, Hendon, N.W.4. The whole of his career from apprent. to Man. Dir. has been with James Kilpatrick & Son. Books: "An Introduction to Neon Lighting" (in collaboration with A. W. Forrest, B.Sc.).

ORTON, Joseph William Noel. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Construction Engr., B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Mazda Buildings, Campo Lane, Sheffield, 1. Private address: 38. Redcar Road Sheffield 10. Age: 47. Training: Birmingham Univ.; B.T.H. Co. Rugby.

OSBORN, H. A.M.I.Mech.E., F.C.S., F.I.I.A. 20, Oaklands, Cleveland Road, Ealing, W.13. Managing Director, Associated Dental Products, Ltd., Kemdent Works, Ealing, London, W.13. Age: 56. Author of "Golden Rules of Prosthetic Dentistry. " "Dental Medicines," (J. Wright & Sons, Ltd.).

OSBORNE, R. A.M.I.E.E. 436, Stourport Road, Foley Park, Kidderminster. Chief Engr., Brinton 's Ltd., Kidderminster. Age: 41. Career: King Charles I Sch., Kidderminster; Sheerness & Chatham Tech. Insts.; Pupil, Kidderminster Elec. Supply Co.; Junr. Charge Engr., Sheerness Power Station and Frindsbury P.H., Kent Elec. Co.; Charge Engr., Bombay Elec. Supply Co.; Chief Engr., Brinton's, Ltd., since 1923. Specialises in use of exhaust steam in Textile factories.

OSLER, Captain Richard Hutton. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. M.I.Struct.E. M. Soc.Ing. Civils de France A.C.G.I. Chief Engr., Cement Marketing Co., Ltd., Portland House, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Private address: 69, Church Road, Richmond, Surrey. Age: 54. Career: City & Guilds; Tangyes, Ltd., Birmingham; District Engr., Messrs. Mouchel & Partners, in charge of Birmingham and Manchester Offices; Dominion Bridge Co., Montreal, Canada; American Bridge Co., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.; Shepten, Rutan and Coolidge, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. as structural engr. Member of Concrete Committee, I.Struct.E. Chairman of Panels. War service with Royal Engrs.

OSMAN, William S. T. R. M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.W.E. Water Engr., Local Govmt. Board, Isle of Man, Murray House, Douglas, I. of M. Private address: Braeside, Ouchan, I. of M. Age: 52. Career: Univ. Coll., Southampton; Articled, W. Matthews, Esq., M.Inst.C.E. 1909-1913, Chief Asst. to W. Matthews, M.Inst.C.E.; 1913-1929, Asst. and Chief Asst., Ewden Valley Water Scheme, Sheffield; 1929-1935, Resident Engr., Altnaheglish Dam, N. Ireland; 1935-1938, City of Hull, Farsdale Water Scheme.

OSTLER, A. J. A.M.E.E. Sub-stations Engr., Bristol Corp. Elec. Dept., Colston Avenue, Bristol. Age: 60.

OSWALD, John. O.B.E., B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. Engr. to the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, formerly Engr.-in-Chief, Lighthouse Dept., Govmt. of India. Business address: 84, George Street, Edinburgh, 2. Private address: 32, Mayfield Terrace, Edinburgh, 9. Also carries on private practice (Lighthouses, harbours, etc.) as partner in firm of Gardner & Oswald, Civil Engrs., 84, George Street, Edinburgh, 2.

OSWALD, W. J. A.M.I.E.E. 173, Melrose Avenue, Wimbledon Park, S.W.19. Deputy Chief Elect. Engr., Wimbledon Corp. Elect. Dept.

OUBRIDGE, William Arthur. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. Man. Dir, and Chairman, The British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., Coventry. Private address: Broadwater, Kenilworth Road, Coventry. Educ.: Birkbeck School and Tech. Coll. Founded the British Piston Ring Co., 1910. Past-Pres., Coventry Chamber of Corn.; Past-Pres., British Cycle and MotorCycle Mfrs' and Traders' Union.

OUGH, Arthur Henry. M.I n st C E, F.R.I.B.A. St. Cleer, Oak Park, Dawlish, Devon. Consulting Engr. and Architect in private practice. Born: 1863. Career: Articled to Henry Ough, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E.; Asst., Met.-District Rly.; Great Eastern Rly.; Danby and Leigh M.M.Inst.C.E., Hongkong; afterwards partner, Leigh & Orange, Hong Kong; Practised in London as Henry Ough & Son, 1891-1901; Senr. partner, Leigh & Orange, 1901-12; Works: Factories for Huntley & Palmers, Reading; R. & J. Beck; Cambridge Instrument Co.; Hong Kong Univ.; Swatow Waterworks; Canton sewerage; Kowloon Canton Rly., British Section; Admiralty Dock; Ferry and Oil Wharves, Flour and Paper mills; Elec. Light Stations, &c. Practising in Dawlish since 1919; Dawlish Water Supply, etc. P. Pres., Devon and Cornwall Archictl. Soc.; M. Panel of Archts. C.P.R.E. Army Service, 1914-19, Lieut.

OUTRAM, Lieut.-Col. H. W. S. C.B.E., T.D., F.R.Ae.S., A.R.S.M., M.I.E.I., R.A.F., A.M.I.E.E. Green Shutters, Orchehill Avenue, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks. Director of Aircraft Production, Air Ministry.

OVERTON, L. J. M.I.H.V.E. Consultant Engr. on Heating and Ventilating, and author. Address: "Bridge House," 144, Nightingale Road, Carshalton, Surrey. Author of "Heating and Ventilating" (Sutherland Publishing Co., Ltd.); Partauthor, Pitman 's "Plumbing Encyclopaedia"; "Modern Heating and Ventilation" (Caxton Publishing Co.), etc.

OVERTON, Max Wm. G. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Assoc.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Highways Eng. Asst., County Borough of Derby, 15, Tenant Street, Derby. Private address: 170, Station Road, Mickleover, Derby. Age: 34. Formerly Asst. Engr. to County Boroughs of Walsall, Wolverhampton and St. Helens.

OWEN, A. C. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M. Inst.C.E. 16, FitzJames Avenue, E. Croydon. Director, Tamworth (Builders), Ltd., 54, Tamworth Park, Mitcham, Surrey. Age: 29. Career: Streatham Grammar Sch.; King's College (London), 192629; Articled to Riley Schofield, Esq., A.M.Inst.0.E. Boro Engr., Mitcham.

OWEN, A. S. A.M.I.E.E., Mem. A.S.M.E. 123, Hibbert Road, Leyton, E.17. Consulting Engr.

OWEN, L. E. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.N.A., A.F.Ae., B.0.T.Cert. 43, The Avenue, Acocks Green, Birmingham. Consulting Engr. in private practice, and for Owen's Boiler Circulator (1930), Ltd., 57, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Age: 65. Career: Marine, Mining, Elec. Power Station, &c.

OWENS, John Switzer. B.A., M.B., M.D., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Inst. C.E., F.R.S.I., F.G.S., etc. Consulting Engr. with Rio Tinto Co., also Mason and Barry (San Domingos), and as Supt. of Observations on Atmospheric Pollution with D.S.I.R. Business address: 47, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private address: Daphne Cottage, Wordsworth Drive, Cheam. Career: Gave up medicine for eng., 1897; student eng., Durham Coll. of Sc. In shops, Wallsend Slipway and Eng. Co.; sea works under late E. Case; later specialist in sea defences and harbour work; appointed Consulting Engr., San Domingos Mines, 1912; Rio Tinto Co., 1929; made special study of atmospheric pollution. Books: "Coast Erosion and Foreshore Protection" (with M. G. Case); "The Smoke Problem of Great Cities" (with Sir N. Shaw).

OWER, Ernest. B.Sc., A.C.G.I., F.R.Ae.S. Senr. Scientific Officer, Aerodynamics Dept., National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. Private address: Bonshaw, Acacia Road, Hampton-on-Thames. Age: 44. Educ.: City & Guilds. Author of Book: "The Measurement of Air Flow" (Chapman & Hall).

OXENHAM, John Rudolph. M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. (Member of Council, Gold Medallist). Engr., Surveyor and Planning Officer, Chesteron R.D.C., County Hall, Hobson Street, Cambridge. Private address: Barbizon, Gilbert Road, Cambridge. Age: 37. Career: Rhondda Tech. Sch.; articled to consultant; training in private practice; Coseley U.D.C.; Brigg U.D.C.; Biggleswade U.D.C. Captain 54th Divl. Royal Engrs. Member of several tech. committees of the B.S.I. (Building Division). Registered architect. Author of "Handbook of Municipal Eng. Law" published by the Inst. of Municipal & Cy. Engrs.; Richard Pickering Prizeman.

OXLEY, A. R. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Tech. Asst., Met. Borough of Hampstead Elec. Dept., Lithos Road, Hampstead, N.W.3. Age: 56. Career: Battersea Polytechnic; with Hampstead Elec. Dept. from Junr. Asst. to present position.

OXLEY, S. C. M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., A.M.I.Struct.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Deputy Borough Engr. and Water Engr., Congleton, Cheshire.

OZANNE, Col. G. D. M.C., M.I.E.E. Thornfield, Vine Road, Barnes Common, S.W.13. Manager, Wingrove & Rogers, Ltd., Liverpool and London. Age: 49. Career: Elizabeth Coll., Guernsey; R.M.C., Sandhurst; Indian Army, 1909-23 (Major); Radio Communication Co., 1924-26; Wingrove & Rogers since 1926. Chairman, Elec. Vehicle Assoc., 1938; Council, Radio Mfrs. Assoc., 1932-38; Chairman, Radio Component Mfrs. Fed., 1933; Capt., Radio Industry Golfing Soc., 1938; 0.C., City of London Signals, 1930-35; Dep. Chief Signal Officer, London Dist., 1936-date; M.City of London T.A. Assoc., 1930-1938

See Also


Sources of Information