1939 Who's Who In Engineering: Name N
Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Who's Who in Engineering
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
NACHSHEN, Maurice. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.0.G.I., M.Inst.C.E. Chief Asst., Sir Cyril Kirkpatrick & Partners, 25, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private address: 31, Hurstwood Road, Golders Green, N.W.11. Age: 38. Career: City and Guilds; Admiralty; British Reinforced Concrete Eng. Co., Ltd.
NAFTEL, P. H. A.M.I.E.E. 77 Shrewsbury Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. Age: 80. Career: Cranleigh Sch.; Elizabeth Coil., Guernsey; Crystal Palace Sch. of Eng.; Engr. i/c Entrance Works, R. Albert Dock, 1881; Engr., Telephone Exchange, Belfast; Electrician, Edinburgh Tel. Exchange; Chief Inspector, Liverpool Corp. Elect. Supply.
NAISMITH, J. E. A.M.I.E.E. Managing Director, M.C.L. and Repetition Ltd., Pool Lane, Langley, Birmingham. Career: Queens Park Sch.; Albany Academy; Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Apprent., Watson Leadlow & Co., Ltd., and Glasgow Corp. Transport Dept.; Asst. Mains Supt., Glasgow Corp. Tramways; Dist. Engr. (Cable Contracts) Branch Manager, Manager, Middle East, Western Elect. Co., Ltd.; Asst. Foreign and Home Sales Manager, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., International Standard Elect. Corp.
NAPIER, Henry A. M. B.Sc., M.I.N.A., & S., Scotland. Special Appointment with the Air Ministry, Kingsway, London. Private address: 20, Abbey Road, London, N.W.8. Career: Eton Coll.; Glasgow Univ. John Brown & Co., Ltd.; Captain, 9th Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders and R.E. Signals during the war; Dir., Napier and Miller, Ltd., Fiat British Auxiliaries, Ltd.; Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.
NAPIER, Henry M. M.I.N.A., M.I.E. & S. Private address: Milton House, Bowing, Dumbartonshire. Retired Shipbuilder; late Napier, Shanks and Bell, and Napier and Miller, Ltd. Son of James R. Napier, F.R.S., and grandson of Robert Napier. Clubs: New (Glasgow), Royal Scottish Automobile.
NAPIER, J. Watson. B.Sc. (Hons. Chem. Eng., Glasgow), M.I.Chem.E., A.M Mech.E. Chemical Engr., Newton Chambers & Co., Ltd., Thorncliffe Ironworks, Sheffield. Business address: Artillery House, Artillery Row, S.W.1. Private address:1, Melville Avenue, Wimbledon, S.W.20. Career: Apprent., The Bryan Donkin Co., Ltd., Chesterfield; Asst. Engr., Midland Utilities Co., Chicago, U.S.A.; Operating Engr., Humphreys & Glasgow Ltd., London.
NAPIER-CLAVERING, F. Donald. M.C., A.C.G.I., M.Inst.C.E. Chief Engr., Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey, Essex. Private address: Hopleys, Much Hadham, Herts. Age: 46. Career: City & Guilds Eng. Coll.; Sir R. McAlpine & Sons (at home and abroad); Resident Engr., Seaham Harbour Dock Extension Works; I.C.I. (Alkali), Ltd., Chief Construction Engr.; I.C.I. (F. & S.P.), Construction of Petrol Plant.
NAPIER-HEMY, Hubert John. Engr. Lieut.-Comdr., R.C.N. (Retd.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Draughtsman, Phillips & Powis Aircraft, Ltd., Reading Aerodrome, Woodley, Reading, Berks. Private address: Sunny Corner, 5 Whitegates Lane, Earley, Reading, Berks. Age: 51. Career: R.N.E. Coll., Keyham; 12 years, Engr. Officer in Royal Canadian Navy; Field Engr., Pelton Water Wheel Co., San Francisco; Test Dept. Hall-Scott Motor Co., Berkeley, California;
NASH, Alfred William. M.Sc., F.C.S., M.I.Chem.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.P.T. Prof. of Petroleum Sc., Univ. of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Private address: Hapri, Solihull, Warwickshire. Career: Late Gen. Man. and P/A in Russia for Bewick, Moreing & Co.'s group of oil Cos.; one time Senr. Asst. Engr. in Iran for Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd. Books: "The Principles and Practice of Lubrication"; "The Principles of Motor Fuel Preparation and Application. "
NASH, R. O. A.M. I.Mech. E. Asst. Chief Engr., Fuel Oil Gen. Tech. Dept., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd., St. Helens Court, London, E.C.3. Age: 51. Career: Royal Grammar Sch., Colchester; Apprent. and later employed by F. W. Brackett & Co., Colchester; Worthington Pump Co.; Anglo-Mex Petroleum Co.; S. Pearson & Co.; Ministry of Mun., Leading Mech. Draughtsman; Shell Mex Ltd. and later Shell Mex B.P. Ltd., Asst. Chief Engr., Fuel Oil Tech. Dept.; present position, largely responsible for training Tech. and Overseas Staff, also Furnace & Boilerwork with oil fuel.
NAYLOR, Arthur Holden. M.Sc. (Birmingham), B.Sc. (Eng.) (London), M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.W.E. Prof. of Eng., Queen's Univ., Belfast. Career: 1916-19, R.E.; 1919, Investigator, Aeronautical Research, D.S. I.R.; 1920-24, Asst. Engl.., Coode, Matthews, Fitzmaurice and Wilson, Johore Causeway and Prai R. Wharves, Malaya; 1925-29, Resident Engr., Sir Laurence Guillemard Reservoir, Penang; 1930-31, Severn Barrage Investigation (Coodes); 1931-34, Chief Asst. Engr., Lochaber Water Power Scheme; 1934-35, Kenya and Uganda Hydro-elec. Investigations; 1935-38, Research Officer, The Inst. of Civil Engrs.; 1938, present appointment. Books: "Siphon Spillways" (Edward Arnold).
NAYLOR, Felix Samuel. B.Sc. (Eng. Lond.), A.C.G.I., M.I.E.E. Chief Elect. Engr., Thos. Firth and John Brown, Savile Street, Sheffield. Private Address: 44 Psalter Lane, Sheffield. Age: 35. Career: Imperial Coll.; City and Guilds; Apprent., B.T.H. Co.; 1927-28, I.C.I. (Fertilisers) Ltd.; 1928-35, Tech. Asst., West Midlands J.E.A.; 1935-37, Tech. Asst., Sheffield Corp. Elect. Dept. Inventor of Power Factor Scale for Slide Rules.
NAYLOR, J. H. A.M.I.E.E. 14 Spencer Street, Barnsley. Asst. Tech. Engr., Barnsley Corp. Elect. Dept. Age: 49. Career: Barnsley Tech. Coll.; Trained, Barnsley Corp. Elect. Dept. and thereafter Charge Engr., Installation Engr. and Asst. Engr. Tech.
NAYLOR, Sam. M.I.Mech.E., M.I. H. & V.E. Chairman, Lumbys, Ltd., Greetland Boiler Works, Halifax. Private address: Ryecroft, Halifax.
NAYLOR, Thomas M. M.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Principal and Sec., Harris Inst., Preston. Private address: Fair Mont, 30, Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston. Age: 49. Career: Bolton Tech. Coll.; Manchester Univ.; Engr. Lt.Comdr., Royal Navy (Special Reserve); Lecturer in Civil and Mech. Eng., Leeds Univ. Author of "Steam Turbines," and tech. articles, etc.
NEAL, A. F. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Depute Transport Manager, Edinburgh Corp. Transport Dept., Edinburgh. Age: 38. Career: Spalding Grammar Sch.; King's Coll., London; Training, Dick Kerr Works, Preston; English Elect. Co., Dick Kerr Works until 1931; Manchester Corp. Transport Dept., 1931-38.
NEAL, Alexander Marcus. A.C.G.I., A.M.Inst.C.E. Chairman and General Manager, Peter Brotherhood Ltd., Peterborough. Private Address: Lathbury House, Lincoln Road, Peterborough. Ed.: Highgate School and City and Guilds. For some years Eng. Master at Oundle Sch.; with Peter Brotherhood Ltd. since 1911.
NEAL, Brian H. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Joint Man. Dir., R. H. Neal & Co., Ltd., Mfrs. of Cranes and Contractors' Plant), Plant House, Ealing, W.S. Private address: 10, Brunswick Gardens, Kensington, W.8. Age: 37. Educ.: City and Guilds.
NEAL, H. M.B.E..M.I.Fire E., M.I.Mech.E. Tetney, 56 Ring Road, Stoneygate, Leicester. Career: Entered Fire Service, 1902, as Chief Engr., Grimsby Fire Brigade; for 29 years Chief Officer, Leicester Fire Brigade; designed various appliances now in common use; Founder and first Pres. Inst. of Fire Engrs.; Pres., 191824 and 1930; received King's F.B. Medal 1925; Retired 1938.
NEALE, Ronald D. B.E. (Elec.), A.M E E Mfr. 's Representative, Electro-Alloys, Ltd., etc., 30, Queen's Road, Erdington, Birmingham, 23. Age: 32. Tech. Educ.: New Zealand Univ.; 5 years with G.E.C., Witton.
NEALE, Lieut.-Col. R. H. R. M.I.E.E., F.R.Hist.S., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.A. Comdg. 2nd Div. Signals, Royal Signals, Aldershot. Age: 42. Career: Shrewsbury Sch.; R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1910-15; Instructor, School of Signals, 1919-22; Qualifying Course, Sch. of Signals, 1922-23. Chief Signal Officer, London Dist.
NEAVE, Allen A. P. B.Sc. (Eng.), Suptg. Civil Engr., H.M. Dockyard, Devonport. Private address: 4, The Terrace, H.M. Dockyard, Devonport.
NEEDHAM, Sir Christopher Thomas. Kt. B.A., J.P., D.L. for Lancs., M.I. & S.I. Dir, of London and North Eastern Rly., and of Manchester Ship Canal; Chairman, National Boiler and Gen. Insurance Co., Ltd. Business address: John Needham & Sons (Manchester), Ltd., 15, Cross Street, Manchester, 2. Private address: Fair Oak, West Didsbury,, Manchester, 20.
NEEDHAM, Cyril Armitage. M.I. Mech.E., Past Pres., Liverpool Eng. Soc. Deputy Engr., Birkenhead Corp. Waterworks, Borough Road, Birkenhead. Private address: 23, Sandymount Drive, Wallasey. Career: Pupil with J. N. Shoolbred, M.Inst. C.E., 1398-1900; Asst. Engr., National Telephone Co., 1900-01; entered service of Birkenhead Corp. Waterworks, 1901, as an Eng. Asst.
NEILL, H. J. A.M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P.A. 85 Pringle Road, Sheffield, 7. Patent Agent, with Arthur H. Greenwood, Chartered Patent Agent, 39 Bank Street, Sheffield, 1. Age: 42.
NEILL, Robert. M.I.Mech.E. Man. Dir., Robert Neill & Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 28, Trippet Lane, Sheffield. Private address: 14, Oakdale Road, Nether Edge, Sheffield. Consulting Gas and Elect. Engr. Ed. Manchester School of Technology and Owens Coll., Manchester.
NELL, Capt. W. A. A.M.I.Mech.E. Governing Director, Express Dairy Co., Ltd., 15/17 Tavistock Place, London, W.C.1.
NELSON, George G. B.A. (Cantab), late Scholar, Christ's Coll., Cambridge (Mech. Sciences Tripos), M.Inst.C.E. Suptg. Civil Engr., C.E.-in-C. 's Dept., H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. Address: Trinity House, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth.
NELSON, George Horatio. M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Chairman and Managing Director, The' English Elect. Co., Ltd., Queens House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. and Stafford, Bradford, Rugby and Preston. Private Addresses: The New Hough, Stafford, and Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London, W.1. Born: 1887. Career: City and Guilds (awarded diploma, Mitchel Exh. and Brush Studentship). 1911, Chief Outside Engr., British Westinghouse Co.; 1920, Manager, Sheffield Works, Metropolitan;Vickers Elect. Co.; 1930, Managing Director of the English Elec. Co., Ltd., and 1933, Chairman and Managing Director. Has been responsible for the manufacture and installation of electric power and traction equipments in various parts of the world; arranged the finance, and negotiated on behalf of the parties interested, the electrification of Rlys. round Warsaw, Poland. Director, Power and Traction (Finance) Co., Ltd., Power and Traction (Poland) Ltd., The Micanite and Insulator Co., Ltd., Associated Manufacturers of Electric Traction Equipment Ltd. The English Electric Export and Trading Co., Ltd. (Chairman). Vice Pres., B.E.A.M.A., Mem Advisory Council, B.O.T.
NELSON, Hugh. M.B.E., M.I.B.E., A.M.I.Marine E. Squadron Leader, Royal Air Force, Air Ministry, Kingsway, W.C.2. Private address: St. Brides, 4, Swan Road, West Drayton, Midx. Age: 48. Career: Bablake School, Coventry; Royal Navy; Tech. Officer, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Holds Aero Club Certificate No. 675, date 1/11/1913. Advisory Ed., "Aero Eng." & "Aeronautics."
NELSON, J. M.I.E.E., M.I.W.T. 26 Cotton Lane, Moseley, Birmingham. Transmission Engr., C.E.B. (Central England Area). Age: 57. Career: Merchant Venturers Tech. Coll.; Apprent. T. Pitcher, Bristol and T. G. Wright, Bristol; 3 years Bristol Corp. Elect. Dept.; 1 year H. T. Sully, Consultant, Bristol; many years with B.I. Cables. Part founder of Inst. of Wireless Technology.
NELSON, Townson R. A.M. Inst. C.E. Eng. Draughtsman, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Barrow-in -Furness. Private address: 4, Richmond Terrace, Barrow-in-Furness. Age: 43.
NELSON, William Lynn. Chief Engr. B.O.T., M.I.Mar.E. Asst. Supt., Eagle Oil and Shipping Co., 16 Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2. Private Address: 272 Fir Tree Road, Epsom Downs, Surrey. Age: 48. Career: Rutherford Coll., Newcastle; Marine School, South Shields; Chief Engr., Eagle Oil and Shipping Co.; Marine Supt., Arend Petroleum Maatschappij.
NESBITT, Cosby Thomas. A.R. S.M., F.I.C., M.I.S.I., M.I.Metals. Chief Metallurgist, Royal Ordnance Factories, D.16, Royal Arsenal, Wo31wich, S.E.18. Private address: 318, Brownhill Road, Catford, S.E.6. Career: First under F. W. Harbord, A.R.S.M., etc., at R.I.E.0., Cooper's Hill, then Chief Chemist to Brymbo Steel Co.; Chief Chemist and Metallurgist to William Jessop & Sons, Sheffield; finally as above.
NETHERTON, C. H. A.C.G.I., B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond. Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.I.M.Cy.E. Senior Trunk Roads Engr., Oxfordshire C.C., 8 New Road, Oxford. Private Address: "Iringa," Yarnells Hill, Botley, Oxford. Age: 35. Career: City and Guilds; Jnr. Engr. Asst. Oxfordshire C.C.; Asst. Engr., P.W.D. Govmt. of Tanganyika Territory; Eng. Asst., Salisbury City C.; Snr. Engr. Asst., Staffordshire C.C.
NETTELL, Richard. A.M. I.Mech.E., 1st Cl. B.O.T. Cert. Engr. Surveyor, The Vulcan Boiler and General Insce. Co., Ltd., 67 King Street, Manchester. Private Address: 50 Grange Road, Erdington, Birmingham. Age: 53. Career: Redruth Coll.; Apprent., R. Stephens & Son, Training Camborne; Redruth & Camborne Tech. Sch.; Leaskie Eng. Coll., Cardiff; Marine Engr., Foster Hain & Co., Ltd., Cardiff; Engr. Officer in the Royal Navy during hostilities; supervised the building of H.M.S. "Pontypool" for the Admiralty; noted for War Services, A.W.O. 2113/17; Asst. Engr. on staff of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Birmingham.
NETTLESHIP, Thomas Geoffrey Perrin. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.E.E. Development Engr. (Automatic Telephones), General Elec. Co., Telephone Works, Coventry. Private address: 128, Leamington Road, Styvechale, Coventry. Age: 31. Educ.: Manchester Grammar School; Bablake School, Coventry; Birmingham Univ; Apprent., G.E.C. Telephone Works.
NETTLESHIP, William. A.M.I. Mech.E., M.I.H.V.E. Consulting Heating and Ventilating Engr., Broadway Buildings, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: "Burlington, " Broadmead Road, Woodford Green, Essex. Career: Trained, late W. Nettleship, Heating Engr., Doncaster; gained 1st Prize, Sheffield Tech. Sch.; 1st Cl. Cert., City and Guilds; 10 years Heating Contractor; 4 years, R.A.F. i/c Aero Engine Repairs in France; Chief Heating and Ventilating Engr., Air Ministry, 1923-37. Patentee of Safety Valve for hot water. boilers.
NEVILLE, Herbert F. A.M.I. Mech.E. Queen Mary's (Roehampton) Hospital, Roehampton, London, S.W.15. Tech. Inspector, Ministry of Pensions since 1921. Born: 1885. Career: Dorchester Grammar Sch.; N. Wilts. Tech. Sch.; private tutor; Apprent., 1901-06, G.W. Loco. Works, Swindon; 1907-08, Tech. Staff, Heenan & Froude; 1908-10, McKenzie & Holland; 1910-14, Tech. Staff, Central Mining Corp., Johannesburg (Elect. of Rand Mines); 1914-17, active service overseas; 1917-20, Asst. Insp. Guns (i.c.) Coventry; 1920-21, Asst. Insp. Gauges, Woolwich Arsenal.
NEVILLE, S. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. "Hale Cot," Laburnum Lane, Hale, Altrincham, Ches. Engr. (Design of A.C. Machinery), Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Age: 45. Career: City and Guilds, 1912-16; Vickers Ltd., Sheffield, 1916-20; M.V.E. Co., 1920 to present time.
NEW, Dudley Holt. B.Sc.. (Eng.) A.C.G.I., D.C., A.M.Inst. C.E., Whitworth Scholar, Whitworth Senior Scholar. Designer, The Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Ltd., Horseferry House, London, S.W.I. Career: Apprent. G.W.R. Works, Swindon; The Coll., Swindon (1923-29); City & Guilds, 1929-32; Draughtsman, G.W.R., Swindon, also with Redpath, Brown & Co., Ltd., and Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd.
NEWALL, Archibald Park. M.I. Mech.E., M.I. & S.I., M.I.E.S., M.I. A.E, M.West Scotland I. & S., M. A m.Soc.Met, M. Am.Soc. Wire Prod. Chairman and Man. Dir., A. P. Neivall & Co., Ltd., Woodside Eng. Works, Possilpark, Glasgow. Private address: Rowallan, Bearsden, Dumbartonshire. Commenced business under above name, 1901. World pioneers in the mfr. of heat-treated steel bolts sold under trade name Newall Hitensile. Has extensive knowledge of all large bolt-making plants in Europe, America and Canada. Holds patents for process of heat treating alloy steel bars.
NEWALL, H. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Engr., Christopher Thomas Bros., Ltd., Bristol. Age: 47. Previous experience at Joseph Crosfield & Sons Ltd., Warrington; present post, 4 years.
NEWBERRY, W. G. M.I.E.E. 5 Courtlands Avenue, Lee, S.E.12. Group Secretary, British Elect. and Allied Manufacturers' Assoc., 36 Kingsway, W.C.Z. Age: 57. Career: Grammar Sch., Huntingdon; New Coll., Eastbourne; First Class Apprent., Mech. Eng.; 7 years, Johnson & Phillips; 17 years, Ferranti Ltd.
NEWELL, Edwin Frank. A.R. S.M., F.I.C., M.I. & S.I., M.I.Met., M.I.Welding. Tech. Manager, Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., 15, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.1. Private address: 12, Pine Walk, Surbiton. Career: Tollington School; Royal School of Mines; 1914-1917, Queen's Westminster Rifles and Royal Engrs. in France; 1917-1919, Research Dept., Woolwich Arsenal; since 1919, QuasiArc Co.
NEWELL, H. C. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Prod.E. Head of Dept. of Mech. Eng., Coll. of Tech., Leeds. Age: 46. Career: City of Leeds Sch.; Leeds Univ.; Apprent., John Fowler & Co., Leeds; Tech. Officer, Natidnal Radiator Co., Hull; Plant Engr., Brotherton & Co., Tar Distillers, Stourton; Progress and Production Engr., National Tool Factory, Leeds; Works Manager, Government Instructional Factory, Leeds; Assessor in Production Eng., W. Riding of Yorkshire Educ. Dept.
NEWELL, P. Bramwell. AM.I.Mech.E. Investigation Engr., B.S.A. Co., Ltd., Birmingham. Private address: 92, Welford Road, Shirley, Birmingham. Career: Armstrong Coll.; Apprent., R. & W. Hawthorn, Leslie & Co., Ltd. Works Manager, Boulton & Paul, Ltd.; Tool Engr., Arrol-Johnston, Ltd.; Tool Production, Austin Motor Co., Ltd.; Eng. and Industrial Consultant. Author of "Marine Propulsion by Internal Combustion Engines," "Works Organisation," etc.
NEWELL, Ronald. A.M.Mar.E. Asst. to Engine Shop Manager, Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Queens Road, Belfast. Private address: 16, Malone Hill Park, Belfast. Age: 33.
NEWHOUSE, F. B. Sc. (Eng.) London, F.C.G.I., M.Inst.C.E. Order of Ismail, 3rd Cl., Order of Nile, 4th Cl. Age: 55. Career: Egyptian Govmt. Irrigation Service; Projects Dept. on Commission of Upper Egypt Basins and Lower Egypt Drainage; Res. Engr., 1921-22; Insp. of Irrigation, Upper White Nile, 1922-28; Director of Sudan Projects, 1928-34; Insp. General of Egyptian Irrigation in the Sudan, 1934-37. Author of "Problem of the Upper Nile," "Hydrographic Data in Southern Sudan."
NEWLANDS, William. M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.W.E. Waterworks Engr., Bradford Corp.. Town Hall, Bradford, Yorks. Private address: 80, Glenview Road, Nab Wood, Shipley. Educ. Elgin Academy and Glasgow Tech. Coll.; articled, George Gordon & Co., C.E., Inverness.
NEWMAN, A. J. M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Struct.E., M.Inst.F. Chief Engr. and Gen. Manager, Bristol Corp. Elect. Dept., Colston Avenue, Bristol. Age: 61. Career: High Sch., Dublin; Merchant Venturer 's Tech. Coll.; Bristol Corp. Elect. Dept., from pupilage.
NEWMAN, Charles Drayton. M. Eng., Liverpool, A.M.I.Mech.E Chief Mech. Draughtsman, Strachan & Henshaw, Ltd., Whitehall, Bristol, 5. Private address: 17, Florence Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. Age: 39. Career: Cammell Laird & Co.; 3 years, Design Dept., Harland & Wolff, Belfast; Mech. Designer and Tech. executive, Strachan & Henshaw. last 13 years, Various part-time teaching appointments in Eng. Sc.
NEWMAN, Charles William Durie. A.M.I.E.E., Bd. of Trade "Extra First-Class Engr." Chief Instructor in Eng., Gloucestershire Education Committee, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Private address: "Beechcroft " Brownshill, Chalford, Glos. 'Phone: Brimscombe 71. Age: 60. Career: Tech. Coll., Cardiff and Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh; apprent., Channel Graving Docks, Cardiff; 4 years in Mercantile Marine; Chief Asst., Buchan & Partners, Cons. Engrs., Edinburgh, 1901-1908; Principal, Marine Eng. Academy, Barry, Glam., 1909-1919; Present appointment since 1919. Vice-President, Gloucestershire Eng. Soc.; Member of Council, Union of Educational Institutions, Birmingham. Joint author of "Direct Current Electrical Engineering" with late James R. Barr. Now re-written by D. J. Bolton (Pitmans).
NEWMAN, F. H. A..Mech.E 6 Carlisle Road, Cheam Road, Cheam, Surrey. Tech. Engr., Senior Economisers Ltd., 11 Southampton Row, W.C.1. Age: 40.
NEWMAN, Henry Arthur. Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., L.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I., M.R.S.I. Deputy Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Finchley Corp., London, N.3. Private Address: 12 Cavendish Avenue, Finchley, N.3. Age: 61. Career: City of London Coll.; London Polytechnic; Articled under his father, Borough Surveyor, Poole; appointments with Met. Borough of Islington and City of Manchester.
NEWMAN, Peter Mayow. M.Sc., A.C.G.I., D.C., A.M.I.E.E Elect. Engr. (High Voltage), Steatite & Porcelain Products, Ltd., Stourport-on-Severn, Worcs. Private address: The Windmill, Areley Kings, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcs. Age: 30. Career: City & Guilds; Apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers; Protective Gear Dept., Metropolitan-Vickers.
NEWMAN, William Alfred Cyril. B.Sc. (London), A.R.S.M., A.R.C.S., F.I.C., D.I.C. Senr. Tech. Asst., Royal Mint, London, E.C.3. Private address: Redmays, Oaklands Avenue, West Wickham, Kent. Career: Asst. Assayer, Royal Mint, 1913-23; Asst. Manager, H.M. Factory, Queens Ferry, 1915-19; Senr. Tech. Asst., Royal Mint, 1923 to date. Member of Council Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy; Chairman, London Section, Inst. Metals; member of Council Inst. of Metals; member of Council of Electrodepositor's Tech. Soc. Books: "Metallurgy of Gold" (7th Edition) (Sir T. K. Rose and W. A. C. Newman).
NEWSAM, H. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. 445 Sandygate Road, Sheffield, 10. Design Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Attercliffe Common Works, Sheffield. Age: 28. Ed.: Brighton Tech. Coll., then to M.V.; now in Traction Motor Eng. Dept., Sheffield.
NEWTON, Charles A. A.M.I.E.E. Governing Dir., C. A. Newton & Co., Ltd.; Dir., British Rayophane, Ltd., St. James's Street, Derby. Private address: Hilton House, Hilton, Derby. Educ.: Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. Coll. Clubs: Derby and Derbyshire.
NEWTON, Colonel Robert Saunders. M.C., D.L., A.M.I.E.E. Chairman and Man. Dir., R. S. Newton, Ltd., 41, Fountain Street, Manchester, 2. Private address: Oak Haven, Bramhall, Cheshire. Age: 58. Career: Apprent., Royce Ltd., Manchester, 1899; Lancashire Elec. Power Co., 1905-1914; served throughout Great War, R.E. Signals, T.A.; Founded R. S. Newton & Co., 1920; Commanded 42nd (E. Lan.) Divisional Signals T.A., 1926-1932. Chairman, Land, Buildings, Ranges and Sites Committee, E. Lancs. Assocn., T.A.
NICHOLS, O. S. M.C., A.M.I.E.E. Dist. Manager, British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Campo Lane, Sheffield. Age: 46. Career: Chatham Ho. Sch., Ramsgate; Finsbury Tech. Coll., 2 years — Cert. of Coll. in Elect. Eng.; trained B.T.H. Co., 3 years; Dist. Manager, Middlesbrough, 1925-30; Dist. Manager, Liverpool, 1930-33; Dist. Manager, Sheffield, 1933 to date. War Service, 1914-19.
NICHOLLS, Frederick. A.M. Mech.E., M.I.British Engrs. Chief Engr., Thos. De La Rue & Co., Ltd., 110, Bunhill Row, Finsbury. Private address: 12, Lord Avenue, Ilford, Essex. Age: 60. Career: Mechanics Inst., Stratford; Carpenters Inst., Stratford; Peoples Palace, Mile End; I.C.S. Student. Engr., Engraving Dept., Waterlow & Sons; Engr., Chemical Corp., Southall; Gauge and Tool Maker in Woolwich Arsenal during Boer War. Designer and builder of Rotary Copper plate machines for SecurityP printing; Designer and builder of Machinery for playing Card Production.
NICHOLLS, Walter James. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.C.G.I., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Construction Engr., Central Electy. Board, 1, Charing Cross, S.W.1. Private address: Bankside, Badgers Mount, Sevenoaks, Kent. Age: 34. Career: Imperial Coll. of Sc.; Asst. Engr. with The Foundation Co., Ltd.; Asst. and Resident Engr. for Messrs. Kennedy & Donkin.
NICHOLSON, Charles Henry A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., F.Inst. P.W. District Docks Machinery Engr., L.N.E. Rly., Alfred Street, Hull. .Private address: Mayfield, Station Road, Ferriby, East Yorks. Career: Hull Tech. Coll.; pupilage, S. Pearson & Sons, Admiralty Contractors; Asst. Tech. Adviser, Hull Corp. Electy. Dept.; Elect. Engr., Hull and Barnsley Rly.; Mech. Engr., L.N.E. Rly., Grimsby.
NICHOLSON, J. H. M.I.E.E. Signalling and Telegraph Engr., Great Southern Rlys., Broadstone Station, Dublin. Private address: Jesmond, 18, Merlyn Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin.
NICHOLSON, J. K. A. A.M.I.E.E. Engr.-in-Charge, British Broadcasting Corp., 54, New Bridge Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private address: 5, Selborne Gardens, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 53. Career: Post Office and Tech. Coll. (Municipal); Lecturer; Municipal Tech. Coll., Plymouth; Tech. Rep:, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co.
NICHOLSON, L. A.M.E.E., M.I.E.I. Chief Inspector, Metropolitan-Vickers, Trafford Park, Manchester. Private address: Hall Lane, Woodford, Cheshire. Age: 52. Educ.: Univ. Coll., Nottingham.
NICOL, A. E. A.M.I.E.E. With The Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey.
NICOL, George Gordon. D.S.O., M.Inst.C.E. Consulting Civil Engr., 21 Bridge Street, Aberdeen. Private Address: 88 Desswood Place, Aberdeen. Age: 50. Career: Aberdeen Grammar Sch.; Robert Gordon's Coll.; Pupil, R. S. Nicol (decd.), O.B.E., Harbour Engr., Aberdeen, and later as Asst.; on Staff of Engr., River Wear Commission; 1914-19, The Gordon Highlanders and R.E.; in France 1915-18; Commanding 178th Tunnelling Co., R.E.; attached 4th Army H.Q. (D.S.O., Despatches twice, retired with rank of Major). Since 1919, practising as Consultant, first as Partner in firm of Henderson & Nicol (now defunct), and later on own account; works include repairs, reconstruction, enlargement and improvement, to many Fishery Harbours in Scotland; river training, foreshore protection, patent slipways, water supplies, aerodromes, etc.
NICOLL, D. J. A.M. I.Mech.E. With Wiseman's Ltd., 14 London Road, Southampton.
NICOLSON, George. A.M.E.E., F.R.Met.S. Borough Elect. Engr., Weymouth Corp., Sunnybank, Stavordale Road, Weymouth. Private address: 6, Ullswater Crescent, Weymouth. Career: Leith Sc. Coll.; Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh; King & Co., Leith Elec. Works, Leith; Meter and Installation Inspector, Falkirk Corp.; Engr.-inCharge, Falkirk Corp.; Chief Asst. Engr., also Acting Borough Elect. Engr., Weymouth. "Cecil" Medallist, 1909, and 1913, Dorset Field Club; Advisory Elect. Engr.. to several Boroughs.
NIELSEN, Herman. B.Sc., A.M I.E.E Sales Engr., The General Elec. Co., Ltd., Witton, Birm ingham. Private address: "Newstead," Four Oaks, Warwickshire. Age: 42. Graduated, Durham, 1917. With G.E.C. from Jan. 1918 to date.
NIELSON, John Frederick. M.I. E.E., A.G.T.C. Private address: 16, Marlborough Avenue, Glasgow. Career: Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow; Tilbingen Univ., Wiirtemberg; Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. Coll. Until 1936, Chief Elect. Engr., John Brown & Co., Ltd., Clydebank. PastChairman, Scottish Centre,
NIMMO, Henry. M.Inst.C.E., M.I. E ., M.I.Mech.E. Chief Eng. Inspector, Electy. Commission, Savoy Court, Strand, W.C.2. Private address: Wingates, Matching Green, Harlow, Essex. Career: 190006, trained as Mech. and Elect. Engr.; 1906-07, Erection Engr., British Westinghouse Co.; 1907-09, Chief Elect. Engr., Oakbank Oil Co., Winchburgh and Mid Calder; 1909-12, Chief Elect. Engr., Irrawaddy Flotilla Co., Rangoon; 1912-14, Asst. Engr., Rangoon Elec. Tramway and Supply Co., Rangoon; 1914-15 and 1920-22, Officiating Elect. Adviser to the Govmt. of Burma; 1922-29, Elect. Engr. and subsequently Elect. Adviser and Elect. Inspector to the Govmt. of Burma; 1929 to date, Chief Eng. Inspector to the Electy. Commission. Army service: 1916-20, Sapper to Captain, London Elect. Engrs., R.E. (T.A.); in command, Rangoon Elect. & Mech. Company, R.E. (A.F. T.); 1921-29, retiring with rank of Major.
NIMMO, James Vallence. B.Sc. (specl. distn.), Glasgow, M.Inst.C.E., M.Am.Soc.C.E. 3 Queen Margaret Road, Glasgow, N.W. Res. Engr., Finnieston Bridge, Glasgow Corp. Age: 63. Career: Mill Hill Sch.; Glasgow Univ.; Apprent., John Fowler & Co., Leeds; Asst. to W. J. Harrison, A.M.Inst.C.E. and to W. Lidstone, C.E.; Asst. Engr., Assam Bengal Rly.; Asst. Engr. and Engr., S. Pearson & Son; Engr., Atlantic Quebec and Western Rly.; Divn. Engr., Canadian Northern Pacific Rly.; War Service, France, Belgium, and Palestine, Lieut. and Capt., R.E.; Engr. to Considere Constructions, Ltd.; Res. Engr., Glasgow Corp., George V Bridge.
NIND, E. A. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Glenesk, Park Avenue, Ruislip, Mddx. Research Engr., Electrical and Musical Industries Ltd., Hayes, Mddx. Age: 33. Career: Dulwich, Coll.; City and Guilds; Columbia. Graphophone Co., Ltd., Recording Equipment Design; E. & M.I. Ltd., Television Transmitter Design.
NISBET, R. W. A.M.I.E.E. Engr., British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Private Addresses: "Stobshiel, " Kinlochleven, Argyll, and 134 Hillview Drive, Clarkston, Renfrewshire. Age: 61. Career: Glasgow and W. Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Brush Elect. Eng. Co., Ltd.; Glasgow Corp.; Dundee Corp.
NITHSDALE, William. B.Sc., M.I. Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., M. Liverpool E. Soc. Director, Yarrow & Co., Ltd., Scotstoun West, Glasgow, W.4. Private address, 5, Varna Road, Glasgow, W.4. Career: Apprent., Fairfield S. and E. Co.; Graduate in Eng. at Univ. of Glasgow, 1922; since then with Yarrow & Co. as Tech. Manager, and appointed a Director in 1933.
NIVEN, Thomas Murray. A.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S. Secretary, Mechans, Ltd., Scotstoun Iron Works, Glasgow. Private address: 12, Broomhill Avenue, Glasgow, W.1.
NIXON, Charles Basil. M.I. Mech.E. Deputy Man. Dir., Leylands Motors, Ltd., Leyland.
NIXON, James S. Extra 1st Cl. B.O.T., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A. Private Address: 43 Kings Bench Street, Hull. Age: 45. Career: Leading Draughtsman, Central Marine Engine Works, West Hartlepool; Lecturer in Eng., Tech. Coll., West Hartlepool; Supt. Engr., Hellyer Bros., Hull.
NIXON, John H. R. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Elect. Engr., Brush Elect. Eng. Co., Ltd., Loughborough, Falcon Works, Loughborough. Private address: 272, Forest Road, Loughborough. Career: Sheffield Univ.; Apprent. with Vickers, Ltd., Sheffield; Elect. Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers, Manchester. Holder of many patents relating to improvements in Elect. Machinery.
NIXON, L. R. M.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. 54 Sidewood Road, New Eltham, S.E.9. Chief Designer, Rly. Dept., J. Stone & Co., Ltd., Deptford, London, S.E. 14. Age: 38.
NIXON, R. J. A.M.I.E.E. "Ashville," Knowle Avenue, Ashtonunder-Lyne. Deputy Distribution Engr., Corp. Electy. Dept., Ashtonunder-Lyne, Lancs. Age: 41. Career: Alleyn's Coll.; Montrose Coll., London; 1914-17, Apprent., Electrical Apparatus Co., Ltd.; 1917-19, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. (Commd.); 1920-22, Regent St. Polytechnic; 1923-24, Tech. Asst. i/c Meter Dept., Ashton-under-Lyne Corp. Elect. Dept.; 1928-30, Manchester Coll. of Tech. At present, Captain R.E. (T).
NIXON, Thomas Edgar Berry. A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.W. Sales Manager, Rbt. Bow ran & Co., Ltd., Commercial Union Buildings, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private address, Polwarth Place, Brunton Park, Gosforth, Northumberland. Age: 40 Training with Ferranti, Ltd., and A. Reyrolle & Co., Ltd.
NOBBS, Walter William. M.I. Mech.E., M.I.H.V.E., M.A.S.H.V.E. Consulting Engr., 26 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private address: 50, Fairhazel Gardens, N.W.6. Age: 56. Career: Univ. Coll., London; Apprent., Purcell & Nobbs, Elect., Heating and Mech. Engrs., London. Consulting Engr. for New County Hall, L.C.C.; the New Premises of R.I.B.A., and for the Heating and Ventilating Installation at Headquarters of I.E.E. Savoy Hill. Past-President and Chairman, Research Committee Institution Heating and Ventilating Engrs.; on various Committees B.S.I.
NOBLE, K. J. M.I.E.E. Director and Sec., International Elect. Assoc., Bush House,.Aldwych, London, W.C.2.
NOBLE, Sir William. K.B., Chevalier de la Couronne de Belgique. Director, General Elec. Co., Magnet House, Kingsway, W.0.2. Private address: 60, Park Lane, W.1. Career: Engr., Staff Engr., Engr.-in-Chief, General Post Office.
NOEL-STORR, Charles Edward. M.I.A.E. Man. Dir., The Capac Co., Ltd. Addresses: 80, Station Road, London, S.W.13 and 6, Old Jewry, E.C. Career: Works Manager, S. Wolf & Co., Ltd., 1912-1919; Tech. Manager, Beverley Works Ltd., 1924-1935. Inventions: Capac carburettors, 1919; Bin-Aural Equipment, 1917; BinAural Sonometer, 1923.
NOOR-EL-DEEN, Y. B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., A.M.I.E.E. Deputy Chief Insp. Engr., Egyptian Govmt. Office, 41, Tothill Street, S.W.1. Born 1891. Career: Ed. in Egypt and Univ. Coll., London. 2 years apprent. B.T.H. Co., Rugby; Junr. Asst. Engr., Tendering Dept., British Westinghouse, 1 year; 7 years, Egyptian P.W. Ministry, as Tech. Insptr. in Physical Dept. and Director, Cairo Public Lighting; 10 years, Sub-Director, Egyptian Ed. Office in London (supervising ed. of Egyptian Eng. Students, etc.); present appointment, 1937, dealing with Egyptian Govmt. Purchases, U.K. and Europe.
NOOT, Wm. W. M.I.Mech.E. 32 Queen's Road, Mumbles, Glam. Formerly Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping.
NORBURN, Wm. Henry Joseph. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Elect. Engr., Tilling-Stevens, Ltd., Victoria Works, Maidstone, Kent. Private address: 20, Salts Avenue, Loose, Kent. Age: 45. Career: 3 years, Portsmouth Tech. Coll.; 1 year, Siemens Bros., Stafford; 5 years, War, R.E.'s; 18 years, W. H. Allen Sons & Co., Bedford. Books: "Industrial Electric Motor Control Gear" (Pitman).
NORBURY, Allan Leslie. D.Sc., 1851 Exhibition Scholar, M.I. & S.I., M.I.Met., M.I.Brit.F. Senr. Metallurgist, British Cast Iron Research Assocn., 23, St. Paul's Square, Birmingham. Private address: 17, Croftdown Road, Harborne, Birmingham, 17. Age: 44. Formerly Lecturer in Metallurgy, Univ. Coll. of Swansea, 1919-1927. War service, 11th Manchester Regt. and Royal Engrs., 1914-1918, Dardanelles, Egypt, France. Patents, in conjunction with British Cast Iron Research Assocn. and E. Morgan, on Silal and Nicrosilal cast irons.
NORFOLK, Thomas Lord. M.I. Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E Engr.-in-Chief, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Liverpool.
NORMAN, G. F. A. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E Managing Director, The Berkeley Elec. Eng. Co., Ltd., Vincent House, Vincent Square, Westminster, S.W.1. Age: 61. Career: St. Paul's Sch.; Faraday House; Mains Supt. and Asst. to Borough Elec. Engr., Harrogate; Asst. Engr., General Elec. Power Co., Johannesburg; District Elec. Engr., Natal Govmt. Rlys., S. Africa; Manager and Director, Tredegars, Ltd., London. Member of Council, Elect. Contractors Assoc., of I.E.E. Wiring Rules C'tee., of Gen. Purposes C 'tee., National Confed. of Employers' Organisations, and of B.S.I. Tech. C 'tee., Elect. Accessories.
NORMAN, Ronald F. A.M.Inst. C.E. Eng'. Asst. (Bridges), Cheshire C. C., Watergate House, Chester. Private address: 54 Belgrave Road, Chester. Age: 33. Career: Pupil, Cty. Surveyor, Isle of Ely C. C.; Eng. Asst., Roads, Essex C. C., 1925-30; Res. Ensfr., Trunk Roads, Westmorland C. C., 1930-31, and Cumb. C. C. 1931-32; Bridge Asst., Essex C. C., 1933-37.
NORREGAARD, R. A. A.M.I. Mech.E. Boiler House Supt., Kings Road Power Station, St. Pancras Borough Council, London, N.W.1. Age: 61. Career: Public Sch. educ. in Denmark; 4 years apprent., Mech. Eng.; 4 years evening classes in Eng., Tech. High Sch.; Sea-going Engr., B.O.T. Cert.; Asst. Engr., Bombay Elect. Supply & Tramway Co.; Present position since 1921.
NORRIE, Charles M. D.S.O., B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. Director, John Cochrane & Sons, Ltd., 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private address: Robin Wood, Esher, Surrey.
NORRIS, E. T. M.I.E.E. " Kilmorey," Whitehall Road, Brooklands, Cheshire. Chief Designer, Ferranti, Ltd., Hollinwood, Lancs. Age: 42. Career: Scholarship, Finsbury Tech. Coll.; training, British Westinghouse Co., 2 years; Chief Asst. Transformer Designer, Ferranti, Ltd., 1920-22; Chief Designer, 1922 to date. Inventor of Moving Coil Voltage Regulator; Astatic Voltage Relay, etc.
NORRIS, John Octavius Harold. M.I.A.E., F.I.B.C.M. Joint Man. Dir., Joseph Cockshoot & Co., Ltd., 39, Great Ducie Street, Manchester, 3. Private address: 31, Wellington Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, 16. Age: 58. Career: Manchester Municipal School of Technology; Polytechnic, London. Whole business career with Joseph Cockshoot & Co., Ltd., except for War service in R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. and short periods in Bristol and Liverpool. President, 1938, of the Inst. of British Carriage and Automobile Mfrs. (Incorporated, 1883); twice Chairman of the Manchester Centre Institution of Automobile Engrs.; Chairman, N.W. Centre, M.G. Car Club.
NORRIS, John Wilson. Major (late R.E.), mentioned in Despatches, A.C.G.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M. I.Mech.E. Deputy Chief Engr., The Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, Millbank, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private address: 277, Burntwood Lane, Wandsworth Common, S.W.17. Age: 48. Career: Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech., 1911, Sturtevant Eng. Co., Ltd., London; War service, 31. years, France B.E.F. Command Field Co., R.E., 4th Division; Joined Crown Agents' Eng. Inspection Dept., 1919; Accompanied Mr. F. Palmer (after Sir Frederick Palmer) of Rendel, Palmer & Tritton to report of construction of Takoradi Harbour, Gold Coast; later lent to Govmt. of Gold Coast as Asst. Resident Engr., Takoradi Harbour. Member (representing the Crown Colonies &c.) of several Tech. Committees of B.S.I.
NORRIS, W. H. B.Sc. (Eng.), Lond., A.M.Inst.0.E., A.M.inst.M & Cy.E. Chief Eng. Asst., Bedford Corp. Private address: 26, Kingsbrook Road, Bedford. Articled to Borough Engr., Gravesend; thereafter at Gravesend and Brighton. Author of "Sewer Diagrams " published by Inst.M. & Cy.E.
NORRIS, William Henry Hobbs. B.A. (Cantab.) (Hons.), B.Sc. Hons. (London), F.I.C. Man. Dir., Wm. Norris & Co. (Glipso), Ltd., 96-102 Sackville Street, Manchester, 1. Private address: Hurst Lee, Glossop. Career: 4i years Research Chemist, Brunner Mond & Co., Northwich; 1 years Plant Manager, Chance and Hunt, Ltd., Oldbury; Chem. Engr., Sir Arthur Duckham, London and Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. 17 years Proprietor business in Manchester, Chem. Mfrs. and Floor-Surfacing Contractors.
NORTH, F. P. B.Sc.(Eng.) A.C. G.I., A.M.I.E.E. A.M.I.Mech.E. 36, Manor Road North, Hinchley Wood, Esher, Surrey. Chief Engr. The Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd., Holborn Bars, E.C.I. Age: 36. Career: City & Guilds; Impl. Coll. of Sc. & Tech.; Training, English Elec. Co., Dick Kerr Works; Contract Engr., The English Elec. Co., Rly. Section, Preston; Elect. Engr., The Prudential Assurance Co.
NORTH, John Dudley. F.R.A.?,.S., M .Ae.E. Chief Engr. and Dir., Bpultoa Pau Aircraft, Ltd., Wolverhampton. Private address: Eversley, Bridgnorth, Salop.
NORTH, The Hon. John M. W. Managing Director, John North (Founders and Engrs.), Ltd.; Mono' Pumps Ltd., of Clifton House, Euston Road, London, N.W.1. Career: R.N. Coils., Osborne and Dartmouth; trained, Markham & Co., Ltd., and Staveley Coal and Iron Co., Ltd.; Foundry Manager, Staveley C. & I. Co., Ltd.; Director, Ealing Park Foundry, Ltd.
NORTH, Capt. M. K. M.Inst.C.E. Private address: Little Germains, Chesham, Bucks. Born 1865. Career: Ed. Marlborough and Freiburg; Engr., Santa Fe and Cordoba Rly.; Asst. Civil Engr. and later Govmt. Inspector of Rlys., British Guiana; Eng. Inspector, Ministry of Health. War service with R.E., 1915-18 (despatches).
NORTH, Oliver D. A.C.G.I., B.Sc. (Loud.), M.I.A.E. Chief Designer, Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Tolpits Lane, Watford, Herts. Private address: 8, Gipsy Lane, Hunton Bridge, Kings Langley, Herts. Career: Bromsgrove School; City & Guilds; Shops of Wolseley Tool and Motor-car Co.; D.0., John Holroyd & Co.; Humphrey Pump Co.; Daimler Co.; Chief Engr., Straker-Squire, Ltd.
NORTHCOTT, L. D.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.C. Metallurgist (Research), War Office, Research Dept., Woolwich, S.E.18. Private address: 33, Eaglesfield Road, Shooters Hill, London, S.E.18. Career: Univ. of Birmingham. 191924; Research Dept., Woolwich, 1924 to date.
NORTHCROFT, L. G. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E, A.I.H.V.E. Sales Manager, Walker, Crossweller & Co., Ltd., Waddon Works, Cheltenham. Private address: Whitfield, Harp Hill, Cheltenham. Age: 37. Career: Rossall School; Rutherford Tech. Coll.; Apprent. 5 years, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co.; Asst. Departmental Manager, Sir W. G Armstrong Whitworth; Asst. Engr., I.C.I., Ltd. Billingham.
NORTHEY, Charles B. M.I. Prod.E., M.I.Brit.F. 361, Torbay Road, Harrow, Mdx. Tech. Representative and Tool Designer, British Rola Co., Ltd.; Lecturer, Wandsworth Tech. Inst. Age: 44. Career: Ed., Bennett's Coll., Sheffield; British Inst. of Eng. Tech.; apprent., Geo. Driver & Son, Ltd.; Foreman, Glacier Metal Co., Ltd. and Austin Motor Co., Ltd.; Tool-maker, S. S. Smith & Sons and Geo. Kent & Son, Ltd.; Prod. Engr., Lethaby & Co., Ltd.; Works Manager, D. & B. Land, Ltd.; 14 years, Instructor, Northampton Polytechnic; during War, Sgt. Fitter, 14th City of London Battery, R.F.A. (T); Hon Sec., London Branch, Assoc. of Tech. Teachers, 1923-26. Sunday Sch. Supt.
NORTHFIELD, J. A. A.M.I. Mech.E. Tech. and Sales Asst. to Managing Director, Reavell & Co., Ltd., Ranelagh Works, Ipswich. Age: 46. Career: March Grammar Sch.; Pupil, Reavell & Co., Ltd.; Des ignerDraughtsman, Willans & Robinson, Rugby, W. H. Allen & Co., Bedford, and Beardmores, Coatbridge, on oil engines; since specialised in Air Compressors and Air Conditioning.
NORTON, William John. B.A., A.M.Inst.C.E. Joint Man. Dir., Sir James Farmer, Norton & Co., Ltd., Adelphi Ironworks, Salford, 3, Lancs. Private address: Hollywood, Bowston, Cheshire. Age: 50. Training: Caius Coll., Cambridge and with Sir James Farmer, Norton & Co., Ltd.
NOSWORTHY, F. E. A.M.I.E.E. Managing Director, Amazon Telegraph Co., Ltd., Finsbury Pavement House, E.C.2.
NUFFIELD, Viscount (family name Morris). 0.B.E, M.A., Hon.D.C.L. (Oxon), Hon.LL.D., Sydney and Birmingham, Commdr. of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Motor mfr.; Chairman of Morris Motors, Ltd., Wolseley Motors, Ltd., Morris. Commercial Cars, Ltd., The M.G. Car Co., Ltd., and various associated companies. Business address: Cowley, Oxford. Private address: Nuffield Place, near Henley-onThames.
NUNN, C. A.M.I.E.E. "Carlowrie," 130, Stewart Street, Crewe. Deputy Engr. and Manager, Corp. Elect. Dept., Crewe. Age: 43.
NUNN, Charles Herbert. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Transformer Dept., General Elec. Co., Ltd., Witton, Birmingham. Private address: "Berwyn," St. Bernards Road, Sutton Coldfield. Age: 41. Educ.: 4 years, Northampton Eng. Day Coll.
NUNN, Lewis Edgar. M.R.San.I., F.I.S.E., M.R.I.P.H., F.R.Soc.A. Man. Dir., L. E. Nunn, Ltd., 431, Edgware Road, W.2. Private address: 32, Christchurch Avenue, Brondesbury, N.W.6. Domestic Sanitary Engr. Has been with the firm originally carried on by his Father, since leaving school.
NUTTALL, George Robert Falkiner. M.A., A.M.Inst.C.E., F.A.R.P.I. Consulting Engr:, 57, Victoria Street, S.W.1. Private address: 54, Lexham Gardens, W.8. Age: 41. Career: Cambridge Univ.; Zurich Polytechnic; Woolwich Arsenal; W. H. Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd.; Engr. and Manager, Soc. Betunoise d 'Eclairage et d'Energie, France; Engr., G. W. Power Co., California. Joint author of "Air Defence and the Civil Population."
See Also
Sources of Information