1939 Who's Who In Engineering: Name T
Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Who's Who in Engineering
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
TABB, Harold J., R.C.N.C., A.M.I. N.A., A.M.I.Mar.E., G.I.Mech.E. Asst. Constructor, Admiralty, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 12 Ulundi Road, Blackheath, S.E.3. Age: 27. Career: 1926, Apprent., H.M. Dockyard, Devenport; four years in Dockyard Sch. (awarded I.N.A. Scholarship); 1930-35, R.N. Coll., Greenwich (1851 Exh., etc.); 1935, Staff of W. Hartlepool Tech. Coll.; 1937, Asst. Constructor, R.C.N.C.
TABOIS, P. L. A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Officer, Admiralty. Private Address: 46 High Street, Fareham, Hants. Age: 39. Dipl. of Eng., King's Coll., London; Eleven years, Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., as Radio Transmitter Engr.; joined the Admiralty in 1936 as a Tech. Officer.
TACKLEY, A. L. B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Experimental Engr., R.E. & S. Bd. at the Experimental Bridging Establishment, The Barracks, Christchurch, Hants. Private Address: A15 San Remo Towers, Boscombe, Bournemouth. Career: Finsbury Tech. Coll., London; Glasgow Univ.; Apprent., Mather & Platt, Ltd.; in the Great War, Shop Manager, Mech. Eng. Dept., Woolwich Arsenal; Lecturer and Staff Eng. Dept., Glasgow Univ.; Asst. Editor, "The Engineer"; Elect. Inspr. of Factories, Home Office.
TAGG, William. A.M.I.Mech.E. Tech. Representative, R. Goodwin & Sons (Engrs.) Ltd., Ivy House Foundry, Hanley, Stoke on Trent. Private Address: Cleveland House, Newcastle, Staffs. Career: Newcastle High Sch.; Stoke on Trent Tech. Sch. General Manager, Ashfields Eng. Works, Newcastle; Teacher of Prac. Eng., Newcastle High Sch., etc.
TAIT, Adam. M.Inst.N.A., M.C.M.S., Extra-First Class B.O.T. Engr. Partner, D. A. Cormack & Son, Consulting Marine Engrs. and Surveyors, 9 John's Place, Leith, Edinburgh, 6.
TAITE, C. D. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr. and Manager, The Lancs. Electric Power Co., National Buildings, St. Mary's Parsonage, Manchester. Age: 65. Career: Norwich Gramm. Sch.; Faraday House; Apprent., Ronald A. Scott, Acton; Staff of Ferranti, Ltd., 1893-95; Elect. Engr., Corp. of Southport, 1895-1900, and Corp. of Salford, 1901-06; Lancs. Elect. Power Co., 1907 to present date. Served in 8th Lancs. Fusiliers during War, retiring with rank of Capt. Chairman, Nat. Consultative Committee, C.E.B.; Past Chairman, B.E.D.A.; Past-Pres. of Assoc. Elect. Power Companys; Member of N.J.B. and N. J.I.C., and Lancs. Development Council.
TALBOT, Benjamin. Deputy Chairman and Managing Director, South Durham Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., and Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., Cargo Fleet Ironworks, Middlesbrough. Private Address: Solberge, Northallerton. Career: Metallurgist and Steelworks Engr., England and America. Inventor of the Talbot Continuous Steel Process, Talbot Gas Producer and Talbot Hydro-Carbon Lining for Pipes. Awards: 1908, Elliott Cresson Gold Medal and John Scott Medal of the Franklin Inst. of Philadelphia; Bessemer Medal, Iron and Steel Inst., England.
TALBOT, Ernest. M.I.A.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., M.I.P.E. Director and Production Manager, Brooke Marine Construction Co., Ltd., Adrian Works, Lowestoft. Private Address: Zephyr Lodge, Lowestoft. Age: 59. Career: Wesley Coll., Sheffield Univ.; 1902, Draughtsman, Pollock Eng. Co.; 1903, Draughtsman and Tester, Autocar Constr. Co., Ltd.; Manager, Mansfield Eng. Co., Ltd.; 1905-09, Chief Designer, Adams Mfg. Co., Ltd.; Cons. Engr., Talbot & Davison, New York; 1911-22, James Talbot & Davison, Ltd., Lowestoft, Jt. Managing Director; Founded Zephyr Pistons, Ltd., 1922, to exploit his patents.
TALBOT, Sir William J. Kt., J.P., Wh.Ex., M.I. & S.1., M.I.Loco.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Talbot-Stead Tube Co., Ltd.; Chairman, Chesterfield Tube Co. Business Address: Talbot-Stead Tube Co., Ltd., Walsall. Private Address: Highcroft, Birmingham Road, Walsall.
TALBOT-CROSBIE, J. B. Chairman, Duncan Stewart & Co., Ltd., Glasgow, Jas. Westward & Co., Ltd., London, Dunford & Elliott (Sheffield) Ltd., Sheffield. Business Address: 47 Summer Street, Glasgow. Private Address: Rahern, Chesters Road, Dearsden, Glasgow.
TALLACK, Charles Keith. A.M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Deputy County Surveyor, Gloucestershire C.C., Shire Hall, Gloucester. Private Address: Carisbrooke Road, Hucclecote, Gloucester. Age: 37. Career: Articled to C. Surveyor of Cornwall; Junr. Asst., Hants. C.C.; Eng. Asst., East Sussex C.C.; Divisional Surveyor, East Sussex C.C. TAMPLIN, G. R. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Area Eng., P.O. Eng. Dept., Union House, Union Street, Bristol, 1. Age: 38. Career: City and Guilds, 1917-22; P.O. Research Station, Dollis Hill, 1922-33; P.O. Eng. Dept., Cardiff, 1933-35; Sectional Engr., Hereford, 1935-37, and Bristol, 1937; Area Engr., Bristol, 1937.
TAMS, Bertram J. M.Sc.(Tech.)Manch., B.Sc. (Hons. ) London, A.M.I.Mech.E. Head of Eng. Dept., L.C.C., Paddington Tech. Inst., London, W.9. Private Address: 2 Weighton Road, Harrow Weald, Middx. Born: 1904. Career: N. Staffs. Tech Coll.; Coll. of Tech., Manchester; trained, L.M.S. Rly.; Lecturer in Mech. Eng., N. Staffs. Tech. Coll.; Mun. Tech. Coll., Swansea; Manchester Coll. of Tech. Hon. Sec., N.W. branch I.Mech.E., 1931-34. Has revised several eng. text-books.
TANGYE, Sir B. R. G.. Bart. Chairman and Managing Director, Tangyes, Ltd., Cornwall Works, Birmingham, also Chairman of Kitsons, Ltd., Leeds.
TANNER, B. C. A.M.I.E.E., F.R.S.A. Private practice, dealing with Elect. Installations. Retained by Johnson & Tanner, Ltd., Worcester Park, Surrey, in an advisory capacity. Private Address: 26 Brockenhurst Avenue, Worcester Park, Surrey. Age: 33. Educ.: Hampton Gramm. Sch.; Battersea Polytechnic. Recent commissions include West Kensington Court, Trinidad Leaseholds, Ltd. (new) schemes at Port of Spain, B.W.1; Guildford Tech. Coll. for Surrey Educ. Committee.
TANNER, E. B. T. A.M.I.E.E., A.I.H. & V.E. Sales Manager,British Unit Heater and Radiator Co., 3 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address; "Byron" House, 1 Byron Road, N. Wembley, Middx. Age: A2. Ed.: Mill Hill Sch.; Hons. Dipl., Faraday House.
TANNER, G. F. M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., Engr.-in-Chief's Staff, G.P.O. Headquarters, London. Private Address: 225 Balfour Road, Ilford. Age: 58. Career: Woolwich Collegiate Sch., Woolwich Polytechnic; Northampton Inst.; Telegraphist, C.T.O., London, 1898; Clerk Eng. Dept., G.P.O., 1903; Sub-Engr., Eng. Dept., G.P.O., 1907; Chief Inspector, 1911; Engr., 2nd Class, 1912; Asst. Engr., Test and Inspection Branch, Engr-in-Chief's Office, London.
TANNER, W. I. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Evans & Bevan, Ltd., Anthracite Producers, Neath. Private Address: Gwalia House, Seven Sisters, Neath, Glam. Member of Assoc. Mining Elect. Engrs. since its formation; Past Branch Pres. First to introduce Mercury Arc Rectifiers for D.C. Supply to large group of collieries; associated with successful application of Anthracite Duff for Steam Generation with Chain Grate Stoker Fired Boilers; installed largest, stoker fired boiler plant (to date), fired exclusively with Anthracite Duff.
TANNER, W. S., Junr. A.M.I.Mech.E. Partner (Engr. Works Manager), G. N. Tanner, 32/34 St. Pancras Way, N.W.1.
TAPLIN, A. H. M.I.E.E. Elect. Supt. (retired), Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Liverpool. Private Address: 33 Ennerdale Road, Wallasey, Ches.
TAPP, E. W. P. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Senr. Charge Eng., North Metropolitan Elect. Power Supply Co., London. Private Address: 40 Windermere. Avenue, Brondesbury Park, N.W.6 Age: 36. Career: Bristol Gramm. Sch.; Univ. of Bristol; joined Northmet Co. in 1924 as Switchboard Attendant and held progressive appointments as Testing Engr. and Charge Engr.
TAPPER, W. C. P. M.I.E.E. Consulting Elect. Engr. in private practice, 797, Finchley Road, London, N.W.11. Age: 64. Career: Articled to Woodhouse & Rawson, Elect. Mfrs., 1890-93; with Brush Elect. Eng. Co., 1893-94; Staff of Brighton Corpn., Elect. Dept., 1894-99; Res. Elect. Engr., Whitechapel Dist. Bd. of Works, 1899; Borough Elect. Engr., Stepney (on formation of Borough), from 1900-34. Past-Pres. and Past Hon. Sec., Inc. Mun. Elect. Assoc.; Past-Pres., Assocd. Mun. Elect. Engrs. of G.B. & I.; Past-Mem., C.E.B., Natl. Consultative Committee.
TAPSELL, Herbert James. A.C.G.I., A. M. I. Mech. E., M. I. Met., M. Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Senr. Scientific Officer, Nat. Physical Lab., Teddington, Middx. Private Address: 85 Gloucester Road, Hampton, Middx. Career: Physics and Eng. Courses at Portsmouth Municipal Coll.; Elect. Eng. Course at Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech., London; two years with B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Rugby; nineteen years at the National Physical Laboratory. Books: "Creep of Metals" (Oxford Univ. Press, 1931).
TARGETT, J. H. A.M.I.E.E. District. Engr., N. Wales Power Co., Ltd., Rhostyllen, Wrexham. Private Address: Arfryn, Town Hill, Llanrwst, N. Wales.
TART, H. A.M.I.Mech.E. Departl. Manager, J. Blakeborough & Sons, Ltd., Brighouse, Yorks. Private Address: 49 Laverock Lane, Brighouse, Yorks. Age: 47. Career: Brighouse and Halifax Tech. Colls.; Part-time teacher, Eng. Subjects (W.R. of Yorks. Teachers' Cert. for Eng. Subjects); Part-time Lecturer on "Works Organisation and Management" at Halifax Tech. Coll.; Eng. Apprent., Blakeborough & Son; promoted to D.O., then to Asst. Chief Draughtsman, and ultimately to D.O. Manager, which post held for eight years; afterwards engaged on Works Re-organisation, and then present position. Considerable executive experience.
TASKER, Edrie. Air Force Cross, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Asst. County Surveyor, Gloucestershire C.C., Shire Hall, Gloucester. Private Address: Wensley, Brockworth, Gloucester. Career: Huddersfield Tech. Coll.; Articled Pupil, County Borough of Halifax. Asst. Surveyor, Bucklow R.D.C.; First Asst., Aldershot; Chief Asst., Doncaster; Chief Eng. Asst., E. Suffolk C.C.; Asst. Engr., Ministry of Transport; Asst. County Surveyor, Gloucestershire C.C. Author of "Efficiency in Highways Depts." (1935, Roads and Transport Congress).
TASKER, Edward Ernest. M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., M. Inst. Met. Consulting Engr. Partner, Sir Murdoch MacDonald & Tasker; Partner, G. R. Tasker & Sons. Business Address: 72 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Private Address: "Hill Crest", Mount Crescent, Brentwood, Essex. Career: Educ., Dame Alice Owen's Boys' Sch., and private tuition. Training: City and Guilds; Salomons Scholarship of the I.E.E.; works of Easton-Anderson & Goolden, Ltd. 1901-06, Chief Engr., Witting, Eborall & Co., Ltd., and later, A.E.G. Electric Co., Ltd.; 1907-08, engaged in pioneer work in connection with high-speed vessels and flying machines; patentee of numerous improvements, originator of multicamber wings and automatic stabilizers; 1916, special duties on shell manufacture; 1917, flying boats for the Admiralty; 1918, production Supt. for the whole of Scotland for Tanks, Mech. Warfare Dept., M.M.; 1919-28, Chief Engr. of A.S.E.A. Electric Co., Ltd.; 1928 to present date, Partnership as Consulting Engr.
TASKER, Herbert Ronald. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M. I nst.C. E., A.C. G. I. Chief Engr., Bierrum & Partners, Ltd., 92 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Pathways, 87 Kingston Hill, Kingston on Thames. Age: 35. Career: City and Guilds Eng. Coll.; Asst. Engr., Water Supply Scheme and Sewerage Scheme, Nassau, Bahamas; Asst. Engr., Bridge Dept., Dorman, Long; Asst. Eng. with Dr. O. Faber.
TATE, Thomas Bailey. C.S.I. 1937. Associate of Coopers Hill, A.M.Inst. C.E. Q q Private Address: Littlehoughton Hall, Alnwick, Northumberland. Age: 56. Career: Coopers Hill, (1901-04); Indian Service of Engrs., Punjab and N.W. Frontier Province, Public Works Dept., Irrigation Branch, 1904-37; Chief Engr. and Sec., Punjab Govt. 1932-37; Pres. Central Board of Irrigation, 1936
TATTERSALL, Alfred R. M.I.Mech E. Proprietor of A. R. Tattersall & Co., 75 Mark Lane, London, E.C.3. Private Address: 46 Avenue Road, London, N.6. Also Chairman of Groom & Tattersall, Ltd., Towcester, makers of milling machinery; inventor and patentee of many milling machines; winner of the John Scott Medal from the Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, for the most useful invention of the year 1919, with the Midget roller flour mills.
TATTERSALL, Captain Arthur Ewart. M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P. Signal and Telegraph Engr., L.N.E.R., Southern Area, King's Cross Station. Private Address: 43 Park Grove, Edgware. Age: 54. Career: Coll. of Tech., Manchester. Chief Signalling and Elect. Asst., Metro Rly.; Signal Supt. G.N.Rly.; Signal and Teleg. Engr., L.N.E.R., N.E. area. Has taken out numerous patents for Signalling Appliances. Author of: "Modern developments in Railway Signalling."
TATTON, Eric. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Mains Engr., Islington Corp. Elec. Dept. Business Address: 13 Ingram Rd., E. Finchley, London, N.2. Private Address: 17 Avondale Rd., Stockport. Age: 31. Career: Stockport Gramm. Sch.; Manchester Coll. of Technology; Stockport Tech. Coll.; Articled, late Mr. Chas. H. Wordingham, Cons. C. and Elect. Engr., 1922-24; Jnr. Mains asst., Cheadle and Oatley U.D.C. Elec. Dept. 1924-26; Rotary Sub-stations Engr., City of Salford Elec. Dept. 1926-29; Tech. asst., Lancs. Dynamo and Motor Co., 1929-31; Asst. Engr. 1931-33, and Maintenance Engr. 1933-37, Stockport; present appointment 1937.
TAUNTON, H. R., A.M.I.E.E. Charlscot, Tatsfield, Surrey. Age: 53. Career: Educ. Ampleforth and Tournai, Belgium; Mgr. with Pinching & Walton; Mann, Egerton & Co., Ltd.; Alliance Elec. Co., Ltd. Author of: "Electrical Contracting," (Pitman): "The Wiring of Buildings," (Blackie.)
TAVERNOR, H. P. A.M.I.E.E. Distribution Engr., The Mersey Power Co., Ltd., Runcorn. Private Address: "Barry," Moughland Lane, Runcorn.
TAYLERSON, Major Edgar William. A.M.I.Mech.E M. I.Loco.E. Managing Director, The Dorking Grey Stone Lime Co., Ltd., Betchworth, Surrey; Chairman, The Merstham Lime Co., Ltd., Merstham, Surrey; Chairman G. Newington & Co., Ltd., Lewes, Sussex. Private Address: "Breeze Point," Furzefield Rd., Reigate, Surrey. Training: L.B. & S.C. Rly,Co., Locomotive Dept., Brighton.
TAYLOR, A. E. A.M.I.E.E. Apparatus and Motor Engr., City of Birmingham Elec. Supply Dept. Private Address: "Holmleigh", Upper Holland Rd., Sutton Coldfield. Age: 56. Career: Ed. Birmingham Cent. Tech. Coll.; trained, Wm. Saunders, Wednesbury & Veritys Ltd., Aston.
TAYLOR, A. F. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M. I.Mech.E. Eng. Asst., Southern Rly. Private Address: 9 Beaconsfield Rd., New Malden, Surrey. Age: 42.
TAYLOR, Arthur Henry. M.B.E. B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Scientific Officer, Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research, Fuel Research Station, E. Greenwich, S.E. Private Address: 179 Avery Hill Rd., New Eltham, S.E.9. Age: 39. Career: Northampton Polytechnic; Asst. Engr.-in-Chief's Dept., Metropolitan Asylums Board, 1919-28; Flying Officer, R.A.F., 1918.
TAYLOR, A. K. A.C.G.I., M.I.E.E. 7 Marston Rd., Teddington, Mddx. Age: 65. Career: Hereford Gramm. Sch.; Central Tech. Coll., London; asst engr. B.E.T.C.Ltd., for several years; elec. inspector and later exec. elec. engr., Calcutta, for Govmt. of Bengal; from 1917 until retirement, at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.
TAYLOR, A. R. M.A.(Cantab.), A. M.I.E.E. Senior Asst. Master, Dulwich Coll., London, S.E.21.
TAYLOR, C. A. M.C., B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Deputy Regional Director of Post Office in Scotland. Private Address: 27 Braid Crescent, Edinburgh, 10. Age: 52. Career: Engr. in Post Office.
TAYLOR, C. Percy. M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., M.I.E.E., F.C.G. I. Chief Engr., Assoc. Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd., Portland House, Tothill Street, S.W.1. Private Address: Dashwood, Gravesend. Career: Cen. Tech. Coll., 1892-95 (Siemens Medal, 1895); present appointment since 1903.
TAYLOR, C. W. A.M.I.Mech.E. City of Birmingham Supply Dept.,: 14 Dale End, Birmingham, 4. Age: 40. Educ. St. Georges', Edgbaston, B'ham and B'ham Central Tech. Coll. Constructional and Mech. Asst. in design in development of electricity generating stations and auxiliary works; previously engaged with Belliss & Morcom Ltd. and English Elec. Co. in similar capacity; was Asst. in Eng. Dept., British Celanese Ltd. 1928-29. Military Service 1915-18 as tank driver, 1st Batt. Tank Corps.
TAYLOR, D. B. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I. E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Tech. Asst., Altrincham Elec. Supply Co., Ltd., Altrincham, Ches. Private Address: 12 Clover Rd., Altrincham. Age: 37. Career: King's Coll., London; Dist. Engr., Boro' of Hackney; Mains Engr. Boroughs of Hammersmith and Hampstead.
TAYLOR, E. G. B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.E.E. Branch Engr. of Liverpool and Dist., General Elect. Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Church Alley, Liverpool. Age: 40. Career: King Edwards Sch. Aston; apprent. G.E.C. Witton Birmingham Univ.; thereafter with G.E.C. asst. engr., Liverpool, 1922; branch engr., Swansea, 1924; 1930, present position. For three years on C'tee, Mersey and N. Wales (Liverpool) centre, I.E.E., served three years in R.N.V.R. during Great War, TAYLOR, E. J. M.I.E.E., Res. Engr., City of Birmingham Elec. Supply Dept., 1 Station Rd., Solihull, Birmingham. Age: 45. Previously with North Met., as Chief Asst., St. Albans; Fife Elec. Power Co.; West of Gloucestershire Power Co.
TAYLOR, E. O. B.Sc. A.C.G.I. D.I.C. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.Amer.I.E.E. Lecturer in Elect. Engr. (Power Transmission and Utilisation), City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll., Exhibition Rd., S. Kensington, London S.W.7. Age: 35. Author of: "Utilisation of Elect. Energy." (English Universities Press.)
TAYLOR, F. M. H. Ph.D., B.Sc., A.R.C.S., M.I.H.V.E., A.M.I.Gas E., M. Inst. F., A.M. I.Chem. E. Managing Director, Thermocontrol Installations Co., Ltd., 68 Victoria St., London, S.W.1. and Chairman, The Property Supply Co., Ltd., 6-9 Charterhouse Sq., London, E.C.1. Career: Impl. Coll. of Science and Tech.; Power Petroleum Co.; Gas Light and Coke Co.; Assoc. with development of the technique of automatic central heating installations; installed first hopper-fed automatic coke boilers in G.B. Author of various articles on the subject.
TAYLOR, F. W. A.M.I.Mech.E. Works Manager, H. C. Webb & Co., Ltd., Tame Rd., Witton, B'ham. Private Address: St. Margaret's , 410 Erdington Rd., Aldridge, Staffs. Age: 42. Career: Birmingham Tech, Sch.; Tool Room, Radiation Ltd. 1910-13; Drawing Office Vickers Ltd. 1913-15; Kelham Hall Engrs. Coll.; War service with R.E., 1914-18; Machine Shop Manager, Taylor, Son, Roberts Ltd., Birmingham.
TAYLOR, G. E. A.M.I.E.E. 14 Hill Crest Gdns., Dollis Hill Lane, Cricklewood, N.W.2. Asst. to Elec. Engr. (New Works), L.P.T.B., 55 Broadway, London, S.W.1.
TAYLOR, G. H. M.Sc.Tech. A.M.I. E.E. Controller, Telephones, London Telecommunications Region, General Post Office. Private Address: Morwenna, Sanderstead Hill, Sanderstead, Surrey. Age: 50. Career: Coll. of Technology, Manchester; National Telephone Co. in Manchester 1908; On Staff of Eng.-in-Chief 1911; Transferred Post Office 1912 and employed at H.Q. until 1925; Dist. Manager, Telephones, Edinburgh 1925-32; Controller of Sales 1932-38; present position, Oct. 1938.
TAYLOR, Godfrey M. C. M.C., M.A., M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons.E., F.R.San.I. Partner, John Taylor & Sons, Caxton House, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 18 St. Mary Abbots Terrace, London, W.14. Educ.: Cranleigh Sch.; Exhibitioner and Foundation Scholar, St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Is specialist in waterworks, sewerage and sewage disposal.
TAYLOR, H. M.I.E.E. Director, Mather & Platt Ltd., Park Works, Manchester, 10.
TAYLOR, H. E. A.M.I.E.E. Sales Engr., Crompton, Parkinson Ltd., London. Private Address: "Ingledene," Chelmerton Avenue, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex. Age: 42 Career: City and Guilds of London; Finsbury Tech. Coll. Student. War Service, R.Es.
TAYLOR, H. G. M.Sc.(Eng.) D.I.C. A.M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P. Elect. Engr., Copper Development Assoc., Thames House, Millbank, S.W.1. Private Address: 35 Oakington. Avenue, Harrow, Mddx. Age: 34. Career: Taunton Sch.; Plymouth Tech. Coll; Barrow-in-Furness Tech. Sch.; Battersea Polytechnic; City and Guilds; Vickers Ltd.; Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co.; British Elect. and Allied Industries Research Assoc.
TAYLOR, Herbert George. M.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Member of Philosophical Society of England. Principal, Tech. Coll., Oldham. Private Address: 5 Meadow Lane, Oldham, Lancs. Age: 56. Career: Educ. Evening Schools at Oldham and at Manchester Univ.; Lecturer in Eng., Univ. of Liverpool; Lecturer in Eng., King's Coll., Univ. of London; Head of Eng. Dept., Coll. of Technology, Leicester. Author of "Laboratory Engineering" "The Education of Engineers"; etc.
TAYLOR, H. G. P. A.C.G.I., B.Sc. (Eng. ) Lond. A.M.Inst.C.E. Works Manager, Assoc. Portland Cement Mfrs., Ltd., Burham Works, Aylesford, Nr. Maidstone. Private Address: Oxted, Claremont Rd., Hextable, Swanley, Kent. Age: 33. Career: City and Guilds; three years Asst. Engr. Buenos Aires and Pacific Rly., Argentine; Tech. Representative, L.G. Mouchel Partners, Birmingham office; Asst. Engr in New Works, A.P.C.M.
TAYLOR, H. W. A.M.I.E.E. Distribution Engr., Edmundson's Electricity Corp. Ltd., Thames House, Millbank, S.W.1. Age: 41. Career: Ackworth Sch., Nr. Pontefract; three years pupilage at Stalybridge; three years Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Mains Asst., Stalybridge; Dist. Engr. Coatbridge & Airdrie Elec. Supply Co., Ltd.; Eng. Manager, Western Elec. Supply Corp. Ltd.; Distribution Engr., Edmundson's.
TAYLOR, H. W. M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I. Consulting Engr. Practice chiefly in connection with works of water supply, main drainage, sewage disposal and Ferro-concrete construction. Address: 1 Saville Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
TAYLOR, J. A.M.I.E.E. Mains Supt., Cleethorpes Corp. Elec. Dept. Private Address: "Elroy," Cromwell Rd., Cleethorpes, Lincs. Age: 35. Career Darwen (Lancs.) Gramm. Sch.; Royal Tech. Coll., Salford; pupil, Blackburn Corp. Elec. Dept.; asst. Mains Engr., Walsall, 1927-32; Mains Tech, Asst., Sheffield, 1932-4.
TAYLOR, J. A.M.I.E.E., B.Sc.Tech., (Hons.) Tech. Sales Engr., Ferranti Ltd., Hollinwood. Private Address: 198 Frederick Street, Oldham, Lancs. Age: 35. Career: Oldham High Sch.; Manchester Univ; with Ferranti Ltd., as Designing Engr. and latterly as Tech. Sales Engr.
TAYLOR, J. E. M.I.E.E. Private Address: 30 Embrook Rd., Wokingham, Berks. Age: 65. Career: Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Univ. Coll; forty-four years service in G.P.O.; G.P.O. Eng. Dept. 1891-1932, retiring as Suptg. Engr. S. Midland District; Reviewer of numerous early works on Wireless Telegraphy for Electrical journals, etc.
TAYLOR, J. L. A.S.T.C., Wh.Ex. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Control Engr., North Eastern Elec. Supply Co., Ltd., Newcastleon-Tyne. Private Address: "Ormonde" Teviotdale Gardens, Heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 6. Age: 42. Career: Sunderland Tech. Coll.; Glasgow Royal Tech. Coll.; twelve years with Glasgow Corp. Elec. Power Dept. as charge engr.; ten years with N.E. Elec. Supply Co. as Asst. Dist. Engr. and in present position.
TAYLOR, J. R. T.D., B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., The Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., Bedford. Age: 41. Career: Uddingston Gramm. Sch.; Glasgow Univ.; apprent. George Russell & Co., Ltd., Crane Builders, Motherwell; Igranic Electric Co. twenty-one years Commisioned Service in Territorial Army, Bt. Lt. Col.
TAYLOR, J. R. M.A.,M.Inst.C.E. Partner, Sandford Fawcett and Partners, 53 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Little Court, Shalbourne, Marlborough, Wilts. Career: training and Experience under Wood and Brodie of Liverpool, Dr. George F. Deacon of Westminster, and later Chief Asst. to Sir Alexander Binnie, Son & Deacon. 1914-21 Engr. Jharia Water Board (India); 1921-24 Supt. Engr., Public Health Dept., Bihar and Orissa (India); 1924-38 Eng. Inspector, Ministry of Health.
TAYLOR, John. C.B.E. Vice-Chairman, Mather and Platt, Ltd., Engrs., Park Works, Manchester 10. Private Addresses: Brywood, Westbourne Road, Birkdale, Southport, and Helmside, Grasmere, Westmorland. Pioneer and inventor of automatic fire extinguishing sprinklers.
TAYLOR, John Eric. M.Sc.Tech., A.M. I. Mech. E. Lecturer in Eng., Harris Inst., Preston. Private Address: 295 Watling Street Rd., Fulwood, Preston. Age: 33, Career: Manchester Gramm. Sch.; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Apprent. Mather & Platt, Ltd., Manchester; Junior Scientific Officer at H.M. Fuel Research Station, East Greenwich.
TAYLOR, M. H. A.M.I.Mech.E. Works Manager, Hammond Pump and Equipment Co., Ltd., Kingsbury Works, London, N.W.9. Private Address: 66 Blenheim Rd., North Harrow. Age: 48. Formerly, Works Mgr., Brazil Straker & Co., Bristol 1914; Protn. Engr., Cosmos Eng. Co., Bristol 1918; Chief Insptr., Sopwith Aviation Co., 1920.
TAYLOR, R. W. A.M.I.E.E. Director and Wks. Manager, Bejay Eng. Co., Ltd., 24 Grosvenor Gdns., S.W.1. Private Address: 36 Connaught Square, Hyde Park, W.2. Age: 31. Student Apprent., Brit. Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby.
TAYLOR, T. A. A.M.I.E.E. Distribution Engr., Borough of Hastings Elec. Dept., York Buildings, Hastings.
TAYLOR, W. M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Radio Engr. at Mazda Valve Eng. Dept., Cosmos Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Brimsdown, Enfield, Mddx. Age: 33. Career: St. Bees Sch., Cumberland; Apprent. English Elec. Co., Ltd.; Liverpool Univ.; International Telephone and Telegraph Laboratories Inc.; Radio Engr. Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd.; and present appointment.
TAYLOR, W. T. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. tel. A. I.E. E., etc Consulting Engr., Sao Paulo, Brazil. Private Address: "Summerlee", Wiston Avenue, West Worthing, Sussex. Career: Eng. and management Public Utility undertakings; Mineral Investigations in Brazil, specializing in crystallography.
TAYLOR-AUSTIN, Edward. F. I.C., Member of the Society of Public Analysts, Associate of the Inst. of British Foundrymen. Chief Chemist, British Cast Iron Research Assocn., 21-23 St Paul's Square, Birmingham, 3. Private Address: Jesmondene, Frederick Road, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield. Educ. King Edwards' Gramm. Sch., Aston, and Birmingham Central Tech. Coll.; Four years in general metallurgical analysis; nine years with B.C.I.R.A.
TAYLOUR, H. H. M.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Development Engr., Rectifier Dept., G.E.C. Ltd., Witton, Birmingham. Private Address: 5 Grosvenor Rd., Hansdworth, Birmingham, 20. Age: 30. Career: Sir Walter St. John's Sch., Battersea; Battersea Polytechnic (Edwin Tate Scholarship); Apprent. B.T.H. Co., Rugby 1929-32; closely assoc. with initial research and development of large steel mercury arc Rectifiers; 1932-3, Mercury Arc Rectifier Development Engr., A. ReyRolle & Co.; 1933 to date G.E.C. Ltd.
TEAGO, Frederick Jerrold. D.Sc., M.I.E.E. Robert Rankin Professor of Elect. Machinery, The Univ. of Liverpool. Business Address: Laboratories of Applied Electricity, Liverpool Univ. Private Address: Cragside, Cross Lane, Newton, West Kirby, Cheshire. Career: Educ: Armstrong Coll., Durham Univ. C. A. Parsons & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Metropolitan-Vickers Co., Manchester; H.M. Steel Billet Plant, Manchester. Books: "Examples in Electrical Engineering," "The Commutator Motor," "The Mercury Arc," "Electric Traction." in "Pitman Elect. Educator."
TEAGUE, T. N. A.M.I.Mech.E. Engr. Representative, Turners Asbestos Cement Co., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: 276 Ryebank Rd., Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Age: 35. Career: Birmingham Coll. of Tech.; apprent. and later Tech asst., Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Chief Testing and inspection Engr., Holden & Brooks, Ltd., present appointment.
TEARE, William Alfred. M.I.Mar.E. Lubrication Specialist (own business.) Business Address: The Colby Pump, Colby, Isle of Man. Private Address: "Beecroft," Main Rd., Colby, I.O.M. Age: 57. Career: Bootle Tech. Sch.; Apprent. Cunard S.S. Engine Works, Liverpool; Sea-service, in C.P.R. and Cunard ships, including R.M.S. "Umbria," "Etruria" and "Lucania." Served in Imperial Yeomanry in S. Africa, 1900-1. Member, Exec. Council, Isle of Man Ch. of Corn and I.O.M. British Legion; Past Chairman, Arbory Board of Guardians, etc.; Former member of Council, I.O.M. poor Law Guardians Assoc.
TEE, H. W. M.Inst.C.E. Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Town Hall, Woolwich, S.E.18. Age: 38. Career: Newport (I. of W.) Gramm. Sch.; training, with Mr. E. A. Slater, Borough Engr., Newport (I. of W.); Eng. Asst., Newport, Woolwich and Portsmouth; Eng. Inspector (Roads and Bridges), Min. of Transport; Engr. and Architect, Steyning R.D.C.; Deputy, and finally Borough Engr., Woolwich.
TEGETMEIER, N. A.M.I.E.E. 81 Newport Road, Cardiff. Tel.: 3464 Cardiff.
TELFER, F. P. G. M.C., A.M.I.E.E. TeCh. Liaison with Govt. Depts., M.O. Valve Co., Ltd., Hammersmith, London. Private Address: 40 Audley Road, Ealing, W.S. Age: 40. Career: St. Andrew's Sch., Eastbourne; Mill Hill Sch.; 4 years' service in Army, retiring with rank of Major; Eng. training by private tuition; 1 year with Detroit Edison Co., of Detroit, U.S.A.; 14 years with M.O. Valve Co., Ltd.
TELFORD, John C. O.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Private Address: Hill Crest, Ham Lane, Pedmore, near Stourbridge. Career: Training, Tees-side Bridge and Eng. Co., Ltd., Middlesbrough, 1897-1906; Engr., Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd., Middlesbrough and London, 1906-16; Manager, Dorman, Long & Co., Constructional Dept., 1916-19; General Manager and Director, Braithwaite & Co., Engrs., Ltd., 1919-32; retired 1932.
TEMPLE, F. C. C.I.F., M.Inst.C.E., M I.Mech.E, F. R. San.I, P. P. I. S.E., M.T.P.I., M.I.M. & Cy.E., F.I.S.P., P.P.I.E. (India). Consulting Engr., Partner with G. Bransby Williams & G. Bartholomew, 28 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, and 7 Old Court House Street, Calcutta. Age: 59. Career: Rugby Sch.; Balliol Coll., Oxford; Apprent. under James Mansergh, F.R.S., 1901-03; Asst. Engr., Birmingham Elan Valley Waterworks, 1903-05; Military Works Services, India, 1905-07; P.W.D., Punjab Irrigation, 1907-08; Dist. Engr., Muzaffarpur Dist., 1908-15; Supterintending Engr., Public Health Dept., P.W.D., Bihar and Orissa, 1915-19; Chief Town Engr., 1919, and Administrator, 1924-32; private practice, 1932-34, and since 1935; Earthquake Relief Engr. and Supply Officer, Bihar and Orissa, 1934-35. Author of "Manual for Young Engineers in India", "Sewage Works", etc.
TEMPLE, F. R. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I. E.E. Elect. Engr., B.B.C., London. Private Address: 96 Abbotsbury Gardens, Eastcote, Pinner, Middx. Age: 31. Career: Univ. Coll., London, 1926-29; Edison Bell, Ltd., London, 1929-32; British Acoustic Films, Ltd., London, 1932-36; British Ozaphane, Ltd., London, 1936-38; 1938, B.B.C.
TENCH, F. M.A., A.M.I.E.E., F.C.I. P.A. Partner in the firm of Dicker, Pollak, Mercer, Tench & Meyer, 20-23 Holborn, London, E.C.1, Chartered Patent Agents. Private Address: 2 Highview Close, Norwood, S.E.19. Age: 38. Educ.: Christ's Hospital and Christ's Coll., Cambridge.
TENNYSON, Lieut.-Col. Constantine, late I. Russ. Navy. Naval Architect, M.Inst.N.A., M.Ass.Techn.Mar. et Aeron. (France). Proprietor, Lowten Corpn. (Tech. and Comm. Agencies), 161 Old Brompton Road, London, S.W.S. Age: 65. Career: I. Russ. Sch. of Naval Architecture and Mar. Eng.; Naval Academy; St.-Petersburg Admiralty; Naval Constructor, I.R. Navy (St.-Pbg., 1895-1905; England, 1905-06); Manager, Shipbuilding Dept., later Director, Shipbuilding Works, Poutilov Works Co., 1906-14; Director, Vickers Agency in Russia, 1914-19.
TERRACE, J. M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. Gas. E. (Past Pres.,1929), F.Inst. F., M.I.Chem.E. Private Address: Dysart, Lawrie Park Crescent, Sydenham, S.E.26. Age: 64. Career: Educ. Glasgow; Apprent. in Constructional Gas Eng. at Stocktonon-Tees; 1897-1902, Constructional Engr. with Humphreys & Glasgow, of Westminster, erecting carburetted water gas plants at home and abroad; 1902-09, Asst. Engr., Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Co.; 1909-19, Engr. and Manager, Great Grimsby Gas Co.; 1919-31, Chief Engr., South Suburban Gas Co. Now retired, except for some consulting work.
TERRY, R. St. G. B.Sc.(Eng.)Hons., A.M.I.E.E. Relay Engr., Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., New Southgate. Private Address: 75 Manor Drive North, Malden, Surrey. Age: 35. Career: Tiffens Sch., Kingston-on-Thames; Battersea Polytechnic, 1919-22; Robert Adams, Ltd., apprent., 1922-24; Standard Telephone (formerly Western Electric), 1924-28; International Telephone and Telegraph Labs., 1928-31; Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd., 1931, until present.
TERRY, Victor John. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.C.G.I., D.I.C., A.M.I.E.E. Development and Research Engr., Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd., N. Woolwich. Private Address: "Mayfield", Malden Road, New Malden, Surrey.
TERVET, N. C. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E. Senr. Draughtsman (Tank Design), Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Private Address: 142 Southwood Road, New Eltham, S.E.9. Age: 48. Career: East London Coll.; Johnson & Phillips, Ltd.; John Kirkaldy & Co., Auxiliary Marine Engrs.; on staff of Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth; war service with Mech. Warfare Dept., Min. of Mun.; returned to Armstrong Whitworth, and later rejoined Mech. Warfare Dept. (Tank Design and Experimental Dept.).
TETLEY, C. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Manager (Sundon Works), British Portland Cement Mfrs., Ltd., Sundon, Luton, Beds. Age: 34.
TETLEY, Michael Hubert M.A. (Cantab.), M. I.AIech.E. Director, Imperial Continental G.as Assocn., United Kingdom Gas Corpn., Ltd., and subsidiary companies. Private Address: The Priory, Stevenage, Herts.
TETLOW, Norman. B.Sc. (Hons.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Tech. and Overseas Sales Representative, Mather & Platt, ltd., Park Works, Manchester. Private Address: 13 Meadow Lane, Oldham. Age: 39. Career: Manchester Univ., 1921-23; 1925-31, Chief Pump Designer; 193132, Contracts Manager, Pump Dept. Specialist in the application and design of centrifugal pumps for the oil industry.
THACKER, Wm. F. Councillor and J.P., M.I.H.V.E., M.I.P., R.P., M.R.San.I. Principal and Managing Director, Wm. F. Thacker, Ltd., 20, Blackburn Road, Haslingden, Lancs. Private Address: "Wilforths", Haslingden, Lancs. Age: 53. Educ.: Tech. Coll., Preston.
THARP, B. S. A.M.I.Mech.E. Marine Consulting Engr., 46 Hamilton Dock, Lowestoft. Age: 50. Career: Berkhamstead Sch.; Apprent., W. H. De Ritter & Co.; Sea-going Engr. with Ellerman Line (1st cl. B.O.T. Cert.); Chief Engr., National Projectile Factory, Dudley; Chief Engr., Harper, Son & Bean. Has practised as Consulting Engr. for seventeen years Consulted on the building of several Diesel Trawlers, etc.
THIRTLE, A. C. A.M.I.E.E., A.M. Inst.C.E. Generation Engr., Norwich Corpn., Thorpe Power Station, Norwich. Private Address:"Hillcrest", Telegraph Lane, Norwich. Age: 37.
THOM, John Herbert. M.I.E.S., M.I.Mar.E. Chairman and Jt. Managing Director, Thom, Lamont & Co., Ltd., Hawkhead Eng. Works, Paisley; Chairman, Cockburns, Ltd., Cardonald. Private Address: Craigengower, Tweedsmuir Road, Cardonald. Career: Apprent. with Cockburns, Ltd., and Thom, Lamont & Co., Ltd., 1907-12; 1915, appointed Jt. Managing Director, Thom, Lamont & Co., Ltd.
THOM, Robert Absalom. O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M. I.Loco.E., M. Inst.T. Mech. Engr. (Southern Area), L.N.E. Rly., Doncaster, Yorks. Private Address: Avenue House, Thorne Road, Doncaster, Yorks. Career: Apprent., G.N. of S. Rly., at Kittybrewster Works, Aberdeen; four years on Loco. Eng. Staff of the Metropolitan Rly.; four years, Loco., Carriage and Waggon Supt., Lancs., Derby., and East Coast Rly.; Asst. Loco. Works Manager, G.C. Rly., Gorton; Asst. to C.M.E., G.C. Rly., Gorton; District Mech. Engr., L.N.E. Rly., Gorton; Mech. Engr. (Scotland), L.N.E. Rly., Cowlairs, Glasgow; then present appointment.
THOM, W. M.I.E.E. Director, The Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., 88 Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Private Address: "Lucente", Penmaenmawr, Caernarvon.
THOMAS, A. S. A.M.I.Mech.E. Representative (Sales), Mirrlees, 'Bickerton & Day, Ltd., Hazelgrove, Nr. Stockport. Private Address: 173 Watt Lane, Crosspool, Sheffield.
THOMAS, Albert Wilkes. M.I.Mun. & Cy. E. Engr. and Surveyor, Huyton-withRoby U.D.C., Council Offices, Huyton, Nr. Liverpool. Private Address: "Trebanne", Seel Road, Huyton. Age: 33. Career: Three years Articles, Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Kidderminster; Deputy Engr. and Surveyor, Hayes and Harlington U.D.C.; Asst. Surveyor, Rugby R.D.C.; Eng. Asst., Bilston U.D.C. (now Borough); present appointment, 1930.
THOMAS, C. Marsingall. D.F.H., A.M.I.E.E. Pen-eland, Wieland Road, Northwood, Mddx. The Asst. Mech. and Elect. Engr., Air Ministry Works Directorate, Fighter Southern H.Q., Valency House, Watford Road, Northwood. Age: 45. Career: Blundells Sch.; Edinburgh Univ.; Faraday House (1st Cl. Dipl.); training at Southern Rly. Elect. Dept., Crompton & Co., and Cornwall Elect. Power Co.; Res. Elect. Engr., Osborne and Chappel, Ipoh, Perak, F.M.S.; Municipality of Singapore Elect. Dept.; Athens Piraeus Elect. Co. (Whitehall Securities Corp., Ltd.). War service 1914-19 with Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
THOMAS, D. A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst. S.W.E. Elect. Engr. and Manager, Abertillery U.D.C., Elect. Dept., Abertillery, Mon. Private Address: "Silverdale", Commercial Road, Aberbeeg, Newport, Mon. Age: 49. Career: The Commin Sch., Trecynon; County Sch., Aberdare; Pupil of the late Rees Rees, Esq., Bullfa, Aberdare; on Erection Staff of the old British Westinghouse Elect. Co.; Chief Elect. Engr., United National, Crosskeys, Mon.; since March, 1928, present appointment. Awarded First Prize in 1919 for Paper on Substation Switchgear and Equipment. South Wales Sec. for the Committee of Smaller Municipal Elect. Supply Undertakings. Natl. Exec. Mem. of Min. E.E. for 15 years; S. Wales Sec. of A.M.E.E. for 7 years.
THOMAS, E. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Engr., W. Gilbertson & Co., Ltd., Pontardawe, Swansea.
THOMAS, Edgar. (Extra First) B.T.C., NI. I.Mar. E., M. I.Mech. I. Private Address: Wooda, 34 Parkwern Road, Swansea, Glamorganshire. Formerly Supt. Engr., Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., and Res. Engr., British Petroleum Co., Ltd.
THOMAS, Fredk. J. B. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., Central London Elect., Ltd. Private Address: 10 Windmill Avenue, Ewell, Epsom, Surrey. Age: 30. Career: Newbury Grammar Sch.; Faraday House; Callender's Cable and Construction Co.; Kensington and Knightsbridge Elect. Light Co., Ltd.
THOMAS, G. E. T. M.Inst.P.O.E.E. Asst. Engr., London Telecommunications Region (City Area), G.P.O. Private Address: 16 Elm Park Road, South Norwood, S.E.25. Age: 36. Educ.: City and Guilds of London Inst.; Silver Medallist, Telegraphy (Final Exam.); Pewterers' Co. prizeman. Member of Council, Inst. of P.O. Elect. Engrs., 1935-37.
THOMAS, H. A. D.Sc., M.I.E.E. Scientific Officer, The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middx. Age: 37. Career: King Edward's High Sch., Birmingham, 1913-17; Birmingham Univ., 1917-22 (B.Sc., 1st cl. Hons., 1922); Scientific Officer, N.P.L., 1923 to date. Author of numerous papers, etc., on Radio Research, including publications by D.S.I.R.
THOMAS, H. L. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M. I.E.E. Asst. Transformer Design Engr., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby. Private Address: 7 Fisher Avenue, Rugby. Age: 38. Career: King Edward VI. Sch., Southampton; Univ. Coll., Southampton; B.T.H. Co., Testing Course, 1923-24; B.T.H. Co., Transformer Eng. Dept., 1924-26, and 1927 to date; I.G.E. Co., Schenectaday, N.Y. and G.E. Co., Pittsfield, Mass., U.S.A., 1926-27 (B.T.H. Fellowship).
THOMAS, I. C. M.V.O., M.I.E.E. "Alverstone", Wych Hill Lane, Woking. Age: 77. Career: Cowbridge Coll.; Epsom Coll.; R.I.E. Coll., Cooper's Hill; 1881, appointed to Indian Government, Telegraph Dept.; 1914-16, Chief Engr., Telegraphs, India; 1916, retired.
THOMAS, J. M.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Eng. Lecturer, City Tech. Coll., Byrom Street, Liverpool. Age: 42. Career: City and County Sch., Chester; Liverpool Univ.; Training, Sandycroft, Ltd., Mining Engrs., Chester; 1922-23, Switchgear Draughtsman, British Thomson Houston Co.; 1923-31, Machine and Transformer Designer, The English Electric Co., Stafford; from 1931, Elect. Eng. Lecturer at City Tech. Coll., Liverpool.
THOMAS, J. F. I. O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M. Inst.C.E Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd.; Director, British Spiro Turbine, Ltd., Stennard Works, Wakefield, Yorks.
THOMAS, J. H. M.C., M.I.E.E. Managing Director, A. C. Cossor, Ltd., Cossor House, Highbury Grove, N.S.
THOMAS, J. W. LL.B., B.Sc.Tech., M.I.E.E. 60 King Street, Manchester. Barristerat-Law. Formerly Asst. General Sec., Elect. Power Engrs.' Assocn. Chairman, North-West Centre, I.E.E., 1937-8. Is Member of Council, I.E.E.
THOMAS, Kenneth Treherne. F.R.G.S., M.I.S.I. Private Address: Oughtrington Hall, Cheshire. Age: 38. Career: Harrow Sch.; Cambridge Univ.; Chairman and Managing Director, Monks, Hall & Co., Ltd., Iron and Steel Mfrs., Warrington; Chairman, Wm. Robertson, Ltd., Latchford. Now retired.
THOMAS, P. R. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M. I.E.E. Engr., Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., North Woolwich, London, E.16. Private Address: 15 Kirkstall Road, Streatham Hill, S.W.2.
THOMAS, Philip Wilfrid. B.Sc.(Eng.), (London), A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech. E., M.I.E.S., F.C.I.S. Secretary, The Institution of Engrs. and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 39 Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow, C.2. Age: 36. Career: Educ., Cranleigh and King's Coll., London; 1922-25, practical training with L. & N.E. Rly. (G.E. Section); 1925-30, Asst. Engrs. Dept., Southern Rly.; Hon. General -Sec., Internl. Eng. Cong., Glasgow, 1938.
THOMAS, Roland Chilton. M.A., A.M.I.Mech.E. Branch Manager, Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., 4 Bankshall Street, Calcutta. Private Address: Gra.yshott, Hindhead, Surrey. Age: 35. Career: Stonyhurst Sch. and Cambridge Univ.; Apprent., William Doxford & Sons and Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd. Appointed by Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., to their Calcutta Office Staff in 1927, and later, Branch Manager, Calcutta.
THOMAS, S. M.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Senr. Lecturer in Eng., Dept. of Eng., Univ. Coll., Cardiff. Career: Training at Univ. Coll., Cardiff, S. Wales Elect. Power Co., Ltd., and British Westinghouse Elect. and Mfg. Co., Ltd.; Asst. Lecturer, and subsequently Lecturer in Eng., Univ. Coll., Cardiff; also Investigation Engr., etc., Component Munitions, Ltd., Birming ham.
THOMAS, Sydney B. B.Sc.(Eng. Hons.) London, A.K.C., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M. Inst.M. & Cy.E. Eng. Asst., Bristol Corpn., 63 Queen Square, Bristol, 1. Private Address: 80 Sylvan Way, Seamills Park, Bristol. Age: 29. Career: St. Olaves Gramm. Sch., London; King's Coll., London; Asst. Engr., Sir Robt. McAlpine & Sons, Ltd.; Eng. Asst., Wandsworth B.C. and East Sussex C.C.
THOMAS, T. R. B.Sc., M.I.Mar.E., A. F. R.Ae.S. Sec., Air Registration Board, Brettenham House, Lancaster Place, Strand, W.C.2. Private Address: 55 Vaughan Gardens, Ilford, Essex. Age: 45. Apprent., Sunderland Shipbuilding and Eng. Co.; Degree course, King's Coll., Durham. Formerly Principal Surveyor in London to the British Corp. Register of Shipping and Aircraft.
THOMAS, William Henry. A.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.Inst.Mech.E., A.C.G.I. Res. Engr., Willcox, Raikes & Marshall, 33 Great Charles Street, Birmingham. Private Address: "Delamere" Fence Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Age: 48. Career: City and Guilds Eng. Coll., 1910-13; Enlisted with Royal Naval Division in 1914 and served through Gallipoli Campaign; transferred R.E., served in Salonica as Asst. Director of Works and C.R.E., Salonica, with rank of Lieut.-Colonel, R.E. After the War, served in India under Government of Bombay on Reclamation and other Development Work, until 1927; since acted as Res. Engr. on various works in England.
THOMAS, W. N. M.Eng. Dist. Supt., Ayrshire Electricity Board, Kilmarnock. Private Address: 3 Thornhouse Avenue, Irvine, Ayrshire. Career: Liverpool Univ.; Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., Leeds; Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich.
THOMAS, William Norman. M.A., DPhil. (Oxon.), M.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M. I.Mech.E., M. I. Struct.E., A. R. I.B. A. Professor of Eng., Univ. Coll., Cardiff. Career: Articled pupil to Borough Engr., Crewe, and Eng. Asst.; private practice; Lieut., R.E., in France; Eng. Lecturer at Nottingham, Birmingham and Oxford Univs.; Principal Asst., Building Research Station. Books: "Surveying" (Arnold), "Development of Bridges".
THOMPSON, Arthur Beeby. O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.M.M., M.I.P.T., F.G.S. Consulting Engr. (Water, Petroleum, Geological Surveys); Senior Partner, A. Beeby Thompson & Partners, 18 St. Swithin's Lane, London, E.C.4. Private Address: Park Hill, Sevenoaks, Kent. Adviser to Egyptian and Iraqian Governments; has conducted petroleum exploration and exploitation in Russia, U.S.A., Peru, Columbia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Rumania, Galicia, Iraq, Burma, India, Canada, Cuba, Barbados, British Guiana, etc. Books: "Oilfields of Russia", "Petroleum Mining", "Oilfield Development", "Emergency Water Supplies".
THOMPSON, A. E. A.M.I.E.E. M.I.R.E. Tech. Director, Creed & Co., Ltd., Croydon, Surrey.
THOMPSON, Bruce Wright. A.M.I. Mar. E., A.M.I.Struct. Engr. Surveyor, British Engine, Boiler and Elect. Insur. Co., Ltd., 8 Waterloo Street, Birmingham, 2. Private Address: 3 Woodhurst Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13. Age: 40. Career: "Penketh" Sch.; Liverpool Univ.; Works Engr., White Star Alkali Co., Ltd.: Chief Engr., David Bruce (Engineers) Ltd. Patentee, "Salter" Safe Load Indicator for cranes, Elevating Machines and Machine Tools. Author of "Modern Cranes".
THOMPSON, Edward. O.B.E. (Military), B.A.(Cantab.), M.I.Mech.E., M.I. Loco.E. Mech. Engr., L.N.E. Rly., Doncaster. Private Address: United Univ. Club, St. James', S.W.1. Educ. Marlborough, and Pembroke Coll., Cambridge. Late Lieut.-Colonel, R.E.
THOMPSON, E. A. M.I.E.E. Director and Sec., R. Broadbent & Son, Ltd., Phoenix Ironworks, Stalybridge, Ches. Age: 59. Educ.: Dulwich Coll.; Faraday House.
THOMPSON, Francis Longstreth. B.Sc.(Eng.), F.S.I., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.T. P. I. (Past.-Pres.), Chadwick Gold Medallist in Municipal Engineering. Town Planning Consultant in private practice, 58 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Career: Trained as a Civil and Municipal Engr. and has held appointments as Asst. Engr. with the P.L.A., Res. Engr. with Messrs. Rendel, Palmer & Tritton, and Site Planning Expert in the Housing Department of the Ministry of Health. In private,practice since 1920. Town Planning Adviser to many Local Authorities in England, the Union of South Africa and Southern Rhodesia.
THOMPSON, Frank C. D. Met.(Sheffield), B.Sc. (Lond.), M.Sc. (Manchester). Professor of Metallurgy, The Univ., Manchester. Private Address: 98 Acre Lane, Bramhall, Stockport. Career: Lecturer in Metallurgy, Sheffield Univ.; Sorby Research Fellow, 1920-21; present appointment from 1921. Past Pres., Inst. Welding Engrs. Books: "A Course of Metallurgy for Engrs", etc.
THOMPSON, Frederick William. Assoc. M. Inst.C.E Steelworks Engr., Sir Wm. Arrol & Co., Ltd., Rigby Street,. Parkhead, Glasgow. Private Address: 50 Second Avenue, Glasgow, S.4. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Chief Draughtsman, Wellman Smith Owen Eng. Corpn., Ltd., Darlaston; Chief Designer, Thomas Broadbent & Sons, Ltd., Huddersfield. Designed opening machinery for Tees (Newport) Vertical Lift Bridge, Boothferry Swing Bridge, Bangkok Bascule Bridge, Weymouth Bridge, etc.
THOMPSON, Geoffry Barry Poole. M.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Lion Eng. Co. (Birmingham) Ltd., 66 Granville Street, Birmingham, 1. Private Address: 30 Stanmore Road, Birmingham, 16. Age: 54. Career: Four years training, Works and D.O., Jessop & Appleby, Bros., Leicester, Crane Makers; outside erector for large cranes; Asst. Engr. for Dock Machinery with the Furness Rly. Co., Barrow-in-Furness.
THOMPSON, George. M.Eng., M.I. Mech.E.,.Mar.E., M. I. Prod. E. Principal, Swansea Tech. Coll., Mt. Pleasant, Swansea. Private Address: 59 Pinewood Road, Sketty, Swansea. Age: 40. Career: Liverpool Univ.; Lecturer in Eng., Central Tech. Sch., Liverpool; Head of Mech. Eng. Dept., L.C.C. School of Eng. and Navigation, Poplar.
THOMPSON, George Alan. B.Sc., A.M. Inst. C. E., A.M. Inst. Gas. E. Asst. Eng., The Gas, Light and Coke Co., Gas Works, Beckton, London, E.6. Private Address: 8 Beckton Gardens, Beckton, London, E.6. Age: 29. Educ.: Leeds Boys' Modern Sch., 1918-28; Leeds Univ., 1928-32; Pupil, Gas, Light and Coke Co., 1932-35. First holder of the John Gray Jubilee Scholarship of the Soc. of Chemical Industry, 1932.
THOMPSON, H. A.M.I.E.E. Tech. and Sales Engr., George Ellison, Ltd. (Switchgear. Mfrs.), Perry Barr, Birmingham. Private Address: "Highfield", Gamble Lane, Farnley, Leeds. Age: 32. Career: Educated Cockburn High Sch., Leeds; Leeds Coll. of Technology; Training, R. F. Winder, Ltd., Leeds, Elect Engrs.; Firth & Russell, Ltd., Elect. Motor Mfrs.; Yorkshire Copper Works, Leeds.
THOMPSON, H. F. J. A.M.I.E.E. General Manager, and Engr., Battersea Borough Council, Elect. Dept., Electric House, 204 Lavender Hill, Battersea, S.W.11. Age: 60. Career: Central High Sch., Sheffield; Tech. Sch., Sheffield (Sch. of Sheffield Univ.); Sheffield Elect. Light and Power Co., Elect. Supply, Private Plant Installations, Design and Mfr. of Elect. Apparatus and Fittings; Moon Loughlin & Co., Manchester, Asst. Engr. and Manager, Mfg. and Public Contracts; South Metropolitan Elect. Light and Power Co., Mains Supt.; Battersea, Chief Asst. Elect. Engr. Past-Pres., Chief Tech. Assistants Assocn. Inventor, Closed Circuit Air Cooling System, Bowden-Thompson Cable Protective System, etc.
THOMPSON, John Edward. B.Sc. (Mech.Eng.), A.M. I.Mech.E., Chartered Mechanical Engineer. Tech. Asst., Chief Engr's. Dept., I.C.I. (Fertilizer and Synthetic Products) Ltd., Billingham, Co. Durham. Private Address: "St. Denys", 113 Beaconsfield Road, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees, Co. Durham. Age: 39. Career: Tech. Coll., West Hartlepool; Armstrong Coll.; Apprent., Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., Hartlepool; Asst. Master, Geometrical and Mech. Drawing, Tech. Coll., Darlington; on Tech. Staff as follows: Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., Hartlepool, Marine Eng., Boiler and Power Plant design; Synthetic Ammonia & Nitrates, Ltd. (now I.C.I. (F. & S.P.) Ltd.), Billingham, Boiler and Power Plant and Chemical Plant design; Ashmore, Benson, Pease & Co., Ltd., Stocktonon-Tees, Blast Furnace Plant design; Lodge-Cottrell, Ltd., Birmingham, Gas Dust Elect. Precipitator Plant.
THOMPSON, J. H. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Elect. Engr., Newcastle-uponTyne Corpn. Private Address: 46 Denewell Avenue, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 6. Age: 48.
THOMPSON, John Hannay. O.B.E., J.P., M.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., Officier D' Academie, M. Soc. C.E. (France), Officier De L'Instruction Publique. General Manager and Engr., Dundee Harbour Trust, Harbour Chambers, Dock Street, Dundee. Private Address: Sorbie, Broughty Ferry. Born: 1869. Educ.: Trinity Coll., Harrogate; Univ. of Durham; King's Coll., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Career: Res. Engr., Graving Dock for Wallsend Slipway Co., on the Tyne; Graving Docks, South Shields, Blyth, Bilbao; Engr.in-Charge of Section No. 1 of the Admiralty Harbour Works, Dover, under Coode, Son & Matthews, Westminster. Designed and constructed deep-water wharves, river walls, sheds, warehouses, shipbuilding berths, fitting out jetties, dock gates, caissons, piers, etc., at Dundee. Consulting Engr. to various Harbour Authorities. Joint author on "Suction or Interaction between Passing Vessels", and numerous papers. War service: Capt., 2nd V.B. Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). Chairman or Member of various Government Committees.
THOMPSON, J. Lindley. M.Sc., M.I.E.E. Managing Director and Chief Engr., The Lindley Thompson Transformer and Service Co., Ltd., St. Mary's Road, Slough, Bucks. Private Address: 8 North Park, Iver, Bucks. Age: 50. Career: Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1905-10 (B.Sc. Hons., 1909, M.Sc., 1910, Univ. Certs. in Civil, Mech. and Elect. Eng.); 1910-27, British Westinghouse, and later Metropolitan-Vickers., as Transformer designer,and later Asst. Supt., of Transformer Dept.; 1928-33, Chief Engr., British Elect. Transformer Co., Ltd.; 1933, founded Lindley Thompson Transformer and Service Co., and 1935, founded The Langley Welding Co. Author of "Transformer" section of the Dictionary of Applied Physics (Sir Richd. Glazebrook), etc.
THOMPSON, J. Taylor. M.C., M.Inst. C.E. Asst. Engr., N.E. Area, L.N.E.R., York. Career: Trained under Charles A. Harrison, D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E.; Engr., N.E. Rly., engaged on design of West Dunston Staiths, West Blyth Staiths, etc.; in charge of design and construction of extension of Ponteland Branch, widening of Main Line, York to Northallerton, New Inwards Goods Yard, Hull, etc.
THOMPSON, Joseph William. M.I. W.E., A.M.I.Loco.E., City and Guilds Silver Medal, Final. Temp. Draughtsman, L.M. & S. Rly., Loco. Drawing Office, Crewe Works. Private Address: 46 Frank Webb Avenue, Crewe. Age: 30. Educ.; Crewe Tech. Coll.; Coll. of Tech., Manchester.
THOMPSON, Reginald William Scott. B.Sc. (Eng.) (London), Assoc.M.Inst. C.E. (Telford Prem.). Chief Engr., The Derwent Valley Water Board, Bamford, near Sheffield. Private Address: Shatton Lane, Bamford, near Sheffield. Age: 37. Career: King's Coll., London; Asst. Engr., Derwent Valley Water Board.
THOMPSON, Robert F. B.Sc.(Eng.) (Hons.), M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Mar.E. Head of Mech. and Civil Eng. Dept., The Polytechnic Sch. of Eng., 309 Regent Street, London, W.1. Private Address: Holyoake, College Avenue, Harrow Weald, Middx.
THOMPSON, Major Stephen John. D.S.O.(1916). Governing Director and Chairman, John Thompson Engineering Co., Ltd., Ettingshall, Wolverhampton. Private Address: Stanley Hall, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, Tel.: Bridgnorth 3231.
THOMPSON, Waude. M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., M.T.P.I. Borough Eng. and Surveyor, Mansfield. Career: Served articles with Borough Engr., Birkenhead, and afterwards engaged at Newport, Mon., and Burton-on-Trent.
THOMPSON, W. S. A.M.I.E.E. Contract Engr., A. Reyrolle & Co., Ltd., Hebburn-on-Tyne. Private Address: 30 Ronald Drive, Denton Burn, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 5. Age: 32. Tech. Ed.: Rutherford Tech. Coll., Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Training, A. Reyrolle & Co., Ltd.
THOMSETT, H. S. A.M.I.E.E., A.I.R.E. Asst. Engr., P.O. Eng. Dept., North Western District, Cross Street, Preston. Age: 35. Career: Five years Apprent. (Elect. Fitter), R.N. Dockyard, Sheerness; Inspector, P.O. Eng. Dept. (Radio Section), 1927, and Asst. Engr. from 1933.
THOMSON, David Halton. M.A. (Cantab.), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.W.E., F.R.Met.Soc. Engr., Portsmouth Water Co., 26 Cornmercial Road, Portsmouth. Career: Educ., Highgate Sch. and Cambridge Univ. (Mech. Sciences and Geology); pupilage under Dr. G. F. Deacon, and later Sir Alex. R. Binnie, Westminster, in whose firm he was later an Asst.; in 1913, Chief Eng. Asst., Portsmouth Water Co.; later Asst. Engr.; since 1926, Engr. to the Co. Pres., Inst. of Water Engrs., 1937-38; Member of British Waterworks Assocn. and Water Companies' Assocn. (Committee).
THOMSON, E. H. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M. Inst.C.E. Civil Engr., Air Ministry Works Directorate. Private Address: Croftan-Righ, Argyle Street, St. Andrews, Fife. Age: 29. Ed.: Bradfield Coll. and London Univ.
THOMSON, James Maitland. A.M.I. Mech.E. Engr. Surveyor, Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corpn., Ltd., London, E.C.2. Private Address: Hamewith, Woodsley Road, Smithills, Bolton. Career: Robert Gordon's Coll., Aberdeen; training, Hall, Russell & Co., Ltd., and Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd.; 11 years, B.I.S.N. Co., rising to Chief Engr. on Mail Steamers; served afloat 1914-18—Eng.-Lieut. in Navy. Interested in Incunabula and Scottish Vernacular Literature; actively engaged in the application of power in industry from the safety standpoint.
THOMSON, John. J.P., B.Sc., M.Inst. C.E. Works Director, Sir William Arrol & Co., Ltd., 85 Dunn Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow, S.E. Private Address: Tulloch House, 19 Woodside Avenue, Rutherglen.
THOMSON, Sir Joseph John. O.M., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Hon. M.I.Mech. E., Hon.M.Inst.C.E. Master of Trinity Coll. (since 1918), Cambridge Univ. Private Address: Trinity Lodge, Cambridge. Career: Educ., Owen's Coll.; Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Second Wrangler and Second Smith's Prizeman, 1880; Fellow of Trinity, 1880; Lecturer, 1883; Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics, Cambridge, from 1884-1918. Hon. Professor of Physics, Cambridge, and Royal Institution. Past-Pres., British Assocn. and Royal Society; Royal and Hughes and Copley Medallist, Royal Society, 1894 and 1902 and 1914; Faraday Medal, Inst.C.E., 1938; Hodgkins Medal, Smithsonian Inst. 1902; Franklin & Scott Medals, Philadelphia, 1923; Mascart Medal, Paris, 1927; Dalton Medal, Manchester, 1931; Nobel Prize for Physics, 1906. Member of Institute of France, Hon. Fellow of numerous American and European scientific societies. Books: "The Electron in Chemistry", "Rays of Positive Electricity", "The Structure of Light", etc., etc.
THOMSON, Robert St. Clair. M.I.A.E. Supt. of the Marine Dept. (Tech. side), Morris Motors (Engines Branch), Courthouse Green, Coventry. Private Address: London Road, Stretton-onDunsmore, Nr. Rugby. Career: Northampton Polytechnic, London; Apprent., Vickers Maxim. Ltd., Peter Pilkington, Ltd., and Hawthorn Leslie, Ltd.; War service, 1915-18, Royal Navy; Engr., Cumberland Motor Services; on Tech. Staff of the Vacuum Oil Co.; Morris Motors (Experimental Dept.).
THOMSON, W. S. M.A., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.N.A. Asst. Supt. Eng., Alfred Holt & Co., India Buildings, Liverpool, 2.
THOMSON, William. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Designer, Haulage Gear Dept., Eng. Works, Carron Co., Falkirk. Private Address: 18 Abbotsford Street, Barrisford, Falkirk. Age: 34. Edw.: Royal Tech. Coll.
THOMSON, Sir William Johnston. Kt., D.L., LL.D., J.P., M.I. A. E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.T., F.I.M.T. Chairman and Managing Director, the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., New Street, Edinburgh, 8. Private Address: Ormelie, Murrayfield, Edinburgh, 12. Career: Trained with Pollock, Macnab & Highgate, Glasgow; served for a period with ArrolJohnston, Ltd., and in 1905 went to Edinburgh as General Manager of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., rising to present position of Chairman and Managing Director. Entered Edinburgh Town Council in 1921, elected Magistrate 1926, Lord Provost 1932-35.
THORBURN, J. M. B.Sc., A.M.Inst. C.E. Private Address: Cramalt Lodge, Budleigh Salterton, Devon. Retired. Age: 56. Career: Cargilfield Sch., Edinburgh; Rugby Sch.; Edinburgh Univ.; Structural Eng., 1907-09; Administrative positions in Burma Oil Co. and Anglo Persian Oil Co., 1909-19; Oil Fields Superintending Engr., Burmah, 1920-30; Res. in India, Persia or Burma, 1907-30.
THORLEY, T. A.M.C.T., A.M.I.E.E., M. I.W. Private Address: 106 Ash Road, Denton, Manchester. Age: 33. Career: Trained, Armstrong Whitworth; Tech. Switchgear Engr., Ferguson Pailin, Ltd.; Welding Dept. Manager, Cooke & Ferguson, Ltd.; Part-time Lecturer, Manchester Coll. of Technology, for some years.
THORN, D. A. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., G.P.O. Eng. Dept., Radio Branch, P.O. Research Station, Dollis Hill, N.W.2. Private Address: 47 Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill, N.W.7. Age: 30. Career: Northampton Polytechnic, 1926-29; Inspector, G.P.O. Eng. Dept., 1925-31, apd Asst. Engr. from 1931.
THORNE, Frederick W. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Professor of Applied Mechanics, R.N. Coll., Greenwich, S.E.10. Private Address: 31 Morden Hill, S.E.13.
THORNELOE, A. J. M.B.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Consulting Engr. and Agent, in private practice. Private Address: St. Beron, Alderbrook Road, Solihull, Birmingham. Career: Educ. King Edward's Sch., Birmingham; Mason Coll.; Birmingham Tech. Sch.; Training, James Watt & Co. and H. W. Ward & Co. (Machine Tool Makers); Continental Traveller for H. W. Ward & Co.; Chief Engr., Georges Joris, Paris; Manager and Partner, Machine Tool Dept., Roliet & Co., Paris; Lieut., R.N.D., Engr. Unit; G.M., Bradford National Munitions Factory; G.M., North Street Projectile Works of Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co.; G.M., Close Works Foundry; Controller and G.M. of Surplus Material Dept. for all A.W. & Co.'s Works; Sales Manager of Cohen Armstrong Disposal Corpn.; G.M., Benton & Stone, Ltd., Birmingham.
THORNHILL, W. E. M.C., M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: 1 Maple Road, Harpenden, Herts. Age: 64. Career: Univ. Coll., London; Pupil, L. & N.W. Rly., Euston, 1893-95; Res. Engr., L. & N.W. Rly., various new widening works, 1898-1910; Divisional Engr., Crewe, 1910-15; War service, France, Egypt and Palestine, 1915-19; Dist. Engr., L. & N.W. Ry., N. Wales Dist., 1919-28; Divisional Engr., Western Div., 1928-35. Retired.
THORNTON, B. M. M.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E. Asst. Manager, Boiler Dept., I.C.I. (Alkali) Ltd., Northwich, Cheshire. Age: 39. Career: Durham Sch.; Armstrong Coll.; Apprent., C. A. Parsons & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne; subsequent experience with Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, as Tech. Asst., and with Foster-Wheeler, New York, as Research Engr.
THORNTON, C. A. M. M.A.(Hons.) Cantab., A.M. I.Mech.E., A.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., I.C.I. (Alkali) Ltd., Northwich, Cheshire. Private Address: Findelen, Hartford, Northwich. Age: 37. Career: Foundation and Senr. Math. Scholar of Marlborough Coll.; Foundation and Engineering Scholar of Clare Coll., Cambridge; "Abbott" Univ. Scholarship; Apprent., English Electric Co., 1923-25; English Electric Co., 1925-27, Southern Rly. Contracts,. etc.; I.C.I. (Alkali) Ltd., 1927-38, Asst. Elect. Engr.
THORNTON, D. Laugharne. M.A., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mar.E. Consulting Engr., 36 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Career: Magdalene Coll., Cambridge; Univ. of Leeds and of Gottingen; Articled to Cole, Marchant & Morley, Ltd., Bradford; Asst. Chief Engr., Tate & Lyle, Ltd., London; Editor of the "Mechanical World and Engineering Record". In consulting practice since 1930, in mech., marine and aeronautical eng., and the design of buildings to withstand earthquakes. Arbitrator and expert witness. Author of "Mechanics Applied to Vibrations and Balancing" (Chapman & Hall), etc.
THORNTON, D. M. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Dist. Engr. (Elect.), Dumfriesshire C.C., Elect. Dept. Private Address: "Clifton Bank", Greenbrae Loaning, Dumfries. Age: 37. Career: George Heriot's Sch., Edinburgh; Univ. of Edinburgh; Draughtsman and Mains Asst., National Elect. Const. Co., London; Tech. Asst., Dist. Asst. Engr., and Asst. Mains Engr., Lothians Elect. Power Co., Edinburgh. Specialised in Rural Electrification.
THORNTON, John A. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. & S.I. Private Address: Blenheim Crest, Richmond Road, Wakefield, Yorks. Career: Trained, Blakeborough & Co., Brighouse, and Richardson, Westgarth, West Hartlepool; for several years at sea as Marine Engr.; Asst. and Chief Engr. to Colliery Groups and Iron and Steel Works; subsequently Manager of Coke Ovens, Iron Works and Steel Works at Dorman, Long & Co., Lancashire Steel Corporation, and General Manager, Skinningrove Iron and Steel Co.
THORNTON, W. G. M.I.Brit.F. (Pres., W.R.of Yorks. Branch, 1928-29, 1929-30). Manager and Director, The Yorkshire Repetition Castings Co. Ltd., Eastbrook Foundry, Dick Lane, Bradford. Private Address: "Riverslea", Cottingley Bridge, Bingley, Yorks. Career: Bradford Tech. Coll.; Thornton & Crebbin, Ltd., Bradford (trainee); Asst. Works Manager and Foundry Manager, Cole, Marchant & Morley, Ltd., Bradford.
THORNTON, William M. O.B.E., D.Sc., D.Eng., M.I.E.E. Emeritus Professor of Elect. Eng. in the Univ. of Durham; lately Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address: c/o The Inst. of Elect. Engrs., Savoy Place, London, W.C.2. Career: Educ. and training include four years at Liverpool Univ. and eight years in works. 1896, Senr. Lecturer in Eng., Bristol Univ.; 1898, Lecturer in Elect. Eng., Armstrong Coll.; 1906, Professor of Elea: Eng., Armstrong Coll. Is specially interested in the elect. ignition of gases in mining and industry. Chairman, Newcastle Section, I.E.E., 1905 and 1921-22; Past-Pres., Assocn. of Mining Elect. Engrs; Pres., I.E.E., 1934-35.
THORNYCROFT, Sir John E. K.B.E. Chairman and Managing Director, John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd., Thornycroft House, Smith Square, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Old Ferry House, Chelsea, Embankment, London, S.W.3. Career: Educ., St. Paul's Sch. and Central Tech. Coll., gained Diploma in Eng. and, later, Fellowship of the City and Guilds. Apprent. in the shipbuilding and eng. works founded by his father (Sir John I. Thornycroft, LL.D., F.R.S.) at Chiswick, "gaining a thoroughly practical knowledge of the many activities of the Company at a time when a very rapid development in naval and other vessels was taking place". During the war his Company was one of those heading the list of destroyer-builders. He was responsible for the Company taking up the mfr. of road motor vehicles (commercial, passenger and municipal); also active in the production of marine combustion engines (both petrol and Diesel type) and in the development of high-speed naval vessels. Pres., I.Mech.E., 1937; VicePres., Inst. of N.A.; Member of Council of Inst.C.E.; Director of the Southern Rly. Co., Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., Ltd., and the Iron Trades Employers' Insur. Assocn., Ltd.
THORNYCROFT, Lieut.-Comdr. John Ward. R.N. (retd.), M.I.N.A., A.M.I.E. Director, John I. Thomycroft & Co., Ltd., Thornycroft House, Smith Square, S.W.1. Private Address: 65 Tufton Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Age: 39. Educ.: R.N. Coils., Osborne, Dartmouth, Keyham; Trinity Coll., Cambridge.
THORNYCROFT, Oliver. 0.B.E., B.A. (Cantab.), A. F. R.Ae. S., M. I. Mech. E M.I.A.E. Chief Engr., Ricardo & Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Bridge Works, Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex. Private Address: Champions, Offington Drive, Worthing. Career: Before the Great War, with Rendel, Palmer & Tritton, Consulting Engrs., London; during the last year of the war, Director of Experiments on Tanks, Ministry of Munitions.
THOROLD, W. G. P. M.A., M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.W.E. Distribution Engr., Metropolitan Water Board, 173 Rosebery Avenue, E.C.1. Age: 45. Educ.: Winchester and New Coll., Oxford.
THORP, C. A.M.Inst.C.E. Sectional Engr., Pauling & Nuttalls, 22 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Lawn House, Gongol, Fishguard, S. Wales. Age: 30. Career: Oundle Sch., 1922-26; Loughborough Coll., 1927-31; Eng. Asst., S. Rly., New Dock Works, Southampton, 193135; Asst. Engr., Topham, Jones & Railton, West Wharf Extension, Singapore Harbour, 1935-37.
THORP, E. W. M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Consulting and Inspecting Engr., 55 Stirling Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 16. Age: 59. Career: Finsbury Tech. Coll., 1894-96; Fitting and Turning Shops, Crompton & Co., Ltd.; A. G. Mumford, Ltd., 1897-1903; Drawing Office, British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., 1903-05; Crompton & Co., Ltd., Rheostat and Switchgear Design, 1905-08; Lahmeyer Elect. Co., Ltd., Colliery Elect. Plant, 1908-11; B.T.-H. Co., Ltd., Design and Sales Staff, 1911-35; Electric Motor and Control Gear Applications for Factories, Rolling and Textile Mills (Home and Export), also Substation Switchgear, Rotary Converters, Transformers, etc. In private practice since 1935.
THORPE, B. J. A.M.I.Mech.E., Assoc. M.Inst. C. E. Engaged with a Government Research Establishment. Private Address: "Woodruff", Cargate Hill, Aldershot.
THORPE, Donal Winton. M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E. Consulting Engr., 100 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Garthowen„ Hervines Road, Amersham, Bucks. Career: R.E. Signals (2nd Lieut.), 1918-19; Faraday House, 1920-24; British Elect. and Allied Mfrs. Assn., 1924-26; G.E.C., Ltd., 1926-27; Elect. Contractor, 1927-32; Consulting Engr., 1932 to present.
THORPE, H. C. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.C.G.I., J.P., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Gas.E. Gas Works Supt., Bournemouth Gas and Water Co., Bournemouth. Private Address: 153a High Street, Poole, Dorset. Age: 49. Career: St. Dunstan's Coll., Catford; City and Guilds; two years Manual Training Master, Vesey Gramm. Sch., Sutton Coldfield; thereafter with Bournemouth Gas and Water Co. in various capacities.
THORPE, J. K. M.A., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Solicitor, partner in Thorpe & Thorpe, Ross. Private Address: The Hollies, Ross on Wye, Herefordshire. Age: 35. Career: Cambridge Mech. Sc. Tripos; Vickers, three years; Rendel, Palmer & Tritton, six months; Asst. Engr., P.W.D., Nigeria, twenty months (invalided out); Asst. Engr., Rendel, Palmer, & Tritton, Silvertown Way; A. E. Farr, Contractor's Engr., Paignton Drainage Scheme; F.C.C. Co., Derby, foundation design, Corby Steel Works; admitted Solicitor, May, 1938.
THORPE, K. H. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M. Inst. M. & Cy.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Chief Eng. Asst., City Engineer's Dept., Peterborough. Age: 30. Career: Articled to Engr., Felixstowe U.D.C.; Eng. Asst., City Engr's. Dept., Lincoln, and Borough Engr's. Dept., Guildford.
THORPE, Stanley. A.M.I.Mech.E. Leading Draughtsman, Design Dept., Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield Lock, Middx. Private Address: 144 Risley Avenue, London, N.17. Age: 33. Educ.: Ponders End Tech. Institute; Royal Ordnance Factories, Apprent. (Eng.); Regent Street Polytechnic (1 Silver, 2 Bronze Medals). Continuous service at Enfield. Day duties include experimental small arms design. Teacher of Mech. Eng. (part-time) in L.C.C. Tech. Institutes (evenings).
THORPE, Thomas Homan. M.I.A.E. Consulting Engr. and Motor Claims Assessor, 28 Warwick Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Age: 47. Varied career in Motor Trade; Director of Iron and Steel and Coal Merchants firm. Formerly a Sub-Manager, Sales and Repairs, in Motor firms.
THURNER, W. M. F. B.A., A.M. I.E.E. Engr., Falk, Stadelmann & Co., Ltd., 83/93 Farringdon Road, London, E.C.1. Age: 33.
THURSFIELD, Greville R. M.I.Mech.E. Director and Chief Engr., Sturtevant Eng. Co., Ltd., 147 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. Private Address: 30 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W.3. Also Director of: Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., Crosby Valve and Eng. Co., Ltd., Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co., Ltd., E. Reader & Sons, Ltd., and Progressive Eng. Co., Ltd.
THURSTON, Albert Peter. M.B.E., D.Sc.(Lond.), M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.A.E., M.I.Ae.E., Grad.I.E.E., F.I. P.A., Pres. Soc.Model Aero.E. Chartered Patent Agent and Consulting Eng., 329 High Holborn, W.C.1. Private Address: Petersbank, Bidborough, Kent. Thirty years aeronautical and general eng. experience.
THURSTON, Sir George. K.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.N.A Marine Architect, Windsor House, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Has been engaged in the design and construction of war vessels of all types for most of the Navies of the world. Author of many standard works on Naval vessels.
THURSTON, Henry George. M.I. Mech.E. and A.S.M.E. Managing Director and Chairman, The Wantage Eng. Co., Ltd., Wantage, Berks. Private Address: Thermidor, Wantage, Berks. Age: 49.
THWAITES, R. Alan S. B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.E.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Development and Sales Manager, North Wales Power Co., Ltd., Rhostyllen, Wrexham. Age: 50. Career: Dulwich Coll.; City and Guilds; Trained, W. H. Allen, Sons & Co., Bedford; Testing Power Plant, Constr. and Testing Aero Engines, W. H. Allen, Sons & Co.; Chief Sales Engr. and Tech. Asst., Yorks. Elect. Power Co. Chairman, Yorks. Assoc. Inst. C.E., 1931-2; Pi-es., N. Wales Branch, Assocn. of Mining Elect. Engrs., 1925-37. Author of "Electrifying Rural England", "The Training and Status of an Engineer", etc., etc.
TIBBENHALL, L. J. M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920) Ltd., Stowmarket. Pres., British Acetylene Assocn., 1936-37; Pres., East Anglian Branch of Inst. British Foundrymen, 1936-37. Author of Text Book on "Welding of Cast Iron"?; etc.
TICEHURST, A. G. A.M.Inst.C.E., A.I.I.A. Works Engr., T. Summerson & Sons, Ltd., Darlington. Private Address: 44 Flora Avenue, Darlington. Age: 40. Career: Dartford Gramm. Sch.; Erith Tech. Coll.; Training, Vickers, Ltd., Erith Works; later at.:the Radiological:Research Dept.,.Woolwich Arsenal. Experienced in works safety, social and welfare activities, the Bedaux system, etc. Teaching appointments in Workshop Organisation and Management.
TICEHURST, Major J. W.. R.E., A.M. I.Mech.E., Manager, William Whiteley's Ltd., 205-7 Great Portland St., London, W.1. Age: 52. Career: Winchester House Sch., St. Leonards; apprent. L.B. & S.C.Rly., Hall & Co., Tonbridge; Service Mgr., Wolsey Motor Co., York St., Westminster; Engr., Vanguard Motor Bus Co., Ltd.; War period, Major, R.E.; Works mgr., Rinmans Coml. Motor Works; Gen. Mgr., Pass & Joyce, Ltd.; present appointment.
TILL, A. J. B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Lecturer in Mech. Eng., Municipal Coll., Portsmouth, Hants. Private Address: 27 Lonsdale Avenue, Cosham, Hants. Age: 31. Career: Erith County Secondary Sch.; Erith Tech. Coll.; Apprent. Fraser & Chalmers Eng. Works. 1923-28; Junior Draughtsman and Asst. Engr., Fraser & Chalmers 1928-29; Asst. Engr., The G.E.C. Research Laboratories, Wembley 1929-36; present appointment from March 1936.
TILLEY, H. B. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: Huntspill East, Broomfield Rd., Chelmsford. Essex.. Age: 63. Elect. Engr. For twenty five years on *staff of Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co.; on retirement in 1936, accepted the post of Welfare Supt. to the Chelmsford Works.
TILLOTSON, S. A.M.I.E.E. Borough Elect. Engr., County Borough of West Hartlepool. Private Address: " Greentyles ", West Hartlepool. Age: 46. Educ.-Private; trained, Cleveland and Durham Elec. Power Co.
TINIBRELL, E. G. A.C.G.I. B.Sc. M.lnst.C.E. Town Planning Cert., Inst Mun. & Cy.E., Reg. Architect. Res. Engr., Woodall-Duckham Ltd., 136 Victoria St. Private Address: 228 Beclonwell Hill, Abbey Wood, S.E.2.:Age: 47. Career: Educ. City Guilds Coll.; Surveyor Canadian Oovrnt.; Municipal Engr.; Contractors Engr. and Agent.
TIMMIS, A. C. B.Sc.(Eng., 1st Hons), Asst. Staff Engr., Eng. Dept., Research Station, Dollis Hill. Private Address: Lythwood, Brownswood Rd. Beaconsfield, Bucks. Age: 51. Career: Manchester Univ.; Works experience at Lancashire Dynamo Works, Manchester; entered P.O. by Exam., 1908.
TINGLE, Frank Lee. Master of Metallurgy. (Mappin Medalist: Brunton Research Medalist). Member of the Inst. of Brit. Engrs. Tech. Director with The Tenuous Steel Co., Ltd. also Lecturer in Metallurgy, Sheffield Univ. for special course on Heat Treatment and Testing. Business Address: Wentworth St., Sheffield, 6. Private Address: Summerfield, Curbar, Nr. Sheffield. Age: 32. Career: Sheffield Univ.; Works Mgr., The Tenuous Steel Co., Ltd.
TINLEY, Ernest Lambert. A.M.I. lech.E. Diploma in Mech. Eng., City of Bradford Tech. Coll. General Manager of Stoker Dept., Joshua. Bigwood & Son Ltd., Wednesfield Rd., Wolverhampton. Private Address: Three Gables, Springhill Park, Lower Penn, Nr. Wolverhampton. Age: 41. Leeds Univ. and Bradford Tech. Coll.; Lecturer in Eng. Drawing and Design, Bradford Tech. Coll.; Chief Draughtsman, Cole, Marchant & Morley, Ltd., and Browett, Lindley & Co., Ltd.; Progress Engr. Lancashire Steel Corp.
TINSON, Clifford Wilfrid. F.R.Ae.S. Manager, Production Drawing Office (Aircraft) Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Filton, Bristol. Private Address:— Beaufort House, Southmead Rd., Filton, Bristol. Age: 48. Career: Polytechnic, Regent St.; Universal Aviation Coy. 1911; British and Colonial Aviation Co., Ltd. 1912-15; Air Dept., Admiralty 1915-16; F. Sage & Co., Ltd., Aero Dept. 1916-21; A. V. Roe & Co., Ltd. 1921-22; Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd. 1923 to date.
TIPPER, Archibald Nelson. M.I.Mar. E. Engr. in Charge, Ealing, Brentford and Chiswick Hospitals Committee. Perivale Maternity Hospital, Greenford, Mddx. Private Address: 68 Chinner Crescent, Greenford, Mddx. Age: 36. Career: apprent. as Engr. to C. Lindley & Co., London; served as Engr. in various vessels with Tankers Ltd. and Bibby Line; holds 1st Class Steam and Motor B.O.T. Formerly Asst. Engr. in Charge Royal Masonic Hospital London.
TIPPER, A. T. A.M.I.Mech.E., F. Inst.F. An Asst. Engr. (In Charge of Fuel Testing Laboratory), Metropolitan Water Board, Rosebery Avenue E.C.1. Age: 53.
TIPPER, Arnold. M.Sc.(Eng). M.I. Brit.F. Chief Chemist and Metallurgist, Fordath Eng. Co., Ltd., Hamblet Wks., W. Bromwich, Staffs. Private Address: 18 Fell Grove, Handsworth, Birmingham 21. Age: 36. Career: Bishop Vesey's Gramm. Sch.; Birmingham Cent. Tech. Coll.; works Labs., Wolsey Motors and Kynoch Ltd.; asst. engr., B'ham Elec. Supply Dept.; chief asst., Fordath Labs. 1931. Part-time lecturer in Metallurgy, B'ham Central Tech.Coll.: Vicepres. B'ham branch, I.Brit.F., Hon. Sec., Sands sub-c'tee, I.Brit.F. Tech. C'tee; Mem. Co-ordinating C'tee on Sand testing, 1938. Silver medallist, City and Guilds.
TIPPER, Mrs. G. H. (née Elam). M.A.Cantab., D.Sc., London. With The Eng. Laboratory, Cambridge Univ. Private Address: 97 Glebe Rd., Cambridge. Age: 44. Special interests, Metallurgical research. Author of:. "The Distortion of Metal Crystals," (Oxford Eng. Series, Clarendon Press 1932).
TIPPING, G. O. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: 8 Blenheim Rd., Moseley, Birmingham, 13. Age: 47. Career: King Edwards Sch. B'ham; Municipal Tech. Sch. B'ham; apprent. W. Canning & Co., Ltd., B'ham, three years; Lieut. R.E. (T.F.) four years; Installation Contractor fourteen years.
TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas. K.C.B., F.R.S., A.F.C., F.R.Ae.S., F.Inst.P. Rector, Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, South Kensington, London, S.W. Private Address: 161 St. James's Court, London, S.W.1. Career: 1911-21, Fellow of Oriel Coll., Lecturer in Natural Science; 1914-19, service in R.G.A. and R.F.C., and later, as Lt. Col., became asst. Controller of Experiments and Research, R.A.F.; 1927-29, Permanent Secretary, D.S.I.R.; 1929, present appointment. Chairman, Aeronautical Research Committee.
TOBIN, W. J. E. B.Sc., A.C.G.I. D.I.C. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., P.O. Eng. Dept., Waterloo Bridge House, Waterloo Rd., S.E.1. Age: 31. Career: Elect. Fitter Apprent. H. M. Dockyard Portsmouth 1923-27; City and Guilds Eng. Coll. 1927-30; P.O. Eng. Dept., Asst. Engr. 1931 to date.
TOD, John D. A.M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director and Chairman of Directors, John Tod & Son Ltd., St. Leonards Mill, Lasswade. Private Address: St. Leonards, Lasswade, Midlothian. Age: 61. Educ.: George Watsons Coll. and Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh; training with Bertrams Ltd., Edinburgh; appointments, Justice of Peace for County of Midlothian; Vice-convener for County of Midlothian; Director J. Lovell & Son Ltd., Linlithgow; Director North Esk Reservoir Board, etc.
TODD, W. H. A.M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I. Formerly Head and founder of Todd & Thorp, Land Agents and Surveyors, Land of Green Ginger, Hull, East Yorks. Private Address: Hedon, E. Yorks. Casees: Archbishop Holgates' Gramm. Sch. York; Articled to the late Mr. William Sisson, Land surveyor, Leeds. Started own practice 1879: Surveyor to many Drainage systems, and Consulting Surveyor to others. He built and repaired many Cloughs, including the new Newfield Clough, Preston in Holderness which work was carried out only last year. He built the new Bridge over the Burstwick Drain, at Burstwick in Holderness, and strengthened many other Bridges on the Keyingham Level Dtainage System; he carried through schemes for sewage systems and many disposal plants including domestic water supplies for large houses; he also engineered the Piling of Tank Foundations for heavy capacity Tanks on the Hull Docks. Deceased 1938.
TOFTS, Major Crozier Fullerton. I.A. Res., A.I.C., A.I.Mech.E., A.I.Loco.E., A.M.I.Chem.E. Govmt. Rly. Representative, Arthur Balfour & Co., Capital Steel Works, Sheffield. Private Address: Jnr. Naval and Military Club, 96 Piccadilly, London, W. Age: 49. Career: Colet Court (St.. Paul's); Ewart Academy, N.B.; Royal Tech. Coll., Glas.; Late Metallurgist, E.I. State Rly. and Great Indian Penin. State Rly.
TOLLEY, Reginald Graham. B.Sc., A.M. I. Mech. E., M. I. A. E. Certifying Officer, Ministry of Transport, Romney House, Marsham St., S.W.1. Private Address: 61 Lee Park, Blackheath, S.E.3. Age: 50. Educ.: London Univ, and Mill Hill Sch.; pupil at Johnson & Phillips Ltd.; Vickers Ltd.
TOMES, G. B. A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Retired. Private Address: Grancourt Cottage,Pevensey Rd., Polegate, Sussex Age: 74. Career: Articled to Borough Surveyor Eastbourne, 1879. Asst. Surveyor, Eastbourne, 1892; Engr. and Surveyor, Barnes U.D.C. 18931926.
TOMLINS, F. C. F.I.P.A., A.M.I.E.E. European Patent Attorney, Weston Electric Co., Inc., Bush House, Aldwych London, W.C.2. Age: 45. Educ: Central Foundation Sch.; Finsbury Tech. Coll. Charted Patent Agent.
TOMLINSON, E. B. M.Inst.C.E., M. Inst. Gas.E. Private Address: 22 Brueton Avenue, Solihull, Nr. Birmingham. Age: 66. Career: Articled, Messrs. C. & W. Walker; for nearly forty years with Birmingham Gas Dept.; for seven years Engr. in-Chief; retired.
TOMPSETT, F. J. A.M.I.E.E., A.M. I. R. E. Sales Engr., Marconi's W.T.Co., Ltd., Electra House, Victoria Embankment W.C.2. Private Address: 25 Downlands Rd., Purley, Surrey. Age: 32. Career: Faraday House (Diploma) training Borough of Bexhill Elect. Dept. and Fraser & Chalmers Eng. Works, Erith; joined Marconi's W.T. Co., Research Dept. 1929; Appointed to Sales Dept. 1935; served on London Students' section C'tee, I.E.E.
TOMS, A. H. B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., Asst., Chief Engr.'s New Works Dept., Southern Rly. Co., Waterloo Stn., London, S.E. Private Address: 46 Amherst Crescent, Hove, Sussex. Age: 31. Career: Brighton Mun. Sec. Sch.; Univ. Coll. London; Asst. under agreement and later Asst. Engr. Messrs. Rendel Palmer & Tritton, Cons. Engrs. Westminster.
TONGE, J. H. M.I.E.E., A.M.Inst. C.E. Consulting Engr. since 1923, Office: 8A Winckley Square, Preston. Private Address: Warley, Nooklands, Preston. Age: 71. Career: Highgate Sch.; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; R.E.B. Crompton & Co., Chelmsford; Latimer Clark, Muirhead & Co. 1888-92; two years as Head of Testing Dept.; National Elec. Supply Co., Ltd Preston, Engr. and Manager 1892-22.
TONGE, J. W. B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. 104 Norris Road, Sale, Ches. Dep. Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Sale Corp. Age: 34.
TONGUE, Harold. M.I.Mech.E., A.M. I.Chem.E. Principal asst., Chief Engrs. Dept., London County Council, County Hall, London, S. E.1. Private Address: 2 Park View, Queens Rd., Teddington, Mddx. Age: 44. Career: Manchester Municipal Coll. of Tech. Principal Asst., Chemical Research Laboratory Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Teddington. Books: "The Design and Construction of High Pressure Chemical Plant." "A Practical Manual of Chemical Engineering." (Chapman & Hall.)
TONKIN, Charles Wallace. B.Sc.Eng., London, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.Mar.E. Head, Eng. Dept., Luton Tech. Coll, Park Sq., Luton, Beds. Private Address: 8 Cutenhoe Rd., Luton' Beds. Age: 34. Career: Devonport Dockyard Sch.; Plymouth Tech. Coll; H.M. Dockyard, Devonport; Lecturer in Eng. Doncaster Tech. Coll. and later Handsworth Tech. Coll. Author of: "Automobile Engineering."
TONKS, Frederick James. A.R.C.Sc., M. I. M. M. Chief Metallurgist, High Speed Steel Alloys, Ltd., Ditton Road, Widnes, Lancs. Private Address: 53 Bedford Street, Liverpool, 7. Career: Chemist to Steinhart, Vogel and Cloud, 1906-08; 1908-10, Asst. Chemist, Cornish Consolidated Tin Mines Ltd., Chemist, Dolcoath Mine, Ltd.; 1910-14; present appointment since 1914.
TOOKEY, William Alfred. M.Inst.C.E. M. I. Mech. E., M.Cons. E. Consulting Engr. and Specialist on Gas Producers, Internal Combustion Engines and Power Plants generally. Address: 36 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Past-Pres. I.Auto.E. and Jnr. Inst.E. Member of Council Inst of Fuel; Member of Committee, Assocn. of Consulting Engrs.; Member Diesel Engine Users' Assoc.; Chairman, Automobile Research Committee. Chairman, Internal Combustion Engine Panel, B.S.I. Arbitration and Litigation Expert witness. Books: "Gas Engine Manual," "Oil Engines," "Producer Gas Plants," etc.
TOOMS, J. G. M.I.C.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Governing Director, East Kent Motors Ltd. of Deal and Sandwich. Private Address: 49 Queen St., Deal, Kent. Age: 61. Career: Educ. in Yorkshire; pupil, Mr. John Tooms, C.E., Gas, Water and Elec. Engr.; thirteen years in Norway as Man. Dir. of Corporation Gas Dept., Oslo, and for last four years Man. Dir. of Norske Electro Kemisic Aktieselskap; previously Chief Engr., Primitiva Gas and Elect. Co., Buenos Aires; before going to S. America Engr. and Mgr. Waterford Gas Co. Ex-Mayor of Deal; Coronation Baron of Cinque Ports; Alderman, Borough of Deal; Past-Pres., Irish Assoc. of Gas Managers.
TORDIFFE, Cyril W. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Inst.P.T., M.Inst.P.C.S. Asst. Insptr., Aeronautical Insptn. Directorate, Air Ministry, Imperial House, Kingsway, W.C.2. Private Address: 34 Morland Gardens, Southall, Middx. Born: 1886. Career: St. Edmund's Coll., Ware; Churcher's Coll., Petersfield; King's Coll., London; 1901-04, Pupil, C.M.E., L. & S.W. Rly., Nine Elms; 1905-08, Asst. Manager, Portsmouth and Salisbury Depots; 1909-10, Asst. Manager, Running Dept.; 1911-13, Partner in Eng. business, London; 1915-17, Inspecting Aircraft components, Royal Aircraft Factory, S. Farnboro; 191723, Insptr. of Aircraft, Service and Civil, Air Ministry; 1923-30, Inspection of Non-Metallic Materials, Air Ministry; 1931-37, i.-c. inspection, Petroleum for R.A.F., at home and overseas; 1938, present appointment, i.-c. inspn. of Struct. Steelwork, etc., for service aerodromes.
TORPY, Reginald N. M.I.E.E. Borough Elect. Engr., Borough of Royal Tunbridge Wells. Business Address: "Mountfield", 33 Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells. Born: 1879. Career: Bancroft Sch., Woodford; City and Guilds; on Staff of National Telephone Co.; 1899-1901, Junr. Asst. Engr., Bolton Corpn., Elect. Dept.; 1901, Senr. Engr.-in-charge, Wimbledon Elect. Works, and Dep. Borough Elect. Engr., 1902-12; 1912 to date, Borough Elect. Engr., Tunbridge Wells. Was appointed a member of the Coal Tech. Advisory C'tee.; Coal Controller for the district during the latter part of the Great War and during the General Strike. Recipient of King George V. Jubilee Medal and also King George VI. Coronation Medal for work carried out. Member of C'tee., Kent and Sussex Branch of the E.T.B.I.
TORRANCE, A. A. M.Eng., A.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.W.E. Chief Asst., Brady & Partington (1935 to date), Market Street, Chapel-en-leFrith, via Stockport. Age: 33. Career: Merchant Taylors' Sch., Great Crosby, 1916-22; Liverpool Univ., 1922-25; Apprent., late W. C. Easton, M.Inst. C.E., Glasgow, 1925-28; with A. D. Swan, M.Inst.C.E., Montreal, 1929-32; Res. Engr. on Longueuil Airport, 192930, and New Harbour Works at Three Rivers, 1930-32; with I.C.I., Ltd., Billingham, 1933-35. Author of "New Harbour Works, Three Rivers, P.Q., Canada".
TORRY, R. G. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Manager, Inspection Office, Messrs Merz & McLellan, Old Colony House, South King Street, Manchester. Age: 38. Career: Felstead Sch.; Armstrong Coll.; Apprent., Clarke Chapman & Co.; 1925-34, with Messrs. Merz & McLellan; 1934-36, with N.E. Elect. Supply Co., in charge of frequency work; 1936 to date, with Messrs. Merz & McLellan.
TOSTEVIN, Harold Bertram. Engr. Capt. R.N. (retd.), D.S.O., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., M.I.Metals. Chief Engr., Marine Dept., Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: 20 Wimborne Gardens, Ealing, W.13. Age: 54. Career: Portsmouth Dockyard; R.N.E. Coll., Keyham; R.N. Coll., Greenwich. Engr. Officer, R.N.
TOWLER, Frank Hathorn. M.I. Mech.E. Director, Towler Bros. (Patents) Ltd., Rodley, Nr. Leeds. Private Address: Dob Park, Nr. Otley, Yorks. Age: 41. Career: Leeds Central Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Leeds Eng. and Hydraulic Co., Ltd., Rodley, and Joshua Buckton & Co., Ltd., Leeds; served as Pilot Officer, R.F.C., during war. Engr. and Gen. Manager of Corchera Espanola, S.A., Angeciras, Spain (1926-31). Codesigner and Inventor of the "Electraulic" High-Speed Reciprocating Ram Pump capable of 1,500 r.p.m. at pressures up to 7,000 lb./sq. in. (oil).
TOWN, H. C. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E., F.R.S.A. Chief Eng. Lecturer, Tech. Coll., Keighley, Yorks. Age: 42. Career: Keighley Gramm. Sch. and Tech. Coll.; Machine Tool Draughtsman and Asst. Works Manager, Dickinson Machine Tool Co.; Geo. Wilkinson, Ltd., Keighley; Atlas Eng. Co. "Water Arbitration Prize", Inst. Mech. Engrs., 1932; Medal, Inst. Production Engrs., 1937. Author of "Machine Tool Gear Boxes", "Hydraulic Transmission applied to Machine Tools", "Hydraulic Operation of Machines".
TOWNEND, F. J. A.M.I.E.E. Communication Engr. (Marine Radio), Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich, London, S.E.18. Private Address: 252 Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham, Kent. Age: 40. Career: Twelve years with above firm; Apprent. with Hawthorn Leslie & Co., Ltd. (four years); H.M. Forces, 1915-19, R.E. (Signals); Tech. training at various Evening Tech. Coils. and a period as Marine Wireless Operator. Gained City and Guilds final in "Elect. Eng." and final "Radio Communication" (1926).
TOWNSEND, Charles William Dennis. M.I. & S.I., Past-Pres. Line. Iron and Steel Inst. Local Director and Gen. Manager, Thomas Firth & John Brown's Scunthorpe Works, Lincs. Private Address: Mowden House, Wrawby, Lincs.
TOWNSHEND, Basil Wilmot. A.C.G.I., A.M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S. Tech. Officer, Directorate of Tech. Development, Air Ministry, Berkeley Square House, London, W.1. Private Address: B.M./B.W.T., London, W.C.1. Career: Mech. and Aero. Eng. at Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech.; 192225, Handley Page, Ltd., Chief Tech. Asst.; 1925-30, Parnall Aircraft, Ltd., Chief Tech. Asst.; 1930-31, Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Personal Asst. to Chief Engr., Aero. Engine Dept. 1932-38, Saunders-Roe, Ltd., Cowes, Chief Technician, Aerodynamics.
TOYE, A. L. A.M.I.Mech.E. Machine and Tool Room Manager, John Wright & Co., Ltd. (Radiation Ltd.), Essex Works, Aston, Birmingham. Age: 42. Career: Waverley Road Sec. Sch., Birmingham; Scholarship, Birmingham Mun. Tech. Coll.; 1915-20, Engine-room Artificer, R.N., served in Destroyers, Med. Fleet; B.O.T., Stokehold and Engine-room Charge Tickets; Apprent., Belliss & Morcom, Ltd., and Chief Jig and Tool Supervisor, 1921-36; Evening Coll. Lecturer in Machine drawing, Workshop Technique and Maths., Birmingham Tech. Coils., 1921 to date.
TOYNE, William. M.I.Loco.E., NI. nst. T Private Address: "Salogra", 325 Bramhall Lane, Davenport, Stockport, Cheshire. Formerly Dist. Loco. Supt. and Senr. Asst. (Tech.), Headquarters Office, North Western State Rly., Lahore, India.
TRACE, R. V. A.M.Inst.C.E. D.C.R.E., War Dept., R.E. Office, Cameron Barracks, Inverness. Age: 35. Career: Bradfield Coll.; Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd.; 3+ years; Balfour, Beatty & Co., Ltd., 3+ years; Government of Malaya, Public Works, 4 years; H.M. Government, War Dept., 2 years.
TRACEY, A. I. A.M.I.E.E., I.E.E., F.I.R.I., M.J.I.E. Works Manager, Derby Cables, Ltd., Derby. Private Address: Lauriston, Burley Drive, Quarndon, Derby.
TRAVERS, Walter H. M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: 12 Ennerdale Road, New Brighton, Wallasey, Cheshire. ' Born: 1863. Career: Asst. Surveyor, Wallasey, 1889-93; 1893-95, Surveyor, Wavertree; 1895-97, Asst. in City 'Engr's. Dept., Liverpool (arising from the incorporation of Wavertree in Liverpool); 1897-1923, Engr. and Surveyor, Wallasey. Is Chairman, Wallasey Masonic Hall, Ltd., and a P.M.; also P.P.G.D. of Province of Cheshire.
TRAVIS, W. M.I.E.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Connollys (Blackley) Ltd.; also Director of British Insulated Cables, Ltd. Private Address: Birkdale Lodge, Lulworth Road, Birkdale, Southport.
TREGENZA, E. T. M.Eng., A.M.I. E.E. Tech. Sales, Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., Battersea Church Road, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 33 Graham Road, Purley, Surrey. Age: 34. Career: Wallasey Gramm. Sch.; Liverpool Univ. (Hons. Elect. Eng.); The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Eng. Dept.
TREHERNE THOMAS, F. H. M.I. & S.I., Member of the British Industrial Purchasing Officers' Assoc. Head of Purchasing Dept., Richard Thomas & Co., Ltd., Swansea, also Director of Richard Nevill & Co., Ltd., and Wrights Chilled and Grain Roll Co., Ltd. Private Address: Fairwood Lodge, Killay R.S.O., Glamorganshire, S. Wales. Age: 33. Career: Manager, Cwmfelin Tinplate Works, Richard Thomas & Co., Ltd.; Director and Gen. Manager, Richard Nevill & Co., Ltd., Llanelly, Iron and Steel and Non-. Ferrous Founders, Machine Shops, Electric Welding, etc.
TREMAIN, A. G. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: Lyncroft, North Road, Berkhamsted, Herts. R.A.F. Elect. Sch., Henlow. Career: Communication Engineer.
TRENCH, Col. A. H. C. R.E., C.I.E., M.I.E.E. Inspecting Officer of Rlys., Ministry of Transport. Private Address: Sandilands, West Byfleet, Weybridge, Surrey. Age: 54. Career: R.E., 1903-27.
TRENCH, Ernest F. C. C.B.E., T.D., M.A., B.A.I., M.Inst.C.E. Chartered Civil Engr. Private Address: Stokke Manor, Great Bedwyn, Wilts. Career: 1909, appointed Chief Engr. of L. & N.W. Rly., and in 1924 of the L.M.S. Rly. Past-Pres., Inst.C.E.
TRENCH, G. F. A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Dist. Engr., L.M. & S. Rly., Dist. Engr's. Office, Walsall Station. Age: 52. Career: Educ. at Bradfield Coll. and Univ. Coll., London. Pupilage in D.O. of L. & N.W. Rly., Euston, and on New Construction Work; 1906-09, Asst. Res. Engr. on New Works; 1909-13, Res. Engr.; 1913-15, R.E.; 1915-20, France, Egypt and Palestine; returned to L. & N.W. Rly., 1920; appointed Asst. Dist. Engr., Walsall, 1923.
TRENCH, W. L. C. C.I.E., B.A., B.A. I., M.Inst.C.E. Chief Engr. (retired 1936), Public Works Dept., Bombay and Sind, India. Private Address: Ashfield, Yateley, Hants. Age: 57. Career: Leys Sch. and Trinity Coll., Dublin; Bombay P.W.D., 1906; Principal, Poona Eng. Coll., 1922-27; Chief Engr. in Sind, and Sec. to Government P.D.W., Bombay and Sind, 1936. Member, Central Board of Irrigation, 1934-36; Pres., 1935.
TRENCHAM, Henry. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. Consulting Switchgear Engr., The British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Neasden Lane, Willesden, London, N.W.10. Private Address: Oakthorpe, King's End, Ruislip, Middx. Books: "Switchgear for Electric Power Control" (in collaboration with E. B. Wedmore).
TRENCH, Ernesto. Capitano del Genio Navale (R.I.N.), M.I.N.A. Asst. Naval Attaché, Italian Embassy, 14 Three King's Yard, London, W.1. Private Address: 33 Sloane Avenue, London, S.W.3. Age: 35. Career: Univ. ed. — training, Royal Italian Navy. Afloat on Destroyers, Submarines, Training-ship "Vespucci"; ashore: Naval Dockyards and "Ministero della Marina", Rome.
TREND, W. G. A.M.I.E.E. Borough Elect. Engr. and Manager, Bromley Corpn., Bromley, Kent. Private Address: 98 Southborough Road, Bickley, Bromley, Kent. Age: 45. Career: Educ. at private sch. and Southampton Univ. Coll.; 1920-24, Asst. Engr. and 1924-27, Chief Engr., Bromley Elect. Light and Power Co., Ltd.; 1927 to present time, Borough Elect. Engr. and Manager, Bromley Corpn.; Great War, 1914-20, commission in East Surrey Regt. and the Connaught Rangers, service in Salonica and the Baltic; severely wounded, 1916.
TRENERRY, C. R. P. A.M.Inst.C.E. Eng. Asst., C.E.-in-C.'s Dept., S.C.E.'s Office, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. Age: 59. Career: 1896-1906, Admiralty; 1907-11, Monterrey Waterworks and Sewer Co. and Manzanillo Harbour Works, Mexico; 1912-14, Canadian Pacific Rly. Co.; 1915-19, Canadian Engrs.; 1921-26, Aberdeen Waterworks; 1927 to date, Admiralty.
TREVITHICK, R. E. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, La Mont Steam Generator, Ltd., Quadrant House, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Hookwood House, Shipbourne, near Tonbridge.
TREWMAN, Harry Frederick. M.A. (Cantab.), M.I.E.E., A.Am.I.E.E. Professor, Mech. and Elect. Eng., Military Coll. of Sc., Woolwich. Private Address: High Pines, Marlings Park Avenue, Chislehurst, Kent. Career: Before war, Eng. Dept., Blackman Export Co., Ltd.; war service (commission in infantry), 1914-18; Design Dept., Royal Arsenal, 1918-20: Senr. Lecturer, Military Coll. of Sc., 1920; Asst. Professor, 1922; Professor, 1926. Books: "Electrification of Railways" (Pitman), "Railway Electrification" (Pitman).
TRIMBLE, A. E. C. B.A., B.A.I., A.M.Inst.C.E.. Asst. Civil Engr., Air Ministry, Heywood, Lancs. Age: 44. Career: Portora Royal Sch., Enniskillen; Trinity Coll., Dublin; War service, 1914-19, Capt., R. Inniskilling Frs., 2 years France and Flanders, mentioned in despatches, wounded twice; M. of Trans., Roads Dept.; L.M. & S. Rly., New Works Dept.; L.C.C., Watling Housing Estate; Birkenhead and Bootle Corps.; Mersey Tunnel, with Concrete Proofing Co. (Interior lining), and J. B. Robertson & Co. (Interior finish, etc.); Romney and Denge Marsh Catchment Board, Littlestone; Sir Alex. Gibb & Partners, Team Valley Tdg. Estate, Gateshead; Sandford, Fawcett & Partners, Colne Valley Sewerage.
TRIMMER, W. J. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Inspr., G.P.O. Eng. Dept., Sectional Engr's. Office, Gloucester. Private Address: 217 Doverhouse Road, Roehampton, S.W.15. Age: 34. Career: Borough Polytechnic, London; City and Guilds; whole practical career with G.P.O. Eng. Dept., entered by Civil Service Exam.
TRINDER, C. D. A.M.Inst.C.E. Eng. Asst., The Highways Committee, Bucks. C.C. Private Address: 293 Tring Road, Aylesbury. Age: 32. Career: Articled to the late W. J. Taylor, Esq., M.Inst.C.E., then County Surveyor of Hampshire, 1924-27; 1927-28, Eng. Asst. on the Highways Staff of the Essex C.C.; 1928-29, Junr. Eng. Asst., Bucks. C.C., 1929-34, Senr. Eng. Asst. and Res. Engr., 1934-36, Dist. Surveyor, and 1936-38, Supervising Engr. (Private Street Works).
TRINHAM, James Samuel. M.I. Struct.E., M.I. & S.I., Member American Soc. for Testing Materials. Director of N. Hingley & Sons, Ltd., Dudley, and Harts Hill Iron Co., Ltd., Brierley Hill. Private Address: Abbotsford, Pedmore, near Stourbridge. Career: Apprent., and later Works Manager, Stockton Malleable Iron Co., Ltd.; Works Manager, Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co., Ltd.; General Manager, Waverley Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Coatbridge; Director for past twenty-seven years, N. Hingley & Sons, Ltd., and of the Harts Hill Iron Co., Ltd., 21 years. Pres., Birmingham Iron Exchange, 1933-35; Chairman, Midland Iron and Steel Wages Board. Brochures: "Romance of Iron", "Progress in the Metallurgy and Utilisation of Wrought Iron", "Wrought Iron Trade".
TRIPP, George Walter. F.C.G.I., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Engr. in the War Office on work of a confidential nature. Private Address: Lyndhurst, Hayes Road, Bromley, Kent. Career: Educ., City and Guilds Coll., London. With W. H. Allen, Sons & Co., Bedford; Works Manager in Royal Gun and Carriage Factories, Woolwich; organised an Estimating Dept. for Royal Ordnance Factories; then to War Office. Past-Pres., Old Centralians.
TRIPP, William H. S. M.C., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Chief Eng., River Wear Commissioners, Sunderland.
TRIPPE, C. F. M.I.E.E. With B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Crown House, Aldwych, W.C.2.
TRIPPE, S. H. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr. (Admiralty), Exptl. Dept., H.M. Signals Sch., Portsmouth. Private Address: 11 Downend Road, Drayton, Portsmouth. Age: 45.
TRITTON, Sir William Ashbee. J.P., M. I.Mech,E Managing Director, Wm. Foster & Co., Ltd., Wellington Foundry, Lincoln; Chairman, Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., Hammersmith and Lincoln.
TROUGHTON, H. J. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Gen. Manager and Engr., S. Shields Corp., Transport Dept., Dean Road, S. Shields. Age: 54. Career: Grocers' Co. Sch.; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Manchester Sch. of Tech.; British Westinghouse; L.C.C. Sub-station; N.M.E. P.S. Co., Brimsdown Power Stn.; Met. Elect. Tramways, Asst. to Gen. Manager; London United Tramways, Res. Supt.; Chief Mech. Engr., Tramways, London Underground; Director Gen. and Cons. Engr., Athens Elect. Transport Co.; Chief Engr. and Acting Dep. Manager, Bradford Corp., Pas. Transport Dept.; 1937, present appointment. War period, in charge of Western Area Shell Station, Metro. Munition Committee.
TROUGHTON, J. A. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., B.M.A. and Elect. Equipment CO., Lansdowne Works, Alice.Street, Hove. Age: 57. Career: St. Mark's Coll., Chelsea; S.W.P. Tech. Coll., London; 1 year Asst. in Test Room (Elect. Instruments), Elliott Bros., Ltd., London; 3 years Asst. Engr., Larne Elect. Light Works, Ireland; 5 years Asst. Engr., Rawlings Bros., Ltd., Contractors, Kensington; 8 years, Founder, Troughton & Young, Elect. Engrs., Knightsbridge; 7 years, Proprietor, Elect. Restaurant, Bournemouth; 10 years, Proprietor, Motor Car Elect. Equipment Garage, Brighton; at present, Manager, Elect. Dept., B.M.A. and Elect. Equipment Co.
TROUP, John D. M.I.Mech.E., M.I. Chem.E., F.Inst.F. (Member of Council), NI.A.S.M.E., M.A.S.H.V.E. Managing Director, John D. Troup, Ltd., publishers of "The Steam Engineer", etc., 90 High Holborn, W.C.1. Private Address: 48 Plough Lane, Purley, Surrey. Books: "Coaland Ash-Handling Plant" (Chapman & Hall, Ltd.).
TRUELOVE, A. C. B.Eng. (1st Cl. Hons.), A.M.Inst.C.E. A.C.R.E., War Dept., R.E.'s Office, Woolwich, S.E.18. Age: 48. Career: King Edward VII. Sch., Sheffield; Sheffield Univ.; appointed to Nigerian P.W.D. in 1914, and continued in that service (except for war service with R.F.C. and R.A.F.) until 1934..
TRUELOVE, Rupert Harry. B.Sc. (London) (1st Class Hons.), A.R.C.S., F.I.C. Works. Manager, Red Hand Compositions Co., Silvertown, E.16. Private Address: Carvannel, Balgores Lane, Gidea Park, Essex. Early services with G.N.R., Doncaster, and Messrs. Gross, Sherwood & Heald, Barking. Books: "Oils, Pigments, Paints and Varnishes" (Pitman).
TRYE, C. B. M.Inst.C.E. (Retired). Private Address: Hempsted Court, Hempstead, Gloucester. Born: 1867. Career: Articled with W. H. Barlow & Son, Westminster; Res. Engr. on many important works for M. Rly., 1890-1915; from 1915-23, Northern Divl. Engr., M. Rly.; 1923-28, Northern Dist. Engr., L.M.S. Rly.
TRYE, C. B. A.M.Inst.C.E. Eng. Asst., Chief Civil Engr.'s Dept., L.M. & S. Rly., St. Pancras Chambers, N.W.1. Age: 38. Career: 1911-17, St. Peter's Sch., Seaford; 1918, War service; 1919-22, Leeds Univ.; 1922-29, Div. Engr.'s Office, Derby, 1929-35, Dist. Engr.'s Office, Watford, and 1935-38, Chief Engr.'s Office, St. Pancras, L.M.S. Rly.
TUCKER, F. B. B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Lecturer in Mech. Eng., Medway Tech. Coll., Gillingham, Kent. Age: 36. Career: Educ., King Edward VI. Gramm. Sch., Totnes; Univ. of Bristol; Training and Appointment with Metropolitan-Vickers; Tech. Sch., Camborne, 1932-37; present appointment since 1937.
TUCKER, H. G. A.M.Inst.C.E., A.11/I. Inst.M. & Cy. E., P.A.S. I. Chief Asst., Borough Surveyor's Dept., Tunbridge Wells. Age: 34. Career: King Edward VI. Gramm. Sch.; Articled to R. M. Armstrong, Esq., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E.; 1924-25, Junr. Eng. Asst., Bucks. C.C.; 1925-30, Eng. Asst., Torquay Corp.
TUCKER, J. P. D.L.C.(Hons.), A.M. I.E.E., M.I.B.E. Borough Elect. Engr. and Gen. Manager, Loughborough Corpn. Elect. Dept., Baxter Gate, Loughborough. Age: 44. Career: Loughborough Coll. (Dipl. with 1st Cl. Hons. in Elect. Eng.); 9 years, The Yorks. Elect. Power Co., as Operation Engr., Dist. Engr., and finally Sales Engr; 3 years as First Engr. and Sec., The Isle of Man Elect. Board; 3 years in present position.
TUCKER, L. G. A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Civil Engr., Air Ministry Directorate of Works, Fighter Command, Southern Area, Old Sarum, Salisbury, Wilts. Age: 30. Career: Ed. Dulwich Coll.; Pupil, and later Asst. Engr., Sir Murdoch MacDonald & Partners, Chartered C.E., Westminster, 1925-35; joined Air Ministry, 1935.
TUCKER, Major W. S. O.B.E., D.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Air Defence Director of Research, Biggin Hill, Experimental Estab., Westerham, Kent.
TUCKWELL, Henry Maurice Surtees. Address: 131 Ebury Street, S.W.1. Career: Asst. Works Manager and subsequently Works Manager, John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd.; Works Manager, Joshua Buckton & Co., Ltd., Leeds; for twenty-two and a half years Engr. and Director, Tata, Ltd., London, and Representative of the Tata Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., India; now retired.
TUDSBERY, Colonel H. T. O.B.E., M.C., T.D., M.Inst.C.E. Divsnl. Road Engr., Ministry of Transport, Southern Division, Exeter. Private Address: Southtown, Lympstone, Devonshire. Born: 1886. Career: Marlborough Coll.; King's Coll., London; Training, Loco. Works and C.E.'s Dept., L. & S.W. Rly.; Asst. Engr. on Southampton Dock Works; Res. Engr., Kingston-on-Thames Bridge and Southwark Bridge reconstructions; commissioned in R.E., serving in France, 1915-19; Asst. Director of Roads with 4th British Army, with rank of Lt.-Col., R.E.; Substantive Col., 1928 (Despatches); Director of Eng., Roads Dept., Min. of Transport, 1919; Divsnl. Road Engr., Midland Div., 1929; transferred to Exeter, Southern Div., 1935.
TUDSBERY, John H. T. D.Sc., M.Inst. C.E. Hon. Sec., The Inst. of Civil Engrs., Great George Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Thanet House, Emsworth, Hants. Career: Birkenhead Sch.; Glasgow Univ. Articled to late G. F. Deacon, LL.D.; studied mech. eng. at Barrow Steel and Iron Works. Asst. on Vyrnwy Waterworks, 1881; in service of Japanese Imperial Government on construction of waterworks and other eng. undertakings, 1885; practised in Liverpool; made first eng. survey of Mersey Estuary, 1888, and carried out hydraulic and other works; Asst. Sec. to the Inst. of Civil Engrs., 1892; Sec., 1896-1922; Hon. Member, Inst. of R.E.; Hon. Member of the Koninklijk Institute van Ingenieurs, Holland; Hon. Member of the Liverpool Eng. Soc. Book: "Waterworks Engineering".
TUDSBERY, M. T. M.Inst.C.E. Civil Engr. to the B.B.C., Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London, W.1. Born: 1892. Career: Westminster Sch.; City and Guilds; training with the late John J. Webster and Yarrow & Co.; commsn. R.E. (S.R.) 1915; Major, 1918; with B.E.F. and on Rhine; Chief Asst. Engr., Baghdad City new waterworks.; on R.E. Board, War Office; apptd. First Civil Engr. to B.B.C., 1926; Engr., building of Broadcasting House, 1928, and extensions 1937. Hon. Member, Inst. of R.E., Home Office C'tee on Structural Precautions against Air Attack, 1936. Various eng. and other inventions.
TULIP, Winston Leonard. B.Sc., M. I.Mech.E. Chief Engr., Lambton, Hetton and Joicey Collieries, Ltd., Lambton Engine Works, Philadelphia, Co. Durham. Private Address: Bunker Hill, Philadelphia, Co. Durham. Age: 43. Ed., Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Formerly Asst. Engr., Lambton: Hetton and Joicey.
TULIP, W. M. B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. Engr., North Eastern Elect. Supply Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private Address: "Eildon", Tynedale Terrace, Benton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 36. Career: Armstrong Coll.; trained with Lambton, Hetton and Joicey Collieries, Ltd., Philadelphia, Co. Durham, and with them 1924-27; 1927-30, Clarke, Chapman & Co., Ltd., Gateshead; 1930 to date, N.E.S. Co., Ltd.
TULLOCH, J. S. A.M.I.Mech.E. Loco. Draughtsman, L. & N.E. Rly., Doncaster. Private Address: 17 Balmoral Road, Doncaster. Age: 49. Career: Knox Institute, Haddington; Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh; Apprent., David Thomson, Ltd., Edinburgh; 1911-14, Asst. Engr., Burma Rice and Trading Co., Burma; 191519, R.E. (Signal Co.), served in France and Belgium. Since 1919 with L.N.E.R. at Darlington and Doncaster. On parttime teaching staff of Doncaster Tech. Coll.
TUNNICLIFF, E. M.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Senr. Engr. in Research Dept., Callenders Cable and Construction Co. Private Address: 63 Abbots Drive, North Wembley, Middx. Age: 33. In charge of a dept. devoted to research in oils and cable mfg. processes. Part-time Teacher of Elect. Technology at the Regent Street Polytechnic.
TUPLIN, William Alfred. M.Sc.(Manchester Univ.). Chief Engr., David Brown & Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., Huddersfield. Private Address: 390 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield. Career: Manchester Univ., 1919-23; works training, 1923-26; various positions on tech. staff of David Brown & Sons, 1926 to date. Consultant on design problems in torsional vibration. Book: "Torsional Vibration" (Chapman & Hall).
TUPPEN, H. R. Major R.A.S.C., M.C., B.Sc.(Eng.)Lond., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M. I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Proprietor, Lions Green Works, Horam. Private Address: The Toll, Horam, Sussex. Age: 47.
TURLE, E. H. M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Hon. M. I.W.T., M. I.R.E. Chief Elect. Engr., H. J. Cash & Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: "Deerhurst", Beckenham, Kent. Age: 48. Career: London Univ., Finsbury Tech. Coll.; S. Kensington Tech. Coll. (Dipl., Elect. Eng., 1908); Pupil to G. F. Ratcliff, Elect. Engr.; successively Chief Asst. Engr., 1909-18; Res. Elect. Engr., new works (E.H.T.), Billingham, 1918-19; and from 1919, Chief Elect. Engr., H. J. Cash & Co., Ltd., and a member of this company. Also Lecturer in Elect. and Mech. Eng. at several Polytechnics. Head of Elect. Dept., Croydon Polytechnic, 1932-36.
TURNBULL, C. M.I.E.E. Formerly Boro. Elect. Engr. to Tynemouth Corpn.; now retired. Private Address: 21 Percy Park, Tynemouth, North Shields. Age: 68. Career: Fettes Coll.; Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Apprent., C. A. Parsons & Co., Newcastle; Boro. Elect. Engr., Tynemouth, since 1899. Served on Council of I.E.E. and I.M.E.A. Has written paper on Method of Invention: Memoir of Sir Charles Parsons and papers on Mathematics, etc.
TURNBULL, J. C. A.M.I.E.E., R.N. V. R. Sales Engr., Midland Elect. Mfg. Co., Ltd., Reddings Lane, Birmingham. Private Address: St. Anne's Kirk Deighton, Wetherby, Yorks. Age: 30. Career: Dover Coll.; Emscote Lawn Sch., Warwick; Birmingham Tech. Sch.; Rugby Coll.of Tech.; Apprent., B.T.H. Co., Ltd., 1925-30; Sales Engr., Higgs Motors, Ltd., Witton, 1930-34; Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., 1934-35. Former Chairman, South Midland Students, Section I.E.E. Author of Chairman's address on "Life and Work of Sir Charles Parsons".
TURNBULL, M. G. A.M.I.Mech.E. First Class Draughtsman, R.N. Torpedo Factory, Greenock. Private Address: St. Albans, Manor Crescent, Gourock, Renfrewshire. Age: 33. Educ.: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow.
TURNBULL, Norman George. Cavaliere Ufficiale della Corona d'Italia, M. Inst.N.A., M. N.E. Coast Inst. Engrs. and Shipbuilders. Principal Surveyor, Newcastle-onTyne, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Collingwood Buildings, Newcastle-onTyne. Career: Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Wallsend Shipyard; during war, Northumberland Fusiliers and Machine Gun Corps; Ministry of Shipping; 1920-22, Chief Surveyor, Veritas Adriatico, Trieste, Italy; 1922-33, Principal Surveyor for Italy, Lloyd's Register of Shipping.
TURNBULL, W. A. Wh.Ex., M.I.E.E., M.Inst.C.E. Educ. Officer, R.A.F. Private Address: Apple Orchard, Terrick, Aylesbury, Bucks. Age: 59. Career: Rutherford Coll.; Matric., Durham and Victoria Univs.; Apprent., Sunderland Forge; with Electricity undertakings at Sunderland, Carlisle, York, Stoke-on-Trent; 1913-36. Boro. Elect. Engr., Aylesbury; a pioneer of Rural Elect. Supply: first to use Steel Wire Transmission, single-phase 3-wire distribution of H.T.3-phase. Mem. of Transmission Section I.E.E.; served on C'tees of B.S.I., E.D.A., and Elect. Commissioners.
TURNER, Albert. Governing Director, Turner, Atherton & Co., Ltd., Engrs. (Hatters' Machinery and General Eng.), Denton, near Manchester.
TURNER, A. D. A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M. I.Struct.E. Consultant and Lecturer; writer on Structural Eng. Private Address: 7 Royal York Crescent, Bristol, 8. Author of "Applied Building Mechanics", "Mechanics of Building".
TURNER, A. H. A.M.Inst.C.E., P.A.S.I. Senr. Eng. Asst., Guildhall, Plymouth. Age: 31. Career: Crypt Gramm. Sch., Gloucester; St. Olave's Gramm. Sch., London; Municipal appointments at Bexley, Royal Tunbridge Wells, East Sussex C.C., Oxford, Wembley, Portsmouth and Plymouth.
TURNER, A. S. A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Eng. Asst., Hampshire C.C., The Castle, Winchester. Age: 26. Career: King's Sch., Chester; Eng. Asst., Cheshire C.C., 1930-35, Staffs. C.C., 1935-37, Hampshire C.C., 1937. Author of "Inspection of Bridges " — paper awarded 1st prize Cheshire Surveyors' Assocn. competition, 1935.
TURNER, D. R. M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E., Tech. Asst., Signal and Telegraph Dept., L.M. & S. Rly., Euston, N.W.1. Private Address: 172 Portland Crescent W., Stanmore, Middx. Age: 30. Career: Lower Sch. of Lawrence Sheriff, Rugby; C.S. Sch., Crewe; Liverpool Univ.; Supry. Engr., Elder Dempster Line, 1928; Apprent., B.T.H. Co., 1929; Supry. Engr., White Star Line, 1930 (prize for report); 1931, Tech. Asst., L.M.S.
TURNER, E. A. A.M.Inst.C.E. Civil Eng., Air Ministry. Private Address: 56 Bathurst Walk, Iver, Bucks. Age: 32. Career: Winner, Bayliss and Miller Prizes, Inst. C.E.; joined Air Ministry, 1934; previously with Walter Bridges & Co., Cons. Engrs., and L.P.T.B., Civil Eng. Dept.
TURNER, E. F. A.M.I.E.E. With Mather & Platt, Ltd. Private Address: Park House, 22 Gt. Smith Street, S.W.1.
TURNER, F. C. M.Eng. (Hons.), A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. Lecturer-in-Charge, Mech. Eng. Dept., Univ., Sheffield. Private Address: 123 Holmhirst Road, Woodseats, Sheffield. Age: 44. Career: Educ., C.S. Sch., Sheffield; Univ., Sheffield; training, Sheffield Corpn. Elect., Sept., 1914; 1915-19, Marconi's W.T. Co., Ltd., on Admiralty Service as Sub.-Lt., R.N.V.R., Ireland, Gambia, and Chelmsford; 1919 to date, on Staff, Univ., Sheffield. Author of paper to British Assocn., etc.
TURNER, Frederick William. T.D., J.P., M.I.Mech.E. Director, E. R. & F. Turner, Ltd., Greyfriars Works, Ipswich. Private Address: 18 Burlington Road, Ipswich. Age: 68. Training at E. R. & F. Turner's works, Ipswich.
TURNER, Eng. Lt.-Commr. G. C. T. R.N., A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. to. Outdoor Manager, J. & E. Hall, Ltd., Refrigerating Engrs., Dartford, Kent. Private Address: Bickleigh, Alexandra Road, Epsom. Age: 50. Career: Prep. Sch.; R.N.E. Coll., Keyham, 1904-08; Eng. Officer, R.N., 1908-19; J. & E. Hall, Ltd., 1919 to date.
TURNER, G. E. B.Sc.(Eng.),. A.M. I.Mech.E. Lecturer in Mech. Eng. Dept. and Junr. Tech. Sch. of Municipal Tech. Coll. Mawdsley Street, Bolton. Age: 35. Apprent., and later training, with Naylor Bros., Engrs., Golborne, Lancs.; D.O. experience with Babcock & Wilcox, London; Part-time Lecturer, Northampton Polytechnic, London.
TURNER, G. F. R. M.I.N.A., A.M.I. Mech.E., F.C.M.S., Liverpool Eng. Soc. Partner, Casebourne & Turner, 11 Oriel Chambers, 14 Water Street, Liverpool, 2. Private Address: Silverdale, Holmfield Road, Liverpool, 19.
TURNER, G. W. A.M.I.E.E. In business as Engr. on own account, Sun Chambers, 32/34 Kennedy Street, Manchester, 2. Age: 53. Career: Finsbury Coll.; British Westinghouse; Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.; Verity's; English Elect. Co., Ltd.; Consulting Engr., Josiah Wedgwood & Sons, Ltd., Etruria.
TURNER, H. A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. M. & Cy.E., M.S.I.Assoc. Surveyor and San. Insptr., Preesall U.D.C., Council Offices, Preesall, Fleetwood, Lancs. Age: 59. Career: Training, H. A. Johnson, M.Inst.C.E., Bradford; Asst., Burnley R.D.C., 1902-05; Asst., Nigerian Govt. Rlys., 1905-12; Asst., Kiveton Pk., R.D.C., 1912-15; War service, France, 1915-19; Asst., Kiveton Pk. R.D.C., 1919-28; Sureyor, Preesall U.D.C., 1928 to date,
TURNER, H. Cobden. J.P., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Assoc.M.C.T. Mem. Salford City Council, and of the C.C. Light, Heat and Power C'tee.; Governor, Royal Tech. Coll., Salford; Mem. Board of Management, Salford Royal Hospital. Managing Director, Salford Elect. Instruments Ltd., Peel Works, Silk Street, Salford, 3, Lancs.; Man. Dir., British Jewel Mfg. Co., Ltd., Adelphi, Salford; Man. Dir., British. Ferrocart Co., Ltd., Silk Street, Salford, 3, Lancs. Private Address: 14 St. Austell Road, Manchester, 16. Tel.: Chorlton-c-H. 2000. Career: Apprent., G.E.C., Ltd.; Experimentalist, Ferranti, Ltd.; Manager, Elect. Apparatus Co.; Sales Dept., British Westinghouse Co.; Gen. Manager,. and later Man. Dir., Salford Elect. Instruments, Ltd. Books: Joint author with E. H. W. Banner of "Electrical Measurements".
TURNER, H. G. M.Inst.C.E., F.R. I.B.A. Architect and Civil Engr. in private practice at Boltro Chambers, Haywards Heath. Private Address: Isenhurst, Haywards Heath, Sussex. Age: 50. Career: Articled to the Engr. and Surveyor of Brighton; held public Eng. appointments at Cheshunt, Acton and Surbiton; Architect to C'tee of the Benevolent Fund of Inst. Civil Engrs., and to the Haywards Health Housing Soc., Ltd.; practising chiefly in the design of domestic buildings, roads, sewers, swimming pools, and factories.
TURNER, J. D. K. Capt. O.M.E., R.A. O.C., F. R. S. A, A.M. I.Mech.E. Manager, Purchasing, Stores, Transport and Printing Depts., Elders & Fyffes, Ltd. (since 1912), 31/32 Bow Street, W.C.2. Private Address: 32 Manor Hall Avenue, Hendon, N.W.4. Age: 55. Career: Private Sch.; Tech. Coll., Huddersfield; Leeds Univ.; Apprent., Wm. Whiteley & Sons, Ltd., Huddersfield, and Kitson & Co., Ltd., Leeds, 1900-02; D.O., Dick, Kerr & Co., Ltd., Preston, 1903, Graham, Morton & Co., Ltd., Leeds, 1904, and B. & S. Massey, Manchester, 1905; Repres. Engr., Morris & Bastert, Loughborough, 1906-07; Tech. Engr., Vaughan & Son, Manchester, 1908-11; Officer-incharge, No. 3 (Light) Ordnance Mobile Workshop, Belgium and Italy, and attached Italian 6th Army, 1917-18.
TURNER, J. H. W. B.Sc., A.M. Inst.C.E. Chief Asst. Engr. on construction of Dartford Tunnel. Business Address: Chas. Brand & Son, Ltd., Contractor's Office, Moody's. Lane, Dartford, Kent. Age: 34. Career: Ardrossan Academy; Glasgow Univ.; Apprent., W. C. Easton, M.Inst.C.E., Glasgow; on Eng. Staff, Chas, Brand & Son, Ltd., on various public works' contracts.
TURNER, K. B. M.A.(Hons.), A.M. Inst.C.E. Asst. Dist. Engr. (S. Area), L. & N.E. Rly., King's Cross Station, N.1. Private Address: 21 Dellcott Close, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. Age: 38. Career: Felsted Sch.; Cambridge Univ.; Pupil, L.G.O.C.; Asst., etc., L. & N.E. Rly.
TURNER, Engineer Rear-Admiral Laurence. C.B., M.I.Mar.E. Engr. Rear-Admiral on Staff of C.-in-C., Portsmouth. Private Address: Langdale, The Avenue, Alverstoke. Age: 55. Career: 1898-1903, R.N. Eng. Coll., Devonport; 1909-32, various appointments in H.M. Submarines; 1933-34, Fleet Eng. Office, Home Fleet; 1935, promoted to Engr. Rear-Admiral.
TURNER, Leslie. B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Consulting Civil and Struct. Engr., Coastal Chambers, Buckingham Palace Road, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Stavros, West Hill, Epsom, Surrey. Career: Training at Birmingham Univ. (Civil Eng., 1908-12); 1912-28; various appointments, municipal, consulting engrs., reinforced concrete designing and contracting firms occupied on design of buildings, bridges, bunkers, silos, wharves, jetties, heavy. foundations, etc. War service, four years—Captain, R.E. 1928-32, in charge of design and construction in Greece of twenty-two. railway and highway bridges, totalling two miles in length, sluices, etc., on Salonika Plain Reclamation Works for Foundation Coy. (N.Y.) and Greek Government. Past four years in private practice as specialist in structures, chiefly reinforced concrete and foundation work. Works completed: McDougall's Flour Mills (Millwall), Strathclyde Distillery, Silos, etc., 41-46 Piccadilly; reinforced concrete chimneys, swimming baths, and many piled and foundation works. Consulting Engr. to Southend-on-Sea B.C. for Rochford Hospital and Westcliff Pavilion. Gold Medalist, J.Inst.E. Original research carried out and published, on torsion, tension and autogenous healing of concrete. Author of book on concrete construction.
TURNER, L. V. A.M.I.E.E. Borough Elect. Engr., Taunton Corpn. Private Address: Gate House, South Road, Taunton. Age: 46. Career: Trained Newtons, Ltd., Rotax, Ltd., Taunton and Croydon Corpn. Elect. Dept.; i.-c. detail and assembly sect., Vickers, Ltd.; Mains Engr. and Deputy Elect. Engr., Taunton; Lecturer, ten years, Taunton Tech. Inst. Patentee of Superspeed Transformer operated boiling plate, (mftd. by Revo, Ltd.).
TURNER, P. K. M.I.E.E. Consultant, 73 Osborne Road, Windsor. Age: 50. Career: Great War, R.F.C. and R.A.F. One time Editor, "The Wireless Engineer". Chief of Research, Burndept Wireless Co.; Chief of Research, Graham Amplion, Ltd.; Research Dept., Marconi Co.
TURNER, Thomas. M.Sc.(Birmingham), A.R.S.M., F.I.C.,. Past-Pres., Inst. of Metals, Bessemer Gold Medallist, and Hon. Vice-Pres., Iron and Steel Inst., etc.; Emeritus Professor of Metallurgy, Univ. of Birmingham. Consulting Metallurgist, Fry's Metal Foundries, London, etc. Private Address: Netheridge, Elm Drive, Leatherhead. Career: Royal Sch. of Mines (De la Beche Medalist); Lecturer on Metallurgy, Mason Coll., 1883-94; Director of Tech. Instruction, Staffordshire. C.C., 1894-1902; Professor of Metallurgy, Univ. of Birmingham, 1902-26; Consulting Metallurgist to date. Books: "Metallurgy of Iron", "Practical Metallurgy", "Lectures on Iron Founding" (Griffin.& Co.). Author of over a hundred scientific papers. Researches in cast iron and in metals and alloys, widely published and applied at home and abroad.
TURNER, T. Henry. M.Sc., M.I. & S.I., M.Inst.Met., M.I.Brit.F., M.S.Chem. Ind., M.Am.S.Met., M.I.I.oco.E., Fel. Perm. Way Inst., A.R.Ae.S.I., etc. Chief Chemist and Metallurgist, L. & N.E. Rly., 43 Bridge Terrace, Doncaster. Private Address: 22 Avenue Road, Doncaster. Born: 1895. Career: Wiggin Scholar, Birmingham Univ.; Research Metallurgist, Metro.-Vick.; Lecturer in Metallurgy, Birmingham Univ.; Consultant, Internatl. Nickel Co., New York. Specialises in study of strain in metals, eng. failures and their causes, water treatment, corrosion, etc. Joint author of "Metal Spraying".
TURNER, Vincent. M.Inst.C.E., M. Inst.M. & Cy.E. Borough and Water Engr., County Borough of Rotherham. Private Address: Leafy Dale, Moorgate, Rotherham. Career: Mason's Coll., Birmingham; articled, Wolverhampton C.B.; Asst. to City of Wakefield and to City of Westminster; Chief appointments, Bilston U.D.C. and Dudley C.B., H.M. Forces, 1917-19 (Major, R.E.).
TURNER, W. A. A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M Inst.W.E. Asst. Engr. and Water Engr., Gilmour Street, Paisley. Private Address: 51 Broomlands Street, Paisley. Age: 31. Career: R. Tech. Coll., Glasgow; training, Glasgow Corpn., 1924-29; with Paisley Burgh since 1929.
TURNER, W. F. A.M.Mech.E, A.M.I.E.E. Works Manager, W. Lucy & Co., Ltd., Oxford. Private Address: 2 Apsley Road, Oxford. Age: 35. Career: Educ. Queen Mary Coll., Univ., London Apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd.; Works Manager and Tech. Adviser Tilley Bros, Ltd., Hendon responsible for re-organisation of works, equipment of extensions, etc.
TURNER, W. G. M.I.E.E., A.M. I.Mech.E. Borough Elect. Engr., Corpn. Elect. Dept., Civic Centre, Southampton. Age: 54. Career: Perse Sch.; Cambridge; Armstrong Coll.; training with C.A. Parsons & Co., Ltd., Heaton Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne and Newcastle and Dist. Elect. Lighting Co., Ltd.; appointment as Chief Asst. Engr., N. & D.E.L. Co.
TURNER, W. G. A. A.R.C.Sc., D.I.C., A.M.Inst.C.E. Works Manager, Metro Works, Alpha Cement, Ltd., West Thurrock, Essex. Private Address: "Rusland", 8 Waldegrave Gardens, Upminster. Educ.: Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech., London; specialised in Cement Machinery Design and the production of cement.
TURNER, W. J. A.M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, Metal Processes, Ltd., 48 Frederick Street, Birmingham. Private Address: Brackenwood, Walsall Road, Little Aston, Sutton Coldfield, Warwicks. Age: 44. Career: Apprent. five years with Gwynnes, Ltd.; 1st Class Inspecting Engr. in Midlands, with Sir J. Wolfe Barry, Lister & Partners, Chief Engr., Assam Rlys., and Trading Co., Ltd. (61 years); Partner in Turnwell Eng. Co.; Director, Inventions Developments, Ltd.
TURPIN, F. Burlace. M.I.H.V.E., M.I.F. Consulting Engr., 36 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1.
TUSON, Major K. H. A.M.I.E.E. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.D.E.U.A. Partner in Messrs. Mackness & Shipley, Cons. Engrs., 1 Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.1.
TUSTIN, A. M.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Attercliffe Works, Sheffield. Private Address: 41 Botanical Road, Sheffield, Yorks. Age: 39.
TUTIN, John. D.Sc. (Durham), M.I. N.A., M.N.E.C.Inst. Consulting Engr., 22 Billiter Street, London, E.C.3. Career: Wear Dockyard, Sunderland; Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. Books: "The Atom" (Longmans, Green & Co.).
TUTT, C. B. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Elect. Engr., Borough of Kettering Elect. Dept. Private Address: Corner House, Neale Avenue, Kettering, Northants. Age: 57. Career: Liverpool Coll.; Univ. Coll., Liverpool; pupilage, A. Hugh Seabrook, M.I.E.E.; Hons. C. & G.; St. Pancras Borough Council, 1906; North Met. Elect. Power Co.; Lancashire Elect. Power Co.; Manchester Corp. Elect. Dept.
TWEEDALE, Walter. M.I.Mech.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Tweedales & Smalley (1920) Ltd., Globe Works, Castleton, Nr. Manchester. Private Address: Brooklands, Rochdale.
TWEEDY, George Frederick. O.B.E. Eng. Director, Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Neptune Works, Walker, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private Address: The Nook, Jesmond Park East, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Career: Apprent., Neptune Works of Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd., and at the Societe John Cockerill, Liege, Belgium; three years at Durham Univ.
TWEEDY, Major R. A. M. R.A.O.C., B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Ordnance Mech. Engr., c/o Glyn Mills & Co., Ltd., Holt's Branch, Whitehall, S.W.1. Age: 37. Career: Sherborne Sch., Dorset; City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll'.; Apprent., Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd.; Ordnance Mech. Engr., R.A.O.C.
TWELLS, Arthur H. M.I.Mech.E. Consulting Engr., Tudor Chambers, 25 Millstone Lane, Leicester. Private Address: 213 Melton Road, Leicester. Career: Glasgow Tech. Coll., and Durham Coll. of Sc. and Art, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Apprent. and training, Dunsmuir & Jackson, Govan, and Earles, Ltd., of Hull. Various positions of responsibility as Engr. at Newcastle, Hull, Hartlepool, Loughborough, London and Manchester in Marine and General eng. Inventor of the Twells' Patent Valve Gear for Duplex Pumps, and of various other improvements.
TWIGGER, Thomas Ralph. M.I. Brit.F., Silver Medallist, City and Guilds Institute. Works Metallurgist and Tech. Engr., British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., Coventry. Private Address: 359 Canley Road, S Coventry. Age: 37. Career: Sec. Sch. Birmingham Central Tech. Coll.; Asst. Chemist, British Piston Ring Co.; then present position.
TYLER, A. S. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Contractor, 93, High Street, Whitstable. Age: 54. Career: 28 years in Elect. Supply Industry, finally as Elect. Engr., Whitstable Elect. Co., Ltd. (15 years); in business on own account since 1930.
TYLER, George Marsh. M.I.Mech.E. Marine and Mech. Engr., G.W. Rly, Docks, Plymouth. Career: Merchant Venturers' Sch.; Indentured, Newall & Co., Bristol; Manager, Millbay Eng. Co., Plymouth; Managing Director, Bickle Eng. Co., Ltd., Plymouth; Managing Partner, Fred G. Tyler & Son, Carr Disintegrators. On various Labour Committees. Patentee, Tyler's Pulver Blender and plant for fertilizer manufacture.
TYLER, J. S. F. Chief Asst. Eng., Southern Rly., Waterloo Station, London, S.E.1.
TYLER, John Wilfrid. A.M.I.Loco.E. Eng., L.M.S. Rly., Supt.'s Office, C.M.E. Dept., Derby, 108 St. Chad's Road, Derby. Educ.: Sch. of Sc. and Art, Carlisle; Tech. Coll., Kilmarnock; Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow.
TYLER, R. G. M.I.E.E. Partner, Messrs Tyler & Freeman, 40 Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. Age: 75. Career: Hurstpierpoint Sch.; Alan C. Wylie & Co., London; Scott & Mountain, Ltd., Newcastle.
TYRER, Arthur Edward. M.I.Mar.E., B.O.T. Certificate. Tech. Asst., L.C.C., Chief Engr.'s Dept., County Hall, Westminster Bridge, S.E.1. Private Address: 40 Park Avenue West, Ewell, Surrey. Age: 38. Career: Ed. Dulwich Coll.; Apprent., Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., Birkenhead; Marine Engr., Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., Ltd., for eight years
TYRRELL, G. C. B.Sc.(Lond.) Hons., A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Lecturer in Elect. Eng. at the Municipal Tech. Coll., Oldham. Private Address: 17. Larkfield Road, Sydenham, Belfast. Age: 37.
TYSON, Thomas Gerald. M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.N.A. Manager, London and the South Territorial Office, English Electric Co., Ltd., Queen's House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Private Address: 3 Finchley Avenue, London, N.3.
TYSON, W. R. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Telephone Manager, G.P.O., Lincoln. Private Address: 4 Ancaster Avenue, Lincoln. Age: 36. Career: Entered G.P.O. as Inspector, 1924; Asst. Engr., 1927; Executive Engr., 1935; Telephone Manager, 1936.
See Also
Sources of Information