Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1939 Who's Who In Engineering: Name R

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

RABBIDGE, William Floyd. Newman Memorial Prize, 1900. Head of Design Dept. for Motorship and Submarine Machinery, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. Private address: "Southfield," Ulverston, Lancs. Career: R.N.E. Coll., Devonport, 1895-1900; R.N. Coll., Greenwich, 1900-1903. Royal Navy (various ships), H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, and Admiralty (E. in C. Dept.), all from 1895-1913; Joined Vickers, Ltd., 1913. Inventor of mean speed indicator for turbine vessels and of various oil engine details.

RACE, A. B. A.M.I.E.E. Dist. Manager, The British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Kings House, 42 King Street, West, Manchester. Born: 1885. Career: Apprent., Clarke Chapman & Co., Ltd., Gateshead; further experience, Vickers Ltd.; training, Reyrolle & Co., Ltd., Hebburn; with B.T.H. Co., since 1912, in various Asst. Managerial positions. Now Dist. Manager, Manchester and Liverpool Dists.

RACE, John Arthur. King's Prizeman for Machine Construction; County Prizeman for Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Heat Engines, etc. Works Manager, Marshall Sons & Co. (Successors), Ltd., Britannia Iron Works, Gainsborough. Private address: 62, Campbell Street, Gainsborough, Lincs. Career: 12 years in drawing office on steam and mech. eng.; 10 years Chief Production Organiser; 12 years Works Manager on horticultural, steam and Diesel tractor eng.

RADBONE, V. J. M.I.E.E. Joint Managing Director, International General Elect. Co., Inc., Crown House, Aldwych, W.C.2. Age: 54. Career: Bishops Stortford W Coll.; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; 12 years in U.S.A. as Sales Engr. with G.E.C., of Schenectady.

RADCLIFFE, C. J. A.M.I.E.E. Northern Counties Club, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2. Asst. to Managing Director, A. Reyrolle & Co., Ltd., Hebburn-on-Tyne. Age: 37. Ed.: Downside Sch. and Faraday House.

RADFORD, J. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Staff Engr. in the Telephone Development and Maintenance Branch, P.O. Eng. Dept., Floor 2, Room 8, G.P.O., Alder House, E.C.1.

RADLEY, William Albert. O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.M. "City and Guilds" Exam, Metallurgy, Iron and Steel, and other sciences. Consultant and Tech. Adviser (I.C.I. Metals, Ltd., Govmt. Depts., New Zealand Arsenal, etc.); Chairman, Laminated Wood Products, Ltd., 109, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Private address: White Cottage, 44 Blackheath Park, London, S.E.3. Career: apprent., by exam.; Royal Ordnance Factories, Woolwich; Lecturer in Metallurgy, Birmingham Tech. Coll.; Manager, King's Norton Metal Co., William Mills, Ltd., Greenwood and Batley, Ltd.; Tech. Adviser, M. of M., 1917-19; Controller of Factories, War Office; Tech. Adviser, Royal Ordnance Factories, Woolwich, until 1931. In King's Birthday Honours List, 1925, for work at War Office and Woolwich.

RADLEY, W. G. Ph.D. (Eng.), M.I.E.E. 16 North Common Road, Ealing, W.5. Asst. Staff Engr., Eng. Dept., G.P.O., London. Age: 40. Career: Leeds Modern Sch.; Faraday House (Silver and Gold Medallist); with Bruce, Peebles Ltd., Edinburgh, and then Research Branch, Eng. Dept., G.P.O.; now in charge of Chemical and Physical Research and of work in connection with automatic telephone switching at the Dollis Hill Research Station. Member of the International Consultative Committee on long distance Telephony.

RAFFETY, Sidney R. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.W.E. (Member of Council), F.R.S.I., M.Cons.E. Sole Partner, Rofe and Raffety, Abbey House, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private address: Douglas House, Salisbury Avenue, Cheam, Surrey. Consulting Engr., specialising in Water Supply to many Local Authorities, Water Boards, and Water Companies, etc. Joint Hon. Sec., Assoc. of Consulting Engrs. Club: St. Stephen's.

RAFTERY, P. J. B.E., M.I.C.E.I., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., F.R.San.I. Eng. Inspector, Dept. of Local Govmt. and Public Health, Custom House, Dublin, Eire. Private address: 64, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin. Educ.: Mungret Coll., Limerick; Queen 's Coll., Galway (R.U.I.); Univ. Coll., Dublin (N.U.I.). Hon. Treas. and Member of Council of the Institution of Civil Engrs. of Ireland; Member of Council of Inst.Mun. & Cy.E.

RAINFORD, H. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Min.E., M.Ass.Min.Elec.E. 6 Compton Road, Buxton, Derbyshire. Chief Testing Officer, Mines Dept., Testing Station, Buxton. Age: 44. Ed.: Harvey Grammar Sch., Folkestone; King's Coll., Canterbury; Faraday House (Silver Medal and Hons. Dipl.). Specialist in flameproof Elect. Apparatus for Coal Mines and Factories.

RAINIE, Robert. M.C., M.I.Mech. E., M.I.Mar.E. (Chairman of Council). Manager, Harland & Wolff, Ltd., North Woolwich, London, E.16. Private address: 5, Vanbrugh Terrace, Blackheath, London, S.E.3. Career: Apprent., Sir William Arrol & Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Successively, Designing Engr., Chief Draughtsman, Supt. of Construction and Chief Asst. Engr., with International Marine Signal Co., Ltd., New York and Ottawa; Engr. Representative, London, for Glengarnock Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. War service: Military, active, 1914-18 (M.C. and mentioned in despatches); serving and reserve, 1918-22.; 1921-25, Asst. Manager, and 1925 to date, Manager, Harland & Wolff, Ltd., London. Ex-Pres., London Ayrshire Soc.; Vice-Chairman, River Thames Dry Dock Proprietors and Ship Repairers Assoc. (11 years).

RAISIN, C. A.M. I.Mech.E. Chief Engr., Burroughes Wellcome & Co., Wellcome Chemical Works, Dartford. Age: 65. Career: Educ.: Horological Sch., Geneva; with Burroughes & Wellcome since 1896.

RAMSAY, N. A. I. A.M.I.Mech.E. Ellon Neuk, Biggar Road, Fairmilehead, Edinburgh, 10. Surveyor, British Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insce. Co., Ltd., Manchester.

RAMSBOTHAM, J. F. M.Inst. C.E., M.Am.Soc.C.E. Woodhouse, Milnthorpe, Westmorland. Age: 60. Career: Articled to late Anthony Lyster, Engr.-in-Ch. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board; Asst. Engr., Stanley Tobacco Warehouse; Res. Engr., North Carriers Dock Warehouse, Brocklebank Graving Dock, Brunswick Dock Extension (-15,000); Engr. for Freemantle Dock, W. Australia; reported to W. Australian Govmt. for various port extensions. Director of lighthouses, Commonwealth Govmt., 1913-26; responsible for building of 36 lighthouses.

RAMSBOTTOM, J. S. A.M.I.E.E. Sunny Bank, Riddlesden, Keighley, Yorks. Managing Director, J. S. Ramsbottom & Co., Ltd., Bow Street, Keighley. Also Managing Director, Auto Elect. Repairs Ltd., Keighley; Director, Bradford Elect. Services Ltd., Bradford.

RAMSDEN, J. S. M.I.E.E. Harwood House, Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Director, British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby. Age: 53.

RAMSELL, H. G. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E., M.W.M.Assoc. "Hinsdale," York Avenue, Wolverhampton. Works Manager at Willenhall and Wednesfield Works, The Yale and Towne Mfg. Co., Willenhall and Wednesfield, Staffs. Age: 40. Formerly Works Supt., H. & T. Vaughan Ltd., Willenhall (1922-29); present appointment since 1929; has visited U.S.A. and Canada twice and Germany several times, to see other Yale factories, etc. Mem., Wolverhampton and Dist. Eng. Soc.

RAMSEY, Arthur George. M.B.E., B.Sc.Eng., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. Senr. Engr. (Deputy Chief Engr.), H.M. Office of Works, Westminster, S.W.1. Private address: Greenways, Brampton Grove, Hendon, N.W.4. Career: London Univ.; trained, British Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co., Ltd.; H.M. Office of Works: as Scottish Dist. Engr. (1914-1919); Asst. Engr., Headquarters (1919); Engr.-in-Charge of Special Works (1920-1936); Senr. Engr., Acting (1920-24); present post, 1936.

RAND, C. P. N. M.A., A.M.I.E.E. Joint Managing Director, Elect. and Eng. Products Ltd., 172 Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.1. Age: 34. Career: Rossall Sch.; Caius Coll., Cambridge; Apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers Ltd.; abroad for English Electric Co.; 1931-37, Maintenance Staff of C.E.B., Newcastle-on-Tyne; present occupation since 1937.

RAND, P. N. M.I.E.E. 26 Hanover House, Regent's Park, N.W.B. Chairman, Electrical and Eng. Products, Ltd., 172 Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.1. Age: 57. Career: General Sales Manager of Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd. (1919-27); General Sales Manager of English Elect. Co., Ltd. (1927-32); Director of Kromard Paint Co., Ltd., and Economic Transmission Ltd.

RANDALL, A. B. M.I.E.E. Verona, 27 Victoria Road, Salisbury. Career: 2 years Univ. Coll., London; 3 years pupil Crompton & Co.'s Works; short periods with the Southampton Elect. Light Co., Charing Cross and Strand Elect. Supply Co. and Callender Cable Co.; 1930 to 1937, Engr. and Manager of the Salisbury Elect. Light Co.

RANDLE, J. M.Eng. (Hons.), A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.P.E. Engine Works Manager, Lobnitz & Co„ Ltd., Engrs. and Shipbuilders, Renfrew. Age: 32. Career: 1917-24, Wade Deacon Gram. Sch., Widnes; 1924-28, Liverpool Univ., Dawbarn Prize for Design) 1928-30, Apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd.; 1930-34, on staff, M.V.E. Co.; 1934, Works Manager, John M. Henderson & Co., Ltd.; 1937, present post.

RANKIN, J. A. B.A., B.A.I., A.M.Inst.0.E Resident Engr., Surrey C.C., Highways Dept., County Hall, Kingston-on-Thames. Age: 58. Career: Contractor's Engr., Geo. Pirie & Co.; Res. Engr., Board of Works, Dublin, P.L.A. and Surrey C.C.

RANKIN, J. S. B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.T.C., A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Asst. to the Professor of Natural Philosophy, Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow.

RANN, J. S. A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Teacher, Agent for various Tech. Schools in or near London, 19 Alwyne Square, Canonbury, N.1. Age: 55. Career: Birmingham Tech. Coll.; Dudley Power Station; Western Canada Power Co.; MetropolitanVickers; Northampton Polytechnic; Regent Street Polytechnic; etc.

RANSOM, William. M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. 81 Bath Road, Worcester. Age: 67. Formerly City Engr., Worcester. Recipient of premiums and prizes of Inst.M. & Cy.E., etc.

RAPHAEL, Francis Charles. M.I. E.E., M.Cons.E. Consulting Elect. Engr. Napier House, 24-27, High Holborn, London, W.0.1. Private address: 2, Belgrave Gardens, Southgate, N.14. Career: Educ.: Charterhouse and City and Guilds. Appointments with various cable mfrs. and eng. firms; editor of "The Electrician," editor of "Electrical Engineering"; war service; appointment with Edison-Swan Elec. Co.; since 1921, solely consulting practice. Consulting Elect. Engr. to local authorities, hospitals, public institutions, etc. Books: "Localisation of Faults in Electric Light and Power Mains," "The Electric Wiring of Buildings (Pitman), "Electric Wiring Tables" (Pitman).

RAPHAEL, Robert Alexander. J.P., M.I.Mech.E. Director, A. & W. Smith & Co., Ltd., Eglinton Engine Works, Glasgow, C.5., and Consulting Engr., 166, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, C.1. Private address: 3, Calderwood Road, Glasgow, S.3. Age: 65. Educ.: Allan Glens School, and Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow.

RAPSON, E. T. A. M.Sc., A.C.G.I., D.I.C., Wh.Ex., Roy. Sch., F.P.S., A.M.I.E.E.,Assoc.I.R.E. Private Address: 39, Wimborne Ave., Hayes, Mdx. Lecturer in Elec. and Radio Eng., The Technical College, Beaconsfield Rd., Southall. Age: 39. Career: Plymouth Tech. Coll.; City & Guilds; trained R.N. Dockyard, Devonport; Tech. Asst. Research Labs., G.E.C.; Lecturer in Elec. Eng., Hull Tech. Coll.; instituted and organised Radio and Television Courses, Southall Tech.Coll., and first Radio, Acoustics and Television Lab. in Tech. Coils. in Gt. Britain. Author of "Experimental Electrical Engineering," Problems in Radio Engineering." "Electrical Transmission and Distribution."

RASHLEIGH, W. S. A.M. Inst.C.E., J.P. Stoketon, Saltash, Cornwall. Age: 56. Career: Harrow Sch.; Trinity, Cambridge; G.W. Rly., 1903-08; E. Indian Rly., 1908-21; Cornwall County Councillor, 1928-38; J.P. for Cornwall.

RATCLIFF, J. H. R. B.Sc. (Eng.) Hons., A.M.I.Mech.E. Tech. and Planning Engr., George Kent., Ltd., Luton, Beds. Age: 35. Ed.: London Univ.; subsequently in charge successively of Geo. Kent's Instrument Calibration, Service, Mfture in U.S.A., Research, Tech. work and Prodn. Planning. Has served on various Standards and Research Committees.

RATCLIFFE, J. A. M.A., A.M.I.E.E. Sidney Sussex Coll., Cambridge Born: 1902. Univ. Lecturer in Physics. Author of papers on the Propagation of Wireless Waves.

RATCLIFFE, M. V. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Resident Engr., S.W.E. Grid. With Messrs. Kennedy & Donkin, Linden Lodge, 2 Oakfield Grove, Clifton, Bristol, 8. Age: 30. Ed.: King's Coll., London.

RATH, F. A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Borough Engr., Surveyor and Water Engr., Maldon, Essex. Age: 35. Career: Articled to G. F. Andrassy, Esq., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., Engr. and Surveyor, Thurrock U.D.C.; subsequently, appointments at Wood Green, Romford, Ilford, and Leatherhead U.D.C.

RATHBONE, C. A.M. I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Generating Engr., Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley & Dukinfield Transport and Electy. Board. Hartshead, Stalybridge. Career: Commercial Sch., Stretford; Civil Service Academy, Manchester; Service with Stretford Corp. Electy. Dept.; Newcastle-upon-Tyne E.S. Co.; City of Bradford Elect. Dept.; John Brown & Co., Atlas Works, Sheffield; Tech. Eng. Staff of H.M. War Office, (Aldershot Command).

RATTENBURY, G. A.M.I.E.E. Formerly Tech. Adviser, Brookhirst Switchgear Ltd., Chester, now retired. Private Address: Studley, Foxhall, nr. Ipswich. Age: 55. Career: Merchant Venturers' Tech. Coll., Bristol. Experience, Machine Tools, Switchgear, etc.; specialised in Motor control problems. Previously with Electric Control Ltd., Electric Construction Co., Ltd., British Westinghouse Elect. and Mfg. Co., Ltd., etc.

RATTER, J. B.Sc. (Hons.), A.M. Inst.C.E. "Bryn," Ringwood Close, Pinner, Mddx. Divisional Asst. Engr., Permanent Way Dept., L.P.T.B., 55 Broadway, S.W.1. Age: 30. Career: St. Peter's Sch., York; Armstrong Coll., Univ. of Durham; Pupil of Engr., (N.E. Area), L.N.E.R. (York), and subsequently Asst. Engr. Editor of Permanent Way Institution Journal.

RATTEY, C. C. M.I.E.E. Downside, Merrow, Guildford, Surrey. Age: 52. Career: East London Coll.; Chemist to Electrical Power Storage Co., Ltd., 1904-09; Chemist to Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., 1909-12; Chief Engr. and Manager to.Electrical Power Storage Co., Ltd. 1912-19; Chairman and Managing Director, The Alton Battery Co., Ltd., 1919-37.

RAVENSON, H. M.Sc., Tech., A.M.I.Mech.E. 4 Dale Road, Easemore Road, Redditch, Worcs. Asst. General Production Manager, The English Needle and Fishing Tackle Co., Ltd., Studley and Redditch. Age: 32. Special work, Design and Introduction of Production Control Systems.

RAWLING, A. B.Sc. (1st Cl. Hons.), A.M.I.E.E., A.Am.I.E.E., 11, Grange Villas, Wallsend, Northumberland. Designer, A. Reyrolle & Co., Ltd., Hebburn-on-Tyne. Ed.: Leeds Univ.

RAWLINGS, W. R. A.M.I.E.E. 85 Gloucester Road, London, S.W.7. Educ. City and Guilds of London Inst. Chairman and Man. Dir. of Rawlings Bros., Ltd.; Automatic Controls Ltd.; Kolstore Co., Ltd.; Harrowell Brick Co., Ltd.; Golly's Garage Ltd.; Rawlings Tudor Garage Ltd.; and Balmuir Garage Ltd.; also Director of The Rawplug Co., Ltd., and Sun Electrical Co., Ltd.

RAWLINSON, W. F. D.Sc., M.I.E.E. Low-Wood, Portsdown Hill, Widley, Portsmouth, Hants. A Principal Scientific Officer, H.M. Signal Sch., R.N. Barracks, Portsmouth. Age: 44. Career: Victoria Univ., Manchester; Experimental Dept., H.M. Signal Sch., Portsmouth. Chairman, 1937-38, Hampshire Sub-Centre, I.E.E.

RAWLL, R. H. M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E. 125 Wentworth Road, Harborne, Birmingham, 17. Sales and Development Engr., Birmingham Elect. Supply Dept., 14 Dale End, Birmingham. Age: 39. Career: Grocers Co.'s Sch., London; Hackney Tech. Inst.; pupil to Chief Elect. Engr., L. & N.W. Rly. Co. Is Hon. Sec., South Mid. Centre, I.E.E.

RAWORTH, E. R. A.M.Inst.C.E. 38 Elgin Crescent, W.11. Asst. Engr., Ministry of Transport, London Division, Gaywood House, Wood Street, S.W.1. Age: 33. Career: Christs' Hospital; articled to A. Douglas Barron, Minehead; Jnr. Eng. Asst., Southport; Surveying Asst., Somerset C.C.; Senr. Eng. Asst., Birkenhead.

RAXWORTHY, J. A. A.M.I. Mech.E. 106 Morton Way, Southgate, N.14. Resident Engr. and Manager, British Thermo-Vactor Ltd., Sentinel House, Southampton Row, London. Age: 32.

RAY, Robert. B.Sc. (St. Andrew's), B.Sc. (Cape Town), A.I.C., M.I.Chem. E., etc. Chemical Engr., The Woodall-Duckham Vertical Retort and Oven Construction Co. (1920), Ltd., Foster's Buildings, 22, High Street, Sheffield. Private address: Lea Hurst, 25, Oakdale Road, Sheffield. Career: Asst. to the late Sir William Herdman at Liverpool Univ.; Lecturer (and Asst. Prof.) to Prof. Gilchrist, Univ. of Cape Town; war work at Gretna and Avonmouth; Chem. Engr. with the Alby Carbide Co., Odda, Norway; Coke and Chem. Works Manager, Newton Chambers & Co., Ltd., Thorncliffe, near Sheffield; present position. Contributor of tech. evidence before Govmt. Committees.

RAY, S. N. M.Sc. (Phys.) Calcutta, B.Sc. (Eng. Hons.) London. A.M.I.E.E., A.Inst.P. Lecturer in Radio Engg., Borough Polytechnic, London, S.E.1. Age: 36. Career: Univs. of Calcutta and London; Faraday House (Hons. Dipl. and Gold Medal); Senr. Develt. Engr., Dubilier Condenser Co., Ltd.; Senr. Research Engr., Pye Radio Ltd.; Chief Engr., Benjamin Electric Ltd. (Magnavox Divn.); Asst. to Chief Engr., Celestion, Ltd.

RAYFIELD, F. A. A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. (Testamur and Dipl.). Divisional Engr., Parliamentary Improvements and Town Planning Division, Chief Engr. 's Dept., L.C.C., The County Hall, S.E.1. Age: 38 Career: Pupil, the late John A. Angell, A.M.Inst.C.E.; Eng. Asst., Birmingham, Manchester, Peterborough and Leyton, 1923-34; Dep. Borough Engr., Wolverhampton, 1935-36.

RAYMOND, Joseph. Editor-Proprietor of "Cold Storage and Produce Review," "Ice and Cold Storage," "Modern Meat Marketing. " Empire House, St. Martin's le Grand, London, E.C.1. Private address: Woodcote, Tongdean Avenue, Hove, Sussex. Books: "History of the Frozen Meat Trade" (Critchell & Raymond).

RAYNER, A. H. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Crittall Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Braintree, Essex.

RAYNER, H. Stafford. M.I.Mech.E. Consultant. Address: Deepdene, Lambert Road, Banstead, Surrey. Career: 1889, Asst. Engr., Vivian & Sons, in Missouri, U.S.A.; 1893, Engr,, Dowson Economic Gas Co.; 1900 and after, as Works Engr. Manager, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Manchester. Latterly devoting the whole of his time to Fuel Economy in which he served on the Committees of the F.B.I. and the British Assoc.

RAYNER-SMITH, P. C.P.A., M.I.E.E. The Red Cottage, Creswick Road, Acton, W.3. Partner, Messrs. Marks & Clerk, Consulting Engrs. and Patent Agents, 57/8 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.0.2. Age: 54. Career: United Westminster Schools; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; studied Electy. under Professor S. Thompson and Organic Chemistry.under Professor Meldola. Double Silver Medallist and Prize Winner in Electro-Chemistry and Plating; practical work on Electric Cables and on Internal Combustion, especially Aeroplane Engines; has given expert evidence in English Courts. Frequently travelled abroad on patent litigation matters. Author of Scientific and Legal articles.

RAYNES, Frank W. M.I.H.V.E. Consulting Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engr., 40 Second Avenue, Cathcart, Glasgow, 5.4. Career: Head of Heating, Ventilating and Plumbing Dept. of Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow, 1902-20; Received early training at Municipal Sch. of Tech., Manchester, becoming Asst. in Dept. of Civil, Municipal and San. Engr. Author of "Heating Systems" and "Domestic Sanitary Engineering and Plumbing." REA, A. C. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Gas E. Engr. and Manager, Corp. Gas Dept., Friarton, Perth. Age: 34. Career: Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh (Dipl. Mech. and Gas Eng.); Apprent. Mech. Eng.; 1927, Edinburgh Corp. Gas Dept.; 1936, Asst. Engr., Perth Gas Dept., 1938, Manager.

REA, Sqdn. Ldr. C. A. A.F.C., R.A.F., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.F.R.Ae.S. 12 Beechcroft Mansions, S.W Chairman.16. of Directors, John Short Ltd.,Norwich. Age: 53. Career: Rossall Sch., Fleetwood; engaged in shipping and Insurance business till 1913, thereafter till outbreak of War with Canadian Northern Rly., Winnipeg; returned to England in 1914 with first Canadian Contingent and transferred to R.N.A.S., 1915, and R.A.F. on its formation; left Service in 1926 and was appointed Test Pilot to Boulton & Paul Ltd., Norwich till 1936. At present employed in a Dept. under the Air Ministry; holds Pilots "A" licence; has been flying for 23 years.

READ, Lt. Col. Alfd. H. T.D., M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Dept. Insp. of Wireless Telegraphy, Headquarters Building,.P.0, London, E.C.1.

READ, Arthur Avery. Capt., retd. T.D., D.Met. (Sheffield), Hon. D.Sc. (Wales), F.I.C., F.C.S. Emeritus Prof. of Metallurgy, Univ. Coll., Cardiff. Private address: Broomfield, 9, Durley Chine Road, Bournemouth. Age: 70. Educ.: Exeter School; Owen 's Coll., Manchester; Sheffield Univ.

READ, Charles Travell. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., F.S.I., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., M.R.San.I. Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Maidenhead Corp., Guildhall, Maidenhead. Private address: Oaken Cottage, Oaken Grove, Maidenhead. Age: 35. Career: Educ.: Bedford Modern School. Asst. Surveyor, Newmarket U.D.C.; Eng. Asst., Boroughs of Ilford and Finchley; City Engr. and Surveyor, Lichfield.

READ, J. C. M.Sc., A.M.E.E. Design Engr., Mercury Arc Rectifiers, D.C. Eng. Dept., British ThomsonHouston Co., Ltd., Rugby. Age: 39. Career: Bristol Univ., 1915-17 and 1919-20; War service, 1917-19; with B.T.H. Co. since 1920. Salomons Scholarship, I.E.E., 1919.

REAVELL, James Arthur. M.I. Chem.E., M.I.Mech.E. Chairman of Kestner Evaporator and Eng. Co., Ltd., and Lennox Foundry Co., Ltd. Director of Energen Food Co., Ltd. Business address: 5, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1. Private address: Waylands, The Knoll, Beckenham, Kent. Career: After a wide eng. training and considerable experience on the Continent and in America, founded the Kestner Evaporator and Eng. Co., Ltd. Has had very close connection with chem. eng. since it became a separate branch of industry some 30 years ago. One of the Founders of Chemical Eng. Group of Soc. of Chemical Industry, also of the Inst. of Chem. Engrs. Member of Gen. Board of National Physical Laboratory, 1930-36; member of Executive, 1931-36. One of the Founders of the British Chemical Plant Mfrs. ' Assoc. Twice Pres. of Inst. of Chem. Engrs. Twice Pres. of Combustion Appliance Makers' Assoc. Chairman of Chem. Eng. Industry Section of the B.S.I. since its inception, 1931. Member of Chem. Council since its foundation. Fellow of the Chem. Soc. Representative of the Trustees of the London Parochial Charities on the governing body of the Battersea Polytechnic.

REAVELL, Sir William. Knight Bachelor. Past Pres. I.Mech.E., Past Pres. B.E.A., M.I.N.A. Managing Director, Reavell & Co., Ltd., Ranelagh Works, Ipswich. Private Address: Broadwater Ipswich. Age: 72. Career: Armstrong College, Newcastle; Finsbury Tech. College; General Manager, Marine Eng. Dept., Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd.; General Manager, Peter Brotherhood, Ltd. Established Reavell & Co. at Ipswich in 1898 for the manufacture of Air Compressors, Exhausters, and Vacuum Pumps, for which he is the inventor of several types of machines and accessories.

REBBECK, Frederick E. D.L., J.P. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S. Scotland, M.N.E.C.Inst., M.Inst.Met., M.I. & S.I., M. Liverpool Eng. Soc., M. Soc. N.A. and Mar.E. (New York), Liveryman of the Worshipful Co. of Shipwrights. Private Address: Sandown House, Knock, Belfast. Born: 1877. Chairman and Managing Director, Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Shipbuilders and Marine Engrs., Queens Island, Belfast; Director, Colvilles, Ltd.; Short & Harland, Ltd.; National Shipbuilders Security, Ltd.; L.M. & S. Rly. Co. (Northern Counties Committee); Ocean Transport Co., Ltd.; Watertight Door Co., Ltd.; Chairman of Tech. Committee and Member of General Committee, Lloyd's Register of Shipping; Member of Belfast Harbour Commissioners; Past President, Shipbuilding Employers' Federation and Inst. Marine Engrs.; Mem., Council Inst. Naval Archts.

RECORD, O. L. A.M.I.E.E., A. I.Mech. E. Private Address: 79 Woodlands, North Harrow, Middlesex. Sole Proprietor, Oswald Record & Co., 17 Victoria Street, S.W.1.

REDDINGTON, Cyril George. Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. Asst., L. & N.E. Rly., Civil Engrs. Dept., L. & N.E. Rly., King's Cross Station. Private Address: 22 The Byway, Potters Bar, Middlesex. Age: 30.

REDDROP, W. H. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: "Backalong", Surrey Gardens, Effingham Junction, Leatherhead, Surrey. Age: 66. Career: Postal Telegraph Engr.; now retired.

REDFEARN, S. W. B.A., A.M.I.E.E., A. Inst. P. Private Address: 37 Halstead Grove, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire. Research Engr. and Physicist, Metropolitan-Vickers Elec. Co., Ltd., Manchester. Age: 33. Educ.: Solihull Sch., Warwicks. 1917-24; Downing College, Cambridge, 1924-27.

REDFERN, R. T. A.M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: 27 Duke's Drive, Newbold, Chesterfield. Chief Draughtsman, The Bryan Donkin Co., Ltd., Chesterfield. Career: Sheffield Univ. 1913-19; Apprent., The Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Co., 1911-15, Colliery Plant Draughtsman, 1915-9, and Asst. Engr. and Leading Eng. Draughtsman, 1919-37; Visiting Lecturer, Mech. Eng., Chesterfield H.Ed.C'tee, 1919-27, and Chesterfield Tech. Coll., 1927, to date.

REDFERN, W. D. B.Sc.Tech., A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: The Chalet, Myddelton, Ilkley, Yorks. Director, Southern & Redfern, Ltd., Woodhead Road, Bradford. Consulting and Contracting Elec. Engr.; Heating and Refrigeration Engr.

REDMAYNE, Sir Richard A. S. K.C.B., M.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. (Past President), M.Inst.M. & M. (Past President), F.G.S., Chevalier Legion of Honour. Consulting Mining and Civil Engr.; Director of several companies; Chairman (since 1912) of Board for Mining Examinations; Independent Chairman, National Joint Conciliation Board for Road Motor Transport. Business Address: 34 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private Address: The Grove, Great Baddow, Essex. Career: On leaving Durham College of Sc., was mining apprentice and an Under Manager at the Hetton Collieries, 1883-91; 1891-93, mining in South Africa; 1893-1902, Resident Manager, Seaton Delaval Collieries; 1902-08, Consulting Mining Engr. and Professor of Mining, Birmingham Univ.; 1908-20, H.M. Chief Inspr. of Mines; 1916-20, Chief Asst. Controller of Coal Mines. Has been prominent in the organisation and official supervision of coal-mining industry, and a member of numerous commissions and committees appointed by the Government, including: the Committee of Experts appointed to report on Accidents, etc., 1907-09 (Chairman); Departmental Committee on use of Electricity in Mines, 1909 (Chairman); Royal Commission, 1910-14; Departmental Committees on Organisation of Rescue and Testing of Safety Lamps; Departmental Committee on Organisation of Coal Mining Industry, 1915-17 (Chairman); Coal Distribution Committee, 1916-17 (Vice Chairman); Fuel Research Board, 1916-20; Coal Industry Commission, 1919 (Assessor); South Staffs. Mines Drainage Committee, 1920-21 (Chairman). Was Chairman Governor of Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau, 1918-25; Chairman, Advisory Council on Minerals to Imperial Inst., 1925-35; External Examiner in Mining and allied subjects to many Universities. Books: "Colliery Working and Management", "Coal: Its Occurrence, Value, and Method of Working", "The Sinking of Shafts", "The Ventilation of Mines", "Colliery Machinery and its Application", and many other standard books on mines and minerals. Author of many official reports on colliery disasters, annual reports of the Mines Dept., etc.

REDMAYNE, W. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: 58 Wickersley Road, Rotherham. Chief Asst. Elec. Engr., Rotherham Corp. Elect. Dept.

REDSHAW, C. C. A.M.I.E.E., A. I.Mech. E. Asst. Engr.-in-Charge, Cable & Wireless, Ltd., Dorchester Wireless Station, Dorchester, Dorset. Age: 41. Career: H.M. Naval Wireless Service, 1914-19; Commercial Wireless undertakings since then. Tech. Educ.: King's College, London.

REED, F. R. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr. for Midlands Area, The British Engine Boiler and Elect. Insce. Co., Ltd., 8 Waterloo Street, Birmingham.

REED, H. K. A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E. Experimental Officer, Air Defence Exptl. Establishment, Biggin Hill, Westerham, Kent. Age: 57. Career: Wimbledon College; Central Tech. College, 1902-05; Improver, C. A. Parsons & Co., 1905-08; Maintenance Engr., Lots Road Power Station, 1909-14; Military Service, 1914-24; Present appointment, 1924.

REED, J. B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct.E., G.I.Mech.E. Private Address: 135 George Street, Edinburgh. Partner, Blyth & Blyth, M.Inst.C.E., Chartered Civil Engrs. Age: 34. Career: Montrose Academy; Edinburgh Univ.; trained Redpath, Brown & Co. and Balfour Beatty & Co., Ltd.; designed many of the new road bridges in steel and re-inforced concrete in Scotland, including Grantair on Spey Bridge and Findham Bridge, Forres; also steel-framed and re-inforced concrete buildings, Offices, factories, etc. Silver Medallist, *Mc Works Congress paper.

REED, M. Ph.D., M.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: 25.Weigall Road, Lee Green, S.E.12. In charge of H.F. Development, Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich, London. Age: 34. Career: City and Guilds; 1926-29, Telephone Engr., International Standard Elect. Corp. 1929-37, Head of Marine Wireless Lab., Siemens Bros. & Co.; 1937, in charge of H.F. development.

REED, Richard Sellars. M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E. Principal, Tech. College, West Hartlepool. Private Address: 32 Grantham Avenue, West Hartlepool. Formerly Engr. Surveyor with Manchester Steam Users' Association.

REED, W. E. A.M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: 83 Castle Road, Salisbury, Wilts. Partner, Reed & Mallik, 2 Rolleston Street, Salisbury, Wilts. Age: 39. Career: King's College, London; Eng. Asst., City Engineer, Hull; Chief Asst., Willesden; Chief Eng. Asst., Hampshire C.C.; Engineer-Agent, John Howard & Co., Ltd., Poole.

REEMAN, Herbert Frederick. M.I.Mech.E., Assoc. I.E.E. District Manager, Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., 102 St. Mary Street, Cardiff. Private Address: "Tregwynt", Waungron Road, Llandaff, Cardiff.

REES, Alyn Idris. M.Sc., A.I.C., A.Inst.P. Secretary, The Advisory Council for Tech. Educ. in South Wales and Monmouthshire, County Hall, Cardiff. Private Address: 30 Foreland Road, Whitchurch, near Cardiff. An Expert Committee of the Advisory Council, of which he was Secretary, drafted a Report on Tech. Educ. for the Eng. Industry in S. Wales and Monmouthshire. He is Secretary also of a Regional Committee consisting of, approximately, equal numbers of employers, employees and educationists which has now been set up to co-ordinate industrial and educational practice in Engineering.

REES, Bernard T. B.Sc.(Eng.)Lond., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Senr. Eng. Asst., Swansea Corporation, Guildhall, Swansea. Age: 30. Career: Dynever Secondary School; Swansea University College; Swansea Tech. College; Articled to Borough Engr., Swansea, and thereafter various posts with the Corporation.

REES, C. N. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Chief Eng. Asst., Borough Engr.'s Office, 75 Union Street, Oldham. Age: 38. Career: Cardiff Tech. College; University College, Nottingham (Assoc. and Dipl.); Asst. Engr., Works Maintenance Dept., Stanton Ironworks Co.; Asst. City Engr.'s Office, Stokeon-Trent; Snr. Eng. Asst., City Engr.'s Office, Nottingham. One-time lecturer to Notts. Educ. Committee; Tutor in Eng. subjects to Educ. Dept., National Assocn. of Local Government Officers.

REES, Francis E. M.I.Mar.E. Experimental Engr., Corporation of Trinity House, Tower Hill, London. Private Address: 40 Wricklemarsh Road, Blackheath, London. Age: 37. Career: Apprentice with Messrs. Wailes & Co. and Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co.; eight years with Peninsular and Oriental S. Nay. Co.

REES, R. I. T. M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., F. G. S. Mining and Civil Engr. Partner Forster, Brown & Rees, Guild Hall Chambers, Cardiff, and 16 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1.

REES, Walter James. M.Sc.Tech. Beilby Award 1933, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry, Fellow of the Society of Glass Technology, Member of Council of the Ceramic Society, Hon. Sec. of The Refactories Assocn. of Gt. Britain, Member Iron and Steel Institute, Institute of British Foundrymen, Society of Chemical Industry. Lecturer in Refractory Materials, University of Sheffield. Private Address: 47 Stumperlower Crescent Road, Fulwood, Sheffield, 10. Age: 59.

REES, Major W. S. Gordon. M.I. & S.I. Director and Works Manager, Glanmor Foundry Co., Ltd., Llanelly. Private Address: Bronllys, Pwll, Llanelly. Age: 33. Educ.: two years at Swansea Tech. College. Has been in Territorial Army since 1925.

REEVE, Edward. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. Consulting Engr. (own account), 20 Reddings Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13. Career: Lecturer at Birmingham Central College (evenings)—Gas and Oil Engines, Machine Construction, and Motor Car Eng., 1912-14; Supt. and Tech. Manager, Wolseley Motors, Ltd., 1914 to 1923. Many inventions relating to Motor Car and Motor Cycle Engines, Gearboxes, etc.

REEVES, A. H. A.C.G.I., D.I.C., A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: 56 Hillway, Highgate, N.6. Research and Development Engr., International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (Paris Laboratories). Age: 36. Career: City and Guilds; 1923, joined Research Staff of International Western Electric Co., Ltd.; worked in connection with first "long-wave", London—New York radio-telephone link; later transferred to I.T. and T. Corporation (Labs.).

REEVES, R. W. C. A.M.I.E.E. Radnor House, Southend Road, Beckenham, Kent. Asst. Contract Manager, Johnson & Phillips, Ltd., Charlton, London, S.E.7. Age: 35. Tech. Educ.: Faraday House; Training, G. K. Stothert & Co., Ltd., Bath Electric Tramways, and Hereford Corporation Electricity Department.

REGAN, William. B.Sc., A.R.T.C., A.I.C., M. I. & S. I., M. Inst.Met. Head of Chemical and Metallurgical Dept., The Wolverhampton and Staffordshire Tech. College, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton. Private Address: Cumbrae, Muchall Road, Wolverhampton. Age: 42. Career: Royal Tech. College, Glasgow; 1917-21, various junior chemical posts in Industry; 1921-24, Lecturer on Metallurgy, Royal Tech. College, Glasgow.

REGNAULD, A. B.Sc.(Hons.Eng.) Lond., A. R. C.Sc., M. I.E. E. Senior Lecturer and Supt. of Workshops, Faraday House Eng. College, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1. Career: Educ. Brighton; Brighton Tech. College and Royal College of Sc.; with Yarrow & Co. as pupil draughtsman and marine engr. at sea. Author of "Modern Power Eng." (Caxton Publishing Co.).

REID, Alexander. M.Inst.C.E., M.E., F.G.S. Consulting Engr., 1 Leadenhall Street, E.C.2, and 51 King's Road, Richmond, Surrey (for correspondence). Career: Grammar School, Aberdeen; Univ. of Aberdeen; Apprentice, Jenkins & Marr, C.E., Aberdeen, and at Ffrwd Iron Works and Collieries, Wrexham; Manager of Ffrwd Iron Works and Collieries and Kent Coalfields, Dover; Chief Mining Engr. and Engr.-in-Chief to the Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., China, till 1908. Various retained appointments as Consulting Engr. for South America on Collieries, Irrigation, Refrigeration and General Eng.; Tanning Extract Factories in Borneo and South Africa, etc.; Metalliferous Mining and Petroleum abroad; Specializes in the Mining and Treatment of Barytes, Lead and Zinc Minerals.

REID, C. A.M.I.Mech.E. Commercial Engr., Richard Thomas & Co., Ltd., Shell Mex House, London, W.C.1. Private Address: 3 Rose Garden Close, Canons Drive, Edgeware. Age: 47. Research Engr. responsible for Eng., Mfg. and Commercial developments at Home and Abroad.

REID, E. C. M. A.M.Inst.C.E., P.A.S.I. Asst., Messrs. Silcock & Simpson, Consulting Engrs., Westminster, and Leeds. Private Address: 42 The Avenue, Alwoodley, Leeds. Age: 39. Career: Educ. Harris Academy, Dundee; Active Service, 2nd-Lieut. R.A.F., 1918-19, North Russia; Pupil, Mr. E. J. Silcock, M.Inst.C.E., etc., 1920-23, and since then Asst.

REID, Eric Field. M.A.(Cantab.), A.M. Inst.C. E., A.M. Inst. W.E. On staff of Paterson Eng. Co., Ltd., Windsor House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Private Address: 11 Moore Street, Chelsea, S.W.3. Age: 35. Educ.: Bromsgrove School; Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.

REID, Francis Heine. B.Sc.(Eng.), Wh. Ex., M. I.Mech.E., M. I.Mar.E. Principal, Tech. Coll.; Sunderland. Career: Apprentice, Eng. Dept., H.M. Dockyard, Devonport; Eng. Draughtsman, Devonport Dockyard, 1913-19; Lecturer, Civil and Mech. Eng. Dept., Northampton Polytechnic, E.C.1, 1919-25; Head of Eng. Dept., Tech. College, Sunderland, 1925-28; Head of Eng. Dept., Borough Polytechnic, S.E.1, 1928-29; Principal, Paddington, from 1930-38.

REID, J. L. A.M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, Barr, Thomson & Co., Ltd., Netherton Iron Works, Kilmarnock. Private Address: 35 Beach Road, Barassie, Ayrshire. Thirty-one years' Eng. experience, of which eighteen years in the East.

REID, Patrick Robert. B.Sc.Eng. (Loud.), Agent, Wilson, Lovatt & Sons, Ltd., Wolverhampton. Business Address: Randles Site Works, Astmoor, Runcorn. Private Address: Hillcliffe Hydro, Stockton Heath, Warrington. Formerly with Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, Westminster; Harold Arnold & Sons, Ltd., Doncaster; R. W. Webster & Co., Ltd., Waltham Cross, Herts.

REID, W. A.M.Inst.C.E. Director and Gen. Manager, Davy and United Eng. Co., Ltd., Park Ironworks, Sheffield, 4.

REID, W. B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.A.E., A.M.Inst.T. Assist. Manager, Hull Corp. Transport Dept. Private Address: 110 Bricknell Avenue, Hull. Age: 30.

REISEGER, J. H. M.I.E.E. Director, Cryselco, Ltd., Bedford. Private Address: White Gables, Kempston, Bedford. Age: 41. Graduated at Delft University, the Netherlands.

REITH, Sir John Charles Walsham. G.B.E., D.C.L., LL.D., M.Sc. (Lafayette), M.Inst.C.E. Chairman of Imperial Airways, Ltd. Career: Five years' eng. apprent. in Glasgow; with S. Pearson & Son, Ltd., London, 1913; at the Front, 1914-15 (Major, R.E., wounded); America, in charge of contracts for munitions for G.B., 1916-17; Admiralty, Dept. of Civil Eng.-in-Chief, 1918; in charge of liquidation of ordnance and eng. contracts for M.-of-M., 1919; General Manager, William Beardmore & Co., Ltd., Coatbridge, 1920; first General Manager, B.B.C., Ltd., 1922, Managing Director, 1923; Director-General, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1927-38.

RELF, Ernest Frederick. A.R.C.Sc., F.R.Ae.S., A.M.I.Ae.S., F.R.S. Supt., Aerodynamics Dept., National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Mddx. Private Address: 100 Broom Road, Teddington, Mddx. Career: Apprent., Portsmouth Dockyard; Royal Scholarship (1909); Royal Coll. of Sc., 1909-12; appointed to Scientific Staff, N.P.L., 1912; present post since 1925. Author of Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Committee, etc., James Forrest lecture (Inst. C.E.) in 1936.

RENDALL, A. R. A. Ph.D., B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Lines Engr., British Broadcasting Corp. Private Address: "Lorelei", Greenfield Way, North Harrow, Middlesex. Age: 37. Educ.: King's College, London.

RENDELL-BAKER, F. N. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr. and General Manager, Croydon Corp. Elec. Dept., Electricity Offices, Croydon.

RENDLE, Richard Smith. A.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.Inst.W.E. Deputy Engr., Chesterfield and Bolsover Water Board, New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield. Private Address: "Pen-Hady", Hady Hill, Chesterfield.

RENNIE, W. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: "Inchcolm", Manor Road, West Wickham, Kent. Sales Manager, Messrs. Watson & Sons (Electro-Medical) Ltd., X-Ray Engrs., Parker Street, W.C.2. Age: 39. Career: War Service, London Regiment T.F., France and Flanders, 1915-19; Regent Street Polytechnic; represented present employers in India, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Greece, prior to present appointment in 1928.

RENOLD, Hans. M.I.Mech.E. Director of The Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., Renold Works, Didsbury, Manchester. Private Address: Priestnall Hey, Heaton Mersey, Manchester. Student of the Swiss Tech. School, Zurich. Founded the Renold Company in 1879.

RENWICK, J. M. C., A.M.Inst.C.E. Director, Clydeside Constructional Co., Ltd., Bridge of Weir. Private Address: 14 Bute Mansions, Hillhead, Glasgow.

REVELL, E. W. M. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Telegraph Engr., Posts and Telegraphs Dept., Nigeria. Private Address: Granville Cottage, Stroud, Glos. Age: 36; Career: Wycliffe College; Bristol Univ.; trained Brush Elect. Eng. Co., Ltd. and Western Elect. Co., Ltd.; appointment with Western Elect. Co., Ltd. (Std. Telephones), 1924-27.

REVELL, J. W. D.S.O., A.M.Inst.C.E. Staff Officer, Chief Engr., Eastern Command, Horse Guards, Whitehall. Private Address: 58 Eltham Park Gardens, Eltham, S.E.9. Age: 51. Career: Civil Engr. Educ.: Malvern College, Engr. School, Univ. College, London. Training: Avonmouth and Silton Branch G.W.R.; with Messrs. Henry Lovatt, contractors. Appts.: Asst. Engr., Burma Rlys.; G.C.R., London; Antofogasta Bolivia Rly., Bolivia; Section Engr., Malay State Rly.; Engr. on Newcastle Gateshead Bridge for contractors; Executive Engr., N.W.Rly., Punjab, and Executive Engr., P.W.D., Punjab (India) War, 1914-20. Gallipoli, France and Belgium, and Army of Occupation on the Rhine. Rank Major, D.S.O. and Bar, despatches, Royal Engineers.

REYNER, J. H. A.C.G.I., B.Sc., D.I.C., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.R.E. Consulting Engr. in private practice, Furzehill Laboratories, Boreham Wood. Private Address: The Cottage, Furzehill Road, Boreham Wood, Herts. Age: 38. Career: Christ's Hospital; City and Guilds; P.O. Eng. Dept. (Radio Branch), 1920-25; Tech. Editor to Radio Press, Ltd., 1925-27; Tech. Editor to Bernard Jones Publications, 1927 to 1935; since 1935 has been concerned in design of industrial and laboratory equipment; Editor, Students' Journal of I.E.E. since 1930; Author of "Modern Radio Communication", 'Short Wave Radio', "Cathode Ray Oscillograph Practice", "Cinematography for the Amateur", "Testing Television Sets", "Television Theory and Practice", etc., etc.

REYNOLDS, B. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M. Inst. C. E. Div. Loco. Supt., G.W.Rly. Private Address: "Dunster", Bishops Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff.

REYNOLDS, Charles Edward. B.Sc. (Eng.) London, A.M.Inst.C.E. In assocn. with Leslie Turner, Consulting Engr., Coastal Chambers, 15 Elizabeth Street, Westminster, S. W.1: Private Address: Flat G66 Du Cane Court, Balham, S.W.17. Career: 1920-24, Coppee Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., and Industrial Constructions, Ltd.; 1924-28, Sir William Arrol & Co.; 1928-35, British Reinforced Concrete Co., Ltd., at Stafford and in South America; 1935-37, Simon Carves, Ltd., Manchester. Books: "Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook", "Practical Examples of Reinforced Concrete Design" (London By Laws (1938) and Code of Practice); "Concrete Construction" (1938).

REYNOLDS, C. H. M.A.(Cantab.), A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Chairman and Joint Managing Director, Leethems (Twilfit) Ltd., Arundel Factory, Landport Street, Portsmouth. Age: 52. Career: Charterhouse; Trinity Coll., Cambridge; three years Pupil Apprent., J. I. Thorneycroft, Southampton; remainder of career with Leethams.

REYNOLDS, Donald Hugh Baillie. M.A. (Cantab.), M. Inst.C.E., M. Inst. W.E. Engr.-Manager and Secretary, The Folkestone Waterworks Co., 29 Manor Road, Folkestone. Career: Oundle School; Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Pupil of Henry E. Stilgoe, Esq., M.Inst.C.E.; on permanent staff Metropolitan Water Board, 1924-31, as Eng. Asst. and Asst. Engr.; appointed Engr. Manager and Secretary to the Folkestone Waterworks Company, 1931.

REYNOLDS, E. A. M.A. (Cantab.), M.I.E.E. Principal of Reynolds & Bradwell, Elec. Contractors, 41 Great Charles Street, Birmingham. Age: 60. Career: Pembroke Coll., Cambridge Maths. Tripos, 1st cl. Wrangler; Eng. Tripos, 1st cl.); Works and D.O., 2 years, Testing Dept., 3 years, Willans & Robinson, Ltd.; formed Reynolds & Bradwell in 1905 as Elect. Contractor. Chairman, S. Mid. Section I.E.E., 1936-7; Mem. Wiring Regs. Committee I.E.E.; Mem. of Council I.E.E., 1936-7-8; Mem. of Elec. Industry C' tee., B.S.I.

REYNOLDS, F. O. M.Inst.C.E. Chartered Civil Engr. (retired), 10 Goda Road, Littlehampton. Born 1880. Career: Marlborough Coll.; training, S. Pearson & Son; Asst., Gt. N. & City Rly., 1900; Asst. Engr., Taikoo Dock and Shipyard Construction, 1904; Asst. Engr., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (N. China) Ltd.; constr. and maintenance work, China and Manchuria, 1908, and Engr.-in-Chief, 1909-20; responsible for construction of many Oil Tank Installations, etc.; Partner, Logan & Reynolds, Cons. Engrs.; Pres., Eng. Soc. of China,. 1916-7.

REYNOLDS, H. E. B.Sc., M.I.1VIech.E. General Manager, Dobbie McInnes, Ltd., 57 Bothwell Street, Glasgow. Private Address: 17 Douglas Park Crescent, Bearsden, Dunbartonshire. Age: 34. Career: Whitgift School; Durham Univ., Armstrong Coll.; Tech. Asst., then Tech. Manager, Dobbie McInnes, Ltd.

REYNOLDS, Henry R. A.M.Inst.C.E., A.F.P.W.I. Civil Engr. Asst., G.W.Rly., Divisional Engrs. Office, Oswestry. Private Address: Fair View, Gobowen, near Oswestry. Age: 33. Career: Merchant Venturer's Coll.; 1922-30, Engineering Asst., G.W.R., Bristol; 1930-38, Eng. Asst., G.W.R., Oswestry.

REYNOLDS, J. A. E. B.A., B.A.I., A.M.I.E.E. Consulting Engr., Harland, Pickard & Partners, Ltd., Abbey House, Victoria Street, S.W.1. Age: 57. Career: Ed. Dulwich; Trinity Coll., Dublin; Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Ltd., Sheffield; Ch. Engr., Mexican Light and Power Co., Mexican Tramway Co., Pachuca Light and Power Co., and Northern Mexico Power Co.

REYNOLDS, J. F. J. M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.W.E. Res. Engrs. Office, Gloucester Road, Cirencester. Career: 1901, Gold Coast Government Rly. Survey; Royal Commission on London Traffic, Engrs. Staff; 1906-09, Res. Engr., Newburgh and N. Fife Rly.; 1913-14, Res. Engr., Genoa and Dist. Waterworks; 1915-19. Res. Engr., Birkenhead Corp. Waterworks; 1916-19, War Service, A.I.M.A, Glasgow (M.-of-M.); 1922, Res. Engr., Sandy Drainage; 1925-8, Res. Engr., Taf Fechan Water Supply Board; 1929-31, Res. Engr., Kano (Nigeria) Water Supply Constr.; 1932-33, Res. Engr., Donaghadee U.D.C. Waterworks; 1934-36, Engr.-in-Charge, Jerusalem Water Supply Constr.; 1938, Res. Engr., Cirencester U.D.C. Waterworks.

REYNOLDS, L. E. J. M.C., M. Inst. M. & Cy.E. Borough Engr. and Surveyor, and Architect to the Educ. C'tee., Ilford Borough Council, Town Hall, Ilford. Age: 46. Career: Ed. Merchant Taylors' Sch.; War Service with H.A.C., and Officer in R.E.; Deputy Engr. and Surveyor, Friern Barnet U.D.C.; Deputy Engr. and Surveyor, Ilford.

REYNOLDS, R. D. A.M.I.E.E. Area Officer, London and S.E. England, British Elect. Development Assoc., Inc., 2 Savoy Hill, W.C.2. Private Address: 12 Strawberry Vale, Twickenham, Middlesex. Formerly with the Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., Ltd. and West Gloucestershire Power Co., Ltd.

RHEAD, Ezra Lobb. M.Sc.(Tech.), F.I.C., A. I.M.E M. Inst. Met., etc. Hon. Lecturer, Coll. of Technology, Manchester; formerly Lecturer in Metallurgy and Assaying, Univ. of Manchester; Director of Met. Labs., Coll. of Tech., "Sunnyside", Polygon Ave., Levenshulme, Manchester, 19. Age: 74. Tech. Ed., Wedgewood Inst., Burnley; Sch. of Mines; Imperial Coll. Books: "Metallurgy" (Longman), "Assaying and Metallurgical Analysis" (Longman), "Principles and Practice of Ironfounding" (Sc. Publ. Co.).

RHODEN, H. G. B.A. (Camb.), Wh. Sen. Sch., B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Mech. Engr., Metropolitan \Tickers Elect Co., Manchester. Private Address: 16 Swaylands Drive, Sale, Manchester.

RHODES, C. M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Research Engr., Automatic Telephone and Elect. Co., Ltd., Liverpool. Private Address: 40 Childwall Priory Road, Liverpool, 16. Age: 35. Career: Univ. of Liverpool, 1920-24; Western Elect Co., London, 1924-27; Automatic Telephone and Elect. Co., 1928 to date.

RHODES, Major George Ewart. M.Inst. C.E., and Barrister-at-Law (of Gray's Inn). H.M. Eng. Inspector, Ministry of Health, Whitehall, S.W.1. Career: Qualified as Chartered Civil Engr.; commissioned as 2nd Lieut., R.E. (S.R.), 1910; appointed to Indian P.W.D. as Asst. Engr., 1911, by Sec. of State for India; served in United Provinces, and 1914-17 in France with R.E. (mentioned in despatches); 1917-20, Major, R.E., appointment as A.C.R.E., Calcutta; 1921-26 as Executive Engr., Benares, Lucknow and Bareilly; called to the Bar, Gray's Inn, 1932.

RHODES, H. Lt.-Col. (T.A.), Retd. T.D. M. Inst. C. E., F. C. S. I. Consulting Mining Engr., Principal, C. E. Rhodes & Sons, Rotherham. Private Address: Lane End House, Rotherham. Age: 60. Career: 1894-99, articled to late Mr. C. E. Rhodes, M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I.; 1899-1909, Chief Asst. to Mr. C. E. Rhodes, Gen. Man. and Cons. Engr., John Brown & Co.'s Collieries, also engaged in assisting him at other colleriies in Yorks., Derbyshire and Notts., for which he was Cons. Engr.; 1903 to date, Partner, C. E. Rhodes & Sons, who have extensive practice as Agents for large mineral royalties; Cons. Engr. to large collieries in Yorkshire. Has visited India, South Africa, Central Asia and the Continent on professional business. Past Pres., Mid. Inst. of Mining E.

RHODES, Reginald R. M.I.Ae.E. London Manager and Director, Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., 12 Norfolk Street, W.C.2. Private Address: "Pantyles", Gerrards Cross.

RICARDO, Harry Ralph. B.A., F.R.S., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.A.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Consulting Engr.; Chairman and Tech. Director, Ricardo & Co., Ltd., Bridge Works Laboratory, Shoreham, Sussex. Private Address: Tottington Manor, Small Dole, Sussex. Career: Educ. Rugby School, Trinity College, Cambridge. Consulting Engr., Mech. Warfare (during war); Consulting Engr., Air Ministry, since 1916. Books: "High-speed Internal Combustion Engines", "Engines of High Output".

RICE, Cyril W. A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. W.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., M.I.Struct.E. Engr. of the States, Jersey, C.I; States Offices, Royal Square, Jersey. Private Address: "The Sheiling", Claremont Road, St. Saviour, Jersey. Formerly Asst. Engr., Harbour Engrs. Dept., Colombo Port Commission; Exec. Engr., King George's Dock Construction, Calcutta Port Commission; Res. Engr., Haweswater Waterworks Scheme, Manchester.

RICE-OXLEY, M. Keith, A.M.Inst.C.E., M. I. Stru ct. E., A. C. G. I. Assist. Professor of Civil Eng. and London Univ. Reader in Civil Eng., Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Technology, South Kensington. Private Address: 46 Iverna Gardens, Kensington, W.B. Career: Public Works Dept., Sudan Government; Univ. of Liverpool; School of Eng., Giza, Cairo. Books: "Masonry Engineering Structures", "Astronomy for Surveyors" ( Joint Author).

RICHARDS, A. B. A.M.Inst.C.E. Deputy Borough Engr., Llanelly. Private Address: Rosemeade, Tyrfran Avenue, Llanelly. Age: 37. Career: Llanelly County Sch.; articled for four years to Borough Engr. of Llanelly; 1+ years Contractor's Engr., Watson & Hurochs, Ltd., Bridgend; 1925-26, Res. Engr., Amman Valley Jt. Sewerage Board; 1926-27, with Mr. H. B. Ward, Liverpool, Cons. Engr.; 1927-32, Senr. Asst., Llanelly; 1932 to date, Dep. Borough Engr.

RICHARDS, A. F. W. M.I.E.E M.Cons.E. Consulting Engr., associated with Harold Bright, 'M.A., 5 Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C.1. Private Address: Hatch End, Mddx. Career: With electric supply undertakings, 1894-1906; with cable Mfr., 1906-19 Consulting Engr., from 1919 to date. Books: "Glover's Vade Mecum."

RICHARDS, Alfred A. M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.F., F.R.S.A., Member Tech. Section of Canadian Pulp and Paper Assocn., Mem. Tech. Assocn., Pulp and Paper Industry of America. Chief Engr., Edward Lloyd Ltd., and Lloyd Boards, Ltd., Sittingbourne Paper Mills, Sittingbourne. Private Address: Craigmore, Sittingbourne.

RICHARDS, Bertram D. B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons.E. Consulting Engr., 221 Windsor House, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Career: Dock and Harbour work (Avonmouth and Bombay); water power work (India, Spain, Baltic, etc.); other engineering work (India, England, Palestine, Iceland, etc.). Member of both panels of Engineers constituted under the Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act of 1930.

RICHARDS, Charles Vincent. B.Sc, (Hons. Eng. Loud.), Assoc. M.Inst. C. E., M. Inst. M. & Cy. E., M.Inst. Struct. E., M.T. P. I. Deputy Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Beckenham Borough Council, Town Hall, Beckenham. Career: Nottingham University College. Municipal appointments in Manchester, Southend-on-Sea, Wolverhampton and Portsmouth.

RICHARDS, D. J. E. A.M.I.E.E., General Sales Manager, Steatite & Porcelain Products Ltd., Thames House, Millbank, S.W.1.

RICHARDS, E. A. B.Sc., (Eng.), A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E., Head of Rectifier Section Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd., New Southgate, N.11. Private Address: "Kingswear," Landsowne Road, Stanmore, Middx. Age: 53. Career: 1900-10. Rawlings Bros., and other contractors; 1910-13, City & Guilds (Siemens Medallist); 1913-29, Siemens Bros., Woolwich. Telephone Engr.; 1929-33, International Standard Elect. Corp.; 1933-36, Broadcast Relay Services, Chief Engr.; 1936, present post. 1915-18, R.F.C. and R.A.F., Capt. R. A. F.

RICHARDS, E. M. A.C.G.I., B.Sc. (Eng., (Lon.) M.I.E.E. Executive Engr. Lines Branch, Office, G.P.O., Alder House, E.C.1. Age: 35. Career: City and Guilds; With B.B.C. 1925-26, at Research Branch of G.P.O.; Engg. Dept., 1926-1936, Transmission and Line Branch G.P.O.; 1936 onwards on repeater and carrier equipment design and development. Part time lecturer: Acton Tech. Coll. and Harrow Tech. Inst.

RICHARDS, Frank Hubert. B.Sc. (Hons. Eng. Lond.) Assoc. M.Inst. C.E., A.M.Inst.W.E. Engr. Agent & Estimator, Cameron & Pooley Ltd., 210 High Street, Erdington, Birmingham. Private Address: "Rothay", 108 The Boulevard, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield, Warwicks. Age: 35. Career: University College. Nottingham 1921-24; Ministry of Transport 1924-25; Lebane Mackenzie & Shand Ltd., Construction of Brownhill Reservoir, 1925-27; Gorple Reservoirs, 1927-34.

RICHARDS, George. B.A., F.C.H., M.Inst.C.E. Address: Pensylva, Cecil Road, Weston-super-Mare. Career: India State Railway Engineering Service, 1891 to 1924; now retired.

RICHARDS, George Tilghman. M.I. Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Ae.E. (Hons. Dip.) Chartered Mech. Engr,. Senr. Lecturer, (Eng. and Industry), The Science Museum, South Kensington. Private Address: 34 Onslow Road, Richmond, Surrey. Tel. Richmond 2576; KEN. 6371. Ext. 234. Member, British Gliding Assocn.; Newcomen Soc. Training with Geo. Richards & Co., Tilghman's Patent SandBlast Co., and Smith & Coventry, Ltd; Leading draughtsman, Rolls Royce Ltd., 1904-6; Designer, Belsize Motors, 1906-8; Consulting Engr. Manchester, 1908-11; Founder member and member tech. c'tee, Manchester Aero Club, 1908; took up aviation development work with the late Cedric Lee, 1911; engaged on original research and experimental aviation until war period; service, Lieut. R.N. V.R. attd. R.N.A.S. Released by Admirality to become designer and Asst. Mgr., aviation dept., Wm. Beardmore & Co., Ltd., 1916-21; Gen. Mgr. Martinside Ltd., Woking, 1921-23.

RICHARDS, Guy. B.A.(Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Assoc.M.Am.Soc. C.E. Agent, Holborn Construction Co., Ltd., 11 Holborn Viaduct, E.C.1. Private Address: 32 Cranmer Court, Chelsea. Career: Post Graduate Course, M.I.T., Boston, U.S.A.; 1929, Inspector on construction work, Canadian National Rlys., B.C. division, main line; 1930-31, Instrumentman and later Designing Draughtsman, Northwestern Power Co., Winnipeg, Canada; 1932-34, Asst. R.E. for Sir Alexander Gibb, Glenlee Section, Galloway Hydro Electric Development, Scotland; 1934-36, R.E. for same firm on Carsfad Section of same development; 1936-38, Agent, Holborn Construction Co., Ltd., Civil Eng. Contractors.

RICHARDS, Harold Edmund Griffiths. B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Managing Director, Asphalt Construction, Ltd., G.W.R. Sidings, Wood Lane, London, W.12. Private Address: Summerdays, Stocks Lane, East Wittering, Sussex. Age: 41. Career: Swansea Tech. Coll.; Univ. Coll., Swansea; Engr. and Surveyor, Pontypool U.D.C.; Managing Director, Unaphalt (Roads) Ltd.

RICHARDS, Henry Walter Huntingford. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.Inst.T., M.I.Loco.E. Elect. Engr., L. & N.E. Rly., King's Cross Station, N.1. Private Address: Sandhurst, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. Career: Faraday House Eng. Coll., First Class Diploma and Gold Medal; Elect. Traction Engr., L.B. & S.C. Rly., 1913-22; Asst. Elect. Engr., Southern Rly., 1923; Elect. Engr., L. & N.E. Rly., 1924. Awarded Telford Gold Medal, Stephenson Gold Medal, and Watt Prize by Inst.C.E.

RICHARDS, Engr.-Capt. John Arthur. R.N. (retd.), C.B.E., 1919, Chevalier of Legion of Honour, Order of the Sacred Treasure ( Japan), M.I.N.A., M.I. & S.I., M.I.Mech.E. London Director, Tubes Ltd. (Birmingham), 13 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Private Address: Links Lane, Rowland's Castle, Hants. Career: Served as Engr. Officer, R.N., at sea and in H.M. Dockyards, 1886-1909; inspection of materials at boiler and tube works for all boilers of H.M. ships building by contract, 1909-14; controlled the iron and steel tube industry for war and other requirements for Admiralty, M.-of-M., and all other depts, 1915-19. Has written papers on tube-making and lectured to officers of the Fleet and learned societies on the manufacture of steel tubes.

RICHARDS, L. C. B.Sc.Tech., A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers & Co., Ltd., Trafford Park. Private Address: "Beauly", The Avenue, Sale, Cheshire. Age: 44. Career: Kingswood School, Bath; Coll. of Tech., Manchester; Engr. in charge of Projects and Tenders, Transformer Dept., M.V.E. C.

RICHARDS, R. C. Lt.-Comdr. (E.), R.N. (retd.), A.M. I.Mech.E. Tech. Asst. to Chief Engr., I.C.I. (Fertilizer and Synth. Products) Ltd., Billingham. Private Address: Norton Hall, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees. Age: 31. Career: Public Sch. entry to Royal Navy; 1926-30, training R.N.E. Coll., Keyham; awarded special Admiralty prize and "Newman" Memorial prize; 1930-31, Watch-keeping, H.M. Ships "Devonshire" and "Exeter"; 1931-33, advanced course, R.N. Coll., Greenwich; 1933-34, H.M.S. "Cumberland"; 1935, Lecturer in Machine Design, R.N.E. Coll.; 1936, present appointmt.

RICHARDS, S. H. KI.E.E. Chief Meter Examiner, Electricity Commission, Strand. Private Address: 21 Quarry Rise, Cheam, Sutton, Surrey. Age: 55. Career: Chelsea Polytechnic; training Ferranti, Ltd.; 1902-07, Asst. to Mr. A. P. Trotter, Elect. Adviser, B.O.T.; 1907-19, Testing Supt., Calcutta Elect. Supply Corp., and war service in India; 1919-30, progressive positions with Ferranti, Ltd., finally Publicity and Tech. Manager; 1930-33, research work, British Elect. and Allied Industries Research Assoc.; 1933-34, with Southern Areas Elect. Corp., as Gen. Manager to Power Management Ltd. (the Managing Engrs.), and later, Dep. Exec. Officer.

RICHARDS, Walter Granger. F.N.E.C. Inst. Chairman and Managing Director, W. Richards & Sons, Ltd., Britannia Foundry, Middlesbrough. Private Address: Southend, Marton-in-Cleveland, Yorks. Career: N.E.C. School, Barnard Castle. Served S.A. War, 1900-01; apprent. Sir Raylton Dixon & Co., shipbuilders, afterwards with Flensburg Shipbuilding Co., Germany; joined present firm, 1902. Expert on costs, iron and steel trade. Issues chart of iron and steel prices annually (Dec.).

RICHARDS, W. J. M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.M.E., Eng. Prizeman. Chief Mech. Engr., Dinnington Main Colliery and Rossington Main Colliery of Amalgamated Denaby Collieries, Ltd. Private Address: "Rathlea", Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. Career: Bridgend Inter. Sch.; Royal Coll. of Science; pupil, London Ironworks, North's Collieries, etc.; Suptg. Engr., group of Collieries controlled by Cory Bros. Evening Lecturer in Eng. subjects under Glam. C.C. for several years.

RICHARDSON, Alexander Armitage. Inst.C.E. Private Address: Pension Secchi, Celerina, Switzerland. Age: 52. Career: Cooper's Hill Coll., 1904 to 1906; 24 years' service on Indian State Rlys and one year on Iraq Military Rlys. just after the war.

RICHARDSON, A. G. A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Deputy Borough Engr., Town Hall, South Shields. Age: 32. Career: South Shields High Sch.; Cadet Schoolship H.M.S. "Conway"; articled to S. G. Stanton, Esq., A.M.Inst.C.E.; Junr. Eng. Asst., South Shields; Gen. Eng. Asst., Southampton; Senr. Eng. Asst., Bolton.

RICHARDSON, Andrew William. Eng. Comdr. R.N. (retd.), M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., 1VI.Inst.Met., F.R.E.S. With Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., Farringdon Street, London, E.C.1. Mem. Council, Inst. Mar. Engrs.

RICHARDSON, Cecil G. H. B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Director and General Manager, Ransome & Manes Bearing Co., Ltd., Stanley Works, Newark. Private Address: Cromwell House, Balderton, Newark. Age: 46. Career: A pprentice, Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Manchester; Royal Coll. of Sc. (holding A.R.C.Sc.); Tech. Engr. and Designer, Supermarine Aviation Works, Ltd.; Asst. Works Manager, Works Manager and General Manager, Ransome & Manes Bearing Co., Ltd.

RICHARDSON, Capt. D. Wh.Exh., A.M.I.Mech.E. Lecturer in Eng., Northampton Polytechnic, London. Private Address: 26 Winterbrook Road, Herne Hill, S.E.24. Age: 57. Career: Works experience, L. & N.W. Rly. Co., 1895-1902; Univ. of Manchester, 1900-03 (Ramsbottom and C.C. Scholar); Draughtsman, L. & N.W. Rly. Co.; Chief Asst. in Eng., Northern Polythecnic, 1905-15; Lieut., R.F.C., 1917, Capt., R.F.C. and R.A.F., 1918; co-Founder Inst. of Welding Engrs.; Member of Faculty of Eng. and Examiner London Univ. Editor of Welding Section, Kempe's Engineer's Year Book.

RICHARDSON, E. M. A.M.C.T., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Chief Asst., Engrs. and Surveyor's Dept., Urmston U.D.C. Private Address: 30 St. George's Crescent, Salford, 6. Age: 32. Career: Manchester Grammar Sch.; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; articled to Mr. E. L. Leeming, M.Sc.(Tech.), M.Inst.C.E.; Eng. Asst., Barton upon Irwell R.D.C.

RICHARDSON, F. B. A.M.I.E.E. Managing Director, M. & C. Switchgear, Ltd., Kelvinside Works, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow. Age: 51. Career: St. Cuthbert's Gram. Sch., Newcastle; Armstrong Coll., Newcastle; Apprent., Clarke, Chapman & Co; subsequently with Reyrolle & Co., Ltd., British Westinghouse, and Mayor & Coulson; Chief Draughtsman, Director and Managing Director in sequence at M. & C. Switchgear, Ltd.

RICHARDSON, Geoffrey Turner. Ph.D.(Sheffield), M.I. & S.I. Research Asst. in Metallurgy, the Dept. of Fuel Industries with Metallurgy, the University, Leeds, 2. Private Address: "Woodlyn", 42 The Lane, Alwoodley. Age: 28. Ed.; Sheffield Univ.

RICHARDSON, H. W. B.Sc., M.I.E.E. Chief Publicity Engr., General Elect. Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, W.C.2, and Witton, Birmingham. Private Address: The Warren, Four Oaks, Birmingham. Career: Apprent., L.B. & S.C. Rly.; tech. training, Univ. Coll., London; Marconi Co.; with the late Geo. Cawley, Esq., Cons. Engr. to Japanese Rlys.; Editorial Asst., "Electrical Times"; Editor of the G.E.C. Journal.

RICHARDSON, Harry. M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: Binstead, Ashton Lane, Sale. Formerly on the editorial staff of "The Engineer" newspaper; ex-Hon. Secretary the Engineer's Club, Manchester.

RICHARDSON, Harry. O.B.E., A.M. Inst.C.E., & Cy.E. Consulting Engr., 66 Handsworth Wood Road, Birmingham, 20. Formerly Town Surveyor, Oldbury, 1887; Engr. and Surveyor, Aston Manor U.D.C., 1895, and Handsworth U.D.C., 1900; Chief Asst. City Surveyor, Birmingham, 1911; Pioneer in dustlaying materials, from 1900; Director of Asphalt & Public Works, Ltd.; Member of Birmingham City Council since 1930; serves on Assessment, Parks, Educ. (Chairman, Sites and Buildings sub-), and other committees.

RICHARDSON, J. A. St. C. M.A., A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., English Electric Co., Stafford. Private Address: Roycroft Lodge, Uttoxeter. Age: 42. Career: Rugby School; Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge; served during Great War in 10th Battn. E. Yorks. Regt.; 1920-26, Elect Engr., English Electric Co.; 1926-31, Westinghouse Elect. and Mfg. Co., U.S.A.; from 1931 with English Electric Co.

RICHARDSON, J. E. Ph.D., B.Eng. (1st Cl. Hons.), A.M.I.E.E. Head of Eng.. Dept., Municipal Tech. Coll., Park Street, Hull. Age: 33. Career: Birkenhead H.E, Sch.; Apprent., J. H. Woolliscroft & Co., 192028; Liverpool Univ., 1928-33 (Dawbarn & Willan prizeman); Chief Lecturer in Elec. Eng., Hull Mun. Tech. Coll., 1933; present appointmt., 1937.

RICHARDSON, John Lyth. M.I.N.A., M.I.Mech.E., M.N.E.C.Inst., M.I. Mar.E. Consulting Engr., Princess Dock Chambers, Hull. Private Address: Grassdale, Brough, East Yorks. Past-President of Consulting Engrs and Marine Surveyors.

RICHARDSON, L. A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Struct,.E. Senior Eng. Asst., City of Plymouth. Private Address: 1 Thornhill Road, Mannamead, Plymouth. Formerly with G. H. Hill & Sons, Manchester; Ritchie & Partners, Westminster; and City of Leeds.

RICHARDSON, Capt. Percival. A.M.I. Mech.E Asst. Chief Mech. Engr., Nitrate Rlys. Co., Ltd., Iquique, Chile. Age: 51. Career: Hull Grammar Sch.; Sunderland Eng. Coll.; Apprent., N.E. Marine Eng. Co. & N.E. Rly.; draughtsman, B.A. Pacific Rlv, 1910-14; 1914-21, Army, Gallipolli, Egypt and Palestine (mentioned in despatches), (Capt., R.E.), India (A.C.R.E.); 1921-30, Asst. Running Supt., Antofogasta and Bolivia Rly.; 1931-34, Outdoor Asst. to C.M.E.; 1934, present appointmt.

RICHARDSON, R. C. H. B.E., A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Dist. Engr., Glasgow, Metropolitan Vickers Elec. Co., Ltd. Private Address: 26 Springfield Square, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow. Age: 36. Career: Canterbury Univ. Coll., Christchurch, N.Z.; P.W.D. (Hydro-Elec. Branch), N.Z. Author of "The Commissioning of Elect. Plant and Assoc. Problems" (Chapman & Hall).

RICHARDSON, W. E. M.I.E.E., A.M.Inst.T. General Manager and Chief Elect. Engr., Aberdare U.D.C. Elect. and Transport Dept., Gadleys, Aberdare. Age: 49. Career: Kilmacolm Public Sch.; Paisley Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Paisley and Dist. Tramways Co.; 1912-14, with Elect. Dept., J. & P. Coats, Paisley; 1914-19, Overseas with R.E.; 1919-22, Shift Charge Engr., Paisley Corp. Elect. Dept.; 1922-23, Asst. Engr., Elect. Supply Corp., Chelmsford; 1924-28, Charge Engr., Doncaster Corp.; 1928, present appointment.

RICHARDSON, W. P. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Machine Designer, General Elect. Co., Ltd., Witton, Birmingham. Private Address: Roxdene, Greenhill Road, Wylde Green, Birmingham. Age: 46. Ed. Framlingham Coll., Suffolk; Faraday House (Hons. Dipl.).

RICHES, Carlton Tom Hurry. M.I. Mech.E. Divisional Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Supt., G.W. Rly., C.M.E.'s Dept., Cardiff. Private Address: Edenhurst, Caerphilly, Glam. Career: After serving pupilage at the Taff Vale Rly., won an eng. scholarship at the S. Wales Univ. Appointed Asst. Works Manager of Browett, Lindley; later became an Inspector with Messrs. Rendel & Robertson (now Rendel, Palmer & Tritton), Consulting Engrs. for the Indian State Rlys., and left to take up the position of Asst. Works Manager in the Loco. Dept. of the G.C. Rly. at their works at Gorton. In 1906, appointed Loco. Carriage and Wagon Supt. of the Rhymney Rly., which, at the grouping of the rlys. in 1922, became part of the G.W. Rly. Shortly after the grouping, was appointed Divisional Loco. Carriage and Wagon Supt. of the Cardiff Valleys' Division, in the C.M.E.'s Dept. Past-Pres. Loco-motive Assocn of Great Britain and Ireland. Chairman, Eng. Advisory Committee, Tech. Coll., Cardiff.

RICKARD, C. E. O.B.E., M.I.E.E., F.P.S., M.I.R.E. Dep. Managing Director, Marconi Internl. Marine Commtn Co., Ltd.; Acting Dep. Managing Director, Marconis Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Electra House, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C.2. Private Address: 5 Baldwyn Gardens, London, W.3. Age: 58. Career: East London Coll.; Univ. Coll.; joined Marconi's Wireless Tel. Co. 1898 as Asst. to Marconi, rising to Engr.-in-Chief and Tech. General Manager. Served as Eng. Tech. Adviser to many Governments in early days of wireless.

RICKARDS, George M. A.M.I.Mech.E., M. I.Loco. E. With Loco. Dept., L. & N.E. Rly., Newstead, Notts. Private Address: 6 Third Avenue, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham. Pupil at Stratford Works, G.E. Rly.

RIDD, P. J. M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr.-in-Chief, Post Office, St. Martin's-le-Grand, London, E.C.1. Private Address: 1 Elgin Road, Wallington, Surrey.

RIDDELL, William G. O.B.E., NI.I.E.S. Consultant, John Hastie & Co., Engrs., Kilblain Engine Works, Greenock, Renfrewshire. Private Address: Menslaws, Highwood Hill, London, N.W.7. Career: Apprent., James Howden & Co., and Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engr. Co., Glasgow, 1888-93; at sea, 1893-96; Chief Engr., 1896; Asst. Manager, David Rowan & Co., Glasgow, 1899; Managing Director, John Hastie & Co., Greenock, 1903-34. Books: "Adventures of an Obscure Victorian".

RIDDLE, Thomas Edward. M.I. Mech.E. Proprietor, Inniss & Riddle, 44 Summer Row, Birmingham, 3. Private Address: 134 Salisbury Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13.

RIDGE, Harry Mackenzie. Dipl. Bergingenieur and Markscheider (Freiberg), M. Inst.M.M., M. I. Chem. E F. Inst.F., F. G. S. Consulting Mining and Metallurgical Engr., 16 Devonshire Square, London, E.C.2.

RIDGE-BEEDLE, P. D. Life Member, Iron and Steel Institute. Governing Director, Ridge-Beedle & Co., Ltd. (Est. 1898), 116 Hope Street, Glasgow, C.2. Private Address: 6 Albert Gate, Glasgow, W.2.

RIDGWAY, Wm. M.I.H.V.E. Managing Director, Bradshaw Fan and Ventilating Co., Ltd., 134 Deansgate, Manchester. Private Address: Wilmslow Road, Broadway, Withington, Manchester.

RIDLEY, E. M.B.E., M.I.E.E. Private Address: "Morden", Burcot Road, Purley, Croydon. Career: Apprent., L.N.W.R. Loco. Works, Crewe; Asst. Engr., St. James and Pall Mall Electric Light Co.; Chief Engr., Smithfield Markets Elect. Supply Co.; L.C.C. (London Fire Brigade and Architect's Dept.), Eng. inspection and advisory work from safety aspect.

RIDSDALE, H. A. C. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., North Eastern Elect. Supply Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private Address: "Orcombe", Woodlands, North Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 34. Career: Bristol Univ.; North Eastern Elect. Supply Co., 1924-29; I.C.I., Billingham-on-Tees, 1929-30; present appointment.

RIGBY, A. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. A.I. Mech. E. Lecturer, North East Essex Tech. Coll., Colchester. Private Address: "Hamlyn", St. Helena Road, Colchester.

RIGBY, Walter L. B.Sc.(Tech.)Manch., A.M. Inst.C.E. Chief Draughtsman, Barrow Dist. Engrs. Office, L.M. & S. Rly. Co. Private Address: "Lynwood", Dane Avenue, Barrow-in-Furness. Age: 38. Career: Manchester Grammar Sch.; Manchester Univ.; 1920-4, Asst., Heenan & Froude, Ltd.; 1924-30, Draughtsman and Engr., Synthetic Ammonia & Nitrates, Ltd.; 1930 to date, various appointments, L.M.S.

RIGGS, Walter. M.I.E.E. Proprietor, Messrs. Girdlestone & Co., Elect. Engrs. and Contractors, 23 Davies Street, London, W.1, and Whitebays, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Age: 61. Director, East Suffolk Elect. Distribution Co., Ltd., and Excel Asphalte Co., Ltd.; Chairman, Burford Elect. Light and Power Co., Woodbridge Dist. Water Co., Ltd., and Aldeburgh Cinema and Amusements, T Ltd., etc.; Pres., Elect. Contractors Assocn. Inc.

RIGHTON, Charles S. F.S.I., M.Inst.M. & Cy. E., M. T. P. I., etc. Consultant in private practice at 37 Brown Street, Manchester. Private Address: Marple, Cheshire. ' Age: 62. Career: 8 years Asst. to C. Russell Hall Engr. to Congleton, Buglawton and Biddulph U.D. Councils, and Surveyor to Diocese of Chester; Engr. and Surveyor, Disley R.D.C. and Compstall U.D.C.; Private practice. Past-Chairman, North of England Div., T.P. Inst.; Member of Council in London of T.P. Inst.

RIKOF, S. G. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.Inst. C.E. Senr. Engg. Asst., Durham C.C., County Surveyor's Office, Durham. Private Address: 10 Palatine View, Durham. Age: 37. Career: King's Coll., London; G. Shellabear & Son, Ltd., Plymouth; F. C. Construction Co., Ltd.. Derby; M. A. Boswell, Wolverhampton and N. Wales; J. Speight & Partners, London; Durham C.C., Roads and Bridges Dept.

RILEY, F. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Engr., Calderstones Institution, Whalley, Blackburn.

RILEY, J. H. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Western Elect. Co., Ltd., Coles Green Road, Cricklewood, N.W.2. Age: 52. Career: Hull Tech. Coll., 1902-05; National Telephone Co., Ltd., 1905-12; P.O. Eng. Dept., S.W. Dist., 1912-23, and Engr. in Chief's Dept., 1923-29; Western Elect. Co., 1929, Chief Engr., 1930.

RILEY, T. N. D.S.C., M.Sc., M.I.E.E. Consulting Engr., Rusko, Field, Broughton, Grange-over-Sands. Age: 55. Career: Liverpool Univ. (1st Class Hons. Eng., Rathbone Medallist, 1903); Apprent., British Westinghouse Co., 1903-06; Head of Eng. Dept., Aston Tech. Sch., 1906-09, and of Plymouth Tech Sch., 1909-14; 1914-19, R.N. Div. E., Corn. 1915; service Gallipoli and France; Asst. Insptr., R.E. Stores; twice mentioned in despatches, D.S.C., and Order of Crown of Italy, Cavalier; 1920-27, Chief Cable Engr., Standard Tel. and Cable Co.; 1928-32, Asst. Director Research, Internatl. Telephone and Telegraph Corp.; 1934-38, Director, G.V.D Illuminators Ltd.; Kelvin prem. I.E.E.

RIMAND, Joseph George. M.Inst.Mun. & Cy.E. Engr. and Surveyor, Lichfield Rural District Council. Age: 32. Formerly Eng. Asst., Worksop R.D.C.; Asst. Surveyor, Portslade-by-Sea U.D.C.; Asst. Engr. and Surveyor, Bridgwater R.D.C.

RIMMER, H. Dempster. B.Eng., A.M.Inst.C.E. Night Engr., H.M. Office of Works, Royal Ordnance Factory, Chorley. Private Address: 36 Shrewsbury Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. Age: 30. Career: Liverpool Univ.; articled, T. L. Norfolk, Esq., Engr.-in-Chief, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board; Engr., Robt. Abraham, Ltd., Liverpool; Asst. Civil Engr., Air Ministry; Asst. Engr., Balfour, Beatty & Co., Ltd.

RIPLEY, D. A.M.I.E.E. Senr. Asst. Engr., Kennedy & Donkin, Broadway Court, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 52 Westminster Palace Gardens, Victoria Street, S.W.1. Career: Haileybury; City and Guilds; Pupil with North British Elect. Supply Co., Ltd., and Laurence, Scott & Co., Ltd.; Joined staff of Kennedy & Donkin, Cons. Engrs., in 1917; has been responsible for the design of generating stations and distribution systems, and the conversion of D.C. systems and consumer's plant to A.C. supply.

RIPLEY, R. V. A.M.I.E.E. Production Engr. Rootes Securities Ltd., Aircraft Division, of Speke, Liverpool. Private Address: 2 Cornwall House, Cornwall Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex. Age: 38. Ed. Leeds Univ., 1919-21.

RISSIK, J. W. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Manager, Export and Domestic Depts., Siemens—Schuckert (G.B.) Ltd., Gt. West Road, Brentford, Midx. Private Address: "Swallows Nest," Denbridge Road, Bickley, Bromley, Kent. Age: 46. Career: Glasgow Univ.; Apprent., Mayor & Coulson, and Baltimore and Ohio Rld.; Elect. Engr., Hopetown Coils., Wm. Baird & Co.; Engr., Merz & McLellan; R.A.F., during war, as Air Mechanic.

RITCHIE, Ernest Guthrie. D.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.IVI.I.Mech.E. Tech. Director, Ruths Arca Accumulators, Ltd., Windsor House, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Age: 47. Career: St. Andrew's Univ.; training, Jas. Carmichael & Co., Ltd., Dundee; Research Engr., International Combustion Ltd.; Tech. Manager, Ruth's Steam Storage, Ltd., London.

RITCHIE, Thomas Mill. A.M.I. Mech.E., A.M.C.T. Director, Ritchie-Atlas Eng. Co., Ltd., Glasgow; Director, Forth and Clyde Steel Foundry, Ltd., Kirkintilloch. Business Address: Ritchie-Atlas Eng. Co., Ltd., Atlas Works Temple, Glasgow, W.3. Private Address: 1928 Great Western Road, Glasgow, W.3. Career: Apprent., James Carmichael & Co., Ltd., Dundee; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Simpson & Godlee, Ltd., Manchester; Captain, R.A.F., during war; since 1919, present position.

RITSON, Howell. M.Inst.C.E., M.Soc. C.E.(France). Chief Eng. Asst., Cumberland County Council, The Courts, Carlisle. Private Address: Holly Garth, Tree Road, Brampton. Age: 48. Career: Bristol Univ. Coll.; various appointments with Canadian Rlys.; Asst. Engr., Edward Nuttall, Sons & Co., Ltd., Contractors; Agent, Wilson Lovatt & Sons, Ltd., Contractors; Engr.Agent, Reinforced Concrete Construction Co.; Res. Engr. (Asst.), Perak River Hydro-Elect. Co., Ltd., Malaya.

RIVERDALE OF SHEFFIELD, The Rt. Hon. Lord (Baron). K.B.E., LL.D. (Family name, Balfour). Chairman and Managing Director of Arthur Balfour & Co., Ltd., Steel Mfrs., Sheffield. Chairman of C. Meadows & Co., Ltd., Sheffield. Chairman, High Speed Steel Alloys, Ltd., Widnes (the largest alloy producing concern in the country). Director, Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., Halifax Building Soc., Sheffield Dist. Gas Co., Alliance Assur. Co., Nat. Prov. Bank Ltd. Private Addresses: Riverdale Grange, Sheffield, 10; Ropes, Fernhurst, Sussex. Career: Educ. Ashville Coll., Harrogate. Early training in U.S.A. Has served on very many important Government Commissions and Committees, mainly dealing with Trade and Industry, including for example: Eng. Industries Committee, 1917; Safeguarding of Industries Commission, 1922; D.O.T. Advisory Council 1923; Industry and Trade Commission (Chairman), 1924-29; Consultative Committee of the Economic Conference at Geneva (Leading British Delegate), 1928; Standardisation and Simplification Committee, 1928; British Council for Relations with Other Countries (Vice-Chairman), 1935, etc.; Member of the Council of the Machine Tool Trades Assoc. (1935), of the Grand Council of the F.B.I. 1935, etc.: Chairman, Fire Brigades Committee, 1936; Chairman, Advisory Council to the Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1937; Member, Advisory Committee of the D.O.T. for the New York World's Fair, 1939, etc. Has made frequent journeys to the U.S.A. in connection with trade, and headed deputations sent out by the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, in 1921-22. In view of his assocn. with the High Speed Steel Alloys, Ltd., is often called upon to preside over the International Alloy Cartel. Books: "Hints to Practical Users of Tool Steels". Also in part responsible for six volumes covering the whole ground of British Industry and Trade periodically published, together with a Final Report in 1929, by the Industry and Trade Commission, and of other official publications.

RIVER-MOORE, H. R. B.Sc., A.M.I. E.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S.A. Director, R. M. Radio, Ltd., 11 Garrick Street, London, W. Private Address: 28 Park Hill Road, Croydon, Surrey. Age: 54. Career: Wellington Coll.; Central Tech. Coll.; Post Office, Eng. Dept.; Wilson Apparatus Co.; Creed & Co., Ltd.; Automatic Telephones Mfg. Co., Ltd.; Anti-Submarine Research; R. M. Radio, Ltd.

RIVERS, T. H. M.A., A.M.I.E.E. Sales Engineer, The British ThomsonHouston Co., Ltd., Neasden Lane, Willesden, N.W.10. Age: 37. Career: 1922-25, Cambridge Univ.; 1925-28, Apprenticeship, B.T.H. Co., Rugby; 1928-29, Erection Staff, B.T.H. Co., Ltd.; 1929 to present, Sales Staff (Export), B.T.H. Co., Ltd.

RIVIERE, Philip Lyle. M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Engr.-in-Chief, Central London Electricity Ltd., 25 Eccleston Place, S.W.1. Private Address: 10 Chester House, Eccleston Place, S.W.1. Career: On staff of Sir Alex Kennedy; Chief Engr. to L.C.C. Tramways; Engr.-in-Chief, Westminster Electric Supply Co., Ltd.

ROACH, W. L. A.M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: 4 Rawlinson Terrace, Tredegar, Mon. Formerly with Tredegar U.D.C., now retired.

ROBB, G. L. A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Engr., Ministry of Transport, London and Maidstone. Private Address: 63 Trent Valley Road, Lichfield, Staffs. Age: 32. Career: George Heriot's Sch.; Heriot Watt Coll.; Midlothian C.C.; Fife C.C., Asst. Road Surveyor; Staffs. C.C., Dist. Surveyor; Ministry of Transport, Asst. Engr.

ROBB, J. G. A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.R.E., F. Inst. P. Research and Development Manager, Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., and Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., Electra House, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C.2.

ROBBINS, Brian Gordon. M.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. Secretary of The Institution of Automobile Engrs., 12 Hobart Place, S.W.1. Private Address: 6A Sunset Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. Training: City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll.; Vauxhall Motors Ltd., Luton.

ROBERTON, Stephen L. B.Sc. (1st Hons. Met.) (Glasgow). D.I.C. Asst. Metallurgist, Clyde Alloy Steel Co., Ltd., Motherwell. Private Address: Greystones, Windlaw Road, Carmunnock, Lanarkshire. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; graduated 1926. Scientific Officer, Safety in Mines Research Board, London, 1929-37.

ROBERTS, A. J. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Divl. Elect. Engr., L.P.T. Board, Tramways, Manor House Offices, Seven Sisters Road, London, N.4. Private Address: 85 Burleigh Gardens, Southgate, N.14.

ROBERTS, Edward Charles. M.Eng., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. (Testamur), P.A.S.I., A.M.T.P.I., Registered Architect. Deputy Borough and Water Engr., Cheltenham Corporation. Private Address: "Amberley", 125 Gloucester Road, Cheltenham. Age: 39. Career: Liverpool Univ.; Dist. Engr., P.W.D., Nigeria; Senr. Eng. Asst., Borough Engr's. Dept., Ilford; Chief Eng. Asst., Borough and Water Engr's. Dept., St. Helens; Senr. Asst. to City Engr., Hull, acting under whom designed Rolling Lift Bridge over river Hull, and Pontoon Landing Stage, Hull, and other large engineering works. Experience in Engineering Costing and Economics and passed Int. Exam. of Inst. of Cost and Works Accountants.

ROBERTS, E. J. A.M.I.E.E. With Pritchett & Gold and E.P.S. Co., Ltd., 50 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1.

ROBERTS, G. E. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M. Inst.C.E., Assoc.M.Inst.W.E., A.I.A.S. Water Engr. and Manager, East Elloe R.D.C., Council Offices, Holbeach, Lincs. Age: 33. Career: Cardiff Univ.; Pupil under Neil J. Peters, Esq., Cardiff; Eng. Asst., Cardiff City Waterworks (2 years); Asst. Engr., Dewsbury C.B. Waterworks (5 years); Present Appt. Engr. and Manager; Consulting Water Engr. for Bourne U.D.C.

ROBERTS, G. W. P. M.B.E., B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.Inst.C.E. Deputy Chief Inspecting Engr., Crown Agent for the Colonies, 4 Millbank, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Lesdon, Kingswood Road, Shortlands, Kent. Age: 45. Ed. City and Guilds Coll., 1911-14.

ROBERTS, H. W. A.M.I.E.E. Branch Manager, General Electric Co., Ltd., 40/42, Darwen Street, Blackburn. Private Address: 118 Preston Old Road, Cherry Tree, Blackburn. Age: 45. Ed.: Univ. Coll. of N. Wales, Bangor (Elect. Eng. Dipl., etc.).

ROBERTS, L. M.I.E.E. Industrial Sales and Eng. Manager, The English Electric Co., Ltd., Bradford.

ROBERTS, L. C. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Eng. Asst., London County Council. Private Address: 17 Croft Road, Norbury, S.W.16. Age: 34. Career: Emanuel Sch.; Battersea Polytechnic; Foster Eng. Co., Wimbledon, Designer; Institution of Elect. Engrs., Editorial Asst.

ROBERTS, Wilfred. M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E. Supt. Engr., Stanhope Steamship Co., Ltd., 10 London Street, E.C.3, and 9 St. Helens Place, E.C.3. Private Address: 41 Hermon Hill, Wanstead, E.11. Age: 55. Career: West Ham Tech. Inst.; Apprent., Davis & Co., Marine Engrs., London; Chief Engr., Passenger Service, and Admiralty Service; Asst. Supt. Engr., Hudson Bay Co.; Surveyor, Salvage Assocn., 1918-19; Supt. Engr., Amalgamated Industrial Ltd.

ROBERTSON, A. P. M.I.E.E. Sub-Station Supt., Glasgow Corp. Elect. Dept. Private Address: 1 Monreith Road, Newlands, Glasgow.

ROBERTSON, A. T. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., J. H. Holmes & Co., Ltd., Hebburn-on-Tyne. Private Address: 13 Coquet Terrace, Heaton, Newcastleon-Tyne. Age: 49. Career: Leicester and Manchester Schools of Technology; Training, Lancashire Dynamo & Motor Co.; Chief Elect. Designer, Sunderland Forge and Eng. Co.; J. P. Hall & Co.; and J. H. Holmes & Co.

ROBERTSON, Andrew. M.I.A.E. General Manager, Omes, Ltd., Beverley Works, Barnes, London. Private Address: "Elsandi", Dennis Lane, Stanmore, Mdx. Age: 50. Career: Glasgow Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Calico Printers' Assoc., Ltd.; General Manager, Clement Talbot, Ltd.; Sunbeam Motor Co. and Thrupp & Maberley Ltd. (Body Builders). Authority on I "Productive Lay-Outs" and "Efficiency".

ROBERTSON, Capt. C. E. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Private Address: Thanet Villa, 5 Queen Elizabeth's Walk, Stoke Newington, N.16. Age: 48. Career: Marino Coll., Clontarf, Dublin; City and Guilds; pupilage and first appointment, Crompton & Co., Ltd., Works and London Office, 1910-16; War service, 1916-22: R.E.'s; commsd. R.A.S.C., M.T., 1918; France, Belgium, Germany, as 9th Corps Tech. Officer; 1920-22, Officer-in-Charge Mech. and Elect. Workshops to various M.T. units, Northern Command, India; 1923-24, Chief Mech. and Elect. Engr., Perry & Co. (Bow), P.W. Contractors, on enlargement of City and S. London Tube Rly.; 1924-25, Chief Elect. Engr., S. Pearson & Son (Contracting Dept.), purchasing, testing and inspecting elect. and mech. machinery for large contracts; 1925-27, Res. Suptg. Engr., Babcock & Willcox, Ltd., on important Municipal and other installations, Holland, France, etc.; 1927-29, Inspecting Engr., Babcock & Willcox, Ltd.; 1930, Chief Tech. Asst., Stoke Newington Elect. Dept.; 1932, Distribution Engr., responsible for entire tech. work; 1937, promoted Dep. Borough Elect. Engr.; 1938, Elect. and Mech. Engr. (Defence Dept.) H.M.O.W.

ROBERTSON, David. D.Sc., A.R.T.C., M.I.E.E. Professor of Elect. Eng., Univ. of Bristol. Business Address: Merchant Venturers' Tech. Coll., Bristol. Private Address; 19 Cotham Road, Bristol, 6.

ROBERTSON, E. S. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Inspector, Engr., and Signal Stores, Woolwich. Private Address: The Rookery, Imber Road, Warminster, Wilts. Age: 34. Career: Crompton, Parkinson; Shanghai Power Co.; China Light and Power Co.; Garrison 1 Engr. and E. & M. Officer, W.D., Warminster; then to C.I.E.S.S., Woolwich.

ROBERTSON, F. S. A.K.C., M.I.E.E. 1 Private Address: 64 Benhurst Court, Leighton Court Road, Streatham, S.W.16. Age: 62. Career: Ed. Dulwich Coll. and King's Coll., London (Sambrooke Exh., Jelf medal, A.K.C. and special cert. of honour); two years Siemens Bros.; on staff, King's Coll., London, 1900-37.

ROBERTSON, G. A. M.Sc.Tech., A.M. I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Borough Elect. Engr., Preston Corp. Private Address: "Printek", Yewlands Avenue, Broughton, Preston. Age: 33. Career: Manchester Univ.; Apprent., Metro-Vick.; Tech. Asst., J. A. Robertson, Cons. Engr., Manchestet; Dep. Borough Elect. Engr., Preston, in 1934; present post, 1937.

ROBERTSON, J. Johnston. M.Inst. N.A., M. I.Mar.E. Estimator and Principal Asst. to the Gen. Sales Mgr., Petters Ltd., Engrs., Yeovil. Private Address: 29 Wallace Rd., Loughborough. Career: Birkenhead Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd.; Asst. Representative Engr. for Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., at Portsmouth Dockyard (installing machinery in H.M.S. "Iron Duke"); Senr. Draughtsman, J. S. White & Co., Ltd., Cowes, I.O.W., also Messrs. Day, Summers & Co., Ltd., Southampton; Chief Draughtsman, Petters Ltd., Yeovil. Lieut. in R.E. (War Service). Organising Supt., Yeovil Tech. Inst.

ROBERTSON, J. R. B.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E. Managing Engr., E. S. & A. Robinson, Ltd., East Street Works, Bristol, 1. Age: 33. Career: Hutcheson's Gramm. Sch., Glasgow; Glasgow Univ.; James Howden & Co. (Apprent.); G. & J. Weir (Designer); Barr & Stroud, Ltd. (Asst. Works Manager); Albion Motors, Ltd. (Asst. to Tech. Manager).

ROBERTSON, Robert. M.Inst.C.E., M. I.Mech. E., M. I nst. Gas E., M. I. Chem. E. Engr. and Works Manager, Bristol Gas Co., Colston Street, Bristol, 1. Private Address: 4 Cotham Park, Bristol, 6. Career: Apprent. with Mr. R. B. Dick, Carluke. Employed for a number of years with various mfg. and consulting engrs.; appointed Chief Draughtsman to the Bristol Gas Co. in 1905; Supt. of their Canons' Marsh Works in 1907, and Chief Engr. in 1918. Past-Pres., Bristol Assocn. of Engrs.; Past-Pres., Southern Assocn. of Gas Engrs and Managers; Pres., Inst. of Gas Engrs.

ROBERTSON, Robert Bruce. M.A., B.Sc. (Hons. Eng.), Trevelyan Scholar in Eng., Edinburgh Univ., A.M.Inst. C.E., Chartered Civil Engr. Asst., Chief Engr's. Dept., Southern Rly. Co., Waterloo Station, S.E.1. Private Address: 14 Cardigan Road, Richmond, Surrey. Career: George Watson's Coll., Edinburgh; Edinburgh Univ.; Heriot National Tech. Coll., Edinburgh; Junr. Asst. Engr., Leith Dock Commission (1919-21); Tech. Asst., P.L.A. (1921-25).

ROBERTSON, Vernon Alec Murray. M.C. and Bar, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech. E., M.Inst.T., F.P.W.I. Chief Engr. to the London Passenger Transport Board, 55 Broadway, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Fairfield, 8 Stanley Road, Sutton, Surrey. Career: Dover Coll., 1900-06; Crystal Palace Eng. School, 1907-09; articled to the late D. Gravell, Esq., M.Inst.C.E., 1909-12; on staff of Chief Engr., S.E. & C. Rly., 1912-19; joined G.E. Rly., 1919, and left 1928, holding positions of Asst. Divisional Engr. and Divisional Engr., Stratford, under the G.E. Rly. and L. & N.E. Rly., 1922-28; joined Underground Rlys, of London, March, 1928, as Civil Engr., and in same capacity with the L.P.T.B. since its formation in 1933; appointed Chief Engr., L.P.T.B., on 1st Jan., 1938; War service: Joined 14th London Regt. (London Scottish), 1914; gazetted R.E., 1915; demobilized with rank of Major, 1919; Military Cross and Bar, and mentioned in despatches.

ROBERTSON, W. A. B.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E. Asst. to District Engr., Northampton, L.M. & S. Rly. Co., Castle Station, Northampton. Private Address: "Five Gables", Billing Road, Northampton. Age: 36. Career: With L.M. & S. Rly. Co. as Privileged Asst. after three years at Edinburgh Univ.; Asst. to Res. Engr., Chert and Snydale and Barking and Upminster Widenings; Res. Engr., Welbeck Colliery Branch and Laindon Down Loop.

ROBERTSON, William F. B.Sc., M.1.E.S. Senr. Partner, Wm. Robertson, Shipowner, 45 West Nile Street, Glasgow (and Liverpool). Private Address: 7 Devonshire Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow, W.2. Career: Educ. Glasgow High Sch.: Glasgow Univ. (B.Sc.Eng. and Naval Architecture). Chairman, Clyde Navigation Trust.

ROBEY, Ernest William. M.I.Mech.E. Advisory Engr., International Combustion, Ltd., Aldwych House, Aldwych, W.C.2. Private Address: 27 Barkston Gardens, S.W.S. Career: Mining Engr., South Africa; Chief Engr., Underfeed Stoker Co., Ltd.; Director, Riley Stoker Co., Ltd., and Hall Boilers, Ltd. Member of Council and Hon. Treasurer, Combustion Appliance Makers' Assocn.; Chairman, Steam Raising Section, Combustion Appliance Makers' Assocn.

ROBIETTE, A. G. B.Sc. (Hons. Met.). Chief Metallurgist, Birmingham Elect. Furnaces, Ltd., Tyburn Road, Birmingham, 24. Private Address: 4 Beeches Drive, Erdington, Birmingham, 24. Age: 30. Career: Univ. Coll., Swansea; Metallurgist, Elect. Furnace Co., Ltd., and Elect. Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd. Is the inventor of several patented processes dealing with improvements in heat treatment, and electric and melting furnaces. Author of Text-book "Electric Melting Practice" (Chas. Griffin & Co., 1935).

ROBIN, T. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Mains Engr., Manchester Corp. Elect. Dept. Private Address: 67 Fairholme Road, Withington, Manchester, 20. Age: 34. Career: Erith Cty.. Sec. Sch.; Erith Tech. Coll.; 1924-28, Test Room Asst., Callender's Cable & C., Co.; 1928, present occupation.

ROBINS, J. H. Beaumont. B.Sc.(Lon.), A.M. I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Publicity Manager, Davidson & Co., Ltd., Sirocco Eng. Works, Belfast, N. Ireland. Age: 37. Career: Colfe's Grammar Sch., Lewisham; London Univ.; 1918-23, Elect. Designer, Submersible Motors, Ltd.; 1923-26, Chief Asst. Elect. Engr., British Engine Boiler and Elect. Insurance Co., Ltd.; 1927, Chief Engr., Dorman & Smith, Ltd., Elect. Engrs., Manchester; 1928-29, Deputy Chief Asst., Heavy Eng. Dept., General Electric Co., Ltd.; 1929-32, Tech. Sales Manager, The British Aerotechnical Co., Ltd., and Aeroto, Ltd., London; 1932, present appointment. Author of "Advertising as a Factor in Marketing the Eng. Product", etc.

ROBINSON, A. H. Major, R.E. (T.F.), T.D., A.M.I.E.E. Consulting Elect. Engr., Ernest Griffiths & Son, The Temple, Dale Street, Liverpool. Private Address: Dawstones House, Sandown Park, Wavertree, Liverpool. Age: 69. Career: Manchester Gramm. Sch.; Manchester Tech. Sch.; Liverpool Univ.; Apprent., Dobson & Barlow, Ltd.; Improver, Ernest Scott & Mountain; Asst. Engr., Liverpool Elect. Supply Co., Ltd.; Engr., Knowsley Hall Elect. Works; Consulting Engr. since 1900.

ROBINSON, C. E. 0.B.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Asst. Constructional Engr., London Power Co., Ltd., Ergon House, Horseferry Road, S.W.1.

ROBINSON, Cecil Herbert. M.I.Loco.E. Asst. to Managing Directors and Director, North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 110 Flemington Street, Glasgow, N. Private Address: Westdene, Kilmacolm, Renfrewshire. Age: 50. Training: Univ. of Manchester; N.B. Loco. Co., Ltd.; North-Eastern Rly., Darlington (Trainee). 0./C. 80th Broad Gauge Rly. Workshops Co. R.E., and Personal Asst. to 0./C. Main Base, Loco. Works, B.E.F. (France).

ROBINSON, Charles Ingle. B.Sc. (Lond.), A. R. S.M., M. Inst. C. E., M.I.M.M. Private Address: 37 Dorset Road, London, S.W.19. Age: 55. Career: R. Coll. of Sc. and R. Sch. of Mines; Post-Grad., Mining Training on Witwatersrand; 1906-11, Mining in South, West and Central Africa; 1912-33, Inspector,and later Senr. Inspector, of Mines to F.M.S. Government.

ROBINSON, Erie Arthur. M.C., M.I. Mech. E., M. I.Loco. E. Managing Director, The Superheater Co., Ltd., Bush House, Aldwych, W.C.2. Private Address: 85 New Cavendish Street, W.1. Age: 44. Career: Cheltenham Coll.; Liverpool Univ.; Premium Apprent. and Pupil, Crewe Loco. Works, L. & N.W. Rly; Served 1915-19, Royal Engineers S.R. in France as Captain; Asst. Engr., Crewe Loco. Works, L. & N.W. Rly., 1920; joined present firm 1921.

ROBINSON, Frank Herbert. A.M. Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Gas E. Engr. and Manager, Bishop's Stortford, Epping and Dist. Gas Co., 45/7, South Street, Bishop's Stortford. Born: 1884. Career: Pendleton H.G. Sch.; Manchester Gramm. Sch.; Training, Thomas Newbigging & Son, Cons. Civil and Gas Engrs.; Eng. Asst., Manchester Corp. Gas Works; Manager, Knutsford Gas and Water Co.; Engr. and Manager, Harrogate Gas Co.; present appointment, 1933.

ROBINSON, George Allen. B.Sc.(Eng.), M. I.Mech.E., M. I.Struct. F., F. R. San. I. Principal, L.C.C. S.E. London Tech. Institute, Lewisham High Road, S.E.4. Private Address: 42 Newquay Road, S.E.6. Age: 47. Career: Heriot-Watt Coll. axed Edinburgh Univ.; Principal, Acton Tech. Coll.; Vice-Principal, Lincoln Tech. Coll.; Head, Eng. Dept., Tech. Coll., Lincoln; Capt. and Adjt., R.F.A., and then R.E.. Sec., Development Committee British Management Council; Page, City Guilds American Travelling Scholarship, 1936.

ROBINSON, J. M.B.E., D.Sc. (Durham), Ph.D. (Gottingen), M. I. E. E., F. Inst. P. Consulting Engr., 76 Millway, Mill Hill, N.W.7. Age: 54. Career: Studied Armstrong Coll., 1903-7; Univ. of Gottingen, 1907-9; Lecturer in Maths., Armstrong Coll., 1909-10; Lecturer Physics, Sheffield Univ., 1910-11; Lecturer in Physics, E. London Coll., 1912-15; Lieut., R.N. V.R., 1915-18; Head Dept. Wireless and Aircraft Instruments, R.A.F., Biggin Hill, 1918-22; and at Farnborough, 1922-25; Director of research, Radio Press, Ltd., 1925; Tech. Adviser, British Radiostat Corp., 192933. Former Member, Radio Research Board, Wireless Board, National Committee for Radio. Inventor of Robinson Direction-finding Systems—introduced first Aircraft Radio Compass and system of Homing; various other inventions in Radio and Elect.

ROBINSON, Leonard L. M.Inst.C.E., M. I.E. E., M.I.Mech.E. Consulting Engr., Partner, Messrs. May & Hawes, 36 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Winwood, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex. Career: Tonbridge Sch.; Central Tech. Coll., Kensington (A.C.G.I. Diploma). Asst., Professor W. Ayrton; Asst., Distributing Dept., City of London Electric Lighting Co.; Chief Engr., Smithfield Market Electric Light Co.; Eng. Representative of Robert Hammond in Ireland; Chief Engr., Hackney.

ROBINSON, Leonard Mould. O.B.E. (Mil.), Lieut., R.N.V.R. (ret.), Assoc.M. Inst.C.E. Res. Inspecting Engr., The Crown Agents for the Colonies, 95 Colmore Row, Birmingham. Private Address: 140 Wentworth Road, Harborne, Birmingham, 17. Career: Leeds Univ.; Apprent., Loco. Works, N.E. Rly.; Carriage and Wagon Dept., N.E. Rly.; Engr. in charge of anti-Submarine Dept., H.M.S. "Vernon", Gun Wharf, Portsmouth. Connected with the development of Hydrophones and anti-Submarine gear during the war, 1914-18.

ROBINSON, Percival James. M.Eng., M. I.Mech.E., M. I. E. E. City Elect. and City Lighting Engr., Corp. of Liverpool, 24 Hatton Garden, Liverpool, 3. Private Address: The Cove, Uppingham Road, Liverpool, 13. Hon. Treas., Incorp. Municipal Elect. Assoc.; Member of Council I.E.E., B.E.D.A., and National & North West England Consultative Committees.

ROBINSON, R. M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., M.I.Min.E. H.M. Inspector of Mines and Quarries. Private Address: 44 The Parade, Barry, Glam. Career: Sheffield Univ.; Trained, Newton, Chambers & Co., Ltd., Thorncliff Collieries; Surveyor to British Engine, Boiler & Elect. Insurance Co., Manchester. First Res. Elect. Inspector in Wales.

ROBINSON, Robert Douglas. A.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.W.E., B.Eng. (Liverpool), A.I.Mech.E. Deputy Water Engr., Carlisle Corp., 18 Fisher Street, Carlisle. Private Address: Elgol, Carleton Road, Carlisle. Age: 33. Career: Univ. of Liverpool, 1923-26; Pupilage with G. H. Hill & Sons (Manchester), Consulting Engrs; Asst. to G. H. Hill & Sons, Manchester; Asst. Engr., Southampton Corp. Waterworks.

ROBINSON, S. C. Ph.D., M.Eng., A.M.I.Mech.E. Head of Eng. Dept., L.C.C. Sch. of Eng. and Navgn., High Street, Poplar, E.14. Age: 37. Career: Holt School, Liverpool; Liverpool Univ (Research Fellow and Medallist in Faculty of Eng.); Apprent., Fawcett, Preston & Co., Ltd.; six years Indus. experience before taking up teaching work.

ROBINSON, S. T. A.M.I.E.E. Proprietor of business, as Elect. and Automobile Engr., 27 South King St., Dublin. Career: R.C.Sc., Dublin; Chief Asst., Handley & Shanks; 1896 to 1904, engaged on electric installations, etc., in Ireland and England; at present, Director of Prices Elect. Supplies, Ltd., Birmingham. Past-Pres. of The Eng. and Scientific Assocn. of Ireland; Fellow, Inst. of the Motor Trade.

ROBSON, Andrew. B.Sc. (Eng.)Edin., B.Com. (Lond.)., M.I.Mech.E. Principal of Handsworth Tech. Coll., Birmingham (City of Birmingham Educ. Committee), Golds Hill Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, 21. Private Address: 23 Cranbrook Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, 21. Age: 50. Career: Univ. of Edinburgh; Heriot Watt Coll., Edinburgh; Univ. of Glasgow; Apprent. to Mech. Eng., Hawick, Scotland. Draughtsman, Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd., Middlesbrough, 1912-13; Asst. Works Manager, Barr & Stroud, Ltd., Glasgow, 1915-20; Lecturer in Eng., Univ. of Edinburgh, 1920; Principal of West Hartlepool Tech. Coll., 1922-33; present appoint, 1933.

ROBSON, H. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., A.I.I.A. Tech. Assistant Borough of Brentford & Chiswick Elect. Undertaking, 199. High Road, Chiswick, W.4. Private Address: 9 Lawford Road, Chiswick, W.4. Age: 32. Career: Carlisle Gramm. Sch., Victoria Univ., Manchester; Tech. Asst., Carlisle Corp. Elect. Dept.

ROBSON, John Stephenson. B.Sc. Tech. (Manch.), A.M. Inst C E Assistant Resident Engr., London Passenger Transport Board, 2 Finchley Road, N.W. Private Address: 84 Woodberry Avenue, Harrow, Middx. Age: 32. Career: Three years' training, Messrs. Dodd & Watson, M.M.Inst. C.E., on Resi. Eng's. and Contractors' Staffs on sewerage and sewage disposal works contracts, and latterly on Underground Railway extensions.

ROBSON, N. E. M.I.N.A., M.N.E.C. Inst., F.C.M.S. Partner, Atkinson, Young and Robson, Consulting Marine Engineers and Surveyors, Akenside House, Newcastle-onTyne, and Dominion Buildings, 28 Brunswick Street, Liverpool. Private Address: 4 Kenners Dene, Tynemouth. Careeer: Kepier Grammar School, Houghton-le-Spring; Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Chief Draughtsman, North-Eastern Marine Eng. Co., Ltd., Wallsend, 1900-07; Works Manager, Denny & Co., Dumbarton, 1908-11; joined Atkinson, Young and Robson as partner, 1911. Specialist in oil tanker design.

ROBSON, R. E. M.I.E.E. Sole Proprietor, Messrs. Robson & Coleman. Private Address: 13-15 Simpson St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 62. Career: Newcastle Modern Sch.; Armstrong & Rutherford Colls.; Apprent. J. H. Holmes & Co., started in buiness, 1898; Pres. Elec. Contractors' Assoc., 1923-4; Hon. Mem. of Council E.C.A., for over 25 years.

ROCHE, A. H. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.C.G.I,. A.R.P.S. A.M.I.E.E. Development Engr., Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd., North Woolwich. Private Address: 53 Loveday Road, Ealing, W.13. Age: 35. Career: Uppingham Sch., 1917-21; City and Guilds, 1921-24; Standard Telephones, 1924 to date.

ROCHE, R. T. H. A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E. Garrison Engr., London East. Private Address: 43 Manor Court Road, Hanwell, W.7. Age: 50. Career: City and Guilds; S.M.E., Chatham; 3 years Messrs. Kanim & Co., Elect. Engrs., London; 20 years Eng. Dept., Indian State Rlys.; 2 years Garrison Engr., W.D.

ROCKLIFFE, L. B.Sc.,(Eng.) A.C.G. I., D.I.C., A.M.I.Mech.E. Designer, R. N. Torpedo Factory. Private Address: 3 Castle Mansions, Gourock, Renfrewshire. Age: 35. Career: Ed. H. M. Dockyard Sch., Chatham; City and Guilds.

RODAWAY, R. E. A.M.I.E.E. Representative in North West England and North Wales, Chamberlain and Hookham Ltd., New Bartholomew Street, Birmingham, 5. Private Address: 3 Waldon Avenue, Cheadle, Ches. Age: 30. Career: King Edward VI Gramm. Sch., Aston; Birmingham Cent. Tech. Coll.; Joined Chamberlain & Hookham 1926; Appointed Representative in 1934.

RODD, William James Paulo. D.S.O., Wh. Ex., M. I.Mech. E. Director (as from July, 1937), Henry Berry & Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Engineering Specialists, Croydon Works, Hunslet, Leeds. Business Address: C/o Henry Berry & Co., Shell Mex House, Strand, London, W.C.2. Career: Lieut. Army Ordnance Dept. and Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, May, 1900; served successfully in various ranks at home and abroad, including Burma and India, Canada (special appointment), Malta. War service, North-West Frontier of India and Mesopotamia; Lieut. Colonel and Chief Inspector Ordnance Machinery, Mesopotamian Forces (twice mentioned in despatches and awarded D.S.O.). Served at Military Coll. of Science, Woolwich, as Supt. of Work shops, 1927-30; promoted Colonel and Chief Ordnance Mech. Engr. June, 1930, in which capacity served at Eastern Command Headquarters, Horse Guards, until retired in January, 1936. Is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Literary and photo graphic contributor to "Countries of the World." "People of All Nations," "Wonders of the World," etc.

RODEN, A. H. A.M.I.E.E. Transformer Design Engr., G.E.C. Ltd., Witton, Birmingham, 6. Private Address: 87 Alfred Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, 21. Age: 31. Career: Apprentice for 7 years to A. B. Reeves & Co., Birmingham. Chiefly Mech. Eng.; 10 years with G.E.C.

RODGER, J. W. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Bruce Peebles & Co., Ltd., East Pilton, Edinburgh, 5. Private Address: 2 Osborne Terrace, Edinburgh. Career: Tech. training in Bolton, Manchester, Belfast and London. Apprent. Patterson, Cooper & Co., Paisley, and Royce, Ltd., Manchester; positions of senior responsibility with Johnson and Phillips, Ferranti, Ltd., Hackbridge Electric, and Bruce, Peebles, in connection with the design and manufacture of heavy electrical machinery; Rotating machines, transformers, mercury arc rectifiers, arc lamps and searchlight projectors.

RODGERS, H. N. A.M.I.E.E. Power Station Supt., Elec. Dept., Rotherham, Yorkshire. Private Address: 14 Broomfield Grove, Rotherham. Age: 59. Educ. Rotherham Grammar and Tech. Schools; Sheffield University

RODGERS, W. G. A.M.I.Mech.E. Buyer, Hartleys (Stoke-on-Trent) Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. Private Address: Ashcroft, Ashlands Road, Harpfields, Stoke-on-Trent. Age: 28. Career: North Staffs. Tech. Coll.; training, Kerr Stuart & Co., Ltd., Loco. Engrs.; Asst. Works Mgr., Hartleys, 1930-34; 1934 appointed Buyer; Lecturer, Evening Students, N. Staffs. Tech. Coll.

RODMELL Arthur W. Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Chief Eng. Asst., Woolwich Borough Council, S.E.18. Private Address: 64 Archery Road, Eltham, S.E.9. Age: 32. Career: Articled to H. Morley Newson, Esq., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Deptford; Eng. Asst. Deptford, Folkestone and Ilford.

RODWELL, H. K. A.M.I.E.E. with Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: 29 Leigh Road, Hale, Altrincham, Ches. Career: Faraday House; B.T.H. Co.; A.E.G., Berlin; M.V.

RODWELL, John Arthur. M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., M.Inst. W.E., M.R.San.I., F.R.Met.Soc. Chief Engr., Durham County Water Board, North Road, Durham, Private Address: Highfield House, Durham. Career: Apprenticeship to Sir John McLaren, Midland Engine Works, Leeds. Training: Leeds University, and with Spinks, Pilling and Rodwell, of Leeds; In private practice; public appointments held under public authorities in Skipton, Dewsbury, Belfast, Weardale, Consett, Nelson, Bury and Irwell Valley. War service as Tech. Officer, R.E. and R.M. Author of manuals on Water Supply, Waste Prevention, Afforestation of Catchment Areas, Catchment Area Control, etc.

ROE, Harrision. M.I.Mech.E. Manager and Director, Ropeways, Ltd., 152 Great Portland Street, W.1. Private Address: 27 St. Mary's Avenue, Finchley, N.3. Career: Four years shop practice; two years as improver; twelve years (mostly abroad) on outdoor erection, survey work, reporting, etc., on ropeway and general mining and mechanical transport work; since then permanently with Ropeways, Ltd., in various capacities.

ROE, Major J. H. T.D., A.M.I.Mech. E. Sectional Engr., British Celanese Ltd., Spondon, Nr. Derby. Private Address: Millfield, Stanton Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire. Age: 39.

ROEBUCK; Alfred. M.I.Mech.E. Works Director, Hadfields Ltd., East Hecla Works, Tinsley, Sheffield. Private Address: 36 Montgomery Road, Sheffield, 7. Career: (throughout with Hadfields, Ltd.,): 1903-14, in shops and D.O.; 1914-24, Asst. Chief Engr. 1924-29, Chief Engr. 1929-31, Local Director; 1931 to date, 'Works Director. 1935 and 1936, Pres. Sheffield Univ. Eng. Soc; 1935 to date, Vice-Pres., Sheffield Soc. of Engrs. and Metallurgists; 1937 and 38 Member of Council, Inst. Mech.E. also Chairman, Yorkshire Branch; 1938, Pres. Sheffield Eng. Trades Tech. Soc.

ROESCH, Georges Henry. M.I.A.E. Member of Soc. of Automotive Engrs. of America; Member of Societe des lngenieurs d'Automobiles de France. Chief Engr. Clement Talbot Ltd., Barlby Road, North Kensington, London, W.10. Private Address: 53 Woodlands, Golders Green, London, N.W.1 1. Age: 47. Career: Designer to Automobiles Gregoire; DelannayBelleville; and Renault, (France) and to Daimler; Clement Talbot Ltd., and Sunbeam Motors Ltd. (England). Appointed Chief Engr. to Clement Talbot in 1916; Responsible for all designs of passenger, commercial and all competition cars.

ROGERS, Benjamin. M.I.Mar.E. Consulting Engr., Clensol, Ltd., (Chem. Engrs.) 75 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Nova," Tycehurst Hill, Loughton, Essex. Age: 37. Career: Apprent. Cunard S.S. Co.; now specialising in water treatments and scale removal problems.

ROGERS, H. B. M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Analytical Chemist, Gas Engr. and chartered Elect. Engr. Private Address; 80 Crawford Avenue, Liverpool,15. Career: Formerly with I.C.I.

ROGERS, J. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.C.G.I., D.I.C., M.Inst. Fuel. A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. Engr., The Fuel Research Station, (D.S.I.R.), Greenwich. Private Address: 32 Broomfield Road, Bexleyheath, Kent. Age: 35. Career: Malvern Coll. 1917-20; City and Guilds, 1920-24; J. & E. Hall Ltd., Dartford, 1925-27; Engr. on the Scientific Staff of the Fuel Research Station, Greenwich, 1928 to present.

ROGERS, R. A. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Dist. Construction Engr., B.T.H., Co., Ltd., Rugby. Private Address: 11 Dukes Avenue, Wealdstone, Harrow Middx. Age: 40.

ROGERS, S. B. A.M.I.E.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Sangamo Weston Ltd., Cambridge Arterial Road, Enfield, Middlesex. Also Chairman and Managing Director of Weston Elect. Instrument Co., Ltd., Cambridge Arterial Rd., Enfield.

ROGERSON, R. A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst. M.E. Mining Engr. Scottish Mine Owner's Insurance Co., Glasgow. Private Address: 230 Hamilton Rd., Mount Vernon, Glasgow. Age: 49. Career: Coatbridge and Glasgow Royal Tech. Coils. in Mining and Elect. Eng.; Manager and agent the Mount Vernon Colliery Co., from 1923-30; Author of "Colliery Power Plant" (Griffen), and other publications. Past Pres., A.M.E.E. (West of Scotland Branch); Winner of Premier award Gold Medal (1927), Assocn. of Mining E.E.

ROLES, T. M.I.E.E. City Elect. Engr. and Manager. Electricity Offices, 45-53 Sunbridge Rd., Bradford. Age: 63. Career: Brighton Tech. Sch; Trained Elect. Supplies & Fittings Co., Ltd., and Crompton & Co., Ltd.; Between 1893 and 1904 held positions on the Staffs of the Hove Elec. Lighting Co., Ltd., and the Elec. Undertakings of the Aberdeen, Leicester and Poplar Corps.; 1904, appointed to the position of Chief Elec. Asst. Engr. Bradford Corp; 1907, promoted to the post still occupied of City Elec. Engr. and Manager.

ROLFE, Robt. Thatcher. F.I.C., M.I. & S. I., M. Inst.Met. Chief Metallurgist, W. H. Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd., Queens Eng. Works, Bedford. Private Address: 76 Spenser Rd., Bedford. Career: Richmond Cty. Sch.; King's Coll., London; Riley & Harbord, Anal. and Cons. Chemists; Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co., Buchan's River, Newfoundland; Author of "Steels for the User," "A Manual of Foundry Practice," (with J. Laing), "NonFerrous Foundry Practice," (with J. Laing), (all Chapman & Hall), etc. Ed. "Foundrywork and Metallurgy," (Pitman).

BOLT, F. H. M.B.E., B.Sc., A.C.G.I., M. I.Mech. E. Senr. Scientific Officer, Metrology Dept., N.P.L., Teddington, Mddx. Age: 49. Career: Merton Sc. Sch.; City & Guilds; Works and D.O. experience; joined N.P.L. 1912, and thereafter engaged in Eng. research principally relating to precision measurements and gauges; Author of "Gauges and Fine Measurements," (2 Vols). etc, Has given many lectures on Precision Engg.

ROMERO, L. M.I.E.E. City Elec. Engr., Salford Corp. Private Address: Hilton Lane, Prestwich, Manchester. Age: 55. Career: trained Faraday House, Belliss & Morcom & Salford Corp. Elec. Dept; Mains Engr. Salford 16 years; appointed City Elec. Engr. 1927.

RONAN, Stephen George. B.A., B.A.I. Dublin Univ., A.M.Inst.C.E. Engr. Hutchinson Trustees, West Bank Dock, Widnes, Lancs. Private Address: Eaton Hill House, Tarporley, Chesire. Age: 38. Career: Dublin Univ.; Apprent. Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Ltd; Asst. to Genl. manager, Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Openshaw Works, Manchester.

RONCA, J. F. O.B.E., A.R.C.S., A.I.C., A.M.I.A.E. Director of Gas Administration. Board of Trade, Great George Street, London, S.W.1. One of the three Gas Referees. Private Address: 22 The Downs, Wimbledon. Member of Council, Inst. of Fuel.

ROONEY, Thomas Edmund. A.M.S.T. (Manchester), F.I.C. Scientific Officer, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middx. Private Address: 17 St. James's Avenue, Hampton Hill, Hampton, Mddx. Career Educ.: Municipal Sch. of Tech. Manchester (Scholarship). Asst. Chem. W. T. Glover & Co., Ltd., Trafford Park Chief Chemist, Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., Manchester; then National Physical Laboratory.

ROOPER, W. O. M.Inst.C.E. Consulting Engr. Private Address: 8 Clifton Rd., Winchester, Hants. Age: 79. Career: Formerly Managing Director Rooper & Harris Ltd. Emery Wheel & Artl. Grindstone makers, (now The Universal Grinding Co., Ltd.); Practiced as Consulting Engr. since 1910; carried out Elect. installations in Portsmouth Dockyard, National Gallery, etc., etc.

ROOTS, A. E. M.I.E.E. Burgh Elect. Engr. and Manager, Electricity Works, Leafield Rd., Dumfries. Career: trained, Kent Elec. P. Co.; Senr. Asst., Newcastle-onTyne E. S. Co.; Charge Engr. Yorks Elec. P. Co.; Chief Asst. Engr., City of Worcester.

ROPER, John Arthur. M.I.Mech.E. Chief Engr, Platt Bros. & Co„ Ltd., Hartford Works, Oldham, Lancs. Private Address: Coombe, Nuthurst Road, New Moston, Manchester, 10. Career: Sheffield Univ. training, Vickers Ltd., Sheffield and Barrow-inFurness; 1902-15, W. S. Laycock, Ltd., Sheffield, 1912-15, Works Mgr.; 1915-17, T. Firth & Sons, Ltd., Asst. Engr.; 1917-23, Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hendon (building de Haviland aeroplanes, etc. Latterly Asst. Manager); two years General Factory Manager for the Aluminium Plant & Vessel to., Ltd., Wandsworth; 1925-30, General Manager of The Empire Eng. Co., Cawnpore, India (Branch of The British India Corp., Ltd.); 1931 to date, present appointment.

ROSE, D. T. M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: 29 Orchard Gardens, Hove. Career: Employed of the Construction of Public works for about 40 years, including Railways, Docks, Breakwaters, and Dams; retired 1935.

ROSE, Eric Olding B.Sc.(Eng.) Lond. Assoc. M. Inst. C.E. Assoc. M. Inst. Gas. E. Bayliss Prize. Asst. Engr., Tottenham & District Gas Co., Woodall House, London, N.22. Private Address: Gobions Oak, Mymms Drive, Brookmans Park, Hatfield, Herts. Age: 35. Career: Northampton Polytechnic; trainee, Chief Draughtsman & Asst. Engr., Tottenham & Dist. Gas Co.,

ROSE, Lt.-Colonel, Ernest Albert. C.B. E. Order Crown of Italy, B.Sc., B.Eng. (L' pool), M. I. Mech E, Tech. Director Glaxo Laboratories Ltd., Greenford, Mddx. Private Address: 9 Pembridge Place, London, W.2. Age: 59. Career: L'pool Coll. & L'pool Univ.; Great War service in France and Italy; 4 times mentioned in Despatches; General Elec. Co., Ltd. Chief Engr. to the Road Carrying Co., Ltd.; Gen. Manager, New Arrol Johnston Car Co., Ltd.; Tech. Direc. Delaunay Bellville Automobiles (Eng.) Ltd.; Factory Controller, Joseph Nathan & Co., Ltd.

ROSE, N. A.M.I.Mech.E. With Davenport Accessories, Ltd., 101 Clerkenwell Rd., E.C.1. Age: 50. Educ.; Highgate Gramm. Sch.

ROSE, T. A.M.I.E.E. Director, Rotary Hoes Ltd., Horndon, Essex. Private Address: 44 Cheniston Gardens, W.8. Age: 67. Career: City of London Sch.; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Polytechnic Institute; Asst. to Dr. Gladstone, F.R.S.. in chemical and physical research work; Engr. General Electric Co., U.S.A.; Tech. Director and Works Manager to .various electric lamp Co's. in England, France and Japan. Inventor of the "Rose" vacuum pump and various improvements in Electric lamps.

ROSE, Thomas Gerald. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E., F. I. I. A. Industrial Consultant, 36 Great Smith Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Born: 1886. Career: City and Guilds, 1904-7; Sir W. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1909-19; Production and Works Manager, Leyland Motors, Ltd., 1919-25; Consulting Practice, 1926 to date. Author of "A Record of Motor Racing, 1909", "Business Charts", "The Management Audit", "Higher Control".

ROSE, Sir Thomas Kirke. K.B., D.Sc., A.R.S.M. Private Address: Four Winds, Hindhead, Surrey. Career: Engaged in treatment of gold ores by chlorination in Colorado, 1888-90; in Assay Office, Royal Mint, London, 1890-1926. Books "Metallurgy of Gold", 1894; (seventh edition with Mr. W. A. C. Newman, 1937); "The Precious Metals", 1909.

ROSEN, J. B.Sc. (Eng.) (London), A.C.G.I. Director, C. A. Parsons & Co., Ltd., Heaton Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 6. Private Address: c/o Conservative Club, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

ROSENFELD, Peter Paul. B.Sc. (Hons.) in Eng., London, A.M.Inst.C.E. Senr. Eng. Asst., Fulham M.B.C., Town Hall, Fulham. Age: 27. Trainee, Met. Water Bd.; Eng. Asst., Met. Water Bd., Walthamstow B.C. and W. Riding C.C.

ROSEVEARE, J. C. A. O.B.E., M. Inst. C.E M.Inst.W.E. Chief Drainage Engr., Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 10 Whitehall Place, S.W.1. Author of "Land Drainage in England and Wales", Paper read before the Institution of Water Engrs., 1932; "Progress in Land Drainage", Article in Special Number "Water and Water Eng.", October, 1938.

ROSEVEARE, Major Leslie. O.B.E. (Military), M. Inst. C. E Past.-Pres., Inst. Mun. and Cy. Engrs.; Past-Pres., Town Planning Institute; Borough Engr., County Borough of Eastbourne. Career: Wycliffe Coll.; Pupil, Edward Sandeman, M.Inst.C.E.; Asst. Engr., Plymouth; Chief Asst. Engr., Birmingham; Borough Engr., S. Shields.

ROSEVERE, Major Gerald Rhodes. 0.M. E., R. A. R.O., M. I.Mech. E., M. I. & S. I. Consulting Engr. on Eng. Products and Combustion of Fuels for Boilers; Proprietor of The Wimbledon Foundry Co. and The Boiler Efficiency Eng. Co., 93-97 Kingston Road, Wimbledon, S.W.19. Private Address: The Hedgerow, Elmbridge Avenue, Tolworth, Surrey. Career includes experience in rly. work, elect. machines, motor car mfre., steam engines and boilers, millgearing and foundry products.

ROSS, A. D. M.A., A.M.I.Mech.E. Director, Lloyd & Ross, Ltd., Abford House, Wilton Road, S.W.1.

ROSS, Allan Dawson. B.Sc.(Edin.), Ph.D., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.Inst.Mun. & C.E. Lecturer, Univ. of London, King's Coll., Strand, W.C.2. Private Address: 65 Furham Fields, Hatch End, Middx. Age: 29. Career: Apprent., L.M.S. Rly.; on Staff, Peeblesshire C.C.; Univ. of Edin.; Air Ministry (Educ. Officer).

ROSS, Major Andrew Alexander. O.B. E, A. F. R. Ae. S., M. I. Auto. E., M. I. & S.I. Deputy Asst. Director, Directorate of Tech. Development, Air Ministry, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Private Address: Shenley, The Crescent East, Hadley Wood. Career: Eng. training, Westinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., London; Tech. training, Northampton Eng. Coll., London; Practical experience: Ten years Northampton Polytechnic Inst., London (Maintenance Engr., Workshop Instructor, Lab. Demonstrator and Lecturer). Joined Aeronautical Inspection Dept., April, 1914; Ten years Asst. Chief Inspector (Engines); eight and a half years Principal Tech. Officer (Engines), Dept. of Research and Tech. Development, Air Ministry.

ROSS, A. E. L. A.M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: St. John's Road, Erith, Kent. Formerly with Sovex, Ltd., Union Works, Southwark. Now retired.

ROSS, D. A.M.I.E.E. Deputy Elec. Engr., Dumfries C.C. Private Address:"Erinville", Pleasance Avenue, Maxwelltown, Dumfries. Age: 40. Career: Kilmarnock Acad. and Tech. Sch.; Dundee Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Kilmarnock Corp. Elect. Dept.; Mains Engr., Dundee Corp. Elec. Dept. and Ayrshire Elect. Board; Mains Supt., Aylesbury Corp. Elect. Dept.; Overhead Line Constr. Engr., Yorks. Elect. Power Co.

ROSS, E. G. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Elect. Engr., Heenan & Froude, Ltd., Worcester. Private Address: Ardlui, 321 Ombersley Road, Worcester. Age: 40. Career: 1913 to 1926, Apprent., Foreman, Leading Draughtsman and Asst. to Manager, Macfarlane Eng. Co., Ltd., Glasgow; there after sometime Development Dept., Metropolitan Vickers, Ltd., leaving there to become Scottish Exhibition Manager for a period with G.E.C., Ltd.; subsequently Chief Draughtsman and Elect. Designer to Walter McGee & Sons, Paisley; present post since 1928.

ROSS, Comdr. G. C. A.M.I.Mech.E. Comdr. (E.), R.N., H.M.S. "Manchester", East Indies Station. Private Address: c/o E.A.P. Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W.1. Age: 38. Career: 1913-15, R.N. Coll., Osborne, and 1915-16, Dartmouth; 1916-18, H.M.S. "Warspite", Grand Fleet; 1919, R.N. Coll., Greenwich; 1919-21, R.N. Eng. Coll., Keyham, qualified as Engr. Officer; 1921-23, H.M.S. "Hawkins", China Sta. Flagship; 1923-27, Staff Instr., R.N.E. Coll., Keyham; 1927-29, H.M.S. "Effingham", East Indies Flagship; 1929-31, Asst. to Eng. Manager, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; 1931-32, Senr. Engr., H.M.S. "Rodney"; 193336, Asst. Naval Attaché, British Embassy, Tokyo.

ROSS, G. D. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Engr., Blythe Harbour Commission, Blythe, Northumberland. Age: 48. Career: Robert Gordon's Coll., Aberdeen; Pupil, R. Gordon Nicol, Esq., Engr., Aberdeen Harbour Board; Eng. Asst., J. Mitchell Moncrieff, Esq., Newcastle; Eng. Asst., Leith Dock Commission.

ROSS, Lt.-Col., G. MacLeod. M.C., M.(Eng.), A.M.I.A.E., R.E. R.E. Office, Gosport, Hants. Career: 1936, Deputy Supt. of Design; 1937, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.

ROSS, J. D. A.M.I.E.E. Consulting Engr., The Distillers' Co., Ltd., 21 St. James' Square, London, S.W.1. Age: 49. Career: George Watson's Coll.; Blairlodge Sch., Polmont; Heriot-Watt Coll. (Dipl. in Elect. Eng.); Apprent., Carrick & Ritchie, and Bruce Peebles & Co.

ROSS, James Frederick Stanley M.C., B.Sc., B.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D. (Lond.), A.M. Inst. C. E., M. I.Mech. E., M. I.Min.E. Principal of Wigan and Dist. Mining and Tech. Coll. Private Address: 3 Conyers Avenue, Birkdale, Southport. Career: Civil Eng. (Thames Ironworks, Rendel, Palmer & Tritton, and other firms), 1903-15. Army, 1915-19; war service in France and Belgium, 1916-19: Acting Capt., R.E.; Adjutant, 8th Divisional Engrs.; mentioned in despatches; M.C.; Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Belgium. Tech. Educ., 1919 to present time. (Principal, Stockport Coll., 1924-28; Principal, Wigan and Dist. Mining and Tech. Coll., 1924 onwards). Books: "An Introduction to the Principles of Mechanics" (Cape, 1923), "The Gyroscopic Stabilisation of Land Vehicles" (Arnold, 1933).

ROSS, Victor. C.I.Mar.E., F.R.E.S., M. I.M.T (G.M. I.E.E. resigned). Managing Director, Arthur Ross, Hotchkiss & Co., Ltd., and Hotchkiss Garages, 1 Glengall Road, S.E.15, and 450 Old Kent Road, S.E.1. Private Address:"Sunridge", Woodbury Drive, Sutton, Surrey. Age: 41. Ed.: City and Guilds.

ROTHERA, Sir Percy. O.B.E. M. Inst.C.E., M.I.E.(India). Director and Dep. Chairman, South Indian Rly. Private Address: Waters, meet, Lyne, Peebles. Career: Educ., Rugby. Entered the service of the South Indian Rly. Co. as an Asst. Engr., 1898, and whole career spent in their service; became Chief Engr. in 1922, and Agent in 1925, holding that position until 1935. War service with Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force (O.B.E. and mentioned in despatches). Pres., Indian Rly. Conference Assocn., 1930-31.

ROTHWELL, H. A.M.I.E.E. Works Manager, James Tate & Co., Victory Works, Bradford. Private Address: "Briardale", Willaston, Wirral, Ches. Age: 33. Career: Bradford Tech. Coll.; Training, James Tate & Co., and Head of Elect. Dept.; cia Italo-Argentina de Electricidad Puerto Nuevo Super Usina, B.A.; Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd.

ROTHWELL, William Henry. M.I.A.E. Director, W. B. Russell, Ltd., 15 Fairley Street, Glasgow, S.W.1. Private Address: 9 Kelbourne Street, Glasgow, N.W. Age: 37. Apprent., Stephens & Sons, Ltd., Glasgow; Ed.: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow. Is Supervising Teacher in Automobile Eng., Glasgow Educn. Authority.

ROTTENBURG, H. M.I.E.E. Managing Director, London Instrument Co., Ltd., Newnham Mill, Cambridge. Private Address: 5 Adams Road, Cambridge. Age: 62. Career: Loretto Sch., Musselburgh; Cambridge Univ. Eng. Dept.; Training, Westinghouse Elect. & Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, U.S.A.

ROTTOR, Godfrey. C.B., C.B.E., D.Sc., F.Inst.P., F.I.C. Director of Explosives Research, War Office, Whitehall, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 14 Park Hill Road, Sidcup, Kent. Career: City of London Sch.; Univ. of Wales; Chemist, Experimental Estab., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 1903; Deputy-Director of Explosives Research, Woolwich, 1918; Director, 1921. Inventor of new explosives and processes.

ROUARD, L. J. A.M.I.E.E. Branch Manager, Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd., Stratford, E.15. Private Address: 23 Crescent Way, Norbury, S.W.16. Educ.: City and Guilds Eng. Coll.

ROUGHTON, Lt.-Comdr.(E.) John H., R.N. M.I.Mar.E. Asst. to Squadron Engr.'s Officer on staff of Commodore (D.), Home Fleet Destroyers, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. Private Address: Oriel Cottage, St. Mark's Road, Alverstoke, Hants. Age: 35. Career: Entered R.N. as Cadet, 1921; R.N. Eng. Coll., 1922-26; confirmed Lt.(E.) 1927, Lt.-Comdr. (E.) 1935. Service as E.R. Watchkeeper on H.M. Ships "Valiant", "Lucia", "Glorious", 1926-31; Senr. Engr., H.M.S. "Concord", 1931-32; Engr. Officer, H.M. Destroyers "Antelope", "Foxhound", "Keppel", 1932-37.

ROUSE, E. K. B.A., A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., Messrs. Merz & McLellan, 32 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Age: 33. Career: Sedbergh Sch.; Prince Smith & Son, Keighley; Cambridge Univ.; English Elect., Preston.

ROUSE, Philip Graves. B.A.(Eng.) Cantab., 111.I.N.A. London Agent, Henry Wilson & Co., Ltd., Liverpool (and other firms), Business Address: 4 Clements Inn, W.C.2. Private Address: 6 Hurst Close, Bigwood Road, N.W.11. Career: Apprent., Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., Govan. Overseer on private staff, Sir Philip Watts, K.C.B.; Temp. Asst. Constructor, Admiralty. Lt.-Commdr., R.N.V.R.

ROUSELL, S. M. E. A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., P.O., Eng. Dept., London. Private Address: 60 St. Augustine's Avenue, Wembley, Middx. Age: 30. Career: City and Guilds (Royal Scholarship); appointed Asst. Engr., P.O., Eng. Dept., 1931.

ROUTLEDGE, L. G. F. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., Barber, Walker & Co., Ltd., Colliery Owners of Eastwood. Notts. and Doncaster. Private Address. Moorgreen, Newthorpe, Nottingham, Age: 55. Career: Enfield Grammar: Sch.; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; British Westinghouse Works; Blackpool and Fleetwood Tramroad; London C.C. Tramways; North Metropolitan Elect. Power Supply Co.; Bramwell & Harris, Cons. Engrs.; Dewsbury Corp.; Derbyshire and Notts. Elect. Power Co., Ltd.; Barber, Walker & Co., Ltd.

ROWAN, D. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I. E.E., M.Inst.B.E., C.C. Private Address: "Emrow", Little Crosby Road, Liverpool, 23. Managing Director, David Rowan (Vidro) Ltd., Aintree Road, Liverpool, 20. Represents Princes Park Ward in Liverpool City Council; Parly. Candidate, W. Toxteth Divn.

ROWAN, N. C. A.M.I.E.E. Operation Engr., N.E. England Area, Central Elect. Board, Grid House, 80 Jesmond Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

ROWATT, Thomas. M.M., M.I.Mech. E., F.R.S.E. Director of The Royal Scottish Museum, Scottish Educ. Dept., Edinburgh. Private Address: Spottiswoode, Colinton, Midlothian. Career: Asst. in Technological Dept. of Museum, 1902; Keeper, 1921; Director, 1934.

ROWBOTHAM, J. L. A.M.I.E.E. London and Home Counties Repres., Switchgear & Cowans, Ltd., Manchester. Private Address: 12 Woodlands Road, Surbiton, Surrey. Age: 35. Career: St. Dunstan's Coll., Catford; Regent Street Polytechnic; City and Guilds; Igranic Elect. Co.; Tilling Stephens, Maidstone; Hewettic Elect. Co.; Hackbridge Elect. Constr. Co., Ltd.

ROWBOTTOM, R. A. A.M.C.T., A.M.I.E.E. Manager and Supt., Outside Erection Dept., Ferguson Pailin,.Ltd., Higher Openshaw. Private Address: 8 Howard Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport. Age: 37.

ROWDEN, R. A. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.C.G.I., D.I.C., A.M.I.E.E. Research Engr., B.B.C. Research Station, Nightingale Square, Balham, S.W.12. Age: 30. Career: Exeter Sch.; Univ. Coll.; Asst., Exeter; City and Guilds (Governor's Sch.); with B.B.C. for last eight years.

ROWELL, Henry Snowden. O.B.E., D.Sc.(Lond.), A.R.C.Sc.(Lond.), F.Inst. P., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Inst.C.E. Directorate of Industrial Planning, War Office, Whitehall, S.W.1. Private Address: 40 New Road, Ware, Herts. Career: Educ., Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech., Univ. of Gottingen, and Berlin Technische Hochschule, Charlottenburg. Active service in Egypt, Gallipoli, France mentioned in despatches). Dep. Director, Armament Production, Admiralty; sometime Director of Research, Assocn. of British Motor Mfrs. and Chief Engr., Thornycroft & Co., Basingstoke.

ROWLAND, Douglas Mayhew. Eng. Dip. (Univ. of Lond.) Civil and Municiapl Eng., Surveying Cert., A.M.Inst. C.E., Registered Architect, (late) A.M. Inst. Mun. & Cy. Engrs., (late) R.E. Surveyor, H.M. Office of Works, Whitehall, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Mantua, 62 The Avenue, Watford, Herts. Age: 48. Career: 1914 and 1920, Articled to Sir James Ball, M.I.C.E., Chief Engr., G.C. Rly.; Commissioned Service, R.E.; 1914 to 1918, Active Service in France with 1st Battn. Artist Rifles and R.E. (suffered from Gas Poisoning till 1920); 1920-22, Asst., Watford R.D.C.; 192224, Asst., Watford B.C.; 1924-28, Res. Engr., Harrow U.D.C.; 1928-31, Private Practice; 1931, Survey for Rly. in Yugoslavia.

ROWLAND, F. E. A.M.I.E.E. Manager, Agricul. and Horticul. Dept., The G.E.C., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, W.C.2. Private Address: 120 Stafford Court, Phillimore Gardens, W.8.

ROWLANDS, T. W. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Engr. in Control Room, Broadcasting House. 39 Park Place, Cardiff.

ROWLEY, J. R. P. A.K.C., M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: "Beverley", Overton Park Road, Cheltenham. Age: 57. Career: King's Coll., London; Asst. Engr., the late Mr. W. T. Douglass, engaged on work for National Lifeboat Inst. and on sea defences, etc.; Res. Engr., Wales (three years); on Dredging, Reclamation and Revetment; 1908-36, Asst., and finally Chief Engr., Port of Calcutta—design and construction of docks, lock entrances, etc., supervising maintenance of Port; also Engr. to New Howrah Bridge Commrs., 1933-36.

ROWLEY, Percy. B.Sc. M.I. & S.I., M.Inst. Met., Chief Metallurgist, Smith's Stamping Works (Coventry) Ltd., Ribble Road, Coventry. Private Address: Castle Road, Kenilworth, Warwicks. Age: 48. Career: Univ. of Birmingham; Research Chemist, Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 1912-13; Chief Asst. Chemist, Humber, Ltd., 1913-15; present appointment, 1916.

ROXBURGH, A. K. M.I.E.E. Chief Distribution Engr., The Clyde Valley Elect. Power Co., Glasgow. Private Address: Chetwynd, Henry Bell Street, Helensburgh, Dumbarton.

ROY, D. W. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Inspector, Eng. Branch, Regional Director's Office, G.P.O., Edinburgh. Private Address: 1 Clark Avenue, Edinburgh, 5. Age: 36. Career: Crawford Mun. Tech. Inst., Cork; Borough Polytechnic, London; Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; trained in Elect. Power Generation and Distribution; Apprent., Cork E.S. Co.; Electrician, Ford Motor Co., Cork.; P.O. Rly., London; Insptr. and Chief Insptr., Eng. Branch, G.P.O.

ROY, Erie J. B.Sc.(Eng.), Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Senr. Eng. Asst. (Trunk Roads), Hunts. C.C., Walden House, Huntingdon. Private Address: "Eastleigh", Newtown, Huntingdon. Age: 29. Career: Aberdeen Univ.; Training, Glentanar Hydro-Elect. Power Scheme and Glasgow Edinburgh Road Scheme; Junr. Asst., City Engr.'s Office, Aberdeen; 1930-36, Asst. Engr. to County Engr. and Surveyor, Aberdeenshire.

ROYLE, Alan G. B.Sc. (Hons.) (Eng.). Chairman of Directors, Royles, Ltd., Irlam, near Manchester. Private Address: Calgarth, Westmorland Road, Urmston, near Manchester. Has held positions with Royles, Ltd., since 1919.

ROYLE, E. A.M.I.E.E. With Messrs. Bertram Thomas, Worsley Street, Hulme, Manchester.

ROYLE, Fred Murray. Winner of Third Premium offered by Paviour's Co., London, A.M. Inst. C. E., L. R. I. B. A. In private practice, 11 Devonshire Road, Nottingham. Career: Articled to City Engr., Nottingham; in Mr. Hine's office, Westminster; Student, King's Coll. For several years Asst. Engr. until starting private practice.

ROYLE, W. A. M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Borough Elect. Engr. and General Manager, Sunderland Corp. Elect. Undertaking, Corp. Elect. Offices, Dunning Street, Sunderland. Age: 48. Career: Tech. Sch., Southport; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Pupil, Southport Elect. Lighting Co.; Asst. Engr., Monmouth Corp. Elect. Undertaking; 1911, Erecting Engr., British Westinghouse; 1912-18, Erection Staff and Works Elect. Engr., Ferranti, Ltd.; 1918-29, progressive positions to Dep. Borough Elect. Engr. and Gen. Mgr., Sunderland Corp. Elect. Undertaking; 1929-34, Borough Elect. Engr. and Gen. Mgr., Blackburn Corp. Elect. Undertaking; since 1934, present position.

RUDD, S. M.I.E.E., B.Sc. Asst. Engr., Central Elect. Board, 1 Charing Cross, S.W.1. Private Address: 16 Winchfield Close, Kenton, Harrow, Middlesex. Age: 51.

RUDGARD, Lt.-Colonel Harold. On the regular reserve of Officers of the War Office. M.Inst.T., M.I.Loco.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Div. Supt. of Operation (Mid. Div.), L.M. & S. Rly. Co., Derby. Private Address: Hill Cross Close, Littleover, Derby. Career: Burton Grammar Sch., Denstone Coll.; Derby Tech. Coll.; Trained, Midland Rly. as a Loco. Engr.; 1927, Asst. Motive Power Supt., Mid. Div., L.M.S. Rly., Derby; 1932, Div. Supt. of Motive Power, Mid. Div., L.M.S. Rly., Derby; 1935, Asst. Div. Supt. of Operation, Mid. Div., L.M.S. Rly., Derby.

RUNDALL, William Harry. Assoc. King's Coll., London, Faculty of Eng., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.M. Partner, Pellew-Harvey & Co., Consulting Mining Engrs. and Metallurgists, 59a London Wall, E.C.2. Private Address: 31 Lansdown Road, Sidcup, Kent. Career: Has held professional engagements in Mexico, South America, New Zealand, Burma, Turkey, etc., as a Mining Engr.

RUNDLE, Engr. Rear-Admiral Mark. D.S.O., Chevalier Legion d'Honneur, M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: "Highwood", Maresfield Park, Sussex. Born: 1871. Career: R.N. Eng. Coll., Devonport, 1887-92; R.N. Coll., Greenwich, 1892-93; usual service steps; Engr. Officer, "Lion", 1915-17 ( Jutland, despatches, D.S.O.); on staff, V.-Adm. commdg. Special Service Squadron, 1923-24.

RUSHTON, A. M.Sc., M.I.E.E. Asst. Professor, City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll., Exhibition Road, S.W.7. Career: Ed., Coll. of Tech., Manchester; Experimental Engr., Ferranti, Ltd.; Asst. in Elect. Dept., Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Asst. Professor of Elect. Eng., Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech.

RUSHWORTH, David Charles. M.I. S.I., M.Inst.F. Managing Director of Power House Components, Ltd., Nottingham, and Chief Tech. and Sales Manager, Clay Cross Co., Ltd., Fuel Economiser Dept., Albion Chambers, King Street, Nottingham. Private Address: Farrimond, Burleigh Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Training: Univ. Coll., Nottingham; The Clay Cross Co., Ltd., Nr. Chesterfield. Inventions: Wayne Patent Self-Winding Elect. Cable Reels, etc.

RUSHWORTH, G. W. A.M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: Foulridge, Colne, Lancs. Age: 65. Engr. and Consultant; Fifty years' practical Eng.

RUSSELL, Alexander. M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F. R. S., Hon. M. I. E. E. Advisory Principal of Faraday House, Southampton Row, W.C.1. Private Address: 49 Welbeck Street, London, W.1. Physicist and Engr.; Past-Pres., I.E.E., and of the Physical Society. Books: "Life of Kelvin", "Alternating Currents" (2 vols.), "Theory of Networks".

RUSSELL, Arthur James. A.M.Inst. C. E., M. I.M.M. Private Address: 18 Clinton Crescent, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. Age: 76. Career: Engr. Res. Supt., Tolima Mining Co.'s Silver Mines, Republic of Colombia, S. America, and later Managing Director in London; Consulting Engr. to various alluvial gold mining companies, and SornondocoEmerald Mines, in Columbia. Now retired.

RUSSELL, Frank Scott. F.G.S., R.E.S., etc. Chairman, General Refractories, Ltd. Glenburg Union Fireclay Co., Ltd., etc., etc., Russell House, Adam Street, London, W.C.2. Private Address: Ranmoor Hall, Sheffield, 10. Age: 59. Career: In Refractories Tech. since 1900. Past-Pres., National Assocn. Clayworks Managers and Institute of Quarrying; Pres. of Refractories Assocn. of Great Britain. Founder of "Refractories Journal", "Claycraft", "British Steelmaker", etc.

RUSSELL, G. A. V. Wh.Ex., M.Inst. C.E. Asst. to the Managing Director, The United Steel Companies, Ltd., Sheffield. Private Address: 8 Slayleigh Lane, Fulwood, Sheffield, 10. Age: 41. Career: Ed., England, France, Switzerland and Italy; Swindon Tech. Sch., Sheffield Univ.; Apprent., G.W.R. Works, Swindon; 1930-38, Assistant Chief, Dep. Chief, and Acting Chief Engr., I.C.I. Metals, Ltd.

RUSSELL, J. Nelson. M.I.H.V.E. (Past-Pres.), M.Amer.Soc.H.V.E. Managing Director, Rosser & Russell, Ltd., Romney House, Marsham Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Fernacres, Fulmer, Bucks.

RUSSELL, Philip A. B.Sc. (Met.), M.I. & S.I., M.Brit.F. Director, S. Russell & Sons, Ltd., Bath Lane, Leicester.

RUSSELL, Samuel Hibbert. Director, S. Russell & Sons, Ltd., Bath Lane, Leicester. Private Address: Manor Croft, Ratcliffe Road, Leicester. Age: 51. Past-Pres., Inst. Brit. Foundrymen and now Hon. Treasurer.

RUST, H. G. A.M.I.Mech.E. Designer-Draughtsman, Keith Blackman, Ltd., Head Office, London. Private Address: 65 Dunbar Road, Wood Green, N.22. Age: 34. Career: City of London Coll. (R.S.A. Cert. for French); Northampton Polytechnic; Univ. Corres. Sch.; Training, De la Rue & Co.; Sturtevant Eng. Co.; SectionLeader Jas. Keith & Blackman.

RUTHERFORD, J. G. B.Sc. (Hons. Eng.), A.M.I.E.E., A.M.N.E.C.Inst. Section Engr., C.E.B., Malton S./T. Station, Pye Pitts, Malton, Yorks. Age: 29. Career: Blythe Sec. Sch.; Rutherford Tech. Coll.; Durham Univ.; Apprent., Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, and thence to Elect. Eng. Dept.: 1931, Asst. Section Engr., 1932-37, Tech. Engr. and 1937, Sect. Engr., C. E. B.

RUTLAND, G. H. M.B.E., A.K.C., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E. Head of Dept. of Eng. (Production), Wolverhampton and Staffs. Tech. Coll., Wolverhampton, Staffs. Private Address: 51 Goldthorn Crescent, Wolverhampton. Age: 54. Career: Tiffin Boys' Sch., Kingston; King's Coll., London; Pupilage, Yarrow & Co., Ltd.; Chief Draughtsman, Warship Dept., R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co., Ltd., 1914-20; Lecturer at Loughborough Coll., Loughborough, 1920-26; Appointed First Head of Dept. of Eng. Production, Wolverhampton and Staffs. Tech. Coll., 1926.

RUTTER, C. H. M.Inst.C.E. Consulting Engr. to the Brighton, Hove and Worthing Gas Co. Private Address: Sandhill, Crawley Down, Sussex. Career: City of London Sch.; King's Coll.; Articled to Joseph Cash Esq., then Engr. and Gen. Manager, Brighton and Hove General Gas Co.; afterwards placed on his Eng. Staff; five years as Engr. and General Manager of the North Middlesex Gas Co. Returned to Brighton Co. as Asst. Engr., subsequently became Engr. and Gen. Manager of that Co. On retirement in 1934 was appointed Consulting Engr. Now Chairman of the Chichester Gas Co.

RYAN, J. W. M.I.Mech.E. Specl. representative, Kryn & Lahy (1928) Ltd. and Browett Lindley (1931) Ltd., Letchworth. Private Address: Sibton, Yoxford, Suffolk. Career: Liverpool Inst. and Univ. Coll.; Pupil, C. & H. Crichton, and Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Ltd.; Draughtsman, Wigham, Richardson & Co.; Asst. Engr., Newcastle-on-Tyne E.S. Co.; with Alfred Dodman & Co., Small Mar. Engrs.; Durham, Churchill & Co., development of heavy petrol chassis. 1907-08; 1908-29, Clayton & Shuttleworth, Ltd., visiting Central and S. America, Europe, Russia, etc., as Tech. and Commcl. representative; during war, Works Manager, 1916 Director, 1919 Sales Director; 1929-31, joined Agric. and Gen. Engrs., Ltd., and Dir. Richard Garrett & Sons, frequent visits to Europe and N. Africa; 1931, Power Plant Co., Ltd.; thereafter special representative, Europe, etc.

RYCROFT, Percy Edward. M.B.E., M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr. and Gen. Manager, Great Yarmouth Corporation, Elect. House, Great Yarmouth. Private Address: Elmgrove, Gorleston-on-Sea. Career: Power Co. (City of London) and Municipal (Islington and Heston-Isleworth) service in Electricity Supply; Government (Coal Mines Dept., B.O.T.), and Contracting (Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd.) services. Author of "Steam Generation", "Power Station Efficiency", etc.

RYDE, A. J. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Assoc.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Asst. Engr., West Riding of Yorks. County Council, Winchester House, Scot Lane, Doncaster. Private Address: 97 Alderson Drive, Doncaster. Age: 42. Career: Articled, J. G. Carey, Esq., A.M.Inst.C.E.; Engr. to Heston and Isleworth Borough; with Guildford, Watford, West Hartlepool, and Twickenham Corporations as Eng. Asst.

RYDER, Alfred Harold. M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: Meadow Bank, Allithwaite, Grange-over-Sands. Career: Apprent., David Rolls & Sons, Liverpool, 1890-95; at sea, 1895-97; Borneo and Malay Peninsula, mining. 18971914; war service, 1915-19, in Arabia, Captain, R.W.F., attached R.E.— Order of El-Nanda (Arabian); consulting practice in Liverpool, 1920-35; now retired.

RYDER, C. A.M.C.T., A.M.I.E.E. Relay Designer, Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park. Private Address: Mardale, Church Road, Urmston, Manchester. Age: 38. Career: 1915, training, Ferranti, Ltd.; with Metro.-Vick. since 1919, progressive appointments, to present post.

RYDER, Frank Ertock. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.C. de France. Managing Director, Wm. Wadsworth & Sons, Ltd., Bolton. Private Address: Lower House, Bromley Cross. Age: 51. Career: Shrewsbury Sch. and Manchester Tech. Coll.; 1904-08, Apprent., T. Ryder & Sons, Ltd., Pollit & Wigzell, Ltd.; 1908-10, Pract. Experience in France, Lorraine-Dietrich, and in Germany, Max Hasse & Co.; Works Manager, and later Director, T. Ryder & Son, Ltd., Machine Tool Makers. Responsible for several patents covering "Ryder" Automatic Machines.

RYDER, L. B. B.Sc.,A.M.I.Mech.E. Eng. Director, I.C.I. (Lime) Ltd., Buxton, and Casebourne & Co. (1926) Ltd., Haverton Hill. Private Address: Delamere, Macclesfield Road, Buxton, Derbyshire. Age: 40. Career: War Service, R.F.C. and R.A.; Manchester Univ., 1919-22 (1st Cl. Hons. Mech.E.); Chief Engr., The Buxton Lime Firms Co., Ltd., 1924.

RYDER, Percy George. A.C.G.I., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.Inst.F. Tech. Representative, The British "Rema" Mfg. Co., Ltd., Halifax. Private Address; Beechcroft, Molyneux Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Career: Twenty years with Asscoiated Portland Cement Mfrs, Ltd., as Asst. Engr., Elect. Engr., and then personal Asst. to Chief Engr.; 1915-18, B.E.F., France and Belgium.

RYDER, W. V. M.I.E.E. Private Address: 56 Uttoxeter Road, Mickleover, Derby. Age: 60. Career: Formerly Asst. Suptg. Engr., G.P.O., Edinburgh.

RYE, A. N. M.I.E.E. Managing Director, Avon Elect. Meter, Ltd.; Director, Anglo-Portuguese Telephone Co., Ltd., and Lisbon Elect. Tramways, Ltd. Private Address: "Woodland", Wellington Avenue, Virginia Water, Surrey. Age: 61. Career: City and Guilds; various appointments with elect. supply undertakings; 1920-28, Gen. Manager, Edmundson's Elect. Corp., and 1928-38 Managing Director.

RYLANDS, Sir William Peter. Kt., J.P., M.I. & S.I. Director, Rylands Bros., Ltd., 75 New Street, Birmingham. Private Address: Massey Hall, Thelwall, Cheshire. Pres., F.B.I., 1919-21; Pres., I. & S.I., 192627; Pres., National Fed. of Iron and Steel Mfrs., 1930; Pres., Iron and Steel Wire Mfrs.' Assocn. (from 1900). High Sheriff of Cheshire, 1935-36. Member of Court of Governors, Liverpool Univ.

RYLE, P. J. B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., Merz & McLellan, London and Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private Address: Byway, Lilburn Gardens, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 3. Age: 43. Career: Brighton Coll.; London Univ.; four years war service, Infantry and Artillery, mentioned in despatches; Training, Vickers, Ltd., Sheffield, and Metropolitan-Vickers, Ltd., Manchester; Elect. Transmission, Ltd.; British Elect. Transformer, Ltd.; then 14 years with Merz & McLellan.

RYLES, E. A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. Sales Manager, Atlas Diesel Co., Ltd., New Oxford House, Bloomsbury Way, London, W.C.1. Private Address: "Ravensworth", 27 Althorpe Road, Harrow. Career: Rutherford Coll.; studied Water-Power Eng. in Norway; Apprent., Clark, Chapman & Co., Ltd.; Engr.-Salesman, Richardson & Co.; Designer, Confidential Gun-Mounting Dept., Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co.; Chief Mech. Engr. and Engr.-Salesman, Armstrong, Whitworth; Engr.-Salesman, Atlas Diesel Co.

RYMER, D. W. A.M.I.Mech.E. Draughtsman, Reckitt & Colman, Ltd., Hull. Private Address: 214 Marlborough Avenue, Hull. Age: 47.

RYVES, Reginald A. A.M.Inst.C.E., M. Cons. E Consulting Engr. (private practice), Room 48, Ground Floor, Queen Anne's Chambers, Toothill Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Five Poplars, 37 Priory Avenue, Harlow, Essex. Career: Univ. Coll., London; Pupil, Taff Vale Rly.; Asst., and later Engr. and Manager, Carthagena Waterworks. Madras Government: Prof. Civil Eng. (two years), and (two and a half years) Officer-in-Charge, Tech. Section, and Special Engr., Kistna and Cauvery Projects, P.W.D. Private practice has included two and a quarter years Consuiting Engr. for Irrigation to Brazilian Govmt.; report to Turkish Govmt. on Meander Valley Irrigation, and (jointly with Sir Thomas Ward, C.I.E.) report on irrigation prospects in Bulgaria to Bulgarian Govmt. War service: Lieut. R.E. (T.), 1914-20; three years overseas: Gallipoli, Egypt, France, Italy. Books: "The King's Highway", "Preliminary Studies in Bridge Design"; Section Editor and principal contributor, Highway Eng. and Water Eng. Sections, "Kempe's Engineer's Year-Book".

See Also


Sources of Information