Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers B

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry

BAILEY METERS & CONTROLS LTD. Head Office and Works: PROGRESS WAY, CROYDON, SURREY. T.A., "Bailemeta, Souphone, London". T.N., CROydon 4191. Works: BEDDINGTON FARM ROAD, CROYDON. Established 1937.
Meters for measurement of steam, water, air and gases; draught and pressure gauges; temperature indicators and recorders (gas-filled and electronic types); pressure controllers; temperature controllers; fuel-ratio controllers; automatic boiler control.
Trade Name: Calortron.
Managing Director: W. G. Thomas, M.Inst.F.
Secretary: T. H. Howe.

BAILEY (SIR W. H.) & CO. LTD. ALBION WORKS, PATRICROFT, LANCS. T.A., "Beacon, Patricroft". T.N., ECCles 3487/9 (3 lines). London Office: 16 DARTMOUTH STREET, S.W.1. T.N., WHItehall 3988. Established 1839.
Valves and fittings; pumps; testers; recording instruments, etc.
Trade Name: Bailey's.
Directors: D. L. A. Bailey; D. Bailey; E. M. Jones; A. Kirkham.

BAINES (C. J .) & CO. LTD. Head Office: BARN STREET, FENTON, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.A., "Stoke-on-Trent 48410 and 48548". T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 48410 and 48548. Works: SUTHERLAND COLOUR WORKS, STOKE-ON-TRENT. Established 1855.
Colours and media for use on glass; oxides of cobalt, nickel, uranium, manganese, antimony, titanium, iron chrome, selenium, copper, zirconium and tin.
Managing Director: C. J. Baines.

BAIRD & TATLOCK (LONDON) LTD. For Address, etc., see Section B.
Scientific apparatus; pure chemicals; fine reagents.

BAKER PERKINS LTD., WESTWOOD WORKS, PETERBOROUGH. T.A., "Bakerkins, Peterborough". T.N., Peterborough 3201.
"Universal" mixing machinery; grinding and sifting plant.
Trade Name: Universal.

BAKER PLATINUM LTD., 52 HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C.1. T.A., "Platmetals, London". T.N., CHAncery 8711.
Platinum and platinum alloys for use in the glass industry; crucibles, furnace linings, etc.

High-temperature, colloidal-graphite and sulphur-graphite lubricants.
Trade Names: Nuboid; Nubol.
Managing Director: S. J. Baker, B.Sc., F.I.D.
Secretary: Irene L. Baker.
See Advertisement, page 16.

BANK BRIDGE RUBBER CO. LTD. Head Office: 4 LOWER GROSVENOR PLACE, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., " Escalating, Sowest, London" . T.N., VICtoria 7783. Works: CLAYTON, MANCHESTER 11. T.A., "Stoppers, Manchester". T.N., EASt 2041/2. Established 1904.
Ebonite screw stoppers and rubber rings.
Managing Director: B. Keeling.
Secretary: J. E. I. Barber.

BARFOOT (T. W.), SUTTON CORNER ENGINEERING WORKS, SHEEPEN LANE, OFF EASTBOURNE ROAD, SEAFORD, SUSSEX. T.A., "Blimos, Seaford" . T.N., Seaford 2544. London Office: 157 VICTORIA STREET, SUITE 7, WESTMINSTER, S.W.1. T.N., VICtoria 4858. Established 1929.
Special machines built to customers' requirements or designs. Special purpose grinding machines; moulds; conveyors; furnace feeders; burners; general machine parts and components for replacement and maintenance.

BARR'S CHEMICAL CO. LTD., 34 YORK STREET, GLASGOW, C.2. T.A., "Barchemo, Glasgow". T.N., CENtral 2965. Established 1911.
Pumice powder (Italian); electric portable mixers and stirrers; acid pumps (stoneware); drying ovens; acid storage tanks. Managing Director: J. M. Dougans.

BASSETT, SMITH & CO. LTD., 15/18 LIME STREET, LONDON, E.C.3. T.A., "Bassett, Phone, London". T.N., MANsion House 4401/3 (3 lines). Established 1877.
Zircon silicate ; ilmenite; rutile; felspar; graphite; mica; limestone; manganese-dioxide.
Directors: P. W. Smith; F. H. Smith; P. G. Smith, A.R.S.M., B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.M.; F. J. Smith.

BATY (J. E.) & CO. LTD. Head Office: 39 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., "Jebaty, Sowest, London". T.N., ABBey 1718/9 and 7317. Works: REGENTS PARK, LONDON, N.W.1. Established 1932.
Dial gauges and precision instruments for measuring thickness of glass.
Trade Names: Baty; Westminster.
Directors: J. A. P. Hart (Secretary); W. W. Andrews; W. A. D. Dawson; W. M. Andrews.

BAXENDALE & CO. LTD. For Address, etc., see Section B.

BEATSON, CLARK & CO. LTD. For Address, etc., see Section A.
Glasshouse pots.

BELDAM ASBESTOS CO. LTD. Head Office: LASCAR HOUSE, HOUNSLOW, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Lascar, Hounslow". T.N., HOUnslow 6441/6 (6 lines). Works: LASCAR WORKS, STRAFFORD ROAD, HOUNSLOW, MIDDLESEX. London Offices: 80 BISHOPSGATE, E.C.2. Incorporated 1920.
"Lascar" gland packings and jointings for all fluids; asbestos and india-rubber goods; protective clothing.
Trade Names: Lascar; Lascar V Duplex; Lascar A.1 Packings; Kymbala; Asoid; D.Z.L. Jointings.
Directors: E. A. Beldam; W. R. Beldam; R. G. Beldam; H. Coombs.

BELL'S ASBESTOS & ENGINEERING LTD., BESTOBELL WORKS, SLOUGH, BUCKS. T.A., "Bestobell, Slough". T.N., Slough 20211 and 20215. London Office: 157 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C.4. T.A., "Belfry, Cent, London". T.N., CENtral 6462 / 5 (4 lines). Established 1870.
Asbestos products: heat insulation materials, packings and jointings, tapes, tubes and putty; lubricants cutting; pressure gauges; engineering valves.
Trade Names: Bestobell; Belfry; Syren; Bellbuoy; Viceroy.
Joint Managing Directors: T. G. Bedwell; H. F. Allen.
Secretary: J. D. Taylor. F.C.I.S.

BELLISS & MORCOM LTD., LEDSAM STREET WORKS, BIRMINGHAM 16. T.A., "Belliss, Birmingham 16". T.N., EDGbaston 3531/6 (6 lines). London Office: 25 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.N., ABBey 4121/2. Established 1852.
Steam engines; steam turbines; condensing plants; air compressors and blowers; oil engines; "Arca" pressure and temperature regulators; pneumatic hose couplings.
Managing Director: E. LI. Morcom.
Secretary: J. N. B. Gilmour.

BENNETT (BEN) JR. LTD. Head Office: LISLE ROAD, ROTHERHAM, YORKS. T.A., "Silent, Rotherham". T.N., Rotherham 2251. Works: GRANGE MILL QUARRIES, NR. WIRKSWORTH, DERBYSHIRE. T.N., Carsington 36. Limited 1925.
White superfine grades of lime stone; grey mountain limestone, quartzite and sand, etc.
Trade Name: Benomite.
Directors: F. J. Kershaw (Chairman); Ben Bennett (Managing); Barbara Corrie; Mary Bennett; Joan Walker; A. Coates; T. W. Edwards; G. M. Flather.
See Advertisement, page 12.

BERK (F. W.) & CO. LTD. Offices: COMMONWEALTH HOUSE, 1/19 NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.C.1. T.A., "Berk, Westcent, London". T.N., CHAncery 6041 (10 lines). Works: ABBEY MILLS CHEMICAL WORKS, STRATFORD, LONDON, E.15. Established 1870.
Zircon sand and flour; saltcake.
Directors: A. D. Berk; A. F. Berk; N. A. Johns; C. R. F. Berk; R. E. Berk; C. H. Tanner; W. G. Loos.

Glass drilling machines (single and multi-head, portable suction); glass bevelling machines (hand, automatic straight, mechanical circular); small double-headed glass lathes; special purpose machines designed and built to specification.
Managing Director: A. J. Campbell.


BLACKMAN EXPORT CO. LTD., 23 QUEEN SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. T.A., "Aculla, London". T.N., TERminus 4785/6. Established 1900.
Blackman fans and blowers; Keith compressors, etc.; complete range of air movement appliances and auxiliary equipment.
Trade Name: Blackman Air Propeller.
Directors: Professor H. F. Trewman (Chairman); R. F. P. H. Trewman (Secretary); Mrs. M. Trewman; G. L. Copping.

BLACKWELL'S METALLURGICAL WORKS LTD. Head Office: THERMETAL HOUSE, GARSTON, LIVERPOOL 19. T.A., " B1ackwell, Liverpool". T.N., Garston 980/2 (3 lines). Works: GARSTON, LIVERPOOL 19. LONDON Office: 17 OLD QUEEN STREET, S.W.1. Established 1869.
Manganese oxides; oxides of chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, and all metallic oxides; fluorspar; felspar; limespar; barium carbonate.
Managing Director: H. A. Blackwell.
Secretary: R. M. Bretherick.

BLAW KNOX LTD. Offices: CLIFTON HOUSE, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, N.W.1. T.A., " Blawnox, Norwest, London". T.N., EUSton 5361. Works: WATFORD, HERTS.; ROCHESTER, KENT. Established 1921.
Gas and air reversing valves; regulating valves; water-cooled doors and frames; stack valves; operating gear; water-cooled devices; batching and mixing plant.

BLYTHE COLOUR WORKS LTD., CRESSWELL, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.A., "Blycol, Stoke-on-Trent". T.N., Blythe Bridge 2101/3 (3 lines). Established 1870. Coloured enamels, gold and all raw materials for decorating and manufacturing glassware.
Directors: D. R. Wildblood (Managing); F. W. R. Wildblood; A. Hawley; L. H. Koskie; C. G. Sergeant.
Secretary: G. Nicholson.
See Advertisement, page 42.

BOAM (JOSEPH) LTD. Head Office: 35 SILVER STREET, LEICESTER. T.A., "Boam, 5169 Leicester". T.N., Leicester 5169. Works: MIDDLETON, KING'S LYNN. T.A., "Boam, 209 Ashwicken (King's Lynn)". T.N., Ashwicken (King's Lynn) 209. Established 1875; Limited 1891.
Chempure sand and other sands for glass manufacture.
Directors: F. J. Boam and B. W. Boam (Joint Managing); J. H. Boam; S. T. Boam; E. Meigh; J. W. Atkins.
See Advertisement, page 4.

BONNYBRIDGE SILICA & FIRECLAY CO. LTD., BONNYBRIDGE, STIRLINGSHIRE. T.A., "Silica, Bonnybridge". T.N., Bonnybridge 227/8. London Agents: GEO. A. SKELLY, 13 ROOD LANE, E.C.3. Established 1874.
Firebricks and fire clay refractories.
Trade Names: Bonnybridge Brand; Calder; Octo; Novo; B.S.F.; Bonsil; B.S.

BORAX AND CHEMICALS LTD. Offices: KINGS BOURNE HOUSE, 229 HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C.1. T.A., "Boraxchem, Phone, London". T.N., HOLborn 6518 (P.B.X.). Works: CANAL STREET, BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL 20. T.A., "Inflexible, Liverpool" . T .N., Bootle 3408. Agents: STOKE-ON-TRENT: T.N., 4763; GLASGOW: T.N., DOUglas 0100; BIRMINGHAM: T.N., COLmore 4346; STOCKTON HEATH, WARRINGTON: T.N., Stockton Heath 13. Established 1939.
Borax; boric acid; dehydrated borax.
Trade Names: Three Elephant Brand; Pyrobor.
Directors: W. J. Hatchley (Managing); R. Wordsworth; F. E. Corbin.
Secretary: W. C. Steer.
See Advertisement, page 3.

BORAX CONSOLIDATED LTD. Head Office: REGIS HOUSE, KING WILLIAM STREET, LONDON, E.C.4. T.A., "Colemanite, Telex, London". T.N., AVENUE 7333/8 (6 lines). Branches: 77 KING STREET, MANCHESTER 2; 87/89 EDMUND STREET, BIRMINGHAM 3. Refiners since 1890.
Anhydrous borax; anhydrous boric acid. Borax and boric acid guaranteed 99.5/100% pure.
Trade Name: "20 Mule Team Brand".
Directors: D. A. Smith, M.C. (Chairman); J. Gerstley (Deputy Chairman); F. A. Lesser and A. H. Reid, C.B.E. (Joint Managing); The Rt. Hon. R. Assheton, P.C., M.P.; A. J. Somers, F.R.I.C.
See Advertisement, page 48.

BOXMAKERS (MANCHESTER) LTD., 444 ORDSALL LANE, SALFORD 5, MANCHESTER. T.A., "Boxkrafter, Telex, Manchester". T.N., TRAfford Park 1411/3 (3 lines). Established 1916.
Cardboard cartons and boxes for the packing of glassware and industrial and scientific glass products.
Managing Director: B. Campbell.

BRACKETT (F. W.) & CO. LTD., HYTHE BRIDGE IRONWORKS, COLCHESTER. T.A., "Brackett, Colchester". T.N., Colchester 3958. London Agent: N. T. WOTTON, FINSBURY PAVEMENT HOUSE, MOORGATE, E.C.2. T.N., MONarch 9186. Established 1899.
Water screening equipment; vacuum pumps; plunger pumps; diaphragm pumps.
Trade Names: Argosy; New Aquarius.

BRADLEY & FOSTER LTD., DARLASTON IRON WORKS, DARLASTON, STAFFS. T.A., "Bradley, Darlaston". T.N., Darlaston 353/7 (5 lines). London Office: c/o THE STAVELEY COAL & IRON Co. LTD., BRETTENHAM HOUSE, LANCASTER PLACE, W.C.2. Established 1919.
Special castings, acid-resisting and wear-resisting; silicon iron castings.
Managing Director: Dr. J. E. Hurst.
Secretary: J. L. Allen.

BREWERS' & BOTTLERS' SUPPLY CO. Head Office: 6 BLOOMSBURY SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 8303. Temporary Address: "SEGARY HOUSE", 101 HADLEY ROAD, NEW BARNET, HERTS. T.A., "Hugelight, Barnet". T.N., Barnet 5954. Established 1885.
Proprietors: Elliot Cunningham & Co. Ltd.

BRICK MARKETING CO. LTD. Offices: NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, DONCASTER. T.A., "Service, Doncaster". T.N., Doncaster 4071/5 (5 lines). Works: WARMSWORTH QUARRIES, NR. DONCASTER. Established 1933. (The quarry has been worked for centuries past.)
Lump and ground dolomite limestone; pressed, rustic, and handmade facing bricks; red and blue engineering bricks; firebricks; common bricks; sand and gravel; lime and limestone.
Directors: A. G. Phillipps; A. L. Boddington; C. W. S. Temple; J. Jackson; H. L. Hartley.
See Advertisement, page 21.

BRIGGS (HENRY), SON & CO. LTD. Head Office: BUCKTON'S CHAMBERS, 57 MEADOW ROAD, LEEDS 11. T.N., Leeds 24576. Works: LIME QUARRIES, MICKLEFIELD, NR. LEEDS. T.N., Garforth 123. Established 1865.
Managing Director: D. H. Currer Briggs.
Secretary: M. Haworth.

BRIGHTSIDE FOUNDRY & ENGINEERING CO. LTD., ECCLESFIELD, SHEFFIELD. T.A., "Castings, Sheffield". T.N., Ecclesfield 38121.
Air conditioning; ventilation; pipelines.

BRISTOL'S INSTRUMENT CO. LTD., LYNCH LANE, WEYMOUTH, DORSET. T.A., "Ampliset, Phone, Weymouth". T.N., Weymouth 2140/1. London Office: BRENT CRESCENT, NORTH CIRCULAR ROAD, WEST TWYFORD, N.W.10. T.A., "Ampliset, Norphone, London". T.N., ELGar 6686/8 (3 lines). Established 1932.
Recording and controlling industrial pressure-gauges, thermometers, potentiometers, flowmeters; process cycle-controllers; production recorders.
Trade Names: Bristol's; Free Vane; Metameter; Ampliset.
Director and General Manager: J. F. Wright, M.M.

BRITISH ACHESON ELECTRODES LTD. Head Office and Works: GRANGE MILL LANE, WINCOBANK, SHEFFIELD. T.A., "Electrodes, Sheffield". T.N., Rotherham 4836. Works: CLAY WHEELS LANE, WADSLEY BRIDGE, SHEFFIELD. Established 1915.
Graphite and carbon electrodes.
Managing Director: W. B. H. Gallwey.
Secretary: C. W. Ambler.

Alumina, calcined and hydrated; red oxide; producers of aluminium and aluminium alloys in all standard wrought forms.

BRITISH DRUG HOUSES LTD. (THE B.D.H. LABORATORY CHEMICALS GROUP). Head Office: POOLE, DORSET. T.A. , "Tetradome, Poole". T.N., Poole 962. Registered Office: 16/32 GRAHAM STREET, CITY ROAD, LONDON, N.1. T.A., "Tetradome, Telex, London". T.N., CLErkenwell 3000.
B.D.H. laboratory chemicals; AnalaR reagents; organic and inorganic chemicals for industrial use; magnesium fluoride specially prepared for coating lenses; B.D.H. Lovibond Nessleriser.

BRITISH DUPLEX SEALS LTD., 53/5 PICCADILLY, LONDON, W.1. T.A., "Hermetseal, Piccy, London". T.N., REGent 4462/3 . Established 1935.
Closures manufactured from metal for all kinds of glass container.
Trade Names: Duplex; Unishell; Uniplex.
Managing Director: H. Zadek.

BRITISH FURNACES LTD., DERBY ROAD, CHESTERFIELD. T.A., "British Furnaces, Chesterfield". T.N., Chesterfield 3166/9 (4 lines). London Offices: 3 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.N., ABBey 1096. Established 1921.
Gas furnaces; gas burner equipment for melting and annealing.
Managing Director: P . Hopkinson.

BRITISH GLUES & CHEMICALS LTD. Head Office: 96 BRIDGE ROAD EAST, WELWYN GARDEN CITY, HERTS. T.A., "Gluandchem, Welwyn". T.N., Welwyn Garden 502. London Office: IMPERIAL HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C.2. T.A., "Gluandchem, Estrand, London". T.N., TEMple Bar 7777. Established 1920.
Bone glues; gelatines; adhesives.
Trade Names: Cascade; Gryps.
Managing Director: H. J. Cotes.
Secretary: W. Town.

Batch chargers and batch handling equipment; automatic feeders; forming machines; machine conveyors; stackers; lehrs; decorating machines; engineering services; equipment and ancillaries of all kinds for automatic glass container works; electrocast refractory blocks.
Agents for The Lynch Corporation, The Hartford-Empire Company, The Overmyer Mould Company, A. B. Knight, Onyx International, L'Electro-Refractaire and British Vapour Blast Ltd.
Directors: W. A. Bailey (Founder and Extraordinary Director); R. G. Bailey; I. M. Bailey; J. W. J. Moir; J. B. Livingston.
See Advertisements, pages 6, 7, 8 and 46.

BRITISH INDUSTRIAL GASES LTD. Head Office: 32 VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., " Britingas, Sowest, London". T.N., ABBey 6082/4 (3 lines).
Oxygen gas supplied in certain districts; precision regulators for reducing and controlling the flow of oxygen and the various fuel gases; heating and brazing blowpipes for use with oxygen, coal gas and other fuel gases.

BRITISH JEFFREY-DIAMOND LTD., STENNARD WORKS, WAKEFIELD. T.A., "Diamond, Wakefield". T.N., Wakefield 2224/6 (3 lines). London Offices: 15/17 CAXTON STREET, S.W.1. Established 1897.
Crushing, pulverizing and grinding machines.
Managing Director: A. Yorke Saville.

Suppliers of oxygen. Rare gases: argon, neon, krypton, xenon.

BRITISH PHYSICAL LABORATORIES, HOUSEBOAT WORKS, RADLETT, HERTS. T.A., "Beepeelle, Phone, Radlett". T.N., Radlett 5674/6 (3 lines). Established 1936.
Instruments for the measurement of electric properties of dielectrics (glass, ceramics).
Trade Names: B.P.L.; Megometer.
Proprietor: Dr. V. A. Sheridan, A.M.I.E.E., F.P.S.
Secretary: Mrs. R. E. Sheridan.

BRITISH ROTOTHERM CO. LTD. Head Office and Works: MERTON ABBEY, LONDON, S.W.19. T.A., " Rototherm, Souphone, London". T.N., LIBerty 3406/8 (3 lines). Works: THERMOMETER WORKS, HOLLIS STREET, NEW BASFORD, NOTTINGHAM. T.A., "Nottingham 74914". T.N., Nottingham 74914. London Office: 7c LOWER BELGRAVE STREET, S.W.1. T.N., SLOane 2909. Established 1934.
Thermometers, dial-type, of the bi-metallic, mercury-in-steel and vapour pressure type; temperature controllers; pressure gauges.
Trade Names: Rototherm; Rotostat; Rototell.
Managing Director: L. W. C. Edwards.
Secretary: F. W. Piddock.

BRITISH THERMOSTAT CO. LTD., WINDMILL ROAD, SUNBURY-ON-THAMES, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Thermostat, Sunbury-on-Thames". T.N., Sunbury-on-Thames 456. Established 1928.
Automatic controls for temperature, pressure, humidity and flow; dial thermometers; etc.
Trade Name: Teddington.
Managing Director: J . E. Sherlock.
Secretary: F. G. Poplett.

BRITISH TITAN PRODUCTS CO. LTD. Head Office: KRONOS HOUSE, COPPERGATE, YORK. T .A., "Protium, York". T.N., York 54651/3 (3 lines). Works: BILLINGHAM, Co. DURHAM; GRIMSBY, LINCS. Established 1933.
Titanium pigments.
Trade Names: Kronos; Rutiox; Anatase.

BRITISH VACUUM CLEANER & ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Head Office and Works: GOBLIN WORKS, LEATHERHEAD, SURREY. Also Subsidiary: MAGNETA TIME CO. LTD., at above address. T.A., "Vacuumiser, Phone, Leatherhead" (B.V.C.); " Dial, Phone, Leatherhead" (Magneta). T.N., Ashtead 866. London Showrooms and Offices: 6 GREAT QUEEN STREET, W.C.2. Established 1901.
B. V .C . portable industrial vacuum cleaners with special equipment for the glass and fibre industries. Synchronous clock systems.
Trade Names: B.V.C.; Magneta.
Joint Managing Directors: J. J. Hambidge; D. Watkins.

Vapour blast equipment for mould cleaning.
Managing Director: D. V. Grant.
See Advertisement, page -

BRITISH WEDGE WIRE CO. LTD., ACADEMY STREET, WARRINGTON. T.A., "Wedco, Warrington". T.N., Warrington 3207/8. London Office: 687 FINCHLEY ROAD, N.W.2. T.N., HAMpstead 8481/2. Established 1921.
Lehr belts for annealing and decorating; wire belt conveyors for lehrs; general mechanical handling equipment of all types; wedge wire screens, flat and circular.
Trade Name: Wedco.
Managing Director: J. H. Booth. Secretary: H. Booth.

BROOM & WADE LTD., BELLFIELD IRON WORKS, HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKS. T.A., "Broom, High Wycombe". T.N., High Wycombe 1630/7 (8 lines). London Office: 7/8 NORFOLK STREET, STRAND, W.C.2. T.N., TEMple Bar 6515. Established 1898.
Air compressors; vacuum pumps.
Trade Name: Broomwade.
Managing Director: H. S. Broom.

BROWN BAYLEY STEELS LTD., LEEDS ROAD, SHEFFIELD 9. T.A., "Bayley, Sheffield 9". T.N., Sheffield 41031/7 (7 lines). London Office: 14 GREAT PETER STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.1. T.A., "Bali, Phone, London". T.N., ABBey 6226/7. Incorporated 1950.
Heat-resisting steels used in glass manufacture, such as rolls in furnaces.
Managing Director: H. Bull.
Secretary: J. H. Merry.

BROWN & FORTH LTD. Head Office: CLIFTON HOUSE, 83/117 EUST0N ROAD, LONDON, N.W.1. T.A., "Cereblue, Phone, London". T.N., EUSton 5101/4 (4 lines). Works: 118 CHORLTON ROAD, BROOKS'S BAR, MANCHESTER 15. T.A., " Idem, Phone, Manchester". T.N. MOSsside 1347/8. Established 1890.
General chemicals; pigments; detergents.
Managing Director: J. W. Brown, M.A.
Secretary: Mrs. Margaret W. Watkins.

BUCKLAND SAND & SILICA CO. LTD., REIGATE HEATH, REIGATE, SURREY. T.N., Reigate 2272/3. London Agents: A. ELDER REED & CO. LTD., 103/105 BATTERSEA HIGH STREET, S.W.11. Established 1925.
Suppliers of high grade silica sand for glass making; specially dried, graded and coloured sands for glass and other industries.
Directors: C. C. Sanders; T. R. B. Sanders.

BURN FIRECLAY CO. LTD. Head Offices: 76 JESMOND ROAD, JESMOND, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 2. T.A., " Burfireco, Newcastle-upon-Tyne". T.N., Jesmond 3160/1. Works: WIDDRINGTON, MORPETH, NORTHUMBERLAND. T.N., Ulgham 34. Established 1924.
Zircon, sillimanite and other heavy aluminous refractories for the glass industry; acid- and abrasion-resisting refractories; insulating bricks; cements, etc.
Trade Name: Axe.
Managing Director: H. J. D. Burn.
Secretary: T. T. Phillipson.

BUSH, BEACH & GENT LTD., MARLOW HOUSE, LLOYDS AVENUE, LONDON, E.C.3. T.A., "Beafredma, Fen, London". T.N., ROYal 7077. Established 1920.
Arsenic; fluorides; manganese dioxide; potassium carbonate; potassium chloride; potassium sulphate; silica; sodium silico fluoride.
Trade Name: Beacon Brand.
Directors: S. F. Sprange (Secretary); S. J. C. Mason; K. Williams; D. A. Gates; E. M. Mason

BUTTERFIELD (W. P.) LTD., SHIPLEY, YORKS. T.A., "Tanks, Shipley". T.N., Shipley 52244. London Offices: AFRICA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C.2. Established 1884.
Tanks of all descriptions for the storage and transport of all liquids; galvanized M.S. tanks; galvanized dustbins.
Managing Director: C. Butterfield.

See Also


Sources of Information