1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers C

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
CAFFERATA & CO. LTD., NEWARK, NOTTS. T.A., "Cafferata, Newark". T.N., Newark 2060/3 (4 lines).
Manufacturers of all gypsum products.
Managing Director: G. W. Cafferata.
CALLOW ROCK LIME CO. LTD., SHIPHAM ROAD, CHEDDAR, SOMERSET. T.A., "Cheddar 21". T.N., Cheddar 21. London Agents: DURHAM RAW MATERIALS LTD., 1/4 GREAT TOWER STREET, E.C.3. Established 1920.
Quicklime and hydrated lime.
Trade Name: Calime.
CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO. LTD. Head Office: 13 GROSVENOR PLACE, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., "Unipivot, Knights, London". T.N., SLOane 9146 (5 lines). Works: CHESTERTON ROAD, CAMBRIDGE; SYDNEY ROAD, MUSWELL HILL, LONDON, N.10; FRIERN PARK, N. FINCHLEY, LONDON, N.12. Established 1895.
Scientific and industrial instruments of all kinds, including pyrometers (indicating, recording and controlling), pressure gauges and recorders, C02 recorders, pH meters.
Trade Names: Cambridge; Fery.
Joint Managing Directors: W. H. Apthorpe, M.I.E.E.; F. Wakeham.
Secretary: A. F. Wolfe, F.C.I.S.
CAPSTAN GAUGE CO., EDWIN PLACE, BRIGHTON 7, SUSSEX. T.A., "Capstan, Brighton" . T.N., Brighton 25074.
Dial indicators.
CARBORUNDUM CO. LTD., TRAFFORD PARK, MANCHESTER, 17. T.A., "Carborund, Phone, Manchester". T.N., TRAfford Park 2381 (10 lines). London Branch: ROMNEY HOUSE, MARSHAM STHEET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.1. T.N., ABBey 6413 and 5181. Established 1905.
Abrasive, refractory and crucible materials.
Trade Names: Carbofrax; Alfrax; Carborundum Brand; Aloxite Brand.
See Advertisement, page 395.
CATTERSON-SMITH (R. M.), ADAMS BRIDGE WORKS, EXHIBITION GROUNDS, WEMBLEY. T.A., Leckiln, Wembley". T.N., WEMbley 4291. Established 1923.
Electric kilns, furnaces, lehrs and heaters for glass decorating and annealing, and for laboratories.
CHANDOS ENGINEERING CO. LTD., 17 HIGH STREET, EGHAM, SURREY. T.N., Egham 3041/2. Established 1936.
Annealing ovens and heating plant; industrial sulphur-removal plant.
Managing Director: T. A. Roberts.
Secretary: P. A. Brown.
CHEMICAL & INSULATING CO. LTD. For Address, etc., see Section B.
85% magnesia insulating products; Dextramite H. T. insulating products; insulating compositions; industrial lime.
CHEMICAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. Head Office: 7/8 IDOL LANE, EASTCHEAP, LONDON, E.C.3. T.A., "Kemsupply, Phone, London" . T.N., MANsion House 6854/5. Works: ABBEY ROAD, BARKING, ESSEX. Established 1922.
Sodium selenite; barium selenite; zinc selenite; cadmium sulphide orange; pure cadmium reds; ammonium molybdate.
Directors: Dr. E. Neumann; K. S. Burch; C. H. Swedler.
CHRISTMAS & WALTERS LTD., "CENTURY HOUSE", 245 STREATHAM HIGH ROAD, LONDON, S.W.16. T.A., "Inasmuch, Streath, London". T.N., STReatham 2040. Agents: A. J. TEMPEST, 12 HADLAND TERRACE, WEST CROSS, SWANSEA. Established 1921.
Automatic gas producer machines; static gas producers; automatic coal feed; turbine blowers for all duties; gas pressure regulators; gas and air reversing valves; drum type reversing valves; improved type butterfly valve; straight-through valves; dampers.
Trade Names: R. D. Wood; Carling; Chowning; C. & W.; Lake; Broughton-Hadlington.
Directors: R. E. Christmas; H. T. Parish.
See Advertisement, page 14.
CLAYTON (GEORGE S.) LTD., ST. ANNE'S WORKS, ST. ANNE STREET, LIMEHOUSE, LONDON, E.14. T.A., "Arriving, Pop, London". T.N., EAST 1435/8 (4 lines). Established in the nineteenth century.
All types of bottling plant, including bottle-washing, bottle-filling and bottle-closing machinery.
Managing Director: J. S. Clayton Marshall.
CLIPPER MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., BARKBY ROAD, LEICESTER. T.A., "Clipper, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 27847.
Masonry saws for cutting of refractory materials for relining and furnace building.
Trade Name: Clipper Masonry Saw.
Joint Managing Directors: F. B. Ellis; H. E. Ellis.
Secretary: H. Morris.
Moulds for Lynch, O'Neill, Miller, I.S., Mitchell and Monish automatic glass-forming machines; moulds, semi-automatic, pressware and lightingware.
Directors: J. W. Cockerham; J. Spencer; G. Nisbet.
Secretary: R. E. Holroyd.
COLLOIDAL GRAPHITE LTD., 6/7 ST. DUNSTAN'S LANE, LONDON, E.C.3. T.A., "Susgra, Bilgate, London". T.N., MANsion House 7617/9 (3 lines).
Colloidal graphite dispersions.
Trade Name: Susgra.
COMPAGNIE COMMERCIALE DU NORD (GREAT BRITAIN) LTD., 30 ST. PANCRAS WAY, LONDON, N.W.1. T.A., "Acomcinord, Norwest, London". T.N., EUSton 1885 and 1927. Established 1920.
Chemicals for the glass industry, such as potassium nitrate, arsenic, antimony oxide, sodium silicate, pure quartz, barium carbonate, precipitated chalk and sodium fluoride.
CONSETT IRON CO. LTD., CONSETT, Co. DURHAM. T.A., "Steel, Phone, Consett". T.N., Consett 341 (10 lines). London Office: NORFOLK HOUSE, LAURENCE POUNTNEY HILL, E.C.4. Incorporated 1864.
All sizes of brick and special shape in silica, sillimanite, zircon, magnesite and chrome-magnesite; specially compounded cements and ramming mixes for use with the foregoing materials.
General Manager: H. P. Boot.
CONTAINERS & CLOSURES LTD., 59 HORSELEY HEATH, TIPTON, STAFFS. T.A., "Containers, Tipton". T.N., Tipton 1520. Established 1947.
Closures of all types.
Managing Director: A. Hodson.
Secretary: K. B. Hodson.
CONWAY (R. C.), ASHOVER, CHESTERFIELD. T.A., " Fluorspar, Ashover". T.N., Ashover 225. Works: MILLTOWN. Established 1936.
Proprietor: G. H. Hinchliffe.
COOK (CHAS. W .) & SONS LTD., 97 WALSALL ROAD, PERRY BARR, BIRMINGHAM 22B. T.A., "Birchfields, 4223". T.N., BIRchfields 4223. Established 1898.
Scientific apparatus.
Managing Director and Secretary: C. E. Cook.
COOKE'S SAND QUARRIES LTD., FAIRLIGHT, NR. HASTINGS. T.N., Pett 3281. Established 1930; Limited 1942.
Best quality fine silica sand for glassmaking.
COOPER & CO. (B'HAM.) LTD. Head Office and Works: LITTLE KING STREET, BIRMINGHAM 19. T.A., "Felting, Birmingham" . T.N., NORthern 2194/5. Works: FACTORY AB.28, THE BARLEYFIELDS SITE, NANTYGLO, NR. BRYNMAWR, BRECON. T.N., Brynmawr 312. Limited 1901.
Felt polishing bobs; felt sheets, pads, strips, shapes, gaskets, washers, channels; calico polishing mops.
Secretary: N. W. Hailey.
CORNWALL MILLS LTD. (and Subsidiary YATE MILLS LTD.). Head Offices: PAR, CORNWALL. T.A., "Ceramic, Par" and "Yatemill, Par". T.N., Par 297 and 298. Works: PAR (Cornwall Mills Ltd.); GOOSE GREEN, YATE, GLOS. (Yate Mills Ltd.). London Branch Office: 110 FENCHURCH STREET, E.C.3. T.A., "Abrafel, Fen, London". T.N., ROYal 2713. Established 1927.
Felspar, British and Scandinavian; limestone; abrasive powders; pumice substitute; silica; quartz; fluorspar; barytes; strontium sulphate; strontium carbonate; petalite; lepidolite; amblygonite.
Directors: H. E. Varcoe; P. W. Varcoe; M. Varcoe; R. P. Varcoe; B. B. Varcoe; A. T. Richardson.
Secretary: A. J. Woolman.
See Advertisement, page 382.
Best Fontainebleau silver sand and Belgian silver sand; also suppliers of coal, fuel oil and firebricks.
Directors: Rt. Hon. Lord Leathers, C.H.; Sir H. Cooper; Sir R. Metcalfe; Sir W. C. Currie, O.B.E.; The Hon. F. A. Leathers; D. Cory-Wright; H. E. C. Mellonie.
See Advertisement, page 16.
COURTIN & WARNER LTD., LEWES, SUSSEX. T.A., "Accourtina, Lewes". T.N., Lewes 615 and 1065. London Office and Warehouse: 1/2 DOYCE STREET, SOUTHWARK BRIDGE ROAD, S.E.1. T.N., WATerloo 7342. Established 1864.
Potassium nitrate (saltpetre); potassium carbonate.
See Advertisement, page 382.
COWBURN (W. H.) & COWPAR LTD., TRAFFORD PARK, MANCHESTER 17. T.A., "Cowpar, Manchester". T.N., TRAfford Park 0401. Established 1877.
Sulphur, crude, refined and finely-powdered.
COX BROTHERS & CO. (DERBY) LTD., LEAD WORKS, NORMANTON ROAD, DERBY. T.A., "Cox, Derby". T.N., Derby 45484/6 (3 lines). Established 1781.
Sheet lead; lead pipe; white lead; lead oxides; solders; putty; lead paints, white and in colours; R.M. paints.
Trade Names: Coxite; Cedilla; Cleadox.
Directors: J. M. Dove; W. Burrows; E. Keen.
Adhesives; glues.
CRONITE FOUNDRY CO. LTD., LAWRENCE ROAD, TOTTENHAM, LONDON, N.15. T.A., "Cronite, London". T.N., STAmford Hill 4237. London Office: 5 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. Established 1919.
Glass-blowing nozzles; recuperator tubes; lehr parts; special moulds in heat-resisting alloy.
Trade Name: Cronite.
Managing Director: A. L. Fawkes.
CRUICKSHANK (R.) LTD. Head Office: CAMDEN STREET, BIRMINGHAM 1. T.A., " Cruickshank, Birmingham" . T.N., CENtral 8553/8 (6 lines). Works: CHARLES STREET, WEST BROMWICH. T.A ., "Cruickshank, West Bromwich". T.N., Tipton 1076. London Office: 123/5 GRAYS INN ROAD, W.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 8106. Established 1869.
Hydrofluoric acid; ammonium bifluoride; potassium bifluoride; etching acids; polishing acids; etching powder; lead and guttapercha vats, bottles, jugs, etc.; rubber boots, gloves, aprons, etc.; goggles and respirators.
Managing Director: K G. Kent.
Secretary: J. H . Davis.
See Also
Sources of Information