Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Suppliers P

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry

PAGE (CHAS.) & CO. LTD., 52 GROSVENOR GARDENS, VICTORIA, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., "Paganini, Sowest, London". T.N., SLOane 8151/6. Branches: SALE, CHESHIRE. T.A., "Paganini, Sale". T.N., SALe 2271. (Manchester). GLASGOW. T.A., "Paganini, Glasgow". T.N., CENtral 0452. Established 1880.
Suppliers of all types of chemical and allied product for the glass industry, including "Boliden" Swedish refined white powdered arsenic, Swedish arsenic 98%, selenium 99/100%, caustic and carbonate of pot ash all grades, bichromates of soda and potash, saltpetre (nitrate of potash) all grades, sodium silico fluoride, barium carbonate, barium chloride, abrasives various, and all general chemical products.
Trade Name: Boliden.
Directors: C. W. Lovegrove (Managing); Sir M. Page; F. Aitken; W. L. A. Lennard; H. Robinson; G. F. Harrison; D. C. Sheach.
Secretary: J. A. E. Pembroke.
See Advertisement, page 411.

PAINTER (GEORGE) & CO., 134 DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER 3. T.A., "Aconite, Manchester". T.N., BLAckfriars 6137. Established 1913.
Asbestos and india-rubber goods.
Trade Names: Pyramid; Salmonite.
Proprietor: W. H. Williams.

PAPER SUPPLY CO. LTD., 11 SICILIAN HOUSE, 7 SICILIAN AVENUE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 8632 and 6828. Established 1927.
Wrapping papers for home and export wrapping.
Secretary: R. A. A. Thomas.

PARKINSON & SPENCER LTD., AMBLER THORN FIRECLAY WORKS, HALIFAX. T.A., "Parkinson & Spencer Ltd., 64297 Halifax". T.N., Halifax 64297. Established 1800.
Refractories for the glass industry: clay and sillimanite tank blocks; glasshouse pot clay; glasshouse pots.
Directors: C. Parkinson; S. Parkinson; D. H. Parkinson; H. Newton.

PARSONS (C. A.) & CO. For Address, etc. see Section B.
Electrical equipment.

PATENT LIGHTNING CRUSHER CO. LTD., 14A ROSEBERY AVENUE, LONDON, E.C.1. T.A., "Agenciador, Smith, London". T.N., TERminus 1928. Established 1906.
Crushing, granulating and semi-fine pulverizing machines.
Trade Name: Lightning.
Directors: Major H. Cumming, O.B.E.; Lieut.-Col. B. Morton, O.B.E.; F. W. Holt.

Grindstones (natural sand stone) for glass bevelling and grinding . Director: P. J. Dent.

P. B. SILLIMANITE CO. LTD. Head Office: 4 LONDON WALL BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C.2. T.N., LONdon Wall 2444. Works: ATLAS ROAD, VICTORIA ROAD, NORTH ACTON, LONDON, N.W.10. T.A., "Pebesil, Harles, London". T.N., ELGar 5202/3. Established 1921.
P .B. Sillimanite.
Trade Name: Pebesil.
Managing Director: R. Ellerton Binns.
Secretary: G. Cowlishaw.

PEARCE, WOAN & CO. LTD. Head Office: ST. MICHAEL'S GROVE, BOLTON-LE-SANDS, CARNFORTH, LANCS. T.N., Hest Bank 2303. Works: 333A PRESCOT ROAD, LIVERPOOL 13. T.N., STOneycroft 1464. Established 1945.
Packing case manufacturers.

PEARL MANUFACTURING CO. (LONDON) LTD. For Address, etc., see Section B.
Machinery for grinding and polishing lenses and prisms; machinery for cutting, bevelling, flat edging and fitting of lenses and prisms; machinery for cutting grinding laps; "Diabond" diamond impregnated tools, cutting wheels and laps; glass moulding presses; glass laminating machinery; glass moulding furnaces; bifocal manufacturing machinery; optical instruments; lens manufacturing accessories.
Trade Names: Diabond; Calthorpe.

PEARSON (E. J. & J .) LTD., STOURBRIDGE. T.A., "Firebrick, Stourbridge". T.N., Brierley Hill 7201/3 (3 lines). London Agency: ROOM 129, 133 MOORGATE, E.C.2. T.N., MONarch 4780. Established 1860.
Sillimanite refractories: tank blocks, feeder parts, regenerator fillings, glasshouse pots, boots, skittles and syphons, pot clays; fire clay refractories; insulating bricks; air setting refractory cements; high alumina refractories; semi-silica refractories; ground fireclays.
Trade Names: Alite; F.R.D.; Groggo; Kaolith; Lermer; P.3.; Pearsil; Peer Cement; Pulver.
Directors: C. W. Thomas, C.B.E.; G. V. Evers, F.S.G.T.; C. A. G. Thomas, M.A.; R. E. G. Evers, M.A.; R. A. Pearson.
See Advertisement, page 19.

PICKFORD, HOLLAND & CO. LTD. Head Office and Works: ATTERCLIFFE ROAD, SHEFFIELD. T.A., "Canister, Sheffield". T.N., Sheffield 41191/3 (3 lines). Works: OWLER BAR, SHEFFIELD; CROOK, Co. DURHAM. Established 1899.
"Alosil" Brand sillimanite refractories; P.H. Brand silica refractories; all types of refractory brick, cement and monolithic lining material.
Trade Names: P.H.; Alosil; Basex.
Directors: R. Steel (Chairman); J. E. Markland, F.C.I.S. (Secretary); F. Houghton; S. B. Turner.

PIKE BROS., FAYLE & CO. LTD. Head Office and Works: WAREHAM, DORSET. T.N., Wareham 268/9. Works: CREECH; NORDEN. Established 1760.
Dorset ball clays.
Directors: Lt.-Col. A. R. Bond, M.B.E., J.P.; F. P. Longmire, M.I.M.M.; J. D . Cooper, D.S.C., B.Sc.(Eng.).
Secretary: S. W. Swain, A.S.A.A.

PINNIGTON, DAWSON & WOOD LTD., IRWELL WORKS, MILL STREET, RADCLIFFE, NR. MANCHESTER. T.A., " Anylchem, Manchester". T.N., RADcliffe 2317. Established 1919.
Arsenic; copperas; sodium sulphate.
Directors: W. A. Pinnington; J. Dawson.

PLATTS (SAMUEL), 17 WESTFIELD TERRACE, SHEFIELD 1. T.N., Sheffield 23873 and 71855. Established 1895.
"English" four-jet blowpipe and single-jet blowpipe; general scientific apparatus to customers' drawings.
Proprietor: F. Platts.

PODMORE (W.) & SONS LTD., CALEDONIAN MILLS, SHELTON, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.A., "Perpetual, Stoke-on-Trent". T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 2814 and 5475. Established 1919.
Prepared clays; lead and borax frits; glazes, fluxes and enamels of all types; ground materials: flint, Cornish stone, felspar, etc.; refractories for precision casting processes.
Trade Name: Perpetual Brand, Stoke-on-Trent.
Directors: W. Podmore, J.P. (Governing); Alberta Podmore; H. L. Podmore, B.Sc., F.R.I.C.; W. Podmore, Jun., D.L.C., A.M.I.Mech.E.

PODMORES (ENGINEERS) LTD., PYNEST STREET, SHELTON, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.A., "Cipec, Stoke-on-Trent". T.N., Hanley 25870. Established 1931.
Vibratory sifting and screening plant; laboratory sifters and sieve shakers.
Trade Name: Cipec.
Managing Director: W. Podmore, Jun., D.L.C., A.M.I.Mech.E.

POLLETT BROTHERS LTD., WATERLOO WORKS, BURTON-ON-TRENT. T.A., " Pollett, 3256 Burton". T.N., Burton-on Trent 3256. Established 1918.
Abrasive cloths, papers, grain and grinding wheels suitable for glass cutting and polishing; all types of abrasive wheel, cloth and paper.
Trade Names: Poletco; Polygon.
Managing Director: L. W. Pollett.

POSNETT (R.) & SON, 144 LYNTON ROAD, BERMONDSEY, LONDON, S.E.1. T.N., BERmondsey 3655. Established 1914.
Proprietor: J. Posnett.

POTH, HILLE & CO. LTD. Offices: 4 FENCHURCH AVENUE, LONDON, E.C.3. T.A., "Pothaska, London". T.N., MANsion House 0231/2. Works: MILL RIVER WHARF, HUNT'S LANE, BOW BRIDGE, STRATFORD, LONDON, E.15. T.N., MARyland 2291. Established 1870.
Wax for etching glass.
Directors: E. E. Timm; C. H. Weatherly; H. R. Cudbird; G. C. Wakeling; H. A. Sturdy.

POTTER (F. W.) & SOAR LTD., PHIPP STREET, LONDON, E.C.2. T.A., "Wirework, Ave, London". T.N., BIShopsgate 2177. Established 1824.
Woven wire; wirework; sieves and screens; machinery guards.
Trade Name: Raos.
Directors: H. R. Soar; G. B. Soar; F. V. Collins; T. W. Dunkley; F. W. Welland; A. F. Reeve; H. Haines.

POWER- GAS CORPORATION LTD., PARKFIELD WORKS, STOCKTON-ON-TEES, Co. DURHAM. T.A., " Tetratomic, Stockton-on-Tees". T.N., Stockton 67161. London Office: 39 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.A., "Tetratomic, Phone, London". T.N., ABBey 5092. Established 1901.
Butterfly valves; castings, meehanite (up to 30 tons); dust extraction plant; fuel-gas plants; fumes extraction plant; gas cooling and cleaning plant; gas producer machines, automatic; gas producers; moulds, castings for; producer-gas cleaning plant and equipment; reversing valves, air; reversing valves, gas; valves, butterfly; valves, reversing, gas.
Managing Director: N. E. Rambush.
Secretary: C. Robson.
See Advertisement, page 390.

PRAGOS ENGINEERING CO. LTD., 351 BRIXTON ROAD, LONDON S.W.9. T.A., "Ceprageros, Claproad, London". T.N., BRixton 4277. Established 1926.
Optical machinery; glass mixers.

PRECISION DIAMOND PRODUCTS LTD., 294/296 LILLIE ROAD, FULHAM, LONDON, S.W.6. T.A., "Maxicut, Walgreen, London". T.A., FULham 3081 and 6351. Established 1948.
Diamond impregnated tubular drills and drilling equipment.
Trade Name: Habit.
Managing Director: A. A. Talmage.

PRESTON (J.) LTD. For Address, etc. see Section B.
Laboratory and scientific chemicals and apparatus, especially for iron and steel, coking and glass industries.

PROCTER, JOHNSON & CO., EXCELSIOR WORKS, BANK STREET, CLAYTON, MANCHESTER 11. T.A., "Proctorial, Manchester". T.N., EASt 1611/2. Established 1899.
Precipitated manganese dioxide; powdered pumice stone; bevellers' rouge; ground black oxide of manganese.
Trade Name: Proctorial.
Directors: G. Procter; J. Procter; J. C. Procter.

PUGH BROTHERS LTD. For Address, etc., see Section B.
Polishing and bevelling machinery.

PULSOMETER ENGINEERING CO. LTD., NINE ELMS IRON WORKS, READING, BERKS. T.A., "Pulsometer, Reading". T.N., Reading 67182. London Office: 39 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.A., "Pulsometer, Sowest, London". T.N., ABBey 4565. Established 1875.
Centrifugal and turbine pumps, vacuum pumps.
Trade Names: Pulsometer; Geryk.
Managing Director: J. S. Woodrow.

PURIMACHOS LTD., 14 WATERLOO ROAD, ST. PHILIP'S, BRISTOL 2. T.A., "Purimachos, Bristol". T.N., Bristol 57839. Established 1882.
Refractory cements.
Trade Names: Purimachos; Drykos; Fixatile.
Managing Director: E. B. Morgan.
Secretary: B. Hill.

See Also


Sources of Information