1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Users G

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
GALLENKAMP (A.) & CO. LTD. Head Office: " TECHNICO HOUSE", 17/29 SUN STREET, LONDON, E.C.2. T.A., "Gallenkamp, Ave, London". T.N., BIShopsgate 5704 (7 lines). Works: "TECHNICO WORKS", WORSLEY BRIDGE ROAD, LOWER SYDENHAM, LONDON, S.E.26. T.N., BECkenham 0456. Established 1880.
Lampblown and graduated laboratory, scientific and medical glassware; apparatus incorporating optical glass; specialists in apparatus with interchangeable ground glass joints; sintered filtration apparatus; complete laboratory furnishers.
Trade Names: Technico; A.G.; Gallenkamp.
Directors: H. J. Hornby (Managing); S. J. Davies, B.Sc., A.R.I.C.; H. S. Cornford; A. W. Rundle.
Secretary: A. W. Clark.
See Advertisement, page 401.
See also Section C.
GARSON & CO. LTD. Head Office: 99 PORT STREET, PICCADILLY, MANCHESTER. T.A., "Glamorglas, Manchester". T.N., CENtral 0486 and 556/8 (3 lines). Works: HOULDSWORTH STREET and 97/105 PORT STREET, MANCHESTER 1. Established 1906. One small furnace : gas.
Brilliant cut and embossed coloured plate mirrors; bathroom walls and ceilings in Vitrolite; splashbacks and glass tops for furniture; glass illuminated ballroom floors and cocktail bars; quadruple reflecting bar mirror shelves; glass furnishings of every description; glass coffins.
Trade Names: Glamorglas; Glamorflex.
Directors: L. Garson (Managing); J. Garson (Secretary).
GASKING & CO., 18/22 GASKIN STREET, ISLINGTON, LONDON, N.1. T.N., CANonbury 5173. Established 1924.
Stockists of plate and sheet glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products.
Proprietor: E. A. Gasking.
GATON GLASS CO. LTD., 96 CALEDONIAN ROAD, LONDON, N.1. T.N., TERminus 4446. Established 1943. Glass buttons, beads, jewellery and imitation pearls.
Directors: E. Duschinsky; O. Fischel.
Secretary: E. B. Blake.
Graticules; brilliant cutting; engraving.
GENERAL RADIOLOGICAL LTD., 15/18 CLIPSTONE STREET, LONDON, W.1. T.A., "Equispital, Wesdo, London". T.N., MUSeum 3121/3 (3 lines). Established 1940.
X-ray tubes; vacuum tubes; high-voltage rectifying valves; glass-to-metal seals.
Managing Director: C. N. Rocky.
Secretary: Miss J. D. Murray.
GENT (RICHARD) LTD., 23 PARK ROAD, WELLINGBOROUGH, NORTHANTS. T.N., Wellingborough 3342. Established 1947. Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers of constructional glass products.
Managing Director: R. T. Gent, A.M.I.B.E.
Secretary: D. L. Boys, A.C.I.S., A.C.W.A.
GEORGE (W. & J.) & BECKER LTD. Head Office and Works: 157 GREAT CHARLES STREET, BIRMINGHAM 3. T.A., "Chemistry, Birmingham" T.N., CENtral 7641/3 (3 lines). London Office and Works: 17/29 HATTON WALL, E.C.1. T.A., "Nivoc, Smith, London". T.N., CHAncery 6011/4 (4 lines). Established 1872.
Lampblown scientific apparatus (in soda and hard glass) of all kinds.
Trade Name: Nivoc.
Directors: H. R. Bettinson; J. D. George; L. T. Gilley; A. E. Lambert; The Viscountess Selby; H. A. C. Trepte; N. H. G. Trepte.
GIBBS (WALTER) & SONS LTD. (Trading as GODDARD & GIBBS), 53 KINGSLAND ROAD, SHOREDITCH, LONDON, E.2. T.N., CLErkenwell 6563/8 (6 lines). Established 1868. One electric furnace.
Leaded lights; copper lights; stained glass.
Managing Director: C. H. Hayes.
Secretary: A. S. Clark.
GIBSON BROS., THE OVAL, HACKNEY ROAD, LONDON, E.2. T.N., SHOreditch 8038. Established nearly 100 years.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products.
Proprietor: H. Gibson.
Secretary: Miss M. Major.
GLAMORGAN GLASS CO. LTD., PARK LANE, ABERDARE, GLAM. T.N., Aberdare 250. London Office: 51/52 AVENUE CHAMBERS, VERNON PLACE, W.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 4215. Established 1946. Three gas-fired furnaces.
Glass buttons, beads, jewellery; imitation pearls; road studs; reflector lenses.
Managing Director: A. Fischer.
Secretary: M. Silber.
GLASGOW GLAZING CO., 51 HUTCHESON STREET, GLASGOW, C.1; 43 LANGLANDS ROAD, GLASGOW, S.W.1; 481 DUMBARTON ROAD, DALMUIR. T.N., BEL 2160; Govan 1805; Clydebank 1344. Established 1900.
Glazing contractors.
Proprietor: Ian Kemp.
GLASLOK PATENT ROOF GLAZING CO. LTD., MABGATE MILLS, MABGATE, LEEDS 9. T.A., "Glaslok, Leeds 9". T.N., Leeds 25107. London Office: 3 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.A., "Abbey 5482" T.N., ABBey 5482. Established 1928.
Patent glazing.
Managing Director: C. H. Marsden.
Secretary: F. Hartley.
Established 1947.
Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware; boiler gauge glasses; spirit-level tubes.
Managing Director: L. A. Barnes.
GLASS CONTAINERS (MEDICAL) LTD., 23/27 MERSEY STREET, LIVERPOOL 1. T.A., "Neolume, Liverpool". T.N., ROYal 6884. Established 1932.
Tubular containers; ampoules; test tubes; tablet tubes, etc.
Managing Director: G. S. Shaw.
Secretary: J. Van Schie.
GLASS (COVENTRY) LTD., RAGLAN STREET, COVENTRY. T.N Coventry 60626/8 (3 lines). Established 1929; incorporation of a section of a business founded in 1834.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products.
Managing Director: T. H. Whiteman.
Secretary: E. Kennell.
GLASS DEVELOPMENTS LTD., SUDBOURNE ROAD, BRIXTON HILL, LONDON, S.W.2. T.A., "Glasblow, Brix, London". T.N., BRixton 4041. Established 1938; Limited Company 1944. Three electric furnaces.
Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware; glass chemical apparatus for oil research, gas testing; glass spirit levels; vials for gun-fire control.
Directors: H. R. Thomas (Managing and Secretary); E. I. Godfrey; M. G. Llewellyn.
"GLASS" (NORTHAMPTON ), 21 BULL-HEAD LANE, NORTHAMPTON. T.N., Northampton 2251. Established 1930. Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Processers of glass; leaded lights; wall panelling; patent glazing.
Managing Director: T. Steel.
GLASS PRINTERS LTD. Head Office: 15/17 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S, LONDON, S.W.1. T.A., "Crystalry, London". T.N., TRAfalgar 4151. Works: FROGNAL WORKS, FROGNAL AVENUE, HARROW, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Glassprinters, Harrow". T.N., HARrow 0370. Established 1914.
Lampblown medical glassware; printing on glass by the Gibbard-Hughes process.
Directors: P. J. Edward (Managing); E. F. Harrison; A. H. Brackensey; G. S. Campbell.
Secretary: E. S. Farr.
GLASS PRODUCTS (NEON) LTD., 526 KINGSBURY ROAD, LONDON, N.W.9. T.N., COLindale 4214. Established 1940.
Ampoules; breast relievers; atomisers (glass); manufacturers of neon signs.
Managing Director: T. Conley.
Secretary: W. M. Conley.
GLASS WHOLESALE SUPPLIES LTD., 33/39 CANNON STREET ROAD, LONDON, E.1. T.N., "Crystelorn, Edo, London". T.N., ROYal 5411/2. Established 1933.
Laboratory, scientific and medical glassware; test tubes; specimen tubes; tubular screw or vial neck containers; stopcocks; graduated glassware; suppliers of glass tubing.
Trade Name: Dobot.
Directors: D. Winter, F.C.A.; D. L. Thomas; J. D. Shepard; I. Myers; C. Myers.
GLASSCRAFT (LEEDS) LTD., 77 DEWSBURY ROAD, TINGLEY, Nr. WAKEFIELD. T.N., Morley 165. Established 1935.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Processers of glass; leaded lights; wall panelling.
Directors: F. Baron (Joint Managing); S. Bain (Joint Managing and Secretary).
GLOSSOP (GEORGE) & CO. LTD. 13 WESTFIELD TERRACE, SHEFFIELD 1. T.N., Sheffield 25945. Established 1896.
Cutters and engravers; good-quality domestic glassware and stemware.
Secretary: G. F. Glossop.
GOLDMAN (W.) & SON, 12/14 NEWFOUNDLAND STREET, BRISTOL 2. T.N., Bristol 22531/2. Established 1870. One electric firing kiln.
Craftsmen in stained glass; ornamental leaded lights; bevellers; edge workers; contractors; specialists in all types of fixing.
Proprietors: A. H. Goldman; F. Goldman.
GOLDWIN (J. R.) LT D. Head Office and Works: 50A BURLEIGH STREET, CAMBRIDGE. T.N., Cambridge 57809. Works: PARADISE STREET, CAMBRIDGE. Original firm, J. R. Goldwin, established 1948; present firm, J. R. Goldwin Ltd., established 1950. One large gas oven; one small gas oven; one small electric oven.
Special lampblown scientific research apparatus and glassware made to specification; Warburg flasks; manometers; precision test tubes; special blood transfusion four-way taps; suppliers of glass-fibre products; imitation jewellery and glass novelties.
Managing Director: R. P. Hirsch.
See Advertisement, page 410.
Bevelled and silvered, bent and embossed glass; leaded lights, plain and ornamental; motor windscreens.
Directors: A. Goodman; S. Goodman (U.S.A.).
GORDONS GLASS LTD., CROWN GLASS WORKS, PADDOCK STREET, HANLEY, STOKE-ON-TRENT. T.A., "Gordonglass, Hanley". T.N., Stoke-on-Trent 29179. London Office: FENCHURCH WAREHOUSES LTD., 1ST FLOOR, 110 FENCHURCH STREET, E.C. T.N., ROYal 6995. Established 1938. One continuous, four intermittent, lehrs: electricity.
Hand-cut, engraved and decorated domestic glassware and stemware; silk-screen printing; gilding; enamelling; stained glass.
Managing Director: K. Gordon.
Secretary: A. Henshall.
See Advertisement, page 379.
GOWLLANDS LTD., 176 MORLAND ROAD, CROYDON, SURREY. T.A., "Fundus, Croydon". T.N., ADDiscombe 3011/2. Established 1898. Eight furnaces: gas; electricity.
Ophthalmic lenses; instruments for the examination of the ear, eye, nose and throat, including optically worked lenses and mirrors; dental mirrors; magnifiers.
Joint Managing Directors: E. Gowlland; G. P. Gowlland, A.R.C.S., B.Sc., A.Inst.P.
GRAINGER & THRELFALL LTD., 20 ELDON SQUARE, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 1. T.A ., "Outshine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne". T.N., Newcastle-upon-Tyne 23474/5. Branch Office: DIAL GLASS WORKS, STOURBRIDGE, WORCS. T.A., "Dial, Stourbridge". T.N., Stourbridge 57243. Established 1926.
Agents for: "Wembley" X8 machine-drawn soda glass-tubing and rod; "Wembley" L1 machine-drawn lead glass tubing and rod; "Wembley" white neutral machine-drawn neutral glass tubing.
Directors: R. E. Threlfall, M.A., F.S.G.T.; W. J. H. Grainger.
Secretary: T. Melville Grainger.
See Advertisement, page 397.
GRATRIX (SAMUEL) LTD., P.O. Box 417, QUAY STREET, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER 3. T.A., "Lead, Manchester". T.N., BLAckfriars 6601 (10 lines). London Office: 139/149 FONTHILL ROAD, FINSBURY PARK, N.4. T.N., ARChway 4431. Established 1820.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; leaded lights; wall panelling; patent glazing.
Managing Director: C. H. Carter.
Secretary: R. Scruton.
See also Section C.
GREENBERG (L.) & SONS, CHEADLE AVENUE, STANLEY, LIVERPOOL 13. T.N., Stoneycroft 2694/5. Established 1900.
Mirrors; brilliant-cut mirrors; motor screens; table tops; shelves; Opalite for bathrooms and shop fasciae; glazing contractors.
Proprietors: L. Greenberg; A. Greenberg.
GREY & MARTEN LTD., Head Office: A1 SOUTHWARK BRIDGE, LONDON, S.E.1. T.A., " Amalgam, Sedist, London". T.N., HOP 0414/8 (5 lines). Works: LITTLE PARK STREET, LONDON, S.E.1. Established 1833.
Stockists of plate and sheet glass. Processers of glass; leaded lights; copper lights.
Directors: S. G. Gandy (Joint Managing); W. E. Grey (Joint Managing and Secretary).
GRIFFIN & TATLOCK LTD. Head Office: KEMBLE STREET, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., "Gramme, Westcent, London". T.N., TEMple Bar 2621. Works: WILLOW LANE, MITCHAM, SURREY. T.N., MITcham 1156. Established 1826.
Lampblown laboratory and scientific glassware; physical apparatus; educational scientific apparatus.
Trade Name: Microid.
Joint Managing Directors: N. McKinnon Wood; H. J. Tatlock.
Secretary: H. C. Mayer.
GRIFFITHS (ALFRED) & SONS, GREAT LISTER STREET, Birmingham 7. T.A., "Diffusers, Birmingham". T.N., ASTon Cross 0507/9 (3 lines). Established 1922.
Processers of glass; manufacturers of constructional glass products; automobile driving mirrors.
Trade Name: Supersil.
Partners: A. F. Griffiths; T. W. Griffiths.
GRUBB (SIR HOWARD), PARSONS & CO., WALKERGATE, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 6. T.A., "Grubb, Newcastle-upon-Tyne". T.N., Newcastle 56101. London Office: 56 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.A., "Silently, Sowest, London". T.N., VICtoria 4045. Established 1925.
Large optical elements; lenses; prisms; technical mirrors; telescopes; spectroscopes and spectrographs.
Managing Director: Sir Claud Gibb, C.B.E.
Secretary: D. P. Walton.
See also Section C.
GUILDFORD GLASS & METAL WORKS LTD., PORTSMOUTH ROAD, GUILDFORD, SURREY. T.A., "Glass, Guildford". T.N., Guildford 2922. (P.B.X.). Established 1902; Private Limited Company 1936. One gas-fired furnace.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products; leaded lights; patent glazing.
Managing Director: A. M. Smith.
Secretary: Mrs. D. A. Smith.
G. V. D. ILLUMINATORS, 29B TORRINGTON SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. T.A., "Gevedi, Westcent, London". T.N., MUSeum 1857. Established 1934.
Illuminating glassware and lighting fittings; reflectors.
Proprietor: G. V. Downer.
See Also
Sources of Information