1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Persons Q

Note: This is a sub-section of 1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
QUENBY, Alfred George Henry, M.INST.B.E. Managing Director, Quenby Bros. Ltd., Baldock, Herts. Born Hitchin, 1891. Educated at Bancroft, Hitchin. Served seven years apprenticeship with Slater Batty & Co., Hitchin, in steam, petrol and electric engineering. At the completion of this had further engineering experience in France and Italy. On returning to England took up position with Lacre Motor Co., Letchworth, then with Vauxhall Motors Ltd., Luton. Founded business in Baldock, 1919. During 1939 war devoted 75% of space to machining shell bases and work for radio-location, employing 120 workers. In 1940 commenced erection of Mica Condensers for Messrs. Dubilier, Acton and now have a well-equipped factory with too workers at Buntingford. Is a collector of Period Clocks and Watches. Private Address: Bracondale, Baldock Road, Letchworth. Telephone: 560.
QUENBY, Harold Francis, M.INST.B.E. Director, Quenby Bros. Ltd., Baldock, Herts. Born Hitchin, 1896. Educated at Grammar School, Hitchin. Served five years as an apprentice with S. Hall & Co. Stevenage and after completion became engine builder with Vauxhall Motors Ltd., Luton. Founded firm in 1919 with A. G. H. Quenby (q.v.). Became Director in 1935. Hobby is Breeding Ornamental Water Fowl. Private Address: Park House, Hitchin, Herts.
QUICK, Harry. Joint Managing Director, H. & J. Quick Ltd., Old Trafford, Manchester, 16. Born Salford, 13th August, 1890. Educated at Salford Secondary School. Became an apprentice to Motor Trade and served five years up to the age of 21. In 1911 founded present business with his brother, James (q.v.) later converting it to a Limited Company. Is interested in Farming and Golf. Private Address: Tree Tops, Chester Road, Mere, Nr. Knutsford, Cheshire. Telephone: Bucklow Hill 2276.
QUICK, James. Chairman and Joint Managing Director, H. & J. Quick Ltd., Old Trafford, Manchester, 16.1 Born Salford, nth September, 1887. Edu-, cated at Salford Secondary School. Became apprenticed to Survey and Constructional Engineering. But in 1911 abandoned this to form partnership with his brother Harry (q.v.); this was titer converted into a Limited Company. Interests : Golf and Racing. Private Address: Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchster, O. Telephone: Trafford Park 2201.
QUICK-SMITH, G. W., LL.B., F.C.I.S., M.INST.T. Secretary and Legal Adviser to Road Haulage Executive (British Transport Commission), 222, Marylebone Road, London, N.W.I. Telephone: Paddington I161. Born London, 23rd August, 1905. Educated at Southgate County School and afterwards took LL.B. degree at. University of London. Entered the service of the Australian Commonwealth Line in 1922 and thirteen years later became assistant secretary of the London & Home Counties Haulage Contractors' Association and the National Road Transport Employers' Federation. Held many other important posts and when war broke out became first secretary of the Meat Transport Pool, and is now secretary of the Wholesale Meat Transport Association. As Secretary of the Road Transport Organisation Joint Conference played a prominent part in establishing the National Road Transport Federation and became its Secretary on its inception. Is a Barrister-at-Law; a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Carmen and a rapporteur of the Highway Transport Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce. Private Address: 5, Hyde Park Gate, London, S.W.7. Telephone: Western 2255.
QUINTAVALLE, Bruno Antonio. President and Chairman, Gruppo Magneti Marelli, Via Guastalla, 2, Milan. Born Sassari, 4th April, 1891. Educated at Milan and London. Studied electrical engineering and joined above firm, becoming Managing Director in 1919. Promoted to present position, 1947. Is also Vice-President Ercole Marelli & Co. General Manager, Compagnia Generale Elettronica. Vice-President, Telemar. Is a Councillor of the American Foreign Insurance Association. Private Address: Via Andreani, 3, Milano. Telephone: 794829.
See Also
Sources of Information