1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Persons M

Note: This is a sub-section of 1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
McADAM, Jack Purnell. Proprietor, South Garage, Whitchurch, Rosson-Wye. Born Worcester, 1914. Educated at Worcester and studied engineering at Cheltenham. Has been in the Trade since he was sixteen. Recreations : Shooting and Motoring. Private Address: South Garage Bungalow, Whitchurch, Ross-on-Wye. Telephone: II.
MACASSEY, Sir Lynden Livingston, K.B.E. Director, Projectile and Engineering Co. Ltd. Born 14th June, 1876. Educated at Upper Sullivan School, Holywood, Co. Down; Bedford School; T.C.D.; London University where he took M.A., LL.D. and D.Sc. Vice President, Institute of Transport, 1921-22, President, 1924-25. Has written a number of books on Politics, The Middle Temple, International Law. Was called to the Bar, Middle Temple 1899. Clubs include Athenaeum, Carlton, Berkshire. Recreation : Golf. Address: 37, Alexandra Court, Queen's Gate, S.W.7. Telephone: Knightsbridge 1884.
McAULEY, Alexander Kevin, B.SC., M.I.G.E.I. Rolling Stock Engineer, Coras Iompair Eireann, Broadstone, Dublin. Born Doonans, Co. Antrim, loth October, 1912. Educated at St. Malachy's College, Belfast, and Queen's University, Belfast, where took B.Sc. in Engineering. Studied as Graduate apprentice at English Electrical Company, Rugby. In 1941 became Rolling Stock Engineer in Dublin United Transport Company. Took present position (responsible for repairs, servicing and overhauls of all Road vehicles owned by C.I.E.) in 1945. Recreations: Fishing and Golf. Private Address: 17, Lindsay Road, Glasnevin, Dublin.
McBAIN, John Riddell. Managing Director, John McBain & Son, Ltd., Chirnside, Duns, Berwickshire. Born Chirnside, 19th September, 1911. Educated at Berwickshire High School. In 1927 became apprenticed to Motor Engineering. Worked as Motor Mechanic and subsequently as Sales Manager with S.M.T. Ltd., Edinburgh. Became Supervisor, Rolls Royce. Is a keen Motor Racer having driven S.S. 100, M.G. K.3, Cooper, B.M.W. and E.R.A. Was the first winner at opening meeting at Winfield. Other recreations : Tennis and Gardening. Private Address: The Cottage, Chirnside, Duns, Berwickshire. Telephone: Chirnside 351.
MacBETH, Colin, m.i./VIECH.E. Retired consulting mechanical engineer. Born Bolton, 3rd December, 1880. Educated at Bolton and Hanover. Apprenticed with J. & E. Wood, Bolton. Became Assistant Works Manager, Mather & Platt; Assistant Chief Engineer, Atlas Engine Works, Indianapolis; Sales Manager, Wood-Milne Ltd. ; Works Manager, Dunlop Rubber Company; Experimental Engineer, Dunlop Rubber Co. Address: 67, Norwich Union Chambers, Congreve Street, Birmingham.
McCANCE, Sir Andrew, F.R.S., D.SC., LL.D., M.I.MECH.E. Director of a number of Steel Companies and a Chartered Mechanical Engineer. Born 3oth March, 1889. Educated at Morrisons Academy, Crieff; Allan Glen's School, Glasgow; Royal School of Mines, London. Appointed Assistant Armour Manager, W. Beardmore & Co., 1910-19. Founder and Managing Director Clyde Alloy Steel Co. Ltd., 1919-30. Awarded Bessemer Medal 1940. Past President Iron & Steel Institute. Member of Council, Institute of Welding. Past president Glasgow & West of Scotland Iron & Steel Institute. Chairman of Governors, Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Has published a number of technical papers in Engineering Journals. Clubs : Athenaeum, Junior Carlton, New, Scottish Automobile. Private Address: The Craigs, Carmunnock, Lanarkshire. Telephone: Busby 1757.
McCARTHY, Peter Stanley. General Manager, Holmes and McCarthy, Southgate, N.14. Born Hackney, 25th November, 1920. Educated at St. Aloysious College, Highgate. Left England, 1939 (January) for Western Australia; took up Sheep Farming and Dairy Produce. After two years went to Northern Territory and engaged in heavy Cattle rearing. Joined Australian Forces and after armistice returned to England joining his father's motor business as General Manager in 1945. Is interested in Antique and Modern Pistols and Arms. Private Address: 3, Firs Lane, Winchmore Hill, N.21.
McCARTHY, Stanley Alexander. Proprietor, Holmes & McCarthy, 31-33, Chase Side, Southgate, London, N.14. Born Hackney, 26th March, 1887. Educated at Grocer's Company School, Hackney Downs, London. Joined Navy 1915 as Chief E.R.A. Served in M.L's. in Channel and West Indies. On release in 1919 joined Elce & Co, Started present business in 1920. Competed in most big Motor Trials for several years on Morgan Runabout with much success. Secretary for some years of Middlesex Motor Cycle Club. Founder member of the Morgan Club—afterwards the " Light Car Club." Founder member of the Southgate Motor Traders Association and now its Chairman. Initiator of the Northern Section of the M.A.A. and is its present Chairman. Interested in Rotary, Social Service, Youth Movements, etc. Private Address: 1, Green Dragon Lane, Winchmore Hill, N.21. Telephone: Laburnum 2563.
McCLELLAND, William, C.B., O.B.E., M.I.E.E. Director of Henley's Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd., of Aeronautical and General Instruments Ltd. and various other Companies. Born 1873. Joined staff of Manchester Corporation Electricity Works in 1893. Became Principal Assistant to C. H. Wordingham, M.I.C.E., Consulting Engineer in 1901. In 1903 worked as Assistant Engineer, Admiralty, on design and inspection of Warship Construction. Rose to become responsible for designs and equipment of electrical installations on all H.M. Ships. Ex-Hon. Treasurer and Member of Council of Institution of Electrical Engineers for many years. Is author of book on " The Applications of Electricity in Warships." Club : Constitutional. Private Address: Abbotsford, Warrior Square, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Telephone: Hastings 2320.
MacCOLL, John Bonar. Information Officer and Publicity Manager (Public Relations), Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., St. James's House, S.W.I. Born Glasgow, 2nd November, 1899. Educated at Hyndland, and The Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Served in 1914-18 war in Inns of Court Regt. Apprenticed to Marine Engineering and joined staff of Wm. Beardmore & Co. Ltd. in drawing and design office. Spare time journalist and technical writer. Became first Hon. Secretary of Glasgow Writer Circle which he founded. Joined Wm. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., in their publicity and publishing departments. In 1927 became advertising assistant and writer with Dunlop's at Fort Dunlop. In 193o transferred to London in charge of group Press advertising. During 1939-45 war transferred to Dunlop Aviation Division, Coventry on material control. In 1943 returned to London on internal works war effort propaganda. Held appointments in H.G. In 1945 appointed to present position. Member of Federation of British Industries, Public Relations Committee; of S.M.M. & T. Public Relations Advisory Panel and of Institute of Public Relations. Married, 1928,Chrissie Buchanan, elder daughter of the late Alexander and Mrs. Smith of Jordanhill. Club : R.A.C. Interests: Literature, World Affairs and Writing. Private Address: 7, Purcells Avenue, Edgware, Middlesex. Telephone: 0575.
McCONNELL, Leonard Alfred. Regional Manager (Midland), India Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd., Granville Street, Birmingham, 1. Telephone: Midland 1225. Born London, 5th October, 1901. Educated at John Ruskin School, London. Became Cashier with Anglo-American Oil Co. in 1921 leaving in 1926 to become Garage Superintendent with Macey's Ltd. Left in 1927 to join Car Mart Ltd., in same capacity. Joined India Tyres (Met. & S.E.) Ltd. as Tyre Salesman in 1929, transferring to present Company in 1932. In 1934 appointed as Assistant Manager, London Branch and in 1946 promoted to present position. Married, 1929; one daughter. Private Address: 97, Viceroy Close, Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Telephone: Calthorpe 2871.
McCORMACK, Claude. Managing Director, Douglas (Sales and Service) Ltd., Kingswood. Born Coventry, 2nd May, 1903. Educated at St. Brendans College, Bristol; King Edward's School, Birmingham. Served apprenticeship with Wolseley Motors, Ltd., Birmingham. Appointed to present position, 1948. Private Address: 2, Litfield Place, Clifton, Bristol. Telephone: 34925.
McCOY, Sidney, A.C.I.S. Secretary, J. J. Cookson Ltd., Macclesfield. Born Macclesfield, 6th April, 189o. Educated at Christ Church and Macclesfield Technical Schools, and Manchester High School of Commerce. A.C.I.S., 1914. Served during 1914 war with 7th City M/C. Pals, in France. Wounded at the opening of the Somme offensive. Worked for the Ministry of Labour and as a Railway Clerk for several years. Joined present firm as Chief Clerk, becoming Secretary on formation of Company in 192o. Secretary, Macclesfield & District Motor Traders Association. Private Address: 62, Newton Street, Macclesfield. Telephone: 2226.
McDERMOTT, John Wilfred, A.M.I.MECH.E. Technical Assistant, Research Dept., Leyland Motors, Ltd. Born Leyland, 12th October, 1911. Educated at Harris Technical College, Preston. Became an apprentice fitter, 1928 and has worked continually with present organisation ever since. Appointed to present position, 1939. Married; two children. Recreations : Fishing, Walking and Bowls. Private Address: 38, Canberra Road, Leyland.
MACDONALD, Alexander Craig, M.I.MECH.E., F.R.I.C. Production Controller & Buyer, Albion Motors Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, W.4. Born Glasgow, loth April, 1904. Educated at Shawlands Academy and Glasgow University, taking B.Sc. degree in Applied Chemistry. In 1926 joined the metallurgical Laboratory staff of Albion Motors Ltd. Became Chief Chemist and Metallurgist of that Company specializing on piston development. Was appointed buyer in 1948 and added position of Production Controller at end of 1949. Was Chairman of Scottish Section of Institute of Metals 1948/50. Vice-Chairman, Scottish Centre Automobile Division Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 195o. Interests : Politics and Technical Institutions. Recreations : Golfing and Gardening. Private Address: Skerrols, Crarae Avenue, Westerton, Bearsden, Scotland. Telephone: Bearsden 0954.
McDONALD, Colonel Archibald George, O.B.E., T.D., A.M.INST.C.E., M.I.MECH.E., M.I.E.E. Chief Motor Transport Officer, General Post Office, Leith House, 47-57, Gresham Street, E.C.2. Telephone: Headquarters 3400. Born Woolwich, 11th June, 190o. Educated at Bloomfield Central School, and Woolwich Polytechnic. From 1915-19 served full apprenticeship in Mechanical Engineering at the Royal Laboratory Department of the Royal Ordnance Factories, Woolwich. Took full time Diploma Course, 1919-22, at the City and Guilds Engineering College, S. Kensington, obtaining Associate of the City & Guilds Institute and B.Sc. (Eng.) Honours, London. In 1922 became Assistant Engineer to Mott, Hay & Anderson, Consulting Engineers, Victoria Street leaving on passing Civil Service Examination and joining Engineer-in-Chief's Office, G.P.O., London. By 1939 had attained position of Assistant Staff Engineer, Equipment Branch, and being a Territorial (rank Captain) was mobilised in July. (Grading; Ordnance Mechanical Engineer, 3rd class), R.A.O.C. Promoted Major, 1939. Lt.-Col., 1941. Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering, 3rd Anti-Aircraft Group, Bristol, with rank of Colonel, R.E.M.E. In July 1945 demobilised and returned to Post Office Engineering Department. In December, 1945, appointed Chief Motor Transport Officer, G.P.O., responsible for administration of G.P.O. fleet of postal and telecommunication vehicles which now numbers more than 30,000. Is a Freeman of City of London, 1951. Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers. Recreations : Music and Gardening. Private Address: 16, Colindeep Gardens, Hendon, London, N.W.4. Telephone: Hendon 321o.
MacDONALD, George, O.B.E., B.SC., M.I.MECH.E., M.INST.MET. Director and Technical Manager, E. Chalmers & Co. Ltd., Edinburgh, 9. Born Armadale, 19th July, 189o. Educated at Royal High School and Edinburgh University, afterwards studied Mechanical Engineering with Jas Bertram & Sons Ltd. and in District Engineers' Office, Caledonian Rly. In 1913 joined Halley's Industrial Motors Ltd., leaving to serve in the war in Royal Engineers with commission. Returned to Halley's in 1917 as Assistant Engineering Manager, later becoming Engineering Manager, and in 1926 Director. Joined above firm in 1933. Served 1939-44, as Assistant Director, Deputy Director, and then as Director, Armament Production, M.A.P. In 1944 became Deputy Director General of Equipment Production, Ministry of Aircraft Production. Re-joined E. Chalmers & Co. Ltd. in 1945 in present capacity. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: 22, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, 9. Telephone: 56091.
MACDONALD, James Hector, M.SC., B.SC. (ENG.), A.M.I.MECH.E. With Standard Vacuum Oil Co., Bombay. Born 23rd August, 1897. Educated at Portsmouth. Became an apprentice at Portsmouth Dockyard. Gained Whitworth Scholarship, 1919. City and Guilds Engineering College, 1919-21. Engaged in research on i.c. engine at Birmingham University. Became an engineer at Dundee Corporation Power House before joining present firm in 1926. Interests : Music and Sport. Address: c/o. Standard Vacuum Oil Co., Imperial Chambers, Ballard Estate, Bombay.
McDONALD, John. Director and Secretary, Melvin Motors Ltd., Glasgow, C.5. Born Glasgow, 8th January, 1894. Educated at Glasgow Technical College and studied marine engineering with Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Govan, Glasgow. In 1923 became Manager of Tradeston Motors Ltd. and joined present firm on its formation. Interests : Angling and Bee-keeping. Private Address: Shian Thorntonhall. Telephone: Busby 1662.
McDONALD, Thomas Seymour Hill. Sales Manager, Wilson and Leeper, Ltd., Belfast. Born Dundalk, 15th September, 1914. Educated at Dundalk Grammar School. Spent five years as apprentice mechanic, 1933-8. During the war was Fitter in aircraft factory. Appointed to present position in 1946. Private Address: 14, Orangefield Crescent, Belfast.
McDONALD, William. Managing Director, Irvine Electrical Services Ltd. and Director of Globe & Simpson Ltd., Sheffield. Born Glasgow, 25th December, 1905. Educated at Bella Houston Academy and Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Served five years apprenticeship in electrical engineering, and in 1926, joined Joseph Lucas Ltd., and worked in their repair shops at Glasgow and Edinburgh. In 1931 joined D. B. Irvine, Glasgow, as Works Foreman and later became technical and sales representative in West of Scotland. Appointed Manager in 1935 In 1936 joined Globe & Simpson's and was appointed Manager of the Glasgow Branch of Irvine Electrical Services Ltd. Appointed 1941, to Board of Directors of latter Company and was actively concerned with the development of the Company which has fourteen branches in Scotland and the North of England. Appointed to present positions in 1946. Married, 1934, to Isobel McKenzie (née McLay); three sons, one daughter. Interests : Local Government, the Theatre, Gardening and Golf. Private Address: 37, Bankhead Avenu e Glasgow, W.3.
MACE, Leslie Wallace, M.I.M.I. Managing Director, Gilbert Rice, Rice Brothers (Horsham), Ltd. Horsham. Born Brighton, 9th March, 1901. Educated Brighton Municipal Secondary School. With Marconi Wireless Service in World War I. Became a salesman in 1922. Appointed to present position, 1938. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: Lulworth, Kerves Lane, Horsham, Sussex. Telephone: 1976.
MACFARLANE, William Francis. Assistant Branch Manager, Caffyns Ltd., Eastbourne. Born Harlesden, 30th June, 1922. Educated at St. Lawrence College, Ramsgate. Worked during war in Ministry of Supply Machine Shops and served in R.A.F. In 1945 became Assistant Garage Manager, Riviera Garage, Paignton. Trained mainly at Caffyns Ltd. and took courses with Morris Motors Ltd. Became Assistant Branch Manager at Eastbourne in 195o. Private Address: Helmsley, 39, Willingdon Road, Eastbourne.
McGOWAN, Lord, K.B.E., LL.D., D.C.L. President, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Born Glasgow, 3rd June, 1874. President Society of Chemical Industry, 1931. Hon. Col. 52nd Lowland Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals, 1934-39. Is Deputy Chairman, African Explosives and Chemical Industries, Ltd. Director of Canadian Industries Ltd.; Midland Bank Ltd.; London and Lancashire Insurance Co. Ltd.; International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd. Clubs: Carlton, White's. Private Address: r, Hyde Park Street, London, W.2. Telephone: Ambassador 1737.
McGREGOR CRAIG, George. Chairman and Managing Director, G. T. Riches & Company Ltd., W.C. r. Born Edinburgh, 23rd October, 190o. Educated at George Heriot's School. In 1920 became a trainee with a firm of Motor Distributors in Edinburgh. Travelled in the Malayan Archipelago, 1923-27. At the end of 1944 became Chairman and Managing Director of above firm, who claim to be the oldest Motor Factors. Interests : Boys' Clubs, Painting, Golf and Fishing. Private Address: 5, Avenue Mansions, Finchley Road, London, N.W.3. Telephone: Hampstead 3358.
MACKAY, Edward John. Manager (Scotland) Alexander Duckham & Co. Ltd., W.14. Born Carlisle, r rth July, 191r. Educated at Carlisle Grammar School. Apprenticed in 1928 to Graham Roberts Ltd. Leaving in 1936 to join Sales Staff of H. J. Croft Ltd., Kendall. In 1938 joined Warwick Car Sales, Carlisle as Sales Manager. Volunteered for R.A.F. 1939, saw service in Great Britain, North Africa and Italy. Joined above firm in 1946, in present position. Recreations : Tennis, Golf and Gardening. Private Address: 127, Grange Loan, Edinburgh, 9. Telephone: 46385.
MACKENZIE, Basil. Assistant Experimental Engineer, Passenger Vehicles, Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Born Kirkcudbright, 18th June, 1913. Educated at Douglas High School, I.O.M. and studied engineering at Luton Technical College. Apprenticed Ramsey Motors Ltd., I.O.M., in 193o and joined present firm in 1937. Engaged on automobile development until outbreak of war when transferred to armoured fighting vehicle development until 1945, and resumed automobile work subsequently. During the war was part-time lecturer on engineering subjects at Luton Technical College. Read paper entitled "Automobile Suspension Springs " before the Automobile Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1947-48. Member of Committee, Luton Centre of the Institution, 1950I . Private Address: 8, Compton Avenue, Leagrave, Luton, Beds.
MACKENZIE, Hugh Black. Assistant Sales Manager, India Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd., India House, 92, John Bright Street, Birmingham. Telephone: Midland 0421. Born Beith, Ayrshire 13th June, 1904. Educotec4 at Spier's School, Beith. Worked in an Insurance Company's office for eight years before joining present organisation in Sales Department in 1929. Appointed Sales Secretar:, 1944. Assistant Sales Manager, 1950. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: 1, Speedwell Road, Birmingham, 5. Telephone: Calthorpe 2428.
McKERCHER, Alexander Duncan, B.SC.(ENG.), G.I.MECH.E., A.M.I.M.I. Proprietor, Breadalbane Garage, The Square, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. 'Born Edinburgh, 1st July, 1925. Educated at Breadalbane Academy, Aberfeldy; Melville College, Edinburgh and Edinburgh University. Only son of the late Alexander McKercher, founder of firm. Took B.Sc. (Eng). degree at Edinburgh University and continued studying at R.N.E.C., Plymouth as Air Eng. Officer. Served during the war as Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R., Fleet Air Arm, 1945-47. After service joined family business as Works Manager, subsequently taking over sales and latterly general management. Took over complete control of business on death of his father in February, 1951. Interests : Agriculture, Politics and Motoring. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: Nessbank, Aberfeldy. Telephone: 132.
MACKEY, Denys Edward. Sales Manager, Transport, Dunlopillo Division, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., Walton, Liverpool, 9. Born Edgbaston, 19th December, 7906. Educated at St. Philip's Grammar School, Birmingham. Became Chief Clerk at Tyre Depot before joining Dunlop's Sales Dept. in 1934. Served with them in various capacities before joining the Royal Navy (1940-1945). Appointed to present position, 1946. Recreations : Golf, Gardening. Private Address: Rostherne, 23a, Rake Lane, Upton, Wirral. Telephone: Upton 3434.
MACKLIN, James, A.M.I.M.I. Managing Director, Stockwood Motors Ltd., Corby, Northants. Born Law, 2nd August, 1908. Educated at Townhead School, Hamilton, receiving Technical education at Hamilton Academy. Apprenticed to General Engineering 1922, moved to Windsor, Ont., Canada. Entered Motor Trade in 1927, joined General Motors of Canada in 1929 as foreman in charge of production vehicles. Returned to England 1934 and formed Corby Haulage Co. Ltd. In 1937 formed Stockwood Motors Ltd. and sold Haulage Co., 1940. In 1941 joined the army, demobilised in 7946 with rank of Major. Served in Detroit, America as Deputy Assistant Director of Mechanical Engineers, B Vehicles. At present in addition to the above Company is Managing :Director of Stockwood Finance Corp. Ltd., and Corwell Motors Ltd., also Director of Corby Town Club Ltd. Married with one son, one daughter. Recreations : Shooting and Gardening. Private Address: Richmond Road, Corby, Northants. Telephone: 3243.
MACKLIN, Mary Reid (Mrs.). Director, Stockwood Motors Ltd., Corby. Born, Rinkinson, in 1904. Educated at Hamilton. First acquainted with the Motor Industry during the war whilst her husband was serving in H.M. Forces, became a Director of the above Company in 1940. Married; two sons. Interests : Gardening, Sewing, Leather Work and Church Guilds. Private Address: 15, Stockwood Drive, Corby, Northants. Telephone: 3243.
MACKNESS, Lt.-Comdr. George John, O.B.E., D.S.C., D.L., J.P., R.N. (RETD.). Director, A. R. Atkey & Co. Ltd., Nottingham. Born Broughty Ferry, Angus, May loth, 1892. Educated at R.N. Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth. Served in the Royal Navy until 1919, since then became Director of above firm, and also Director of J. Shipstone & Sons Ltd., Brewers. A.R.P. Controller for City of Nottingham during 2nd World war. High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire 1948-49. President Nottingham Bn. Boys Brigade. Member of Council of the Magistrates' Association. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Portland Training College for the Disabled. Outside interests : Fly Fishing. Private Address: The Oaks, Arlington Drive, Mapperley Park, Nottingham. Telephone: 65373.
MACKNIGHT, Ian Gray, T.D., m.i.m.i. Managing Director, Macknight (Motors) Ltd., Dumfries. Born Assam, India, 24th October, 1907. Educated at George Watson's College, Edinburgh. Apprenticed to firm of Chartered Accountants. Afterwards became a student with Ford Motor Co. Ltd., at Trafford Park. Came to Dumfries in 1933 and started present firm. Was commissioned R.A. (T.A.) before the war and called up before outbreak. In 1942 transferred to R.E.M.E., served in Middle East. Mentioned in Despatches, awarded T.D. Released at end of 1945 with Hon. rank of Major. Is also a Director of Sutherland Motors (Dumfries) Ltd. Interests : Municipal affairs and the work of S.M.T.A. Recreations : Golf and reading. Private Address: 4, Montague Street, Dumfries. Telephone: 1622.
MACLACHLAN, Alain Norman Latham, B.A.(ENG.)0XON, M.I.M.I. Engine Development Engineer, Humber Ltd., Coventry. Born 7th October, 1905 at Largs, Ayrshire. Educated at Boxgrove School, Guildford and Loretto School, Musselburgh, N.B. After three years at Oxford University, 1924-27 became a pupil with J. I. Thornycroft & Co. Ltd., at Basingstoke. In 193o sent by the firm to S. Africa as Technical Assistant to the Company's representative. On return employed as Assistant to Experimental Engineer on diesel and petrol engine development. Afterwards in charge of Experimental Dept. and later engaged on experimental design work. Left in 1933 to start own motor business — Cresta Motor Co. Ltd., Worthing—in which occupied position of technical Director, 1934-41 when health forced retirement. Took up work again in 1946. Appointed development Engineer to Monaco Engines Ltd., on Light Aircraft development. Shortly after cessation of this project in 1949 took up present position in charge of experimental developments covering all Rootes Group power units. Interests : Gardening, Motor Sport, Painting, Model Railways and Music. Private Address: 96, Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Telephone: 3064.
McLACHLAN, Edward Metcalf. Director and Works Manager, Mullett's Motor Works, Ltd. Born Clapham Park, 4th March, 1892. Educated at Dulwich College where studied Engineering and Science. Started work in Heavy Gas Engines before joining the staff of " Motor Cycling." Served in 1914-18 war as Despatch Rider, R.E. Signals, 19 r4r5, Lieut. R.E. Signals, 29th Div., Gallipoli. France in 1917, wounded. Training R.E. DRs. until demobilisation, 1918. Farmed until 1925 when joined Service Dept. of Singer Motors, Ltd. Became Service Manager, Riley's, London until 1934. Field Service Representative for Chrysler Motors & Dodge Bros., Kew, to 1939. Served in H.G., 1940-44 as Sgt. Instructor. Took present position, 1946. Interests : Farming. Private Address: 120, Parry's Lane, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, 9. Telephone: 81491.
McLAGAN, Lt.-Col. Douglas Craig, D.S.O., M.B.E., T.D. Former Secretary, S.M.M. & T. Ltd., Director of Auto Parks Ltd. Born Edinburgh, 12th March, 1880. Educated at Royal High School, Edinburgh; Edinburgh University. Practised as Solicitor in Scotland, 1903-14. Became Controller of Statistics (Scotland) Ministry of National Service. Parliamentary Secretary to National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, 1920. Secretary to Central Council for Economic Information, 1921-24. Sec. to Accumulator Manufacturers Association 192429. Recreation: Golf. Interests : Economics. Address: C/o. Auto Parks Ltd., 1-31, Maclise Road, London, W.14.
McMAHON, Thomas Edward. Sales and Publicity Manager, Morris Garages Ltd., Oxford. Born Southampton, 2ISt January, 1903. Educated at Bishop Wordsworth's School, Salisbury. In 1919 became apprentice with Wessex Motors Ltd. and afterwards junior salesman, leaving in 1924 to join present firm as junior salesman. Witnessed creation of 1st M.G. Cars and the formation of the M.G. Car Company as separate offspring. Progressed in seniority and apponted as Sales and Publicity Manager, 1935. Married; two sons. Interests : Music and Gardening. President of Advertising Club of Oxford, 1950-1. Private Address: Vrancea, Oxford Road, Abingdon, Berks. Telephone: Abingdon 325.
McMEEKIN, Robert Thomson. Partner, Swan Tennent & McMeekin, Glasgow, C.'. Born Glasgow, 17th October, 1901. Educated at Pollokshields Public School. Started business career as Junior Assistant with North British Machine Co. Ltd., Glasgow, leaving them in 1915 to start apprenticeship with J. Howden & Co. Ltd., Marine Engineers. In 1922 returned to the sales side of the Motor Industry. In 1934 became partner in above business. Served during the war with the Admiralty, Merchant Shipbuilding, Technical Section in St. Enoch Hotel, Glasgow, under Sir James Lithgow, Controller. Recreations : Climbing, Fishing, Golf. Private Address: 9, Arnside Avenue, Giffnock, Glasgow. Telephone: Giffnock 2006.
McNALLY, Timothy. Proprietor, McNally's Central Garage, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. Born Boyle, 24th August, 1909. Educated at National and Grammar Schools, Elphin. Brother started a Garage in 1924 but died in 193o then T. McNally took over the business. Has been a member of the Council of the Irish Motor Traders since 1949. Is currently engaged on building new premises. Interests : Bridge, Cinemas, and Dancing. Private Address: Main Street, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. Telephone: 7.
McNEILL, Sir Hector, KT., LL.D., F.E.I.S. Director, S.M.T. Sales & Service Co. Ltd. Born Glasgow, 31st January, 1892. Elected to Corporation, 1924 serving until 193o, reelected 1932. Lord Provost of Glasgow, 194549. Has been Member of Clyde Navigation Trust since 1926. Government Director, David MacBrayne Ltd. Member of Scottish Council (Development and Industry). D.L. of County of City of Glasgow. Private Address: Sanda, Larchfield Avenue, Newton Mearns, Renfrewshire. Telephone: 2743.
MACPHERSON, Harry Cameron. Director, Edinburgh Haymarket Garage Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Born Edinburgh, 22nd September, 1906. Educated at George Heriot's School, Edinburgh. Studied engineering at Tynecastle Technical Institute and Heriot Watt College. In 1921, became a premium apprentice and served five years with Scottish Motor Traction Co. Ltd. Became Engineer and subsequently Works Manager with Eastern Motor Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. In 1937 acquired Viewforth Garage and operated under own name until 1946. Was member of Mechanised Special Constabulary during war and also did civilian war work. Founded present motor business with co-Director, C. F. Farquharson, in 1946. Convenor, Motor Trade Advisory Committee for Further Education (Edinburgh). Married: one daughter. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: 3, Polwarth Gardens, Edinburgh. Telephone: Fountainbridge 8361.
McPHERSON, Neil Clark, O.B.E. Manager, North Eastern Division, Road Haulage Executive, "A" Wing, Government Buildings, Ring Road, Halton, Leeds. Telephone: 31741. Born Cardiff, 26th September, 1892. Educated in Wales. Prior to 1914 gained commercial experience in industrial, coal and shipping Companies in Cardiff and Newport. Served in 1914 war in ranks and was demobilised, 1919, as a Commissioned Officer, 2nd Batt. S. Wales Borderers, 29th Div. (twice mentioned in Despatches). In 1919 founded road transport business of Venn & McPherson, Ltd., Newport. Business expanded, opening Depots in five S. Wales towns. Business sold to Pickfords Ltd., in 1935 Became Manager for Pickfords Ltd., S. Wales area. In 1939 became Road Transport representative of Cardiff Port Emergency Committee, etc. In 1941 appointed Div. Road Haulage Officer, transferred, 1946 in a similar position to Northern & Yorkshire traffic regions. In 1945 appointed Controller of M. of W.T. Foreign Service Unit located at Breda, Holland. Appointed to present position when Industry was nationalised in 1948. Was a well-known Rugger player (Newport and Scotland). Hobby : Bowls. Private Address: 147, Gledhow Valley Road, Leeds, 7. Telephone: 41671.
McQUESTON, John, o.B.E. Managing Director, Scottish Midland Guarantee Trust Ltd., 5, Forres Street, Edinburgh. Born Glasgow, 5th April, 1908. Educated in Glasgow and started business career with Scottish Automobile & General Insurance Company. Became Manager of their Edinburgh and Glasgow Branches. Left in 1939 to join present Company as General Manager. Joined Army at beginning of war. Rose to rank of Colonel. Served mainly in Middle East. Awarded O.B.E. for services in Italy. Appointed Managing Director of above firm, 1951. Interests : Golf and Riding. Private Address: Woodford, Cramond Road North, Barnton, Midlothian. Telephone: 78685.
MACVE, William Ernest. North Western Divisional Manager, Road Haulage Executive, 679/681, Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, 16. Born London, 25th October, 190o. Educated as Aske's, Hatcham. Commenced business career in Continental Shipping before becoming Traffic Manager, Bleachers Association Ltd., in 1928. Left in 1937 to become Assistant General Manager and subsequently Chief Executive (Operations), Northern Ireland Transport Board. In 1945 became Chairman, Licensing Authority for Passenger Vehicles, North Western Area and in 1948 took up present position with Road Haulage Executive. Interests : Ornithology and Golf. Private Address: Oakleigh, Wilmslow Road, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Telephone: 2342.
MacVITIE, Arthur Linnel, F.I.M.I. Proprietor " Rothwell and Milbourne," Central Garage, Malvern. Born Sutton Coldfield, loth December, 1893. Educated at Bishop Vesey's Grammar School, Sutton Coldfield. Served in 1914 war in Infantry, as Despatch Rider previous to serving overseas. Became District Manager, Shell-Mex & B.P. Ltd. In 1926 purchased present business, which includes St. James Garage, West Malvern and Cowleigh Garage, North Malvern. Vice-President Malvern Chamber of Commerce. Vice-President, Worcestershire Motor Club (Founder-Member). Founder Member of Malvern Rotary Club. Senior Divisional Vice-Chairman, W. Midland Division, Motor Agents Association. Interests : Motor Sport, Sea-voyages— especially on cargo vessels and the countryside. Married, 1920, N. D. (née Castle) of Worcester; one son (now in the business). Private Address: " Little Hill," Colwall, Nr. Malvern, Worcs. Telephone: Colwall 350.
McWILLIAM, Colonel Iain, T.D., M.I.MECH.E. Managing Director, William Gillespie and Son, Ltd., Paisley. Born Paisley, 19th February, 1889. Educated at Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh. Served apprenticeship with Fullerton, Hodgard & Barclay Ltd., Paisley, and trained also in U.S.A. and Canada, 1912-13. Colonel, Royal Engineers, T.A. Served 1914-20 and 1939-44. Was Manager of Coppersmiths and Brassfounders before joining present firm in 1922. Is Deputy Lieutenant, County of Renfrew. Interests : Farming, Tennis and Shooting. Clubs : Caledonian; Junior Army and Navy; Conservative, Glasgow. Married, Mary (née Gourlay); one son (one killed in R.A.F.). Private Addresses: 3, Corsebar Drive, Paisley. Telephone: Paisley 2255 and Uigle, Campbeltoun, Argyll.
MADDOCKS, John. General Works Manager, Samlesbury Engineering Ltd., Samlesbury. Born Manchester, 15th November, 1897. Educated at Eccles Secondary School. Apprenticed with Browitt Lindley & Co. Ltd. Served with the R.F.C. in France during the 1914 war. In 1919 joined A. V. Roe & Co. Ltd., Manchester, in Aircraft Production & Experimental Divisions. Leaving in 1928 to work for Northern Airlines Ltd., as Manager, Barton, Manchester. For the next two years was Manager for Air Travel Ltd., Gatwick Airport. In 1934 joined the Air Ministry as Technical Costs Officer, leaving in 1942 to become General Works Manager with the Lancashire Aircraft Corporation Ltd., Samlesbury. Took up present position in 1947. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: Victoria Street, Lytham, Lancs. Telephone: 309.
MAER, Fred Ernest, M.I.P.E. Production Director, The Glacier Metal Co. Ltd., Alperton, Middlesex. Born Willesden, 16th March, 1902. Educated at Regent Street Polytechnic. Apprenticed with British Thomson Houston Co. Joined present Company in 1927. Appointed to present position in 1938. Recreation : Golf. Club : Moor Park Golf. Private Address: " Whitethorns," 2, Astons Road, Moor Park, Northwood, Middx. Telephone: 2302.
MAGINNESS, Ronald Montague. District Manager, Tyre Division, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., Westgate, Leeds. Born Devonport, 18th November, 1893. Educated at King's College, Rochester and Portsmouth Grammar School. Served in R.N. as Lieut.-Comdr., retiring with rank of Commander. Entered commerce in 1926 as general Salesman. Appointed to present position, 1929. Interests : Ceramics, Golf. Private Address: 5, Wynford Grove, West Park, Leeds, 6.
MAINWARING, Harry Kenneth. Sale & Export Manager, Vincent H.R.D. Co. Ltd., Stevenage. Born London, 28th September, 191o. Educated at Enfield. Apprenticed Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft 1929. Then spent three years with Road Motor Engineers Dept., L.N.E.R., leaving to take position as Service Manager with London Transport Company. Commenced business on own account, this was terminated by outbreak of war during which time spent five years with M.A.P., and technical staff of M.O.S. Appointed to present position 1945. Outside interests: Gardening, Fishing, Motoring and Photography. Married; two children. Private Address: Upper Green, Tewin, Welwyn, Herts. Telephone: Tewin 249.
MAKGILL-CRICHTON MAITLAND, Henry David, Col., O.B.E. Branch Manager, Caffyns Ltd., Sevenoaks. Born London, 2 I St December, 1904. Educated at Eton. Spent five years as indentured apprentice with Blackstones Ltd., Stamford. Took position as Assistant Manager at St. Martins Garage, Stamford, 1926. Went to Kenya in 1928, returning to England in 193o and becoming Managing Director of Sinclair Concessions Ltd. in 1933. In 1935 became General Manager (Service) of Oldsmobile Distributors Ltd., leaving them to join the R.A.O.C. in 1939. Served in various capacities during the war rising to D.D.M.E., (Organisation) 2 I St Army Group (Colonel) in 1945. Awarded the following: O.B.E. (1945), 1939-45 Star, France and Germany Star, Home Defence Medal, Victory Medal, American Legion of Merit and mentioned in Despatches (1940 and 1945). Appointed to present position on demobilisation in 1945. Recreations : Cricket and Golf. Private Address: Barfield, Offham, West Mailing, Kent. Telephone: 3293.
MALCOLM, Thomas Stuart. Chairman and General Manager, Perth Garage Ltd., York Place, Perth. Born Edinburgh loth February, 1895. Educated at Bruntsfield, Edinburgh. On leaving school trained as an electrical engineer before entering theatre and cinema business on Technical side. Became Manager of New Theatre, Hawick, 1914. Joined Royal Engineers, 1914. Commissioned in Royal Fusiliers, later attached to Royal Flying Corps and afterwards to R.A.F. as Pilot. Returned to civilian life as Cinema Manager in 1919 and in 1929 entered Motor Industry as Sales Manager of above Garage. In 1934 became General Manager and Director, in 195o Chairman. Chairman of E. Scotland Division, M.A.A., 1936-49. Member of National Executive, War Executive and Management Committee, M.A.A., 1939-43 and from 1945 to date. Interests : Soccer, Travel and the Theatre. Private Address: 5o, Rose Crescent, Perth. Telephone: 1008.
MALLETT, Cyril Walter, A.M.I.MECH.E. Mechanical and Electrical Engineer. Born Stamford, 17th October, 1902. Educated at Acland Central School; Regent St. Polytechnic and Merchant Venturers' College, Bristol. Matriculated, London University and took City and Guilds P.O. Exam. in magnetism and electricity. Had repair work experience in London, Bristol, Toronto, before becoming Branch Works Superintendent with Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Belfast. Recreation: Gardening. Private Address: 46, The Fairway, North Wembley.
MALONE, James William. General Manager, Nuffield Exports Ltd., Cowley, Oxford. Born Stony Stratford, 19th December, 1901. Educated Bradwell. Became an apprentice with Wolseley Motors Ltd., in 1918, being appointed Service Manager for Wolseley Motors Ltd., Delhi, in 1926. The following year appointed Service Manager, Wolseley Motors Ltd., Bombay, and in 193o became Service Manager, Morris Industries (India) Ltd., Bombay. Sales Representative in 1932. Sales Manager, 1934 and General Manager 1936. Appointed General Sales Manager, Nuffield Exports Ltd., Cowley in 1948. Took up present position in 195o. Recreations : Golf and Riding. Private Address: 2, Blandford Avenue, Oxford. Telephone: 58937.
MANDERS, Arthur Frederick James. Branch Manager, William Anderson & Co., Kirkcaldy. Born Gourock, 5th March, 1923. Educated at Royal High School, Edinburgh. Upon leaving volunteered for Royal Navy. Served afloat for 31 years in Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Far East Waters, with rank of Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. After demobilisation entered London University, reading for LL.B., having reached inter, decided to enter Motor Industry. Joined above firm in 1948 as Warehouseman, taking up present position 1948. Recreations : Rowing, Sailing, Rugby and Golf. Private Address: Aysgarth, Lady Nairn Avenue, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Telephone: 5235.
MANINGTON, Frederick Charles, m.i.m.i. Managing Director, The Chatham Motor Co. Ltd., Chatham. Born 1894 at Chatham. Educated privately and at St. Paul's School. Entered Motor Industry in 1908. Volunteered for service 1917, sent to France, mentioned in Despatches. Reentered the Motor Industry on own account. Took over the above concern with partner in 1924. Formed Limited Company in 1944 as. Joint Managing Director, subsequently appointed Managing Director. Served ten years on Council of M.A.A., and is Chairman of S.E. Div. M.A.A. Past President Rotary Club. Chairman of Directors, Masonic Club. Elected to Chatham Town Council, 1949. Interests : Municipal affairs, Rotary, Gardening and Continental Travel. Private Address: Highbank, 27a, Maidstone Road, Chatham. Telephone: 45867.
MANKTELOW, Denis Stanley, A.S.A.A. Managing Director, Garner Motors Ltd., and subsidiary, London, N.W.io. Born London, 6th October, 1909. Educated Kilburn Grammar School. Appointed to present position, 1948. Recreations : Golf. Interests : Travel and Philately. Private Address: Hared, Ravenscroft Avenue, Preston Road, Wembley, Middlesex. Telephone: Arnold 1531.
MANN, Leslie Eugene Walker. Director and General Manager, VaughanHarbourne Ltd., Leicester. Born loth February, 1898, at Leicester. Educated at Holy Trinity, and Technical College, Leicester. Fellow of the Institute of Company Accountants. Served in 1914 war in France. Was Audit clerk until entering the Motor Industry in capacity of Office Manager, 1925, taking up present position in 1934. Served with Home Guard 2nd World War, rank Lieut. Married. Recreations : Golf and Cricket. Hobby : Phillumeny. Private Address: Fairlawn, 32, Shanklin Drive, Leicester. Telephone: 78462.
MANNING, Geoffrey. Assembly Spares and Service Superintendent, Vincent H. R. D. Co. Ltd., Stevenage. Born Leicester, 15th February, 1915. Educated at Wyggeston Grammar School, Leicester and Rugby Technical College. Received training at British Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd., Rugby. Leaving in 1938 to join Mellor Bromley Ltd., Leicester as Planning Engineer. Commissioned in R.E.M.E. in 1942, and served with 1st and 6th Airborne Divisions in Europe and the Middle East. Demobilised 1946 with rank of Capt. and re-joined British Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd. In 1948 became Assistant Sales Manager with Vincent H.R.D. Co. Ltd., being appointed to present position in 1950. Competed in scrambles and grass races prior to the war, and also in road races at home and in the I.O.M. Private address: 4, Essex Road, Stevenage, Hens.
MANSFIELD, George Albert. Director and Company Secretary to Premier Engineering Co. (Scarborough) Ltd. Born York, 14th May, 1915. Educated at Elmfield College, York. Held various secretarial positions with commercial firms. First connected with the Motor Industry on taking up present position in 1939. Private Address: 7, Belmont Road, Scarborough, Yorks. Telephone: 1662.
MANSION, Horace Douglas, M.SC.(ENG.), A.C.G.I., D.I.C., A.M.I.MECH.E.(A.D.). Chief Information Officer, Motor Industry Research Association, Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex. Born Belfast, 11th December, 1906. Educated at Merchant Taylors' School, London, gaining Technical training at City & Guilds Engineering College (Mechanical Eng. Dept.), South Kensington. Obtained B.Sc. (Eng.) and A.C.G.I. in 1929. Served apprenticeship at C.A. Parsons & Co. Ltd., Newcastle-onTyne, 1929-31. Gained M.Sc. (Eng.) and D.I.C. in 1932 for research on Heat Transmission. Was Research Assistant in Heat Transmission Dept. at City & Guilds College, 1932-1935. First connection with Motor Industry was in that year when he joined I.A.E. Research Dept. (now M.I.R.A.). Author of numerous I.A.E. and M.I.R.A. (Confidential) Research Reports on various aspects of Durability, Strength and Lubrication of Gears. Hobbies : Photography and Motoring. Private Address: 72o, Great West Road, Isleworth, Middlesex. Telephone: Hounslow 4334.
MANTLE, Col. Frank Mitchell, T.D., D.L. Chairman, Mantle and Boarland, Ltd., Leicester. Born Highfield House, Leicester, 14th June, 1891, son of Robert Scampton Mantle (d. 1895) of the same address. Educated at Leys School, Cambridge. Served in 1914 war in France with 4th Bn. Leicestershire Regt. For 17 years connected with W. & A. Bates, Ltd., India-rubber Manufacturers, as Assistant Sales Manager. Took up present position in 1926. Is also Chairman of Robothams Ltd., Leicester. Has been member of Territorial Army for 3o years and is member of T.& A.F. Association, Leics., and Rutland. Has travelled extensively in Europe and Far East. In 1939 war served with R.A., commanding 44th Searchlight Regt. Promoted to rank of Brevet Colonel with effect from 1946. Club : Junior Army and Navy. Private Address: Sandhills Cottage Farm, Newtown Linford, Leics. Telephone: Markfield 275.
MANTON, Frank Arthur Charles, A.M.I.MECH.E. Managing Director, Manton Motors, Ltd., Croydon. Born Addiscombe, 7th April, 1921. Educated at St. Joseph's College, London. Became an indentured apprentice with A. E. C. Southall and received engineering tuition at Southall Technical College. Joined Royal Navy, direct entry commission, 1942. Served Western Atlantic winter 1942, small ships. Assistant Base Engineer, Bougie, N. Africa— all classes of vessels, 1943. Led Naval Recovery (Salvage) Party 887 Anzio Landings. Has had much naval diving and salvage experience. In 1944 acted as Repair Liaison Officer with Admiralty. Had charge of Steam and Motor Marine equipment, visiting U.S. Naval Bases, and is also familiar with the manufacture and maintenance of Heavy Commercial Road Vehicles. Recreations : Gardening and Decorating. Married; one son. Private Address: i 1, Clifton Road, Coulsdon, Surrey.
MANUELLE, Basil Montague. Sales Director, Fox and Nicholl Ltd., Surbiton. Born Westcliffe, 1895. Educated at Felsted School, Essex. Engaged in farming as a pupil upon leaving school. Served during the World War I from 1914-1919, taking up Pig and Poultry farming on demobilisation until 1925 when became connected with the Motor Industry as a Salesman. Appointed to present position in 1927. Interests : Shooting and Fishing. Private Address: Holly Bush House, Boxhill Road, Tadworth. Telephone; Betchworth 3359.
MARCHANT, Charles Fayette. Depot Manager, Caffyns Ltd., at Brighton. Born Walthamstow, 24th March, 1894. Educated at Addison School, Walthamstow. Became an apprentice in Motor Engineering with Clement-Talbot Ltd., and studied at London Polytechnic. Employed by Napier's, and by C.A.V. Ltd. as Fitter Improver before joining the Queens Westminster Rifles, in 1912. Active service in France 1914-16, losing a leg in Battle of Somme, 1st June, 1916. Appointed Indo-European Telegraph Dept., Persia 191731, Bushire Cable Telegraphs and Karachi Telegraphs. In 1934 became Director of Aviation Developments Ltd. Joined present organisation 1935. Became Branch Manager Horsham and East Grinstead in 1939, promoted Depot Manager, Brighton 1946. Recreations : Shooting, Tennis and Bridge. Private Address: Appletrees, Denmass Close, Lindfield, Sussex. Telephone: 351.
MARKHAM, Basil Gervase, M.A.(CANTAB), F.R.AE.S., A.M.I.MECH.E. Head of Technical Department, Bristol Aeroplane Co. (Engine Division), Filton, Nr. Bristol. Born Aughton, 3rd October, 1906. Son of the late Rev. R. F. Markham. Educated at Brighton College and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Studied engineering at Cambridge and at Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Belfast. In 1932 became Assistant to Chief Engineer, R. A. Lister & Co. Appointed to present position, 1943. Is married to Sarah, elder daughter of Dr. T. Loveday, LL.D., late Vice-Chancellor, Bristol University. Two sons. Member of Fedden Mission to U.S.A. representing Minister of Aircraft Production, 1942-43. Served on Piston Engine SubCommittee Aeronautical Research Council. Recreations : Gardening, Hunting & Sailing. Private Address: The Old Vicarage, Bitton, Nr. Bristol. Telephone: 2230.
MARKLAND, Stanley. Director and Joint General Manager, Leyland Motors Ltd. Born Macclesfield, 3rd July, 1903. Educated at Chorley Grammar School. Became apprenticed with Leyland Motors Ltd. in 1920, being awarded the first Engineering Scholarship granted by the Company, 1921. On conclusion of apprenticeship, appointed to junior position in Research Dept. Eventually graduated to position of Research Engineer, 1937. Appointed Assistant Chief Engineer, 1942 and Chief Engineer, 1945. Joined the Board in 1946 and made Joint General Manager, 1950. Recreations : Fishing and Golf. Private Address: Burwood, Shaw Hill, Chorley. Telephone: 2479.
MARKS, Edward William. Technical Representative, Southern Area, L. M. Van Moppes & Sons, Basingstoke. Born Wood Green, 26th January, 1902. Educated at Hornsey Secondary School. Apprenticed as Blacksmith/Engineer with Argyll Motors, Hornsey prior to joining Royal Navy in 1916. Discharged 1921 on medical grounds and continued training with Argyll Motors until 1927. Became transport Engineer with Haulage Contractors until 1932. Was manager, A.,. Garage, Kensington, 1932-37. In 1937 took up position as Works Manager, Skylux of Acton. Left in 1943 to join L. M. Van Moppes & Sons. Served with Home Guard—retiring with Hon. rank of 2nd Lieut. Engineer Buyer Representatives Association, Chairman, 1950-I. Recreations : Riding and Showing Horses. Private Address: 65, Boxtree Road, Harrow Weald, Middles ex. Telephone: Grimsdyke 1496.
MARPLES, Stephen Arnold, M.I.MECH.E. Retired Motor business proprietor. Born London, 1873. Educated at University College School. Served apprenticeship with marine and general engineers. Studied American and Continental methods abroad before settling in London as consultant in 1904. Served during 1914 war as Capt. in R.G.A. Transferred to Air Ministry in 1917 in charge of Progress and Production Dept., aeroplane engines. Became member of Ministry of Munitions' Committee for Surplus War Material. Private Address: Chesters, Haig Avenue, Canford Cliffs, Bournemouth.
MARRIOTT, Arthur Thomas. Proprietor, Marriott Brothers, Sheffield, 9. Born Sheffield, 6th June, 1907. Educated at Sheffield gaining Certificates in Theory and. Practice of Oxy-Acetylene Welding, at Sheffield University and in Principles therof at City and. Guilds, London Institute, Dept. of Technology.. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: 145, Furniss Avenue, Dore, Nr. Sheffield. Telephone: Sheffield 74124.
MARRIOTT, Ian Arthur, A.I.MECH.E., A.I.LOCO.E. Managing Director, The Parsons Engineering Co. Ltd., Southampton. Born London, 25th March, 1911. Educated at Rugby School and New College Oxford.. Became pupil apprentice with Fraser & Chalmers Engineering Co. Ltd., studying also at Erith Technical Institute. Joined I.C.I. Ltd., in 1933, on the engineering staff of the Alkali Division. Left in 1939 to serve with the Royal Engineers, as General Staff Officer (Lieut.Col.) at Allied Force H.Q., N. Africa, and later at Supreme H.Q. Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe and subsequently on the Control Commission in Germany until demobilised in 1945. In 1946 appointed General Manager, Cowlishaw & Walker Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. Held various high executive positions with Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd., with Associated British Oil Engines Ltd., London, and with W. G. Bagnall, Ltd. In 1950 was the leader of the Diesel Locomotive Manufacturers' Productivity Team on a tour of U.S. plants. Is a member of the Institute of Industrial Administration, and a founder Member of the British Institute of Management. Interests : Psychology, Winter Sports. and Yachting. Private Address: The Priory of Lady St_ Mary, Wareham, Dorset. Telephone: 245.
MARSDEN, Allen Gatenby, C.B.E., M.INST.T. Transport Adviser, Lever Bros. and Unilever Ltd. Born, 13th September, 1893. Educated at Wadham House, Hale; Bedford Grammar School. Joined L. & N.W. Rly. as probationer, 1909. Served 1914-17, with Commission overseas, invalided home from Gallipoli with rank of Capt. and under Director-General of Transportation, France. Appointed to a number of transport executive positions between the wars and was Transport Supervisor, Cadbury-Fry Joint Transport in 1940 prior to becoming Director of Transport, Ministry of Food until 1946. Recreations : Golf and Fishing. Club : Savile. Private Address: Green Acre, Alma Road, Reigate, Surrey. Telephone: Reigate 3530.
MARSH, Frederick Bowyer, M.I.MECH.E. Chief Technician and Sales Executive, David Brown Tractor Group, Meltham. Born Leeds, 9th January, 1905. Educated at Cockburn High School. Studied engineering at Cockburn Technical Evening School. During apprenticeship with J. & H. McLaren obtained scholarship to Leeds University and took diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 1927. Afterwards joined Bostock & Bramley, Gear Specialists and Consulting Engineers, as technical assistant to the late F. J. Bostock. Subsequently in this organisation with Craven Bros., and later became Director. Joined David Brown & Sons (Huddersfield) Ltd. in 1936 as Development Engineer. Took charge of Heavy Engineering Section, 1938. During the war, established new Department manufacturing Merritt/Brown gearbox, which Department later became part of David Brown Tractors Ltd. Appointed Commercial Director of the latter Company in 1946 and of the associated Companies, including Aston-Martin and Lagonda Ltd., in 1947 and 1950 respectively. Following the formation of the David Brown Corporation, was appointed Chief Executive for the functions of sales and engineering for the Group in May, 1951. Recreation: Gardening. Private Address: 3, The View, Roundhay, Leeds, 8. Telephone: 61975.
MARSH, William Walter, C.B.E. Former Controller, Fuel and Power, Eastern Region. Born 29th March, 1877. Entered Civil Service 1893. Was Chairman of Court of Referees in London, 1937-39. Thereafter held posts under Ministry of Fuel and Power. Recreation: Fencing (was amateur champion sabre 1908 and 1909 and competed in Olympic Games, 1908, 1912, 1920 and 1924). Club : East India and Sports, London, S.W.I. Address: Alladoon, Fairlight Cove, Near Hastings, Sussex. Telephone: Pett 3158.
MARSHALL, Alan Cecil. Director, G. Marshall & Sons, Ltd., Chesham and Amersham. Born Chesham, 1903. Joined family business on leaving school. Is a keen caravan tourist and after the war set up and now controls this side of the business. Recreations : Golf, Shooting and Gardening. Private Address: " Trees," Parkfield Avenue, Amersham, Bucks.
MARSHALL, Arthur Gregory George, O.B.E., J.P., M.A.(CANTAB), F.I.M.I. Managing Director, The Marshall Organisation, Cambridge. Born 4th December, 1903 at Cambridge. Educated at Tunbridge School and Jesus College, Cambridge. Graduated with 1st Class Engineering Degree in 1924. Obtained double blue in Athletics. Appointed Director of Marshalls Flying School Ltd. in 1930, and Marshalls (Cambridge) Ltd. in 1934. On the death of his father, D. G. Marshall, M.B.E., in 1942 was made Managing Director of these two Companies and subsequently formed Marshall Motor Bodies Ltd., the Cambridge Aero Club, and Teversham Crop Driers Ltd., and was appointed Managing Director of these Companies. Is Chairman of Vehicle Distributors Section of S. M. M. & T. Has a model farm with a Jersey Herd. Interests : A.T.C., Golf, Shooting. Private Address: Horseheath Lodge, Cambridge. Telephone: Linton 318.
MARSHALL, Harold Elias, F.I.M.I. Managing Director, H. E. Marshall (Motors) Ltd., Slough. Born London, 9th January, 1889. Educated at London Polytechnic and in 1904 became an apprentice in Engineering. Served in 1st World War in R.A.S.C., in France 1914-19 with rank of Sergeant (acting M.S.M.). Has been Managing Director of present firm since its formation in 1919, and engineer and accident assessor for several insurance Companies since 1922. Served in Home Guard, until 1941 then as Mechanical Officer with rank of Captain until 1945. Acted for M.0.5 as Inspector of Machine Tools, 1939-40. Divisional Chairman, I.M.I., 1946-7. Won M.A.A., Divisional Golf Trophy, 1933 (runner up, 1936). Recreations : Shooting, Fishing, Golf, Billiards and Gardening. Private Address: "Avril," Taplow, Bucks. Telephone: Burnham 29.
MARSHALL, Kenneth Dale. Director, Edwards & Marshall Ltd., Cheltenham. Born Cheltenham, 13th February, 1901. Educated at Cheltenham Grammar School. Left school in 1916 and joined his father's Engineering works, employed on munitions until end of war. Became Manager of the Business on his father's death in 1920. Started up in Motor Business at above address in 1923, in partnership with Vice-Admiral J. D. Edwards, R.N. Rtd., trading as " The Cheltenham Motor Garage and Repair Works." Later formed Limited Company changing name to Edwards and Marshall Ltd. Unfit for military service in 1939. Joined 1st Glos. Batn. Home Guard and served as Batn. Transport Officer. Recreations : Golf, Tennis and Rugby Football. Private Address: Morchard, Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham. Telephone: 3476.
MARSHALL, Reginald Frederick, M.I.M.I. Branch Manager, Caffyns Ltd., Hythe, Kent. Born Bexhill-on-Sea, 6th October, 1908. Educated at Rye Grammar School and served apprenticeship with Caffyns Ltd., at Bexhill in 1925. In 1930 transferred to Eastbourne as junior salesman. Appointed Salesman, at Bexhill, 1933 and Manager there in 1939. Joined R.A.S.C. Commissioned 1940. Became officer-in-charge Workshops, October, 1940. Mentioned in despatches. Demobilised, 1945 with rank of Captain. Returned to Caffyns as Assistant Manager at Seaside Works, Eastbourne. Promoted Branch Manager at Hythe, 1950. Is Vice-President Bexhill Rowing Club, Life Member of R.A.S.C. Association and Captain of the works Cricket team. Private Address: 4, East Street, Hythe, Kent.
MARSHALL, Stuart Paterson, F.I.M.I. Proprietor and General Manager of Garages in own name, Belfast. Born Leicester, 4th January, 1900. Educated at Renshaws Tutorial College and studied mechanical and motor engineering at Belfast College of Technology. Worked through workshop as apprentice, foreman, service manager; subsequently becoming Sales Manager and afterwards General Manager. Founded own business in 1938. Member of Divisional Committees of the M.A.A. and of the I.M.I.—for several years Chairman of the Committee of the latter. Member of the Youth Advisory Committee, Belfast Corporation Education Department. Recreations : Golf and Gardening. Private Address: 29, Cherry Valley Park, Belfast, N.'.
MARSTON, May Elizabeth (née Hirst). Company Secretary, Hirst's Motors Ltd., N.W.II. Born London, 11th June, 1911. Educated at Frances Mary Buss School. Trained in Commercial subjects at Pitman's College. Holds various social secretarial appointments and is Past President of Inner Wheel, Hendon. Took up present position, 1927. Married, 1934. Recreations : Golf, Tennis. Hobby : Stamp Collecting. Private Address: Carfax, 26, Woodstock Road, Golders Green, N.W. II I. Telephone: Speedwell 4743.
MARTIN, Arthur George Edwin. Proprietor, Martin's Garage, Coventry. Born Crediton, loth June, 191o. Educated at Coventry Central and studied engineering at Coventry Technical College. Became a petrol assistant when only nine, and was apprenticed with Hillman Motor Company in 1924. Founded present business in 1937. Served with 63rd Brigade, 272 Battery, R.A. (T.A.). Member of Warwickshire Special Constabulary. Married; one son. Recreations : Farming, Golf and Shooting. Private Address: Devonshire House, London Road, Willenhall, Coventry.
MARTIN, Sir George William, K.B.E., J.P. Director of Barr & Wallace Arnold Trust Ltd. and other Companies. Born 24th June, 1884. Is an Underwriting Member of Lloyds. Chairman of Leeds Musical Festival. Member of National Assistance Board since 1948. Lord Mayor of Leeds, 1946-7. Has done a very large amount of public work frequently in connection with Hospitals in general and Leeds Hospital in particular. Is also Governor of a number of Schools. Interests : Politics, Cancer Campaign, Public Health and Chamber of Commerce work. Recreations : Golf, Shooting. Private Address: Adel Lodge, Adel, Leeds. Telephone: 73216.
MARTIN, Lawrence Robert. Manager, Far East Division, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., S.W.I. Born St. Leonards-on-Sea, 15th November, 1896. Educated at Magdalen College School; St. John's School, Leatherhead. In 1914 apprenticed to Engineering with C. A. Parsons, Ltd. Commissioned in R.F.A. June, 1915. Twice wounded in France. Joined present organisation on demobilisation in 1919. Became General Manager, New Zealand, 1930-2. Managing Director, Netherlands East Indies, 1934-46. Prisoner of war in Japanese camps 1942-45. Appointed to present position, 1949. Recreation : Gardening. Private Address: Chobham Farm Cottage, Chobham, Surrey. Telephone: 154.
MARTIN, Paul Anthony Hayward. Sales Manager, Ace Service Station (London) Ltd., N.W.Io. Born London, 3oth June, 1912. Educated at the Vale School, St. John's Wood. Served apprenticeship as Fitter with Carter Paterson. Subsequently became Manager to Haulage Contractor. Became a Garage Manager in 1938. During the war was Transport Manager to Aerodrome Construction firm. Married, 1938, Beatrice (née McVey); one daughter. Recreation : Fishing. Private Address: 7a, St. Andrews Mansions, Old Church Lane, N.W.9. Telephone: Colindale 4129.
MARTINEAU, Francis Leigh, M.I.MECH.E. Automobile designer and consultant (retd.). Born Solihull, 19th April, 1874. Educated at Solihull School; Masons Science College (now Birmingham University). Served apprenticeship with Percy & Co., Birmingham. Joined Premier Cycle Co., Coventry as draughtsman in 1895, later becoming assistant Works Manager. Joined New Beeston Co. as Chief Designer in 1896. Became experimental engineer with International Motor Syndicate, 1897. Formed partnership with T. B. Browne in 1898 designing the James & Browne cars until 1905. Designed Pilgrim Cars for Pilgrims Way Motor Co. of Farnham. In 1909 started as consultant. Served many years on I.A.E. Council. Is an authority on archaeology. Private Address: Manor House, Berrick Salome, Oxford.
MARVIN, Edward Montague. Depot Manager, Kennings Ltd., Sheffield Depot. Born Bath, 4th February, 1887. Educated at Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith; St. Joseph's College, Grammont, Belgium and Strand School, King's College, London. Obtained Diploma, Electrical Engineering Dept., City & Guilds of London. Became premium pupil with Clarks Chapman & Co., Gateshead-on-Tyne. Joined staff of Electromotor Equipment Company, London, in 1910 as engineer, appointed Manager and later Managing Director. Joined H.M. Forces, 1914. Commissioned 1915, Royal Engineers. Awarded M.C., 1916. Mentioned in Despatches, 1918. Demobilised with rank of Major. Joined Sale & Co., Merchant Bankers, as Buyer, Engineering Dept. Sent to Spain to make business report on large Cement Factory, subsequently ran and re-equipped Factory. Transferred to associated Company, to take over department of Acoustical Engineering, 1928-32. Joined relative in Sheffield Garage venture, 1933. Relative killed in motor accident, 1935 and business sold to Kennings Ltd., with whom remained as Depot Manager. Re-joined H.M. Forces, 1940 serving as Captain and Adjutant to a Home Guard Battn. In 1945 returned to take over depot at Townhead Street, Sheffield. Interests : Home-crafts, Weaving and Reading. Private Address: 53, Whirlow Court Road, Sheffield, 11. Telephone: 70063.
MASKELL, William Aubrey, M.I.M.I Managing Director, Maskell's (Brixton) Ltd. Born Guildford, 1904. Educated at Stope School; Guildford Technical College. After completion of apprenticeship with Dennis Bros. Ltd. remained with them as Journeyman Engineer until appointed Foreman Engine Fitter by Commercial Motor Garage & Repair Co. Ltd. In 1928 founded Maskell Motor Repair Works Ltd., and in 1938, West Drayton Garage Ltd. In 1946 acquired Abel Car Sales Ltd., to operate as sales medium for parent Company and changed its name to Maskell's (Commercial Vehicles) Ltd., In 1946 assumed Managing Directorship of Majestic Luxury Coaches Ltd., Stratford, and in 1949 took similar appointment with Powell's Luxury Coaches. During the war operated as ancillary workshops for maintenance of Services and Ministry Transport. Is founder Member of Transport Managers' Association. Clubs : Constitutional, Streatham; Shooters Hill Golf. Married, 1939, Violet (née Lomax). Recreation: Golf, Snooker. Private Address: 34, Downsview Road, Upper Norwood, S.E.19. Telephone: Livingstone 1801.
MASON, Frank Aubrey, M.C., B.SC., A.M.I.MECH.E. Chief Engineer, Western Welsh Omnibus Company, Ltd., Cardiff. Born Swansea, 26th September, 1915. Educated at Swansea Grammar School and at University of S. Wales & Monmouthshire where he graduated, B.Sc. (Eng.). Post Graduate training with A.E.C. Southall, 1938-39. Joined R.E.M.E. in 1939 (awarded M.C., 1941). In 1946 joined Birmingham & Midland Red Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd., as Assistant Works Manager. Appointed Assistant Engineer, Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd., Derby in 1947. Appointed Chief Engineer, City of Oxford -Motor Services Ltd., 1948. Recreation: Golf. Private Address: 63, Heol Isaf, Radyr, near Cardiff. Telephone: 79.
MASON, George, m.i.m.r. Proprietor, G. Mason & Son, Llandaff. Born London, 27th August, 1891. Educated at St. Marks, St. John's Wood. Studied Engineering for four years at Saltram Crescent Technical School. Became an apprenticed Mechanical engineer, 1906. Served with R.N.A.S., 1914-18. Appointed Engineer, R.9. the first rigid airship to fly. Made first flight with Commander Scott on the small airship " Beta." Engaged on submarine patrol and experimental work on R.23. Had worked prior to 1914 with Napier's of Acton and returned to them in 1919. Came to Cardiff, 1921. Founded present business, 1926. Recreation : All types of Sport. Private Address: 19, Aubrey Avenue, Llandaff, Cardiff.
MASTERS, Cecil Hume. Chairman, British Gaskets, Ltd., E.C.1. Born London, 9th October, 1902. Educated at Tollington. Learned flying after leaving school in 1917. Apprenticed to Dubilier Condenser Co. and in 1920 took up position on sales side. Became Sales Manager, Holloway and Knight (New Knight Motor Cycles) in 1922. In 1926 founded International Sales Ltd. Is a keen racing motorist and has competed in many of the leading events since 1929 including Le Mans 24 hour race, T.T. Ireland, British 1,000 miles, Double Twelve and at Brooklands and Donnington. Married; one son. Clubs : Royal Automobile, R.M.Y.C., B.A.R.C., B.R.D.C. Interests : Farming. Recreations : Yachting and Hunting. Private Address: " Hartletts," Hook, Hants. Telephone: 51.
MASTERS, Charles John Basil. Director, Skurrays Ltd., Swindon. Born 13th August, 1904 at Swindon. Educated at All Hallows School, Honiton. Became an indentured apprentice, 1921 taking motor engineering courses concurrently. Engages specially in repair costs, etc. Has been Director since 1938. Recreation: Fishing. Private Address: Hennacliff, Westle Cott Road, Swindon, Wilts.
MASTERTON, James Thomas. Joint Managing Director, Brown Brothers, Ltd., E.C.2. Born Eccles, 18th November, 1903. Educated at Taunton School. Joined Thomson & Brown Brothers Ltd., 1921. Held managerial positions in Leeds, Dundee and Liverpool before being transferred to London in 1934. Became Joint General Manager, 1937. General Sales Manager, 1938. Director, 1945. Assistant Managing Director, 1947 and appointed Joint Managing Director in 1951. Married, 1931, Nan Foreman (née Morton); one son, two daughters. Clubs : Royal Automobile, London and Conservative, Edinburgh. Recreations: Tennis, Golf, Bridge and Gardening. Private Address:" Fairfield," Hillcrest Avenue, Pinner, Middlesex. Telephone: 2237.
MATHIESON, Thomas Alastair Sutherland Ogilvie. Committee member of B.R.D.C. Born Glasgow, 25th July, 1908. Educated at Harrow. Spent three years with J. I. Thornycroft Ltd. at Basingstoke before joining A. Mathieson and Sons Ltd., Glasgow, ultimately becoming their Assistant Works Manager. Has always been a motor racing enthusiast. Address: c/o. Steering Wheel Club, 2a, Brick Street, Mayfair, W.I.
MATHIESON, William Bernard, D. AE. (HULL), A.M. I.MECH.E., A.M. I.A.E., A. F.R.AE. S. Assistant Chief Designer, Blackburn & General Aircraft Ltd., Brough. Born Leven, 16th July, 1920. Educated at Malet Lambert High School, Hull. Technical training at Hull University. Became an apprentice with above firm in 1936. Appointed Chief Designer (Engines) in 1946. Private Address: Brooklands, Brandesburton, Driffield, E. Yorks. Telephone: Beeford 70.
MATON, William Curtis, M.INST.C.E. General Engineering Consultant, Pressed Steel Co., Ltd., Oxford. Born Leckpatrick, Co. Tyrone, 1893. Educated at Model School, Londonderry. Studied engineering at Londonderry Municipal Technical School. Three-year pupilage in Architecture and Surveying. Went into Civil Engineering. Served in France 1915-19. Became connected with Motor Industry in 1919 as Body Designer and Chief Body Draughtsman. Joined present concern in 1926 as Body Designer and Chief Body Engineer, and took up present position in 1948. During 1939-45 war served on Ministry of Supply Wheel and Tyre Technical Committee and the Tin Conservation Committee. Council Member, Motor Industry Research Association. Member of the British Welding Research Association. Vice President, Institution of Body Engineers. Council Member, Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers. Hobby : Philately. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: " Kernanderry," Frilford Heath, Abingdon, Berks. Telephone: Frilford Heath 315.
MATRAVERS, Frederick George, M.A. (CANTAB), M.I.MECH.E., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.P.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Adamant Engineering Co. Ltd., Luton. Born London, 15th October, 1886. Educated at Haileybury; Clare College, Cambridge. Became a representative for W. H. Allen Son & Co. Ltd., in India after being an apprentice with this firm in Bedford. Served 1914-18, as Engr. Lt. Comdr., R.N. Re-joined present firm in 1919, becoming Managing Director in 1935. Private Address: Barnt Green, Park Avenue South, Harpenden, Herts. Telephone: 379.
MATTHEWS, Sir Arthur, KT., O.B.E. Managing Director, Thos. Firth & John Brown Ltd., and Director of several of their associated Companies. Educated at Leys School, Cambridge; Jesus College, Cambridge. Served apprenticeship with Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Ltd., 1908 onwards, subsequently rising to become Works Manager. In 1922 became Works Manager and local Director, Thos. Firth & Sons, Sheffield. Appointed General Works Manager and Director, Thos. Firth & John Brown Ltd., Sheffield, 1930 and to present position 1944. Private Address: Forsbacka House, Graham Road, Ranmoor, Sheffield, 10. Telephone: 31058.
MAUDE, Derek Ronald. Director, Standard and Triumph Sales, Ltd., 37, Davies Street, W.I. Born Hampstead, 13th June, 1925. Educated at Rugby School; Magdalene College, Cambridge. In 1947 joined S. Smith & Sons (England) Ltd., at Cricklewood, after serving in R.A.S.C. in Burma and West Africa. Joined present organisation in November, 1951 and is in charge of administration. Recreations : Tennis and Foreign Travel. Private Address: 9, North Square, London, N.W.Ii. Telephone: Speedwell 370o.
MAUDE, Col. Ronald Edmund, O.B.E., T.D. Managing Director, Standard and Triumph Sales, Ltd., 37, Davies Street, W.I. Born Highgate, 5th November, r888. Educated at Rugby School. Became an apprentice with Deasy Motor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (afterwards formed as Siddeley Deasy Co.) and later joined sales staff. In 1911 became Sales Manager, of Austin Motor Co. Ltd., Norwich Depot. Served during war with B.E.F. in France—twice mentioned in Despatches and awarded O.B.E. Military Division. In 1919 rejoined Austin's as London Manager, leaving to become London Manager of British Motor Trading Corporation and Director of Bean Cars Ltd. Appointed Director of Car Mart Ltd. in 1928 and later of Dagenham Motors Ltd. Member of T.A.R.O. in 1939 and recalled on outbreak of war, to R.A.S.C. Later transferred to R.A.O.C. and promoted to Colonel. Released from Forces, 1945 and rejoined Car Mart Ltd. Group of Companies. Appointed to present position in same year. Private Address: 9, North Square, Hampstead, London, N.W.H. Telephone: Speedwell 3700.
MAULEVERER, Algernon Arthur, M.B.E., T.D., F.I.M.I. Director, A.A. Mauleverer Ltd., 318, 32o, Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth. Born Leamington Spa, loth January, 1898. Educated at The Old Ride, Branksome Park and Eton College. Served during 1914 war as Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R. in H.M. Torpedo Boat No. 23 and H.M.S. Valorous. In 1919 joined the Board of Imperial Motor Works Ltd., leaving in 1921 to form his own Company. Enlisted as Driver, R.A.S.C. in August, 1939, serving with 918, • 916 and 361 A.A.Coys, R.A.S.C. and at H.Q., 2nd A.A. Group. Released with rank of Major, 1945. Awarded M.B.E. (Military) 1944, and T.D., 1951. Recreation : Gardening. Interests : Cine-Photography and Continental Travel. Married, 1941; three sons. Private Address: Guyscliffe, Bury Road, Branksome Park, Dorset. Telephone: Canford Cliffs 78496.
MAUND, Douglas Thomas. Service Manager, Frank Grounds, Ltd., Aston, Birmingham. Born Birmingham, 24th May, 1921. Educated at Charles Arthur and Cromwell Road Schools. Commenced business career as Stores Assistant. Later entered Repair Shops gaining practical experience. Served during the war in R.A.F. as Ground Staff in M.T. mostly in Far East. Returned to present firm in 1946 and appointed to present position in 1950. Hobbies: Gardening, Woodwork and Radio. Private Address: 2, The Maisonettes, Oval Road, Erdington, Birmingham, 24.
MAWER Cecil Bertram, A.M.I.MECH.E Managing Director, County Motors (Grimsby) Ltd., Brighowgate, Grimsby. Born Lincoln, 6th August, 1884. Educated in engineering at Lincoln Technical College. Became an apprentice with Ruston Proctor & Co. Ltd., Lincoln, in 1901. On completion of apprenticeship in 1906 joined the Merchant Service as a Junior Engineer. In 1912 appointed Chief Engineer. Left the sea in 1926 taking an appointment with the Lincolnshire Motor Co. of Grimsby as Salesman. In June, 1928 County Motors Ltd. was formed and he became its Managing Director. Is also Director of Wellow Motor Finance Co. Ltd., and of C. H. Jackson (Grimsby) Ltd. Recreations: Gardening and Sea Fishing. Private Address: " Cassis," Grange Road, Sandilands, Sutton-on-Sea. Telephone: 414.
MAXWELL, William Gilmour. Chairman of Directors, Westfield Autocar Co. Ltd., Edinburgh, 11. Born Castlekeely, Nass, 27th December, 1869. Educated at Wesley College, Dublin. Served apprenticeship with Ross and Walpole, Engineers, Dublin. In 1904, became Chairman of A. Donaldson & Co. Ltd., changing the name of firm to Westfield Autocar Co. Ltd., in 1908. Interests : Tannery and Leather business for some years before entering the Motor Industry. Member of Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce and Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Choir Membership and Bowls. Private Address: 1, South Oswald Road, Edinburgh, 9. Telephone: 42982.
MAY, Frank Will. Chief of Design Office, British Racing Motors Ltd., Bourne. Born Coventry, i 8th July, 1913. Educated at Elementary School and Coventry Junior Technical College. Studied Engineering at Coventry Technical College and was an apprentice with Daimler's, 1928-34. Spent two years at Riley (Coventry), 1934-36, assisting in design and development of Autovia Car. Afterwards joined E.R.A. Ltd., as designer until firm disbanded in 1938. Spent the next year with Vauxhall Motors Ltd. until returning to Daimler's 1939-44 on engine Design and development throughout the war years. Immediately after the war went to Rover's as Section leader in Design Office before taking up a senior position with B.R.M. Served during the war as Transport Officer—Lieutenant—in Warwickshire Home Guard, mechanical section attached to 1st Battn. Warwicks. Recreations : Badminton, Golf. Private Address: 27, Gladstone Street, Bourne, Lines. Telephone: I.
MAYALL, William. Works Manager, Jowett Cars, Ltd., Idle. Born 18th February, 1910 at Eccles. Educated at Salford Royal Technical College. In 1925 joined Metropolitan Vickers as an indentured Tool Room apprentice. Joined staff of Gay Bros., Toolmakers in 1932 and became Tool Room Foreman in 1933. Left in 1937 to become Process and Production Engineer with the Plessey Co., Ilford. In 1939 joined Gays (Hampton) Ltd. as Tool Room Superintendent and in 1941 joined Leytonstone Jig & Tool Co., Leyton and Brighton as Manager of both Factories. Became Manager of Nottingham Instrument Co., (a " Shadow " factory jointly operated by Ross Ltd. and E. R. Watts Ltd.) in 1943 and in 1945 joined Ross Ltd., as Consulting Engineer. Joined Daniel Varley Ltd., Glasgow as Works Manager in 1947. In the following year joined present firm as Production Engineering Manager and was promoted to Works Manager in 195o. Hobby : Photography. Married; one child. Private Address: Stormont, 362, Idle Road, Bradford, Yorks. Telephone: Bradford 37687.
MAYO, Charles Theodore Joseph. Managing Director, Automobile & Aircraft Services, Ltd., Kenton. Born London, 24th May, 1902. Educated at Marlborough College. Served apprenticeship with Petters Ltd., of Yeovil and was for a period with their subsidiary, Westland Aircraft, Ltd. Received indentures and became Assistant Manager for Petters Ltd., at their Bristol Branch. This Branch was closed and he became salesman for the College Green Motor Co. Has since held various appointments in the Industry with the following firms : Lagonda Ltd., Eustace Watkins, Warwick Wright, Charles Follett Ltd., and R.A.G. Carburettors. Served 1939-45 with R.A.F. On demobilisation formed present Company with showrooms, offices and main works at Marlborough Works, 609, Kenton Road, Kenton and Administration Offices at 48, Brook Street, Mayfair. There are also two wholly owned subsidiary Companies, one, Kenton Coachworks Ltd. and the other, Cheswick & Wright, Blackpool, is Managing Director of both. Club : Royal Aero, Piccadilly. Recreations : Shooting, Fishing and Tennis. Private Address: 109, Dorset House, Gloucester Place, N.W.I. Telephone: Welbeck 0601.
MAYRS, Wilfred George A. Principal, The Brook Garage, Coleraine, Co. Derry. Born 12th May, 1916. Educated at Coleraine Academical Institution. Technical experience gained with Harry Ferguson's of Belfast. Was a farmer and is still interested especially in practical farming and its relation to State necessities. Took up present position in 1946. Private Address: 8, Prospect Avenue, Portstewart. Telephone: 9349.
MAYS, Raymond. Director, British Racing Motors, Ltd., Bourne. Born 1st August, 1899 at Bourne, Lincs. Educated at Oundle and after serving as 2nd Lieut. in Grenadier Guards went to Christ's College, Cambridge where he studied Engineering. Took up Motor Racing immediately after leaving Cambridge and has been engaged therein ever since. Claims to have won more races, broken more course records, and made more " fastest times of the day" than any other British driver. Was responsible for E.R.A. Racing Car, which was built at workshops in the grounds of Eastgate House. More recently has been engaged, since its inception, on the B.R.M. project, for which he was responsible. These B.R.M. Cars are also built in the grounds of his house. Has devoted the whole of his life to Motor Racing and the development of racing cars. Private Address: Eastgate House, Bourne, Lincs. Telephone: 17.
MEADOWS, Eric, M.I.M.I. Director, The Loxhams Group, Lancaster and Branches. Born Liscard, 31st July, 1901. Son of Arnold Meadows, pioneer motor engineer and manufacturer of the Bradshaw oil-cooled engine. Educated at Penrith Grammar School, and St. Bees. Became engineering pupil with the Vulcan Engineering Works, Crossens, Southport, then manufacturing Vulcan cars and trucks. Became Sales Representative with Lea Francis for a time and started business on own account joining the Loxham Group in 1925 and becoming a Director in 1932. Interested in Cine-Photography, Flying and Continental Motoring. Recreation: Golf. Married; one daughter. Private Address: Brant, Slyne, Nr. Lancaster. Telephone: Hest Bank 2329.
MEATS, William Henry, A.M.I.MECH.E. Chief Engineer, W. W. Jenkins (Cheltenham) Ltd. Born Nottingham, 3oth June, 1902. Educated at Monks Road School, Lincoln and studied engineering at Lincoln Technical School. Became an apprentice with Clayton Shuttleworth Ltd., and in 1924 joined Eagle Engineering Ltd., as draughtsman, later becoming Chief Draughtsman. Became Chief Designer with Carrimore Six Wheelers Ltd. in 1934, leaving in 1939 to re-join Eagle Eng. Ltd., as Chief Designer. Joined present firm in 1949. Was Secretary, Trailer Manufacturers Advisory Committee to Min. of Supply, 1940-45. Chairman of the S.M.M. & T., Trailer Technical Sub-Committee 1947-49. Interested in Athletics, Gardening and Fishing. Private Address: 1, Naunton Way, Cheltenham.
MEDLICOTT, Colin Melville. District Manager, Birmingham, Tyre Division, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Dunlop House, Birmingham. Born Birmingham, 3rd September, 1904. Educated at King Edward School, Birmingham. Joined Dunlop Rubber Co. in 1920, working successively in East Anglia, West Country, South Wales, Southampton, London and appointed to present position in 1945. Served as Assistant Director, Rubber Control, Min. of Supply, 1942-45. Recreations: Golf and Gardening. Private Address: The Chestnuts, Water Orton, Warwickshire. Telephone: Castle Bromwich 2471.
MEGGITT, Alfred Kenneth, A.C.A. Chief Accountant, Rootes Group, Stoke and Ryton Factories. Born Chorley, 4th June, 1911. Educated at Seafield School, Lytham St. Annes; Arnold School, Blackpool. From 1928 served apprenticeship to accountancy in Manchester qualifying and admitted in 1935. Joined present organisation in 1936 at Coventry. Transferred to London factories (Thrupp & Maberley Ltd., and British Light Steel Pressings) 1938-41, returning in the latter year to Coventry. Married, 1937; two sons. Recreations : Gardening, Music and Tennis. Private Address: Cotswold, Offchurch Lane, Radford Semele, Leamington Spa. Telephone: Leamington 118.
MELDRUM, Robert Scott. Managing Director, John Cameron & Sons (Curriers) Ltd., Edinburgh. Born Greenock, 26th October, 1916. Educated at Greenock Academy. Studied chemistry at Glasgow University and at Royal Technical College, Glasgow. In 1940 became Research Chemist with British Leather Manufacturers Research Association. Took up present position, 1945. Is also works Director of Bridge of Weir Leather Co. Ltd. Recreations : Gardening and Music. Private Address: Lyndhurst, Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire. Telephone: 421.
MELLOR, Thomas Henry, J.P. Managing Director, Tom Mellor Ltd., Salford and Manchester. Born Salford, 21st June, 1896. Educated at Salford Royal Technical College. In 1912 became an apprentice with Salford Corporation in the Motor Dept. (The Corporation's entire " fleet " then consisted of one Horbick Car, one Horbick Lorry and two chain-driven Halley Wagons). Joined Royal Flying Corps in 1914. Demobilised as Flight-Sergeant R.A.F. in 1918. Started business on own account, aged 22, as Hire Car Proprietor, with one C. Type Belsize, and a Capital of £150! Has developed the business to become one of Manchester's leading Distributors. Bought and restored Kersal Cell — the birthplace of John Byron—intends to present it to the Nation. Elected to Salford Council, 1935 and is a Member of numerous Committees. Past Chairman and currently representative on the National Council of the East Lancs. and Cheshire Division of the M.A.A. Has raised more than £17,000 for Charities. Member of Rotary, Provincial Rank in Masonry. Interests : Local Government, Youth Clubs, Dramatic and Philharmonic Societies. Private Address: " Nethersyde," 25, Carrwood Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Telephone: 5555.
MELVIN, David Logan, O.B.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Melvin Motors, Ltd., Glasgow. Born Glasgow, 9th April, 1897. Educated at Glasgow High School. Served apprenticeship in Motor Engineering. Was Pilot and P.O.W. in 1914 war. Colonel, R.E.M.E., 1939-45 (awarded O.B.E. and Mentioned in Despatches). Took up present position, 1945. Past President, S.M.T.A. Ex-Chairman local Benevolent Fund and M.A.A. Married; one son. Clubs: R.A.S.C., R.A.C., S.T.O.C., R.N.V.R., etc. Recreations : Golf, Shooting and Fishing. Private Address: 24, Sandringham Court, Newton Mearns, Renfrewshire. Telephone: 3005.
MERCER, Thomas Stanley, A.M.I.MECH.E. Technical Motor Journalist. Born Liverpool, 30th June, 1883. Educated at Dean Close School and studied engineering at Regent Street Polytechnic. Served apprenticeship with Gwynne Engineering Co. Joined drawing office staff of Rudge Whitworth and Newall Engineering Co. Worked for ten years in various capacities with Rolls-Royce. Served during the war period with Air Ministry. Became Assistant Editor of " The Automobile Engineer " in 1919. Recreation : Book Collecting. Private Address: 15, Speer Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey. Telephone: Emberbrook 2482.
MEREDITH, John William, A.M.I.MECH.E. Born Sale, 18th April, 1888. Educated at Nantwich and Acton Grammar School. Served apprenticeship with Clyno Engineering Co. Joined Bullers, Ltd., Tipton, afterwards became Works Manager of Thompson Bros. Aircraft Department and subsequently appointed to the Board of Directors. Private Address: Dinas, Wrottesley Road, Tettenhall.
MERRIMAN, Albert Ernest. Director, Merriman & Howard, Ltd., Manchester. Born Manchester, 4th September, 1891. Educated at Longsight Wesleyans' Day School. Became apprenticed, when 13, to Electrical Engineering with Higginbottom & Mannocks, West Gorton, leaving after two years to join Heywood and Heywood's Velvet warehouse to work a Leahmann machine. In 1908 opened Joseph Lucas Ltd., Manchester showroom. Served in R.A.S.C. during 1914 war; invalided out in 1917. Joined Butler & Wilson Ltd. as a Director and opened a Branch in Manchester for them—was also in charge of their Bradford and Nottingham Depots. When they went into liquidation in 1921 started own business partnership with H. Howard, converting the partnership into a Limited Company in 1928. Recreations : Gardening, Golf and Snooker. Private Address: 31, Kingsway, Manchester, 19. Telephone: Rusholme 3658.
MERRITT, Henry Edward, M.B.E., D.SC., M.I.MECH.E. Chief Administrative Engineer, Rootes Group, Coventry. Born London, 20th May, 1899. Educated at Leyton County High School and Erith Technical College. Became a premium apprentice at Vickers Ltd., Erith, 1915-20. Took B.Sc. (Eng.). Was Assistant Lecturer, West Ham Municipal College, 1920-24. Received D.Sc.(Eng) Lond. degree, 1927. Joined David Brown & Sons Ltd., as Research Engineer, 1935 and later became their Chief Engineer. In 1937 became Superintendent of Design (Tanks) at Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, and later Director of Design (Tanks), Ministry of Supply. Returned to David Brown's as Director and Technical Manager, David Brown Tractors Ltd. in 1940. Left in 1945 to become Manager, Agricultural Division, Morris Motors Ltd. In 1949 became Chief Research Officer British Transport Commission and in 1949 appointed to present post. During the war years was responsible for Merritt-Brown tank transmissions. Is author of " Gears " and " Gear Trains " as well as many contributions to Proceedings of professional institutions and the Technical Press. Is Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers and Freeman of the City of London. Private Address: Canley Hall, Ivy Farm Lane, Canley, Coventry.
MESSERVY, Roney Forshaw. Service Manager, Rolls-Royce Ltd., Motor Car Division, Crewe and Willesden. Born Georgetown, British Guiana, 29th April, 1892. Educated at Victoria College, Jersey, C.I. Trained in Motor Engineering with Cowper Coles Engineering Co. Ltd. In 1913 became a Car Tester and Trials Driver. Joined Duke of Wellington's Regiment as a 2nd Lieut. in 1914. Wounded in Gallipoli, 1915. Transferred to Royal Flying Corps, 1916 and later to R.A.F. Joined Rolls-Royce in 1919. Married Bertha Crosby (née Collumbell), 1920; two children. Recreations : Motor Sport, Shooting and Yachting. Private Address: Aldian Cottage, Beech Close, Cobham, Surrey. Telephone: 2593.
MICHALSKI, Waclaw, A.M.I.MECH.E. Chief Research Engineer, Rover Co. Ltd., Acocks Green, Birmingham. Born Pabjanice, Poland, 4th March, 1906. Educated privately and studied for seven years at Warsaw University graduating with Engineering Diploma in 1933. Undertook original laboratory research work there and received further practical training in car factories in Poland, France, Germany and England. In 1934 became technical Assistant at Military Technical Research Institute for Motorization, in Warsaw. Appointed Head of Research Dept. in 1937 and also Head of Warsaw Technical College, Automobile Engineering Dept. Joined Polish Tank Corps in 1939. Coauthor of English-Polish Dictionary and also technical Handbook for Polish Officers. Technical adviser, Inst. of Technical Research, General Staff, Polish Army. (Mentioned in Despatches). In 1942 engaged on experimental work for M.A.P. and Min. W. T. Patents granted. In 1944 joined present Company as Research Engineer being promoted to present position in 1947. Married; one daughter, two sons. Recreations : Ski-ing and other sports. Interests : International Politics. Private Address: 60, Goldthorne Avenue, Birmingham, 25.
MICHIE, David. Service Manager, Alvis Ltd., Coventry. Born Tichborne, 19th July, 1909. Educated at Perins Grammar School. Studied Engineering at Coventry Technical College and in 1928 became an apprentice with Daimler Co. Ltd. of Coventry. Appointed to present position in October, 1951. Recreation : Shooting. Private Address: The Lawn, Itchen Abbas, Winchester. Telephone: Itchen Abbas 334
MIDDLETON-JOY, John. Managing Director, Edward Joy & Sons, Ltd., Leeds. Born Leeds, 2ISt March, 1895. Educated at Winchester; Christ Church, Oxford. Served 1914-18 in R.F.A., awarded M.C. Joined present firm in 1921. Interests : Travel and Golf. Address: c fo. Edward Joy & Sons Ltd., Filtrate Works, Kidacre Street, Hunslet, Leeds.
MIEVILLE, Sir Eric Charles, G.C.I.E., K.C.V.O., C.S.I., C.M.G. Director, Palmer Tyre Co. Ltd., London, Born 31st January, 1896. Educated at St. Paul's School. Became an interpreter in the Far Eastern Consular Service, 1919. Local Vice-Consul, 192r. Became Private Secretary to British Ministers in Peking and successively promoted Private Secretary to Viceroy of India (1931-36), Duke of York (1936). Became Assistant Principal Secretary, Private Secretary to H.M. The King, 1937-45. Senior member of staff, Viceroy of India, 1947. Recreations : Golf, Tennis. Clubs : Buck's, White's, Thatched House.
MILBURN, Geoffrey Brunskill. Sales Secretary, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., Fort Dunlop, Birmingham. Born Penrith, 24th August, 1904. Educated at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Penrith. Joined present organisation on leaving school. Served in R.A.O.C. during 1939-45 war with rank of Major. Appointed to present position 1946. Recreation : Gardening. Private Address: The Ingle, Wylde Green Road, Sutton Coldfield. Telephone: 3300.
MILES, John Wiltshire. Managing Director, Jack Miles Ltd., Harnham Garage, Salisbury. Born Shaftesbury, 17th January, 1902. Educated at Shaftesbury Grammar School. Served apprenticeship with Edwards Bros., Salisbury and commenced business on own account in 1922. Rode in many Motor Cycle speed trials, 1921-28. Played Hockey for Salisbury, 192437. Has been a keen golfer for 15 years. Appointed to present position in 1946. Private Address: 22, St. Clair Road, Salisbury. Telephone: 3650.
MILLAR, Alexander Frederick, A.M.I.M.I. Partner in Peter Millar and Son, Musselburgh. Born Musselburgh, 29th May, 1918. Educated at George Heriot's School, Edinburgh. Studied engineering at William Ramsay Technical Institute and in 1938 became apprenticed in General and Motor Engineering. Joined territorials in 1939 as artificer and served until released from H.M. Forces to take up Diesel Engine work for Government in 1942. Formed partnership with father, 1946. Married; one son, one daughter. Private Address: 164, North High Street, Musselburgh. Telephone: 162.
MILLAR, Peter, F.I.M.I., M.I.MAR.E. Founder and partner, Peter Millar & Son, Musselburgh. Born Musselburgh, 15th October, 1885. Educated at Musselburgh Grammar School. Studied engineering at Heriot Watt College; Lockies Marine Engineering Academy. Served apprenticeship in General Engineering and in Marine Shops. Sailed as Engineer Officer in Merchant Service. Gained Chief Engineer's Certificate in 1910. Sailed with White Star and American Lines. Started in own business in 1920. Joined in partnership with son (q.v.) in 1946. Married; one son, two daughters. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: 140, New Street, Musselburgh. Telephone: 162.
MILLARD, Thomas. Director, West Central Garage Ltd., Wolverhampton. Born Sedgley, 1912. Apprenticed to Clyno Cars Ltd., Wolverhampton and was later in charge of service Department of local Garage. Joined staff of West Central Garage Ltd. as foreman and became service manager in 1946 and joined the Board of Directors in 1950. Married; one son. Recreations : All outside sport.
MILLER, Ernest. Partner, Tatham Street Garage, Hendon, Sunderland. Born Sunderland, 2nd July, 1898. Educated at Hylton Road School. Served apprenticeship with W. Doxford & Sons for four years. Joined R.A.S.C. and served abroad for four years. Demobilised in 1920 and started business on own account giving driving tuition lessons and mechanical instruction. Moved to present address in 1924 starting garage and engineering business. Claims to have taught driving to more people than any other school .of motoring in England. Interests : Entertainment, Singing and Impersonations. Private Address: " Olverne," Mount Road East, Sunderland. Telephone: 2384.
MILLER, John Ferguson. Proprietor, Miller Motor Co., Glasgow, S.W. Born Glasgow, 17th November, 1902. Educated at Glasgow High School and Glasgow University, receiving tuition at the latter in Engineering. Became an apprentice with McKie & Baxter, Marine Engineers. In 1923 became workshop manager and later salesman. Founded above business in 1931. Recreations : Sailing, Swimming, Tennis and Golf. Private Address: Alt-na-Coille, Shandon. Telephone: Rhu 264.
MILLER, Robert Walter. Secretary, Langney Motors Ltd., Eastbourne and St. Leonards-on-Sea. Born 24th August, 1915. Educated at Eastbourne Grammar School. Joined Harold Carter Son & Co., Chartered Accountants of Queens Street, London, E.C.4., in 1931. Became Branch Manager in 1939. Served in R.A.F. during the war, in Great Britain and Burma. Joined present firm in 1946. Appointed Secretary, 1949. Is Member of Eastbourne Round Table. Married; one daughter. Private Address: 13, Motcombe Road, Eastbourne, Sussex. Telephone: 5804.
MILLIGAN, John Rowlands, A.M.I.MECH.E. Product Engineer, Lamp Factory, Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Birmingham, 28. Born Coventry, 16th March, 1909. Educated at Ackworth School, near Pontefract. Studied engineering at Coventry Technical College and King's College, London. In 1925 became an apprentice with Daimler Co., leaving in 1927 to receive further training with Tilling Stevens Motors. Took 2nd Class Hons. B.Sc.Mech.Eng. at King's College, London. Joined Bristol Tramways & Carriage Co. as experimental development draughtsman in 1932. Became Process Planning Engineer with present firm in 1934. Took charge of Dept. in 1939 and appointed to present position in 1948. Private Address: 20, Freer Road, Birmingham, 6. Telephone: Northern 1949.
MILLS, Frederick Charles George, M.INST.T., F.B.I., F.I.D. Divisional Manager, South Eastern Division, Road Haulage Executive, 238, City Road, E.C.I. Born Woodford Green, 8th May, 1895. Educated at Davis Lane School and privately. Commenced business career in Shipping and later was connected with transport of meat from Smithfield to Cold Storage. Served 1916-19 in R.A.S.C. attaining rank of Regimental Sergeant Major, controlling supplies and shipping motor vehicles and spares. On demobilisation became Freight Officer and subsequently steamship manager with Robert Park & Co. Ltd. In 1923, in association with others established the firm of Cazeley Mills & Co. Ltd. Disposed of his interests in 1931 and became Managing Director of Carey, Davis & Thomas Ltd., which Company, with others, formed the nucleus of the Public Company Transport Services Ltd. Was Executive Chairman of this Company and its subsidiaries at one time or another. This Group of Companies were among the first taken over by the British Transport Commission under the Transport Act, 1947. Accepted present position in 1948. Is a Freeman of the City of London, Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Carmen, and a Member of the City Livery Club. Interested in Sport in general, Bowls and Gardening. Private Address: 28, Hillcrest Road, Loughton, Essex. Telephone: Loughton 935.
MILNES, John William Stert. Director, C.M.C. Caterham, Ltd. Born London, 27th April, 1895. Educated at St. Dunstans College, S.E. On completion of apprenticeship with East Ferry Road Engineering Works, enlisted in loth London Regt. Commissioned, Worcestershire Regt., 1917. Demobilised 1919. Joined Arthur E. Gould Ltd., as Salesman in 1926. In 1929 joined staff of Rootes Ltd., Export Division, and went to India as Sales Manager, Allied Motors Ltd., Bombay. Appointed Managing Director of Allied Motors, Ltd., in 1935. Returned to U.K., 1940, received commission R.A.S.C. Commanded 277 Armoured Division, Transport Coy, North Africa and Italy. Released, 1945 and joined present firm as Director (Wholesale & Commercial Vehicle Departments). Private Address: Meadvale House West, Redhill, Surrey.
MINION, Eric. Designer, Allen-Bowden Ltd., Leamington Spa. Born Beeston, 12th March, 1908. Educated at Derby and Coventry, studying engineering at Coventry Technical College. Became an apprentice body-maker, 1923, serving apprenticeship with Humber Ltd. Worked with Hancock & Warman Ltd. and several other body-building firms before re-joining Humbers in 1935, in their Experimental Dept. In 1945 became Body Designer with Westland Motors, Hereford, and in 1947 Chief Body Designer and Production Manager with Lea Francis Cars, Ltd. 1949. Joined present firm as Executive Designer in charge of Body Design, Body Engineering, and all Sheet Metal Fabrication. Recreations : Fishing, Shooting and Gardening. Private Address: 1, Court Leet Road, Coventry.
MINSON, Walter Nelson. Commercial Vehicle Engineer, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton. Born London, 21st October, 1899. Educated at Leeds Central High School. Studied Engineering at Leeds Central Technical School. In 1917 became an apprentice and subsequently joined the staff of Self Changing Gear Co., Tilling Stevens, Ltd., Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co. Ltd., Kirkstall Forge Ltd. and J. & H. McLaren Ltd. Private Address: 32, Bloomfield Road, Harpenden, Herts. Telephone: 657.
MITCHELHILL, James. Managing Director, J. Beaumont and Son, Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Born Carlisle, 4th May, 1902. Educated at Carlisle and Newcastle. Apprenticed to Cycle and Motor Cycle Trade 1917/23, after which traded on own account as Cycle and Motor Dealer at 24, Finkie Street, Carlisle. In 1925 opened Branch for above firm in Carlisle and in 1933 transferred to Newcastle as General Sales Manager. Became a Director, 1937, and in February 1942 was appointed Managing Director. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: 17, Derwentdale Gardens, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 7. Telephone: 61787.
MITCHELL, Alexander, B.SC., M.I.MECH.E. Chief Engineer, Vincent H.R.D. Co. Ltd., Stevenage. Born Dundee, 19th January, 1910. Educated at Grove Academy, Broughton Ferry. Served apprenticeship with Halley Motors Ltd. and James F. Low, Montifieth Foundry, 1927-33. During the same period served one year in father's business and also studied at Glasgow University (B.Sc. 1st Class Hons. in Mechanical Engineering). Joined Rolls Royce Ltd., Derby in 1933, being appointed Assistant Project Engineer (Car Engine Department) in 1937. Became Tank Power Unit Engineer with Vauxhall Motors Ltd. in 1939. Was responsible for design and development Churchill Tank Engine. Left Vauxhall Motors in 1947 (when Assistant Power Unit Engineer) to join present Company as Development Engineer. Appointed to present position in 1951. Private Address 2, Roundwood Park, Harpenden, Herts. Telephone: 3475.
MITCHELL, Edwin Frederick. Regional Sales Manager, Midland Region, Tyre Division, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., Birmingham, 3. Born London, 8th September, 1891. Educated at Queen's Secondary School, London. Prior to joining present organisation in 1916 was with Krausse & Auerback, Continental Tyre Co. Ltd. and the Acre Rubber Co. Ltd. Discharged from Military Service, 1916 and joined D.R. Co. as Assistant Dept. Manager, Clipper Tyre Service 1917. Solid Tyre Dept., Fort Dunlop, 1918, H.Q. Staff, Aston Cross. 1919, Assistant Manager, Nottingham Depot. 1921, Assistant Manager, Birmingham Depot. 1924, Representative Liverpool area. 1928, Assistant District Manager, Liverpool. 1930, District Manager, South London. 1937, London Regional Manager. 1944, Regional Manager, Midlands. Married, 1915, Florence Ann (nee George). Interests : Rotary, Politics, Gardening and Reading. Private Address: Nine-Four, Tamworth Road, Sutton Coldfield. Telephone: 4608.
MITCHELL, Frederick. Managing Director, F. Mitchell (Nottingham) Ltd. Born Nottingham, 24th July, 1878. Educated at Nottingham Technical School and Nottingham University. Apprenticed to Gas Engine Building and commenced business in General Engineering in 1898—at the time of the Engineers' Lockout. Built first Motor Car in 1901, 3i h.p. 4-seater, two forward speeds, no reverse. Later Oldsmobile Steam Car. Has driven ever since it was compulsory to be preceded by red flag. In 1903 owned a De Dion and built a Daimler Wagonette to run for hire. Took a 1st Prize for selling more 6 and 8 h.p. Rovers than any other Agent. Ran one of the first Deasey Cars. Has served on City Council since 192o. Elected Sheriff of Nottingham, 1935/36 and Lord Mayor, r943/44. Is Treasurer of the Nottingham Conservative Party and Chairman of the Nottingham Constitutional Club Company. Interests : Politics and Golf. Private Address: Beeston Fields, Beeston, Nottinghamshire. Telephone: 54280.
MOBBS, Sir Noel, K.C.V.O., O.B.E. Chairman of Slough Estates Ltd., United Motor Finance Corporation Ltd., M.L. Engineering Co. Ltd., Pytchley Autocar Co. Ltd. and other Companies. Born 8th June, 1880. Educated at Bedford Modern School. In 1919 became Member of Advisory Committee of Ministry of Munitions. President of Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund, 1933. High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, 1945. Trustee, Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust. Lord of the Manor, Stoke Poges. Author in 1929 of book on "Curling in Switzerland." Clubs : Carlton, Portland. Private Address: Stoke Park House, Stoke Poges, Bucks. Telephone: Slough 22864.
MOBBS, Stanley Ernest. Engineer Superintendent, Dottridge Bros. Ltd., London, N.I. Born London, 9th June, 1913. Educated at Thornhill Road School and studied engineering at Polytechnics. First employed by present firm at age of 15 as an Improver. Joined the Rover Motor Co. of Fulham in 1934, leaving them to re-join Dottridge's in 1936 as a General and Engine Fitter. Served in R.E.M.E. during war. Was Trade-tested and after various technical courses posted to 32, T.T.G., Newbury, instructing new intakes on a Motor Vehicle Course. On demobilisation in 1946 returned to present firm as Shop Supervisor. Promoted to present post in 1948. Private Address: 79, Muswell Avenue, Muswell Hill, London, N.I 0. Telephone: Tudor 2654.
MOENS, William Anthony. Sales Manager, National Sales, Tyre Division, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., 1, Albany Street, London, Born Chislehurst, 2nd February, 1900. Educated at Felsted School; Royal Naval Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth. Went to sea at 15 as Midshipman in 1915, joining Battleship (Bellerophon). Present at Battle of Jutland, 31,5, 16. Later served in Destroyers and in Caspian Naval Force, 1919. Joined present organisation in 1926 as Salesman. Recalled to R.N. in 1939 and served at sea in Destroyers and other H.M. Ships until end of war. Mentioned in Despatches, 1944. Reverted to Retired List, R.N. with rank of Commander. Interests : Gardening, Reading and the Sea. Private Address: Bredon, Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey. Telephone: Farnham 5605.
MOLONEY, Daniel J. Sole Proprietor, Moloney's Garage, Listowel, Co. Kerry. Born Lyreacrompane, 7th June, 1909. Educated at Local Schools and at Listowel Technical College. In 1930 became Insurance Superintendent with New Ireland Assurance Co. Ltd. and in 1934 became a local officer of the National Health Insurance Society. Resigned in 1946 when purchased premises in Market Street and William Street and started Garage and Engineering Works on own account. Recreations : Golf, Walking. Private Address: Gurtenard, Listowel, Co. Kerry. Telephone: 32.
MONKS, Cyril, M.ENG., M.I.M.I. Managing Director, A. E. Monks & Co. Ltd., Liverpool. Born Liverpool, 31st May, 1901. Educated at Oakes Institute and Liverpool University. Is a Member of Liverpool Engineering Society. Joined present firm in 1921. Appointed Managing Director, 1931. Private Address: 41, Childwall Park Avenue, Liverpool, 16. Telephone: Childwall 3247.
MOON, Edgar Percy. Proprietor, Llanthony Motor Bodies, Gloucester. Born Bristol, loth June, 1914. Educated at Dr. Bell's, Bristol. Served apprenticeship with Parnall's, Bristol, 1930, later with Geo. Barker & Co. Ltd., Leeds and Percival Aircraft, Luton. During the war was Chief Planning Engineer and later production manager for Charlesworth Bodies at their Gloucester Works. Founded present business in 1946. Is also General Manager of Insulated Storage and Display Co. of Gloucester. Married; two boys, one girl. Private Address: Walvan, Hempsted Lane, Gloucester. Telephone: 20649.
MOOR, Peter John Marshalsea. Proprietor, A. P. Moor & Son, Honiton. Born Honiton, 8th June, 1921. Educated at Allhallows School, Rousdon, Devon, Served apprenticeship with Morris Motors Ltd. repair shop. Moved to Engine Branch at Coventry in 1940 working in toolroom until returning to Cowley in 1942 as a charge-hand in Machine Shop. In 1943 became Assistant Planning Engineer. Spent a short period in Nottingham mines before joining his father's business as Manager. On his father's death in 1951, became sole proprietor. Married, 1945; one daughter. Recreations : Golf, Gardening. Private Address: Merrybrow, Exeter Road, Honiton. Telephone: 427.
MOORE, Cyril Vernon. Branch Manager, Langney Motors Ltd., St. Leonards-on-Sea. Born 1896. Educated at Dorking High School, Farnham Grammar School and Guildford Technical College. Served apprenticeship with A. Gray and Co., Guildford, 1911-14. Served during 1914 war in Royal Flying Corps. Rehabilitation Course with E. W. Lovely & Co., Eastbourne, 1919-20. Became Sales Manager with Moody's Motors Ltd., Hove, 1920-25. Joined Moore's of Brighton, 1925, leaving in 193o to become Manager of Willetts, Eastbourne. Re-joined Moody's Motors Ltd., as Sales Manager in 1934 until joining R.A.S.C. in 1939. Served until 1945 when joined present organisation. Is Founder Member of Eastbourne Round Table, a Member of 41 Club, Eastbourne and of Hastings and St. Leonards and East Sussex Car Club. Interest : Music. Private Address: Denbigh, Pevensey Park Road, Westham, Sussex.
MOORE, James Kennedy. Service Manager, Wilson & Leeper Ltd., Belfast. Born Antrim, 8th May, 1911. Educated at Dollar Academy. Became an apprentice 1929, serving for five years. Appointed to present position, 1945. Interests: Golf and Shooting. Private Address: 3, North Road, Belfast. Telephone: 54033.
MOORE, Ronald Frederick. Manager, T. W. Moore, Carlisle. Born Carlisle, 27th January, 1922. Spent a short period as Temporary Civil Servant prior to joining R.A.F. Was trained as a Pilot in U.S.A. and received commission on completion of training. Served as Flying Instructor until demobilised in 1946. In that year took up present position, in charge of sales, service and office administration. Recreations : Golf and Motor Sport. Private Address: Little Oakbank, Houghton, Carlisle.
MOORE, Samuel Norman. Managing Director, Clarke's Motor Works, Ltd., Antrim. Born Ballymena, 5th December, 1921. Educated at Ballymena Academy. In 1937 became apprentice mechanic. Trained with R. J. Moore and Son, Ltd. (his father's firm). Was greatly influenced by visit of English Evangelist in 1943. Married Rita (née Hall), 1946; two sons. Interest : Missionary Work. Recreation : Fishing. Private Address: 33, Cushendall Road, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Telephone: 6649.
MOORE, Thomas Wharton, F.I.M.I. Proprietor, Garage in own name, 70-78, Lowther Street, Carlisle. Born Maryport, Cumberland, 18th May, 1891. Served five years apprenticeship in General Engineering and ships' repairs. Went to sea as Engineer Officer, 1912. Served in Merchant Service and Naval Reserve during 1914 war. In 1919 joined United Steel Co., Workington as draughtsman. In 192o bought small machinery merchants' business and converted it into Automobile Engineering concern. Interests : Music and Golf. Private Address: Riversdale, 86, Brampton Road, Carlisle. Telephone: 1260.
MOORE, Trubie, A.M.I.MECH.E., A.M.I.E.E. Aeronautical, automobile and electrical engineer. Born Leeds, 1882. Educated at Leeds Boys Modern School and Leeds University. Became assistant engineer at Leeds Corporation Electricity Works and Yorkshire Electric Power Co. Afterwards founded Moore & Haigh, Mfg. Electrical Engineers. In 1913 became Managing Director, Headingley Motor and Engineering Co. Ltd. Hobby : Motor Sport. Private Address: Outlook, Ancaster Road, Far Headingley, Leeds. Telephone: 52627.
MOOREY, John Campbell, A.M.I.M.I. Executive Manager, Wadham Bros. Ltd., Waterlooville, Hants. Born Wimbledon, 25th April, 1914. Educated at Royal Grammar School, Guildford; Guildford Technical Institute and Portsmouth Municipal College. Joined Dennis Bros. Ltd. prior to joining sales staff of Wadhams in 1934. Transferred from Southsea to Southampton Branch in 1936, taking over the Wolseley trade and retail sales. Served during the war in R.A.S.C., mostly abroad. Mentioned in despatches, N. Africa, 1943. Demobilised with rank of Major in 1946. Re-joined present firm as Manager, Southsea. Appointed to Board of Management, 1950. Lord Wakefield Gold Medallist, I./A.1., 1946, 1947, 1950. Is Chairman, Hants & District Region, Institute of Motor Industry. Member of National Council, Motor Agents' Association, 1951. Married Mabel (née Wood), 1940; one son. Interested in Motor Sport, Walking, Photography, Music and Writing. Private Address: 89a, Palmerston Road, Southsea, Hants. Telephone: Portsmouth 2468.
MORGAN, Brian. Works Director, Benton & Stone, Ltd., Birmingham, 6. Born Birmingham, 8th July, 1919. Educated at King Edward Grammar School, Aston (1930-6) and Birmingham University (B.Sc. Mech.Eng.) 1936-40. Served in R.A.F.,1941-46 as Flt./Lt. (Tech.E.). In 1946 became Assistant Works Manager with present firm and in 1948 was appointed Works Director. Rebuilds, restores and runs veteran and vintage cars as a hobby. Is also keen on all other forms of Motor Sport. Member of V.S.C.C., V.C.C., and B.D.C. Married, 1945; one son. Private Address: 22, Devonshire Road, Birmingham, 20. Telephone: Northern 4996.
MORGAN, Cyril Dion, F.R.S.A., F.C.I.S. Secretary, The Institute of Road Transport Engineers, 174, Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W.!. Telephone: Whitehall 8971. Born Bexhill-on-Sea, 30th August, 1917. Educated at Sloane School, Chelsea. Served 1939-46, in Royal East Kent Regiment. (The Buffs), with the 5th Bn. in C.M.F. during 1943-44 until wounded in action. Thereafter had charge of various hotels in Italy, operating them as Officers' Leave and Demobilisation centres. Joined Institute on demobilisation in 1946. Married, 1948, Anthea (nee Brown); no children. Private Address: 13, Peel Road, Wembley, Middlesex. Telephone: Arnold 3292.
MORGAN, Haydn. Director and Secretary, Halfway Garage (1937) Ltd., Blackpill, Swansea. Born Gorseinon, 9th April, 1896. Educated at Gowerton County School. Served in Army in 1914 war and afterwards joined his father in the latter's boot business. Married the younger daughter of David Bassett, who had a large Public Transport Business. Joined this business as Traffic Controller until it was taken over by Red & White Ltd. In 1937 purchased Garage on present site (added petrol pumps) and they are at present distributors and agents. Hobbies : Fishing, Nature Study. Private Address: Croft, Dulais Road, Gorseinon, Swansea. Telephone: 227.
MORGAN, Henry Frederick Stanley. Governing Director and General Manager, Morgan Motor Co. Ltd. Born Stoke Lacy, Herefordshire, 1881. Educated at Stone House, Broadstairs, and Marlborough College. Trained at Crystal Palace Engineering College and at G.W.R. Works, Swindon. In 1906 opened garage and motor works in Malvern, also started a bus service. In 1909 designed and built the threewheel " Morgan Runabout " which is still being made to-day. In 1935 supplemented the three-wheeler with a sports-type four wheeler, fitted with a to h.p. engine—this was the " Morgan 4/4." In 195o this model was replaced by the " Morgan Plus 4," a slightly larger car with a 17 h.p. engine. Married, 1912, Hilda Ruth (née Day); one son (Peter H. G. Morgan, q.v.) and four daughters. Private Address: Oakwood, Bray, Nr. Maidenhead, Berks. Telephone: 1946.
MORGAN, Peter Henry Geoffrey. Deputy Governing Director, Morgan Motor Co. Ltd., Malvern Link. Born Malvern Link, Worcs., 3rd November, 1919. Educated at Oundle School. Studied engineering at Chelsea College of Automobile Engineering. Served in R.A.S.C., 1940-46. Demobilised with rank of Captain. In 1947 became production engineer with above firm and appointed to present position, 1951. Interested in Motor Sport, Golf, Model Railways and Gardening. Private Address: Braeside, Wyche Road, Malvern, Worcs. Telephone: 1788.
MORLEY, Arthur, O.B.E., D.SC., M.I.MECH.E. Former Staff Inspector (Engineering), Board of Education and the author of a number of books on technical and scientific subjects. Born Cheadle Hulme, 1876. Educated at Manchester University. Apprenticeship served with L. Gardner & Sons, Engineers, Patricroft. In 1900 became Demonstrator in Engineering at Yorkshire College, Leeds; 1901-05, Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, University College, Nottingham and later Professor there, 1905-12. After becoming H.M. Inspector of Schools, 1912, became in 1919, Staff Inspector (Engineering), Board of Education until 1937. Has written a number of engineering books and scientific and technical papers. Private Address: Applegarth, Sham Castle Lane, Bath. Telephone: 5943.
MORLEY, Lewis William Reeve, F.I.M.I. Chairman and Managing Director, North Road Garages (Great Ponton) Ltd., Grantham, and also of North Road Tyresoles (Services) Ltd. Born Skillington, 31st December, 1895. Educated at Grimsby. Served apprenticeship, 1912-15, with William Foster & Co. Ltd., Lincoln. Joined Royal Engineers as Despatch Rider in 1915 transferring R.G.A. in 1918. Founded North Road Garage in 1920, and in 1937 started Tyresole plant. Served in R.A. Light A.A., 1939-43. In 1946 converted the two businesses into Limited Companies. Also became Managing Director of Vacu-Lug Traction Tyres Ltd., which Company acquired sole sales agency rights to operate Vacu-Lug process of restoring traction-type tyres. Married, 1921, Amy (nee Southwood); two daughters. A keen Rotarian. Hobby : Bowls. Private Address: The Croft, Manthorpe Road, Grantham. Telephone: 320.
MORRIS, Harold. Regional Sales Superintendent, Alexander Duckham & Co. Ltd., W.14. Born London, 24th June, 1907. Educated at Downlane School, North London. Was a representative prior to joining R.A.F. in 1940. Served as Adjutant to Bomber 64o Squadron. Demobilised, 1945, joining present firm as above. Hobby: Collecting antiques. Recreations : Tennis, Shooting and Golf. Private Address: 246, Musters Road, West Bridgford, Notts. Telephone: 89985.
MORRIS, Herbert. Managing Director, Herbert Morris Motors (Burnley) Ltd. Born Burnley, 1894. Educated at Burnley Wood Council School; Alston's College, Burnley. Apprenticed to Motor Engineering, 1909. Served as Ambulance Driver in 1914. Transferred to A.S.C. as Sgt. Fitter, 1915-19. Has been Bandmaster of Burnley Citadel S.A. Band since 192o. Took up present position in 1924. Is also Managing Director of Granville Motors (Burnley) Ltd., and of Morseat Ltd. Interested in usic and Fishing. Private Address: Broad-Lea, Scott Park, Burnley. Telephone: 2720.
MORRIS, Noel Ralph. Manager, Southampton Branch, Wadham Bros. Ltd., Waterlooville. Born Weymouth, 24th December, 19 to. Educated at Weymouth Grammar School. Spent a few months in an accountants office before becoming a premium apprentice with Turner & Blakeway Ltd. When this firm closed down under official receiver in 1931, joined Wadham Bros. Ltd. at Southampton as Retail and Wholesale Sales Representative. In 1936 opened new Branch at Winchester, controlling staff of more than 20 persons. In 1940 returned to Southampton as Production Manager on the Company's war programme and was responsible for the manufacture and repair of thousands of aircraft components at Southampton and Winchester Depots, at one time controlling over 600 works people. In 1946 was appointed Manager of Southampton Branch and in 1949 was appointed an executive member of the Board of Management. Interests : All Sports, especially swimming and football, Gardening and Motoring. Married, Winifred (née Grant), 1934; one son. Private Address: " Drusilla," 190, Wilton Road, Southampton. Telephone: 71600.
MORRIS, Samuel. Managing Director, S. Morris & Company, 29-3r, Edgware Road, W.2. Born London, 8th September, 1905. Educated at West Ham Secondary School. In 1920 started apprenticeship to Motor Engineering. Commenced business on own account, 1930. Is also Managing Director of Essem Distributors, Ltd., Cleveland Garages Ltd. and Essem Distributors, Exports Ltd. Interested in Painting, Photography and Golf. Private Address: 51, Avenue Close, Avenue Road, N.W.8.
MORRIS, Thomas Orlando, F.I.M.I. Director and General Manager, C. & E. Motors Ltd., Coventry. Born Pensnett, 2ISt October, 1906. Educated at Dudley Grammar School, 1915-25. Became Works Chemist, then Fire Brick Manager for Himley Fire & Red Brick Co. Ltd. In 1930 entered Motor Industry as Commercial Vehicle Sales Manager for Bloomfield Motor Co., Tipton. Joined present firm in 1932 being appointed Sales Manager in the same year. In 1941 became General Manager and in 1950, appointed to the Board. Is an active member of the M.A.A. Council, on which has served in many important capacities. Since 1948 has been Chairman of the Coventry Road Accident Council. Has contributed many articles to the Trade Press. Is interested in Tennis, Golf, and Photography. Married, 1934, Pearl (née Partington); two sons. Private Address: Woodford, 39, Woodland Avenue, Coventry. Telephone: 5187.
MORRISH, Archibald Edwin. Sales Director, Longwell Green Coachworks Ltd., Bristol. Born Bristol, 13th June, 1896. Educated at Redcliff School. After serving on Continent during World War I, joined his father's business as a partner. Father retired from the business (Morrish & Son, Body Builders) and he became proprietor until the building was completely destroyed by bombing in 194o. Unable to re-build so joined W. J. Bence Ltd. as a Director—this Company was re-named as above. Has been President of the National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders and a Trustee of the Association. Was also Chairman of the U.K. Joint Wages Board for the Vehicle Building Industry, 1947, 1948, 1949. Plays Golf and Bowls. Private Address: Dunromyn, Rayens Cross Road, Long Ashton, Bristol. Telephone: Long Ashton 2142.
MORRISON, Alfred Charles, M.I.MECH.E. Engineer—Designer. Born Leicester, February, 1901. Educated at private and technical schools. Served apprenticeship in automobile and electrical engineering. Became designer with A. E. Morrison & Sons, Ltd., Leicester. Specialises in the study of electrical developments. Private Address: The Four Gables, Quorn, Loughborough, Leics.
MORTLOCK, Walter George, m.i.m.i. Proprietor, Walter Mortlock, North Finchley. Born Barberton, Transvaal, S. Africa, 18th June, 1896. Educated at Barberton Grammar School and Maidenhead College, Bucks. Served short apprenticeship with Birk & Co., Edgware Road, before joining the Army on outbreak of war, in Mechanical Transport. Demobilised, 1921, as Quartermaster. In 1922 founded present business. Interests : Golf, Gardening and Football. Private Address: Barberton, Mayfield Avenue, North Finchley, N.I2. Telephone: Hillside 0890.
MORTON, Geoffrey. Motor Insurance Broker and Consulting Engineer, II, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, 3. Telephone: Great Crosby 192o. Born Worsley, 14th September, 1897. Educated at Manchester Grammar School and School of Technology. Left school when 14 and joined Motor Union Insurance Co. Joined H.M. Forces when 17 and served until 1919. Served short-term apprenticeship with Roberts Garage Ltd., until 1921 when set up as a Broker on own account. Since then has also operated as Motor Claims Assessor and as Consulting Engineer. Hobby : Dog breeding, especially Mastiffs and Great Danes. Recreations : Gardening, Music and Motoring. Private Address: Craignair, Blundellsands. Telephone: Great Crosby 1920.
MOSELEY, Derek Everard. Proprietor, Moseley Motors, Edenbridge. Born Birkenhead, 13th May, 1913. Educated at Birkenhead, and Uppingham School. Before the war was a Cotton Salesman and in 1946 became an Upholstery and Seating Salesman. Started present business in 1947. Recreation: Fishing. Private Address: Overheads, High Street, Edenbridge, Kent. Telephone: 2107.
MOSELEY, Frank, A.M.I.MECH.E., M.I.M.I. Proprietor, Moseley Motors, Wolverhampton. Born 9th February, 1898. Educated at Wolverhampton Grammar School. Served apprenticeship with Jos. Evans & Sons, Hydraulic Engineers. Joined Navy in 1916 and served until 1919 when returned to Evans & Sons and completed apprenticeship. In 1922 became engineer to Muirhead, MacDonald and Wilson, Public Works Engineers, leaving them in 1927 to become engineer at Goodyear Tyre Co., Wolverhampton. Started in business as Moseley Motors in 1930. Recreation : Golf. Private Address: " Portibleu," Stubbs Road, Wolverhampton. Telephone: 36455.
MOSELEY, Frank. Managing Director, Frank Moseley (Auto Sales & Service) Ltd., Birmingham. Born Birmingham, 10th January, 1901. Educated at St. Georges School. When ten years old won Scholarship for drawing. Commenced business career in Drawing Office. In 1927 joined Armstrong Siddeley Motors Ltd., Coventry as Engineer, afterwards becoming Service Manager. Founded above business in 1945. Is a keen Salmon and Trout Fly Fisher and was selected for English National Fly Fishing team, 1950 season at Loch Leven, Scotland. Also interested in Cricket and Golf. Private Address: Claerwen, 21, Grange Hill Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham. Telephone: Kings Norton 1411.
MOSS, Eric Beecroft, B.SC., F.INST.P.3 M.I.MECH.E., A.F.R.AE.S. Chief Engineer, S. Smith & Sons (England) Ltd., Cricklewood, N.W.2. Born London, 27th January, 1901. Educated at Westminster City School and Birkbeck College, University of London. In 1924 became Physicist with Cambridge Instrument Company, leaving in 1937 to become Chief Engineer of Smith's Aircraft Instruments. Promoted in 1939 to Chief Engineer of S. Smith & Sons (MA) Ltd., holding the same post in S. Smith & Sons (England) Ltd. In 1942 was Member of Dunbar Mission on aircraft production to U.S.A. In 1949 undertook direction of Engineering Dept. of K.L.G. Sparking Plugs. Appointed Technical Director of Weymouth Gauges & Instruments Ltd. in 1951. Represents L.C.C. on Governing Body of Northampton Polytechnic, and on Board of Governors of National College of Horology. Chairman, British Standards Institution Technical Committee, ACE/3o. Member S.B.A.C. Technical Executive Committee. President, Society of Instrument Technology. Fellow of Physical Society. Member of Royal Institution. Interests : Practical Engineering, Technical Education and Music. Recreations : Gardening and Motoring. Club : Royal Aero. Private Address: 12, Woodlands Road, Bushey, Herts. Telephone: Watford 4981.
MOSS, Guy. Director and Secretary, Archie E. Moss, Ltd., Loughborough. Born Aston-on-Trent, 28th February, 1918. Educated at Repton School. Apprenticeship served with Alvis Ltd., 1934-39. Received electrical training with Bosch Ltd., Lausanne, Switzerland. Commissioned in Royal Navy, 1939-47 as Lieut (E.) R.N. Served as Flotilla Engineer and in M.T.B.s. Also served as Technical Advisor on Admiralty Staff and on the Continent on special Intelligence Mission. Is member of Leicester Technical College Advisory Committee. Rotarian. Interests : Politics, Youth Training. Private Address: La Corniche, The Drive, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicester.
MOSS, Richard Noel. Managing Director, Croft & Blackburn Ltd., Ripon. Born Otley, 23rd December, 1912. Educated at Prince Henry's Grammar School, Otley and Ashville College, Harrogate. Received technical training as premium apprentice with Appleyard of Leeds, Ltd., 1932-37. Subsequently appointed Reception Engineer, then Salesman. Served in Equipment Branch, R.A.F., 1939-45. Twice mentioned in Despatches. Demobilised with rank of Flt./Lieut. Joined Messrs. Croft & Blackburn Ltd. in 1947 as Managing Director (the firm was established in 1742). Is member of Ripon Rotary Club. Married, Joan Shirley (nee Watson), 1937; two sons. Private Address: 5, The Square, Ripon.
MOSS, Stirling. Director, Kieft Car Construction Co. Ltd. Born London, 17th September, 1929. Educated at Haileybury and Imperial Service College. In 1945 took up catering with Associated British Hotels. Began motor racing as an amateur in 1947. Became a farmer, 1948. Raced a Cooper 50o during the same year. In 1949 won several races with his Cooper woo. Gave up farming and joined H. W. Motors Ltd. as a professional driver in 195o. Raced H.W.M. car winning 195o Road Racing Gold Star and Seaman Trophy for most successful driver of year. Won T.T. in a Jaguar and Monte Carlo 500 cc. Grand Prix in a Cooper. In 1951-1st Silverstone production car race, 1st British Empire Trophy, 1st Festival of Britain 5oocc. International Trophy. Finished second in Sunbeam Talbot, the Monte Carlo Rally 1952. Recreations : Ju-jutsu, Rugby Football, Riding and Dancing. Private Address: White Cloud Farm, Tring, Herts. Telephone: 2181.
MOUAT, Rupert Charles, A.M.I.MECH.E., F.I.M.I., A.S.A.E. Instructor in charge of Automobile Engineering, Witwatersrand Technical College, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Born Port Elizabeth, 9th June, 1907. Educated at Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth, S.A. Studied engineering at Chelsea College of Automobile Engineering and at General Motors Institute of Technology, Flint, Michigan. In 1933 became Mechanic with General Motors, S.A. Ltd., and the following year was appointed Technical Assistant. In 1935 promoted to take charge of Service Garage, leaving in 1936 to take up present position. Appointed in 1938 as official examiner to Union Education Department. Married, 1939, Margaret Joan, daughter of C. F. Loxley, O.B.E. and Edith Loxley of Southport. Interests : Golf, Swimming and Contract Bridge. Private Address: 39, Ninth Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg, South Africa.
MOUNT, Philip Henry Arkwright. Sales Manager, British Belting and Asbestos Ltd., Cleckheaton, Yorks (Proprietory name : Mintex). Born Bushey, Herts., 3rd June, 1911. Educated at St. George's College, Weybridge, and Heathbrow, Boxmoor. Commenced in business as an Export Clerk, later started own Company but sold out to take position of English Manager for A. C. Lemach, G.m.b.H., Vienna (a subsidiary of the present firm). Appointed Sales Manager of Mintex Brake and Clutch Liners in 1942. Recreation : Sailing. Married; two sons. Private Address: 14, Allerton Drive, East Keswick, Nr. Leeds. Telephone: Collingham Bridge 503.
MOUNT, Richard William. Director (Sales and Service), Fox and Nicholl Ltd., Surbiton. Born London, S.W.7., 29th August, 1911. Educated at Stowe, and Automobile Engineering Training College, Chelsea, where he received a Certificate. Returned from Radnorshire in 1934 to take up present position with Fox and Nicholl Ltd. Interests : Motor Sport and Shooting. Private Address: Rye Saltars, Cobham, Surrey. Telephone: 446.
MOUNTAIN, Sir Brian, BT. Chairman of Premier Motor Policies Ltd. Born 22nd August, 1899. Educated at Charterhouse School; Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Served as Lieut. 9th Lancers in 1914-18 war and re-called and served in France during 1939 war. Other interests include Eagle Star Insurance Co. and Philip Hill Investment Trust Ltd. Recreations : Shooting and Fishing. Clubs : Carlton, Boodle's, Cavalry and Royal Automobile. Private Address: Shawford Park, Nr. Winchester, Hants. Telephone: Twyford 2289.
MOUNTEVANS, Admiral Lord, K.C.B., C.B., D.S.O., LL.D. Chairman, Parsons Engineering Co. Ltd Southampton. Born 28th October, 1881. Educated at Merchant Taylors' School; Training ship H.M. S . Worcester. Left " Worcester,' served in R.N. joining Captain Scott's Antarctic Expedition as second-in-Command in 1910. Commanded H.M.S. Broke, 1917, and achieved fame as " Evans of the Broke " when he engaged and defeated six German destroyers. Appointed acting High Commissioner, S. Africa 1933-35. Appointed C. in C. The Nore 1935-39. On the outbreak of war was appointed London Regional Defence Commissioner. His second marriage, in 1916, was to Elsa, daughter of Richard Andvord of Norway. Is also a Director of The Paper Cap Manufacturing Co. Ltd. and of R. J. Hamer & Sons (Paints) Ltd. Has written many adventure and boys' books. Club: Bath. Private Address: 76, Cadogan Square, S.W.I. Telephone: Kensington 234o.
MOUNTFORD, Harry. Manager, Product Performance Dept.,India Tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd., Incinnan, Renfrewshire. Telephone: Paisley 4141. Born Birmingham, 2nd June, 1901. Educated King Edward's School, Aston, Birmingham. Acquired engineering tuition at Central Technical College, Birmingham. Joined Dunlop Company in November, 1919 in their Laboratories and later in their Product Performance Department. In January, 1937 joined present firm as Manager, Product Performance Department. Interests : Music and Drama. Private Address: Yenton, Haining Road, Renfrew. Telephone: 2003.
MOYLE, Ronald Charles, M.I.MAR.E., A.M.I.MECH.E., F.I.M.I. Educational Co-ordinator, The Nuffield Organization,Cowley. Born Southampton, 2ISt January, 193. Educated at King Edward VI School, Southampton. Joined R.N., 1908 and served engineering apprenticeship at HM Mechanical Establishment, Portsmouth. Served during 1914-18 war in Dardanelles and North Sea, afterwards as Engineering Instructional Officer, H.M. Mech. Training Establishment, Portsmouth until retiring under the Geddes Plan, 1922. Since then has been lecturer and demonstrator in Civil and Mechanical Engineering at University College, Southampton. Resigned 1944 to take up present appointment. Has also served as Member of Examination Board, Institute of Marine Engineers and as Secretary to University Appointments Board. Is a member of the Royal Society of Teachers. Recreations : Gardening, Tennis and Music. Private Address: " Larkfield," Quarry Road, Headington, Oxford. Telephone: Oxford 6441.
MOYSES, Harry John Swenson, O.B.E. Deputy Chairman and Managing Director of Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. Ltd., Smethwick, 41. Is also a Director of B.S.A. Tools, Ltd., Birmingham Small Arms Co. Ltd., Cardiff Foundry & Engineering Co. (1947) Ltd., Daimler Co. Ltd., Hooper & Co. (Coachbuilders) Ltd., Lancaster Motor Co. Ltd., Metal & Plastic Compacts Ltd. and Round Oak Steel Works Ltd. Is a Member of the Council and executive committee of Federation of British Industries. Private Address: Edgewood, Rosemary Hill Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield.
MUIRHEAD, Andrew Ramsay Mories. Director, Bridge of Weir Leather Co. Ltd., N.B. Born Bridge of Weir, 14th June, 1905. Educated at Bootham School, York. Trained at Leather Sellers Technical College, London and Deutche Garber Schule, Freberg, Saxony. Became an apprentice, 1922. Appointed to present position, 1935. Recreations : Fishing, Golf, Shooting and Yachting. Private Address: Ashfield, Bridge of Weir, Scotland. Telephone: 139.
MUIRHEAD, Richard Earl. Chairman, John Cameron & Sons (Curriers) Ltd., Edinburgh. Born Bridge of Weir, 13th June, 1912. Educated at Allan Glen's School, Glasgow. Spent one year in Chartered Accountant's office and then 6 months in the Foreign Branch of a wellknown Bank. In 1931 became an unskilled labourer in Bridge of Weir Leather Co. Ltd. factory. Received technical training at Leathersellers College, London, 1933 and in 1934 worked at a tannery in Germany. Returned to B. of W. Leather in 1935, became a Director, 1939. Served during war, in Royal Navy. Joined as Ordinary Seaman, 1940. Commissioned Sub-Lieut., R.N.V.R., 941; Lieut. 1942. In 1946 acquired controlling interest in John Cameron & Sons (Curriers) Ltd. Recreations : Golf, Ski-ing, Gardening. Private Address: Ranfurly, Lennox Row, Edinburgh, 5. Telephone: 8387o.
MULLENS, Harry Charles Richard. Director of Exports, The Nuffield Organization, Cowley. Born Camberley, 8th November, 1903. Educated at Eton; Trinity College, Cambridge. Studied engineering at Cambridge and afterwards became pupil with W. H. Allen & Sons, Ltd., Bedford. In 1928 joined the staff of the Service Dept., Wolseley Motors Ltd., becoming their representative in Australia and New Zealand, 1929/31. Transferred to Home Sales, 1931/32 and became Service Manager, 1932. In 1933-36 engaged with Morris Industries Exports Ltd. Became Director and General Manager, Wolseley Motors Ltd., 1937/40 and Managing Director, 1940/48. Appointed Midlands Regional Director, Nuffield Organization, 1948 and Director of their Machining Division, 1949. Appointed to present position, 195o. Private Address: Weston Manor Hotel, Nr. Bicester, Oxon. Telephone: Bletchington 6o.
MUMFORD, Clarence. Chairman Western Motors Ltd., Bristol and a number of other concerns. Educated at Hoe Grammar School, Plymouth; Shebear College, North Devon. Received technical training at J. I. Thornycroft's, Basingstoke. In 1928 joined Sales Staff of W. Mumford. Studied the operational side of the omnibus business and in 1929 became Managing Director of Southern General Omnibus Co., and Cornish Buses Ltd. Subsequently Managing Director of W. Mumford Ltd., Drake Motors Ltd., H.T.P. Motors Ltd.
MUMFORD, Kenneth John. Director and General Manager, H.T.P. Motors, Ltd., Truro. Born Plymouth, 29th May, 1913. Educated at Plymouth College and Taunton School. On leaving school joined W. Mumford Ltd. as pupil, went through all Departments and was Assistant to W. R. Mumford the Sales Manager of W. Mumford Ltd. Left in August, 1939 to join associate Company as Director and General Manager. This Company, H.T.P. Motors Ltd., were appointed Army Auxiliary Workshops, and in addition undertook the repairs of Aircraft components under Ministry of Supply contract. Married; two sons. Interests : Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, local affairs. Recreations : Golf and Sailing. Private Address: Woodlands, The Parade, Truro. Telephone: 2975.
MUMFORD, Ronald, B.SC., M.I.MECH.E. Director, Western Motors (Bristol) Ltd. Born Plymouth, 8th June, 1906. Educated at Taunton School; Bristol University. In 1927 appointed Service Manager of W. Mumford, Plymouth. Became a Director, 1932. Private Address: Claremont, Churchway, Elburton, Plymouth.
MUMFORD, William Roy. Managing Director, Western Motors (Bristol) Ltd. Born Plymouth, 1904. Educated at Taunton School; Bristol University. Interested in aviation. Became Director (Sales) of W. Mumford Ltd. of Plymouth before transferring to present appointment. Address: c/o. Western Motors (Bristol) Ltd., Park Row, Bristol.
MUNDY, Sidney George. Managing Director, Crypton Equipment Ltd., Bridgwater. Born Eastleigh, 6th January, 1897. Educated at Chamberlayne School, Eastleigh and Hartley University College, Southampton, 1912-18. Apprenticeship served with London and S. Western Rly. in Electrical Dept. In 1921 became an estimating engineer with Bruce Peebles & Co. Ltd., and later was representative with Wood & Ball Ltd. Was successively Chief Estimating Engineer with Hart Accumulator Co. (1924). Engineer Sales Manager, Baxter & Caunter Ltd. (1924-27). Sales Manager, Newtons of Taunton (1927-33) and of Rotax Ltd. (1933-34). Appointed to present position, 1934. Is member of Transport Service Equipment Committee, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. President Association of Manufacturers & Distributors of Garage Equipment. Married, 1923, Margaret Hilda (nee Mongston); two sons, one daughter. Club : Royal Automobile. Recreation : Cricket. Private Address: Heathfield Lodge, North Petherton, Bridgwater. Telephone: North Petherton 232.
MUNRO, David William, M.I.MECH.E., M.S.I.A. • Technical Manager, B.S.A. Cycles, Ltd., Small Heath, Birmingham. Born S. Queensferry, nth June, 1898. Educated at Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh, 1903-16. Received theoretical and practical training at University of Edinburgh, at Heriot-Watt Technical College, and at David Thompson Ltd., Edinburgh. In 1920 became junior Experimental Engineer with present firm. Has devoted the past 31 years to the study of motor cycle development and design. Is author of numerous technical articles, and books on motor cycling. Has read papers to various societies and institutions. Chairman, Motor Cycle Manufacturers Union Technical Committee, 1936-46. Served during the war as Flying Officer, R.A.F.V.R., attached to Air Training Corps. Has sat on various Technical and sub-committees of B.S.I. Hobbies : Astronomy, Music and Philology. Private Address: 1849, Coventry Road, Yardley, Birmingham. Telephone: Sheldon 2812,
MUNRO, Gordon Wallace. Area Secretary, British Motor Trade Association, 41, Queen Street, Edinburgh (Area Office. Telephone: 23968. Born Inverness, 13th April, 1923. Educated at Wanstead High School and privately. Served with Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in Middle East (awarded M.G. and mentioned in Despatches). Demobilised as Acting Major in November, 1946. Joined present organisation, 1947 and became area Secretary in November, 195o. Interests : Territorial Association, Golf, and is member of Edinburgh Round Table. Married, 1945; one daughter. Private Address: 28, Comely Bank Avenue, Edinburgh.
MUNTZ, Frederick Alan Irving, A.F.R.AE.S., M.I.MECH.E., M.INST.PET., M.I.EX. Founder of a number of engineering Companies. Research engineer and inventor. Born 7th June, 1899. Educated at Winchester College; Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. Mechanical Sciences). Served in France as 2nd Lieut. 432nd Field Co., R.E. 1918. Joined B.P. Co. Ltd., 1922-26 and AngloIranian Oil Co. Ltd., 1926-28. With Sir Nigel Norman founded Airwork Ltd. in 1928 and similar firms in Cairo and Delhi. Founded Alan Muntz & Co. Ltd., to develop Pescara free piston engine system and other inventions. Recreations : Flying, Fishing and Shooting. Private Address: Clapton Revel, Wooburn Moor, Bucks. Telephone: Bourne End 224.
MURRAY, Sir Andrew Hunter Arbuthnot, 0.B.E., LL.D., J.P. Chairman, Scottish Motor Traction Co. Ltd., and subsidiaries including S.M.T. Sales and Service Co. Ltd., and Scottish Midland Guarantee Trust Co. Ltd. Born Edinburgh, 19th December, 1903. Educated at Daniel Stewart's College; George Heriot's School. Elected Chairman on the death in 1949, of Sir William Thomson, LL.D. Was Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1948-51. Knighted for Public Services 1948. Private Address: Marchfield House, Edinburgh. Telephone: 77325.
MURRAY, Charles Graham. Director, Tempered Spring Co. Ltd., Sheffield. Born Sheffield, 28th January, 1920. Educated at Stowe School. In 1937 became an Engineering apprentice with Rolls Royce Ltd. Took up present position in October, 1948. Private Address: 133, Tom Lane, Sheffield, 10. Telephone: 32123.
MURRAY, George Henry. Service Director, Clyde Automobile Co. Ltd., Glasgow. Born Port Glasgow, 23rd May, 1915. Educated at Warriston, Moffatt and Sedbergh, Yorks. Joined R.N.V.R., 1933, called up 1939 and became Staff Officer at Naval Gunnery School, Whale Island, Portsmouth for 5 years. Taught gunnery in this Country and in U.S.A., subsequently going to Far East. Demobilised, 1946. Joined West Renfrew Motors, Greenock and thence to present appointment in 1949. Married, 1950. Recreation: Golf. Private Address: 103, Eldon Street, Greenock. Telephone: 1504.
MURRAY, Leslie Ethelbert Ruthven. Managing Director, K. F. M. Engineering Co. Ltd., Cricklewood, N.W.2. Born Worcester, 22nd June, 1896. Educated at Oundle School. Served in R.N.A.S., 1915-19. In 1920 joined present firm as Director. Invented and designed many motor accessories, notably early Direction Indicators in 1923, and internally illuminated number plates as used by the Metropolitan Police. Also interested in Trailer caravan chassis and fittings, and designed the Round Bay Caravan. Recreations : Caravanning, Photography and Boating. Private Address: i8, Green Court, Green Lane, Edgware. Telephone: 2465.
MURRAY, Stanley, M.I.MECH.E. Automobile Designer, etc. Born Ryton-on-Tyne, 1887. Educated at Newcastle Modern School; Durham University; Armstrong College, Engineering Section. Served apprenticeship with Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Studied Motor Car construction and design under Major Walter G. Wilson and C. R. F. Englebach during making of Wilson Pilcher and Armstrong Whitworth cars. In 1911 engaged in Sales side of business and in 1912 formed partnership of Murray and Charleton. Converted this into Limited Co. in 1926 and became Director. Interests : Photography. Private Address: Low Luddick, Kenton, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
MYALL, Victor Arthur. Service Director, Empire Motors Ltd., Toronto. Born Dunmow, 12th November, 1906. Educated at King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford. In 1926 became Shop foreman and in 1928 Works Manager with Messrs. Rippon Bros. Ltd., Brentwood, leaving to join Army in 1940. On demobilisation in 1947 joined Rover Car Co. as Overseas Technical Representative and left to take up present position in 1950. Recreations : Sailing, Golf, Tennis and Cricket. Private Address: 36, Mount Crescent, Brentwood, Essex. Telephone: 1429.
MYERS, Peter. General Manager, Headstone Motors, Harrow. Director, Montrose Motors Ltd., Wembley. Born London, 1921. Educated at St. Clement Danes. In 1938 became apprenticed to A.E.C. Ltd. Joined Vacuum Oil Co. Ltd. in 1939 until joining R.A.F. in 1940. Served in Highspeed launches becoming commissioned in that Branch as a Launch Captain. Demobilised, 1946, joining Montrose Motors Ltd. as a Director. Took over management of Headstone Motors in 1949. Chairman, Harrow, Wembley and District M.A.A. 1950/51. Before war was Captain of the original junior English Ice Hockey team which he helped to found at Wembley. Private Address: 248, Headstone Lane, Harrow. Telephone: Hatch End 444.
MYERS, Reginald Arthur. Managing Director, Headstone Motors, Wembley and Montrose Motors Ltd., Harrow. Born Brighton, 1891. Educated at Ilford. Served apprenticeship with British Automobile Commercial Syndicate. In 1912 became Personal Mechanic with Daily Mail Aero Tour. Served during World War I with Royal Artillery (commissioned), transferring to Royal Flying Corps as Pilot in 1917. Later commissioned in Royal Tank Corps and engaged in Design and Experimental work in connection therewith. During 1939 war commissioned in R.A.F.V.R. Recreation : Flying. Private Address: Tile House, Uxbridge Road, Stanmore. Telephone: Grimsdyke 973.
MYERS, Wayne V., B.SC., M.A. Managing Director, The Wayne V. Myers Co. Ltd., Chiswick. Born Rochester, U.S.A., 17th March, 1895. Educated at Columbia University, New York. After period of teaching at New York University entered rubber Industry. Came to England, 192o, and introduced self-vulcanising tyre and tube repair material. This led to interest in chemical compounding of oil and other hydrocarbon products. Originated oil additives and in 193o produced the Redex Oil Additive, developing specialised motor testing and tuning equipment for use in conjunction with it. The Company as above now operates extensively throughout Great Britain and has fully integrated specialist organisations in most foreign countries. Recreations : Yachting, Swimming. Clubs : R.A.C., Little Ship Club. Institute of Patentees. Private Address: 26, Sydenham Hill, London, S.E. 26. Telephone: Forest Hill 2800.
MYLCHREEST, Joseph Brian. Director, Athol Garage (1945) Ltd. and of Quales Garage Ltd., Douglas. Born Douglas, 21st December, 1916. Educated at King William's College, Isle of Man. Spent two years with oil Company in City of London before returning to family business (then called Athol Garage Ltd.). in 1937. Served in T.A. prior to the war as 2nd Lieut., mobilised 1939. Commanded L.A.A. Regt. in Germany at end of war with rank of Lieut. Col. Re-joined T.A. after war commanding local unit for four years. Raced at Silverstone, 1949, for Riley Motors, in production car race. Member of Riley Motor Club. Married; one step-daughter, one son. Recreations : Shooting, Sailing and Ski-ing. Private Address: Ballagarey House, Marown, Isle of Man. Telephone: 218.
See Also
Sources of Information