Bernard Beard
Bernard Beard (c1854-1928)
1928 Obituary [1]
BERNARD BEARD served his apprenticeship at the Thames Iron Works, Blackwall, and with firms in Staffordshire.
He gained further experience as a journeyman at a number of works, including those of Messrs. Cochrane and Company and Messrs. Tangyes, and was in charge of the boiler departments of Messrs. Oswald Mordaunt and Company, Southampton, and Messrs. Appleby Brothers of Greenwich from 1876 to 1878 and 1878 to 1884 respectively.
He then became manager of the Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company until 1886, when he joined Messrs. Easton and Anderson of Erith Iron Works as manager of the boiler and constructional department.
In 1894 he became works manager at Messrs. F. Morton and Company, Garston, and in 1900 general manager of Messrs. Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Company of Stockton-on-Tees.
In 1908 he took up consulting work at Stockton, which he carried on until within a few years of his death on 20th November 1927, at the age of 74.
Mr. Beard became a Member of the Institution in 1895.