British Rail
British Rail (1948-1997) aka British Railways
1965 The name of British Railways was shortened to British Rail for promotional purposes[1]
BREL was the engineering division of British Rail until the design and building trains in the UK was privatised.
Specialised freight services included Freightliners and Condor
1968 Herbert Morris supplied 30 Goliath cranes to British Rail Freight.
1981 June. Unveiled the new Class 140 prototype twin-car railbus.[2]
1981 June. Sir Peter Parker was BR's chairman. British Rail teamed up with private industry to develop what was to be the world's first all-electronic railway signally system. GEC General Signal and Westinghouse Signals took BR's four year old research project to production prototype stage with an aim of installing a £1,500 000 pilot scheme at Leamington Spa within three to four years.[3]
1982 Developing ideas to get Advanced Passenger Train (APT) into production.[4]
1994 Privatisation of the rail network began.
1996 Following privatisation the name British Rail was removed[5] but the British Railways Board remained owner of the operating companies until privatisation had been completed[6]. The track and infrastructure was placed in a newly-created public company called Railtrack
1997 Privatisation was essentially complete.
See Also
Sources of Information
- [1] Wikipedia