Engineering 1882 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1882 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1882 Jan-Jun Volume
- Aberdeen Harbour Works, The, 33
- Adelaide, Tramways at, 33
- Admiralty Goal Contracts, The, 133
- Agricultural Implements, American, 466
- “Alaska/* Fast Passages of the, 454, 536, 581, 660
- Albert Medal, The Society of Arts’, 625
- Amalgamation, Proposed, of the Yorkshire Miners’ Association, 11
- America and Middlesbrough, 201
- American Bridge Building, 236, 428
- American Car Building, 236, 388
- American Commerce on the North-Western Lakes, Vessel for the Defence of, 599
- American Implements in Turkey, 538
- American Railroad Construction, 620
- American Railroad Foreclosures, 598
- American Society of Civil Engineers, 243, 533
- American Torpedoes, 146
- Anchors, Government Orders for, 66
- Antipodes, The Telephone at the, 185
- Arbroath Harbour Works, Injury to, 179
- Argentine Republic, The, 146
- Arlberg Tunnel, The, 660
- Armour Plates for the French Navy, 157
- Armour Plates, Sheffield, 454, 665
- Artesian Wells in Queensland, 185
- Asbestos in South Carolina, 146
- Avonside Engine Works, The, 122, 359
- Australia and Germany, 122
- Australia, The Water Supply in, 22, 41, 648
- Australia, Western, 69
- Australian Gold, 648
- Australian Railways, Progress of the, 69, 105, 111, 236, 260, 289, 316, 428, 434, 442, 598
- Baldwin Locomotives, 146
- Balloons and Meteorology, 260
- Banking Company, The Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, in Liquidation, 142
- Barnsley, Proposed Coal Exchange at, 157
- Barrow Depositing Dock, The, 141
- Bath Tramways, New Manager for the, 410
- Bedminster Bridge, 633
- Belgian Locomotive Building, 428
- Belgian Steel-Making, 111, 466
- Belt, Large Leather Driving, 176
- Belting for the Admiralty, 575
- Berks and Hants Extension Railway, 359, 589
- Bessemer Trade, Increase in the, 428
- Bill, The Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, 224
- Blacksmiths’ Wages in Glasgow, 401
- Blaenavon Iron Company’s Works, The, 95
- Blast Furnace at Blaenavon, A Large, 256, 301
- Blast Furnaces, American, 466
- Blast Furnaces, The West Hartlepool, 310
- Block System on the North British Railway, 382
- Board of Arbitration in the Iron Trade, 642, 653
- Bohemian Silver Mine, A, 100
- Boiler Explosion at Great Bridge) 510
- Boilers in Brooklyn, 538
- Boilers, Steam, and the Leeds Corporation, 83
- Bolckow, Vaughan, and Company, 201, 230
- Bombshell, An Embedded, 492
- Bradford and Keighley Branch of the Great Northern Railway, The, 310
- Bradford Sanitary Association, The, 213
- Brazil and Canada, 185,444
- Breakwater at Girvan, Damage to the, 642
- Breakwater, Negrotown Point, 12
- Breakwater, The Port Victor, 66, 93
- Bricks, Furnace, 492
- Bridge, Another St. Lawrence, 660
- Bridge Building, American, 236, 428
- Bridge, The East River, 111, 219
- Bridge over the Forth at Alloa, 382
- Bridge, The New Tay, 3-3, 95, 201, 310
- Bridge, The Western, Kinsale, 388, 416
- Bridging the Lachine Rapids, 69
- Bridging the St. Lawrence, 185
- Bristol Docks, The, 224, 486
- Bristol Docks Competition, 504
- Bristol and North Somerset Railway, 224
- Bristol and South Wales Wagon Co., 122,133, 157
- Bristol Tramways, The, 454
- Bristol University College, The, 589
- Bristol Water Supply, The, 200
- Bristol Water Works Co. The, 157
- Britannia Iron Works, The Middlesbrough, 434
- British Columbia Proposed New Railway iu, 575
- Briton Ferry, Trade at, 11
- Brown, J., and Company, 641, 665
- Brush Company, The Anglo-Austrian 607
- Brush Electric Light Company, The, 95
- Building Exhibition, The, 46
- Bulkeley, Captain, Death of, 504
- Buoys, Luminous, 142
- Buoys for the Tay, Gas-Lighted, 11,142
- Burntisland, Shipbuilding Yard at, 201
- Bute Docks, The, 157, 256
- Cables, Telegraph, The Forth, 111
- Caerleon, Local Government Board Inquiry at, 454
- Cammell, Charles, and Co., 255, 310, 478, 536
- Canada Atlantic Railway, Progress of the, 648
- Canada and Brazil, 185, 444
- Canadian Internal Communications, 388
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Progress of the, 69, 146, 236, 260, 289, 412
- Canadian Patents, 297
- Canadian Railways, Progress of the, 111, 478, 621,648
- Canadian Shipbuilding, 301
- Canal, Inland, near San Francisco, 22
- Canal Project, A Great French, 670
- Canal, Proposed Ship, at Tarbert, 401
- Canal, Proposed, to Unite the Mississippi and Chicago, 411
- Canal from Sheffield to Goole, Proposed, 530
- Canal, Ship, The Huron and Ontario, 412
- Canal, The Welland, 22
- Canal, The Wiltshire and Berks, 410
- Canals, Canadian, 41
- Captain Eads and his Ship Railway, 670
- Car Building, American, 236,388
- Car Journal Box, Wendell’s, 412
- Car Wheels, Paper. 164
- Cardiff, Docks at, 610, 660
- Cardiff and Newport, The Telephone at, 179
- Cardiff, Trade at, 11. 46, 60, 95, 122. 133, 157, 179, 200,224, 256, 301, 382,410, 434,' 454, 504, 536, 556, 589, 610, 633, 660
- Cardiff Water Supply, The, 501, 633, 660
- Carrying Trade of the World, The, 351
- Central Pacific Railroad, Snow Sheds on the, 100
- Centrifugal Pumping Engine for the Cape, 74
- Chilian Navy, The, 538
- China Steamers’ Ocean Race, The, 642
- China, Steel-Making in, 60
- Chinese River Navigation, 563
- Cities, Mexican, 111
- City and the Electric Light, The, 364
- City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education, 401
- Civil Engineers, The, 18, 46, 260, 382, 452, 556, 642
- Civil Engineers, The American Society of, 243, 538
- “ Clan Graham,” Launch of the, 280
- “ Clan Line” of Steamers, The, 510
- Cleaning Tramway Rails, 343
- Cleckheaton, New Station and Railway Improvements at, 581
- Cleveland Pig Makers and Trade Prospects, 230
- Clyde-Built Steamers, Fast Passages of. 428
- Clyde Navigation Trust-Deputation to England, 401
- Clyde and St. Lawrence Timber Fleet, The, 310
- Clyde Shipwrights, The, 256
- Coal Boring Operations near Goole, 224
- Coal Boring near Snaith, The, 665
- Coal in British Columbia, 384
- Coal, Chinese, 356
- Coal and Coke Trades, The Cleveland, 11, 46, 57, 95, 245, 280, 310, 397, 434, 478, 510, 553, 581, 610, 642, 653
- Coal Combustion, Spontaneous, 492
- Coal Contracts, The Admiralty, 133
- Coal Discovery near Tonyrefail, 46
- Coal Exchange at Barnsley, Proposed, 157
- Coal Exports, Belgian, 538, 642
- Coal Finding at Llancaiach, 434
- Coal for the German State Lines, 648
- Coal in Germany, 521, 605
- Coal and Iron Shipments, South Wales, 157, 256, 359, 504, 610
- Coal in Manitoba, 18
- Coal Miners, The Welsh, 359
- Coal Mining, German. 466
- Coal in New Zealand, 12
- Coal in the Pas-de-Calais, 492
- Coal, Pennsylvanian, 41
- Coal Proprietors, Meeting of, in Sheffield, 11
- Coal Raised at the Cymmen Colliery, 410
- Coal Rates to London, The, 553
- Coal in the Rhondda, 200
- Coal, Silesian, 615
- Coal, South African, 466
- Coal Struck at Tylacoch Colliery, 359
- Coal Tips on the Taff, 301
- Coal Trade at Cyfarthfa, The, 280
- Coal Trade, The German, 236
- Coal Trade, The North Wales, 659
- Coal Trade, The Scotch, 11, 478
- Coal Trade, The South Wales, 454
- Coal Trade, The South Yorkshire, 142, 401, 501
- Coal for the Victorian Railways, 660
- Coal Winning at Maesteg, 610
- College, An Electrical Engineering, 384
- Colliers’ Defections, 310
- Colliers in North Wales, Strike of, 410
- Colliers, South Yorkshire, and Coal Owners, 46
- Colliers and their Wages, Eckington, 46
- Collieries, The Caerphilly, 157
- Collieries, The North Wales, 382
- Collieries for Sale, 454
- Colliery Company, The Great Western, 25-3
- Colliery Company at Llantwit Vardre, 11, 4G
- Colliery Company, South Wales, Meeting of, 200
- Colliery, The Holmes, 641
- Commemoration, The Watt, 95
- Communications with Queensland, 452
- Condie Steam Hammer, The, 74
- Congress of the Sanitary Institute, 554
- Contracts, New Steamship, 478
- Contracts, Scotch Shipbuilding, 615
- Cooke, W., and Company, Report of, 581, 610
- Coral, The Growth of, 573
- “ Cordelia,” H.M.S., Trial of, 633
- Cornish Railway, A New, 301
- Creusot Works, The, 388
- Cuba Central Railway, The, 510
- Cuirass, A German, 100
- Cyfarthfa Works, The, 659
- Davy Brothers’, Dividend, 11
- Death of Captain Bulkeley, 504
- Death of Mr. J. Evans, 410
- Death of Mr. James B. Handyside, 247
- Death of Aiderman Hitching 164
- Death of Mr. Henry Merry weather, 18
- Death of Sir William Palliser, 141
- Death of Mr. Sydney Smith, 359
- Dee Oil Company, The, 580
- Derby Hospital, The, New, 310
- Discovery of Coal near Tonyrefail, 46
- Dock Accommodation at Bridgewater, 255
- Dock, The Barrow Depositing, 141
- Dock Company, The Newport, 478
- Dock, Depositing, for Vladivostok, 105
- Dock, Harbour, and Railway, The Penarth, 157, 200
- Dock and Harbour Works, Scotch, 615
- Dock, The Middlesbrough, Proposed Enlargement of, 122
- Dock, The Neath Floating, 659
- Dock, New Graving, for Glasgow, 66, 142
- Dock at Ogmore, Proposed, 660
- Dock, The Pembroke, 382
- Dock, The Swansea New, 256, 454, 610, 631
- Docks, The Bristol, 224, 486
- Docks at Brooklyn, 356
- Docks, The Bute, 157, 256
- Docks at Cardiff, 610, 660
- Docks Company,The Sharpness. Meeting of, 486
- Docks, the Milford, 60, 179
- Docks, The New, at Grangemouth, 157
- Double-Headed and Vignoles Rails, 412, 492
- Douglass, Sir James N„ 660
- Dowlais Works, New Manager for the, 410
- Drainage Commissioners, The Somerset, 633
- Drainage Scheme for Dundee, New, 553
- Dredger, Hopper, A Novelty, in, 179
- Dredger, Hopper, for the River Forth, 397
- Dry Dock for Mexico, A, 670
- Duluth and Winnipeg Railway, Proposed, 100
- Dynamite Manufactories, 185
- Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., 606
- East River Bridge, The, 111, 219
- East and West Yorkshire Union Railway, 60,224
- Easton and Anderson’s Pupils, Annual Dinner of, 580
- Eckington Colliers and their Wages. 46
- Edinburgh Tramways, Opposition to Mechanical Power on the, 581
- Electric Accumulator Company, The Faure, 201
- Electric Light at Aberdeen, The, 57
- Electric Light at Blaenavon, The, 122
- Electric Light Company, The Brush, 95
- Electric Light in Dundee, Proposed Monopoly of the, 11
- Electric Light at Hull, The, 46, 122
- Electric Light in Leeds, The, 201, 280
- Electric Light in Massachusetts, The, 538
- Electric Light at Milford, The, 74
- Electric Light and the Price of Gas, The, 60
- Electric Light in South Australia, The, 388
- Electric Light in the United States, The, 538
- Electric Light at Vienna, The, 428
- Electric Lighting at Chesterfield, 376, 641
- Electric Lighting on the French Coast, 670
- Electrical Company, Anglo-Austrian Brush, 607
- Electrical Engineering College, An, 381
- Engine, Boiler, and Employers’ Liability Insurance Company, Meeting of the, 271
- Engine, The Tegnander Compound, 412
- Eugine Works, The Avonside, 122, 859
- Engine Works at Hartlepool, Extension of, 553
- Engineering Professors and their Students. 382
- Engineering and Shipbuilding, The Cleveland, 11, 46, 95,122, 142, 164, 179, 245, 280, 310, 382, 397 434, 510, 536, 553, 610, 633, 653
- Engineering Society, The Liverpool, 100, 197, 236, 260,411
- EngineeringTrades in South Yorkshire, The, 122, 176, 255, 478, 641
- Engineers, The American Society of Civil, 243, 538
- Engineers, The Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of, 83
- Engineers, The Clyde Operative, 478
- Engineers, The Edinburgh and Leith, 553
- Engineers, Glasgow, Meeting of the, 428
- Engineers’ Hours in South Yorkshire, 501
- Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, The Institution of, 95, 157, 224, 256, 310, 454
- Engineers, The Society of, 129, 580
- Engineers, The South Wales Institute of, 95, 434
- Engineers in South Yorkshire, Working, 401
- Engineers’ Wages Question in Scotland, The, 553
- Engines, Reversing Rolling Mill,416
- Engines, Steam Fire, in London, 384
- Erie Railroad, Wrecking Trains on the, 22
- Errata, 141. 603
- Evans, Mr. J., Death of, 410
- Examination for Local Surveyors and Inspectors of Nuisances, 620
- Exhibition, The Building, 46
- Exhibition, A Madrid, 474
- Exhibition of Meteorological Instruments, 33
- Exhibition at Peterborough, An, 105
- Exhibition at Rio de Janeiro. 554
- Exhibition, The Smoke Abatement, 412
- Experiments with Safety Lamps, 633
- Explosion, Boiler, at Great Bridge, 510
- Exports from the Bristol Channel, 633
- Extortionate Railway Rates and Sheffield, 280
- Eyam Mining Company, Report of the, 665
- Falcon Iron Works, The, Loughborough, 442
- Fast Atlantic Steaming, 564
- Fast Passages of Clyde-Built Steamers, 428
- Fastening Rails, 615
- Faure Electric Accumulator Company, The, 201
- Ferry, Hydraulic Steam, 401
- Ferry at Quebec, Proposed Railway, 575
- Field Forge, A, 197
- Findochty Harbour, The, 310
- Finished Iron Trade, The Cleveland, 57, 95, 164 397, 478, 509, 553, 642
- Fire Brigade, London, New Fire Engine for, 434
- Fire Engines, Steam, in London, 384
- Floating Timber on the Clyde, The, 66
- Floods Prevention Bill and Leeds, The, 255
- Florida, Railway Progress in, 69
- Forest of Dean, Trade in the, 46, 179, 454, 656
- Forth at Alloa, Bridge over the, 382
- Fox, Samuel, and Company, Dividend of, 142
- French Iron Trade, The, 185
- French Mechanical Industry, 146
- French Navy, Armour Plates for the, 157
- French Railway Signalling, 670
- French Railway Traffic, 236
- Furnace Bricks, 492
- Furnace at Cwmavon, Relighting a, 95
- Gas, The Illuminating Power of, 351
- Gas at Paris, 448
- Gas, The Price of, and the Electric Light, 60
- Gas Works, Leeds, Extensions at the, 359
- German Coal Trade, The, 236
- German Cuirass, A, 100
- German Locomotives, 397
- German Railways, Progress of the, 41, 554
- German Railways, Rolling Stock on the, 351
- German Wire, 156
- Germany and Australia, 122
- Germany, Rails in, 22
- Glamorganshire Canal Company, The, 610
- Glasgow Harbour, Proposed Swing Bridge over 224
- Gloucester, The Water Supply of, 589
- Gold, Australian, 648
- Goole, Coal Boring Operations near, 224
- Goole Steam Shipping Company, Report of. 255
- Government Orders for Anchors, 66
- Grangemouth, The New Docks at, 157
- Graving Dock, New, for Glasgow, 66. 142
- Graving Dock, Proposed, at Port Chalmers, 69
- Graving Docks at Cardiff, 410
- Great Eastern Railway Extension in Yorkshire 46
- Great Northern Extensions in Spen Valley, 310
- Great Northern Railway Extensions at New
- Wortley and the Leeds Corporation, 201
- Great Northern Railway of South Australia, Progress of the, 111
- Great Northern Telegraphy, 400
- Great Salt Lake, The, 60
- Greenock Engineers’ Wages, 280
- Growth of Coral, The, 573
- Guns for the Spanish Navy, 236
- Hammer, The Condie Steam, 74
- Handling Petroleum, 185
- Handyside and Company, Derby, 581
- Handyside, Mr. James B., Death of, 247
- Hanging of Telephone Wires in Scotland, 179
- Harbour, Dock, and Railway, The Penarth, 157
- Harbour and Dock Works, Scotch, 615
- Harbour, The Findochty, 310
- Harbour Improvements and Quay Extension at Stornoway, 642
- Harbour, Inverness, Proposed Improvement of, 280
- Harbour, The Llanelly, 256
- Harbour, The Nairn, Proposed Improvement of 280
- Harbour Works, The Arbroath, Injury to, 179
- Harbour Works for Lerwick, Proposed New, 642
- Harbour Works in Queensland, 598
- Harbours and Jetties, South Australian, 653
- Health Society, The National, 176
- Hematite Trade at Cleveland, The, 553, 610
- H.M.S. "Cordelia,” Trial of, 633
- H.M.S. "Majestic,” 256
- High Hates for Rivetting, 536
- Hopper Barge for the Panama Canal, 412
- Hopper Dredger, A Novelty in, 179
- Hopper Dredger for the River Forth, 397
- Hospital, The New Derby, 310
- Hudson River Tunnel. The, 620
- Hull and Barnsley Railway, Progress of the, 122, 157, 176, 201, 359. 454
- Hull, Barnsley, ana West Riding Rail way Bill, 610
- Hull and the Electric Light, 46, 122
- Hull to Leeds, Proposed New Railway from, 46
- Hydes and Wigfull, Sheffield, Report of, 581
- Hydraulic Hands at Bolckow, Vaughan, and Company’s, The Strike of, 553
- Hydraulic Steam Ferry, 401
- Hydraulic Telegraph, A, 648
- Illuminating Power of Gas, The, 351
- Inskip, Mr. J., Chairman of the Taff Vale Railway, 122
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The, 18, 46, 260, 382, 452, 556, 642
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, The, 95, 157, 224, 256, 310, 454
- Inverness Harbour, Proposed Improvement of, 280
- Iron Company, The Darlington, 179
- Iron Company, The Midland, Report of, 176
- Iron Company, The Parkgate, 501, 536,553
- Iron and Engine Works, The Teesside, 280
- Iron and Engineering Trades of South Yorkshire, The, 60
- Iron Lighthouses, 185
- Iron Market, The Cleveland, 11, 46, 57, 95, 122, 142, 164, 179, 201, 230, 245, 280,309, 364, 382, 397, 434, 460, 478, 509, 536, 553, 610, 642, 653
- Iron Minerals in France, 554
- Iron Ore, Canadian, 522
- Iron Ore in Lapland, 66
- Iron Sleepers in Prussia, 132
- Iron and steel, American, 538
- Iron in Texas, 351
- Iron Trade, The Cleveland Finished 57, 95, 164, 397, 478, 509, 553, 642
- Iron Trade, The Cleveland Manufactured, 11, 46, 122, 142, 179, 201, 280, 309, 364, 382,434, 460,536, 581, 610, 653
- Iron Trade, The French, 185
- Iron Trade, The Glasgow Finished, 33
- Iron Trade, South Yorkshire, The, 176, 255
- Iron Works, The Britannia, Middlesbrough, 434
- Iron Works Company, Nantyglo and Blaina, 133 382
- Iron Works, The Ebbw Vale, 504
- Iron Works, North Yorkshire, Restarting, 309
- Ironfounders’ Dispute in Scotland, The, 280
- Ironfounding Trade in Glasgow, The, 510
- Ironmasters’ Return for March, Cleveland, 361
- Ironwood, American, 553
- Ironworkers in America, The Strike of, 581
- Ironworkers’ Wages in South Yorkshire, 122
- Italian Railways, Progress of the, 269
- Italian Torpedo Boats, 221
- Japan, A Railway in, 625
- Java, 185
- Jessop, William, and Sons, Dividend of, 255
- Jetties and Harbours, South Australian, 653
- Jetty at Largs Bay, The Proposed, 466, 474
- Johnson, Reay, and Co., Stockton, Failure of, 509
- Kelham Rolling Mills Co, Report of, 428
- Kimberlejr Water Works, The, 286
- King’s College Engineering Society, 105,133, 221
- Kirkcaldy, The Engineering Trade at, 615
- Kitching, Aiderman, Death of, 164
- Lachine Rapids, Bridging the, 69
- Lake, The Great Salt, 60
- Lapland, Iron Ore in, 66
- Largs Bay, Proposed Jetty, 466, 474
- Largs Bay, Steamers at, 179, 598
- Launch of the ‘’Clan Graham,” at Messrs. Napier, Shanks and Bell’s, 280
- Launch Machinery for Queensland. 563
- Launch of a New Cunard Liner, 581
- Launch in Scotland, A Sunday, 179
- Launch of a Whitby Steamer, 376
- Launches, Steam Towing, for Coasting Service, 501
- Launching of Vessels, The, 593
- Lauth Three-High Mill, The, 100
- Leather Driving Belt, Large, 176
- Leeds Corporation and the Great Northern Railway Extensions at New Wortley, 201
- Leeds Corporation and Steam Boilers, The, 83
- Leeds and the Floods Prevention Bill, 255
- Leeds Gas Works, Extensions at the, 359
- Leeds to Hull, Proposed New Railway from, 46
- Leeds Town Council and the Electric Light, 201
- Leyland Local Board, andtbe Water Supply, 274
- Light, The Electric, at Aberdeen, 57
- Light, The Electric, atBlaenavon, 122
- Light, The Electric, at Chesterfield, 641
- Light, The Electric, and the City, 364
- Light, Electric, in Dundee, Proposed Monopoly of, 11
- Light, The Electric, at Hull, 46,122
- Light, The Electric, in Leeds, 280
- Light, The Electric, in Massachusetts, 538
- Light, The Electric, at Milford, 74
- Light, The Electric, in South Australia, 388
- Light, The Electric, in the United States, 538
- Light. The Electric, at Vienna, 428
- Lighthouse, The Macquarie, New South Wales, 69
- Lighthouses, Iron, 185
- Lighthouses, New Zealand, 11
- Lighting, Electric, of Chesterfield, 376, 641
- Lighting, Electric, on the French Coast, 670
- Llanelly Harbour, The, 256
- Liantwit Vardre, New Colliery Company at, 11,46
- Loading Pig Iron at Cardiff, 556
- Local Companies, South Yorkshire, 157
- Local Surveyors and Inspectors of Nuisances, Examination for, 620
- Locomotive, Baldwin, 146
- Locomotive Building, /American, 185
- Locomotive Building, Austrian, 492
- Locomotive Building, Belgian, 428
- Locomotive Engineer to the Caledonian Railway Company, Retirement of the, 615
- Locomotive Superintendentship of the North British Railway Company, The, 660
- Locomotive, A War, 41
- Locomotives, German, 397
- Locomotives on the Grand Trunk of Canada, 648
- Locomotives and Mileage, 185
- London Fire Brigade, New Eire Engine for, 434
- Luminous Buoys, 142
- Machinery for Queensland, Launch, 563
- Macquarie Lighthouse, New South Wales, 69
- Madrid Exhibition, A, 474
- “ Majestic,” H.M.S., 256
- Make and Disposal of Cleveland Pig Iron, 142, 230, 460, 581
- Malleable Iron Trade in Glasgow, The, 510
- Manganiferous Pig Iron, 41
- Manufactured Iron Trade, The Cleveland, 11, 46, 122, 142,179, 201, 280, 309, 364, 382, 434,460, 536, 581, 610, 653
- Mechanical Engineers, The Institution of, Erratum, 141
- Mechanical Industry, American, 466
- Mechanical Industry, French, 146
- Meeting of the Cleveland Iron Trade, 46, 382
- Meeting of Coal Proprietors in Sheffield, 11
- Meeting of the Engine, Boiler, and Employers’ Liability Insurance Company, 271
- Meeting of the Phosphor-Bronze Company, 133
- Memorial Hall, The Stephenson, Chesterfield, 359
- Merryweather, Mr. Henry, Death of, 18
- Merryweather’s Steam Tramway Engines, 100
- Metallurgy, American, 388
- Metallurgy in Spain, 146
- Meteorological Instruments, The Exhibition of, 33
- Meteorological Society, 60, 179, 221,243, 510, 641
- Meteorology and Balloons, 260
- Mexican Cities, 111
- Mexican Railways, Progress of the, 130
- Middlesbrough and America, 201
- Middlesbrough Dock, Proposed Enlargement of the, 122
- Mileage and Locomotives, 185
- Milford Docks, The, 60,179
- Mill-Dam Mining Company, Meeting of the, 359
- Miilowners and the Town Council of Bridge water, 382
- Mineral Railway, New. at Staveley. 478
- Miners’ Association, Yorkshire, Meeting of, 641
- Miners’ Grievances, 376
- Miners’ Wages, Scotch, 553
- Mining Association of Great Britain, The, 200
- Mining Institute of Scotland, The, 157, 510,615
- Mirrlees, Tait, and Watson, Messrs., lo
- Moguls v. Ten-Wheelers, 660
- Monitors, Unfinished, 654
- Moulders’ Strike in Glasgow, The, 536
- Mount Etna Railway, Proposed, 633
- Mountain Ash, Trade at, 359
- Nairn Harbour, Proposed Improvement of, 280
- Nairne Railway, South Australia, Progress of, 289
- National Health Society, The, 176
- Native Silver in Iron Ore, 620
- Naval Architects, The Institution of, 221
- Naval and Submarine Exhibition, Prizes at, 428
- Navy, The Chilian, 538
- Navy, The United States, 122
- Neath and Brecon Railway, Progress of. 454
- Neath, Trade at, 133, 382
- Negrotown Point Breakwater, 12
- New South Wales Railways, Progress of the, 69,
- New Zealand Direct Steam Service, 100
- New Zealand Lighthouses, 11
- Newcastle-on-Tyne Steam Boiler Insurance Company, The, 221
- Newfoundland Railway, The Proposed, 347
- Newport Dock Company, The, 478
- Newport, New Railway to, 60
- Newport, Trade at, 11, 46,60, 95, 122, 133, 157, 179, 200, 256, 301, 382, 410, 431,454, 504, 506, 556, 589, 610, 659
- North British Railway, The Block System on, 382
- North Wales Collieries, The, 382
- Northern Pacific Kailroad in Montana, The, 412
- Northfield Iron and Tyre Co, GIO
- Odessa Tramways, 607
- Ogmore, Proposed Dock at, 6G0
- Oil Company, The Dee, 580
- Palliser, Sir William, Death of, 141
- Panama Canal, Hopper Barge for the, 442
- Paper Car Wheels, 161
- Paris, Gas at, 448 .
- Parliamentary Plans, Deposit of, with Local Authorities, 221
- Patents, Canadian, 297
- Patents, South Australian, 598
- Patents in Turkey and Liberia, 100
- Pembroke Dock, 382
- Pembroke, The Water Supply of, 556
- Penarth Dock Company, Meeting of the, 200
- Penarth Dock, Large Quantity of Coal Shipped at, 256
- Pennsylvania Coal, 41
- Pennsylvania Railroad, The, 69
- Permanent Way on the Old Colony Railroad, 412
- Persian Railway, Proposed, 518
- “Peter the Great,” The Russian Ironclad, 111, 142, 157, 201, 428
- Peterborough, An Exhibition at, 105
- Petroleum at Bristol, 410
- Petroleum from the Caucasus, 428
- Petroleum, Handling, 185
- Petroleum in New Zealand, 111
- Petroleum, Solid, 179
- Phosphor-Bronze Company, Meeting of the, 133
- Phosphoric Pig Iron, Steel and Iron from, 428
- Pig Iron, Cleveland, The Make and Disposal cf, 142, 230, 460, 581
- Pig Iron Makers, The Cleveland, and the Trade Prospects, 230
- Pig Iron, Manganiferous, 41
- Pig-Iron Market, Glasgow, 11,33, 66, 95, 111, 142, 157, 178, 201, 224, 256, 279, 310, 364, 382, 401, 428, 454, 478, 510, 536, 553, 581, 615, 642, 660
- Pig Iron, Restriction in the Production of, 95, 164, 179
- Pig Iron Sales by Auction at Middlesbrough, 11
- Pintsch’s Gas-Lighted Buoys for the Tay, 11, 142
- Plymouth Works, The, 659
- Polytechnic Society, The Royal Cornwall, 577
- Pontypridd and Rhondda Valley Tramways, 60
- Population of Western Australia, The, 221
- Port Chalmers, Proposed Graving Dock, 69
- Port-Glasgow, Shipbuilding Yard Extension at, 11
- Port Philip, Blasting Operations at, 315
- Port Victor Breakwater, The, 66, 93
- Portland, U.S., and its Railway System, 260
- Ports Defence Committee, The, 359
- Preservation of Wood, The, 658
- Prizes at the Naval and Submarine Exhibition, 428
- Public Works in South Australia, 41
- Puddlers’ Wages near Wakefield, 224
- Pullman Sleeping Cars, 492
- Pulteney Harbour Debt, The, 142
- Pumping Engine, Centrifugal, for the Cape, 74
- Pumps, Evans and Company’s Catalogue of, 513
- Queensland, Communication with, 452
- Queensland Harbour Works, Progress of, 593
- Queensland Railways, Progress of the, 69, 466
- Queensland, Tin in, 185
- Rail Fastening, 615
- Rail Trade in South Yorkshire, The, 401
- Railroad Bridge, A High, 553
- Railroad Construction, American, 620
- Railroad Foreclosures, American, 598
- Railroad in Montana, The Northern Pacific, 412
- Railroad, The Pennsylvania, 69
- Railroad, The Southern Pacific, 316
- Rails in Germany, 22
- Rails, Steel, in France, 236
- Rails, Steel, in Germany, 93, 471
- Rails Steel, on the Grand Trunk of Canada, 648
- Railway, The Australian Transcontinental, 69,428
- Railway, The Berks and Hants Extension, 359, 589
- Railway Bill, The Hull and Barnsley, 122
- Railway, The Bristol and North Somerset, 221
- Railway, The Cuba Central, 510
- Railway and Dock Company, The Hull and Barnsley, 454
- Railway, The East and West Yorkshire, 60,224
- Railway Extension at Bridport, 589
- Railway Extension to Huddersfield and Halifax, The Hull and Barnsley. 157
- Railway Extension in Yorkshire, The Great Eastern, 46
- Railway Extensions at New Wortley, Proposed, 6° , «
- Railway Facilities for Cleveland, 397
- Railway Ferry at Quebec, Proposed, 575
- Railway, The Hull and Barnsley. 176, 201
- Railway, Tne Hull and Barnsley, v. Harding, 359
- Railway Improvements and New Station at
- Cleckheaton, 581
- Railway in Japan, A, 625
- Railway Movements, Welsh, 280
- Railway, The Neath and Brecon, 454
- Railway, A New Cornish, 301
- Railway, New Mineral, at Staveley, 478
- Railway, New, to Newport, 60
- Railway, New, in San Domingo, 513
- Railway, A New Wiltshire, 504
- Railway, New Zealand, The Upper Thames and Rotorua, 66
- Railway Progress in Florida, 69
- Railway, Proposed Duluth and Winnipeg, 100
- Railway, The Proposed East and West Yorkshire Junction, 60, 224
- Railway, Proposed Mount /Etna, 633
- Railway, Proposed Persian, 518
- Railway, Proposed Treferlg and Castella, 280
- Railway,’ The Scarborough and Pickering, 478
- Railway, The Seamer and Pickering, 428, 454
- Railway, The Severn Bridge, Progress of, 179
- Railway, The Severn Tunnel, Progress of, 410, 454
- Railway Signalling, French, 670
- Railway Station at Bridgewater, New, 157
- Railway, The Swindon and Cheltenham Extension, Progress of, 660
- Railway, The Tehuantepec, Progress of, 364
- Railway Traffic, French, 236
- Railway, The Treferig Valley, Opening of, 382
- Railways, The Austrian, Progress of, 105
- Railways, The Canadian, Progress of, 111, 478, 621, 648
- Railways, The German, Progress of, 41, 554
- Railways in the Great North-West, 575
- Railways, The Italian, Progress of, 269
- Railways, The Mexican, Progress of, 130
- Railways in New South Wales, Progress of, 69, 471
- Railways in the Rhondda Valley, 133
- Railways, The Taff Vale and Rhymney, 659
- Railways, The Victorian, Progress of, 218, 471, 568, 590, 620, 670
- Redbrooke, Experiments at, 256
- Report of Bolckow, Vaughan, and Company, 230
- Restriction in Production of Pig Iron, 95, 164,179
- Rhine, Proposed Dredging of the, 658
- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Bill, 224
- Rhondda Vach Valley, Coal from the, 434
- Rhymney Iron Company, Report of tbe, 633
- Rhymney Iron Company’s Works, The Production of Steel and Iron at, 95
- Rhymney Railway, Progress of the, 157
- Rhymney Valley, Trade in the, 179
- Rhymney Works, Progress of the, 11
- River Navigation, Chinese, 563
- Rivetting, High Rates for, 536
- “ Road Rolling by Steam Rollers,” 401
- Rolling Mill Engines, Reversing, 416
- Rolling Mills Company, The Kelham, 454
- Rolling Mills Company, The Neepsend, 454
- Rolling Stock in France. 236
- Rolling Stock on the German Railways, 351
- Rolling Stock for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 538
- Royal Commission on Technical Instruction, 518
- Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, The, 577
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts, The, 33, 95, 256, 280, 310, 428, 454,478, 536
- Russell, The late Mr. John Scott: Erratum, 603
- Russian Ironclad, “ Peter the Great,” The, 111, 142, 157, 201, 428
- Sacramento, Proposed New Channel for the, 22
- Safety Lamps, Experiments with, 633
- St. Lawrence, Bridging the, 185
- “Saint Ronans,” ss., First Voyage of the, 310
- Sale of Iron Works at Stockton, 610
- Salt Deposits at Middlesbrough, The, 245, 382
- San Domingo, New Railway in, 513
- Sanitary Association, The Bradford, 243
- Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, The, 247
- Sanitary Protection Society, The London, 218
- Scarborough and Pickering Railway, 478
- Sea Works, The Theory of, 66
- Seamer and Pickering Railway, 422, 454
- Secretary to the North-Eastern Steel Co., 660
- Severn Bridge Railway, Progress of the, 179
- Severn Tunnel Railway, Progress of, 410, 454
- Servian Railways, Progress of the, 568
- Sewage at Hertford, The, 493
- Sewage Works at Wells, 301
- Sheffield Armour Plates tor the Italian Government, 454
- Sheffield and Extortionate Railway Rates, 280
- Sheffield to Goole, Proposed Canal from, 530
- Sheffield Trade with America, 157, 255
- Ship Canal, Proposed, at Tarbert, 401
- Ship Joiners, The Clyde, 553, 581
- Ship Ventilation, 474
- Shipbuilding, American, 670
- Shipbuilding, Canadian, 301
- Shipbuilding on the Clyde, 201, 364, 428, 474, 553 581
- Shipbuilding Contracts, Scotch, 615
- Shipbuilding and Engineering, The Cleveland, 11, 46, 95, 122, 142, 164, 179, 245, 280, 310, 382, 397, 434, 510, 536, 553, 610, 633, 653
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Earle's, 606
- Shipbuilding Plant for Denmark, 310
- Shipbuilding Yard at Burntisland, 21
- Shipbuilding Yard Extension at Port-Glasgow, 11
- Shipping Accommodation at Sydney, 478
- Shipwrights, The Clyde, 256
- Silver in Iron Ore, Native, 620
- Silver Mine, A Bohemian, 100
- Sleepers, Iron, in Prussia, 132
- Sliding Scale, The South Wales, 122
- Smith, Sydney, Death of, 359
- Smoke Abatement Exhibition, The, 412
- Snow Sheds on the Central Pacific Railroad, 100
- Society of Arts Albert Medal, The, 625
- Society of Arts, The .Royal Scottish, 33, 95, 256, 281,310, 4'28,454, 478, 536
- Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians, The, 556
- Solid Petroleum, 179
- South African Coal, 466
- South Australia, Water in, 41
- South Australian Patents, 598
- South Australian Railways, 236, 260, 316, 434
- South Australian Telegraphy, 544
- South Wales Coal Trade, The, 454
- South Yorkshire Colliers and the Coalowners, 46
- Southern Pacific Railroad, The, 316
- Spanish Navy, Guns for the, 236
- Speed on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 111
- Spen Valley, The Great Northern Extensions in the, 310
- Standard Box Car; New York Central Railroad; Erratum, 603
- Steam Boiler Insurance Company, The New-castle-on-Tyne, 221
- Steam Ferry Service for Auckland, A, 553
- Steam Navigation, Tasmanian. 603
- Steam Navigation, Transatlantic, 351
- “Steam Rollers, Road Rolling by,” 401
- Steam Service, New Zealand Direct, 100
- Steam Tramways, 142, 397
- Steamboat Service at Burnham, 157
- Steamers for the Central Pacific Railroad, 351
- Steamers, Something New in, 376
- Steamers, Twin Screw, for the Government of the Argentine Republic, 608
- Steaming, Fast Atlanic, 564
- Steamship Company, The Auckland and South Pacific, 388
- Steel Company of Scotland—Officials’ Annual Dinner, 280
- Steel and File Company, The Hallamshire, 553
- Steel and Iron, American, 538
- Steel and Iron from Phosphoric Pig Iron, 428
- Steel and Iron at the Rhymney Iron Company’s
- Works, The Production of, 95
- Steel Mating, Belgian, 111,466
- Steel Making in China, 60
- Steel Rails in France, 236
- Steel Bails in Germany, 93, 471
- Steel Rails on the Grand Trunk of Canada, 648
- Steel Rails, Testing, 111
- Steel Steamers, New, 280
- Steel Trade in Cleveland, The, 11, 57,142,164 310 536, 642
- Steel Trade in South Yorkshire, The, 501
- Steel Works, New, at Middlesbrough, 280,434 454
- Stephenson Memorial Hall, Chesterfield, The’ 359
- “ Stirling Castle,” The, 454, 660
- Storm in Scotland, The Effects of the, 33
- Strike of Colliers in North Wales, 410
- Strike at Dowlais, 478
- Strike of Ironworkers in America, The, 581
- Strike of Moulders in Glasgow, The, 536
- Students and their Engineering Professors, 382
- Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers The, 642 5 ’
- Submarine Tunnel, An Italian, 598
- Suez Canal, The, 185,236
- Sugar Industry in the Philippine Islands, 280
- Sun Spots, 185
- Sunday Launch in Scotland, A, 179
- Swansea Docks, The, 256, 454, 610, 631
- Swansea, Trade at, 11, 46, 60, 95, 536, 556,589, 633, 660
- Swansea Tramways, 179, 200
- Swindon and Cheltenham Extension Railway, Progress of the, 660
- Swing Bridge over Glasgow Harbour, Proposed, 221
- Taff Vale Railway at Cardiff, The, 530
- Taff Vale Railway, The Chairmanship of, 95
- Taff Vale Railway Stock, 536
- Taff Vale and Rhymney Railway Co , 610, 659
- Tasmanian Steam Navigation, 603
- Tay Bridge, The New, 33, 95, 201, 310
- Technical Instruction, Royal Commission on, 518
- Tegnander Compound Engine, The, 412
- Tehuantepec Railway, Progress of the, 361
- Telegraph Cables, The Forth, 111
- Telegraph Company, The Western Union, 236
- Telegraph Engineers and Electrcians, The Society of, 556
- Telegraph, A Hydraulic, 648
- Telegraphic Progress, 33
- Telegraphy at the Antipodes, 670
- Telegraphy, Great Northern, 400
- Telegraphy, South Australian, 544
- Telegraphy, Underground, 41, 351
- Telelogne, The, 466
- Telephone at the Antipodes, The, 185
- Telephone at Cardiff and Newport, The, 179
- Telephone, The, and the Tees Conservancy Commissioners, 397
- Telephone Wires in Scotland, Hanging of, 170
- Telephones, 286
- Ten-Wheelers v. Moguls, 660
- Testing Steel Rails, 111
- Theory of Sea Wrecks, The, 66
- Third Track for the Erie, A, 624
- Thomas-Gilchrist Process in Staffordshire, 610
- Thorncliffe Iron Works, Settlement of the Dispute at, 536
- Three-High Mill, The Lauth, 100
- Thursday Island, Proposed Naval Coaling Station at, 412
- Timber on the Clyde, The Floating, 66
- Timber Fleet, The Clyde, at St. Lawrence, 310
- Tin-Plate Trade, South Wales, The, 11, 224, 359, 434, 536, 589
- Tin in Queensland, 185
- Tin Works, The Machen Waterloo, 179
- Torpedo Boats, Italian, 221
- Torpedo Boats, Yarrow and Company’s, 164
- Torpedoes, American, 146
- Towing Launches, Steam, for Coasting Service, 501
- Trade with America, Sheffield, 157
- Trade at Cardiff, 11, 46, 60, 95, 122, 133, 157, 179, 200, 224, 256, 301, 382, 410, 434, 454, 504, 536, 556, 589, 610, 633, 660
- Trade Dispute in Aberdeen, Settlement of, 510
- Trade in the Forest of Dean, 46, 179, 45 4, 556
- Trade at Mountain Ash, 359
- Trade at Neath, 133, 382
- Trade at Newport, 11, 46, 60, 95,122,133,157,179, 200, 256, 301, 382, 410, 434, 454, 504, 506, 556,589, 556, 610, 659
- Trade in South Wales, 359
- Trade at Swansea, 11, 46, 60, 95, 536, 556, 589, 633, 660
- Tramway Company, The Scarborough Central, Meeting of, 176
- Tramway Engines, Merryweather’s, 100
- Tramway Lines in Scotland, New, 364
- Tramway Rails, Cleaning, 343
- Tramways at Adelaide, 33
- Tramways, Bath, Ne.v Manager for the, 410
- Tramways, The Bristol, 454
- Tramways, Edinburgh, Opposition to Mechanical Power on the, 581
- Tramways, Odessa, 607
- Tramways, Pontypridd and Rhondda Valley, 60
- Tramways, Steam, 142, 397
- Tramways, The Swansea, 179, 200
- Transatlantic Steam Navigation, 351
- Transcontinental Railway, Australian, 69, 428
- Tredegar, Trade at, 536
- Treferig and Castella Railway, Proposed, 280, 382
- Tunnel, The Arlberg, 660
- Tunnel, The Hudson River, 620
- Tunnel, An Italian Submarine, 598
- Tunnel, The Severn, Progress of, 454
- Tunnelling the St. Lawrence, 448
- Turkey and Liberia, Patents in, 100
- Twin-Screw Steamers for the Government of the Argentine Republic, 608
- Underground Telegraphy, 41, 351
- United States Navy, The, 122
- United States, Sheffield Trade with the, 255
- University College, Bristol, The, 589
- University College, London, 581
- Upper Thames and Rotorua Railway, New Zealand, The, 66
- Utilisation of Tidal Energy, 448
- Ventilation, Ship, 474
- Victoria Bridge Railway, The, 412
- Victoria, The Water Supply in, 111
- Victorian Railways, Progress of the, 218, 471, 568, 590, 620, 670
- Vignoles and Double-Headed Rails, 412, 492
- Vladivostok, Depositing Dock for, 105
- Wages of Clyde Engineers, Advance of, 454
- Wages, Colliers’, in South Yorkshire, 83, 224
- Wages in Glasgow, Blacksmiths’, 401
- Wages Movements in Scotland, 95, 111, 280, 454, 510, 536, 553, 581
- Wages Question in Cleveland, The, 11, 46, 95,142, 179, 201, 382, 434, 460
- Wages in the Rhondda and Ogmore Valleys, 399
- Wages, South Yorkshire Miners’, 83,122, 376
- Wagon Company, Bristol and South Wales, 122* 133,157
- Wagon Company, The Gloucester, 179
- Wagon Company, The North Central, 142
- Wagon Company, The Yorkshire Railway, 142
- War Locomotive, A, 41
- Water Engineer Appointment, 179
- Water Route, A New, 8
- Water Supply in Australia, The, 22, 41, 648
- Water Supply, The Bristol, 200
- Water Supply of Cardiff, The, 434, 504, 633, 660
- Water Supply of Gloucester, The, 589
- Water Supply and Leyland Local Board, 274
- Water Supply of Pembroke, The, 556
- Water Supply in Victoria, The, 111
- Water Supply of Warminster, The, 610
- Water Works Company, The Bristol, 157
- Waterworks, The Kimberley, 286
- Water Works, The Watford, 164
- Water Works, The Yan Yean, 260, 351
- Watt Commemoration, The, 95
- Welland Canal, The, 22
- Wells in Queensland, Artesian, 185
- Welsh Coal Miners, The, 359
- Welsh Railway Movements, 280
- Welsh Coal Traffic; Judgment in an Appeal Case 589
- Wendell’s Car Journal Box, 412
- Western Australia, 69
- Western Australian Railways, 442, 598
- Western Australian Steam Communication, 454
- Western Bridge, Kinsale, The, 388, 416
- Western Union Telegraph Company, The, 233
- Whitland and Pendine Proposed Railway, 256
- Wiltshire and Berks Canal, The, 410
- Wiltshire Railway, A New, 504
- Wire, German, 156
- Wood, The Preservation of, 658
- Works, Public, in South Australia, 41
- Wrecking Trains on the Erie Railroad, 22
- Yan Yean Water Works, The, 260, 351
- Yarrow and Company’s Torpedo Boats, 164
- Yorkshire Miners’ Association, 11, 641
- Zinc, Swedish, 554
Sources of Information