Engineering 1921 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1921 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1921 Jul-Dec Volume
PARAGRAPHS Accidents :
- Oppau Works Explosion, 443
- United States Steel Mill Accidents, 759
Aeronautics :
- Aerial Navigation Congress, 249
- Aeroplane, Steady Motion of, 152
- Air Conference, Second, 800
- Airships, Government Disposal of, 153
- Airship IL 38, Memorial Fund, 538
- Airship It. 38, Memorial Service, 347
- Bristol " Jupiter " Aero Engine Test, 691
- Fellowships, Associate, R.A.S., 104
- French Aerial Navigation, 693
- " Les Ailes," 137
- Stockholm-Reval Mail Route, 462
- Tanks, Petrol, Safety, for Aircraft, 323, 769
- Usborne Memorial Lectures, 723
- " Where's Where," 695
- Wind Tunnel, 10-ft., U.S., 225
Agriculture :
- Chemical Manure Machinery, 357 Ploughing Trials, Tractor, in France, 676 Spain, Openings for Machinery, 220 Tractors, Shrawardine Trials, 315 Tractors, Steam (Catalogue), 647
Alloys. See Mining and Metallurgy. Appointments, Awards, &c. :
- British Industries Federation, Chairman, 567 Chinese Railways : Honorary Technical Advisers, 15
- Civil Engineers' Appointments Board, 509 Davidson, Samuel : Knighthood, 15
- Lloyd's Register 7 Chief Engineer, 15 University College, Engineering Appointments, 396, 443
Armour. See Naval.
Artillery. See Guns.
Automobiles. See Motor Cars.
Boilers. See Engines and Boilers.
Bridges :
- Amsterdam Railway Bridge, 569
- Belgian Iron Bridge Tenders, 640
- Cleveland, U.S.A., Reinforcing Corroded Bridge, 88
- New South Wales Bridge Contracts, 377
- New Zealand, Plate Girder Spans, 343, 418
- North Shore Bridge, Sydney, 419
- Buildings and Building Construction :
- Asbestos Construction Materials, 712 Fire Alarm, Smoke-Detecting, 221 Materials, Building (Catalogue), 619 Steel Buildings (Catalogue), 170 Wood Lathing (Catalogue), 901
Canals :
- Suez Canal Traffic, 314, 404
Catalogues :
- 14, 32, 134, 170, 204, 236, 253, 268, 331, 360,
556, 588, 619, 647, 681, 712, 745, 776, 807, 901
- Adamson, Daniel, & Co., Ltd., 268, 776
- Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., 170
- Allen, Edgar, & Co., Ltd., 712
- Allen-Liversedge, Ltd., 681, 745
- Alpco Pencils, Ltd., 776
- Aluminium Co., Ltd., 236
- Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 619
- B.S.A. Guns, Ltd., 170
- Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co., Ltd., 331
- Baker, Joseph, Sons and Perkins, Ltd., 331 681. (Erratum)
- Barclay, Andrew, and Sons, Ltd., 170
- Barimar, Ltd., 776
- Barnes Drill Company, 134
- Beardmore, Wm., and Co., Ltd., 253
- Beck, O. N., 619
- Beldam Packing and Rubber Co., Ltd., 776
- Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., 204
- Birmingham Tool and Gauge Co., 134
- Blackman Export Co., Ltd., 712
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 712
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., 170
- Bowran and Co., Ltd., 268
- Braby, Fredk., & Co., Ltd., 619
- Brackett, F. W., & Co., Ltd., 236
- Bramco (1920) Ltd., 134
- Brass and Copper Tube Association, 170
- Brett Patent Lifter Co., Ltd., 712
- Bridge, David, and Co., Ltd., 556, 776
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 134, 170, 204
- British Cellulose and Chemical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 647
- British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., 268, 556
- British Lighting and Ignition Co., Ltd., 556
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 134
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., 881
- Brown Brothers, Ltd., 170, 204, 236
- Bruntons, 236, 268
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 556
- Butler Machine Tool Co., 268
- Butters, Bros. & Co., 134
- Campbell & Isherwood, Ltd., 556
- Caplin Engineering Co., 712
- Carrick & Ritchie, 647
- Chantrill, Guy, and Co., 619
- Churchill, Chas., and Co., Ltd., 647, 745
- City Electrical Co., Ltd., 331, 360
- Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., 556
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., 204, 236
- Cooper, T. L. R., 260
- Cowlishaw, Walker and Co., Ltd., 236, 619
- Cowper-Coles Manufacturing Co., 807
- Cressall Manufacturing Co., 204
- Cummins Engine Co., 619
- Daniell, S. A., Ltd., 556
- Darlington Fencing Co., Ltd., 745
- Davis-Bournonville Co., 204
- Daysohms, Ltd., 170
- De Laval Steam Turbine, Co., 588
- Dennis, W. F., 204
- Dikkers & Co., G., 647
- Donkin, Bryan, Co., Ltd., 170
- Donovan & Co., 681
- Dowding, G. W., & Co., 134
- Dowson & Mason Gas Plant Co., Ltd., 807
- Drew-Bear, Perks & Co., Ltd., 556
- Drewry Car Co., Ltd., 14
- Dussek Bitumen Co., 588
- Earle, G. and T., Ltd., 134
- Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 588
- Electrical Apparatus Co., Ltd., 170 (2), 204, 681
- Electricars, Ltd., 556, 633
- Ellison, George, 32, 204, 236, 268, 776
- Engineering and Colliery Appliances, Ltd.,170
- Engineering and Lighting Equipment Co., 745
- Etchells, Coiigdon & Muir, 204
- Foster Instrument Co., 745
- Fuller Engineering Co., 134
- Galloways, Ltd., 588
- Gardier Brothers, 901
- Gear Grinding, Co. Ltd., 170
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 32, 170, 204, 236,
- 268, 647, 776
- Gibbons Brothers, 331
- Glenfleld & Kennedy, Ltd., 712
- Griscom-Russell Company, 170, 236, 360
- Gwynnes Engineering Co., Ltd., 134
- Hacksaws, Ltd., 204
- Haighs (Oldham), Ltd., 204
- Handstock, Ltd., 776
- Harbour Improvement & Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., 807
- Harvey, G. A., & Co. (London), Ltd., 776
- Haslam & Stretton, Ltd., 236
- Hay, Maryon & Co., Ltd., 134
- Hayward-Tyler & Co., Ltd., 134
- Head, Wrightson & Co., Ltd.,681
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., 32, 13, 170, 204, 236, 268, 331, 556, 588, 712, 745
- Heywood, S. H., & Co., Ltd., 588, 681
- Hick, Hargreaves, & Co. Ltd., 32
- Higgs Brothers, 647, 712
- Hightensite Co., Ltd., 204
- Hilger, Adam, Ltd., 204
- Hingley, N., & Sons, 681
- Hodgson, R. B., & Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 588
- Holcrofts Steel Foundry Co., Ltd., 204
- Hollings & Guest, Ltd., 745
- Hornby, Richard, & Co., Ltd., 204
- Hyatt, Ltd.,170, 331, 588
- Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., 170
- Industrial Works Co., 360
- Jardine, John, Ltd., .745
- Le Bas, Edward, & Co., 712
- Leather Company (Altrincham), Ltd., 268
- Lister, R. A., & Co., Ltd., 619
- Lunkenheimer Co., 204
- Macfarlane Engineering Co., Ltd., 556
- Marryat & Scott, Ltd., 556
- Marshall, Sons & Co., Ltd., 647, 807, 901
- Martin, Brothers Machinery, Ltd., 681
- Mavitta Drafting Machines, Ltd., 681
- McClure & Whitfield, 331
- Melchior, Armstrong & Dessan, Ltd., 619
- Meldrums, Ltd. 807
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 32, 134, 170, 204, 236, 268, 331, 556, 588, 712
- Mills, John & Co., 204
- Mirrlees-Watson Co., Ltd., 807
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., 170, 204, 236, 647, 712
- Morton & Weaver, 588
- Nalder Brothers Sr Thompson, Ltd., 901
- National Injector and Ejector Co. Ltd., 776
- Nicholson, John, & Sons (Sheffieldj, Ltd., 807
- Nordling, K. E. and Bengtzon, It., 32
- Norris, Henty &" Gardners, Ltd., 776
- North Eastern Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., 360
- Norton Company, 204
- Oldham & Son. Ltd., 360
- Oeborn, Samuel, & Co., Ltd., 807
- Park Royal Engineering Works, 647
- Parkinson, J., & Son, 360
- Parsons, C. A., & Co., Ltd., 360, 647
- Perfecta Seamless Steel Tube & Conduit Co., Ltd., 776
- Petters, Ltd., 260
- Pickles, J. T., 745
- Piggott, Thomas, & Co., Ltd., 807
- Pollock & McNab, Ltd., 681
- Power Plant Co., Ltd., 712
- Prat-Daniel, Emile, Co., Ltd., 776
- Precision & Thread Grinder Manufacturing Co., 001
- Ransome, A., & Co., Ltd., 32
- Ransom° Machinery Co., Ltd., 134, 681
- Reavell & Co., Ltd., 170, 807
- Reid, John (London), Ltd., 204
- Renold, Hans, Ltd., 588
- Reyrolle, A., & Co., Ltd., 745
- Roto Company, 32
- Rudge Whitworth, Ltd., 588
- Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., 170, 204, 610, 647, 745
- Seamless Steel Tube and Conduit Co., Ltd., 134
- Sheffield Twist Drill and Steel Co., Ltd., 32, 712
- Siemens Brothers & Co., Ltd., 32,134, 588, 807
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 170, 236, 560, 712
- Skelton, R. A., & Co., 204
- Slinsgby, H. C., 134, 681
- Smith & Coventry, Ltd., 712
- Smith's, Thomas, Stamping Works, Ltd., 712
- Societe Industrial) d'Electricite, 901
- Spauldings, Ltd., 170
- Spencer-Bonecourt, Ltd., 712
- St. Nazaire, Chantier et Ateliers, 145
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., 331, 360, 712
- Steam Fittings Co., Ltd., 712
- Steel, Peech & Tozer, Ltd., 204
- Catalogues-continued.
- Stewart, Duncan, & Co., Ltd., 807
- Stewart, J. & W., 134, 901
- Stockton & Bunn, Ltd., 901
- Sulzer Brothers, 712
- Swedish General Electric, Ltd., 807
- Thor Electric Safety Lamp, Ltd., 681
- Thornycroft, J. I., & Co., Ltd., 134, 807
- Uskside Engineering Co., Ltd., 170, 204
- Vanadium Corporation, 745
- Vaughan Crane Co., Ltd., 204
- Vi-board, Ltd., 204
- Vickers, B. R. (Leeds) Engineering Co., Ltd., 712
- Victoria Tube Co., Ltd., 688
- Wakefield, C. C., & Co., Ltd., 32
- Walker-Weston Co., Ltd., 681
- Wallwork, Hy., & Co., Ltd., 134
- Watson & Sons (Electro-Medical), Ltd., 32, 134, 236
- Watts Brothers (Sheffield), Ltd., 331
- Wellman-Bibby Co., 204
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, 681
- Westinghouse Co., 712
- Weston-Reuter Co., Ltd., 901
- Wheeler Condenser and Engineering Co., 619
- Wiley, James, & Sons, Ltd., 268
- Wilson, J. H., & Co., Ltd., 360
- Wolseley Motors, Ltd., 681
- Wright, Joseph, & Co., Ltd., 268
Cement and Concrete :
- Concreting Plant (Catalogue), 134
- Piling (Catalogue), 901
- Pipes, Reinforced (Concrete), 360
- Roads, Reinforced Concrete, 702
- Structures, Concrete (Catalogue), 170
- Sulphur, Action on Cement in Tropics, 712
- Waterproof Cement (Catalogue), 134
- Wharves and Breakwaters, Reinforced Concrete for ; Erratum, 152
Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry. Coal :
- Admiralty Contracts, 692
- American Competition, 863
- British Columbia Output, 724
- British Output, 314
- Carbonisation, Low-Temperature, 697
- Carbonisation, Low-Temperature : Erratum,
- 110
- Cardiff, 15, 59, 105, 153, 187, 221, 253, 283,
- 315, 347, 377, 411, 443, 477, 509, 541, 571,
- 603, 633, 665, 697, 729, 761, 790, 823, 855
- China's Output, 645
- Coal Cutting Machines (Catalogues), 236,
- 619, 872
- Coal Dispute and Imports, 13
- Coal Output, U.K., 182, 505,
- Coal Prices, Causes, 755
- Coal Treatment, Machinery for (Catalogue),360
- Coke, Beehive and By-Product, in U.S., 556
- Colliery Deal, South Wales, 443
- Danish Imports, 691
- Dusting Machine, Colliery (Catalogue), 360
- Exports, 354
- Hauling Engines (Catalogue), 204
- Lamps, Miners' (Catalogues), 236 (2), 681
- Lignite Briquetting in Canada, 615
- Lignite, Partly Coked, as Powdered Fuel, 252
- Machine Mining, 819
- Machinery, Mining (Catalogue), 681
- Middlesbrough Coke, 14, 153, 187, 220, 252,
- 283, 315, 347, 377, 411, 443, 477, 509, 541,
- 570, 603, 633, 664, 697, 729, 760, 790, 823,
- 854. 887
- Mine Timber, Impregnation, 283
- Mining Dangers Research Board, 182
- Oil Shale Reduction, Ironside Process, 627
- Props, Iron, for Mines, 283
- Pulverised Coal, Cost of Preparing, 204
- Pulverising Coal (Catalogue), 134
- Saar Coal, Coking of, 283
- Sheffield, 14, 59, 105, 153, 186, 220, 252, 282,
- 314, 346, 376, 410, 442, 476, 508, 540, 570,
- 602, 633, 664, 697, 729, 760, 790, 822, 854,
- 886
- South African Coal, 640
- Spitzbergen Deliveries, 876
- Swedish Spitzbergen Co.'s Subvention, 233
- Switch Boards for Mines, 640
- Switch Gear Colliery (Catalogue), 647
- Transvaal Trade, 602
- World's Coal Resources, 673
- Colleges. See Education.
Companies :
- Blaenavon Co., Ltd., 790
- Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., 800
- Cie. Beige de Chemins de Fer et d'Enter
- prises, 97
- Company Registrations, Table, 104
- German Phoenix Co., 887
- Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds, Ltd., 440
- Petters, Ltd., 371
- Richardson's, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., 14
- Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Co., 476
- Swedish Spitzbergen Coal Co., 233
- Tredegar Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., 182
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., 640, 549
- Vickers, Ltd., 893
Concrete. See Cement and Concrete. Cranes, Conveyors, &c. :
- Bearings, Roller, for Conveyor Plant (Catalogue), 331
- Control, Crane (Catalogue), 776
- Conveyor Gravity (Catalogue), 286
- Cranes (Catalogues), 134, 204, 360, 647, 807
- Crane, Electric, Control (Catalogue), 588
- Magnet, Large Lifting, 646
Docks. See Harbours, etc.
Education :
- Architects', British, Examinations, 893 Board of Education Scholarships, 855 Bradford Technical College, 347
- Bristol University, 283, 451, 673, 729 Cass, Sir John, Technical Institute, 347
- Chemistry Students, Training and Examination, 696
- Chinese Students, Training of, 16
- City and Guilds of London Institute, 282 East London College, Lectures, 569 Electrical Manufacturers' Association
- Scholarships, 854
- Ex-Service Men Training Scheme, 182 France, British Students in, 855
- Lantern Slides, Loans, 296, 411
- Liverpool University Students and White Star Line, 152
- London University College Awards, 97 London University College Calendar, 630 London University College Programme, 477 London University, Goldsmid Scholarships,
- 743
- Manchester University, 411
- Mines, School of, South Wales, &c., 443 Scholarship Awards, Naval Architects, 343 Scholarships, Civil Engineering, " Archibald
- Dawnay," 324, 612
- Science Scholarships and Exhibitions, 186 Woolwich Arsenal Apprentices, Encourage-ment of, 893
- Electric Tramways. See Tramways. Electricity :
- Accumulators, Edison (Catalogue), 556, 633 Apparatus, General (Catalogue), 32
- Bitumen Preparation, Cable Protection (Catalogue), 588
- Bus-Bars, Aluminium (Catalogue), 170 Cables, Electric (Catalogues), 268, 556 Cables, Sheathed (Catalogue), 32
- Cathodic Hydrogen and Nitrogen at High Pressures, 895
- Cells and Batteries, Primary (Catalogue), 134 Circuit Breakers (Catalogue), 236 Coil-Winding Machines (Catalogue), 170 Contactor Switchgear (Catalogue), 32 Dicto Call System, 339
- Dynamo and Motor Works, Ingleby's, 569 Electricity Undertakings, 426
- Electro-Medical Apparatus (Catalogue), 134 Finland, Imatra Rapids Power Scheme, 216 Fittings (Catalogues), 556, 776
- Fuses, Electric (Catalogue), 901
- Fuse Plugs (Catalogue), 712
- Greece, Telephone Facilities, 541
- Instruments (Catalogue), 901
- Lamps, Electric (Catalogue), 32
- Lamps, Miners' (Catalogue), 236
- Lamps, Street (Catalogue), 170
- Large Electric Units, Erratum, 538
- Lifting Magnets (Catalogue), 204
- Lifts, Electric (Catalogues), 204, 681
- Light Fittings (Catalogues), 588, 745 Machinery, Electrical (Catalogue), 331 Machines, General (Catalogue), 645
- Magnet, Large Lifting, 645
- Meters (Catalogue), 204
- Motors, Electric (Catalogues), 170, 556, 712 (2), 807
- Municipal " Old Stagers' " Dinner, 851 Norway-Denmark Power Transmission Scheme, 553
- Plant, Electrical, General (Catalogue), 268 Power in Switzerland, 252
- Pumps, Submersible Electric (Catalogue), 360 Research Association, British Electrical, &c., 347
- Resistance Materials, Metallic, Standard Specification, 509
- Resistance, Platinum, Variable, 315 Resistances, Controller (Catalogue), 204 Selenium, Resistance of, 343
- Signalling Apparatus (Catalogue), 807 South Africa, Electrical Machinery for, 386 Starters, Motor (Catalogues), 204, 360, 681 Swedish Water Power Establishments, 124 Swiss Radiotelegraphic Meteorological Service, 603
- Switchboards for Mines, 640
- Switchgear (Catalogues), 170, 204, 268, 647, 681, 745
- Switchgear, Engineering Standards, 610 Switches, Float (Catalogue), 170 Transformers (Catalogues), 134, 268, 619 Turbo-Alternators (Catalogue), 170
- Valve, Thermionic, as Variable High Resist-ance, 315
- Welding, Electric (Catalogues), 170, 204, 776 Wireless Telegraphy, Anglo-Australian, 887 Wireless Telegraphy, Imperial Chain Scheme, 730
- Wireless Telegraphy in Sweden, 872
- X-ray Accessories (Catalogue), 32, 236
- Engines and Boilers :
- Boilers (Catalogues), 712
- Boilers, Lancashire (Catalogue), 588
- Boiler Rust, 282
- Boiler-Tube Cleaners (Catalogue), 32
- Boiler Tubes, Copper (Catalogue), 170
- Coke Breeze and Bituminous Coal Mixture, 186
- Condensers, &c. (Catalogues), 619, 807
- Condenser Tubes and Glands, Marine
- Standard, 640
- Draught, Forced (Catalogues), 204, 236
- Engines, Steam (Catalogues), 901
- Feed Water Heaters (Catalogue), 380
- Feed Water Oil Gauge, 887
- Injectors (Catalogues), 647, 776
- Liquid, Colloidal and Powdered Fuel,
- Erratum, 149
- Morwell Power Station Boilers, 769
- Packings, Gland (Catalogue), 776
- Power Plant (Catalogues), 268, 776
- Separators, Steam (Catalogue), 360
- Engines and Boilers—continued.
- Steam, Exhaust, Utilisation of, Erratum, 153 Steam Stop Valve Explosion, Erratum, 570 Superheater Tubes, Spiral (Catalogue), 32 Tube-Extracting Tool (Catalogue), 619
- Turbine Blades (Catalogue), 647
- Turbines, Lubrication .(Catalogue), 32
- Turbines, Marine Geared (Catalogue), 331 Turbines, Steam (Catalogue), 556
- Turbines, Steam, for Paper Mills (Catalogue), 360
- Valves, non-Return (Catalogue), 204
- Errata
- Books Received, 855
- Coal, Low Temperature Carbonisation of, 110
- Coode, Fitzmaurice, WiLson Sr Mitchell, 509
- " Eloy " Pneumatic Hammer, 105
- German Armour Plate Trials, 633
- Institute of Metals, 509
- Institution of Gas Engineers, 571
- Large Electric Units, 538
- Liquid, Colloidal and Powdered Fuel, 149
- " Paragon " Super-Diesel Internal-Combus
- tion Engine, 109
- " Paris," French Transatlantic Liner, 246
- Rainfall and Run-off, Relation, 195
- Reduction Gears, 681
- Reinforced Concrete for Wharves and Break
- waters, 152
- Slabs, Calculating Strength of, 283
- Steam, Exhaust, Utilisation of, 153
- Steam Stop Valve Explosion, 570
- Straw Filters and Sewage Purification, 153
- Tamping Machine, Road, 769
- Venturi Tubes, Discharge through, 13
- Water Power Plant, 162
- Exhibitions :
- American Architecture, 737
- Birmingham Foundry Exhibition, 409
- Brewers' Exhibition, 602
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham, 204, 819
- Floating Exhibition, British, 377, 723, 819
- Marine Motor Show, 153
- Motor, Commercial, at Olympia, 411, 515
- Motors Burning Palm Oil, 137
- Physical and Optical Societies' Exhibition,
- 855
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery, 299
- Singapore Exhibition, 673
- Tokyo Peace Exhibition, 855
- Trieste Samples Fair, Free British Propaganda, 315
- Utrecht Fair Bulletin, 377
Explosions. See Accidents.
Explosives. Sec Guns.
- Ferro • Concrete. See Cement and Concrete.
- Fire Prevention. Sce Buildings ;
- Flying Machines. SN-. Aeronautics. Gas :
- Benzine from Coal Gas, 839
- Exhausters, Gas (Catalogue), 170
- Gas Mantle Manufacture, War Difficulties, 853
- Producers, Gas (Catalogue), 204
- Producer, Gas, Liliput, 253
- Gas and Oil Engines :
- Compressors, Air, Wear of Cooling Coils, 59
- Diesel Engines, Cooling Coils for, 253
- Diesel Engines, Lectures on, 569
- Diesels and Water Power in Switzerland, 863
- Gas Engines (Catalogue), 619
- Magneto and Insulated Plug Tester, 696
- Norwegian Internal-Combustion Engine In
- dustry, 887
- Oil Engines (Catalogues), 170, 360, 556, 619_
- 647, 776, 807
- " Paragon " Super-Diesel Internal Combution Engine, Erratum, 109
- Petrol Engine (Catalogue), 32, 619
Guns and Explosives :
- Explosives Industry, Profiteering Act Report 14
- Explosives in 1920, Report, 312
- Rifles, Miniature (Catalogue), 170
- Rifles, Rust Prevention by Oil Films, 847
Harbours, Docks, Piers, &c.
- Cardiff Docks, Repair Feat, 665
- Finland Harbour Construction, 684
- Hong Kong, &c., Dock Company's Work, 816
- Oran Port Developments, Proposed, 728
- Pier Fires in the United States, 823
- Rio de Janeiro Port, Proposed, 725
- Waldeck Dam, 163
Heating. See Buildings. Hydraulics :
- Leathers, Pump (Catalogue), 268
- Pipe-Lines, Hydro-Electric (Catalogue), 712 Power, Water (Catalogue), 134 ; Erratum, 162
- Pumps (Catalogues), 236, 331, 901
- Pumps, Circulating (Catalogues), 134 Pumps, Ram (Catalogue), 170
- Pumps, Submersible Electric (Catalogue), 360 Pumps, Turbine Driven (Catalogue), 588 Valve, Water Power (Catalogue), 712 Venturi Tubes, Discharge Through, Erratum, 13
Industries-and Commerce :
- Ability in Industry, 607
- Administration, Industrial, Lectures, 311
- Argentina Fuel Imports, 206
- Australian Trade with Japan, 799
- Belgian Government Contracts, Irregulari
- ties in Tenders, 372
- Bradford Dyers and Railway Rates, 800
- Bradford Industries, Development Question, 818
- British Industries Federation and Taxation,
- 863
- British Sample Rooms, 673
- British Trade, Bolling and Lowe's Review, 863
- Canadian-British Trade, Mr. Morgan's Sug-gestion, 505
- Cardiff, Industrial Facilities, 615
- Catalogues, L'npriced, and Chinese Commerce 711
- China, Agricultural Machinery Opening, 505 China, Dye Imports, 195
- China, Foreign Firms in, 105
- China, Trade with Italy, 376
- Chinese Overseas Home Industry Commis-sion, 452
- Chinese Railway Material, Failure of British Tenders, 371
- Coal Industry and American Competition, 863
- Colonial Trade, Monetary Credit Question, 602
- Contracts, Model General Conditions, 705 Cotton Stalks, Utilisation, 279
- Denmark, Trade Depression in, 756
- Dyeing and Cleaning Trade, Profiteering Act Report, 14
- Exchanges, Prime Minister's Remarks on, 505 Exchange Rates, Need for Rectification, 372 Exchange Stabilisation, Need for, 505 Fatigue, Industrial, Influence of Noise, 730 Foreign Trade, Mr. Lloyd George on In
- stability of, 505
- Franco-British Trade, 745
- French Industries and the Eight-Hour Day, 893
- Gas Mantles and Import Duty Case, 818 German Aluminium Industry, 292
- German Copper Purchases, 893
- German Engineering Developments, 844 German Enterprise in Dutch Indies, 800 German Exports, Iron, &c., 216, 893 German Power Resources, Coal r. Water, 15 German Trade and Finance Conditions, 692 Germany and International Orders, 442 Germany's Tax Capacity, 249
- Glass, Heat-Resisting, Foreign Competition, 819
- Gothenburg Port Tariff, 104
- India, Trade with, 883
- Indian Timbers and Paper Materials, 14 Industrial League, 510, 607, 665
- Insolvency, National, 505
- Inverness Speech of Mr. Lloyd George, 505 Italian Customs' Tariff, 377
- Italy and British Branches, Suggestion, 376 .Tapanese Iron and Steel Trust, Proposed, 105 Lantern Slides, Loan of, 297
- London County Council Contract, Foreign Placement, 262
- Malaya, British, Engineering Public Works, 823
- Mexico, British Chamber of Commerce, 302 New South Wales, Industrial Progress, 886 Noise and Industrial Fatigue, 730 Norwegian Internal-Combustion Engines,
- 887
- Philadelphia Trade, 217
- Pittsburgh, Industrial Statistics, 314 Pottery Trade, Profiteering Act Report, 14 Production Council, Higher, 771
- Research, Scientific and Industrial, Depart-ment of, 456
- Respirators, Industrial, 672
- Roumania, Trade with, 188
- Safeguarding of Industries Panel, 461 Scotch Trade, General, 15, 59, 105, 153, 187,
- 315, 411, 571, 665, 729, 823
- Scottish Trade Courier, 386
- Sheffield and the Cruiser Contracts, 728 Sheffield and German Contracts, 105 Sheffield, Municipal Waste Question, 220 Sheffield and Rate Reduction, 822
- Slate Dust Uses, 672
- South Africa, British Trade with, 410 Spain, German Business Propaganda in, 737 Spain, Machinery Import Prospects, 220 Spanish Mining and Industries Directory, 151 Spanish Tariff, New, 186
- Spelter Works Contract, German Competi-tion, 376
- Stepney Electricity Undertaking, 376
- Sulphur Recovery from Blast-Furnace Slag, 221
- Sweden, Trade Agreement with Spain, 238 Swedish Trade with United States, 404 Taxation and Trade, 863, 893 Turbo-Generator Contract, L.C.C., Foreign
- Placement, 262
- United States Foreign Trade, 901 United States Imports and Exports, 366 United States, Industrial Mobilisation, 886 United States Patent Statistics, 386 United States Tariff Bill, 217 United States, Trade with, 508 Utrecht Fair Bulletin, 377 Waste Wood, Utilisation, 279
Institutions. See Technical Societies.
Iron and Steel :
- Accidents, U.S. Steel Mills, 759
- Beams, Standard, 712
- Beams Steel, (Catalogue), 204
- British Columbia Iron Prospects, 724
- British Pig Iron and Steel Production, 339, 456, 541, 696, 855
- Castings, Steel (Catalogue), 204
- Channels, Standard, 712
- Cleveland, 14, 69, 105, 153, 187, 220, 252, 283,
- 315, 347, 377, 411, 443, 477, 509, 541, 570,
- 603, 633, 664, 697, 729, 760, 790, 823, 855,
- 887
- Cleveland Blast Furnaces, 283, 347
- Cleveland Trade and Railway Rates, 863
- Coatings, Metal, for Iron, 640
- Constructional Steel (Catalogue), 556
- Dorman, Long's, Report, 863
- Drop Forging Equipment, 712
- East Coast Hematite, 14, 59, 106, 153, 187,
220, 252, 283, 315, 347, 377, 411, 443, 477, 509, 541, 570, 603, 633, 664, 720, 760, 790, 823, 854, 887
- Electrolytic Iron, Hardness of, 88
- Etching Agents for Chrome and Tungsten Steels, 570.
- Forgings (Catalogue), 681
- Furnace Chargers, Open Hearth (Catalogue), 681
- Furnaces, Electric Induction, U.S., 369
- Furnace, Open-Hearth and Electric, 664
- Furnace, Steel, Electric in the Philippines, 253
- German Export of Iron and Iron Ware, 216
- German Phoenix Company, 887
- Graphitisation in Cast-Iron, 509
- Imports of Contihental Iron and Steel, 800
- India, Industrial Developments, 601
- Iron and Steel, Combined, 673
- Japanese Trust, Proposed, 105
- Johore, Iron Ore in, 38
- London Iron and Steel Exchange, 59, 104,
- 182, 278, 725
Middlesbrough Foreign Ore, 14, 153, 187, 220, 252, 283, 315, 347, 377, 411, 443, 477, 509, 541, 570, 603, 664, 697, 729, 760, 790, 823, 854, 887 Pig Iron Imports, Causes of Increase, 673 Pipes, Cast-Iron (Catalogues), 331, 712 Pipes, Cast-Iron, Prices, 509
- Porjus Company and the Swedish State, 743 Queensland Government Ore Resources, 217 Rails, Manganese Steel, U.S., 188
- Railway Rates, 791, 800
- Rolling Mills, Electrical (Catalogue), 556 Rustless Plastic Steel, 672
- Scotch Trade, 15, 59, 105, 153, 187, 221, 253,
283, 315, 347, 377, 411, 443, 477, 541, 571, 603, 633, 665, 697, 729, 761, 791, 823, 855, 887 Sheffield, 14, 59, 105, 153, 186, 220, 252, 282, 314, 346, 376, 410, 442, 476, 508, 540, 570, 602, 633, 664, 697, 728, 760, 790, 822, 854, 886
- Sherardising Protection (Catalogue), 807
- Slag, Blast Furnace, Sulphur Recovery, 221
- Smelting in New Zealand, 831
- Steel Experiments, 282
- Steels, Special (Catalogues), 588, 807
- Strip, Steel, Cold-Rolled (Catalogue), 236
- Swedish Iron, Export Prices, 217
- Tank Parts (Catalogue), 807
- Tees Imports, 59, 377, 509, 664, 790
- Tees Shipments, 59, 221, 346, 377, 509, 633, 790
- Tool Steels, Carbon (Catalogue), 712, 807
- Tube Fittings, Malleable Iron (Catalogues), 712
- Tubes, Drawn Steel (Catalogues), 134, 776
- United States Export Efforts, 863
- United States Industry, 566
- United States Pig Iron Costs, 887
- United States Rails, Lower Prices, 855
- United States Tariff and Steel Trade, 282
- Wasseralfingen Iron Works, 253
- Welding, Electric, of Cast Iron and Steel, 570
- Welsh Trade, 15, 59, 105, 153, 187, 221, 253,
315, 347, 377, 411, 443, 477, 541, 603, 633, 665, 697, 729, 761, 790, 823, 855 Works. Metallurgical, Devastation of, 673
Irrigation :
- Brazil, Water Storage in, 371
- Labour Questions. See Trade Societies, &c. Legal and Legislation :
- Coal Strike Case, Post-Strike Benefit Claims, 216
- Gas Mantles and Import Duty Case, 818
- United States Patent Statistics, 386
Lighting. See Electricity and Gas. Literature. See Special Index.
Locomotives. Sep' Railways.
Machine and other Tools :
- Drilling Machines (Catalogues), 588, 745
- Drills, Twist, (Catalogues), 32, 268
- Gauges and Chasers (Catalogue), 204 (2)
- Gauges and Die Heads (Catalogue), 331
- Gear Cutting Machines (Catalogue), 360, 712
- Grinding Attachments (Catalogues), 134, 901
- Grinding Machines (Catalogues), 204 (2), 712
- Grinding Wheels (Catalogue), 745
- Hack Saw Guides (Catalogue), 204
- Hammer, Electric, " Little Giant," 769
- Hammer, Pneumatic, " Eloy," Addendum, 105
- Lathe, Bench (Catalogue), 647
- Lathes (Catalogues), 32, 134, 588
- Lathe Tools, Turret (Catalogue), 588
- Lathe, Vertical Turret, Bullard (Catalogue), 32
- Machine Tools, Electric Drive (Catalogue), 588
- Machine Tools, General (Catalogue), 681, 712
- Milling Cutters, &c., (Catalogue), 134, 807
- Milling Machines (Catalogue), 236
- Pick, Pneumatic (Catalogue), 236
- Screwing Tools (Catalogue), 681
- Shaping Machine (Catalogue), 268
- Shearing Machines (Catalogue), 807
- Spanner, Universal Box, 571
- Taps, Collapsing (Catalogue), 170
- Tools, Hand (Catalogue), 556
- Tools, Small (Catalogue), 712
- Marine Engineering. See Engines and Boilers, Ships.
Markets :
- Cleveland Iron Trade, 14, 59, 105, 153, 187, 220, 252, 282, 315, 347, 377, 411, 442, 477, 508, 541, 570, 603, 633, 664, 697, 729, 760, 790, 822, 854, 887
Tinplate, 524
Mining and Metallurgy :
- Algeria Mineral Resources, 823
- Aluminium and Alloys, Influence of Cerium,
- 327
- Aluminium Chart, British Aluminium Co.,
- 800
- Aluminium Sheet Working (Catalogues), 134,
- 236
- Aluminium Solder, German Prize Offer, 855
- Bauxite Deposits, German, 839, 887
- Mining and Metallurgy—continued.
- Bearing Metals, Explosion Test, 394
- Blast Furnace Slag and Fire Bricks, Con
- stitution, 283
- Brazilian Mineral Deposits, 249
- British Columbia Minerals, 724
- British Empire Metals, 829
- Canadian Zinc Output, 180
- Case Hardening Compound (Catalogue), 901
- Chinese Petroleum, 61.0
- Furnace, Brass Melting, College-Built, 253
- Furnace-Charting Machine (Catalogue), :331
- Furnace, High-Frequency Current, 404
- " Genelite " Bearing Metal, 324
- Graphitisation in Cast Iron, 509
- Gypsum, Australian Deposits, 895
- Hardness of Electrolytic Iron, 88
- Hardness Testing, Ball Hammer, 901
- Hardness Testing Machine (Catalogue), 556
- Heat Treatment (Catalogue), 619
- Jarosite, Australian, 221
- Mackenzie River Oil Prospect, 607
- Mercury Purification of, 711
- Mining Machinery (Catalogue), 681
- Petroleum, Occurrence in Nature, 540
- Petroleum Problem; 571
- Platinum, Westphalian, 872
- Queensland Copper Ore, 187
- Queensland Government and Minerals, 217
- Queensland Mineral Output, 72
- Refractories, Temperature-Hardness Tests, 377
- Silicon-Manganese Production in Electric Furnaces, 252
- Silumin Alloy, Composition, 745
- Spanish Mining and Industries Directory, 151
- Tin Stocks, U.K., 377
- United States Rock Salt Deposits, 312
- United States Zinc Production, 253
- Vanadium (Catalogue), 745
- Welding, Fusion, Testing of, 315
- Yugo-Slavia, Mineral Resources, 823
- Zinc and Zinc Alloys, Strengthening by Compression, 711
Miscellaneous :
- Air Heaters (Catalogues), 588, 712, 776
- Argentine Fencing and Wire Rope Trade, 776
- Australian Shale Oil, 855
- Barrows, Hand (Catalogue), 681
- Bell Clappers, Fractures of, 149
- Boarding, Fibre (Catalogue), 204
- Bolts and Screws (Catalogue), 268
- Brush Electrical Co., Timber Shed Fire, 221
- Calculating Slips, "Napiers' Bones," 601
- Cask-Making Machinery (Catalogue), 32
- Celluloid (Catalogue), 647
- Compressors, Air (Catalogues), 170, 236, 681, 807
- Couplings, Shaft (Catalogue), 204
- Creosote, Standard Specification, 516
- Crompton Medal Award, 854
- Cutler's Feast Cancelled, 570
- Davy Brothers New Works, 14
- Dicto Call System, 339
- Disinfectors (Catalogue), 807
- Drafting Machine (Catalogue), 681
- Engineering as a Profession, Erratum, 887
- Engineering Standards, British, Association,
- 15, 187, 315, 475, 509, 516, 610, 640, 712
- Evaporators, Sea-Water (Catalogue), 170
- Fencing (Catalogue), 745
- Fibre Goods (Catalogue), 170
- Filtration, 723
- Fire Alarm, Smoke-Detecting, 221
- Fire Hose Couplings, Standardisation, 187
- Food Prices, Disparity between Wholesale and Retail, 692
- Fuel Economy (Catalogue), 204
- German Coal Resources, Coal v. Water, 15
- Glass, Melting of, 776
- Grease Cup Filler, 571
- Hauling Machines (Catalogue), 204
- Illumination, International Commission, 220
- Income Tax Charts, 451
- Lifting Blocks (Catalogue), 204
- Lifting Tackle (Catalogue), 268
- Lifts (Catalogue), 556
- Logarithmic Table, Four-Figure, 829
- Looms, Electric Driving (Catalogue), 236
- Lubricants, Bibliography of, 509
- Machine Running Recorder (Catalogue), 134
- Machinery, Secondhand (Catalogue), 204
- Malay States, Development, 16
- Oil-Blast Flame, High Temperature, 872
- Oil Prospecting in Australia, 447
- Oil-Well Plant (Catalogue), 745
- Oppau Works, Destruction of, 443
- Optical Instruments (Catalogue), 204
- Paint, Bituminous (Catalogue), 268
- Pencils, Drawing (Catalogue), 776
- Personal, 105, 279, 315, 354, 376, 418, 443,
- 475, 509, 541, 602, 661, 695, 729, 761, 823
- Pyrometers (Catalogue), 745
- Rainfall, Relation of Run-off, Errata, 195
- Research, Scientific and Industrial, Department, 456
- Respirators, Industrial, 672
- Road Building in Canada, 324
- Road-Making (Catalogue), 681
- Road Rollers, Reconstructed, 752
- Roads, Reinforced Concrete, 702
- Rubber, Hard (Catalogues), 204, 588
- Rust Prevention by Oil Films, 847
- "Safety First " Signs, 180
- Saw Mills (Catalogue), 745
- Separator, Steam (Catalogue), 236
- Sheet Metal Work (Catalogue), 776
- Shovels, Steel, Wear Tests, 640
- Silo Construction (Catalogue), 134
- Slabs, Calculating Strength of, Errata, 283
- Speed Indicators (Catalogue), 170
- Springs, Leaf (Catalogue), 204
- Standardisation in Sweden, 462
- Sweden, Cost of Living in, 812
- Swedish American Press Bureau, 712
- Tamping Machine, Road, Erratum, 769
- Tanks, Storage, Petrol, &c. (Catalogue), 807
- Tar-Macadam Machinery, 681
- Temperature Regulators (Catalogue), 712
- Testing Machine (Catalogue), 268
- Thermometers, Organic Liquids for, 712
- Thermostat, Adjustable, Large Range, 831
- Timber, Sal, Contraction while Seasoning,180
- Trucks, Hand, (Cc. (Catalogue), 134
- Trucks, Lifting (Catalogue), 170
- Tyre Presses (Catalogue), 745
- Ventilation (Catalogue), 712
- Water Wheels (Catalogue), 647
- Welding (Catalogues), 170, 204, 681, 776
- Wire (Catalogue), 204
- Woodworking Machines (Catalogue), 331
Motor Cars, &c. :
- Accumulators, Electrical (Catalogue), 556
- Acetylene Lighting (Catalogue), 745
- Automobile Standardisation, 15
- Benzine from Coal Gas, 839
- Commercial Motor Exhibition, 411
- Cylinders, Motor Car Engine, Repair of, 428
- Electric System (Catalogue), 556
- Ford Car Company's Output, 253
- Gear Teeth Grinding, (Catalogue), 170
- Glare Guard (Catalogue), 236
- Italy, Motor Car Taxes in, 831
- Motors Burning Palm Oil, Exhibition, 137
- Motor Trade Telegram Code, 148
- Mountain Touring with Rolls Royce, 346
- Natalite Motor Spirit Development, 186
- Omnibus, Motor (Catalogue), 134
- " Penrol " Motor Fuel, 153
- Research Association, 153
- Ruston-Hornsby Car Agents' Dinner, 665
- Starter, Engine (Catalogue), 170
- Taxation Revenue, 509
- Thornycroft 2-ton Lorry, 664
- Tyre Presses (Catalogue), 745
- Vehicles, Motor (Catalogue), 807
- " Where's Where," 695
Naval :
- Armament Contracts Suspension, Lord Invernairn's Views, 818
- Armour Plate, German, Trials, Erratum, 633 Land, Commander, U.S.N., Farewell Lunch, 505
- Scholarships, Institution of Naval Archi¬tects, 342, 829
- United States' Vessels, Scrapping of, 15 United States' Warships, Sale of, 340
Obituary. See General Index.
Physics and Chemistry :
- Acetic Acid, Synthetic, 681
- Carbon, Amorphous, Dense Variety, 283 Catalysis and Chemical Action Theories, 411 Cathodic Hydrogen and Nitrogen at High Pressures, 895
- Charcoal, Gas Mask, Occlusion of Water, 283 Constants of Numerical Data, Tables, 14 Gaseous Molecules, Structure of, 769 Helmholz-Gesellschaft for Physico-Tecimical
- Research, 678
- Mercury, Purification of, 711
- Physical Science, Bearing on Economics, 665. Students of Chemistry, Training and Ex-amination, 696, 737
- Titanium Hydride, 332
Power Plants. See Electricity.
Power Transmission :
- Aluminium Transmission Lines (Catalogue),
- 204
- Bearings, Ball (Catalogue), 588
- Bearings, Ball and Roller, Standardisation,
- 187
- Bearings, Roller (Catalogues), 170, 588
- Belts, Superposed, Driving by, 262
- Chains, Driving (Catalogue), 588
- Coventry Chain Coupling, 886
- Clutches, Friction (Catalogue), 556
- Gear Data, 591
- Gearing Mill (Catalogue), 776
- Gears, Reduction (Catalogues), 331, 681 ;
- Erratum, 712
- Gears, Toothed, for Motors (Catalogue), 134
- Pinions, Fibre (Catalogue), 134
- Shafting and Accessories (Catalogue), 681,745
- Shaft, Flexible, for Light Drives, 800
Railways and Locomotives :
- African, South, Electrification, 790 Australian Railways, Invited Tenders, 601 Chart, Midland Locomotive, 615
- Chilean Railway, Electrification Contract, 550
- Chinese Railways, Honorary Technical Advisers, 15
- Companies' Staff Returns, 404
- Diesel Locomotive for Factory Service, 104 Dining Cars, New, Midland Railway, 105 Goods, Classification of, for Rating, 553 Internal-Combustion Rail Cars and Locomotives (Catalogue), 14
- Iron and Steel, Railway Rates for, 791, 800 Locomotive, Adhesion, for Harz Railway, 496
- Locomotive Fire Boxes, Autogenous Welds, 588
- Locomotives, Instruction Book, 170 Locomotive, Oil Engine (Catalogue), 712 Nigerian Railway Workshops, 797
- Pullman Cars, L.B. & S.C.R., 217
- Rails and Fishplates, Australian Standards, 580
- Railways and the Government Loans, 566 Rates, Transport, Reduction of, 863
- Severn Tunnel Ventilating Plant, 676 Signalling (Catalogue), 204
- Snow Melting in Turntable Pits, 722 Sydney City Railways, 855
- Turbine Shunting Locomotive, 477
- United States, Traffic Returns, 221
- Wagon Association, 822
- Wheels and Axles (Catalogue), 253
Schools. See Education.
Sewage and Drainage :
- Aersedcon Purification System, 186 Sewerage at Chauny (France), 664
- Straw Filters and Sewage Purification, Erratum, 153
Ships and Shipbuilding :
- Armstrong, Whitworth's Production, 249
- Australia, London-Brisbane Service, 603
- Bahamas, Shipbuilding and Repairing, Opening for, 88
- " British Industry " Exhibition Ship 377, 723
- Cainlro88, Steamship, 377
- Canadian Cruiser, Launch, 221
- Cargo Shipper, Conversion to Motor Ship, 221
- Clyde Activities, 69, 221, 283, 347, 541, 603,
- 633, 761, 887
- Danish Shipbuilding Depression, 853
- Deck Machinery (Catalogue), 360
- Dredger Gunga, 151
- Geneva Labour Conference, International, 673
- German Merchant Navy, 761
- Homeric, White Star Liner, 678
- Kitchen's Reversing Rudder, Norwegian
- Application, 14
- Lifeboat, Motor, New Type, 222
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Mr. Miltons'
- Retirement, 16
- Lloyd's Return of Vessels Lost, 822
- Marine Machinery (Catalogue), 556
- Marine Motor Show, 153
- Naval Architects, Institution of, Scholarships, 15
- Norwegian Salvage, Steamer, Loss of, 760
- Paris, French Transatlantic Liner, Erratum,
- 246
- Penhoet Shipbuilding Albuin, 745
- Rocott, Motor Tug, 170
- Roumanian Ports, Information Facilities, 187
- Scotch Shipbuilding, 59, 221, 283, 347, 541,
- 603, 633, 761, 822, 887
- Shipbuilding Costs and Work, a Comparison,
- 602
- Shipping Company Failures, 571,•823
- Shipping Depression, 692, 818
- Stabiliser, Sperry Gyroscopic, 104 •
- Suez Canal Traffic, 314, 404
- Swedish Mercantile Marine, 769
- Swedish Shipping Prospects, 220
- Swedish Vessels, Export of, 672
Societies. See Technical, &c., or Trade, &c. Strikes.' See Trade Societies, &C.
- Technical Societies, &c.:
- Aeronautical Society, Royal, 104, 411 Architects, British, Royal Institute, 893 Arts, Royal Society of, 15, 607
- Automobile Engineers, Institution of, 354, 443, 538, 570, 855
- Birmingham Metallurgical Society, 72, 673 Ceramic Society, Refractory Materials Sec-tion, 443
- Chemical Engineers, Institution of (Pro¬posed), 823
- Civil Engineers, Institution of, 886 Cleveland Technical Institute, 791
- Crystal Palace School of Practical Engi-neering, Engineering Society, 883
- Diesel Engine Users' Association, 59, 253 Draughtsmen, Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding, 541
- Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Asso-ciation, British, 854
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 58, 59,
- 153, 216, 355, 665, 697, 705
- Electricians, Supervising, National Associa-tion of, 819
- Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 443, 571
- Engineers, Society of, 883
- Faraday Society, 410, 729, 769, 855 Finsbury Technical College Old Students' Association, 419
- Foundrymen, Institute of British, 485 Gas Association, British Commercial, 411 Gas Engineers, Institution of, 377, 477, 571 Glasgow and West of Scotland Foremen
- Engineers and Draughtsmen, 819
- Glass Tecimology, Society of, 776 Ingenieurs, Civils de France, Societe, 603 Iron and Steel Institute, 253
- Japanese Technical Societies, 791
- Junior Institution of Engineers, 570 Keighley Association of Engineers, 570 Manchester Association of Engineers, 411 Marine Engineers, Institute of, 249, 665 Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 887 Metals, Institute of, 148, 509
- Mining Engineers, Institution of, 347
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 15, 496, 541, 665
- North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 95, 485
- Petter Engineering Society, 567
- Public Works, Roads Transport Congress, 571
- Royal Institution, 665, 791
- Rubber Industry, Institution of, 541 Sanitary Institute, Royal, 411, 695, 883 Signal Superintendents and Signal Engineers'
- Association, 411
- Surveyors' Institution, 760
- Transport, Institute of, 376, 477, 515
- Wagon Association, 822
Telegraphy. See Electricity.
Telephony. See Electricity.
- Tools. See Machine and other Tools. Trade Societies, Unions, &c. :
- Armaments Suspension and Unemployment, 818
- Askwith, Lord, on the Necessity of Work, 602 Australian Industrial Disputes, 67:3
- Bell, Sir Hugh, on Trade Depression and
- Union Restrictions, 819 Blastfurnacemen's Wages, 105, 541, 549 Boilermakers and Iron and Steel Ship
- builders' Report, 278, 755
- Boilermakers, Mersey, Strike Settlement, 549 Bonus, Discontinuance of, 354, 440, 476, 505, 549, 640, 692
- Bonus, Discontinuance, and Patternmakers, 692
- Bricklayers, Trade Union Restrictions, 354
- Trade Societies-continued.
- Brotherhood of Labour and " International-ism," 441
- Chemical Workers and Wage Reduction, 278, 314, 354
- Chicago Building Trade, Wages &c. Award, 419
- Cleveland Ironworkers' Sacrifice, 887 Clynes, Mr., on Industrial Relationships, 549 Coal Prices and Labour Absorption. i9 Coal Prices, the Labour Factor, 7:.")
- Coal Strike Errors, 278
- Coal Strike, Post-Strike Benefit Claims, 216 Coal Trade Aid Schemes, 640
- Colliery Enginemen and Miners' Federation, 216, 505
- Co-operative Wholesale Society, Employees' Wages, 371
- Co-partnership, Mr. Greening on Results, 152 Cotton Operatives, Lancashire, Longer Hours, 152
- Cotton Trade Wages Settlement, 13 Cumberland Blastfurnacemen's Wages, 819 Cumberland Miners' Wages, 549
- Denmark, Economies in Public Service, 640 Denmark, Increasing Unemployment, 756 Disarmament, Trade Union Congress •Views,
- 419
- Dock Pilots' Tariff Question, 761
- Dockers' Wages, 152
- Dunniker Colliery Output Experiment, 476 Dyeing and Cleaning Trade Wages, 14 Education, Trades Union College Question,
- 419
- Eight-hour Day in French Metallurgical Works, 893
- Eight-Hour Day on Railways, Mr. Cramp's Views, 724
- Electrical Industrial Councils and Trade, 640 Electrical Trades Union, Suspension of London Committee, 755
- Electrical Trades, Wages Reduction, 58 Electricians, National Association of Super-vising, 819
- Employers and Employed, Improving Rela-tions, 182, 893
- Employers and Employed, National Alliance, 440
- Engineering Amalgamated Union, 818 Engineering Trade, Discontinuance of
- Bonus, 354, 440, 476, 505, 549, 640, 692 Engineering Trade Dispute, Settlement, 13,
- 58, 104
- Engineering Trades, Freedom of Manage-ment, 724, 818
- " Experience " Fallacy in Trade Unionism, 756
- Ex-Service Men, Disabled, Government Instructional Factory, 182
- Fife Mineworkers, Destitution of, 371 Foden's, Ltd.,Moulders' Strike, 314
- Gas Fitters' ages, Reduction, 262
- General Federation of Trades and Unem-ployment, 692
- General Federation of Trade Unions, 58, 354 Geneva International Labour Conference, 673
- German and British Labour Conditions, 419 German and British Wage Ratio, 566 German State Railways, Workers' Wages, 893 German Workers and the Unemployed Pay
- Question, 566
- Germany's Industrial Conditions, 371, 419 Guest, Keen & Co.'s Action to Relieve Un-employment, 440
- Guild Organisations, Early, Merits of, 756 Hill, J., on National Loan Interest, 566 Hill, J., on the Shipping Depression, 818 Hours of Labour, Sir Hugh Bell's Views, 602 Industrial Notes, 13, 58, 104, 152, 182, 216,
262, 278, 314, 354, 371, 419, 440, 476, 505, 549, 566, 602, 640, 673, 692, 724, 755, 800, 818, 862, 893
- Industrial Relationships, Mr. Clyne's Views, 549
- Industrial Situaticn Reports, 152, 314, 440, 566, 724
- Insurance, Unemployment, Extension, 566 Inverness, Prime Minister on Industrial Situation, 505
- Iron and Steel Trades' Confederation, 440 Ironstone Miners' Wages, 153, 252, 761 Ironworkers' Wages, 262, 509, 761, 790, 800 Italian Unemployment Allocations, 863 Labour Co-operation, Vital need of, 602 Labour Cost, Present and Pre-War, 14 Labour and Export Trading Question, 476 Labour Ministry Reports, 152, 314, 440, 566,
- 602, 724, 862
- Labour Party and Versailles Treaty, 800 Labour's Plan for Relief Works, 476
- Lead Workers, Home Office Orders, 800 Living, Cost of, Reports, 152, 314, 440, 566, . 724, 863
- Locomotive Engine Drivers' Wages, 505 Marine Officers' Wages, 505
- Mersey Boilermakers' Strike Settlement, 549 Miners' Demands, 314
- Miners' Federation, 278, 314
- Miners' Federation and the Coal Trade Situation, 673
- Miners' Strike, American View, 58
- Miners' Strike Losses, 58
- Miners' Wage Rates, Fixing of, 505, 549, 566, 693
- Miners' Wages Question and Government Grant, 13, 640
- Mining Industry Act, Part 2, Rejection by Miners, 673
- Mond Nickel Co. and Wages Settlement, 262 National Coal Board, 262, 549, 566 National Propaganda, 440
- Notts Miners Association, Liabilities, 314 Omnibus Drivers, London, and " Spread-Over " Duty, 756
- Patternmakers' Association, United, 278. 692
- Peech, A. on Wages and Industry, 549 Petter, E. W., on Engineering Industrial Difficulties, 371
- Pittsburgh, Industrial Statistics, 314 Politics of International Trade Union Federa¬tion, 724
- Trade Societies—continued.
- Priestrnan Pay System, Spread of, 771 Printing Trade Wages Question, 182, 278, 419, 476
- Production Costs, Need for Union Co-opera-tion, 506
- Profit-Sharing, South African Scheme, 549 Railway Shopmen's Wages, 262, 354 Railwaymen and Adult Age, 640 Railwaymen and the Eight-Hour Day, Mr.
- Cramp's Views, 724
- Railwaymen, National Union, Management Expenses, 800
- Railwaymen's Wages, 13, 476, 893
- Railways and Government Loans, Alloca-tion, 566
- Relief Work, Automobile Association Scheme, 440
- Relief Works and Wages, 419
- Sailors' and Firemen's Union and Transport Workers' Federation, 354
- Scotch Malleable Iron Trade Wages, 221 Scottish Council of Labour Party and Un-employed Maintenance, 476
- Ship Joiners' Strike, 216, 278, 315, 441 Shipbuilding Trade, Bonus Discontinuance,
- 354, 476, 505, 549, 640
- Shipbuilding Trade Wages, Reductions from Standard " Rates, 549
- Shipbuilding Work and Costs in 1911 and 1921, 602
- Shipworkers, Birkenhead and Hull, and the 47-hour Week, 640
- Shipworkers' Dispute, Board of Arbitration, 216
- Skilled Labour Reports, 314, 566
- Socialistic Economics and National Propa-ganda, 440
- South Wales Colliery Enginemen and Miners' Federation, 216
- South Wales Dock Strike, 790
- South Wales Miners, Minimum Wage Ques¬tion, 800, 819
- Steel Trades, Wages Reduction, 818
- Strike Statistics, 152, 314, 440, 566, 724, 862 Strike Statistics, Various Nations, German Figures, 549
- Strikes, Discussion by Trade Union Congress, 419
- Swedish Workers' Wage Reductions, 640 Thomas, .T. H.. Warnings to Labour, 371 Thrift, Need of, in Improving Conditions
- 629
- Trade Boards, Working of, 440
- Trades Union Congress, 371, 419
- Trade Unions, International Federation, 724 Trade Unions, Management Expenses, 800 Trade Union Officials' Extravagance, 549 Trade Union Restrictions and Depressed
- Trade, 354, 819
- Trade Union Restrictions and Modern Plant, 724
- Trade Union Statistics, 602
- Trade Unionism and Capitalism, Erratum, 419
- Trade Unionism, " Experience " Fallacy, 756 Trade Unionism and Trade Depression, 354, 819
- Tramway Workers' Wages, 104
- Transport Ministry, Abolition Question and Labour, 673
- Tyne Trimmers' Independent Action, 505 Unemployment Benefit, Trade Union Pay¬ments, 756
- Unemployment and the Central Government, 476
- Unemployment Committee, Cabinet, 440, 476, 505, 541
- Unemployment and the General Federation of Trades, 692
- Unemployment, Instructions to Guardians, 419
- Unemployment, Labour Reports, 152, 314, 440, 566, 724, 862
- Unemployment Relief, Government Scheme, 602, 692
- Unemployment Relief, Labour Plan for, 476 Unemployment Relief and Local Taxation, 354
- Unemployment Relief, Pay and Conditions Question, 476
- Unemployment, Trade Union Congress Reso-lution, 371
- Unemployment and the Washington Con-ference, 549
- United States, Shipworkers, Wages Cut, 216 Versailles Treaty and Labour Party, 800 Vickers' Barrow Works, Temporary Closing
- of, 152, 440
- Vickers' Employees, Reduction of Number, 893
- Wages and Exchange and Export, 152 Wages, Fluctuation of, Reports, 152, 314, 440, 566, 724, 863
- Wage Problem, Sir A. Duckha m's View, 505 Wages and Trade, Inter-relation, 14, 549 Wages and the Trade Union Congress, 371 Washington Conference and Unemployment,
- 549
- Welfare Society Conference, 419
- White Star Liners, Labour Troubles, 371 Work and Capital, Mr. J. Hill's Views, 755 Work, Delimitations by Unions, 152 Work, Need for Universal, 800
- Yarrow, Sir A. F., on High Wages, 371 Yorkshire Miners and Wages Adjustment, 566
- Trade. See Coal ; Iran and Steel ; Ships ; Shipbuilding ; Electricity and Industries.
Tramways :
- Axles, British Standard Specification, 475
- Tyres, British Standard Specification, 315
Turbines. See Engines and Boilers.
Universities. See Education.
Vehicles. See Motor Cars and Railways.
Warships. Sec Naral.
Waterworks, &c.:
- ('hauny (France) Water Supply, 664
- Machinery for Supply (Catalogue), 134
See Also
Sources of Information