Engineering 1935 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1935 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1935 Jul-Dec Volume
Accidents :
- Factories, Incidence of Accident Rate, 48
- Geneva Correspondence Committee on Accident Prevention, Composition and Activities, 510
- Ladder Accidents and their Prevention, 139
- United States, Quarry Accident Survey, 1933, 219 ; New York State, Fatal Accidents, 470, 576
Addenda :
- Brussels International Exhibition, 257 Leicester Square Station, Reconstruction, 117
- Plywood Barrels, Cylindrical, Manufacture of, 392
- Strathmore,” P. and O. Liner, 690
- Supercharger for Petrol Engine, Roots Type, 475
- The John North Power Station, 282
Aeronautics :
- Air Traffic, Growth of, 250
- Far-East Aerial Survey Work, British Aircraft for, 278
- Hangar Contracts, Air Ministry, 393 Instructors, Civil, R.A.F., 152
- King’s Cup Air Race, 142
Agriculture :
- Power Farming Conference, 528
- Alloys. See Mining and Metalhirgy
- Appointments, Awards and Honours :
- Arts, Royal Society of, Silver Medal Awards, 39
- A.S.T.M. Dudley Medal Award, 60
- Chemical Industry, Society of. Medal to Dr. E. F. Armstrong, 9
- City and Guilds (London) Institute Fellowships, 142
- Dewar Fellowship Award, 168
- Geological Survey and Museum, Director, 60
- London University College Awards and Prizes, 160
- Transport Advisory Council, G. E. Caine to Membership, 65
- Automobiles. See Motor Cars
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
- Buildings and Building Construction :
- Bricks, Building, Standard Specification, 501
- Chimney Pots (Catalogue), 352
- Constructional Steel (Catalogue), 462
- Lead Corrosion in Buildings, 90
- Pipes in Buildings, Identification Standard, 592
- Stoniflex Plaster Board, 338
Catalogues :
- 52, 78, 104, 130, 156, 181, 210, 263, 322, 326, 352, 380, 462, 514, 542, 652, 678
- Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd., 104
- Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., 104
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Ltd., 104
- Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., 130
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., 263, 462
- Baker-Raulang Co., 236
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 263, 462
- B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 181, 322
- Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co., Ltd., 652
- Blackman Export Co., Ltd., 263
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 380
- Boby, Robert, Ltd., 52, 156
- Bray, G., and Co., Ltd., 104
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 156, 380
- British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd., 263
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 130, 236, 352, 514
- British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., 104
- British Steelwork Association, 462
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 380, 542, 678
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., 156
- Browett Lindley, J. (1931), Ltd., 78, 130
- Brown, David, and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., 322
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., 52
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 104, 322
- Buchi Syndicate, 678
- Buck and Hickman, Ltd., 542
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 263, 652
- Churchill, Chas., and Co., Ltd., 78, 322
- Cohen, G., Sons Co., Ltd., 78, 210, 380, 514
- Constructors, Ltd., 322
- Croft Granite, Brick and Concrete Co., Ltd., 542
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 210 ,
- Crosby Valve and Engineering Co., Ltd., 652 i
- Crossley Brothers., Ltd., 322, 652
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., 380
- Donovan Electrical Co., 236
- Dorman Long and Co., Ltd., 78, 678
- Douglas, Lawson and Co., Ltd., 678
- Dyson, R. A., and Co., Ltd., 156
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., 156
- Elliott Bros. (London), Ltd., 322
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 542
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 104, 652
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., 236
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., 78, 130, 678
- Ferranti, Ltd., 380, 462
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd., 263
- Fletcher, Miller, Ltd., 181
- Fox, S., and Co., Ltd., 210
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 130, 322, 462
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 462
- Gent and Co., Ltd., 78, 181, 210, 380, 462
- Germ Lubricants, Ltd., 156
- Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., 462
- Gordon, J., and Co., Ltd., 78
- G.W.B. Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 156
- Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., 78, 263
- Hadfields, Ltd., 78, 352, 514
- Hailwood <fc Ackroyd, Ltd., 104
- Hale, T. L. (Tipton), Ltd., 352
- Hall, B. J., and Co., Ltd., 380
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., 462
- Harvey, G. A., Co. (London), Ltd., 210 Heenan and Fronde, Ltd., 104
- Henley’s W.T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 52, 104, 236
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., 181, 210, 542
- Hilger, A., Ltd., 210, 462
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 104 Holman Brothers, Ltd., 78
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd., 352
- Horseley Bridge and Thos. Piggott, Ltd., 380
- Hunt, H., and Sons, 263
- Hyland, Ltd., 322
- Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., 52, 352
- International Combustion, Ltd., 130
- loco Rubber and Waterproofing Co., Ltd., 181
- Ismailia Valve Co., 678
- Kamden Electrical, Ltd., 263
- Keith, James, and Blackman Co., Ltd., 322, 352, 462
- Kent, Geo., Ltd., 322
- Kryn and Lahy (1928), Ltd., 380
- Laidlaw, Drew and Co., Ltd., 156
- Laminated Gears, 78
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., 462
- Lee and Crabtree, Ltd., 78, 514
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., 156
- Libraco, Ltd., 263
- Lincoln Electric Co., 380, 514
- London Electric Wire and Smiths, Ltd., 263
- Lunken Co., Ltd., 542
- M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., 263, 352, 678 Magnesium Casting and Products, Ltd., 352
- Magnetic Valve Co., Ltd., 78
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 20
- Marshall, Sons, and Co., Ltd., 236
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., 678
- Moseley, David, and Sons, Ltd., 322
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 52, 78, 380
- Negretti and Zambra, 210, 380
- Niagara Screens (Gt. Britain), Ltd., 104
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 514 Oerlikon, Ltd., 78
- Payen, J., Ltd., 104
- Pegson, Ltd., 322
- Philips Industrial, Philips Lamps, Ltd., 322
- Platt Brothers and Co., Ltd., 156
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., 104
- Ransome and Marles Bearing Co., Ltd., 130
- Reliance Telephone Co., 263
- Renold and Coventry Chain, Ltd., 156, 236, 322
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., 104, 322
- Rhodes, Brydon and Yonatt, Ltd., 322
- Rose, S., and Co., Ltd., 380
- Salermo, Ltd., 104
- Sankev, J. H., and Sons, Ltd., 181, 352
- Scott, H. J., and Co. (Belfast), Ltd., 210 Silentbloc, Ltd., 462
- Simon, H., Ltd., 462
- Smith, Thos., and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 52
- Smokeless Combustion Co., Ltd., 263 Spanner Thimble Tube Boilers, Ltd., 542 Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., 678
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., 156
- Steel way, Ltd., 514
- Sternol, Ltd., 352
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 78, 236
- Stockton Chemical Engineers and Riley Boilers, Ltd., 78
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., 322
- Stothert <fe Pitt, Ltd., 210
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 236
- Superheater Co., Ltd., 104, 263
- Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., 78, 181, 542 Taylor Stoker Co., Ltd., 236
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., 210
- Tinsley, H., and Co., 542
- Tinsley Wire Industries, Ltd., 322
- True Screws, Ltd., 352
- Tungum Sales Co., Ltd., 652
- Turbine Furnace Co., Ltd., 322
- Turbine Gears, Ltd., 210
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., 130
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 380
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., 156
- Vislok, Ltd., 104
- Wadkin <fe Co., Ltd., 263
- Watson, J. S. (Gainsborough), Ltd., 678
- Weipert, F. C., 263
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., 78
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., 104, 181
- Westwood, J., and Co., Ltd., 104
- Wiggin, H., and Co., Ltd., 52, 78
- Wightman Mountain, Ltd., 181
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 52 236, 542, 678
- Wilson Boilermakers, Ltd., 678
- Winget, Ltd., 263, 380
- Wollaston Gas Producers (Manchester), Ltd., 52
- Workington Iron and Steel Co., 678
Cement and Concrete :
- Concrete Mixing, andc., Plant (Catalogue), 380
- Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry
- Colleges. See Education
Companies :
- Angus, George, and Co., Ltd., 535
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., 417
- Bruk, A. B. Iggesunds, 250th Anniversary, 39
- Lister, R. A., <fe Co., Ltd., 665
- Marshall, Sons <fc Co., Ltd., 475
- Cranes, Conveyors, andc. :
- Cableway, Radial Travelling (Catalogue), 542
- Chains, Conveyor (Catalogues), 156, 236
- Conveyor Belt, 12-ft. Stainless Steel, 165
- Conveyor and Elevator Chains (Catalogue), 236
- Conveyor Plant, Pneumatic (Catalogue), 380 Cranes (Catalogues), 52, 210, 236 Grain-Discharging Plant (Catalogue), 52 Haulage Pulleys, Rope (Catalogue), 78 Scottish Crane Contract, 501
Education :
- Borough Polytechnic, 665
- British Foundry School, 446
- Cass, Sir John, Technical Institute, 249 Crystal Palace School of Engineering, 690 Dewar Research Fellowship Award, 168 Industry and Commerce, Prize EssayfR.S.A.) on Training Art Students for, 22
- Leverhulme Research Fellowships, 65 London University College, Awards and Prizes, 160
- Northampton Polytechnic Institute, 637
- United States Engineers’ Council for Professional Development, 442
- Electricity :
- Afghanistan, Wireless Apparatus Contract. 90
- Amplifiers, Power (Catalogue), 462
- Battery Charging (Catalogue), 104
- Bells and Signals, Electric (Catalogue), 78 Bunnerong Power Station, Sydney, 21 Cables, Cambric-Insulated, Standard, 60 Cables, Oil-Filled, 652
- Cables (Catalogue), 130
- Calcutta Supply, 581
- Canadian Electrical Standards, 222, 640
- Circuit Breakers (Catalogues), 52, 130
- Clocks, Electric (Catalogues), 380, 462 Condensers (Catalogue), 130
- Control Gear (Catalogue), 236
- Converters (Catalogue), 52
- Converters, Motor (Catalogue), 104
- Current Limiters (Catalogue), 130
- Daylight, Artificial, Claudegen System, 691
- Earl’s Court Heating Plant, 692
- Earl’s Court Stadium Lighting, 691
- Earth Testers (Catalogue), 104
- Equipment, Electrical (Catalogues), 52, 78
- Farming, Electrical Equipment (Catalogue), 322
- Formapex Magnetic Slot Wedge Material, 13
- Galvanometer (Catalogue), 542
- Generation Statistics, 64,169, 410, 704 Generators (Catalogues), 210, 542
- Heating (Catalogues), 104, 542
- Lamps, Electric, Standard, 143
- Lamps (Catalogue), 542
- Lighting Fittings (Catalogue), 104
- Magnets, Permanent (Catalogue), 104 Marconi-Stille Recorder, 64
- Measuring Instruments (Catalogue), 263
- Metal-Clad Units (Catalogue), 678
- Micanite for Commutator Separators, Standard, 581
- Motor Installation (Catalogue), 181
- Motors, Multi-Speed Geared, 581, {Erratum)
- Motors (Catalogues), 210 (2), 462, 52
- Pillars, Feeder and Distribution (Catalogue), 514
- Poles, Reinforced Concrete, Standard, 38
- Products, Electrical (Catalogue), 352
- Radio Equipment (Catalogues), 380
- Radio Interference Suppression Devices, Standard, 117
- Railway Electrification (Catalogue), 236
- Rectifiers (Catalogue), 78
- Furnaces, Electric (Catalogues), 678
- Separator, Electro-Magnetic, “ Rapidity,” 392 {Erratum)
- Service Boxes (Catalogue), 104
- Sparking Plug Gap Gauge, 194
- Spotlight, Long-Range, 691
- Starters (Catalogues), 263, 678
- Sunbury Electrical Indicator, 336 {Erratum)
- Surges in Transmission Lines and Transformers, 535 {Erratum)
- Swiss Telephone Service, 248 {Erratum}
- Switchgear (Catalogues), 78 (2), 181, 210, 3, 52, 380, 462, 542
- Switches, Air-Break (Catalogue), 678
- Telephones (Catalogue), 263
- Tir John North Power Station, 282 {Addendum)
- Transformers (Catalogues), 52, 236, 263, 322
- Turbo-Generators (Catalogue), 104
- Voltage-Designation, Colours for, Standard, 152
- Water-Heaters, Variable-Load Hand-Regulated, 691
- Welding, Arc, Hard Surfacing (Catalogue), 380
- Welding Equipments, 402 (Erratum)
- Welding Equipment (Catalogue), 514
- Welding Electrodes (Catalogue), 322, 380
- Wires, Winding, Enamel and Paper-Covered (Catalogue), 263
- Wireless Receiving Apparatus (Catalogue), 210
- Wireless Telegraphy, Afghanistan Contract for, 90
- Wiring Regulations, Electrical, 222
Engines and Boilers :
- Boiler Control, Automatic (Catalogue), 78
- Boilers, General (Catalogue), 236
- Boilers, Multitubular Horizontal, Standard, 117
- Boilers, Waste-Heat (Catalogue), 542
- Canada, Boiler-Drum Contract, 446
- Coupling, Flexible, for Marine Exhaust Turbines, 366 (Erratum)
- Dryers for Boilers (Catalogue), 104
- Engines, Steam (Catalogue), 130
- Engine-Testing Equipment, Standard, 111
- Flue Gases, Heat Carried away by Moisture in, 232 (Erratum)
- Gaskets for Marine Engines (Catalogue), 104
- Producer Furnaces for Steam-Raising (Catalogue), 52
- Steam-Raising Plant (Catalogue), 130
- Superheaters, Locomotive (Catalogue), 263
- Steam Tables, International, 393
- Stokers, Underfeed (Catalogue), 236
- Valves (Catalogue), 263
Exhibitions :
- British Industries Fair, 249 ,337
- Brussels International, 257 (Addendum)
- Business Efficiency Exhibition, 292
- Coal-Face Machinery Exhibition, 168
- Earl’s Court, 698
- Furniture Industry, International, 143 German, Chemical Plant, 690
- India, Industrial Machinery Exhibition, 419 Johannesburg Empire Exhibition, 195 Leipzig, Patents and Inventions, 127 Leipzig Spring Fair, 555
- Levant Fair, 637
- “ Alodel Engineer ” Exhibition, 169 Newcastle Inventions Exhibition, 448 Paris International Trade Fair, 306 Paris Motor Show, 116
- Physical Society, 665
- Prague International Fair, 195
- Public Works, Roads and Transport, 401
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery, 252
- South Australian Centenary, 690
- Gas and Oil Engines : ‘
- Blackstone Vertical Diesel Engine, 338 (Erratum)
- Diesel Engines (Catalogues), 78, 322, 380, 462, 652
- Internal-Combustion Engines, Kunning in of, 447
- Melchett Lecture, 364
- Oil Engines (Catalogues), 52, 380, 462. 652
- Petrol-Engine Supercharger, Roots-Type, 475 (Addendum)
- Superchargers for High-Speed Diesel Engines (Catalogue), 678
Harbours, Docks, Piers, andc. :
- Genoa Graving Dock, 384
- Newcastle Corporation Quay, Shipping Dues, 391
- Nizanisagar Dam, India, 629
- Hydraulics :
- I Pumping Problems (Catalogues), 78
- Pumps, General (Catalogues), 78 (2), 263, 322, 678
- I Valves, Various (Catalogue), 678
- Industries :
- Anglo-Foreign Commerce, 117
- Art Students, Training for Industry and Commerce, R.S.A. Prizes, 22
- Business Conference by Wireless, 664
- Canada, Western, U.K., Commerce with, 337 Contracts, 12, 38, 64, 90, 116, 142, 168, 194, 222, 248, 276, 306, 336, 364, 392, 418, 446, 474, 500, 526, 554, 580, 608, 636, 664, 690 Czechoslovakia, Iron and Steel Industry, 167 Durham, South West, Industries, 445 France, Import of British Scientific Instruments, 415
- Income-Tax Chart Manual, 306
- India, Business Visit Facilities, 224
- Iron and Steel Industry, Production and Prospects, 346
- Italy, Proposed Monopoly of Fuel and Metal Imports, 143
- New Zealand, Overseas Trade Opportunities, 277
- Overseas Trade Opportunities, 117, 169, 224, 249, 277, 419 (2), 527, 659
- Personal, 12, 38, 64, 90, 116, 142, 168, 194, 222, 248, 306, 336, 364, 392, 418, 446, 474, 500, 526, 554, 580, 608, 637, 664, 690
- Poland, Commercial Misson to, 419 Statistics, Current, Guide to, 194 Stone, Cast Artificial, Guarantee against Crazing, 128
- Tenders, 12, 38, 64, 90, 116, 142, 168, 194, 222, 248, 276, 306, 336, 364, 392, 418, 446, 474, 500, 526, 554, 580, 608, 636, 664, 690 Tin, U.K. Consumption, 195
- Tin, World Consumption, 65
- Tyneside Developments, andc., 336, 392, 670 Tyres, Motor, Australian Imports, 117 United States Income Tax Regulations, 168 Wisbech, Port of. Commercial Potentialities, 143
- Institutions. See Technical Societies
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Qas and Oil Engines
Iron and Steel :
- Alloy, Irons, Chemical Standard, 165
- British Production, 13, 65, 248, 488 Canadian Production, 411
- Cast Iron, Heat Treatment of (Catalogue), 52 Castings, Malleable Iron (Catalogue), 352 Castings, Steel, Manufacturing Service (Catalogue), 380
- Cleveland Iron Market, 13, 39, 65, 91, 117, 143, 169, 195, 223, 249, 277, 307, 337, 365, 393, 419, 447< 475, 501, 527, 554, 580, 609, 637, 665, 691
- Cleveland Manufactured, 13, 39, 65, 91, 117, 143, 169, 195, 223, 249, 277, 307, 337, 365, 393, 419, 447, 475, 501, 527, 554, 581, 609, 637. 665. 691
- Colvilles, Ltd., Works Extension, 581
- East Coast Hematite, 13, 39, 65, 91, 117, 143, 169, 195, 223, 249, 277, 307, 337, 365, 393, 419, 447, 475, 501, 527, 654, 580, 609, 637, 665, 691
- Forgings, Steel (Catalogue), 514
- Middlesbrough Foreign Ore, 13, 39, 65, 91, 117, 143, 169, 195, 223, 249, 277, 307, 337, 365, 393, 419, 447, 475, 501, 527, 554. 581, 609, 637, 665, 691
- Middlesbrough Scrap Prices, 13, 39, 65, 91, 117, 169, 223, 249, 277, 307, 337, 365, 393, 419, 447, 475, 501, 527, 554, 581, 609, 637, 665, 691
- Plates and Sections, Steel (Catalogue), 104, 678
- Scottish Shipments, 13, 39, 65, 116, 169, 195, 223, 248, 277, 306, 337, 365, 393, 418, 500, 526, 555, 581, 609, 637, 665
- Scottish Trade, 13, 39, 65, 91, 116, 143, 169, 195, 223, 248, 277, 306, 337, 365, 393, 418,
- 446, 475, 500, 526, 555, 581, 609, 637, 665, 691
- Sheffield, 12, 39, 65, 91, 117, 142, 169, 195, 223, 249, 277, 307, 337, 365, 393. 419, 447, 474, 501, 527, 555, 581, 608, 636, 665, 691
- South African Steel Foundry, New, 306 Staybrite Steels ((Catalogue), 263
- Steels, Alloy, Notes on, 13
- Steels, Automobile and Aircraft (Catalogue), 352
- Steel Equiinnent (Catalogue), 322, 514
- Steels, Firth-Vickers Corrosion-Resisting, 476
- Steels, Heat-Resisting, 210
- Steel-Plate Constructions (Catalogue), 678
- Steels, “ Silver Fox ” Stainless, Machining of, 511
- Steels, Special (Catalogue), 104
- Steel Works Equipment (Catalogue), 380
- Steelworks Plant, Workington (Catalogue), 678
- Swedish Production, 76
- Tees Exports, 13, J 43, 249, 365, 501, 609 Tees Imports, 13, 143, 249, 393, 501, 609 United States Ore Mining, 86
- United States Pig Production, 137
- Welsh Trade, 13, 39, 65, 91, 117, 143. 169, 195, 223, 249, 277, 307, 337, 364, 393, 419,
- 447, 474, 500, 527, 555, 580, 608, 637, 665 Wire Manufacture (Catalogue), 322
- Labour Questions. See Trade Societies
- Literature. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Locomotives. See Kailways
Machine and Other Tools :
- Aeroplane Construction Tools (Catalogue), 352
- Drill Shar))eners (Catalogues), 78, 263 Grinding Wheels, Standard, 277
- Lathe Operator’s Handbook, 619
- Lathes (Catalogue), 263
- Machine Tools, General (Catalogues), 78, 322
- Machine Tools, Secondhand (Catalogue), 210 Oils, Cutting (Catalogue), 181
- Presses (Catalogues), 78, 352
- Sheet Metal-Working Machinery (Catalogue), 514
- Sheet Metal-Working Tools (Catalogue), 156 Tap Sharpeners (Catalogue), 263
- Thread-Cutting Die, Relieved, 126
- Tools, Small (Catalogue), 542
- Twist Drills (Catalogue), 104 Woodworking Machinery (Catalogue), 263
- Marine Engineering. See Engines and Boilers; Ships and Shipbuilding
- Mining and Metallurgy :
- Aluminium-Alloy Structures (Catalogue), 380
- Aluminium Alloys (Catalogue), 652
- Aluminium, Properties and Applications, 568
- Aluminium Sections (Catalogue), 156
- Aluminium Sheets, Plates, andc. (Catalogue), 514
- Canada, Platinum Metals Production 568 ; Quebec Asbestos Production 81
- Copper Data, 169
- Pirebrick Bonding (Catalogue), 181
- Furnace, Continuous Bright-Annealing, 555 Heat Treatment (Catalogues), 52, 542
- Heat Treatment, Aero-Engine Material (Catalogue), 236
- Hearths, Smith’s (Catalogue), 462
- Magnesium Alloys (Catalogue), 352
- Metal for Engineering Products (Catalogue), 263
- Mining Equipment, Recommended Materials, 60
- Monel Metal (Catalogues), 52, 78
- Quenching Oils (Catalogue), 156
- Screens, Vibratory (Catalogue), 104
- Signals, Mine (Catalogue), 210
- Temperature Chart, Hadfields, 142
- Temperature Regulators, Furnace (Catalogue), 652
- Tungum Alloy, 39 {Erradum}
- Tungum Alloy (Catalogue), 652
- United States Mineral Production, 219 ; Platinum Industry, 256
Miscellaneous :
- Air Heaters (Catalogue), 322
- Barrels, Cylindrical Plywood, Manufacture of, 392 {Addendum)
- British Engineers’ Association, 483
- British Executives, Institute of, 168 Buildings, Large, Heating of (Catalogue), 322 Burners, Oil (Catalogues), 156, 462 Canadian Standard Specification for Building Bricks, 501
- Chemical Process Plant (Catalogue), 78
- Compressors, Air and Gas (Catalogues), 78, 130, 156
- Contracts, 12, 38, 64, 00, 116, 142, 168, 194, 222, 248, 276, 306, 336, 364, 392, 418, 446, 474, 500, 526, 554, 580, 608, 636, 664, 690
- Controllers, Temperature, Pressure, andc. (Catalogue), 210, 380
- Craftsmanship and Draughtsmanship Competition, 483
- Douglas Fir, Creosoteci, at Singapore, 168 Drawing Tables (Catalogue), 380 Dryers for Pipe Lines (Catalogue), 104 Engineering, General (Catalogue), 380 Engraving Machines (Catalogue), 210 Excavators (Catalogues), 52, 104 Fans, Blowing (Catalogue), 462 Fans (Catalogues), 263, 322. 352 Fire-Detection Apparatus (Catalogue), 181 Flooring, Steel (Catalogue), 104 Grain-Handling Plant (Catalogues), 52, 156 Grinding and Classifying Machinery (Catalogue), 462
- Handling Equipment (Catalogue), 462 Heating Appliances, Gas (Catalogue), 263 Heating Elements, Electrical (Catalogue), 104 Heaters and Plenum Heating (Catalogue), 236 Highway, European Transcontinental, 307 Income-Tax Chart Manual, 306 Lighting Fittings (Catalogue), 104 Liquid Fuel-Burning (Catalogue), 462 Liquid-Level Indicators (Catalogue), 380 Lock Nuts (Catalogue), 104
- Lubricants and Lubrication, 91
- Lubricants and Lubrication (Catalogues), 156 Machinery Users’ Association, 142 Manometers (Catalogue), 322
- Mazda Light Tubes, Capholders (Catalogue), 678
- Monel Metal in Valves, 691
- Office, etc.. Equipment (Catalogue), 263 Oil-Extraction Retorts (Catalogue), 104 Oil, Filtrate Penetrating, 315
- Oil, Oxidised, Boundary Friction of, 90 {Erratum}
- Oil Pipes (Catalogue), 78
- Paper, Sectional and Graph (Catalogue), 181 Personal, 12, 38, 64, 90, 116, 142, 168, 194, 222, 248, 306, 336, 364, 392, 418, 446, 474, 500, 526, 554, 580, 608, 637, 664, 690
- Photometers, Portable, Standard, 337
- Pipes in Buildings, Identification Standards, 592
- Pipe Joints (Catalogue), 678
- Pipes and Tubular Coils, Steel (Catalogue) 236
- Pipes, Underground (Catalogue), 156 Plumbers’ Competition, 169
- Power Plant, Motive (Catalogue), 380
- Power Plant, Secondhand (Catalogue), 514 Press, Packing and Wrapping (Catalogue), 352
- Professional Classes Aid Council, 116 Pyrometers (Catalogue), 263 (2) Rammers, Power (Catalogue), 322 Recording Instruments, Output (Catalogue), 236
- Refrigerators (Catalogue), 462
- Road Transport Conference, 307
- Rollers, Rub her-Covered ((Catalogue), 322 Ropes, Wire, Standard, 248
- Ropeways ((Catalogue), 104
- Rubber Flooring, <fec. (Catalogue), 181
- Rust Prevention (Catalogue), 352
- Salts, Molten, Steel Pots for, 440
- Sardinia, Public Works in, 462
- Screws, Nuts and Washers ((Catalogue), 352 Sheet Metal, Plate and Wire Products (Catalogue), 210
- Signals (Catalogue), 210
- Smoke Abatement Conference, National, 232 Smoke Abatement (Catalogue), 263 Spectrographs (Catalogue), 210
- Spray Painting (Catalogue), 181, 322
- Stamp Mills (Catalogue), 130
- Standards Institution, British, 38, 60, 111, 117 (2), 143, 152, 165, 248, 277, 336, 337, 581, 592
- Statistics, Current Official, Guide to, 194 Stone, Cast Artificial, Guarantee against Crazing, 128
- Structures, Stability of, 316 {Erratum} Tachometers (Catalogue), 542
- Tanks, Pressed-Steel (Catalogue), 380
- Tenders, 12, 38, 64, 90, 116, 142, 168, 194, 222, 248, 276, 306, 336, 364, 392, 418, 446, 474, 500, 526, 554, 580, 608, 636, 664, 690
- Textile Machinery ((Catalogues), 156 Thermostatic Control (Catalogue), 78 Trucks, Industrial (Catalogue), 236 Tyneside Developments, 336 Valves, Monel Metal in, 691 Wagon Tipplers (Catalogue), 322 Walthamstow Press, Printing Works of, 455 {Erratum}
- Welding Demonstration Cars, 178
- Welding Rod, ^ifbronze, 690
Motor Cars :
- Australia, British Motor Cycle Imports, 141
- Brake-Efficiency Indicator, 307
- Braking, Power, for Road Vehicles (Catalogue), 181
- Cape Town, Trolley ’Buses for, 104 {Erratum}
- Car-Testing Equipment (Catalogue), 104
- Commercial Vehicles (Catalogue), 156
- Cycle Gears, Two-Speed Chain (Catalogue), 156
- Cycle Parks, 475
- Gasket (Catalogue), 104
- German Invitation to British Motor Vehicle Industry, 104
- Motor Spirit from Coal, 21
- Paris Motor Show, 116
- Trailers (Catalogue), 156
- 'Pyre Factors in Vehicle Control, 495 (Erratum}
- Tyres, Motor, Australian Imports, 117
- Vehicles, Commercial (Catalogue), 130, 263
- Welding Demonstration Cars, 178
Naval :
- Chatham Navy Week, 91
- " Galatea,” 180
- “ Gallant, H.M.S. Destroyer, Launch, 406
- “ Grenade,” H.M.S., LauiuOi, 555
- “ Greyhound,” H.M. Destroyer, 195
- “ Griffin,” H.M. Destroyer, 195
- “ Penelope,” H.M. Cruiser, Launch, 446
- “ Sydney, H.M. A. Cruiser, Trials, 373
- Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX
Physics and Chemistry :
- Cyanides for Electroplating, Standard, 336 Spectrum Viewer (Catalogue), 462
- Power Plants. See Electricity
Power Transmission :
- Bearings, Ball and Roller ((Catalogues), 104, 130
- Bearings, Flexible (Catalogue), 462
- Belt Lacing, Tests, 502
- Belting, Flexible Fabric, 691
- Chain Drives (Catalogue), 322
- Couplings, Steel Union (Catalogue), 652
- Gears, Chain, Two-Speed Cvcle (Catalogues), 156
- Gears, Double-Helical (Catalogue), 322
- Gears and Gear Units (Catalogue), 210
- Gears, Laminated (Catalogue), 78
- Gears, Reduction and Variable-Speed (Catalogue), 322
- Gear, Reversing, for Marine Oil Engines (Catalogue), 78
- Pulleys (Catalogues), 78, 678
Railways and Locomotives :
- Cables, Signalling (Catalogue), 236
- China, Canton-Hankow Kailway, 240
- China, Railway Rolling Stock for, 223
- Coaches, Sorting, Postal-Service, 13 Electrification of Railways (Catalogue), 236 Germany, Express Kailcars, 86
- Leeds Stations, Alterations at, 310
- Leicester Square Station, 117 (Addendum} Locomotive Contract, 143
- London and North Eastern Railway, Newcastle-South Shields Electrification, 178
- Map, Underground Railways, London, 497
- Materials, Railway (Catalogue), 130
- North Eastern Railway, Water-Softening Plants, 256
- Superheaters, Locomotive (Catalogue), 263
- Turkish Railway Rolling Stock Contract, 39 Wagon Contract, Scottish, 501
- Yugoslavia, Railway Bridge, Design Competition, 418
- Schools. See Education
Sewage and Drainage :
- Valves, Sewage (Catalogue), 104
- Ships and Shipbuilding :
- Clyde Activities, 13, 143, 195, 248, 277, 337, 365, 418, 500, 609
- Controls for Motor Vessels (Catalogue), 322
- Dredger Components (Catalogue); 652
- “ Duntroon,” M.S., 117 (Erratum^
- Italy, Shipbreaking in, 406
- Launches and Trial Trips, 90, 194, 315, 392, 418, 484, 508, 608, 692
- Light-Draught Vessels (Catalogue), 678
- Maierform Ships, Recent, 222
- “Moira,” S.S., All-Welded, 488
- “ Olympic,” Demolition of, 306
- Propulsion, Electric (Catalogue), 462
- “Queen Mary” Navigating Apparatus for, 277 ; Maiden Voyage, 501
- Scottish Contracts, 337, 365, 393, 475, 500, 526, 555, 581, 609, 637, 665, 691
- Scottish Shipbuilding, 13, 143, 195, 248, 277, 337, 365, 418, 500, 609
- “Strathmore,” P. tfe O. Liner, 690 (Addendum}
- Wisbech, Port of, 143
- Societies. See Technical and Trade
- Strikes. See Trade Societies
Technical Societies :
- Arts, Royal Society of, 22
- Chemical Industry, Society of, 9
- Consulting Engineers, Association of, 117
- Electrical Association, Municipal, Inc., 366
- Electrical Engineers, lastitution of, 9, 12, 100, 116, 117, 434, 474, 501
- Electrical Engineers, Supervising, Association of, 249, 277
- Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Institution of, 20 '
- Highway Engineers, Institution of, 315
- Illuminating Engineering Society, 446, 704 Iron and Steel Institute, 38
- Junior Institution of Engineers, 434
- Manchester Technology Old Students’ Association, 111
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 637 (Erratum}
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 90, 456, 499
- Newcomen Society, 509
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 12
- Physics, Institute of, 117, 638
- Production Engineers, Institution of, 38 Road Transport Conference, National, 307 Sanitary Engineers, Institution of, 474 Schiffbauteciinisehe Gesellschaft, 232
- Special Libraries and Information Bureaux, Association of, 142
- Transport, Institute of, 92, 364
- World Power Conference, 126
- Telephony, See Electricity
- Tools. See Machine and other Tools
- Coal Industry, Government and Organisations, 470, 510
- Coal Industry, T.U.C. Proposals for tion under Public Ownership and 191 ; Labour Party Support for tion, 402
- Coal and Iron Industries and Public Ownership, Mr. Bevan’s Comments, 286
- Coal Mines, National Industrial Board, Resignation of Chairman, 443
- Communism, U.S. I.abour Federation’s Hostility to, 427
- Communist Party, Application for Affiliation to Labour Party and Statement of Policy 604
- Cotton Industry, Cotton Manufacturing Industry Act, Wage Rates Order and Working Hours Question, 22 ; Lancashire Weavers* Wage Agreement, Board’s Report on Objections to Legislation, 48 : Master Spinners and Employment of Non-Union Workers, 551.
- Craven, Cradr. Sir C., on the Shipbuilding Industry, 258
- Cuba, Holidays with Pay Law, for Employees, 219
- Cutlery Trade, Proposed Piece-Work Basis Time-Rate Changes for all Workers, 687
- Czechoslovakia, Bank Act and Service Conditions of Staff, 61 ; Scientific Management Committee, Establishment of Industrial Psychology Research Board, 113; Wage Systems, Bedaux System discussed, 113 ; Prague City, Labour Battalion Transformation, 536
- Democratic Control (Partial) of Public Affairs, Mr. Appleton’s Views on Policy to be followed, 536
- Diseases, Occupational, U.S. Report, 61 ; Industrial Diseases, Dr. Brooke’s on Lack of Medical Knowledge, 286; French Metalworkers and Unhygienic Processes 536
- Disruptive Organisations, T.U.C. Warning and Antagonistic Resolution, 219
- Distressed Areas, Commissioner’s Report and Recommendations, 87 ; Sir W. Citrine’s Comments, 87
- Dust Abstraction in Industry, U.S.A. Labour Department Comments, 191
- Dyeworkers’, Walkden, Lightning Strike, 316 Economic Recovery and State Intervention, Discussion at International Labour Conference, 22
- Education Board on Difficulties of Recruitment of Young Persons to Industries, 219
- Edwards, Mr. E., on Internationalism among Workers, 165; Manifesto on Mine Workers’ Wages, 258; Condemnation of Colliery Owners, 633
- Egyptian Federation of Industries, Proposed Institution to Assist Unemployed Graduates, 687
- Electrical Supply Industry, Compensation Award.s to Workers, 576
- Electrical Trades Union, Wages Agreement with Employers, 139, 165 ; T.U.C. Discussion on Re-Modelling of Safety Regulations in Mines, 286
- Electrical Workers, Railways, Wage Increase, 510
- Employers on the Overtime versus Additional Workers’ Question, 510
- Employment Exchange Reports, 87, 165, ' 191, 280, 346, 402, 443, 510, 576, 633, 687
- Employment, International Situation, 61, 427 Employment of Women and Young Persons Bill, 139, 660
- Engineering and Shipbuilding Unions on Industrial Situation, 61
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Membership and Benefit Data, 48, 191, 286, 316, 443, 551, 660 ; on the Dangers in the Use of Welding and Burning Machines, 48; on the Enforcement of the 40-hour Week without Loss of Pay, 48 ; Resolution at T.U.G. Meeting for Increased Wages and Improved Conditions for Workers, 139; Resolution at T.U.C. Meeting on Shorter Working Week, 191; Withdrawal from Movement to set up Aircraft National Committee, 286; York Conference on Wages Question, 374, 427, 470; Journal Comments on Shipyard Union Claims, 443; Derby Employers’ Wage Settlement Terms, 470 ; Comments on Second Report of the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee and on Application of Surplus Income, 551; Mr. Little’s Report on the Employers’ Suggestion to set up New Machinery to deal with Local Wage Claims, 551; Mr. Little on Wage Rates in Industry and Industrial Profits in Relation to Shorter Hours and Higher Wages, 660 ; Mr. Little on alleged Shortage of Skilled Labour and on Remedial Action, 660
- Factories, Employment of Women and Young Persons, Bill to authorise Shift Systems, 139, 660
- Factory Inspector’s Report on the Incidence of Accident Rates, 48
- Fascist Agricultural Organisations, Dispute- Procedure Agreement, 526
- France, Employers’ Criticism of Policy of Expansionism, 22; Subsidy for Firms Employing Workers registered with the Unemployment Funds, Conditions, 61; Metalworkers’ Deputation to I.L.O., regarding certain Injurious Processes, 536
- Friendly Society’s Report on Trade Unions’ Political Funds, 165
- General Federation of Trades, Mr. Saxon on Increased Mental Strain v. Reduced Physical Effort, 48 ; Resolution on Stop- Watch Methods of Measuring Capacity and Pay, 48 ; Resolution denouncing Movement of Factories into Areas of High Unemployment, 48; Membership and Benefit Data, 165, 536; Mr. Appleton on Membership and Competition of Shop Clubs and on Safeguards, 16.5; Mr. Appleton on the best Method of Partial Democratic Control of National Affairs, 536 Geneva. See International Labour Conference (below); International Labour ; Office (below)
- Germany, Order regulating Work under 1 Compressed Air in Caissons, 61; Woodworkers, Statistics of Hours and Pay, 191; Underground Staff in German Mines, Improved Distribution of Work, 316; Mutual-Aid Organisation, Assistance Grants to Miners, 316; Recruitment of German Workers for Foreign Countries, Conditions of, 316; Labour Front Congress, Principles and Purposes of Germaji Social Order, 510; Unemployment Statistics, 536, 604, 660; Instructions concerning Relations between Beauty of Labour ” Department and Factory Inspection Service, 604 ; Hours of Work and Earnings in Chemical Industry, Statistics, 687
- Health Ministry’s Returns of Poor Relief
- Recipients, 139, 191, 316, 660 Holidays with Pay. See Hours of Work Hours of Work, Miss Slocock’s Report on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Five-Day Week, 48; National Union of Railwaymen on Shorter Working Week without Reduction of Pay, 48; A.E.U., on Enforcement of 40-Hour Week without Loss of Pay, 48, 191; Holidays with Pay Question and the International Labour Conference, 61; Reduction of JEIours to reduce Unemployment, T.U.C. Conference with Labour Minister, 113; Mr. Beviu on the 40-Hour Week from an International Standpoint, 113; T.U.C., Boilermakers’ Resolution on the 40-Hour Week and Overtime, 113, 139; Public Service Employees Conference, Mr. Dukes on Wages versus Shorter Hours, 139; Bulgarian Order relating to Hours of Work and Overtime, 166; International Metalworkers’ Federation on Shorter Working Week, 191; Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions on Shorter Working Week, 191; Tailors and Garment Makers’ Union and the 40-Hour Week, 191; Swiss Employers and Hours of Work and Overtime, 219 ; Mr. Kean (T.U.C.) on Progress in Reduction of Working Hours, 258; Hungary, Order Fixing Hours of Work in Woodworking Industry, 258; T.U.C. Resolution on 40-Hour Week, 286 ; Italy, Employers and Employed, Hours of Work Agreement, 316; Building and Public Works International Federation and the 40-Hour Week, 346; T.U.C. on Shorter Working Week and High Wage Economy, 402; U.S. Labour Federation on Shorter Hours, (fee., to solve Unemployment Problem, 402; Bulgaria, Prescription of Four-Shift System in Factories, 402; Queensland, 40-Hour Week in Building Trade, 428 ; Textile Workers’ Association
- Trade Societies, andc.—continued.
- and the I.L.O. Exclusion from Shorter Working Week Deliberations, 443, 4/u, Overtime versus Additional Workers Employers’ Point of View, 510; Kussia, Holiday Pay Conditions, 510 ; American Pederation of Labour Movement for 30- Hour Week to diminish Vnemploynient, 576: I.L.O., Preparatory Maritime Conference on the Proposed Conventions on Working Hours and Holidays \ntn pa>. 633; I.L.O. on Employers and Workers National Agreements as to Holidays, 633; Employment of W ointi and Young Persons Bill, Hours Regulation for Shifts in Factories, andc., 660 ; Norway , Enquiry into 40-Hour Week Question and its probable Effects, 650; Poland, NonLiability of Workers for Infringenumt of Hours of Work Act, 660; India, United Provinces Chamber of Commerce and Reasons for Non-Ratification of Conyn- tion, 6fi0; India, Chamber of
- Commerce on Granting Fortnight s day rvithout Pay, 660 ; GermanyHours I of Work and Earnings m Chemical
- I Industry, 687
- Hungary, Woodworking Industry, Urder Fixing Hours of Work, 258
- I.C.I. W^orkers at Billingham, Medical Tiade Union for, 633 i.- v. TT p
- India, Holidays with Pay Qu^tion, U.P. Chamber of Commerce on ^?asons tor Non-Ratification of Coi^'^ention 66o Punjab Chamber of Commerce on Grantor a Fortnight’s Holiday without Pay, 660
- Industrial Co-Partnership Association on Employees’ Share in Government ol Industrv, 402 ._Q
- Industrial Situation, 48, 316, 402, 428, 443, Insurance! Group Life, Employers and Double
- Responsibility Question, 166 ; Group Plan for Employees. U.S. Steel Corporation 402
- International Labour Conference a^
- Draft Convention on 40-Hour Week, 22, , Spanish Employers’ Plea ior p^7eSe Liberalism and Diminished State I^’^®ssure, 22; Yugoslavia, Employers Appeal tor More Liberty in Planned /
- France, Employers’ Criticism of Policy of Expansionism, 22 ; I^oumanian Employer. Opposition to Intervention of tbe State to Promote Economic Recovery, 2- , Butler’s Reply to Employers Conventions and Views on State Management and Unemployment, 22 ; Holidays nn
- Question, 61 ; Mr. Creswell (S. Africa) on Avoidance of Domination by tern, 61 ; Japanese Delegate on the Utility to Japan of the International Laboui Organisation, 551; Question of Attendance of Minister of Labom at Meetings, 604 ,
- International Labour Office Survey ot Legislation Protecting Unemployed Children and Young Persons, 258 ; Textile Factory Workers and Exclusion from Working Hours Deliberations, 443, 470 ; Preparatory Maritime Conference and the 1 reposed Conventions on Working Hours and Holidays with Pay, 633 ; Employers and Workers’ National Agreements as to .payment for Holidays, 633
- Iron and Coal Industries and Public Ownership, Mr. Bevin’s Comments, 286
- Iron and Steel Industry, Man and Metal on Position of, and on Economical Extension of Plant, 687
- Iron Trade Wages, 91, 116
- Ironstone Miners’Wages, 39, 419
- Italy, National Council, Reports on Labour Aspects of the Agricultural Industry and on Organisation of Production, 22 ; Accident Insurance, Legislative Changes, 87 ; Hours of Work Agreement, Employers and Employed, 316 , x T 4.-
- Japan, Workers’ Family Budgets, Investigation Report, 61; Ordinance to Regulate Employers’ Liability in Cases of Sickness, Injury or Death Insurance, 166 ; International Labour Conference, Japanese Delegate on the Utility to Japan of International Labour Organisation, 551 ; Japanese T.U.C. Declaration of Policy, 551
- Juvenile Workers, T.U.C. Resolution, 139; Proposed Legislation to authorise Shirt System in Factories, 139 ; Labour Ministry Report on Employment, 316
- Kean, Mr. Address to T.U.C. at Margate, 258 Labour Minister’s Comments on Reliability of Labour Ministry Returns, 374
- Labour Ministry Reports, 48, 139, 165, 191, 286, 316, 346, 402, 443, 470, 510, 536, 576,633,687
- Labour Notes, 22, 48, 61, 87, 113, 139, 165, 191, 219, 258, 286, 316, 346, 374, 402, 42/, 443, 470, 610, 536, 551, 575, 604, 633, 660, 687
- Labour Party, Communists’ Application for Affiliation to and Statement of Policy, 604
- Labour Party Conference, Brighton, Resolutions on Financing of Parliamentary Candidates, 219 ; on Removal of Bureaucratic Control over Workers, 219 ; Resolution to support Miners’ Demand for Economic Wage, 402 , , , .
- Man and Metal, on Iron and Steel Industry and on the Question of Economical Extension of Plant, 687
- Mechanisation and Unemployment, 427 Medical Bureau, Trade Union, I.C.I. Workers at Billingham, 633
- Metalworkers’ Federation, International, on Wages and Working Hours, 191
- Miners’ Federation, Mr. Edwards and Internationalism among Workers, 165
- Mineworkers’ Federation, Wages Demand, 87, 191, 258, 346, 402, 443, 470, 510, 536, 576, 604, 633, 687 ; Secretary for AHnes on the Question of Wage Machinery and Wages Demand, 87, 443 ; Resolution, in Relation to Unemployment, for Reducing Hours and Raising Wages, 67 ; Miners’ Appeal for Public Aid in Securing IToper
- Standard of Living, 139 ; Mr. Hodges on the Justice of Miners’ Claims, 374 ; Labour Party Resolution Supporting Miners’ Wages Claims, 402 ; Secretary for Mines on Low Profits Difficulty in Relation to Wages, 470 ; Selling Organisations, Coalowners and Government Negotiations, 470, 510, 633 ; Strike Ballot and Deputation to Government, 576 ; President of Federation of British Industries on Miners’ Claim, 576 ; Mining Association and Mineworkers’ Conference with Minister of Mines on Wages Demand, 604 ; Mining Association on the Cost of Conceding Miners’ Demands and on the Miners’ Share in Profits, 633 ; Mining Association on the Costly Increase in Mechanisation, 633; Mr. Edwards’ Comments on and Condemnation of Colliery Owners and on the Revision of Ratios in the Wages Agreement, 633 ; Strike Menace Contingent on Failure of Increased Wage Proposals, 687 ; Capt. Crookshank’s Statement in House, as to Government Position, 687
- National Recovery Act. See United States (below)
- Norway, Subsidised Scheme for Organisation of New and Maintenance of Old Industries, 536 ; Mr. Madsen’s Policy for Relief of Unemployment, 536 ; Inquiry into 40-Hour Week Question and its Probable Effects, 660 Overtime. See Hours of Work (above) Parliamentary Candidates, Labour, Financing Question, 219
- Patternmakers’ Association, Membership and Benefit Data, 191, 551, 660; District Committee and Separate Negotiations on Wages Question, 551
- Pensions, Transport Workers’ Pension Resolution, 48 ; BournviUe Works Pension Scheme, 61 ; U.S. Social Security Bill, 166 Ruston-Bucyrus Scheme, 346; United Steel Companies Scheme, 427
- Poland, Non-Liability of Workers for Infringement of Hours of Work Act, 660
- Poor Relief Recipients, Health Ministry’s Returns, 139, 191, 316, 660
- Professional Workers, International, Proposed Inquiry into Legislation affecting Workers’ Inventions, 510; and I.L.O. Resolution on the International Status of Architects, 604
- Profit Sharing by Employees, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd.’s Scheme, 87
- Public Service Employees, International federation, Mr. Dukes on Wages versus Shorter Hours, 139
- Railways, N.U.R. Conference, Mr. Henderson on Progress of Union and on Restoration of Pay Cuts, 48 ; N.U.R. Resolution on Shorter Working Hours without Reduction of Pay, 48 ; N.U.R., Mr. Marchbanks on Ill Effects of Mechanisation Developments, 48; N.U.R. Deferred Questions for Next Conference Agenda, 48; Union Conference on Restoration of 1931 Wages Electrical Workers’ N.U.R. Conference | Union for all Trans-
- Conditions, 510 ; Fishing Industry, Data as to All-Kussia Central Association, 604 Itnston-Bucyrus Pension Scheme, 346 School Attendance, Prolonged, and Recruitment to Industry Question, 219
- Seaman, National Union of. Wage-Cut Restoration Demand, 687
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, Election of Officers, 575
- Shipbuilding Industry, Cmdr. Sir C. Craven’s Comments, 358
- Shipbuilding 1’rades, Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions’ Conference on the Industrial Situation, 113 ; Wages Advance Demand, 113, 346, 443, 575 ;
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions on Shorter Working Week, 191 ; Employers and Unions’ Conference on Wages Demand, 346, 575 ; A.E.U. Journal and Wages Demands, 443
- Skilled Labour Shortage, Mr. A. S. MacLellan on the Training and Absorption of Skilled Workers, 604
- Socialised Industries, T.U.C. Resolution, 139 South Wales Coalowners’ Association and Minimum Wage Percentage, 258 ; Protest against Balloting of South Wales Miners on National Wages Question, 536
- South Wales Miners’ “ Stay-in ” and other Strikes, 443
- Spain, Employers’ Plea for Economic Liberalism and the Termination of State Pressure, 428 : Order Forbidding Use of Machines for Stoning, etc., during Period of Depression, 660
- State Intervention and Economic Recovery, 22
- Strike Statistics, 87, 219, 346, 443, 576, 687 Sweden, Stockholm Meeting of Miners’ Union, Mi-. Edwards’ Remarks on Internationalism, 165 ; Broadcasting of Vacancies, 428
- Switzerland, Hourly Earnings Decline and Real Wages, Statistics, 219 ; Swiss Employers on High Manufacturing Costs and their Relation to Unemployment, 536 Tailors and Garment Makers’ Union and the 40-Hour Week, 191 ; on the Replacement of Adults by Juveniles, 286
- Textile Factory Workers’ Association and the I.L.O. Exclusion from Shorter Working Week Deliberations, 374, 470
- Trade Union Act, 1871, Mr. Appleton’s Comment on Section 4, 165
- Trades Union Congress, Conference with Minister of Labour on reducing Unemployment by Reduction of Hours, 113,139; Resolutions at Margate Conference, 139 ; Proposals relating to Unification of Coal Industry under Public Ownership, 191 ; Report to Margate Conference, Disruptive Organisations Warning and Antagonistic Resolutions, 219 ; Margate Conference, Mr. Kean’s Address, 258; Mine workers’ Wages Resolution, 258, 286 ; on Progress in Reduction of Working Hours, 258; Wiredrawers’ Resolution on Evils of Labour Measurement, andc., 286; Bedaux System, Dr. Brooke’s Comments, 286; Women Workers and Fair Rates of Pay Question, 286 ; Mr. Bevin’s Comments on Public Ownership of Coal and Steel Industries, 286 ; Tailors and Garment Workers’ on Displacement of Adults by Juveniles and Reorganisation of Relief Schemes, 286 ; 40-Hour Week Resolution, 286; Electricians and the Re-Modelling of Safety Regulations in Mines, 286 ; Dr. Brookes on Industrial Diseases and Lack of Medical Knowledge, 286 ; Election of Chairman of General Council, 374 ; on the Shorter Working Week and High Wage Economy, 402; Proposed Evidence before Home Office on Workers’ Compensation, 633; Suggested Deputation to Labour Minister on Extension of Unemployment Insurance to all Workers regardless of Income, 633
- Trade Unions, Statistics of, Labour Minister’s Report, 470
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, President on a Better Distribution of World Wealth, 48 ; Resolution Protesting against Government’s Callous Treatment of Unemployed, 48 ; Government Pension Scheme Resolution, 48 ; London ’Busmen’s Unofficial Strikes, 113 ; Mr. Bevan’s Comments on the 40-Hour Week from an International Standpoint, 113 ; Resolutions at Annual T.U.C. Meeting, 139 ; Women Workers’ Wages Demand, 219 ; Demand (International) for Improved Standards and Conditions in Mercantile Marine, 374 ; Restoration of Wages Cuts, 443 ; Wages Increase, Tramway men and Trolley ’Bus Drivers and Conductors, 604 ; Mr. Bevin on the Political Strengthening of the Trade Union Movement, 604
- Transport Workers’ Federation, International, Demand for Improved Standards and Conditions in Mercantile Marine, 374 Transport Workers, N.U.R. Conference on Formation of One Union for All Transport Workers, 676
- Unemployed, Applications for Employment and Post Office Concession, 427
- Unemployment, General, International Labour Conference, Discussion in relation to State Management, andc., 22 ; Federation of Trades, Resolution Denouncing Movement of Factories to Areas of High Unemployment, 48 ; I.L.O., International Statistics, 61 ; Main Causes of Unemployment, 139; Labour Ministry Returns, Minister’s Comments on Reliability of, 374; Unemployment Prevention, Solution by Shorter Hours and Greater Mass-Purchasing Power, 402; Mechanisation and Unemployment, 427; Norway, Mr. Madsen’s Views on Unemployment Relief Policy, 536 ; United States and Diminishing Unemployment, 633; T.U.C., Proposed Deputation to Labour Minister on Unemployment Insurance for all Workers regardless of Income, 633
- Unemployment Insurance, Children’s Increased Allowances, 470
- Unemplovment Insurance, Labour Ministry Reports, 48, 87, 165, 191, 286, 346, 402, 470, 536, 576, 633, 687
- Unemployment Insurance, New Scheme in Canada, 428
- Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee, A. E.U. Comments on Second Report and Application of Surplus Income, 551
- Unemployment Reports, 48, 87, 139, 165, 191, 286, 316, 346, 402, 510, 536, 576, 633, 687
- Unions, Trade, Political Funds, 165
- United States, National Industrial Conference Board, Unemployed Workers, Statistics of, 22, 536 ; Mines, National Safety Competition Results, 22 ; International Machinists, Comments on Unenforceable Provisions of N.R.A., 22 ; Industrial Disease Statistics, 61 ; Workmen’s Compensation, Wilful Misconduct Necessary to Debar Benefit to Dependants, 61 ; International Machinists on Failure of N.R.A., and on the Labour Disputes Act, 113 ; Bureau of Labour Statistics of Output in Various Industries, 113 ; Ladder Accidents, Causes and Prevention, 139; American Iron and Steel Institute and the Steel Code, 165 ; Social Security Bill, 166; Dust and Ventilation in Industry, Means of Dust Abstraction, 191 ; American Medical Association Report on Voluntary Health Insurance, 191 ; National Labour Relations Act, Comments on its Merits and Resistance to its Working, 219 ; Quarry Accident Survey, 1933, 219;
- Relief Work Scheme for Physically Handicapped, 219 ; International Machinist on the National Labour Relations Act and its Defence Against “ Big Business,” 346 ; Eederation of Labour Report on Bedaux System, 374 ; New York State (Campaign Against Child Labour, 374 ; Shoe-Making Company’s Annual Salary Contract Scheme, 374, 402 ; Group Life-Insurance Plan, U.S. Steel Corporation, 402 ; Share- Ownership Statistics, U.S. Steelmaking Undertakings, 402 ; Labour Federation, Mr. Green on Solution of Unemployment Problem by Shorter Hours and (heater Mass-Purchasing Power, 402 ; Labour Federation’s Hostility to Communists, 427 ; National Labour Relations Act, Legality Question, 427, 443 ; Accidents, Fatal, New York State Report, 470 Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Increased Unemployment Figures, 536 ; Railway Labour Executives’ Association and the Nationalisation of American Railways, 552; Federation of Labour, Movement for Thirty-Hour Week to Diminish Unemployment, 576; United Mine Workers, Resignation of President, 576 ; International Machinists, Resolution in Favour of Organising Industries instead of Crafts, 576 ; New Y^ork State, Record Accident Fatalities, 576; Statisti(;s on Diminishing Unemployment, 633 ; Federation of Labour on Unemployed Workers’ Menace, 660 ; Association of Electrical Managers, Alleged Conspiracy on the Part of Electrical Workers in Restraint of Trade, 660
- United Steel Companies’ Pension Scheme, 427 Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Employees’ Profit- Sharing Scheme, 87
- Wages, Fluctuation of, 87, 191, 346, 443, 576, 687
- Wages, General, Mr. Dukes on Wages versus Shorter Hours, 139 ; Mr. Little on Workers’ Claim to Share in Prosperity, 660 Walkden Dye Workers’ Lightning Strike, 316 Wealth, Mr. Edwards on Better Distribution of, 48
- Weavers. See Cotton Industry (above) Welding, Oxy-Acetylene, (fee.. Danger to Workers, 48
- Wire’Drawers’ Resolution on Evils in Labour Measurement, 286
- Women Civil Servants’ National Association and Fee-Charging Employment Agencies, 604
- Women Workers, Wages Demand in Engineering Industry, 87 ; T.U.C. Resolutions relating to Fair Rates of Pay, 139, 286 ; Proposed Legislation to Authorise Shift- System in Factories, 139, 660 ; Transport- Industry, Wages Demand, 219
- Workers, Manual, Labour Party Proposal for Removal of Bureaucratic Control over, 219
- Workmen’s Compensation Case (U.S.A.), Ruling that only Wilful Misconduct can Bar Dependant’s Benefit, 61
- Workmen’s Compensation, Committee of Inquiry, Terms of Reference, 470 ; T.U.C., Proposed Evidence before Home Office, 633
- Yugoslavia, Employers’ Appeal for More Liberty in Planned Economy, 22
- Trade. See Coal ; Iron and, Seel ; Ships and Shipbuilding
- Turbines. See Engines and Boilers
- Universities. See Education
- Vehicles. See Motor Cars ; Railways
- Warships. See Naval
Waterworks, andc. :
- Indicators, Kemote-Level (Catalogue), 322 Liverpool Water Supply, 447
- Loch Ericht Water Tunnel, 113.
See Also
Sources of Information