Planet Foundry Co

Planet Foundry Co Ltd. of Corporation Road, Guide Bridge, Audenshaw, near Manchester. Telegraphic Address: "Planet, Audenshaw".
Subsidiary of Allied Ironfounders.
1895 Private company.
1902 Foundry at Guide Bridge, Audenshaw, opened in February.
1917 Patent - Improvements in Bar-less or Semi-well Grate Fittings for Domestic Fire Places.
1922 Planet Foundry Co linked up with Cockburns; McDowall Steven and Co, and Coalbrookdale to form the Light Castings Group.
1933 Patent - Improvements in or relating to domestic grates and fireplaces.
1937 Listed Exhibitor. "Two-Way" Back-to-Back Dual Fire Grate. "Meridian", "Unity" and "Chalet" Grates, in coloured vitreous finishes. Baths in "Alpine" coloured enamels. Fireplaces in Metallic or "Alimotte" and "Allustre" vitreous finishes. (Stand Nos. B.609 and B.508) [1]
1961 Manufacturers of baths, stoves, grates, ranges and cast iron enamelled sinks. 250 employees. [2]