The Engineer 1856 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1856 Jan-Jun: Index
- View the 1856 Jan-Jun Volumes
- Abraham's Patent Cosy Carriage, 117
- Accident, American Railway, 302
- Accident, Caledonian Railway, 211
- Accident, Colliery, 4
- Accident in Ore l'it, 12
- Accident, Cyclops Steel Works, 53
- Accident at Dudley, the Fatal Mine, 353
- Accident at the Dyffryn Coal Pit, 100
- Accident, Panama Railroad, 320
- Accident, Portsmouth Dockyard, GO
- Accident, Prevention of, 7
- Accident on Railways, 104, 211
- Accident, Railway Liability for, 66
- Accident, Shocking, 234
- Accident, West India Docks, 259
- Accident, Ystalyfera Iron and Tin Works, 105
- Accidents, Five Fatal Pit, 329
- Adam's New Rail, W. Bridges, 25, 30, 43, 05
- Adam's Fish Jointing, 111
- Adamson's Patent (Court of Chancery), 231
- Address, Mr. Robert Stephenson's, 33
- Address, Opening, 3
- Adelaide, Water Supply and Drainage in, 273
- Admiralty Consistency (Note Book), 219
- Admiralty, Experiments in the (Now Book), 138
- Adriatic, the Steamer, 232
- Aerated Liquors, Rogers's Apparatus for Drawing off and Retaining, 104
- Agricultural Statistic.' Bill, 224, 340
- Agricultural Exhibition of 1856, French, 217, 227
- Agricultural Implements, 80
- Agricultural Show at Paris, 335
- Agricultural Society of England, 295
- Agricultural Statistics of Ireland, 104)
- Agriculture during the last Fifteen Years, Progress of, by C. W. Hoskyns (Society of Arts), 122
- Agriculturists, Important to, 342
- Aid to Science, Government's, 392
- Aldridge's Meters for Measuring the Flow of Liquids, 29
- Algebra (A Literary Notice), 82
- Alkali, Longmaid's Patent, 347
- Allen's, Ed. E., Working Steam Expansively, 13
- Allen's, Ed. E, Improvements in Steam Engines, 212
- Alleyne and Stratford's Improvements in Railway Brakes, 109
- Alloy, New Metallic, 5
- Aluminium, 52
- Aluminium from Cryolite, by Henrich Rose, 66
- Aluminium, New Process of Coating with, 341
- Aluminium, the New Metal, 131
- Aluminium, on, by Rev. J. Barlow, 259, 274
- America, Electric Communication with, 335
- America. How Formed, 4
- America, New Line of Steamers to, :145
- America, Foreign Patent Law in the U.S. of, 140, 172
- America, Perils of the Rail in, 1:35
- America, Proposed Railroad and Telegraph in, 104
- American Gun Machinery, 20
- American Invention. The Hillotype, 37
- American Inventions, 265
- American Knitting Machine, 271
- American Mail Steamer, Fulton, 129
- American Railways, 52, 53
- American Scientific Association, 255
- American Treasury Minute Revoked, 205
- Ammonium, Professor Hoffman's Experiments with, 302
- Antistatic Process (Note Book), 9
- Anchors, liatteley's Improvements in Ships', 53
- Anchors, New Gun Metal, 292
- Anchors, Ruston's Improvements in, 345
- Anderston Foundry Company, Barclay and Co. versus, Court of Session, Scotland, 107
- Andrews"rubular Steam Boiler, 73, 101, 113
- Andrews' Strength of Cast Iron Cylinders. By John Orme, 114
- Anemometers, 145
- Anthony, J., Causes of Explosion in Steam Boilers, by, 81
- Appeals (House of Lords). Mackenzie v. Dunlop, Wilson, and Co., 311
- Application of Art to Manufactures, 330
- Application of Steam in Metallurgical Operation. By J. G. Mastren, 257
- Arch for Bridges, &c., Tabourin's Metallic, 108
- Archer, on some of the Animal and Vegetable Products constituting the Foreign Commerce of Liverpool (Society of Arts), 122
- Architecture, Iron Buildings, 100
- Architectural Museum, 179, 336
- Art to Manufactures, Application of, 330
- Artesian Well at Bois do Boulogne, 132
- Artesian Well at Pansy, 320
- Artillery, Mr. Whitworth's, 239
- Assessment of Mines, 291
- Association of Foremen of Engineering Trade, Dinner to the, 50
- Association, Gas-titters' Mutual, 217
- Athentruin at Southampton, 72
- Atherton, Chas., Tonnage Registration (Soc. of Arts), 31
- Atlantic Steaming, 167
- Atmosphere of Pressure, an, 95
- Australia, Favourable Accounts from, 301
- Australia. Its Trade, 3.53
- Australia, New Route to, 320, 331
- Australia, Postal Communication between England and, 107, 187
- Australia, Steamers In, 302
- Australia, Steam Communication with (Note Book), 57, 137. 217, 297
- Australian Gold, 346
- Australian Mails, 323, 347
- Australian Mails, Irregularity of the, 174
- Australian Royal Mail Steam Company, 217
- Austrian Railways, 218, 312, 338
- Axle Box and Spring Fittings for Railway Carriages, 228
- Bail Court. Simmons r. Vansittart and others (Salary), 311, 323
- Bally and Sons' Cast Iron Gate, 296
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by A., 215
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by C., 310, 198
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by Chas. E. Conders, 286
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by Hastings, 287, 214
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by 11. F., 262, 230
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by J. U. P., 239
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by K. R. t`., 198, 136, 262
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by Lovatt, J., 230
- Balance Weights, Problem of, by W., 187
- Ball or Float Cocks, Frost's Improvements in, 72
- Balloons, A Passenger Line of, 317
- Banks, 202
- Bank Notes, Forgery of, 274
- Bankruptcy, Court of, In re Mare, 153, 196, 288, 323
- Bankruptcy, Court of, In re Richard Jenkin Polyglass, 334
- Bankruptcy of G. Bennett, Iron Master, 313
- Bankruptcy of J. II. Blackwell, 313
- Bankruptcy of Green the Banker, 313
- Barcelona, Trial Trip of the, 85
- Barclay and Co. r. the Anderston Foundry Company (Court of Session, Scotland), 167
- Bar-Cutting Tool, Tluls•'s, 34.5
- Barlow and Co. Fees from British Applicants for American Patents, 287
- Barlow's Wood-Planing Machine, 60
- Barlow, M.A., F.R.S., V.P., Sec. R. I., on Aluminium, by the Rev. J., 239, 274
- Barram, Jos., on the Subject of the Exhibition of Inventions at the Society of Arts, 187
- Bath Gas Company, 224
- Baths, New, 218
- Batley, Wm., Portable Engines, 285
- Battery Floating, built by Mr. Napier, of Glasgow, (Note Book), 125
- Battery, by Geo. Mathmt, a Self-Sustaining, 1,16, 182, 219
- Battery, the Nautilus, 130
- Battery at Pembroke, New Drill, 211
- Buttery, Proposed New, 43
- Battery, Scotch Gun, 231
- Battery on the Thames, Launch of a Floating, 250
- Bayley and Quarmby's Machinery for Cording Fibrous Materials, 312
- Beams, Sandwich, ' An Architect,' 309
- Beattie's Group Mr., 202
- Beattie v. The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, 347
- Beattie, Mr. Trial (Note Bix)k), 349
- Beaugrand and Gommes' Machinery for Manufacturing Metal Wares, 269
- Belcher, Sir Ed. (Note Book), 21
- Belfast and Fleetwood Line of Steamers, 63
- Belfast School of Art, 38
- Belgian Steamers, New Line of, 14
- Belgique, the Steamer, 74
- Bells, on Large, 86
- Bellay's Improvements in Earthenware and China, 117
- Bennock, Francis, on Thread or Fibre Gilding (Society of Arts), 210
- Benthams, M. S., Fire-proof Buildings, 199
- Bernard's Patent Machine Boot and Shoe Company, 333
- Berthon, Rev. Mr. (Note Book), 33
- Betts, E. L., Grand Trunk Canada Iktilway, 213
- Betts' Patent Capsules, 335
- Betteley's Improvements in Ships' Anchors' 53
- Beyer and Peacock's Works at Gorton, near Manchester, Plan of Messrs., 332
- Beyer and Peacock's Wall Engine, 314
- Bidder, Mr. Geo., Mental Calculation by (Institution of Civil Engineers), 111, 123
- Bidder, Mr. Geo., on Square and Cube Roots, 134
- Bidder, Mr. Geo., 112
- Bills Passed (House of Commons), 263
- Bills, Parliamentary, 211
- Bills, Parliamentary., Lancashire Railway, 153
- Bills, Report of the Committees on Railway, 294, 313, 322, 334, 347
- Birch's Improvements in the Manufacture of Iron, 100
- Birkenhead to Liverpool, Submarine Tunnel from, 228
- Birmingham Ironmasters' Quarterly Meeting, 26
- Birmingham, Progress of, 43
- Birmingham Trade, 202
- Birmingham Waggon Company, 146
- Bismuth upon Copper, Influence of, 5
- Blame where it is Due (Note Book), 149
- Bleach Works Bill, 201
- Blowing Apparatus, 'luck's Improvements in, 133
- Blythe and Another r. 'fityleur, 211
- Board of Works, the Amusement of the (Note Book), 283
- Boat, Deschamps and Vilcocq's Free Diving, 121
- Boat, NI!. Inshaw's, 8
- Boat, Life, Designed by James Peake, Esq., 20
- Boat, Regent's Canal tug, 4
- Boiler, Andrews' Tubular Steam, 73, 101, 113
- Boiler, Cameron's Conical Fire-Box 17
- Boiler,Canieron's Conical Fire-Box, W.Mi1lward,105,113
- Boiler, Child's, II., 188
- Boiler, Dewranee's, 77, 101, 108, 113
- Boiler, Description of a New Duplicate Retort Steam, 195
- Boiler, Thomas Dunn's Steam, 297, 337
- Boiler Explosion, W. Adrews, 229, 219
- Boiler Explosion, 38, 50, 181, 217, 261, 342
- Boiler Explosion, Glasgow, 217
- Boiler Explosion, Causes of, by Mr. W. K. Hall, U.S., America (Institution of Civil Engineers), 171, 133
- Boilers, Feeding of, Jno. Player, C.E., 14
- Boilers for Steam Carriages, Thomas's Improvements in, 208
- Boilers and Furnaces, &c., Valuable Remarks on Steam, 102
- Boilers, Incrustation in Steam, II. Childs, 26.
- Boilers, Incrustation on Steam, NI. Duclos do Boussois (Note Book), 69
- Boilers, Incrustation on Steam, Thos. Forsyth, 26
- Boilers, Incrustation on Steam, Jas. Napier, F.C.S.' 6
- Boilers, Incrustation on Steam, W. Wheelwright, 38
- Boilers, Lees' Improvements in Marine and other, 52
- Boilers, Macnaught's Improvements in Steam, 36
- Boilers Manufactured at Messrs. Scott Russell's, 152
- Boilers, Mellor and Young's Machinery for Supplying Water to Steam, 196
- Boiler and Oscillating Valve, Cowburn's Cellular, 268
- Boilers, Ramsbottom's Safety Valves and Feeding Apparatus for Steam, 96
- Boilers, Rennie's Improvements in Marine Steam, 308
- Boilers, C. Fred. Thou's, 113
- Bois de Boulogne, Artesian Well in the, 132
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway Co., 335
- Bollard, Hull e. (Infringement), 211
- Bolts rind Screw Minks, Rothera's Machinery for Making, 308
- Book of Facts, Year, by .John Tinibs, F.S.A., 198
- Books Lent, not Books Lost, 198
- Borer, Tunnel, 65
- Boulogne, New Sluices at, 176
- Boydell'm Traction Engine, Experiments with, 183, 195
- Braidwood, Assoc. Inst. C.E., Supt. Fire Brigade, on Fires and Fire-proof Structures (Soc. of Arts), 258
- Brakes, Alleyne and Straffords' Railway, 109
- Bramham Moor, 348
- Brassey, Mr. 'I'., Grand Trunk Canada Railway, 215
- Brasseur's Machinery for Winding 'Weft, 22.1
- Brass Tubes of Boilers, 50
- Brazilian Railway, SO
- Breach of Contract, Important Decision, 120
- Breech Loading Fire-arms, Minid's Improvements in, 18
- Bricks, Drying and Burning, H. Chamberlain, 322, 337
- Bricks, Experiments on the Power of (Note Book), 125
- Bricks by Machinery, by Mr. 11. Chamberlain, C.F.., on the Manufacture of, 306
- Bricks, Experiments on the Strength of Hollow and Solid, by Mr. H. Chamberlain (Society of Arts), 334
- Bricks and Tiles, Weight and Green's Improvements in the Manufacture or, 121
- Bridge in Canada, Fall of a Suspension, 320
- Bridge, Draw, F.S., 197
- Bridge, Isle of Wight Steam, 56, 152
- Bridge in the Park (Note 1300k), 337
- Bridge, London, Mr. S. O. Keefe, C.E., 137
- Bridge, Rochester, New, 348
- Bridge over the Rhine ialls 278
- Bridge over the River Suir,Cast-iron, 336
- Bridges, Progress of the New (Note Book), 297.
- Bridges we are Going to Build, (Note book), 20
- Bridget, Tabunrin's Metallic Arch for. 10$
- Bridge at the Woodside Iron Works, Iron, 183
- Bridgewater Canal, 62
- Bridle for Over-ruling Fiery Horses, Guilbert and Guillemere's, 292
- Brigg e. Beardsell (Vice-Chancellors Court), 275
- Brighton (;as Company, 190
- Brooman's Improvements in the Manufacture of Net, 108
- Brough, Mr. Lionel, Inspector of Coal Mines, 66
- British Association, 269
- British Consul's Manual (Literary Notice), 82
- British Workman (Literary Notice), 82
- Brussels Congress, Hearty $ ipport of the Coming, 329
- Buckingham Palace, Lighting of, 267
- Buckled Platesallet's, 19
- Budget, the, Dopes Deferred or Forlorn, 285
- Buffers and other Springs, Myers' Improvements in, 152
- Buildings in the Dockyards, who Designs the luflumtnable, by Ironstone, 215
- Buildings, Fire-Proof, Lady Bentham, 199
- Building, the Midland Institute, 202
- Buoy, Life, 19
- Bullough, Wm. and Walmsley's Warping Machinery, 83
- Burch, J., on the Printing or Fabrics (Soc. of Arts), 246 Murders' Oil Feeders for Lubricating Machinery, 129
- Burke's, Mr. F., Invention for Separating the Fibres of Different Vegetablos for Manufacturing Purposes, 33
- Burn's, W., Engineer, Water-Pipes, 165
- Bursting of a Mortar ut Woolwich, 171
- Bush v. Sir Charles Fox and Others, 347
- Butcher and Newey's Improvements in Forge Hammers, 44, 57
- Bute Clock Ballast Men, 247
- Butty Miner, the, 277
- 'C.' Railway Practice and Mechanical Engineers, 15 27, 51, 75, 166
- 'C.' Ritchie's Locomotive Engine, 29, 45
- 'C.' Problem of Balance Weights, 198, 310
- Cadmus, Launch of the, 314
- Calculating Apparatus, Newton's, 121
- Calculating Excavation and Embankment, by Ger. A. Simruonson, :122
- Calcutta, Telegraph to, 228
- Caledonian Railway, Accident on the, 211
- Cameron's Patent Conical Fire-box Boiler, 17, 113
- Cameron's Patent Conical Fire-box Boiler, W. Milward, 105
- Cameron, Mr. James, Civil Engineer for Cape Town, 164
- Campbell raid Others reran,. Prim, 118
- Cumpain's Machinery for Filling Sacks, 77
- Canadian Railways, ).68
- Canal, Bridgewater, 62
- Canal, Purification of the Bridgewater, 224
- Canal, Practicability of a Ship, by the Valley of the Atrato, by F. M. Kelly, U.S. (Inst. C.E.), 226, 246
- Canals in India, 167
- Canal, Steam on the Birmingham, 341
- Canal Traffic, It -ilway and, 153
- Candidates Erected (Institution Civil Engineers), 67, 270
- Candle Company, Price's, Manufacture uf, Wilson, Esq., F.R.S., (Society of A•ts), 41
- Cannon, Dr. Church's Monster Breech Loading, 247
- Cannon and Shot, Gower's Improvements in, 115
- Cape of Good Hope Gas Company, 102
- Cape Town, Mr. 1). Cameron, Civil Engineer for, 164
- Caird and Co., Launch of a Screw Steamer from Messrs., 114
- Caisse des Mines, 323
- Car of Juggernaught, the, 253
- Carcel and his Lamp, 22, 37, 43
- Carding Fibrous Materials, Bayley and Quarmby's Machinery for, 312
- Carlton Club, Ventilation of the, 312
- Carpet Manufactory, by Alexander Whytock (Society of Arts), 110
- Carriages, LVIllly'S Improvements In, 312
- Carriages, the Patent raiiitemps, 112
- Carriages, Prussian and English Railway, 323
- Carriage Repository, Iron, 314
- Carriage Steps, It. and E. Vezey's, 72
- Cartridges, Manufacture of, 73
- Cases fur Preserved Meats, 36
- Cast-iron Ordnance, from Hird, Dawson and II areby, 141
- Cathedral in Liverpool, 233
- Cattle Market, the New, 247
- Caulking Decks, &c., Macintyre's Apparatus for, 228
- Cause and Effect (Note Book), 169
- Caution (Note Book), 149
- Caution to Mine and Colliery Proprietors, 153
- Cavalry Equipments, Cruikshank's Improvements in, 32
- Ceilings, Decks, &c., Macintyre's Apparatus for Caulking, 228
- Celestial Bodies, &c., Rotary Movement of the, by James Nasmyth, Esq. 138, 150
- Cemetery, City of Esq., 139
- Cemetery Company, New, 265
- Cemetery, Delay in Opening the City, 247
- Cesspools Johnson's Machinery for Emptying, 76
- Ceylon Railway Company, 350
- Chadwick's Apparatus for Measuring Fluids, 256
- Chain Trade, 218
- Chairs, Davis's Improvements in Railroad, 256
- Chairs. Hostage and Tatlock's Slide and Tongue Railway, 152
- Chairs, Sand's Improvements in Securing Rails in Railway, 268
- Chamber of Commerce, 234
- Chamber of Commerce, Birmingham, 265
- Chamberlain, H., Burning and Drying of Bricks, by,322, 337
- Chamberlain, H., Manufacture of Bricks by Machinery (Society of Arts), 306
- Chamberlain, H., Experiments on the Strength of Bricks, 334
- Chance, Esq., William, Death of, 80
- Chance's Glass-Flattening Furnaces, 76
- Chance, IL, on the Manufacture of Glass, (Society of Arts), 78
- Chance, the School of the Brothers, 289
- Chatterway, Railways, their Capital and Dividends, by E. D., 138
- Cheap Train Company. 152
- Chelsea Bridge, 201, 323
- Chemical Constitution of odies, 7
- Chemical Influence of Electricity, Light, and 'Leal, 83, 99, 111
- Chemical Trade on the Tyne, 1 ,
- Chemistry, Importance of, 37
- Chepstow Gas %Voris, 253
- Child's, H., Boiler ant Pump, 188
- Child's, H., Incrustation upon Steam boilers, 26
- Child's, A., Oscillating Engine, 309
- China, Bellay's Improvements in Earthenware and, 117
- Cholera, French Academy (Note Book), 101
- Church's, Dr., Monster Breech Loading Cannon, 247
- Churches, Mr. Skidmore's Iron, 218
- Churning. Greening's Machinery for Washing, Mangling and, 180
- Chroom-Lahneraphy, 250
- Chrimes, Eskholme and Morris's Improvements in Preventing Waste of Water 112
- Circle, Quadrature of the, 13
- City Observatory, the, 191
- City Sewers, 183
- City Commission of Sewers, 139, 192, 247, 295, 323
- Civil Engineers, Institution of. 314
- Civil Service, Estimates of, 148
- Clark, D. K., Mr. Adam's New Rail, 25 and 26
- Clark, D. K., Assoc. Inst. C.E., Improvement of Railway Stock, 306
- Clark, Professor, M.D., Supply of Pure Water to the Metropolis (Society of Arts), 270, 282
- Clarkson's Patent Pumps, Masts, and Tents, 336
- Clay's Improved mode of Manufacturing Forged Iron, 96
- Clernence's Improved Omnibus, 140
- Cliaper Ship, Tiptree's, 12
- Clock at the Crystal Palace, Monster, 320
- Cloth, Dusautoys' Machinery for Cutting, 321
- Coal, 147
- Coal from Australia, 73
- Coal Freights. GO
- Coal from Liverpool, Shipment of, 314
- Coal to the Metropopolis, Supply of, 26
- Coal-Pits, Introduction of Gas into, 232
- Coal Trade, 74
- Coal, by the Steamer Panama, Saving in the Consumption of, 141
- Coal, to Supply Paris with, 68
- Coal, Uses of, 216
- Coal-Whipper's Bill, 346
- Coal, Van Dieman's Land, 53
- Cochrane, Messrs., Woodside Iron Works, near Dudley, 183
- Cocks, Frost's Ball or Float, 72
- Cocks and Taps, Scully and Heywood's Improvements in the Construction of, 216
- Coinage, the New (a Literary Notice), 82
- Coinage, Weights and Measures, Decimal, 348
- Coke. Narrow Escape from being Suffocated by Lighted, 129
- Collier and Mine Owners, Important Case to, (Note Book), 150, 338
- Collier, New Screw, 287
- Colliers' Steamers, Compartments in the, 181
- Collieries, Wolverhampton, 39
- Colliery Accident, 4
- Colliery Engine Brake, 202
- Colliery Filled with Water at Gateshead, 24
- Colliery Regulations, 60, 112
- Collier'. Association, the Steam, Premium .e500 (Note Book), 33
- Colliers' Strike, Scotch, 227
- Collisions and Accidents at Sea, by J. C. Hutchison, 170
- Collision at Sea, 142
- Colouring Steel and Bell Metal, 52
- Colt's Fire-arms, 60
- Combustion, B,' 185
- Commerce of Liverpool, on Sonic of the Animal and Vegetable Products Constituting the Foreign, Mr. Archer's Paper (Society of Arts), 122
- Commercial Prospect of the Country, (Note Book), 297
- Commission, a Subject for a Government (Note Book), 297
- Commissioners of Patents (Note Book), 81
- Commissioners, Report of the Exhibition, 259
- Committees on Railway Bills, Reports of the, 287, 294, 313, 322, 334, 347
- Committee of Works and Improvements, 213
- Communication with Australia, Steam, 57, 1:37, 217, 247, 297
- Communication with Australia, Postal, 295
- Communication between Driver and Guard, A. Molson, 45
- Communication with Ireland, Steam, 247
- Communication between London and Dublin, 34:
- Communication between London and Paris, Steam, 253
- Communication, Metropolitan, 295
- Communicator, Sibbald's Ship, 294
- Companies, Joint-Stock, 1:39
- Canpaniett, Prosperity of Indian Steam, 261
- Company, Austra,ian Steam Navigation, 217, 290
- Company, Banbury Gas Light and Coke, 290
- Campany, Bath, Gas, 224
- Company, Bernard's Patent Machine Boot and Shoe, 335
- Company, Birmingham Waggon, 146
- Company, Brighton Ga., 190
- Company, British Slog. 348
- company, Cape of Good Hope Gas, 192
- Company. Ceylon Railway, 350
- Company, Eastern Counties' Railway, 17
- Company, Fibre and Paper Manufacturing, 294
- Company, General Screw Steam, 171, 231
- Company, Hultsdorf Mills, 350
- Company, Imperial Lombardo-Venetian and Central Italian Railway, 247
- Company, Miner's Electro-Chemical Reduction; 207
- Company, New Gas, 218
- Company, North and South Wales Fuel, 227
- Company, Peninsular and Oriental S. P., 324
- Company, Philadelphia Steam Ship, 147
- Company, Proposed Lingfield Gas,194
- Company, Report of the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India, 335
- Company, Victoria London Dock, 271
- Company, Whichelo, versus The Brighton and Hove Waterworks, 295
- Compass, the, 22
- Compass Committee (Note Book), 125
- Compass, Experiments, 33, 45
- Compasses, Adjustment of Ships', 261
- Competition of Skill and Talent (Note Book), 247
- Conclusion of the Miners' Strike, 326
- Concrete, Use of New and Old, 44
- Conder's, Chas. E., Problem of Balance Weights, 286
- Condie, John, Butcher, and Newcy's Forge Hammers, 57
- Conducting rowers of Metals, 62
- Constantinople, 216
- Constantinople, Telegraphic Communication with, 217
- Conspiracy to Defraud, Extensive, 265
- Conspiracy in one of the Iron Works, Extensive, 277
- Consistency, Admiralty (Note Book), 249
- Consumption of Smoke in the Navy, 140
- Consul's Manual, The British (Literary Notice), 82
- Contracts, 202
- Contract with Government, by Messrs. Napier, Glasgow,) Contract in the Iron Trade, Alleged Breach of, 50
- Contracts are Given, how Government, 152
- Contracts for Rations, 72
- Cooling's Improvements in Pumps, 212
- Copper, Australian, 218
- Copper, Influence of Bismuth upon, 5
- Copper Smelting Monopoly, 185
- Copper and Tin, 317
- Copeock's and Robert' Improvements in Looms for Weaving, 56
- Corn Planters, Improvements in, 14
- Correspondents, To, 9, 21, 33, 45. 57, (39, 81, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 169, 185, 197, 213, 229, 249, 261, 273, 285, 297, 309, 325, 337, 349
- Cossham's Views, Mr. Handel, 277
- Cotsell's Improvements in Gutter and Kerb for Roads, 336
- Cotton, Colonel A., upon the Chief Requirements of India, 289
- Counterfeit Coin, 234, 253
- Court of Chancery, In re Adamson's Patent, 231
- Court of Chancery, In re Daines' Patent, 211
- Court of Chancery, In re Lowe's Patent, 118, 139
- Court of Chancery, In re Toison's Petition for Sealing a Patent, 263, 311
- Court of Bankruptcy, In re Mare, 153
- Court of Session (Scotland), Barclay and Co. against the Anderston Foundry Company. 167
- Court-martial on Commander F. P. Warren, 138
- Covent Garden Theatre, Fire at, 153, 170
- Covent Garden Theatre, Fire at (Note Book), 137
- Cowburn's Cellular Boiler and Oscillating Safety Valve, 268
- Creditor, a Grasping, Rebuked, 277
- Creditors of Messrs. Scott Russell and Co., Meeting of (Note Book), 81
- Crimea, Iron in the, 255
- Crow and Weallens' Improvements in Steam Engines, 136
- Crushing and Grinding Grain, Turner's Improvements in. 40
- Crushing Machine, Wm. Pattinson's Cornish, 81
- Crushing Grain, W. and J. Wright's Machinery for, 248
- Cryolite, Preparation of Aluminium from, 66
- Crystal Palace, 84
- Cruickshank's Improvements in Cavalry Equipments, 32
- Cruickshank's Improvements in Cavalry Equipments (Note Book), 33
- Cultivation by Steam (Society of Arts),Jno. Fowler, jun., Bristol, 54
- Culture, Steam, G3
- Cumberland Coal, 147
- Cunningham's Improvements in Reefing Sails, 209
- Customs Dues, United States, Reduction in the, 234
- Cutlery, by James Wilson, Manufacture of Articles from Steel, particularly (Society of Arts), 200
- Cutting Cloth, &c., Dusautoy's Machinery for, 321
- Cutting Paper, Machine for, L,' 185
- Cutting Paper, Card, &c., Ullmer's Improvements in Machinery for, 165
- Cylinders, Strength of Cast Iron, by John Orm• Andrews, 114
- Daine's Patent (Court of Chancery), 211
- Dalton's Improvements in Furnaces for Smelting Iron Ore, 18, 45
- Davey and Stanton's Warming and other Stoves, 72
- Davis's Patent Parallel Vice, 36
- Davis's Improvements in Railroad Chairs, 256
- Dawson, Mr. Geo., M.A., Midland Institute, 301, 329
- Dead by Burning, Disposal of the (Note Book), 33
- Deaf, Valuable Instrument for the, 303
- Death of W. Chance, Esq., 80
- Death of the Fine Arts Prize Association, 329
- Death of Mr. Mole, 218
- Decimal Coinage, and Weights and Measures, 348
- Decision as to Railway Travelling, 147
- Decks, &c., Macintyre's Apparatus for Caulking, 228
- Decorations, Architectural, a New Substance for, 38
- Detective Mortars (Messrs. II. and M. D. Grissell), 187, 131
- Delta, New Ship Launched for the P. and 0. Company, the, 294
- Denmark, Claims of, 341
- Dennison's, Mr., Anecdote of Cheap Train Company, 152
- Dentun versus The Great Northern Railway, 56
- Der Preusse, Launched from Messrs. Scott Russell Yard, 57
- Deschamp and Vilcoq's Free Diving Boat, 121
- Desert, Making a Sea of the Arabian, 26
- Despotism. a Plea for (Note Book), 309
- Dewrance's Patent Boiler, 77, 101, 108, 113
- Dewrance's Improvements in the Frames of Piano, Fortes, 293
- Diagrams Illustrative of Combustion of Smoke, 19
- Dickens' Machinery for Spinning Silk, 292
- Dickinson's Improvements in Making Piper, 293
- Dickson's Mr. John, Permanent Way, 38, 57
- Diggers, Gold, 298
- Digging Machine, 257
- Digging Potatoes, Hanson's Machinery for, 164
- Dinner of the Society of Arts, Anniversary, 346
- Discharging and Loading Vessels, 120, 152, 193
- Discharging and Loading Vessels, J. Taylor and Co., 24
- Diving Dresses, on Improvements in, by Mr. W. Heinke. 143, 183
- Docks, Accident at the West India, 259
- Docks, Extension at Newport. 217
- Docks, North Shields and Tyncmouth, 228
- Docks at Trieste, 284
- Docks at Victoria, 298
- Dock Company, Victoria (London), 271
- Docks, Yarrow, 259
- Dodge's Machinery for Spreading Waterproofing Compounds, 348
- Donations to the Society of Arts, 105
- Dowlais Waterworks, 343
- Downing-street, Proposed Improvements in Pall-mall and, 145
- Drainage of the Fens, 106
- Drainage (I•eland) Advances Bill, 347
- Drainage, South of London, 229
- Drainage, South of London (Note Book), 197
- Drake's, Dr., Ignition Engine, 8
- Drawing off Aerated Liquors, Rogers' Apparatus for Retaining and, 104
- Drawing Instruments, 14, 234
- Drill, Knighton's Portable, 181
- Drill, Nasmyth's Grooving Machine, or Recessing, 280
- Drilling and Recessing Machine, by Messrs. Kershaw, 344
- Drilling and Screw-cutting Machine, 25
- Drying Purposes, Consumption of Smoke and its Economy for, 118
- Drysdale, Assoc. Inst., C.E., Chas., on Steep Gradients of Railways and the Locomotives employed (I.C.E.), 199, 210
- Dubrulle's Improvements in Safety Lamps,173
- Dues, The Danish Sound, 341
- Dues, Opposition to the Liverpool, 277
- Dundalk and Enniskillen Linc of Rails, Sinking of t Portion of the, 52
- Dunn's New Duplicate Retort Steam Boiler, 196, 297,33:
- Dusautoy's Machinery for Cutting Cloth and other Sul, stances, 321
- Dutch Engineers on a Tour of Inquiry, 329
- Duty on Iron, Reduction of, 329
- Dwelling for the Labouring Classes, 334
- 'Dyer,' Heating Water in Boilers, 69
- Dyffryn Coal Pit, Fatal Accident at the, 106
- Earthenware and China, Bellay's Improvements in, 117
- Eastern Counties Railway, 52, 53, 141
- Eastern Counties Railway (Note Book), 21, 33
- Eastern Counties Railway Company, 17
- Eastern Counties Railway, State of the, 167
- Eccentric Sluice Valve, Wailes's, 181
- Economy for Drying Purposes, Consumption of Smoke and its, 118
- Effect, Cause and (Note Book), 169
- Egypt, Public Works in, 258, 311
- Egyptian Railway, 53
- Elected Candidates, Inst. of Civil Engineers, 67
- Elected Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 199, 258, 67
- Election of Directors of Eastern Counties Railway, 141
- Election of Members of Society of Arts, 134
- Electricity, Heat, and Light, Chemical Influence of, 83, 99, 111
- Electric Communication with America, 335
- Electric Motive Engines, 113
- Electric Telegranhs, Walker and McKenzies Improvements in, 109
- Ecetro-Chemical Reduction Company (Miners), 207
- Electro Magnet, A.C.E., 125
- Elevations, Stocqueler and Saunders' Apparatus for Obtaining, 173
- Elliott, W. E., on Main Drainage (South London), 229
- Ely Tidal Harbour and Railway, 287
- Embankment and Excavation, Method of Calculating, by Geo. A. Simmonson, 322
- Emering, Ernest, on Smoke Nuisance, 337
- Employment of Workmen on Sundays, 211
- Enamel, Paris's Patent, 234
- Enfield Water Works, 32
- Engine, Mesers. Beyer and Peacock's Wall, 344
- Engine, Dr. Drake's Ignition, 8
- Engine, Experiments with Boydell's Traction, 183, 195
- Engine Framing, Messrs. Hawthorn's System of, 61
- Engine, Igniter Gas, 190
- Engine, A. Child's, Oscillating, 309
- Engine, Dr. Tremblev's Steam Ether (Note Book), 45
- Engine, Fairbairn's, 'Pumping, 183
- Engine, Ritchie's, 8, 16, 29, 69
- Engine, Ritchie's (Note Book), 9
- Engines, Allen's Improvements in Steam, 212
- Engines, Fire, 55
- Engines, Improvements in Rotary, 7
- Engines, Lawrie's Improvements in Marine Steam, 168
- Engines, Morton and Hunt's Motive Power, 68
- Engines, Wm. Bailey's, Portable, 285
- Engines, Wellen's and Crow's Improvements in Steam, 136
- Engines, Wharton's Improvements in Marine Steam, 48
- Engines, Working Steam Expansively in Marine, 13
- Engineers at Paris, Congress of, 341
- Engineers' share in the late War (Note Book), 185
- Engineering, Railway Practice and Mechanical, 15, 27, 51, 75. 166
- Enniskillen Line of Railway, Sinking of a Portion of the Dundalk and, 52
- Enterprise, a New Russian Field of (Note Book), 229
- Equipments, Cruikshank's Improvements in Cavalry, 32
- Ericsson, Accident to Mr. (Note Book), 9
- Eskholme, Morris, and Corime's Improvements in Preventing Waste of Water, 112
- Esplan's Apparatus for Regulating the Supply of Gas, 216
- Esplanade, Thames, 7, 18
- Essay on Smoke, the Prize (Note Book), 149
- Estimates of Civil Services, 148
- Etna, the, 212
- Excavation and Embankment, Method of Calculating, by Geo. A. Simmonson, 322
- Exchequer, Court of, Wood versus Bell and Others, 263
- Expenses, by D. K. Clark, C.E., on the Improvement of Railway Stock, &c., 306
- Exhibition for 1858, the Art, 295
- Exhibition of Art Treasures at Manchester, 335
- Exhibition, Commissioners, Report of the, 259
- Exhibition, French, 257
- Exhibition of 1856, French Agricultural, 217, 227
- Exhibition of Inventions (Society of Arts), 171, 187
- Exhibition of 1857, Manchester Art, 283
- Exhibition Reports, Paris, 167
- Exhibition of the Works of Art, Our Next (Note Book), 285
- Exhibitors at the last Paris Show, Successful, 329
- Experiment in Steam Navigation, 320
- Experiments in the Admiralty (Note Book), 138
- Experiments with Boydell's Traction Engine, 195, 183
- Experiments in Gunnery, 208
- Explosion at Bilston. Boiler, 265
- Explosion, Boiler, 38, 50, 181, 247, 342, 253
- Explosion, Boiler, Cannot be Prevented (Note Book), 198
- Explosion, Boiler, W. Andrews, 229, 249
- Explosion, Boiler, Masters' Cupidity and Engineers' Disgrace (Note Book), 213
- Explosion of a Bomb Shell at Llandaff, 291
- Explosion, Dreadful Colliery, 293
- Explosion, Earl Granville's, Colliery, 341
- Explosion in Glasgow, Dreadful Boiler, 217
- Explosion at a Japannery, 253
- Explosion, Prevention of Steam Boiler, 296
- Explosion, Prevention of Steam Boiler (Note Book), 297
- Explosion, to Prevent, 277
- Explosion in Steam Boilers, Cause of, J. Anthony, 81
- Explosion in Steam Boilers, Cause of, R.P.C., 26.1
- Explosion in Steam Boilers, by Mr. W. K. Hall, United States (I.C.E.), 133, 171
- Explosion of Sulphur, 253
- Explosion at the Ynisdavid Pit, 320
- Exports of Metals and Machinery, Increase in, 302 Exports of Metals, 1855, Imports and, 341
- Expunging the Blots from the Statute Book (Note Book), 213
- Extension of Newport Dock, 217
- Extinguisher, A Gun Fire, 265
- Eyre, Major Vincent, On Metallic Boats and Military Waggons, United Service Inst., by, 274
- Fabrics, on the Printing of, by J. Birch (Soc. of Arts), 246
- Factories Bill, 201, 212, 231, 334, 346
- Factory Bill and Inspectors, 295
- Factory Bill, the Millowners of Huddersfield and the, 259
- Factory Inspectors' Report, 311
- Failure of a Steam Navigation Company (Note Book), 309
- Fairbairn's New Pumping Engine, 183
- Fairbairn's Tank Locomotive, 321
- Fairbairn's Tank Locomotive, by " E," 337
- Fairbairn's, W., Usefull Information for Engineers, 57, 69
- Fall of a Suspension Bridge in Canada, 320
- Faraday, D.C.L., F.R.S., on Certain Magnetic Actions and Affections (Royal Inst. of Great Britain), 122
- Fatal Submarine Experiment, 7
- Father of Screw Propulsion, the (Note Book), 249
- Fawcett, Messrs., of Liverpool, 57
- Feeders for Lubricating Machinery, Burdess' Oil, 129
- Feeding Apparatus for Steam Boilers, Ramsbottom's Safety Valves and, 96
- Fees from British Applicants for American Patents, Barlow and Co., 287
- Fees to Engineers, Inquest, 265
- Fees from Patent Office, Surplus, 77
- Felkin, Win. Esq.. F.L.S., on the State of the Machine Wrought Lace Trade (Society of Arts), 294
- Fens, Drainage of the, 106
- F. H.,' Oscillation, by, 170
- Fibrous Materials, Bayley and Quarmby's Machinery for Carding, 312
- Fields of North Devon, Iron and Coal, 353
- Fiery Cross, Ship, the, 211
- File-Cutting Machinery, Newton's, 76
- Filling Corn and other Sacks, Campain's Machinery for, 77
- Filter, Cheap Household, 4
- Fine Arts Prize Association, Death of the, 329
- Fining a Pit Proprietor, 253
- Fire-arms, Colt's, 60
- Fire-arms, Minid's Improvements in Breech Loading, 18
- Fire-arms and Railway Signals, Captain J. Norton's, 52
- Fire Damp, Explosion of (Yensdavid Pit), 320
- Fire Engines, 55
- Fire at Covent Garden Theatre, 153, 170
- Fire at Drury Lane Theatre, 142
- Fire, How to Make a, 73
- Fire Insurance, Reduction in, 190
- Fire at Messrs. Scott Russell's Ship Yard, 140
- Fires, Prevention of, W. W., 273
- Fire-proof Buildings, M. S. Bentham's,199
- Fires, Fire-proof Structures, (Soc. of A.), by Jas. Braidwood, Assoc. Inst. C.E., Sup. of L. F. Brigade, 258
- Firing Guns by Galvanism, 191
- Fireworks in the Parks, 247
- Fisher's Screw, 311
- Fishery, Pearl, 106
- Fish Jointing, W. Bridges Adams', 111
- Fish Joints, W. Bridges Adams', 6.5
- Fish Joints, Robert Richardson, 100
- Flattening Furnaces, Chance's Glass, 76
- Flax, &c., Lowry's Machinery for Heckling, 208
- Fleetwood and Belfast Line of Steamers, 65
- Fluids, Chadwick's Apparatus for Measuring, 256
- Flushing Apparatus for Sewers, Self-acting, 128
- Food, Preservation of, i40
- Foreign Patent Law, United States, 146, 172
- Forge Hammers, Butther and Newey's Improvements in, 44, 57
- Forgery of Bank Notes, 274
- Forging Machine, Putman's, 28
- Forrester and Co., Monster Mortar, Messrs. George, 164
- Forsyth, Thomas, Incrustation on Steam Boilers, 26
- Foundries in Liverpool, Manufacture of Enormous Pieces of Ordnance at, 38
- Foundry Hoist and Cupola, a New, 265
- Fountains, Cast-iron (Note Book), 69
- Fowke, R.E., Captain, on an Improved Sword, 288
- Fowler, jun., J. Bristol, on Cultivation by Steam, 54
- Fowling-pieces, Improvements in, 265
- Fox and Others, Bush e. Sir Charles, 347
- Framing, Messrs. R. and W. Hawthorn's System of Engine, 61
- France, Mining in, 329
- Francis' Patent Metallic Life Boats, Trial of Mr., 347
- Frauds, Gas, 153
- Free Trade and Free Industry (Note Book), 273
- Free Trade with France, 329, 341
- Free Trade, Progress of, 329
- French Novelties, 8
- Frigate, Shannon, 24
- Frost's Ball or Float Cocks, 72
- Fuel Company, North and South Wales, 227
- Furnaces, Chance's Glass Flattening, 76
- Furnaces, Juckes' Improvements in, 208
- Furnaces for Smelting Iron Ore, Dalton's Improvements in, 18, 45
- Furnaces, Valuable Remarks on Steam Boilers, &c., 102
- Fullers and Williams' Improvements in Wrenches, Pliers, and Spanners, 32
- Fuse, Captain Norton's Concussion, 109
- Galvanism, Firing Guns by, 191
- Gas, 66
- Gas Apparatus Portable, 145
- Gas, Apparatus for Purifying and Carbonising, 7
- Gas Company, Bath, 224
- Gas Company, Brighton, 190
- Gas Company, 218
- Gas Company, Cape of Good Hope, 192
- Gas in Coal Pits, J. H. Little on, 249
- Gas into Coal Pits, Introduction of, 232
- Gas Engine, an Igniter, 190
- Gas, Esplin's Apparatus for Regulating the Supply, 216
- Gas Fitter's Mutual Association, 217
- Gas Fitting, the Science of, 106
- Gas Frauds, 153
- Gas Company, Hanson's Oletlant, 308
- Gas, Ignition of, 185
- Gas, Mead's Regulator, 36
- Gas, Melbourne Supplied with, 193
- Gas, Peat, 250
- Gas Company, Proposed Linfield, 194
- Gas Question, the, 231
- Gas Regulator, Young's, 80
- Gas, Rowland's Apparatus for Purifying, 73
- Gas, Stent's Improvements for Measuring, 132
- Gas Supplied in our Street Lamps, Quantity of, 43
- Gas Company, Usk, 260
- Gas Light, Origin of, 124
- Gas Works, Alleged Nu;sance of, 345
- Gas Works, Chepstow, 253
- Gate, Cast Iron, by Baily and Sons, 296
- Gate in the Upper Danube, Removal of the Iron, 273
- Gauges for Collieries, Steam Pressure, 45
- Gauges, Gas and Water, 277
- Gauge, Hopkinson's Steam Pressure, 104
- Geographical Society, Royal, 295, 307
- Geology, 65
- General Screw Steam Company, the, 171
- German Railways, 44
- Gertrude, the Steamship, 338
- Gilding on Thread and Fibre, by Francis Bennoch, 210
- Girder Rail, W. Bridges Adam's New, 25, 30, 43
- Girders, Hamilton's Iron, 73
- Girders and Tubes, Mr. J. M. Heppel, Inst. Assoc., C.E., (Institution Civil Engineers), 27
- Girders, which is the Best Treatise on, 125
- Glasgow Iron Trade, 10
- Glasgow Waterworks, 294
- Glass-Flattening Furnace, Chance's, 76
- Glass, Manufacture of, by Mr. H. Chance (Society of Arts), 78, 18
- Glass, New Ornamental, 353
- Glass Product, Artistic, 277
- Gloomy (Note Book), 150
- Gold, Australian, 346
- Gold Diggers, 298
- Gommee and Bcaugrand's Machinery for Manufacturing Metals Wares, 269
- Goodall's Grinding Machine, 215
- Good's Straw Shakers of Threshing Machines, 141
- Government Contracts are Given, How, 151
- Government Patronage and Science (Note Book), 325
- Government Treatment of Inventors (Note Book), 325
- Gower's Improvements in Cannon-shot, 145
- Gradients of Railways and the Locomotives Employed, on Steep, by Mr. Charles Drysdale, Assoc. Inst. C.E., 199, 210
- Grain, Nalder's Improvements in Winnowing, 144, 169
- Grain, Turner's Improvements in Crushing and Grinding, 40
- Grain, W. J. Wright's Machinery for Crushing, 248
- Grantham, Mr., on Shipping (Note Book), 9
- Granville's Colliery, Explosion at Earl, 341
- Grates, Redmayne's Improvements in Stoves and, 105
- Great Eastern Steamer, Messrs. Scott Russell and Co.'s, 250
- Great Northern Railway, Denton v. the, 56
- Great Mammoth Steam-ship, 268
- Green and Wright's Improvements in the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles, 121
- Greening's Machinery for Washing, Mangling, and Churning, 180
- Greenock, 02
- Griffith's, Mr., Trial of his Screw Propeller (Note Book), 57
- Grimsby, 86
- Grinding, Crushing, &e., Patterson's Machinery for, 348
- Grinding and Crushing Grain, Turner's Improvements in, 40
- Grinding Machine, Gordall's, 245
- Grinding Mills, Improvements in, 209
- Grinding Saws, Southwell's Machinery for, 232
- Grissells', Messrs., Iron Lighthouse, '225
- Grissells', Messrs., Mortars, 131
- Grissells', Messrs., Mortars (Note Book), 137
- Grooving Machine, or Recessing Drill, Nasmyth'i, 280
- Guano in the Arabian Coast (House of Commons), 295
- Guano, How to Apply, 269
- Guernsey, 195
- (Wilbert. and GuiIlemere's Bridle for Over-ruling Fiery Horses, 292
- Gulf Stream, the, 14')
- Gun, Completion and Removal of the Mon.ter, 296
- Gun Machinery, American, 20
- Gun at the Mersey Steel and Iron Company's Works, the, 106
- Gun, the Monster, 132, 232
- Gunboat Launch at Northern, 29
- Gunnery, Experiments in, 208
- Guns by Galvanism, Firing, 191
- Gutta Percha Tube for every Train (Note Book), 21
- Gutter and Curb for Roads and Streets, Cotse11's Improved, 336
- Haekett's Safety Valve for Boilers, 268
- Hall, Mr. W. K., United States, on the Causes of Explosions of Steam Boilers (Inst. Civil Eng.), 133, 171
- Hamilton's Iron Girders, 73
- hammers, Butcher and Newry's Improvements in Forge, 44, 57
- Hammer, Gigantic Steam, 164
- Hammer, New Steam, Longwell, 301
- Hampstead Heath, 295, 334
- Hampstead Heath. Purchase of (Note Book), 350
- Hannon'a Machinery for Digging Potatoes, 164
- Hanson'. Olcfinnt Gas Company, 308
- Hanwood and Welatipool, Shrewsbury, 7
- Harbour and Breakwaters, the Holyhead, 187, 313
- Harbour, Ramsgate, 347
- Harmony of Theory and Practice in Mechanics, 100 Meting'. Balance Weights, 0., 214, 287
- Hainwes, Wm., on the Manufacture of Soap (Society of Arts), 172
- Hawthorn's, Messrs. R. and W., System of Engine Framing, 61
- Heat and Light, Chemical Influence of Electricity of, 83. 99, 111
- Heat, Motion and. 315
- Heating Water, Plan for, MLA., 61
- Heating Water, Plan for, T. W. Witkinion, 261
- Heating Water, Plan for, II. Child'., 273
- Heckling Flax, 8te., Lowry's Improvements fur, 208
- Heinke, Mr., on Improvements in Diving Drown and other Apparatus for Working under Water, 143, 1143
- Helmet, M., Iron Girders and Tubes (Inst. C. E.), 27
- Hepplewhite, Improvements in Spare Rudders for Ship. 141
- Improvements Improvements in Propelling Vessels, 96
- Hewitt's Machinery for Pulverising by Means of Pestle and Mortar, 168
- Hexamicus, London Sewerage, 311
- Heywood and Scully'. Improvements in the Construction of Cocks and Taps, 216
- Heywood and Scully'. Improvements in Locks and Latches, 132
- Hillotype, On American Invention, 37
- Hirudine, Propeller by W., 230, 286
- Hirudine, Propulsion, J. H. Pideock, 262, 310
- Hirudine, Propulsion, K. it. U., 335
- Hoare', D. J., Screw Propeller, .tag
- Hobb’s Lock Picked, 3 3
- Hoffman's, Professor, Experiment with Ammonium, 302
- Hollow Spherical Italie, 7
- Holidays and Early Payment of Wages, Half, 234
- Holyhead Harbour and Breakwaters, 313
- Holyhead (Harbour Howie of Commons), 187
- Hook, Hunt's Patent Safety, 13, 21, 33, 45, 113
- Hopkinnon's, Jun., J., Boiler, 325
- Hopkinson's So am Pressure Gauge, 194
- House Rake, Smith's Improved, 232
- Hoskyn's, C. W., The Progress of Eng(ah Agriculture during the last Fifteen Years (Society of Arts), 122
- Hospital at Sheerness, Military, 179
- Hostage and Tatlock's Slide and Tongue Railway Chair, 152
- House of Commons, 187, 201, 211, 231
- House of Lords, Contract Mortars, 142
- House of Lords, St. James's Park, 231
- Hull versus Bollard, Infringement, 211
- Hulee'. Bar Cutting Tool, 345
- Hultoulorf Mills Company, 350
- Humber, Submarine Telegraph Across the, 248
- Humphrey and Other., Union Steam Collier Company r., 118
- Hunt and Morton's Motive Power Engines, 68
- Hunt's Patent Safety Hook, 13, 21, 33, 45, 113
- Hunter, Geo. J., Hunt's Patent Safety Hook, 113
- Hydraulic Machinery at Woolwich, 284
- Hydraulic Presses, gorbury's Improvements in, 245
- Igniter, Gas Engine and, 190
- Implements of Agriculture. New, 329
- Implements, Agricultural, SO
- Important to Agriculturists, 342
- Import, and Exports of Metal., 1855, 341
- Improvements, Metropolitan (Note Book), 338
- Improvements in Pall-mall and Downing-street, Propertied, 115
- Improvement... who Is Benefited by Industrial, 39
- Incapacity, Official. by M.P., 286
- Incrustation upon Steam Boller., 11. Child's, 26
- Incrustation upon Steam Boilers, M. de Itoussois', 67
- Incrustation upon Steam Boiler., Thos. Forsyth, 26
- Incrustation upon Steam Boilers, by James Napier, F.C.S., 169
- Incrustation upon Steam hollers, Preventing the, 265
- Incrustation upon Steam Boilers, Mr. Wheelwright, 38 India, Canals, in, 167
- India, Communication with, 295
- India-Rubber Springs, New Omnibus on, 335
- India-Rubber, Steam Packing, 1.2
- Indian Patent Law (Note Book), 273
- Indian Railways, East, 233
- Indian Steam Company, Prosperity of the, 261
- Indicator, Self-Acting Supply Valve Alarm Whistle and, 218
- Industrial Arts, Metal. and the, 112
- Industrial Improvement's. w ho is Benefited by, 39
- Infernal Machine, Submarine. 353
- Inflammable Buildings in our Dockyards? who Designs (Note Book), 169
- Inflammable Building., by ' Ironstone,' 215
- Infringement, Hull, ',rams Bollard, 211
- Ingram, Building-yard, Launch of a Gun-Boat from Messrs., 115
- 'Inquirer,' Properties of Water without Air, 13
- Inshaws, Mr., Boat,
- Inspector of Coal Mines. 66
- -Calculations, Mental, by Mr. Geo. Kidder, 111, 123
- Candidate. Elected, 07, In, 270;
- Diving Dresses and other Apparatus for Working under Water, by Mr. W. Heinke, on Improvements in, 143, 183;
- Docks, by Mr. Murray, M I.C.E., Progressive Construction of the Sunderland, 268, 270, 283
- Explosions of Steam Boilers, by Mr. W. Kemble Hall (U.8.), on the Causes of, 133;
- Girders and Tubes, Mr. J. Si. Heppe', 31.1.C.8., Iron, 27; Ocean.. and the Practicebillty of a Ship Canal without Locks by the Valley of the Atrato, Mr. F. M. Kelley (U 8.), on the Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific, 220. 240;
- Railways, British, Mr. Robert Stephenson, M.P., 15
- Railways and the Locomotives employed, by Mr. Chas. R. Drytelale, Assoc. Inst. C.E., on Steep Gradients of, 199, 210;
- Railway, Locomotive Stock and Reduction of the Working Expenses, by D. K. Clark, Assoc. Inst. C.E., on the Improvement of, 300;
- Reply of Mr. Robt. Stephenson, 31.P., to Observations on the Second Report of the Postmaster- General, Abstract of the, 294;
- Thames, by Mr. H. Robinson, Assoc, Inst. C.F.., the Pant and Present Condition of the River, 43, 35, 67
- Institution of Civil Engineers, 311
- Institution of Great Britain, Election of Members of Royal, 199, 2.58
- Institution of Great Britain, on the Origin and Transformations of Motive Power, by Professor Wm. Thomson, F.1t.8., 226
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 79, 258
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Birmingham (Note Book), 57
- Institution, United Service, on Metallic Boots and Military Waggon., be Major Vincent Eyre, 274 Institute, the Midland, 277
- Instruments, Drawing, 234
- Insurance, Reduction in Fire, 190
- Inventions, Exhibition of (Society of Arta), 171, 187
- Invention., Government Treatment of (Note Book). 325
- Investigation, North Western Committee of, Mr. Whitworth, 101
- Irregularity of the Australian Mail, 174
- Ireland, Agricultural Statistics of, in-
- Iron, Birch's Improvements in the Manufacture of, 100
- Iron Buildings, n Novelty in Architecture, 106
- Iron, Clay's Improved Mode of Manufacturing Forged, 96
- Iron, Cleveland, an
- Iron in the Crimea, 255
- Iron Girders, Hamilton's, 73
- Iron Manufacture (Society of Arts), 21
- Iron, Native and Colonial (Note Book), 170
- Iron Ore in Prumin, 273
- Iron Pavement. 52
- Iron Region of Lake Superior, 23
- Iron Roadways, 104, 113
- Iron Roadways In London, 48
- Iron Shipbuilding on the Tyne, 84
- Iron Trade, 74
- Iron Trade, Alleged Breach of Contract in the, 50
- Iron Trade, Annual Report of the British, 189
- Iron Trade, Glasgow, 10
- Iron Trade in the Neighbourhood of Leeds, Extension of the, 105
- Iron Trade, South Staffordshire, 10
- Iron Wheel., Pellenz's Improvements in, II
- Iron Work. in the Cleveland District, 111
- Ironmasters' Quarterly Meeting, Birmingham, 26
- Ironmasters' Quarterly Meeting. Wolverhampton. 26
- 'Ironstone,' who Designs the Inflammable Budding in our Dockyards! 169
- Isle of Wight Steam Bridge, 56, 152
- Isthmus of Suez, 16
- Isthmus of Sues (Review), 81
- Jenkins', F., Criticisms on Mr. Fairbairn's Book, 197
- Jewellers' Sweeps, Refining, 330
- Johnson'. Improvements in Pins, 18
- Johnson's Improvements in Transmitting Motive Power Applicable to Horse Mills, 124
- Johnson's Machinery for Emptying Cesspools, 76
- Johnson's Machinery for Rolling or shaping Metals, 216
- Joint Stock Bill, 211
- Joint Stock Companies, 139
- Joint Stock Companies' Bill, 130, 346
- Jointed Ships, 65
- Jointed ship, Macaweney'a, 224
- Joints, W. B. Adams' Fish, 65, Ill
- Joints, Robert Richardson'. Fish, Lou
- Joints of Pipe. and Tubes, Parsons' Improvements in Securing, 257
- Juckes' Improvements in Furnaces, IOR
- Judicial Committee of Privy Council, Betts' Patent Capsule., 335
- Judicial Committee of Privy' Council, Longmaid's Patent Alkali, 347
- Kelley, F. M., Mr., Practicability of a Ship Canal by the Valley of the Atrato (Inst. C.E.), 226, 216
- Kensington Gore, Museum of Art and Science, 214, 215
- Kensington Gardens, Orchestra in, 253
- Kent Line. North (Note Book), 9
- Kershaw, Drilling and Recessing Machine by Messrs., 314
- Kidman's Improvements in Tillers or Yokes, 1130
- Kite Paddle Steam Vessel, the, 151
- Knife Trade, Table, 314
- Knighton's Portable Drill, 181
- Knitting Machine, American, 271
- Knowledge, Importance of Engineering, 287
- Knowles and Threlfall'a Looms for Weaving, 269
- K.R U., Hirudine Propeller, 215, 335
- K.R.U., Problem of Balance Weight*, 136, 198, 262
- Labels, Postage, 323, 334
- Labour in Melbourne, the Demand for, 343
- Lacy's Trenching Plough, 248
- Lace Trade, Mr. Felkin on the State of the Machine. wrought, 294
- Laird, Launch of Boats from the Building Yard of Mr., 141
- Laird, Launch of Mortar Boats front the Building Yard of Mr., 171
- Laird, Launch of Two Gun Boats from the Building Yard of Mr.. 112
- Lamp, Cared and his, 22, 37. 43
- Lamps, Carcel and Watts' (Note Book), 33
- Lamps, Dubrulles' Improvements in Safety, 173
- Lamps, Price* Paid for Public, 234
- Lamps, Quantity of Gas Supplied in our Street, 43
- Lamps, Wilkins Improvements in, 72
- Lancashire Railway Bills in Parliament, 153
- Landing Stage, Liverpool, 109, 196
- Lanterns, Rogers' Improvements in Ships' Signal, 129
- Latches, Scully and Heywoodn' Improvements in Locks end, 132
- Launch of an American Frigate at New York, 151
- Launch of Boat. from the Building Yard of Mr. John Laird, 141
- Launch of the Cadmus, 314
- Launch of a Floating Battery on the Thames, 2.50
- Launch of a Gun Boat from Messrs. Ingram's Building Yard, 145
- Launch of an Iron Steamer, the Annie Vernon, from
- Messrs. Vernon and Sons' Building Yard, 112
- Launch of nn Iron Screw Steamer from Messrs. J. and W. Smiths', North Shields, 14a
- Launch of a Large Screw Collier from Messrs. Scott Russell's Yard. 102
- Launch of Mortar Boats from Mr. Laird's Yard, 171
- Launch of Mortar Vessels from Messrs. Mare and Co., 172
- Launch of Mortar Vessels from Messrs. Scott and Sons' Building Yard, 141
- Launch of the New Screw Steamer, Neva, 324
- Launch of the New Ship Delta, for the P. and Os Company, 294
- Launch of the Nimrod, 234
- Launch at Northern, Gunboat, 29
- Launch of the Itrynard, 245
- Launch of Screw Steamer from Messrs. Samuelson.', 326
- Launch of a Screw Steamer from Messrs. Caird and Co.,114
- Launch of the Severn in Chatham Dockyard, 66
- Launch of the Six Mortar Vessels, from Messrs. John Scott and Sons, II 1
- launch of the Terror, 253
- Launch of the Torino, 314
- Launch of the Two Gun Boats, from Mr. John Laird's Building Yard, 112
- Launch of the Two Gun Boats, from Messrs, J. and W. Smith's, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 130
- Launch of the Victor Emmanuel, 217
- Law Proceeding., Lowe.' Patent (Court of Chancery), 118
- Law Proceedings, Pim versus Campbell and Others, 118
- Law Proceedings, the Union Steam Collier Company versus Humphreys and Others, 118
- Lawrie's Improvements in Marine Steam Engines. 108
- Leeds, Extension of the Iron Trade in the Neighbourhood of, 105
- Lee's Improvements in Marine and other Boilers, 52
- Lenny'. Improvements in Carriages, 312
- Liability for Railway Accidents, 66
- Liability of Managers, loo
- Liability of Shipowners (Note Book), 330
- Liberality of Ironmasters,
- Lichfield Bank Failure, 2.53
- Life Boat, Designed by James Peake, Esq., 20
- Life Boats, 335
- Life Boat, Trial of Mr. Francis' Metallic, 347
- Life Buoy, 49
- Light, Chemical Influence of Electricity, Heat and, 83, 99, 114
- Light upon Plante, Effect of, 44
- Lighthouse Constructed by Mesa's. Grissell, Iron, 22;
- Lights for Sailing Ship. (Howse of Lords), 311
- Lighting of Buckingham Palace, 207
- Lille Cathedral Committee, Medal from the, 341
- Lincoln's-inn-Field., a Thoroughfare North and South through, 311
- Little, J. H., GA. in Coal Pit., 249
- Liverpool and American Lino of Steamers, 338
- Liverpool Cathedral, 253
- Liverpral, the Floating Landing Stage, MO, 196
- Liverpool, Literary and Philosophical Society, 3R
- Liverpool, Manufacture of Enormous Pieces of Ordnance at, 38
- Liverpool, Polytechnic Society, 79
- Liverpool, Port of, 293
- Liverpool, Railway and Dock., 294
- Liverpool as a Shipbuilding Port, 2$
- Liverpool, Strike of Ship Painters, 233
- Liverpool, Submarine Tunnel from Birkenhead to, 22s
- Liverpool, Town Duca, 253, 301
- Loading and Discharging Vessels, 120, 152, 193
- Loading and Discharging Vessel., James Taylor and Co., 24
- Loch Katrina Water Scheme, the Glasgow, 272
- Lock, a New Bank, 265
- Lock. and Latches, Scully and lleywood'. Improvements in, 132
- Locomotive, a Hot Air, 205
- Locomotive, New, 167
- Locomotive of Messrs. Tod and McGregor (Note Book), 9
- Logic, Vindication of Mr. Fairbairn's (Note Book), 149
- London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, Beattie •em.; the, 317
- London and North Western Railway Company, 104
- London Waterworks, 101
- Longinnitra Patent Alkali, 347
- Loom'. for Weaving, Roberts and Coppock's Improvements in, 50
- Looms for Weaving, Threlfall and Knowles', 269
- Lord Ward's New Works, 234
- Loss of Property, Mr. Tod's, 10%
- Loss of the Steam Frigate Polyphemus, 65
- Loss, why Carry at a (Note Book), 149
- Lost Steamships' 181
- Lovett, Balance Weiglita by J., 230
- Lowe's. Patent (Court of Chancery), 139
- Lowe's Apparatus for Propelling Vowel., 30R
- Lowry'. Ntichinery for Heckling Flax, arc., 208
- Lubricating Machinery, Burdess's Oil Feeders for, 129
- Ludbrook's Improvements in Railway Wheels, 192
- Luklns', A. S., Regulator, 273
- Machinery of the 19th Century, 19a
- Mecintyre's Apparatus for Caulking Decks, Ceiling's, and Floors, 228
- Mackenzie rersua Dunlop, Wilson and Co. (Appeal, House of Lords), 311
- Mackworth's Improvements in Washing and Separating Metals, 148
- Mactiught's Improvements In Steam Boilers, 36
- Macsweney's Jointed Ships, 2!4
- Magnay, Messrs. G. F. Young, Son and, Shipwrights Absenting themselves from the Service of the Firm of, 347
- Magnetic Actions and Affections, on Certain, by Prof. Faraday, D.C.L., F.R.S., R. 1. Great Britain, 122
- Magnetism of Iron Ships, Inquirer, 125
- Magnets, Electric, 45
- Mails to Australia, 323, 347
- Mulls in Ireland (House of Commons), 263
- Mails, Irregularity of the Australian, 174
- Mails to Suez, Conveyance of, 323
- Maladministration (Note Book), 285 Buckled Plates, 19
- Mancini Mr. Robert, Design of Monster Mortar (Note Book), 33
- Management by Direct Action, Railway, 46
- Managers, Liability of Railway, 104)
- Manchester, Art Exhibition, 1857, 283
- Manchester, Exhibition of Art Treasures at, 335
- Manchester, Literary and Philosophical Society, 37
- Manchester School of Art, 245, 3.3
- Manchester, a Tour in the Provinces: Messrs. Beyer, Peacocks, and Co.'s, 332
- Manchester, a Tour in the Province. Mr. Fairbairn's, 324
- Manchester, a Tour in the Provinces Messrs. Mather and Platt. 344
- Manchester, Tour in the Provinces: Mr. Nasmyth's, 280
- Manchester, Tour in the Provinces, Mr. W hitworth'a, 304
- Mansfield, Suicide of Mr. V. D., 174
- Manslaughter, Verdict of, 205
- Manufactures. on Progreso, in Design. as Applied to, by George Wallis (Society of Arts), 134
- Mangling, Greening'. Machinery for Washing, Churning, and, 180
- Marchinton'a Improvements in Vices, 293
- Mare and Co.'s, Messrs., Despatch in the Completion of Orders, 33
- Mare and Co.'s, Messrs., Launch of Mortar Vessels, 172
- Mare's, Mr., Bankruptcy, 196
- Mare's, Chas..1. (Court of Bankruptcy), 153, 208, 323
- Marine Engines, Working Steam Expansively in, E. E. Allen, 13
- Marine and other Boilers, Lee's Improvements in, 52
- Marine Steam Engines, Lawrie's Improvements in, 168
- Marine Steam Engines, Wharton's, 48
- Markets, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 106, 118, 130, 142, 154, 174, 190, 201, 217, 233, 341, 353, 234, 205, 277, 289, 301, 313, 329,
- Marlborough, Trial of the, 239
- Marshes, Woolwich, 342
- Martieu, Application of Steam, &c., in Metallurgical Operations by Mr. J. G., 257
- Masts, and Tents, Clarkson's Patent Pumps, 336
- Masters and Workmen (Note Book), 111, 211, 231, 247, 349
- Mathematics (Literary Notice), 82
- Mather and Platt's Establishment, Manchester, Messrs. 344
- Mathiot, a Self-sustaining Battery, by George, 146, 182
- Maurice on Schools, the Rev. F. b., 277
- Mead's Dry Gas Regulator, 36
- Meandre, S:ew Screw French Steamer, 80
- Measuring Fluids, Chadwick's Apparatus for, 256
- Measuring Gee, St.ent's Improvements for, 132
- Mechanics, Harrowing, Theory and Practice in, 100
- Mechanics, Practical, 105
- Mechanics, in Schools, Description of Apparatus for 'reaching, by Prof. 11 Mk, F.R.S. (Soc. of Arts), 183
- Medal from the Lille Cathedral Committee, 341
- Meetings of Ironma.ters. Quarterly, 2u2
- Melbourne, Demand for Labour in, 345
- Melbourne Supplied with Gas, 193
- Mellor and Young's Machinery for Supplying Water to Steam Boilers, 1,96
- Members, Election of, Royal Institution of Great Britain, 67, 199
- Members, Election of, Society of Arts, 134
- Mental Calculation, by Mr. bidder (Inst. C.E.), Ill, 123 M
- Mensuration (Literary Notice), 82
- Mercantile Law Amendment Bills, 130
- Mercury, Purifying, • C.E.D.,' 337
- Mersey Steel and bon Company's Works, the Monster Gun at the, 106
- Metallurgy, Practical, by Jo'. Napier, F.C.S., 39, 54 Metallic Alloy, S
- Metallic Arch for Bridges, &c., Tabourin's New System of, 101l
- Metallic Boats, by Major Vincent Eyre, United Service 'institution, on, 274
- Metals for Casting, 1113
- Metal Ware^, Gomme and Benugrand's Machinery fur Manufacturing, 269
- Metals, Conducting Powers of, 62
- Metals, Imports and Exports of, 1655, 341
- Metals, Johnson's Machinery for 'tolling or Shipping, 216
- Metals and the Industrial Ails, 142
- Metals and Manufactures in the Lancashire and Yorkshire Districts, '234, 254, 206, 278, 290, 3112, 314, 330, 342, 354
- Metals, Page's Improvements in Moulding or Shaping, 129
- Meters for Measuring the Flow of Liquids, Aldridgo's Improvements in, 29
- Metford's Traversing Theodolite, 103, 113
- Metropolitan Board of Works, 131, 151, 182, 195, 211, 231, 247, 2113, .:74, 287, 205, 311, 32•, 3.14, 317
- Metropolitan Improvements (Note Book), 3.18
- Metropolitan Local Management, :140
- Metropolitans School of Science, I-,
- Metropolitan Subway. Proposed New Street and, 9.57
- Midland Institute, Commencing of the, 289
- McGregor. Mr., upon the Probability of Free Trade with France, 277
- McKenzie and Walker's Improvements in Electric' Telegraphs, 109
- Milford Haven and the South of Ireland, Steam Communication With, 228
- Military Preparations at Portsmouth, 141
- Mill, the First Paper, Ill
- Mills, Improvements in Grinding, 209
- Mills, Johnson's Improvements in Transmitting Motive Power Applicable to Horne, 124
- Mills in the Royal Dockyard, 191
- Miller's Patent Omnibus, 112
- Millowners of Huddersfield on the Factory Bill, 259
- Miliward, Wm. (Cameron's Boiler), 103
- Minerals, Mackworth's Improvements in Washing :it'd Separating. 148
- Minerals, Newton's Improvements In Washing and Separating, 192
- Mine., Assessment of, 294
- Mines, Bill and Failure of Similar Measure' in 1797 and 160)3, New Rating of, 265
- Mines Bill, Report of, 311
- Mines, Rating of, 330
- Miners' Electro-Chemical Reduction Company, 207 Miners' Strike, 27H
- Miners' Strike, Origin and Extent of the, 259
- Nfieie's Improvements In Breach Loading Fire-Arms,18 Mining, Damage* by, 234
- Mining in France, 3211
- Mining, Progress of, by J. Yellaby Watson, F.0.8.,138
- Molson, Esq., Alfred, Communication between Driver and Guard, 45
- Money, the Unrestricted Use of, 337
- Money and War, 11. B., Southampton, 150
- Monster Gun. the, 132
- Monster Mortar, Messrs. Geo. Forrester and Co., 164
- Monster Projectile, 14
- Moor, Bramham, 34e
- Monument of Geo. Stephenson, Proposed, 317
- Morality, Parliamentary, twill. Trade (Note Book), 229
- Mortars, Contract (Meow of Lord.), 142
- Mortars, the Defective, 131, 167, 231
- Mortar, Messrs. Geo. Furrester and Co.'s Monster, 164
- Mortar, Hewitt's Machinery for Pulverising by Means of Pestle and, 168
- Mortar Ship, Sealiorse, 227
- Mortars, Trials with it Now, 330
- Mortars, the Tree.. Note Book), 149
- Mortar at Woolwich, Bursting of a, 171
- Mortar Vessel. from Messrs. John Scott and Sons, Launch of Six, 111
- Morris, Chrimes, and Yakholme'a Improvements in Preventing Waste of Water, 112
- Morton and H ant'• Motive Power Engine, 68
- Motion and Heat, 345
- Motion, Perpetual, 73
- Motive Power Et-rinee, Morton and Hunt's, 68
- Motive Power app legible to 1: orne Mills, Johnson's Improvements in Transm !ling, 1 et
- Motive Power, on the Origin of, by Professor W. Thompson, F.R.S. (Inst. of Great Britain), 2.0
- Moulding or Shaping Metals, Page's Improvements in, 129
- Moulding and Shaping Metals, Page and Robertson.'" Improvements In, 200
- Murray, Mr., M.I.C.E., Progress and Construction of Sunderland Docks (Society of Arts), 258, 270, 283
- Museum, Architectural, 170, 336
- Museum of Art and Science, Kensington Gore, 214, 245
- Myers' Improvements in Buffers and other Springs for Railway and other Carriages, 152
- Nail Rods, Increase of Price in, 265
- Nail Trade, 353
- Nails, Machinery to make Cut, 218
- Nalders' Improvements in Winnowing Grain, 144, 169
- Napier, Mr., of Glasgow, Floating Battery, built by (Note Book), 21, 125
- Napier, Jan , F.C.S., Incrustation upon Steam Boilers,
- Napier, Jam., F.C.S., Practical Metallurgy, 39, 54
- Napier, Jas., F.C.S., Sheathing of Ships, 107. 110, 131
- Nasmyth's Grooving Machine or Rectasi tag Drill, 280
- Nasmyth, E.g., Rotary Movements of the Celestial Bodies, by Jas., 138, 150
- National Gallery, 323,334, 347
- Naval Construction, Iron (Note Book), 197
- Navigation of the River, Impediments to the, 347
- Navigation, Interesting Experiments in Steam, 320
- Navy, Consumption of Smoke in the, 140
- Navy, the steam, 259
- Navy, the Strength of the British, 250
- Neath Harbour, improvements in, 250
- Nesbit, on the Effects of Science, Professor, 277
- Net, Brooman'n improvements in the Manufacture of Figured, 104
- Nowey and nutcher'e Improvements in Forgo Hammers, 44, 37
- Newport Dock, Extension of, 217
- Newport Town Council (Note Book(, 113
- Newton's File-cutting Machinery, 76
- Newton's Improved Calculating Apparatus, 121
- Newton's Improvement/. in Separating Minerals, 192
- New York, 8.ii-building in, 40
- Nile, Steam-Tugs on the, 324
- Nimrod, Launch of the, 234
- Norbury's Improvements in Hydraulic Presses, 243
- Normandy's New Circular Weaving Machine, 124
- Norton's Concussion Fuse, Capt., 100
- Norton's Frictional Shell, 140
- Norton's Invention. of Railway Signals and Fire-arms, 52, 152
- Nuisance of Cu Works, Alleged, 345
- Nuisance, Smoke to B C , 285
- Nuisance, Smoke, C. W. Williams, 297
- Nuisance, Smoke, with Diagram, 19, 30, 42
- Nuisance, Smoke, Ernest Emering, 337
- Oatmeal, Phosphorus in their (Note Book), 21
- Observatory, the City, 191
- Ocean SteanbLiner from Havre. the New, NZ
- Oceans, Traitsit between the Atlantic and Pacific (Moto Book), 309
- Official Incapacity, be M. I'., 266
- Oil-Feeders for Lubricating Machinery, Burdess'e 129
- O'Keefe, C.E., M. T., Improvements at London Bridge, 137
- Omnibus, American, 128
- Omnibus, Mr. Clemence's Improved, 140
- Omnibus, New, 260
- Omnibus on India-rubber Springs, 33.5
- Omnibus, 31111,, Improved Patent, 112
- Omnibus, the Patent Cosy Express, 117
- Omnibus, the Patent Saloon, 100
- Omnibus, Premium for the best Design of (Note Book), 113, 101
- Omnibus, Mr. Richard Roberta' Patent, 321
- Opening Address, 3
- Opposition, Railways running in (Note Book), 69 Ordnance, Cast Iron, 141
- Ordnance, Manufacture of Enormous Pieces of, at Liverpool Foundrics, 38
- Ordnance, Mr. Page's (Note Book), 9
- Ordnance Survey of Scotland, the, 293
- Origin of Gaslight, 124
- Oscillation and Balance Weights, by A., 213
- Oscillation and Balance Weights, by Basting., 214
- Oscillation and liteance 'Weight', by 1r.. F. 170
- Oscillation and Balance Weight, by W. F.,
- Owners, Important case to Collier mind Mine (Note Book), 130, 3314
- Pacific, the, 153, 103
- Pacific, Supposed Remains of the, 266
- Packing, Patent India-rubber Stesni, 152
- Paddle Wheel, 192
- Page's Improvements in Moulding or Shaping Metals 129
- Page and Robertson's Improvements in Moulding of Shaping Metals 260
- Pall-mall to Buckingham-gate, Road from, 323
- Pall-mall and Downing-street, Proposed improvement) in, 145
- Palmer's Improvement; in Propelling Vessels, 50
- Palmer's Ship Propeller, 96
- Palmer, of Jarrow, Messrs., Constructing Battery (Note Book), 33
- Panama Railway, 235
- Panama Railway. Accident on the, 320
- Paper, Card, &e., Ulimer's Machinery for Cutting, 162
- Paper, Dickiroam's improvements in Making, 20:t Paper Duty, 334
- Paper Manufacturing Company, Fibre and, 294
- Paper Mill, the First, 111
- Paper Trade, Important Discoveries in the, 48
- Paratempo Carriage, the Patent, 142
- Paris Ethibition Reports, 167
- Paris, Subterranean, 7
- Paris, %Trial between Steel Pen Manufacturers at 66
- Park, Bridge in the (Note Book), 337
- Park, Design for a New Roadway under St. James's, 128
- Park, St. James's, 120
- Parliamentary Intelligence, 142, 187, 201, 211, 231, 247, 261, 298, 205, 311, 323, 334, 341
- Parliament r. Trade Morality (Note Book), 220
- Parson'• Improvements in Securing Joints of Pipes and Tubes, 257
- Partnership Bill, 130
- Partnership Reform (Note Book), 197
- Passage Etraordinary, GO
- Patents, Commissioners of (Note Book), 81
- Patents, Fees from British Applicants for American, Barlow and Co., 287
- Patent Law, Indian (Note Book), 273
- Patent Journal, IC, 22, 34, 46, Sa, 70, 67, 102, 115, 126, 139, 153, 175, 188, 203, 219, DO, 231, 203, 275, 258, 298, 313, 326, 3:18, 350
- Patent Law, United States, Foreign, 146, 172
- Patent Office Fees, Surplus from, 77
- Patents, Statistics, 76
- Patterson's Machinery for Grinding and Crushing, fie., 343
- Pattinaan, Mr., Cornish, (.7 ushing Machine, 81
- Patronage and Science, G a^trument (Note Book), 323
- Pavement, Iron, 32
- Peace, Consequences of, 77
- Peacock's Improvements in Shipbuilding, 209
- Peacock's Work. at Gorton, near Manchester, Messrs. Beyer and 312
- Peacock's Wall Engine, Messrs. Beyer rind, 344
- Peak, Esq., James, Life Boat designed by, 20
- Pearl Fishery, 106
- Peat-bog, Secrets of the, 130
- Peat Gas, Pullen, 2i0
- Pellenz's Improvements in the Manufacture of Iron Wheels 41
- Pembroke, New Drill Battery at, 211
- Peninsular, and O. S. P. Company, 7. 320
- Penn and Son, Messrs.. to Supply High-pressure Engine. 'Note Book), 21
- Pension on Mr. F. I'. Smith, 67
- Peru Screw Steam Ship, 11
- Pere, Steam Ships Valetta and, 168
- Perfumes,
- Perils of the Rail in America, 135
- Permanent Way, John Dickson, 39, 57
- Permanent Way, Letter from L. C. E., 187
- Permanent Way, Spencer'), 49, el, 67, 69, 70
- Perpetual Motion, 73
- Perry'a Improved Printing Machine, S
- Persia, the Cunard New Steamer, 39
- Persia at Liverpool, the, 20A
- Persia, the (Note Book), 114
- Persia, the, Steam Ship, 231
- Persia, Sailing of the, 136
- Pestle and Mortar, Hewitt's Machinery for Pulverising by means of, WS
- Peters, Mr., Improved Mode of Casting follow and Spherical Bodies, 7
- Petition in Favour of the Local Dues and Shipping Bill, 203
- Philadelphia Steam Ship Company, 147
- Phillips, IL Laveroek, Omnibus, 128
- Philosophy of Railways, Mechanical, 8, 26
- Photo-Galvanography by Herr Paul Fretsch, Sofa, n7
- Photographic Room at Chatham, New, 314
- Photi,grapha on Silk, 233
- Photograph). under Water, 283
- Pianofortes, ruction of, 65
- Pianofortes, Dewrauce's Improvements in the Frames of, 293
- Pidcock, J. IL. Itiradine Propulsion, 262, 310
- Pidcock's, J. 11., Hirudine Propeller (E. W. Y.), 325
- Pidcock, J. IL, a LeVer in Reference to Mr. Nasmyth's Suggestions Respecting the Origin of the Rotary Movement of the Celestial Bodies, 150
- Pidcock's Method of Propelling Vessels, 180, 187
- Pig Iron, Improvements in, 2.54
- Pig Iron, Tendency to a Decline in the Price of, 253
- Pilotage Returns, 165
- Pim realm Campbell and Others, 118, 203
- Pins, Johnson's Improvements in, 18
- Pipes, William Burns, Engineer, Water, 16.5
- Pita, Open, 253
- Pittsburg, Steel Manufacture at, 105
- Planets to be Discovered, 112
- Planing Machine, Barlow's Improvements in, GO Planes Effect of Light upon, 44
- Planters, Improvement. in corn, 14
- Plates, Mallet's Buckled. 10
- Platt and Mather's Establishment, Manchester, Messrs., 344
- Player, C. E., John, Feeding Boilers, 14
- Pliers, and Spanners. Williams and Fuller's Improvements in Wrenches, 132
- Plough, Lacy, Trenching, 249
- Ploughs, Williams' Machinery for Driving and Actuating, 97
- Plumstead, Description of the Waterworks at, 284 Poisoning Cases (Note Book), 69
- Poisoning, Suspicion of, 50
- Polishing Saws, Southwell's Machinery for Grinding or, 242
- Polyglase, In re Richard Jenkin (Court of Bankruptcy), 331
- Polyphemus, 1,0%.4 of the Steam Frigate, 05
- Polytechnic Institution, Royal, 314
- Polytechnic Society, Liverpool, 79
- Pontoon Mortar Raft, 75
- Poop, Tucker, Hoskin. and Co.'s Description of the Patent Safety, 101
- Portable Gas Apparatus, 145
- Portrait Galled, National Iliatorical, 323
- Portsmouth Dockyard, Accidental, 60
- Portsmouth, Military Preparations at, 141
- Postage Labels, 3 '3, 334
- Postage Stamps for Newspapers. 334
- Postal Communication with Australia, 107, 187, 231
- Postal Guide and Postal Anomalies, the (Note llook), 285
- Postmaster General's Reply to Observations in Second
- Report of the, by R. Stephenson, Esq.. M.P.), 294
- Potatoes, Hansom's Improvements in Machinery for Digging, 164
- Postmaster-Ch•eral, Mr. Stephenson r,rates the (Note Book), 208
- Practical Mechanics, 105
- Practice, Mechanical Engineering, Railway, 15, 27, 51, 75,116
- Presentation, 121
- Pressure of Steam in the Boiler, Dyer, G9
- Preservation of Food, 140
- Pressure, an Atmosphere of, 95
- Pretach, Herr Paul, on Photo-galvanorraphy, 227
- Preventing site of ^%ater, Morris, Chrimee, and F-skholme'. Improvements in, 112
- Prevention of Accidents, 7
- Prevention of Boiler Explosions, R. W., 297
- Prevention of Fires, W. W., 273,
- Prevention of Steam Boiler Explosions, 290
- Price's Candle Company (Society of Arts), G. F. Wilson, Esq.. F.R.S., 41
- Prince Albert, New Bust of, 299
- Printing of Fabric*, by Joseph Birch (Soc. of Arts), 216
- Printing Machine, Perry's, S
- Pr sting Patent, the Tunes, 19
- Prize Essay on the Prevention of the Smoke Nuisance, by Chats. Wye Williams, Assoc. Inst. C.E., 163, 179, 191, 297, '221, 213, 2;5, 267, 279, 2-1, 30 319, 343
- Process of Crating with Aluminium, New, 311
- Process of Iron Manufacture, New, 341
- Professor Ehrenberg's Microscope, 130
- Proger's Improvements In Ships' Signal Lantern's, 129
- Progress of the New Bridges (Note Book), 297
- Praia.. of Shipbuilding, 164
- Projectile's, Trial of, 291
- Propeller, Ilirucline, by 215
- Propeller, 1). J. Floare's Screw, 188
- Propeller, Hirudine, by W., 2 tO, 286
- Propeller, Hirudine, by E. W.Y., J. U. Pideock's, Propeller, Palmer'. Patent Ship, 86
- Peopensirs, Whitaker'. Improvement* in Screw, 37
- Propelling Vessels, Hewitt'. Improvements in, 96
- Propelling Vessels, Lowe's Apparatus for, 308
- Propelling Vessels, Palmer's Improvements in, 36
- Propelling Vessels, Pideock's Method of, 180, 187
- Propulsion, the Father of Screw (Note Book), 219
- Propulsion, Hirudine, J. 11.
- Pideock, 262, 310, 335
- Proprietors, Caution to Mine and Colliery, 133
- Prosecution for Causing an Explosion at Earl Graneille's Colliery, 341
- Prospects, of the Country, Commercial (Note Book, •07
- Prosperity, Our Railway (Note Book), 273
- Prussia, iron Ore in, 273
- Public Works' Bill, 201, 211
- Pump, II. Child's Boiler and, 188
- Pumps, Bilge, 218
- Pumps. Cooling's Improvements In, 212
- Pump., and Tents, Clarkson's Patent Masts, 336 Pumping Engine, Fairbairn's, 183
- Pumping and Shearing Machines., 13
- Purification of the Bs idgewater Canal, 224
- Purifying Gus, Rowland'. Apparatus for. 7.l
- Putman's Ituproved Forging Machine, 2,
- Quarmby and Bayley's Machinery for Carding Fibrous Materials, 312
- Queen's Bench, Court of, Beattie vers. the London and Brighton Railway Company, 347
- Queen's Bench, Court of, Beattie vers. the London and Brighton Railway Company (Note Book), 349
- Queen's Bench, Court of, Pint versus Campbell and Others, 118, 263
- Queen's Bench, Court of, Union Steam Colliery Co. versus Humphrey, 116
- Raft, the Pontoon Mortar 75
- Rags fur Paper Making, Importation of, 271
- Rail, W. Bridges Adams' New, 25, 30, 43
- Rails, Axles, and Tyres, Patent, )1:3
- Rails, Compound Wedge for, 7
- Railroad, a Crooked, 104
- Railway Accident, 104
- Railway, Brazilian, 86
- Railway Company, Denton e. the Great Northern, 50
- Railway and Canal Traffic, 133
- Railway, Eastern Counties, 52, 53
- Railway, Egyptian, 53
- Railway, the Forth and Clyde Junction, 314
- Railway Liability for Accidents, 66
- Railway Company, London and North-Western, 104 Railway Lord, A, 7
- Railway Management by Direct Action, 40
- Railway, Mediterranean and Jerusalem, 287
- Railway from Paris to the Mediterranean, 64
- Railway Practice, Mechanical Engineering, 15, 27, 51, 75, 101
- Railway Reform, 49, 96
- Railway Servant., 196
- Railway, Sinking of a Portion of the Dundalk and Enniskillen,
- Railway, Southampton and Dorchester, 247
- Railway Speculation, 14
- Railway Travellers, Important Decision to, 120, 147
- Railway War, 119
- Railways, American, 52, 53
- Railways, Austrian, 248, 312, 338
- Railways, British, Robert Stephenson, Esq. (Institution Civil Engineers), 15
- Railway., their Capital and Dividends, by Edward Chattaway, 138
- Railways, hart Indian, 233
- Railways, German, 44
- Railways, Mechanical Philosophy of, 9, 26
- Railways, Russian, 97, 231, 312
- Ramsbottom's Safety Valves and Feeding Apparatus for Steam Boilers, 116
- Ramsgate Harbour, 347
- Ramsgate Harbour (House of Commons), 263
- Rating of Mines, 350
- Rating of Mines' Bill, 311
- Ration., Contract for, 72
- Receipt•, Telegraphic Despatches, 73
- Recessing Machine, by Messrs. tierahaw, Drilling anc1, 314
- Recorder, the, 193
- Redmayne's Improvements in Stoves and Grates, 105
- Reduction of Duty on Iron, 329
- Reduction in Fire Insurance, 100
- Reefing Sails, Cunningham Improvements In, 209
- Reeling Sails, ltowett's Improvements, in Fitting and, if; Reform, Partnership Note Book', 197
- Reform, Railway, 19, 96
- Reform, Railway (Note Book), 186, 2.29
- Regent's Canal Tug-boat, 4, 8
- Regulator, A S. Judkins', 273
- Reguator, Mead's Dry Gas, 36
- Regulator Young's Gas, 60
- Rejoicings, the Forthcoming Peace, 217
- Relations between the Boiling Points, Specific Volumes, and Chemical Constitution of Bodies, 7
- Removal of the Iron Gate in the Upper Danube, 273
- Rennie's, Improvement. in Marine Steam Engine Boilers, 308
- Report of Mr. Adam.' Girder Rail (Note Book), 21
- Report of the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Company, 335
- Books Lout, Not Books Lost, 198;
- British Consul's Manual, the, 82;
- British Workman, the, 82;
- Coinage, the New, 82; Isthmus of Suez, 81;
- Letters addressed to her Majesty's Secretary of State, with regard to the operation of invention for the consumption of smoke, 114, 125;
- Machinery of the Nineteenth Century, the, 198;
- Mathematics, Arithmetic, and Algebra, 82; Mensuration, 62;
- Origin of the Rotary Movements of the Celestial Bodies, /cc., by Jas. Nminyth, Esq., 138,150;
- Progress of Mining in 1855, by Jos. Jellaby Watson, PALS., 138;
- Railways, their Capital and Dividends, by J. D. Chattaway, 138;
- Things not generally Known, by John Timbs, 108;
- Useful Information for Engineers, Wm Fairbairn, 57, lb;
- Valuable Remarks on Steam Boilers and Furnaces, tie., 102;
- Year Book of Facts-for 18.50, by Jn . Tim lm, F.8.A., the, 198
- Report of the British Iron Trade, Annual, 189
- Report, the Factory Inspectors'. 311
- Report Read, Annual (Royal Inst. Great Britain), 238
- Report of the scotch Trade. Thos. I horburn's, 190
- Reports of Committees on Railway Bills, 287, 333, 322, 334, 347
- Repository, Iron Carriage, 314
- Retort Steam Roller, Description of a New, 11-5
- Revenue Returns, 301
- Rewarded, Two Seamen, 174
- Reynaird, Launch of the, 245
- Rhine Fall, Bridge over the. 278
- Richardson's, Robert, Fish Joints, 1t0
- Ritchie's Engine, 8, 10, 29, 69
- Ritchie's Engine (Note Book), 9
- Riveting, Double, 45
- Road from Pall-3I.11 to Buckingham-Gate, 323
- Road from St. James's Park, New, 223
- Road in St. James’s Park (Note Book), 123, 137, 325
- Roadway under St. James's Park, Design for a New,128
- Roadways, Iron, 104, 113
- Roadways in London, Iron, 48
- Robert and Coppock's 1,401. for 'Weaving, 56
- Roberta' Patent Otnnibu•, Mr. Richard, 321
- Robertson and Page's Improvements in Moulding or Shaping Metals, 200
- Robinson, C.E., Mr., on the Condition of the River Thames (Institution Civil Engineers), 43, 55, 07
- Rochester Bridge, New, 348
- Rogers' Apparatus for Retaining and Drawing off Aerated Liguori., 101
- Rolling or Shaping Metals, Johnson,s machinery for, 210
- Rolls' Court, Whichelo, r. the Brighton and Hove Water Works Company, 295
- Roots, Square and cube, by Mr. Bidder, 134
- Ropes, Strength of Wire, 203
- Ropes, Wire, 253
- Rose Ileinich, Aluminium from Cryolite, 06
- Rotary Movements of the Celestial Bottles, by James Nwonyth, Esq., 135, 150
- Rothera's Machinery for Making Bolts, Screw Blanks, 308
- Route to Australia, New, 32u, 334
- Rowett'a Improvements in Reefing Sails, 16
- Rowland'. Apparatus for Purifying Gas, 73
- Royal Albert, Cause of Accident to the (Note Book), 101
- Royal Institution of Great Britain, 07
- Royal Institution of Great Britain, Mr. Faraday on Certain Magnetic Actions and Affections, 122
- Ruabon Iron Works, North %1 ales, Unprecedented make, of Iron at the, 266
- Rudder. for Ships, Hepplewhite's Improvements in Spare, 141
- Russell and Co., Statement of the Affairs of Messrs J. Scott, 14
- Rusida, Public Works in, 235
- Russian Field of Enterprise, New (Note Book), 229 Russian Railways, 97, 231,312
- Ruston's Improvements in Anchors, 345
- Sacks, Campaign's Machinery for Filling Corn and Other, 77
- Safes, Patent Iron, 253
- Safety Lamps, Dubrulle's Improvements in, 173
- Safety Poop, Description of the Patent, Tucker, Ilos.. kin., and Co., 101
- Safety of Railway Travelling, 123
- Sailing of the Persia, 136
- Sails, Cunningham's Improvements in Reefing, 209
- Sails, Rowett's Improvements in Fitting, Handling, and Reefing, 16
- Sale of a Colliery, 277
- Sale of Debris, Extraordinary, 294
- Salford, the Collection at, 2,0
- Saloon, Omnibus, 100
- Silt-water to London, Supply of (Note Book), 249
- Sands' Improvements in Securing Rails in Railway Chairs, 208
- Sandwich Beams. An Architect, 300
- San Fioreneo, a 50 Gun Vessel, 229
- Sanitary Matters, Cows in the City, 247
- Saunders and Stoqueler's Apparatus for Obtaining Elevations, 173
- Saving in the Consumption of Coal by the Steamer Panama, 141
- Saw Mills in the Royal Dockyard, 191
- Saws, Suuthwell's Machinery for Grinding and Polishing, 232
- School, of Art, Belfast, 38
- School of Art, the Manchester, 303, 315
- School of Art, Warrington, 38
- School of Science, Metropolitan, 210
- Schools of Art, Removal of, 323
- Schools, the British Mining, 253
- Schools at Bristol, 277
- Schools of Science and Mechanics, 277
- Schools for Unedueated Workmen, 253
- Science, Advancement of, 323
- Science of Gas Fitting, 106
- Science, Government Aid to, 329 •
- Science, Government Patronage and (Note Book), 321
- Science, Metropolitan school of, 210
- Scientific Association, American, 253
- Scotch Gun Battery. 231
- Scotch Iron Trade, Thos. Thorburn's Report of the, 190
- Scotch steamships, 11
- Scott, Russell and Co., Building Mortar Boats (Note Book), 21
- Scott, Russell and Co., Great Eastern Steamer, 250
- Scott. C.E., Mr. Ballot, 278
- Scott, ltuasell and Co.'s Ship Yard, Extensive Fire at Messrs., 110
- Scott, Russell and Co.'s Suspension of Payment (Note Book), 69
- Scott and Son's Building Yard, Launch of Mx Mortar Vessels from, 111
- Scott and Sons, Launch of a Mortar Vessel from Messrs., 1.11
- Screw Blanks, Ace., Rothera's Machinery for Making Bolts and, 308
- Screw Block Ships, 270
- Screw Cutting Machine, Drilling and, 25
- Screw, Fisher's. 211
- Screw Propeller, D. J. Hare's, 188
- Screw Propellers, Whittaker's Improvements in, 37
- Screw Steam Company, 231
- Screw Steamship, 'the Belgique, 10 71
- Screw Steamer, from Messrs. Caird and Co.'s, Launch of la, 114
- Screw Steamer, Meander, 80
- Screw Steamship, I'era, 11
- Screw Steamers, Purchase of, 73
- Scully and Heywood's Improvements in Locks and Lactic., 132
- Scully and Heywood's Improvements in the Construction of Cock. and Taps, 216
- Sea of the Arabian Desert. Capt. s% alley, 26
- Sea, Collision* and Accidents at, 142, 170
- Sea-horse, the Mortar Ship, 227
- Seamen Rewarded, Two, 174
- Sebastopol, 60, 05
- Secretaryship, Society of Arts, Assistant, 302
- Securing Joints of Pipes and Tubes, Parsons' Improvements in, 257
- Securing Rails in Railway Chairs, Sands' Improvements in, 268
- Self-acting Flushing Apparatus for Sewers, 128
- Self-sustaining Voltaic Battery, By George 'Mathiot,146, 182, 210
- Senators of London, the (Note Book), 229
- Separating Minerals. Mackworth's Improvements in Washing and, 118
- Separating Minerals, Newton's Improvements in, 192 Servant, Emblem of a Good, 123
- Servants, Railway, 106
- Services, Estimates of Civil, 148
- Sessions, Liverpool, Blythe v. Tayleur, 211
- Sessions, Liverpool, Hull e. Bollard, Infringement, 211
- Sessions of Scotland Court, Barclay and Co. c. the Anderston Founder Company, 167
- Sewage of Great Cities, 227
- Sewerage, to December, 1847, London, 113
- Sewerage to December, 11117, London, 166
- Sewerage from December, 1817, to December, 1835, 194, 1146, 213, 235
- Sewerage from lst January, 1830, 235
- Sewerage of London (Note Book), 119
- Sewerage of London, by ' Ilexatuicus,' 311
- Sewers, City, 183
- Sewer., City Commission of, 139, 167, 192, 247, 287, 295, 323
- Sewers, Self-Acting Flushing Apparatus for, 128
- Sewing Machines, 102
- Severn, in the Chatham Dockyard, Launch of the, 6-
- Shakers of Threshing Machines, (Sood's Improvementa in Straw, 141
- Shannon, New Frigate, 24
- Shareholder, Model Railway, 37
- Shaw, LL.D., Simeon, Railway Signals and Self-Actir Breaks, 113
- Shearing and Punching Machines, 13
- Sheathing of Ships (Note Book) 114
- Sheathing of Ships, 'Iss. Jas. Napier, F.C.S., 107, 119, E
- Sheerne's, Military Hospital .it, 179
- Shell, Captain Norton's Frictional, 140
- Shell Experiments at Woolwich, 75
- Sherman, Henry, Steam, 9
- Shields, North, and Tynemouth Dock, 228
- Shipbuilding, 298
- Shipbuilding, Iron, 324
- Shipbuilding in New York, 40
- Shipbuilding, Peacock's Improvements in, 209
- Shipbuilding Port, Liverpool as a, 28
- Shipbuilding, Progress of, 161
- Shipbuilding, Rendering Timber Uninftammable for, 6,
- Shipbuilding on the Tyne, 85
- Ship, a Clipper, the Tiptree, 12
- Ship, Macsweney's Jointed, 224,
- Ship, Screw Steam, Pert, 11
- Ship, a Veteran, 62
- Shipowners, Liability of, 330
- Shipping Trade, Liverpool, 14
- Shipping Returns, 55
- Shipping Statistics, 296
- Ships' Anchors Betteley's Improvements in, 53
- Ships' Compasses, Adjustment of, 261
- Ships Jointed, 65
- Ships' Signal Lanterns, Progers' Improvements in, 129
- Shipwrights Absenting themselves from the Service of Messrs. Young, Son, and Magnay, 317
- Shipwrights' Strike (Note Book), 326
- Shipwrights, Want of, 335
- Shot, Gower's Improvements in Cannon and, 145
- Shot Tower, Cast-iron, 12
- Shot Tower, New York (Note Book), 9
- Show at Paris, Airricultur I, 335
- Shrewsbury, Hanwood and Wclshpool, 7
- Sibbald's Ship Communicator, 294
- Signal between Driver and Guard, 81
- Signal, Captain Norton's Railway, 39, 152
- Signal Lanterns, Progers' Improvements in Ships', 129
- Signals and Self-acting Break., S. Shaw, LL.D., 113
- Silk, Dicken's Machinery for Spinning, 292
- Silk Manufactures, by Mr. Thos. Winkworth, on the British (Society of Arts), 283
- Simmons, versus Vansittart and Others (Bail Court), 3_3, 311
- Sitting in Error, Bush, versus Sir Chris. Fox, and Others, :147
- Skill and talent, Competition of (Note Book), 249 Slag, Applications ef, 7
- Slag Company, the British, 343
- Sluice Valve, Welles's Eccentric, 181
- Sluices at Boulogne, 174
- Smelting Iron Ore, Dalton's Furnaces for, 18
- Smelting Monopoly, topper (Note nook), 185
- Smith's Improved Horse Rake, 232
- Smith, A., Hunt's P(Lent Safety Hook, 21
- Smith's, Messrs T. and W., Launches of Gun-boats and large Iron Steamer at, 126
- Smith's, North Shields, Launch of an Iron Screw Steamer from, 14e
- Smith's, Mr. F. P., Pension, 67
- Smithfield, 201
- Smoke, its Economy for Drying Purposes, Consumption of, 118
- Smoke, Letter addressed to the Secretary of State on the Consumption of, 114, 123
- Smoke Nuisance, 326
- Smoke Nuisance Abatement Bill, 213, 323
- Smoke Nuisance, by Mr. Chus. Wye Williams, Assoc. Inst. C.E., IL Prize Essay on the, 163, 179, 191, 207, 223, 243, 255, 267, 279, 291, 303, 319, 343
- Smoke Nuisance, (A B C), 285
- Smoke Nuisance, Ernest Emering, 337
- Smoke Nuisance, Chas. We Williams, 297
- Smoke Nuisance, with Diagrams, 19, 30, 42
- Smoke in the Navy, Consumption of, 140
- Smoke Prevention (House of Lords), 203
- Smoke Prevention, 185
- Smoke Prevention, a Smoker, 18.5
- Smoke Prevention, a Working Man, 169
- Smoke, the Prize Essay on (Note Book), 149
- Snow, a Winding-sheet of, 106
- Soap, on the Manufacture of, by Wm. Hawes, Soalety of Arts, 172
- Societe Generale des rlippers Franois, 267
Society of Arts -
- Agriculture: During the last Fifes n Year., by Mr. C. M. Hoskins, the Progress of English, 122;
- Bricks, by Mr. H. Chamberlain, Drainage Engineer, on the Drying and Buniii,g of, 322;
- Bricks, by Mr. H. Chamberlain, Drainage Engineer, Experiments on the Strength of Hollow and Solid, 334; Bricks by Machinery, by Mr. H. Chamberlain, Drainage Engineer, on the Manufacture of, 306;
- Candle Company, by G. F. Wilson, Esq., F.R.S., on the Manufacture of Price's Patent, 41; Carpet Manufacture, by Mr. Alex. Whytock, 110; Commerce of Liverpool, by Mr. Archer, on some of the Animal and Vegetable Products Constituting the Foreign, 122;
- Cutlery, by Mr. Jas. Wilson, on the Manufacture of Articles from Steel particularly, 200; De•igli as applied to Manufactures, by Mr. Geo, Wallis, Progress in, 134; Donations, 105; Exhibition of Inventions, 171, 187;
- Fire., the best means of Preventing and Arresting them, by Mr. Jas. Braidwood, Assoc. Inst. C.E., Superintendent of London Fire Brigade, 258; Gilding, by Mr. Francis Bennoch, on Thread or Fibre, 210; Glass, by Mr. Hy. Chance, on the Manufacture of Crown alai Sheet, 78, 98; Iron Manufacture, the British, 21; Lace Trade, by W. F'elkin, Esq., F. L.S., on the History and Present State of the ]Machine Wrought, 291; Mechanics in Schools, by Prof. Willis, F.R.S., Description of Apparatus for Teaching, 153; Members, Election of, 134; Photo-Galvanography, or Engraving by Light and Electricity. by Herr Paul Pretach, on, 227; Printing of Fabrics with Special Reference to Shawls and Carpets, by Mr. Jos. Burch, on the, 1S3;
- Silk Manufacture, by Mr. Thos. Winkworth, on the British, 283;
- Soap, Mr. Wm. Hawes, on the Manufacture of, 172;
- Steam, its Past History and Probable Prospects, by Mr. Jno, Fowler, Jun., Bristol, on Cultivation by, 64;
- Tonnage Registration, Mr. Chas. Atherton, 31;
- Water Free from !Wanecs and from Organic impurity, by Prof. Clerk, M.D., Aberdeen, on Means available to the Metropolis and other Places for the Supply of, 270, 282
- Society of Arts, Examination., 277
- Society of Arts, the One Hundred and Second Anniversary, 341
- Society of Arts, the One Hundred and Second Anniversary Dinner, 346
- Society of Arts Reinstated, 341
- Society for the Encouragement of Arta, Manufactures, and Commerce, London, 302
- Society of England, Agricultural, 293
- Society, Geological, 307
- Society, Liverpool Literary and Philosophical, 38
- Society, Liverpool Polytechnic, 79
- Society, Manchester Literary and Philosophical, 37
- Society, Royal Geographical, 295
- Society, Statistical, ln7
- Soiree at Yornton Locomotive Works, 73
- Southampton, an Athenreum, 72
- Southampton Omnibus Association, 233
- Southampton, A. it., a Letter on the subject of Money and %% ar, 150
- South Staffordshire, State of Trade, t4
- Sutha ell's Machinery for Grunting or Polishing S.A., 232
- Spanners, Williams and Faller's Improvements in Wrenches, Pliers, and, 132
- Spare Rudders for Ships, Hepplewhite's Improvements in, )41
- Specific Volumes and Chemical Constitution of Bodies, 7
- Specifications of Old Patents, 234
- Speculation, Railway, 41
- Spencer's Permanent Way, 49, (31, 67, 79
- Spherical Bodies, Improved Mode of Casting Hollow, 7
- Spike, a New Railway, 302
- Spinning Silk, Dickens' Machinery for, 292
- Spreading ^A aterproofing Compounds, Dodge's Machinery for, 34S
- Spring Fittings for Railway Carriages. Axle Box and, 228
- Springs, Meyer's Improvements in Buffers and Other, 152
- Springs, New Omnibus on India-Rubber, 335
- Square and Cube Roots, Mr Bidder, 134
- Staffordshire, South, Iron Trade, 10
- Stainton and Davey's Warming and other Stoves, 72
- Stamps for Newspapers, 334
- Stanley's Improvements in weighing Machines, 173
- State of the Eastern Counties Railway, 167
- Statement of the Affairs of Messrs. J. Scott Russell and Co., 84
- Statistical Society, 107
- Statistics, Agricultural Bill, 224, 263, 346
- Statistics of Ireland, Agricultural, too
- Statistics, Shipping, 296
- Statistics of \\ yi.eks, 95
- Statute Book, Expunging the Blots from the (Note Book), 2)3
- Steam Culture, 63
- Steam Engine, The Best Work on the, 125
- Steam Frigate Poly ikhemus, Loss of the, 65
- Steam Hammer, HA
- Steam, Heating of, Henry Sherman, 9
- Steam in Metallurgical Operations, by Mr. J. G. Marticu, Application of, 257
- Steam, II. Sherman, 9, 33
- Steam, Washing by, 232
- Steam, Working Expansively, Ed. E. Allen,13
- Steamer, the Adriatic, 232
- Steamer, the I'ersia, 38
- Steaniers to America, New Line of, 345
- Steamers in Australia, 292, 303
- Steamers, Compartments in the Colliers', 181
- Steamers, Fleetwood and Belfast Line, 65
- Steamers, Liverpool and American Line of, 33S
- Steamers, New, 260, 342
- Steamer, New American mail, Fulton, 129
- Steamers, New Line of Belgian, 14
- Steamers from St. Petersburg, Arrival of the First, 314
- Steamer Vesnvius, 174
- Steaming, Atlantic, 167
- Steamship, Gertrude, 338
- Steamship Lost, 181
- Steamship, Scotch, 11
- Steamships Valetta and Vera, 168
- Steamship N'anderbolt, 17
- Steel and Bell Metal colouring, 52
- Steel, Manufacture of, 2l6
- Steel Manufacture at Pittsburg, 105
- Steel Pen Manufactures, 66
- Steering and Propelling Vessels, Pidcock's Method of, 180, 187
- Stephenson, Address, Mr. Robert, 33
- Stephenson, British Railway, (I. C. E.), Mr. Robert, 27
- Stephenson, Proposed Monument to Mr. George, 347
- Stephenson, M.P., Reply to Observations in the - econd
- Report of the Postma_ster-General, by Mr. Robert (I. C. E.), 294
- Stephenson, Mr., versus the Postmaster-General (Note Rook) 297
- Stent's Improvements for Measuring Gas, 132 Steps, It. and E. Vezey's t arrnige, 72
- St. James' Park, 1I0, 211,216, 334
- St. James' Park, Design for a New Roadway under, 128
- St. James' Park, New Road in, 223, 231
- St. James' Park, New Road (Note Book), 123, 137, 325
- Stock and Reduction of Working Expenses, by D. K. Clark, Assoc. Inst. C.E., on the, 306
- Stocqueler and Saunders' Apparatus for obtaining Elevation. 173
- Storehouse, Woo,svich, 11
- Stoves, Stainton and Davey's Warming and other, 72
- St. Petersburg, Arrival of the First Steamer from, 314
- St. Petersburg, the First British Merchant Steamer at,302
- Strafford and Alleyne's Improvements in Railss ay Breaks, 109
- Straw Sh.ikers of Threshing Machines, Good's IruT roved, 141
- Stream, the Gulf, 140
- Street;mod Metropolitan Subway, Proposed New, 257 Strike, Colliers', 254
- Strike, Colliers', Scotch, 227
- Strike, Conclusion of the Miners'. 326
- Strike, Origin and Extent of the Miners', 259, 278
- Strike of the Ship Painters in Liverpool, 253
- Strike of the Shipwrights, 326
- Submarine Experiment s atal, 7
- Submarine Tunnel from Birkenhead to Liverpool, 228
- Subway, Prupo.ed New Street and Metropolitan, 37
- Suer. t 0mm...ion (Note Book), 113
- Suez, I on•eyance of Mails to, 323
- Suez Project, the, 118
- Suicide of Mr. F. Mansfield, Melancholy, 174 Cast-lion Bridge over the River, 336
- Sunday Labour, 211
- Sunderland 1 socks by Mr. Murray, M.S.C.E., at Society of Arts, on the Progressive Construction of, 25S, 270, 283
- Superior, Iron Region of Lake. 23
- Supply of soil to the Metropolis 2G
- Supply, House of Commons, 346
- Supplying Water to Strap. Boilers, Mellor and Young's Machinery for, 196
- Surplus from Patent Office Fees, 77 sweeps, Refining Jeweller.% 350
- Symptoms of Weakness (Note Book), 261
- Tabourin's New System o Metallic Arch for Bridges, &c., 108
- Taff Steamer, Trial of the, 208
- Tank Locomotive, Mr I nirbairn's, 324
- Tank Locomotive, E,' 337
- Taps. Scully and Heywood's Improvements in the Construction of Cocks and, 21G
- Tariff, French, 26S
- Tayieur, fil% the and Another versus, Claim for Delay in Completing a Vessel, 211
- Tatloek and Hostage's Slideand Tongue Railway Chair, 152
- Teaching Mechanics in Schools, Description of Apparatus for, by Professor Willis, F.R.S. (Society of Arts), 183
- Tees Conservancy, 287
- Telegraphs at the Antipodes, Electric, 314
- Telegraphs on Board Ship, Electric, 253
- Telegraph to Calcutta, 228
- Telegraph from Constantinople to Alexandria, 24
- Telegraph, the Magnetic, 302
- Telegraph, the Newfoundland and American, 302
- Telegraph, Submarine, Across the Bumps r, 24s
- Telegraph, Submarine, Connecting the Two Shores of the Bosphorus, 65
- Telegraphs, Walker and McKenvie's Improvements in Electric, 109
- Telegraphic Communication between London and St. Petersburg, 268
- Terror, Launch of the, 233
- Testimonial to Mr. Costa, 253
- Thames Esplanade, 7, 18
- Thames, the Past and Present Condition of the River (Inst. C. Eng.), by Mr. II. Robinson, C.E., •3, 55, 67, 98
- Theatre, Fire at Covent Garden, 153, 170
- Theatre, tiire at Drury Lane, 142 ,
- Theodolite, Metford's Traversing, 103, 113
- Theory and Practice in Mechanics, Harmony in, 100
- Things not Generally Known, by Jno. F.S.A., 198
- Thomas's, R. H., Signal between Driver and Guard, 8
- Thomas's Improvements in Bullets for Steam Carriages, 208
- Thompson, F.R.S._ on the Origin and Transformation of Motive Power (Inst. Gt. B.). by Prof. Win., 226
- Thorburn'•, Thomas, Quarterly Report of the Scotch Iron Trade, 190
- Thorn•', Cha-. Fred., Boiler, 113
- Thoroughfare, North and South through Lincoln's-inn-fields, 311
- Thoroughfares in the Metropolis, New (House of Lords), 323
- Threlfall and Knowles' Looms for Weaving, 269
- Threshing Machines, Good's Improvements in Straw Shakers of, 141
- Threshing Machines, Trial of, 259
- Tillers or Yokes, Kidm-n's Improvements in, 180
- Tiles, Wright and Green's Improvenient, in the Manufacture of Bricks and, 121
- Timber for Ship Building, Uninflarnmable, 66
- Times Printing Patent, the, 19
- Timbs', Jno., Things not Generally Known, 198
- Timbs', Jno., F.S.A., Year Book of Facts. 198
- Tin and Copper Wanted. N Note Book), 337
- Tin for Soldering Silver, Block, 86
- Tod, Mr., l.oss of Property, 105
- Tolson's Patent. In re (Court of Chancery), MI
- Tonnage its gistration, C. Atherton (Soc. of Arts), 31 Torino, Launch of the, 314
- Tortoiseshell Bookbinding, 261
- Tour in the Provinces, Manchester, 280, 304, 324, 332, 344
- Tower, Cast-Iron Shot, 12
- Town Dues, Live rpool, 218
- Trade, Alleged Breach of Contract in the Iron, 50
- Trade with America, 265
- Trade, Annual Report of the British Iron, 189
- Trade, Important Discovery in the Paper, 48
- Trade, Iron and Coal, 86, 106, 130, 142, 154. 190
- Trade, South Striffol &hire, 84
- Trade, Thus. Thorburn's Report of the Scotch Iron, 190
- Trade on the T)nee the Chemical, 173
- Trades of Birmingham and Wolverhampton, the Iron and Coal, 218, 234. 233, 265, 277, 189, 201, 313, 329, 341, 353
- Traffic Bill, Railway and Canal, 334, 133
- Train, Newly Improved, 294
- Transit between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Note Rook), 309
- Travelling, Decision as to Railway, 147
- Travelling', Safety of Railway, 123
- Tremble0i, Dr., Steam and Ether Engine (Note Boa:), 43
- Trial of the Marlborough, 259
- Trial of Threshing Machines, 259
- Trial Trip of the Taff Steamer. 208
- Trials with a New Mortar 330
- Tubes of hollers Brass, 30
- Tubes, Parsons Improvements in Securing Joints of, 257
- Tubular Steam Boilers, Andrews, 73
- Tuck, r, Hoskins and Co.'s, Description of the Patent Safety Poop, 11,1
- Tuck's Improvements in Blowing Apparatus, 132 rug Boat, Regent's Canal, 4
- Tugs on the Nile, Steam 324
- Tunnel between England and France, 48
- Tunnel Borer, 65
- Tunnel through Mount Cenis, 64
- Turbines, the most Recent Publication on, 125
- Turner's Machinery for Crushing and Grinding Grain, 41
- Tyne, the Chemical Trade on the, 173
- Ullmer's Improvements in Machinery for Cutting Paper, Card, &e., 165
- Uneducated Workmen, 253
- Union Steam Collier Company versus Humphrey and Others, 118
- Use of Money, the Unrestricted, 337
- Useful Information for Engineers, by Mr. W. Fairbairn, 57, 69
- Usk Gas Company, 260
- Usury, 277
- Valetta and Pera Steam Ships, 168
- Value of Steamers in Australia, Depreciated, 292
- Valve, Alarm Whistle and Indicator, Self-Acting Stipp, v, 248
- Valve for Boilers, Hackett's Safety, 268
- Valve, Cowburn's Cellular Boiler and Oscillating, 268
- Valve, Wailes's Eccentric Sluice, 181
- Valves, Feeding Apparatus for Steam Boilers, Ramsbottom's, 96
- Vanderbilt, American Steamship Company, 17
- Vase for Prince Albert, a Gem Enamelled, 218 .
- Vegetation, the Beginning of, 130
- Ventilation of the Carlton Club, 312
- Vernon, Messrs., Launch of the Annie Vernon, from. 112
- Vessel, Blythe versus Tayleur, Claim for Delay in Com- 1 pleting a, 211
- Vessel, Victor Emmanuel, 11
- Vessels. lieu itt's Improvements in Propelling, 96
- Vessels, on Loading and Discharging, 120, 1.52 193
- Vessels, on Loading and Discharging, Jas. iaylor and Co., 24
- Vessels, Lowe's Apparatus for Propelling, 308
- Vessels, Palmer's Improvements in Propelling, 56
- Vessels' Pidcock's Method of Steering and Propelling, 180, 187
- Vesuvius, the Steamer, 171
- Vezey's, It. and E. Carriage Steps, 72
- Vice-Chancellor's dourt, Brigg versti4 Beardsell, 275
- Vice, Davis's Patent Parallel, 36
- Vices, Marchinton's Improvements in, 293
- Vices, Warrens Improvements in the Construction of, 224
- Victor Emmanuel, Launch of the, 217
- Vilcocq and Deschamp's Free Diving Boat, 121
- Vindication of Mr. Fairbairn's Logic (Note Book), 149
- Voltaic Battery, by Geo. Mathiot, Self-Sustaining, 146, 182, 219
- W., Problem of Balance Weights, 187
- Waddington, Mr., 7
- Waddington, Mr., and Mr. 1'. Ashcroft (Note Book), 45
- Waddington's, Mr., Reply ( • ote Book), 9
- Waggon Company, the Birmingham 146
- Waggons, by Major Vincent Eyre, United Service Inst., Military, 274
- Wailes's Eccentric Sluice Valve, 181
- Wales Fuel Company, North and South, 227
- Walker and McKenzie's Improvements in Electric Telegraphs, 109
- Walmsley, Bullough, and Willan's Warping Machine, 80
- Wallis, Geo., on Progress in Design as Applied to Manufactures (Society of Arts), 134
- Want, the Great, 261
- Want of Shipswrights, 33.1
- War, Engineers' Share in the Late (Note Book), 185
- War, a Letter on the Subject of Money and, by H. B. Southampton, 150
- War Machine, 50
- War Railway 119
- Ward's New Works, Lord, 289
- Warlike Preperations 336
- arnali without Fuel or Motirn (Note Book), 9
- Warping Machinery, Bullough, Milian, and Walmsleys', sO
- Warren's Improvements in the Construction of Vices, 224
- Warrington School of Art, 38
- Washing, Mangling, and Churning, Greening's Machinery for, 180
- Washing and Separat;ng Minerals, Maekworth's Improvements in, 148
- Washing by Stearn, 232
- Washhouses, Baths and, 247
- Water without Air. Properties of, Inquired, 13
- Water for Maiine Swan, Boil( rs, Fresh, .1
- Water to the Metropolis, by Pro!essor Clarke, M.D., or the Supp.^ of Pure (Societ) of Arts), 270, 282
- Water, Morris, Chrimes, Eskholmes Improvtments it Preventing Waste of, 11
- Water Pipe-, m. Burns, Engineer 165
- Water, Plan for Heating, Ilenry Childs, 273
- Water, P^an for Heating, 11. L. T., 261
- Water, Pan for Heating, Thomas W. Wilkinson, 261
- Water, Pure, 132
- Water Scheme, the Glasgow Loch Katrine, 272
- Water to Steam Boilers, Mellor und Young's Machiner: for Supplying, 1E6
- Water St ppl) and Di &linage, Adelaide, 273
- Water to Wolverhampton, Supply of, 245
- Waterplooting Compounds, Dodge's Machinery fo Spreading, 348
- waters °nig, Dowlnis, 343
- Waterworks Bill, Edinburgh, 211
- Waterworks at Enfield, 32
- Waterworks, the Glasgow, 294
- Waterworks, London, 1115
- Waterworks at Plumstead, 283
- Waterworks, South Staffordshire, 112
- Watson, F.(i.S., the Progress of Mining, by Josep' Yeliaby, 138
- Way, Permanent, Jno. Dickson's, 38
- Way, Permanent, Mr. Spencera's 49, 61, 67, 79
- Way, Permanent, a Letter from L. C. E., 187
- Weakness, ,)mptonis of (Note Book), 261
- Weallens and Crow's Improvements in Steam-engine; 136
- Wearing Msehine, Normandy's New Circular. 121
- Weaving, Robert Coppock's Improvements in Looms for, 66
- Wedge for Rails, Compound, 7
- Weft, Brasseur's Machinery for Winding, 224
- Weighing Machines, Stanley's Improvements, 173
- Weights, the Problems of Balance by A, 21.5
- Weightn, the Problems of Balance by C, 310, 198
- Weights, the Problems of Balance, by Chatles E. Condors, 280
- Weights, the Problem of Balance by H. H., 230, 262
- Weights, the Problem of Balance by IlastIngo, 287, 214
- Weights, the Problem of Balance by K. It. U., 1i8, 136, 262
- Weights, the Problem of Balance, by J. Lovett, 230
- Weights, the Problem of Balance, by J. IL P., '430
- Well in the Bois de Boulogne, Artesian, 32
- Well at PAM, Artesian, 32u
- Welchpool, Shrewsbury, Hanwood, and, 7
- Westrion-ter Bridge, state of, 2'8, 2153
- Wharton's Improvements in Marine steam Engines, 48
- Wheel, New Puddle, 192
- Wheels, Ludbrook's Improvements in Railway, 192
- Wheels, Pellenz's Improvements in the Manufacture of Iron, 41,
- Wheelwright, William, Incrustation upon Steam Boilers. 38
- Whichelo versus the Brighton and Hove Waterworks' Company, 295
- Whittaker's Improvements in screw Propellers, 37
- Whitehall, Spencer's Permanent Way, GO
- Whistle and Indicator, Self-acting supply-valve Alarm, 248
- Whitworth's, Mr., Artillery 259
- Whitworth's, Mr. and the North western Committee of Investigation (Note Book), 101
- Whitworth's, Mr., Tour in the Provinces, 304
- Whylock, Alexander, Carpet Manufacture (Society of Arts), 110
- Wilkins' Lamps, 72
- Willan, Walmsley, and Bullough's Warping Machinery, 80
- Williams and Fuller's Improvements in Wrenches, Pliers, and Spanners, 1a2
- William's Improvements in Machinery for Driving or Actuating Ploughs, 97
- Williams, M.R.C.s., a Letter in reference to Mr. Nasmyth's suggestions respecting the Origin of the Rotary Movement of the Celestial Bodies, &c., 150
- Williams, Mr. C. Wye, Assoc. lnstit. C. E., Prize Essay on the Prevention of the -rs oke Nuisance, 163, 179, 191, 207. 223, 243, 255. 2 7, 27a, 343, 2151, 303, 319
- Williams, Mr. C. Wye, smoke Nuisance, 297
- Willis, FR.- ., Prof.. Description of Apparatus for Teaching Mechanics in Schools., by (-oc. of Al. 183
- Wilson, Esq., .Manufacture of Price's Patent Candle Company (society of Arts), 41
- Wilson, James, Manufacture of Article+ from Steel (Society of Arts), 260
- Winding Weft, Brasseur's Machinery for, 224
- Windlasses,
- Windsor Castle, Improvements at, 283
- Winkworth, Mr. Thomas, a Paper on the British Silk Manufacture (soviet) of Arts), 283
- Winnowieg Grain, Nalder's Improvements in, 144
- Willoughby, James, Hunt's Patent Hook, 45
- Willoughby, James, Causes of Boiler Ex. !onions, 125
- Wolverhampton Chamber of Coa.wcrcc, 253
- Wolverlitimpton Collieries, 139
- Wolverhampton, Ironmusters' Quarterly Meeting, 26
- Wolverhampton, supply of Water to, •45
- Wolverhampton Trades, 265
- Wood, Bell, rand others, Exchequer Chamber, 263
- Wood, Mr. Chief Eng., of the late Polyphemus, 112
- Woodside Iron Works, Public Inspection of an Iron Bridge, 183
- Woolwich Arsenal, 268
- Woolwich, Bursting of a Mortar at, 171
- Woolwich Marshes, 342
- Woolwich storehouse, 11
- Works of Art, our next Exhibition of the (Note Book), 285
- Works, the Amusement of the Board of, 24.5
- Works in Egypt, Public, 258, 311
- Works at Gorton, near Manchester, 3lessrs. Beyer and Peacock's, 332
- Works and Improvements Committee (Note Book), 213
- Works, Metropolitan Board of, 131, 151, 18-, 195, 211, 231, 247, 263, 274, as 7, 295, 311, 323. 334, 347,
- Works, Metropolitan Board of (Note Book), 109, 185, 197
- Works in Russia, Public, 2.-5
- Workman and Masters, 201, 211, 231, 247
- Wrecks, statistics of, 95
- Wrenches, Pliers and spanners, Williams and Fuller's Improvements in, 132
- Wright and Green's Improvements in the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles, 121
- Wright's Machinery for Crushing Grain, Messrs. W. and J., 2-1t4
- Wrought Iron Ordnance, 201
- Wylde, J., Jun., 1). J. Hoare's 'crew Propeller, 188
- Wynne, Capt., Eastern Counties Railway (Note Book), 21
- Yarrow Docks, 239
- Yokes, Redman’s Improvements in Tillers or 180
- Young's Gas Regulator, 80
- Young, on and Magnay, Messrs. G. and F., Shipwrights Absenting themselves from the Service of the Firm of, 3.17
- Young and Mellor's Machinery for Supplying Water to tram Boiler s, 196
- Ystalyfera Iron and Tin Works, Fatal Accident at tke, 105
- Zollverein, Progress of Trade with the, 313 S 1
See Also
Sources of Information