The Engineer 1880/10/08
Main Subjects
- Austrian Brewery Plant, p 266. (Illustrated).
- Brewingin Austria, (No. III), p 269.
- Brewery Exhibition, p 265.
- Editorial, p 267.
- The Relative Merits of Guns.
- Steam Gas Engines.
- Mechanical Power on Tramways.
- 'Compensation' on Railways.
- Henry Bessemer, p 264.
- Iron, Coal and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Districts, p 270.
- Letters to the Editor, p 264.
- Modern Steel as a Structural Material, p 259.
- Notes From Lancashire, p 270.
- Reese Fusing Disc, p 259.
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co, New Hollingwood Pitt - Charles Markham.
- Compound Engine and Pumping Gear, p 262 and 269. (Illustrated).
- Pumping Gear, p 263. (Illustrated).
- Old and New, (No. V), p 269.