The Engineer 1880/10/15
Main Subjects
- 1880 Dusseldorf Exhibition, p 280.
- 1880 Vienna Industrial Exhibition, p 277.
- Consolidation Locomotive for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, p 282 and 288. (Illustrated).
- Contracts Open - Railway Bridge Across the Tees, p 283.
- Death - William Thoms Hendry, p 289.
- Dutch Trials of Competitive Projectiles, p 278.
- Editorial, p 289.
- The Purification of London Fogs.
- The Phenomena of Explosion.
- Harbour Works at Colombo and Madras.
- The Performance of Locomotive Engines.
- Railway Projects Next Season.
- The North of England's Future.
- Fitzgerald's Magneto and Dynamo Electric Machine, p 284.
- Haswell's Improved Coupling Between Engine and Tender, p 279. (Illustrated).
- Indian Railways, p 278.
- Juland Danvers
- Guaranteed Companies
- State Railways
- Native State Lines
- John H. Wilson and Co - Patent Self-Acting Crab Bucket Crane, p 279. (Illustrated).
- Lawrence's Boat Lowering Apparatus, p 281.
- Captain G. Lawrence.
- Letters to the Editor, p 286.
- Kings College, London, p 284.
- Parliamentary Report on the HMS Thunderer Gun, p 286.
- Photophone - Alexander Graham Bell, p 285.
- Royle's Patent Oleojector, p 281.
- Soap-Making Machinery, p 280. (Illustrated).
- SS Otway Tower - Trial Trip, p 281.
- The Causes of Explosions - Atmospheric Changes and Blown Out Shots, p 282.
- Tramway to the Giants Causeway, p 282.
- Visits in the Provinces, p 277.