The Engineer 1881/12/30
Main Subjects
- 1881 Paris Electrical Exhibition, (No. XVII), p 469.
- Coutts and Adamson's Marine Governor, p 474. (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p 479.
- The Channel Tunnel - South Eastern Railway.
- Locomotive Engine Economy - Great Northern Railway.
- Inventors and Inventions.
- L. Poillon.
- Tay Bridge.
- Submarine Telegraphy.
- Civil Vs Military Engineers on Indian Public Works.
- Experimental Inquiry into the Relative Economic Efficiencies of a Corliss Non-Condensing Engine - By Mr. Isherwood, p 481.
- Horse Hay Fork, p 470.
- Langley's Safety Buffer Stops, p 474. (Illustrated).
- Lane and Reynolds - Compound Engine, p 483. (Illustrated).
- Locomotive Flanges, p 474.
- Letters to the Editor, p 471.
- Liverpool Engineering Society, p 476.
- Pottery Machinery, p 470, 472 and 475. (Illustrated).
- Shipbuilding in the Wear in 1881, p 170.
- Simey's Steam and Hand Steering Gear, p 483. (Illustrated).
- SS City of Worcester, p 476.
- Telescope Sight for Guns, p 483. (Illustrated).
- Testing Broken Stone, p 484.
- Vienna Circular Railway, (No. IV), p 469 and 478. (Illustrated).