The Engineer 1884/12/19
Main Subjects
- Civil and Mechanical Engineers Society, Slate Debris and its Utilisation, by Dr.G. Selkirk Jones, p 468.
- Coles and Matthews' Patent Verical Boiler, p 470. (Illustrated)
- Compound Condensing Tandem Engines, Simpson and Co of Pimlico, p 463. (Illustrated)
- Editorial, p 467.
- The Royal Commission and the London Sewage Disharge.
- Steam Boiler Furnaces.
- Morris Tubes and Sheds.
- Iron Production.
- Electric Tram Car, A. Reckenzaun, Designer, Constructed by Electrical Power Storage Co, 470.
- Enforced use of the Metric System, p 471.
- Engert's Blowpipe Furnace, p 471. (Illustrated)
- Engines of HM Cruiser Amphion, Maudslay, Sons and Field, p 460 and p 466. (Illustrated)
- Mr Warriner
- Hon O. Duncan, a member of the firm
- Mr Sells designer of the engines
- Mr. J. Sampson, assistant manager.
- S. J. Bird chief engineer of the Ahmphion
- Joy's Valve Gear
- Letters to the Editor, p 464.
- Links in the History of the Locomotive, No. XVIII, p 468.
- Manchester Association of Employers, Foremen and Draughtsmen, Thomas Ashbury, President, p 465.
- J. Horsley, retiring vice-president
- W. H. Bailey, elected president
- W. Mather.
- Patent Journal, p 473.
- Personal Safety with Electric Currents, by Professor A. E. Dolbear, p 465.
- Physical Society, p 465.
- Proposed Canal at Jarrow-on-Tyne, p 470.
- The Economy of Railway Construction in India, by S. De Brath, No. 1, p 469.
- The Rocket, 1832, W. Stenson, p 466. (Illustrated)
- Victoria Electric Light Station, No. IV, R. E. Crompton and Co, p 459 and p 462. (Illustrated)