The Engineer 1911/04/07
1911 April 07th PDF
Main Subjects
- A Quarter's Clyde Shipbuilding, p 364.
- Aero and Motor Boat Show, No. II p 347 - 348.(Illustrated).
- Aluminium Solder, p 365.
- Curtis Marine Turbines, just after p 364 and p 365. (Illustrated).
- Death Announcement, p 359.
- Details of Diesel Engines of The Frerichs, p 352. (Illustrated).
- Diesel Marine Engines, by Herr Th. Saiuberlich, No. I, p 349 - 353. (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p 359.
- The Power and Protection of Battleships.
- The London Electric Tramways.
- The Strike Habit.
- Electrical Monopolies, p 364 - 365.
- Flying in France, p 348.
- Institution of Naval Architects, William White in the Chair, p 353 - 356.
- Report of Council for 1910.
- The Problem of Size in Battleships, J. J. Welch.
- Twelve Month's Experience with Geared Turbines in The Cargo Steamer Vespasian, C. A. Parsons and R. J. Walker.
- Launches and Trial Trips, p 365.
- 'Amicus' steel screw steamer by Craig, Taylor and Co for The Tempus Shipping Co. Engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co.
- 'Carmen' single-deck steamer built by William Doxford and Sons for Oscar de Lucovich and M. O. Martinolich of London.
- 'City of Lahore' steel screw steamer built by Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson for the Hull Line section of The Ellerman's City Line. Engines by Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co.
- 'Y C No. 95, steel screw steamer by Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co, for the British Admiralty.
- 'Monkshaven' steel screw steamer by William Doxford and Sons for The Eskside Steam Shipping Co.
- Two Steel Lighters by Edward Finch and Co.
- 'Bra Kar' steel screw steamer by The Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co for Fred Olsen Linie of Christiana.. Engines by John Dickinson and Sons.
- 'Grainton' steel screw steamer by Ropner and Sons for R. Chapman and Sons. Engines by Blair and Co.
- 'Sand Guglielmo' passenger steamer by David and William Henderson and Co for The Peirce Brothers of Naples.
- 'Langholm' steel screw steamer by William Gray and Co for The London and Northern Steamship Co.
- 'Exford' steel screw steamer by Craig, Taylor and Co for W. J. Tatem and Co of Cardiff. Engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co.
- 'Helvetia' steel screw steamer by Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co for W. Lowden and Co of Liverpool. Engines by George Clark of Sunderland.
- 'Kinross' steel screw steamer by The Northumberland Shipbuilding Co for B. J. Sutherland and Co of Newcastle. Engines by North Eastern Marine Engineering Co.
- Letters to the Editor, p 365.
- Live Steam Feed-Water Heaters, by Arthur E. Jones.
- Augustus W. Hamilton.
- The Olympia Exhibition - Parsons Motor Co.
- The Metric System.
- Broken Piston Rings - T. Lawrence.
- March, p 345 - 346.
- Technical Education.
- Employer's Liability.
- The Paris Exhibition of 1920.
- Navy Estimates.
- Professor van't Hoff.
- Telescoping.
- Reforms on the Ouest-Etat.
- Ipswich Docks.
- The Scottish Ship Canal.
- The Belfast New Dock.
- Paris to Dieppe Canal.
- The Thames Reservoirs.
- Belfast Lough and Ulva Latissima.
- Electric Railway.
- The Loetschberg Tunnel.
- Military Motor Road Train.
- The Launch of The Monarch.
- Obituary, p 362.
- Steam Turbine for Driving a Rolling Mill in Scotland, p 358 and p 362 - 364. (Illustrated).
- C. A. Parsons and Co.
- West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute.
- The Erosion of Gun Tubes and Heat Phenomena in the Bore of A Gun, No III, by Captain H. J. Jones, p 360 - 362.
- The National Experimental Tank and Its Equipment, by G. S. Baker, p 366 - 367.