The Engineer 1920 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1920 Jan-Jun: Index
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- ABBEY Works, Lincoln, Clayton and Shuttleworth, Limited, 422 {Two-page Supplement, April 2'ird, 1920)
- Adams “Twin-Six ” Motor Car Engine, 252
- Ahrons, E. L., on Fairbairn, W., and Sons, Manchester, 184 ; (Letter), 357
- Ahrons, E. L., on Jones and Potts, Newton-le- Willows, 508
- Ahrons, E. L., on Rothwell and Co., Bolton, 598
- Airco No. 18 Passenger Aeroplane, Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Limited, 32, 33, 34
- Ajax of 1841 beside Modern Austrian Engine, 508
- Allen, W. H., Son and Co., Four-cylinder Hot-bulb Heavy Oil Engine, 278, 279
- Alliance Aeroplane Company, Limited, Atlantic Type, 32, 33 ; Biplane, Two-seater, 32
- American General Electric Company, “Genemotor ” Windings for Motor Cars, 404
- American Locomotive Company, Mallet Locomotives for the Virginian Railway, 381 {Two- page Supplement, April 9^^,1920)
- American Water Supply Subterranean Infiltration Galleries, 537
- Anschutz, Brown, Sperry and Thomson Compasses, 55, 81, 105, 136, 160, 190, 210, 242 : (Letters), 140, 357, 395
- Archdale, J., and Co., Centralised Control Radial Drilling Machine, 303
- Argonne Steamship, J. S. White and Co., Limited, 457
- BABCOCK and WILCOX, Electric Jib Cranes at Dover Harbour, 111, 116
- Balboa, M. S., 14
- Batanes, Steamship, 14
- Beardmore, 120 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Hot-bulb Engine, 347
- Benedicks, Carl, on Recent Progress in Thermoelectricity, 617
- Bergstrom, E. M., on Recent Advances in Utilisation of Water Power, 110, 124, 146, 172, 271
- Birmingham District, Water Resources, 646
- Birmingham, Rapid Filtration Plant at Whitacre Pumping Station, 622, 623, 626
- B.S.A. Small Tools Works, 266, 274
- Blenkinsop Excentric Gear, 619
- Blenkinsop Rack Locomotive, 618
- Boulton and Paul, Limited, All-metal Two- seater P. 10 Aeroplane, 34, 35
- Branca’s Illustration of Dough-kneading Machine, 1629, 163
- Breguet Aeroplane, Proposed, with Enclosed Fuselage, 520
- Brighton and Lancing Works of the London, Brighton and South-Coast Railway, 568, 578
- Brindley, Harry Samuel Bickerton (Portrait), 378
- Bristol and Exeter Engine ofl859, 598
- British Aerial Transport Company, Limited : Bat Five-seater Biplane, 7 {Suppiemen January 'ind, 1920)
- British and Colonial Aeroplane Company : Bristol “Babe ” Aeroplane, 31, 32, 33 Bristol “Pullman” Triplane, 7, 8 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- Bristol “Tourer ” Biplane, 31, 33
- Bristol Two-seater Coupe, 7, 8 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- British Railway Workshops in War Time, 426, 430, 568, 578
- British Thomson-Houston Portable Wireless Receiver, 394
- Brolt Dynamo Armature with Ventilating Fan, Internal Connections of Dynamo, 366, 367
- Brooke’s 28 H.P. Six-cylinder Motor Boat Engine, 320, 321
- Broom and Wade, Motor-driven Geared Air Compressor, 98
- Brown, A. R., Bolnes Hot-bulb Engine, 320
- Brown, John, and Co., H.M. Battle-Cruiser Hood, 92, 93, 313, 314, ^15, 324, 330 {Four- page Supplement, March 2Qth, 1920)
- Brown, John, and Co., Limited, Submarine Depot Ship Platypus, 218, 222
- Bruce Peebles and Co., 650 B.H.P., Electrical Air Compressor, 482
- Bucyrus Company, Steam Navvy on Caterpillar Tracks, 120
- CAMBRIDGE and Paul Instrument Company’s CO2 Recorder, 62, 63
- Cammellaird-Fuilagar Diesel Engine, 107. 132 {Two-page Supplement, February 5th, 1920)
- Canadian Electric Power Station Industry, 230 Carmichael Engine Gear, 619
- Caufourier, M. P., on the Theory of Tidal Power Stations, 372; (Letters), 432, 445, 483
- Centaur, Single-driving Express Engine, Nasmyth, Gaskell and Co., 289
- Chance Brothers and Co.’s Lights for Aerial Lighthouses, 500
- Christian! and Nielsen, Large Reinforced Concrete Piles and Floating Pile Driver, 599, 602
- Churchward, G. J., Locomotive Wheel-balancing Machine, 354, 355
- Clayton and Shuttleworth’s Abbey Work?, Lincoln, 422 {Two-page Supplement, April 23rJ, 1920
- Clayton and Shuttleworth, 5-Ton Steam Wagon, 650, 654
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Limited, Portable Pneumatic Welding Work, 457
- Constan Detachable “Pusher” for Cargo Boats, 600
- Cooke Engraving and Profiling Machine, 630, 631
- Costeira Shipyard, Brazil, 168, 173 ; (Correction), 202
- Cradock’s Non-corroding Locked-coil Wire Rope, 656
- Curraghmore, Irish Channel Turbine Steamer, W. Denny and Brothers, Limited, 186, 248, 252 {Two-page Supplement, February 25th, 1920) {Four-page Supplement, March 5th, 1920)
- DARLINGTON, Royal Agricultural Show at, 650, 654
- Doane, Mr. Bernard, Tubes for Motor Vehicle Radiator, 484 ; (Note), 511 ; (Letter), 528
- Delhi, H.M. Light Cruiser, 16 {Supplement, January '2nd, 1920)
- Denny, W., and Brothers, Limited, L. and N.W.R. Company’s Irish Channel Steamer Curraghmore, 186, 248, 252 {Two-page Supplement, February 1920) {Four-page Supplement, March 5th, 1920)
- : d’Eyncourt, Sir Eustace, on H.M.S. Hood, 92, 93, 313, 314, 315, 324, 330 {Four-page Supplement, March 25th, 1920)
- Dorada Ropeway in Colombia, Ropeways, Limited, 504, 511 ; (Letters), 552, 572, 597
- Dover Harbour, Electric Jib Cranes at, Babcock and Wilcox, Limited, 111, 116
- Duftv’s Regulating System for Car Lighting Dynamo, 367, 368
- Dunieary, Motor Lifeboat, S. E. Saunders and Co., 294, 295, 298
- Dunlop, James, on the Development of Locomotive Valve Gear, 618
- EAST Greenwich, Fuel Research Station at, 421 ; (Letters), 445, 499, 552
- Eccles, W., and the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Alignment Meter for Turbine Gearing, 559
- Edgcumbe, Major K., on Protection of Alternating-current Systems, 200
- FAIR, W. D., and Co., Detachable Motor for Boats, 346, 347
- Fairbairn, W., and Sons, Manchester, E. L. Ahrons, 184; (Letter), 357
- Farey’s Book, Facsimile of Page in, 519
- Federated Malay States Government Railways, Works for, '440
- Fessenden Oscillator, 491
- Fletcher, George, and Co.’s Filter Presses for Removal of Paraffin Wax from Petroleum, 121
- Ford Motor Radiator with Deane Tubes, 484
- Fowler Eight-furrow Turning Plough, 650, 654
- Francis Turbine Runners, 110
- French Cruiser Dupuy -de-Lome Converted to Belgian Cargo Boat, 270
- Fullagar—see Cammel-laird
- GALLOWAYS’ Uniflow Steam Engines, 454, 455, 480
- General Electric Company, Automatic Arcwelding Machine, 220
- German Warships Damaged at the Battle of Jutland, 194, 195, 198, 199
- Gibb, Maurice S., on Observing Temperatures in Marine Propelling Installations, 226
- Gibson, A. H., on the Air Cooling of Petrol Engines, 173
- Gill Propeller Company’s Propulsion Mechanism for Motor Boats, 346, 347
- Gleniffer Motors, Limited, Motor Boat Engine and Propeller, 302, 320, 321
- Grace Carburetter, 620
- Grahame-White Company, Limited : Five-seater Aero-limousine, 34, 35 Nine-seater Aero-limousine, 34, 35 Single-seater Aeroplane, 80 H.P. Bantam, 32, 35
- Grand Trunk Railway Bridge Across Niagara, Strengthening Spans, 230
- Great Central Railway Powdered Fuel Locomotive, 18 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- Great Eastern Railway, Stratford Works, 426, 430
- Great Northern Three-cylinder Engine, No. 1000, 466
- Great Western Eight-coupled Engine, No. 4700, 19, 582 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1920). {Two-page Supplement, June 4th, 1920)
- HANDLEY Page “ Flying Saloon ” Biplane, 7 Suppiemen*, January 2nd, 1920)
- Hatfield Pumps for Fire-float, Merryweather and Sons, Limited, 397, 398
- Hawkins, H.M. Light Cruiser, 16 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- Herbert, Alfred, Capstan Lathe, 632
- Herbert, Alfred, Small Surface Grinding Machine, 657
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., 644, 645
- Holland, Electrification of, 557
- Hood, H.M. Battle-Cruiser, John Brown and Co., Limited, 92, 93, 313, 314, 315, 324, 330 {Four-page Supplement, March 2^th, 1920)
- Hulse and Co.’s Crank Shaft Turning Machine, 350, 358
- Humphrey Autographic Notched Bar Testing Machine, 63
- Hydraulic Engineering Company, Earth Thrust Borer‘ 369, 376
- IPSWICH Dock Extensions, 114
- Itaquatia, Launch of the, at the Costeira Shipyard, Brazil, 168, 173 ; (Correction), 202
- JENKINS, Rhys, Engineering, 162,
- Jones and Potts, Ahrons, 508
- Jutland, German Warships Damaged at the Battle of, 194, 195, 198, 199
- KAIONE, Suction Dredger for New Zealand, 373
- Kearton, W. J., on Pinions and Shafts for Double Helical Gears, 186
- King-Salter, J. J., on Balancing of Turbine Rotors and Propellers, 369, 381
- Knox, Commander H. G., on the Use of Acetylene in U.S. Navy Yards during the War, 164
- L 33, H.M. Submarine, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Limited, 139
- Lady Emerald, Steamship, 14
- Lake Grampian, Steamship, 14
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Power Signalling at Southport, 142, 150
- Laxtonia Engineering Company’s “Twin-Six ” Motor Car Engine, 252
- Leeds Forge Company, Railway Tank Wagon for Conveyance of Ammonium Nitrate, 176
- Leitner Dynamo, Rotax Company, 366, 367
- Lindsay, F. E., on Measuring an Involute Bevel Gear from the True Pitch Cone, 581
- Livingstone and Cooper, War Service Tug Spry, 96 (Two-page Supplement, January 2^rd, 1920)
- London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Works at Brighton and Lancing, 568, 578
- London and North-Western Railway Company’s Irish Channel Steamer Curraghmore, W. Denny and Brothers, Limited, 186, 248, 252 {Two-page Supplement, February 20th, 1920) {Four’page Supplement, March bth, 192u)
- London and South-Western Railway, Six- coupled Goods Locomotive, 458
- Lucas Electrical Company’s Motor Cars, 367, 403, 404
- Luke and Spencer’s “Paddle 511
- NARRAGANSETT, Oil-engined Motor Tanker, Vickers Limited, 501
- Nasmyth, James (Portrait), 287
- Nasmyth’s Design for Floating Mortar, 288
- Nasmyth’s Steam Hammer, 287
- Nasmyth, Wilson and Co., Limited, 287
- Newport Power Station, Melbourne Suburban Railways, 40, 44
- New Zealand Suction Dredger Kaione, 373
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company’s
- Marine Superheater, 256
- North-Eastern Railway Goods Locomotive, 524
- North-Eastern Three-cylinder Eight-coupled Mineral Engine, 19 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- OLYMPIA, Motor Boat, and Marine and
- Stationary Engine Exhibition, 302, 320, 345
- “ PADDLE ” Tool Grinder, Luke and Spencer, Limited, 511.
- Paris Aviation Show, 37, 63
- Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Railway, Oil Fuel Burning on the, 494
- Pearn, Frank, and Co., Two Horizontal Vacuum Pumps, 74
- Pearson’s 9ft. Driver Engine of 1853, 598
- Peel, D. P., on Timing Diesel Engine Valves, 559 P. and O. Liner Macedonia, 14
- Peterborough Tractor and Engine, 650, 654
- Physical and Optical Societies’ Exhibition, 62
- Pilling, Henry, on the Unifiow Steam Engine, 454, 455, 480
- Platypus, Submarine Depot Ship, John Brown and Co., Limited, 218, 222
- Pointolite Lamp, 62
- Potez Sporting Aeroplane, 37
- Powdered Fuel Plant Company’s j\ero-pulveriser, 306
- Powell and Hanmer Dynamo, Switchboard and Cut-out, 366
- Premier Four-cylinder 1000 B.H.P. Gas Engine i 526 {Two-page Supplement, May 215^, 1920) '
- Primrose. J. S. G., on Railway Dynamometer Cars. 530, 534
- QUEEN’S Insurance Company’s Building,
- New York, Underpinning, 641
- REGENT Shears (1918), Limited, Sheet Metal Working Machines, 606
- Rhone-Rhine—see Swiss
- Robertson, John, Marine Engine, 618
- Robson, A. G., on Position Gauges, Their Jigs, Construction and Calculations, 157
- Robson, A. G., on Precision Gauges and their Jigs, 574, 575
- Ropeways, Limited, Dorada Ropeway in Colombia, 504, 511 ; (Letters), 552, 572, 597
- Rothwell and Co., Bolton, E. L. Ahrons, 598
- Royal Agricultural Show at Darlington, 650, 654
- SAINT PAUL, High-Service Reservoir at, 218 240
- Salerno, Diesel Engine Ship, 446, 447, 450
- Saunders, S. E., and Co., Motor Lifeboats, 294, 295, 298
- Scholey and Co., Limited, Manufacture of Small Electric Motors, 328, 329
- Scotch Boilers, Superheater for, North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, 256
- Seewer, P. W., Centrifugal Pelton Jet Deflector, 583
- Seydlitz—see German Warships
- Shepherd, J., on Failures of Turbo-generators, &c., 88, 94
- Sherardising Small Articles, Apparatus for, 510
- Sheringham Artificial Daylight, 62
- Shrewsbury and Chester Engine of 1846, 508
- Shrewsbury and Hereford Tank 509
- Shrivell Intercommunication tern, 550
- Siddeley Aeroplane Engine, cylinder Air-cooled, 31, 32
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Limited, Submarine Camera, 658 I
- Silent Guide Automatic Route Indicator, 408
- Smith, D. J., on Producer Gas for Motor Vehicles, 122
- Smith, Major W. H., Hydraulic Jacks made from Shells, 576
- Societe Gonevoise d’Instruments de Physique, Universal Measuring Machine, 472, 476 (2Vo- page Supplement, May Uh, 1920)
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railway Company’s Steamer Biarritz, 14
- South-Eastern and Chatham Rebuilt Passenger Engine, 19 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- Southport—see Lancashire and Yorkshire
- Spry, War Service Tug, Livingstone and Cooper, Limited, 96 {Two-page Supplement, January 23r<Z, 1920)
- Stratford Works, Great Eastern Railway, 4^6 430
- Submarine Signalling Company’s Microphone, Detector and other Devices for Submarine Signalling, 491
- Sullivan Machinery Company’s Utility Force Hammer, 202 *
- Svanhild, Steamship, 14
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, H.M. Submarine L 33. 139
- Swiss Railway Dynamometer Car, 530, 534
- Swiss Rhone-Rhine Navigation Project, A. 'Wharton Metcalfe, 212, 264, 290, 341, 389
- TAYLOR, Joseph, Old Beam Engine, 571; (Letter), 633
- Tennessee, United States Battleship, 538
- Thompson, J. L., on Transformers for Electric ; Furnaces, 147 ‘
- Thornycroft Four-cylinder 21 B.H.P. Paraffin Engine, 345, 346
- Tostevin, Engineer-Commander H. B., on Mechanical Reduction Gears in Warships, 368, 405
- Trussed Concrete Steel Company, Extensions to Machine Shop at Witton Works, 558
- Trussed Concrete Steel Company’s Pit Headgear at Lochore, 48
- UNDERWING, Steamship, 14
- Uniflow Steam Engine, Henrv Pilling, 454, 455, 480
- United States Battleship Tennessee, 538
- United States, Craft for Canal and River Service, 593
- VANDERVELLE, C. A., and Co.’s Electrical Equipment for Motor Cars, 367, 368, 403
- Vickers Motor Tanker Narragansett, 501
- Vickers Quick-return Broaching Machine, 554, 558
- Vickers Viking Amphibious Aeroplane, 655
- Vickers-Vimy Commercial Aeroplane, 7 {Sifpplement, January 2nc/, 1920)
- Virginian Railway Mallet Locomotive, 381 {TwO'page Supplement, April ^th, 1920)
- Volcano Steam Sloop as Factory during Crimean War, James Nasmyth, 288
- Vulcan Foundry Company’s Historic Locomo- (Letter), 140
- WALL, A. T., Rvidders, 149
- Watermota, Detachable Mott)r for Boats. W. D. Fair and Co., 346, 347
- Welded Construction Company’s Arc Weldcd Roof, 510
- Workspoor-Diesel Engines for the Salerno, 446, 447, 450
- Westland Aircraft Works, Four-seater Limou sino, 7 [Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- White, J. S., and Co., Limited, ss. Argonne, 457
- William-street Subway, New York, Underpinning, 641
- Witherington, H.M. Destroyer, 16 [Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- Witton Works Machine Shop Extensions, in Reinforced Concrete, Trussed Concrete Steel Company, 558
- Wood, A. 13., Dredger Pump Impeller, 445
- Wood’s, Nicholas, Gear, 619
- ACETYLENE, Use of, in U.S. Navy Yards during the War, Commander H. G. Knox, 164
- Aerial Lighthouses, 500
- Aeroplane Engines—see also Engines
- Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Airco No. 18 Passenger Aeroplane, 32, 33, 34
- Alliance Aeroplane Company, Limited, Alliance Two-seater Atlantic Type Biplane, 32, 33
- Amphibious Aeroplane, Vickers Viking, 655
- Boulton and Paul, Limited, All-metal Two- seater P 10 Aeroplane, 34, 35
- British Aerial Transport Company, Limited, Bat Five-seater Biplane, 7 [Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- British and Colonial Aeroplane Company : Bristol “ Babe ” Aeroplane, 31, 32, 33 Bristol “ Pullman ” Triplane, 7, 8 [Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- Bristol “Tourer” Biplane, 31, 33
- Bristol Two-seater Coup6 Biplane, 7, 8 [Supplement, January 2nd, 1920) Flight at High Altitudes, 520
- Grahame-White Company, Limited : Five-seater Aero-Limousine, 34, 35 Nine-seater Aero-Limousine, 34, 35 Single-seater 80 H.P. Bantam, 32, 35
- Handley Page, Limited, “ Flying Saloon ”
- Biplane, 7 [Supplement, January 2nd 1920)
- Potez Sporting Aeroplane, 37
- Proposed Breguet Passenger Aeroplane, with Enclosed Fuselage, 520
- “ Propulseur-Trompe,” Monsieur F. Melot, 64 ; (Letters) 90, 189
- Shows—see Show
- Vickers Limited, Vickers-Vimy Commercial Machine, 7 [Supplement, January 2nd, 1920)
- Westland Aircraft Works, Westland Fourseater Limousine, 7 [Supplement, January 2nd. 1920)
- AERO Pulveriser, Powdered Fuel Plant Company, Limited, 306
- Agricultural Engines—see Engines
- Agricultural Show, Royal, at Darlington, 650, 654
- Air-compressing Plant—see Pneumatic Plant
- Air Compressor, Electrically Driven 650 B.H.P.,
- Bruce, Peebles and Co., Limited, 482
- Air Compressor, Motor-driven Geared, Broom and Wade, Limited, 98
- Air-cooling of Engines -see Engines
- Alignment Meter for Turbine Gearing, W.
- Eccles and the Metropolitaii-Vickers'^ Electrical Company, 559
- Alternating Current—see Electrical Matters
- Ammonium Nitrate, Railway Tank Wagon for
- Conveyance of, Leeds Forge Company, 176
- Apparatus for Sherardising Small Articles, 510 Arc-welded Building Construction, Welded
- Construction Company, 510
- Arc Welding—see Electrical Matters
- Automatic Route Indicator, Silent Guide Company, 408
- BALANCING of Turbine Rotors- 369, 381
- (missing lines)
- Boilers of the Curraghmore—see Ships
- Boilers, Scotch, Superheater for, North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, 256
- Bridge Repairer’s Device, 230
- Bridges—see also Underbridges
- Broaching
- Buildings,
- Gorman and Co., Limited. 658
- Canal, Rhone-Rhine—see Navigation Carburetter, New Type, The Grace, 620 Centrifugal Pelton Jet Deflector, P. W. Seewer, 583
- Coal Pulverising and Feeding Machine, Powdered Fuel Plant Company, Limited, 306 CO2 Recorder, Electrical, 62, 63
- Compass, Gyroscopic, Non-Mathematical 'Treatment, 55, 81, 105, 136, 160, 190, 210, 242; (Letters), 140, 357, 395
- Compressors—see Air Compressors
- Concrete Housing for Hydraulic Turbo-generator, 271
- Concrete—see also Reinforced Corrosion, Prevention of, in Locked-coil Ropes,
- G- Cradock and Co., Limited, 656 Craft for Canal, &c.—see Ships
- Cranes, Electric Jib, at Dover Harbour, Bobcock and Wilcox, Limited, Hl, 116
- Cruiser—see Ships
- DAYLIGHT, Artificial, Sheringhani, 62
- Diesel Engines—see. Engines
- Dock Extensions, Ipswich, 114
- Dough-kneading Machine, J^ranca’s 111 ust ra - tion, 1629, 163
- Dredger Pump Impeller, B. Wood, 445
- Dredger, Suction, for New Zealand, 373
- Drilling Machines - ,sec Machine Tools
- Dynainomotor Car for the Swiss State Railways, 530, 534
- Arc-welding Machine, Automatic, General Electric Company, 220
- Canadian Electric Power Station Industry, 230
- CO2 Recorder, Cambridge and Paul Instrument Company, 62, 63
- Fessenden Oscillator, 491
- Geared Air Compressor, Motor-driven, Broom and Wade, Limited, 98
- Holland, Electrification of, 557
- Motor Cars, Electrical Equipment of : 366, 403
- Automatic Cut-outs for Motor Cars, Powell and Hanmer, 366 ; Mercury, 368
- Lighting Dynamos for Motor Cars, Brolt Company, Powell and Hanmer, Rotax Co., Vandervelle and Co., Lucas Electric Co., Dufty, 366, 367, 368
- Lighting and Starting Sets, Combined, Lucas Electrical Company, 404; American General Electrical Company, 404
- Starting Motors for Motor Cans, C. A.
- Vandervelle and Co. ; Lucas, 403, 404 Newport Power Station, Melbourne Suburban Railways, 40, 44 ; and Jolimont Sub-station, 66, 70
- Pointolite Lamp, Edison Swan Electric Company, 62
- Protection of Alternating-current Systems, Major K. Edgeumbe, 200
- Railways—see Railways
- Small Electric Motors, Manufacture of, Scholey and Co., Limited, 328, 329
- Submarine Signalling Company’s Various Devices, 491, 492
- Thermo-electricity, Recent Progress in, Carl Benedicks, 617
- Transformers for Electric Furnaces, J. L. Thompson, 147
- Adams “Twin-Six” Motor Car Engine, Laxton ia Engineering Company, 252
- Air Cooling of Petrol Engines, A. H. Gibson, 173
- Beam Engine, An Old. Joseph Taylor, 571 Beardmore’s 120 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Hot- bulb Engine, 347
- Bolnes Hot-bulb Engine, A. R, Brown, 320 Brook© Engine, 28 H.P. Six-cylinder, for Motor Boat, 320, 321
- Cammellaird-Fullagar Diesel Engine, 107, 132 {Two-page Supplement, February 1920)
- Detachable Motor for Boats,-W. D. Fair and Co.’s “ Watermota,” 346, 347
- Four-cylinder Hot-bulb Heavy Oil Engine, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., Limited, 278, 279 Gas Engine, Single-crank Four-cylinder Vertical, Premier Gas Engine Company, 526 {Tu)o-page Suppleme)it, May 2\8t, 1920) Gears, Old Engine, Blenkinsop, Carmichael, Nicholas Wood, 619
- General Arrangement of On© of H.IM. Monitor, Marshal Ney’s 750 B.H.P. Engines, 358
- Gleniflor Motor Boat Engine, 302, 320, 321 Hydraulic Propulsion Mechanism for Motor Launch, Gill Propeller Company, 346, 347
- John 'Robertson Marine Engine, 618
- Marine Engines of 1850—1852, Hick. Hargreaves and Co., Bolton, 644, 64.5
- Marine Motors for Fire-float at Elswick, Merry weather and Sons, Limited, 396, 397, 400
- Oil Engine, 16 B.H.P. Portable, Marshall, Sons and Co., 650, 654
- Paraffin Engine, 21 B.H.P., Thornycroft and Co., 345, 346
- Peterborough Agricultural Tractor Engine, 650, 654
- Siddeley Aeroplane Engine, 40 H.P. Two- cylinder Air-cooled, 31, 32
- Solid-injection Oil Engines of the Narragansett, Vickers Limited, 501
- Uniflow Steam Engines, Galloways Limited, 454, 455, 480
- Valves, Diesel Engine, Timing, D. P. Peel, 559 Werkspoor-Diesel Engines for the Salerno, 446, 447, 450
- ENGINE-ROOM of a Fire-float for Elswick, Merryweather and Sons, Limited, 396, 397, 400
- Engineering, Links in the Historj^ of, Rhys Jenkins, 162, 519
- Engraving and Profiling Machine, T. Cooke and Sons, Limited, 630, 631
- Exhibition, Motor Boat and Marino and Stationaj’y Engine, 302. 320, 345
- Exhibition, Physical and Optical Societies, 62
- FILTRATION Plant, Rajiid, at Whitacre
- Pumping Station, Birmingham, 622, 623, 626 Fire-float, anti Salvage and Fire 'Fug, iVIerry- weather and Sons, jJinited, 396, 397. 400 Finns, Famous, Short Histories of, 84, 85, 184, 287, 508, 598, 644, 645
- Flight and Flying Machine.s -see. Aeronautics Floating 31ortar, Nasmyth’s Design for, 288 Floors for Railway Underbridges, 391. 416 Forgo Hammer, Utility, Sulliv’an Machinery
- Company, 202
- Forging and Stamping Plant at Abbey Works, (flayton and Shuttleworth, Limitt'd, 422 {'I'lvo-patje Supplement, April 'I'.b-d, 1920)
- Fuel Research Station at ICast Greenwich, 421 ; (Letters), 445, 499, 552
- GAS ENGINES see Engines
- Gauges, Position : 'Pheir -ligs, tkinstruction and Calculations, A. G. Robson, 157
- Gauges, Precision, and their Jig.s, A. G. Robson, 574, 57.5
- Gears, Engine—see Engines
- Gears, Ships—see Ships
- Grenade, Mills Hand, Manufacture at Brighton Works, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 568, 578
- Grinders—see Machine Tools
- Gyroscopic Compass, Non-mathematical Treat ment, 55, 81, 105, 136, 160, 190, 210, 242; (Letters), 140, 357, 395
- HAMMER, Steam. James Nasmyth, 287
- Hammer, Utility Forge, Sullivan Machinery Company, 202
- High-pressure Turbine—see Turbine High-service Reservoir—see Reservoir Histories, Short, of Famous Firm.s, 84, 85. 184, 287, 508, 598, 644, 64.5 ; (Lettei-s), 140, 357
- History of Engineering, Links in the, Rhys Jenkins, 162, 519
- Hot Bulb Engines—see Engines
- Hydraulic Jack made from Shells, Major W. H. Smith, 576
- INTERNAL Combustion Engines- -.sec Engines Irrigation and Cotton Growing in Mesopotamia, 133
- JACK, Hydraulic, Made from Sliells, Major W. H. Smith, 576
- Jigs and Gauges for Manufacture of a Precision
- Gauge, A. G. Robson, 574, 575
- Jigs for Making Position Gauge.s, A. tl. Robson, 157
- LAMP, PoiutoUle, 62
- Lathes—see, itiachino 4’ool.<
- Lifeboats—sec Ships
- Lights for Aerial Lighthouses, (.'hance Brotljers and Co., 500
- Link.s in tho History of Engineering, Rhy.s Jenkins, 162, 519
- Locomotive for Blenkinsop Patent Rack Rail- ?way, 618
- Bristol and Exeter, of 1859, 598
- Eight-coupled. No. 4700, Great
- Western Railway, 19. 582 {Supplement, January ‘Ind, 1920) {Two-page Supplement, June ith, 1920)
- for an English Railw'ay Built in 1848, Hick, Hargreaves and Co., 644
- Locomotive Fire-box, Burners and Piping
- Arrangement for Oil Fuel, Paris,
- Lyons and Mediterranean Railway, 494
- Mallet, for the Virginian Railway, 38 {Two-paye Supplement^ April ^th, 1920)
- Pearson’s 9ft. Driver, of 1853, 598 J?owdered Fuel, Great Central
- Railway, 18 {Supplement^ Ja^iu- ' ary 2-nd, 1920) |
- Rebuilt Passenger, South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 19 {Sup- plement, January 2nd, 1920) Single Driving Express, Centaur,
- Nasmyth, Gaskell and Co., 289 !
- Six-coupled Goods, London and !
- South-Western Railway, 458 1
- Three - cylinder Eight - coupled •
- Mineral Engine, North-Eastern ; Railway, 19 {Supplement, Ja^iu- ary 2nd, 1920)
- Three-cylinder Fast Goods, North- Eastern Railway, 524
- Three-cylinder, No. 1000, Great i Northern Railway, 466
- Valve Gear, Development of, James Dunlop, 618
- Wheel-balancing Machine, G. J.
- Churchward, 354, 355 Locomotives, circa 1850, W. Fairbairn and Sons, Manchester, 184 ; (Letter), 357 Locomotives, Historic, Built by the Vulcan Foundry Company, 84, 85 ; (Letter), 140 Locomotives of 1841, 1846, 1856, 509
- Machine Shop Extensions
- Broaching Machine, Quick Return, Vickers Limited, 554, 558
- Capstan Lathe with Rotating Multiple Stops, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 632
- Centralised Control Radial Drilling Machine, J. Archdale and Co., Limited, 303
- Drill, Two-speed Electric, Scholoy and Co., Limited, 328, 329
- Grinding Machine, Small Surface, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 657
- High-speed Guillotine Shears, Regent Shears (1918), Limited, 606
- Inclinable Power Press, Regent Shears (1918), Limited, 607
- J^arge Crank Shaft Turning Machine, Hulse and Co., Limited, 350, 358
- “ Paddle ” Tool Grinder, Luke and Spencer, 611
- MAGNETO, Oscillating High-tension Magneto, The M.L., 600
- Manoeuvring and Reversing Rudders, A. Wall, 149
- Birmingham District, Geology of, in Relation to Water Supply, 646
- Federated Malay States Railways, Works for. 440, 441, 442
- Geneva and Seyssel, Suggested Navigation Works between, 265
- Holland, Proposed Network of Electric Trans- i mission Lines, 557
- Melbourne Suburban Railway System, 44 Mesopotamia, Showing Proposed Irrigation Areas, 135
- Rhone-Rhine Navigation, Proposed, 212, 265, 290, 291, 341
- MARINE Engines—see Engines Marine Propelling, &c.—see also Ships Measuring an Involute Bevel Gear from the True Pitch Cone, F. E, Lindsay, 581
- Measuring Machine—see Universal
- Mechanical Reduction Gears in Warships, Engineer-Commander H. B. Tostevin, 368, 405
- Metal Working Machines—see Machine Tools
- Meter, Alignment, for Turbine Gearing, W. Eccles and the Metropolitan-Vicker’s Electrical Company, 559
- Microphones, Submarine Signalling Company, 491, 492
- Motor Boats—see Ships ; also Exhibitions
- Motor Boat and Motor Car Engines—see Engines
- Motor Cars, Electrical Equipment of, 366—/o7- details see Electrial Matters
- Motor Vehicle Radiator with Deane Tubes, 484 ; (Note), 511 ; (Letter), 528
- NAVIGATION Project, Swiss Rhone-Rhine’
- A. Wharton Metcalfe, 212, 264, 290, 341, 389 Navvy—see Steam Navvy
- Notched Bar Testing Machine, Humphrey Autographic, 63
- OBSERVING Temperatures in Marine Propelling Installations, Maurice 'S. Gibb, 226 Oil Engines—see Engines
- Oil Fuel Locomotive Fire-box, Piping and Burners, Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Railway, 494
- Oscillating High-tension Magneto, The M.L., 600 Oscillator, Ele(dro-magnetic, R. A. Fessenden, 491
- PARAFFIN Engines—see Engines
- Paraffin Wax, Removal of, from Petroleum,
- Filter Presses for George Fletcher and Co., 121
- Pelton Water Wheel Jet Deflector, P. W. Seewer, 583
- Petrol Engines—see Engines
- Petroleum, Filter for Removal of Paraffin Wax, 121
- Piles and Floating Pile Driver, Large Reinforced Concrete, Christian! and Nielsen, 599, 602
- Pinions and Shafts for Double Helical Gears, W. J. Kearton, 186
- Plans, Storing, 230
- Plough, Eight-furrow Turning, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Limited, 650 654
- Pneumatic Plant, Portable, for Welding Work, Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Limited, 457
- Portable Engines—see Engines
- Portable Wireless Receiver, British Thomson-Houston Company, 394
- Portrait, Harry Samuel Bickerton Brindley, 378 Portrait, James Nasmyth, 287
- Position Gauges, Their Jigs, Construction and Calculations, A. G. Robson, 157
- Power, Electric, Stations — see Electrical Matters, 230
- Power Press—see Press
- Power Signalling on th© Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 142, 150
- Precision Gauges and their Jigs, A. G. Robson, I 574, 575
- Press, Power, Inclinable, Regent Shears (1918) Limited, 606
- Producer Gas for Motor Vehicles, D. J. Smith, 122
- Propelling Machinery for H.M.S. Hood—see Ships
- Propulseur-Trompe—see Aeronautics Protection of Alternating-current Systems, Major K. Edgcumbe, 200
- Pump, Centrifugal, for Handling Tree Stun^ps, 445
- Pumping Set, High-pressure Turbine, Mather and Platt, Limited, 228
- Pumps for Fire Tug Moonfieet, 397, 398
- Pumps, '.rwo Horizontal Vacuum,- F. Pearn ami Co., Limited, 74 Pushers -see Ships
- RADIATOR, Motor Vehicle, with Doane Tubes, ' 484; (Note), 511: (Letter), 528
- Railway Coach, New Type, Metropolitan Railway, 20
- Railway Dynamometer Cars, J. F. G. Primrose, 530, 534
- Railway Signalling, Power, on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway at Southport, 142, 150
- Railway Tank Wagon for Conveyance of Ammonium Nitrate, Leeds Forge Company. 176
- Railway Underbridges, Floors for, 391; 416
- Railway Workshop Cars, Great Eastern Railway Company, 426,
- Railway Workshops, Stratford Works of 430
- Railways, Federated ment. Works for, 440
- Railways, Melbourne Suburban, Electrification. 40, 44, 66, 70
- Recent Advances, &c.—see Water Power Reinforced Concrete Extensions to Machine I Shop at Witton Works, Trussed Concrete Steel Company, 558
- Reinforced Concrete Piles and Floating Pile Driver, Christian! and Nielsen, 599, 602
- Reinforced Concrete Pit Headgear at Lochore, 48
- Reservoir, High-service, at Saint Paul, 218, 240 Ropes, Locked-coil Wire, Prevention of Corrosion in, G. Cradock and Co., Limited, 656
- Ropeway, Dorada, in Colombia, Ropeways, Limited, 504, 511 ; (Letters), 552. 572, 597 Rotors—see Turbine Rotors
- Route Indicator, Automatic, The Silent Guide Company, Limited, 408
- Rudders. Manoeuvring and Reversing, A. Wall, 149
- SHEARS—see Machine Tools
- Sheet Metal Working Machines, Regent Shears (1918), Limited, 606
- From Cruiser to Merchantman, 270
- Marine Engines—see Engine.s
- Marine Propelling Installations, Observing Temperatures in, Maurice S. Gibb, 226
- Mechanical Reduction Gears in Warships, Engineer-Commander H. B. Tostevin, 368, 405
- “Pushers” for Cargo Boats, Monsieur Constan, 600
- Some Mercantile Vessels of 1919, 14, 20
- South American Shipyard Acquired by J. T. Thornycroft and Co., Limited, 168, 173; (Correction), 202
- Delhi, H.M. Light Cruiser, 16 {Supplement, January 2.nd^ 1920)
- Hawkins, H.M. Light Cruiser, 16 {Supplement, January '2nd, 1920)
- Hood, H.M. Battle-Cruisor, John Brown and Co., Limited, 92, 93, 313, 314, 315, 324, 330 {Four-page Supplement, March 2Qth, 1920)
- L 33, H.M. Submarine, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 139
- Platypus, Submarine Depot Ship,
- Brown and Co., Limited, 218,
- Witherington, H.M. Destroyer {Supplement January '2nd, 1920)
- Dupuy-de-Lorne. The Old French Cruiser, Converted to Cargo Boat, 270
- German Warships Damaged at the Battle of Jutland, 194, 195, 198, 199
- United States Battleship Tennessee, 538
- Use-of Acetylene in U.S. Navy Yards during the War, Commander H. G. Knox, 164
SHIPS AND SHIPPING MATTERS: Miscellaneous Vessels:
- Fire Tug Moonfleet, Merryweather and Sons, Limited, 396, 397, 398
- Itaquatia at the Costeira Shipyard, Brazil, 168, 173; (Correction), 202
- Lady Emerald, Steamship, 14
- Lake Grampian, Steamship, 14
- London and North-Western Railway Company’s Iri'h Channel Turbine Steamer Curraghmore, W. Penny and Brother-?, Limited, 186, 248, 252 {TwO’page Supplement, February 20th, 1920) {Four-page
- Supplement, March 5th, 1920)
- Motor Lifeboat Dunleary, S. E. Saunders and Co., 294, 295, 298
- Motor Lifeboat Margaret Harker-Smith, S. E. Saunders and Co., 295, 298
- Narragansett, Motor Tanker, Trial Trip, Vickers Limited, 501
- P. and O. Liner Macedonia, 14
- Peruvier, French Cruiser Converted to Belgian Cargo Boat, 270
- Salerno, Diesel Engine Ship, 446, 447, 450 South-Eastern and Chatham Railway Company’s Steamer Biarritz, 14
- Spry, War Service Tiig, Livingstone and Cooper, Limited, 96 {Two-page Supplement, January 2Zrd, 1920)
- Steel Barges for New York State Barge Canal System, 596
- Steel Towing Boats and Cargo Barge.s for the Mississippi River, 593, 594
- Svanhild, Steamship, 14
- Towing Boats and Self-propelled Barges for Alabama Waterways, 593, 594
- Underwing, Steamship, 14
- Volcano Steam Sloop as Factory during Crimean War, Jame.s Nasmyth, 288
- SHORT Histories— see Histories
- Show, Paris Aviation, 37, 63
- Show, Royal Agricultural, at Darlington, 650, 654
- Signalling—see Power
- Small Tools Works, B.S.A. Tools, Limited, 266, 274
- Steam Engines —.see Engines
- Steam Navvy on Caterpillar Tracks, Bucyrus Company, 120
- Storing Plans, 230
- Submarine Camera, Siebe, Gorman and Co , Limited, 658
- Submarine Signalling, 491 . Submarines—see Ships
- Subterranean Infiltration Galleries for Water
- Supply, U.S.A., 537
- Superheater for Scotch Boilers, North-Eastern
- Marine Engineering Company, 256
- TELEPHONE System, Secret Common Battery
- Intercommunication, H. G. Shrivell, 550
- Tension in Telegraph and Telephone Lines, Determining, A. C. Timms, 202
- Thermo-electricity, Recent Progress in, Carl Benedicks, 617
- Thrust Bearing, Multiple Spring, 27 I
- Thrust Borer, Earth, Captain A. R. Mangnall, 369, 376
- Tidal Power Stations, Theory of, M. P. Can- fourier, 372 ; (Letters), 432, 445, 483
- Timing Diesel Engine Valves, D. P. Po'-l, Tools -see Small Tools Tractor, Agricultural, 30-35 H.P., The
- borough, 650, 654
- Tractor Engines-—see Engines Transformers—see Electrical Matters
- Tri planes —see Aeronautics Tug-—see Ships Turbine Diaphragm for H.M.S. Hood,
- Turbines and Gearing, 313, 314 {Toxir-page Supplement, Mareh 2Qth, 1920)
- Turbine Gearing, Alignment Meter for, W. Eccles and the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, 559
- Turbine, High-pressure, Pumping Set, Mather and Platt, Limited, 228
- Turbine Rotors, and Propellers, Balancit^g of, J. J. King-Salter, 369, 381
- Turbine Runners, Francis. 110 Turbines of the Curraghmore—see Ships Turbo-generator, Water-cooled, J. Shepherd, 88, 94
- Turning jMachines—see Machine Tools
- Underpinning and
- Buildings, 639
- Universal Measuring Machine, Societe d’Instruments de Physique, 472, 476 {Two- page Supplement, May 1th, 1920)
- Use of Acetylene—see Acetylene
- Utilisation of Water Power—see Water Power
- VACUUM Pumps, Two Horizontal, F. Pearn and Co., Limited, 74
- Valves, Engine—see Engines
- WAGON, Railway Tank, for Conveyance of Ammonium Nitrate, Leeds Forge Company, 176
- Wagon, 5-Ton Steam, Clayton and Shuttleworth, 650, 654
- War Work in the Brighton and Lancing Works of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 568, 578
- War Work in the Stratford Shops of the Great Eastern Railway, 426, 430
- Water Power, Recent Advances in Utilisation of, E. M. Bergstrom, 110, 124, 146, 172, 271
- Water Resources of the Birmingham District, 646
- Welding, Electrical—see Electrical Matters
- Welding Work, Portable Pneumatic Plant for. Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Limited, 457
- Wheel-balancing Machine, Locomotive, G. J. Churchward, 354, 355
- Wireless Receiver, Portable, British Thomson-Houston Company, 394
- Works, Abbey, Lincoln, Clayton and Shuttleworth, Limited, 422 {Two-page Supplement, April '2‘^rd, 1920)
- Works for the Federated Malay States Government Railways, 440
- Works, Small Tools, B.S.A. Tools, Limited, 266, 274
- Works—see also Firms, Short Histories of
- Workshops, British Railway, in War Time, 426, 430
- Workshops, Great Eastern Railway at Stratford, 426, 430
See Also
Sources of Information