Cyclecar 1913/09/10
- Miniature Cars from £125 to £185 - Singer, Enfield, Swift, Morris-Oxford, A.C., G.W.K., Humberette, J.B.S., Baby Peugeot
- The A.C.U. Steeplechase - 1913 Auto-Cycle Union Six Days Trial - T. W. Loughborough
- Civilized Savages - Cyclecar Camping
- The Call of the Road - John Gilpin
- Topics of the Day
- Cyclecar World
- The Latest Model Perry
- The Bedelia's Progress
- A Four-Cylinder Monocar - (No make given but three-wheel and uses F.N. four-cylinder engine)
- The First South African Cyclecar - Streeter and Smith
- Sidecar and Cyclecar Racing in Lady Wimborne's Park - Bournemouth M.C.C.
- Taxation of the Three-Wheelers in Cornwall
- The New Twin Cylinder Tweenie
- A Plea for Simplicity
- Thoughts and Opinions - Morgan Motor Co, R. Pentony, G. T. Langridge, L. Mumford, Nordrach, Tri, Alexander F. Payne, L.W., F. Hyde Maberly, W. D. South, S. Manton