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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1910 The Motor: Index

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  • A. A., The, 943-944; Bournemouth and, 478; Important Development Concerning, 265; Total Membership of, 342; Touring Development of, 50
  • Accelerometer, Wimperis, 262-263
  • Accessories, Fitting out the Car with, 260-261; Hardy’s, 293
  • Accidents, A Device to Avert, in Case of Illness or Sudden Death of Driver, 389
  • Accidents, Aviators’ Fatal: Delagrange’s, 13, 181; Le Bion’s, 401; Legal’s, 49; Robl’s, 796; Rolls’s, 736, 904; Wachter’s, 869
  • Accidents, Horsed Vehicle v. Motor, Statistics of, 140
  • Accumulators: Charging, 95, 125, 163, 187, 189, 316, 575, 750; By Primary Cells, 379; Positive Connection for, 821; Storage of, 63, 573, 747; Thermo Charging Battery for, 368; Troubles with. 127-128. Makes of: Fors, 82, 294; Long-streth’s Non-Spilling, 300
  • Acetylene for Starting Up, 157
  • Acetylene Genfritors.—Bleriot’s, 300; Brown’s, 304; Carbic, 305-306; Duoellier (1910), 23; Oldfield’s, <296; Seabrook’s, 70; Turnover Patent, 301
  • Acetylene System, A Good, 654 Acetylene v. Electricity, 106
  • Adams Gear and Control, New, 725-726a
  • Advertisements on Private Cars, 54a
  • Aero Motors-—(See “Engines, Aviation,” under “Air, The Way of the”)
  • Aeronauts, Mainly Concerning, 109
  • Aeroplane Disasters, The Avoidance of, 898-900
  • Aeroplane Engines—(See “ Engines, Aviation,” under “ Air, The Way of the ”)
  • Aeroplanes—(See “Air, The Way of the”)
  • Aerostats—(See “Airships,” under* “Air, The Way of the”)
  • Aeroturbine, The Farcot, 897
  • Air Buffers, Delpeuch’s, 723
  • Airships—(See “ Air, The Way of the ”)
  • Air, The Way of the.—Accident to Our Contributor, An, 600.
  • Aerial Cross-country Race, An, 9040.
  • Aerial League, The, 174.
  • Aerial Navigation: International Control of, 657— Rules for, 629; Warfare and, 657.
  • Aerial Smuggling, 657.
  • Aero Club of Hungary, 403.
  • “Aero Manual,” New Edition of the, 550.
  • Aeronautical Society Laboratory Committee, 212.
  • Aeroplane Design, Nautical Principle in, 937.
  • Aeroplane Grand Prix, The, 845.
  • Aeroplane Guarantees, 618.
  • Aeroplane Launching Gear, 377, 450, 571.
  • Aeroplane Manufacturers, 403.
  • Aeroplanes, Biplane: Cody’s, 600; De Crunner’s, 75; Dunne’s Automatic Stabilizing. 693; Faccioli’s, 213; Farman’s, 80, 107, 230, 233-234; George-Jobling’s All British, 726b; Oertz’s, 213; Piffard’s, 107; Short-Wright’s, 23, 229, 511; Sommer-Farman’s, 43, 230; Voisin’s, 107, 552-553; Wright’s, 84, 90. Aeroplanes, Fallacious Statistics Concerning, 331. Aeroplanes, French Military, 179. Aeroplanes, Monoplane: Antoinette, 107; Bleriot’s, 107, 227, 229—Two-Seater Type, 130; Clement-Bayard’s, 230; Collier’s, 213; Grule’s, 75; Lane’s, 228; Lovelace-Bleriot’s, 227-228; Nicholson’s (Holland), 229; Outoshkine, 136; Petre’s, 228; Santos-Dumont’s, 83, 230: Spencer Stirling’s, 440; Star All British, 136, 229-230; Weaver’s Omithopter, 666; Wright’s, 107. Aeroplanes, Unclassified : De Dion, 878b; Donovan’s Helicopter, 760; Dunne’s, 58; Grade’s, 440; Hammant’s Direct Lift, -21, 136; Sanders’s, 213. Aeroplane Town to Town Race, A French, 808. Aeroplane, Triplane: Roe, 229. Aero Show, The, 726b. Airman, The Hideous Word, 743. Airships: Capital ne Chaure, 148; Qement-Bayara, 84, 148, 403, 439; Deutschland, 800—Loss of, 843; Espana, 147; “Morning Post’s,” 54a; Republique, 84; Zeppelin, 628—Passenger Cabin for, lb.; Zodiac Dismountable, 49, 148. Airship, Secret Flight of an, 700a. Altitude Flights on Aeroplanes, German Military Appreciation of, 75. America: Ballooning in, 75; Curtiss Performances in, 693; Hamilton’s Flights in, 760; Oil Trust in, 759—Important Legal Decision Concerning, lb. Anzani Engine, Two-Cycle, 601. Argentine, Field for Flight in the, 136. Arnoux Prize, The, 174. Australia, Aviation Progress in, 10. Aviation; “Daily Mail’s” Latest Prize for, 505. Dangers of, 937. Dickson’s Records for, 440. Engines for—(See “ Engines,” Infra.). French Programme of, 24, 400—French Test Postponed, 49. Future of, 869. Grounds for, 557. International Aviation, Unedifying Situation of, 75. Lay Press Attitude and, 936. Private Enterprise and. 136. Progress Of British, 282, 870. Soiree and Ball in Connection with, 52. Aviator, A Racing Driver Becomes an, 242 Backward Britain, 174. Balloon, “Morning Post’s ” Dirigible, 54a. Barnes, Flights by, 726-727. Bird Flight, Lecture on, 403. Blackpool-Doncaster Criticisms:, 212, 795. Blackpool Meeting, 795, 800, 834; Prizes, 795. Bleriot Monoplane in Australia, A, 411. Boldon Aviation Ground, 515. Bournemouth Meeting, 107, 331, 367, 435, 774 , 800, 807, 874, 936; Awards, 910; Clerks of Course at, 835; Flying Events, 665; Flying Machines at, 874; Ground at, 833; Impressions of, 907; McArdle Flies from New Forest to, 874; Morane’s Wonderful Flight at, 908; Propositions of, 795; Rolls’s Death at, 907—Eye Witnesses’ Impressions of, At, lb. British Constructions, In Front, 760. Brooklands Aviation: Danger to Public from, 764; Astounding Indifference to, lb.; Flights at, 630, 693; Meeting, 18th June, 1910, 769; C.A.M. and F.A.L, Authority of, 331. Cannes Week, 440. Cardiff Meeting, 800. Cash Nexus, Crystal Palace Crowds and the, 759. Channel Flights: De Lesseps Successful, 630; Rolls, 700-700a. Clothing for Aviation, 515, 600. Cody Enters for Cross Channel Flight, 727. Commission Aerienne Mixte, 13; Attitude Towards British Aviation, lb. Company Registrations, A Warning Concerning, 21; List of Recent Filings, 148b. Competition Flying, 952. Continental Aviation, Great Day for, 760. Continental Examples, British Surpass, 727. Crucifer Lateral Stabilizator, The, 796; “ Daily Mail’s ” Second £10,000 Flight Prize, The, 833. Delagrange Cause of Fatal Accident to Mons. L., 13. De La Roche Accident. The, 936. Deutschland Airship, 800; Loss of, 843. Direct Lift Machine, The, 136. Dirigible, A Hungarian Inventor’s, 174. Dirigible Balloon Disaster, 49. Dirigible Grand Prix, The, 845. Doncaster : Corporation of, 403; Guarantors’ Loss at, 213. Duke d’Abruzzi, Aviation and, 937-; His Aeroplane, lb.; Edison on Flight, Mr. Thomas A., 869. Engines, Aviation: Adams, 860; Aero-turbine, Farcot, 897; A Five-Cylindered, 678; Anzani, 631—New Type of, 552.845-846; Two-Cycle Type of, 601—Floatless Carburetter for, 631; Cote Primi Berthand, Four-Cylindered, 727; Dutheil-Chalmers Horizontal, 815; English Day Type, 727; Esnault-Pelterie, 933; Gnome, 100 h.p., 14-cylindered, 736; Green, 75; Labor, 623-624; Lemale Aster, 35 h.p., 684; Panhard. 43; Wolseley, 50-60 h.p., 23; Flight Competition, Military, 808, 809. Flights, New Men’s, 49. Flight, Some Remarks on', 206. Flights Over Populous Places, 937; Prohibition of, lb. Flying League, A Local, 639. Flying Machine, Constantini, 174. Foolhardiness, Crystal Palace Sordid Crowd’s Behaviour and, 759. France, A Lesson from, 282-283. French Aero Club, The, 43. Frey, Herr, Flies over Berlin, 727; Fined for, lb. Fund Raising, The Best Way of, 726b; Glider, The Construction of a, 30, 155. Gordon-Bennett Aerial Race, The, 596. Gould £3,000 Prize, The, 937. Grahame-White, 759; His Bad Luck, 600; His Brooklands Flights, 759; Heliopolis Meeting, 81. Honorific Memorials, Suggested, 136. Huntingdon Meeting, 331 Improvements in Aeroplanes, 869. International Air Conference, The, 937. Inventors, Criticisms of, 21; Japanese Imitators, Beware of, 403; Lanark Meeting: 114. 213. 331, 399, 514, 548, 795, 800, 840, 937, 946, 955; Generous Propositions of, 795; Programme, 796. Lane, Flights by Mr. Chas., 727. Latham’s Blackpool Flight, 936. Le Bion Tragedy, The, 441. Lilienthal, Memorial to Herr, 703. London-Manchester Flight, 508-511. London-Siberia, Gaudron’s Long Distance Attempt, 232. Lyons Meeting, 596; Machine, Composite Type of Aerial, 331. Mainz, Marienson Flights at, 727. Moedebeck, Lieut.-Col., Death of, 225. Monoplane Flight, Skilful Exponents of, 726. Moral Jumping Powder, Wanted Some, 359. Motor Troubles, 43; Newcastle Meeting, 800. Nice Meeting, Entries, 292, 437. “ Notable Flying Men,” 884 Olympia Aero Show, 52, 213, 331, 403; Paris, Aeroplane Flights over, 904b. Paulhan Returns to France, 292; Arrives at Paris, 511. Preliminary Run of Aeroplanes, Bleriot’s Invention for Obviating, 213; R.Ae.C., 693; Doncaster Corporation and, 212. Ranelagh Flights, 693. Regulations for Meetings, 441. Rheims Meeting: 877-878a, 880-881, 840, 959; De La Roche, Accident to, 877; Few English Visitors at, 926; Finance of, 335; Height Contest at, 881; Latham’s High Flight at, 877; Morane’s Wonderful Speed at, 878; Results, 878a; Train Route to, 798. Rouen Meeting: 800, 808: British Success'at, 845; Daily Flights at, 810; Wonderful Flying at, 809-810; St. Petersburg Meeting, 657. San Diego Gliding Record, 130. Scottish Aviation Meeting—(See ” Lanark,” Supra). Shows', Aero, 52, 213, 331, 403. Smuggling by Aeroplane, 213. Soreau, Opinions on Aeroplane Industry by Mons., 937. Southend Meeting: 760, 800. Stabilizators, Automatic, 796; Crucifer, 844. Stabilizing System, Lieut. Dunne’s Automatic, 693. Statistics of Aeroplanes, Fallacious, 331. Supermarine Aviation, 355. Third Party Risks, 795-796. Tuition Advisable, 139. United States Aero club, 657; Agreement of, With Wright Bros., 657. Walker, Munificence of Mr. Huntley, 795. Wind Fighting, 359. Wolverhampton Meeting; 331, 800; Ground Quality at, 869. Wright Litigation. The, 759. Zeppelin Airship, Passenger Cabin for, 629 Albert Brown Trophy, The. 665
  • Alps, International Run Through the Austrian, 404, 945
  • Alternative Routes to Venues of Social Fixtures, 568-570
  • America Motor Mad, 169-170
  • American Invasion, The, 9 , 25, 97-99, 158, 169-170, 172, 313, 354-355, 597, 619
  • American “ Records,” So-called, 139
  • Antarctic Expedition, Mileage Recorders for, 753, 851
  • Antarctic Pole, The Undiscovered, 798
  • Anvil, A Combination, 403
  • Artists’ Auto-Dwelling, A Coburg, 307
  • Association of Motor Trades, The 494-495
  • Australian Notes, 210, 366, 858; A Visitor from Australia, 666; Bugmobile Atrocity, The, 857; Premier of Australia in London, 402; Queensland Motoring, 858-860, 892-893, 957; Record Breaker’s Trials, 319; Sydney Garage, A, 387; Sydney Gouldbourn Run, 429
  • Austrian Alps Race, 404, 945
  • Autochime, The, 867; Seabrook’s Exhaust Signaller, 70
  • Automobile Association, Motor Union Amalgamation with the, 800
  • Automobile Engineers: Institution of, 20, 25, 179, 535, 948; Papers Before, Mr. Mackie’s (“ Car-buration 7), 516; Mr. Morcom’s (” Forced Lubrication ”), 598
  • Averages, About Attainable, 832
  • Aviation Engines—(See “ Engines,” under Air, The Way of the ”)
  • Aviation Programme, The French and the, 24
  • Aviation Subjects^-(8ee “ Air, The Way ot' the ”)
  • Back Axle Lubrication, Renault Splash System for,
  • Ball Bearing, Self-Aligning, 740
  • Ball Bearings, “F.S.,” 797
  • Bearings, Crankshaft, 156; Fitting, lb.
  • Beaten Track, Off the, 239-240
  • Bedfelia Small Car, The, 318
  • Bell, Seabrook’s Motor, 297
  • Benevolent Fund, Cycle and Motor Trades’, 52
  • Berlin: Flying over, 664; Motorcar Drivers Ask for Trouble in, 516
  • Blackpool Aviation Meeting, 795, 800, 830; Prizes, 795 .
  • Boating, Motor, 209-210
  • Boatrace Course, Motor Speeds and the, 181
  • Bodies.—Argyll, 407; Gaggenau, 653; Lamplugh Graceful, 114; Medicann, 530, 597; Novel, 478; Touring, 407
  • Bolt Protector, Dunlop, 653
  • Bores of Cylinders. Measuring the, 797
  • Bournemouth Aviation Meeting, 107, 331, 367, 435, 774, 800, 807, 874, 907-911, 936-(See also “ Air, The Way of the ”)
  • Bournemouth Centenary Fetes, 564-565, 807, 874 Boycotting, 705
  • Brake and Gear-changing Levers, Arrangement of, 457
  • Brakes: For Chain-driven Cars, 188; Front Wheel, 27, 92, 124, 155, 189, 301
  • Braking Wheels, Locking and, 827
  • Brighton, New Road at, 945
  • British and Continental Road Systems, Comparisons of, 895-897
  • British Market, Prospects of an American Invasion of the, 169-170
  • Brooklandish Notions, 358
  • Brooklands: A.R.C., Races at, 366. Aviation at, 359, 630, 693, 764, 769—(See also “ Air, The Way of the”) Graham Gilmour’s Mishap at; 600; Inter-’Varsity Contests at, .810; Meeting® at: 27th April, 1910, 437, 478, 501-502; August, 834, 945; Easter, 114, 143, 287, 332-333, 359;18th June, 663, 739, 769-771; 25th June, 781 Whitsun Postponed, 549, 553 , 587, 662-663. Motor Club’s Gymkhana at, 700a; Record Attempts by Leon Peugeot at, 763; Speech, Mr. Browne’s Reminiscent, Concerning, 503
  • Brown Brothers, The Majority of the Firm of, 327
  • Bunsen Burner, Illustrative of Principle of Carburation, 919
  • Business, Finance and, 14, 46, 78, 110, 142, 175, 221, 285, 330, 360, 396, 430 , 470, 507, 547, 593, 627, 661, 697, 731, 767, 803, 837, 872, 904b, 941 ’
  • Business', How to Lose, 56, 198
  • Business Man, A Car for the, 3o5
  • Buyers, A Consideration which should Influence, 730a
  • Buying a Motorcar, 224
  • Camera, The Car and the, 215
  • Cancelled Events in 1910, 672
  • Cannes Aviation Week, 400
  • Canteen, Rotax Roll Top, 305
  • Car, A Neat, 779
  • Car, A New Belgian, 404
  • Caravanning, Motor, 578-579
  • Carbic Light, Wakefield’s, 305-306
  • Carbon Deposit, Cleansing Engines from, 148b Carburation, 516
  • Carburetter Hint, A, 830
  • Carburetters.— Anzani Floatless, 631; Atomiser, 867; Chapins and Dornier Monobloc, 37, 79; Faucon Abolo, 288, 336; G. and A., 867; H.P., 289, 868; Longuemare, 60, 371; Minimax, 946; New, 867; Peugeot, 242; Renault, New, 762; Scheibler, 371; Scott Robinson, Variable Jet, 302; Trier and Martin Three-jet, 281; Welsh, 402; White-Poppe, 34; Zenith, 856
  • Carburetter, The, 347, 415, 453, 489, 575-576, 749, 750
  • Carburetting Device, An American Atomizing, 371
  • Car Construction— Adams, 685-686; Adams Epicyclic, 725-726a; Alldays, 828-830; Argyll, 15 h.p., Four-cylinder, Colonial, 19; Aries, 8-10 h.p., Four-cylinder 559; Arrol-Johnston, 15.9 h.p.. Four-cylinder, 719; Austin, 15- h.p., Fpur-cylinder, 216, 217; Bedford, 619-621; Delage, 10 h p., Four-cylinder, 652; Dodson, 41 Excelsior Four-cylinder (Automobiles Excelsior), 404; Fafnir, 12 h.p.. Four-cylinder, 692; F.L., New, 928-929; F.N., 20 h.n., Four-cylinder, New, 73-74; Gregoire, 15-30 h.p., Six-cylinder, 589-560; Humber. 16 h p., Four-cvlinder, 496-498; Hurtu, 826-827; Itala. 15 h.p., 11, 50, 756-757; Jackson Three-wheeler, 504 Lanchester, 139; Gear Change, lb.; Le Gui, 89; Luc Court, 738a-738b; Marlborough, 12 h.p., Four-cylinder, 165; Mercedes, 700b; Napier, 25; Six-cylinder, 699; R.A.C. Certificate for, lb.; Panhard Six-cylinder, 241-242; Renault, 18 h.p., Six-cylinder, 655-656; Silent Knight Panbard, The New, 900-902; Sir-ron, 10-14 h.p., Four-cylinder, 54; Sizaire-Naudin Four-cylinder, 419-420; Standard, New, 12 h.p., 463-465; Stoewer, 12-15 h.p., Four-cylinder, 231-232, 500; Straker-Squire, 15 h.u., 352-353; Swift, 7 h.p., Single-cylinder, 580-582; Unic, 12-14 h.p., Four-cylinder, 528-530 White Petrol, New, 391-393
  • Car Equipment, 260-261
  • Car for Summer, The, 794
  • Car Number, The New, 193-258; New Car Supplement (with Index thereto)—To face page 193
  • Cars.—647-649—(See also “ New Car Supplement ”) Adams, 685, 686, 725-726a; Adler, 336; Alldays, 19, 288, 828-830; Argyll (Colonial), 19; Ariel, 113; Aries, 557; Arrol-Johnston, 407, 719-721, 875; Austin, 113, 216-217, 436; Bedelia, 318; JC100, 242; Bedford, £1, 288, 619-621; Bollee, 224; Brown, 389; Calthorpe, 739, 779, 786; Cann, 248; Clement-Talbot, 234; Crowdy, 113; Daimler, 113, 335; Austrian, 535; German, 307; Darracq, 676; Deasy, 288, 519: De Dion, 250, 437, 478, 944; Delage, 234, 248, 652; Dennis, 250 , 288; Dodson, 41, 112; Empress, 113 Excelsior, 404; Fafnir. 676, 692, 784; F.I.A.T., 113; F.L., New, 928; Ford, 113, 664; Forrest, 113, 376 Gladiator, 224 Gregoire, 589-590 Holland-Holland, 247; Hooper, 248; Humber, 496-498, 676; Hurtu, 826. 827; Itala, 11, 50, 54, 113. 756-757; Jackson, 504; Lanchester, 247; Le Gui, 79, 89; Lucas Valveless, 863-865; Luc Court, 738a-738b; Marlborough, 165 ; Martini, 288; Maudslay, 355, Mercedes, 112, 700b; Metallorgique, 113; Minerva, 113, 368; Mitchell, 61, 113; Napier, 647, 699; Panhard. 241-242, 383; Phanomobile, 62; Phoenix, 60, 126, 179, 312; Rational, 635; Renault, 112-113, 655-656, 935; Riley, 288; Rothwell, 113; Rudge-Whitworth. 452 Sheffield Simplex, 604; Silent Knigh, 113; Sirron, 54; Sizaire, 419-420, 816; Standard, 113; Star, 876; Stoewer, 500; Straker-Squire, 697; Sunbeam, 113; Swift, 336, 457, 580-582, 666, 911 Talbot, 80, 441 Unic. 528-530; Valveless, 51; Vauxhall, 145, 535, 773; Via, 113; Vinot, 319; White Petrol, 52, 391-393; White Steam, 248; Wolseley-Siddeley, 247 958
  • Cars at a Glance, New, Motor Supplement—To Face Page 193. Index to Supplement is on page 2 of lb
  • Case Hardening, 894
  • Catalogues, English v. Foreign Trade, 105
  • Census of Motorcars, 30
  • Census of Production Act, 1907, Board of Trade Returns, 704
  • Chain Drive, 675, 712, 746, 817-818, 854, 919-920
  • Changing Gear—(See “ Gear, Changing ”)
  • Chassis: Dodson-Renault, 41; F. N„ 20 h.p., New, 73-74: Martini, 82
  • Chauffeurs, National Societv of, 284
  • Chauffeur, The Friendly, 33-34
  • Clan Country, Through the Beautiful, 719-721
  • Clothing: A Protector For, 407; For Aviation, 515
  • Club Grounds, Motorcar Arrangements at, 562-563
  • Clubs.—American Automobile, 559; Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 80—Dinner, lb. East Surrey A.C.. 366; Essex County A.C., 773; Essex Motor Club, 111, 835, 911; Hampshire Automobile Club (S. D.), 335; Herts County A.C., 52, 475; Irish Automobile, 667; Kent A.C., 875; Leicester A.C., 911; Leicester and District A.C., lb: Liverpool A.C., 336; Manchester Motor Club. 738: Middlesex County AC. Hl. 144, 287, 703; Midland A.C., 738; Midland Aero, 516, 603; Motor Club, The, 19; Motor Cycling Club, The, 514 Northumberland Aero, 515 R.A.C.—(See “ Royal Automobile Club ” in General Index); R. Aero Club—(See “Royal Aero Club ”); Richmond and Surbiton Motor Club, 597; Samarang Auto (Java) Trials, 122-123; Scot* Mi A.C., 363, 441, 520, 549 , 800—Dinner, 81, 325; Shropshire A.C , 366; Sutton Coldfield A.C., 475; Swedish Motor, 34; Yorkshire A.C., 587, 742, 786, 912
  • Clutch, The, 159, 356. 377, 413, 416, 444, 485, 526, 572, 574, 677, 788, 886
  • Coach, “Adventure" Motor, 738
  • Coachman, Mechanic-chauffeur versus Ex-, 745-746 Coils, The: Adjusting, 453; Altering Switch On, 787; Choosing, 31; Connections of, 32; Extra Voltage not Desirable for, 316; Faulty Insulation Of, 192; Lodge’s, 299; Low Tension, 192; Plain v. Trembler, 159; Query Concerning, 64; Testing, 61
  • Combined Town and Touring Motor Carriages; 247-250, 274-277
  • Comfort on the Oar, Devices Conducive to, 240, 271-273, 293-305
  • Commercial Motor Parade, 587, 666
  • Communication Flap, The Rigid, 690
  • Communicator, Frodsham’s Electric, 296
  • Compression: Constant,' 790-791; In old Engines, 168
  • Connector for Sparking-plug, Electric Cable, 867-868
  • Consumeter, Told by the Petrol, 264
  • Contact and Lubricating System, A Novel, 930
  • Contents Bill, Catchpenny Press, 800
  • Contrasts, Some Striking, 532
  • Control, Bowden, 301
  • Correspondence—(See “ Other People’s Views ’’)
  • Costs of Running, Efficiency of Car Reduces, 194 CO2 Inflation, 188
  • Coventry. Prince Henry of Prussia Visits, 148a
  • Cover Liner, Roberts Reinforced, 71 Crane Puller, The, 70
  • Crankshafts, 904a—Are They Too Heavy? 812 Cripple, The Car and the, 842
  • Criticisms, Various, 54a Cross Country Car, A. 649
  • Crowd That Crowds, The, 65-66
  • Crucifer Machine, The, 844
  • Cyclomot’s Causerie.— Acetylene System, A Good, 654. Anti-Theft Dodges, 214;Brake and Clutch Interconnection, 588; Car Fresh from Makers, What to do to a, 278. Clutch, The Use of the, 356. Courtesy, 722; Damp Motor House, 322, 376, 390, 414, 452, 485. Defects, Seeking, 758. Developments, Ten Years’ Motor, 421. Drivers, Changing, 866; Eye irritation, 799; Flexibility, The Meaningless Term, 499. Fly in The Ointment, The, 421; Gearbox, A Tricky, 654. Gear Changing, 102, 654 —French Style of, 102-103. Gale of Wind, Against and Before a, 149; Hills, Descending, 356-357; Instinctive Actions, Developing, 499-500. Insurance, 214—Interesting Point On, lb; Lamps for Oar, Care of, 390; Repairing, lb. 'Locker, The Dusty Rear, 182; Motor House: Dampness of the, 322,376,390, 414, 452, 485—To Cure, 390; Floor of The, 543; Precautions to be Observed in the, 7; Washing Inside of the, 543; New Oar, The, 278—Initial Clear up of, lb. Nonskid Leather Bands, 86a, lb; Overall, The Useful, 543; Place for Everything,. A, 182-183. Practice, The Value of Deliberate. 500. Precautions in the Motor House, 7. Pressure Gauge, Action of a Bourdon, 322—Tips Concerning the use of, 323; Rubber—As the Motorist knows it, 705; Scorned—But Joyful! 103. Self Starter, Experiences with a, 758. Shackle Pin Lubrication, 390. Standardization v. Personal Requirements, 182. Starting Engines, Ease and Safety when, 456. Steering, Tricky, 149. Storage Room on Cars, 6—Best Arrangements for. 6-7 ; Tar, The Car and, 799; Tarred Roads, lb. Theft, Some Precautions Against, 214. Top Gear, Indirect, 356—To Use, lb. Trials, Motorcars are Improved by, 866. Tyres: Economy of, 86a, 705; Inflation by CO2 of, 588; Overhauling of Rims and, 278: Prices of, 931; Treatment of, 722. Tyre Valves, Leakage of, 7. Valve Spring, Repair to a Broken, 866. Wind Blown, 149. Windscreen, Its Advantages, 931
  • Cylinder Bores, Measuring, 797
  • Cylinders, Cracked, How to Utilize, 53
  • Cylinders, The. 313, 348, 380. 611, 750, 850
  • Cylinder System, Desaxe, 754-755
  • “ Daily Mail ” Second £10,000 Prize. 505, 835
  • Daimler Motor Trade Scholarships, 951
  • Dangers of Reliability, The, 417
  • De Dion Military Searchlight, The, 541-542
  • Delpeuch Air Suspension. Novel, 723
  • Desaxe Cylinder System, The, 754-755
  • Design, An Innovation in Automobile, 725-726a
  • Devices, Interesting, 23, 53-54, 70-71, 117-118, 138, 171, 293-305. 307, 370, 389, 405. 442, 479, 584, 633, 653, 740, 753. 797-798, 844. 867, 935
  • Differential Gear: The, 252, 310, 374, 376-378, 449, 530, 458; Need of, 45’1; Non-Skid Effect of, 641; Peculiarities Explained of, 131-132
  • Direction Indicator, A New, 405
  • Distributor, Simms’ New High-tension, 289
  • Doctor and his Car, The, 683-684
  • Doctor’s Steam Oars, 854 . 888
  • Door Glasses, Warning Concerning, 703 -
  • Drive a Motor, How a Lady should Learn to, 207
  • Driver, Rigid Screen Flap' for Communicating with the. 690
  • Drivers, Old y. New, 399
  • Driving Certificates. 553
  • Driving in Three Cities, Motor, 381-382
  • Drummond Lathe, The, 656
  • Dry Cell, A Scaled, 653
  • Duke of Sutherland’s Stafford House Garage, The, 538
  • Dust Cap, A New, 814
  • Dust Layer, Westrumite, 841
  • Dust Preventer Inventors, 847
  • Dynamos: Ducellier, 935; for Lighting Car, 163-164: High Tension Co.’s, 163-164
  • Eastern Counties, Motoring in the, 742
  • Economy: High Temperature and, 134; Tyre Problems and, 268
  • Editorial.— American Cars, The Trend of Design of, 12. American Invasion, The Anticipated, 172. Anti-Freezing Solutions Freezing, 44-45. Antipathy to Motorcars: Obsolescence of, 140. Asleep, Fined for being, 870. Aviation Progress, 870 ; Bleriot’s Cross-Channel Flight, Monument to Commemorate, 12. Boycotting, Bournemouth, €58; In General, 658. British Motoring Events, Absence of, 13; Car Equipment, 282. Centrifugal Governor, The Demise of the, 12. Consideration, 938. Constable. What is a? 45. Continent, Energy and Enterprise on the, 13. Cripple, The Car and the, 835. “ Daily Mail ” Second £10,000 Prize, 505, 835; Emergencies, Superiority of the Motorcar in, 394. Engines and Transmission, Scientific Study of, 108. Experiments, Early, 361; Fines, Unequal, 108. Flying, Progress in, 800. French Show Muddle, The, 76. French, The Beneyolent, 13; Guides, Motor, 938-939; Heavy Cars, Light or, 625. J-climbs, The Banning of Open, 468. Horsed Vehicles, Dangers of, 328; Indifference, Astounding, 764 Justice, Farcical, 431432 King Edward VII.—His Death, 544 Liquid Fuel, A Growing Demand for, 108 Missionary Effort, A, 218. Motorist, One for the, 800. Motorist Scores, Where the, 835. Motoring Conditions, Ideal, 658; Noises, Highway, 870; Organization, Usefulness and Value of to Motorists, 328; Paris Show, Uniform Signs for, 172-173. Penalties, Motorists’ Excessive, 172; M.U. Circularizes M.P.’s, lb. Pioneer, The Passing of a, 904. Posters, Catchpenny Press, 800. Prices, the Maintenance of, 431. Prince Henry of Prussia—A Royal Motoring Enthusiast, 140. Prince Henry Trophy, The Next, 764; R.A.C., Chairman of the, 468. Road Board. Appointment of, 544. Road Chivalry, 44. Road Maintenance Question, The, 218-219. Road Rule, The, 218. Roads, Motorists have Last Right on, 764. Rolls, Death of Hon. C. S., 904. Royal Aero Club, Policy of the, 394; Safety of the Motor, The, 140. Sampson, Death of Mr. J. Lyon, 904. Scotland, Constabular Courtesy in, 728. Scottish Trials, End of the, 544. Show Dates, 361—Olympia, 694-695. Speed Limit Signs, 44. Sprag, Disappearance of the, 44. Supplement Picture, Our, 505; Taxation: Muddle of, 694; New Scale of, 468; Regulations for, 728. Taxicab Dangers, 140-141. Ten Years Ago, 394-395. Touring Abroad, New Facilities for the Englishman, 505. Touring Contest in Great Britain, A Probable, 728. Trapping System. The. 904. Travelling, The Refinement of, 591. Tyres, Think of Your, 12-13. Upset, An, 938; White’s Flight, 468, 474-474b
  • Efficient Working of Motor, Extension of Period of, 778-779
  • Election Incidents, 88-89
  • Electric Lighting, Country House. 245
  • Engine Control, Variable Inlet, 582
  • Engine Design, 406-407
  • Engine Flexibility, 492-493, 642
  • Engine Power, Increasing, 67-68
  • Engines.— Ajax, 35 h.p., Rotary, 336; Austin, 15 h.p., 216-217; Daimler New Piston Valve, 927; Darracq Long Stroke, 442; Esnault-Pelterie, New, 933; Gnome, New, 336;—Sevencyl. 586, 100 h.p., 14-cyl., 736; Hewitt, 113; Ixion Deloche, 775; Marlborough, New, 22 h.p., 480-481; Monobloc, 37, 340; New Two-cycle, 861-862, 904a, 912, 956, 959; Siddeley, 134; White-Poppe, 34, 143
  • Engines, Aviation—(See “ Air, The Way of the ”)
  • Engine Setting for Worm Drive, 895
  • Engine Speed, Regulation of, 161-162
  • Engine Starting, Ease and Safety when, 456-457
  • Epicyclic Gear. Adams, 725-726a
  • Equipment, 293-305; Equipment Number, Our, 259-. 316
  • Exhibitions—(See “ Shows ”)
  • Experiment, An Interesting, 43
  • Experiments, Some Early, 208
  • Eyesight, Motoring and the, 242, 799; Lotion for Irritated Eyes, 714
  • Facts, Some Interesting, 812
  • Fastenings for Exhaust and Inlet Pipes, 705-707
  • Finance and Business—(See “Business, Finance and ”)
  • Fire Brigade Installations, 223 235
  • Fire Engines, 235
  • Firms, Commercial, Fire Engines for Private, 235
  • Fitments. Gamage’s, 299
  • Fitting Out Car, 260-261
  • Fixed Firing Points, Variable or, 954-955
  • Flexibility of Engine, The Ideal of, 492-493
  • Flight, Some Critical Remarks on, 206
  • Flying Grounds. How to Reach Some, 554-557
  • Flying Men, The Motor Book of Notable, 884 Foot Warmer, Forest’s, 23
  • Foreign Touring, New Facilities for, 505
  • France, Michelin Road Maps of, 947
  • French Small Car, A New, 652
  • Front Seat, A Compact, 389 Mont Wheel Brakes, 27, 92, 124, 15t, 189
  • Fuels, Lubricants and, 393
  • Galvanit, 137, 253, 357, 377, 744
  • Gamage-Benetfink Dinner, The, 542
  • Gases for Tyre Inflation, 525
  • Gearbox Design, Interesting Comparisons of, 3-5
  • Gear Change, A New Automatic, 467
  • Gear Changes, The Number of, 520
  • Gear Changing: 102, 190, 254-255, 388, 572, 574, 639, 642, 816, 854, 887-888, 920; Art of, 654; French Style of, 102-103; On Hills, 244
  • Gear Problem, Interesting Solution of the, 436
  • Gears: Adam’s Epicyclic, 725-726a; Chain, 566; Differential, 131-132, 310, 374, 376-378—Simple Explanation of, 458
  • Germany: Army Winter Trials in; Aviation in. 146. 338—Military Aeroplanes in, 440 : International Motor Traffic and, 551; Juries in Cars in, 652: Number of Automobiles in, 145: Regulations in, 83, 629
  • Glasgow, New Municipal Garage for, 327
  • Gobron Brillie 'Engine, Taxation of, 921
  • Goggles, Sthenos, 600
  • G.P.O. Motor Mail Vans save ^£60,000 for the, 86
  • Grahame-White at Ranelagh, Mr., 667
  • Highway Nuisances, 848-849
  • Hill-climbs.— Essex M.C.’s, Lippet’s Hill, Epping, 911. Herts. County A.C.’s, Aston Hill, Tring, 475. Leicester A.C.’s, Kettleby, 911. Manchester M.C.’s, Woodhead Hill, 738. Midland A.C.’s. Shelsley Walsh, 398, 477, 512, 664, 738, 876; Winner, 839-840. Motor Cycling Club’s, Kops Hill, Princes Risborough, 511. Scottish Club's, 520; Rules for, lb. Semmering, 628. 945. Sutton Coldfield A.C.’s, Coalport, Salop, 475; Tempoeran, Java, 133
  • Hiring Cars, 538
  • Holiday Vehicle, A Novel Motor Caravan, 578-579 Hoods: Kopalapso, 666; Roller Blind Principle for, 794; Flexible Arching Roller for, lb.; Wolseley New Cape Cart for, 146
  • Horn Noises, Horns and, 54a
  • Horns: AUtovox, 297: Effective Electric, 405; Gabriel Four Note, 304; Godin Four Note, 70; Klaxon, 946; Klaxonet, 301; Selfridge, 298; Sireno, Smith, 300; Swan, Stewart, 298; Testaphone,
  • Horse-power, Taxation of, 742a
  • Hundred Pound (£100) Car. That, 153, 524, 608, 676, 713, 777; Bedelia, 242; The French and, 602-603
  • Huntingdon Aviation Meeting, 331
  • Ignition.—95, 256, 415-416, ’612, 822, 855, 889; All About, 774a; Automatic, 168; Circuit for, 40; Duplex System of, 962; E.I.C. System of, 300; Equipment Specialities for, 289; Experiments in, 811; Fitting up Reserve, 324; Lodge Specialities, 299; Low Tension, Devices for, 85, 308, 483; Low Tension Magneto for, 85; Multipoint System of, 234; Southall’s Tester for, 305; Unusual Coil System of, 385
  • Import Duty, French, 55
  • Index Marks, Motor, 204
  • Indicator and Clock, Smith’s, 300
  • Industry, Motor, Active Condition of the, 236-237
  • Inflator, Parsons, 293
  • Information Bureau.— Accumulators: Charging, 95, 316,575; By Primary Cells, 379; Positive Connection for, 821; Storage of, 63; Troubles with, 127-128. Acetylene Generator, 348; Explosion of an, 924. Air, Excess of, 96. Air Tube, Leak in, 416. Axle Ends, Worn, 643 Back Light Indicator, 96. Band Brake Lining, 924. Battery for Charging, A Difficulty with, 191. Bearing, Adjusting, 749; Lining, 788; Trouble with Plain, 821, Benzol v. Petrol, 821. Bore v. Stroke, H.P. Formula, 821. Brake, A Noisy, 961. Brass Lacquering, 856. Business Oars, 612; Carbon Deposit, 923, 961-962. Carburation Faulty, 192, 680, 961-962. Carburetter: The, Altering, 415; For Benzol, 750; A New Wanted, 489; Better Type Required, 347; Defective, 575-576; Overheated, 749: Too Cold, 453. Chains, Worn, 750. Circulation System, The, 63, 96. Clutch: A Noisy, 416; Fitting a Leather, 159; Metal to Metal, Slipping, 526. Coil: The, Adjustment of, 453; Altering Switch on, 787; Choosing, 31; Connections of, 32; Faulty Insulation of, 192; Low Tension, 192; Plain v. Trembler, 159; Testing, 611. Compression, Loss of, 64, 679, 715. Consumption of Petrol on 15 h.p. Car, 348. Contacts, Adjustment of. 416. Covers for Universal Joints, Trouble with Leather, 821. Crankshaft, A Scored, 961. Cylinders: Cleaning, 759; Faulty, 850; Fitting Larger, 348; Leakage of Water into, 380; Monobloc, 314; Overheating of, 611; Decarbonizers, Chemical, 821. Differential Oil Leakage, 576. Driving Axle, Breakages of, 611. Dry Cells, Preferability of, 490; Electrolyte, Solid, 453. Enamelling Plated Fittings, 348. Engine, The: Fails to Start, 575; Not in Power, 490; Overcooled, 192; Overhauling, 526; Sluggishness of, 890; Speed of, Increasing, 576; Weak, 192. Exhaust Control, 31. Exhaust Pipes: Fitting Larger, 680; Position of, 576. Exhaust Valve Warping, 750; Fan Belt, Slipping, 453. Firing Point, Fixing the, 256. Five Miles an Hour, 680; Gearbox Heating, 822; Hills, Stops on, 716. Hood, Proofing a. 643;

Ignition: Advancing The, 415-416; An Expedient, 612; Choice of,. 416; Coil Circuit for, 889; Dampness in System of, 95; Duplex Sparking System of, 962; Low Tension, 855; Misfires on, 822; Questions Concerning, 256. Ignitions, Two on One Plug. 889; Knock, A Valve, 750; Lamp Filament Breakage, 822; Licences, 612—New Duty, 024. Lighting of Car: 679; Automatic 348; Electric, 128. 415; French Regulations For, 856; Problem of, 160. Live Axle Casing, Breakage of, 889. Lubrication, Excessive, 716; Curious Experience With, 316; Magnetizing, 680. Magneto, The: A Difficulty With, 787; Frame, Connection of, 96; High v. Low Tension, 716; Switch, 525; Timing a Six-cylinder, 95; Questions Concerning, 191, 611; Weak, 32. Misfiring Recurrent, 315. Motor Act, The, 490; Needle Valve Vibration, 716. Nickel, Removal of, 576. Noises: A Clattering, 923; A Rumbling, 644; From Engine, Peculiar, 490; Overcooling Engine, 192. Overhauling: General, 788; Of Engine, 923. Overheating, Tests of, 890; Petrol: Consumption of, 890; Tank, Auxiliary, For, 380; Water In. 348. Piston Rings: Fitting new. 416; Fitting New Standard, 856; Grooves of, Want Cleaning, 128; Leakage of, 127; Stuck, 962. Plugs: Defective, 416; Multiple Point, 821; Sooting Up, 644. Polarity, Finding by Lamp, 348. Power: Loss of, 127, 679, 924; Reboring Cylinders Increases, 31; Undeveloped, 160. Pump, Fitting a New, 788; Radiators: Cleaning, 347—with Caustic Soda, 856; Filling with Hot Water, 160; Leaking, 715. Rear Light, The. 453. Registration: 379, 416; A Cancelled, 453; Transference of, 526. Reverse Gear, Necessity For, 490. Rim Paint, 96. Rubber. Old, 525—Rubber Solution, 316; Side-slipping,. 855. Silencers: Cleaning, 316; Defective, 680; Explosion in, 855—Strange Case of, 643. Starting: Aids To, 611; Auxiliary Coil Problem and, 63; Difficulties and, 128, 315, 788, 923; On Low Tension Magneto, 924. Switch Question, The, 348. Switch Starter, The, 525; Taxation: 750: Exemption from, 71G; Rating and, 890. Thermo-circulation System, Faulty, 962. Timing: 643: Engine Knock and Fixed, 64—Fitting New Cams For, Ib. Transaction Concerning a Car, A, 379. Transmission Systems, Wear in, 160. Trembler of Coil, Sticking, 961. Tyre Inflation, 611—Gases For, 525. Tyres, Leather v. Rubber For, 716; Questions Concerning, 256; Underscreen, 715; Valve Clearance, 924. Valve Adjustments, 160— Tappet, 749. Valve Spring, Effect of a Weak, 96; Watercart. Every Car its Own. 822. Water in Combustion Chamber, 159. Windscreen, Rain on, 490. Workshop Driving, Petrol Motors and, 855; Zenith Carburetter, 856—Air Supply to the, Ib

  • Inlet Valve- Fastenings, Exhaust and, 705-707
  • Inner Tube,^Armoured, 479
  • Inner Tube-Corset, Abercorn’s, 479
  • Installations of Electric Light, 245; In Country Houses, Ib
  • Institution of Automobile Engineers, The, 20, 25, 516. 535, 598, 918
  • Insurance, 214—Interesting Points on, Ib.
  • Intentions, Good, 613-614
  • Interior Equipment, 271
  • Interiors, Exteriors and, 585-586
  • Internal Combustion Engine, Mr. A. E. Lowe’s Lecture on the History of the, 111
  • Interviews. Hurried, 183, 237, 347
  • Ireland, Car Experiences in, 345
  • Jack, A New, 479
  • Jacks, Lifting: Brown Duco, 304; Godin Foot Operated, 171; Samson, 305
  • Java, Motoring In, 122, 742—Club Trials, 122.423
  • Jellso Jelly Motor Soap, 703
  • Jet, Adjustable, 479
  • Justiciary Appeal Court: Scottish A.C. Takes a Case to the, 800
  • Kaiser, H.I.M. The, 590— His Motor Field Kitchen, Ib
  • Kent Invites Motorists, 438
  • King Edward VII., Automobilism and, 545—His Death, 544
  • King’s Highway, The, 599
  • Lady Motorist’s Car, A, 436
  • “ Lady Motorist’s Companion,” The, 813
  • Lady Motorists, For, 99, 164. 207, 358, 671, 690 , 831
  • Lamp Converting, Paraffin to Acetylene, 94, 157, 188, 251
  • Lamp Preserving Buffer, Jarrot-Letts, 335
  • Lamps :Autoclipse, 304, 583; Broadhurst’s, 303: Castle, 303; Electric, for Steering Column, 299; Flee, 30. 91; Goldenlyte, 118, 300: Hall’s F.R.S.. 54, 294; Heinz Portable, 23; Howes-Burley, 338— For Oil, Ib; Lucas, 302; Oldfield’s Dependence, 296; Petrol, Sempitrol, Head, 368; Polkey, 297; Powell-Hanmer, 772; Roadlight, 305; Rushmore, Multiplex Lens, 300; Sea-brooke’s, 70, 296-297; Siemens Tungsten Electric, 867; Vandervell, 294
  • Lamps for Motors: Care of, 390; Important Considerations Concerning, 730a; Movable Head, Legality of, 320; Repairing, 390; Self-Lighting Device for Gas, 703
  • Lanark Aviation Meeting, 114, 213, 331, 399, 514, 548, 795, 800 , 840. 937, 946, 955—(See ' also “ Air, The Way of the.”)
  • Lanchester Gear Change, The, 139
  • Land’s End-John o’ Groats, 875— Arrol-Johnston Records, 875
  • Lathes, Working Bench, 284
  • Leather Cone Clutch, Why Does it Stick? 444
  • Licence: Collection of Fees Pavable for the, 30, 75; Compulsory Carrying of The, 591; Endorsement of The, 703
  • Light Cars: French New, 738a-738b; New, 827
  • Lighting, Electric: Castle Sets For, 303; Country House, 245, 436; Dry Battery Novelties For, 299; Dynamo For, 163-164; Facile System of, 297; Peto-Radford, 290; Vandervell Sets For,
  • Lighting, Petrol Gas for, 223, 344, 385
  • Lightning, Cars and, 761, 783, 851, 887, 918
  • Lights on Vehicles Act, The, 41
  • Locking Wheels, Braking and, 827
  • Lodging Accommodation for Motorists, 520
  • London, Driving in, 382-383
  • London-Edinburgh Run, 20, 51, 550, 594
  • London-Man Chester Flights: By Paulhan, 508-511; By White, 474-474b
  • Long Tours, Adapting Car for, 645
  • Lubricants: Fuels and, 393—Notes on, 270
  • Lubricating and Contact System, A Novel, 930
  • Lubrication, Back Axle, Renault’s Splash System of, 171
  • Lubricator, Godin Syphon, 171
  • Luggage: Moco Carrier for, 370; The Disposal on Touring Car of, 205-206
  • Luncheon Basket. Dunhill’s. 295
  • Magnetos: Fuller, 224; Nilmelior, 304—New Type of, 87; Ruthardt Latest, 653; Simms, 100—Constructional Details of. 100-102; U.H., 666 Magneto’s Point of View—Acetylene v. Electricity, 106. American Dumping, The Possibility of, 9. Bore, Measuring the, 761; Carburation: Bunsen Burner for Studying, 847; Timing Problem and, 586-587. Carburetter, Detachability of the, 726a. Chain Drive, The, 561. Circulars Again, 761. Coal Gas for Starting, 40. Contact Makers, Defective, 461. Crankshafts, Special Steels and, 904a; Drivers, Technical Training for. 904a. Driving Chains, Protecting, 137. Dynamo for Car Lighting, Installing a, 691; Engine, A Sluggish, 357. Exhaust Valve Stems, Lengthening, 324; Finish, The Importance of Fit and, 40. Firing a Four-cylinder Engine, Correct Sequence of, 385. Frost Troubles, 106—Why There are Fewer, lb; Galvanit, Motorists’ Point of View Concerning, 137. Garage Management, Slovenliness In, 461. Gnome Engine, Rotating Seven-cylinder, 586. Gyroscopic Cars, Improbability of General Use of, 211; Heat Energy, Waste of, 385; Ignition: An Unusual System of Coil, 385; Automatic, 168; Circuit For, 40; Experiments In, 811; Fitting up Reserve, 324. Improvement of Cars with Running, 586. Indicator Diagrams, 561; Knock. Why Loose Bearings Cause a, 9; Lamp Lighting, Automatic, 357. Lightning, Cars and, 761; Mechanic, Two Sorts of Motor, 461. Mirrors, The Use of Road, 622; “New Zealander,” A Reply To, 357. Noise on Car, 691. Nomenclature, Faulty Technical, 9 Optical Devices, The Use of, 622; Petrol: Leakage from Tank of, 726a; Incandescent Lighting by Gas of, 385; Stoppage of Supply of, 8U- Plating, Galvanit, 137. Plug Claims, 561. Power Increase, Engine Overhaul and, 137. Power, Silence and, 168; Radiators, Leaky, 622. “ Revolutionizing Discovery ”—Another! 211. Rust, Proofing Exhaust Pipe Against, 761; Self-starting and Lighting Combination, A, 811. Shaft Breakages, The Cause of, 622. Starting, Easing Compression For, 461; Two-stroke Engine, The, 904a. Tyres: Effect of Light on, 726a; Increase of Sizes of, 211; Moisture and, 726a; Treatment of, 691 Magneto, The: 32, 95, 96, 155. 191, 255, 525, 571-572, 611, 716, 787; Adapting, 572; Doom of? 958; How It is Made, 100-102; Mirror for Inspecting, 155; Questions Concerning, 191, 255; Replacing, 571-572; The Case For The, 954-955 Main Roads, Avoiding, 568-570 Makers, Waiting on the, 189 Malvern Hills, Motoring Over the, 828-830 Mantle for Petrol Lighting. Bush Incandescent. 368 Maps: Of England, 798; Of French Roads. 947; Of West End of London, 541, 558. 567, 622 Marine Motor World, Progress in the, 209-210 Medical Profession, The: Doctors Cars, 683, 684, 854, 888; Motor Diminishes Number of Members of, 743
  • Melbourne Sydney Record Attempts: 363; Mr. S. Day’s Experiences in the. 319
  • Mileage Recorders: for Antarctic Polar Expedition, 753. 851; Smith’s 753: Speed and, 266-267
  • Military Searchlights, Motor, 541-542
  • Mirrors: Smith’s. 300: The Use of Road, 622
  • Monte Carlo, Bv Taxicab From Paris To and From, 615-618
  • Motor, A New Aviation, 684 Motor Boating, 210 Motor Oar Act, 1909, The International, 5o0 Motor Car Acts, Index Marks in’ First Schedule of, 204
  • Motor Caravan, To Brighton By Mr. Du Cros’ Pullman, 287
  • Motorcar, Buying a, 224
  • Motor Carriages, Popular Type of Town and Touring Combined, 247-250, 274-277
  • Motor Cycling Club, The, 665—London-Edinburgh Run, 594
  • Motor Hearse, The: 625; Incongruous Use of, lb
  • Motor House: Dampness of the, 322, 376, 414, 452, 485—Remedy for, 390; Floor of the, 543; Precautions to' be Observed in the, 7; Washing the Inside of the, 543
  • Motor Movement, Inculcating More Sympathy for the, 151
  • Motor Union, The: 41, 52, 503; Automobile Association Amalgamation, 800; Grahame-White Banquet, 513, 553; Work of the, 148a Motor Valve Hood, H. F. Warland’s, 442 M.P.'s, Some Automobilist, 77
  • Mud, A Protector for Garments Against, 407 Mudguards, Effective, 370
  • Multipoint Ignition, 314, 345, 374-375, 413, 571, 678, 747, 853
  • My Way of Thinking.— Aero and Motor Boat Exhibition, The 85. Air Gauge, Twitchell, 482. Air, The Car and the Open, 914. American Invasion, The, 25. American Notion, Another, 371. Antiquities, A Museum of, 636. Appointment-, An Acceptable, 792. Aviation Programme, The French and the, 24; Bank Holiday Motoring, 637. Bargain Prices, 849. Bradford Imposition, A, 121. Brake, Clutch or, 446. Brake Efficiency, 120. British Cars, Foreign v.\ 408. Brussels Show, British Show at, 673. Buggy Type Cars, 849. business, How to Lose, 56; Capital, Industry and, 243. Caravan Club, The, 483. Census of Production, The, 25, 777. Chain Gear, 566. Challenge Tubes, 153. Channel Flight, Rolls Phenomenal, 743. Chestnut, A Venerable, 340. Clearances, 743. Clutch and Brake interconnection, 185. Colonies, The Motor in the, 152. Comparison, a, 482-483. Consumption, Speed, and 185. Contempt, Familiarity Breeds, 883-884. “ Crabbing,” Philological Derivation of the Term, 153; Daimler-Knight Catches on in France, 55—50 per cent. Duty in Consequence of, lb. Daimler Omnibuses, The, 793. Danger, An Unrecognized, 776. Danger of Fire, A Very Much Unlocked For, 884. Danger S gns, 372, 605. Danger, Where is the ? 447. Dead Copy Cars, 244. Decision, An Important, 483. Differential Problem, The, 339. Driving: in the Open, 519; On the Side of the Road, 636; Without Licence, 243. Driving Seats, Position of, 742b-743. Dual Control, The Danger of, 446-447. Dunlop Statue, Glasgow and the, 776; Edison Battery, Again, That, 184. Effect: A Curious, 743; Cause and, 674. Enterprise, Capital or, 244-245. Experimenting, Dangerous, 408; Figures, Startling, 914. Flexibility, 483. Foot Walks. The Provision of, 914. France, Fifty per cent. Duty on. Our Trade with, 55; Gear Changes, The Number of, 520. Gear Changing: 244; On Hills, 244. Gears, Ever Meshed v. Sliding, 185. Glass, Wanted Unbreakable, 408-409. Goggles, Concerning, 86. G.P.O., Motor Mails Saving, 86, 121. Guarantees. The Question of, 604-605; Headlights, Movable. 86. High Temperature, Economy and, 243-244. Hill Climbs, R.A.C., and, 566. Holiday Jaunt, A, 636-637. Homes from Homes, 520. Hood Covers. 85. Horn, Concerning the. 883. Hundred Pound Car, 777—That Elusive, 153. Hungerford, The Accident at, 776; Idea, A New, 371. Ignition, Interesting Low Tension Devices., 85, 308, 483. Improvement, A Needed, 482. India, Motoring in, 120. Invention, A Field For, 339^-An Article on, 372. Inventions. Unpracticable, 848. Ireland, Motor Manufacture In, 849; J.D.S. Deasy Car, The, 519; Legal Pronouncement, A Sensible, 55-56. Locomotives Act, 1865, Proverbial Coach and Four and the, 185; Magisterial Wisdom, More, 85. Manchester Show, The, 742b. Marching in India, Extraordinary, 308. Military Purposes, Motors for, 340. Mirror, The Use of the, 409. Monobloc Engines. 340 Motorcycle Show, A, 24. Move, A Bold, 952; Noise, Puzzling, 449, 523, 574, 608, 639, 708. Notion, A Different Sort of, 848. Nuisances, High Road, 848-849. Nuts, The Sizes of, 244 Offence, A Most Serious! 120-121. Overhaul, The Time for an, 25; Packington, Sample Roads at, 636. Paint for Silencer, 744. Passive Resistance, A New, Form of, 152. Patterns, A Multiplicity of, 447. Petrol Fires, 674. Petrol Rebate, The 153. Point to be Remembered, A, 709. Police, Our Masters the, 742b. Policy, A Shortsighted, 339. Post Office Motors, 86, 121— Save 2 s. 6d. a Mile, Lb. Power: Plenty of, 120; Silence and, 152. Power-Unit Construction, 86. Prices, Advance of, 708. Prince Henry Competition, The, 776, 953. Production Census, The, 25, 777; R.A.C., The: Another Action of, 915; Entrance Bee of, 953, Foreign Cars and, 777. Radiator Covers, 85-86. Reversing Covered Oars, 184. Revolution: A Completed, 185—Another, 339. Road Board Secretaryship, The. 792. Road Construction: Concerning, 519; Cost of, 482. Roads, Concerning, 637—In New Countries, 604. Roads, Tarbound, Treatment of, 708, Rubber: Deleterious Effect of Oil on, 409; Moisture Desirable for, 793; Price Prospects of, 24; Salesman, The Hustling, 446. Sampson, Death of Mr. Lyon, 952-953. Scotland’s Ten Mile Limits, 566. Scottish Club Hill Climbing Rules of the, 520. Scottish Trials, Abandonment of, 605. Secret Commissions Act, 185. Show, Aeroplanes at the.. 340. Shows, Commercial Firms and, 792. Sign of the Times, A, 567. Spectacles: Employment and, 742b Motorists and. 849. Speed Timing, 674. Spring, A Taste of, 372. Starting: In Cold Weather, 25; With Gear In. 56. Stop Watches, Fine Division, 121. Strength, The All-Importance of, 777. Switzerland, Michelin Guide To. 793; Tar Painting, 409. Taxicab Driver, An Errant, 709. Thousand Miles Trial Decennary: 519; Suggestions Concerning, 409. Tide, The Turning of the, 915. Tip. A, 409. Top Gear Run, A, 953. Traffic Dangers: In the-City, 792; The Real, 792-793. Traffic Statistics, Remarkable, 519-569. Tramlines, Dangerous, 883 , 952. Trials: Concerning Motorcar, 121. New Series of, 953. Two-Speed Cars, 604. Tyre Burst, A Fatal, 447. Tyres, Necessities of, 673; Variable Inlet Control, The, 673; Wheels, Large, 566-567. Windscreens, Concerning, 56. Word, A Hideous, 743. Work for Motors, A New Field for, 243; Yankee Bluff, 709
  • Names of Cars, Confusion of, 66
  • Nervous Passenger, The, 130
  • New Car Number, Our, 193-256
  • New Car Supplement (with Index thereto) to face page 193
  • New Forest in March, Throughout the, 337-338
  • News and Notes—A.A. Prosecution, An, 876; Traffic Patrols of, 143. Aeroplane Transport through London, 19. Agents, Ideas and, 226. America, An Endurance Run in, 477. ’ Appeal, Motorist’s Successful Legal, 876. Argyll, 15 h.p., A Colonial, 19. Ascot Sunday, 774. Australian Record, Melbourne-Sydney, 180. Aviation Ground, A Private, 515. Aviator’s Death, A German, 225; Bedford Car, A Short Run on a, 51. Bond Street Depot, a, 535. Bournemouth Carnival, 435, 774, 841. Business at Woking, a, 366; Cape Cart Hood, Wolseley New, 146. Car, An Interesting De Dion, 437. Carburetters, Interesting, 79, 946. Case, an Interesting Legal, 737. Catalogna Cup, Race for the, 698. Chauffeurs, Discharged Service Men as, 20. Coaching Revival, a, 738. Colonies, Another Complaint from the, 597—Cars for the, 698. Combination Car, Closed and Open Two-seater, 367. Contrast, A Pathetic, 737. Cornwall, Touring Through, 943. Cumberland Moors, On the, 876. Cuts, Patches, and, 144, 178, 222, 286. 334b, 363, 397, 434-435, 4/6, 512, 548, 732, 768, 838, 873, 942; Daimler Challenge, Extension of the, 878b. De Dion Trial, A, 944. Defence, Motorist’s Successful, 879. De Zuylen Mystification, The, 20a. Dunhill’s, Messrs., 478. Dunlop Statue Fund, The John Boyd, 548. Dust, Dustless Roads and, 772. Dust Prevention, 79, 336; Edinburgh: On Top Gear from London to, 948; Speed in the Suburbs of, 813. Example, A Goad, 223; Fixtures. 804, 838, 873, 906. Flighty Fragments, 906. Foreign Competitors, 335. Friswell, A Day with Sir Charles,. 700a; German Motor Industry. The, 226. Gift, A Generous, 79. Glasgow Exhibition, 51; Buildings for, 51. Gyroscope Demonstration, a, 551 Health, How to Gain in a Pleasant- Way, 398. Henry Edmund’s Hill Climb, 512. Horse Drivers, A Warning to, 51. Humber Works, Midland Aero Club Visits the, 5’6. Hyde Park, Motoring in, 699; Instalment System, Motors on the, 114. Institution of Automobile Engineers, 20, 25, 179, 516. 535, 598, 948. International Circulate of Motorcars, 512. Irish Road Congress, The, 114; June Fixtures, 732; Ladies Car, 436. Lecture, An Interesting, 111. Liverpool, Control Works and Garage at, 773. London-Edinburgh Run, 628 ; Mail Vans, Snowed up, 52. Medical Practitioners, Patient and, 226. Michelin Road Maps of France, 947. Military Reconnaissance, Motor, 513. 549. Motor Houses, Local Bye-laws and, 598 ; Nazzaro, The Popular, 598. North Middlesex A.C., Legal Representation for Members of the, 145. Novel,’ Something, 906; Ocean to Ocean, from, 703. Ostend, Meeting at, 911; Phillips, Presentation to Mr. Walter, 911. Police, Motorists v. the. 398. Postal Motor Vehicle, a, 82. Prince Henry Tour, The, 367, 664; R.A.C., The Junior, 774a. Regulations, International Motor, 474b. Road Material, A German, 82. Beads: American Seekers after Good, 629; Movement for Improved, 513. Rover Out?'ng, 735.; Saltburn Speed Trials. 810a. Santos Dumont Lightweight, The, 83. Snow, 130 Miles on, 51. Souvenir, A Clever, 841. Speed Limits, Magistrates and, 598. Sprag, The Demise of the, 80. Station Landaulet, The Motorcar as a Railway, 81. Swiss Disabilities. 474b. Switzerland, Tachometers not Obligatory in, 179; Tests, A Severe, 52. Thery, Monument to the late M. Leon, 83. Touring. 512; Austrian International, 598. Traffic, German and International Motor, 551. Trouble, Asking for, 516; Valves. 225; Grinding, lb; War Office Contracts, Important, 223. Water Charges, 83, 912. Welsh Spas, four, 739; Yorkshire A C.’s Crippled Children’s Outing, 912 New, The Old and the, 925-926 New Things. News About, 242 New York, Driving in, 383-384 New Zealand, Christchurch Trials in, 441 Nitrogen, Advantages of Tyre Inflation with, 7 nomenclature, Faulty, 29 Non-Skids: Berry, 633; Brooklands Detachable. 633; Lomax. 71; Parson’s Grippa, 293; Roberts, 71; Wallwork Band. 298
  • "Notable Flying Men ”—The Motor Book of. 884
  • Note Book, Jottings from an Amateur’s, 148b .
  • Ober Ammergau. How to Get to, 670
  • Oil, The Boom in, 724
  • Old Cars, Taxation Regulations and, 825
  • Olympia, Flying Machines at, 227-230
  • Omnibus, The Daimler, 793
  • Osmotie Velocities of Gases for Tyre Inflation, 588
  • Other People’s Views.—Accumulators: Charging, from Alternate Current, 125; Through Rectifier, 189; Storage in the Dark of, 747; Storing when Not in Use, 573. Acetylene: As Fuel, 124; For Starting Up, 157. Advertisers, Prices of Goods and, 921. Africa, South, Tips from the Transvaal, 158. Air Gauge, The Twitched, 571. Air Lock in Water Circulation, 254. Air Tube j-»urst, 783; Suggested Reason for an, 852. American Cars, 61. American Invasion: 158, 313; Likelihood of, 61, 92; Report of Denied, 93. American Methods, British and, 158. Ashton-under-Lyne, Limit Signs at, 918. Australia, The Motor in Queensland, 957. Automobile Club,. Junior, 744, 786; Back-fire, What Constitutes a? 572. Bearings: Adjusting, 312; Fitting Crankshaft, 158. Benzol v. Petrol. 887. Bishops Castle Hill, Graphic nt of* 784. Bleriot Rights, 314. Block Cylinders v. Separate, 521. Bodies for Touring, 377, 449. Body Designs, Suggestions for Special. 190. Bosch Magnetic Plug, Experiences with, 609. Boycotting, 784. Brakes: For Chain-driven Cars, 188; Front-wheel, 27.. 92, 124, 155, 189. British Constructional Methode, 187; versus American, lb. Burst Inner Tube, 783, 852. Business, How Some People Lose, 189; Methods of, 609, 712, 714; Camping Trip: Motor, 29; Hints for a, 126. Caravan Club, A Reply, 413. Carburation,. Illustrated by Bunsen Burner, 919. Carburetter, The: Experiences with, 412, 571,. 639, 641, 676; Improving, 28; New Features of, 376, 957; Trouble with, 610, 746, 886, 920. Car Experiences, 412, 452, 486, 524, 609, 641. . Chaff-cutter, Car Drives a, 959. Chain Drive, A, 675, 712, 746. 817-818, 854. Chatterton. Compound, Recipe for Making, 94. Chauffeurs,. Experiences with, 376. Chauffeur, The: Coachman versus, 854, 888, 919; Defence of, 451; Protests, 156; Unsatisfactory, 311; Wages of, 819. Clutch, The: Castor Oil as Lubricant for, 377; Leather Odne of, Slipping, 574, Sticking, lb.Leather Fitting on, 413;. Lining, 677; Material of, 886; Raybestos for, 572; Use of, when Descending Hills, 485. Coil Trembler Fault, 376. Colonies: Another Plaint from the, 573; Cars for the, 712, 885. Compression in Old Type Engine, 28. Constructional Methods, American v. British, 90. Costs, Running, 854, 887. Covered Body Cars, Reversing, 312. Crank Pins, Truing-up, 486, 607. Crankshaft Bearings: Adjusting, 189; Fitting. 156, 187-188. Crankshaft Bedding, 94. Crankshafts, Are They Too Heavy? 854, 919 Cylinder Heads, Detachable, 572; Block . Separate, 414, 449, 608, 642, 712. Cylinder Engine, Fitting Larger, 572, 642 ; Darracq Oar, Difficulty with a 1906, 676. Det bonixers, 854, 887. Derbyshire, Bad R . ds in, 607. Differential: The, 252, 310, 371, 376, 377, 378, 449. 573; Need of, 451; Ne^-skid Effect of, 641. Dog Run Over Case, Protest. 155. Driver-Mechanic, His Wages, 713, 744-746. Drum, The Magic. 783. Dust Screen, A, 746, 816. Dynamo for Lighting, Adapting, to Chassis, 677; Efficiency of Engine, Improving the, 312. . Enamel: Finish, 124. 189, 253; To Stand Heat, 60: For Silencer, 819. Engine, Improving an Old Type of, 92. Engines: New. 574; Two-cycle, New, 920, 959; With Detachable Cylinder Heads, 572. Engine Taxation, Gobron-Brillie, 921. Engine Troubles: Knock in, 126; Racing, 642; Sluggish, 29. Enterprise, Trade, 345. Eyes, Pot. Permang, Lotion for the Care of the, 714 ; Fafnir Car, Experiences with a 12 h.p., 784. Flexibility, Engine, 642. Motorcar, Why I Bought a, 29. Frame Design, 93. Frames, Improving; 27-28, 62. France: Road Conditions in, 885, 958; Tours in, 378, 524, 609. Friction Discs, Material for, 58. Friction Drive, 312, 376. Front Wheel Brakes, 27, 92, 124, 155, 189. Future Automobile, The, 58-60, 125 ; Galvanit, 253, 314, 377. Gearbox: Leakage. 30, 94, 254, 312; Lubricants for the, 158. Gear Changes, Number of, 610. Gear Changing: 572, 574, 920; Art of, 887-888; Difficulties of, 642, 816; Hints on, 711: Method and Time of, 190, 639; Silent, 254-255, 854. Gears, Faulty, 60. Glider, Construction of a, 93, 155. Governor. The Demise of the Centrifugal, 90-91. Gradient Meter, 639; A Satisfactory, 713. Grinding-in Valve, 91. Gymkhana, Suggestions for a Motor, 344 ; Hall Spare Wheel, The, 642. Haywards Heath, 485. Headlights: Movable, 29, 93; Legality of, 413, 452. Helm, Port Your, 713. High Temperature, Economy and, 253. Hints, Some Useful. 91. Honister Pass, Climbing, 851. Hoods, 486, 571. Hundred Pound (£100} Car, That, 524, 608, 676, 713 ; Ignition: An Experiment in, 187; By Dry Batterv, 639; By Magneto, Satisfactory, 313; Low Tension," 313; Multi-point, 314, 345, 374-375, 413, 571, 678, 747, 853. Ignitions, Two, on Single Plug, 675. Improvement by Running, Do Cars Manifest? 678. Indicator Diagrams, 411. 485. Insurance, 157, 254. Ireland, Car Experiences in, 343. Lamps: Position of Side, 817; Vibration Effect on Electric Bulb, 887, 958. Lighting Oar: By Electricity, 58, 714; Automatic, 378; By Petrol Gas, 344. Lightning: Car and, 761, 887; Danger from. 783; Effect on Car of, 851, 918. Lock Varnish, 921. Lubricants: Concerning, 412, 642; For Gearbox, 312. Lubrication: By Graphite, 746; Extra System of, 818. Luggage, Motor, 313. Lynton Wheel, Experiences, 574; Magic Drum, The, 888. Magneto, The: Adapting, 572; Doom of? 958; Mirror for Inspecting, 155; Question Concerning, 255; Replacing, 571-572. Mechanic-Driver, His Wages, 641, 853. Medical Work, Steam Cars for, 854, 888. Mingling Spark, The. 411. Misfiring, Recurrent, 377. Monobloc System, The, 414, 449, 608, 642, 712. Motor House: A Damp, 322, 376. 390, 414, 452, 485; A Stable Converted into a, 574. Motor Spirit, A New, 158. Mov-a'1 Headlights, 29, 93; Legality of, 413, 452 New Zealand, Private Cars in, 783. Noise, A Puzzling, Intermittent, 449, 523, 574, 608, 639, 708. Non-skid Effect, 578; Oh Cars, Race Suggested for, 609. Organizations for Motorists, 413; The Value and Usefulness of, 378; Paint: For Exhaust Pipes, 854; For Silencers, 818, 819. Paraffin Lamps to Acetylene, Converting, 94. Petrol: Blackbeetle Causes Stoppage of Supply of, 784; Consumption cf, Varies, 310; Economizer for, 346, 854; Improving Consumption of, 746, 816, 819; Lighting Car, by Gas from, 610; Stoppage Prevention, 783, 887; Supply Failure, 711. Phanomobile, The, 125. Phoenix 8 h.p. Car, Experiences, 126. Pitlochry-Kingussie Road, A Warning Concerning the, 711. Plaints, 124. Plating Process, The New, 253, 314, 377. Plug: The, 485, 523; Adapter and Tester, Dual, for, 958; Claims of the. 609; Stripped Thread of, 344. Power, Silence and. 251. Protest, A, 639; Que'rite, A Medicine for Aches and Pains, 650, 747; Radiators: Caustic Soda for Cleaning, 888, 959; Leaky, 411, 574, 677. Raybestos Clutch Experiments. 817, 959. Rectifiers, 313, 346; Electrolytic, 310; Experiences with, 255. Reflex Road Light, 343; On Cycles, 254. Reinforced Tubes, 377. Repair Works, Locality for a Good General, 311. Replacements, 157. Rims, Experiences with Detachable, 376, 572. Road Experiences, 853. Roadside, Driving on the, 714. Rubber, Light and Heat and Damp and, 886. Running, Do Cars Improve with, 746. Rust: Prevention. Galvanizing for, 125; On Exhaust Pipe, 29. 886; On Rims, 94; On Silencer, 29; Safety Devices, Accessory, 214, 413. Saint Gothard, Motoring Over the, 411. Saltburn Races, Calthorpe Cars, 786. S,A. Valve Seater and Truer, The, 94. Screwing-up Tightly, Risks of Neglecting, 818. Security Bolts, 746, 886; Driving Without, 816, 818, 886. Silencers, 377; Paint for, 675. Silencing a Small Car, 574. Skidding, A Case of, 713. Small Car, Abuse of the, 747, 851, 920. South Africa, Motorcars and Roads in, 573. Spares: Obtaining, 158; Old Pattern, 126. Spark: Advancing the, 524; The Mingling, 411; The Sparking-plug, 452. Spoke Breakages, 376—The Cause of, 485. Spoon Scraper, 251, 413. Steam, 747. Steam Cars, 640, 678, 958; Experiences with, 452, 523, 574, 959. Steel, The Motoroar and, 885, 920. Steering, A Peculiar Fault in, 346. Surveyor’s Requirements, A, 450, 521-522. Swanage, Garage Accommodation at, 888; Tail Light Incident, A, 607. Tar Warning, A, 888. Taxation: Future, 94; Horse-power Formula for, 786; The New, 786. Taxi Drivers’ Tips, 819. Technical Terms, English v. Foreign, 29. Thermo Cooling, Claim to First Application of, 524. Torque Rods, Radius and, 572. Touring, Bodies for, 313. Tram Traffic, Dangers of, 851. Trembler Points of Coil, Pitting of, 609. Trials, 1900, Trunks, Motor, 313. Tuning-up, 958. Turbine for Workshop Power, A Water, 124. Twin Engine, A Peculiar Fault in a, 94. Two-cycle Engine, The, 956 Tyre Economy, 28, 62,' 93, 124. 187. Tyres: 675; Crippled, 610; Effect of Light and Moisture on, 852; Mileage of. 156; Treads, Detachable, for,. 254. Tyre Valve Defect, 60, 124, 149, 156. 188, 251; Valve Bolts, Experiences of, Wanted, 818. Valves: Grinding In, 158; Leaky, 91; Treatment of, 607. Vulcanizers, 255; Wages, 640 , 641, 713, 744. 746, 819, 853. Warning Apparatus, An Effective, 94. Water Circulation, Difficulty with the, 676, 958. Wheels, The Braking and Locking of, 918, 920 , 957. Wind, Driving in the, 190. Windscreens, 126; Celluloid, 344. Wipe Contact, The. 376. Workshop Driving; Turbine for, 189. Wright Aeroplane Patents, The. 90
  • Otto Cycle Aerial Engine, A Perfect, 517-518
  • Paint for Tyres, Farmiloe’s, 296
  • Parachute, Possibilities of the, 898-899
  • Paraffin Side Lamp, Converting, to Acetylene, 157
  • Paris, News From.- Aerial Race, A Cross-country, 904b. Aeroplane Grand Prix, The, 845. Airship for England, An, 148, 439. Airship Race Conditions, 845. Anzani Engine, The, 552, 845-846. Army, Aviation and the French, 148. Automobile Club of France, 48, 49; Curious Ultimatum to, 290. Aviation: Future Meetings, 401; Squabble Concerning, 326 ; Test Postponed, 49 ; Bleriot’s Latest, 763. Boulogne-sur-Mer Automobile Meet, The, °48a. Brooklands Attempts, 763. Brussels Exhibition, 596; Cannes Aviation Meeting, 369, 400. Carburetter, Renault New, 762. Channel Flight, De Les-sep's Successful, 569, 630. Chinese Military Delegation, The, 569, 632. Club v. Trade, 115. Cross-Country Flights, 177, 948b; Dickson, Success of Capt. B., 845. Dirigible Grand Prix, Conditions of, 845. Dirigibles, Dl-luck of, 147; Waning Interest in, 84; East Meets West. 632. Engine, Labor, 80 h.p. four-cylinder, 623-624. Event, A Novel. 948b Farman’s Movements. 49, 552. Flying Competitions, Military. 808-809. French Army Takes Over Wright Biplane, 84. French Motorist, Increasing the Burden of the, 291; Hour Flights, 233. Hundred Pound (^£100) Car, The French and the, 602-603; Le Bion, Fatal Accident to Mons., 401. Lemale-Aster Aviation Motor, New, 684. Lighting Regulations in France, 856. Long-distance Flights, New Aviators’, 632; Meuse, Coupe de la, 763. Monaco Flight, Rou-gier’s, 177, 233, 326, 327. Motor, A New Aviation, . 684. Motor Congress, International, 439. Motor Union Aviation Section Visits Paris, 632; Olympia Show, An Attempt to Forestall, 176 Panhard Model, a New, 904b. Paris: Aviation Control in, 904; A.C.T. Struggle for, lb.; Cham pel Flies over, 904b; Collection of Octroi Duty at the Gates of, 718; Driving in, 383; Floods in, Cause Petrol Famine, 19; Factories and, 49; Resumption of Work after, 238; Workmen’s Distress and, 49; Monte Carlo and Back by Taxicab from, 615. Paul-han, 552; American Experiences of Mons. Louis. 369; His Future Plans, 369. Petrol Gauge, Laforce, 84. Pilots v. Committee, 948b Riviera Season, The, 234, 327. Road Racing Revival, New Drivers Needed for, 292. Rouen Meeting, Wonderful Flying at, 809-810; Salon: The, 904b; Combined with Aeronautical Salon, 48; The French Club and the, 15; Uniform S’gns for, 172-173. Show Split, The, 115, 176; Peace, 176, 326. Slide-valve Engine, Marquis De Dion on the, 845. Small Car Trials, 553. Speed Event, First Continental, 327. Speed Limits in France, 570. Speed Tests for Racing and Touring Cars, 901b; Taxation of Foreign Tourists, 291. Thery Monument, The, 233. Trade, French, 14-15; With England, lb. Trials: French Reliability, 762; Of Small Cars, 948a; Unsportsmanlike French, The, 147; Visiting Motorists, A Tax on, 439. Voisin New Type, 552-553. Voiturettes Race, 15, 49, 365, 439; Winner, 632; Wright Bros., France and the, 291. Wright Patents Fight, 147
  • Paris, Driving in, 383
  • Patches for Inner Tubes, Vulco, 295
  • Patents Infringement, A Curious Decision Concerning, 915
  • Patents, Thornton's Treatise on, 10
  • Paulhan’s London-Manchester Flight, 508-511 Performance, A Novel, 664
  • Personal. 77, 109. 141, 173, 219-220. 283, 328-329. 361-362, 395, 432, 469 , 506, 545 , 592, 626, 659-660, 695-696, 729, 765-766, 801, 835-836, 871, 902, 903, 939-940
  • Petrol: 310, 346, 610, 711,' 746, 783, 784, 816, 819, 854; Economizers for, 479; Extraordinary. 224; Filter, Loss of Power and a Neglected, 614; Gas, 632; Lighting by, 385; Head Lamps for, 368; Rebate, The, 153; Tank Leaks, 649
  • Petrol Engines, ‘Increasing Power of, 67-68 Pfleumatic Tyre Filling, The, 184
  • Phillips’ Multipoint Ignition System, 234 Plaints, 54a
  • Pliers, Barrow’s Cone, 584
  • Plug Connector, A, 868
  • Plugs.—Aimia, 297. Aster. 740. Cup Detonating, 867. Lodge, 267 , 299 , 740; Long Reach, 752. Morrel Bodiless, 442. Oleo, 290
  • Plug'Tester, South all, 305
  • Plug, The Sparking, 344, 375-376, 485, 523, 609, 958
  • Points, Pertinent, 151
  • Police Activity at Preston, 944
  • Police Officer, A Discriminating 11 656
  • Police Traps.—Croydon, 436. Holland Park Avenue, 943. Wood Lane, 904, 943
  • Post Office Motor Mails, 86, 121; Save 2s. 6d. a Mile, lb.
  • Power, Increasing Petrol Engine, 67-68
  • Pressure Gauge, Action of a Bourdon, 322; Tips Concerning the Use of, 323
  • Prince Henry of Prussia, 148a; Visits Coventry, lb.
  • Prince Henry Tour.—The, 36, 441, 653, 664, 764, 774, 776, 878a, 953. Banquet Speech, 734. Classifications. 733-734. Continentals in, 735. Criticisms, 775. 843. Early Stages of Contest, 702. Speed Trials, 702. Starting List, 664. Stoewer Cars for, 500. Trophy in Danger, 774. Weighing in for, 701-702. Winners, 733-734
  • Private Car, An Ingeniously Appointed, 934-935 Production Census, The, 25, 777 Prussia, Speed Motoring in, 752
  • Pump made from Old Cylinder, A, 53
  • Punchestown, Races, 404
  • Racecourses, Motorcar Arrangements at, 562-563
  • R.A.C. Golf Club, The, 367
  • Racing, The Technical Value of, 813
  • R.A.C., Junior, The, 774a
  • R.A.C.— The, 121, 436. Action, Another by, 915. Associated Clubs’ Sixth Meeting, 515. Associates’ Proceedings, 873; Bournemouth Arrangements, 698; Census of Motorcars by, 30. Certified Trials by, 51. Chairman of, 468. Chester Associated Meeting, 737; Dinner, 806. Clubhouse Building, The New Palatial. 539-540; The Present, 540. Committee, The New, of, 288; Dinners of, 44, 47-48, 51, 806. Discussion and Paper before the, 143; Entrance Fee Raised, 876, 953 Foreign Cars and, 777 Legal Department of, 807 Membership of, 876; Paper, “ Retrospect and Prospect,” before, 365, 437, 476. Prince Henry of Prussia Visits, 111. Provincial Meetings of, 333, 436; Secondhand Car Purchaser’s Guide, Issued by the. 915; Table of Motorcars made during 1906-1910, Issued by, 180
  • Radiator, Cleaning a Furred, 114
  • Random, At.— Ashot Reflections, Some, 780. Averages, About Attainable, 832 ; Bodies: Close Coupled, 135; Details Concerning, 166; for Touring, 135 ; Carburation Trouble. 22. Cars on the Road. 459-160. Charm of the Motor, The, 104. Clutch Slipping, 22. Cockroaches: The Oar and, 307; The Lightning Cure for, 166-167. Contour Books, Criticisms of, 104. Cross-country Run, Roads and, 337. Cylinder Casings, Monobloc and Other, 583. Cylinders, Removing on Road, 583-584 ; Dolgelly-Dover, 687-689. Dolgelly-Gloucester Road, 650; Easters Compared, Some, 351. Electioneering: By Motor, 38-39; Old Car s Behaviour when. Ib.; Fads, 116. Fly in the Ointment, The, 780-781. Frost: Anti-freezing Mixture for Use During, 72 ; A Scare Concerning, 72; Hill-climbing, 651; Information, Useful, -105; Kent Roads, Beautiful, 780; Lock and Key, Under, 166. Lockers, Access to, 166. Lubrication, 443-444. Lubrication System, Overhauling, 22 ; Makers, Waiting on the, 72,_ Marshes, Through the, 689 Midsummer Morning, A Run on a. 832 ; New Forest in March, The 337-338 ; Old Car, Overhauling an, 22 ; Paints, Heat-resisting, 932. Personal Interest, The, 72. Photography, Remarks on, 815 ; Querite, A Mysterious Notice, 650 ; Road, A Rose-lined, 932-933. Road Books: New and Old, 104; A Hundred Year Old, Ib. Road Book, The Value of the, 104-105. Roadmaking, Thoughts on, 337. Road Signs, 443. Road, The Solace of the, 650 ; Searchlights, In the Glare of the, 583. Sea to Sea, From, 688. Secondhand Cars: Buying, 741; The Market for, Ib. Security Devices, 307. Selling a Car, 741-742. Shows, The Spring Motor, 459. Spare Parts: A Groan Concerning, 72; Supply Difficulty, 167. Speedometers, 306. Sun Pictures, 814-815 ; Tuning-up, 22 ; Undershield, Making an, 73
  • Rear Axle Suspension, 20a
  • " Records,” American So-called, 139
  • Rectifiers : 313, 346, 462; Chemico-Electric, 187; New and Interesting Electric, 462; Experiences with, 255; Union Electro-magnetic, 189, 462
  • Rees Jeffreys: Banquet to Mr, 879; Presentation to, 929
  • Reinforced Tube, The, 633
  • Repair, A Clever Temporary, 926
  • Rheims Meeting, The, 877-878a, 880-881, 840 , 954; Train Route to, 798; (See also “Air, The Way of the ”)
  • Ride, The First, 751-752
  • Rims: Captain, 298, 798; Segment, 294; Spencer-Moulton, 298
  • Ripault Novelties, 290
  • Riviera: Easter on the, 170: How to Get to the, 288 Road Board. Secretaryship of the, 792
  • Road Congress, Second International, 367
  • Road Hog Kills Semmering Hill-climb, 945
  • Road Log, The, 266-267; Chart, 266
  • Road Maintenance, Figures Concerning, 914
  • Roads, Impossible. Jackson Three-wheeled Car for Motoring Over, 504
  • Roads, Improving Surfacing of, 951
  • Roads, Tarred, 799; Eye Inflammation and, Ib.
  • Road Systems, Comparison of British and Continental, 895-897
  • Rolls, Late Hon. C. S.: An Appreciation of, 912a-913; Channel Double Flight by, 743; Death of, 904, Eye-witness’s Account of, 907-908; What Really Happened, 946
  • Rose-lined Road, A, 932-933
  • Rouen Meeting, 800-808—(See also “ Air, The Way of the ”)
  • Routes and Tours, Inquiries, 603, 612
  • Royal Aero Club: 107; History of, 106; Membership of, Ib.
  • Rubber: Boom in, 915; Moisture Desirable for, 793; Oil Effect on, 409; Price Prospects of, 24 Russian Tour, The, 307
  • Rust Prevention: Galvanizing for, 125; On Exhaust Pipe, 29, 52. 886; On Rims, 94, 189; On Silencer, 29, 52
  • Safety while Motoring, Devices Conducive to, 293-305
  • Sampson, Death of Mr. Lyon, 904, 952
  • Scavenger, Valve, Bailey’s Engine, 303
  • Scholarships, Daimler Motor Trade, 951
  • Scottish A.C., The, 20a
  • Scottish Aeronautical Society, 514
  • Scottish Automobilists, Foregathering of, 325
  • Scottish International Aviation Meeting, 1910, 955
  • Screen, Lowe-Bevan’s, 296
  • Season, 1910, 672
  • Season Number, Our London, 527-576
  • Secondhand Cars, R.A.C.’s Guide Book for Purolia^ors of 915
  • Security Bolts: Dreadnought New, 584; Hermetic Frictionless, 302
  • Semmering Hill-climb, 945; The Road Hog Kills the, Ib.
  • Semperit Gummiwerke Gesellschaft, 713
  • Shackle Bolt, Gamage’s Lubricated, 299
  • Share List, The Motor—(See “ Business, Finance
  • Shock Absorbers: Houdaille Hydraulic, 323; Per-reau, 631
  • Shock Damping and Spring Attachment, 948
  • Show Effect, The, 308
  • Shows.—Aero and Motor Boat, 85. Berlin Motor Boat and Engine, 331. Brussels, 673. Dates of, 361, 694-695. Edinburgh, 16-18, 51; Dinner, 46. Manchester, 112-113, 742b; Commercial Firms and, 792; S.M.M.T. and, 631. Olympia, 227-230, 694-695, 952; Aero and Motor Boat at, 85. Paris Salon, 76, 904b; Uniform Signs for, 172-173. St. Petersburg, 148
  • Siddeley Cup, The, 368
  • Side Doors: Interesting, 150; A Novel Suggestion Concerning, 151
  • Signposts, Johnson’s Patent, 51
  • Singer, Mishap to Mr. Mortimer, 80
  • Sizaire-Naudin, An Interesting Four-cylindered, 419-
  • Sleeve Gaiter, Buco, 700b
  • Sleigh Automobile, The, 147
  • Small Cars: Abuse of, 681-682; French, New, 652; Hundred Pounds (£100) Bedelia, 242
  • S.M.M.T., The, 52, 180, 470, 628, 631, 697
  • Smoke Emission, 20a Social Fixtures, Alternative Routes to Important, 568-570
  • Sound Signals, A Plea for Less, 397
  • South Africa, Business and Pleasure in, 560
  • Southsea-Portsmouth Road, 947
  • Spanner's: Barrow’s Adam and Eve, 584; Turner’s One-hand, 584
  • Spare Wheel, Carrying the, 781
  • Spark, That Long Mingling, 308
  • Special Articles.— Aeroplane Disasters, 898-900. Air Cooling, Ingenious and Novel Method of, 42-43. American Boom, The Phenomenal, 169-170. American Cars, The Trend of Design of, 12. American Invasion, The, 97-99, 172, 354-355. American “ Records,” 139. American Trade Situation, The, 668-669. Anti-Freezing Solutions Freezing, 44-45. Antipathy to Motorcars, Obsolescence of, 140. Asleep, Fined for being, 870. Australia, The Motor in Queensland, 858-860, 892-893. Aviation, Grounds for, 554-557; Progress of, 870; Brake Horse Power, Measuring in road, 262-263 Combine. The Great Trades. 494-495. Compression, Constant, 790-791. Cooling Cylinders Chemically, 42-43. Country Houses, Fire Engines for, 235. Culture, The Car and, 196. Cycle Trade, our, 704; De Saxe Cylinder System, Consideration of, 754-755. Differential Gear, A Simple Explanation of the, 458; Its Peculiarities, 131-132. Doctor and his Car, 683-684. Driving, Careful and Considerate, 202-203; Learning, 341-342; Temperament and, 824-825; Efficiency, Significance to User of, 194-195. Engine, A Perfect, Otto Cycle New Aerial, 517-518. Engine Longevity, 778-779. Engine Overhaul. 67-68, Engines, New Types of, 406-407. Engine Speed, Regulation of, 161-162. Equipping the Car, 260-261. Exhaust Pipe Fastenings, Inlet and, 705-707; Feat, Accomplishment of a great, 508-511. Firing Points, Fixed or Variable, 954-955 Flexibility of Engine. The Ideal of, 492-493. French Light Car, a New, 738a-738b; Gear Change, A New Automatic, 466-467. Gear, How to Change, 388; Headlamps, Legality of Movable, 320. Hiring Cars— Latest Concerning, 536-538; Indicator and Its Diagrams, All about the, 334-334b; Lady Driver, How to become a, 207. Lamps, Considerations for Buyers of, 730a. Log of the Road, the, 266-267; As Written by Recorder, 266. Lubricants, Some Notes on the More General, 270. Lubricating, and Contact System, a Novel, 930; Motorcaravanning, 578-579. Motor Trade, our, 704; Oil Boom, The, 724. Old Pattern Engines, Increasing Power of, 67-68. Overhauling Engines, 67-68; Paris—Monte Carlo and Back on Taxicab, 615-618. Paulhan, Facts Concerning Mons. L., 546. Petrol Consumption, Peculiarities of, 264-265. Photography, The Car and, 215; How to take Self Portraits, Ib. Piston Thrust, Angular, 558. Piston Valve Engine, New Daimler, 927. Plug, The Sparking, 267 ; Rational Car, The, 634-635. Reliability, The Danger of, 417-418. Retroactive Effect of Motoring, The. 1-2. Roads: Comparison of British and Continental, 895-897; Improved Surfacing of, 950-951; Motorists and the, 349-350. Routes: Alternative, 568, 570; To Ascot (two), 569; To Epsom (two), 568; To Goodwood (two), 568-569; To Henley (two), 569-570; To Newmarket, 570
  • Searchlights^ Automobile Portable, 541-542. Secondhand Car, How to Examine and Test a, 200-201. Scotch Car on Scotch Soil, a, 719. Scottish Trials, The. 386-387. Small Car, The Abuse of the, 681-682. Steel, The Motorcar and2 894-895; Special, 904a. Summer Car, The, 794. Suspensions: Delpeuch Novel Air, 723; Rear Axle, 20a ; Taxation, Regulations for Horse-power, 742a. Thousand Miles Trial (1900), 422-429; Interesting Personalities In, 432. Touring Abroad, Regulations for, 518. Tours, Car Adaptation for Long, 645. Town and Touring Carriages, Combined, 247-250, 274-277. Town Cars, Comfort Devices in, 585-586. Town Motor Car iage» The Evolution of, 532-535. Trade Revival, a Great, 236-237. Trials, The Future of Motorcar, 36-37, 74. Twenty-five Years Ago, Early Experiments, 208. Tyre Economy Problems, 268-269; Valveless Car, Lucas, 863-865; Warning Notes, 465. Windscreens, Hoods and, 279-281
  • Speed and Boatrace Course, Motor, 181
  • Speed. Apparatus to Prevent Undue, 665 Speed, Engine, Regulation of, 161-162 Speed, Fallacy, of the Unlimited, 25 Speed Gear Cover, 844
  • Speed Limits, 10 Mile: Luton, 287; Oxford, 180
  • Speedometers: Bowden, 301. Jones, 301; Test of, 844. Miloscope, 303. Star, 295.
  • Stewart-Clark, 405.
  • Stewart Multipolar, 138
  • Spirit, Bridgwater Motor, 158
  • Spirit Cans, Improvement in, 400
  • Splashguard Trials, 116
  • Spoke Brush, Riche’s, 633
  • Springing Device, Novel Rear, 553
  • Spring, Nelson Blakeley, 289
  • Starting: 63, 128, 315, 611, 788, 923-924; Acetylene for, 157; Coal Gas for, 40; Cold Weather, 25; Ease and Safety when, 456-457; Easing Compression for, 461; Foot Pressure for, 475; Half Compression Device for, 456; Handle Danger when, 151; Magneto for Safe, 456-457; Obdurator for Safety when, 370; Safeguard, Simple, for, 457; Starting from Switch— Racing Engine for, 151. Starting with Gear in, 56
  • Steels: Crystallization of, D20; Fatigue of, 920. The Motorcar and, 812-813, 885. 904
  • Steering Column Lamp, Gamage s, 299
  • Steering Wheel Grip, Gamage’s, 299
  • Storage Room on Cars, 6; Best Arrangements for, 6-7
  • Straker-Squire, A Spin on a 15 h.p., 352-353
  • Stud Tyre, Brettell-Wanklin New, 753
  • Styles and Methods, Comparisons of, 5, 31
  • Suction Cleaner, Arnold’s Electric, 118 Summonses Dismissed, 929
  • Supplement, Our New* Car (with index thereto)— To Face p. 193. Errata in, 288
  • Suspension Fitment, Improved Lever Spring, 844
  • Suspensions, Heilmann Compound, 665; Perreau, 631
  • Switch Starter, Nilmelior, 304
  • Tar Painting, 409
  • Taxation : 29, 32, 94, 560, 716-, 728, 750 . 774a, 777, 786, 890, 919, 944; Exemption from, 716. Horse Power, 697; Formula for, 786; Regulations for, 742a; Muddle of, 694; New Scale of, 468, 735, 786; Old Cars and, 825. Petrol, 29, 94; Rebate, 20a, 153; Refunding, 311. R.A.C. Rating Table, 868; Rating and, 890; Regulations for, 728; Schedule of New Scale of, 735
  • Taxicab Drivers, 141; Incompetently Trained and Ill-informed, lb
  • Taxicab, Horse Cab v. Tire, 709
  • Taxicab Tips, 666
  • Taximeter Improvement, A Needed, 482
  • Temperament, Driving and, 825
  • Ten Years Ago, Now and, 429b-429, 532-535
  • Terminals, Electric, G. B. Non-shock, 302. Vaseline Cup, 370
  • Tests of Steels, 812-813
  • Thermopile Battery, The, 368, 385; Waste Energy and, 486
  • Things About, 26. 57, 69, 119, 154, 186, 246, 309, 321, 373, 410, 448, 484, 531, 606, 638, 710, 748, 782, 820, 850, 882, 922, 960
  • Thornton on Patents, 10
  • Thousand Mile Trial, 1900—(See “ Trials ’’)
  • Three Wheeled Car, Jackson’s, 504
  • Tool Box, Lanchester Neat, 56
  • Tool Equipment, 294
  • Tools, Millennium, 294
  • Top Gear, Indirect, 356; To Use, lb Touring Abroad, Regulations for, 518 Touring and Town Carriages Combined, 247-250, 274-277
  • Touring, Equipment for, 271
  • Tourist Trophy Race, 631; Record Speeds in, 667
  • Tours and Routes, Enquiries Concerning, 603
  • Trade: American, 25, 169-170, 354-355, 6684)69; Exports, 365, 669. British, 236-237, 354, 704; Exports, 86. French, 115; With England, 14-15. German, 226
  • Trade Catalogues, English v. Foreign, 105
  • Trade, Entering -the Motor, 951
  • Trades Association, The New, 494-495
  • Trade Scholarships, Daimler, 951
  • Traffic Dangers: From Trams, 951; In the City, 792;
  • The Real, 792-793
  • Traffic Statistics. Remarkable Census, 519-560
  • Transformers—(See “ Rectifiers ”)
  • Traveller’s Car, A Commercial, 452
  • Travelling Pass, International, 798
  • Travelling Refinements, Brooks’, 663
  • Trials: 121; Future of, 36-37, 74. French Reliability, 762. German Army, 179; Voiturette, 284, 550. Hall Spare Wheel (R.A.C. Certificate), 284. Java (Samarang Auto Club’s), 122-123, 133-134. Monthly, 148. New Series of, 953. Petrol Consumption, M.C.C.’s, 807. R.A.C. Certified, 51. Russian Reliability, 912. Saltburn Speed, 587, 742, 786, 810a; Results, lb. Scottish, 221, 386-387, 524; Conditions of, 364; End of the, 544, 605; Hill Climbing in, Marking System in, 365; Regulations for, 438. Small Cars, 553, 948. Splashguard (Paris), 116
  • Tube Press and Scotch, Doal Combined, 371 Tube Sheath, Parsons’ New, 138
  • Tubes, Inner, Challenge Reinforced, 153
  • Turbines, Water, 189
  • Two Cycle Engine, A New, 776, 861-862, 904a, 956 , 959 Tyre Alarm, A New, 935
  • Tyre Consumption, Figures Concerning, 914-915
  • Tyre Covers, Parsons’ Tube Sheath for Weak, 138 Tyre Gaiter, Hermetic, 302
  • Tyre Pressure Gauge, Twitchell’s, 371; Tester, 442 Tyre Protector, Branson’s Spare. 300 Tyre Pump, Castle Marathon, 117
  • Tyres: Al, 740; Band, Steel Studded, 753: Brettell-Wanklin. New Stud, 753; Cairns’ SemiPneumatic. 753; Continental Latest, 138; Endswell Cushion, 53; Lomax, 71; Moseley, 797-798; Pfleumatrc, 184; ‘Semperit, 522. Makers of, 713; Skew Non-Skid, 370; Spencer-Moulton, 298
  • Tyres and Wheels, Large v. Small, 760
  • Tyres: Economy of, 82,, 86a, 268-269 , 705. Effect of Light on, 726a. Increase of Sizes of, 211. Inflation of, by CO2, 588—by Nitrogen, 7, 589. Moisture and, 726a. Overhauling, 278. Prices of, 931. Treatment of, 691, 722
  • Tyre Treads, Easily Removable, 269
  • Tyre Valves, Leakage of. 7, 60
  • Uoalypsum Anti-Fur Fluid, 114
  • Unic Car, Pleasant Jaunt on a 12-14 h.p., 528-530
  • Valve Guide Leakages, 168
  • Valveless Car, The, 863-865
  • Valve Seater and Truer, S.A. Patent, 405
  • Valves of Tyres, Leakages of, 7
  • Valves, Using up Old, 137
  • Variable Firing Points, Fixed on, 954-955
  • Verisimilitude! 25 per cent, for, 832
  • Verses: F. G.’s, 52, 111, 179, 358, 397 , 621, 628. Gillett’s, 5, 19, 79, 143, 178, 550 , 752, 768, 838. 913. H. T. Pulsifer’s, 930. 8. J. T.’s, 598, 810
  • Vetting, A Secondhand Car. 201
  • Voiturette Races, Daimler Cars for the German, 307
  • Vulcanizer, Chemico, 302
  • Wages, 640, 641, 713, 744, 746, 819, 853
  • Warning Hand, The, 269
  • Warning Notes, 624
  • Washing Appliance for Car Body Work, Niagara, 294
  • Way, Asking the, 263
  • Weather, To Achieve Adequate Protection from the, 794
  • Week End Tour, A Picturesque and Interesting, 916
  • Wheels.—Al, 740. Captain, 798. Hall Spare, 301, 318, 483, 642; Trials of, 284. Houdaille, 225. Lynton, 486. Reid-Riekie, 53. Riley Detachable, 295. Rover Detachable, 402. Rudge-Whitworth Detachable, 296, 401, 437, 773. Stepney Spare, 303; New Pattern, 653
  • Wheels and Tyres, Large v. Small, 760
  • Wheels, Braking and Locking of, 827, 957
  • Wheel, Spare, Carrying the, 781
  • White Petrol Car, An Extended Test of the, 391
  • White’s Flight, 474-474b
  • Wimperis Accelerometer, The, 262-263
  • Windscreens.— Auster, 294. Beatonson, 56. 117. County, 56, 126, 478. Fastlock, 295. Hodgson, 298. Lowe Bevan, 296. Panhard-Levassor, 82. Summers, 436. Universal, 53, 297, 844
  • Wolverhampton Aero Meeting, 331, 800, 869
  • Women’s Aerial League, The, 164
  • Workmen’s Compensation Act: 621. Taxicab Owners and, 621; Taxicabs and, 436
  • Workshop Equipments, The Motorists, 284
  • Works, Sites for New, 593
  • Worm Drive, Engine Setting for, 895
  • Wrinkle, A Little, 649


  • Abroad. Regulations (Schedule II.) for Touring, 519
  • Accelerometer, The, 262
  • Accidents Liable to Eventuate From Sudden Illness c-f Driver, An Invention to Avert, 389
  • Accommodation on Short Wheelbase, The Best Ex- ’ tant, 534
  • Accumulators: Fors Lighting, 82; One with Good Features,’ 294; Thermo Battery for Charging, 368
  • Acetylene Generators: Carbic, 304; Ducellier Drip, 23; Oldfield’s, 296; Seabrooks’, 70; Turnover Patent, 301
  • Acetylene-Generator, Tire, 300
  • Acetylene Lamps: Converting Paraffin to, 251. Oranlux Adapter for Converting to Electric, 295
  • Adams Car, A Picturesque Trip on the, 685-686
  • Adams New Control and Gear, 723-724
  • Adventure. The Spirit of, 240
  • Aerodromes—(See “ Aviation Grounds,” under “ Aviation.”)
  • Aeroplane Disasters, The Prevention of, 898-899 Aeroplane Launching Gear, 377 Aeroplane, Polyplane: Hammant's, 43 Aeroplane Races Motorcar, An, 201
  • Aeroplanes: Biplane: Antoinette, 28, 39; Breguet, 881; Curtiss, 265, 759, 795; De Dion, 878b; Farman, 103, 174, 311, 375, 418, 455, 474, 809, 869; Grahame-White's 667, 738; Hanriot, 852; Rawlinson’s, 342; Short All British, 229, 412; Sommer, 345; Voisin, 28, 52, 91, 170, 327, 640. 852, 880
  • Aeroplanes in Flight, Famous, 13
  • Aeroplanes: Monoplane: Antoinette, 311, 418, 641, 852, 877 , 878, 937; Avis, 503, 582, 699, 745, 909, 912b, 950; Bleriot, 134, 434 , 503, 640, 699, 745, 808, 833 , 852, 877, 878, 909, 936, 950; Demoiselle, 200 , 228, 808, 852, 950; Esnault-Pelterie, 677; Fletcher, 113; Grade, 522; Hanriot, 618; Humber, 745, 760; Lane, 745; Mulliner, 228; Radley, 909; Sommer, 852; Tellier, 403, 576, 809, 852; Verstraeten, 852
  • Aeroplane, Triplane, Roe. 440, 699, 745
  • Aeroplane versus Motorcar, 669—Where the Car Scores, lb
  • Aeroturbine, Farcot's, 897
  • Africa, South: Humber Car Crosses Buluwayo Veldt, 453; Roads are Terrible in, 453; Sir Charles Friswell’s Tour In, .548, 560
  • A Friend in Need, 619
  • Air-cooled Engine, An Interesting, 42
  • Airship: Deutschland Passenger. 796—Saloon of, lb Airship for England: A Clement-Bayard, 353;
  • Flies over Chateau Pierrefonds, ’605; Trial Flight of, 443
  • Air Suspension, Delpeuch, 723
  • Aldbury, Guildford, The Silent Pool near, 685 America.—An Endurance Run in, 477; Cars on Ferry Raft, 486. Phoenix, U.S.A.: Aeroplane Races Motorcar at, 201; Hamilton Flies at, 212. President Taft at Summerville, Mass., 943. Roosevelt Arrives at New York, 876
  • Angular Piston Thrust, 558
  • Anniversary Run—(See “Trials: Thousand Miles Anniversary.”)
  • Antarctic Expedition, Distance Recorder for the, 753
  • Anti-Theft Dodges, 214
  • Argentine, The Remarkable Uses to which a 60 h.p. Napier was Put, In the, 647-649
  • Aries Car, A New, 559
  • Armature Speed, Centrifugal Coupling which Adjusts Angular Displacement According to the, 955
  • Army Motor Corps: Officers of, 167; Proceeding to King’s Levee, 167
  • Arnott, Mr. E. H., 195
  • Ascot: Cars at, 717, 773—A Good Vantage at, lb Asquith: Rt. Hon. H. H., 572; Leaving His Residence for a Motor Drive, 572
  • Astbury, Mr. A. J., 840 Astonishment! 689
  • Aston Rowant, Oxon., Lambert Arms at, 619 Audemars, Mr. 808, 850, 852, 909
  • Australia: Car for the Premier of, 746. Clarke River, North Queensland, 198. Lord Kitchener at Brisbane, In, 236. Most Popular Cars in, 236. New South Wales: Cans Outside Tattersail’s Hotel at Coonamble, 855. Queensland Motoring, 859. Sydney Garage In, 387. Testing places In, 198, 255.. Trials In, 515—Vauxhall Winner, 515. Victoria, H.E. The Governor of, 526
  • Autocar Design, Drawings Explanatory of Various ■ Desirable Points In—(See pp. 3-4, 6-7, of New Car Supplement to Face Page 193) Automatic Gear, Novel, 466
  • Aviation.—Aeroplanes—(See “ Aeroplanes ” in
  • General Index). Air, The Way of the (Illustrations To) 107, 136, 212-213, 403, 759-760, 795-796, 832-833, 836-937. Audemars, Mr., 808. 850, 852, 909. Aviation Engines—(See " Engines, Aviation ” in General Index). Aviators: Their Machines And: I., Latham, H. (Antoinette Biplane) 39. IL, Rougier, Mons. (Voisin Biplane) 103. HI., Paulnan, M. L. (Farman Biplane) 103. IV., Bleriot, M. L. (Bleriot Monoplane), 134. V., Wright, Wilbur (Wright Biplane), 161. VI., Santos Dumont (Demoiselle Monoplane) 200. VII., Curtiss, Glenn H. (Curtiss Biplane), 265. VIH., Sommer, M. R. (Sommer Biplane), 345. IX., Farman, M. Maurice (Maurice Farman Biplane), 375. X., Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. (Short Biplane), 412. XL, Roe, A. V. (Roe Triplane), 440. XII., Grade, Herr (Grade Monoplane), 522. XIH., Dubonnet, M. E.
  • Aviation—Continued.
  • (Tellier Monoplane), 576. XIV., Boyle, Hon., Alan (Avis Monoplane), 582. XV., Esnault-Pelterie (Esnault-Pelterie Monoplane), 677. XVI.. Hanriot (Hanriot Monoplane), 886
  • Berlin: Frey Flies Over, 664. Bleriot, Mons. L., 134. Bournemouth Meeting: 565; Drexel Flies to Needles From, 908—Morane Flying Above Him, 908; Flight Incidents at, 745, 907-909, 950; Loraine (“ Jones ”) Loses his Way in Rainstorm to Needles from, 908; Morane Tries for Altitude Prize at, 907; Wagner Rounding Corner at, 909—(See also “ Aviation Grounds.”) Boyle, Hon. Alan, 582; His Fall, 908. Brooklands Meeting: Aeropianist’s View of Track at, 20b; Aviation Sheds at, 82; Bidding for First Flight in Grahame-White’s Aeroplane at, 7b9; Coatalen Passes a Monoplane at, 333; Flight Incidents at, 699, 745; Radley Flies at, 769; Wrecked Aeroplane, Grahame-White’s at 772, 774—(See also “ Aviation Grounds.”)
  • Cattaneo, M„ 852. Channel Flights: Bleriot’s, G40—Memorial of, 21; De Lessep’s, 630 , 651— The Comte Leaving Calais, 630; Rolls’s, 700-700a. Clothing For Aviators, Samuel’s, 515. Curtiss, Mr. Glenn H., 265, 747, 759, 729— Flights by, 747
  • De Dion Flying Machine, The, 878b. De La Roche, Madame, 852, 903. De Lessep's Crosses Channel in a Fog, Comte, 630, 651. Deutschland Passenger Airship, The, 796— Saloon of, lb. Dickson, Capt., 802, 912. Drexel, 909, 950. 989. Dubonnet, Mons., 403, 576, 809, 852
  • Egypt: Flight in, 105; Heliopolis Meeting in, 107; Accident to Michelin’s Antoinette at, 160; Locomotion Contrasts in, 105; Rougier on Voisin at, 107. Esnault-Pelterie, Mons., 677
  • Farman, M. H., 103; First Mile Flight by, 640; Flies with Passenger at Mondesir, 455; Longest Fight by, 641; On Biplane; 311; with Passengers, 311. Farman, M. M., 375. Flying: Future, 781. Flying Machines of the Day, The Best-known, 26. Flying, The Best Book On, 316. Frank, Madame, 939. Frey Flies Over Berlin, Herr Albert, 664 Glider, The Mayfly, 671. Grace, Mr. Cecil, 909.
  • Grade, Herr H., 522. Grahame-White, Mr. C., 474, 474a; Aeroplane of, 834; At Rane-lagh, 667; Wrecked at Brooklands, 772, 774; Arrives at Crystal Palace from Brooklands, 760; Fine Start at Crystal Palace by, 726b; First Flier over Suburban London, 641; London-Manchester Flight, Attempt by, 474-474a; Nearly Falls- into River Wey, 774; School for Pupils of, 83. Grahame-White, Mr. Montague, 525
  • Grounds for Aviation and How to Reach Them, 554-555. Grounds for Aviation: Biarritz, 359;
  • H. M. The Late King Edward Arrives at, 365; Watches Flights at, 359. Bournemouth, 319, 565 , 907-909 , 950; Official Plan of Course at, 738b; Route to, 555; View of Course at, 555. Brooklands, 20b, 82, 333, 699, 745, 760, 769, 772, 774; Map of Route to, 556; View of Course at, 556. Cannes, 350. Champagne, 618. Crystal Palace, 726b, 760. Egypt, Heliopolis, 105, 107, 160. Hendon, Middlesex, 2, 557; Map of Route to, lb. Huntingdon, 136. Lanark, 343; View of Starting Po nt, 344. Lyons, 596, 644. Monaco, 170, 327, 418. Nice, 460, 489. Park Royal, 556; Map of Route to, 556. Rheims, 869, 877-878, 880-881, 895. Rouen, 793, 802, 807, 808, 809, 852, 880-881. Shellbeach, 554; Route Map to, lb. Wembley, 434. Wolverhampton, 833, 834, 836
  • Hamilton, Mr. C. K., 759; Flies from New York to Philadelphia, 759; Just- Before the Flight, 759; Practising for the Flight, 763. Hanriot, M., 726b, 886; Hanriot, Junr., 852
  • Labouchere, M., 878, 904b. Lambert, Comte de, 161. Latham, M. H., 39, 852, 877, 878; Flying Above the Clouds, 937; The First to Reach
  • I. 000 Metres Altitude, 641. Leblanc, M. A., 877, 878. Le Bion, The Late M., 369. Legag-neux, M., 644. London-Manchester Flight: Paulhan’s, 491, 492, 641, 644; In Full Flight, 510; Over Chiitem Hills, 598; Manchester (Didsbury), Arrival, 511. White’s, 474; Aeroplane, 474b; Aeroplane Rounding Wormwood Scrubs Gasometer, 474; Aeroplane Spare Parts Car, 475; Chase after Paulhan, 508; Scene Before the Start in Pursuit, 509; Farman Discusses Prospects of, 474; Farman Examines Aeroplane, 474b; Hademore Finish, 474b; Cars which Followed up to, 474a; White on His Aeroplane, 474a. Loraine, Mr. R. (“ Jones”), 908. Lyons Meeting: Legagneux, Paulhan and Van den Born Competing at, 644; Michelin Killed at, 596
  • Monaco: Air and Sea at, 418; Rougier Flies over Bay of, 170, 327. Moore-Brabazon, Mr. J. T. C., 412. Morane, M., 807, 907, 908, 950; /I 3,000 ft. Glide by, 877
  • News of the Week concerning Aviation, 726b, 759. Nice Meeting: Latham Wins Grand Prix at, 460; Rawlinson Flies over Sea at, 489; Rougier Flies at, 489
  • Olieslagers, Herr, 936. Olympia, Flying Machines at, 220
  • Paulhan, M., 103, 508, 644; London-Manchester Flight by, 491. 492, 510, 511, 598, 641, 644; New Record by, 726b. Progress of Aviation I., 640; IL, 641
  • Radley, Mr. J., 699, 745. Rawlinson, Mr., 489. Rheims Meeting: Buneau-Varillas Flies at, 880; Falls at, 877, 881: Flights at, 877-878, 880-881; Flying at, 880-881; Bix Machines in
  • Aviation—Continued.
  • Flight at One Time at, 895; Weyman in Flight at, 869—(See also "Aviation Grounds.”) Roe, Mr. A. V., 440. 743 Rolls, Late Hon C.S., 167, 696, 700; His Last Flight, 912b. Rouen Meeting: Aviation Course, 793, 80b; Cattaneo takes Corner at High Speed at, 809; Dickson, Capt., makes Longest Flight at, 809; Dubonnet in Full Flight at, 403, 809; Morane Flies over Rouen Cathedral, 880; Morane with Lieut. Mesmay and M. de Lagrete on Bleriot Monoplane at, 807; Seven Aeroplanes in Flight at One Time at, 852; Van den Born Falls at, 808—(See also “ Aviation Grounds”). Rougier, M., 91, 170; At Helio polls, Egypt, 107; At Monaco, 170, 327 ; .-it Nice, 489
  • Santos Dumont, 200; Makes, at Bagatelle, Paris,, the First Flight in Europe, 640. Sommer, M., 345
  • Van den Born, Herr, 174, 644
  • Wachter, 877; His Fatal Fall, lb. Wagner in Flight, Herr, 618. Wolverhampton Meeting: 833-836; Grahame-White’s Aeroplane being Held Back at, 834; President of (Earl Plymouth), 836. Wright, Mr. Wilbur, 161, 759 Aviation Engines—(See " Engines, Aviation ”) Aviation, The Trend of Business in Connection with 845
  • Aviators, Machines and—(See “ Aviation "•) Axles, Geared Inner Ends of, 487
  • B.

Back Shield, Auster’s Patent Extending, 271 Baldwin, Capt., Practises Before New York-Philadelphia Flight, 763

  • -Ball Bearings, F and S, 797. Skefko Self Aligning, 740
  • Barnes, Mr., 745
  • Bashall, Mr., 332
  • Bazlegette, Mrs., 424
  • Beaten Track, Off The, 239
  • Beaufort Hunt Races, Remarkable Photo of Motorcars at, 435
  • Beauty in 1900 and To-day, Types of, 429
  • Bedford Car, An Afternoon Run on The 15-18 hp., 619-621
  • Bedfordshire Lane, A, 756 Bell, Councillor F. J., 367 Bell, Seabrooke’s Motor, 297 Ben Lomond, Loch and, 81 Berlin, Luxurious Taxicabs In, 587 Bibendum, Amusing Figures of, 256 Biggs, Illustrating Letter from Mr. T. J., 62 Biplanes—(See “ Aeroplanes ”) Bleriot, M. L, 134, 640 Blunt, Mr. C. F., 501
  • Boatrace Course, Motor Speeds and The, 181
  • Bodies.—Alford-Alder, 281. Barker, 276. Bedford Torpedo, 347. Brainsby, 274. Brooks Limousine, 273. Burlington Carriage Co., 268. Burlington Quarter Light Landaulet, 249; Closed, lb. Cann Landaulet, 248. Charles-worth Dreadnought, 277. Cole, 275. Connaught Cabriolet, 274. Darracq Torpedo, 383. Felber, 813. Gaggenau Type, 653. Hamshaw Double Pheeton, 249; Closed lb. Hewers, 277. Hill and Boll Cabriolet, 250. Holland-Holland Ph®ton—with Hood Extended, lb. Hooper Quarter Light Landaulet, 248. Kellner (.1900) Sociable, 532. Lamplugh Torpedo, 114. Lanchester Landaulet, 248; With Canopy Luggage Extension, lb. Lockwood, 478. Martin, 478. Medicann, 530. Mulliner, 269. Mulliner Cabriolet, 249. Napier Royal Cabriolet, 533. Regent, 275. Regent Torpedo, 269. Rothschild, 276. Salmon Duplex Cabriolet, 275. “ Submarine ” Type, 873. Talbot Torpedo, 643. Whiting, 649. Wolseley Limousine, 247
  • Bodies for Touring, 449
  • Body, A New Interesting, 478
  • Body Design, Suggestions for, 190
  • Bond Street Depot, A, 535
  • Bolt Protector, Dunlop’s, 653
  • Bore of Cylinders, Measuring The, 797
  • Bosanquet, Sir Day Hort, 20a; Lady and, lb Boulogne Meeting: Jenatzy Makes Fastest Time at, 948b; Prince Caraman Chimay’s Cup-Winner, 948a; Speed Trials at, Start, 944
  • Bourdon Pressure Gauge, The, 322; Mechanism of, lb
  • Bournemouth Aviation Meeting—(See "Aviation”) Bournemouth Centenary Fetes: Battle of Flowers at, 874; Cars Decorated atk 875
  • Boyle, The Hon. Alan, 582, 699 . 745, 908
  • Bradwell, Mr. W., 810a
  • Brake and Gear Changing Levers on Side-door Care, Swift Arrangement oL 457
  • Brake. Arrol Liversidge (Arrol-Johnston Type) Front Wheel, 301
  • Brennan Monorail Car, The, 192
  • • Brighton.—King’s Road, Cars at, 945. Opening of a Ne.w Road at, 945
  • Brooklands.—Air End of Track at, 503. April Junior Handicap. Hollebore, Mr. J. C., on Diatto Car, In The, at* 512; Winner of, 501. Aviation at—(See “Aviation”)
  • Banking of Track at, 35; What Would Be Seen if Transparent, lb
  • Future of. 957
  • Gap in Fence made by Mr. E. H. Turnbull's Berliet, 333
  • Matinee at, 84G. Meetings: April 28. 1910, Incidents of, 501-502. Easter, 1910, 332-333. Berliet Car Collides with Fence at, 380; Junior Private Competitors Handicap, 332; Winner. Ib. June 18. 1910, 771-772. All Comers’ Plate, 770-771 ; Ascot Private Handi-
  • Brook lands—Continued.
  • cap, 770: Impressions of the Racing at, 771-772; Sixteen-Rating Race, 770; Sprint Race, 771. Summer Junior Handicap, 771; Whitsuntide (Postponed), 662. Motor Cycle Handi-, cap, 502; Winner, Ib
  • Orde, Mr. Julian at, 291
  • Prince Henry of Teck at, 291
  • Raglan Second Cup, Winner, 501. Rating Second 21 Race, Winner, 502. Route To, 556
  • Sizaire Naudin Cup, Winner, 501. Sprint Race at, Thrilling Finish, 503
  • Vauxhall “ K.N.” Car, Star Performer at, 379 Winners, A Quartet of, 501
  • Browne, Mr. Gore, 770
  • Browne, Mr. T. B., 424
  • Buffer for Preserving Lamps, 335
  • Bugle, Gabriel 4 Note, 304 Buneau-Vari lias, M., 880 Burgess, Mr., 771 Busdriver, Yesterday’s, 399; To-day’s Motor, Ib Business Man, A Car for The, 355
  • Buying a Motorcar.—(See pp. 3-7 of Special Supplement to face page 193)
  • c.

Cabman, Yesterday’s, 399

  • Cambridge Crew, The, 334b; On Daimler, Ib.
  • Camera, The Car and the, 215
  • Canteen, Rotax Roll-top, 305
  • Car, An Ingeniously-appointed Private, 934 Caravan Club, The Coulsdon Motor, 912 Caravan, Interior and Side View of a Motor, 912 Caravan, Mr. Arthur du Cros’s Motor, 261; En Route for Brighten, 286; Luncheon on Board, 287 Caravan, Our Prognostication for the Future of the, 384
  • Caravan, The Motor: Body of, 578; Sectional View of, 578; View in Holford Glen of, 579
  • Carbon Deposit, Tools for Removing, 148b Carburation, Bunsen Burners as an Aid to the Study of, 847
  • Carburetters.—Atomizer, 867. Butler’s (1888) Spray, Needle Valve, 208. Chapius-Dormier, 37. Fauoon Abolo, 288. H.P. Multiple-jet, 8b8. Minimax, 946; Dismounted, 946. New, 288, 402. Peugeot, 242. Renault, 7b2. Scott-Robinson; 302. Welsh Patent, 402
  • Car Constructions.—Adams, 16 h.p. Four-cylinder, 685-686, 725; Arrangement of Epicyclic Three-speed Gear on, 725; Gearbox, 725; Throttleoperating Arrangement on, 685; Universal Joint Cover, 686. " Alldays, 14-18 h.p., 828-829; Brake Adjustment, 829; Clutch, Leatherfaced, 828; Engine Control, Above Steering Wheel, 828; Flywheel, 828; Lubricating System, 828; Spring Valve Silent Tappets, 828; Universal Joint, 829. Aries Light 8-10 h.p., 559; Engine, 559; Explosion Intervals, Scale, 559. Arrol-Johnston, 15.9 h.p., 719-721; Cooling System, 721;, 719; Front View of, 721; Oil Filler and Dipper, 721; Tappet and Guide, 719; Torque Stay, 721
  • Bedford 15-18 h.p. Four-cylinder, 620-621; Control Arrangement, 620; Gears for Reversing and Two-speed, £90; Sprng Suspension Method, 621; Views of Car, G20
  • Fafnir New 12 h.p., 692; Car, Complete, 692; Engine, 692; Level's, Ib. F.L. New Light 14-16 h.p., 928; Clutch, 928; Engine, 928; Gearbox, 928; Rear Axle, 928. F.N., 20 h.p., 73-74; Arrangement of Casing and Torque Rod, 74; Clutch Pedal, 73; Engine, 73
  • Gregoire, Six-cylinder, 15-30 h.p., 589; Back Axle, 589; Clutch, 589; Crankcase, 589; Engine, 589; Gearbox, 589; Oil Pipes, 589; Pump, 589; Sump, 589
  • Humber, 16 h.p., 496-498; Annular Coupling of Driving and Magneto Shaft, 496; Bonnet Articulated Holder, 497; Control Levers, 497; Dash, Clean, on, 496; Foot Brake Adjustment and Mechanism, 498; Oil System, 498; Petrol Tank under Driver's Seat, .496; Spares Box, 496; Steering Wheel, 497; Tool-box, 496. Hurtu, New 15 h.p., 826; Car, Complete, 826; Dashboard Radiators. 826; Engine of, 826
  • Itala Car, 15 h.p., 11, 756-757; Differential Brake, 11, 757; Frame for Engine and Gearbox on, 11; Gate Quadrant Control on, 11; Gearbox on, 11, 757
  • Lucas Valveless, 25 h.p.» 863-865; Carburetter, 865; Compression Release in Cylinder Wall, 863; Engine, 864, Sectional View, Ib.; Rear Springing, 865. Luc-Court- Light French Car, 738a; Carburetter, 738a; Complete View of, 738a: Engine of, 738a
  • Mercedes, 15-20 h.p., 700b; Clutch, Double-cone, 700b; Gearbox, 700b; Oil Circulation System, 700b
  • Panhar’d Six-cylinder Car, 241; Crankshaft, 241, Seven Bearings to, Ib.; Transmission Details, 241
  • Rational 10 h.p. Four-cylindered Two-seater (£120), 634-635; Back Axle, 635; Crank Chamber and Clutch, Section, 634; Engine, Section, 634; Gearbox, In Elevation and Section, 635; Plan View, 634. Renault New 18 h.p. Six-cylinder, 655; Carburetter, 655-656; Lubrication under Pressure, 655; Spring, 655
  • Silent-Knight Panhard, New, 15 h.p. Four-cylinder, 900-901; Cardan Shaft, 901; Cylinders, 901; Engine, 901; Gearbox, 901: Head Section, 901; Oil Leads. Head, 901, To Crankshaft, Ib. Sirron Car, 10-14 h.p., 54; Adaptation between Carburetter and Induction Pipe on, Ib. Si zaire-Naud in New Four-cylinder, 419-420; Camshaft, 420; Crankcase Vertically Divided, 420; Cylinder Casting Showing Intake Valve Tappets, 420; Engine, 419: Magneto, 420. Standard, 463-464; Back Axle, 464: Carburetter, 464; Chassis, 463-464; Clutch Stop and Dismantling Joint, 464; Engine, Monobloc, 463; Fan Belt, 463; Gear Change Gate* and Stay Rod, 464; Steering Lock, 463; Torque Rod, 464; Undershield, 464; Water Circulation, 463; Stoewer, 12-15 h.p., 231-232; Carburetter, 231; Differential Casing, 232: Engine, 231; Gas Inlet, 231; Side View of Car, 232; Side
  • Car Constructions—Continued.
  • View of Chassis, 231; Torque Tube, 232.
  • ■ Straker-Squire, 15 h.p., 352-353; Ax’e Withdrawal Method, 352; Clutch Stop, 352; Differentia], 352; Gearbox, 352. Swift, 7 h.p. Single-cylinder, 580; Arrangement of Petrol Gauge, Tank, and Oil Gauge, 581; Gearbox, 580; Oil Scoop for Connecting Big End of Rod, 581; Secondary Frame of, 580
  • Three-wheel Jackson Oar, 12 h.p., 504; Views of, lb. "
  • Unic, 12-14 h.p., 528; Carburetter Change-speed Actuating Lever, 528; Engine, 528; Gearbox, 528; Sparking-plug Terminal, 528
  • Valveless Car, Chassis, Complete, 919
  • Car in Queer Places, A, 629
  • Carlton Hotel, Scene Outside the, 789
  • Carriage Suspension, Perreau, 631
  • Cars.—Adams, 685, 725. Adler, 702, 734. Albion, 526. Alexander (1902), 533. Alford-Alder, 281, 746. Alldays, 454, 828. Argyll, 81, 217, 438, 656. Aries, 559. Arrol-Johnston, 444, 719.
  • Astley, 333. Austin, 261, 436, 662. Austin Pullman, 926. Austrian Daimler, 515, 701, 734, 773
  • Barker, 276. Bedelia, 242. Bedford,,347, 619-621; Bedford Baby Torpedo, 19. Belsize, 226.
  • Benz, 357, 424, 701. Berliet, 333, 380. Brainsby, 274. Brazier, 502, 503, 662. 771.
  • Briton, 501. Brooks, 273. Burlington, 249
  • Oalthorpe, 771, 772, 779. Cann, 248. Chalmers Pathfinder, 621, 629. Charles worth, 277.
  • Chenard-Walcker, 18. Clyde, 716. Cole, 275. Combined Town and Touring, 249. Connaught, 274. Cross-country, 647-649. Crossley, 397, 649. Crowdy, 534
  • Daimler, 315, 334b, 424, 425, 774, 840, 842 (1899) 476 (1900), 533, 536. Daimler Unterturkheim, 701. Darracq, 383, 813, 842, 891., Deasy, 943.-De Dion, 250 , 367 , 426, 437. Delage, 652. Delaunay-Belleville, 268. Dennis, 250 , 549. Diatto, 512, 663
  • Excelsior, 404
  • Fafnir, 692. F.I.A.T., 83, 663, 695, 770, 874. F.L., 928. F.N., 595. Foster £100, 602
  • Georges-Richard (1899), 534. Gladiator, 224. Gregoire, 589
  • Hamshaw, 249. Hewers, 277. Hill and Boll, 250. Holland-Holland, 247. Hooper, 248. Hulton, 810a. Humber, 453, 496-498, 842. Hundred Pound (£100) Foster, 602. Hurtu, 826
  • Imperia, 502, 771. Itala, 11, 503, 756-757, 771, 779
  • Jackson Three-wheeled, 332, 501, 504
  • Kaiser’s Travelling Kitchen, 590
  • Lanchester, 248; Novel Type, 226. Le Gui, 89. Leon Bollee, 224. Lion Peugeot, 632, 749. Lucas Valveless, 863, 919. Luc Court, 738a
  • MacMullen (£120), 634. Marlborough, 165. Maudslay, 355. Medicann, 530. Mercedes, 502, 532, 700b. 875, 948b. 951. Minerva, 737, 942. Mulliner,. 249, 250
  • Napier, 269 . 426 , 428, 572, 842, 948; (1900) 603.
  • Napier Cross-country, 647-649
  • Opel, 701, 948a. Overland, 750
  • Panhard, 241, 428. Peugeot, 428
  • Rational. £120 , 634. Regent, 275. Renault, 115, 144, 183, 655-656, 737. Reo, 255. Riley, 439, 911. Rolls-Royce, 536. Rothschild, 276. Rover,
  • 292, 336, 700a. Ryknield, 842
  • Salmon Duplex, 275. S.C.A.T., 924. Silent
  • Knight Panhard, 900-901. Singer, 810a. Sir-rcn, 54. Sizaire, 18, 501. Standard, 475, 548, 560. Star, 662 , 810a. Stoewer, 232, 500. Straker-Squire, 352. Sunbeam, 333, 770, 911. Swift, 457, 580-581, 839, 842
  • Talbot, 236, 643, 746, 810a
  • Unic, 528-529
  • Valveless, 863, 919. Vauxhall, 15, 332, 379. 441, 502, 515, 663, 735, 770, 810 , 839, 842, 927. Vinot, 875
  • White Petrol, 391. White Steam, 20a, 145, 248, 876. Wolseley-Siddeley, 247, 438; Wolseley Imperial, 64
  • Car Scores, Where the, 669
  • Cars (1910) at a Glance, New, 197—(See also Special Supplement, with Index thereto, to face page 193)
  • Cars on the Road, Contrasts of Types of, 199 Car Supplement, with Index, to face page 193 Car, The New, 193 Case-hardening, 894
  • Cater, Illustrating Letter from Mr. F. L., 607 Cattaneo, Mr., 809, 852
  • Changing Gear, 388; Instructions for, 388; Low’s
  • Device for, 466
  • Chantecler’s Lament, 79
  • Charging Accumulator, Thermo Battery for, 368
  • Charlton Fire Station, 310
  • Chassis—Argyll, 393, 656. British-built Renault, 41, 411. Delage, 652. Delaunay Belleville, 249, 268. Excelsior, 404. Lancia, 269. Peugeot, 1900, 532. Valveless, 919. White Petrol, 530. White Steam, 248
  • Chauffeur: Elliot’s Portable Signalling Apparatus to the, 272; Frodsham’s Device to Communicate with the. 296
  • Chauffeur, The Friendly, 33
  • Chester: R.A.C. at, 805; The'Mayor of, 805
  • Christiaens, Mr., 350
  • Cinematograph Operators and their Apparatus, The Utility of the Motorcar for Conveyance of, 713
  • City and Suburban Race, Motors in the Enclosure at Epsom Spring Meeting, 457
  • Cleaner, Arnold’s Electric Suction, 118
  • Clock, Indicator and, Smith’s, 300
  • Clubs.—Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.’s, 80; Prizes Won by Members, lb.; Bucklow Hill Meet, 340. Oxford Automobile and Aero, Opening Run of, 144
  • Clutch, Method to Reduce Pressure Needed to Withdraw the, 935
  • Coaching Revival, Adventure Motor Coach, The, 738 Coatalen, Mr. L., 333, 770
  • Coffin, Mr. Hayden, 560
  • Coil, Lodge, 299
  • Combined Footrest and Seat, Thorn s, 271
  • Combined Town and Touring Carriages, 247-250, 274-277
  • 651 of
  • Comfort Devices. 585; Early, 532
  • Commercials, A Car for, 355. 452
  • Comparative Curves: Diagrams of Petrol Normal and Petro1 Augmented Pressure Engine, 492; Of Steam Engine, 492
  • Compression, Constant, Diagrams Concerning, 791 Comte de Lambert Flies over Eiffel Tower, 640 Comte de Lesseps, Channel Flight Impression of, Connecting Rod, Ball Joint of—(See page 6
  • New Car Supplement, to face page 193) Consumeter, The, 264, 271 Contact System, Lubricating and, A New, 930 Contrasts, Striking, 532, 536, 603 Control, A Geared-down Pedal—(See page 6
  • New Car Supplement, to face page 193) Control, Bowden’s, 301
  • Converting Acetylene* Lamps to Electric, Cranlux
  • Adapter for, 295
  • Cooling Engine by Chemical Means, 42
  • Cooper, Illustrating Letter from Mr. H. St. John, 62
  • of
  • Coquelin, Mons., 115
  • Coster, Motorist and, 414
  • Cotswolds, A Motor Trip over the, 203
  • Country Houses, Fire Engines and, 220
  • Covers, Roberts Reinforced Liner for, 71
  • Cowper-Essex, Col. T., 501
  • Cox, Mr. A., 911
  • Crank Pins, Truing-up, 607
  • Crankshafts, Are they too Heavy? 812
  • Crippled Children’s Out ngs.—Essex M.C.’s, 830, 843. Manchester Motorists’, 842. Yorkshire A.C.’s, 912
  • Cross-country Car, A Remarkable Napier, 647-649
  • Crowd that Crowds, The, 65
  • Cumberland Moors, A Picnic on the, 876
  • Curtiss, Mr. G., 265, 729, 747, 759
  • Curve Diagrams of Effective Pressures, Power and Speed, 492; In Petrol Engine, 492; In Steam Engine, 492
  • Cylinder Bore, An Instrument for Measuring the, 797
  • Cylinder Jackets Cast in One, with Water Outlet Pipe—(Sse page 5 of New Car Supplement, to face page 193)
  • Cylinders and Valves of Engine.—End and Side Elevation of, 67; Auxiliary Valves, Ib. Plan of Cylinders, 68. Section of Cylinder and Inlet Valves, 67
  • Cylinder System, Desaxe, 755
  • D.

Daimler Chain Drive, 3

  • Dangers of Reliability, The, 417
  • Dashboard, Electric Light for the, 272
  • Dash Lamp, Hunt’s, 299
  • Davies, Illustrating Letter from Mr. L. G., 377
  • Davis Goff, Sir W. G., 603
  • De Baeder, M., 213
  • De Benest, Miss C., 695
  • De Dion, Marquis, 659
  • De Lafrete, Mons., 807
  • De la Roche, Madame, 386, 852, 903
  • De Lesseps, M , 630, 651
  • De Mesmay, Lieut. R., 807
  • Denson, Sheriff W. H., 805
  • Derby Day Scene, A Contrast, 698
  • Desaxe Cylinder System, The, 755
  • Design, Modern Trend of, 681
  • Designs for Combined Touring and Town Cars, 271-277: Some Desirable Points in—(See pp. 3-4 of New Car Supplement, to face page 193)
  • Destruction Test, 812
  • Device, An Interesting New, 389
  • Devices, New and Interesting, 23, 53, 70-71, 117-118, 138, 171, 370. 404, 407, 442, 479, 584, 633, 653, 740, 753, 789, 797
  • Dick, Mr. Charles E., 801
  • Dickson, Capt., 802, 809, 912
  • Differential Gear, The: Diagrams Concerning the Need of, 451. Simple Explanation 6f, 458
  • Dinner at the Carlton Hotel, After, 789
  • Direction Indicator, A New, 405
  • Distributor, Simms High-tension, 289
  • Doctor, Applicant for Job and the, 597
  • Doctor's Car, The, 549, 716
  • Door Glasses, A Possible Danger from, 703
  • Doran, Mr. J. A., 942
  • Dover-Dolgelly Run, A, 687
  • Drexel, Herr, 908, 909, 950, 989
  • Drive for all Speeds, An Indirect, 3
  • Driver’s Sudden Illness, Device to Avert Accidents Liable to be Caused by, 389
  • Drives, 3-4
  • Droitwich, Quaint Architecture in, 829
  • Dry Cell, Fuller Sealed, 653
  • Dual Plug Adapter and Tester, 868
  • Dubonnet, M. E., 403, 576, 809, 852
  • Du Cros, Mr. Harvey, Junr., 428a
  • Duly, Capt., 458
  • Dust Cap for Tyre Valve, Captain, 844
  • Dwelling-Auto, A Coburg Artist’s, 307
  • Dynamos: A Direct-driven Electric, 245. For Car Lighting, Ducellier’s, 935
  • E.

Eaton Hall, 64

  • Edge, Mr. S. F., 426, 525; on De Dion, 426
  • Edmunds, Mr. Henry, 425
  • Egerton, Mr., 426
  • Electric Lamps, Cranlux Adapter for Converting Acetylene to, 295
  • Engine, A New Two-cycle, 775
  • Engine, An Interesting New Light, 623-624
  • Engine, Butler’s (1888) Motor-tricycle, 208; Rotary Valve of, Ib.
  • Engine Flexibility, The Ideal of, 492-493
  • Engine Overhaul, 67-68
  • Engine Power Curves, Petrol and Steam, 492
  • Engines, Aviation.—Adams British, 860. Aeroturbine, Farcot’s, 897. Ajax, Seven-cyhn-dered, 336. Anzani, 601; Carburetter for, 552, 631: Five-cylindered, 552; Two-cylin-dered, New, Light, 601. Duthiel Chalmers Two-cvlinder, 815; Magneto of, 815; Valves
  • ■Engines, Aviation—Continued.
  • in Cylinder Head of, 815; View from Propeller End of, 815. Esnault-Pelterie, New, 933. Gnome, 326; 100 h.p., 14-cylindered, 736; Photographs of Testing, 326; View of Factory. 845. Horizontal, 802. J.A.P., 440; 30-40 h.p.. 228. Labor, 623. Lascelles, 35 h.p., 228. Lemale-Aster, 35 h.p., 684. Scrase Perfect Otto Cycle, 517
  • "Engines, Motorcar.—Arrol-Johnston, 719. Aus-dn, New, 15 h.p., Separate Cylinders, 216-217. Darracq, 442. Delage, 652. Ixion, Two-cycle, Two-cylindered Rotary, 775. Marlborough, 480. Mascord-Boothroyd, 927. Pan-hard. Six-cylindered, 241; Two-cycle, New, 861-862. White Petrol, 391
  • Enthusiast, The, 949
  • Epicyclic Gear, A New, 5
  • Epsom Spring Meeting, Motors at. 458
  • Equipment Devices, 269, 283, 293, 305; for Interiors, 271. 273
  • Esnault-Pelterie, Mons., 677
  • Esnault-Pelterie Motor, A New, 933
  • Excelsior (Belgian) Car, A New, 404
  • "Exhaust Alarm, Rossignol, 301
  • Exhaust Silencer, 71
  • Exteriors, Interiors and, 585
  • F.

Fafnir Car, New 12 h.p., 692

  • Tarcot Aeroturbine, The. 897
  • Farman, M. H.. 103, 311, 375, 455, 474, 640, 641
  • Farquharson, Mr., 502
  • Feat, The Accomplishment of a Great, 508-511 Terry Raft, Crowd of Cars on a Florida, 486 Fifteen Years! 97
  • Fire Engine, Dennis Typical Motor, 235
  • Firing Points. Fixed or Variable, 954-955; Power Curves of, lb.
  • First Ride. The. 751
  • Flap for Communication with Drivers: Hall’s Rigid, 690
  • F.L. Car. A New. 940
  • Flexibility of Engine, Curves Concerning, 492 Flights, Aviation Subjects and—(See “ Aviation.”) Flower Holder, Empire, 272
  • Fly Fishing. 222
  • FN. Car, New 20 h.p., 73
  • Footrest. Stool and, Thorn Combined, 271
  • Foot Warmer. Forest’s. 23
  • Fors Lighting Accumulator, 782
  • Frame, Advantages of a Low—(See p. 4 of New Car Supplement, to/ face page 193); Disadvantages of a High, lb.
  • Frank, Madame, 939
  • French and the £100 Car, The, 602
  • French Carburetter, An Interesting, 946
  • Frey, Herr Albert, 664
  • Friendly Chauffeur, The. 33-34
  • Triswell. Sir Charles, 560; ^nd Lady, 428
  • Front Seat. A Compact. 389; Three Treatments of the Cabriolet, 275
  • Fruit Vendor, Utilitarian Use of Motorcar by, 415 Future, In the Near, 20b
  • G.

Gearbox, A Vented—(See p. 5 of New Oar Supplement, to Face Page, 193)

  • 'Gear Change, Lowe’s Novel, 466
  • Gear Change System, Lanchester, 139
  • Gear Changing and Brake Levers on Side-door Cars, Swift Arrangement of, .457
  • Gear Changing, 388: A Difficulty With, 816
  • Gear, Differential, 131
  • Geere, Councillor Ed., 944
  • General Flection: Cumberland Cars of Real Utility During the, 6; Motoring to the Poll During the, 10: Soldier Voters Being Con-veved to Aidershot, 32
  • George, Illustrating Letter from Mr. J. I., 678 German Army, An Instance of the Winter Practice of the, 179
  • Gibb, Sir Geo., 944
  • Gibson-Carmichael, Sir Thomas, 526
  • Girl, The Car and The World, The, 703
  • Glider, A Motor Employee’s, 30
  • Goggles? Where are My, 906
  • Grace, Mr. Cecil, .909
  • Grade, Herr. 522
  • iGrahame-Wh’te, Mr., 474-474a, 508, 509, 525, 641, 667, 726b. 760. 774, 834 •
  • . Gregoire Six-cylinder Car, The, 589
  • H.

Hamilton, Mr. Chas. K., 212, 759, 763, 795 Hancock, Mr. A. J., 502; Mi’s., 20a Hand Indicator, The. 934

  • Hanriot, Mr.. 726b, 886; Junior, Mr., 852
  • Hargreaves, Mr. J., 424
  • Hastings, Cars for Hire on the Parade at, 891 Headlights, Legality of Movable, 413; Petrol, 365 Hedge, Mr. J. W., 810a
  • Henley Regatta, The Motorbar Prominent at, 824
  • Herbert, Mr. G. O., 810a
  • Hewitt, Aiderman D. L., 805
  • Heythorpe Hounds, Hamboro’ Meet of the, 127 Hieronymous, Otto, 233
  • Hill Climbs: Henry Edmimds. 339, 841; Herts County A.C.’s, Aston, 475; Kettleby, 911, 942, 962; Shelsley Walsh, 839, 840, 890
  • Hill Climbs, Timing Methods Adopted at, 841 H.M. King Edward. 365, 359, 527, 549, 629; At Biarritz, The Late, 527
  • H.M. The Kasier, 590; His Travelling Kitchen Car, lb
  • H.M. The Queen, 910
  • Holden, Col., 525
  • Hol ford Glen, A Motor Caravan in, 580
  • Holm, Miss Vera, 804
  • Hoc ds and Windscreens, 279-281
  • Hoods.—A New Patent, 146. A Sensible, 794. Auster One-Man, 271, 279. Hopper’s Ideal, 275. Kopalapso, 666—Two Views of, lb. Lowe-Bevan Cabriolet, 279. Morgan One-Man, 280. Roller Blind System, 794. Wolseley Patent Cane Cart. 146
  • Horizontal Motor for Aeroplanes, A, 802
  • Horn, Mr. K. K., 810
  • Horns.—Autochime Exhaust, 70. Gabriel Four Note 304. Godin Four Note, 71. Hardy’s Adnil Electric, 293. Howes-Burley, 338. Klaxonet, 301. Selfridge Pneumatic, 298. Swan. Stewart Testanhc^e. HP 298
  • Horse, Urging the Unwilling, 59
  • Hose Pipes, The Novice and the, 613
  • H.P. Carburetter, The, 868
  • Hundred and Twenty Pounds (£120) Macmullen’s Car, 634
  • Hundred Pounds (.£100) Car, The French and The, 602
  • Hyde Park, Motoring in, 546, 607, 715 Hydroplane, Brazier-Despujols, 400
  • I.

Ignition: Fitting Up Reserve, 324; Fixed or Variable, 954—Power Curves For, 954; Multipoint, 234, 314, 488; Two ignitions on One Plug, 675

  • Illness of Driver, Invention to Avert Accidents Caused by Possible, 389
  • Indicator and Clock, Smith’s, 300
  • Indicator and Diagrams, All About the, 334
  • Indicator Combined With Switch and Gauge, and Tail Lamps, 293
  • Inner Tubes: Abercorn’s Corset For, 479; A Burst, 783; Armoured Tube Co.’s, 479
  • Inquiring Passenger, Bucolic Native and, 707 Instone, Mr. E. M. C., 148a Intentions, Good, 613-614
  • Interior of Car, Equipment of the, 271-273
  • Inter-’Varsity Motoring, 810; Cambridge Winner, 856; Mr. K. T. Horn (Oxford), lb.
  • Itala Car, A Week-end with the 15 h.p., 756-757
  • J.

Jacks, Lifting.—Adair, 479. Duco Improved, 304. Godwin, 171. Rotax Trip Lever, 305

  • Jackson Three-wheeler 12 h.p. Car, 504
  • Jack, The Forgotten, 317
  • Java, Delanggoe Motor Trials in. 122; Cars at the Foot of Tempoeran Hill, 125, 133; Scene after Finish, 123
  • Jeffreys, Mr. W. Rees, 765
  • Jenkins, Mr. F. J., 700a
  • Joerns, Mr., 948a
  • Johnson, Mr. Claude, 525, 536
  • K.

Kaiser’s Motor Field Kitchen, The, 590 K a van age, Mme. Spencer, 121 Kavanagh, Mr., 83 Kennard, Mr. Edward, 428a Kidner, Mr. Percy, 839

  • King Edward, The Late, 359, 365, 527, 549; His Funeral, 629
  • King George V., 597; Queen Mary and, 577
  • Kings of Speed.. The Four, 349,
  • Kitchener, Lord, 236; Leaves Christchurch, N.Z., 438
  • Kopalapso Hood, 666
  • L.

Labouchere, M., 878, 904b

  • Lady’s Dress Protector, A, 407
  • Lady’s Companion, Crocodile Skin; 272
  • Lambert, Comte de, 161
  • Lamp-Converting: Acetylene to Electric, 295; Acetylene to Paraffin, 157, 251
  • Lamp-Preserving Buffer, Jarrot-Letts, 335
  • Lamps.—Autoclipse Acetylene, 304. Broadhurst’s British Acetylene, 303. Cape Cart Hood Self-fixing Electric, 298. Castle Side and Tail Electric, 303. F.R.S., Acetylene, 54.
  • Gamage’s Steering Column, 299. Gauge and Tail Combined, 293. Gibbs Signal, 405. Gol-denlyte, 118. Heinz Portable Electric, 23. Howes-Burley Acetylene, 338. Hunt’s Dashboard, 299. Hunt’s Hand Electric, 298. Lodge Inspection, 740. Lucas Acetylene, 302. Oldfield Acetylene Petrol Head, 368. Pol-key’s Acetylene, 297. Powell-Hanmer Acetylene, 772. Rotax Acetylene, 305, Rushmore Multiplex-lens Acetylene, 300. Seabrook’s Acetylene, 70 , 296; Electric and Oil, 297
  • Lamp Thefts, Prickly Wing Nut to Frustrate Attempted, 214
  • Lanchester Gear Change, The, 139
  • Lane, Mr. C., 699
  • Latham, Mr., 39, 460, 641, 852. 877, 878, 937
  • Lathes, Drummond’s Motorists’, 284
  • Leblanc, M. A., 877, 878
  • Le Bion, The Late M,, 369
  • Lee Choon Guan, Mr., 217
  • Legagneux, Mons., 644 Legrain, M. Rene, 191 Lemale-Aster Motor, The New, 684 Lent, Motorists’ Ethics of the Season of, 148 Letts, Mr. W. M., 397
  • Levers for Brakes and Gear Changing, Arrangement on Swift Cars of, 457
  • Licence Case, Hardy’s Driver’s Lock-up, 293
  • Light Oar, A New, 826
  • Lighting System, Peto-Radford’s, 290
  • Lisle, Mr. R., 501; Starts for Shelsley Walsh Hillclimb, 841; Wins Edmunds Trophy, 839
  • Lock, A Large—(See page 5 of New Car Supplement, to face page 193)
  • Lodge. Illustrating Letter from Mr. Alec M., 314, 488 Log of the Road, The, 266
  • Lomax, Illustrating Letter from Mr. A. M., 675 London.—After Dinner in the Season. 789. Motor Map of, 558. Regent Street Vehicles, 567. Traffic in, 570; Changing Conditions of, 570, 682; Future Motor Traffic in, 567
  • London-Edinburgh Run.—Napier 65 h.p. Car in the, 948. Secret Checking Place, 594. York, Oars at, During the, 594
  • London-Manchester Flight—(See " Aviation ”) Look-out Man, The, 889
  • Loraine, Mr. R. (" Jones ”), 908
  • Lubricating System, A Novel, 930
  • Lubricator, Godin Syphon, 171
  • Luggage.—Brooks’ Trunk for, 205. Disposal of, 271 Moco Carrier for, 370
  • Luncheon Basket, The, 295
  • M.

Macdonald and Wilkie's Garage, Woking, 366 Macdonald, Sir John, 325, 427

  • Magneto, High-Tension Co.’s, 163: Armature of, 163; Ball-bearing Mounting, 163; Cut In and Out, 163; Field Magnet System, 163; Switchboard 163
  • Magnetos.—Bosch-i 420.. High Tension Co.’s New Car 163. Nilmelior, New, 87. Ruthardt, 653. Simms, 100-102
  • Magneto, The Making of a, 100-101; Armature, The, 100-101; Core Construction, The, '100; End Plate on Spindle, 101; Knurling Machine, The, 101; Method of Winding, 100 Maidstone-Drexell Wedding, The, 737
  • Malay, Motoring in, 791; Two States Railway Cars, lb.
  • Mall, The, 817
  • Malvern Hills, The, 829
  • Manuel, Illustrating Letter from Mr. Theodore, 816 Manville, Mr. E., 148a
  • Map of England, 798; Telescopic Oar Stand for, 798 Map of London, The Motor, 558
  • Marlborough Car, 12 h.p., 165; Fan Belt Adjustment, 165; Gate Arrangement, 165; Steering Gear, 165
  • Marlborough House, Royal Motorcar Leaving, 612
  • Martinet, M., 726b
  • Mascots, Chanticler, 111
  • Matinee, A Brooklands, 846
  • Mayfield High Street, 709
  • Mayhew, Lieut.-Col. Mark, 167
  • McCormack, Mr. E. H. (Cambridge), 856
  • Mercedes Car, New 15 h.p., 700b
  • Meriden Cross, 943
  • Metallurgical Tests, 812
  • Michelin, The Late Hauvette, 596
  • Military Reconnaissance, The.—Arriving by Motor Lorry at Da ventry, 514. Reinforcements Boarding a Motorbus at Rugby, 513
  • Mirrors: For Magneto Inspection, 155; Smith and Sons, 300
  • Monaco.—Air and Sea at, 418. Rougier Flies over Bay of, 170
  • Monoplanes—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Montague, Lord, 426, 472
  • Moore-Brabazon, Mr. J. T. C., 412
  • Morane, M., 807, 877, 907, 908, 950
  • Motor Boating, 220
  • Motor Boats.—Brazier-Despujols, 400. Duke of Westminster’s, 210. Fastest in World, 210. Prince Sheremetieff’s, 209. “ Soulier-Volant,” 210. “ Ursula,” 210
  • Motorcaravanning, 578-579
  • Motorcar a van, The, 261, 286, 287, 384, 578, 579, 631, 912
  • Motorcar Made by Sand Artist, A, 435
  • Motorcar Possibilities, The Future, 784
  • Motorcars of 1910 at a Glance—(See pp. 10-31 of Special Supplement to face page 193) Motorcar Steel, 812-813, 894
  • .Motors, Simple Language Concerning, 445
  • Motor to the Poll, By, 10
  • Motor Travel In 1912, 384
  • Mud, Device to Keep Out, 99
  • Mudguards for Protecting Ladies’ Dresses, 407;
  • Frankonia, 370
  • N.

Napier Cross Country Car, The, 647-649

  • Napier, Mr. M. S., 428a
  • Near Future, In The, 21
  • Neil, Mr., 726b
  • Nervous Passenger, The, 129
  • New Cars, At a Glance, 197; Contrasts on The Road of, 199
  • New Engine Motor Co., Illustrating Letter From, 449
  • News, Notes and. 19-20a
  • Newton, Lord and Lady, 680
  • New York, -Snow Removal from Streets of, 128
  • New Zealand, Humber Car Drives Chaff Cutter In, 957
  • Nice Aviation Meeting—(See “ Aviation ”)
  • Nicholls, Illustrating Letter from Mr. F. L., 487
  • Nilmelior Magneto, New Type of, 82, 87; Armature of, 87; Base Plate, 87; Details of, 87; Distributor, 87; Interior of, lb
  • Non-Skidding Device, Applying The, 363
  • Non Skids.—Berry’s, 633. Grippa, 293. Lomax, 71.
  • Riches’ Brooklands Detachable, 633. See Steel-Studded, 753. Skew, 370
  • Now, Then and, 428b, 532-533
  • o.
  • Obstruction, An, 145
  • Obturator for Safety Starting, Wardill’s, 370
  • Ocean, Ocean to, 703
  • Old Gives Place to New, The, 399
  • 01 ieslagers, Herr, 936
  • Orde, Mr. Julian, 291, 525
  • Otto Cycle, A Perfect, 517
  • Overhaul of Engine, 67-68
  • Owner Driver, Hired Car Passenger and the, 823
  • Oxford Road, A Pretty Bend on the, 743
  • P.

Panhard Car, Six Cylindered, 220

  • Paris Floods: Boulevard Diderot During the, 8; Gnome Works under Water in, 49; Marcel Renault’s Bust in 4 ft. of Water During, 45; Motor Photographer Incommoded by, 49; Renault Works Inundated, 49; Rue Mathis Cerbere During the, 8
  • Paris Gates, Cars Stopped to Pay Duty on Petrol at the. 716
  • Paris Mid-Lent Carnival, 256; Figures of Bibendum at, lb
  • Paris-Monte Carlo and Back on a Taxicab, 615-618
  • Passenger, The Nervous, 129
  • Past, The Present and the, 97
  • Paulhan, M., 103, 491-492, 508, 510-511, 598, 644, 726b Pedal Arrangement, A Suggested, 151 Pedal Covers, Castle Rubber, 303
  • People who Ought to be Controlled, 481
  • Pet for an Airing, Taking a, 188
  • Petrol : Economizer and Jet for, 479; Lafore Gauge for, 84—Dismounted, lb; Tank for, Gravity Feed Type of—(See p. 7 of Special Supplement to face page 193)
  • Petrol Headlamps, 368
  • Phillip's Ignition System, 314
  • Photograph Yourself, How to, 215
  • Picnic, The Motor, 857
  • Pipe Fastenings, Exhaust and Inlet, 706
  • Piston Thr ust, Diagrams of Angular, 558
  • Piston Valve Engine, A New, 927
  • Pliers, Barrow’s Out of the Way, 584
  • Plug Connector, A New, 867
  • Plugs.—Aster, 740. Cup Detonating, 867. Lodge, 299 7 Lodge Long Reach, 740, 753. Morrel Bodyless, 442. Southall Spark, 305; Inspector for, lb
  • Plymouth, The Earl of, 836
  • Pockets for Interior of Cars, Salmon’s, 271
  • Pcege, Willie, 951
  • Polyplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”)
  • Porche, Ferdinand, 734
  • Poster, An Artistic, 314
  • Postmen, Motors for Rural, 82
  • Power, Contrasts In, 774a
  • Power Curves: Diagrams of, 492; In Petrol and Steam Engines, 492; Of Effective Pressures, 492; Of Speed, 492
  • Power Curves, With Fixed or Variable Ignition, 954 Pressure Curves, In Petrol and Steam Engines, 492 Prime Minister, The, 572
  • Prince Christian, 509
  • Prince Francis of Teck, 148a
  • Prince Henry of Prussia, 148; Visits Coventry, 148a Prince Henry Tour, The, 701-702, 733; Brennahor Car Takes Curve During, 788; Oars for, 701-702; Club Paper Editor Mends Tyre During, 733; Fatality in, 734; Opel in, 733; Prince Henry, 357—Making Enquiries, 787; Rudge-Whitworth Wheels in, 773; Start For, 702; Stoewer Cars for, 500
  • Prince of Wales, H.R.H., 180; Arrives at Queen's Club Gardens. 180
  • Progress of Aviation, The, 640-641
  • Propellers, Aeroplane, Weise, 228
  • Propeller Shaft, The—(See p. 4 of New Car Supplement, to face page 193)
  • Pumps.—Castle Marathon, 117. Garage Model, 117. Standard Folding, 117
  • Q.

Queen Mary, King George V. and, 577

  • Queen of Greece, Mascots of H.M., The, 83 Queen’s Club, Prince George of Wales at, 173 Queen Victoria Memorial, The, 551
  • R-

R.A.C.: Chester Gathering of the, 80.5—Cars Leave Town Hall, 807; Eaton Hall, Members at, 806; New Club House of, 477, 539; Officials of, 805; Present Premises in Piccadilly, 540

  • Radley, Mr., 769; At Wolverhampton, 833
  • Rational Car, The, 634-635
  • Rawlinson, Mr., 489
  • Rear Axle Suspension, 20a .
  • Recorder for Speed and Mileage, 266; Log of Road Recorded by, lb
  • Rectifier, An Interesting New, 462
  • Registration Plate, New International, 750
  • Reinforced Tube, A New, 633
  • Renault Car, Six Cylinder, 655
  • Repair, A Temporary Rope, 948
  • Rescue Work, Motor Possibilities in Case of Fire, for, 925
  • Rheims Aviation Meeting—(See “Aviation”)
  • Ride, The First, 751
  • Rims.—Captain Motor Wheel, 298. Segment Detachable, 294. Spencer Moulton Detachable, 298
  • Road Boards, The Road Board is “ not” Responsible for, 947
  • Road Log, The, 266
  • Road Wheels, Geared Inner Ends of Axles and, 487
  • Robert Gives a Helping Hand, P.O., 624
  • Rob Rov, Grave of, 720
  • Roe, Mr. A. V., 440, 745
  • Rolls, The Late Hon., C. S„ 167, 696, 700, 912a, 913; As Aviator, 912a; His Late Flight, 912b; As Pioneer Motorist, 912a; At Boulogne, In 1906, 962
  • Rothschild, Cars Belonging to Mr. L. de, 31
  • Rouen Aviation Meeting—(See “ Aviation ”J Rougier, Mons., 91, 107, 170 , 327, 489 Rover Detachable Wheel, 402
  • Royal Marines Learning Driving, 20
  • Royal Visit to Coventry, 148a
  • s.

Safety Starting, Obturator for, 370

  • Salesman, The Agonies of a, 645
  • Sampson, The Late Mr. Lyons, 902
  • Sand Artist’s Motorcar, 435
  • Sandown Park Military Meeting, Motorcars at, 252 Sandown Park Racecourse, How the Cars are Drawn up at, 562; Luncheon on Course, 563
  • Sang, Illustrating Letter from Mr. J. H., 190
  • Sangster, Mr. Chas., 428a
  • Santos-Dumont, Mr. 200, 640
  • Scavenger Valve, 303
  • Scotch Car on Scotch Soil, A, 719-721
  • Scotch Tour, A, 719, 729; Route Map of, 719
  • Searchlights: De Dion Army Portable, 541; Pneumatic Distance Control in Service, 542
  • Seaside Car, The, 891
  • Seats.—Adler’s Compact Front, 389. A Folding Front, 934. A Folding Occasional, 585. Austin Emergency, 926. Hooper’s Supportless Interior, 585. Salmon’s Patent Folding, 27
  • Security Bolts.—Dreadnought, 584. Hermetic, 302
  • Shackle Bolt, Gamage’s, 299
  • Shadow, The, 822
  • Shield, Auster’s, 271
  • Shock Absorbers.—Hondaille, 323; Assembled, 323; Dismantled, Ib. New Types of, 323, 948. Perreau’s, 631
  • Shows.—Aero and Motor Boat, 227, 230. Brussels, British Trade Exhibits at, 842. Edinburgh, 16-17; Oars in Non-stop Run to, 18, 19. Manchester, 112-113. Olympia, 79
  • Side Door, Austin’s Wide, 926
  • Side Door, Latest Type of Front, 585 _
  • Side Doors and Lever Arrangements, 150, 457
  • Side Doors, Brake and Gear Lever Positions and.— Adler, 150. Arrol-Johnston, 150. Daimler, 150. Itala, 150. Napier, 150; Suggested Pedal Arrangement for, 151. Swift, 457
  • Signalling to Chauffeur, Apparatus for, 272, 296
  • Signpost, Johnson’s Patent, 51
  • Silent-Knight Panhard Car, 899
  • Silsoe: Avenue at, 756; Church at, 757; West Park Gardens at, 757
  • Simpitrol Petrol Burners, 368
  • Singer, Mr. Mortimer, 52
  • Sirron Car, The, 54
  • Slate Quarries, Argyll Car Amongst, 438
  • Sleigh, An Automobile Convertible into a, 147
  • Sleigh, Capt. Scott’s Antarctic Motor, 312
  • Sleigh Racing, The Possibility of Motor, 223
  • Small Car, A New French, 652
  • Snow Motoring, 191
  • Sommer, Mons. R., 345
  • Southsea Station, A Garage and Repair Works, 398
  • Spanners.—Barrow’s Adam and Eve, 584. Turner’s One Hand, 584
  • Spanner, The Unearthing of the, 417
  • Spanner Wrench, Lake Elliot’s Millennium Self-adjusting, 294
  • Spare Wheel, A New, 220
  • Spare Wheel Anti-theft Lock, 214
  • Spare Wheels, Some Methods of Attaching, 879
  • Spark Inspector, Southall’s, 305
  • Speed and Mileage Recorder, 266; Log of Road Recorded by, Ib.
  • Speed Limits, Where Strictly Observed, 130
  • Speed, Maniac with a Thirst for, 751
  • Speedometer Gears, Cover for Mechanism of, 844
  • Speedometers.—Bowden, 301, Jones, 272, 301. Star 295. Stewart, 138. Stewart Clark Multipolar, 271
  • Speed, The Four Kings of, 349
  • Splashguard, R.A.C. Tests of the Shrapnel, 116
  • Spokane Valley, A Motor Scene in the, 195
  • Spoke Brush, A Novel, 633
  • Springing Device, A Novel Rear, 553
  • Spring Lever Fitting, A New, 948
  • Spring, Nelson-Blakeley, 289
  • Spring Sheaths, Leather, 935
  • Starkey, Miss L. B., 911
  • Star Performer, A, 841
  • Starting, An Obturator for Safety, 370
  • Steel, Case-hardening, 894
  • Steels for the Motorcar, 812, 894; Tests of, 812-813
  • Steering Wheel Grip, 299
  • Step, Hooper Folding, 585
  • Sternberg, Frau, 733
  • Stirling, Logie Church, near, ,656
  • Stirling, Mr., 771
  • Stoewer Car, 12-15 h.p., 231
  • Stoewer, Herr Bernand, 500; Herr Emil, Ib.
  • Stokenchurch, A Village Street at, 621
  • Stonebreaker, Motorist and, 381
  • Stool and Footrest Combined, Thorn’s, 271
  • Straker-Squire Car, A Spin on the, 352
  • Stuart, Miss Blanche, 703
  • Submarine Type Car, The, 197
  • Suffragette Chauffeur, A, 804
  • Summer Car, The, 794
  • Supplement, with Index to Contents' of, Our New Car, to face page 193
  • Suspensions.—A Novel, 723. Delpauch Air Buffer, 723. Heilmann Compound, 665. Lever Spring, 844
  • Swift Car, 7 h.p., Single-cylinder, 580, 581
  • Switch, Gauge and Tail Lamps and Indicator. Combined, 293
  • Switch Starter, N-ilmelior, 304
  • Sydney Motor Garage, A, 387
  • T.

Taft, President, 943

  • Talbot, Lord Edward, 20
  • Targa-Florio Cup, 631; Lion-Peugeot Voiturette, Winner, Ib.
  • Tar, Tyre Troubles and, 884
  • Taxicab Run, Paris-Monte Carlo and Back, 616
  • Taxicabs, Berlin’s Luxurious, 587
  • Taximan, To-day’s, 399
  • Taylor, Mr. J. R. W., 501
  • Tea, A Roadside Halt for, 926
  • Teck. H.S.H. Prince Francis of, 291
  • Terminal, Electric, G.B. Non-shock, 302
  • Terminals, Vaseline Cup for Preventing Corrosion of Electric, 370
  • Testing Steels, 812-813
  • Then and Now, 428b
  • Thermo Battery for Charging Accumulators, A, 368
  • Thery, Piere la Chase Cemetery Memorial to Leon, 240
  • Thin End of Wedge, The, 681
  • Things About, 26, 57, 69, 119, 154, 186 , 246, 309, 321, 373, 410. 448, 484. 531, 606, 638, 710, 748, 782, 820, 850, 882, 922, 960
  • Thompson, Mr. O. S., 890
  • Thousand Miles 1900 Trial—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Tissandier, Mr. Paul, 161
  • Toolboxes.—Brooks, 273. Lanchester Compact, 56.
  • Seabrook’s, 296. Stoneham’s, 284
  • Toolkit, Hardy’s, 293
  • Tool Receptacle 934; Under Floorboard, Ib.
  • Torpedo Type Body, Prototype of, 429
  • Tour, Equipping for the, 259
  • Touring Abroad, Regulations (Schedule II.) for, 519
  • Town and Touring Motor Carriages Combined, 247, 274-277 _ ,
  • Town Carriage, A Modern, 532; The Evolution of the, 532-535
  • Town to Town Flight, Farman’s, 455
  • Tram Driver—To-day’s Electric, 399. Yesterdays Horse, Ib.
  • Transformer—(See " Rectifier ”)
  • Travellers’ Cars. 355, 452
  • Trials.—Australian A.C.’s, 515; Vauxhall Winner,. Ib.
  • German Voiturettes, Cars Crossing Elbe Bridge^. 550; Starting Scene, 611
  • Saltburn Speed, 810a
  • Thousand Miles Anniversary of 23rd April, 1900, 405. An Interesting Group in the, 525. Ariel Motor-tricycle in, 425; Mr. A. J. Wilson Mounted, Ib. Bazlegette, Mrs., Looks after Supplies, 424. Benz Car in, 424. Brown, Mr., on Panhard Car in, 424. Chiltern Hills, A Car Climbing Holyhead Road, 495. Daimler Car, Mi-. Edmunds in the, 424, 425. -De Dion Car, In the, 426. Edinburgh: Cars in Waver-ley Market, 427; Cars Leaving City, 428a. Finish of Trials at Whitehall, 428a. Iriswell, Sir Charles, Lady and, in the, 428. Hargreaves, Mr. J., in Manchester Garage, 424. Hill-climb at Taddington Hill During the, 426. Lord Montague with 1900 1,000 Miles Trial Flag, 472. Lord Northcliffe Entertains Tourists at Calcot Park, Reading, 423. Maidenhead Tollgate, 422. Manchester, Cars at Belle Vue,- 427. Napier Car at Finish, 428a. Northampton: Cars at Queen Eleanor’s Cross at, 471; Ready to Start, 472; Daimler 1899 Car at, 476. Instone, Mr. E., on 1899 Daimler at, 476; Luncheon at George Hotel at, 473. Panhard Cars in the Trials: mr. Browne’s, 424; Mr. Butler's, 422; Mr. Instone’s, 476; Mr. Rolls’s, 428, At Finish, Ib.. Peugeot Car in, 428. Reminiscences of the, 516. Richard Car in, 428
  • Tricycle, Ariel Motor, 425; Mr. A. J. Wilson on, 425. Triplane—(See “ Aeroplanes ”) Truck, White Three-ton, 128 Trunk for Luggage. Brooks’, 273
  • Tube Sheath for Weak Tyre Covers, Parsons Gauntlet, 138
  • Turvey Bridge, 756
  • Twenty-five Years Ago, 208
  • Two-cycle Engine, A New, 861-862
  • Types, The. Successors of Disappearing, 399
  • Tyre Alarm, The Orickcrack, 935
  • Tyre Box, Hardy’s Spare, 293
  • Tyre Carriers, Rotax Double and Single, 305
  • Tyre Gaiter, Hermetic, 302
  • Tyre Protector, Griff Spare, 300
  • Tyre Pumps.—Made from an Old Cylinder, Powerful, 53. Parsons Sparklet, 293
  • Tybes.—Cairns Stud, 753. Moseley Ribbed, 797;. Studded, Ib. Skew Non-skid, 370. Spencer-Moulton, 298
  • Tyre Snatchers, A Hint to, 739
  • Tyre Tester, Twitchell, 442
  • Unic Car, A Pleasant Jaunt on a, 528-530
  • Vallee Car, 1900, A Curious-shaped, 429
  • Valve, Bailey’s Scavenger, 303
  • Valve Cutter, Patent Seat and, 405 Valve Hood, H. F. Warland’s. 442 Valveless Car, A Day on a, 863-865 Valve Spring, Makeshift Repair for a Broken, 866 Van den Born, 174, 644; Falls at Rouen, 808 Vanquished! 1
  • Vaseline Cup Terminals, 370
  • Vehicle, Children’s Funny, 711
  • Vehicle, Luxurious, Mr. A. Du Cros’s, 261
  • Verstraeten, Mr., 852
  • Voiturette, Lion-Peugfiot, 632
  • Vulcanizer, Ohemico, 302
  • Wachter, 877; Fatal Fall of, Ib.
  • Wagner, M., 989
  • Warning Hand, The, 269
  • Water Circulation, Air Lock in the, 254
  • Water Outlet Pipe, Cylinder Jackets Cast in One with—(See p. 5 of New Car Supplement, to face page 193'
  • Water, Speed on the, 400
  • Waver ley Abbey, 686
  • Weather, Protection from the, 794
  • Week-end Tour, An Interesting and Picturesque, 917 Wembley, Week-end Flights at, 434 Weyman, Mr. 869 , ,.
  • Wheels.—Al, 740. Hall Spare, 301. Houdaille Spare, 225; Locking Same in Position, Ib. Reid-Rickie Spring, 53. Riley Detachable,. 295. Rover Detachable, 402. Rudge-Whit-worth, 296, 315, 401, 773. Stepney Spare, 214,. 303, 653; Lock for, 214
  • Wheels, Attaching Methods for Spare, 879 White Petrol Car, 391-392
  • White Steam Car, Extended Test of, 391
  • Wildegoose, Mr., 771
  • Willing, Mr., 453
  • Willows, Mr. E. T., 871
  • Windscreens.—Alford-Alders Fastlock, 295. Auster, 281. Auto Windshield, 281. Beaton-son’s, 117; Patent Locking IJgvice for, Ib. Daimler, 315. Hodgson, 298. Rawlence, 297. Summers, 436. Universal Aluminium, 53 Windscreens, Hoods and, 279-281 Winds, Those East, 414
  • Wing Nut for Lamps, Anti-theft Prickly, 214 Wireless Telegraphy Set, 490; Motorcar, Portable, Ib. Wisley. Hut Hotel at, 183 .
  • Wolverhampton Aviation Meeting—(See "Aviation j Woodman, Mr., 502
  • Worcester Law Courts, 829 Wright, Mr. Wilbur, 161, 759 Writing Case, Hardy’s Tourist, 293 Wynn’s Hunt Point-to-Point Steeplechases, Cars at Sir W. W., 411

Yacht, Prince Sheremetieff’s 70 ft. Motor, 209 Yesterday, To-day and, 399

See Also


Sources of Information