Great Universal Stores
of Devonshire Street, Manchester.
1900 Founded as a mail-order business in Manchester, England by Abraham, George and Jack Rose.
1917 Incorporated as a Limited Company
1933 Acquired John England.
1936 Acquired Marshall Ward.
c.1936 Formed New Universal Stores as a subsidiary to take over the chain stores of the parent company, totalling 7 with 7 more under construction; also established a mail order subsidiary company[1]
1939 The business had been developed but the GUS interest in it was being partially written down in the accounts of its parent. The opportunity had been taken to resume full control of the business. It was renamed as Hills and Steele Ltd and placed under the personal control of Isaac Wolfson as managing director[2]
1936 Sir Archibald Mitchelson was appointed chairman[3]
1937 Acquired Kay and Co.
1945 Acquired Tyne Plywood Works[4] and British and Colonial Furniture Co. Sold its holding in Hills and Steele.[5].
1952 Acquired a large interest in Lotus (Shoemakers) and later a further holding was bought by the Wolfson Foundation[6]
1953 Acquired Rylands and Sons.[7]
1954 Acquired Pryce Jones.
1963 Acquired S. Miller (Manchester), owner of Chorlton Warehouses mail order business.[8]
1965 Acquired Bollington Textile Printers.[9]
1972 the holding in Lotus was sold
1972 Acquired A. and S. Henry and Co.