Engineering 1879 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1879 Jul-Dec: Index
View the 1879 Jul-Dec Volumes
- ACCIDENT to the Screw Steamer " Arizona," The, 438
- Accidents, Railway, in 1878, Reports of the Board of Trade on, 230, 237, 346, 394
- " Acheron," The Australian Torpedo Launch, 52, 99
- Acoustical Firedamp Detector, An, 213, 231
- Acoustical Improvement of Large Halls, The, 399
- Address of the President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 117
- " Agamemnon," H.M.S., The Launch of, 229
- Agricultural Engines and Machinery, Damaged; Circular of the Royal Agricultural Society, 148
- Boiler, Smith's Double-Chambered Vertical, 22, 69
- Clod Crusher, Randell's, 35
- Crane, Priestman Brothers' Steam, with Self-Acting Bucket, 136
- Door Handle Fastening, Dennis's, 36
- Drum Guard for Thrashing Machines, Fison's, 33
- Everitt, Adams, and Company's Steam Ploughing, 206
- Garrett a Portable, 26
- Marshall, sons, and Company's 14-Horse
- Portable, with Automatic Expansion Gear, a
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's Traction, with Automatic Valve Gear, 25
- Portable and Fixed, 3, 22
- Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Horizontal Condensing, 6
- Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Vertical, and Boiler, 5
- Traction, and Steam Ploughing Machinery, 2
- Governor, Shanks' Equilibrium, 26
- Governor and Throttle Valve, Bagnall's,
- Harrow, Nicholson's. 36
- Hydraulic Valve. Dennis and Company's, 14
- Ice-Making Machinery, 15
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, 14, 33
- Mowing Machine, Wood's, 10
- Railways, Portable, 96
- Reaping Machines and Sheaf Binders, 7, 27
- Regulator for the Electric Light, Crompton's, 17
- Roller Mill, Ganz and Company's, 33
- Sheaf Binder, Burgess's, 27
- Sheaf Binder, Howard's Automatic, 7
- Stone Breaker, Hall's Portable, 33
- Thrashing Machine Drum and Beater, Garrett's, 32
- Thrashing Machines, 32
- Thrashing and Straw-Chopping Machine Combined, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 20
- Tramway Locomotive, Bagnall's, 4
- Air, The Sensible Warmth of the, 199
- Almaden New Works; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 391
- Alta Italia Railway, Express Locomotive for the, 414
- Alteration of Metals, The Physical, 287
- America, Iron Exports to, 441
- American Marine Engines, Early, 337
- American Navies, The South, 11
- American "Needle," The, 476
- American Pumping Engines, 154, 189, 365, 376, 488
- American Shipbuilding Industry, 940
- Analysis of Iron and Steel, The Application of the Spectroscope to the, 141
- Anderson's Gas Washer and Scrubber, 43
- Antwerp, The Improvement Works at, 280, 335, 386, 394, 486
- Apparatus, Electrical, Paterson's Catalogue of, 402
- Apparatus, Gas, Exhibition of, at Greenock, 242
- Apparatus for Heating Foot-Warmers ; Western Railway of France, 225
- Architects and Engineers, 437
- Arctic Meteorology, 371
- Arctic Research, 232, 254
- " Arizona," s.s., The Accident to the, 438
- Art of Referencing. The, 341
- Assimilation of Patent Laws, The, 151
- Atmospheric Electricity, 193
- Austin and Hunter's Screw Colliers, The " Fenton" and " Ridge Park," 492
- Australian Torpedo Launch, 52, 99
- Automatic Brake, The Westinghouse, Trials of, 53, 74, 138
- Automatic Expansion Gear, Hartnell's, on Marshall, Sons, and Company's Portable Engine, 3
- Automatic Expansion Gear, Marshall, Sons, and Company's Traction Engine with, 25
- Automatic Expansion Gear, Virck's Horizontal Engine with, 186
- Automatic Motion for Spectroscopes, 231
- Automatic Sheaf Binder and Harvester, Howard's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 7
- Autumn Meeting of 1880 of the Iron and Steel Institute, The, 154, 249,
- Aveling and Porter's Winding Drum for Traction Engines, 443
- Axles, Locomotive Crank, 288
- Axles, Radial, Larsen's Tramcar with, 186
- Bagnall's Governor and Throttle Valve, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 6
- Bagnall's Tramway Locomotive, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 3
- Ballast and Circulating Pump, The Pulsometer as a, 413
- Ballast, Water, for Steamers, 492
- Balloons for Military Purposes, 32
- Barff Process for the Protection of Iron, The, 441
- Bars, Locomotive Guide, 95
- Barton and West's Pressure Reducer, 113, 120
- Barton and West's Water Meter, 113, 121
- Batho's Combined Dredger, Tug, and Fire Engine, 269
- Bazalgette's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the Thames, 56, 75
- Belgian Company, The John Cockerill, 420
- Belt Screws, Sonnenthal's, 69
- Bending Moments, Maximum, upon &Beam, 63
- Bills, Miscellaneous, passed in the Session of 1879, List of, 369
- Bills, Private, for Session 1880, 435, 454, 475, 496
- Bills, Railway, List of, passed in the Session of 1879, 161
- Bills, Tramway, List of, passed in the Session of 1879, 203
- Bills, Water and Gas, List of, passed in the Session of 1879, 203
- Binocular Spectroscopes, 231
- Birkenhead Iron and Shipbuilding Works, The, 257
- Birmingham Corporation Gas Works, The, 415
- Black, Hawthorn, and Company's Compound Tramway Engines, 363
- Board of Trade Prosecution for Unseaworthiness, 75
- Board of Trade Report for 1878 on Railway Accidents, 2:30, 237, 346, 394
- Board of Trade, The, and Shipbuilders, 381, 453
- Boat, An Australian Torpedo, 52, 99
- Boat, The Herreshoff Torpedo, Official Trial of, 365
- Boat, Yarrow's Torpedo, 307
- Boats, Herreshoff's Portable Engine for, 266
- Boiler-Drilling Machine, Harvey's, 136
- Boiler Explosion at Crewe, The, 226
- Boiler Explosion, The Halifax, 342
- Boiler Explosion, The Stoneclough, 37, 73
- Boiler Explosion on board the Tug-Boat " Victor ;" Board of Trade Inquiry, 233
- Boiler Explosions, Fatal, 154
- Boiler Inspection, 111, 459
- Boiler Inspection, Compulsory, 491
- Boiler Inspection v. Insurance, 459
- Boiler Makers, Howson and Viilson's Heating Furnaces for, 357
- Boiler, Multitubular, and Three-Cylinder Engine, Watts', 301
- Boiler, Smith's Double-Chambered Vertical, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 22, 69
- Boiler, Tubular, Sulzer ,Brothers', with Ten-Brink Firegrate, 175
- Boiler, Webb's Steel Locomotive, 265
- Boilers, Gas-Fired Sectional, 402
- Bradford, The Explosion of a Dye Kettle at, 459
- Brake, The Westinghouse, Details of, 52
- Brakes, Continuous; Trials of the Westinghouse Automatic, 53, 74, 138
- Brearley and Marsden's Stone-Dressing Machine, 300
- Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's Pumping Engines at the Vienna Auxiliary Water Works, Pottschach, 432
- Bridge, The East River, Contract for the Iron and Steel for the, 96
- Bridge over the River Nile at Kohd, 132, 145
- Bridge over the River Zwartkops, South Africa, 477
- Bridge, The Severn Railway, Opening of, 314
- Bridge over the Thames, Proposed High-Level, 56, 75
- 152, 172, 193, 199, 231
- Conversazione, The, 232
- Election of Officers for 1880, &c., 202
- Grants for Scientific Purposes, 176
- On the Development of the Use of Steel during the last Forty Years, considered in its Mechanical and Economic Aspects, by J. Robinson, 164
- On Natural Science, by G. Johnstone Stoney, 164
- On Radiant Matter, by William Crookes, F.R.S., 165, 187
- On the Temperature of Town Water Supplies,
- by Baldwin Latham, 168
- On the Secular Changes in the Specific Inductive Capacity of Glass, by J. E. H. Gordon, 169
- On the Retardation of Phase of Vibrations transmitted by the Telephone, by Silvanus P. Thompson, 169, 193
- On the Action of Magnets on Liquid Jets, by Silvanus P. Thompson, 169, 194
- On a Galvanometer for Demonstrating the Internal Current Transmitted through the Liquid within a Voltaic Cell, by Conrad W. Cooke, 176, 201
- On the Presence of Nitrogen in Steel, by Alfred H. Allen, 185, 201
- On some Curious Concretion Balls derived from a Colliery Mineral Water, by Thomas Andrews, 185
- On Underground Temperature, by J. D. Everett, 193
- On Atmospheric Electricity, by Dr. Michael Grabham, 193
- On the Pseudophone, by Silvanus P. Thompson, 194
- On Lightning Protectors for Telegraphic Apparatus, by W. H. Preece, 194, 302
- On Improvements in Dynamo-Electric Machines, by Mr. Ladd, 194
- On a New Electrometer Key, by Dr. Lodge, 194
- On the Manufacture of Crucible Steel, by Henry S. Bell, 195
- On the Separation of Iron and Phosphorus, especially with Reference to the Manufacture of Steel, by Thomas Blair, 195
- On a New Metallurgical Process, by John Hollway, 195, 222
- On the Euphrates Valley Railway, by Captain Cameron, 195
- On Self-Acting Intermittent Syphons and the Conditions which determine the Commencement of their Action, by Rogers Field, 196, 199, 224
- On Recent Advances in Electric Lighting, by J. N. Shoolbred, 196, 231
- On the Changes of Volume in Iron when passing from the Liquid to the Solid State, and an Instrument for observing the same, by T. Wrightson, 196
- On Pure Mathematics, 196
- On the Customs of the People of Urua, by Captain Cameron, 19G
- On the Native Races on the Head Waters of the Zambesi, by Major Serpa, Pinto, 197
- On the Native Races of Gaboon and Ogowa, by the Comte de Brazza, 197
- On Luminous Meteors, by James Glaisher, 199
- On the Sensible Warmth of the Air, by Professor George Forbes, 199
- On Synchronism of Mean Temperature and Rainfall in the Climate of London, by Courtenay Fox, '200
- On Experiments on the Influence of the Angle of the Lip of Rain Gauges on the Quantity of Water collected, by Baldwin Latham, 200
- On Hughes's Induction Balance, by W. Chandler Roberts, '202
- On some Further Results of Experiments on Friction at High Velocities, by Captain Douglas Galton, 202
- On the Writing Telegraph, by E. A, Cowper, 202
- On an Acoustical Firedamp Detector, by Professor George Forbes, 213, 231
- On Modern Improvements in Heating Air for Hot Blast Furnaces, by E. A. Cowper, 213, 232
- On Variable Scales for Spectroscopes, by Johnstone Stoney, 231
- On Automatic Motion for Spectroscopes, by Johnstone Stoney, 231
- On Binocular Spectroscopes, by Johnstone Stoney, 231
- On the Synthesis of Hydrocyanic Acid, by Professor Dewar, 232
- On the Amount of Nitrous Acid produced in Electric Illumination, by Professor Dewar, 232
- On Arctic Exploration, by John P. Cheyne, Commander, R.N., 232, 254
- On the Proposed Canal across the Isthmus of Panama, by Captain Bedford Pim, 232
- On the Law of the Power required for different Speeds of the same Steam Vessel ; Illustrated, within the Limits of Experience, by a Linear Scale of their Relation, by Robert Mansel, 429, 466
- Panama Canal, The, 232
- Photographic Screen, An Improved, 231
- Report of the Committee, for Commencing Secular Experiments upon the Elasticity of Wires, by J. T. Bottomley, 179
- Report of the Council for 1878-9, 154
- Report of the Patent Law Committee, 206
- Reports of the Committees, 202
- British Association, The, and the Patent Laws, 323
- British Museum, The Electric Light in the, 325
- Buffalo and Lake Huron; Canadian Railways, 102
- Buildings, The Paris Exhibition, Scaffolding for the Erection of, 108, 184
- Burgess's Sheaf Binder, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 27
- Cable, Marseilles-Algiers, Laying the, 493
- Cable Repairing Ships, Telegraph, 473
- Cables, New Submarine, 93
- Cail and Company's Six-Coupled Tank Locomotive, 497
- Calendering Rolls, Voith's, 394
- California Works ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 463, 481
- Callao, Lima, and Oroya Railway, The, 48, 105
- Buffalo and Lake Huron, 102
- Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, 45, 84, 102, 181
- Midland Railway of Canada, 481
- Northern Railway of Canada, 389
- Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway, 353
- Toronto and Nipissing Railway, 295
- Canal, The Panama, 232
- Cape Mail Steamer, A Steel Built, 364
- Capture of the Ironclad " Huascar," The, 309, 364, 454,476
- Carbon Points in the Electric Lamp, The Temperature of the, 342
- Carriage, Second-Class ; Western Railway of France, 169
- Cement, Ransome's New, 211
- Centrifugal Action, Skimming Milk by, 21
- Cerro de Pasco Silver Mines, The, 298, 357, 425
- "Chancellor Livingston," River Steamboat, Engine of the, 337
- Chandler's Coupling for Railway Wagons, 413
- China as a Field for Future Railway Enterprise, 59
- China, The Telegraph in, 383
- Circular Slide Valve, Webb's, 443
- " City of Berlin," The Inman Line Royal Mail Steamship, 251
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Drum Guard for Thrashing Machines, 477
- Clerk-Maxwell, Professor, 383
- " Clermont," River Steamboat, 1807, Engine and Boiler of the, 337
- Cleveland, Notes from, 15, 30, 49, 79, 99, 110, 140, 155, 177, 189, 208, 236, 246, 272, 294, 299, 328, 347, 360, 379, 398, 423, 434, 452, 479, 497
- Clod Crusher, Randell's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 35
- Drum Guard for Thrashing Machine, Clayton and Shuttleworth's, 477
- Drum Guard for Thrashing Machines, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's, 446
- Guard for Circular Saws, Lakeman's, 446
- Horizontal Non-Condensing Engine, Ruston,
- Proctor, and Company's, 466
- Implements, 445
- Miscellaneous, 449
- Mowing and Reaping Machines, 445
- Portable and Fixed Engines, 443
- Rakes of Reaping Machines, Howard and
- Bousfleld's Apparatus for Controlling, 446
- Safety Valve for Pumps of Portable Engines, Garrett and Sons', 443
- Slide Valve, Webb's Circular, 443
- Winding Drum for Traction Engines, Aveling and Porter's, 443
- Clyde Shipbuilding Contracts, 345, 402
- Clyde Shipbuilding Trade, The Prospects of the, 290
- Clyde, Thames, and Mersey, Passenger Steamers on the, 430
- Coal and Iron Company's Works, The Wigan, 261
- Coal Shipping Machinery, Smith's, 375
- Coal Wagons, Thomson's Hydraulic Tip for, 205
- Coatbridge Tin-Plate Works, The, 115
- College, University, The Engineering Laboratory at, 247
- Colliery, The Pemberton, 259
- " Colombia," s.s., Rescue of the, 242
- Companies, Boiler ; Boiler Inspection, 111
- Companies, The London Gas, 73
- Companies, The Metropolitan Water, 400, 418
- Company, French, The Messageries Maritimes, 268
- Company, The John Cockerill, 420
- Compass, The Tell-Tale Mariner's, 68
- Compound Engine, The Theory of the, 324, 3G1
- Compound Engines of the s.s. " Gallia," 219
- Compound Engines, Redhead and Company's, of the s.s. " Dante" and " Petrarch," 378
- Compound Pumping Engines; Vienna Auxiliary Water Works, 432
- Compound Tramway Engines, Black, Hawthorn, and Company's, 363
- Compounding of Locomotive Engines, The, 17,
- Compressed Steel, 83, 255, 263
- Compressors, Hydraulic, for Gun Carriages, 316, 349, 396, 460
- Compulsory Boiler Inspection, 491
- Compulsory Working of Patents, The, 191
- Condensing Engine, Horizontal, with Collmann's Valve Gear, 109
- Conflans Viaduct, The, 15
- Congo, Natives North of the, 197
- Congress at Croydon, The Sanitary, 343, 382
- Constant Water Supply, 113, 119
- Continuous Brakes ; Trials of the Westinghouse Automatic, 53, 74, 138
- Continuous Furnaces ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 392
- Contract for the Iron and Steel for the East River Bridge, 96
- Controlling Rakes of Reaping Machines, Howard and Boustleld's Apparatus for, 446
- Conversazione of the British Association, The, 232
- Cooke, Sir William Fothergill, 94
- Corliss Compound Pumping Engine at Pawtucket, The, 154, 189
- Corliss Engine, Douglas and Grant's Horizontal Compound, 487
- Corporation Gas Works, The Birmingham, 415
- Council of the British Association, Report of the, for 1878-79, 154
- Cowper's Writing Telegraph, 202
- Cramp and Son's Russian Cruiser " Zabiaca," 413
- Crane, Steam, Priestman Brothers', with Self-Acting Bucket, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 136
- Crank Axles, Locomotive. 283
- Crank-Pin Turning Machine, Webb's, 266
- Crankshafts, The Forging of, 123, 137
- Crewe, The Boiler Explosion at, 226
- Crewe, The London and North-Western Railway Works at, 264
- Crompton's Regulator for the Electric Light, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 17
- Crown Iron Works, Glasgow, The ; Messrs. Thomson, Sterne, and Company, 142
- Crucible Steel, 195
- Cunard Steamer " Gallia," The New, 219, 450
- Curves, Speed, 344
- Customs of the People of Urua, The, 196
- Cuttings, The Slopes of, 409
- Damaged Agricultural Engines and Machinery ; Circular of the Royal Agricultural Society, 148
- " Dante" and " Petrarch," s.s., Redhead and Company's Compound Engines of the, 378
- Demenge's Portable Engine, 338
- Dennis and Company's Hydraulic Valve, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 14
- Dennis's Door Handle Fastening, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 36
- Denny Brothers' Light-Draught Paddle-Wheel Ferry Steamer, 378
- Denny and Company's Shipbuilding Yard, 114
- Dephosphorisation of Iron and Steel, The, 249, 253
- Deposits from Mineral Water, 185
- Distillation, Method of ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 277
- Dockyard Professional Officers, 133, 209
- Double-Chambered Vertical Boiler, Smith's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 22, 69
- Double Lathe for Disc Railway Wheels, Fetu and Deliege's, 148
- Double-Loading Ordnance, 438
- Douglas and Grant's Horizontal Compound Corliss Engine, 487
- Dredger, Tug, and Fire Engine, Batho's Combined, 269
- Dredger, Vertical-Action Steam, 126, 157
- Drilling Machines for Rails, Fetu and Delidge's Multiple, 197
- Driver for Lathes, Timmins', 379
- Drop Hammer, Hasse's, 396
- Drum Guard for Thrashing Machines, Clayton and Shuttleworth's, 477
- Drum Guard for Thrashing Machines, Fison's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 33
- Drum Guards for Thrashing Machines, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's, 446
- Drum, Winding, for Traction Engines, Aveling and Porter's, 443
- Drummond's Tank Locomotive for the North British Railway, 451
- Drying Apparatus, Wilson's, 378
- Dabs and Company's Glasgow Locomotive Works, 131
- Durand and Chapitol's Pulveriser, 97
- Dye Kettle, The Explosion of a, at Bradford, 459
- Dynamo-Electric Machines, 194
- Dynamo-Electric Machines ; Lighting by Electricity, 63, 101, 173, 326, 372
- Eads, Port, 362
- Early American Marine Engines, 337
- East River Bridge, Contract for the Iron and Steel for the, 96
- Edgar Thomson Steel Works, Compressed Steel at the, 83
- Education, Technical, 305
- Eighty-Stamp Mill for Working Silver Ores at the Cerro de Pasco Mines, Peru, 357
- Eighty-Ton Gun, The Trial of the, 306
- Elasticity of Wires, The, 179
- Elder and Company's New Russian Yacht, 325 Election of Officers of the British Association for 1880, dle., 202
- Electric Currents, Obach's Tangent Galvanometer for Measuring, 356
- Electric Illumination, Nitrous Acid produced by, 232
- Electric Lamp, The Temperature of the Carbon Points in the, 342
- Electric Light, The, 196, 231
- Electric Light in the British Museum, The, 325
- Electric Light, Crompton's Regulator for the, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 17
- Electric Lighting. 474
- Electrical Apparatus, Paterson's Catalogue of, 402
- Electrical Transmission of Motive Power, The, 417
- Electricity, Atmospheric, 193
- Electricity, Lighting by, 307
- Electricity, Lighting by ; Dynamo-Electric Machines, 63, 101, 173, 326, 372
- Electrometer Key, A New, 194
- Engine for Boats, Herreshoff's Portable, 266
- Engine and Boiler, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Vertical, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 5
- Engine, Compound, The Theory of the, 324, 361
- Engine, The Corliss Compound Pumping, at Pawtucket, 154, 189, 488
- Engine, Demenge's Portable, 338
- Engine, Douglas and Grant's Horizontal Compound Corliss, 487
- Engine, Garrett's Portable, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 26
- Engine, Horizontal Condensing, with Collmann's Valve Gear, 109
- Engine, Indicator, A New Steam, 117
- Engine Makers' Society, Steam, Report of the, 192
- Engine, Marshall, Sons, and Company's 14-Horse Portable, with Automatic Expansion Gear, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 3
- Engine, Mine Ventilating, and Guibal Fan, 356
- Engine, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Horizontal Condensing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 6
- Engine, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Horizontal Non-Condensing, 466
- Engine, Steam Ploughing, Everitt, Adams, and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 206
- Engine, Traction, with Automatic Valve Gear, Marshall, Sons, and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 25
- Engine, Virck's Horizontal, with Automatic Expansion Gear, 186
- Engine, Watts' Three-Cylinder, and Multitubular Boiler, 301
- Engineering Laboratory at the University College, The, 247
- Engineering Precedents, 332, 373, 426, 494
- On a New Steam Engine Indicator, by John E. Sweet, 117
- On Washing Phosphoric Pig Iron for the Open Hearth and Puddling Processes, at Krupp's Works, Essen, by A. L. Holley, 298
- On the Tessid Gas Producer, by A. L. Holley, 457
- Engineers and Architects, 437
- Premiums awarded for the Session of 1878-79, 36
- On Tunnel Outlets from Storage Reservoirs, by O. J. Wood, 414
- On the Passenger Steamers of the Thames, the Mersey, and the Clyde, by W. Carson, 430
- Address of the President, 117
- Coatbridge Tin-Plate Works, 115
- Crown Iron Works, Glasgow, The ; Messrs. Thomson, Sterne, and Company, 142
- Excursion to Inverary, 127
- Gartsherrie Iron Works, Coatbridge, 131 Govan Iron Works, 143
- Hyde Park Locomotive Works ; Messrs. Neilson and Company, 129, 147
- Locomotive Works, Glasgow; Messrs. DOB and Company, 131
- Locomotive Works, The St. Rollox ; Caledonian Railway Company, 143
- North British Railway Locomotive Works, 130
- On the Compounding of Locomotive Engines, by M. Anatole, of Paris, 17, 58
- On Injector Hydrants for Fire Extinction, by J. H. Greathead, 80
- On Water Power Engines with Variable Stroke, by John Hastie, 1060.23
- On the Working of Traction Engines in India, by R. E. B. Crompton, 106, 124, 148
- On the Pneumatic Marine Governor, by D. J. Dunlop. 112, 118
- On the " Velometer" Governor for Marine and Stationary Engines, by F. W. Durham, 11'2, 118
- On the Maintenance of Constant Pressure in Water Service Pipes, by Stephen Alley, 113, 119
- On Barton and West's Pressure Reducer, by W. H. Thomas, 113, 120
- On Barton and West's Water Meter, by W. H. Thomas, 113, 121
- On the Forging of Crankshafts, by W. L. E. McLean, 123, 137
- On the Construction and Working of a Vertical-Action Steam Dredger, by R. B. Buckley, 126, 157
- On Fireless Locomotives for Tramways, by M. Leon Francq, 306, 367, 375
- On the Loss of Power in the Screw Propeller, and the Means of Improving its Efficiency„ by the Hon. It. C. Parsons, 404
- Saracen Foundry, Possilpark ; Messrs. Walter Macfarlane and Company, 127
- Shipbuilding Yard, Denny and Company's, 114
- Shipbuilding Yards at Govan, The, 114
- Summerlee Iron Works, 143
- Visit to Greenock, 127
- Works of the Steel Company of Scotland, 130
- Engines, American Pumping, 154, 189, 365, 376, 488
- Engines, Compound, of the s.s. "Gallia," 219
- Engines, Compound Tramway, Black, Hawthorn, and Company's, 363
- Engines, Early American Marine, 337
- Engines, Fixed and Portable, 443
- Engines, Gwynne's Centrifugal Pumping, of the s.s. "Gallia," 450
- Engines and Machinery, Damaged Agricultural ; Circular of the Royal Agricultural Society, 148
- Engines, The Pawtucket Pumping, 154, 189, 488
- Engines, Portable and Fixed, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 3, 22
- Engines, Portable and Fixed, at the Smithfield Club Show 443
- Engines, Pumping, at the Vienna Auxiliary Water Works, Pottschach, Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's, 432
- Engines, Redhead and Company's Compound, of the s.s. " Dante" and " Petrarch," 378
- Engines, Traction, in India, 106, 124, 148
- Engines, Traction, and Steam Ploughing Machinery, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 2
- Engines, Water Pressure, 106, 123
- Engines of the Yacht " Wanderer," Perkins', 469
- Enterprise, Railway, China as a Field for Future, 59
- Equatorial Telescope, Grubb's, 277
- Euphrates Valley Railway, The, 195
- Everitt, Adams, and Company's Steam Ploughing Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 206
- Excavator, The Fouracres, 126, 157
- Excursion of the Members of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to Inverary, 127
- Exhibition Buildings, The Paris, 108, 184
- Exhibition of Gas Apparatus at Greenock, 242
- Exhibition and Market, The National, 268
- Expenditure and Traffic, Railway, for 1878, 171
- Experiments with the Krupp Guns at Meppen, 134
- Exploration, Arctic, 232, 254
- Explosion, Boiler, on Board the Tug - Boat Victor ;" Board of Trade Inquiry, 233 Explosion, Boiler, at Crewe, The, 226
- Explosion of a Dye Kettle at Bradford, The, 459
- Explosion, The Halifax Boiler, 342
- Explosion, The Stoneclough Boiler, 37, 73
- Explosions, Fatal Boiler, 154
- Exports to America, Iron, 441
- Express Locomotive for the Alta Italia Railway, 414
- Extension of Hallside Steel Works, The, 449
- Extension of the Metropolitan Railway, The, 419
- Fatal Boiler Explosions, 154
- "Fenton" and "Ridge Park," Austin and Hunter's, Screw Colliers, 492
- Ferry Steamer, Denny Brothers' Light-Draught Paddle-Wheel, 378
- Fetu and Delidge's Double Lathe for Disc Railway Wheels, 148
- Fetu and Delidge's Multiple Drilling Machine for Rails, 197
- Fire Engine, Tug, and Dredger, Batho's Combined, 269
- Fire Extinction, Injector Hydrants for, 80
- Firedamp Detector, An Acoustical, 213, '231
- Fireless Locomotive, Lamm and Francq's, 306, 367, 375
- Fison's Drum Guard for Thrashing Machines, at
- the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 33
- Fixed and Portable Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 3, 22
- Fixed and Portable Engines, at the Smithfield Club Show, 443
- Floods, Metropolitan, 171
- Fluid Steel, The Consolidation of, S3, 255, 263
- Food Supply, Our, 93
- Foot-Warmers, Apparatus for Heating ; Western Railway of France, 225
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 20, 41, 62, 98, 121, 140, 155, 215, 235, 256, 276, '281, 312, 330, 350, 369, 388, 406, 424, 442, 461, 480
- Foreign Iron Trade, Our, 347
- Forging of Crankshafts, The, 123, 137
- Forgings, Large, '262, 274
- Foundry, The Saracen, Possilpark ; Messrs Walter Macfarlane and Company, 127 Fouracres Excavator, The, 126, 157
- Fowler and Company's Portable Railways. 96
- French Company, The Messagerios Maritimes, 268
- Froude, Mr. W., F.R.S., 76
- Furnace, The Knox ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 407
- Furnace, The Luckhart; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 392
- Furnace, Modified Idria —Redington Works ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 331
- Furnace, Piat's Oscillating, 396
- Furnace, The Sarah. Lambert and Gordon's, Ironton, U.S.A., 161
- Furnaces, Continuous ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 392
- Furnaces, Howson and Wilson's Boiler-Makers' Heating, 3.57
- Furnaces, Non - Continuous — Missouri Mine ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 277
- Furze Masticator, McKenzie and Sons', 449
- " Gallia," The New Cunard Steamer, 219, 450
- Galvanometer, Internal Current, 201
- Galvanometer, Obach's Tangent, 356
- Ganz's Roller Mill, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 33
- Garrett's Portable Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 2G
- Garrett and Sons' Safety Valve for Pumps of Portable Engines, 443
- Garrett's Thrashing Machine Drum and Beater, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 32
- Gartsherrie Iron Works, Coatbridge, 131
- Gas Apparatus, Exhibition of, at Greenock, 242
- Gas Companies, The London, 73
- Gas-Fired Sectional Boilers, 402
- Gas Managers, Annual Meeting of the North British Association of, 69
- Gas-Producer, The Tessid, 457
- Gas Washers and Scrubbers, 43, 313
- Gas and Water Bills passed in the Session of 1879, List of, 203
- Gas, Water, The Manufacture of, 384
- Gas Works, The Birmingham Corporation, 415
- Gauges, Rain, 200
- Gear, Heathorn's Steering, 272
- Gear, Wilson's Steam Steering, 282
- "Germanic," The White Star Line Royal Mail Steamship, 250
- Glasgow Locomotive Works; Messrs. Dubs and Company, 131
- Glass Sleepers, Toughened, 154, 263, 270
- Glass, The Specific Inductivity of, 169
- Goods Locomotives for the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, 30, 64
- Gorse Masticator, McKenzie and Sons', 449
- Govan Iron Works, The, 143
- Govan, The Shipbuilding Yards at, 114
- Governor, Shanks' Equilibrium, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 26
- Governor, Steam Engine, 112, 118
- Governor and Throttle Valve, Isagoall's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 6
- Governors, Marine Engine, 112, 118
- Grain Warehouses, The Liverpool, 252
- Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, The; Canadian Railways, 45, 84, 102, 181
- Grants for Scientific Purposes by the British Association, 176
- Greenock, Visit of the Members of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to, 127
- Grier's Bridge over the River Zwartkops, South Africa, 477
- Grubb's Equatorial Telescope, 277
- Guard for Circular Saws, Lakeman's, 446
- Guibal Fan, and Mine Ventilating Engine, 356
- Guide Bars, Locomotive, 95
- Gun Carriages, Hydraulic Compressors for, 316, 349, 396, 460
- Gun, The 80-Ton, Trial of, 306
- Gun, The 38-Ton, Trials of, 324, 473
- Gunnery Experiments at Meppen, The Recent, 134
- Guns, Double-Loading, 438
- Gwynne's, Messrs. J. and H., Centrifugal Pumping Engines of the B.S. " Gallia," 450
- Halifax Boiler Explosion, The, 342
- Halls, Large, The Acoustical Improvement of, 399
- Hall's Portable Stone-Breaker, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 33
- Hallside Steel Works, The Extension of, 449
- Harbour Improvements, The New York, 367
- Harrison's, Mr. T. E.. Report on the Westinghouse Automatic Brake Trials, 138
- Harrow, Nicholson's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 36
- Harvey's Boiler-Drilling Machine, 13G
- Hasse's Drop Hammer, 896
- Hawksley, Wild, and Company's Gas-Fired Sectional Boilers, 402
- Heathorn's Steering Gear, 272
- Heating Foot- Warmers, Apparatus for; Western Railway of France, 225
- H.M.S. " Agamemnon, ' The Launch of, 229
- Herreshoff's Portable Engine for Boats, 266
- Herreshoff Torpedo Boat, Official Trial of the, 365
- High-Level Bridge over the Thames, Proposed 56, 75
- Hodges, Mr. James, 78
- Hollway's Process of Rapid Oxidation, 38
- Horizontal Compound Corliss Engine, Douglas and Grant's, 487
- Horizontal Condensing Engine with Collmann's Valve Gear, 109
- Horizontal Drilling Machine, 197
- Horizontal Engine, Virck's, with Automatic Expansion Gear, 186
- Horizontal Non-Condensing Engine, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's, 466
- Horublocks, Machine for Facing Locomotive, Webb's, 266
- Hot-Blast Stoves, 213, 232
- Howard anti Bousfield's Apparatus for Controlling Rakes of Reaping Machines, 446
- Howard's Harvester and Automatic Sheaf Binder, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 7
- Howson and Wilson's Heating Furnaces for Boiler-Makers, 357
- "Huascar," Peruvian Ironclad, The Capture of the, 309, 364, 454, 476
- Hughes's Induction Balance, 202
- Hyde Park Locomotive Works ; Messrs. Neilson and Company, 129, 147
- Hydrants for Fire Extinction, Injector, 80
- Hydraulic Compressors for Gun Carriages, 316, 349, 396, 460
- Hydraulic Tip for Coal Wagon°, Thomson's, 205
- Hydraulic Valve, Dennis and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 14
- Ice-Making Machinery, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 15
- Idris, Furnace, Modified — Redington Works ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 331
- Implements at the Smithfield Club Show, 445
- Improvement Works at Antwerp, The, 280, 335, 386, 394, 486
- Indicator, a New Steam Engine, 117
- Induction Balance, Hughes's, 202
- Industry, American Shipbuilding, 440
- Injector Hydrants for Fire Extinction, 80
- Inman Line Royal Mail Steamship " City of Berlin," The, 251
- Inspection, Boiler, 111, 459
- Inspection of Boilers, Compulsory, 491
- Institute of Engineers and Architects, The, 437
- Institute, The Sanitary, of Great Britain, Annual Meeting of, 49
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The (See Engineers, The Institution of Civil)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (See Engineers, The Institution of Mechanical)
- Insurance v. Boiler Inspection, 459
- Intermittent Syphons, Self-Acting, 196, 199,224
- Internal Current in a Voltaic Cell, The, 176, 201
- Inverary, Excursion of the Members of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to, 127
- Iron, The Barff Process for the Protection of, 441
- Iron Exports to America, 441
- Iron, The Microscopic Investigation of, 88
- Iron Ores, Manganiferous, The Determination of Manganese in, 248
- Iron, The Physical Properties of, 196
- Iron, Proportionate Output of, 42
- Iron, The Removal of Phosphorus from, 298
- Iron and Shipbuilding Works, The Birkenhead, 257
- Iron and Steel, The Application of the Spectroscope to the Analysis of, 141
- Iron and Steel, The Dephosphorisation of, 249, 253
- Iron and Steel, The Hardening of, 263
- Iron and Steel at High Temperatures, 259, 283, 309, 329
IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, THE : 154, 197, 248, 257
- Autumn Meeting of 1880, The, 154, 249
- Birkenhead Iron and Shipbuilding Works, The, 257
- Cunard Steamship " Gallia," 219. 250
- Inman Line Royal Mail Steamship " City of Berlin," The, 251
- Liverpool Grain Warehouses, The, 252
- London and North-Western Railway Works at Crewe, The, '264
- Mersey Steel and Iron Works, The, 251
- On the Neutralisation of Phosphorus in Steel and Steel-Like Metals, by Richard Brown, 243.249
- On a New Volumetric Method of Determining Manganese in Manganiferous Iron Ores, Spiegeleisen, &c., 248
- On the Dephosphorisation of Iron and Steel, By 14,. A. Poureel, 249, 253
- On the Consolidation of Fluid Steel, by Alfred Davis, 255, 26:3
- On the Progress of Iron and Steel as Constructive Materials, by J. A. Picton, 258, 302
- On some Physical Changes occurring in Iron and Steel at High Temperatures, by Thomas Wrightson, 259, 283, 309, :329
- On the Manufacture of Large Forgings and the Materials Suitable for the Same, by G. Ratcliffe, 262, 274
- On Preliminary Experiments to determine the Presence of Nitrogen in Steel, by A. H. Allen, 263
- On Hardening Iron and Steel ; its Causes and Effects, by Professor Richard Akerman, 263
- On the Application of Toughened Glass to Permanent Ways, by C. Wood, 263, 270
- On the Wrought-Iron Permanent Way laid upon the North-Eastern Railway, by C. Wood, 263, 273
- Pemberton Colliery, The, 259
- Printing at3,1 Stationery Works, Messrs. M’Corquodale and Company's, 261
- Programme for Meeting, 197
- Safety Lamps, Experiments on, 260
- White Star Line Royal Mail Steamship, " Germanic," The, 250
- Whitecross Wire Company, Warrington, The Works of the, 262
- Wigan Coal and Iron Company's Works, The, 261
- Iron and Steel, The Progress of, as Constructive Materials, 258, 302
- Iron Trade, Our Foreign, 347
- Iron Trade, The Northern, Prospects of, 338
- Iron Trade in 1879, The Northern, 477
- Iron Works, The Crown, Glasgow ; Messrs. Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 142
- Iron Works, (Gartsherrie, Coatbridge, 131
- Iron Works, The Govan, 143
- Iron Works, The Summerlee, 143
- Ironclad " Agamemnon," The Launch of the, 229
- Ironclad " Huascar," The Capture of the, 309, 364, 454, 476
- Ironfounders' Society, The, 12
- Jets, Liquid, The Action of Magnets on, 169,194
- Jetties on the Mississippi ; Port Eads, 362
- John Cockerill Company, The, 420
- Kennedy's Spiral Punches, Machine for Shaping and Sharpening, 238
- Key, A New Electrometer, 194
- Kneading and Mixing Machinery, Pfleiderer's, 485
- Knox Furnace, The ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 407
- Kohl, Fowler's Bridge over the River Nile at, 132, 145
- Krupp Guns. The Recent Experiments with, at Dieppe°, 134
- Laboratory, Engineering, at the University College, The, '247
- Lake Huron and Buffalo ; Canadian Railways, 102
- Lakeman's Guard for Circular Saws, 446
- Lambert and Gordon's Sarah Furnace, Ironton, U.S.A , 161
- Lamm and Francq's Fireless Locomotive, 306, 367, 375
- Lamp, Electric, The Temperature of the Carbon Points in the, 342
- Lamps, Safety, Experiments on, 260
- Large Forgings, 262, '274
- Large Halls, The Acoustical Improvement of, 399
- Larsen's Tramcar with Radial Axles, 186
- Lathes, Timmins' Driver for, 379
- Launch, An Australian Torpedo, 52, 99
- Launch of H.M.S. Agamemnon," The, 229
- Laws, Patent, The Assimilation of, 151
- Laws, The Patent, and the British Association, 323
- Laying the Marseilles-Algiers Cable, 493
- Lecture Season, The, 456
- Lefeldt's Centrifugal Milk-Skimming Machine, 21
- Light-Draught Paddle-Wheel Ferry Steamer, Denny Brothers', 378
- Light, The Electric, 196, 231
- Light, The Electric, in the British Museum, 325
- Light, Electric, Crompton's Regulator for, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 17
- Light Measurer; A Retention-Image Photometer, 440
- Light Stern-Wheel Steamers, Yarrow's, 3G1
- Lighting, Electric, 474
- Lighting by Electricity, 307
- Lighting by Electricity ; Dynamo - Electric Machines, 63, 101, 173, 326, 372
- Lightning Protectors for Telegraphic Apparatus. 194, 302
- Lima, Callao, and Oroya Railway, The, 48, 105
- Liquid Jets, The Action of Magnets on, 169, 194
- List of Materials, Price, 42, 62, 82, 100, 122, 140, 160, 180, 198, 218, 236, '256, 276, '294, 312, 330, 350, 370, 388, 406, 424, 442, 462, 480, 498
- List of Miscellaneous Bills passed in the Session of 1879, 369
- List of Provisional Orders, Session 1S79; Tramways, Gas, and Water, 335
- List of Railway Bills passed in the Session of 1879, 161
- List of Tramway Bills passed in the Session of 1879, 203
- List of Water and Gas Bills passed in the Session of 1879, 203
- Liverpool Grain Warehouses, The, 252
- Livesey Washers, The ; Gas Washers and Scrubbers, 314
- Llandulas, New Viaduct at, for the London and North-Western Railway, 343
- Locomotive, Bagnall's Tramway, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 3
- Locomotive Crank Axles, 288
- Locomotive, Drummond's "rank, for the North British Railway, 451
- Locomotive Engines, The Compounding of, 17, 54
- Locomotive, Express, for the Alta Italia Railway, 414
- Locomotive, Goods, for the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, 3o, 64
- Locomotive Guide Bars, 9(
- Locomotive Hornblocks, Webb's Machine for Facing, 266
- Locomotive, Lamm and Francq's Fireless, 306, 367, 375
- Locomotive, Passenger, for the Southern Railway of Austria, 206
- Locomotive, Tank, Cail and Company's Six-Coupled, 497
- Locomotive Works, Glasgow; Messrs. Di1bs and Company, 131
- Locomotive Works, Hyde Park; Messrs. Neilson and Company's, 129, 147
- Locomotive Works, The North British Railway, 130
- Locomotive Works, The St. Rollox ; Caledonian Railway Company, 143
- London Floods, 171
- London Gas Companies, 73
- London and North-Western Railway Works at Crewe, The, 264
- London Temperature and Rainfall, 200
- London Water Companies, The, 400, 418
- Luckhart Furnace, The ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 892
- Luminous Meteors, 199
- M'Corquodale and Company's Printing and Stationery Works, 261
- Macfarlane and Company's Saracen Foundry, Possilpark, 127
- Machine, Brearley and Marsden's Stone-Dressing, 300
- Machine for Facing Hornblocks, Webb's, 266
- Machine, Fetu and Deliege's Multiple Drilling for Rails, 197
- Machine, Harvey's Boiler-Drilling, 130
- Machine for Shaping and Sharpening Kennedy's Spiral Punches, 238
- Machine, Thrashing and Straw-Chopping, Combined, Ransomes, Sims. and Head's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 20
- Machine, Webb's Crank-Pin Turning, 266 Machine, Webb's Quartering, 266
- Machine Work, 395, 421
- Machinery, Ice-Making, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 15
- Machinery, The Rating of, 382
- Machinery, Smith's Coal Shipping, 375
- Machinery, Steam Ploughing, and Traction Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 2
- Machinery, The " Three Years' Purchase System" as applied to, 160
- Machinery, Voith's Calendering 394
- Machines, Dynamo-Electric., 194
- Machines, Dynamo-Electric ; Lighting by Electricity, 63, 101, 173, 326, 372
- Machines, Reaping, and Sheaf Binders, at the
- Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 7, 27
- Machines, Richards and Atkinson's Reversing Moulding, 224
- Machines, Thrashing, at the Smithfield Club Show, 448
- Machines, Thrashing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 32
- Machines, Wood-Converting; Engineering Precedents, 332, 373, 426, 494
- McKenzie and Sons' Gorse Masticator, 449
- Magneto-Electric Machines, M. de Meritens' ; Lighting by Electricity, 372
- Mail Steamer, Cape, A Steel-Built, 364
- Manganese in Manganiferous Iron Ores, The Determination of, 248
- Manufacture of Scotch Steel, The, 316
- Manufacture of Water Gas, The, 384
- Manx Northern Railway, The, 211
- Marine Engine Governors, 112, 118
- Marine Engines, Early American, 837
- Mariner's Compass, The Tell-Tale, 68
- Market and Exhibition, The National, 268
- Marseilles-Algiers Cable, Laying the, 493
- Marshall, Suns, and Company's 14-Horse Portable Engine, with Automatic Expansion Gear, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 3
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's Traction Engine with Automatic Valve Gear, at the Royal
- Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 25
- Martens' Microscopic Investigation of Iron, 88
- Materials, Price List of, 42, 62, 82, 100, 122, 140, 160, 180, 198, 218, 236, 256, '276, 294, 312, 330, 350, 370, 388, 406, 424, 442, 462, 480, 498
- Mathematical Notes on some Questions Relating to Ordnance, 1
- Mathematics, Pure,196
- Matter, Radiant, 165, 187
- Maximum Bending Moments upon a Beam, 63
- Meat Supply, Our, 93
- Meat Transport by Rail, 31
- Meeting, Annual, of the North British Association of Gas Managers, 69
- Meeting, Annual, of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, 49
- Meeting, Autumn of 1880, of the Iron and Steel Institute, The, 154, 249
- Meetings of the Meteorological Society, 421, 489
- "Mendoza," s.s., Trial Trip of the, 346
- Meppen, Recent Gunnery Experiments at, 134
- Mercury, Treatment of, in North California (See Treatment of Mercury in North California)
- Mersey Steel and Iron Works, The, 251
- Mersey, Thames, and Clyde, Passenger Steamers on the, 430
- Messageries Maritimes, The, 268
- Metallurgical Process, A Now, 195, 222
- Metals, The Physical Alteration of, 237
- Meteorological Society, Meetings of the, 421, 489
- Meteorology, Arctic, 871
- Meteors, Luminous, 199
- Metropolitan Floods, 171
- Metropolitan Railway, The Extension of, 419
- Metropolitan Water Companies, The, 400, 418
- Microphone, Sedlacek's, 205
- Microscopic Investigation of Iron, The, 88
- Midland Railway of Canada ; Canadian Railways, 481
- Military Purposes, Balloons for, 82
- Milk Slimming by Centrifugal Action, 21
- Mill, Eighty-Stamp, for Working Silver Ores at the Cerro de Pasco Mines, Peru, 357
- Mine Ventilating Engine and Guibal Fan, 356
- Mineral Water, Deposits from, 185
- Mines, Silver, The Cerro de Pasco, 298, 357, 425
- Miscellaneous Bills passed in the Session of 1879, List of, 369
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 14, 33
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, at the Smithfield Club Show, 449
- Mixing and Kneading Machinery, Pileiderer's, 485
- Motive Power, The Electrical Transmission of, 417
- Moulding Machine, Reversible, 224
- Mowing Machine, Wood's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 10
- Mowing and Reaping Machines, 445
- Multitubular Boiler and Three-Cylinder Engine, Watts', 301
- Napier, Mr. James R., F.R.S., 497
- National Exhibition and Market, The, 268
- Natives of the Head of the Zambesi, The, 197
- Natives North of the Congo, The, 197
- Natural Science, 164
- Navies, The South American, 11
- " Needle," 1 he American, 476
- Neilson and Company's Hyde Park Locomotive Works, 129, 147
- New York Harbour Improvements, The, 367
- New Zealand, Railway Extension in, 83
- Nicholson's Harrow, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 36
- Nipissing and Toronto Railway; Canadian Railways, 295
- Nitrogen in Steel, The Presence of, 185, 201
- Nitrous Acid produced by Electric Illumination, 232
- Non-Condensing Engine, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's horizontal, 466
- North British Association of Gas Managers, Annual Meeting of the, 69
- North British Railway, Drummond's Tank Locomotive for the, 451
- North British Railway Locomotive Works, 130
- Northern Iron Trade in 1879, The, 477
- Northern Railway of Canada ; Canadian Railways, 389
- Northern Railway, The Manx, 211
- Northern Trade Prospects, 338
- Notes from Cleveland, 15, 30, 49, 79, 99, 110, 140, 155, 177, 189, 208, 236, 246, '272, 294, 299, 328,347, 360, 379, 398, 423, 434, 452, 479, 497
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 20, 41, 62, 98, 121, 140, 155, 217, 235,256, 276, 281, 312, 330, 350, 369, 388, 406, 423, 442, 461, 480, 497
- Notes, Mathematical, on some Questions Relating to Ordnance, 1
- Notes from the North, 15, 30, 57, 71, 98, 110, 139. 147, 177, 197, 214, '235, 246, 271, 285, 311, 3 2 8, 339, 360, 379, 398, 423, 433, 452, 479, 489
- Notes from the South-West, 30, 50, 79, 99, 110 139, 155, 177, 197, 202, 285, '266, 285, 311, 328, 339 365, 387, 398, 423, 434, 452, 479, 489
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 16, 30, 52, 79, 99 110,139, 155, 176, 197, 215, 236, 246, '271, 290, 311 328, 339, 360, 379, 398, 458, 479, 486
- Obach's Tangent Galvanometer, 356
- Bell, Mr. F., 424
- Clerk-Maxwell, 383
- Cooke, Sir William Fothergill, 91
- Couche, M. Charles. 140
- Cramp, Mr. William, 92
- Crawley, Mr. George B., 434
- Crawshay, Mr. Henry, 423
- Favre, M.. 256
- Froude, Mr. W., 76
- Hodges, Mr. James, 78
- Minto, Mr. George, 99
- Napier, Mr. James, 497
- Steele, Mr. Robert, 96
- Whitelaw, Mr. Alexander, 30
- Winton, General, 370
- Wrigg, Mr. H., 122
- Officers of the British Association for 1880, Election of, 202
- Officers, Professional Dockyard, 133, 209
- Opening of the Severn Railway Bridge, 314
- Orders, Provisional, Session 1879, List of ; Tramways, Gas, and Water, 335
- Ordnance, Double-Loading, 438
- Ordnance, Mathematical Notes on some Questions Relating to, 1
- Oroya, Callao, and Lima Railway, The, 48, 105
- Oscillating Furnace, Piat's, 396
- Ossett Water Works, Testing Water Pipes at the, 178, 215
- Outlets from Storage Reservoirs, 414
- Output of Iron, Proportionate, 42
- Oxidisation, Hollway's Process of Rapid, 38
- Paddle-Wheel Ferry Steamer, Denny Brothers' Light-Draught, 378
- Panama Canal, The, 232
- Paris Exhibition Buildings, Scaffolding for the Erection of, 108, 184
- Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, Goods Locomotive for the, 30, 64
- Passenger Locomotive fur the Southern Railway of Austria, 206
- Passenger Steamers on the Thames, Mersey, and Clyde, 430
- Patent Law Committee of the British Association, Report of the, 206
- Patent Laws, The Assimilation of, 151
- Patent Laws, The, and the British Association, 323
- Patents, The Compulsory Working of, 191
- Paterson's Catalogue of Electrical Apparatus, 402
- Pawtucket Pumping Engine, The, 154, 189
- Pemberton Colliery, The, 259
- Permanent Way, Wood's Wrought-Iron, 263, 273
- Persia, The Telegraph in, 401
- Peruvian Ironclad " Huascar," The Capture of the, 309, 364, 454, 476
- " Petrarch" and," Dante," s.s., Redhead and Company's Compound Engines of the, 378
- Pileiderer's Mixing and Kneading Machinery, 485
- Phenomena, Telephonic, 169, 193
- Phosphorus from Iron, The Removal of, 298
- Phosphorus, The Separation of, from Steel, 195
- Phosphorus in Steel, '243, 249
- Photographic Screen, An Improved, 231
- Photometer, A Retention-Image, 440
- Physical Alteration of Metals. The, 287
- Physical Properties of Iron, The, 196
- Piat's Oscillating Furnace, 396
- Pipe-Joints, Testing, at the Ossett Water Works, 178, 215
- Ploughing Engine, Everitt, Adams, and Company's Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 206
- Pneumatic Sewerage System, Shone's, 52
- " Polyphemus," Torpedo Ram, The, 87
- Port Lads, 362
- Portable Engine for Boats, Herreshoff's, 266
- Portable Engine, Demenge's, 338
- Portable Engine, Garrett's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 26
- Portable and Fixed Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 3, 22
- Portable Railways, 96
- Portable and Fixed Engines at the Smithfield Club Show, 443
- Post Office Annual Report, The, 247
- Pound of Steam, The Work in a, 439
- Precedents, Engineering, 3:3'2, 373. 426, 494
- Premiums awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers for the Session of 1878-79, 36
- President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Address of the, 117
- Pressure Reducer, Barton and West's, 113, 120,
- Price List of Materials, 42, 62, S2, 100, 122, 140, 160, 180, 198, 218, 236, 256, 276, 294, 312, 330, 350, 370, 388, 406, 424, 442, 462, 480, 498
- Priestman Brothers' Steam Crane with Self-Acting Bucket at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 136
- Printing and Stationery Works, Messrs. M’Corquodale and Company's, 261
- Private Bills for Session 1880, 435, 454, 475, 496
- Process in Metallurgy, A New, 195, 222
- Professional Officers, Dockyard, 133, 209
- Progress of Iron and Steel as Constructive Materials, 258, 302
- Propeller, The Screw, 404
- Proportionate Output of Iron, 42
- Prosecution for Unseaworthiness, 75
- Prospects of the Clyde Shipbuilding Trade, The, 290
- Protection of Iron, The Barff Process for the, 441
- Provincial Sanitation, 210
- Provisional Orders, Session 1879, List of ; Tramways, Gas, and Water, 335
- Prussia, Steam Power in, 379
- Pseudophone, The, 194
- Pulsometer as a Ballast and Circulating Pump, The, 413
- Pulveriser, Durand and Chapitel's, 97
- Pump, Ballast and Circulating, The Pulsometer as a, 413
- Pumping Engine, The Conies Compound, at Pawtucket, 154, 189
- Pumping488 Engines, American, 154, 189, 365, 376,
- Pumping Engines, Gwynne's Centrifugal, of the s.s. " Gallia," 450
- Pumping Engines, The Pawtucket, 154, 189, 488
- Pumping Engines at the Vienna Auxiliary Water Works, Pottschach, Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's, 432
- Punches, Kennedy's Spiral, Machine for Shaping and Sharpening, 238
- Pure Mathematics, 196
- Quartering Machine, Webb's, 266
- Questions relating to Ordnance, Mathematical Notes on some, 1
- Radial Axles, Larsen's Tramcar with, 18G
- Radiant Matter, 165, 187
- Rails, Fetu and Deliege's Multiple Drilling Machine for, 197
- Rails, Steel, 288
- Railway Accidents for 1878 ; Report of the Board of Trade, 230, 237, 346, 394
- Railway, The Alta Italia, Express Locomotive for, 414
- Railway Bills passed in the Session of 1879, List of, 161
- Railway Bridge, The Severn, Opening of, 319
- Railway, The Callao, Lima, and Oroya, 48, 105
- Railway Enterprise, China as a Field for Future, 59
- Railway, The Euphrates Valley, 195
- Railway Extension in New Zealand, 83
- Railway, London and North-Western, Webb's New Viaduct at Llandulas for the, 343
- Railway, The Maux Northern, 211
- Railway, Metropolitan, Extension of the, 419
- Railway, the Midland of Canada ; Canadian Railways, 981
- Railway, North British, Drummond's Tank Locomotive for the, 451
- Railway, Northern of Canada ; Canadian Railways, 389
- Railway, The Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean, Goods Locomotive for the, 30, 64
- Railway, The Toronto, Grey, and Bruce ; Canadian Railways, 353
- Railway, The Toronto and Nipissing, 295
- Railway Traffic and Expenditure for 1878, 171
- Railway and Tramway Sleepers, Glass, 154
- Railway Wagons, Chandler's Coupling for, 413
- Railway Wagons for Meat Transport, 31
- Railway Wheels, Disc, Fetu and Deliege's Double Lathe for, 148
- Railway Works at Crewe, The London and North-Western, 264
- Railways, The Grand Trunk of Canada; Canadian Railways, 45, 84, 102, 181
- Railways, Portable, 96
- Rain Gauges, 200
- Rakes of Reaping Machines, Howard and Bousfield's Apparatus for Controlling, 446
- Ram, Torpedo, The " Polyphemus," 87
- Randell's Clod Crusher, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 35
- Ransome's New Cement, 211
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Combined Thrashing and Straw-Chopping Machine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, '20
- Rapid Oxidation, Hollway's Process of, 38
- Rating of Machinery, The, 382
- Reaping Machines and Sheaf Binders, at the
- Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 7, '27
- Reaping and Mowing Machines, at the Smithfield Club Show, 445
- Redhead and Company's Compound Engines of the s.s. " Dante" and " Petrarch," 378 Referencing, The Art of, 341
- Regulator for the Electric Light, Crompton's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 17
- Removal of Phosphorus from Iron, The, 298
- Repairing Ships, Telegraph Cable, 473
- Report, Annual, of the Postmaster-General, 247
- Report of the Council of the British Association for 1878-9, 154
- Report of Mr. Harrison on the Westinghouse Automatic Brake Trials, 138
- Report of the Patent Law Committee of the British Association, 206
- Report of the Steam Engine Makers' Society, The, 192
- Reports of the Board of Trade on Railway Accidents. The, 230, '237, 346, 394
- Reports of Committees of the British Association, `202
- Reports on the Stoneclough Boiler Explosion, 37
- Rescue of the s.s. " Colombia," 242
- Research, Arctic, 232, 254
- Reservoirs, Storage, Outlets from, 414
- Retention-Image Photometer, A, 440
- Reversible Moulding Machines, Richards and Atkinson's, 224
- Richards and Atkinson's Reversing Moulding Machines, 224
- " Ridge Park.' and " Fenton," Austin and Hunter's Screw Colliers, 492
- River Nile at Kohd, Bridge over the, 132, 145
- River Thames, The, 267
- River Thames, Bazalgette's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the, 56, 75
- River Zwartkops, South Africa, Bridge over the, 477
- Roasting, Method of ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 277
- Roller Mill, Ganz's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 33
- Rubber-Tyred Traction Engines, 106, 124, 148
- Russian Cruiser " Zabiaca," Cramp and Sons', 413
- Russian Yacht, The New, 325
- Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Drum Guard for Thrashing Machines, 446
- Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Horizontal Condensing Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 6
- Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Horizontal Non-Condensing Engine, 466
- Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Vertical Engine and Boiler, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 5
- Safety Lamps, Experiments on, 260
- Safety Valve for Pumps of Portable Engines, Garrett and Sons', 443
- St. Rollox Locomotive Works; Caledonian Railway Company, 143
- Sanitary Congress at Croydon, The, 343, 382
- Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, Annual Meeting of the, 49
- Sanitation, Provincial, 210
- Saracen Foundry, Possilpark ; Messrs. Walter Macfarlane and Company, 127
- Sarah Furnace, Lambert and Gordon's, Ironton, U.S.A., The, 161
- Saws, Lakeman's Guard for Circular, 446
- Scaffolding for the Erection of the Paris Exhibition Buildings, 108, 184
- Science, Natural, 164
- Scientific Purposes, Grants for, by the British Association, 176
- Scotch Steel Manufacture, 316
- Screen, An Improved Photographic, 231
- Screw Colliers, The " Fenton" and "Ridge Park," Austin and Hunter's, 492
- Screw Propeller, The, 404
- Screw Steamer " Arizona," The Accident to the, 438
- Screw Steamer " Colombia," Rescue of the, 242
- Screw Steamer " Mendoza," Trial Trip of the, 346
- Screws, Sonnenthal's Belt, 69
- Scrubbers and Washers, Gas, 43, 313
- Season, The Lecture, 456
- Second-Class Carriage ; Western Railway of France, 169
- Sectional Boilers, Gas-Fired, 402
- Sedlacek's Microphone, 205
- Selfe's Australian Torpedo Launch "Acheron," 52, 99
- Session 1880, Private Bills for, 435, 454, 475, 496
- Severn Railway Bridge, Opening of the, 314
- Severn's Tell-Tale Mariner's Compass, 68 Shanks' Equilibrium Governor, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 26
- Shaping and Sharpening Kennedy's Spiral Punches, Machine for, 238
- Sheaf Binder, Burgess's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 27
- Sheaf Binders and Reaping Machines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 7, 27
- Shipbuilders and the Board of Trade, 381, 453
- Shipbuilding Contracts, The Clyde, 345, 402
- Shipbuilding Industry, American, 440
- Shipbuilding and Iron Works, The Birkenhead, 257
- Shipbuilding Trade, The Clyde, Prospects of the, 290
- Shipbuilding Yard, Denny and Company's, 114
- Shipbuilding Yards at Govan, The, 114
- Ships, Telegraph Cable Repairing, 473
- Shone's Pneumatic Sewerage System, 52
- Show, The Royal Agricultural, at Kilburn (See Agricultural Show, The Royal, at Kilburn)
- Show, The Smithfield Club (See Club ;Slum), The Smithfield)
- Silk, Waste, Yarn from, 282
- Silver Mines, The Cerro do Pasco, 298, 357, 425
- Six-Coupled Tank Locomotive, Cail's, 497
- Skimming Milk by Centrifugal Action, 21
- Sleepers for Railways and Tramways, Glass, 154
- Sleepers, Toughened Glass, 154, 263, 270
- Slopes of Cuttings, The, 409
- " Slurry," Wilson's Apparatus for Drying, 378
- Smith's Coal Shipping Machinery, 375
- Smith's Double-Chambered Vertical Boiler, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 22, 69
- Society, The Ironfounders', 12
- Society, The Meteorological, Meetings of, 421, 489
- Sonnenthal's Belt Screws, 69
- South American Navies, The, 11
- South-West, Notes from the, 30, 50, 79, 99, 110, 139, 155, 177, 197, '202, 235, 266, 285, 311, 328, 339, 365. 387, 398, 423, 434, 452, 479, 489
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 16, 30, 52, 79, 99, 110, 139, 155, 176, 197, 215, 236, 246, 271, 290, 311, 328, 339, 360, 379, 398, 458, 479, 486
- Southern Railway of Austria, Passenger Locomotive for the, 206
- Specific Inductivity of Glass, The, 169
- Spectroscope, The Application of the, to the Analysis of Iron and Steel, 141
- Spectroscopes, Automatic Motion for, 231
- Spectroscopes, Binocular, 231
- Spectroscopes, Variable Scales for, 231
- Speed Curves, 344
- Standard Washer and Scrubber, The ; Gas Washers and Scrubbers, 313
- Stationery and Printing Works, Messrs. M'Corquodale and Company's, 261
- Steam Crane, Priestman Brothers', with Self-Acting Bucket, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 136
- Steam Engine Governor, Marine, 112, 118
- Steam Engine Indicator, A New, 117
- Steam Engine Makers' Society Report, The, 192
- Steam Hammer, Hasse's Drop, 396
- Steam-Ploughing Engine, Everitt, Adams, and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 206
- Steam-Ploughing Machinery and Traction Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 2
- Steam Power in Prussia, 379
- Steam Steering Gear, Wilson's, 282
- Steam Vessels, The Speed of, 429, 466
- Steam, The Work in a Pound of, 439
- Steamer, Ferry, Denny Brothers' Light-Draught Paddle-Wheel, 378
- Steamer, The New Cunard, " Gallia," 219, 450
- Steamers, Water Ballast, 492
- Steamship, "City of Berlin," The Inman Line Royal Mail, 251
- Steamship " Germanic," The White Star Line Royal Mail, 250
- Steel-Built Cape Mail Steamer, A, 364
- Steel Company of Scotland, The Works of the, 130
- Steel, Compressed, 83
- Steel, Crucible, 195
- Steel, Fluid, The Consolidation of, 83, 255, 263
- Steel and Iron, The Hardening of, 263
- Steel and Iron at High Temperatures, 259, 283, 309, 329
- Steel and Iron, The Progress of, as Constructive Materials, 258, 302
- Steel and Iron Works, The Mersey, 251
- Steel Locomotive Boiler, Webb's, '265
- Steel, Phosphorus in, 243, 249
- Steel, The Presence of Nitrogen in, 185, 201
- Steel Rails, '288
- Steel, The Separation of Phosphorus from, 195
- Steel, The Use of, 164
- Steel Works, The Hallside, Extension of, 449
- Steele and Company's Engines of the Yacht " Wanderer," 469
- Steele, Mr. Robert, Shipbuilder, 96
- Steering Gear, Heathorn's, 272
- Stern-Wheel Steamers, Yarrow's, 361
- Stone Breaker, Hall's Portable, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 33
- Stone-Breaking Apparatus ; Durand and Chapitel's Pulveriser, 97
- Stone-Dressing Machine, Brearley and Marsden's,. 300
- Stoneclough Boiler Explosion, The, 37, 73
- Storage Reservoirs, Outlets from, 414
- Stoves, Hot-Blast, 213, '232
- Straw-Chopping and Thrashing Machine, Combined, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 20
- Submarine Cables, New, 93
- Sulzer Brothers' Tubular Boiler with Ten-Brink Firegrate, 175
- Summerlee Iron Works, The, 143
- Supply of Food, Our, 93
- Supply of Water, The, 152
- Syphons, Self-Acting Intermittent, 196, 199, 224
- Tangent Galvanometer, Obach's, 356
- Tank, Locomotive, Cail and Company's Six-Coupled, 497
- Tank Locomotive, Drummond's, for the North' British Railway, 451
- Technical Education, 306
- Telegraph Cable Repairing Ships, 473
- Telegraph in China, The, 3S3
- Telegraph in Persia, The, 401
- Telegraphic Apparatus, Lightning Protectors for 194, 302
- Telephone, The, 169, 193
- Telescope, Grubb's Equatorial, 277
- Tell-Tale Mariner's Compass, The, G8
- Temperature of the Carbon Points in the Electric Lamp, The, 342
- Temperature and Rainfall, London, 200
- Temperature, Underground, 193
- Tessie Gas Producer, The, 457
- Testing Water Pipes at the Ossett Water Works,, 178, 215
- Thames Haven Water Supply, The, III
- Thames, Mersey, and Clyde, Passenger Steamers, on the, 430
- Thames, The River, 267
- Thames, River, Bazalgette's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the, 56, 75
- Theory of the Compound Engine, The, 324, 361
- Thirty-Eight Ton Gun, The Trials of the, 324, 473
- Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Crown Iron Works, Glasgow, 142
- Thomson's Hydraulic Tip for Coal Wagons, 205
- Thrashing Machine Drum and Beater, Garrett's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 32
- Thrashing Machines, Clayton and Shuttleworth's Drum Guard for, 477
- Thrashing Machines, Fison's Drum Guard for, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 33
- Thrashing Machines, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Drum Guards for, 446
- Thrashing Machines, at the Smithfield Club Show, 448
- Thrashing and Straw-Chopping Machine, Combined, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 20
- " Three Years' Purchase System," The, as Applied to Machinery, 160
- Timmins' Driver for Lathes, 379
- Tin-Plate Works, The Coatbridge, 115
- Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway ; Canadian Railways, 353 •
- Toronto and Nipissing Railway ; Canadian Railways, 295
- Torpedo Boat, The Herreshoff, Official Trial of, 365
- Torpedo Boat, Yarrow's, 307
- Torpedo Launch " Acheron," The Australian, 52, 99
- Torpedo Ram " Polyphemus," The, 87
- Toughened Glass Sleepers, 154, 263, 270
- Tower Bridge, The, 56, 75
- Town Water Supplies, Temperature of, 168
- Traction Engine with Automatic Valve Gear, Marshall, Sons, and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 25
- Traction Engines in India, 106, 124, 148
- Traction Engines, Rubber-Tyred, 106, 124, 148
- Traction Engines and Steam-Ploughing Machinery, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 2
- Trade Prospects, Northern, 338
- Traffic and Expenditure, Railway, for 1878, 171
- Tramcar with Radial Axles, Larsen's, 186
- Tramway Bills passed in the Session of 1879 List of, 203
- Tramway Engines, Compound, Black, Hawthorn, and Company's, 363
- Tramway Locomotive, Bagnall's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 3
- Tramway and Railway Sleepers, Glass, 154
- Transmission of Motive Power, The Electrical, 417
- Transport of Meat by Rail, 31
- California Works, 463, 484
- Continuous Furnaces, 392
- Knox Furnace, 407
- Luckhart Furnace, 392
- Method of Distillation, 277
- Method of Roasting, 277
- Modified Idris, Furnace —Redington Works, 331
- New Almaden Works, 391
- Non-Continuous Furnaces—Missouri Mine, 277
- Trial of the 80-Ton Gun, The, 306
- Trial Trip of the s.s. " Mendoza," 34G
- Trials of the 38-Ton Gun, The, 324, 473
- Trials of the Westinghouse Automatic Brake, 53, 74, 138
- Tubular Boiler, Sulzer Brothers', with Ten-Brink Firegrate, 175
- Tug-Boat " Victor," Boiler Explosion on Board the ; Board of Trade Inquiry, 233
- Tug, Dredger, and Fire Engine, Batho's Combined, 269
- Underground Temperature, 193
- University College, The Engineering Laboratory at, 247
- Urua, Customs of the People of, 196
- Unseaworthiness, Prosecution for, 75
- Use of Steel, The, 164
- Valve Gear, Collmann's, Horizontal Condensing Engine with, 109
- Valve, Safety, for Pumps of Portable Engines, Garrett and Sons', 443
- Valve, Webb's, Circular Slide, 443
- Variable Scales for Spectroscopes, 231
- Ventilating Engine, Mine, and Guibal Fan, 356
- Vertical Action Steam Dredger, 126, 157
- Vertical Boiler, Smith's Double-Chambered, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 22, 69
- Vertical Engine and Boiler, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 5
- Vessels, Steam, The Speed of, 429, 466
- Viaduct, The Conflans, 15
- Viaduct at Llandulas. New, for the London and North-Western Railway, 343
- Vibrations transmitted by the Telephone, 169, 193
- " Victor," Tug-Boat, Boiler Explosion on Board the ; Board of Trade Inquiry, 233
- Vienna Auxiliary Water Works, Pottschach, Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's Pumping Engines at the, 432
- Virck's Horizontal Engine with Automatic Expansion Gear, 186
- Visit of the Members of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to Greenock, 127
- Voith's Calendering Rolls, 394
- Voltaic Cell, The Internal Current in, 176, 201
- Wagons, Coal, Thomson's Hydraulic Tip for, 205
- Wagons, Railway, Chandler's Coupling for 413
- Wagons, Railway, for Meat Transport, 31
- " Wanderer," Yacht, Steele and Company's Engines of the, 469
- Warmth of the Air, The Sensible, 199
- Washers and Scrubbers, Gas, 43, 313
- Waste Silk, Yarn from, 282
- Water Ballast Steamers, 492
- Water Companies, The Metropolitan, 400, 418
- Water and Gas Bills passed in the Session of 1879, List of, 203
- Water Gas, The Manufacture of, 381
- Water Meter, Barton and West's, 113, 121
- Water Pipes, Testing, at the Ossett Water Works, 178, 215
- Water Pressure Engines, 106, 123
- Water Pressure, The Regulation of, 113, 120
- Water Supplies, Town, Temperature of, 168
- Water Supply, The, 152
- Water Supply, Constant, 113, 119
- Water Supply, The Thames Haven, 111
- Water Works, The Vienna Auxiliary, Broitfeld, Danek, and Company's Pumping Engines at, 432
- Watts' Three-Cylinder Engine and Multitubular Boiler, 301
- Webb's Circular Slide Valve, 443
- Webb's Steel Locomotive Boiler, 265
- Western Railway of France, Apparatus for Heating Foot-Warmers for, 225
- Western Railway of France, Second-Class Carriage for the, 169
- Westinghouse Automatic Brake, Trials of the, 53, 74, 138
- Westinghouse Brake, Details of, 52
- Wheels, Disc Railway, Fetu and Delidges Double Lathe for, 148
- White Star Line Royal Mail Steamship " Germanic," The, 250
- Whitecross Wire Company, Warrington, The Works of the, 262
- Wigan Coal and Iron Company's Works, The, 261
- Wilson's Drying Apparatus, 378
- Wilson's Steam Steering Gear, 282
- Winding Drum for Traction Engines, Aveling and Porter's, 443
- Wires, The Elasticity of, 179
- Wood-Converting Machine; Engineering Precedents, 33'2, 373, 426, 494
- Wood's Mowing Machine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 10
- Work, Machine, 395, 421
- Work in a Pound of Steam, The, 439
- Working of Patents, The Compulsory, 191
- Working Silver Ores at the Cerro do Paseo Mines, Peru, Eighty-Stamp Mill for, 357
- Works, California; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 463, 484
- Works, The Coatbridge Tin-Plato, 115
- Works, Dubs and Company's Glasgow Locomotive, 131
- Works, The Improvement, at Antwerp, 280, 335, 386, 394, 486
- Works, The London and North-Western Railway, at Crewe, 264
- Works, The Mersey Steel and Iron, 251
- Works, Neilson and Company's Hyde Park Locomotive, 129, 147
- Works, New Almaden ; Treatment of Mercury in North California, 391
- Works of the Steel Company of Scotland, The 130
- Writing Telegraph, Cowper's, 202
- Wrought-Iron Permanent Way, Wood's, 263, 273
- Yacht, The New Russian, 325
- Yacht " Wanderer," Steele and Company's Engines of the, 469
- Yarn from Waste Silk, 282
- Yarrow's Stern-Wheel Steamers, 361
- Yarrow's Torpedo Boat, 307
- "Zabiaca," Cramp and Sons' Russian Cruiser, 413
- Zambesi, The Natives of the Head of the, 197
- Zwartkops River, South Africa, Bridge over the, 477
See Also
Sources of Information