Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index
- ACCIDENT, Railway, at Mirfield, 64
- Adams' Sewage Lift, 572
- Adzing and Boring Machine, Sleeper (Robinson, Rochdale), 564, 565
- Air, Compressed, Working under, 35
- Air Compressing and Sludge Presses for Glasgow Sewage Works, 260. See 208, 259
- Air Pumps, Blake's, for United States Cruiser, 600. See 728
- Albert Bridge, Windsor, 389, 394
- American Express Locomotive (Brooks), 627
- American. See United States
- Anderson, Mr. Scott, Deflected Arc System of Electric Welding, 664
- Apprentice Lathe (Shanks, Johnstone), 390
- Arc Lamp for Indirect Illumination (Richardson, Patricroft), 373
- Arc Lamp, "I. R." (Richardson, Patricroft), 746
- Arc Lamp, Jandus, 549
- Arc System of Electric Welding, Deflected, 664
- Argentine Cruiser "Buenos Aires" (Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co , Limited), 568
- Armour-Plate Bending Rolls (Scriven, Leeds), 113
- Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co , Limited, Elswick,
- Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires," 568
- Arrol, Sir William, Hydraulic Retort-Charging Plant, 107, 108, 109, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Artillery, Canet's Electrically Worked Turrets, 690, 691
- Asquith, Halifax, Radial Drilling Machine, 509
- Avalanche on the Gemini Pass, Ice, 445
- Baden Hydro-Electric Installation, 531, 532, 533, 591, 606, 656. See 719, 722, 760, 761, 790, 791
- Baldwin Locomotive, Philadelphia and Reading
- Railroad. 452
- Baldwin, Philadelphia, Brazil Locomotive, 44, 45
- Baltic-North Sea Canal. See North Sea Canal
- Baltimore City and Suburban Railway Power Plant, 598, 599
- Baltimore and Ohio Electric Tunnel, 756, 794
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 95-Ton 8-Wheeled Electric Locomotive, 78, 79
- Baltimore Tunnel and Electric Traction, 756, 794
- Barcelona Floating Dock (Clark and Standfleld), 481
- Barnaby's Safety Mountings for Domestic Boilers, 811
- Barring Engine (Coates. Belfast), 360
- Bascule Bridge, Chicago, 82, 92, 159
- Bith Iron Works, Bath, Me., Capstans and Windlasses, S.S. " St. Louis," 212, 213
- Battle Creek Co., Marsh Boiler Feed Pump, 746
- Beckton Gas Works Retort Plant, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233. See 107, 108, 109
- Bell and Company, Theodore, Turbines for Interlaken Installation, 719, 722
- Bell and Rockliffe's Plate Joggling Machine, 417
- Bellefontaine Bridge, 298, 299, 364, 373
- Belt Fastener, Edwards', 159
- Bending Rolls, Armour-Plate (Scriven, Leeds), 113
- Benham's Sympalmograph, 127. See 195
- Beton Mixing and Depositing Plant at North Sea Canal, 74
- Black Potts Bridge, London and South-Western Railway, 394
- Blake Air Pumps, United States Cruisers, 600. See 728
- Boiler Experiments, Steam, 347, 349
- Boiler Explosion, Redcar, 51, 145
- Boiler Explosion at Stainland, Halifax, 197
- Boiler Explosion at Warrenby Iron Works, 61, 145
- Boiler, Fairbairn Beeley, 361. See 403
- Boiler Feed Pump, Marsh (Battle Creek Company), 746
- Boiler Glass Water-Gauge Protection, 815
- Boiler Injectors (Holden and Brooke, Limited, Manchester), 281
- Boiler, Kitchen, Safety Mountings (Barnaby's), 811
- Boiler, Niclausse Water-Tube, 91, 749
- Boiler, Serpollet, for Road Carriage, 501. See also 472, 499
- Boiler, Thornycroft Water-Tube, 465
- Boiler Tube, Lewis's Corrugated, 614
- Boiler Tube Scraper (Laurence and Brunell), 730
- Boiler, Water-Tube, 708. See also Water-Tube Boilers
- Boiler, Water-Tube Fitt?ngs, D'Allest, 617
- Boiler, Water-Tube, Haythorn (Meehan, Glasgow), 680
- Boiler, Water-Tube, Normand and Sigaudy's, 541
- Boiler, Water-Tube, with Tube Firebars (Thornycroft), 269
- Boilers. See also Water-Tube Boilers
- Boilers, Cunard Liners " Sylvania" and "Carinthia " (London and Glasgow Company), 539, 540
- Boilers for Electric Central Stations, 447, 448, 504, 505, 598
- Boilers, Hopper Dredger (Lohnis and Co., Rotterdam), 662
- Boilers, Light Draught Paddle Steamer (Wallsend Company, Newcastle), 729
- Boilers, United States Cruiser "Minneapolis" (Cramp, Philadelphia), 600, 728
- Boilers, Water-Tube, 57, 91, 209, 430, 448, 465, 541, 598, 617, 630, 674, 680, 708, 749, 774, 807
- Boilers, Water-Tube, in the Navy, 430
- Boilers, Water-Tube, for Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, Normand's (Thomson, Clydebank), 630, 63]
- Bond and Cooper. Birmingham, Combined Milling and Drilling Machine, 433
- Bordeaux Exhibition, 409, 410
- Boring and Adzing Machine, Sleeper (Robinson, Rochdale), 564, 665
- Boring, Drilling, and Tapping Machine, Universal (Shanks, Johnstone), 135
- Boring Machine, Corliss Valve (Shanks, Johnstone), 795
- Boston Tramway Central Station, 447
- Bourne End Bridge, Great Western Railway (Old and New), 576
- Brake, Westinghouse Quick-Acting, 421
- Brakes for Electric Car, 69, 70
- Brazil, Locomotive for (Baldwin, Philadelphia), 44, 45
- Breakdown Crane, 15-Ton (Cowan, Sheldon, and Co., Carlisle), 268
- Breech Mechanism, Gledhill's (Whitworth), 302, 306
- Breechloading Mechanism, Welin (Vickers), 328, 329
- Bridge, Bellefontaine, 298, 299, 364, 373
- Bridge Flooring, Knight's, 160
- Bridge Flooring, Pease's Tubular, 780
- Bridge, Lifting, at Van Buren-Street, Chicago, 82, 92, 159
- Bridge Reconstruction, Great Eastern Railway, 698
- Bridges, Canadian Pacific Railway, 626, 657, 658, 668, 723, 734
- Bridges on Galway and Clifden Railway, 412, 414, 424
- Bridges, North Sea Canal, 209, 210, 216, 234
- Bridges over the Thames. See Thames Bridges
- Bristol Electric Street Tramway, 356, 357
- Brooklyn Railways, Kent Avenue Station, 660
- Brooks American Express Locomotive, 627
- Brown, Boveri, and Co., Baden, Hydro-Electric Installation, 531, 532, 533, 591, 606. See 656, 719, 722. 760, 761, 790, 791
- Brown's Horseshoe Roasting Furnace (Fraser and Chalmers), 665
- BrunsbUttel Locks, North Sea Canal, 72, 73, 7 75, 101
- Brush Company, Engines at Dover Electric Light Station, 244
- Bucyrus Steam Shovel and Dredge Company. Millwaukee, United States Dredger " General
- C. B. Comstock," 797, 802
- "Buenos Aires," Argentine Cruiser (Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co., Limited), 568
- Buenos Ayres Hydraulic Power Supply, 403
- Building of the Institution of Civil Engineers, New, 461
- Butler's Oil Motor, 773
- Buttermaker, Salenius Radiator, 413
- Caisson for Southampton Dock (Rennie, Greenwich), 265
- Campbell and Hunter, Leeds, Cold Plate Rolls, 67
- Canadian Pacific Railway Reconstruction, 626, 657, 658, 668, 723, 734
- Canal, Corinth. See Corinth Canal
- Canal, North Sea. See North sea Canal
- Canet's Electrically Worktd Turrets, 690, 691
- Capstan Gear, Windlass and, H.M.S. " Terrible " (Napier Brothers, Glasgow), 240, 241
- Capstan, Sheppard's, 730
- Capstans and. Windlasses on S.S. " St Louis " (Bath Iron Works), 212, 213
- Car, Electric Freight, 8
- Carbonic Anhydride Refrigerating Machines (Hall, Limited), 553, 556, 557, 712
- "Carinthia," Cunard Liner (London and Glasgow Company), 639, 540
- Carriage, Morris and Salom's Electric Road, 416
- Carriage, Serpollet Steam, 472, 499, 590, 501, 502
- Cast Iron Cooling Curves and Tests, 203, 375
- Cast Iron, Some Peculiarities, 203, 376, 377
- Casting Ingots, Arrangements for, 316
- Cat tings, 321, 322, 561, 654, 789
- Catenary in Stereo, Spherical, 737
- Caversham Bridges, 762, 768
- Central Station, Edinburgh Electric, 573, 574, 619
- Central Station, Hydraulic Power, 361, 403
- Central Stations for Electric Tramways, Sr,c., 323, 385, 447, 448, 504, 598, 599, 660, 689, 726, 727
- "Cesarewitch," Light Draught Russian Steamer (Dobson, Newcastle), 729
- Cessnock Docks, Glasgow, 294, 295, 381, 473, 484
- Chertsey Road Bridge, 272
- Chicago City Railway Central Station, 446, 604, 605
- Chicago Lifting Bridge, 82, 92, 159
- Clark and Standfield, Depositing Dock at Barcelona, 481
- Chfden and Galway Railway, 319, 320, 382, 383. 412, 414, 424
- Clydebank Works (Messrs. Thomson. Limited):
- Boring, Drilling, and Tapping Machine, Universal (Shanks, Johnston) 135
- Drilling Machine, Radial, 71
- Erecting Shop at Clydebank Works, 138
- Fitters' Shop at Clydebank Works, 33
- Hydraulic Flanging Machine (Smith, Glasgow), 33
- Ironworkers' Machine Shop at Clydebank Works, 36
- Jib Crane at Clydebank Works, 33
- Lathe, Treble Geared (A. and G. Harvey, Govan), 70
- Machine Shop, The Large, at Clydebank Works, 67
- Milling Machines (Muir and Co., Manchester), 70, 71
- Plan of Clydebank Works, 32
- Planing and Slotting Machine (Smith, Beacock, and Tannett), 138
- Plate Rolls, Cold (Campbell and Hunter), 67
- Plate.Rolls (Shanks, Johnstone), 33
- Shipbuilding Yard, Clydebank, 32
- Shipyard Engine Shop at Clydebank Works, 36
- Coal Breaking, 108, 109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Coal Conveying Plant, Gas Works, 107, 108, 109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Coal Conveying and Storing Plant, 386, 387
- Coal Elevators, 107, 108, 109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Coal Transporter, Temperley, 602
- Coast Defence Artillery, Norway and Sweden, (Whitworth), 302, 306. See 329
- Coates and Co., Victor, Belfast, Barring Engine, 360
- Cochrane, Barrhead, Deep Well Pumping Engine, East London Water Works, 42
- Coke Sifting Plant, 231, 233
- Coles' Grab and Locomotive Crane (Coles, Southwark), 231, 233
- Collisions, Railway. See Accidents
- "Columbia." See United States Cruiser " Minneapolis" (Cramp, Philadelphia), 600, 718
- Communication with Lightships, Electric, 196
- Compound Locomotive (Worsdell and Von Borries' System), North-Eastern Railway, 25
- Compressed Air Sludge Pressing Plant, Glasgow Sewage Works, 260
- Compressed Air, Working under, 35
- Condenser, Evaporative Surface (Theisen, Baden-Baden), 146, 147
- Condenser and Receiver Drop, 436, 687, 688, 753, 754
- Conduit System, Hoerde Electric, 253
- Conveying Plant, Coal, 107, 108, 109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Conveying and Storing Plant, Coal, 386, 387
- Cookham Bridge, 581
- Cooling Curves and Tests for Cast Iron, 203, 375, 376, 377
- Corinth Canal:
- Isthmian Entrance, 529
- Map, 411, 443
- Plan and Geological Section, 444
- Rock Cutting, Corinth Canal, 591
- Sections, Longitudinal and Cross, 595
- Corliss Valve Boring Machine (Shanks, John-stone), 795
- Corliss Valve Gear, Triple-Expansion Engines (Fraser and Chalmers, Chicago), 281, 341
- Coupling for Steam, &c., Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible, 453
- Cowan, Sheldon, and Co., 15-Ton Steam Breakdown Crane, 268
- Cox, Falmouth, Composite Screw *Steam Tug "Sir Frederic," 324, 325, 327
- Craigmaddie Reservoir, 120
- Cramp, Philadelphia, United States Cruiser " Minneapolis," 600, 728
- Crane, Jib, 33
- Crane, Locomotive, and Grab (Coles, Southwark), 231, 233
- Crane, 15-Ton Steam Breakdown (Cowan, Sheldon, and Co., Carlisle), 268
- Cranes, Hydraulic, Glasgow Docks (Fullarton, Hodgart, and Barclay, Paisley), 473, 484
- Cruiser " Buenos Aires," Argentine (Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co., Limited), 568
- Cruiser " Minneapolis, United States (Cramp, Philadelphia), 600, 728
- Cunard Liners " Sylvania" and " Carinthia " (London and Glasgow Company), 539, 540
- Cutter Bridge Reconstruction, Ely, Great Eastern Railway, 698
- Cycle Rims, 350, 352, 353
- Cyclostyle Manifolding Apparatus, 225
- D'Allest Water-Tube Boiler Fittings, 617
- Dam and Turbine Motor, 355
- Damaged Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Lightning," 699
- Danube Regularisation Works, Dredger (Simons Renfrew), 176, 177, 178
- Datchet Bridge, Old, 460
- Deck Seam Pitching Ladle (Ramage's), 614
- Deflected Arc System of Electric Welding, 664
- Destroyer. See Torpedo- Boat Destroyer
- Diagram of Railway Time to Scotland, 152
- Diagram of Shipbuilding Production, 813
- Diagrams of Cast-Iron Peculiarities, 203, 376, 377
- Diagrams of Metal Prices, 24, 158, 310, 432, 584, 710, 810
- Disc-Cutting Machine (Ward and Haggas, Keighley), 264
- Discharge Recorder for Weirs (Glenfleld Company), 508
- Disposal of Sewage, East Molesey, 763, 764, 765
- Distilling Apparatus, H.M.S. " Terrible," Normandy's, 12
- Dobson, Newcastle, Light Draught Steamer, 729
- Dock, Depositing, at Barcelona (Clark and Standfield). 481
- Dock Sheds (Two-Storey), Glasgow, 381. See 295, 473, 484
- Dock, Southampton Graving, 169, 171, 189, 265
- Docks at Glasgow, New, 294, 295, 381, 473, 484
- Domestic Boiler Safety Mountings, Barnaby's, 811
- Dover Electric Lighting Engines (Brush Co.), 244
- Doxford, Sunderland, S.S. Forest Abbey," 417
- Drainage, Fen (Harrison's Scouring Dredger), 16
- Drainage Works, East Molesey, 763, 764, 765
- Draught (Suction) and Smoke Prevention Paterson's (Paul, Dumbarton), 781, 782
- Dredger for Danube Works (Simons, Renfrew), 176, 177, 178
- Dredger with Floating Pipe System, 105
- Dredger, Harrison's Scouring (Fen Drainage), 16
- Dredger " Schelde II.," Suction Pump Hopper (Smit, Kinderjik), 662
- Dredger with Travelling Delivery Apron at North Sea Canal, 41
- Dredger, United States, " General C. B. Comstock" (Bucyrus Steam Shovel and Dredge Company, Milwaukee), 797, 802
- Dredgers and Excavators, North Sea Canal, 101, 104, 105, 137, 140, 150
- Dredging Plant, North Sea Canal, 101, 104, 105, 137, 139, 140, 150
- Drill for Locomotive Work, Radial (Shanks, Johnstone), 653
- Drilling, Boring, and Tapping Machine, Universal (Shanks, Johnstone), 135
- Drilling Machine, Radial, 71
- Drilling Machine, Radial (Asquith), 509
- Drilling and Milling Machine (Bond and Cooper, Birmingham), 433
- Drilling and Milling Machine (London Lathe and Tool Company), 615
- Drop between Cylinder and Receiver Pressures, 436, 687, 688, 753, 754
- Du Temple Water-Tube Boiler, 57
- Dutch Government Hydraulic Lifeboat, 449
- Dynamo Engine, Compound (Smit, Slikkerveer, Holland), 798, Th9
- Dynamo Foundations, 323. See Central Stations
- Dynamo, General Electric Company's Four-Pole Railway Generator, 204, 205, 206
- Dynamo Turbines. See Hydro Electric Installations
- Dynamos for Central Electric Stations, 447, 448, 504, 598
- Dynamos for Railway Traction, 204, 205, 206, 236, 237
- Dynamos, Sayers' Motor and (Mayor and Coulson, Glasgow), 635
- Early Great Western Locomotive " Vulcan," 431
- Earth Rotation, 1, 2
- East London Water Works, Deep Well Pumping
- Engine, Cochrane, Barrhead, 42
- East Molesey Drainage Works, 763, 764, 765
- Edinburgh Electric Lighting, 573, 574, 619
- Edson Recording Pressure Gauge, 647
- Edwards' Belt Fastener, 159
- Electric Arc Lamp for Indirect Illumination (Richardson, Patricroft), 373
- Electric Arc Lamp, Jandus, 549
- Electric Communication with Lightships, 196
- Electric Conduit System, Hoerde, 253
- Electric Engines, Dover Station (Brush Co.), 244
- Electric Freight Car, 8
- Electric, Hydro-, Installations, 531, 532, 533, 591, 606, 656, 719, 722, 760. 761, 790, 791
- Electric Lighting of Edinburgh, 573, 574, 619
- Electric Lighting New York Harbour, 287
- Electric Locomotive, 95-Ton, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 78, 79
- Electric Motors. See Hydro- Electric Installations
- Electric Road Carriage, Morris and Salom's, 416
- Electric Snow Plough, 8
- Electric Traction :
- Baltimore City and Suburban Railway Power
- Plant, 698, 699
- Baltimore Tunnel, Electric Traction, 756, 794
- Boilers for Central Stations, 447, 448, 504, 505 698
- Boston Tramway Central Station, 447
- Electric Traction-continued.
- Brakes for Electric Car, 69, 70
- Brooklyn Railways, Kent Avenue Station,
- Central Stations for Electric Tramways, &c., 727323, 385, 447, 448, 504, 598, 599, 660, 689, 726,
- Chicago City Railway Central Station, 446, 504, 505
- Coal Conveying and Storing Plant, 386, 387
- Conveying and Storing Plant, Coal, 386, 387
- Dynamo Foundations, 323. See Central Stations
- Dynamos for Central Electric Stations, 447, 448, 504, 598
- Dynamos for Railway Traction, 204, 205, 206, 236, 237
- Engine, Macintosh and Seymour, at Baltimore, 6
- Freight Car for Electric Railway, 8
- Generators, Multipolar Electric, 204, 205, 206 236, 237
- Load Diagram at Electric Power House, 157
- Nantasket Beach Electric Tramway, 536
- Portland (Oregon) Electric Power Station, 726, 727
- Power Plant. See Central Stations
- Railway Generators, Multipolar, 204, 205, 206, 236, 237
- St. Louis Central Electrical Power Station, 6i9
- Snow Plough, Electrically Driven, 8
- Switchboards, 261, 262, 290, 447, 448. See
- Central Stations
- Train on Nantasket Beach Electric Tramway, 636
- Trolleys for Electric Tramways, 103
- Tunnel Installation for Electric Locomotives, 756, 794
- Water Power Plant, Portland, Oregon, 726, 727
- Water-Tube Boilers for Central Electric Stations, 447, 448, 598
- Electric Tramways. See Electric Traction
- Electric Tramway, Bristol, 356, 357
- Electric Welding, Deflected Arc System, 664
- Electrically Worked Turrets, Canet's, 690, 691
- Elevating Dredger, North Sea Canal, 101, 104, 105, 137, 139, 140, 150
- Elevator, Temporary, for Puddle Trench, Craigmaddie Reservoir, 120
- Elevators, Coal, 107, 108, 109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233, 602
- Ely Bridge Reconstruction, Great Eastern Railway, 698
- Embankment Filling on Canadian Pacific Railway, 734
- Embankments, Villa Mantle for Protecting River, 811
- Engine, Barring (Coates, Belfast), 360
- Engine, Compound Horizontal, for Dynamo (Smit, Slikkerveer, Holland), 798, 799
- Engine, Compound Traction (Marshall, Gainsborough), 731
- Engine, Deep Well Pumping. East London Water Works (Cochrane, Barrhead), 42
- Engine, Horizontal Tandem Compound (Taylor and Challen), 496
- Engine, Macintosh and Seymour, at Baltimore, 599
- Engine, Newcomenl 505
- Engine, Peache's High-Speed Single-Acting, 520
- Engine, Pumping, for Suction Dredger (Bucyrus Dredge Company, Milwaukee), 797, 802
- Engines at Dover Electric Station (Brush Company), 244
- Engines, Hopper Dredger (Lohnis and Co., Rotterdam), 662
- Engines, Light Draught Paddle Steamer (Wallsend Company, Newcastle), 729
- Engines, Pumping (Fullarton, Hodgart, and Barclay, Paisley), 473, 484
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, Cunard Liners "Sylvania" and "Carinthia" (London and Glasgow Engineering Company), 539, 540
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, of Composite Screw Steam Tug (Cox, Falmouth), 324, 325, 327
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, H.M.S. " Sultan " (Thomson, Clydebank), 451
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, Inverted, with Corliss Valve Gear, for Kimberley Mines (Fraser and Chalmers, Chicago), 281, 341
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, Torpedo - Boat Destroyers (Thomson, Clydebank), 630, 631
"Minneapolis" (Cramp, Philadelphia), 600, 728
- Engineering Shop. See Clydebank Works
- Erecting Shop at Clydebank Works, 138
- Escher, Wyss, and Co., Water Power Transmis•
- sion at Gokak, India, 569
- Evaporative Surface Condenser (Theisen, Baden-
- Baden), 146, 147
- Excavator with Travelling Delivery Apron,
- North Sea Canal, 41
- Excavators, North Sea Canal, 101, 104, 105, 137,
- 139, 140, 150
- Exhibition, Bordeaux, 409, 410
- Experiments on Win Pressure, 787, 788
- Explosions. See Boiler Explosions
- Fairhairn-Beeley Boiler, 361. See 403
- Fan Gates for Locks, North Sea Canal, 40, 41
- Fastener, Edwards' Belt, 159
- Feed Pump, Marsh Boiler (Battle Creek Com-
- pany), 746
- Feed Water Heater, Live Steam (Kirkaldy), 453
- Feed Water Heater, Morison's Circulating, 603
- Fen Drainage, 16
- Ferrolithic Paving, 253
- Filtering Plant for Sewage Works, Glasgow, 260
- Fireproof Doors, Saw Mills (Price, Walker, and
- Co., Limited), 476, 477, 480
- Fitters' Shop at Clydebank Works, 33
- Flanging Machine, Hydraulic (H. Smith and Co.
- Glasgow), 33
- Flemhude Lake, North Sea Canal, 137. See 101,
- 104, 105, 139, 140, 150
- Flexible Coupling for Steam, Ste., Pipes, Fried-
- mann's, 453
- Floating Dock, Barcelona (Clark and Standfleld),
- 481
- Flooring, Knight's Bridge, 160
- Flooring, Pease's Tubular? 7E0
- Florida Phosphate Deposits, 142, 143, 144
- " Forest Abbey," S.S. (Doxford, Sunderland),
- 417
- Formation, Galway and Clifden Light Railway,
- 383
- Foulis Hydraulic Charging Plant, 107, 108, 109,
- 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Foundations of Bellefontaine Bridge, 298, 299.
- See 364, 373
- Foundry Practice, Modern, 321, 322, 561, 654, 789
- Fraser and Chalmers, Brown's Horseshoe Roast-
- ing Furnace, 665
- Fraser and Chalmers, Chicago, Triple-Expansion
- Mine Engines, with Corliss Gear, 281, 341
- Freight Car for Electric Railway, 8
- Friction Gear, Variable Speed (Watkins and
- Watson, London), 647
- Friedmann's Flexible Coupling for Pipes, 453
- Fullarton, Hodgart, and Barclay, Paisley, Pumps
- and Hydraulic Plant, 473, 484
- Furnace, Brown's Horseshoe Roasting (Fraser
- and Chalmers), 665
- Furnace, Petroleum, for Melting Solder (Moeller.
- and Condripp), 391
- Galway and Clifden Railway, 319, 320, 382, 383,
- 412, 414. 421
- Garbage Disposal Plant, Glasgow Works, 208, 259,
- 260
- Garrison Gun and Carriage, Norway ( Whitworth),
- 302, 306. See 329
- Gas Retort Plant, Glasgow Works, 107, 108, 109,
- 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Gas Works, Dawsholm, Glasgow, 107, 108, 109,
- 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Gates, Lock, at North Sea Canal, 4, 5, 6, 7, 40
- Gauge Basin, Craigmaddie Reservoir, 120
- Gauge, Edison Recording Pressure, 647
- Gauge, Glass Water, Protection, 815
- Gear, Variable Speed Friction (Watkins and
- Watson, London), 647
- Gemmi Pass, Ice Avalanche on the, 445
- "General C. B. Comstock," United States Dredger
- (Bucyrus Steam Shovel and Dredge Company,
- Milwaukee), 797, 802
- General Electric Company, Four-Pole Electric
- Generator, 204, 205, 206, 236, 237
- Generators, Multipolar Electric, 204, 205, 206,
- 236, 237
- Girders, Stresses in, 279
- Glacier, Gemini Pass, 445
- Glasgow Gas Works, 107, 108, 109, 110, 172, 173,
- 174, 231, 232, 233
- Glasgow Hydraulic Power Supply, 361. See 403
- Glasgow New Cessnock Docks, 294, 295, 381, 473,
- 484
- Glasgow Sewage Works Separating and Concen-
- trating Plant, 208, 259, 260
- Glasgow and South-Western Tank Locomotive
- (Neilson, Glasgow), 711, 714
- Glasgow Water Supply Reservoir, 120
- Glass Water Gauge Protection, 815
- Gledhill's Breech Mechanism (Whitworth), 302,
- 306
- Glenfleld Company, Discharge Recorder for
- Weirs, 508
- Gloucester Saw Mills (Price, Walker, and Co.,
- Limited), 476, 477, 480
- Goddard, Massey, and Warner, Nottingham,
- Sludge Presses, Sewage Works, 260
- Gokak Water Power Transmission, India (Esther,
- Wyss, and Co.), 569
- Governor, Shaft (Robinson and Auden, Wantage,
- Berks), 739
- Grab, Locomotive Crane and (Coles, Southwark),
- 231, 233
- Graving Dock at Glasgow, 294, 295, 381, 473, 484
- Graving Dock, Southampton, 169, 171, 189, 265
- Great Eastern Railway, Ely Bridge Reconstruc-
- tion, 698
- Great Western Locomotive " Vulcan," Early, 431
- Grtinenthal Bridge, North Sea Canal, 209, 210,,216
- Gun and Garrison Carriage, Norway Coast De-
- fence (Whitworth), 302, 306. See 329
- Guns, Canet's Electrically-Worked Turrets, 690,
- 691
- Hainaut Phosphate Dressing Plant (Humboldt
- Company), 633, 634
- Hall Automatic Railway Signal System, 180, 181
- Hall, J. and E., Limited, Carbonic Anhydride
- Refrigerating Machine, 553, 556, 557, 712
- Hampton Court Bridge, New, 184 ; Old, 188
- Haniel and Lueg, Dusseldorf; Hydraulic Turning
- Gear for Swing Bridges, 231
- Harbour, Two-Storey Sheds, Glasgow, 381. See
- 295, 473, 484
- Harkort Actien - Gessellschaft, Lock Gates,
- North Sea Canal, 4, 5, 6, 7, 40
- Harmonograph, 645
- Harrison Scouring Dredger, 16
- Harvey, G. and A., Treble Geared Lathe, 70
- Haythorn Water-Tube Boiler (Meehan, Glasgow),
- 680
- Heater, Live Steam Feed-Water (Kirkaldy), 453
- Heater, Morison's Circulating Feed-Water, 603
- Heater Regulator, Langridge's Steam, 191
- Henley Bridge, 638
- H.M.S. " Lightning " after Collision, 699
- H.M.S. " Sultan," Triple - Expansion Engines
- (Thomson, Clydebank), 451
- H.M.S. " Terrible's " Distilling Apparatus, Nor-
- mandy, 12
- H.M.S. " Terrible's " Windlass and Capstan Gear
- (Napier Brothers, Glasgow), 240, 241
- H.M.SS. " Surly," " Shark," and "Rocket"
- (Thomson, Clydebank), 630, 631
- Hoerde Electric Conduit System, 253
- Holden and Brooke, Limited, Manchester, Boiler
- Injectors, 281
- Hopper Dredgers. See Dredgers
- Howitzer and Garrison Mount, Swedish Govern-
- ment (Whitworth), 302, 306 See 829
- Humboldt Company, Kalk, Phosphate Dressing
- Plant, 633, 634
- Hutchison's Water Discharge Recorder for
- Weirs (Glenfleld Company), 508
- Hydraulic Cranes, Glasgow Docks (Fullarton,
- Hodgart, and Barclay, Paisley), 473, 484
- Hydraulic Flanging Machine (H. Smith and Co.,
- Glasgow), 33
- Hydraulic Lifeboat (Thornycroft), 449
- Hydraulic Power Supply, 361, 403
- Hydraulic Retort Charging Plant, 107, 108, 109,
- 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Hydraulic Turning Gear for Swing Bridges,
- North Sea Canal, 234
- Hydro-Electric Installations, 531, 632, 533, 591,
- 606, 656, 719, 722, 760, 761, 790, 791
- Ice Avalanche on the Gemini Pass, 446
- Injectors, Boiler (Holden and Brooke, Limited,
- Manchester), 281
- Institution of Civil Engineers, New Building of
- the, 461
- Interlaken Hydro-Electric Installation, 719, 722.
- See 531, 591, 606, 656, 760, 761, 790, 791
- Ireland, Light Railway, 319, 320, 382, 383, 412,
- 414, 424
- Irminger's Experiments on Wind Pressure, 787,
- 788
- Iron, Micro-Metallography, 88
- Ironworkers' Machine Shop, Clydebank Works, 36
- Italy and Switzerland Simplon Tunnel, 693, 694,
- 695, 757
- Jandus Electric Arc Lamp, 549
- Jib Crane at Clydebank Works, 33
- Joggling Machine, Plate, Bell and Rockcliffe's,
- 417
- Jointless Felloes, Power Press (Taylor and
- Challen, Birmingham), 350, 352, 353
- Kaiser Wilhelm Canal. See North Sea Canal
- Kane-Pennington Motor, 773
- Keep's Experiments on Cast Iron, 203, 375
- Kingston Bridges, Old, 106 ; New, 116
- Kirkaldy Feed-Water Heater, 453
- Kitchen Boiler Safety Mountings, Barnaby's, 811
- Knight's Bridge Flooring, 160
- Ladle, Ramage's Deck Seam Pitching Ladle, 614
- Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway,
- Brooks Locomotive, 627
- Lamp for Indirect Illumination, Arc (Richard.
- son, Patricroft), 373
- Lamp, " I. R." Arc (Richardson, Patricroft), 746
- Lamp, Jandus Aro, 549
- Lancaster Company, Lancaster Tube Frame
- Wagon, 112
- Langridge's Steam Heater Regulator, 191
- Lathe, Apprentice (Shanks, Johnstone), 390
- Lathe, Treble Geared (A. and G. Harvey, Govan),
- 70
- Launch, High-Speed River (Thornycroft), 269
- Laurence and Brunell, Boiler Tube Scraper, 730
- Levensau Bridge, North Sea Canal, 209, 210, 216
- Lewis's Corrugated Boiler Tube, 614
- Lifeboat, Hydraulic (Thornycroft), 449
- Lift, Adams' Sewage, 572
- Lifting Bridge at Van Buren.Street, Chicago, 82,
- 92, 169
- Light Railway in Ireland, 319, 320, 382, 383, 412,
- 413, 414, 424
- Lighting of Edinburgh, Electric, 573, 574, 619
- Lighting, Electric, New York Harbour En-
- trance, 287
- Lighting.North Sea Canal, 291
- " Lightning," Torpedo - Boat Destroyer, after
- Collision, 699
- Lightships, Electric Communication with, 196
- Load Diagram at Electric,Power House, 157
- Lock Gates at North Sea Canal, 4, 5, 6, 7, 40, 41
- Locks, North Sea Canal, 4, 5, 6, 7, 37
- Locomotive, American Express (Brooks), 627
- Locomotive for Brazil, Eight-Wheeled Coupled
- (Baldwin, Philadelphia), 44, 45
- Locomotive, Compound (Worsdell and Von
- Borries' System), North-Eastern Railway, 25
- Locomotive Crane and Grab (Coles, Southwark),
- 231, 233
- Locomotive, Four - Coupled Bogie Passenger,
- North-Eastern Railway, 297, 299
- Locomotive, Early Great Western, " Vulcan," 431
- Locomotive, Eight-Wheeled, Philadelphia and
- Reading Railroad (Baldwin), 452
- Locomotive, 95- Ton Eight - Wheeled Electric,
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 78, 79
- Locomotive for Glasgow and South-Western
- Railway, Tank (Neilson, Glasgow), 711, 714
- Locomotive Piston-Rods, 21, 114, 115, 193
- Locomotive Smash, Montparnasse Railway Sta-
- tion, Paris), 544
- Locomotive Tank for Metropolitan Railway
- (Sharp, Stewart, and Co.), 321
- Locomotive Work Radial Drill (Shanks, John-
- stone), 653
- Lohnis and Co., Rotterdam, Engines and Boilers,
- Hopper Dredger, 662
- London Bridges. See Thames Bridges
- London and Glasgow Engineering Company,
- Ounard Liners " Sylvania " and "Carinthia,"
- 639, 640
- London Hydraulic Power Supply, 361. See 403
- London Lathe and Tool Company, Drilling and
- Milling Machine, 615
- London Water Supply, Available Sources, 486,
- 515
- Lubecker Company's Dredgers and Excavators,
- 137, 139, 140, 150. See 101, 104, 105
- Lucerne Hydro-Electric Installation, 760, 761.
- See 531, 606, 656, 719, 790, 791
- Machine Shop, The Large, at Clydebank Works,
- 67
- M.G. Meter, Metacentric Height of Ships, 163
- Maidenhead Bridge, Great Western Railway, 512
- Maidenhead Road Bridge, 612
- Manchester Hydraulic Power Supply, 361. See
- 403
- Mantle for Protecting River Banks, 811
- Map of Florida Phosphate Region, 144
- Map of Sources of London Water Supply, 486,515
- Marlow Bridge, 629, 638
- Marsh Boiler Feed Pump (Battle Creek Com.
- pany), 746
- Marshall, Sons, and Co., Limited, Gainsborough,
- Compound Traction Engine, 731
- Mayor and Coulson, Glasgow, Sayers' Electric
- Motor and Generator, 635
- Meehan, Glasgow, Haythorne Water-Tube Boiler,
- 680
- Metacentric Height of Ships, M.G. Meter, 163
- Metallography of Iron, Micro-, 88
- Metal Price Diagrams, 24, 158 310, 423, 548, 710,
- 810
- Meter for Metacentric Height of Ships, 163
- Meter, Parkinson Water, 403
- Meter, Schonheyder Water (Beck, London), 420
- Metropolitan Railway Tank Locomotive (Sharp,
- Stewart, and Co.), 321
- Micro-Metallography of Iron, 88
- Milling and Drilling Machine (Bond and Cooper,
- Birmingham), 433 •
- Milling and Drilling Machine (London Lathe and
- Tool Company), 615
- Milling Machine for Test Pieces (Ward and
- Haggas, Keighley), 730
- Milling Machines (Muir and Co., Manchester),
- 70, 71
- Mineral Transporter, Temperley, 602
- "Minneapolis," United States Cruiser (Cramp,
- Philadelphia), 600, 728
- Mirfield Triple Railway Smash, 64
- Moeller and Condripp, London, Petroleum Fur-
- nace for Melting Solder, 391
- Molesey Drainage Works, 763, 764, 765 .
- Morison's Circulating Feed-Water Heater, 603
- Morison's Safety Liners for Propeller Shafts
- 191
- Morison, Mr. G. S., Bellefontaine Bridge, 298
- 299, 364, 373
- Morris and Salon's Electric Road Carriage,
- 416
- Morris and Wethered's Still, 13
- Motor, Kane-Pennington, 773
- Motor, Sayers' Electric Generator and (Mayor
- and Coulson, Glasgow), 635
- Motors, Electric, 591, 606. 656, 657, 719, 722, 760,
- 761, 790, 791
- Mouldings, 321, 322, 561, 654, 789
- Muir and Co., Manchester, Milling Machines, 70,
- 71
- Nantasket Beach Electric Tramway, 536
- Napier Brothers, Glasgow, Capstan Gear and
- Windlass for British Warships, 240, 241
- Navvies. See Excavators
- Neilson and Co., Glasgow, Glasgow and South
- Western Railway Tank Locomotive, 711, 714
- New York Harbour Entrance, Electric Lighting,
- 287
- Newcomen Engine, 505
- Niclausse Water-Tube Boiler, 91, 749
- Normand Boilers for Torpedo-Boat Destroyers
- (Thomson, Clydebank), 630, 631
- Normand Water-Tube Boiler, 57, 630
- Normand and Sigaudy's Water - Tube Boiler,
- 541
- Normandy's Distilling Apparatus, H.M.S. " Ter-
- rible,' 12
- North Eastern Railway Compound Locomotive,
- 25
- North-Eastern Railway Four Coupled Bogie
- Passenger Locomotive, 297, 299
- North Sea Canal :
- Beton Mixing and Depositing Plant, 74
- Bridges, 209, 210, 216, 234
- Brunsbrttttel Locks, 72, 73, 74, 75, 101
- Dredgers and Excavators, 101, 104, 105, 137,
- 140, 150
- Dredging50 Plant, 101, 104, 105, 137,
- 139, 140
- 1
- Elevating Dredger, 101, 104, 105, 139,
- 137, 140,
- 150
- Excavators, 101, 104, 105, 137, 139, 140, 150
- Excavator with Travelling Delivery Apron,
- 41
- Fan Gates for Locks, 40, 41
- Flemhude Lake, 137. See 101, 104, 45, 139
- 140, 150
- Gates, Lock, 4, 5, 6, 7, 40
- Grtinenthal Bridge, 209, 210, 216
- Hydraulic Turning Gear for Swing Bridges,
- 234
- Levensau Bridge, 209, 210, 216
- Lighting, 291
- Lock Gates, 4, 5, 6, 7, 40
- Locks, 4, 5, 6, 7, 37
- Lubecker Company's Dredgers and Excavator
- 137, 139, 140, 150. See 101, 104, 105
- Navvies. See Excavators
- Piling Plant at Brunsbuttel Locks, 72
- Rendsburg Lock, 37
- Road Bridges, 234
- Steam Navvies. See Excavators
- Suction Dredgers, 104, 105, 137, 139, 140, 150
- Swing Bridges, 234
- Turning Gear for Swing Bridges, Hydraulic,
- 234
- Vering Dredger, 101, 104, 105, 137, 139, 140,
- 150
- Norway Coast Defence Artillery (Whitworth),
- 302, 306. See 329
- Ocklawaha River and Ferry, Florida, 142
- Oil Fuel Steamer, 729
- Oil Motor, Kane-Pennington, 773
- Paddle Steamer. See Steamer
- Palmer, Limited, H.M.S. " Lightning" after
- Collision, 699
- Paris, Montparnasse Railway Station, Loco-
- motive Smash, 544
- Parkinson Water Meter, 403
- Paterson's Suction Draught and Smoke Pre-
- venting Apparatus (Paul, Dumbarton), 781,
- 782
- Paul and Co., M., Dumbarton, Suction Draught
- and Smoke-Prevention Apparatus, 781, 782
- Paving, Ferrolithic, 253*
- Peaohe's High - Speed Single - Acting Engine,
- 520
- Pease's Tubular Construction, 780
- Pendulum Experiments, Earth Rotation, 1, 2
- " Percy Sanderson," Dredger for Danube
- (Simons, Renfrew), 176, 177, 178
- Permanent Way, Railway, 60, 61, 97, 98, 125, 128,
- 129
- Petroleum Furnace for Melting Solder (Moeller
- and Condripp, London), 391
- Philadelphia Pneumatic Postal System, 661
- Philadelphia and Reading Locomotive (Baldwin),
- 452
- Phosphate Dressing Plant (Humboldt Company,
- Kalk), 633, 634
- Phosphate Deposits, Florida, 142, 143, 144
- Photometer, Portable, 369. See 403
- Piling Plant at BrunsbUttel Locks, North Sea
- Canal, 72
- Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible Coupling for Steam,
- dm, 453
- Piston-Rod Acceleration Diagram, 56
- Piston-Rods, Locomotive, 21, 114, 115, 193
- Pitching Ladle, Rainage's Deck Seam, 614
- Plan of Clydebank IA orks, 32
- Planing Machine (Shanks, Johnstone), 9
- Planing and Slotting Machine (Smith, Beam(*)
- and Tannett), 138
- Plate Bending Rolls, Armour (Striven, Leeds),
- 113
- Plate Joggling Machine, Bell and Rockliffe's, 417
- Plate Rolls, Cold (Campbell and Hunter), 67
- Plate Rolls (Shanks, Johnstone), 33
- Pneumatic Postal System, Philadelphia, 661
- Pneumatic Tunnelling, 35
- Portland (Oregon) Electric Power Station, 726, 727
- Postal System, Philadelphia, Pneumatic, 661
- Power Plant. See Central Stationis
- Power Press for Jointless Felloes (Taylor and
- Challen; Birmingham), 350, 352, 353
- Power Supply, Hydraulic, 361, 403
- Power Transmission Plant. See Hydro-Electric
- Installations
- on Hydro-Electric Installations, 531,
- Preller, Dr.,
- 532, 633, 691, 606, 656, 719, 722, 760, 761, 790,
- 791
- Press, Power, for Jointless Felloes (Taylor and
- Challen, Birmingham), 350, 352, 353
- Pressure Drop between Cylinder and Receiver,
- 436, 687, 688, 753, 754
- Pressure Gauge, Edson Recording, 647
- Price, Walker, and Co.'s Sawmills, Gloucester,
- 476, 477, 480
- Printing, Cyclostyle Manifolding Apparatus, 225
- Propeller Shaft Safety Liners, 191
- Pump, Marsh, Boiler Feed (Battle Creek Com-
- pany), 746
- Pumping Engine, Deep - Well (East London
- Water Works), Cochrane, Barrhead, 42
- Pumping Engine, Old Newcomen, 505
- Pumping Engine for Suction Dredger (Bucyrus
- Dredge Company, Milwaukee), 797, 802
- Pumping Engines, Glasgow Docks (Fullarton,
- Hodgart, and Barclay, Paisley), 473, 484
- Pumps, Blake Air, for United States Cruisers,
- 600. See 728
- Pumps, Sewage, 403. See 208, 259
- Quarrying Phosphates in Florida, 142, 143, 144
- Quick-Acting Brake, Westinghouse, 421
- Radial Drill for Locomotive Work (Shanks,
- Johnstone), 653
- Radial Drilling Machine (Asquith), 509
- Ragatz Hydro - Electric Installation (Brown,
- Boveri, and Co., Baden), 656. See 531, 691,
- 606, 719, 722, 760, 761, 790, 791
- Railway Accidents. See Accidents
- Railway Breakdown Crane, 15 - Ton (Cowan,
- Sheldon, and Co., Carlisle) 2e8
- Railway Bridges, South-Eastern and Great
- Western, Caversham, 768
- Railway Generator, Four-Pole (General Electric
- Company's), 204, 205, 206
- Railway Generators, Multipolar, 204, 205, 206,
- 236, 237
- Railway, Light, in Ireland, 319, 320, 382, 383,
- 412, 413, 414, 424
- Railway Permanent Way, 60, 61, 97, 98, 125, 128,
- 129
- Railway Race to Scotland, Diagram, 152
- Railway Reconstruction, Canadian Pacific, 626,
- 657, 658, 668, 723, 734
- Railway Signal System, Hall Automatic, 180, 181
- Railway Stations, Galway and Clifden Railway,
- 383
- Railway Wagon, Tube Frame (Lancaster Com-
- pany, Lancaster), 112
- Ramage's Deck Seam Pitching Ladle, 614
- Recorder, Weir Discharge (Glenfield Company),,
- 608
- Redcar Boiler Explosion, 51, 145
- RefrigeratiiT Machine, Carbonic Anhydride
- (Hall; Limited), 553, 556, 557, 712
- Regulator, Langridge's Steam Heater, 191
- Rendsburg.Lock, North Sea Canal, 37
- Rennie, Caisson for Southampton Dock, 265
- Reservoir, Craigmaddie, Glasgow, 120
- Retaining Wall, Canadian Pacific Railway, 734
- Retort Charging and Drawing Plant, 107, 108,
- 109, 110, 172, 173, 174, 231, 232, 233
- Richards, Manchester, Machine for Rolling Flat
- and Dished Plates, 311
- Richardson, A. W., Patricroft, Arc Lamp for
- Indirect Illumination, 373
- Richardson, Patricroft, " I. R." Arc Lamp, 746
- Richmond Bridge, 48
- Riddling Plant, Coke, 231, 233
- River Embankments, Villa Mantle for Protect-
- ing, 811
- River Steamer, Shallow Draught Russian (Dob-
- son, Low Walker), 729
- Road Bridges over North Sea Canal, 234
- Road Carriage, Morris and Salom's Electric, 416
- Roasting Furnace, Brown's Horseshoe (Fraser
- and Chalmers), 665
- Robinson and Auden, Wantage, Barks, Shaft
- Governor, 739
- Robinson, Rochdale, Combined Sleeper Adzing
- and Boring Machine, 564, 565
- " Rocket," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Thomson,
- Clydebank), 630, 631
- Rolling Flat and Dished Plates, Machine (Richards,
- Manchester), 311
- Rolls, Cold Plate (Campbell and Hunter), 67
- Rolls, Plate (Shanks, Johnstone), 33
- Roof, Two-Storey Dock Shed, 381
- Roofing, Pease's Tubular, 780
- Rotation of Earth, 1, 2
- Russian Government Light-Draught Steamer
- " Cesarewitch" (Dobson, Newcastle), 729
- Russian Torpedo • Boat Destroyer " Sokol "
- (Yarrow), 537
- Safety Liners for Propeller Shafts, 191
- Safety Mountings for Domestic Boilers, Bar-
- naby's, 811
- " St. Louis," Capstan and Windlass (Bath Iron
- Works), 212, 213
- St. Louis Central Electrical Power Station, 689
- St. Symphorien (Mons, Belgium) Phosphate
- Dressing Plant, 633, 634
- Salenius Radiator Buttermaker, 413
- Salmon River Bridge, Canadian Pacific Railway,
- 657
- Sand Pumping Dredger for Danube (Simons,
- Renfrew)? 176, 177, 178
- Sand Washing Plant for Glasgow Sewage Works,
- 260
- Sawmills of Price, Walker, and Co., Limited,
- Gloucester, 476, 477, 480
- Sayers' Electric Motor and Generator (Mayor and
- Coulson, Glasgow), 635
- " Schelde II. " Suction Pump Hopper Dredger
- (Smit, Kinderjik), 662
- Schoenenwerd Hydro-Electric Installation, 790,
- 791. See also 531, 591, 606, 656, 719, 760
- Schonheyder Water Meter (Beck, London), 420
- Scouring Dredger, Harrison's (Fen Drainage), 16
- Scraper0 for Boiler Tubes (Laurence and Brunell),
- 73
- Scriven, Leeds, Armour-Plate Bending Rolls, 113
- Serpolle • Steam Carriage, 472, 499, 500, 501, 502
- Sewage Disposal Works, Glasgow, 208, 259, 260
- Sewage Lift, Adams, 572
- Sewage Pumps, 403
- Sewage Separating and Concentrating Plant
- (Glasgow Works), 208, 269, 260
- Sewage Works, East Molesey, 763, 764, 765
- Shaft Governor (Robinson and Auden, Wantage,
- Berks), 739
- Shaft, Safety Liners for Propeller, 191
- Shanks, Johnstone, Apprentice Lathe, 390
- Shanks, Johnstone, Corliss Valve Boring Machine,
- 793 ; Universal Boring and Tapping Machine,
- 135
- Shanks, Johnstone, Planing Machine, 9
- Shanks, Johnstone, Plate Rolls, 33
- Shanks, Johnstone, Radial Drill for Locomotive
- Work, 653
- Shanks, Johnstone, 16-In. Shaping Machine, 493
- Shaping Machine, 16-In. (Shanks, Johnstone), 493
- " Shark," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Thomson,
- Clydebank), 630, 631
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Tank Locomotive for
- Metropolitan Railway, 321
- Sheds, Two-Storey, for Glasgow Docks, 381. See
- 295, 473, 484
- Sheppard's Capstan, 730
- Shipbuilding Production, Diagram, 813
- Shipbuilding Yard. See Clydebank Wor;Is
- Shiplake Bridge, Great Western Railway Com-
- pany, 702
- Shipyard Engine Shop at Clydebank Works, 36
- Ship Deck Seam Pitching Ladle (Ramage's), 614
- Ship's Metacentric Height, M.G. Meter, 163
- Sigaudy and Normand's Water-Tube Boiler, 541
- Signal System, Hall Automatic Railway, 180, 181
- Simons, Renfrew, Sand-Pumping Dredger, 176,
- 177, 178
- Simplon Tunnel, 693, 694, 695, 757
- " Sir Frederic," Composite Screw Steam Tug
- (Cox, Falmouth), 324, 325, 327
- Siren, Steam (S. Smith and Sons, Nottingham),
- 452
- Sleeper Adzing and Boring Machine (Robinson,
- Rochdale), 564, 565
- Slotting and Planing Machine (Smith, Beacock,
- and Tannett), 138
- Smashed Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Lightning,"
- 699
- Smashes, Railway. See Accidents
- Smit, Kinderjik, Suction Pump Hopper Dredger
- " Schelde II.," 662
- Smit, Slikkerveer, Holland, Compound Engine
- for Dynamo, 798, 799
- Smith, H., and Co., Glasgow, Hydraulid Flanging
- Machine, 33
- Smith and Sons, S., Nottingham, Steam Siren,
- 452
- Smoke Prevention and Suction Draught, Pater-
- son (Paul, Dumbarton), 781, 782
- Smulders, Utrecht, Elevator Dredger, 101
- Snow Plough, Electrically Driven, 8
- " Sokol," Russian Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Yar-
- row), 537
- Solder Melting Petroleum Furnace (Moeller and
- Condripp, London), 391
- Sonning Bridge,702
- Southampton axing Dock, 169, 171, 189, 265
- Speed Friction Gear, Variable (Watkins and
- Watson, London), 647
- Spherical Catenary in Stereo, 737
- Spuzzum River Bridge, Canadian Pacific Rail-
- way, 657
- Staines Bridge, 332 ; Old (1792), 337
- Staines Bridge, London and. South-Western
- Railway, 272
- Stainland Boiler Explosion, Halifax, 197
- Standard Types of Permanent Way, 60, 61, 97,
- 98, 125, 128, 129
- Steam Boiler Experiments' 347, 349
- Steam Carriage, Serpollet, 472, 499, 500, 501, 502
- Steam Expansion Drop, 687, 688, 753, 754. See
- 436
- Steam Heater Regulator, Langridge's, 191
- Steam Navvies. See Excavators
- Steam Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible Coupling for,
- 453
- Steam Siren (S. Smith and Sons, Nottingham),
- 452
- Steam Tug, Composite Screw, " Sir Frederic"
- (Cox, Falmouth), 324, 325, 327
- Steamer " Forest Abbey" (Doxford, Sunderland),
- 417
- Steamer, Shallow Draught Paddle, Russian Go-
- vernment (Dobson, Low Walker), 729
- Steamers " Sylvania " and "Carinthia" (Cunard
- Liners), London and Glasgow Company, 539,640
- Steel Ingots, Casting, 316
- Stereo, Spherical Catenary in, 737
- Still, Morris and Wethered's: 13
- Stony Creek Bridge, Canadian Pacific Railway,
- 626. See 657, 658, 668, 723, 734
- Street Railways. See Electric Traction
- Stresses in Girders, 279
- Suction Draught and Snioke Prevention, Pater-
- son (Paul, Dumbarton), 781, 782
- Suction Dredger "General C. B. Comstock "
- (Bu yrus Steam Shovel and Dredge Company,
- Milwaukee), 797, 802
- Suction Pump Hopper Dredger " Schelde II."
- (Smit, Kinderjik), 662
- Suction Dredger for Danube Works (Simons,
- Renfrew), 176, 177, 178
- Suction Dredgers, North Sea Canal, 104, 105,
- 137, 139, 140, 150
- " Sultan," Triple - Expansion Engines, H.M.S.
- (Thomson, Clydebank), 451
- " Surly," Torpedo - Boat Destroyer (Thomson,
- Clydebank), 630, 631
- Suspension Bridges. See Thames Bridges
- Sweden Coast Defence Artillery (Whitworth),
- 302, 306. See 329
- Swimming Bath, Florida, 143, 144
- Swing Bridges, North Sea Canal, 234
- Switchboards, 261, 262, 290, 447, 448. See Cen-
- tral Stations
- Switzerland and Italy, Simplon Tunnel, 693, 694,
- 695, 757
- " Sylvania," Cunard Liner (London and Glasgow
- Company), 539, 540
- Sympalmograph, 127, 195
- Tapping, Drilling, and Boring, Universal Machine
- (Shanks, Johnstone), 135
- Taylor and Challen, Birmingham, Power Press,
- for Jointless Felloes, 350, 352, 353
- Taylor and Challen, Horizontal Tandem Com•
- pound Engine, 496
- Teddington Lock Bridge, 53
- Teddington Suspension Bridge, 48
- Temperley Transporter, 602
- Thames Bridges :
- Albert Bridge, Windsor, 389, 394
- Black Potts Bridge, London and South•Western
- Railway, 394
- Bourne End Bridge, Great Western Railway
- (Old and New), 576
- Caversham Bridges, 762, 768
- Chertsey Road Bridge, 272
- Cookham Bridge, 681
- Datchet Bridge, Old, 460
- Hampton Court Bridge, New, 184 ; Old, 188
- Henley Bridge, 638
- Kingston Bridges, Old, 106 ; New, 116
- Maidenhead Bridge, Great Western Railway, 512
- Maidenhead Road. Bridge, 512
- Marlow Bridge, 629, 638
- Railway Bridges, South-Eastern and Great
- Western, Caversham, 768
- Richmond Bridge, 48
- Shiplake Bridge, Great Western Railway Com-
- pany, 702
- Sonning Bridge, 702
- Staines Bridge, London and South-Western
- Railway, 272
- Staines Bridge, 332 ; Old (1792), 337
- Teddington Lock Bridge, 53
- Teddington Suspension Bridge, 48
- Victoria Bridge, London and South-Western Railway, 332
- Walton Bridge, New, 184 ; Old, 188
- Windsor Bridge, Great Western Railway, 456, 460.
- Windsor Road Bridge, 456
- Theisen, Baden - Baden, Evaporative Surface Condenser, 146, 147
- Theta-Phi Diagram, 436, 687, 688, 753, 754
- Thomson, Limited, Clydebank. See Clydebank Works
- Thomson, Limited, Clydebank, Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 630, 631
- Thomson, Messrs. J. and G., Clydebank, New Engines of H.M.S. " Sultan," 451
- Thornycroft, Hydraulic Lifeboat, 449
- Thornycroft, Launch and Boiler with Water-
- Tube Firebars, 269
- Thornycroft, Water•Tube Boiler, 465
- Torpedo - Boat Destroyer " Lightning " after Collision, 699
- Torpedo - Boat Destroyer " Sokol," Russian (Yarrow), 537
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Thomson, Clydebank), 630, 631
- Traction, Electric. See Electric Traction
- Traction Engine, Compound (Marshall, Gainsborough), 731
- Train on Nantasket Beach Electric Tramway, 536
- Train Speeds Diagram, 152
- Tramway, Bristol Electric Street, 356, 357
- Tramway, Hoerde Conduit System, 263
- Tramways. See Electric Traction
- Transformers, Electric, 531, 591, 606, 656, 657, 719, 722, 760, 761, 790, 791
- Transmission of Power by Electricity, 631, 532, 533, 591, 606, 656, 719, 722, 760, 790, 791
- Transporter, Temperley Mineral, 602
- Triple-Cylinder Dock Wall Construction, 294, 295, 381, 473, 484
- Trolleys for Electric Tramways, 103
- Trotter and Preece's Portable Photometer, 369
- Troughing, Knight's Bridge, 160
- Tubular Construct ion, Pease's, 780
- Tube Firebars in Water-Tube Boilers (Thornycroft), 269
- Tube Frame Wagon (Lancaster Company, Lancaster), 112
- Tube, Lewis's Corrugated Boiler, 614
- Tube of Niclausse Boiler, 749. See 91
- Tube Scraper, Boiler (Laurence and Brunell), 730
- Tug, Composite Screw Steam, " Sir Frederic" (Cox, Falmouth), 324, 326, 327
- Tunnel Installation for Electric Locomotives, 756, 794
- Tunnel, Simplon, 693, 694, 695, 757
- Tunnel Ventilation, 757
- Tunnelling, Pneumatic, 35
- Turbine Dynamos. See Hydro-Electric Installations
- Turbine Installation at Gokak, India (Escher, Wyss and Co.), 569
- Turbine Motor and Dam, 355
- Turning Gear for Swing Bridges, Hydraulic, North Sea Canal, 234
- Turret-Deck Steamer " Forest Abbey " (Dox ford, Sunderland), 417
- Turrets, Canet's Electrically Worked, 690, 691
- United States Cruiser " Minneapolis " (Cramp, Philadelphia), 600, 728
- United States Dredger " General C. B. Comstock" (Bucyrus Steam Shovel and Dredge Company, Milwaukee), 797, 802
- Valve, Corliss, Boring Machine (Shanks; John-stone), 795
- Valve Gear, Corliss, Triple-Expansion Engines (Fraser and Chalmers, Chicago), 281, 341
- Valve for Sewage Works, Glasgow, 259, 260
- Valves, &c., for Hydraulic Power Supply, 361. See 403
- Valves, Safety, for Domestic Boilers, Barnaby's, 811
- Van Beers Mine Engines (Fraser and Chalmers, Chicago), 281, 341
- Variable Speed Friction Gear (Watkins and Watson, London), 647
- Ventilation of Simplon Tunnel, 757
- Vering, C. and H., Hanover, Dredger with Flush Discharging Barge, 101
- Vering Dredgers at North Sea Canal, 101, 101, 105, 137, 139, 140, 150
- Vickers, Sheffield, Welin Breechloading Mechanism, 328, 329
- Victoria Bridge, London and South-Western Railway, 332
- Villa Mantle for Protecting River Banks, 811
- Wagon Tube Frame (Lancaster Company), 112
- Walker Company, Cleveland, Belted and Direct- Coupled Generators, 237
- Wallsend Company, Newcastle, Machinery of Light Draught Steamer, 729
- Walton Bridge, New, 184 ; Old, 188
- Ward and Haggas, Keighley, Disc Cutting Machine, 264
- Ward and Haggas, Keighley, Milling Machine for Test Pieces, 730
- Warrenby Iron Works, Boiler Explosion, 51,145
- Water Discharge Recorder (Glenfield Company), 508
- Water Meter, Parkinson, 403
- Water Meter, Schonheyder (Beck, London), 420
- Water Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible Coupling for, 463
- Water Power, 531, 532, 633, 591,606, 656, 719, 722, 760, 761, 790, 791
- Water Power Installation at Gokak, India (Escher, Wyss, and Co.), 569
- Water Power Plant, Portland, Oregon, 726, 727
- Water Supply, Available Sources, London, 486, 515
- Water-Tube Boiler, 708
- Water-Tube Boiler Copper Tubes, 674
- Water-Tube Boiler, Du Temple and Normand, 57
- Water-Tube Boiler Fittings, D'Allest, 617
- Water-Tube Boiler, Haythorn (Meehan, Glasgow), 680
- Water-Tube Boiler, Niclausse, 91, 749
- Water-Tube Boiler, Normand and Sigaudy's, 57, 641, 630
- Water-Tube Boiler, Thornycroft, 465
- Water Tube Boilers, 708, 774, 807
- Water-Tube Boilers for Central Electric Stations, 447, 448, 598
- Water-Tube Boilers in the Navy, 430
- Watkins and Watson, London, Variable Speed Friction Gear, 647
- Weir Discharge Recorder (Glenfield Company), 508
- Welding, Deflected Arc System of Electric, 664
- Welin Breechloading Mechanism (Vickers), 328, 329
- Westinghouse Electric Company, Pittsburg, Multipolar Railway Electric Generators, 236
- Westinghouse Quick-Acting Brake, 421
- Whitworth and Co., Coast Defensive Artillery, Norway and Sweden, 302, 306. See 329
- Wilhelm Canal, Kaiser. See lv orth &a Canal
- Wind Pressure Experiments, 787, 788
- Windlass and Capstan Gear, H.M.S. " Terrible " (Napier Brothers, Glasgow), 240, 241
- Windlasses and Capstans on S.S. " St. Louis" (Bath Iron Works), 212, 213
- Windsor Bridge, Great Western Railway, 456, 460
- Windsor Road Bridge, 456
- Working under Compressed Air, 35
- Worsdell and Von Borries' System, Compound Locomotive, North-Eastern Railway, 25
- Yarrow, Russian Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Sokol," 537
See Also
Sources of Information