Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Company V

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

VACTITE WIRE CO. (1919), Ltd., Manufacturers of Electric Lamp Accessories and Resistance Wires, 12, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I. T. A.: "Vactitic, London." T. N.: Victoria 4052 /4053. Established 1919. Capital £15,000. Directors: A. C. Hyde (Managing), K. R. Swan, P. Swan, L. J. Yeoman. Specialities.— Vactite wire, platinum sheathed wire (substitutes for platinum), molybdenum wire and hooks, nickel and nickel alloy wires for electric lamp supports, brass and iron wires (half-watt lamps), etc.

VACUUM BRAKE CO., Ltd., 3-7, Old Queen Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Solution Vic." 2'. N.: Victoria 3269. Manager: Geo. Mitchell, M.I.Mech.E.

VALITE, Ltd., Acetylene Engineers and Carbide Merchants, 16A, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2. T. A.: "Duvarbide, Westrand, London." T. N. Gerrard 6643. Established 1910. Capital £2,000. Principal V. Duval. Manufactures.—Mining lamps, domestic lamps, oxy-acetylene plants.

VAN MOPPES, L. M. & Sons, Diamond Tool Manufacturers and Industrial Diamond Merchants, Kimberley House, 14-17, Holborn Viaduct, London E.C.1. T. A.:" Monoclinic, Cent, London." T. N. City 5210. Manufactures.—Diamond tools for dressing abrasive wheels, diamond turning and boring tools, diamond sockets for circular saws, rough diamonds and carbons unmounted or mounted into tools for all industrial, mechanical and scientific purposes, diamonds shaped and mounted into tools to any design.

VAN RADEN & Co., Ltd., Electrical Engineers, Great Heath, Coventry. T. A.: "Ignition, Coventry." T N.: Coventry 277. Directors: R. Rankin, B.Sc., M.I.E.E., and J. A. Blackwood. Manufactures.—Accumulators for ignition, starting and lighting on motor vehicles, for train and house lighting, and electric hand lamps.

VANDERVELL, C. A. & Co., Ltd., Electrical Engineers, Warple Way, Acton Vale, London, W.3. T. A.: "Vanteria, Phone, London." T. N.: Chiswick 2000 (10 lines). Established 1899. Capital £350,000, Debentures £300,000. Directors: C. A. Vandervell, A. Goodwin, C. C. Hatry, H. Pelham Clinton, H. Walker, C. F. Spencer and P. Haig Thomas. Secretary: Mowbray Atkinson. Employees 2,000. Manufactures.—Dynamos, starters, batteries, magnetos, lamps and electrical accessories for motor cars and motor cycles.

VARIABLE SPEED GEAR, Ltd., Hydraulic Transmission Engineers, Broadway Court, Westminster, London, S.W.1. T. A.: " Varispeed Vic " (Inland), " Varispeed " (Foreign). T. N. Victoria 4361. Directors: Sir Vincent Calliard (Chairman) Sir Trevor Dawson, Bart., V. C. Vickers, Arthur Wilson. Chief Engineer: M. K. Ingoldby. Manufactures.—Hydraulic variable delivery pumps, hydraulic variable speed gears, all classes of variable speed drives.

VARLEY, J. & Co., Waterloo Foundry, Atlas Street, St. Helens. Established 1903. Capital £15,000. Directors: J. K. Quirk, T. Irwin Roberts and G. P. Varley (Managing).

VAUGHAN, A. & Co., Brass-founders, Stewart street, Wolverhampton. T. N.: Wolverhampton 1013. Established 1882. Proprietor: W. A. Vaughan. Manufactures.—Brass and iron cocks.

VAUGHAN BROS., Drop Stampers, Summerford, Willenhall, Staffs. T. A.: " Vaughan Bros."

VAUGHAN CRANE CO., Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester. T. A.: " Vaunting, Manchester." T. N.: 256 Openshaw. Established 1899. Capital £150,000. Employees: 500. Directors: Wm. Hy. Vaughan (Managing), John Markham (also Secretary) Thomas Foster and Frank Wood (also Works Superintendent). Products.—Electric and hand overhead travelling cranes, lifting blocks, runways and wall jib cranes.

VAUGHAN, Edgar & Co., Ltd., Oil Specialists. Registered Offices: Legge Street, Birmingham. T. A.: " Compete, Birmingham." T. N.: Central 6557 & 6558. Established 1899. Capital £25,000. Employees: 40. Founder & Mang. Director: T. E. Vaughan. Director & General Manager: G. J. Edwards. Products.—Oils and Greases for all industries; carburizing compounds for case hardening; Vim leather belt and Vim mechanical leathers.

VAUGHAN, E. (Stampings), Ltd., Falcon Works, Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton.

VAUGHTON & WILLIAMS, Stampers and Piercers, 180, Hockley Street, Birmingham.

VAUXHALL MOTORS, Ltd., Vauxhall Works, Luton, Beds. T. A.: "Carvaux, Luton." T. N. Luton 466. Established 1907 as Private Co. Incorporated 1914 as Public Co. Capital £600,000. Directors: L. Walton (Chairman), Percy C. Kidner M.I.A.E., A. F. Petch. Manufacture.—Private motor cars.

VENNER TIME SWITCHES, Ltd., 45, Horseferry Road, London, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 4550.

VERITYS, Ltd., Victoria Works, Aston, Birmingham. T. A.: "Verity, Birmingham." T. N. East 805. Established 1896. Capital £210,000. Directors: George Verity, J.P. (Chairman), Col. J. F. Lister, C.M.G., R.E., B. C. Evans, T. I'ons. Manufactures.—Electrical machinery, accessories and fittings.

VICKERS, Ltd., Engineers, Steelmakers and Shipbuilders, Vickers House, Broadway, Westminster, London, T. A.: " Vickers, Vic London." T. N.: Victoria 6900. Established and Incorporated 1867. Capital £26,500,000. Directors: Douglas Vickers, M.P. (Chairman), Commander Sir Trevor Dawson, Bt., R.N. (Vice-Chairman and Managing), Sir Francis Barker, Lord Invernairn Sir George Buckham, Sir Vincent Caillard, J.P., W. Clark, F. Dudley Docker, C.B., J.P., Edward Hickman, J.P., Sir Ernest V. Hiley, K.B.E., Sir James McKechnie, K.B.E., H. J. Morriss, Lt.-Col. W. C. Symon, C.M.G., Vincent C. Vickers and Henry Walker, J.P. Employees: 34,700. Manufactures.—Ships, boilers, aeroplanes and airships, alloy steels, armaments, cement-making machinery, gas and Diesel engines, railway tyres and axles and machine tools.

VICKERS, B. R. (LEEDS) ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., The, Marine and General Engineers 17, Tooks Court, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Hydromotor, Fleet, London." T. N.: Museum 4455. Incorporated in 1916. Capital £5,000. Directors A. J. Lebeda, M.I.Mar.E., W. Farrar Vickers and J. A. Kershaw. Contractors to the Admiralty; War Office; Crown Agents for the Colonies. Specialities.—Patent stern tube appliances, " Octopus " mechanical lubricators, grease compressors motor-boat tail-shafts and stern tubes.

VICKERS-PETTERS, LIMITED, Oil Engine Manufacturers, 75s, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Escapable, Cent, London." T. N.: City 9800. Established 1919. Capital £500,000. Directors: Sir James McKechnie, Sir Francis Barker, Sir Trevor Dawson, J. Barr, E. W. Petter, P. W. Petter and R. A. Bruce. Manufactures.—Small oil engines, Semi-Diesel engines, Semi-Diesel marine crude oil engines.

VICTORIA BRASS FOUNDRY CO., Ltd. Bonnington Road, Leith, Edinburgh. T. A. " Shells, Edinburgh." T.N.: Leith 328. Established 100 years. Employees: 150. Manufactures.—Heavy marine and paper mill lines and shells.

VICTORIA DROP FORGINGS CO., Ltd. Manor Works, Wednesfield Road, Willenhall, Staffs. T. A.: "Victoria, Willenhall." T. N.: Willenhall 141. Established 1902. Directors: Edwin Mills. (Managing) and N. Ravenscroft. Manufactures.—Small and medium drop forgings requiring exceptional accuracy.

VICTORY PIPE JOINT CO., Ltd., 28, Victoria Street, London, S. W.1. T. A.: " Victaulic Sowest, London." T. N.: Victoria 6888. Established 1920. Capital: Nominal £100,000, Subscribed £78,000. Directors: Lord Brabourne.(Chairman), Dr. H. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S., E. Tribe, A. C. Kerr, G. H. Thurston. Products.—Patent Victaulic leak-proof joints and gland rings for all purposes.

VINOT CARS, Ltd., Sole Concessionaires and Engineers, 147/9, Great Portland Street, London W.I. T. A.: "Vinot Wesdo, London." T. N. Langham 1217. Established 1904. Capital £30,000. Directors: Henry Ramoisy, Gordon Mamar, C. Harman Wigan. Products.— Sole Concessionaires for Vinot and Gladiator cars for all British Possessions.

VISLOK, Ltd., 1, St. Bride's House, Salisbury Square, E.C.4. T. A.: " Vysseloque, Fleet, Lon1" don." T. N.: Central 8157. Established 1914. Directors: Walter Haddon (Managing). Manufactures.—Vislok triple lock nut.

VITTY & CO. (amalgamated with J. Truman & Co., Ltd.), Makers of Screwing Tackle, Smithfield Passage, Birmingham. T. N.:M 2062. Established 1854. Employees: 100. Mang. Director: M. J. Holdsworth. Manufactures.—Every description of taps, dies and stocks for the Engineering, motor, tube and electric trades.

VIVIAN & SONS, Ltd., Metal Manufacturers and Refiners, North Dock, Swansea. T. A.: " Viviano, Swansea." T. N.: Central 1221. Established 1810. Directors: Col. Sir Arthur Pendarves Vivian K.C.B. (Chairman), Chas. H. Eden (Managing), John E. Budd, Lt.-Col. R. Vivian and Claud Heneage. Manufactures.—Spelter, lead, copper and chemicals.

VIVIAN, H. H. & Co., Ltd., Icknield Port Road, Birmingham. T. A.: " Vivians, Birmingham." T. N.: Edgbaston 455. Established 1859. Capital £70,000. Employees: about 200. Directors: C. Y. R. Bedford (Chairman and Managing), W. Graham Lloyd, Frank Graham, The Hon. O. R. Vivian and W. W. Wood. Sec.: J. E. Ryder. Manufactures.—Brass and copper tubes, rolled wire, etc.

VLASTO, CLARK & WATSON, Controller Manufacturers, Stockton Heath, Warrington. T. A.." Starters, Stockton Heath." T. N.: 17 Stockton Heath. Established 1907. Principals: J. Vlasto, T. Clark, W. Watson. Products.—D.C. and A.C. controllers, drum type starters and regulators, mining controllers and starters.

VOUCHER, Ltd., Gauge Makers, Auto Tool Works, Bridge Street, Walsall.

VULCAN FOUNDRY, Ltd., Newton-le-Willows. T. A.: "Vulcan, Newton-le-Willows." T. N. Newton-le-Willows 4. Established 1830. Capital £1,000,000. Directors: B. I. Greenwood (Chairman) Sir W. Collingwood, K.B.E. (Managing), Sir J. Duncan Elliot, K.B.E., Sir E. Grant Burls and C. W. Parish (Gen. Man. ), R. P. Richards, C.B.E. Sec. D. R. Finnis. Manufactures.—Locomotives.

VULCAN MOTOR & ENGINEERING CO. (1906), Ltd., Motor-car Builders. Crossens, Southport. T. A.: "Vulcan, Southport." T. N.: Southport 1348. Established 1906. Capital £620,000. Employees: 1200. Directors: C. B. Wardman (Chairman and Managing), A. S. Fitch, J. E. Hindle, F. S. Marsh, B. Walker, W. E. Walker and T. Rimmer. Sec.: T. Gledhill.

See Also


Sources of Information