Institution of Naval Architects

At the end of 1859 John Scott Russell called a meeting which led to the formation of the Institute of Naval Architects; at the first meeting in January 1860 Edward James Reed was appointed secretary and editor of the Transactions.
See also:
By 1872 The name of the institute was the Institution of Naval Architects
1893 The summer meeting of the Institution of Naval Architects was held at Cardiff[1]. Members of the local Reception committee were : Mr. Heywood, Mr. Lewellen Wood, Count Lucovich, Mr. John Cory, Mr. J. B. Ferrier, Mr. W. Riley, Captain Pomeroy, Mr. Hancock, jun., Mr. Martin, and Mr. Lewis.[2]
1910 The Royal Institution of Naval Architects was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1910 and 1960.
The first meeting was attended by [3]:
- The Rev Joseph Woolley, M.A., LL.D., F.R.A.S., late Principal of the School of Mathematics and Naval Construction, Portsmouth.
- John Scott Russell, Esq., F.R.S., Shipbuilder and Engineer, Millwall; and Vice-President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
- John Penn, Esq., Engineer, Greenwich, President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
- Henry Chatfield, Esq., late Master Shipwright of the Royal Victoria Dockyard, Deptford; and late member of the School of Naval Architecture, Portsmouth.
- John Grantham, Esq., Consulting Naval Architect, London.
- Oliver Lang, Master Shipwright of H.M. Dockyard, Chatham.
- James Martin, Esq., Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Office, London.
- Alexander Moore, Esq., Assistant Master Shipwright, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham.
- J. Horatio Ritchie, Esq., Surveyor to Lloyd's Register Office, London.
- W. Braham Robinson, Esq., Assistant Master Shipwright, H.M. Dockyard, Sheerness.
- Philip Thornton, Esq., Assistant Master Shipwright, H.M. Dockyard, Woolwich.
- George Turner, Esq., Master Shipwright of H.M. Dockyard, Woolwich.
- John White, Esq., Shipbuilder, West Cowes, Isle of Wight.
- John Macgregor, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, The Temple, London.
- Nathaniel Barnaby, Esq., of the Department of the Controller of the Navy, Admiralty, Whitehall; late Member of the School of Mathematics and Naval Construction, Portsmouth.
- F. Kynaston Barnes, Esq., of the Department of the Controller of the Navy, Admiralty, Whitehall; late Member of the School of Mathematics and Naval Construction, Portsmouth.
- J. B. Chessell Crossland, Esq., of the Department of the Controller of the Navy, Admiralty, Whitehall; late Member of the School of Mathematics and Naval Construction, Portsmouth.
- E. J. Reed, Esq., late Member of the School of Mathematics and Naval Construction, Portsmouth.
Later Members included:
- Lord Durham - President 1919/20
- The Duke of Northumberland 1920
- Lord Ravensworth - President 1883, 1886
- Lord Hampton.
- John Pakington - President 1877.
- Sir George Biddell Airy
- William Fairbairn.
- Henry George Gorden Lennox
- M. Charles Antoine
- C. P. Bailey
- J. Black
- G. J. Cole
- George Duncan
- Thomas Edwards
- Alfred Elgar
- E. J. Reed
- John C. Kafer
- John Littlejohn
- J. M. Rice
- B. F. Shill
- John Smith
- Philip Syvret
- John Scott Russell
- Nathaniel Barnaby
1927 Alan Ian Percy (8th Duke of Northumberland) - Elected president in 1927. Vice presidents elected were: Sir Henry Oram, Sir Charles Algernon Parsons, Sir Alexander Gracie,, Mr James Foster King, Sir Thomas Bell, Sir George G. Goodwin, Mr Andrew Laing, Sir Eustace T. D'Eyncourt, Mr W. H. Whiting, Mr Albert Edward Seaton, Sir Westcott G. Abell, Mr W. J. Luke, Lord Weir, Sir W. J. Berry, Mr James Brown and Mr Summers Hunter.[4]