1905 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1905 Jan-Jun Index - Volume 14
- AA 66 (letter). 720
- A. A. (query). 726
- AA 39<(reply). 846 t
- Abbott. C. E. (letter . 842
- A. B. C. (letter). 658
- A.C. and Affiliated Clubs. 815. 816
- Accessibility. Trials for. 499
- Accessories at Olympia Show. 331
- Accident—Cab and Motor Car Collision. 406
- — Fatal, at Daytona Beach Races, 216
- — Markyate. 584. 587. 629
- — to Baby II., 780
- — — Horse-drawn Fire Engine. 785, 817
- — — Motor Car at Clovelly, 730
- — — the King’s Cars. 132
- Accidents. Covered Van. in London, 375
- — Fatal, in Daily Papers. 852
- — Horse. 54. 567. 605. 710
- — — and Motor, 792
- — — — Tramway, 605
- — in France, 687
- — Metropolitan Motor Car. 499
- — Motor Car, 548. 641, 657, 665, 816
- — in Daily Papers, 459, 477, 641, 647, 725. 756, 844
- — Motoring, Cause of. 516, 535, 616, 629, 647
- — Motor. The Club and. 657
- Accumulator Charging, Boron Battery for, 758, 787
- — By H. M. Wyatt. 3
- — Query, 820
- — Spare. The Use of. 5*17
- — Test. Pres ted. 33
- Accumulators. Charging. R. S. McLaren’s Method. 358
- — Dinin, 478.
- A.C. Discussion : Non-slipping Devices for Motor Cars. 408
- Acetylene Burners. Cleaning, 37, 487
- — with Alcohol for Motor Cars, 125
- A.C.G.B.I. Protest : Gordon-Bennett Race, 61. 71, 131
- Acid Spilt from Batteries, Neutralising, 37
- A. C. K. (query), 60 8
- A.C. Paper : Motors and London Traffic. 179
- — — Notes on Paris Salon (1904). 137
- — — Steel as Applied to Motor Construction, 274
- AD 6 (letter), 782
- A.D. Sparking Plug. 375
- Advertisement v. Sport, 2. 126, 172, 204
- Advice on Selection of Cars, 538, 547, 569
- A. E. B. (reply). 628
- A. F. K. (letter), 58
- A. F. (letter), 811
- Aged Couple of Automobilists (illustration). 384
- Agricultural Hall Show. 418, 428. 464, 467
- — Analysis of, 464
- — Description of Exhibits, 428, 467
- — Motors. French Government and, 132
- A. H. (reply), 136
- Air Inlet. Silencing. 450. 481. 546
- — Valve. Extra, 60*. 628. 663, 758
- A. J. M. (letter). 302. 370
- A. J. W. (query), 31 w AL 36. 843
- Albion Car. 16 h.p.. Description of, 518, 552
- — — in Straits Settlements (illustration). 224
- — Cars, 96
- Alcohol as Fuel for Motor Cars, 35. 41. 212, 273. 279. 313. 3*1. 401. 416. 439. 474, 565, 569, 641
- — for Marine Motors. 278
- — Uses of, 407
- A 3507 (letter), 37<»
- A 2364 (letter). 439
- Algeria Motor ('ar Competition. 87
- Algiers, H.M. the King on 15 h.p. Darracq in. 634
- Allay the Agitation. To. 781. 814, 841
- Alldays Car. 8 h.p. illustration), 122
- Allen Steering Lock Device. 339. 347, 403
- Allfrey. Arthur M. reply). 411
- Alpha Four-cylinder Petrol Engine, Description of. 624
- Alphonso XIII. as a Motorist. By Manuel Asenjo. 766
- Alpine Engines, 45«» Amateur Drivers. 4*5
- Amateur’s Impressions of the Show, 401. 507
- — Workshop, 820. *46
- Ambulance Van. Electromobile, 269
- America. British Depot in, 127
- — Speed Records in. 96
- American Blackmailing. 575
- — Opinion—Motor Cars, 142
- Analysis of Agricultural Hall Show, 464
- Analytical Statistics : Olympia Show, 287
- Andover Bench, .*e verities of. 749. 815
- Anglo-Indian Lads Driver (illustration),
- An Old Motorist (query), 820
- — — Soldier (query), 846
- Another Lover of Fair Play letter), 815
- — Mere Trader (letter), 172
- Anti-freezing Mixtures, 3, 136
- Anti-motor Movement, 323, 343. 369. 378. 383. 397. 441. 462, 473. 538, 568. 606
- Anti-skid (letter). 842
- Anti-skids, 85, 125, 146, 170
- Anti-yellow (letter*. 629
- AP 183 (letter), 815
- AP 389 (query). 306
- AP 59 (reply). 628
- Appeal to Drivers of Big Cars, 555, 629
- Appeals against Convictions, 27, 534
- — to Quarter Sessions, 489
- Arbitration for Disputes, 670. 721. 749, 843
- Arbuthnot. R. K. : Cost of Buying and Running 12 h.p. Car, 118
- Argyll Carburetter. Description of, 356
- — Cars. 98
- — (letter), 21
- Argyll Motors. Ltd.. 482, 491
- — (reply), 608
- — (reply), 846
- Aries Co.. Patent Aries Back Axle, 514
- Ariel Car. 20 h.p. : End to End Run, 94
- — Cars 96
- — 18 h.p. Car (illustration), 27
- Arnott. Ernest H. (letters), 722. 841
- A. R. (reply), 30
- Arrol-Johnston Car, Six-seated, 46
- Arthur, E. (query). 379
- A. S. (reply). 348
- Assistance, Thanks for. 660
- Aunt’s Tour. My, 43 .
- Australia. Crossley Cars for. 375
- — Reliability Contest. Report of. 522
- Australian Reliability Trials 405, 499. 516. 522. 533. 635
- Autocars of 1905. 143. 148. 360, 538
- Autocar Policy. The, 1
- Auto-grindene. J. D. Bishop’s, 95
- Auto (letter). 202
- Automatic Air Valves, 481. 512
- — Attachment : De Dion Carburetter, 450, 481, 546
- Automobile Club Committee. 389
- — — Reliability Trials. 66, 69. 81, 93, 126. 135. 177. 216. 223, 288 Smoking Concert, 219
- — Tourist Trophy, 349, 451. 453, 482, 485. 507. 536. 555, 602, 617, 695, 702
- — and Cycle Engineers’ Institute : Paper :
- — Testing of Petrol Engines. 344, 377. 413
- — Carburetters, 580, 609, 638
- — Mutual Protection Association. 180
- Auvergne Course. 19 95, 501. 515, 574, 591. 633. 803. 804, 838
- — — Description and Plan of. 804
- Baby II., Accident to, 780
- Back-tiring, 758. 820
- Back Seats. Coldness of, 615
- Baedeker. Motoring. 92
- Baguley. W. (query), 546
- Baily. Fred. W. (letter), 537
- Balance Weight, Reason Wanted for, 213. 347
- Balancing of Petrol Engines. 461, 546
- Ball Bearing Crankshaft, P. W. Noble’s. 759
- — Bearings for Motor Cars. 91. 660, 783
- — or Roller v. Plain Bearings. 841
- Bandersnatch (letter), 568
- Barber. T. W. (letter), 811
- Barrett, W. H., Patent Disc Brake, 514
- Barrow (query), 34 7
- Bath. H. J. (letter). 401
- — Solid r. Pneumatic Tvres, by, 206
- Batoum. Stocks of Petroleum Products at. 665
- Batteries, Acid Spilt from. Neutralising, 37
- — Recuperating, 551
- Bayard. 120 h.p. (illustration'. 544
- Bayldon. Owen H. (letter), 536
- Baynes. Leonard (reply), 577
- B 254. Chorley. >reply), 30
- Bearing. Metal Alloys. 363
- — Repair, 703
- Bearings. Ball, for Motor Cars. 91. 660. 783
- — Ball or Roller, c. Plain. 841
- — Roller, in Motor Cars. 458
- Beaufort Brougham, 16 h.p. (illustration 725
- — 30 h.p. Car, Trial of. 819
- Beaumont, W. Worby (letter'. 504
- Beauvivier. M. de (reply), 348
- Beeston-Humber Cars, 16-20 and 8-10 h.p.,
- Description of. 192
- — Car, New. 758
- Begg, W. Bell (reply), 136
- Beginners. Hints for, 419
- Belgian Salon of Automobiles, 63, 120
- Belsize Car, is h.p.. Three-cylinder. Description of. 129
- — Motor Car and Engineering Co.. Ltd.
- — (letter), 337
- Benzol. 371
- — Price of. 337 Benz-Parsifal Experiences, 577
- Bennett. F. Edgar (letter), 538
- Beppo 'letters). 90. 337
- BE 239 (query). 663
- Beresford. A. W. (query), 546
- Berkshire A.C.. 480, 850
- Berlin Police Authorities Speed Indicator, 509
- — Show : Military Despatch Car, 340
- Berliet Car. 22 h.p. (illustration), 93
- Bethell. J. H. (reply), 546
- Bethell, T. H. (reply’, 48
- Bettoruss Non-skid Device, 776
- Bexhill Speed Trials. 802. 824
- Big and Little Cars on the Road, 555. 629
- Bill. Motor Car. J. Scott Montagu's, 665
- — Universal Lights. 669, 720
- Binks Carburetter, Description of, 511, 649
- Birmingham (letter), 338
- — Motor Show. 96. 135, 175
- Bishop, J. D., Auto-grin dene. 95
- Blackheath A.C., 376, 612, 636, 762
- — Police at. 133
- Blackpool and Fylde District M.C., 667
- Bleriot, Ward and, Patent—Bracket, for Lamps. 412
- — — — Patent New Bleriot Lamp, 412
- Boat. Motor. New Type of. 492
- — Trip, Trans-Atlantic. 730
- — Race, Motor, Mediterranean, 53. 426, 626, 651. 686
- — — — The Channel, 718
- — Service. Motor, on River Nigel, 209
- Boats. British, in Bad Weather. 811
- — Motor, at Juvisy. 809
- — — for the Navy. 482
- — — Prices of, 839
- — — Measurement for Races. 786
- — Torpedo . Lessons from Japan. 821
- Boating. Motor. 622
- Bolsover Bros, (reply). 178
- Bombay. Motor Car Exhibition in. 155, 200
- Boothroyd. A. (reply). 512. 820
- Boron Battery for Accumulator Charging, 758, 787
- Boulton. James Watt (letter), 506
- Bourne. W. H. (letter), 372
- Bovey. J. and R. (letter), 336
- Bowden, H. (reply), 411
- Bowdon. R. T. (reply), 663
- Bowiey Motor Oil. 573
- B 205 (query), 30
- Bradford A.C.. 762
- Brakes and Details : Overhauling, 385
- — Live Axles and. 30, 556
- — and Skidding, 213
- Brakework. Noise Caused by, 551
- Brentford, An Everyday Occurrence at (illustration), 70
- B 1129 (reply), 577
- Brewer, Robert W. A. (letter), 659
- Brighton Beach Track, New York, Racing at. 714
- — Ladies' A.C., 376
- — Road. Motor Car Traffic on, 538
- — Speed Trials. 95 Brisbane, H. (query), 758
- Britannia Motor Garage, 261
- British Autocraft. Success of, 516
- British Automobile Commercial Syndicate v. Automobile Components, 216
- — — Industry, 55
- — Cars and Drivers ; G.B. Eliminating Trial, 709
- — Car Experience, 303. 402
- — Depot in America, 127
- — Empire Motor Trades Alliance, 191, 264, 389, 415
- — Motor Boat Club. 570. 611, 637. 667, 818. 851
- — Steel for Motor Cars, 92. 173. 301. 318, 350. 403. 439
- — Success. Daytona Beach? U.S.A., 283
- — Team for Gordon-Bennett Race (illustration), 772
- — Trials. Foreign Cars in, 105
- Brooke I.. 300 h.p. Petrol Boat. 451
- — Racing Boat (illustration), 757
- Brotherhood Car. P. Richardson on illustration). 724
- Brotherhood-Crocker Car. 20 h.p.. Description of, 156. 195, 280
- Brother Motorist (letter), 720
- Brown, Daniel (letter), 569
- — David (letter), 631
- — Bros. Petrol Can, 94
- — E. (letter), 569
- — Harold II. (replies), 49, 348
- Brushes. Preparing, for Cleaning Cars. 793
- Brussels Fourth Automobile Exhibition,
- B. Sc. (letter), 336
- BS 6 (letter), 370
- Buchanan Trophy (illustration). 573
- Buda-Vest Exhibition. Wolseley Boat at. 776
- — Motor Exhibition at. 508
- Budd. E. (letter), 535
- Buffer. Pneumatic. Motor Car. 730. 753
- — — Simms Patent. Description of. 753
- Bullock Igniter. 4 78
- Burghard. Frederic F. (letter), 660
- Burn. F. H. (reply). 213
- Burning Iniquity : Edgar Scamell Fined. 729
- Burnley and District A.C., 510. 667
- Burst Covers. Hints on. 765
- Burton. W. P. (reply I. 178
- Butler. H. (query). 546
- Byrd. H. Linley (letter). 811
- Cabdrivers, London, and Motor Cars. 147
- Cairns. T. Munro (letters), 57. 4 73. 721, 843
- Caledonian (query), 787
- California. Motoring in, 172
- Callous Horse Drivers, 698
- Cama (letter), 266
- Camelot (letters), 658. 813
- Camera. Time Recording, Gibbs and Dumbed*. 778. 815
- Campbell. Alexander (query). 546
- Cannes Automobile Week. 34 1, 350
- Cantab. M. B. (query). 379
- Cape Colony, Governmental Motor Tour in. 451
- — — White Steamer in, 304
- — Hood on Napier Car (illustration). 723
- — Town. Motoring in. 512. 577, 726, 758
- Capel. Randolph (reply), 380
- Capitalisation and Over-capitalisation. 482
- Captain (query), 48
- Carburetter. Binks, Description of, 511.649
- — Argyll. Description of, 356
- — Changing, on 1903 Darracq. 213
- — F. H. Smith’s. 327
- — Napier. Description of. 798
- — Petrol-paraffin, Claudel, 88
- — Popping in. 48. 49
- — Pressure-fed. 546
- — (query), 512
- — Sthenos. Description of, 511
- — Xenia. 512, 546
- Carburetters, 134, 722
- — Choked. 703
- — Fitting New Jets to, 225
- — Flooding. 643. 765
- — Paper by E. W. Walford. 102
- — — — Mervyn O’Gorman. 580. 609, 638
- Cardiff M.C.. 762
- Carefulness Construed into Recklessness. 489. 607
- Carlaw. D. (query), 347
- Carnival. Automobile, at Worthing. 604
- Car Owner (letter), 128
- Carriage Work, Frames and Wheels at Olympia Show, 298
- Carter, H. J. (query), 628
- Cartoon : T. W. Staplee-Firth. 521
- Cassell Non-skid Gaiter. 365
- Castings Wanted, 758
- Castle High-tension Magneto Machine and Description of, 590
- — Sparking Plug, 28
- Casual Comments, by A. J. Wilson. 84. 260. 328, 357. 438, 525, 622. 839
- Causes of Failure in Cars, 23
- Cayley, Arthur (reply), 663
- C. C. (reply). 348
- C. D. L. (query). 411
- C. E. S. (query). 481
- Ceylon. Automobile Club of, 29
- — (illustration), 756
- C. F. W. (query), 380
- C.G.V. Racer (illustrations), 687
- Chain. Broken, 37
- — or Gear. 213
- Chains for Driving Magneto and Contact Makers, 793
- Chambers, T. G., Paper by, 446
- Change Speed Device, E. M. Thomas’s. 375
- — Gear, 98
- — Connections, 517
- — How it Works, 4
- Channel Motor Boat Race, 597, 718
- Charge. Reckless Driving. Dismissed. 28
- Charging. Accumulator, by H. M. Wyatt. 3
- — Accumulators, R. S. McLaren’s Method, 358
- — from a Dynamo, 535, 608
- C, H. D. (query), 4 8
- Cheap Transit (letter), 89
- Chenard-Walcker Cars, 48, 98, 178
- — 15 h.p Car. Description of, 72
- Car-. Run on the. 54
- < he-hirc Road.-,. Dust Preventive on, 730.
- si 7
- f hiJdren and Motor Cars, 64 7, 664, 756
- < hooding a Motor Car. Practical Hints on. 181, 258, 284, 354. 481
- t ir< 'dating Purnp. Patrick, 577
- CJ 13 (letter). 538
- C. K M.jn piy),*J3C
- Clacton-on-Sea Motor Car Track. 209
- Clark. Alex, (letter). 89
- — A.. Paper by, 25
- by. 344. 377. 389. 413
- Clarke. Bruce (reply). 663
- Clerk. Dugald, Testing of Petrol Engines, Classes in Competitions and Races, 531. 54 9
- Classification for Speed Trials. 659, 693. 722. 751. 791
- Claudel Petrol-paraffin Carburetter. 88
- Cleaning Car Bodies. 551
- — Cars. Hints on. 37
- — — Preparing Brushes for. 793
- Cleave. Arthur (letter). 128
- Clement. A.. Patent ('lenient Carburetter. 484
- Clement-Talbot Cars. Descript ion of. 386. 4 24
- — — 8 and 12 h.p.. Description of. 4 88
- — 12-16 h.p. Car (illustration). 106
- Climax Cars. 574. 698
- — Car. 14 h.p.. Description of. 827
- Clothing at Olympia Show. 333
- Club, Automobile, and Coming Election. 613
- — Doings. 29. 140, 1 76. 219. 307. 346. 376. 480. 510. 545. 570. 611. 636. 667. 699. 727, 761. 788. 8 18, 850
- — Fixtures, 667. 699, 728. 762. 790. 819, 850
- — for Steam Car Owners. 29
- — Ladies’ Automobile. 94
- — and Motor Accidents. 657
- — Papers. 147
- — and Cnworthy Drivers. 691
- Chitch. Electric Magnetic. Description of, 621
- — Leather, 214
- — Manipulation. Hints on, 643
- — Napier, Metal to Metal, 168
- — Hydraulic. Octopus. Description of. 217
- — Slipping. 98. 178
- — Sticking. 379
- Clyde Car, 12 h.p. (illustration), 573
- Coach builders’ Strike. Paris. 399. 426, 502
- Coan, R. W., Hollow Metal Steering-wheel. 7 6
- Coil for V or Twin-cylinder Engines 615
- — Ignition. E.I.C.. 271
- — Trembler. Fuller, Macleod. and Co.’s, 396
- Colebrook, H. G. (letter). 127
- Coleman. A. E. (query). 663
- — Frederic (letter), 632
- Coilier Tyres 94. 375
- — Tyre Co. (letter), 815
- Collins, R. F. (letter). 58
- Colonies, I)e Dietrich Motor Omnibus tor the, 95
- — Motor Cars for the. 92
- — Wheels for the. 481
- Colonist (reply), 758
- Colour of Cars and Dust, 723
- Commercial Traveller's Car. 407
- — Traveller (reply). 48
- Commission. Clamouring for, 669
- Companies, Motor Cab, 567. 599
- Competition Rules. New, 585, 783, 840, 849. 851
- Competitions and Races, Classes in. 531, 549
- — Suggestions for, 689
- — Unauthorised. 815, 816, 844
- Compression, by Eric W. Walford. 366
- Compton, Lady Alwyn, in Crossley Laudaulette (illustration), 817
- Conference, International, Gordon-Bennett Race, 278. 291
- Connections. Water Pipe, E. J. Hardy’s. 29
- Conron, S. R. (query), 348
- Considerate Driving : Example and Precept, 266
- Constant Reader (letters), 172. 204. 302
- Consumption Trials, Misleading. 702
- Contact Breaker. Richard-Brasier, Description of. 616
- — Screws, Adjusting, 793 Troubles, 450
- — Breakers. Mercedes Magneto. 497
- — Maker. De Dion, 845 Continental Motor Shows, 593
- — Notes and News, 18. 53, 87, 169, 199, 265, 291, 329, 398. 426, 500, 526. 560. 596. 626, 651. 686. 717. 747. 809
- — Pneumatic Tyre Competition, 271, 289
- — Tyre Co.’s Cup (illustration), 695
- — — — Prize. 132 Solid Tyres, 211
- — Tyres, 135 mm., 159
- Control in Cars, Systems of, 495
- Conversations at a Motor School, by Archibald Ford, 661
- Convictions Quashed, 66, 67
- Conybeare. H. G. M. (queries), 820, 843
- Cook, W. (letter). 127
- Cooler, Revolving. 491
- Cooling Water, Temperature of, 546
- Cooper, T. B. (query), 698
- Coop, J. (letter). 338
- Copenhagen Motor Show, 593
- Cornishman (letter), 843
- Cornwall, W. (letter). 720
- Coronet. 16 h.p. (illustration), 544
- — 1.000 Miles Trial, 579
- Correspondence. 21. 55. 89. 125. 170. 201. 266. 301, 335, 369, 40 1. 439, 473, 503. 535.-567, 599, 629. 657, 691, 719, 749. 781. 81 1. 841
- Cosmopolitan (letter). 691
- Cost of Buying and Running 12 h.p. Car, by Sir R. K. Arbuthnot. 118
- — — Running a Car. 21. 57. 118, 127. 1 71, 267, 335. 478
- — Relative, of High and Low-powered Cars, 507
- Costs. Law. Motorists and, 635, 729
- Cotes, Arthur (letter), 125
- Couchman, James G. (letter). 90
- Country Doctor (letters), 91. 335
- — Doctor's Troubles. 379
- — Driver (letter) 401
- Coupe Double-purpose Tyre* Gaiter. 365
- Coventry, London to, on the Clutch, 448. 476
- Covered Car. 16 h.p. Albion (illustration). 319
- — Cars. Dearth of. 91. 127
- — — for Doctors, 267
- Cox. W. M. (letter), 57
- C. P. 1. (letters), 170. 204
- Crabbe and Co., Bristol, fire at, 716
- Cracked Water-jackets. Repairing, 31
- Crank Pin Bearings, 225
- Crankshaft. Ball Bearing, P. W. Noble’s. 7 59
- Crewe. Motor ’Bus Service for. 374
- Critchley, J. S. (letter). 403
- — — — Paper by, 27 4
- C. P. (letter), 841
- Croker-Simplex Car at Daytona Beach Races, 216
- Crombie, J. C., Article by. 461
- Crostield, J., and Sons (letters). 371. 569
- Cross-Channel Motor Boat Race. 209
- Crossley 22 h.p. Car. 160
- Crossley Car, 22 h.p. (illustration), 443
- — — Lord and Lady Newport’s (illustration), 542
- —- 22 h.p., Claude Borrett’s (illustration). 36
- Crowdy, A. E.. Patent Non-skid. 514
- Crypto Car. Reliability Trial of. 756
- Crystal Palace Autocar Show Statistics, 205
- — Show. 86, 132. 14 7, 161
- — — — Exhibits at. 161
- — — — Non-skidding Demonstration. 181. 189
- — — Stopping Tests. 807
- C. T. G. (letter), 403
- C. T. G. (query), 450
- CTIK 1002 (query). 136
- Cummins. Tancred D. (reply), 577
- Cuninghame. John (letter). 567
- Curtis, R. II. W. (reply). 628
- C. W. (letter), 92
- C. W. (query), 628
- Cyclists behind Motor Cars, 4 53
- Cylinder Joints. Leaking. 517
- — (query), 379
- Cylinders. Cracked. 30. 48
- — Paraffin for. 48
- — Separated. 219
- — Taking off, 145
- Daily Mail, Advertisement : Highway Protection League, 323, 343, 383
- Daily Press and Motor Accidents. 459, 477. 641, 647. 725. 756, 844 Daimler Device. New, 271
- — Motor Co.’s Dinner. 275
- — 28 h.p.. E. C. Wills (illustration). 477
- Dangerous Spots, 601, 631. 750
- Dare, A. 11., Patent Exhaust-operated Brake. 412
- Darracq Car, 12 h.p., A.C. Test of. 635
- — — 70 h.p. (illustration), 422
- — Cars, Improvements in 1903 Pattern. 30. 4 8
- — 1903. (’hanging Carburetter on. 213
- — 8 h.p.. in New Zealand. 559
- — 15 h.p.. Lady Evelyn Cobham’s (illustration), 182
- In New Zealand (illustration). 278
- — Racer for French Eliminating Trials. 696
- — Tips. 379. 411
- Date of the Shows, 36
- Davies. Naiinton (letter). 632
- Davy, Albert (letter), 535
- Dawes. Charles 11. (letters), 402. 504
- Dawson. Chas, (letter). 203
- Daytona Race Meeting. Florida. 17 1. 210. 216. 283, 365
- — — — particulars from Macdonald, 283
- D. (’., Glasgow (query), 31
- D. D. (letter), 171 ....
- Dense. ('apt., Paper by. at Ladies Automobile Club. 264
- Death, F. B. (letter). 601
- — Trap at Welwyn, 439
- Decauville Co.. Patent Decauville Carburetter. 514
- De Dietrich Car for French Eliminating Trials (illustration), 662
- — 24 h.p.. Run on. 490
- — (letter), 814
- — — Motor Omnibus for the Colonies. 95
- — Dion-Bouton. Ltd. (letters), 22, 58, 171
- — Dion and Bouton, Patent Carburetter
- — for Alcohol Mixtures, 32
- — Dion-Bouton. Patent Carburetter. 412
- — Dion Car, Fitting New Gear to (illustration), 196
- — King of Spain’s visit to Paris
- — (illustration), 847
- — — — Lady Driver’s Journey on. 490
- Cars, 22, 57, 92. 127. 170. 217. 722
- — — Carburetter. Automatic Attachment for, 450, 481
- — — Contact Maker, 845 Dry Batteries. 608, 628
- — — Engines, Wipe Contacts on. 217
- — — Ignition. 380, 628 (query), 546
- — Repairers, 752
- — 15 h.p. (illustration), 200
- — Dionite (query). 608
- — Fournier Detachable Non-skid. 85. 259
- Delahaye Marine Motor, 300 h.p. (illustration), 366
- Delaunay-Belleville Cars, 96, 108
- — — Description of. 108 Delhi-Bombay Reliability Trials 14, 45. 75, 94, 96, 111, 112, 115. 121. 154, 172. 204. 338, 370. 404. 441. 475. 504
- — Route. Reminiscence of. 155
- — Trials, Description of. 75, 112
- — — Interview with F. R. Hill, 154
- — — Position of Judges’ Explained, 338
- — — Protest against Awards. 117 Results. 114
- — — Reviewed, by A. Cargill Gentry. 115
- Delhi to Bombay on 31 h.p. Paraffin Car. 270
- Delivery Van, Light Steam. 208
- De Nevers Patent Tyres. 27. 379
- Dennis Brothers. Balance Sheet, 575
- — — Light Commercial Van (illustration). 93
- — Cars for Russia. 816
- — J. C. and R.. Patent Dennis Worm Drive. 141
- — Raymond (reply), 380
- Deposits on Ordering Cars. 473. 750
- Derby and District A.C., 219, 570. 700
- — Medal. 445
- Design, Exhaust Box. 663
- — Stagnation in. 89, 173. 201. 336
- Deutscher A.C., Medals for Motor Boat Race, 46
- Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken Patent Bal)Bearing, 97
- Devonshire Roads. Closing. 808
- Dewar International Challenge Cup (illustration), 575
- D. G. H. 9 (query), 663
- Dickinson. W. B. (apery), 758
- Dietrich (letter), 372
- Differential.'Strain on. 347
- Dinin Accumulators, 478
- Directors, How they are made. 425
- Disputes, to Settle. Arbitration. 670. 721, 749. 843
- Distilling Industry and Inland Revenue. 421
- Dixi Car. 7 h.p.. Description of. 494
- Dixon, Chas. W.. Article by. 803
- D. M. W. (letter). 844
- Dobell. R. (query), 450
- Doctors, Covered Cars for. 267
- — Use. Car for. 306. 380
- Dog Maiming. 91, 266
- — Horse Drivers, 657
- Dogs, Speed, 269
- Donne, Wm. S. (reply). 411
- Dougliss. Francis H. J. (reply), 577
- Doyle. D. (reply). 48
- Drew. W. Newton (letters). 301. 842
- — W. N. (query), 178, 663
- — W. R. (letter), 659
- Drinkwater. George (letter), 632
- Drive. Learning to. 411
- — The Question of. 306 379 Driver (letter). 4 75
- Driver-Mechanic (letter). 23
- Drivers. Certificated. 359. 504, 537. 568
- — Licenses. Police and. 721
- — Name and Address : Police Case. 76>7
- — Signal : A. A. Godin’s Apparatus, 656
- — Society of Automobile Mechanic. 221
- — Supply of, 844
- — Union for, 23. 92, 172. 203, 209, 221. 266, 301. 370. 439, 477
- Driving all Four Wheels. 347,
- - Car, Fuel Economy in. 704
- - Considerate : Example and Precept, 266, 542
- — Expert, o. Mediocre. 357, 525
- — Horne on the Riui, 823
- — inconsiderate, 475, 503, 506, 567, 755, 843
- Driving Licenses. Disqualification for, 608. 664
- — Reckless. Conviction for. 664
- — When, Alain Points to Remember. 487
- Dry Batteries. Replacing. 30. 49
- DS 58 (letter). 601
- Ducellier. G., Patent Acetylene Lamp Improvement. 32
- Dufaux Racing Car. 100 h.p. (illustration), 822
- Duke of Connaught on 24 h.p. Darracq (illustration), 376
- Duncan, H. O. : France and Gordon-Bennett Race, 130
- — James (letter), 599
- Duncombe, Everard P. (letter). 92
- Dunn, R. C. (query), 628
- — T., Pneumatic Tyres. 544
- (letters), 503. 537. 600. 719, 752, 812, 843
- Durham A.C.. 480. 761
- Duryea Car, English, 48. 136
- — Co. (letters), 507, 752
- — Power Drum, Description of. 197
- Dust-laying Experiments at Liverpool, 594
- Dust Nuisance. 657, 690, 696
- — Preventive : Cheshire Roads, 730, 817
- Dutch Heavy Oil Engine : “Molrup,” 499
- Dutiful Policeman. 629
- D. W. (letter), 783
- Dynamo, Charging from, 535, 608
- Eau de Cuivre, (query), 450
- E. A. S. (query), 31
- East. G. F. L. Clayton (letter), 92
- Eastertide, Snowbound at. 648. 752
- E. C. H. (query). 512
- Eddison, J. C. (letter), 722
- Edge, S. F. (letters), 24. 303, 439. 504. 507
- Ltd.. Patent Footboard. 81
- Edinburgh Motoring Club 61 1. 637, 668. 728. 761, 790
- E. D. (letter), 535
- Edmonds. M. (letter), 125
- Edwards, W. G. (query), 347
- Efficiency, 811
- E. F. S. (letter), 784
- Egg-boiler for Checking Speed. 839
- E H (query). 347
- E.I.C. Ignition Coil. 271
- E. J. B. (query), 306
- Election. Coming. Motorists and the. 613, 722. 81 1
- Electrical Items in Overhauling a Car. 385
- Electric Automobile, Future of, 446
- — Automobiles, Jottings on, 498
- — Cars and Fittings : Olvmpia Show. 297. 498
- — Trams and Speed Limits, 389
- Electro-magnetic Clutch, Description of. 62 j
- Eliminating Trials, French and English.
- — Trial Notes, 771
- Empire Spring Wheel, Description of. 60
- End to End Run : 20 h.p. Ariel Car. 94
- Engine Bearings, Adjusting. 290
- — Eight-cylinder. Motor Boat (illustration), 542
- — in Napier Racer (illustration). 396
- — Knocking, Cure for. 643. 846
- — Obstinate, 579. 631
- — Overheating, 31. 735
- — Petrol. Alpha Four-cylinder, Description of, 624
- — Queries. 213. 348, 380, 820
- — Removing, from Frame, 107
- Engines, Fitting New, to Cars, 136, 213, 348. 479
- — Mercedes, G.B., Description of, 736
- — Parts, and Fittings at Olympia Show. 292
- — Petrol. Balancing of. 460. 546
- — V or Twin-cylinder. Coil for. 615
- Engineer’s Action against a Motor Car Co., 547
- England r. France : Mevan’s Challenge, 539. 541. 605. 627, 634. 662, 718. 747. 7 51
- English and Foreign Cars. 536
- — Motorists in France, 692, 7 17, 749. 782
- — Patronage, Fighting for, 597
- — Peril. The, 716
- Enquirer (queries) 213, 787, 846
- ES 12 (letter), 336
- E. S. W. S. (reply), 306
- E. T. (query), 411
- Eureka Motor Spanner, E. Kennard’s, 86
- Everyday Utility Car, 691, 749
- E. V. H. (query). 450
- E. W. V. (letter). 749
- Eyre, G. F. (letter). 657
- Excise Officer. Article by, 420
- Exhaust Box Design, 663
- — — Explosions in, 272
- — from Cars : Regulations in Paris, 747
- — Outlet. Increasing the, 735
- — Pipe. Hot, 48, 136
- — Smoky, Nuisance. 843
- — Valve Setting, 481, 512
- Exmouth (query), 272
- Experiences, Practical, 57, 369. 403
- — Wanted, 30, 178
- Explosions in the Exhaust Box. 272
- Exray (letter), 599
- Extortionate Charges, 504
- F. A. B. S. (letter). 91
- Fair Play (letters), 631, 659. 811. 815
- Fan Belt Troubles. Remedying, 419
- — and Cooler Arrangement, 659
- — — Radiator Arrangement. 721
- Farewell to a Veteran, by H. P. L.. 493, 535. 568
- Farmers and Motorists. 815
- Fatalities, Horse and Motor. 792
- F. A. T. (letter), 301
- Faulty Description, 303
- — 4163 (query), 30
- F. B. (reply), 48
- F. H. (query), 450
- Fierce Clutch, 213, 450
- Fiji, Motoring in (illustrations), 364, 375
- Filey Races on the Sands, 667. 727. 789, .800. 847
- — Speed Trials at. Description of, -800
- Filiol et Cie.: Easily Detachable Filler Cap. 86
- Filler Cap. Easily Detachable : Filiol et Cie.. 86
- Fire at United Motor Industries (illustration). 730
- — — Vander veil and Co.’s Works. 573
- — Engine. Horse-drawn. Accident to. 7 85. 817
- — — London County Council’s, 174. 373
- — in Long Acre, 308, 340, 346, 539
- — Insurance, Automobile Depots and. 539
- — Petrol and. 716
- — Result of, 175
- Fishing Yawl, Motor, 400
- Five Thousand Miles Trial, Siddeley Car. 9, 63. 81. 135
- F. J. E. (reply), 608
- F. J. R. (letter), 302
- Flather, W. T., Ltd. (letter), 301
- Fletcher, Henry Marshall (letter), 749
- Flint. Thos. B. (query), 512
- Flooding the Carburetter, 765
- Florida, Daytona Race Meeting, 174. 210, 216, 283, 365
- Flynn, Leo J. (letter), 600, 693
- FN 25 (letter), 473
- F. N. (query), 178
- Footboard. Patent, S. F. Edge, 81, 204
- — Starter, James and Browne. Description of, 185
- Foot Brake to Car, Fitting, 379
- Ford. A., Driving Hints by, 487
- — Archibald. Articles by, 160, 661
- — — (letters), 173. 303, 507, 538, 693
- Fordham, E. Wilfrid (reply), 178
- Foreign Cars, Purchase of, 440
- Foreigners and British Patent Laws. 272
- Forfar : Closing Roads, 479
- Forman Engine. Four-cylinder, 12 h.p.. 479
- Formulae, Standard, in Automobile Construction, 688
- Forewarned is Forearmed, 600
- Foster, A., Article by, 459
- — — (letter), 784
- — (reply). 481
- France, Accidents in, 687
- — England v. : Meyan’s Challenge. 539. 541, 605, 627, 634, 662, 718. 747. 751
- — English Motorists in, 692. 717. 7 49. 7 82
- — Exhibition of Sports at, 809
- — Motor Exports, 26
- — New Races in, 329
- — Revival of Racing, 18
- — Silencer Trials, 701, 717, 725, 783
- — and the Gordon-Bennett Race. 2. 18, 24, 46, 71. 91, 130. 181, 199. 202
- — Touring in. 758, 820
- — Wheel and Tyre Trial, 265
- Free Trade (letter). 127
- Freezing. Anti, Mixtures, 3. 136
- French Automobile Road, 483
- — Driver s Imposition, 506
- —- Eliminating Trials, Description of. 830
- — — — Gordon-Bennett Race. 405. 443, 508, 515, 688, 809. 840
- — Government and Agricultural Motors, 132
- — Schools : Internal Combustion Engine Principles, 491
- — Reliability Trials, 319, 330, 359. 399. 830
- — Standard Threads, 787
- — Terms. 512. 628
- Friswell, C. (letter), 504
- Frottoline : Motor Goggles, Lenses for. 64
- Frowd, Chas. F. (letter), 91
- F. R. (query), 48
- F. R. S. (query), 98, 787
- Fuel. Alcohol as, for Motor Cars, 35. 41. 212, 273, 279, 313. 381. 401. 116. 439. 474, 549, 565. 569. 641
- — Economy in Car Driving, 704, 803
- — Question, 549
- — Trials inflate of Man,U>34
- Fuller, Macleod, and Co.’s Trembler Coil. 396
- — Roger H.. Gordon-Bennett Cup for 1905, by. 8
- Fully Licensed (letter). 5*
- Furmidge. S.. Patent Compound Spring Suspension. 141
- Future of the Electric Automobile. 446
- — Tram and Load Cars, of the. 25. 57. 89
- Gaekwarof Baroda’s (’up (illustration) 406
- Gamage's Holder and Clip : Le Pratique. 7 6
- Garage Keepers. Responsibility of. 546
- — Proprietors (query). 546
- — and Repairs, 339. 373. 406. 444. 47*
- — — Shipping Cars. 269
- Garages and Repair Shops. Country. 44*
- Garlick. J. (reply). 758
- Garner-Nant wich Non-skid Bands. 44 7
- Garrard and Jacobs Patent Governing System. 452
- Gas r. Petrol. 336
- Gates. Percy E. (reply), 577
- Gate Stops. Beware of. 438
- G. B. Eliminating Trials : Isle of Man Course (illustration). 711
- — (tear and Axle. Overhauling. 319
- — Change-speed : How it Works. 4
- — Norman Crypto, Description of. 198
- — Ratios. 821
- — — Correction, 136
- — Remedy. 512
- — Trouble : Re-engining Car. 726
- Gears. Change-speed, Hitchon, Description of, 768
- — Coming out of Mesh, Hints on, 517.
- — Knocking in. 37
- Gearing. Duryea, Description of. 197
- General Identification Marks, 67
- — Practitioner (letter), 813
- Generalities, by Rutulan. 555
- Gentlemanly Instincts of Motorists. 841
- Gentry, A. Cargill, Delhi-Bombay Trials Reviewed, by, 115
- G. E. (query). 820
- Germain Chassis. 24 h.p. (illustration), 106
- — Touring ('ar. 35 h.p. (illustration). 665
- German A.C. Motor Tour. 74 7
- — — Reliability Trials. 574
- — Automobile Club and Gordon-Bennett Race. 133. 199 ? j
- — — Regulations. 718
- — Entries : Gordon-Bennett Cup, 502
- — Volunteer Motor Corps, 64
- Germany : Transport of Petrol on Car. 666.
- G. F. E. (letter), 337. 402 696
- G. G. H. (letter), 55
- G. H. D. (reply), 846
- Giant Automobilist, 336
- Gibbons, R. E. (letters), 630, 720
- — Walter (letter), 440
- Gibbs and Dumbell Time Recording Camera. 778, 815
- — R. (letter), 506
- Gilbey. Sir Walter. Paper by, 260
- Gladiator Co.. 94
- — (letter). 267
- Glasgow. London to. 715, 724. 797
- Glass Screens. 508. 623
- Glidden. Chas. J.. Tour, 26. 211. 305. 339. 754
- Gloucestershire A.C., 307. 480
- Glycerine for Cooling Water, 209
- G.N.R. Co., Electric Car for. 211
- Godin, A. A., Driver’s Signal Apparatus. 656
- Golf Ball and the Motor. 506
- Good body. L. (query), 306
- Goodeve, Frederic W. (letter). 441
- Goodhart. John S. (letter). 336
- Gordon-Bennett Car, Lionel de Rothschild’s, 589
- — 90 h.p. Panhard-Levassor (illustration), 478
- — Cars, Star, Description of, 672
- — Competitors, 20
- — Compromise. 318
- — Conference, Delegates at (illustration). 329
- — Course, Auvergne, 19. 95, 501. 515, 574. 591. 633. 717, 804
- — Description and Plan of, 804
- — Cup for 1905. by Roger H. Fuller, 8
- — Preliminaries. 501
- — Drivers, 600, 664
- — — Suspensions of. 637
- — Eliminating Race, Isle of Man, Description of. 737
- — Trial. I. of M.. Notes on. 771
- — Trials. Isle of Man. 4 63. 508. 515, 578. 698. 708. 7 11. 734. 737. 791, 814
- — French Eliminating Trials. 405. 4 43. 501, 508. 515. 6*8. 809. 830. 840
- — Description of, 830
- — Race. 4 77. 501. 822
- — A.C.G.B.L ProteHt. 61. 71. 131. 200
- — British Team for (illustration), 77 2 1 i ? and, I •. 2 I. 16. 7 1. 91. 130, 181. 199. 202,
- Gordon-Bennett Race. French Entries, 399
- — Future of. 2. 18. 24, 61. 143. 194. 199. 265. 398
- — — International Conference. 278. 291. 318
- — Reliability Trial. 583
- — Trials : English Entries, 61
- Gordon-Stewart. R. (letter), 203
- Gossip, Occasional, by The Autocrat. 46. 93. 111. 147. 194. 264. 282. 362. 389. 427. 462. 491. 541. 617. 647, 710. 760. 770. 803
- Govan and Sainsbury's Anti-skidders. Ltd. (patent). 452
- Government Inspectors. Motors for. 262
- Governmental Motor Tour in Cape Colony. 451
- Governors. 438
- G. P. H. (query). 000
- Graham. Tho. (letter). 720
- Grand Prix an Open Race, 169. 199,
- — — d'Automobile.. 688
- — — de la Republique, 291
- — — and Gordon-Bennett Race. 18. 24. 53. 71. 87. 143. 265. 290, 337. 398
- Grease Pipes. Hints on Cleaning. 455
- Great Exhibition (1907), 199
- - Western Railway Co.’s Motor Cars. 27
- Green. Fred Al. (letter’. 783
- Gregory. Hugh H. (letter), 170
- G. R. H. (query), 577
- Griffin, II. Hewitt. Articles by. 205. 287. 464
- Grinding in Valve. 107
- G. S. E. (query). 758
- Guerin. Robert (letter), 91
- Hagen. R.. Patent Variable Gear. 65
- Hailsham. Cars outside Police Court (illustration). 724
- Halifax A.C.. 728
- Hallamshire Car, 306. 380
- Hall and Co.. H. E. (letter). 128
- Hallowes, W. B. (query), 272
- Hamilton. Gordon D. (letter), 782
- Hammering Noise. 481
- Hand Shield for Driving, 426
- Handyside. A. (query). 214
- Hardy. Ed. II. Cozens. Paper by. 137
- — E J., Flexible Water Pipe Connection. 29
- Hare. Chas. R. (letter-. 23
- Hargreaves. John, and his 90 h.p. Napier, 395
- Harmsworth Cup. 8s
- Harris. H. H. (letter . 749
- Harrison. A. S. (letter;, 170
- Harry (query). 379
- Hartlepool A.C.. 219
- Harvey (query). 726
- Havre. Speed Trials at. 809
- Haydon. F. H. (letter), 267
- — Thomas H. (letter). 172
- Hayward’s Heath Speed Prosecutions, 345
- H. C. L. (letter). 568
- — Public and Motor Cars. by. 619
- — Some Inconsiderate Motorists, by. 806
- H. C. W. (letter), 750
- Healey, G. H. (query;. 214
- Heath and Co., G. F. (letter), 844
- Heatly. H. (letter), 204
- Heavy Motor Cars, Local Authorities and. e 313
- — Vehicle Regulations. 135
- — Traffic, Motor Vehicles for : New Tare Limit, 15, 46
- Hele Shaw Clutch. 57 7. 608
- Henderson. John (reply), 380
- Herefordshire A.C., 140, 728. 851
- Herkomer Trophy, 554
- Hermes-Bugatti, 40 h.p., Description of. 457
- Hertfordshire A.C.. 176, 545. 636, 668, 728
- Hess, Henry (letter), 660, 784
- H. F. S. (reply), 820
- H. G. (reply), 787
- H. G. S. (letters), 127, 721
- H. G. T. (query), 450
- H. G. M. C. (query), 481
- Highfield. J. S.. Patent Two-cylinder Two-cycle Engine, 484
- Highway Protection League. Daily Mail, 323, 343, 383
- — — — Warwick Meeting, 378, 383, 397.
- 462 Hill-climb. Midland A.C.. 754. 788
- — South Harting, 748, 754, 767, 780, 794. 803
- — — — Description of, 794
- Hill-climbing Performances, 465, 508
- — Test, Aix-en-Provence, 426
- Hill. E. Falkers (query;, 272
- — F. IL, Interview with : Delhi-Bombay
- — Trials, 154
- — (letter). 404
- Hindley and Sons Light Steam Delivery Van, 208
- Hints, Practical, on Choosing a Motor Car, 184, 258, 284, 354
- Hints and Tips, Useful. 3. 37. 80, 107, 145, 188, 225. 290, 319, 351, 385, 419, 455, ’ k 486. 517. 551. 585. 615. 643. 671. 703. 735, 765. 793. 823
- Hitchins, Charles F. (letter), 23
- Hit chon Change-speed Gear, Description of. 768
- H. A.. New Zealand (query), 758
- Hoare. Arthur (letter). 442
- Holland (Lincs.) County Council and Motor Cars. 94
- Holloway. Alec M. (letter), 56
- Holt. P. Henry (letter). 402
- Holyhead Road. Bad Place on, 84, 92
- Honestly Paid (letter). 58
- Hopkinson. John E. (letters). 630, 720
- Horns r. Bells. 722
- — Motor, 50 7
- Horse .Accidents, 52. 567. 605. 710
- — — Unrecorded. 567
- — Drivers, Callous, 698
- — — and Dog Maiming. 657
- — and Motor Car Controllability Compared 649
- — — — Fatalities, 792
- — — Trainway Accidents 605
- — v. Motor Vehicle Stopping Tests, 780. 807
- — on Car : Lacre Co.‘s Advertisement. 305
- Horses. Value of. 132
- Horse-power of Cars. 126. 450. 512
- Hotchkiss Car. G.B., Le Bion on (illustration). 627
- — Racing Cars. 120 h.p. Engine (illustration), 570
- Hotel (’barges. 91
- — Modern Country. 79
- Hotels, Country : Touring. 7 26. 787
- House. Movable Motor Car. 28
- — of Commons : Motor Car Act, 695, 729, 759. 760. 763. 779,
- Hozier Engineering Co.’s Dinner. 367
- H. P. F. (letter), 749
- H. Q. F. (query), 272
- H. (query), 178
- H. S. (letter). 302
- — (query), 213 .
- — (reply). 787
- H. T. I).,(query), 758
- Huddersfield Branch. Yorkshire A.C., Hill-climb. 762
- Hughes. H. (letter), 56, 338
- Hull and District A.C.. 510
- Humber. Beeston. 16-20 and 8-10 h.p.
- — Cars. Description of. 192
- — Car. Four-cylinder (illustration). 64
- — — in South Africa (illustration), 47 7
- — — Smallest Man in (illustration). 493 8-10 h.p.. Trial of. 7 79
- — Coventry, 10 h.p. Car. Description of. 423
- — 8-10 h.p.. London to Coventry on, 618
- Hunt. H. (reply), 178
- Hunting Governor : I Cure Wanted, 306, 380
- Huntsmen and Automobilists, 406
- Husband, Frank (letter), 632
- Iconoclast (letter). 128
- Identification Marks. 546
- Ignited Petrol. To Extinguish. 466
- Ignition Coil, E.I.C.. 271
- — Experience, 726. 787, 820. 846
- — Magneto and Coil, Kennedy, Description of. 694
- — Pre-, Hints on. 671
- Ignorant (letter), 631
- Ilford M.C.. 819
- Imperial Tyre, Description of, 511
- Improvements in 1905. 23
- — Wanted. 758
- Inconsiderate Driving, 475, 503. 506, 567. 755, 843
- — Motorists, by H. C. L.. 806
- India : Motor Car Acts, 509
- — for, 379, 41 1
- — Western. Motor Union. 64
- Indian Chiefs at New York Show (illustration), 454
- — Reliability Trials. 14, 45. 75, 94. 96.
- Ill, 112, 115, 121 112, 115, 121
- — Trials. Small Cars in. 121
- Indicators. Speed. 722, 7 49. 758. 787, 820
- Induction Coil Current. 7 87. 820
- Industrial Committee Business. 66
- Industry Opposed to Trials, 69
- Inexperienced (query), 214
- Inflator, Tyre, Mechanical, for Garage 612
- Ingersoll, Marter and Co. (letter), 267
- Inland Revenue and Distilling Industry. 420
- Inlet Valves, 48. 98
- — Valve Spindles, Breakage of. 31
- Inner Tubes, Permeability of, 615
- Inquirer (query), 48
- Inspectors. Government. Motors for. -62
- Institute of chauffeurs. Ltd. (letter). .»68
- Insulation, Defective, Misfiring through* 7 9 3
- Insurance against Ernst. 213
- — of Motor Car-. 303. 336, 176. 622. 660. 663. 758
- Inter-club Events. iso. >19
- Interested letter. x42
- — (query*. 577
- Internal Combustion Engine in French Government Schools. 491
- International Conference. Gordon-Bennett Race. 278. 291
- — — — — Delegates at (illustration). 329
- Invalids, Autocars for. 755
- Invention of the Screw Propeller. 47
- Inventor (letter). 23_
- Investor (letter'. 567
- Ireland. Royal North of. Yacht Club. 668
- Irish A.C.. 376. 700
- Isle of Man, Conveyance of Cars to. 693
- — — — Eliminating Trials. Description of. 737
- — — — — Trial : Notes. 771
- — G.B. Trials. 4 63. 508. 515. 578. 698. 70S. 71 1, 734. 737, 791. 814
- — — — Juveniles’ Cars. 850
- — — — Motor Car Bill, 544. 632, 665. 724
- — — — and M dor Racing. 449, 463
- — — — Trials Course (illustrations), 711. 713
- — — Wight Byelaws. 405
- — — — Motorists’ Association. 789
- Itala Car. 24 h.p.. Description of, 355
- — — — — (illustration). 816
- Italian Lakes. Touring. 379
- Italy. Motor Cars in. 5 76
- — Queen of (illustration). 543
- J. A. B. (reply). 17s
- Jackson Dogcarts for Abroad. 94
- Jacobs and Garrard. Patent Governing System. 452
- — G. J.. Portrait of. 173
- J. A. L. (query), 30
- Jamaica. Motor Car Law in, 554, 750
- — Roads in. 757
- James. Arthur. 24
- James and Browne Car for Lady Tenterden (illustration/, 786
- — — — Footboard Starter. Description of. 185
- — C. (query), 450
- Jane, Fred T. (letter), 55
- Janus Engine. Description of. 466
- Janvier. Robin and. Patent Leading Bogie Car. 412
- Japan. Lessons from : Torpedo Boats. 821
- J. A. R. (reply). 30
- Jarrott, Chas, 'letters). 59. 204. 441. 506, 538
- Jarrott and Letts Challenge. 751
- — Ltd. (letters), 538. 631, 659. 751
- J. B. F. (query), 213
- J. B. G. (reply*. 628
- J. C. (letter), 722
- Jeffreys. W. Rees (letter). 749
- Jehu (letter). 58
- J. E. J. (query). 1 36
- Jersey States, Motor Car Regulations. 478
- J. F. J. (letter), 843
- J. F. P. V. (letter). 692
- J. IL (reply'. 380
- John. Owen, On the Road. by. 322. 394. 456. 520. 588. 7 12
- — — (query). 608
- Johnson. B. letters;. 401. 506.
- (’laude i let ter . 337
- IL. Motor Fi-hing Yawl. 400
- Joints. Propeller-shaft. Lubricating. 155
- J. o. J. (replyi. 1 7.8
- Jones. A. A. (quervi. 758
- J. R. W. (letter;. 503
- J. S. B. (queryt. 136
- J. S. Liegeois (query), 577
- J. S. (reply). 577
- Justice. 600
- — for Motorist* : Costs against Police. 67
- Juvisy. Motor Boats at, 809
- Kenealy. Noel B. letter). 204
- Kennard. E.. Eureka Motor Spanner. 86
- — Edward 'letter). 171. 402
- Kennedy Magneto and Coil Ignition. Description of. 694
- Kent A.C.. 545
- Kerr. R. M. N. 'letter , 535
- Kettleby Inter-club Hill-climb, 762
- Kiel Regatta. Germany. 543
- King Alphonso XIII. as a Motorist, by Manuel Asenjo. 766
- — J. B. (letter). 812
- — of Spain at Pari" Automobile Fetes. 747
- Kingston /letter). 750
- Kipling. Rudvard. Speech at South African A.C.. 612
- K lofron • let ter 201
- Knocking. 272. 703
- Knowles. G. 'letten, 692
- K. V. (letter), 127
- Lacoin. Louis 'reply), 347
- Lacre Motor Co.'s Advertisement— Horse on Car 'illustration). 305
- Ladies' A.( .. 94. 219. 261. 340. 030. 700. 728, 701. SIS. 850
- Lady Driver. Anglo-Indian (illustration). 042
- — Driver's Journey on De Dion ('ar. 490
- Lake District. Improved Motor Service in. 5 7 8
- — H. H., Patent Oldsmobile Carburetter. 141
- Lakeland, Motor Service in. 124
- Lamb, Cecil H. (letter), 56
- — R. A. (letters 475
- Lamont. R. (letter). 78 1
- Lamp Adapter. F. G. Milne s. 63
- Lamps. 37. 210. 328. 348. 379
- — at Olympia Show, 332
- — Hints and Tips on. 585
- — Tail. Keeping Alight. 823
- Lancashire, North-east, A.C.. 346. 376, 480. 611. 790. 818
- — Petrol-engined Lorry (illustration), 183
- Lancaster Motor Garage (letter). 783
- Lanchester Car. 12 h.p. (illustration), 444
- — F. W.. Article by. 458
- Large and Small letter), 629
- Late Owner (reply). 512
- Launch. Motor, for Shallow Water, 849
- — — Racing. 550
- — Racing. Panhard and Levassor, 398
- Law-abiding Motorists, 839
- Law Cases, Motor Car. 103
- Lazerges. L., Patent Frame Girder. 97
- Leader Car, 846
- League, Proposed. Offensive and Defensive. 657
- Leamington and Warwick Omnibus Service, 210
- Leather. Ernest A. (letter). 127
- Lectures upon Petrol Motors. 26
- Legros and Knowles, Ltd. (letter), 632
- — — — 20 h.p. Touring Car, Description of, 556, 586
- Leicestershire A.C.. 570, 636, 667, 790. 850
- Lenoir, 3 A h.p., in Delhi-Bombay Trials, 270
- Leon, A. L. (letter), 55
- Leonino Cup (illustration), 607
- Letts. W. (letters). 474, 569
- Levenstein. A. (letter), 781
- Lewis, P. (reply), 48
- — Sydney (letter). 91
- L. H. I), (letter), 369. 473
- L. H. W. (query), 213
- Liability for Accident when Paying for Driver s Lessons. 214
- Licenses. Drivers. Granting of, 450
- — for Hiring-out Cars. 726
- — Renewal of, 49
- Lifeboats, Motor. 62, 406
- Lighting of Vehicles, 210, 343
- Lights, Rear. Temporary, 419
- — Universal, Bill. 669, 7 20
- Lincolnshire A.C., 307, 346. 61 1, 637. 668, 700, 789, 818, 851
- — Chief Constable and Motor Cars. 95
- — Committeeman (letter), 815
- Lines, Robert (letter). 726
- Lining up a (’l”tch. 49
- Little. Frank, P»ner by. 138
- Live Axles and Brakes. 30
- Liverpool, Dust-laying Experiments at, 594. 660
- L 376 (letter). 63 1
- Llewellyn, II. (reply), 380
- — Owen, Article by, 262
- L. L. (reply), 628
- L. and N.W. R.. Motor 'Buses for, 4 43
- Local Authorities and Heavy Motor Cars, 3 13
- — Government Board Enquire: Closing Roads. 330
- — Inspector, Article by, 262
- Locomobile, Fitting Paraffin Burner to. 411. 512
- — Petrol 140 h.p. Engine (illustration).
- — r 665
- Loco (query). 512
- Loiret Touring Trials, 502 »
- London, Accidents from Covered Vans in. 375
- — ( .('. New Marks, First Car with (illustration). 635
- — — Numbering Cars. 543
- — Moten- Car Racing Track. 110. 194 Fire Engine for. 17 4. 373
- — — Omnibuses for. 27. 47 66. 1 10, 177. 179. 373
- — Pagan. 264
- — to Coventry on Top Speed. 618
- — — Edinburgh by Road. 341
- — — Glasgow. 7 15. 724, 797
- — — Liverpool : Run on De Dion Car. 490
- — Traffic : Lord Mayor's Speech. 209
- — — Motors and : A.C. Paper. 179
- Long Acre. Fire in. 308. 340, 346. 539
- — J. Ambrose, Non-skidding Device, 361
- Looking Ahead, 1
- Lord Willoughby de Broke Summoned. 697, 7 10
- Lorries. Motor, and Roads. 491
- Loss of Power, 136, 178, 211. 34*. 3*0, 577 Lost. 56*
- L 4 64 (reply'), 663
- Lubrication. Over-, 419
- Lubricants at Olympia Show, 333
- Lucas Non-slipping Band. *5
- Luggage Frame over Bonnet of De Dion Car, 225
- Lupton, Harry’ (letter), 336
- Macdonald. Congratulations to. 341
- — Particulars from : Daytona Race Meeting, 283
- Mackintosh, M. (reply), 306
- MacLulieh. J. M. (letters). 128, 503. 721
- Macpherson. D. D. (reply), 30
- — Donald M. (query), 213
- Mac (query), 379
- Magisterial Decisions Quashed. 66, 67
- Magistrates, Motorists and, 781
- Magneto and Coil Ignition, Kennedy, Description of, 694
- — Pitting, Hints on, 671
- — Ignition, 820, 846
- — Machine, Castle High-tension, Description of, 590
- — Troubles, Low-tension, 98, 348
- Magrath, J. R (letter), 473
- Maidstone A.C., 510
- Mail Vans, Motor. 260, 406
- Main Points to Remember when Driving. 487
- Major General (query), 608
- Maker (letter), 784
- Makers (query), 214
- Malta, Motor Cars in. 64
- Manchester A.C., 176, 376, 668
- — M.C., 140, 480
- — Motor Lectures at, 576
- — — Show, 334
- Manufacturers’ Grievance, 337
- Manx A.C., 480
- Maps, Road, 134
- M. A. (reply), 726
- Marine Engines and Motor Launches at Olympia, 253
- — Motor. Delahaye 300 h.p. (illustration). 366
- — — Two-stroke. Webster and Bickerton’s, Description of. 38
- — Motors, Alcohol for. 278
- — — Sir William White on. 144
- — Work. Petrol and, 371
- Markyate Accident, 584, 587. 629. 697
- Marquis of Queensberry and Motorists. 733
- Marsoni. A. (letter), 370
- Martini Touring Car (illustrations), 7 4
- Master Patent Spring Wheel. 777
- Mats. Foot, as Anti-vibrators, 455
- Maudslay Engine, 200 b.h.p., 269
- — Phaeton. Run on. 521
- Maybach, W.. Patent Combined Steam and Internal Combustion Engine, 65
- — Cylinder Cooling Systems. 97
- Mayhew. Mark (letter), 657
- M. B. (letter). 369
- McConcchy, Jas. (letter). 658. 814
- McDonnell. W. C. (reply), 213
- McGregor. J. (letter), 600
- McK (query), 450
- McLaren. R. S., Method of Charging Accumulators. 358
- McMahon. P. V. (reply), 820
- M. 1). (letter). 813
- — (reply). 380
- Mean Motorists, 733
- Mechanic. Seat for (illustration). 210
- Medals, Deutscher A.C., Motor Boat Race. 46
- Medicus (letter), 335
- — (query) 306, 379
- — (reply), 213
- Mediterranean Motor Boat Race, 53. 426. 626, 651. 686
- Mell, L. P. (letter), 403
- Member of the Union (letter). 338
- Mendip Land, 712
- Mercedes Cars: Springs, 135. 173
- — G.B. Engines. Description of. 736
- — 28 h.p. (illustration), 543
- — 40 h.p. (illustration), 574
- — Magneto Contact Breakers, Description of. 497
- Merrie England (query), 272
- Metal Alloys for Bearings. 363
- Metropolitan Motor Car Accidents. 499
- Mevan v. Siddeley and Edge. 539. 541. 605. 627, 634. 662. 7 1\ 747
- M. G. (letter), 55
- Michelin. E. E., Patent Replacing of Outer ( overs, 65.
- — Tyre Co.'s Draft Agreement, 3o*
- Midgeley, E. (letter), 266
- Midland A.C. Hill-climb. 754. 788
- — — Petrol Consumption Trial, 603. 699. 723
- Mileage Recorders. 663. 758
- Military Despatch Car : Berlin Show. 340
- Manoeuvres. Motor Cars in. 606
- Mi lb. C. (query). 214
- Milnes-Daimler. Ltd (letter). 403
- Milner. Lord, on (Radiator Car in South Africa (illustration). 626
- Minerva de Luxe Car. 134
- — 14 h.p.. with Tonneau Body (illustration). 374
- Miscellaneous : Olympia Show. 334
- Mischievous and Dangerous Practice. 128
- Misfiring, 30, 178, 272, 306. 348, 380. 411. 671. 703
- — through Defective Insulation, 793
- M. M. M. (letter), 335
- Molrup ” : Dutch Heavy Oil Engine. 499
- Momentum (letter). 660
- Monaco Motor Boat Meeting. Report of. 526. 561. 596
- — Races. 62. 305. 399. 500. 5 16. 526. 550. 560. 596
- Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. (letters). 126, 692
- Moore. Henry (letter). 92
- Morgan and Co. (letter). 844
- Morrison. II. W. (query). 49
- Morris Park. X. Y.. Mot or Racing Club. 697
- Moseley Hall Hospital Gymkhana. 761
- — and Sons Tyres. 216
- Motor Boating. 622
- - Car Act : House of ( onimons. 695. 729. 759. 760. 763, 7 79 — 1903. Paper on. 93. 99
- — Construction. Steel as Applied to. 274. 314
- — Cycles Registered. 147
- — Law in Washington. 777
- — Manufacturers and Traders. Societv of. 443
- — Manufacturing Co.. Ltd.. 26
- — Paper. Another. 784. 844
- — School. Conversations at, by Archibald Ford. 661
- — Traction, 763
- Motor Union Inter-club Meet at Welbeck. 570. 700. 727
- — — Legal and Legislative Defence Fund. 220
- — of G.B. and I., 353. 410. 611, 622
- — — — Western India. 64
- — — Work. 66
- — Vehicles for Heavy Traffic : New Tare Limit. 15
- — Volunteer Corps. 63. 174. 177. 30 4. 817
- — Yachting. Trip on Napier Major, 612
- Motors and Motoring. 220
- Motoring and Smoking. 473
- Motorphobia : Sir Walter Gilbev’s Paper. 260
- Movable House Car, M. Secrestu's, 28
- M 356 (query). 48
- M. s. E. (reply). 4 11
- Mulhner. II. H., Patent Improved Bodywork, 452
- Munro. R. M.. Patent Steering Wheel Control. 452
- Murray. II. Stuart (replies). 379, 608
- Mutual Protection Association. Automobile. 180
- Naish P. (letter), 536
- Napier Carburetter. Description of. 798
- — Cars, Wire Wheels for. 845
- — 80 h.p., Cecil Edge's (illustration). 479
- — 30 h.p. Six-cylinder, London to Coventry on. 448
- — Six-cylinder. Run on. 175
- — 24 h.p.. fitted with Luggage Carrier. etc. (illustration). 637
- — 18 h.p. (illustration). 521
- — Landaulette. Countess de Grey's (illustration). 140
- — — Earl Grey’s. 607
- — Major, Cruise of, 674. 829
- — — — to Orkneys. 634
- — — New type of Motor Boat. 492
- — 24 p.p., Marquis of Tweeddale’s (illustration). 418
- — — with Mechanic’s Scat (illustration). 21 o
- — 90 h.p.. Mr. John Hargreaves and. 395
- Metal to Metal Clutch. 168
- Il's Trial Trip. 326. 357
- Narrow Roads and Motorists, 808
- National Car. 846
- — 15 h.p. (illustrations . 27. 444
- sport, Motor Racing as, 78
- Na\ y, Motor Boats for the. 482
- N. B. (reply). 758
- Nemo (query . *20
- New ( ar* a! Olympia. 207
- Motor Paper, 24. 58
- Or Jean- < at>. 26
- York Moiof Boat Show (illustration,.
- — 138 club: Orphan Children's Day.
- — 509 Show. 215. 304
- Hnohifii! Brighton Beach. 714
- — Club, Morru Pai k, 697
- New Zealand. 8 h.p. Darracq in. 559
- — — De Dion Car in. 17
- — — Motor Cars in. 128. 784
- — — Mountain Pass in (illustration). 463
- — — Premier of. on 9 h.p. Peugeot Car
- — (illustration). 486
- New Zealander (letter). 568
- Newnham Ferry. Motors and. <847
- Newport (query). 663
- Newspapers. Delivering, by Motor Car. 95
- - and Motor Car Industry, 133
- Nice Annual Meeting. 88
- Nichols, Harry (letter). 55
- N 23 (letter). 4 46
- Noble, P. W.. Ball Bearing Crankshaft. 759
- Noisy ('ar. 628. 663
- N. (>. L. (query). 51 2
- No. 1.082 M.51.(5 (letter). 303
- Nomenclature. Standard, for Automobiles. 477
- Non-skid Bands. New Method of Constructing. 44 7
- — Dr Fornier Detachable 85, 259
- — Detacable. Wilton-Cox, 85
- — Device. Bettoruss. 776
- — Experience's. 48. 55. 1 78, 213, 267. 303. 306, 338. 34 7. 628
- Non-skidding Demonstrations: Crystal Palace Show. 181. 189
- — Device. J. Ambrose Long’s. 361
- — Devices. 85. 125, 146, 170. 361. 365. 447. 776
- — Tyre Trials. France. 399
- Non-slipping Band. Lucas, 85
- — Devices for Motor Cars : A.C. Discussion. 408
- Non-stop Performances. Long. 173
- Norman Crypto Gear. Description of. 198
- Northampton A.C.. 140
- North-east Lancashire A.C’.. 346, 376, 480. 611
- Northern Gaines at Stockholm. 261. 285
- North London M.C.. 510 570 762
- — of Ireland Yachting Club, 510
- Northumberland. Association for, 851
- Norwood M.C., 637
- Notable Car Features at Olympia, 369
- Notes. Olympia Show. 257
- Nottinghamshire A.C’.. 176. 339, 728, 789. 852
- Notts A.C. Race Meeting at Skegness, 410
- Novices' Queries. 214
- Novice (queries). 49. 450
- Number Plates on New Cars. 214
- — Tell-tale. 622
- — — Trade Car. 328
- Nuts. Tightening up and Undoing. 703
- N. V. (letter), 370
- Oakes, F. B. (query). 380
- Oakley. (5 B. (letter). 475
- Obstinate Engine. 579. 631
- Obstruction. Street. 84
- Octopus Hydraulic Clutch. Description of. 217
- O’Gorman, Mervyn. Paper on Carburetters, 580. 609. 638
- O. IL B. (replyi. 787
- Ohlsson, A.. 24 h.p. Napier (illustration;. 64
- Oil Holes. Preserving, from Dirt. 517
- Oldham Corporation and Commercial Motor Vehicles. 133
- Oldsmobile 7 h.p. Car (illustration). 111
- — Cars Tested (illustrations), 84
- — Railway Trolley. 63
- — Wheel Steering. 820 Olympia Show, 223. 277, 282. 303
- — — Accessories. 331
- — — Analytical Statistics. 287
- — — Carriage Work. Frames and Wheels, 298
- — — Clothing. 333
- — — Electric Cars and Fittings 297. 498
- — — Engines. Parts and Fittings. 292
- — — Lamps. 332
- — — Lubricants, 333
- — — Opening of, 263
- — — Petrol Cars at. 227 Report. 226, 292. 331
- — — Testing Cars, 92. 170
- — — Tyres and Non-skids, 294
- — Notable Car Features at, 367
- — Preparations at (illustration). 177
- — Some Nev Cars at. 207
- — To. from London Termini. 191
- Omnibuses. Motor. 70. 94. 95, 1 10. 182. 210, 265, 37 4. 44 3
- — — for London, 27. 47, 66. 1 10. 1 77, 1 79. 373
- Omnibus. Motor. Companies. 38.>
- — Petrol. Straker-Squire. Description of. 82
- — 21 h.p. Straker-Squire : A.C, Test. 61. 81. 135. 177. 216. 288
- Oner a De Dionitc (leiter). 22
- Om id us (queries), 317. 546
- One Interested (query.. 379
- of lhe < ompetitors ’letter). 404
- (inlooker (letter), 302
- Ou the look out (letter . 720
- On the Road, by Owen John. 322. 394. 456. 520. 588. 7 12
- Opening of the Motor Show. 263
- Orde. J. W. (letter). 71, 600
- Orient Buckboard. 379
- Orion Petrol-engined ’Bus (illustration). 28
- Orleans ('ar. 15 h.p.. Trial of. 119
- Ormandy. Dr., Interview with: Alcohol as a Fuel. 41
- — — Paper at Scottish A.C.. 212. 27 3. 313. 381. 416
- — W. R. (lettersi. 475. 660
- Ormond-Daytona Beach Track. 79
- Otto Cycle (illustrations of four strokes), so Overhaul a ('ar. Howto. 8a. 107, 145, 188. 225, 290. 319. 351. 38 5
- Overheating. 34 7, 7 58
- — of Engine. 31. 735
- Owen. E. H. (letter*). 402. 784
- — John. On the Road. by. 322. 394. 456. 520. 588. 712
- — — (query). 608
- Oxford A.C. Hill-climb. 728
- Palaisolo I.. Motor Boat Test. 489
- Palmer. Spencer (letter). 91
- Panhard Car, Early (illustrations), 569
- — 50 h.p. Car (illustration). 598
- — 8-11 h.p. Three-cylinder. 623
- — 7 h.p.. with Cape Cart Hood (illustration), 21 1
- — Chassis. 50 h.p.. Plan View of. 309
- Panhard-Levassor. 90 h.p.. (Jordon-Bennett (illustration), 4 78
- Paraffin Burners, 30, 411. 512
- — for Cylinders. 30
- Paris : Automobile Fetes for King of Spain, 74 7
- — Bros, (reply), 512
- — Coach builders’ Strike, 399, 426
- — Convention. 405
- — Regulations in : Exhaust from Cars, 74 7
- — Salon. 1904. Notes on : A.C. Paper. 137
- — Show, Opinions on. 23
- — —; Tombola. Winning Numbers. 26
- Parisian Police and Dogs. 755
- Parks. Royal, Speed Limit in. 492. 797
- Parsons. H., Patent Light Tradesman’s Van, 32
- — Motor Co.’s Garage. 269
- — Non-skids, 209
- Passe-Partout Car. 725
- Patches. To keep on Air Tubes. 225
- Patent Laws, British. Foreigners and, 272
- Patents, Recent, by E. W. Walford, 32 65. 97. 1 41,4 12, 452, 4 84. 514
- Patience (reply). 726
- Patrick Circulating Pump, 57 7
- Pazolt, Arthur N. (letters), -90. 201
- P. B.. Clifton (reply). 30
- Pedestrians. Motorists and, 272
- Perry. Mauritz (query), 577
- Peterborough and Counties A.C., 307, 346. 636, 789
- Peter Simplex Tyre, 365
- Petrocochino. A. W. (query), 820
- Petrol Cars at Olympia* Show, 227
- — Consumption. 704, 803
- — Trial. Midland A.C., 603, 699
- — Engines. Balancing of. 461
- — — Testing of, by Dugald Clerk. 344. 377, 389. 413
- — Exhaust, Deodorising, 98
- — and Fire. 716
- — Ignited, To Extinguish, 466
- — in Bulk, Storage of. 620
- — Launch, Thornycroft, 55ft.,
- — Description of, 571
- — Level Gauge, United Motor Industries. 715
- — and Marine Work, 371
- — Motor Cars • Paper by Frank Little. 138
- — — Self-starting of a. 49 .
- — Price of, in France, 509
- — Substitute for, 701
- — Sumatra, 439, 474, 512
- — Tank, Auxiliary, for Touring Purposes. 5 51
- — Waggon, Wolseley. Description of. 2
- Petroleum. Storehouses for. 450. 716
- Products at Batoum, Stocks of. 665
- — Storehouses for, 450. 716
- — Supply of. in Isle of Man, 544
- — Petsen,” 379
- Peugeot Brougham (illustration). 393
- — Car. T. B. Percy’s (illustration). 84 7
- — 7 h.p. Two-cylinder (illustration). 664
- Phillips. Edward (letter). 126
- E.. Patent—Enriched Petrol. 514
- H. G. C. (letter). 58
- — Robert E. (reply . 98
- — — — (letters), 53 s, 569
- Pipe. Fixing, to Water Tank. 272
- Piston Pins and Bushes: Wearing and Renewal, 225
- Pistons and Rings, Taking Down and Cleaning, 188
- Pit, Motor, Adventure, 525
- Pivot Cur. 347
- Plain Coil • reply ). 34 >
- Platinum points. Burning of. 48. 98
- Plug. Shorting and Sooting of. 30
- Plunkett. Thomas I. query), 481
- Pneumatic Collision Butler. Motor Car, 730, 7 53
- — (query), 512
- — Tyre. Advantage* of. 459, 503. 536. 569. 599. 617. 630. 658, 719, 812, 842
- — Tyres, by T. Dunn. 544
- Pneumatics. Solids v., 371. 401. 411
- Poland. W.. Patent Air-control Device. 514
- Poldi Steel Works 'letter}. 440
- Police and Drivers* Licenses, 721
- — and Motorists, 282. 301. 328, 81 1
- — Evidence as to Speed, 764. 811, 843
- — Giving Driver s Name to, 726
- — Help the, 568
- — Traps, 94. 133. 541
- — — To Circumvent. 370, 401. 440. 475. 506. 600, 631
- Policy of The Autocar, 1
- Polytechnic Students, Group of (illustration). 790
- Pope-Toledo Cars, 62
- — 100 h.p. Racing Car (illustration). 633
- Pope. C. Ernest (query), 726
- Power, Increasing. 31
- — Loss of, 136, 178
- P 80 (query), 48
- P. (query), 98
- Practical Experiences, 37. 369
- — Hints on Choosing a Motor Car. 184. 258, 284
- Pro-ignition, Hints on, 67 1
- Prested Accumulator Test, 33
- Pretty, W. S. (query i, 726
- Pridden, A. E. (reply!, 380
- Primrose (reply), 8 46
- Private Treaty, by. Sale of .Motor Car, 364
- Pro-Motor (letter), 567
- Proprietor (letter), 752
- Prosecution of Motorists. Cnjust, 811
- Protection against Motorists, 369, 441
- Protest against Awards : Delhi-Bombay Trials, 117
- Proud. E. P. (letter). 813
- Prussian and Saxon Regulations for Automobiles. 649
- Public and Motor Cars, by H. C. L.. 619
- — Motorists and the. 657
- — Outcry* and Motor Accidents, 641
- — Prejudice : Top Hats and Motors, 267
- Puncture Materials, 843
- Puncture-proof Bands. 370
- Purchase of Foreign Cars, 440
- Puzzled (query), 450, 758
- Pygmies in 9 h.p. Oldsmobile Car, 848
- Queries and Replies. 30. 48, 98, 136, 17.8. 213, 272, 347, 379, 41 1, 450, 481, 512, 546, 577, 608, 628, 663, 726, 758, 787. 820, 846
- Quis Dicat (reply), 411
- Race Meeting at Bexhill. 824
- Racing Cars, Speed of, 261
- — in France, Revival of, 18
- — Motor. Isle of Man and. 449. 463
- — — as a New National Sport, 7.8
- — Track. Motor Car. in London. 110. 194
- — Trophies. Automobile (illustrations). 77
- R. A. C. (reply). 306
- Radiator and Fan Arrangement, 721
- — Ryde, Description of, 52
- Radiators, 48. 538
- — (’tearing. 306. 41 1
- R. A. 11. (reply). 846
- Railway' Electric Car for G. N. R. Co., 211
- — Trolley, Oldsmobile, 63
- Rathbone, A. Lyle, Paper by, 594
- R. C. (query), 512
- — (replies), 608, 663
- R. ('. A. (queries). 213. 181
- Readers’ Opinions : Reliability Trials, 390
- Reading A.C., 607
- Recklessness, Carefulness Construed into. 489, 607
- Recorders. Mileage, 663
- Records. Speed, in America, 62, 174
- Record, World’s Motor Boat for One Knot. 326
- Reed. A. H. (reply), 512
- Re-engining a Car. 136, 213. 348, 479
- Reeves. A. W. (letter), 659
- Reflectors, 615
- Regent’s Park. Roads in, 494
- Registration of Cars. 305
- Regulations for Automobiles, Prussia and Saxony, 649
- — Motor Car. House of Commons and. 695. 729. 759. 760. 763.
- — New. for Heavy' Motor Vehicles. 15. 46. 135. 142
- practical Opinions on, 16
- Keildas (query), 306
- Reliability Contest in Australia. Report of. 522
- — Trials. A.C.. 66. 69, 81. 93. 126, 135, 177. 216. 223. 288, 362. 3X3. 117. 142. 7X2
- — Australia. 105, 499, 516. 522 533
- — Delhi-Bombay. 1 4, 45. 1 1, 112, 115. 121, 154, 172, 201.338,370. 404. 441. 475
- — — — Description of, 75, 112
- — — — Results. 114
- — Reviewed, by A. Cartrill Gentry, 115
- — — Driving Cars in. 760
- — French. 319, 330, 359, 399, 830
- — — Influence of. 105
- — — Readers’ Opinions. 390
- — — Scottish, 345, 444. 478. 534. 625, 654, 676. 685, 716, 745
- — — — Description of, 676
- — — — Official Awards and Report. 745
- Roll. B. M. (reply). 787
- Renault, L.. Patent Combined Carburetter and Governor, 452
- — — — Dashboard Cooler, 97
- — — — New Clute*,h, 514
- — Racing Car. 1905, Description of. 775
- Renewal of Driving Licenses, 481
- Renouf Variable Speed Gear, Description of, 122
- Repair Experience. 338. 379. 402, 536
- — Shops, Care of Spare Parts at. 67 1
- — — Garages and. Country, 448
- Repairs, Garage and. 339. 373, 406, 443,
- Repairer Wanted. 272. 306 444
- Repairer’s Complaint. 128, 173
- — Incompetent and Competent, 567. 601, 660
- Requirements, Modest. 449
- Review. The Continental Handbook. 754
- Richard-Brasier Contact Breaker, 616
- — Eliminating Trial Cars, 501
- — Racing Car (illustration), 572
- Richardson. F. H., Patent Non-skid Attachment. 484
- Rim, Driving Home on the, 823
- Rims. Cate of, 487
- Riviera Gossip. 20, 54
- Road, Automobile, French. 483
- — Maps. 134
- — On the, by Owen John, 322, 394, 456, 520, 588, 712
- — Trial, for Racing Cars. 578
- — Wheel. Metal. E. J. Shingler’s, 85
- Roads. Axbridge Rural Council and, 633
- — Bad. and Autocars, 93. 810
- — Cheshire, Dust Preventive on, 730, 817
- — Closing. 330, 479. 808
- — Improvement Association. 63, 119, 268,
- — — — Annual Report, 548 548
- — in Regent’s Park, 494
- — Motor Lorries and. 491
- — Narrow, and Motorists, 808
- — Ridges in, 84, 92
- — Tar-macadamised, 472
- — Traffic on : In Good Old Days, 841
- Roberts, J. (query), 348
- Robertson, John (letter), 476
- Robin and Janvier, Patent Leading Bogie Car, 412
- Robinson. A. E. (query), 213
- — Burton (query), 136
- — S. F., Empire Spring Wheel, Description of, 60
- Roebuck, J. W.. Articles by. 80, 107 145. 188, 225, 290, 319, 351, 385
- Roe. Montagu W. (letter), 568
- Roller Bearings in Motor Cars, 458
- Rolls, Chas. S. (letter), 59
- — C. S., and Co. (letter), 507
- Rolls-Royce Automobiles, Description of. 324. 352
- — Six-cylinder Car (illustration). 840
- Rose and Catt, Patent Safety-Starting Handle. 97
- — W. and H., Patent New Silencer, 484
- Rothschild’s, Lionel de, 100 h.p. G.-B.
- Racer. 589
- Rothwell Car, 12 h.p., Two-cylinder (illustration), 373
- Rover Car : Examination after Wear, 62
- — Query, 481
- — 6 h.p. Small Car, Description of, 123
- — 8 h.p. Car (illustration), 118
- — — Trial of. 650
- Royal Agricultural Society Show, 210
- — North of Ireland Yacht Club, 668
- Royalty at Shows. 194
- Royston. Lord, on 24 h.p. Napier (illustration). 849
- R. R. (query), 726
- Ruck’s Clock Speedometer, 572
- Rules, Competition, New, 585, 783, 840, 849, 851
- Running a Car, Cost of, 21. 57, 1 18. 127. 171. 267. 335
- — on Two Volts, 266
- Rural England in 190 4 (illustration), 144
- Rushmore, S. W., Patent Gear Changing. 141
- Russell, H. Scott, Hints and Tips, by, 735
- — (letter), 173
- Russian Army, Motors for (illustration), 760
- — Giant on Car illustration). 308
- Rut ter-Hare. (’. (letter). 203
- Rutulan. Generalities by. 555
- R. W. S. I query), 27 2
- Ryknield Car. Run on. 114
- — Cars, 407
- — — and Van, Description of. ISO. 32o
- Ryde Radiator, Description of. 52
- Sainsbury. Govan and, Anti-skidders patent). 452
- — W. D. (letters;. 170. 267
- Sale of Motor Car by Private Treaty, 364,
- Saltburn-on-Sea, Racing on Sands. 45
- Samson Non-slipping Bands. 508, 663
- Sands, Racing on the, Saltburn-on-Sea, 45
- Sangster. Chas, letter), 657
- Sankey, E. H. O. (letter), 404
- Satisfied Customer (reply), 846
- — (letter), 536
- Saunders-Napier-Launch. 410, 445
- Savage, W. M. (reply). 30
- Savory, L. (letters), 302, 721
- S. B. (query), 272
- Scarth, Leveson (letter), 842
- Schlentheim, L. (reply). 306
- Schools of Motoring. 537, 600, 631. 692
- Scott. G. Shaw (reply), 379
- Scottish A.C., 850
- — — Dr. Ormandy’s Paper, 212, 273, 313, 381. 416
- — — Eastern Section. 570. 790. 818
- — — Reliability Trials : Official Awards and Report. 745
- — — Western Section. 376. 480, 510, 637
- — Reliability Trials. 345, 444. 47 8. 534. 625, 654, 676. 685, 716, 7 45
- — — — Description of, 676
- — — — Record of Daily Runs, 685
- — Society of Arts Paper, 25
- — Trials Roads. 601
- — — Tyre Troubles in, 721, 752, 812
- Scraper (letter). 841
- Screen for Car, 347
- Screens, Glass, 508, 623
- Screw Propeller. Invention of, 47
- SD 9 (query), 48
- — (letter), 476
- Seal of Automobile and Cycle Engineers’ Institute, 214
- Second-hand Cars. 84, 202, 302. 303
- Secresto. M. : Movable House Car, 28
- S 18, Edinburgh (reply). 663
- Segrave, Charles W. (reply), 98
- Selection of a Motor Car : Engineers’ Action, 547
- — — Cars. Advice in. 538, 547, 569
- Self-starting of a Petrol Motor, 49
- Separated Cylinders. 219
- Serpollet Omnibus, 265
- Service. Motor, at Dover. 406
- — — Boat, on River Niger, 209
- — — in Lakeland, 124
- Seymour, J. B. (reply), 380
- Sheep on Highway, Motors and. 175
- Sheffield and District A.C., 140, 367, 376. 7 89
- Shingler. E. J. : .Metal Road Wheel. 85
- Shippley, Clement (reply), 787
- Shipton. E. R. (letter), 370
- Shivers (letter), 4 42
- Short Circuiting on the Switch. 765
- Shorting and Sooting of Plug. 30
- Show, Agricultural Hall. 418, 128, 464. 467
- — — — Analysis of, 464
- — — — Description of Exhibits. 428. 467
- — Amateur's Impressions of, 401. 507
- — Bond, 750
- — Birmingham. 135
- — Brussels Automobile, 63. 120
- — Crystal Palace. 86, 132. 147, 161
- — — — Exhibits at. 161
- — Date of the, 36 171, 443
- — Finish. 183
- — Incident. 569
- — New York, 215
- — Notes. 257. 309
- — Olympia. 223. 277. 282, 303
- — — Analytical Statistics, 287
- — — Opening of. 263 Report. 226. 292, 331
- — Question 317. 328. 337, 342. 362. 371. 402, 438, 439. 465. 473, 507, 537. 569. 600. 603. 632. 659
- — Statistics, by H. Hewitt Griffin, 205
- — Suggestion, 525
- Shows. Date of the. 36, 171, 443.
- — Motor, Continental, 593
- — Outbreak of. 200
- Siam. Crown Prince of, in 8 h.p. Albion Car, 224
- — King of. Electric Car for, 755
- Siddeley Car, 12 h.p. Two-cylinder, Description of. 10. 187
- — Chassis after 5.000 Miles Trials (illustration). 259
- — Gordon-Bennett Car, 26
- — 5,000 Miles Trial, 9, 63, 81. 135. 177. 216, 288. 374
- Siddeley 100 h.p., Racer. Mr. Lionel de Rothschild’s. 589
- Side-slip Downhill. To Avoid. 37
- — and Twisted Crankshaft. 91. 127
- — Prevention of. 23. 55. 90
- Signposts. 302
- Silencer. The Stanley. 513
- — Trials. Paris. 502. 566. 701, 717. 725. 783
- Silencers. 213. 844
- Silencing Air Inlet. 450. 481
- — Devices. Testing. 574
- Simms. F. R.. on Cannstatt-Daimler (illustration), 614
- — — — Patent Frame Construction. 97
- — Patent Safety Buffer. 730. 753
- Simms-Welbeck Cars. Description of. 64 4
- — 26-30 h.p. Silver Chassis (illustration). 633
- Simplex. Peter. Tyre. 365 six-cylinder Cars 445
- Skegness. Motor Racing at. Notts A.C.. 410
- Skelton. D. S. (letter), 507
- Sleigh. W. R. (letter). 535
- Slipping Clutch, 98. 178
- Small Boy Tyrant. 335 Cars in the Indian Trials. 121. 204
- Smith. A. (query). 34 7
- — F. II.. Carburetter, 327
- — Patent Suction-operated Cover nor. 32
- — G. S (reply). 380
- Smoking. Motoring and. 473. 503. 531
- Smoky Exhaust Nuisance. 843
- Snap Shot (query). 726
- Snowbound at Eastertide, by Ralph E. Wilson. 649. 752
- Snow to Summer : Tour Related by the Car, 50
- Soames Gear. 178. 213
- Society of Automobile Mechanic Drivers. 221.
- — — Motor Manufacturers and Traders. 2 7
- Solicitor (letter), 92
- Solid v. Pneumatic Tyres, by H. J. Bath. 206
- — Tyres on Large Cars. 758
- Solids v. Pneumatics. 371. 401, 41 1
- S. O. (query). 178
- South Africa, Car for, 726
- — — Lord Milner on Gladiator Car (illustration), 626
- — — Motoring in, 56. 513
- — African A.C. : Speech by Rudyard Kipling, 612
- — — Automobilist (illustration). 4 77
- — — Inventor. 30, 203
- — Harting Hill-climb. 748. 754. 767. 780. 794
- — Description of. 794
- — Walesand Mon. A.C.. 176. 367, 376. 480
- Southern M.C.. 176. 219. 346. 510. 570. 762. 818
- Spain, King of. as a Motorist, by Manuel Asenjo. 766
- — and Motor Cars. 375
- Spanner. Motor, Eureka. E. Kennard’s. 86
- Spare Parts, 614
- — — Care of. at Repair Shops. 671
- Sparking Plug. A.D., 375
- — Plugs, 272
- — — Troubles, 703
- — Vita, 574 >
- Sparks-Boothby Hydraulic*Clutch. 286
- Speed, Egg-boiler for Checking, 839
- — Illegal, 815
- — Indicator, Dr. Winter’s, 546. 577. 608
- — Indicators. 722, 749. 758, 787. 820
- — Limit, Grove Hill. Harrow, 478
- — in Royal Parks. 169, 343, 492, 797
- — of Racing Cars, 261
- — Police Evidence as to. 764
- — Prosecutions, Hayward’s Heath. 345
- — Trials at Havre, 809 Bexhill, 802
- — — Classification for, 659, 693, 722, 751. 791
- Speedometer. Ruck’s Clock, 572
- Sphere (letter), 813
- Sphinx (letter), 335
- Sport and Advertisement. 2, 126, 172, 204
- — As Viewed by the Daily Press, 852
- — National. Motor Racing as, 78
- Spring Washers. The Use of. 551
- — Wheel, Empire, Description of. 60
- — — Patent. D. ( . Master’s, 777
- Springs. Single Transverse, 543
- — Squeaking, 517
- — Valve. Fitting, 671
- Spyker Cars. 379, 4 11
- Squeaks, (’a use of. 839
- S. (query). 178
- S. 6 (reply). 49
- S.R.N. (reply). 98
- SR 1 (query ), 98
- Staffordshire (query). 758
- Sandardisation : A.C. Circular, 707. 781
- an icy, Arthur (letter), 844
- Silencer. 513
- Steam Cur. 512. 546, 577, 787, 846
- — — — at Daytona, 365
- Staplee-Firth, T. W. : Cartoon, 521
- Star Car, 20 h.p. (illustration), 405
- — Gordon-Bennett Cars. Description of, 672
- Starting Engine in Cold Weather. 37
- — Four-cylinder Engine, 455
- Statistics. Analytical, of Olympia Show 287
- — Show, by H. Hewitt Griffin. 205
- St. Clair. L. M. (reply). 178
- Steam and Electric Cars at Olympia Show. 252
- — (letter), 56
- — (query). 379
- — Car Boilers. 136. 178
- — — Burner. 628. 663. 726
- — — Challenge. 631
- — — Experiences with. 56. 127, 481
- — — Owners. Club for. 29
- — White. Remarkable Trip on. 496 Run on. 47 6
- — Cars in Competition. 370. 403
- — Delivery Van. Bindley and Sons. 208
- — Racing Car. White. 774
- — Vehicle. Early. 5 06
- Steel as Applied to Motor Construction. 274. 314
- — British, for Motor Cars. 92. 173. 301. 350. 403. 439
- Steering Gear. Overhauling. 351
- — Joints. Encasing. 7 93
- — Lock Device. The _AIlan. 339. 34 7. 403
- Stevens. E. (reply). 3 79
- Stewart. Thomas (letter). 172
- Sthenos Carburetter. Description of. 511
- Still, C. J. G. (letter). 126
- — Doubting (query:. 481
- St. John-Brenon. Ed. (letter). 506
- Stockholm Motor Show. 373. 593, 706
- — Northern Games at. 261. 285, 374
- Stocks. J. W. (letters’. 22. 171
- Stopping Tests : Motor Cars r. Horses. 780 807
- Storage of Petrol in Bulk. 621
- Storehouses for Petroleum. 450
- Straker. Donald (letter). 442
- — — (reply). 306
- Straker-Squire. 24 h.p.. Motor Omnibus.
- — A.C. Test of. 61. 81. 135. 177. 216. 288
- — Petrol Omnibus. Description of. 82
- Stranded without Spares. 823
- Strange Forgetfulness. Letter re. 23
- Streatfield. H. S. (reply .. 213
- Street Obstruction. 84
- Strickland. F.. Article by. 495
- — — (letter). 336 Stringer. J. C. (letter.. 403
- Sturmey. Henry, Articles bv. 533. 690
- — H. (letters). 56. 71. 126. 171. 202. 303. 372 533
- Submarine A5. Explosion on. 342
- — Bl (illustration). 635
- Submarines. Engines for. 74
- Subscriber (queries:. 272. 347. 512. 726
- Sub. to Both Associations (letter), 439
- Suggestions for Competitions. 689
- Sully, R. J. (reply,. 7>7
- Sunbeam Car Snowed Vp (illustration). 206
- — (letter). 372
- Supplant (reply), 379
- Supporter of the Society of Motor Manufacturers (letter;. 372
- Surrey C.C. Driver’s License (illustration). 7 85
- — (letter). 303
- — West, A.C. 510
- Suspensions of Gordon-Bennett Drivers. 637
- Sussex A.C., 176, 545. 636. 700
- Sweden, Thornycroft Motor Cruiser for (illustration), 666
- Swinburne. J.. Motors and London Traffic, by, 179
- Swindley, Harry J.. Articles by, 558. 715
- Swiss Police and Motorists, 756
- Switch. Defective. Hints on. 765
- — Short Circuiting on the. 765
- Switzerland and the Gordon-Bennett Race. 626
- S. W. J. (letter), 439
- Sydney Metropolitan Fire Brigade (illustration). 211
- Systems of Control in Cars, 495
- Tail Lamps. Keeping alight. 823
- Tail. Leslie (query), 379
- Talbot., 14 h.p.. Car. Mrs. Valentine’s (illustration), 550
- — H. I. C. (letter), 91
- Tap-Tap (query;, 272
- Tare Limit, New Regulations. 15. 46. 135. 142,
- Tariff Commission and A.C.. 74
- Tar-macadamised Road<. 4 72
- Tarmac on Road at Brighton. 666
- Tar Paving. Recipe for. 823
- Taunton and West Somerset Farmers’ club, 756
- Taxed (query'. 30
- Taxes, Motorists and. 8Ht
- Taylor, F. Dennison (letter), 23
- — John (letters). 57, 172
- — 24 h.p. (letter), 22
- — 36970 (reply), 411
- T. C. O. (query), 213
- T. D. P. (query). 481
- T. D. (query), 663
- Telegraph Board at French Eliminating Trials (illustration), 823
- Temperature of Cooling Water, 546
- Tennant. P. C. (letter), 439
- Ten Years Ago (illustration), 614
- Terry. Henry G. (query), 481
- Tessier, Arthur C. (letter), 303
- Testing Apparatus : Horse-power at Road Wheels. 427
- — Cars : High Speed Driving. 462, 541
- — of Petrol Engines, by Dugald Clerk. 344. 377. 389. 413
- Test. Motor Car. in Water. 266
- Tests. Stopping : Horse v. Motor Vehicle. 780. 807
- Thanks for Assistance. 660
- Thomas, E. M., Change Speed Device. 375
- Thoresby, Fredk. (letter). 4 76
- Thornton, Shipley, and Farrow, Patent Petrol-electric Driving Mechanism, 97
- Thornycroft Char-a-banc, Trial of. 96. 169
- — Motor Cruiser for Sweden, (566
- — — Launch (illustration), 509
- — Petrol Launch, 55ft., Description of, «>7 1
- — 24 h.p.. Princess Christian’s (illustration), 723
- — Torpedo Launch (illustration), 279
- Thoughtlessness : Borrowing Rug. 442
- Threatening Letters. 486, 555
- Throttle Control, 31, 260
- Time-recording Camera, Gibbs and Dumbell, 778 815
- Times in Eliminating Trials. 791
- Timing a Motor Car. 95
- — Gear. Setting. 214
- Tips. Hints and. Useful. 3. 37, 80, 107. 145. 188, 225, 290. 319, 351. 385, 419. 455, 487, 517, 551, 585. 615. 643. 671. 703. 735. 765. 793. 823
- T. M. K. (query). 758
- T. M. (query), 214
- Tomlin. Gore (query). 306
- Tommy (reply). 30
- Tonks. W. H. (letter). 91
- Toolbox. Footrest and, Combined, 81. 204
- Tools and Spare Parts, How to Carry. 455
- Top Hats and Motors . Public Prejudice. 267
- — Speed. London to Coventry on, 618
- Touraine A.C. Touring Trials. 626
- Tour from Snow to Summer. Related by the Car. 50
- — My Aunt’s. 43
- — Round the World. C. J. Glidden’s, 26. 21 1. 305. 339. 754
- Touring : Country Hotels. 726, 787
- — Hints. 663
- — in Devon and Cornwall. 758, 787 France. 758. 820
- — Trials, A.C’. of Touraine. 626
- — — International. 53
- Tourist (queries), 726, 787
- — Trophy, Automobile Club, 349. 451. 453. 482, 485, 507, 536. 555, 602. 617. 695. 702
- — — Rules. 692 Tests, 540
- Towler, Alfred (letter). 481
- Town Work. Light Car for. 608
- Track. Motor Car, at Clacton-on-Sea, 209
- — — — Racing, in London. 110. 194
- Traffic. London, Motors and : A.C. Paper. 179
- Tramlines, Dangerous, 402, 475, 504. 568
- Tram and Road Cars of the Future. 25. 57. 89
- Tramway Accidents, 62. 605
- Tramways and Motor ’Buses, 269. 340, 40 7
- Trans-Atlantic Motor Boat Trip. "30
- Transmissions, Economical. 199
- Traps, Police, 94. 133, 541 Travel. 481
- Trembler Coil. Fuller. Macleod. and Co.. 396
- — and Wipe Contact, 204
- Trial after Completion. 782
- — Coronet 1.000 Miles, 579
- — r— Eliminating, Notes on, 771
- — 5.000 Miles. 12 h.p. Siddeley Car. 9. 63. 8 1. 135. 17 7. 288
- — of 30 h.p. Beaufort. 819
- — — 8-10 h.p. Humber Car. 779
- — Reliability, Delhi-Bombay. 14. 45, 75, 94. 96. ill. 112. 115. 121. 154. 172. 204. 338, 370. 40 4. 441. 4 7 5, 50 4
- — — Straker-Squire Omnibus. 61. 81, 135. 177. 216. 28S
- — Road for Racing Cars. 578
- Trials at Olympia Show. 92. 170
- — British, Foreign Cars in. 105
- — Delhi-Bombay. Description of. 75. 112
- — — Interview with F. R. Hill. 154
- — — Position of Judges' Explained. 338
- — — Protest against Awards, 117
- Trials. Delhi-Bombay. Results, 114
- — — Reviewed by A. Cargill Gentry, 115
- — — Small Cars in, 121, 204
- — Heavy Oil, France. 399
- — Reliability, Readers’ Opinions. 390
- — Scottish A.C. : Official Awards and Report, 745
- — — Record of Daily Runs. 685
- — — Reliability, Description of, 676
- — Speed, at Filey, Description of, 800
- — Silencer, Parisi, 701. 717, 725. 783
- Trophies for Motor Racing, 778
- Tujunga River, Fording. White Steam Car, 394
- Turin Motor Exhibition, 209
- Tweeddale, Marquis of, on 24 h.p. Napier Car (illustration), 418
- Twelve Darracq (query), 628
- Two-speed Gear and Back Axle, Winton, Description of, 655
- Two-stroke Marine Motor, Webster and Bickerton’s, Description of, 38
- Tyre Bill, Luck and the, 643
- — Competition, Continental Co., 271, 289
- — Efficiencies, 451, 503, 508
- — Experiences, 98, 178, 347, 512, 577. 632
- — Imperial, Description of, 511
- — Inflator, Mechanical, for Garage. 612
- — Manipulation. 427
- — Peter Simplex, 365
- — Pneumatic. Advantages of, 459, 503. 536. 569, 599, 617, 630, 658, 719. 812. 842
- — — T. Dunn’s, 544
- — Protectors. 306
- — Repairs, Summer. 735, 815
- — Shoes. 365
- — Troubles. 663, 726
- — in Scottish Trials. 721. 752, 812
- Tyres, Collier. 94
- — Cuts in, 272
- — and Non-skids at Olympia Show. 294
- — on Setts. 30, 48. 213 Rubber, Preserving. 455
- — Single-tube*. Leakage in. 535
- — Solid. Continental Tyre Co., 211
- — and Pneumatic. 48, 98. 301. 336
- — — v. Pneumatic, by H. J. Bath. 206
- — Water in. 608, 628, 663
- U bitpie (letter), 536 Under-cover for Car, 546. 608
- Un Francais (letter). 600
- Union. Motor Drivers', 23, 92, 172. 203. 209. 221, 266, 301, 370. 139. 47 7
- — — Legal and Legislative Defence Fund. 220
- — The Motor, 353. 410. 61 1, 622
- United Club Run to Ashby-de-la-Zouch. 5 4 5
- — Motor Industries Repair Shop. Fire at (illustration), 730
- Universal Lights Bill, 669, 720
- Utility Car, Everyday, 691. 749
- Valve. Grinding in. 107
- — Spring Testing, 107, 145
- —- Springs. Fitting, 67 1
- Valves, Setting. 145, 380, 48 1
- Variable Speed Gear, Renouf. Description of, 122
- Vauxhall Car. 12 h.p. Three-cylinder (illustration). 175
- — - 7 h.p. Three-cylinder. Description of, 4 4
- — Two-seated (illustration), 664
- Veeder Tachometer. 507
- Vehicles Lights Bill. 370
- Vernon. R. A. (query). 272
- Veteran (letter). 267
- Viator (reply), 820
- Vinson. W. (reply), 98
- Visitor (query), 758
- Vita Sparking Plug, 57 4
- Vivinus, A., Patent New Clutch, 97
- Voiturette Trials, French, 426, 502
- Volunteer Motor Corps, 63, 17 4, 17 7, 304, 817
- German, 64
- Vosper. H. E. (letter), 371
- Vulcanised Patches, 272, 348
- W. A. B. (reply), 758
- Waggoners, Instructions to. 111, 133
- Waggon Users' Association, Motor. 142
- Walford, Eric W.. Articles by, 366. 704
- — Paper by, 102
- — Some Recent Patents, by. 32, 6a. 97. 141. 412, 452, 484, 514
- Walker, A. Huntley (letters), 338. 505
- — Chas. W. (letter), 601
- Ward and Bleriot, Patent Bracket for Lamps, 412
- — — — — New Bleriot Lamp, 412
- — J. T., Article by, 78
- Warne’s Daimler Cars (illustrations), 8
- Warriner, C. H. (query), 663
- Warwick, Meeting at. Highway Protection League. 378. 383. 397, 462
- Warwickshire A.C., 367. 545, 637
- — Chamber of Agriculture and Motors, 111, 133
- — — — Commerce, 479
- Washers, Leaky, 481. 512 Washington. Motor Law in, 7 77
- Water Cart Motor (illustration), 305
- — Cooling, 214
- — Gauge. Fluctuating, and Overheating Engine, 663
- — ip Tyres. 608. 628. 663
- — Joint (‘lip. United Motor Industries, 519
- — Motor Car Test in. 266
- — Pipe Connections, E. J. Hardy's. 29
- — Tank, Fixing Vent Pipe to, 27 2
- W. B. A. S. (query), 98
- Webb, E. Reginald (letter), 722
- Webster and Bickerton’s Two-stroke Marine Motor, Description of. 38
- Week-end of Motoring and Motor Boating, by C. P. Wilson, 592
- W. E. G. M. (letter), 204
- Weigel, D. M. (letters), 24, 91, 173, 202. 507, 721, 75 1. 782.
- Welbeck. Motor Union Inter-dub Meet. 570, 700, 727
- Wellington. F. F. (letter), 535
- Well Satisfied (letters). 338, 536
- Wells, W. II. (query), 49
- Welwyn, Death Trap at, 439
- Westinghouse. Societe, Patent Westinghouse Carburetter, 141
- Westrumite. 209, 374. 555, 755
- West Surrey A.C., 510
- Weybridge A. M. (letter), 266
- W. F. (letter), 722
- — (query), 347
- W. G. B. (query), 411
- Wheelbase. Long. What is, 512
- Wheel and Tyre Trial. France, 265
- Wheels and Tyres : Overhauling a (’ar. 35 1
- — for the Colonies. 481
- — Road, Horse-power at : Testing Apparatus, 4 27
- Wheel-steering Oldsmobile, 820
- White, A. Moresby, Paper by, 93, 99
- — George (letter), 601
- — Sir William, on Marine Motors. 141
- — Steam Car, 178
- — — — A Week with. 558
- — — — Climbing Hill (illustration), 734
- — — — Fording Tujunga River, 39 1
- — — — Remarkable Trip on. 496
- — — — Run on, 476
- — — Racing Car, 7 74
- — Steamer, 10 h.p., in Cape Colony, 304
- — W. II. (query)* 450
- Whitehaven Borough Council: Closing Roads, 330
- Whiting. W\ (letter), 60 1
- Whitley. Jas. (reply), 787
- Width of Car Tracks, 450
- Wilkinson, F. (letter , 370
- — — (reply), 546
- Willans and Robinson Metal Alloys.363
- Williams, E. H. Lawson (query). 411
- — Ernest (query), 758
- — H. (replies), 4*1, 546
- Willing Helper (letter), 568
- Willis, G. Bright (letter), 127
- Willyams, Hugh V. <query), 481
- Wilson, A. J., Casual Comments, by, s4. 260, 328, 357, 438, 525, 622. 839
- — (letter). 303
- — Aubrey (letter), 337
- — C. P., Week-end of Motoring and Motor Boating, 592
- — Isabella (reply), 48
- Wilson and Pilcher, Patent Improved Trembler. 65
- — Ralph E., Article by, 648
- Wilton-Cox Non-skid. 85
- Wiltshire Motorist (letter), 658
- Windham. W. G., Articles by. 184. 258. 284, 354
- — W. (letter). 401
- Windows for Hoods, 839
- Wind Shield, 784
- Windsor Park : Motor Car Races. 177
- Winter Motoring* by Archibald Ford, 160
- — R. (letter), 370
- Winton Car, 213. 306, 348
- — Two-speed Gear and Back Axle. Description of, 655
- — User (reply), 348
- Wire Wheels for Napier Motor Cars. 845
- W. J. M. (letter), 504
- W. (letter), 126
- Wolseley, 12 h.p.. Car. Experience of, 7 26
- — 24 h.p. (illustration), 405
- — 50 h.p.. Baron Forbes on (illustration). 3
- — Racer, 848
- — Car, W. Clarke in illustration). 7 86
- — Co. at Buda-Pest Exhibition, 7 76
- — — Patent Gear-changing Simplified, 65
- — Gordon-Bennett Cars. 95
- — Petrol Waggon. Description of. 218
- — Tool and Motor Car Co., Patent Suction - operated Governor. 484
- — Works Extension Blown Down (illustration), 95
- Wolverhampton and District A.C.. 480. 728, 762
- Wood Alcohol. Dangers of. 569
- Wroollen. T. H. (letters;, 475, 568
- Worm Drive, 34 7. 380
- Worthing. Motor Carnival at. 444. 555, 604
- Would-be Competitor (letter), 783
- Wright, W’. (query). 34 8
- W. W. (query). 347
- Wyatt. H. M.. Articles by. 3, 498
- — — — (letter), 266
- Wyreema (letter), 371
- Xenia Carburetter. 512, 546
- X 433 (reply), 846
- X. Y. Z. (reply), 512. 758
- Yachting Club, North of Ireland. 510
- Yarrow Motor Launch. 509
- Year's Running of Car. 568
- — Working of Motor Car Act, Paper on, 93, 99
- Yorkshire A.C., 176, 637. 700, 761. 852
- — Annual Competition. 800
- — Huddersfield Branch Hill-climb. 762
- Yorkshireman (letter>. 22
- Y. R. N. (letter), 750
- Yzelen. D. (letter), 203
- Z. (query). 608
- — (reply). 380, 846