Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1910 Stanley Show: Cycles

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1910 Stanley Show

Extracted from the Cycle and Motor Trades Review

Alldays and Onions, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stands No. 82 and 83.
In addition to a full exhibit of their well-known Matchless cycles, Messrs. Alldays and Onions will devote a large portion of their stands to the Matchless Express Delivery specialities, which include tradesmen's cycles, so made as` to suit any trade; the Alldays patent carrier tricycle and hand brakes of the newest designs.

Of the bicycles exhibited the highest grade will be the Imperial, in lady's and gent's models. These are fitted with two- and three-speed gears, oil bath, gear-cases, etc.

The second grade Matchless in both models will also be shown.

Bayliss, Thomas and Co.
Coventry. Stand No. 39.
This exhibit will be found one of the most interesting in the show. The Model Grand, which is one of the firm's leading lines, is a high-class machine, with the best possible equipment - oil bath gear case, specially neat roller lever brakes, Dunlop tyres, and Villiers free wheel. This model is also made in the form of a trussed frame for gentlemen's use, and has at strut running from the bottom of the head lug to the ends of the chain stays, thus coupling up the two points on which most strain is brought to bear. The specification includes Dunlop tyres, similar brake to the Grand roadster, and 26 in. wheels.

Then there are the Royal models in various typos, Excelsior Eureka models. Popular models, and Miniature machines.

Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 66.
One of the largest exhibits and undoubtedly one of the most interesting will be that of the famous Birmingham Small Arms Co. No fewer than twenty-one machines will be shown, and amongst these will be the new B.S.A. motor-bicycle, about which so much has been heard of late. We give a description of this bicycle in our forecast of motor-cycles, and hope to publish in a subsequent issue a completely illustrated article on a bicycle which has already received the greatest praise from the most expert of critics. Of course, the Birmingham Small Arms Co. have a capital display of pedal bicycles, the prices of which will range from £8 5s. to 13 guineas, the first-named price being that of the path racer with 21 in. frame, 26 in. wheels, Constrictor tyres, fixed wheel and black enamelled. The 13 guinea range includes the gent.'s and lady's de Luxe models, the gent.'s machines having 25 in. frames, 28 in. wheels, Dunlop or Palmer tyres, three-speed hub, and enamelled green; the lady's machine having 23 in. frame, 28 in. wheels, Palmer tyres and two-speed coaster. Other models include an all- black roadster, special roadster, heavy roadster, tourist model, constabulary model, carrier (enamelled red), and Territorial (enamelled khaki). The Tourist model has 25 in. frame, 28 in. wheels, Dunlop tyres and three-speed gear, and is enamelled black. Two lady's bicycles will be exhibited, the price of which is £9. These have 23 in. frames, 28 in. wheels, and are fitted with Palmer tyres and coaster, or Dunlop tyres and freewheel. Both are enamelled black. B.S.A. quality and workmanship are so well-known that it is unnecessary for us to say anything here concerning them. The exhibit will be one of the very finest in the Hall, and should not be missed by any of our readers.

Calcott Bros., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 59.
These very old-established Coventry manufacturers will have a more extensive exhibit of their bicycles at the Olympia ShOw than on any previous occasion, 27 cycles in all being exhibited. Their No. 1 model has been considerably improved for the 1911 season, while special talking points will be found in the Special models and the all- weather model. The general sound lines upon which Calcott cycles are built are so thoroughly well-known to the trade that we can only repeat what we have said on many previous occasions, that these machines are amongst the best value in the trade, and we feel sure that agents will find very much to interest them at stand No. 59.

Components, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 230.
The main exhibit of Messrs. Components, Ltd., will consist of a big range of 1911 models of Ariel and Fleet bicycles. The new tourist model is built with truss frame with registered Biflex tubing for the forks and back stays, and it is fitted with Components Simplex three-speed gear.

Additionally there will be the "Harry Green" roadster, as built to the specification of Mr. Harry Green, the popular road racer.

There will also be a new tradesmen's carrier bicycle, with a strong tubular carrier built into the cycle frame and fitted with detachable framework shaped to accommodate a basket. The distinctive features of the 1911 machines will include the Biflex tubing, a product of the firm, which is employed for the forks and back stays of most models. In section this resembles a capital B, and the double ribs give the frame tubes a very much smarter appearance, besides increasing their lateral strength.

The "Speedily " fork end (Cosset patent) is a divided fork end allowing the back tyre cover or tube to be readily replaced without removing the wheel from the frame or interfering with the adjustment of the chain or gear-case.

Endless aluminium rims will be found on most models. These are made by a special process, ensuring the rim being very strong and light.

In addition to the bicycles there will be a comprehensive display of the well-known Components Company's fittings.

Coventry Works, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 34.
Bicycles of all grades will be shown on this stand, as well as two samples of tradesmen's carrier bicycles. The best machine is the Model B three-speed roadster, fitted with British tyres or Armstrong-Triplex three-speed gear, Empire 76 saddle, Expander handlebar, mudguards with front extension, black enamelled and lined gold bronze. This machine retails at £7.

There is a Special Light Roadster of the same class bearing Midland tyres, Expander handle-bar, two roller brakes, metal gear case, and similarly finished at the same price.

The carrier bicycles have the frame .specially built with heavy gauge tubing, girder front forks, wheels enamelled all over, up-turned plated handlebar, two brakes, free-wheel, rattrap pedals, Empire 76 saddle, 14 gauge spokes, motor fork sides 16 gauge with extensions, and retails at £6 7s. 6d. A cheaper model without girder extension front fork retails at £6 2s. 6d.

The Chas. H. Day Manufacturing Co.
London. Stand No. 41.
There will be about 30 machines exhibited .on this stand, comprising a large array of models, all manufactured at the Chas. H. Day Company's Works in Shoreditch. They are constructed of best English materials, including Reynolds Weldless tubing, Brampton's parts, Phillips brakes and pedals, Speedwell mudguards, etc. Of the bicycles there will be the Royal London, retailing at £3 19s. 6d., the Universal at £5 5s., the Standard at £6 6s., the Ring's Green at £6 6s., the Royal at £8 15s., and the Standard Juvenile and Royal Juvenile.

In addition there is the Dayton Armstrong Tradesmen's carrier cycle, which was recently fully described in the pages of The Review.

East London Rubber Co.
London. Stand No, 202.
Saxon, Duros, Celtic and Kerry carrier cycles will be shown here. The first-named are built up of B.S.A. fittings throughout.

The Celtic machine is one which has been put on the market as a competitive article, and will undoubtedly prove of much interest to agents generally. The Kerry carrier tricycle we have recently reviewed in our pages, and is a machine specially built of the very best materials and of good design.

John Hill.
Westminster. Stand No. 251X (Annexe).
The "Hill-Drive" bicycle is described as having an up and down motion of the pedals, instead of the usual rotary motion. There is a wheel, chain, and free wheel clutch fitted on each side of the machine. The axle of the chain wheels is split to permit of the chain wheels turning independently. The cranks are 12 ins. long, with chain wheels correspondingly large; pressure on one crank winds the other up, and vice versa. It is claimed for this invention that there are no dead centres, and that an immense leverage is obtained.

James Cycle Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand Nos, 49 and 284.
This company will exhibit a large range of cycles, tricycles, and carrier cycles on their stands. There will be very little alteration from last year's programme, but new models have been introduced in the special three-speed machine listed at £6, which is said to be very excellent value. Another new machine is the light-weight full roadster model,. listed at eight guineas. This is in every way a first-class bicycle, and as it is exceptionally light, should find a ready sale. In addition to this, the James Co. will be listing two: road-racing models, the Record at £5 15s. and £5 respectively.

Lea and Francis, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 92.
On the Lea and Francis machines, which will be shown in many varieties on this stand, all the well triad special features. are retained. The Lea-Francis machine has been known as. a highly finished product for so many years, that no one will be disappointed in the display which will be given.

Amongst the specialities and features to be noted will be the little trip-motion for facilitating mounting and dismounting. The L.F. Steer-lock, which combines the advantage of a quick positive action with a yielding friction band, Leaf patent aluminium pedals, etc.

Three types of aluminium carriers are made, one for the rear and two different sizes for fixing to the front of the- machines. These are all of first class quality, whilst they are- also rustless and of very light weight. Two machines of a model not hitherto exhibited will be shown. This is a nongearcase light roadster, a type designed to meet the requirements of those riders who consider the weight of the gear-case counterbalances whatever advantages it may have in. other directions.

A sectionised front fork and handlebar will be on view, which will show the whole of the substantial internal mechanism of the front brake, as fitted to roadster machines.

John Marston, Ltd.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 80.
Among 1911 improvements on the well-known Sunbeam machines will be a new patent hand-applied rear rim brake; a new patent thief-proof lock, and new patent aluminium pedals, which latter will be on the "all black" machines. Twenty bicycles in all will be staged, and all will be fitted with the little oil bath gear case, a fitment in which this firm has specialised for many years, and which has a considerable vogue all over the world. There are altogether three distinct patterns of the Sunbeam, there being the "all black" with single, two, or three-speed gears, at 14, 15, and 16 guineas, respectively, the Golden Sunbeam, which is enamelled in green and possesses gold lines, at the same prices; the Royal Sunbeam, with single or Villiers two-speed or three-speed gears, at 12, 13 and 14 guineas, respectively. It is worthy of note that no Sunbeam bicycles are made which retail below 12 guineas. Messrs. John Marston, Ltd., confine themselves exclusively to the best quality pedal bicycle trade, and have a strict price maintenance system.

New Imperial Cycle Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 260X.
One of the chief exhibits on this stand will be the Perfect Girplex bicycle. According to the official tests made at Lloyd's of Netherton, the Girplex machine has proved to be nearly four times stronger than the ordinary frame. It is built on the duplex girder system, possesses immense strength, and at the same 1 ime has resilient features of a pronounced degree. It is made in lady's and gent's models in two styles, and in road racer and path racer models. all including the latest- and best equipments.

In addition there will be the ordinary diamond pattern models and all black models.

The New Hudson Cycle Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 64.
Many little improvements in New Hudson 1911 models will be noted on the exhibits here displayed, and we understand that the prevailing idea throughout the New Hudson programme is quality, both in regard to the manufacture of the bicycle itself and in its equipment. One of the principal features for 1911 is the new central frame control for the 3-speed model. The New Hudson Company was one of the first firms in the trade to recognise the enormous advantages of this control over the old-fashioned cable wire.

The other important feature is the adoption of brazed fitments for brakes on every model but the cheapest. The brake bar consists of steel rods and bell cranks screwed to brazed lugs on the frame. This means greater security and increased efficiency of one of the most vital parts of the bicycle.

Mention must be made of the New Hudson Popular machines, retailing at L5 18 6d. net cash. This machine contains all the well-known New Hudson features, is splendidly finished, nicely lined and fitted with New Hudson tyres.

The New Hudson Model de Luxe light-weight, introduced for the first time last season, has been an immensely successful machine. Many little improvements have been added, and it is now being lined in 22 carat gold leaf.

Other models will include the New Hudson Imperial Royal Standard, the New Hudson Semi-Racer, the Elite models, the Standard, and the All Weather. The latter machines being designed to meet the wants of those who use bicycles all the year round.

F. H. Parkyn.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 35.
Eighteen bicycles will be on exhibit here, including Olympic Imperials at £12 12s., Royals at £10 10s.' Specials from £7, and the Olympic all black machine with oil bath gear case and aluminium pedals at £8 8s. There will also be the new Courier models and road racers from £6 6s. upwards; while the new Courier "All Black" and tradesman's carrier cycle,. which are also shown, are two of the new models just introduced.

Premier Cycle Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 63.
There will be twelve of these well-known machines staged here (including the new light Roadster road-racing model) at all prices up to £14 14x. All roadster models for 1911 will be equipped with the Premier roller brakes and three distinct methods of cycle construction will be represented. The first are several models built of the famous helical tubing, then a model built on the Company's new weldless process, and lastly, the orthodox method of brazing weldless tubing into lugs.

The brake work on the highest priced model shown will be of new design, the rolling lever being partly concealed by a fixed tube of the same diameter outside the tube. Another feature in the design is a clipless shoe connection to the fork. There are many Premier models which are of extraordinarily good value, full details of which will he included in our report next week.

Ranford and Mitchell.
Birmingham. Stand No. 36
These well-known makers of Ram fittings, frames, and cycles, will Rave a large number of new specialities for 1911 season on this stand. One will be a special Rambler cycle with Mitchell's concealed front brake.

The Robin Hood Cycle Co.
Nottingham. Stand No. 73.
Among the models to be exhibited on this stand will be the Standard Roadster Model A Robin flood, retailing at £8 8s. This machine is fitted with Dunlop Roadster tyres, up-turned handlebar, improved rear and front rim brakes and roller levers, ball bearing ratchet free-wheel, Brooks' B.18 saddle, and Brampton's lie. pitch roller chain.

The Special Roadster Model C, retailing at £10 19s. 6d., is fitted with Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear and metal detachable gear-case. Model G is a light roadster at £8 8s.. possessing wide dropped handlebar of the North Road pattern, two brakes. 75in. gear. hall-bearing ratchet free-wheel, Brampton's chain. and is finished in black enamel w it h crimson and white lines.

To meet the ever-growing demand for a bicycle which can be ridden throughout the entire year. the Robin Hood Cycle Co. will place on the market an all-black model R, retailing at £10 19.s. 6d. This machine is fitted with special wide section mudguards with flap. a superior non-leaking detachable oil baths gear-case, Dunlop Roadster tyres, and up-turned handlebar.

It should be noticed as an important improvement that all Robin Hood machines are fitted with seat stays brazed at. the fork ends, making the frame practically in one piece.

Singer and Co. (1909), Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 65.
There will be a good and extensive range of bicycles to be seen on this stand, the display consisting of some 34 machines, 10 motor-cycles and 24 bicycles. One of the leading Singers for the year will be the Grand Models de Luxe, the specification of which is complete in every way. Fitted with SturmeyArcher 3-speed gear, Dunlop tyres, Brooks B.32 saddle, aluminium luggage carrier, oil bath gear case, aluminium pedals, roller brakes, Hans Renold chain and enamelled in chocolate, it is splendid value. A similar machine built for ladies will also be shown.

The 12 guinea Modele de Luxe, gent.'s, will have a B.S.A. 3-speed gear, Brooks B.77 saddle, oil bath gear case, HansRenold chain, and will be enamelled black and lined in gold- leaf. Mention must be made of the Sable models, the specification of which contains Sturmey-Archer tri-coaster hub, front rim brake with inverted levers, aluminium rims, oil bath gear case, Hans-Renold chain, Singer aluminium pedals, the handle bars being covered with celluloid, enamelled black and lined in gold-leaf. Then there are the Tourist gent's, the Featherweight, the Imperial gent's, the Special 3-speed, the 'Path Racer, and the Royal, the Royal Road Racer, the Service Model, and the Miniature cycles, making up a range of machines of very high quality.

Swift Cycle Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 57.
For many years past the Swift Cycle Company has abstained from exhibiting at any cycle show, and their return to this form of publicity will no doubt be of very great interest to cycle agents generally who will iind a big range of 1911 models for their inspection.

The Swift No. 1 model is claimed by its makers to be the very last word in cycle refinement,. It is a handsomely finished machine, fitted with oil bath gear case, three-speed gear, aluminium rims, Dunlop tyres, and the Swift patent detachable "jaw plate," which fitment makes it an easy matter to remove the tyre without disturbing the gear case and wheel bearings.

Other models which may be seen on the stand are the Special Tourist machine fitted with extension mudguards, oil bath gear case with open centre, Dunlop tyres. Sturmey-Archer three speed gear, which, listed at £10 17s. 6d., is bound to find much favour amongst buyers.

There will also be the Swift Royal Club single-geared model, listed at £8 17s. 6d. a machine which enjoys great popularity all over the country. It is interesting to note that the Royal Club is the oldest-named bicycle on the market.

The competitive Swift is the Swift imperial, which is a really high-class machine for the money. Taking the Swift 1911 models all round, we understand that the value has been greatly increased and the profit margin widened, and so thoroughly has the buyer's side of the cycle been considered that sales should be greatly facilitated, a point of the utmost importance when the shortness of the period over which cycle selling extends is borne in mind.

Thomas Timerick.
Coventry. Stand No. 72.
This firm will exhibit ten machines of various types and designs, the retail prices being from £5 5s. to £10 10s. We are informed that these models will incorporate many important talking and selling points, and will be well worth the inspection and consideration of all agents. The range of models will comprise three-speed roadsters, road racers, short wheel base road-racers, lady's models, juvenile models, tradesmen's earner cycles, and roadsters built of B.S.A. fittings.

The Wincycle Trading Co.
London. Stand No. 44.
There will be a comprehensive display of Wincycles to be seen here, including three Favourite models, fitted with Warwick tyres, Crabbe brakes, Micrometer clutches, black enamelled, and lined green and gold.

Three special models will be included in the exhibit, the special points of which are Duplex front forks, seat and chain stays. These machines are equipped with Brooks saddle, Renolds chain and Palmer tyres, at £8 15s.

Wulfruna Engineering Co.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 265X.
There will be a very representative show of the well-known Wulfruna models on this stand, the principal exhibit being the Superbe Feather-weight. It is claimed that this is one of the neatest machines ever put before the public, quite out of the ordinary run of cycles of this type. It possesses a cotterless brake with M.P. top and bottom detachable caps, Sturmey-Archer 3-speed gear, Hutchinson best or Dunlop tyres, and oil bath gear case, and is retailed at 9 guineas.

The latest Superbe is similar to the foregoing machine, but fitted with B.S.A. 3-speed gear and Palmer tyres, retailing at £9 14s. A tradesmen's carrier tricycle, complete with box rails and sign. will also be shown.

XL-all Specialities Co.
Stand No. 50.
There will be a very large display of these well-known cycles on this stand, and included will be a couple of machines fitted with the new patent spring forks, new front and back brakes, and cantilever patent saddle. The spring forks mentioned are quite a novel feature, and made so that a front Bowden brake can be applied with ease. This will be the first time that this device will be shown, and will give the machine a distinctive and original feature. Additionally there will be a big variety of other models, ranging in price from £16 16s. to £6 10s., containing all the original fitments for which this company is well known. An entirely new motor saddle will be shown for the first time on this stand, all ready fitted up for riders to try. The leather base has been entirely abandoned, and a base of aluminium substituted. This is covered with soft felt 1 inch thick, with a fine hogskin top, together forming a most comfortable seat. The well-known cantilever springing arrangement is fitted to each saddle, which has a larger amount of play than In the original type, while a very low riding position can be obtained from its peculiar construction.

See Also


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